3.17 - M4I Self-Assessment Tool
3.17 - M4I Self-Assessment Tool
3.17 - M4I Self-Assessment Tool
The self assessment tool or the diagnostic framework provided in the following is meant to
be used for two similar purposes.
1. It may be used to assess to what extent projects in actual operation are managing
towards impact as in the case of diagnostic studies; and
2. the self assessment tool might be utilized in training workshops where case study
projects of participants are subjected to self assessment on the basis of information provided
by participants in order to introduce the methodology of self-assessment tools to workshop
In both cases, however, the objective is to assess if development initiatives are being
managed to achieve impact and if the project organization has a participatory management
and learning system to attain the intended impacts of the development project under
The key elements considered in the assessment tool are the four pillars of the Managing for
Impact (M4I) and approach. These are outlined in the following section
2. Introduction on the key areas for managing for impact and learning systems
In order to manage for impact basically four key areas need to be well developed and functioning:
1 1. Creating a learning environment establishing a culture and set of relationships with all those involved in an initiative
that will build trust stimulate critical questioning and innovation and gain commitment and ownership.
2 2. Guiding the strategy taking a strategic perspective whether an initiative is heading towards its goals (impacts) and
reacting quickly to adjust the strategy or even the objectives in response to changed circumstances or failure.
3 3. Ensuring effective operations - managing the day to day coordination of financial, physical and human resources to
ensure the actions and outputs required by the current strategy are being effectively and efficiently achieved.
4 4. Establishing core M&E functions of information gathering and management mechanisms ensuring that the systems
are in place to provide the information that is needed to guide the strategy, ensure effective operations and encourage
Note: as this framework is under continuous review, the areas of development effectiveness and capacities and conditions
that influence these four pillars, have not yet been spelled out. However, a few general I relation to this are being added the
detailed questions on the pillars below.
The self-assessment tool is developed to assist concerned experts or participants of workshops to assess projects in
order to understand whether development projects are being managed towards impact or otherwise. The tool is still
in the refinement process and any feedback from those who have applied it in practice or from those who have used it
in training workshops shall assist in further development and refinement of the tool.
The first column describes the key element / issue in managing towards impact: Guiding the project strategy towards
Impact, Ensuring Effective Operations, Setting up and Managing the M&E system, and Creating a Learning
Environment. Furthermore gender is added as an additional, issue that is integrated in all these issues.
The second column described the key performance question that we need to find an answer. In italic Plan specific
information is given. Under columns 3-6 you can find the answer that matches your organisation best. And in the last
column you may want to write comments, explain your choice, and give suggestions for improvement.
As a team, please discuss for each of the elements to what extent this is happening and mark this in the column:
2. Being developed: there is an awareness of the importance of this issue but the mechanisms and capacities to
put it in place may be lacking although an effort is made to develop the issue.
3. Partially functioning: most people are aware of the importance of this issue and they have basic knowledge
and skills to work on it. Capacities and conditions are generally in place to make it work but there is still room
for improvement.
4. Fully effective: the issue is fully accepted as an important issue and fully integrated into processes and
systems, and leading to positive results.
In utilising the self-assessment tool as a diagnostic framework of projects make sure that everybody is fully involved in
the discussion and ensure that one person facilitates (but not dominates) the process.
5. Summarising the outcomes of the self-assessment
Once the self-assessment of a particular development initiative is finalized it would be useful to summarize
the outcomes of the assessment for a better understanding of the identified problems. An approach
which is considered useful in this respect is to plot the results of the assessment in a spider web in an
Excel spreadsheet. The outcomes obtained for each element of the four major pillars of the M4I shall be
entered in an excel spreadsheet which is easily transformed in a spider-web.
The summary provided in the spider-web summarizes the outcome of the evaluation (self-assessment) and
assists the major weaknesses and strengths of a project management and learning system in a glimpse.
An example of a spider-web which may be used in such an approach is provided at the end of this
diagnostic framework.
Good luck!
Assessing capacity to manage for impact
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Explain the reason
1 2 3 4 (why/why not) & ideas
for further improvement
1 Guiding Program redesign is not Program redesign is done Program redesign is done at the Program redesign is done at
Project 1.a. To what extent is considered as an integral only at the start-up phase by start-up phase and after start-up the start-up phase and after
strategy program redesign taken as management process and project holders or consultants as part of annual progress review, start-up as part of annual
towards an integral and ongoing management focuses on and is not considered as an supervision missions, during mid- progress review , supervision
impact process? delivery of predetermined integral process in the term review etc. by project holders missions, mid-term review
outputs and activities managing of the projects or consultants etc. in a comprehensive
participatory review process
to improve project design
The project strategy The project strategy The project strategy aimed at long- The project strategy is aimed
1.b. To what extent does the concentrates on short-term concentrates on term capacity development and at long-term capacity
project strategy incorporate gains outputs and predetermined outputs and sustainability at institutional level development and
long-term capacity activities without due activities and institutional without due consideration at the sustainability to ensure that
development and consideration to long-term capacity development without level of ultimate beneficiaries of the project contributes to the
sustainability? issues of capacity consideration to sustainability the project empowerment and self-
development and reliance at people and
sustainability institutional level
1.c. To what extent are there The program strategy does Opportunities and activities The program strategy provides for The program strategy has
built-in opportunities and not provide for opportunities for learning and adaptation of opportunities of learning and built-in opportunities and
activities that support learning and activities for learning the strategy are mentioned in adaptation but opportunities and activities that support learning
and enable adaptation of the and adaptation of the an haphazard manner but not activities that support learning and and adaptation of strategies
project strategy during strategy during an important aspect of the adaptation of strategy are not such as the flexible and
implementation? implementation strategy provided explicitly in workplans & critical use of the log-frame
budgets during implementation; critical
eg. Flexible and critical use reflection/review meetings
of the log-frame enabled etc.
through critical
reflection/review meetings
Design and redesign of Steps are being taken to Key stakeholders are being Key stakeholders are being
1.d. To what extent is project strategy is done actively involve key involved in project design and effectively involved in project
program design and redesign mainly by project holders or stakeholders in strategic redesign but these processes and design and redesign and are
participatory? ( strategic external consultants. decision making but this is mechanisms are only partly having a significant influence
level) Stakeholders can be not yet effectively occurring. effective. They have an influence over strategic decision
consulted on their views or over strategic decision making making. These events take
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Explain the reason
1 2 3 4 (why/why not) & ideas
for further improvement
asked for information. although this may not be on a place on a regular basis.
Who are the stakeholders of regular and systematic basis.
the project and to what
extent are they involved in
the development of the
strategic plan(s) and the
strategic changes?
Limited awareness and The importance of Some project staff and some key All stakeholder groups and
1.e. To what extent do project understanding of the understanding the stakeholders have a reasonable project staff can discuss the
staff understand the intervention logic by intervention logic is understanding of the intervention intervention logic and are
intervention strategy stakeholders recognized but there remains logic but this is not yet aware of the assumptions
(development pathway)? limited understanding by key comprehensively being utilized for and risks and can relate this
stakeholder groups PM&E the PM&E processes
(Eg. To what extent do
project staff have an
understanding of the logic &
approach the project uses
for its interventions?)
Limited awareness and The importance of Some project staff and some key All stakeholder groups and
1.f. To what extent do other understanding of the understanding the stakeholders have a reasonable project staff can discuss the
stakeholders (beneficiaries, intervention logic by intervention logic is understanding of the intervention intervention logic and are
partners etc.) understand the stakeholders recognized but there remains logic but this is not yet aware of the assumptions
intervention strategy limited understanding by key comprehensively being utilized for and risks and can relate this
(development pathway)? stakeholder groups PM&E the PM&E processes
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Explain the reason
1 2 3 4 (why/why not) & ideas
for further improvement
Little attention is given to Awareness and concern Evidence that changes are being Regular / systematic review
1.g. To what extent are strategic objectives with about the need for strategic made to the strategy based on of strategic issues on e.g.
changes made at strategic management focusing guidance but little evidence of internal learning and stakeholder outcome / impact level or
level? (e.g. changes in log primarily on the delivery of strategic changes being participation. other strategic issues ( e.g.
frame at outcome and impact predetermined outputs and made. External evaluations during annual review,
level; changes in approaches activities rather than internal learning technical advise missions,
used etc). remain a major factor for mid term), based on internal
changes made at strategic learning and stakeholder
(Eg changes in the approach, level. participation and resulting in
advocacy, working with regular improvements to the
partners; changes key strategy.
components of the logframe
(strategic level) etc
1.h. To what extent is gender Gender issue not Gender issue is considered Gender issue is considered in Gender issue is considered in
issue considered as a cross- considered in project design marginally but does not project design and is integrated as project design as a separate
cutting issue in project design emerge as a separate part of some project components component as well as an
component or as an integral integrated part of other
part of project components components.
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments, ideas
(Include Why / why not?) 1 2 3 4 for further
2 Ensuring 2.a To what extent are Design and redesign of project Steps are being taken to actively Key project staff are being Key project staff are being
effective project staff involved in the operations is done mainly by involve key project staff involved in involved in work plan design effectively involved in work
operations revision of operational project coordinators & other operational decision making but and redesign but these plan design and redesign and
plan? decision makers or external this is not yet effectively occurring. processes and mechanisms are having a significant
consultants. Project staff can are only partly effective. influence over operational
be consulted on their views or They have an influence over decision making. These
To what extent are project asked for information. operational decision making events take place on a
staffs involved in the although this may not be on regular basis.
development and a regular and systematic
adaptation of the work basis.
plans and budgets?
2.b To what extent are other Design and redesign of project Steps are being taken to actively Key stakeholders are being Key stakeholders are being
stakeholders (e.g. operations is done mainly by involve key stakeholders involved involved in work plan design effectively involved in work
beneficiaries & partners) project coordinators & other in operational decision making but and redesign but these plan design and redesign and
involved in the revision of decision makers or external this is not yet effectively occurring. processes and mechanisms are having a significant
the operational plans? consultants. Stakeholders can are only partly effective. influence over operational
be consulted on their views or They have an influence over decision making. These
(Eg. Who are the asked for information. operational decision making events take place on a
stakeholders of the project although this may not be on regular basis.
and to what extent are they a regular and systematic
involved in the basis.
development and
adaptation of the work
plans and budgets?)
2.c To what extent are the Work plans and budgets Work plans and budgets are Work plans and budgets are Staffing, equipment, goods,
planning systems effective (operational plans) are mainly sometimes but not systematically regularly reviewed and office buildings, contracts,
in guiding operations and developed by project staff only, reviewed and adapted or by all adapted but not very finances etc are adequate for
how they are being although they do not always necessary people involved. systematic or by all operations and well specified
revised? Making work plans reflect staff capacity (numbers, necessary people involved in work plans and budgets.
and budgets, allocating staff time) or funds, eg due to high These are regularly reviewed
and resources, office staff turnover or external by all necessary people
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments, ideas
(Include Why / why not?) 1 2 3 4 for further
influences. Operational plans involved.
requirements, contracts etc. are mainly revised by project
What drives the operational staff only.
changes? Eg funds?
2.d To what extent are Internal & external rules/norms There is an awareness of the Internal & external Internal & external
institutional processes, (both formal e.g. policies & institutional requirements but no rules/norms enable effective rules/norms allow for and
systems contributing to informal e.g. culture) hinder measure have yet been taken to operations to some extent provide a supportive enabling
effective operations? Eg effective operations alter rules/norms hindering environment for effective
policies and systems for effective operations E.g. operations.
human resource For example, - Hierarchical - Basic management
development; finance structures may hinder E.g. Decision makers & procedures are in place and E.g.
systems; decision making adequate communication and stakeholder are aware that allow for effective Basic management
processes; having regular feedback on operations hierarchical structures are adjustment of workplans procedures are in place and
meetings in place; internal/external policies may hindering adequate although the information allow for .
organizing space and time prevent the project from communication and feedback but may not always be timely or - The development and
for lessons learned etc. adjusting its operational plans steps to address this have not yet of good quality. adjustment of work plans
to respond quickly to changing been taken Decision makers & - Roles and responsibilities based on timely and good
circumstances. stakeholders are aware that on information sharing quality information.
procurement policies are hindering concerning operations are - Procurement policies
effective operations but steps to clear although cultural support effective operations
address this have not yet been norms sometimes hinder - Roles and responsibilities
taken open and effective on information sharing
communication. concerning operations are
clearly specified and adhered
- The internal culture allows
for open communication and
feedback on operations.
- Sharing of information is
stimulated in systematic
reflection moments.
2 e. To what extent are the Staff in key operational areas Adequate number of staff in place Adequate number of staff in Adequate number of qualified
necessary staffs in all units are in place. However, number in key operational areas, salary place, capacity and and experienced staff in
of the project PMU in place not adequate, staff need and benefits not competitive, staff relevance adequate, staff place. Staff effectively
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments, ideas
(Include Why / why not?) 1 2 3 4 for further
training, need experience with turn over high, staff training training undertaken, staff participate in project
and are they provided with the type of work under essential, staff assessment actively participate in project implementation, sense of
the necessary incentive to consideration, system for staff process not yet in place but being implementation. Staff ownership developed, staff
ensure effective assessment yet not in place developed performance assessment capacity building and team
operations? Is number of process in place. However, work and team learning
staff, capacities and staff turn-over prevalent developed, staff performance
relevance, process to assessment in place to
assess staff performance ensure quality, staff turnover
etc. in place? highly minimized
2 f. To what extent are the Some procurement staffs are in Adequate number of staff in place; Adequate number of staff in Adequate number of
necessary conditions and place; procurement procedures procurement procedures and place; procurement experienced staff in
capacities and processes and processes are also in processes in place. Staff lack procedure and processes in procurement unit;
for effective and efficient place. However, the staff lack experience in procurement place. Staff being provided procurement procedure in
procurement management experience in the procurement procedures. Delays in with the necessary training place and well understood by
in place? procedures and delays in procurement, reporting still a major in procurement. Delays in staff; staff motivated to
procurement , reporting, data feature delaying the procurement minimized, but implement procurement
acquisition etc. hindering implementation of the project backlog affecting project activities timely, smooth
project implementation performance process of project
2g. Are the necessary The necessary financial Adequate number of staff in place; Adequate number of staff in Adequate number of
conditions, capacities and procedures and processes are financial procedures and place, financial procedure experienced and motivated
processes in place for in place. Some financial processes in place. Staff still lack and process in place. Staff project finance staff in place.
effective financial management staff are in place experience in project financial provided with the necessary Financial procedures and
management of the project? but not experienced in project procedures. Delays in training on project finance. processes well established
finance. Delays in disbursement, financial reporting, Project disbursement, and in place. Project
disbursement, in preparation of and replenishment requests etc. financial reporting, auditing disbursement, financial
financial reports, Statement of affecting project performance and replenishments reporting, audit, and
Expenditures (SOEs) etc. requests substantially replenishment requests
common feature affecting improved proceeding smoothly
project performance substantially improving
project performance
2h. Are the necessary Some rudimentary facilities are Some basic facilities are provided. Facilities including All facilities are in place.
facilities including provided for the operations of Operating space, and processes equipment, vehicles, goods, Processes and human and
the project. Operating space, are in rudimentary form and office buildings etc. in place. financial resources are in
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments, ideas
(Include Why / why not?) 1 2 3 4 for further
processes and resources are resources are yet not fully in place Processes and operating place. Smooth operation and
equipment, vehicles, goods, yet not in place hampering the for the operation and maintenance spaces in place. Human maintenance of facilities for
office buildings provided for operation of the project. of facilities. Smooth operation of resources trained partially effective operations of project
the successful operation of projects not facilitated. and maintenance and activities
the project? Are operating operation being partially
space, processes and facilitated.
resources in place for their
operation and
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments,
(Include Why / why not?) 1 2 3 4 ideas for
3 Setting
up and 3.a To what extent is the The M&E system is mainly The M&E system is mainly To some extent the M&E system The M&E system ensures upward,
using purpose of the M&E system geared towards (external) geared towards (external) ensures both upward, downward downward and sideward
the M&E directed towards: accountability and accountability and operational and sideward accountability; it accountability; it provides
system operational management management but has some provides information that can assist information that can assist in
Accountability only. elements of generating in strategic decision making as well strategic decision making as well
lessons learned, providing as for operational management; it as for operational management; it
Supporting operational information for strategic focuses specifically on generating focuses specifically on generating
management change. It builds the M&E lessons learned within specific lessons learned within specific
capacity of some thematic areas; it also builds the thematic areas; it also builds the
stakeholders, involved in M&E capacity of all stakeholders M&E capacity of all stakeholders
Strategic management
monitoring and managing their involved in monitoring and involved in monitoring and
own processes and managing their own processes and managing their own processes and
Knowledge creation development. development. development.
3.b To what extent are the The M&E system addresses The M&E system addresses 3 The M&E system addresses 4 The M&E system address all 5
following key evaluation/ 2 evaluation / performance evaluation/ performance evaluation / performance questions: evaluation/ performance questions:
performance questions questions: effectiveness (at questions effectiveness, effectiveness, efficiency and impact relevance, impact, sustainability,
included in the M&E system: operational level) and efficiency and impact and either relevance or effectiveness and efficiency
efficiency. sustainability.
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments,
(Include Why / why not?) 1 2 3 4 ideas for
3.c To what extent is the The M&E system is not The M&E system is not The M&E system is not an integral The M&E system is an integral part
M&E system considered as considered as an integral considered as an integral part part of the project strategy, yet it is of the project strategy and the M&E
an integral part of the project part of the project strategy, of the project strategy; it is placed in a strategic position within unit is placed in a strategic position
strategy; Is the M&E system neither is it placed in a placed along the line the project implementation unit and within the project implementation
placed in a strategic position strategic position to departments and rarely does it feeds the outcomes of the M&E unit and feeds the outcome of the
to influence the decision influence decision making influence decision making system to influence decision making M&E system to influence decision
making process? process through learning opportunities and through learning opportunities and
adaptation building-in flexibility mechanisms in
the system
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments,
(Include Why / why not?) 1 2 3 4 ideas for
3.d To what extent are the Key information needs of Key information needs of Key information needs of most All key information needs of
key information needs of the project staff and donors are some stakeholders are stakeholders are included in the stakeholders are included in the
different stakeholders included in the M&E included in the M&E system: M&E system. Mainly project, donor M&E system, beneficiaries
included in the M&E system. project, donor, one or two and some partner organizations included.
system? partner agencies (beneficiaries are often excluded)
3.e To what extent is the M&E system generates M&E system generates M&E system generates information M&E system generates information
M&E system focused on the information on program information on program issues on program issues and also on program issues and also
program, organisational , issues. and sporadic information on generates information on generates information on
and institutional issues eg. organizational or institutional organizational or institutional issues, organizational and institutional
staff performance, partner issues, eg staff performance, eg staff performance, partner issues, eg staff performance,
collaboration, policies, partner collaboration, policies, collaboration, policies, networks etc. partner collaboration, policies,
networks, etc ? networks etc. next to program but this is not comprehensive. networks etc. More comprehensive.
3.f To what extent are Methodologies used for Methodologies used for data Methodologies used for data Methodologies used for data
methodologies used for data data collection, and collection, and processing, are collection, and processing, are a mix collection, and processing, are a
collection, and processing, processing, are mainly mainly conventional except for of participatory and more balanced mix of participatory and
participatory or conventional (more a few examples of conventional approaches, with a more conventional approaches.
conventional? extractive, often participatory approaches but tendency towards either one of them There is a clear philosophy behind
sophisticated eg surveys, this is not done systematically the use of more participatory
questionnaires, blood tests or integrated into the general approaches.
etc). M&E approach.
3.g To what extent are Data collection and Data collection and processing Most stakeholders are involved in All stakeholders are involved in
stakeholders involved in data processing is mainly done is mainly done by project staff data collection, and processing. Or data collection, and processing.
collection, and processing? by project staff and external and external persons. Some all stakeholders are involved but This is supported by a participatory
persons. stakeholders are involved in mainly in the data collection philosophy.
data collection only. process.
3.h To what extent are Reflection / review of Reflection events & processes Reflection events and processes are Critical reflection events and
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments,
(Include Why / why not?) 1 2 3 4 ideas for
different (critical) reflection progress etc is mainly done are in place but are not regular organized on a regular basis (eg processes are organized on a
events & processes in once a year, during the and do not include critical quarterly, semi- and annually). At regular basis (eg quarterly, semi-
place? annual review or during reflection on more strategic these events successes and and annually). Successes, failures
external reviews. . issues, failures and sometimes failures and unexpected and unexpected outcomes and
unexpected outcomes. outcomes are reviewed. This is reasons for these are critically
sometimes done using critical reflected on during these events.
3.i To what extent are Strategic & operational Some stakeholders are Most stakeholders are involved in All stakeholders are involved in
different stakeholders decision making processes involved in these decision these decision making processes, these decision making processes,
involved in these decision are carried out by project making processes, but these both strategic & operational both strategic & operational
making processes? managers / coordinators. concern mainly operational
(Strategic & operational) issues.
3.j To what extent are the Progress reports are Reporting documents and Reporting documents and Reporting documents and
reporting documents and developed but they may not processes are only sometimes processes are mostly timely and of processes are timely and of good
processes timely and of arrive in time or be of good timely and of good quality. good quality. Mainly due to quality. Mainly due to adequate
good quality? And why? quality. This may be due to Mainly due to poor M&E adequate M&E /reporting capacity M&E /reporting capacity
inadequate M&E /reporting /reporting capacity (knowledge (knowledge and staff capacity) and (knowledge and staff capacity) and
capacity (knowledge and and staff capacity) or to low to high motivation to report (eg to high motivation to report (eg
numbers) or to, low motivation to report (eg because information needs of because information needs of
motivation to report (eg because information needs of stakeholders are addressed). stakeholders are addressed).
because information needs stakeholders are not
of stakeholders are not addressed).
3.j To what extent are the The results / findings are The results / findings are only The results / findings are The results / findings are
results / findings only shared with donors and sometimes communicated / communicated / reported to most communicated / reported to all
communicated / reported are generally not shared reported to stakeholders, stakeholders, mostly timely and of stakeholders, timely and of good
and in line with stakeholders with other stakeholders. The mostly donor agencies. Also good quality, addressing their quality, addressing their specific
needs? information in the reports is the reports are not specified specific information needs. Also the information needs. Also the
mainly focused on projects towards stakeholders and their communication method (eg written communication method (eg written
and donors information information needs. report, verbal, visual) is mostly in report, verbal, visual) is in line with
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments,
(Include Why / why not?) 1 2 3 4 ideas for
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments,
(Include Why / why not?) 1 2 3 4 ideas for
4 Capacities
and 4.a To what extent is Not enough people in place to Some staff in place to carry Staff and stakeholders have Staff and stakeholders have
conditions human capacity adequate do M&E. Knowledge and out M&E activities, but average knowledge and skills to adequate knowledge and skills to
for M&E for M&E? skills of staff & stakeholders inadequate in numbers to carry out M&E activities but not carry out M&E activities. Enough
to carry out M&E activities are carry out all M&E activities. enough for a fully functioning M&E people to carry out M&E.
inadequate. Some knowledge and skills system. Number of people (staff &
on M&E but inadequate to stakeholders) nearly enough to
make the M&E system carry out M&E.
4.b To what extent are Staff and stakeholders carry Staff and stakeholders are Staff and stakeholders are generally Staff and stakeholders are
incentives for M&E in place out M&E activities but may only a little bit motivated to motivated to carry out M&E motivated to carry out M&E
and adequate? Eg M&E not be very motivated to do carry out M&E activities. activities, but they may not always activities. Eg because of adequate
training for staff; this. Eg because of They may not have enough have the necessary capacity (eg M&E human capacity (knowledge
encouragement from inadequate M&E human human capacity (skills, human, knowledge, skills, financial) and skills and numbers), finances
management to do M&E; capacity (knowledge and numbers) or money to to do it. for M&E, and because the M&E
enough money for M&E skills and numbers), finances carry out M&E. Also the system deals with the specific
activities; dealing with for M&E, or because the M&E information is generated information needs of all
staffs and stakeholders system does not deal with the but the M&E system does stakeholders. The information
information needs (and not specific information needs of not deal with all generated helps them to monitor
more or less) etc. all stakeholders. M&E may be stakeholder information and manage their own processes of
seen mainly as an external needs. development.
demand (eg from donors).
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments,
(Include Why / why not?) 1 2 3 4 ideas for
4.c To what extent are Staff are aware that they have M&E roles and M&E roles and responsibilities are M&E roles and responsibilities are
structures and processes a role to play in M&E, responsibilities are defined defined in job descriptions and are clearly defined in job descriptions
for M&E in place and although they may mainly see but may be overlapping or generally adhered to. There may be and adhered to. There are no
adequate? Eg decision M&E as the role of the M&E unclear or conflicting. some overlapping or conflicting overlapping or conflicting M&E roles
making processes, using officer or of external Decision making processes M&E roles and responsibilities but and responsibilities. The M&E
M&E findings for (shared) evaluators. Decision making generally do not make these are not seriously hampering responsibilities within the
decision making; roles and is mainly done by managers / systematic use of M&E the M&E and decision making organization / system are integrated
responsibilities in M&E coordinators who use their findings. Decision making processes. The M&E roles and and complementary. Decision
own observations and some processes generally responsibilities are not yet fully making processes are clearly linked
of the findings generated by exclude other integrated and complementary. to findings from the M&E system
the M&E system.. stakeholders. Decision making processes and are open, clear and functional.
generally make use of findings from Decision making processes are a
the M&E system. Decision making shared responsibility between
processes mainly remain with project staff and key stakeholders.
project staff and donor agencies.
4.d To what extent is MIS The information that is kept is Some information is kept MIS in place (eg computerized MIS is in place: database
adequate? often in written form (eg but this is not done database and written materials) but (computerized and written
progress reports) and difficult systematically. Information the information in the database may materials) are easily accessible
Computer based system to access for others. Often may be kept in written form not generate all relevant info for providing the relevant information to
as well as non-computer kept in the office of M&E or in a computerized decision making for all all stakeholders. The database is
based information systems officer or program manager database but has no clear stakeholders. Or the information is easy to use and provides relevant
(eg community bulletins only. The information link with the information somewhat difficult to access by information for decision making. Info
kept in community hall). generated by the MIS has needs of different different stakeholders. The info is in database is clearly linked to the
some overlap but also stakeholders as spelled out not always fully integrated in the M&E system.
differences with the in the M&E system. M&E system.
information that the M&E
system as a whole is meant
to generate.
4.e To what extent are There is some money for Some money available for Finance for M&E is on the whole Enough money available for M&E
financial capacities for M&E but more money is M&E but inadequate to adequate but some additional activities: data collection and
M&E adequate? Eg needed to carry out more ensure that enough money needed to fully implement an processing, database, human
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments,
(Include Why / why not?) 1 2 3 4 ideas for
separate budget line for participatory M&E. Generally relevant information is integrated, participatory and capacity (enough M&E staff, enough
M&E; enough money to enough money for key M&E generated for decision learning oriented M&E system. training in M&E), key reflection
carry out M&E. events, eg MTR, which can making. Not enough Separate budget line for M&E events (eg annual stakeholder
also be externally funded. money available for although some money for M&E may workshop) etc. Separate budget line
Separate M&E budget line stakeholder M&E be captured under management for M&E, which includes all M&E
may be lacking. interventions (eg budget line. related activities.
stakeholder review
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments,
(Include Why / why 1 2 3 4 ideas for
not?) further
5 Creating a 5.a To what extent does Staff meet to discuss progress Staff meets regularly to Staff can discuss openly and Staff regularly meet to openly and
learning the organization / and sometimes problems and discuss progress, issues, critically on what is going on, why, critically reflect on and discuss
environment program have a learning solutions. These meetings are problems and solutions but so what and now what. This may expected and unexpected issues,
environment? not regular. this is not done in an open not be done regularly or problems, and lessons learned for
atmosphere and critical systematically and lessons learned the future. Lessons learned are also
reflection and feedback is are not always documented. Critical documented. Critical feedback and
not happening. feedback and learning are learning is stimulated. Individuals
stimulated but not consistently. feel their ideas are valid. The
question why is this happening?
features regularly in meetings.
5.b. To what extent is a Staff and stakeholders meet Staff meets regularly to Staff and stakeholders can discuss Staff and stakeholders regularly
learning environment to discuss progress and discuss progress, issues, openly and critically on what is meet to openly and critically reflect
created with stakeholders sometimes problems and problems and solutions but going on, why, so what and now on and discuss expected and
(including beneficiaries)? solutions. These meetings are this is not done in an open what. This may not be done unexpected issues, problems, and
not regular. atmosphere and critical regularly or systematically and lessons learned for the future.
reflection and feedback is lessons learned are not always Lessons learned are also
not happening. Meetings documented. Critical feedback and documented. Critical feedback and
with stakeholders on this learning are stimulated but not learning is stimulated.
rarely happen. consistently or with all stakeholders.
5.c. To what extent does Staff meet to discuss progress Staff meets regularly to Staff can discuss openly and Staff regularly meet to openly and
the organization/program and sometimes problems and discuss progress, issues, critically on what is going on, why, critically reflect on and discuss
critically reflect on its solutions. These meetings are problems and solutions but so what and now what. This may expected and unexpected issues,
work? not regular. this is not done in an open not be done regularly or problems, and lessons learned for
atmosphere and critical systematically. Critical feedback and the future. Critical feedback and
reflection and feedback is learning are stimulated but not learning is stimulated
not happening. consistently
5.d.To what extent does Staff meet to discuss progress Staff meets regularly to Staff can discuss openly and Staff regularly meet to openly and
the organization/program and sometimes problems and discuss progress, issues, critically on what is going on, why, critically reflect on and discuss
critically reflect on its solutions. These meetings are problems and solutions but so what and now what. This may expected and unexpected issues,
work? not regular. this is not done in an open not be done regularly or problems, and lessons learned for
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments,
(Include Why / why 1 2 3 4 ideas for
not?) further
atmosphere and critical systematically. Critical feedback and the future. Critical feedback and
reflection and feedback is learning are stimulated but not learning is stimulated
not happening. consistently
5.e. To what extent is Lesson learning happens Lessons learned are Lessons learned are identified Lessons learned are documented
lesson learning infrequently sometimes identified but informally and sometimes in formal and shared with stakeholders
encouraged? not systematically and meetings but not always
there are no procedures documented
for ensuring they inform
subsequent action
5. f. To what extent does Staffs receive occasional Learning opportunities are Learning opportunities are created Staff, including managers, are
the organization facilitate training. provided for staff but there for both individuals and staff groups. motivated to seek out learning
learning opportunities for is a focus that learning is Staff reflect diverse views and opportunities for themselves both
staff? facilitated predominantly attitudes towards learning but the internally within the organization
through external stimuli or organization is consciously trying to from other colleagues or externally.
persons. develop more of a learning culture They have training & development
amongst staff. plans and formal and informal
learning opportunities are created or
seized through coaching, mentoring
and on-the-job training. Over 30%
of staff have mentors who they meet
with regularly. Individual learning is
fed back to wider team/
organization. Learning is regarded
as critical rather than incidental at
both individual and organizational
5.g. To what extent is Staff cannot link their Staffs have work plans and Staff work plans are thoroughly Performance management system
individual performance performance with the wider they understand how these reviewed at least twice a year. established that provides framework
linked with organizational performance of the links to the organisational Staffs receive occasional feedback to link individual work plans with
performance? organization and have no workplan. about the broader performance of operational team plans and
mechanisms through which to the organization. Team members organizational strategic plan etc
do this. are encouraged to share work Staff have regular supervision/
plans. review meetings with manager and
peer reviews such as 360 degree
Performance questions Limited Being developed Partially functioning Fully effective Comments,
(Include Why / why 1 2 3 4 ideas for
not?) further
Additional questions:
(1) What is the external context of development effectiveness that affects being able to manage for impact
(2) What capacities and conditions (internal and external) are already in place that support (M4I) in view of this
external context?
(3) What capacities and conditions (internal and external) still need to be enhanced to support M4I in view of
this external context?