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Managerial and Cost Accounting
Larry M. Walther; Christopher J. Skousen

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Larry M. Walther

Cost Analysis
Managerial and Cost Accounting

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Cost Analysis: Managerial and Cost Accounting
1st edition
2010 Larry M. Walther, under nonexclusive license to Christopher J. Skousen and All material in this publication is copyrighted, and the exclusive property
of Larry M. Walther or his licensors (all rights reserved).
ISBN 978-87-7681-586-8

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Cost Analysis:
Managerial and Cost Accounting Contents


Cost-Volume-Profit and Business Scalability 6

1 Cost Behavior 7
1.1 The Nature of Costs 7
1.2 Variable Costs 7
1.3 Fixed Costs 9
1.4 Business Implications of the Fixed Cost Structure 10
1.5 Economies of Sale 10
1.6 Dialing in Your Business Model 12

2 Cost Behavior Analysis

360 14
2.4 Recap
Mixed Costs
High-Low Method
Method of Least Squares thinking . 15

thinking . 360
thinking .
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Cost Analysis:
Managerial and Cost Accounting Contents

3 Break-Even and Target Income 21

3.1 Contribution Margin 21
3.2 Contribution Margin: Aggregated, per Unit, or Ratio? 21
3.3 Graphic Presentation 23
3.4 Break-Even Calculations 23
3.5 Target Income Calculations 24
3.6 Critical Thinking About CVP 26

4 Sensitivity Analysis 27
4.1 Changing Fixed Costs 27
4.2 Changing Variable Costs 27
4.3 Blended Cost Shifts 29
4.4 Per Unit Revenue Shifts 29
4.5 Margin Beware 31
4.6 Margin Mathematics 32

5 CVP for Multiple Products 33

5.1 Multiple Products, Selling Costs, and Margin Management 35

6 Assumptions of CVP 36

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Cost Analysis:
Managerial and Cost Accounting Cost-Volume-Profit and Business Scalability

Cost-Volume-Profit and Business

Your goals for this cost-volume-profit analysis chapter are to learn about:

Cost behavior patterns and implications for managing business growth.

Methods of cost behavior analysis.
Break-even and target income analysis
Cost and profit sensitivity analysis.
Cost-volume-profit analysis for multiproduct scenarios.
Critical assumptions of cost-volume-profit modeling.

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Cost Analysis:
Managerial and Cost Accounting Cost Behavior

1 Cost Behavior
Profitability is just around the corner. This is a common expression in the business world; you may
have heard or said this yourself. But, the reality is that many businesses dont make it! Business is tough,
profits are illusive, and competition has a habit of moving into areas where profits are available. And,
sometimes, business owners become frustrated because revenue growth only seems to bring on waves
of additional expenses, even to the point of going backwards.

How does one realistically assess the viability of a business? This is perhaps the most critical business
assessment a manager must make. Most of us are taught from an early age to do our best and not give
up, even in the face of adversity. And, there are countless stories of businesses that struggled to survive
their infancy, but went on to become highly successful firms. But, it is equally important to note that
some business models will not work. You likely have heard the tongue-in-cheek story about the car
dealer who said he loses money on every sale but makes it up on volume. Of course, the math just wont
work. A good manager must learn to use information to make informed decisions about which business
prospects to pursue. Managerial accounting methods provide techniques for evaluating the viability
and ability to grow or scale a business. These techniques are called cost-volume-profit analysis (CVP).

1.1 The Nature of Costs

Before one can begin to understand how a business is going to perform over time and with shifts in
volume, it is imperative to first consider the cost structure of the business. This requires drilling down
into the specific types of costs that are to be incurred and trying to understand their unique attributes.

1.2 Variable Costs

Variable costs will vary in direct proportion to changes in the level of an activity. For example, direct
material, direct labor, sales commissions, fuel cost for a trucking company, and so on, may be expected
to increase with each additional unit of output.

Assume that GoSound produces portable digital music players. Each unit produced requires a
printed circuit board (PCB) that costs $11. Below is a spreadsheet that reveals rising PCB costs with
increases in unit production. For example, $1,650,000 is spent when 150,000 units are produced
(150,000 $11 = $1,650,000). The data are plotted on the graphs. The top graph reveals that total
variable cost increases in a linear fashion as total production rises. The slope of the line is constant. Of
course, when plotted on a per unit basis (the bottom graph), the variable cost is constant at $11 per
unit. Increases in volume do not change the per unit cost. In summary, every additional unit produced
brings another incremental unit of variable cost.

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The activity base is the item or event that causes the incurrence of a variable cost. It is easy to think of
the activity base in terms of units produced, but it can be more than that. Activity can relate to labor
hours worked, units sold, customers processed, or other such cost drivers. For instance, a dentist uses a
new pair of disposable gloves for each patient seen, no matter how many teeth are being filled. Therefore,
disposable gloves are variable and key on patient count. But, the material used for fillings is a variable
that is tied to the number of decayed teeth that are repaired. Some patients have none, some have one,
and others have many. So, each variable cost must be considered independently and with careful attention
to what activity drives the cost.

1.3 Fixed Costs

The opposite of variable costs are fixed costs. Fixed costs do not fluctuate with changes in the level of
activity. Assume that GoSound leases the manufacturing facility where the portable digital music players
are assembled. Assume that rent is $1,200,000 no matter the level of production. The rent is said to be a
fixed cost, because total rent will not change as output rises and falls. The following spreadsheet reveals
the factory rent incurred at different levels of production and the resulting per unit rent amount.
Observe that the fixed cost per unit will decline with increases in production. This attribute of fixed
costs is important to consider in assessing the scalability of a business proposition. There are numerous
types of fixed costs. Examples include administrative salaries, rents, property taxes, security, networking
infrastructure support, and so forth.

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1.4 Business Implications of the Fixed Cost Structure

The nature of a specific business will have a lot to do with defining its inherent fixed cost structure.
Airlines have historically been burdened with high fixed costs related to gates, maintenance, contractual
labor agreements, computer reservation systems, aircraft, and the like. As you are aware, airlines have
struggled during lean years because they are unable to cover fixed costs. During boom years, these same
companies have been extremely profitable, because costs do not rise (much) with increases in volume.
Basically, there is not much cost difference in flying a plane empty or full! Software companies have a
big investment in product development, but very little cost in reproducing multiple electronic copies of
the finished product. Their variable costs are low.

Other businesses have attempted to avoid fixed costs so that they can maintain a more stable stream of
income relative to sales. For example, a computer company might outsource its tech support. Rather
than having a fixed staff that is either idle or overloaded at any point in time, they pay an independent
support company a per-call fee. The effect is to transform the organizations fixed costs to variable, and
better insulate the bottom line from fluctuations brought about by the related ability to cover or not
cover the fixed costs of operations.

Every business is unique, and a savvy business person will be careful to understand their cost structure.
For a long time, the trend for many businesses was toward increased fixed costs. Some of this was the
result of increased investment in robotics and technology. However, those components have become
more affordable. And, we are now seeing more outsourcing, elimination of health insurance, conversion
of pension plans, and so forth. These activities suggest attempts to structure businesses with a definitive
margin (revenues minus variable costs) that scales up and down with changes in the level of business
activity. No matter the specific example, a manager must understand their cost structure.

1.5 Economies of Sale

Economists speak of the concept of economies of scale. This means that certain efficiencies are achieved
as production levels rise. This can take many forms. For starters, fixed costs can be spread over larger
production runs, and this causes a decrease in the per unit fixed cost. In addition, enhanced buying
power results (e.g., quantity discounts) as volume goes up, and this can reduce the per unit variable
cost. These are valid considerations. The accountant is not blind to these issues and must take them into
consideration in any business evaluation. However, care must also be exercised to limit ones analysis to
a relevant range of activity.

Below is an excerpt from an online catalog (Digi-Key Corporation). This is a pricing table for surface
mount Zener Diodes. Notice that they are $0.44 each, or $3.00 for ten units, or $20.80 for 100 units, or
$92.00 per thousand. The bottom line here is that they range from $0.44 down to $0.092 each, depending
on the quantity purchased. This is quite a remarkable spread.

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Despite the wild spread in pricing, if your business needed about 150 of these diodes in your production
process, you would study the above table and determine that the best quantity for you to order would
be priced at $20.80 per hundred. As a result, your per unit variable cost would be $0.208. The relevant
range is the anticipated activity level at which you will perform. Any pricing data outside of this range
is irrelevant and need not be considered. This enhanced concept of variable cost is portrayed in the
following graphic:

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The relevant range comes into play when considering fixed costs as well. Many fixed costs are only fixed
for a certain level of production. For example, a machine or manufacturing plant can reach capacity. To
increase production beyond a certain level, additional machinery (or a new plant, additional supervisors,
etc.) must be deployed. This will cause a major step upward in the fixed cost. Fixed costs that behave
in this fashion are also called step costs. These costs are illustrated by the following diagram. The key
conceptual point is to note that fixed costs are only fixed over some particular range of activity, and
moving outside that range can significantly alter the cost structure.

1.6 Dialing in Your Business Model

After grasping the concepts of variable and fixed costs, it is important to understand their full implications
in managing a business. Lets first give added thought to fixed cost concepts. In an ideal setting, you
would try to produce at the right-most edge of a fixed-cost step. This squeezes maximum productive
output from a given level of expenditure. For a machine, it is as simple as running at full capacity.
However, for a business with many fixed costs, it is more challenging to orchestrate operations so that
each component is fully utilized.

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Some fixed costs are committed fixed costs arising from an organizations commitment to engage in
operations. These elements include such items as depreciation, rent, insurance, property taxes, and the
like. These costs are not easily adjusted with changes in business activity. On the other hand, discretionary
fixed costs originate from top managements yearly spending decisions; proper planning can result in
avoidance of these costs if cutbacks become necessary or desirable. Examples of discretionary fixed costs
include advertising, employee training, and so forth. Committed fixed costs relate to the desired long-
run positioning of the firm; whereas, discretionary fixed costs have a short-term orientation. Committed
fixed costs are important because they cannot be avoided in lean times; discretionary fixed costs can
be altered with proper planning. Of course, a company should be careful to avoid incurring excessive
committed fixed costs.

Variable costs are also subject to adjustment. In the Digi-Key Corporation example, it was illustrated how
such costs can vary based on quantities ordered. Perhaps it occurred to you that one might order and
store large quantities of the diodes for use in future periods (after all, 1200 units at $.208 each > 3000
units at $0.08 each). In a subsequent chapter, you will learn how to calculate economic order quantities
that take into account carrying and ordering costs in balancing these important considerations. Even
direct labor cost can be subject to adjustment for overtime premiums, based on whether or not overtime
is worked. It may or may not make sense to meet customer demand by ramping up production when
overtime premiums kick in. Later in this book, you will learn how to perform incremental analysis for
such decision tasks.

The interplay between all of the different costs emphasizes the importance of good planning. The trick
is to synchronize operations so that the benefits of each fixed cost are maximized, and variable cost
patterns are established in the most economic position. All of this must be weighed against revenue
opportunities; you must be able to sell what you produce. Some advanced managerial accounting courses
present sophisticated linear programming models that take into account constraints and opportunities
and project the ideal firm positioning. Those models are beyond the scope of an introductory class, but
a number of simpler tools are available, and will be covered next.

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Managerial and Cost Accounting Cost Behavior Analysis

2 Cost Behavior Analysis

Good managers must not only be able to understand the conceptual underpinnings of cost behavior,
but they must also be able to apply those concepts to real world data that do not always behave in the
expected manner. Cost data are impacted by complex interactions. Consider for instance the costs of
operating a vehicle. Conceptually, fuel usage is a variable cost that is driven by miles. But, the efficiency of
fuel usage can fluctuate based on highway miles versus city miles. Beyond that, tires wear faster at higher
speeds, brakes suffer more from city driving, and on and on. Vehicle insurance is seen as a fixed cost; but
portions are required (liability coverage) and some portions are not (collision coverage). Furthermore, if
you have a wreck or get a ticket, your cost of coverage can rise. Now, the point is that assessing the actual
character of cost behavior can be more daunting than you might first suspect. Nevertheless, management
must understand cost behavior, and this sometimes takes a bit of forensic accounting work. Lets begin
by considering the case of mixed costs.

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2.1 Mixed Costs

Many costs contain both variable and fixed components. These costs are called mixed or semi variable. If
you have a cell phone, you probably know more than you wish about such items. Cell phone agreements
usually provide for a monthly fee plus usage charges for excess minutes, text messages, and so forth. With
a mixed cost, there is some fixed amount plus a variable component tied to an activity. Mixed costs are
harder to evaluate, because they change in response to fluctuations in volume. But, the fixed cost element
means the overall change is not directly proportional to the change in activity.

To illustrate, assume that Butlers Car Wash has a contract for its water supply that provides for a flat
monthly meter charge of $1,000, plus $3 per thousand gallons of usage. This is a classic example of a
mixed cost. Below is a graphic portraying Butlers potential water bill, keyed to gallons used:

Look closely at the data in the spreadsheet, and notice that the variable portion of the water cost is
$3 per thousand gallons. For example, spreadsheet cell B12 is $2,100 (700 thousand gallons at $3 per
thousand); observe the formula for cell B12 in the upper bar of the spreadsheet (=(A12/1000)*3). In
addition, the fixed cost is $1,000, regardless of the gallons used. The total in column D is the summation
of columns B and C. The cost components are mapped in the diagram at the right.

Hopefully, the preceding illustration is clear enough. But, what if you were not given the formula by
which the water bill is calculated? Instead, all you had was the information from a handful of past water
bills. How hard would it be to to sort it out? Could you estimate how much the water bill should be for a
particular level of usage? This type of problem is frequently encountered in business, as many expenses
(individually and by category) contain both fixed and variable components.

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2.2 High-Low Method

One approach to sorting out mixed costs is the high-low method. It is perhaps the simplest technique for
separating a mixed cost into fixed and variable portions. However, beware that it can return an imprecise
answer if the data set under analysis has a number of rogue data points. But, it will work fine in other
cases, as with the water bills for Butlers Car Wash. Information from Butlers actual water bills is shown
at above right. Butler is curious to know how much the August water bill will be if 650,000 gallons are
used. Assume that the only data available are from the aforementioned four water bills.

With the high-low technique, the highest and lowest levels of activity are identified for a period of time.
The highest water bill is $3,550, and the lowest is $2,020. The difference in cost between the highest and
lowest level of activity represents the variable cost ($3,550 $2,020 = $1,530) associated with the change
in activity (850,000 gallons on the high end and 340,000 gallons on the low end yields a 510,000 gallon
difference). The cost difference is divided by the activity difference to determine the variable cost for
each additional unit of activity ($1,530/510 thousand gallons = $3 per thousand).

The fixed cost can be calculated by subtracting variable cost (per-unit variable cost multiplied by the
activity level) from total cost. The table at above right reveals the application of the high-low method.
An electronic spreadsheet can be used to simplify the high-low calculations. The website includes a link
to an illustrative spreadsheet for Butler.

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2.3 Method of Least Squares

As cautioned, the high-low method can be quite misleading. The reason is that cost data are rarely as linear
as presented in the preceding illustration, and inferences are based on only two observations (either of
which could be a statistical anomaly or outlier). For most cases, a more precise analysis tool should be
used. If you have studied statistical methods, recall regression analysis or the method of least squares.
This tool is ideally suited to cost behavior analysis. This method appears to be imposingly complex, but
it is not nearly so complex as it seems. Lets start by considering the objective of this calculation.

The goal of least squares is to define a line so that it fits through a set of points on a graph, where the
cumulative sum of the squared distances between the points and the line is minimized (hence, the name
least squares). Simply, if you were laying out a straight train track between a lot of cities, least squares
would define a straight-line route between all of the cities, so that the cumulative distances (squared)
from each city to the track is minimized.

Lets dissect this method, beginning with the definition of a line. A line on a graph can be defined by its
intercept with the vertical (Y) axis and the slope along the horizontal (X) axis. In the following diagram,
observe a red line starting on the Y axis (at the value of 2), and rising gently upward as it moves out
along the X axis. The rate of rise is called the slope of the line; in this case, the slope is 0.8, because the
line rises 8 units on the Y axis for every 10 units of run along the X axis.

In general, a straight line can be defined by this formula:

Y = a + bX

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a = the intercept on the Y axis

b = the slope of the line
X = the position on the X axis

For the line drawn on the previous page, the formula would be:

Y = 2 + 0.8X

And, if you wished to know the value of Y, when X is 5 (see the red circle on the line), you perform the
following calculation:

Y = 2 + (0.8 * 5) = 6

Now, lets move on to fitting a line through a set of points. On the next page is a table of data showing
monthly unit production and the associated cost (sorted from low to high). These data are plotted on the
graph to the right. Through the middle of the data points is drawn a line, and the line has a formula of:

Y = $138,533 + $10.34X

This formula suggests that fixed costs are $138,533, and variable costs are $10.34 per unit. For
example, how much would it cost to produce about 110,000 units? The answer is about $1,275,000
($138,533 + ($10.34 * 110,000)).

How was the formula derived? One approach would be to eyeball the points and draw a line through
them. You would then estimate the slope of the line and the Y intercept. This approach is known as the
scatter graph method, but it would not be precise. A more accurate approach, and the one used to derive
the above formula, would be the least squares technique. With least squares, the vertical distance between
each point and resulting line (e.g., as illustrated by an arrow at the $1,500,000 point) is squared, and all
of the squared values are summed. Importantly, the defined line is the one that minimizes the summed
squared values! This line is deemed to be the best fit line, hopefully giving the clearest indication of the
fixed portion (the intercept) and the variable portion (the slope) of the observed data.

One can always fit a line to data, but how reliable or accurate is that resulting line? The R-Square value is
a statistical calculation that characterizes how well a particular line fits a set of data. For the illustration,
note (in cell B21) an R2 of .798; meaning that almost 80% of the variation in cost can be explained by
volume fluctuations. As a general rule, the closer R2 is to 1.00 the better; as this would represent a perfect
fit where every point fell exactly on the resulting line.

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The R-Square method is good in theory. But, how does one go about finding the line that results in a
minimization of the cumulative squared distances from the points to the line? One way is to utilize
built-in tools in spreadsheet programs, as illustrated above. Notice that the formula for cell B21 (as
noted at the top of spreadsheet) contains the function RSQ(C5:C16,B5:B16). This tells the spreadsheet
to calculate the R2 value for the data in the indicated ranges. Likewise, cell B20 is based on the function
SLOPE (C5:C16,B5:B16). Cell B19 is INTERCEPT(C5:C16,B5:B16). Most spreadsheets provide intuitive
pop-up windows with prompts for setting up these statistical functions.

Spreadsheets have not always been available. You may be curious to know the underlying mechanics for
the least squares method. If so, you can check out the link on the website.

2.4 Recap
Before moving on, lets review a few key points. A good manager must understand an organizations
cost structure. This requires careful consideration of variable and fixed cost components. However, it is
sometimes difficult to discern the exact cost structure. As a result, various methods can be employed
to analyze cost behavior. Once an organizations cost structure is understood, it then becomes possible
to perform important diagnostic calculations which are the subject of the next sections of this chapter.

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Cost Analysis:
Managerial and Cost Accounting Break-Even and Target Income

3 Break-Even and Target Income

CVP analysis is imperative for management. It is used to build an understanding of the relationship
between costs, business volume, and profitability. The analysis focuses on the interplay of pricing,
volume, variable and fixed costs, and product mix. This analysis will drive decisions about what products
to offer, how to price them, and how to manage an organizations cost structure. CVP is at the heart
of techniques that are useful for calculating the break-even point, volume levels necessary to achieve
targeted income levels, and similar computations. The starting point for these calculations is to consider
the contribution margin.

3.1 Contribution Margin

The contribution margin is revenues minus variable expenses. Do not confuse the contribution margin
with gross profit as discussed in the previous chapter (revenues minus cost of sales). Gross profit
would be calculated after deducting all manufacturing costs associated with sold units, whether fixed
or variable. Instead, the contribution margin is a conceptual number reflecting the amount available
from each sale, after deducting all variable costs associated with the units sold. Some of these variable
costs are product costs, and some are selling and administrative in nature. The contribution margin is
generally a number calculated for internal use and analysis; it does not ordinarily become a part of the
externally reported data set.

3.2 Contribution Margin: Aggregated, per Unit, or Ratio?

When speaking of the contribution margin, one might be referring to aggregated data, per unit data,
or ratios. This point is illustrated below for Leyland Sports, a manufacturer of score board signs. The
production cost is $500 per sign, and Leyland pays its sales representatives $300 per sign sold. Thus,
variable costs are $800 per sign. Each sign sells for $2,000. Leylands contribution margin is $1,200
($2,000 ($500 + $300)) per sign. In addition, assume that Leyland incurs $1,200,000 of fixed costs,
regardless of the level of activity. Below is a schedule with contribution margin information, assuming
1,000 units are produced and sold:


6DOHV ;   

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What would happen if Leyland sold 2,000 units?


6DOHV ;   

What would happen if Leyland sold only 500 units?


6DOHV ;    

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Notice that changes in volume only impact certain amounts within the total column. Volume changes
did not impact fixed costs, or change the per unit or ratio calculations. By reviewing the data on the
previous page, also note that 1,000 units achieved breakeven net income. At 2,000 units, Leyland managed
to achieve a $1,200,000 net income. Conversely, 500 units resulted in a $600,000 loss.

3.3 Graphic Presentation

Leylands management would probably find the following chart very handy. Dollars are represented on
the vertical axis and units on the horizontal:

Be sure to examine this chart, taking note of the following items: The total sales line starts at 0 and
rises $2,000 for each additional unit. The total cost line starts at $1,200,000 (reflecting the fixed cost), and
rises $800 for each additional unit (reflecting the addition of variable cost). Break-even results where
sales equal total costs. At any given point, the width of the loss area (in red) or profit area (in green) is
the difference between sales and total costs.

3.4 Break-Even Calculations

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and that is certainly true for the CVP graphic just
presented. However, everyone is not an artist, and you may find it more precise to do a little algebra to
calculate the break-even point. Consider that:

Break-even results when:

Sales = Total Variable Costs + Total Fixed Costs

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For Leyland, the math turns out this way:

(Units $2,000) = (Units $800) + $1,200,000


Step a: (Units $2,000) = (Units $800) + $1,200,000

Step b: (Units $1,200) = $1,200,000
Step c: Units = 1,000

Now, it is possible to jump to step b above by dividing the fixed costs by the contribution margin per
unit. Thus, a break-even short cut is:

Break-Even Point in Units = Total Fixed Costs / Contribution Margin Per Unit
1,000 Units = $1,200,000 / $1,200

Sometimes, you may want to know the break-even point in dollars of sales (rather than units). This
approach is especially useful for companies with more than one product, where those products all have
a similar contribution margin ratio:

Break-Even Point in Sales = Total Fixed Costs / Contribution Margin Ratio

$2,000,000 = $1,200,000 / 0.60

3.5 Target Income Calculations

Breaking even is not a bad thing, but hardly a satisfactory outcome for most businesses. Instead, a
manager may be more interested in learning the necessary sales level to achieve a targeted profit. The
approach to solving this problem is to treat the target income like an added increment of fixed costs.
In other words, the margin must cover the fixed costs and the desired profit:

Target Income results when:

Sales = Total Variable Costs + Total Fixed Costs + Target Income

Assume Leyland wants to know the level of sales to reach a $600,000 income:

(Units $2,000) = (Units $800) + $1,200,000 + $600,000

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Step a: (Units $2,000) = (Units $800) + $1,200,000 + $600,000

Step b: (Units $1,200) = $1,800,000
Step c: Units = 1,500

Again, it is possible to jump to step b by dividing the fixed costs and target income by the per unit
contribution margin:

Units to Achieve a Target Income

(Total Fixed Costs + Target Income) / Contribution Margin Per Unit
1,500 Units = $1,800,000 / $1,200

If you want to know the dollar level of sales to achieve a target net income:

Sales to Achieve a Target Income

(Total Fixed Costs + Target Income) / Contribution Margin Ratio
$3,000,000 = $1,800,000 / 0.60

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3.6 Critical Thinking About CVP

CVP is more than just a mathematical tool to calculate values like the break-even point. It can be used
for critical evaluations about business viability.

For instance, a manager should be aware of the margin of safety. The margin of safety is the degree to
which sales exceed the break-even point. For Leyland, the degree to which sales exceed $2,000,000 (its
break-even point) is the margin of safety. This will give a manager valuable information as they plan for
inevitable business cycles.

A manager should also understand the scalability of the business. This refers to the ability to grow profits
with increases in volume. Compare the income analysis for Leaping Lemming Corporation and Leaping
Leopard Corporation:

/($3,1*/(00,1*&25325$7,21 /($3,1*/(23$5'&25325$7,21

6DOHV ;   6DOHV ;  


Both companies broke even in 20X1. Which company would you rather own? If you knew that each
company was growing rapidly and expected to double sales each year (without any change in cost
structure), which company would you prefer? With the added information, you would expect the
following outcomes for 20X2:

/($3,1*/(00,1*&25325$7,21 /($3,1*/(23$5'&25325$7,21

   6DOHV ;  

This analysis reveals that Leopard has a more scalable business model. Its contribution margin is high
and once it clears its fixed cost hurdle, it will turn very profitable. Lemming is fighting a never ending
battle; sales increases are met with significant increases in variable costs. Be aware that scalability can
be a double-edged sword. Pull backs in volume can be devastating to companies like Leopard because
the fixed cost burden can be consuming. Whatever the situation, managers need to be fully cognizant
of the effects of changes in scale on the bottom-line performance.

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4 Sensitivity Analysis
The only sure thing is that nothing is a sure thing. Cost structures can be anticipated to change over time.
Management must carefully analyze these changes to manage profitability. CVP is useful for studying
sensitivity of profit for shifts in fixed costs, variable costs, sales volume, and sales price.

4.1 Changing Fixed Costs

Changes in fixed costs are perhaps the easiest to analyze. To determine a revised break-even level
requires that the new total fixed cost be divided by the contribution margin. Lets return to the example
for Leyland Sports. Recall one of the original break-even calculations:

Break-Even Point in Sales = Total Fixed Costs / Contribution Margin Ratio

$2,000,000 = $1,200,000 / 0.60

If Leyland added a sales manager at a fixed salary of $120,000, the revised break-even would be:

$2,200,000 = $1,320,000 / 0.60

In this case, the fixed cost increased from $1,200,000 to $1,320,000, and sales must reach $2,200,000 to
break even. This increase in break-even means that the manager needs to produce at least $200,000 of
additional sales to justify their post.

4.2 Changing Variable Costs

In recruiting the new sales manager, Leyland became interested in an aggressive individual who was
willing to take the post on a 4% of sales commission-only basis. Lets see how this would change the
breakeven point:

Break-Even Point in Sales = Total Fixed Costs / Contribution Margin Ratio

$2,142,857 = $1,200,000 / 0.56

This calculation uses the revised contribution margin ratio (60% 4% = 56%), and produces a lower
break-even point than with the fixed salary ($2,142,857 vs. $2,200,000). But, do not assume that a lower
break-even defines the better choice! Consider that the lower contribution margin will stick no matter
how high sales go. At the upper extremes, the total compensation cost will be much higher with the
commission-based scheme. Following is a graph of commission cost versus salary cost at different levels
of sales. You can see that the commission begins to exceed the fixed salary at any point above $3,000,000
in sales. In fact, at $6,000,000 of sales, the managers compensation is twice as high if commissions are
paid in lieu of the salary!

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What this analysis cannot tell you is how an individual will behave. The sales manager has more incentive
to perform, and the added commission may be just the ticket. For example, the company will make more
at $6,000,000 in sales than at $3,000,000 in sales, even if the sales manger is paid twice as much. At a
fixed salary, it is hard to predict how well the manager will perform, since pay is not tied to performance.

You have probably marveled at the salaries of some movie stars and professional athletes. Rest assured
that some serious CVP analysis has gone into the contract negotiations for these celebrities. For example,
how much additional revenue must be generated by a movie to justify casting a high dollar movie star
(versus using a low-cost unknown actor)? And, you have probably read about deals where musicians
get a percentage of the revenue from ticket sales and concessions at a concert. These arrangements
are likely based on detailed calculations; what may seem foolish is actually quite logical in terms of a
comprehensive CVP analysis.

4.3 Blended Cost Shifts

Sometimes, a business will contemplate changes in fixed and variable costs. For example, an airline is
considering the acquisition of a new jet. The new jet entails a higher fixed cost for the equipment, but
is more fuel efficient. The proper CVP analysis requires that the new fixed cost be divided by the new
unit contribution margin to determine the new break-even level. Such analysis is important to evaluate
whether an increase in fixed costs is justified.

To illustrate, assume Flynn Flying Service currently has a jet with a fixed operating cost of $3,000,000
per year, and a contribution margin of 30%. Flynn is offered an exchange for a new jet that will cost
$4,000,000 per year to operate, but produce a 50% contribution margin. Flynn is expecting to produce
$9,000,000 in revenue each year. Should Flynn make the deal? The answer is yes. The break-even point
on the old jet is $10,000,000 of revenue ($3,000,000/0.30), while the new jet has an $8,000,000 break-
even ($4,000,000/0.50). At $9,000,000 of revenue, the new jet is profitable while continuing to use the
old jet will result in a loss.

4.4 Per Unit Revenue Shifts

Thus far, the discussion has focused on cost structure and changes to that structure. Another approach to
changing the contribution margin is via changes in per unit selling prices. So long as these adjustments
are made without impacting fixed costs, the results can be dramatic. Lets return to Leaping Lemming, and
see how a 10% increase in sales price would impact the contribution margin and profitability for 20X2.

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Notice that this 10% increase in price results in a doubling of the contribution margin and a tripling of
the net income. Bingo: the solution to increasing profits is to raise prices while maintaining the existing
cost structure if it were only this easy! Customers are sensitive to pricing and even a small increase
can drive customers to competitors. Before raising prices, a company must consider the price elasticity
of demand for its product. This is fancy jargon to describe the simple reality that demand for a product
will drop as its price rises.

So, the real question for Leaping Lemming is to assess how much volume drop can be absorbed

when prices are increased. The appropriate analysis requires dividing the continuing fixed costs (plus
target or current net income) by the revised unit contribution margin; this results in the required sales
(in units) to maintain the current level of profitability. For Lemming to achieve a $500,000 profit level
at the revised pricing level, it would need to sell 5,000 units:

Units to Achieve a Target Income

(Total Fixed Costs + Target Income) / Contribution Margin Per Unit
5,000 Units = ($500,000 + $500,000) / $200

If Lemming sells at least 5,000 units at $1,100 per unit, it will make at least as much as it would by selling
10,000 units at $1,000 per unit. The unknown is what customer response will be to the $1,100 pricing
decision. Many a business has fallen prey to the presumption that they could raise prices with impunity;
others have scored homeruns by getting away with such increases.

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4.5 Margin Beware

Some contracts provide for cost plus pricing, or similar arrangements that seek to provide the seller with
an assured margin. These agreements are intended to allow the seller a normal and fair profit margin,
and no more. However, they can have unintended consequences. Lets evaluate an example. Pioneer
Plastics sells trash bags to Heap Compacting Service. Heap and Pioneer have entered into an agreement
that provides Pioneer with a contribution margin of 20% on 1,000,000 bags.

Originally, the bags were anticipated to cost Pioneer $1 each to produce, plus a fixed cost of $100,000.
However, increases in petroleum products necessary to produce the bags skyrocketed, and Pioneers
variable production cost was actually $3 per unit. Lets see how Pioneer faired under their agreement:



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Notice the astounding change in Pioneers net income $150,000 versus $650,000. Such cost plus
agreements must be carefully constructed, else the seller has little incentive to do anything but let costs
creep up. Sometimes you will hear a company complain about cost increases negatively affecting their
margins; before you assume the worst, take a closer look to see how the bottom line is being impacted.
Even if Pioneer agreed to cut Heap a break and reduce their margin in half, their bottom line profit
would still soar in the illustration.

4.6 Margin Mathematics

In the preceding illustration, the contribution margin was 20% of sales. Accordingly, variable costs are
80% of sales. If total variable costs are $1,000,000, then sales would be $1,250,000 ($1,000,000 divided
by 0.80).

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Cost Analysis:
Managerial and Cost Accounting CVP for Multiple Products

5 CVP for Multiple Products

How many businesses sell only one product? The reality is that firms usually offer a diverse product line,
and the individual products will have different selling prices, contribution margins, and contribution
margin ratios. Yet, the firms total fixed cost picture may be the same, no matter the mix of products sold.
This can cloud the ability to perform simple CVP analysis. To lift this cloud requires some knowledge
of the product mix.

Lets assume Hummingbird Feeders produces and sells a brightly colored feeding container for $15
(variable cost of production is $10, and contribution margin is $5) and a nectar formula for $3 per
packet ($1 variable cost to produce, resulting in a $2 contribution margin). Hummingbird Feeders sells
10 packets of nectar for every feeder sold. Its fixed cost is $100,000. How many feeders and packets must
be sold to break even? To answer this question requires a redefinition of the unit. If we assume the
unit is 1 feeder and 10 packets, we would then see that each unit would have a contribution margin
of $25, as shown below.


To recover $100,000 of fixed cost, at $25 of contribution per unit, would require selling 4,000 units
($100,000/$25). To be clear, this translates into 4,000 feeders and 40,000 packets of nectar. Total breakeven
sales would be $180,000 (($15 4,000 feeders) + ($3 40,000 packets)). Of course, the validity of this
analysis depends upon actual sales occurring in the predicted ratio. Changes in product mix will result
in changes in break-even levels. If Hummingbird Feeders sold $180,000 in feeders, and no packets of
nectar, they would come no where near breakeven (because the contribution margin ratio on feeders is
much lower than on the packets of nectar).

Note that one could also get the $180,000 result by dividing the fixed cost by the weighted-average
contribution margin ($100,000/0.555 = $180,000). The weighted-average contribution margin of 0.555
is calculated as follows:

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)HHGHU #  ;  

Businesses must be mindful of the product mix. Automobile manufacturers have a broad range of
products, some at high margin and some at lower levels. If customers unexpectedly substitute economy
cars for sport utility vehicles, basic models for luxury models, etc., the resulting bottom line impacts
can be significant. Product mix can also be important for companies that sell a base product and a
related disposable. For example, a printer manufacturer may sell unprofitable printers along with large
quantities of high margin ink cartridges. Managers of such businesses need to watch not only total sales,
but also keep a keen eye on the product mix.

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5.1 Multiple Products, Selling Costs, and Margin Management

Selling expenses are oftentimes variable. For example, a salesperson may be paid a designated percentage
of total sales. Such schemes have the potential to be counterproductive in a multiple product setting.
For example, assume that a company sells two products. Product A has a per unit sales price of $120,
and Product B has a per unit sales price of $100.

A salesperson, earning a commission calculated as 5% of total sales, would prefer to sell product A.
However, the company is better off when Product B is sold, because it has a higher contribution impact
($30 vs. $20). As a result, when a business manager considers its program of compensation for its sales
staff, care should be given to align the interests of the sales force and the company. For the preceding
example, it may make better sense to tie the commission to the contribution effects rather than the sales


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Cost Analysis:
Managerial and Cost Accounting Assumptions of CVP

6 Assumptions of CVP
This chapter has presented information on how to apply CVP for business analysis. Most of this analysis
is keyed to a model of how profitability is impacted by changes in business volume. Like most models,
there are certain inherent assumptions. Violating the assumptions has the potential to undermine the
conclusions of the model. Some of these assumptions have been touched on throughout the chapter:

1. Costs can be segregated into fixed and variable portions

2. The linearity of costs is preserved over a relevant range (i.e., variable cost is constant per
unit, and fixed cost is constant in total)
3. Revenues are constant per unit and multiple-product firms meet the expected product mix

One additional assumption is that inventory levels are fairly constant, with the number of units produced
equaling the number of units sold. If inventory levels fluctuate, some of the variable and fixed product
costs may flow into or out of inventory, with a variety of potential impacts on profitability.

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