Method CMMEF
Method CMMEF
Method CMMEF
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DISCLAIMER: Any discussion of medical or legal issues in this publication is being provided for informational purposes only. Nothing in this
publication is intended to constitute medical or legal advice, and it should not be construed as such. This book is not intended to be and should not
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trade names and commercial sources by authors in certain chapters of this Compendium does not imply endorsement by APHA or the editorial board
of this volume.
Georges C. Benjamin, MD, FACP, FACEP(E), FNAPA, FRSPH(Hon), FFPH(Hon), Executive Director
Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods / editors, Yvonne Salfinger and
Mary Lou Tortorello. - - Fifth edition.
p. ; cm.
Microbiological examination of foods
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-87553-273-8 (hardcover)
I. Salfinger, Yvonne, editor. II. Tortorello, Mary Lou, 1951-, editor. III. American Public Health
Association, issuing body. IV. Title: Microbiological examination of foods.
[DNLM: 1. Food Microbiology- -Laboratory Manuals. 2. Food Analysis- -methods- -Laboratory Manuals.
3. Food Contamination- -analysis- -Laboratory Manuals. 4. Food Inspection- -methods- -Laboratory
Manuals. QW 25]
664.0019579- -dc23
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Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods |
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| Contents
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Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods |
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Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods |
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Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods |
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Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods |
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Editorial Board
vonne Salfinger joined the Compendium editorial ary Lou Tortorello attended Northern Illinois
board, representing the Association of Public Health University (BS) and Loyola University of Chicago
Laboratories (APHL). She graduated from Florida (MS, biological sciences). She received a PhD in
State University (BS) and earned an MS in community health microbiology from Cornell University where she researched
from the University of North Florida. She is pursuing a DrPH the structure and biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharide endotoxin
from the University of South Florida. After working at the Florida for her dissertation. At Cornell, she pursued post-graduate
Department of Health for 21 years, she moved to the Florida work, focusing on bacterial gene transfer mechanisms,
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, initially as improved dairy starter cultures, and rapid assays for detection
the quality manager, to pursue ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for of pathogens; there, she also taught an undergraduate course,
the Division of Food Safety laboratories; in 2007, accreditation General Microbiology. Since 1991, she has worked as a
was accomplished. In 2003, she became the chief for the Bureau of research microbiologist with the Division of Food Processing
Food Laboratories, Division of Food Safety, Florida Department Science and Technology, U.S. Food and Drug Administration,
of Agriculture and Consumer Services. She was also involved in Bedford Park, Illinois. She currently serves as the chief of the
with the Food Emergency Response Network in several activities Food Technology Branch. Her professional experience also
relating to the analysis of foods during emergency events, includes work as the product manager of a serum diagnostic
including the establishment of Standard Operating Procedures. test for the HIV/AIDS virus at the Abbott Laboratories
After retiring from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Diagnostics Division in Abbott Park, Illinois. She maintains
Services in 2012, she relocated to Denver, Colorado, where she research interests in improved microbiological methods for
now works as a consultant for APHL and the Association of Food foodborne pathogens, especially rapid methods, sample
and Drug Officials to assist with the implementation of ISO/IEC preparation, and the behavior and control of microbial
17025 across the regulatory food testing laboratories within the pathogens in foods and food processing environments.
United States. Over the years, she has contributed to public health Furthermore, she is co-editor of the Encyclopedia of Food
internationally: With the Centers for Disease Control and Microbiology, serves on the Editorial Board of Journal of Food
Prevention (CDC) and the Global Health program of APHL, Protection, and is chief editor of Food Microbiology.
she worked on the post-Hurricanes Mitch and Georges project in
El Salvador. With CDC, she provided technical quality assurance
to the tuberculosis laboratory in Ivanovo, Russia.
Gary R. Acuff (board), Texas A&M University, College Station Keith Ito (board), University of California, Davis, Dublin
Mark Carter (board), MC Squared Enterprises, Flossmoor, Ruth L. Petran (board), Ecolab, St. Paul, Minnesota
Illinois Yvonne Salfinger (co-editor), retired from Florida Department
Victor Cook (board), retired from U.S. Department of of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Tallahassee
Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Mary Lou Tortorello (co-editor), U.S. Food and Drug Admin-
Stephanie Doores (associate editor), Penn State University, istration, Bedford Park, Illinois
University Park Burton Wilcke (associate editor), The University of Vermont,
David Goldman (board), U.S. Department of Agriculture, Burlington
Washington, D.C.
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