100 Blessings Urj
100 Blessings Urj
100 Blessings Urj
you by Project Welcome should try to say 100 blessings each May it be Your will, Adonai, my God and
day. Try it; it’s not that easy. You God of my ancestors, to lead me, to direct
with thanks to: my steps, and to support me along the way.
Central Conference of American have to be on the lookout for good
Lead me throughout my life, tranquil and
Rabbis, On the Doorposts of Your things. Baruch haShem, a beautiful serene, until I arrive at where I am going.
House. New York, 1994. [All rose. Baruch haShem, I found rea- Deliver me from every enemy, conflict, and
translations] sonable sharp clippers. Baruch
hurt that I might encounter along the way,
Dawn Kepler, Building Jewish haShem, my smart talking fourteen and from all painful afflictions that trouble
Bridges weekly email, 4/27/05 year old son still loves roses. the world.
Anita Diamant and Karen Kushner,
How to be a Jewish Parent. New Maybe a Hebrew blessing doesn’t Bless all that I do. Let me receive Your
York, 2000.
Project Welcome offers a new “gift”
flow from your lips. Try a simple,
“Ah!” Now look around your life and
divine grace and mercy. Let me also be the
recipient of the loving acts of kindness of
all those I meet. Listen to the voice of my
like this one each month. find as many “ah” moments as you appeal, for You are a God who responds to
CLICK ON THE GIFT at can. Suddenly you’ll notice that the pleas and prayers. Praised are You, Adonai,
www.ProjectWelcome.org trees are a particularly lovely early who hearkens to prayer.
spring green. There are magnificent
crows perched on the pine across the
street. A slow walking gentleman
kindly waves you to go first. The
neighbor you hardly know sends you Baruch atah Adonai, shomer hanohsim.
off with a wave. Pretty soon you are We praise You, O God,
PROJECT WELCOME feeling quite good. Protector of wayfarers.
Phone: 888-756-8242 -- Dawn Kepler
This brochure is brought to Jewish tradition teaches that you The Traveler’s Prayer
you by Project Welcome should try to say 100 blessings each May it be Your will, Adonai, my God and
day. Try it; it’s not that easy. You God of my ancestors, to lead me, to direct
with thanks to: my steps, and to support me along the way.
Central Conference of American have to be on the lookout for good
Lead me throughout my life, tranquil and
Rabbis, On the Doorposts of Your things. Baruch haShem, a beautiful serene, until I arrive at where I am going.
House. New York, 1994. [All rose. Baruch haShem, I found rea- Deliver me from every enemy, conflict, and
translations] sonable sharp clippers. Baruch
hurt that I might encounter along the way,
Dawn Kepler, Building Jewish haShem, my smart talking fourteen and from all painful afflictions that trouble
Bridges weekly email, 4/27/05 year old son still loves roses. the world.
Anita Diamant and Karen Kushner,
How to be a Jewish Parent. New Maybe a Hebrew blessing doesn’t Bless all that I do. Let me receive Your
York, 2000.
Project Welcome offers a new “gift”
flow from your lips. Try a simple,
“Ah!” Now look around your life and
divine grace and mercy. Let me also be the
recipient of the loving acts of kindness of
all those I meet. Listen to the voice of my
like this one each month. find as many “ah” moments as you appeal, for You are a God who responds to
CLICK ON THE GIFT at can. Suddenly you’ll notice that the pleas and prayers. Praised are You, Adonai,
www.ProjectWelcome.org trees are a particularly lovely early who hearkens to prayer.
spring green. There are magnificent
crows perched on the pine across the
street. A slow walking gentleman
kindly waves you to go first. The
neighbor you hardly know sends you Baruch atah Adonai, shomer hanohsim.
off with a wave. Pretty soon you are We praise You, O God,
PROJECT WELCOME feeling quite good. Protector of wayfarers.
Phone: 888-756-8242 -- Dawn Kepler
This brochure is brought to Jewish tradition teaches that you The Traveler’s Prayer
you by Project Welcome should try to say 100 blessings each May it be Your will, Adonai, my God and
day. Try it; it’s not that easy. You God of my ancestors, to lead me, to direct
with thanks to: my steps, and to support me along the way.
Central Conference of American have to be on the lookout for good
Lead me throughout my life, tranquil and
Rabbis, On the Doorposts of Your things. Baruch haShem, a beautiful serene, until I arrive at where I am going.
House. New York, 1994. [All rose. Baruch haShem, I found rea- Deliver me from every enemy, conflict, and
translations] sonable sharp clippers. Baruch
hurt that I might encounter along the way,
Dawn Kepler, Building Jewish haShem, my smart talking fourteen and from all painful afflictions that trouble
Bridges weekly email, 4/27/05 year old son still loves roses. the world.
Anita Diamant and Karen Kushner,
How to be a Jewish Parent. New Maybe a Hebrew blessing doesn’t Bless all that I do. Let me receive Your
York, 2000.
Project Welcome offers a new “gift”
flow from your lips. Try a simple,
“Ah!” Now look around your life and
divine grace and mercy. Let me also be the
recipient of the loving acts of kindness of
all those I meet. Listen to the voice of my
like this one each month. find as many “ah” moments as you appeal, for You are a God who responds to
CLICK ON THE GIFT at can. Suddenly you’ll notice that the pleas and prayers. Praised are You, Adonai,
www.ProjectWelcome.org trees are a particularly lovely early who hearkens to prayer.
spring green. There are magnificent
crows perched on the pine across the
street. A slow walking gentleman
kindly waves you to go first. The
neighbor you hardly know sends you Baruch atah Adonai, shomer hanohsim.
off with a wave. Pretty soon you are We praise You, O God,
PROJECT WELCOME feeling quite good. Protector of wayfarers.
Phone: 888-756-8242 -- Dawn Kepler
The Shehecheyanu Hand Washing “Stopping to wash hands and Upon Seeing Beauty in Nature Acknowledging Sublime or
The Shehecheyanu is a kind of ‘all- recite the blessing is a way to recall that the sacred Mysterious Events
purpose’ blessing, remembering how Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheynu Melech Ha-
good it is to be alive, seeing the world olam, shekahcha lo baolamo. Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu
anew. We praise You, Eternal God, Melech Ha-olam, chacham harazim.
Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheynu melech Sovereign of the universe, We praise You, Eternal God, Sover-
ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav vit- whose world is filled with beauty. eign of the universe: You see what is
sivanu al netilat yadayim. hidden from our sight.
Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech We praise You, Eternal One, Sovereign God of For the Seas and Oceans
the universe, making us holy with your com- Deliverance, Recovery
ha-olam, shecheyanu v'kiy'manu v'higy-
anu lazman hazeh. mandments and calls us to wash our hands. Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech from Danger or Illness
Blessed are You, Ruler of the Universe, Before Eating ha'olam sheh-a-sah et ha-yam ha-gadol. Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheynu Melech
You have kept us alive, and sustained us, We praise You, Eternal God, Ha-olam, she-gamalani kol-tov.
Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu mehlech Sovereign of the universe, We praise You, Eternal God,
and enabled us to reach this moment.
ha-olam, hamotzi lechem min ha’aretz. for the life-giving waters of the sea. Sovereign of the universe,
Thanks for Good News We praise You, Eternal One, Sovereign God of Upon Seeing a Rainbow You bestow great goodness upon me.
the universe, You cause bread to come forth Upon Experiencing a Wonder
from the earth.
Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheynu Melech
After Eating Traditionally, Jews recite the Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech
ha-olam, ha-tov ve-ha-maytiv. Birkat Hamazon (blessings for food) to give thanks Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech ha'olam, she’asah li nes ba’makom
We praise You, Eternal God, hazeh.
after a meal. You can also simply say: ha'olam, zocher habrit, v’ne’eman bivritoh,
Sovereign of the universe, v’kayam b’ma’amroh. We praise You, Eternal God,
You are the source of all good.
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Baruch Ata Adonai, Hazan et Ha-kol. We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe, For the
Sovereign of the universe, You remember wonder I have experienced in this
your covenant with creation. place, I give thanks.
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Baruch Ata Adonai, Hazan et Ha-kol. We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe, For the
Holy One of Blessing, Sovereign of the universe, You remember wonder I have experienced in this
Sustainer of all there is. your covenant with creation. place, I give thanks.
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Holy One of Blessing, Sovereign of the universe, You remember wonder I have experienced in this
Sustainer of all there is. your covenant with creation. place, I give thanks.
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