Clinical Exam Simple

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The key takeaways are that the book and DVD provide comprehensive revision materials for the MRCPCH clinical exam, including chapters on exam preparation and history taking, as well as video clips demonstrating examination situations with expert commentary.

The book is a revision tool that presents a focused strategy and clear advice for succeeding at the MRCPCH clinical examination, which is the final step to becoming a member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

The authors are Dr Stanley Tamuka Zengeya, a consultant paediatrician, and Dr Tiroumourougane Serane V, an associate professor of paediatrics. Dr Zengeya has qualifications of MB ChB, MRCP (UK), MMeD (Paeds), MSc, FRCPCH. Dr Serane has qualifications of MB BS, MRCPCH (UK), MD Paed., DNB Paed., MNAMS.



Stanley Tamuka Zengeya
Tiroumourougane Serane V

The MRCPCH Clinical Exam Made Simple

Stanley Tamuka Zengeya
T iroumourougane Serane V

The MRCPC'H Clinical

Exam Made Simple

Dr Stanley Tamuka Zengeya

MB ChB, MRCP (U K), MMeD (Paeds), MSc, FRCPCH
Consultant Paediatrician, Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon_
Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Bristol
Clinical Professor, University of St. George's Medical School, Gre nada

Dr Tiroumourougane Serane V
Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences,
Puducherry, India
Formerly Clinical Fellow in Paediatrics and Neonatology, Great Western Hospital, Swindon

Great Clarendo n Street , Oxford O X2 6DP
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We dedicate this book to our parents
Mr Tarutora Miles Zengeya and Mrs Jessie Zengeya, and
Mr Vidjayarangane Serane A and Mrs Canagammalle.

The Membership Examination of the Royal Coll ege of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH) has
undergone considerable changes in the last few years. The aim has been to make the content and the
process of the examination transparent and fit for the purpose of correctly identifying competency
amongst trainees embarking on specialty training in paediatrics.
Although the College Examination Committee has done an excellent job in bringing about the quite
major changes to the exam that we re needed, there is still a potential gap between w hat experienced
examiners expect in the clinical examination and the way trainees have gained their experience.
Not surprisingly, there are still doctors who genuinely do not understand why they have failed the
examination after all the hard work they have put into their preparations. The unique aspects of
paediatric practice, which make history taking and examination of children with their parents such a
challenge to any doctor, can be particularly stressful to trainees at this stage of their career.
A multimedia DVD cannot substitute for clinical experience with real patients, but is a valuable way
of illustrating and commenting on very particular issues, which are often taken for granted in the busy
clinic situation.
Dr Zengeya and Dr Serane and their colleagues have done an excellent job in emphasizing the need
for candidates to concentrate on the precise objective of each examination station. They need to
understand the expectations of the examiners and to follow precisely the instru ctions they are given .
As well as a structured approach to demonstrating their skills, candidates must be able to show they
have the ability to present their findings concisely, with confidence and a lack of ambiguity. The time
constraints of each examination station must be understood. This can be challenging, and so practice
is invaluable.
The editors are to be congratulated and thanked for the high standard of this production, which will
be of invaluable assistance to MRCPCH examination candidates. Close attention to both the verbal
and non-verbal content will repay the candidate we ll in preparation for this step into the most
rewarding of specialities in medicine.
I wish you all good luck, both in the exam and in your future careers.

~ l/vvlk ~ IJV\.
Andrew Wilkinson
Professor of Paediatrics, Oxford

The MRCPCH clinical ex am is the most important hurdle any paediatric trainee must leap in their path
to become a fully-fledged paediatrician. The exam format changed a few years ago with the emphasis
shifting from short and long cases to the more modern, system-based Objective Structured Clinical
Examination (OSCE). The examination is now primarily competency based , where the candidates are
expected to show how they would handle a clinical problem which they would face in real -life situations
in a controlled environment. Additional emphasis has been placed on communication skills, with two
stations included to evaluate the candidate's skills in this area.
To pass the exam, candidates are ex pected to be efficient, clear, and to demonstrate a structured
examination technique. Although many clinical books are available on paediatric examination, there is
a shortage of teaching material preparing candidates for this exam. This book and accompanying DVD
have been produced to fill this void.
In this book, we aim to show the candidate an acceptable approach to examining a child in an exam
setting. The principles of examination of various cases are outlined and a framework is provided,
which will help the candidate achieve the expected stand ard . Emphasis has been placed on commonly
neglected topics such as focused history taking, effective comm unication, and preparation for the
exam . This book teaches the candidate to focus on the child and uses the same format for all
systems. The simple, concise, yet comprehensive approach should make for easy reading, and the line
drawings and photographs are visually appealing. We have made a conscious effort to avoid exhaustive
theory, which can be read in depth in various textbooks of paediatrics.
A unique aspect of this project is that ex perienced paediatricians and examiners have stepped into
the role of the candidate and demonstrated the clinical skills required to pass various stations. They
demonstrate a structured approach to the various systems in the allotted time, which gives prospective
candidates an opportunity to observe, listen, and learn. The videos show the candidate how to make
the clinical examination fun and interesting for the child by establishing rapport with them and putting
them at ease. The videos teach the candidates skills that are difficult to convey in a written form. The
videos are a visual aid, consolidating the adage 'If you tell me, I will forget, if you show me I will
remember'. In addition, the DVD also contains 'live candidates' taking a mock exam, with examiners
giving comments (both positive and negative) about their performance. This will appeal to prospective
I candidates as it will help them to avoid some of the pitfalls that are highlighted.
l In conclusion , this book and accompanying DVD are designed to simplify the preparation for the

l MRCPCH clinical exam. After reading it and watching the videos, candidates should be able to practise
on their own and reach the expected standard. Practice makes perfect!
Drs Serane and Zengeya give introductory remarks.

Producing this book and the DVD required a huge team effort from various individuals and experts.
We thank all those who worked tirelessly to make this project a success and to whom we are ever so
grateful. We thank Lyn Hill-Tout, the Chief Executive at th e Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation
Trust, and the Medical Director, Dr Alf Troughton, who allowed this project to take place at the Great
Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, where the clinical station videos were filmed. We extend
our special thanks and gratitude to the children and their families who took part in the filming of
videos. We thank all the contributors who shared their knowledge, experience, and time in this
project. The contributors included a strong team of ex perienced medical professionals, MRCPCH
Ex aminers, Hospital Consultants, Specialist Registrars, junior medical staff, and patients. These
contributors are too many to mention by name. Our special thanks to Professor Andrew Wilkinson,
Dr Nick Archer, and all our paediatric consultant colleagu es at the Great Western Hospital, Dr Janet
King, Dr Paul O'Keeffe, Dr Helen Price, Dr Ravi Chinthapalli , and Dr Lyn Williamson , who helped
us in this task. We thank Dr Anna Kilonback for helping with some of the clinical examination
photographs. We thank Nhlanhla Siband<!- and M&N Video Productions for filming the clinical
We thank our families for their sacrifice during the time we were writing the book and filming t he
videos. Our wives Anna Zengeya (Stanley) and Bhuvaneswari (Tiroumourougane) deserve special
mention for their great sacrifice during the long, arduous process of completing this project. We thank
our children for giving up some of their time and th e interaction we cherish. Without their support we
could not have achieved this task. We would like tb acknowledge the support provided by Christopher
Read and Katy Loftus of OUP.


Contributors xiv

1 How to prepare for the MRCPCH clinical examination

2 Effective communication in the ex am 9

3 Focused history taking 2I

4 The principles of physical examination 33
5 Examination of the cardiovascular system 39

6 Examination of the respiratory system 53

7 Ex amination of the abdomen 65

8 Examination of the central nervous syst~m 79

9 Ex amination of cranial nerves 97

1 0 Examination of the cerebellar system I 15

11 Developmental examination 123
12 Examination of the musculoskeletal system 141

13 Ex amination of the child with short stature /6 I

14 Ex amination of the skin and skin appendages 173

Index 189


Dr N ick Archer MA, MB BChir FRCP FRCPCH DCH

Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist, Oxford Children's Hospital
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Oxford
(Contributed parts of chapter 5)
Dr Paul Timothy O'Keeffe MB BS, BSc, MRCP (UK). MRCPCH
Consultant Paediatrician, Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Tru st, Swindon
(Contributed parts of chapter 13)
Dr Lyn Williamson BM BCh, MA (Oxon), DRCOG, DCH, MRCGP, FRCP
Consultant Rheumatologist, Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon
Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Oxford
(Contributed parts of chapter 12)

Contributors to the DVD

Dr Nick Archer MA, MB, BChir, FRCP, FRCPCH, DCH
Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist, Oxford Children 's Hospital
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Oxford
Dr Ravindranath Chinthapalli MB BS, DCH. MRCP (UK), FRCPCH
Consultant Paediatrician, Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon
Dr Sri Dantuluri MBBS, MD, MRCPCH
Specialist Registrar in Hepatology, Leeds
Dr Karen Jenkins MRCGP
GP Partner, Nottingham
Dr Akhila Kavirayani MBBS, MD Paediatrics, MRCPCH
Specialist Registrar in Paediatrics, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
Dr Janet King MB, FRCP, FRCPCH
Consultant Paediatrician, Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon
Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Bristol
Dr Paul Timothy O'Keeffe MB BS, BSc, MRCP (UK) , MRCPCH
Consultant Paediatrician , Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon
Dr Helen Price MD, FAAP, FRCPCH
Consultant Paediatrician , Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon
Dr Angus Tallini MRCS, MRCGP
GP Principal, Falkland Surgery, Newbury, Berkshire
Chapte r 1 How to prepare for the
MRCPCH clinical examination

About t he clin ical examination 3

How to prepare 5

About the clinical exam in at ion

About t he clinical examination

The clinical examination for the MRCPCH is a major hurdl e that every aspiring paediatrician has to
face in their career. As the exam is designed to differentiate between the prepared and unprepared
candidates, it is important to be well trained. To p ass th e MRCPCH exam, the candidate needs to
demonstrate that they have the clinical skills ex pected of a newly appointed specialist registrar.
According to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, the aim of the ex amination is to
' improve the standard of medical care, educate and examine doctors and provide information to the
public on the health care of children'. Competence is expected in various aspects of paediatric
medicine, including history taking, communication, establishment of rapport, physical examination,
clinical judgement, professional behaviour, and ethical practice. On the Royal College of Paediatrics
and Ch ild Health website, www.rcpch, a lot of information is provided for candidates. Every
candidate is encouraged to visit this website before sitting the exam .
Conventionally, the MRCPCH clinical exam consisted of a long case, a short cases, and a viva.
However, concerns were raised about the validity of the traditional system, as it focused mainl y on
knowledge rather than competence. According to George Miller, who propos ed a pyramidal
framework for assessing clinical competence, the lowest leve l of the pyramid of assessment is the
evaluation of knowledge. This is tested by written ex aminations. At the second level, the assessment tests
not only the theoretical knowledge but also the application of this knowledge. At the third level, the
individual has knowledge, knows how to do it, and shows how it is done. This is the level of 'true
competence' and the MRCPCH clinical examination tests at this level (figure 1.1). In 2004, a major
change was brought about in the clinical examination , in which competency-based 'objective structured
clinical examination' replaced the traditional system . In the new MRCPCH clinical examination, the
candidate goes through a 'circuit' of clinical stations. Competency-based assessments provide a
measure of the subject's skills in controlled representations of clinical practice and are regarded by
both candidates and examiners as a fairer evaluation method. Candidates are given instructions either
by the examiner or in written format with a predetermined 'o pening statement' . The current format
tests several key areas that are considered to be essential for a competent clinician. These skills include
communication, systematic and directed clinical ex amination, developmental assessment, logical
organization of thoughts, and management planning.
The MRCPCH clinical exam measures the extent of the learner's knowledge, skills, and attitudes, to
determine the success or failure of the candidate. This is chiefly a skill-based examination and is a critical
test of the candidate's bedside behaviour and diagnostic competence. The examiners are not looking for
encyclopaedic knowledge; they are just looking to ascertain that the candidate can be trusted to carry
out a satisfactory clinical examination , make competent assessments, and formulate an appropriate
management plan. In essence, the examiner wants to know whether the candidate would be safe and
competent as a registrar working in a busy unit.


Shows how

Knows how

Figure 1.1 A simple model of competence.

From: Miller GE. T he assessment of clinical skills/ performance . Acad M ed 1990: 65 (Su ppl.); 563-67.
Chapt er 1 H ow to pre pare for t he MRC PC H clini cal ex a mination

It is important to attempt the exam only when both the as pirant and the supervisor feel the
candidate is ready. The clinical exam is divided into ten O SC E-style (Objective Structured Clinical
Examination) stations, covering a wide range of systems and sce narios. The candidate should be full y
acquainted w ith the exam circuit, as lack of knowl e dge of th e exam format may lead to failure (figure
1.2). Like any othe r assessment, it is important to unde rstand not on ly the form at , but al so the
obj ectives of each of the compone nts. By a better understanding of w hat is be ing assesse d, preparation
(and practise) can be geared along those lines. The College has prepared 'anchor' statemen ts outlining
crite ria to grade the performances for each station. They provide examiners with guidance for marking
the performance of the candidate. Examiners are paired up at the start of each circuit to set standards
for awarding marks. These standards enable a decision to be made on what constit utes a pass, fail,
clear pass, or clear fail and will be sent with the candid ates' exam sheets to the college for future
reference. Examiners also agree on what they regard as an appropriate 'opening statement' for each
station , which will be used for every candidate passing through th at station . It is impo rtant for
candidates to listen careful ly to this statement.
The candidate shou ld focus o nly on the current station wit hout worrying about the previous ones.
The examiners do not know what has gone on in the stations before, which removes any bias from
poor performance in the preceding stations. Candidates are marked according to their performance
in the broad categories of conduct, exaf1!ination skills, and discussion with the examiner. In the
category of conduct, marks are awarded for professional be haviour, abi lity to estab lish rapport,
putting the child at ease, and communication skills with both th e child and the pare nts. In the category
of examination ski lls, evaluation is based on the candidate's abi lity to perform the clinical examination
in a structured fluent way, to identify and interpret the clinical signs accurately. Finally, marks are also
given to the candidate for their ability to discuss the diffe rential diagnoses and management plan .
Marks are awarded as clear pass (12), pass (1 0) , bare fail (8), clear fail (4) , and unacceptable (0) .
To pass the exam the candidate has to score 100 marks. Th e candidate must pass in every section to
gain an overall pass. If a candidate achieves a bare fail in one station, they may be able to compensate
for this by scoring a clear pass in another station. C andidates w ho score poorly are advised to defer
retaking the exam for one (marks between 70 and 80) or two sittings (marks below 70) .

Station 3 ... . . s~~~~~-~-4

Stat io n 1 St ati o n 2 Red and bl ue .. Red an d blue .

develo pm ent ----+
C o mmunicatio n
skill s 2
_. History taki ng and
management planning ____. Clinical video scenario
22m in
22 m in
~ ..
~ .
Clini cal exam:
neuro logical/ Stati o n 10 Station 5
skills 5
neurodi sability

Clinical ex am :
musculoskeletal / ....._ Clinical exam:
ab dom inal / oth er
....._ Cli nical exam :
re spir atory I other +-----
C linical exam:
cardiovascu lar
o ther

Station 9 .. Statio n 8 Station 7 Statio n 6

F igure 1.2 MRCPCH clinical examination circuit. All stations are of 9 mi nutes' du ration , except st atio ns 3 and 4
w hich are each 22 mi nutes in length .
From th e Royal C o llege of Paediatrics w eb srl:e,
How to prepare

How to prepare
These suggestions may appear didactic in nature but, obviously, it depends on the individual!

Learn to see, learn to hear, learn to feel, learn to smell and know that by practice alone can you
become ex pert. Medicine is learned at the bedside and not in the classroom.
Sir William Osler, 1919

In the clinical ex am, your skills rather than theoretical knowledge are tested. The examiner's intention
is to gain a reflection of the candidate's clinical competence . The competent candidate will identify
relevant clinical signs and coherently give an account of the findings in a professional manner. Most of
the preparation should be at the bedside with patients, as clinical competence cannot be gained from
textbooks. However, it is essential to learn the correct clinical methods from books and consultants
and then practise repeatedly until you perfect the methods. Clinical skills can be acquired only through
thoughtful preparation , reflection, and purposeful practice. Incorporating the newly gained ski lls
in day-to-day practice makes it easier to use them in the ex amination.

Physical preparation
For success in the exam, mere academic and mental preparation is not sufficient. When preparing for
ex ams, preserving physical well - being is as important as mental preparation. As the common phrase
'A sound mind in a sound body' says, you need complete physical and mental well-being. Tiredness,
poor nutrition, and stimulants undermine performance in the exam .

Keep your life as balanced as possible, especially during ex am time.

As far as possible, eat and sleep properly and regularly. Go to bed and get up at the same time
each day.
Eat a balanced, healthy diet.
Limit your alcohol intake.
Cut down on caffeine intake.

Mental preparation
For many of us, studying can be hard work. Many people regard exam preparation as one of
the most professionally rewarding challenges of their career.
Reinforce positive thinking. Believe in yourself, that you can succeed because you have the ability
and have prepared perfectly.
Avoid those who seem worried or scared about the ex am , as they can negatively affect your
Cultivate equanimity, which is the controlling of emotional o r mental agitation by will or as a
matter of habit even under hostile conditions.

Emotional preparation
Often, exams cause severe anxiety. You should therefore have a plan in place to deal with it in the
exam setting.
Use positive self-talk, and focus on what you will do nex t in the exam .
Practise relax ation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing. This will help to calm your
frayed nerves and settle you down. It will also help you to focus and gather your thoughts.

More than six months before the exam

Improve your knowledge in paediatrics by going through a standard textbook of paediatrics and
study the 'how to treat', 'education and practice' , photographs, and. dinical guideline sections of
paediatric journals such as the Archives of Disease of Childhood.
Chapter 1 How to prepare for the MRCPC H clinical examination

Study information on all the common diseases, though not in great detail.
Prepare yourself by gathering sufficient core knowledge of any condition you see in a patient.
Read material from websites such as the Department of Health (, National
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (, NHS Clinical Knowledge
Summaries (, Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (, and
NHS Evidence Health Information Resources (www.library.nhs.u k) , which provide policies,
guidance, and information on various childhood conditions.

One to six months before the exam

Collect all the resource materials with which you are pl anning to prepare.
Set a start date for preparation and a study timetable. Leave the last few weeks for revision.
Speak to past candidates, whose experience of the list of topics can be useful.
Plan your study leave and the 'off duty' days, both for the exam and any courses you may wish
to attend.
Form a study group:
Find others who are planning to sit the exam at the same time and form a small group of about
four to six people.
Meet regularly, discuss, and practise clinical examin ations.
Get one person to play the role of the patient, one doing the task, and (if possible) one
watching, timing, and commenting on the technique using a sample mark sheet. In doing this,
you will be able to get a feel for running to time and working under pressure.
Advantages of preparing in a study group:
Sharing of information about resources and interesting cases is useful.
It is an opportunity to practise clinical scenarios and examinations.
Presenting cases and teaching one another cements your learning.
While preparing:
Be familiar with core content and orient to key concepts of the clinical examination.
Prioritize your reading and learn to focus on clinical conditions you often encounter.
Work out an examination approach for each system that suits you; practise this over and over
until it is second nature to you; these steps should become part of routine examination in your
clinical practice.
Practise your presentation style; be concise but clear; rank the patient's problems ; focus on the
main points, differential diagnosis, and management plan. Remember, examiners like candidates
to be polished and thorough.
Consider all the cases in your routine practice as if they were your exam cases and approach
them in a similar manner to the exam.
Ask your registrars, colleagues, and consultants to assess and give feedback on your
Organize regular teaching sessions by the consultants or registrars in your wards. Visits to
teaching hospitals for clinical teaching might be useful for those in district general hospitals.
+ Take the time to visit the specialist wards-cardiology, respiratory medicine, neurology,
rheumatology, dermatology, developmental assessment units-and gain as much exposure as
Learn to answer to the point. If the examiner asks 'What is the diagnosis? ' you should say it
immediately and give the reasons based on your clinical findings, for example 'The diagnosis is
Down's syndrome based on the following features' , and then list them. State the most important
findings first. Give both the positive and negative findings.
How to prepare

Learn to summarize. Try the four-point presentation :

1. General findings: 'On examination the patient looks comfortable and he is small for his age.
I would like to plot his age and height on a centile chart'.
2. Important positive findings: 'My main findings were jaundice and an enlarged liver 3 em below
the costal margin which was hard but smooth'.
3. Important negative findings: 'However, there were no ascites or dilated veins on the
4. Clinical conclusion: 'These findings would be consistent with biliary atresia' .
Attend a clinical course for the membership exam if possibl e.

The week before the exam

Arrange a simulated examination practice with a 'mock' examiner (consultant, ex perienced
registrar, or fellow trainee). Arrange these with different people to broaden your experience and
learn how to respond to the varied approaches of different examiners.
Practise the timing of the clinical cases in your stud y group and get used to the pace of the exam.
Do more and more physical examinations on 'real patients'.
When you are nervous and stressed, tak~ some time out and relax before restarting your

On the day of the exam

Obviously, the clinical exam will be a stressful ex perience and so make sure you are well rested
the night before the exam .
Be positive that you will have a successful exam.
Dress conservatively to convey professionalism .
Men can wear a suit with a tie. Avoid the white coat! Do not forget to carry a watch. Carry
a comb for a last-minute touch -up. Fingernails should be short. Shoes should be comfortable
with socks that match the shoes.
Women can wear a trouser suit or knee-length skirt, minimal conservative style jewellery, and
make-up. Have neat, non-fussy hair, which should be kept out of your face . Avoid using heavy
perfumes. Fingernails should be short, ideally without polish, or with neutral colour only. Shoes
should be comfortable, preferably without high heels. Carry a comb or brush for a last-minute
Organize material (identity document, admission letter, equipment such as stethoscope, toy,
patella hammer, ophthalmoscope, measuring tape, alcohol gel) the day before the exam.
However, rem ember that all the equipment you need , except a stethoscope, might be in the
room and so look around and see what is there and use it if appropriate!
Arrive early so that you have the time to prepare mentally an d analyse the exam situation.

During the exam

Smile! Be calm and confident. Fear is fine, but keep it in your heart and not on your face or in
your handshake. After all, it is an exam and, even if you do not triumph, you will learn new things
which will help you to succeed later. Do not adopt the attitude that this is a difficult examination and
everybody fails it.
Adopt a good bedside manner, including a good approach to the patient, referring to the patient
by their ' correct' name, and obtaining consent before physical examination.
Look professional and show that you have done this many times before. Remember, do not
hesitate anywhere. Proceed as if you are confident about what you are doing.
Chapter 1 How to prepal"e for the MRCPCH clinical examin atio n

Ensure the patient is as comfortable as possible . Expose the area for examination without
overexposure or underexposure. Remember to keep t he patient warm always.
Follow infection control measures such as hand washing or decontaminating with alcohol gel.
Speak slowly and clearly and make eye contact with the ex aminer.
Be sensitive to the needs of the child throughout the assessment.
Remember, if you are talking in front of the patient avoid using words that are likely to alarm or
upset the patient and the family, such as cancer or cerebral palsy. Instead, use euphemisms such
as neoplastic disease or developmental delay.
Be meticulous in your approach and complete the examination in every station . Examine
everything even if it seems irrelevant.
Describe your findings clearly before you make a diagnosis. State important positives and
Always be honest. Do not make up physical signs or give conflicting findings. Think carefully about
what you want to say before you speak. If you have made an error, retract the remark and start
Often, the examiner may prompt you to bring you back on track if you are straying from what
they want, so listen carefully to the exan:iner.
However, do not expect encouragement or feedback from the examiner! This is an assessment
and not a teaching session. A positive atmosphere is not necessarily a guide to passing or failing.
Ignore the atmosphere and concentrate on what the examiner asks you to do.
Don't argue your case too strongly with the examiner. Do only what the examiners ask you to do.
Don't mess around as this will irritate the examiner. If you feel the examiner is leading you to
reconsider your diagnosis, be prepared and keep an open mind.
Do not be overconfident! Humility is a good virtue.
Try to keep your answers as direct and brief as possible. If you stretch your answers
unnecessarily, it is possible the examiner will come up with new questions out of your answers.
You can influence what discussion might follow by what you say. If you are not sure
about something, do not mention it. Avoid long periods of silence! Keep talking whenever
Stay calm even when you are not sure of the diagnosis. Focus on the clinical findings and not on
the diagnosis. Offer a differential diagnosis and management plan. If you are not sure of the
diagnosis, give a differential diagnosis first. If you know the diagnosis, say it!
Do not rush your presentation and risk missing important points.
Do not allow the examiner's facial expression or mannerism to put you off. Some examiners are
'hawks', which may make you feel that you are doing badly. Some examiners are 'doves', acting
benignly, which might lure you into a false sense that you are doing well. Keep your focus and
ignore any distractions.
Do not be distracted by real or imaginary mistakes from previous stations. Remember, a few
minor mistakes will not make you fail. The examiners in each station are not aware of your
performance in the previous station. Even if you have made some errors, press on with the task
at hand. Do not convince yourself that you are doing badly. Dispirited candidates perform
progressively worse and may give up before completing the examination .
Do not assume that behind every case, there is a trap or rare diagnosis which you have never
come across. Most of the cases and questions are straightforward and need simple answers.
Don't try to be clever. Give simple answers to simple questions.
Never think you have failed until you get your result.

You CAN and WILL pass this exam!

Chapter 2 Effective communication
in the exam

Effective communication-the theory 11

Barriers to effective communication 14
Strategies to overcome barriers to effective communication 14
Effective communication- the practice 15
Effective communication-the theory

Communication is not just giving information; rather, it is a two-way process and involves the exchange
of information, ideas, and knowledge. Effective communication is the key to success and can be
achieved only if the receiver understands the exact information the sender is aiming to transfer.
Medical communication is the art of speaking clearly and professionally, while reducing the possibility
of being misunderstood. It will increase patient satisfaction and trust and improve understanding of
treatment and compliance. Examiners consider effective communication to be the most essential skill
any doctor requires to deal with the patient's problems. The General Medical Council has highlighted
the importance of communicating well by stating that 'medical graduates must be able to communicate
clearly, sensitively and effectively, not only with patients and their relatives, but also with colleagues
and other healthcare professionals'.
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Heath has put so much emphasis on communication that
this is the only skill that is tested in t:Wo independent stations in the clinical examination. The College feels
that a careful assessment of communication skills distinguishes the good candidates from the bad ones.
Often, overseas-trained candidates and non-native English speakers find this station difficult, as they
may not have grasped the basic skills of this assessment. In this station, the examiner will watch a
communication scenario between the candidate and the patient's family. It is of utmost importance to
read the instructions careful ly and understand them. A common mistake is to confuse this station with
history taking. The examiner's task is to obserye only and not to ask any questions or make any comments
on the candidate's performance. At the end of the episode, the examiner will evaluate the candidate's
performance. The key competence skills required in the communication station are given in table 2.1.

Effective communication-the theory

Effective communication is a two-way process in which there is an exchange of thoughts,
feelings, or ideas towards a mutually accepted goal. Speaking and listening are the two arms of

Table 2.1 Key competence skills required in the communication station

Competence skill Standard

To understand the process of Show appropriate skills in the triadic consultation: child, family and doctor
communicating with children
and their families
To understand how to Understand the importance of age in communicating with a child
communicate with a child Engage the child during conversation and use suitable language which the child
can understand
To demonstrate competence Employ both open and closed questions in communication
in asking questions Show proper wording of open-ended and directed questions and correct use
of each type of question
Awareness of communicating Capacity to communicate effectively in a time-limited scenario
effectively and sensitively Demonstrate the ability to address relevant issues
Avoid getting superficial and superfluous information irrelevant to the main
Understand the various Display the ability to use verbal and non-verbal cues in communication
elements of effective Demonstrate the ability to listen to the famil y or child and show empathy
communication Show awareness of the need to check the patient's or parent's understanding
and answer any questions raised
Competence in summarizing Summarize the information discussed
the information Offer more support to the famil y and opportunities in future for further
Chapter 2 Effective communication in t he exam

effective communication . One cannot be an effective communicator if both speaking and listening are
not mastered .
Medical communication starts with speaking, which requires a sender, a message, a medium or
channel, and a receiver. The sender encodes a package of information and transmits this by a
medium to the receiver. Commonly used media include air, noise, signal, and paper. Content and
context are the two elements of information that will be transmitted via the medium. Content is the
actual words or symbols. Context is the way the message is delivered , that is the non-verbal
components such as body language, facial expressions, posture, gestures, eye contact, and state of
emotion. During communication, context is extremely important as it helps the patient and the doctor
to understand one another. On receiving the message, the recipient decodes it and can give the sender
feedback (figure 2.1).
Context has static and dynamic components. The static components are distance, orientation,
posture, and physical contact. The distance between the speaker and recipient reflects the intensity of
the exchange. In general, it should be about an arm's length without any intervening object such as a
table. Posture conveys the interest in the conversation and the best posture is sitting upright, leaning
forward slightly with the arms open. Physical contact such as shaking hands, touching, or patting on the
back reflects an element of intimacy and is useful to convey empathy.
Facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, .and vocal elements are some of the dynamic components
of context. Facial expressions such as smile, frown, raised eyebrow, yawn, and sneer convey interest
or the lack of it and are watched constantly by the recipient. Gestures are hand movements, which can
express the speaker's intent and interest. Eye contact is a principal feature of communication and can
convey emotion, reluctance, interest, or boredom. Failure to maintain eye contact may suggest
depression, embarrassment, or lack of interest in the conversation. Excessive eye contact may point
to anger or aggression. Vocal elements such as tone, pitch , rhythm, and loudness signal various
Feedback helps to convey the recipient's understanding to the speaker and can be either verbal or
non-verbal (e.g. nodding the head to show agreement). Providing feedback is not repeating the
speaker's words; rather, it is expressing the meaning using different words to achieve greater clarity.

.. Encoding
concept, information, -~

idea or feelings message sent in words or symbols


Common~ Common
language r~ , language



Feedback after decoding

Figure 2.1 The process of communication.

Effective communication-the theory

Active listening is the foundation of effective communication . While hearing is the act of reception
of sound, listening involves the reception, decoding, and interpreting the aural stimuli. In simple terms,
active listening is 'hearing for meaning'. Active listening does not mean the listener agrees with the
speaker. On the contrary, the listener shows his understanding of what the speaker said. Active
listening builds trust and avoids misunderstandings. It enables people to open up and to say more. The
various stages of active listening are hearing, focusing on the message, comprehending and interpreting,
analysing, responding, and, finally, remembering. Using correct body language, asking open questions
(open questions lead to descriptive answers, while closed questions are answered with a short phrase),
listening non-judgmentally, summarizing, reflecting, cl arifying, and showing empathy are some of the
means of listening actively.

Principles of e ffective communication (figure 2.2)

The following are the most important, basic principles of effective communication.

It is important to set a goal at the beginning of the conve rsatio n.

Effective communication is dependent not only on content (words), but also on context (body
langu age, tone of voice, expression, etc.) .
When the speaker is talking, the recipien~ should listen actively (see above).
Eliciting and evaluatir'g feedback and determining if the recipients not only heard the speaker
but also understood the meaning and intent will increase the effectiveness of communication.

Apologise for interuptions

Make refl ective co mments Make claryfing comments

Kee p adequate distance ~ Facil itate

Listen acti vely

feedb ack
Maintain eye contact

Show empathy Appropriate

facial expressions
and gestures

Use open & Check

closed questions understanding


Dress fittingly

Take notes
Sit at the same level

Figure 2.2 The components of good communication.

Chapter 2 Effective communication in the exam

When providing feedback, use positive rather than negative feedback. Positive feedback is more
readily and accurately sensed than negative feedback. The language used in feedback should be
It is important to find the right balance of the components of communication (setting goal,
content. context, active listening, and feedback) and any one aspect should not be overdone.
Always remember the five Cs of communication:
Clarity (being clear, distinct, and easily perceived)
Completeness (providing all the necessary or appropriate information)
Conciseness (giving information in few words)
Concreteness (being perceived by the senses; not abstract or imaginary)
Correctness (conforming to accepted standards).

Barriers to effective communication

Patient- or doctor-related barriers:
Culture and personality differences between doctors and patients can interfere and change the
meaning of the message conveyed. ,
Focusing on self: effective communication is about listening and focusing on the other person
rather than self. Focusing on oneself might be either because of feeling of superiority ('I know
more than you') or defensiveness ('If I let him ask anything, he will expose my ignorance').
Bias of perception: one may dismiss the speaker if he or she feels they are talking too fast or
Environmental: bright lights and noise are potential distracters, which will affect the
concentration of both the sender and the recipient and impede effective communication.
Language barriers.
Doctor-related barriers:
Lack of good communication skills: many doctors do not understand the components of
effective communication . Even among those who understand the basics, few practise and hone
the skill.
Inadequate knowledge or training in context.
Lack of knowledge about the condition: this is not necessarily a barrier to effective
communication, provided, the doctors are honest about the limit of their knowledge.
Fear of disagreeable response from patients: doctors expect an unfavourable response and
present an incomplete or misleading picture to avoid this.
Stress, particularly from exams.
Patient-related barriers:
Patients and their families may steer conversations away from difficult topics.
Shyness, confusion, and fear of death or disability.

Strategies to overcome barriers to effective communication

Plan the responses after the other person has finished and not while speaking.
Take brief notes, which will help to concentrate on what is being said.
Encourage and allow others to talk.
One should not try to dominate the conversation.
Avoid finishing the sentences for others.
Effective communication-the practice

+ Provide feedback at an optimum level and don't interrupt the other person endlessly.
Answer a question with a statement and not with another question.
+ In general, one should spend more time listening than talking.
Avoid being preoccupied with your own thoughts while others are talking.

Effective communication-the practice

Patients want the doctor to 'listen' to them and give them enough time to discuss their problems.
Unfortunately, in the communication station, the candidate is allowed only 9 minutes with the patient.
The good candidate will be expected to prove competence in managing what is usually a difficult
communication scenario in this limited time . Some of the commonly tested areas in the MRCPCH
exam are given in table 2.2.

Before entering the station:

Stay calm, read the scenario, and draw up a plan.
Avoid talking to others.
Environment-the setting (figure 2.3):
Make sure you are dressed fittingly, as a neat, conservative appearance may be regarded as a
sign of competence by the patient.
Ensure the room is comfortable with good lighting.
Set the examination room to promote and heighten the candidate-patient interaction. Arrange
the furniture appropriately to encourage a sense of partnership between the child, parents,
and the doctor. Never sit across the table. A preferred arrangement is to sit by adjacent sides
of the table at the same level.
Remove distractions; switch off mobile phones and bleeps.
Initial steps :
Introduce yourself: shake hands with the child and family members.
i Clarify roles : explain why the meeting has been arranged.
Confidentiality: 'What ever we are discussing is confidential and between us only and will not
j be divulged to anyone else without your permission'.
1 Establish rapport.
Show empathy and respect.
i Maintain eye contact throughout the meeting.
:j Communication etiquette:
:j + Address the child by their correct name and not just he or she. This shows your appreciation
:I of the child's individuality and their presence.
~I + Parents should be addressed in a formal style, for example as Mr and Mrs Smith, and not as
i mum or dad.
~ Ensure privacy for all sensitive communication. A patient is unlikely to reveal personal
information if they think the person next door can hear what is being said.
If parents do not speak English fluently, ask for an interpreter.
Avoid making assumptions about the child and the family or sounding vague.
Avoid frequent interruptions and do not be dismissive of a patient's or parent's concerns.
Allow them to ask questions and answer them.
+ Do not argue with the parents, as their viewpoint can be valid and correct.
+ Show that you are listening actively, by:
appropriate eye contact
posture (for example, sitting forward facing the pat ient)
Chapter 2 Effective communication in the exam

Table 2.2 Possible scenarios in the communication station

Category Examples Special comments

Giving Discussing a complex diagnosis, G ive accurate information

information for example Guil lain-Barre Use simpl e, easy to understand language- avoid jargon
syndrome Allow the family time to digest information-they can come
back later for further information or discus sion

Ease distress and reassure, for Give accurate information

example a mum worried about Avoid the use of jargon
a thriving preschool child with Show empathy
chronic diarrhoea (you
Acknowledge and respond to the child's and parents'
diagnosed toddler's diarrhoea),
or a mum worried about
MRSA outbreak in the N ICU
where her preterm baby is
receiving care

Explaining treatment, for Give reasons and explain the likely benefits of therapy
example endocarditis Possible side effects
prophylaxis Ask whether they are likely to comply with the treatment

Explaining a procedure, for Draw diagrams if possible

example ventricular tap in a Give parents time to react to information
chi ld with posthaemorrhagic A llow questions

Breaking bad For example inform parents Build the bad news gradually
news about a diagnosis of leukaemia, Give accurate information about treatment options and
or a premature baby in special outcome sensitively
care with sudden worsening Avoid the use of jargon
due to intraventricular
Show empathy
Acknowledge and respond to the child's and parents'
Allow the patient time to react to information
Leave room for hope
Check understanding
Allow time for questions
Summarize information

Accidental drug overdose in a Explain what has happened and how it happened
health-care setting Apologize sincerely for the error
Give possible reasons for the accident
What are the likely effects of this incident- how likely the
child is to suffer harm
What is being done to ensure that this will not happen in the

Persuade For example convince an Give accurate information about treatment options and
adolescent with paracetamol outcome sensitively
poisoning who is refusing Allow time to react to information
treatment Avoid the use of jargon
Show empathy
Acknowledge and respond to the child's emotions
Effective co mm u nicatio n- the practice

Tab le 2.2 Continued

Category Exa m ples Special co mm e nts

Respo nding to Dissatisfaction abo ut treatment Un ders tand w hy the patient or parent is angry
patient or some aspect of Reflect on the patient's anger by putt ing it into w ords
di ssatisfaction management, for ex ampl e a Acknow ledge the patient 's emotion
delay in diagnosis or treatment Achieve a clear understanding of th e patient's pers pective
Find common ground and steer the discussion away from the
point of conflict
Avoid confron tation
Attempt to res o lv e t he situation

Cross-cultural Treatment compliance Ex plore and cl arify t he pro bl em

communication problems Do not assume the patient cannot und erstand you
Use an interpreter w hen necessary
W o r k w ithin t he pati ent's framew ork of understanding
Ex plore the pati ent 's view w ithin the no rms of their culture
Ex plore solutio ns wi thin t he patient 's norms and terms of
Involv e other agencies as suggested
Discussing Discussing a do not resuscitate Recognize this is a highly emotionall y charged discussion
resuscitation order Get the setting right
Use appropriate language--no jargon
Set the scene with an account of the patient's illness
Ex plain the need f o r discussion on resu scitation
Respond to famil y's emotio ns with empathy
Discuss support and aftercare
Offer an opportunity to ask qu estions and time for the famil y
to come to term s with decisions

. -t.-- -

Figure 2.3 An environment to prom o te good commun ication.

Chapter 2 Effective communication in the exam

nodding your head

encouraging the patient to 'go on'
asking questions directly related to or following what has just been said.
Facilitation: encouraging the patient to say what they want to say, for example saying 'please
continue' .
+ Clarification: make clear what you mean or what the patient means.
Reflection: this is a remark expressed after careful consideration of the patient's words.
Use of a pause or silence: there are moments when it may be necessary to pause or to remain
silent to allow the patient to digest the information . Do not rush!
Empathy: react to patient's state of mind and emotion. Give timely, kind words and a
sympathetic look to an upset patient; for example you can say, 'I understand how you feel'.
Information delivery:
+ Before giving information, find out what the patient knows about their problem and its possible
+ Identify and acknowledge the family's beliefs and worries.
Use a combination of open and closed questions. Answers to questions depend on how the
questions are asked.
Patients and their families may be unwilling to express their real concerns, but may give verbal
and non-verbal cues. You should pick up on these cues and explore them to get to the root
cause of the problem.
+ Outline what you will discuss and give the most important information first.
+ Give information sensitively with empathy.
+ Frame your answer in terms of what you know, while keeping the information specific and
Use plain language with concise and clear wording. Avoid the use of medical terms. Do not
assume the parents understand the meaning of some of the medical jargon . For example, any
headache could be regarded as 'migraine' by parents.
+ Allow moments of silence to reflect on the discussion .
+ Take notes to focus and to show your seriousness in the conversation.
+ Where suitable, use drawings to explain.
+ Take into account the cultural views of the family.
+ Deal with issues sensitively and try to alleviate anxiety.
+ Check their understanding of information given.
In defensive situations, for example if a parent asks a question that you may not know
the answer to, be honest. Do not be afraid to say 'I don't know' or 'I am not really sure ...
but I will find out or I will discuss this with the person who knows about the area of concern
and get back to you'.
+ Repeat or summarize your understanding at intervals.
+ Stay quiet when the family is talking.
~,.. .;

... _..: + Always be open and show it in your face and body language.
Adopt a receptive posture.
::j Have appropriate eye contact .
Keep your arms open and don't cross them.
+ Show appropriate facial expression and gestures.
Do not keep thinking about what you are going to say next instead of listening.
Observe and question judiciously as part of the listening process.
Effective communication-the practice

+ Towards the end of the interview, ask the child or the parent to summarize what has been
discussed .
o If you are running out of time, tell the parents that due to lack of time you will continue the
discussion at a later time.
+ Summarize what you have said and what the patient has told you. It allows you to check the
accuracy of information that has been exchanged.
+ Always close the conversation with a follow-up plan.
+ Enquire if they want to add anything.
+ End by thanking the child and the family.

Common scenarios: giving information

Failure to give information or a satisfactory explanation is the most common cause of dissatisfaction
among patients. In most of the scenarios, the candidate will face a situation where they will be required
to give information to the patient's family. Essential steps in giving information effectively are:

understanding the information

using plain language, which is easily understood by the recipient
exploring the family's views on the information given
when there is a conflict, trying to see the patient's view
considering the cultural views of the family
checking their understanding of information given
responding to the questions and emotional reaction
summarizing the main points of the discussion.

Common scenarios: breaking bad news

Breaking bad news is a vital skill for any MRCPCH exam candidate. Bad news is information that is
perceived by patients and families to affect their future adversely. Breaking bad news is a challenging
task which needs to be approached with skill and sensitivity. Keep an open mind on what is ' bad news'.
Some patients are distressed by seemingly good news, while others experience some relief on hearing
bad news. It is advisable to give bad news to both parents, along with anyone else who they feel might
offer support. Ideally, information should be given in a suitable place free from interruptions (this is not
relevant for exam purposes but is an important point to remember).
Key points of breaking bad news are as follows.

Do it slowly or at a pace dictated by the patient or famil y.

Show empathy: do not be afraid to lay a comforting hand on a shoulder.
Clarify and remind the patient or family about confidentiality.
Start with what the patient already knows (ICE,- Ideas (beliefs), Concerns, and Expectations) .
Find out what they want to know.
Be attentive, listen, and give information sensitively.
Elicit the patient's own resources for coping.
Don't react defensively if the family becomes angry on hearing the news.
Offer continuing support for the famil y, including counselling services.
Instil realistic hope.
Reassure the family that future meetings can be arranged if they feel it is necessary.
Learn the cultural background of the family and how it influences their perceptions of disease and
treatment. Be open-minded about cultural practices unfamiliar to you.
Chapter 2 Effective communication in the exam

Points to employ while communicating with children:

+ Adapt what you say to child's level of understanding. Relate t o the child according to their
developmental age. Learn what the child knows about illness and death.
Put yourself at the same level as the child while talking to them.
Learn the child's terminology for their concerns.
Engage the help of a parent or carer wherever possible.
Be honest. Do not lie or give false information or reassurance .
~ Repeat the information and check what the child has understood.
~ Play, drawings, and real-life examples can help the child to understand disability and loss.
Attend to the needs and concerns of parents and siblings, who are sometimes more distressed
than the child.
Accept that bad temper and temper tantrums are normal reactions.
Allow time for questions and concerns.
Points to avoid while communicating with children:
Rely too much on bribery or small gifts.
Make promises you cannot keep, for example 'this won't hurt'.
Use complex language, which the chtld will not understand .
Patronize-particularly true with adolescents!
At the end of the session, check the parents' and the child 's understanding:
Review and prioritize the problems
Work out an agreed management plan and follow-up.
Give time to ask questions: 'Is there anything you wish to ask me?'
Thank the family for their time.

In this station Dr Helen Price talks to a young mother whose baby has been found to
have an unexplained fracture of the arm. She communicates effectively by introducing herself,
clarifying her role, showing appropriate empathy, and avoiding the use of medical jargon. She
maintains good eye contact and demonstrates appropriate body language. Dr Price listens to the
mother and answers her questions. Finally, she summarizes all the key points at the end of the
In this video, Dr King examines a candidate who is breaking bad news to a mum whose
infant was in a special care baby unit. You will notice that the candidate does show empathy and
makes an effort to explain the underlying problem but she also uses a lot of medical jargon, which
is pointed out both by the mum and the examiner. At the end, Dr King gives her feedback on her
Chapter 3 Focused history taking

Principles of focus ed history taking 23

Outline of the paediatric history 26
Special case: history from a teenager 3I
Principles of focused history taking

Focused history taking is a vital part of the MRCPCH clinical exam; candidates are expected to grasp
the key issues and formulate an effective management plan . This station requires candidates to be
efficient, purposeful, and well-directed in their approach. The candidate is expected to obtain and
present the key facts in the history and suggest an appropriate management plan. The examiner sits in
the room as an observet while the candidate takes the history. This gives the examiner ample
opportunity to assess the candidate's communication skill s, general approach, and knowledge of the
condition. Only 13 minutes are allowed with the patient in the presence of the examiner. In the
subsequent 9 minutes, the candidate will present and discuss the history. Problem-oriented history and
management is the most effective way of approaching this station.
The objectives of obtaining a focused paediatric history are:

to establish and maintain rapport with the child and parents

to obtain an overview of the child's previous and current health issues
to establish the psychological, family, and social context of a child's illness
to reach a correct diagnosis (or form a differential diagnosis)
to plan an appropriate management strategy.

Although the principles of history taking in children are similar to those used for adults, there are
important differences in the scheme and the details. The paediatric case history is potentially more
difficult to elicit and is influenced by the age of the child. For each age group, you will have to adapt
your style. The primary historian may be the child or another person, usually the parent. The
consultation itself is triadic, involving the child, their family (or caregiver), and the doctor. Always keep
in mind the principles of communication (discussed in chapter 2) and use an empathic approach while taking
the history.
Although in most cases the parents give the history, the child must also be encouraged to speak.
In young children who have limited speech, you must take the history through the parents or the
carers. In teenagers, there is a difficult line to tread between giving the child complete autonomy
and allowing the parent to be the main historian. The better approach would be to allow both
parties to contribute equally. In some cases this can be very challenging, as there may be conflicting
accounts. In such instances, as the patient is the child and not the parent, focus your attention on the
child's story whist engaging the parents. In general, children older than 4years understand what is
being said and should be allowed to contribute to the history. Often, teenagers may wish to give the
history themselves without the parent. If the child or family is not well versed in English, seek an
At the outset, it is essential to establish rapport with the child and the parents. As emphasized in
chapter 2, it is important to listen actively to the parents and the child. Encourage the child to speak.
Do not be dismissive of the child's or parent's concerns. Allow them to ask questions and answer
them as truthfully and honestly as possible. The dictum 'the parents are always right, unless proved
otherwise' is invariably true.
Time management is crucial for success in this station. Patients always want a doctor to listen to
them and give them enough time. Given the limited available time, keep the history relevant and
focused. Avoid asking the diagnosis at the start, as the history will give the cues to the possible diagnosis.
Remember, just getting the correct diagnosis does not guarantee success. It is the principles used to
get there that the examiner is looking for. Key competence skills required during focused history taking
are given in table 3.1.

Principles of focused history taking

The preparation
The following section will guide and help you prepare for focused history taking in a systematic manner.
Pr-actise history taking and communication with a colleague using some of the common scenarios
Chapter 3 Focused history taking

Table 3.1 Key competence skills required in history taking

Competence skill Standard

Understand the process and appreciate the Ability to obtain a focused paediatric history in a limited time
difference in obtaining a paediatric medical Demonstrate this skill in the triadic consultation with the child,
history in comparison to an adult their famil y, and the doctor
Understand how the age of the child has an Ability to engage the child and value their contribution
impact on medical history
Demonstrate competence in the use of Ability to employ both open and closed question while taking
open-ended and closed questions a paediatric history
Use proper wording of open-ended and directed questions
Understand the importance of various Demonstrate ability for focused history taking when time is
elements of history in a paediatric patient limited and avoid obtaining superfluous information not relevant
to the main problems
Obtain history on various aspects including perinatal history, birth
history, development, immunization , family and social history
Demonstrate competence in summarizing ~bility to synthesize the information gathered into a coherent,
and presenting to the examiner logically logical history
information gathered in history taking Ability to think through the information gathered and explain any
conflicts identified
Create an appropriate list of differential Ability to form differential diagnosis and an appropriate
diagnosis, investigations, and management management plan including relevant investigations
Understand the role of the multidisciplinary Identify the relevant key members of the multidisciplinary team
team in managing complex chronic who may be required for the management of children with
conditions complex probl ems

listed in table 3.2. You can also ask your registrars and consultants to watch you take histories in
routine clinical practice and get some useful feedback. There is only one way to master this station-
practise taking and presenting the history again and again.
In the exam, put yourself in the place of the child or the parent before taking a history. This will give
you some insight into their problems. You should adopt a systematic approach to taking a history and
come up with a list of problems, even if the diagnosis is known. While taking a history, try to identify
the features that support your diagnosis.

Two minutes before entering the station

Before entering the station, read the scenario carefully and identify the objectives clearly. Decide the
outline and the point of origin of the interview. Quickly note down important points that you should
address. As already mentioned, remember the child's name, age, and sex, as well as the caregiver's
name , before you start talking. In the exam, you will have 13 minutes to get the history. Use 9 minutes
to take the history and 4 minutes to complete, summarize, and recheck the history.

Environment-the setting
Make sure you are dressed fittingly for the exam . Remember, good conservative dressing may be
positively regarded by the patient as a sign of competence.
Ensure the room is comfortable with good lighting.
Set the exam room to promote and facilitate candidate- patient int~raction. Arrange the furniture
appropriately to encourage a sense of partnership between the child, parents, and the doctor.
Principles of focused history taking

Table 3.2 Possible cases in a focused history station

Disease Important associated problems

Genetic conditions
Trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome) Cardiac defects, learning difficulties, hypothyroidism, speech and
language problems

Turner's syndrome (XO) Cardiac defects, learning difficulties, growth problems

Cri-du-chat syndrome Cardiac defects, learning difficulties, growth problems

Noonan's syndrome Cardiac defects, growth problems

Williams' syndrome Cardiac defects such as supra valvular aortic stenosis, pulmonary
stenosis, learning difficulties

22q11 Deletion syndromes Cardiac defects, learning difficulties, endocrine problems

(di George, velocardiofacial syndrome)

Neurofibromatosis type 1 Multiple system involvement (cardiac, skeletal, renal), psychological

Tuberous sclerosis Epilepsy, learning difficulties

Marfan's syndrome Growth issues, cardiac complications, psychological

Friedreich's ataxia Neurological (ataxia), cardiac problems, genetics

Inflammatory conditions
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's Chronic abdominal pain, altered bowel habits, poor growth, anaemia
disease or ulcerative colitis)

Metabolic conditions
Diabetes mellitus (type 1) Usually type 1, poorly controlled, non- compliant teenager

Cystic fibrosis Growth failure, recurrent respiratory tract infections, diabetes

Birth trauma and neonatal problems

Cerebral palsy Different types of cerebral palsy, movement disorder, speech and
language problems, learning difficulties

Premature infant with complications Developmental delay, speech and language problems, visual, learning
difficulties, attention deficit hyperactive disorder
Biliary atresia Previous surgery such as Kasai procedure or liver transplant,
medications: immunosuppressives

Nephrotic syndrome Recurrent relapses, immunosuppressive use, complications of
long-term steroid use

Coeliac disease Gluten sensitivity, growth failure, special diet

Never sit across the table. A preferred sitting arrangement is to sit by adjacent sides of the table
at the same level.
Remove distractions-switch off mobile phones.

General principles
Introduce yourself and shake hands with the patient and family members.
Clat-ify the objective-explain why the meeting has been arranged.
Chapter 3 Focused history taking

Establish a rapport- it may be appropriate to use a toy to establish rapport with a preschool
child. Starting the conversation on a lighter note, such as talking about the weather or a current
subject of interest, will usually put the family at ease.
Show empathy and respect.
Address the patient by their correct name and not just ' he' or 'she'. Parents may be addressed in
a formal style as Mr and Mrs Smith, not as 'mum' or 'dad'.
If parents do not speak English, get an interpreter.
Maintain eye contact throughout the meeting.
Start with open questions followed by closed questions.
Keep a logical flow of content.
Note down important points only and give the child undivided attention. Avoid writing too much
and losing eye contact.
Speak clearly in plain language without the use of medical jargon. For example it is better to avoid
terms such as pneumonia, instead say chest infection. If you use a medical term, explain what you
mean and use these sparingly.
Find out how the family and the child feel about the problem and focus on the patient's
perspective of the illness.
Keep in mind the communication eti-quette discussed in chapter 2 and follow this during
history taking. Remember, the examiner is evaluating both your history taking and communication
In the final 4 minutes:
Check the list of the objectives which you prepared before the interview and complete any
missed points.
Ask the child and or parents 'What is most worrying for you?'
Ask them 'Is there anything important I didn 't ask?'
Summarize and clarify the history making sure all important aspects have been covered.
Thank them for coming to see you before they leave the room.

Outline of the paediatric history

Gather information under the following headings:

identifying data such as names and addresses

chief complaint and history of presenting illness
review of other systems-keep it concise in a paediatric case history; this is more helpful with
older children and teenagers
past history:
current medications
+ perinatal, especially for a young child
+ neonatal
immunization history
developmental history
family history
social history.
Outline of the paediatric history

Identifying data
full name and nickname
date of birth and age
full name of each parent
address and contact details of the child and each parent
phone numbers of each parent.

Chief complaint
The chief complaint is a brief description of why the child presented for medical care. Depending on
the child's age, it should be recorded in the parent's or child's own words. Where there are multiple
symptoms, list them depending on their relevance, their relationships, and the duration of each

History of the presenting illness

In the history of the presenting illness, the details of the chief complaint should be expanded. Establish
the date of onset when appropriate. Obtain' a concise chronological account of the illness, with a full
description of symptoms (suitable positive history) and relevant negatives from the onset to the
present time. Try to disentangle the facts instead of accepting the parents' interpretation. Allow them
to tell the history in their own way and later ask specific questions to fill in the necessary details. The
effect of medication on the chief symptom and any investigations, tests, or radiological studies that
have been done so far should also be noted.
Questions to ask about the current illness include:
When and how did it start?
Was the child well before symptoms started?
How did it develop?
What aggravates or relieves the symptoms?
What is the outline of the course of the symptom?
Have there been any earlier episodes of a similar illness?
Are there any other members of the family or friends with similar symptoms?
How has the illness affected the family?
How is the symptom affecting the child's life (such as lost nursery or schooldays)?

Systems review
After the history of the presenting complaint, it may be necessary to review briefly other systems
to check for their involvement. This may not be always necessary and it should be kept concise.
Ask questions relevant to the diagnostic hypotheses and use a systematic approach to evaluate
the symptoms.
general: fever, recent weight change, activity level, ability to keep up with peers
head : injuries, headache
eyes: discharge, redness, puffiness, vision-related problems
ears: difficulty in hearing, discharge, tinnitus, vertigo
nose: congestion , epistaxis
mouth: sore throat, swallowing difficulty, dental problems
respiratory: breat hlessness, cough, wheeze, hoarseness , haemoptysis, chest pain
cardiovascular: breathlessness, palpitation, syncope, oedema, exercise tolerance
Chapter 3 Focused history taking

gastrointestinal: vomiting, abdominal pain, frequ ency of bowel movements, jaundice

urinary: dysuria, frequency, urgency, nocturia, haematuria, menarche
neurological : altered consciousness, weakness, numbness, fainting, incoordination , tremors ,
musculoskeletal: deformities, pain, swelling, warmth, muscle cramps, gait changes
skin: rashes, itching
allergy: urticaria, hay fever, asthma, eczema
sexual history: this should be asked sensitively, with questions such as 'Some youngsters of your
age are sexually active. How about you?', and may be best asked in parents' absence. Other
points include onset and regularity of menarche in females, dysmenorrhoea, and onset
of pubertal changes in boys.

Past history
Medical: obtain the history about the child's significant past medical problems. Areas that should
be covered include:
reasons for continuing care
teams providing the continuing care
past hospitalizations
recent travel abroad or visitors from foreign countries.
Current medications: it is worth remembering that the parent's memory of medication may not
be accurate; some parents do not consider over the counter drugs to be medication . Look at the
prescriptions and GP letters for corroboration, which also serve as useful sources of additional
information . It is important to enquire about adverse drug reactions, which often are perceived
inappropriately as allergies.
prescribed medication: dose, route, duration
over the counter medication
complementary or homeopathic medicine
adverse reactions and allergies.
Periconception period: the relative importance of the following items depends on the age of the
child and the reason for the visit. The younger the child , the more detailed the history of
pregnancy should be. Important questions to ask are:
Was there any maternal illness around time of conception?
Was the child conceived naturally or by assisted reproduction?
If relevant, establish whether the child was adopted or in foster care, with due sensitivity to
the child's awareness of the facts.
Antenatal history: any factors relevant to maternal and fetal well-being should be recorded:
mother's age at delivery
previous pregnancies and their outcome, including history of pregnancy loss (spontaneous
or induced)
+ maternal medical history (e.g. antenatal infections)
obstetric complications (diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension , oligohydramnios,
polyhydramnios, rhesus incompatibility, antepartum haemorrhage)
~ maternal ex posure to prescribed medications or recreational substance at the time
of conception and throughout the pregnancy
level of antenatal care
investigations (first trimester screening, amniocentesis, radiology)
Outlin e of the paediatric history

+ maternal smoking and alcohol intake: how many cigarettes and how much alcohol per day
fetal growth and well-being.
Perinatal (birth) history: factors relevant to the child's health should be identified .
+ gestation
+ duration of labour
+ type of delivery (normal vaginal, forceps, vacuum extraction, Caesarean section , spontaneous
or induced)
place of delivery (hospital, birthing centre, home) and who attended the delivery (doctor,
nurse, midwife)
interventions in the delivery room, if any
+ birth weight
+ congenital malformations.
Neonatal history: relevant questions to ask about the neonatal period include:
+ length of stay in the hospital after birth
neonatal illnesses (feeding problems, infections, hypoglycaemia, hypothermia, anaemia,
convulsions, respiratory distress, or jaundice)
need for special care or intensive care
+ use of oxygen or respiratory support
+ Guthrie test, normally recorded in the Red Book.

Immunization history
The history should contain the list of the immunizations the child has received and reactions, if any.
Avoid unhelpful statements such as 'immunizations are up-to-date' . Be specific about the vaccines
the child has received and highlight the ones that have been missed. It is useful to glance quickly
through the personal health record (or Red Book) to get a full picture of immunizations and early

Developmental history
Developmental history is important in the younger child. In the older child, performance at school
should be included besides the developmental history. It may be useful to compare the child's progress
and milestones with that of siblings and peers. For details, refer to chapter 11.

ages of attainment of major milestones in all major streams of development- gross motor,
language, fine motor-adaptive (including cognitive and fine motor), and personal-social; current
developmental abilities-smiling, rolling, sitting alone, crawling, walking, running, first word, toilet
training, riding tricycle, etc.
attendance at day care, preschool, or school
+ When did the child start school?
+ How well is the child doing, are there any concerns?
+ Any additional support at school?
+ specific questions about progress in individuals subjects such as reading, spelling and mathematics
interaction with peers
+ normal sleep- wake cycle, alertness and activity
issues such as enuresis, temper tantrums, thumb sucking, head-banging, night terrors
emotional history-specific questions may be asked about:
+ hobbies and interests
+ emotionally disturbing life events, where appropriate , such as family break-up
Chapter 3 Focused history taking

feeding history:
+ initial feeding- breast or bottle (How often? How much? Why and any supplements)?
+ weaning-introduction of solids (including quality and quantity of solids, meal frequency,
adverse reactions to foods)
nutritional supplementation
current intake
fluid (including milk, juice, water, and beverages)
food (How many meals does your child eat? Favourite foods?) .

Family history
Gathering a complete and accurate family history is important , particularly in genetic diseases. Create
a family tree that includes the last two generations. Ask specific questions about the family that are
related to the child's chief complaint. For example if the child has rectal bleeding, ask for history of
inflammatory bowel disease. In addition, ask specifically about:

the age of the parents and the siblings

history of consanguinity and ethnic background
health of the father, mother, siblings, arid grandparents
whether any other member of the family has the same condition
in case of genetic conditions in the family, ask for the age of onset
any deaths, ages at death, and causes of death
if the child is adopted, ask the adoptive parents about any known family history.

Social history
This is separate from family history but is allied to it. It is the summary of lifestyle practices, which may
have a direct or indirect effect on a person's health and is a sensitive part of the history. Take care not
to offend when enquiring about the family by making assumptions about who may be present or
'involved'. Be prepared to allow information to come out gradually. Ask about the following:

parent's occupation/ employment
who provides childcare if both parents are working?
major life events-have there been any recent deaths, accidents, or divorce?
substance abuse-problems with alcohol or drugs
marital stability- do parents live together?
who has parental responsibility?
home environment
how many bedrooms?
how many occupants?
housing benefits
any modification to the home in cases of disability
does anyone in the family smoke?
any pets
economics- related:
finances, including aid-is the family on income support?
support systems-relatives and friends
recreational history-play, respite care.
Special case: history from a teenager

Special case: history from a teenager

Points to employ
Gain the patient's confidence.
Make sure ground rules and objectives are clear right from the start.
Start the interview with one of the parents initially. Later, talk to the teenager alone,
particularly regarding sensitive issues, as some may be unwilling to communicate in the
presence of a parent. Give assurance that confidentiality and privacy are guaranteed.
Make them understand why you need to ask certain questions.
~ Let them tell their problem in their own words.
<Q> Show interest in what the teenager and not the parent has to say. Encourage by saying ' I want

to hear what you think' .

Non-verbal cues are important in a teenager: looks, gestures, signs, and facial ex pressions.
Expressions of approval for positive attributes and suitably placed expressions of empathy will
go a long way in making teenagers comfortable. A sense of humour will help ease tension .
Sensitive topics such as substance abuse, sexuality, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and
family dysfunction must be handled carefully and left for the latter half of the interview when
rapport is established.
+ Ask about social habits-smoking, alcohol, hobbies, etc.
Ask about sexual history when relevant. Keep in mind the possibility of pregnancy!
Points to avoid
Do not start with the sensitive issues.
Do not be heavy handed with a difficult teenager.

Summarize in fo rmation
At the end of session, check the parent's and the child's understanding.
Review and rank the problems identified.
Give the child and parents time to ask questions 'Is there anything you wish to ask me?'
Work out an agreed management plan and follow up.
Thank the family for their time.

Discussion with the examiner

Give a concise presentation-try presenting from memory, only using written notes as a guide!
Focus on the main points.
Explore the impact of the illness on the child and the family.
Offer a differential diagnosis- keep it short and concise and include only conditions that could
ex plain all the child's symptoms and signs.
Have a clear management plan.
For investigations, always start with the least ex pensive, least painful, least invasive tests that offer
the greatest likelihood of confirming the diagnosis.

In this station on focused history taking, Dr Helen Price obtains a good histo ry by
introducing herself, clarifying her role, and asking both open-ended and closed questions. She
maintains good eye contact and has appropriate body language. Dr Price does not interrupt the
history taking. She engages both the child and the mother in the conversation. To conclude, she
summarizes and formulates an appropriate management plan.
Chapte r 4 The principles of physical

General approach 35
General approach

Examination of the child combines science with art; developing competence in paediatric examination
requires both knowledge of the correct technique and hours of hard work and practise. Lack of either
will make the examination technique incomplete or inadequate. Perhaps the greatest difficulty an
inexperienced doctor faces is to gain the confidence and trust of the child and their carers, while
creating an impression of grounded se lf-confidence.
In the examination, one should carry oneself well. This means you should be a good listener, be
interested, cheerful, respectful, warm. caring, friendly, empathic, competent, and diplomatic. It is
imperative to listen actively to the child and their carers and be as natural as possible-just as you
would be with your friend's child or indeed your own.
The examination begins the moment you enter the room . It is essential to understand that the
general approach to the physical examination of the child will be different from that of an adult and
will vary according to the age of the child . As the child's cooperation cannot be guarantied, you should
remember that it is impossible always to use a set protocol wh ile examining the child. We have listed
the essential steps of examination in a particular order so that all areas are covered, but the candidate
needs to adapt the examination sequence according to the needs of the child and the situation. As a general
rule, anything that will inevitab ly be uncomfortable or unpleasant for the child (e.g. otoscopy or rectal
examination) should be the ' last act' of the examination.
A common mistake made by nervous caQdidates is to talk too fast; this is a trait that will always be
more exaggerated under the stress of the exam. Pausing at the end of each sentence is an effective
way of slowing down. Ensuring that each word is pronounced completely will also lessen the pace of
your speech. Talking slowly and clearly with a smile on your face will help to hide nervousness.

General approach
In this book and the accompanying videos, examinations are performed in a systematic manner. These
steps provide a useful framework. Although there can be some flexibility, following the steps listed
here will improve your technique. Make sure you observe the following:

infection contro l
introduction, patient identification, and consent
establishing rapport with the child and parents
ensuring privacy of the patient
positioning the patient correctly
making a visual survey-head to toe examination
system examination, which should include:
examination of other re levant systems.

The following paragraphs describe in detail some of the steps that will help you to conduct
the examination professionally. These need to be repeated in every case, irrespective of the case

Infection control
On entering the examination room, show strict adherence to infection control by washing your hands or
using alcohol rub.
If you are wearing a long-sleeved shirt, roll it up above the elbow to be 'bare below the
elbows' .
Chapter 4 The principles of physical examination

Introduction, patient identification, and consent

Introduce yourself both to the parents and t he child in a warm friendly manner. A handshake may be
suitable for an older child. Kneel down or sit in a low chair to get down to the level of the child. U se
toys to help you gain the cooperation of infants and toddlers. G ive your name and explain the purpose
of your visit.
The following is an example of an introduction.

'Hello, I am Dr X.'
'Thank you for letting me ex amine your child.' (Avoid asking a question such as 'Can I ex amine
you? If the child says 'no', you are in real trouble!)
Asi< the name and age of the child, if not already told by the examiner.
Always address the child by their correct name.

Establishing rapport with the child and p arents

Do not jump to the ex amination straight away. Be calm and do not rush .
Try to start a conversation with the child . A short time spent establishing rapport will help in
gaining the child's confidence and cooperation. You may do this by appreciating the child's dress,
their toys, or their gadgets if they are older. With teenagers , it might be more useful to talk about
their hobbies or their sport idols.
Listen carefully to the 'ex aminer's opening statement'. For ex ample if you are ex amining an
8-year-old child and the ex aminer talks about 'recurrent aspiration as an infant', this might be
a clue as to why the child has subsequently developed bronchiectasis, the signs of which you
would then be expected to elicit.

Factors important for establishing rapport include:

Address the child by name.

Keep appropriate eye contact with the child.
Listen attentively to anything the child says and engage in conversation. However, be careful that
you do not significantly cut short the time available for your ex amination and if necessary interject
with 'I am sorry to stop our discussion about X. but can you tell me a little bit more about Y'.)
Give the child your undivided attention.

Ensure privacy
Make sure to draw the curtains and get the child 's permission before undressing them. Always ask
the parent to help in undressing an older child (when required). For toddlers and preschool
children, ask the parent to undress them, as it is less threatening to the child.
Do not take even the youngest child for granted. We have come across 3 year olds who have
suggested pulling the curtains before they remove their shirt!
Avoid undressing a child yourself, especially children of secondary school age.
Avoid undressing older girls, particularly teenagers. Wherever possible request the help of the
As a general rule, always have a chaperone when examining a child, irrespective of their age or

Positioning the patient

This depends on the system being ex amined and will be discussed in more detail in subsequent
chapters. In general, it is bette1 to start the visual ex amination in whatever position the child is, before
moving them to the position that is likely to yield most of the clinical findings. It is preferable to
ex amine preschool children on their carer's lap- they will feel much more relaxed.
General approac h

Basic methods of examination

A systematic approach to the examination will enable the candidate to identify any abnormal physical
finding and to assess its significance.

Inspection involves looking for physical signs by simple visual observation . One must do this first
before anything else. If you do not observe the child at the start before diving in with your hands, you
may miss something important and you may even end up making the wrong diagnosis. This seemingly
'easy' skill is the most difficult one to learn, yet it could yield the maximum number of physical signs. Often ,
candidates do not give enough importance to this skill, as it appears as though 'nothing is being done' .
Inspection should start from the first moment of contact with the patient and can be considered
general or local.

1. General inspection is the preliminary act of studying the body as a whole. Looking at the child as
a whole gives the composite picture. The points to note are activity, build, growth, behaviour,
speech, appearance of illness, dysmorphism, and many more, which are discussed in detail in the
relevant chapters.
2. Local inspection focuses on a single region. The findings to be noted vary with the system and are
discussed in the relevant chapters.

Use the tip of the fingers for palpation, as they are the most sensitive areas for tactile discrimination.
Palpation is done in two stages: light palpation and deep palpation. Always ask the child if any area is
painful before continuing with the examination. While palpating, look for the texture and temperature
of the skin. Describe in detail the size, shape, consistency, tenderness, mobility, and pulsation (expansile
or transmitted) of any underlying organ or mass.

There are two types of percussion: direct, where the object is percussed with the fingers, and
indirect, in which percussion is performed over the pleximeter finger which is placed firmly on the
body. There are four types of percussion sounds: resonant, hyper-resonant, dull, and stony dull. A dull
sound suggests the presence of a solid mass under the surface. A resonant sound points to underlying
air-containing structures.

Auscultation for the internal sounds of the body is relevant when examm1ng the cardiovascular,
respiratory, and abdominal systems or where a mass has been identified.
The relative importance of each of these techniques will depend on the system being examined
but an attempt should be made to use them all to ensure that the physical examination has been

Chapter 5 Examination of the
cardiovascular system

General approach 4/
Visual survey- head to toe examination 43
General tactile examination 43
System examination 46
Other systems 5I

General approach

All candidates taking the MRCPCH clinical examination w ill be expected to show competency in
carrying out the cardiovascular examination. It is important to listen carefull y to the examiner's
instructions and follow them . You may be asked only to auscultate the heart. If the examiner gives
such an instr uction, simpl y follow it!

Important-be fore you proceed

You are advised to buy a good paediatric stethoscop e, as it can reduce the difficulty in identifying
cardiac sounds. The diaphragm of th e stethoscope is d es ign ed to amplify high-pitched sounds; th e
bell does not amplify sound but transmits low-pitched sounds better than the diaphragm. The bell
should be placed lightly against the skin, while the diaphragm should be placed firmly on the ski n
for ideal sound amplification and transmission. It is possibl e to make the bell act li ke a diaphragm
by placing it firmly against the skin.

Examination of the cardiovascular system is best done in correlation with the available medical
history, as this often gives major clues. It is helpful to have a systematic approach to presenting
the findings, which of course should be practised thoroughly. Ho wever, the examination itself can be
performed in a different sequence depending ?n the age of the child and their degree of cooperation.
Key comp etence skills required in the cardiovascular exam ination are given in table 5 .1. Cardiovascular
cases commonly encountered in the MRCPCH Clinical Exam are listed in table 5.2.

General approach
These steps are repeated in every system to reiterate their importance and t o help yo u recollect th e
initial approach fo r any clinical exam. Also, refer to chapte r 4 .

Table 5.1 Key competence skills required in cardiovascular examination

Competence skill Standard

Knowledge of descriptive terms Ability to use correct terminology for fin di ngs of cardiovascular system
of the cardiovascular system examin ation

Und erstanding the importance of Show ability to position the child correctly with optimal exposure of the
correct positioning of the patient chest

Knowledge and cl ear Demonstrate a systematic approach to cardiovascular examination, w hich

und erstanding of how to carry out includes inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation
a complete cardiovascular D emonstrate th e ab ility t o recognize associated abnormalities such as
examination clubbing of fingers or splinter haemorrhages
Demonstrate the ab ility to identify heart sounds, splitting of heart sounds,
added sounds, and murmurs (with relevant grading)
Ability to look for clinical evidence of heart failure such crackles in lung
bases, hepato megaly, and to look for depend ent oedema (sacral or ankle)

Und erstanding that some Demonstrate abil ity to look for evidence of dysmorphology of syndromes
congenital syn dromes may have such as Down 's syndrome, Turner's syndrome, Williams' syndrome,
associated characteristic cardiac Marfan's syndrome

Summarize findings, offer a Demonstrate the ability to coherently present findings and o ffer
differential diagnosis , and discuss a differential diagnosis
a managem ent plan Give possibl e explanations for any inconsistencies id entified
D em o nstrate the ability to offer an appropriate management plan
Chapter 5 Examination of the cardiovascular system

Table 5.2 Cardiovascular conditions that may be seen in the MRCPCH clinical exam

Primary cause Disease Associated heart defects

Congenital Trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome) AVSD,VSD,ASD

Trisomy '18 (Edward's syndmme) VSD
Turners syndrome (XO) CoA,AS
Cri-du-chat (deletion of short arm of VSD
chromosome 5)
Noonan's syndrome PS (valve), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Williams' syndrome AS (supravalvar), pulmonary artery branch
22q11 deletion (di George) syndmme Interrupted aortic arch, truncus
arteriosus, TOF
Holt- Oram syndrome ASD, VSD
Congenital rubella syndrome PDA, VSD
Infant of diabetic mother Septal hypertrophy, transposition of great
arteries, VSD
Maternal systemic lupus erythematosus-fetal Congenital heart block
Fetal alcohol syndmme ASD, VSD
Fetal valproate syndrome AS, PS, CoA, TOF
Metabolic Pompe's disease (type 2 glycogen storage disease) Cardiomyopathy
conditions Familial hypercholesterolaemia Tendon xanthomata, corneal arcus before
Mucopolysaccharidosis Regurgitation or stenosis of valves
Infective Rheumatic fever MS, MR, AS, AR, myocarditis, pericarditis
conditions Infective endocarditis AR, MR
Connective tissue Marfan's syndrome AR, mitral valve prolapse
disorders Ehlers-Danlos syndrome MR, AR, aortic dissection
Degenerative Friedreich's ataxia Cardiomyopathy in an older child with
disorders abnormal gait

AVSD, atri oventricular se ptal defe ct; VSD, ventricular septal defect; ASD, at rial septal defect; AS, aortic stenosis; PS, pulmonary
stenosis; MS . mitral stenosis; MR, mitral regurgitation; AR, aortic regurgitatio n; TOF, tetralogy of Fallo t; C oA, co arctati o n of the
aorta; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus.

On entering the examination room, demonstrate strict adherence to infection control measures by
washing your hands or using alcohol rub.
Introduce yourself both to the parents and the child.
Talk slowly and clearly with a smile on your face.
Establish rapport with the child and parents.
Undress the child to the waist to allow proper ex amination. Expose adequately while ensuring
their privacy.
I Positioning: it is easier to examine older children while they sit on the edge of the bed, or on a
iI chair when they are not acutely ill . It is preferable to ex amine younger children on their parent's
:I lap rather than on a couch away from the parents. Removing a toddler or an infant from his or
.I her parents will probably yield a screaming child, which decreases the chances of correctly
identifying the clinical signs.
General tacti le examination

Visual survey-head to toe exam ination

The aim of the visual survey is to 'capture' every available clue, which may help in arriving at the
correct diagnosis.

Look and try to estimate the approximate age of the child .

Always think whether the findings combine to form a recognizable clinical syndrome. Common
syndromes with cardiac involvement include Down's syndrome, Turner's syndrome, Williams'
syndrome, Noonan's syndrome, Marfan's syndrome and 22q11 deletion syndrome (di George
Look and comment on the following:
state of wakefulness
general well-being-well or ill
nutrition and growth- comment that you would like to plot the child's height and weight on
a growth chart
resting position
+ interest in the surroundings
size of the child
pink or pale in air or cyanosed
degree of respiratory distress
~ noise-grunting, wheeze, cough
+ environment (equipment)-oxygen mask, nasal cannula, intravenous catheter, pulse oximetry,
feeding tube, gastrostomy
size: microcephaly I macrocephaly
shape: dolichocephaly (commonly seen in ex-preterm infants)
face: certain syndromes have characteristic dysmorphic features and an association with heart
conditions (be careful about using the term 'dysmorphic' features, as parents may get upset):
malar flush (rare in children) is seen in mitral stenosis ; in conjunctiva (palpebral and bulbar),
look for pallor and jaundice
mouth: look for the presence of teeth (age appropriate) and dental caries, which may be
a source of infective endocarditis in congenital heart disease
+ tongue: colour (pallor, cyanosis, jaundice); distinguish between central cyanosis (bluish
extremities and mucous membranes) and peripheral cyanosis (bluish extremities only)
hands: pallor, palmar crease, tuberous and tendon x anthomata (familial hypercholesterolaemia)
fingers: number (preaxial or postaxial accessory digits) , clubbing, cyanosis, Osier's nodes
(tender swellings at fingertips) in infective endocarditis
nails: splinter (linear) haemorrhages in infective endocarditis
difference in colour between the limbs.

General tactile examination

Pulse (figure 5.1)
Pulse rate (count for 15 seconds and multiply by four; however, tell the examiner that, ideally, you
would like to count for 1 minute) .
The clinically relevant pulses that should be palpated in a child are:
+ radial
Ch apte r 5 Exam ination of t he card iovascu lar sy st e m

Anacro tic no tch --- - D icrotic notch

Normal pulse Slow risi ng pulse- aortic stenos is

Pulsus bisferens- Co ll aps ing pulse-

aortic ste no sis a nd insufficiency severe aortic insufficiency
la rge patent ductus arterious
Figure 5.1 Different t ypes of pulses.

carotid (ne ve r palpate both carotids simu ltaneousl y as this can induce synco pe)
femoral (do not forget to feel for femoral pulses)
dorsalis pedis (important if any scars are present in t he groin).
Palpate the brachial pulse in an infant or toddler and radi al pulse in older childre n.
Check both the right and left radial pu lse, especi all y if th e re a history of dysphagia or airway
obstruction or lateral thoracotomy scars (figure 5.2) .
Comment on:
tach ycardia- pulse rate above 100 beats per minute in children older th an 3 years
bradycardia-pulse rate of less than 50 beats per minute is found in complete heart block
or in children on drugs such as beta blocke rs or digoxin (rare in children)

Figure 5.2 Left lateral th oracotomy scar.

General tactile examination

unequal or absent pulses with appropriate scars may be suggestive of specific surgery and
may help with your diagnosis, e.g. Absent left radial pulse in post Blalock-Taussig shunt,
repaired coarctation of the aorta, cervical rib;
feel both the radial and femoral pulses simultaneously and determine if there is any
radiofemoral delay. a finding seen in coarctation of aorta
+ rhythm:
regularly irregular-pulsus bigeminus, coupled extrasystoles, Wenckebach phenomenon
(common in sleep, rare when awake)
irregularly irregular-multiple extrasystoles; ventricular extrasystoles are common in
normal children and often disappear with exercise; atrial fibrillation causes an irregularly
irregular pulse but is very rare in children
small volume pulse is seen in low cardiac output states
large volume-anaemia or other causes of hyperdynamic circulation, aortic regurgitation,
patent ductus arteriosus, or other rarer systemic to pulmonary connections
character (describes the waveform of the pulse):
slow rising and plateau-moderate or severe aortic stenosis
collapsing pulse-aortic incompetence, patent ductus arteriosus
pulsus paradoxus-pulse is weaker or disappears on inspiration, e .g. constrictive
pericarditis, tamponade, status asthmaticus
jerky pulse--normal volume, rapidly rising and ill sustained; suggestive of hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy or supravalvar aortic stenosis

Blood pressure
This can be done at the end but always mention it during the examination.
The convention is to measure blood pressure in the right arm in a calm but awake subject.
If conditions differ from this, they should be documented with the reading.
Record the blood pressure in the left arm in case of peripheral vascular access in the right arm
and in both arms and legs in suspected coarctation of the aorta or after Blalock-Taussig shunt and
aortic surgery.
Generally, the cuff bladder should cover at least two-thirds of the arm and three-quarters of the
Estimate the systolic blood pressure initially by inflating the cuff fully and then deflating slowly
while palpating the radial pulse. Note the blood pressure at the point when the radial pulse
returns. This is useful in infants and toddlers.
Following this, record the blood pressure by the auscultatory method which is the more accurate
measure. Place the diaphragm of the stethoscope over the brachial artery along the medial a~pect
of the distal arm below the edge of the cuff. Inflate the cuff to 30 mm above the palpatory systolic
blood pressure and then deflate slowly at the rate of 2- 3 mm Hg per second . Systolic blood
pressure is recorded at the point when clear, repetitive tapping sounds are just heard. Diastolic
blood pressure is recorded when the sounds disappear.
Auscultatory estimation of blood pressure can be difficult in infants. In these cases, systolic
pressure by palpation should be noted.
To measure lower limb blood pressure, apply the cuff to the thigh and palpate the dorsalis pedis.
Readings should take the state of the child into account and should be in comparison to normal
values r-elated to height and sex of child. Avoid taking a blood pressure from an agitated
screaming child!
Chapter 5 Examination of t he cardiovascu lar syste m

sacral if immobile
facial / periorbital (after superior cavopulmon ary connection surgery).

System examination
Jugular venous pressure (figure 5.3)
Assessment of jugular venous pressure is rarely important in the younger child. It is also difficult
to obtain an accurate reading because of the short neck in children but can be measured easily in
children older than 8 years.
Ask the child to lie on the couch with the head and chest elevated to 45 o and breathe quietly.
The jugular venous pressure is assessed by measuring the vertical distance between the top of the
jugular venous pulsations and the sternal angle (angle of Louis). In cases where the top of the
jugular pulsations is not visible at 45 , increasing the reclining angle up to 90 can make the
pulsations visible.
Exert firm and sustained pressure on the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and look for
hepatojugular reflex, that is elevation in the jugular venous pressure by 2- 3 em.

a wave systole
diastole c w ave : v w ave Maximum atrial pressure
Atrial systole Tricusp id valve 'f before ve ntricul ar diastole
y desce nt

x desce nt

------- --- -------~

Jugular ve no us pulse !
J:v'P measure me nt

Sternal angle (angle of louis)

45 degrees

Figure 5.3 Jugular venous pressure (JVP).

System examination

Jugular venous pressure is elevated in conditions such as right heart failure, fluid overload, and
pericardia! tamponade.

The chest (figure 5.4)

Comment on the shape of the chest- whether it is symmetrical or asymmetrical. The following
are some of the commonly seen abnormal shapes: pectus carinatum (pigeon chest), pectus
excavatum (funnel chest), and Harrison's sulcus. Harrison's sulcus may occur in conditions with
increased pulmonary blood flow, chronic or recurrent airway obstruction at any level including
asthma, chronic lung disease, and rickets (figure 5.5).
Look for asymmetry of chest expansion.
The chest should be carefully inspected for operative scars (median sternotomy, lateral
thoracotomy, drainage scars in epigastrium or subclavian / axillary scars from pacemakers,
vascular entry sites in neck and also in groin) and keloid.
Pulsations-observe for apical impulse, parasternal, suprasternal, and epigastric pulsations.
Apical impulse will be shifted downward and outward due to cardiomegaly and outward in
collapse of the left lung or right pleural effusion.
It is important to look for scoliosis, which can be easily missed. Look for scoliosis in the standing
and not the sitting position.

Carotid thrill >-I Site for suprasternal thrill

Tracheostomy scar Sites for pacemaker

Midsternal (sternotomy) scar
-Major cardiac corrective surgery
-Palliative cardi ac surgery
-Heart lung transplant
.. ...
... .
...... :

Right lateral thoracotomy scar Harrison's sulcus

-Blalock taussig shunt
-Oesophageal atresia repair Left lateral thoracotomy scar
-Tracheo-oesophageal fistula repair -PDA ligation
-Coarctation of aorta repair

D rain scar

Figure 5.4 Inspection and palpation of the cardiovascular system.

Chapter 5 Examination of the cardiovascular system

Figure 5.5 Harrison 's sulcus (arrow) with colostomy bag attached to the stoma on the left side.

Palpation of the precordium

It is necessary to be gentle with palpation. Ensure that your hands are warm for palpation.

Apex or apical impulse is the outermost and lowermost definite cardiac impulse on the chest
wall. While describing the apical impulse, define its location and character. The apical impulse is
normally felt in the fourth left intercostal space on the midclavicular line in most children but it
may also be situated in the fifth intercostal space on the midclavicular line in older children. It can
be displaced in cardiomegaly, scoliosis, and chest deformity. In dextrocardia, the apex will be on
the right side; hence, always look for the apex on both sides of the chest. If dex trocardia is
present, feel for the position of liver (situs inversus) . Some children with cardiac disease have a
midline liver. The quality of the apical impulse (determined by the thrust on the fingertip) can be
sustained (aortic stenosis), forceful (left ventricular hypertrophy), or normal (figure 5.6).
Parasternal heave is felt with the base of the palm in the supine position and is present in right
ventricular hypertrophy.
Thrills are palpable murmurs, best felt with the fingertips. While describing a thrill, mention its
location and relationship to the cardiac cycle (e.g. systolic thrill at the left lower sternal edge).
The presence of a thrill suggests the accompanying murmur is at least grade 4/6 in intensity.
A carotid thrill may be present in aortic valvular stenosis.
Palpable pulmonary second heart sound reflects pulmonary hypertension.

Percussion has a limited role in the cardiovascular examination. It is useful in identifying a coexisting
pleural effusion.
System examination

Figure 5.6 Palpation of the apex.

Auscultation (table 5.3)

Auscultation is a skill that needs plenty of practise. It is advisable to listen both with the bell and
diaphragm in all areas. The bell must be applied to the chest wall lightly and is useful to auscultate low-
pitched sounds such as the diastolic murmur of mitral stenosis and third heart sound. Various so unds
from different heart valves are best heard at sp ecific ar eas on the chest wall. Start at the apex (mitral
area). After th is, inch the stethoscope towards the left lowe r sternal edge (fourth left intercostal space,
tricuspid area). Next, place the stethoscope at the left upper sternal edge, second left intercostal
space (pulmonary area), and then at the right upper sternal edge, second right intercostal space (aortic

Step 1: listen to the two components of the first and second heart sounds (S1, mitral and
tricuspid valve closure, and 52, aortic and pulmon ar y valve closure) . Comment on the loudness of
S1 (normal, quiet in long PR interval and mitral regurgitation, loud in short PR interval and mitral
stenosis) . Re port on the loudness of the aortic or pulm onary compone nt (normally, aortic
component is heard earlier and louder than pulmonary component, with the splitting well heard
in inspiration but not in expiration), the presence of splitting (report it as 'single' if there is no
split) and t y pe of splitting (normal, wide, narrow, reversed, or fixed) (figure 5 .7) .
Step 2: comment on the presence or absence of extra heart sounds, the 53 and 54. The
third heart sound is a low-pitched, early diastolic sound, best heard at the apex with the bell. It
is often heard as a gallop rhythm. The fourth heart sound is a late diastolic sound with a slightly
higher pitch than S3 . S4 is always pathological, wh ile S3 is commo nl y heard in normal children .
Step 3: listen for the presence of a murmu r and comment accordingly. Whi le describing
:; a murmur, it is helpful to take the following approach :
~ where is the murmur in the cardiac cycle-systole or diastole- ( a venous hum is the only
normal systolo-d iastolic murmur)?
~ where is it heard loudest on the precordium ?
how is it best heard- using the bell or diaphragm?
+ loudness-commonly graded out of 6 (table 5.4)
Chapter 5 Ex ami natio n o f t h e car diovasc ul a r sy stem

Ta ble 5.3 Heart sounds

H eart sound Fin dings Interpre tation

1st heart sound Loud 1st heart sound Short PR interval

Mechanical prostheti c atrioventricular valve
Mitral stenosis

Variab le loudness of 1st Heart block (q ui et if PR long)

heart sound Atrial fibrill atio n

2nd heart Loud pulmonary 2nd sound Pulmonary hype rte nsion, increased pulmonary flow, e.g. PDA,
sound ASD, large V SD

Sp lit 2nd sound Wide and var iabl e splitting: healthy normal children (w idens in
inspiration, aortic clo sure precedes pulmonary closure)
Fixed splitting: ASD (no change with respiration)
Wide splitting: ASD, pulm o nary stenosis, right bundle branch
Reverse splitting (widens on expiration) : left bundle branch
block, severe ao rtic stenosis

Single 2nd sound Tetr alogy of Fallot

Severe pulm o nary stenosis (inaudible pulmonary component)
Transpositio n of great vessels
Truncus arte r iosus

3rd heart sound Low pitched early d iasto li c Normal in children

- sound, best heard over the Heart failure

4th heart sound Late diastole, low pitched Heart failure

Pulmonary hypertension

Opening snap Heard after 2nd heart sound, Mitral stenosis

high pitched
Ejection click Heard after 1st heart sound, Aortic or pul m onar y valve stenosis (early systolic)
high pitched Mitral valve pro lapse- mid or late systolic click

ASD, atrial septal defect; ASD, atrial septal defect; PDA, patent ductu s arte riosus.

~ qualitative description- pitch and quality (high o r low, harsh , blowing or rumbling)
radiation (neck, axilla, sides, back) (table 5.5)
+ changes w ith manoeuvre (dynamic auscultation)
lying and sitting position (venous hum on lying down)
leaning forward: listen along the upper sternal edge, in an o lder cooperative child as they
lean forward and breathe out, for early diasto lic m ur mur of aortic regurgitation
i respiration
' ! valsalva.
Step 4: listen for additio na l soun ds such as ejectio n click and opening snap.
Step 5: listen over the suprast e rna l notch and carotids. Lo ud radiation of systolic murmur to
carotids suggests aortic stenosis. A quiet systolic b ruit in th e supraclavicular area and base of the
neck, but not at the base of the heart, is a normal fin d ing in health y children .
Other systems


sl A2 P2 sl s l A2 P2 sl
Normal splitting
sl A2 P2 sl sl A2 P2 sl
Wide spl itting
sl A2 P2 sl sl A2 P2 sl
Narrow splitting
sl A2 P2 sl s l A2 P2 sl
Fixed sp litting
sl P2A2 sl sl P2 A2 sl
Reversed splitting
Figure 5. 7 Normal, w ide, narrow, fixed, and reverse splitting of the second heart sound.

Table 5.4 Grading of murmurs

Grade 1 Just audib le by an expert in ideal conditions

Grade 2 Quiet; just heard by a non-expert in ideal conditions

Grade 3 Moderately loud
l Grade 4 Loud with a palpable thrill

Grade 5
Grade 6
Very loud over a wide area with a palpab le thrill

Au dible with stethoscope off the chest or even without a stethoscope

I Step 6: last, but not the least, always listen at the back.
! In addition, depending on the case, it is useful to auscultate elsewhere:
+ head, for intracranial bruits
+ any vascular swelling (thyroid, liver, limb).

Other systems
Before completing the cardiac examination, it is important to look for the following:

auscultation of the lungs

abdomen-inspect for gastrostomy and palpate for hepatosplenomegaly
offer to measure the oxygen saturation.
Chapter 5 !Examinati on of the cardiovascular system

Table 5.5 Site and radiation of murmurs

Cause Primary site Radiation

Ventricular septal defect Pansystolic systolic murmur at left sternal edge All over precordium
(4th left intercostal space, murmur present
throughout systole)
Atrial septal defect Ejection systolic murmur at left upper sternal border Radiates to back (to lung
(2nd left intercostal space) fields)
Pulmonary stenosis Ejection systolic murmur at left upper sternal border Radiates towards left clavicle
(2nd left intercostal space) or back beneath left scapula
(to lung fields)
Aortic stenosis Ejection systolic murmur at right upper sternal Radiates into the neck
border (2nd right intercostal space)
Aortic regurgitation Early diastolic murmur at left upper sternal edge Down left sternal edge
towards apex
Tricuspid regurgitation Pansystolic murmur at lower left sternal edge Lower right sternal edge, liver
Mitral regurgitation Pansystolic murmur at apex Left axilla, beneath left scapula
Mitral stenosis Mid-diastolic murmur at apex Does not rad iate
Patent ductus arteriosu s Continuous murmur below left clavicle Radiated to the back
Coarctation of the aorta Systolic murmur between scapulae Left sternal edge
Venous hum Continuous murmur heard below the clavicles Normal finding; disappears on
lying the child down and
elevating the legs
Pericardia! friction rub Creaking sound like walking on firm snow, best
heard at left sternal border when breath is held

The cardiovascular examin ation is shown in the video by Dr Nick Archer, Consultant
Paediatric Cardiologist from Oxford . You will notice that this is an extensive teaching session
which goes beyond what would normall y be expected from a candidate taking the exam. It clearly
identifies all relevant aspects of the examination , which include establishing rapport and he gives a
running commentary as he goes along. It is a well-structured, fluent, and systematic examination.
He summarizes his findings and gives his interpretation .
In the live candidate examination on a cardiovascular case, Dr Serane deliberately makes
errors that are commonly made by candidates. These mistakes include poor rapport, bad
examination techniq ue, inconsistent findings , and poor interpretation . This is obviously an extreme
example of a poorly performing candidate , which was created for demonstration purposes only
and the mum was aware of the scenario. Please notice that it is easy to make a child uncooperative
if one is not sensitive to the child's n eeds as shown in this station.
Chapter 6 Examination of the respiratory

General approach 55
Visual survey~head to toe examination 55
Tactile examination-general 58
System examination 59
Other systems 64
Visual survey-head to toe examination

The examination of the respiratory system causes much anxiety among candidates, as many feel the
findings arc difficul t to elicit, particu larly in a small child. just like other systems , having a structured
approach makes id entification and interpretation of the findings easy. It is important to practise the
proper exam ination technique repeatedly, as this is the best way to improve the skills that are esse ntial
to obtain accurate findings. However, the examination itself can be performed in a different sequence
depending on the age and the degree cooperation of the child.
Th e exam ination of the res piratory system is best done in correlation with the availab le medical
history. First, assimi late th e available history, which will give an idea of the expected findings and
subsequent diagnosis. At the end of the examination, it is important to describe significant findings
(table 6.1) with referen ce to specific surface locations, as shown in figure 6.1.
Key competence skills required in examination of the respiratory system are given in table 6.2.

General approach
These steps are repeated in every system to reiterate thei r importance and to help you recollect the
initial approach of any clinical exam. Also refer to chapte r 4.

On entering the examination room, demonstrate your strict adherence to infection control measures by
washing your hands or by using alcohol rub.
Introduce yourself both to the parents and the child .
Talk slowly an d clearly with a smile on your face.
Establish rapport with the child and parents.
Expose the chest adequately while ensuring their privacy.
Positioning the patient: the child should be undressed appropriately to the waist to allow proper
examination . It may be easier to examine an older child when they sit on the edge of the bed , o r
on a chair. It is preferable to examine younger children on their parent's lap rather than on a
couch separated from the parents, as this can cause much anxiety. Rem oving a toddler or an
infant from his or her parent will most probabl y yi eld a screaming child in whom eliciti ng any
physical findings will be virtually impossible.

Visual survey-head to toe examination

Start with a visual survey (inspection) from head to toe. It sounds impress ive and professional if you
narrate while examining the child. This approach has multiple advantages- it keep s everybody
(particu larly the examiner) engaged, you soun d professional, the examiner knows what you are
looking for, the atmosphere is lively, and you are less likely to miss out find ings when summarizing at
the end. Most importantly, this approach tel ls the examiner that you are 'thinking fast on your feet',
which is what they are looking for. It is essential to keep your hands off the child for as long as possible.
Comment on the following:

look- general:
state of wakefulness : awake/ aware/ alert/ active
general well-being: well/ ill looking
interest in the surroundings: a sick child will not show any interest
size and appearance of the child: thin and small, thin and tall, well nourished and tall, well
nourished and short. Always make a comment that you would like to plot the child's height and
weight on the growth chart.
look- specific:
pink in air or cyanosed
Table 6.1 Comparison of the cl inical signs in co mmon resp iratory disorders I m
Sign Consolidation Collapse Pleural effusion Pneumothorax Airflow obstruction Bronchiectasis I 3
Clubbing Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent May be present ~
Audi ble noise Absent Absent Absent Absent Wheeze may be Absent

Work of breathing May be increased May be increased May be increased Often increased May be increased May be increased
Shape of the chest Normal May be flattened on Normal Normal Harrison's sulcus Harriso n's sulcus =:!.
the affected side ""'~
Tracheal/ apex beat Normal Shifted to affected side Shifted to less affected Shifted to less affected No rmal Normal unless "''
position or normal side or normal side associated collapse VI

Chest expansion May be asymmetrical May be asymmetrical May be asymmetrical May be asymmetrical Usually sym metrical Usually symmetrical (j)

Percussion Impaired Impaired Stony dull Hyper-resonant Usually normal Usually normal
Breath sounds intensity Reduced Reduced Markedl y decreased Decreased Usually normal Usually normal un less
associated col lapse
Breath sounds quality Bronchial sounds Bronchial sounds Normal Normal Normal (prolonged Bronchial sounds
(if bronchus is expiration)
Added sou nds Crackles +++ Crackles Crackles (in No ne W heeze (mono- or Crackl es wheeze
collapsed lung above polyphonic) (occasional)
Vocal resonance Aego phony Reduced Reduced Normal or reduced Normal Normal
Dynam ic auscultatio n Post-tussive crackles Post-tussive crackles None None Post-tussive wheeze Post-tussive crackles +
Peak flow - - - Decreased
Visual survey- head to toe examination

Anterior Posterior

Figure 6.1 Landmarks of the chest.

Table 6.2 Key competence skills required in examination of the r espirat o r y system

Competence skill Standard

Knowledge of descriptive terms Abi lity to use the correct terminology for findings
used in respiratory examination

Understanding of correct Position the patient correctly and ad equatel y ex pose the chest
positioning of the pat ient

A dequate knowledge, clear Demonstrate a systematic approach to the resp iratory syste m examination,
understanding, and abi lity to including inspection , palpati on, percussion, and auscultation
detect and interpret clinical Ability to elicit signs accurately, interpret these signs correctly, and make
features of the respiratory system appropriate conclusions
examination Demonstrate und erstanding of the use of peak ex piratory flow rate to
assess respiratory function , especiall y in children with reactive airway
disease, and interpret a peak flow diary

A bility to summ arize findings , Demonstrate ability to describe find ings in a cohesive m ann er and offer
offer a differential diagnosis, and an appropriate differe ntial diagnosis
discuss a management plan Demonstrate ability to offer a suitable management plan

head :
size: microcephaly, macrocephaly
shape: dolichocephaly (seen in ex-preterm infan ts)
+ face: normal or dysmorphic features (using th e word 'dysmorphic' can be offensive to some
parents; instead describe what you see)
conjunctiva (palpebral and bulbar)
mouth : halitosis, seen in bronchiectasis
mucous membrane (tongue): colour (pallor, cyanosis, jaundice), ulcers, candidiasis (cyanosis is
easily missed if pink curtains surround the child's bed)
teeth: look for the presence of teeth (age app ropriate), dental caries, or abn ormal teeth
+ tonsils: inflamed , pustular exudate on tonsils (tonsillitis)
+ pharynx: r ed and inflamed (phar-yngitis)
Chapter 6 Examination of the respiratory system

nose: nasal polyp, deviated septum (nasal obstruction), swollen turbinates (allergies); make a
comment about palpating sinuses for tenderness (sinusitis) but don't do this as it will be painful
to the child .
+ skin: associated disease such as eczema, engorged superficial veins in superior vena caval
obstruction, subcutaneous emphysema
+ hands and nails: pallor, peripheral cyanosis, single palmar crease (trisomy 21 ), clubbing (seen in
cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis, refer to chapter 5)
+ sputum: colour, amount, consistency, blood, purulence
+ equipment: oxygen mask, nasal cannula, intravenous catheter, pulse oximeter, feeding tube,
gastrostomy, nebulizer, peak f low meter, sputum cup, physiotherapy aids, medications such as
Creon (pancrelipase capsules) in cystic fibrosis
+ respiration- while examining for respiratory movements, comment on the following:
rate: in the exam, you can count the rate for 15 seconds and multiply by four, but tell the
examiner that, ideally, you would like to count for 1 minute; increase in respiration can be
physiological (exercise, anxiety) or pathological (fever, disease of lung and heart, metabolic
conditions such as acidosis)
rhythm: respiration is normally regular; normal infants can have periodic breathing
characterized by brief pauses in b'reathing lasting for a few seconds
type of breathing: in children, the respiratio n is mainly abdominal and is similar to that seen
in adult males; presence of thoracic breathing in a child is indicative of intra-abdominal
degree of breathlessness: none, mild (chest recession), or severe (chest recession, use of
sternocleidomastoid and nasal flaring)
duration of expiratory phase: comment on the duration of ex piration , which is prolonged in
obstructive airway disease such as asthma
+ voice: comment on hoarseness- seen in laryngitis and recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy
wheeze suggests bronchospasm; it could be due to bronchial asthma or chronic lung disease
stridor is caused by obstruction of the larynx, trachea or large airways; it is a croaking noise,
loudest on inspiration and could be due to stenosis, laryngitis, or a foreign body
grunting is due to expiration against a closed glottis
cough : lack of explosive beginning may point to vocal cord paralysis ('bovine' cough) ;
wheezy cough suggests bronchial asthma; loose productive cough suggests excessive
bronchial secretions; dry cough may occu r with lower respiratory tract infection, asthma,
chronic lung disease, and heart failure (table 6.3).

Tactile examination-general
brachial pulse in an infant and toddler, radial in older children (refer to chapter 5)
check both the right and left sides
rate: tachycardia (asthma, severe respiratory illness)
pulsus paradoxus (commonly seen in severe asthma)
blood pressure can be done at the end of the ex amination, but should be mentioned during the
axilla: lymph nodes
neck: lymph nodes, thyroid swelling, venous pulse .
System examination

Table 6.3 Different types of cough and their significance

Type Significance

Dry, nocturnal cough Chronic pharyngitis, tracheiti s, laryngitis, psychological

Barking cough Acute laryngotracheobronchitis, spasmodic croup
Brassy cough High-p itched cough caused by irritation of the vagus nerve
Honking cough Psychological
Paroxysmal cough with a whoop Pertussis
Harsh, barking, dry cough similar to a seal barking, seen in
Croupy cough
Due to secretions in the respiratory tract, seen in lower respiratory tract
Wet cough

System examination
Both anterior and posterior aspects of the chest should be examined. Examine the front before going
to the back-this is more comfortable for the patient and you look impressive. Always compare the
right with the left side during examination .

Inspection of the chest (figure 6.2)

Satisfactory exposure of the chest is essential to avoid missing some important signs. However, it is
important to be careful while exposing older and adolescent girls, with whom limited exposure should
be practised. Make sure that when the child is undressed the curtains are drawn, irrespective of the
child's age.
The child should be examined ideally in the sitting position in daylight rather than artificial light.
Inspection should be carried out from four directio ns.

~ front
from both sides; this is useful for identifying anteroposterior diameter and kyph osis
from behind
from above downwards.

If the child is lying down, inspection should be carried out from the foot end of the bed , from
the top (directly over the patient) and then from the sid es, making su re to get down to the level of
the child.

Shape of the ch est: the chest is cylindrical in children , hence the anteroposterior and lateral
diameters are nearly equal. In pectus carinatum , the sternum bulges forward with straightening of
the anterior ribs and the chest is triangular in shape. In pectus excavatum, the depressed sternum
produces a funnel-shaped chest anteriorly. Harrison's sulcus is the linear depression of the lower
ribs just above the costal margin on both sides and is seen in chronic respiratory disorders , poorl y
controlled asthma, chronic congestive cardiac failure, and ri ckets in infants and toddlers.
Symmetry of the chest: asymmetry of the chest can be a result of spinal deformity or flatte ning
(loss of lung volume) or bulging of the chest wall.
Chest movement: expansion of the upper lobes is best assessed by inspection from behind the
patient, looking down the clavicles during moderate respiration. For assessment of lower lobe
expansion, the chest should be inspected posteriorly. While examin ing chest movement, loo k at
the depth and sy mmetry of the breathing movements.
Chapter 6 Examination of the respiratory system

Tracheostomy scar ...... >- .:t' for work of breathing and tracheal shift


Hickman line
.4.:. "" --

Midsternal scar ........... ).- :t

Lateral thoracotomy
Harrison's sulcus
Drain scar Intercostal space for
chest recession

Figure 6.2 Inspection of the respiratory system.

Work of breathing: can be assessed by looking for th e following:

+ excessive working of the sternomastoid muscles
+ intercostal and subcostal recession
+ sternal recession
paradoxical movement of the chest and abdomen (see-saw breathing)
+ flaring of the ala nasi
~ grunting.

Sputum: observe colour, amount, consistency, purulence, blood.

Scars: midsternal, thoracotomy (do not miss the posterolateral ones, particularl y in a lying chi ld),
tracheostomy, and drain scars (refer to chapter 5).
Local swellings and oedema of the chest wall.
intravenous access devices: Hickman line and Portacath
+ inhalational medication delivery devices
Syst~m examination

sputum cup
+ Creon tablets.
+ Trail's sign: prominence of the clavicular head of the sternomastoid on the side of tracheal
4'> raised jugular venous pressure suggests right heart failure or superior vena caval
Spine: look for kyphoscoliosis.

Before palpating the child, warm your hands by rubbing them against each other to avoid discomfort
to the child. Also, ask the child about painful areas before continuing with the examination; examine
those areas at the end, gently. While examining the front of the chest, the child's upper extremities
should be by their side. Ask the child to keep both hands above the head while examining the axilla.
Ask the child to lean forward and cross their arms in front of the chest to get the scapula out of the
way for palpation, percussion, and auscultation of back. The scheme for palpation of the chest should

Mediastinal position:
Tracheal position: be gentle and explain clearly what you are going to do, as some children can
otherwise feel threatened. Keep the middle finger on the notch, the index finger on one side
and the ring finger on the other side and look for deviation. Deviated trachea usually indicates
an upper lobe problem. Slight deviation of the trachea to the right is often normal.
Apex beat (refer to chapter 5): might be shifted because of kyphoscoliosis or depressed
sternum or cardiomegaly. The med iastinum will be 'pushed away' by pleural effusion and
pneumothorax and 'pulled towards' by collapse and less commonly, fibrosis. Consolidation
does not change the mediastinal position.
Chest expansion: it is possible to assess the chest expansion by palpation in children older than
5 years. During palpation, compare the chest expansion on one side with the opposite side.
In general, the side with lesser movement is the diseased side. Assessment of chest expansion is
carried out from above downwards, initially anteriorly and then posteriorly. Place the hands
symmetrically on the chest with the thumbs meeting in the midline and observe the thumb
movement away from mid line on deep inspiration (figure 6.3).
Tracheal tug: place the middle finger on the trachea; in the presence of tug, the trachea moves
inferiorly with each inspiration. It points to a marked increase in the work of breathing.
Vocal fremitus: this sign is the palpation of the vibrations caused by phonation. Place the ulnar
border of the hand and ask the child to say 'ninety- nine' again and again, with the same tone and
intensity. Compare the vibrations on corresponding areas. Vocal fremitus is increased in
consolidation (with a patent bronchus) and decreased in effusion or pneumothorax. This crude
sign has been superseded by vocal resonance and it is not usually petformed in the examination.
Crepitus: crackl ing sensation felt on palpating the skin of the chest or neck. It is seen in
subcutaneous emphysema.

Percussion is useful both for the identification of underlying lung disease and the borders of the lungs,
liver, and heart. Percuss ion is best performed in a quiet room with the child either sitting or standing.
Place the middle finger (pleximeter) of the non-dominant hand on the area to be percussed. Strike the
back of the middle phalanx of the pleximeter with the tip of the middle finger of the other hand
(the plexor) at 90, with movement delivered mainly from the wrist rather than elbow. The blow should
be just hard eno ugh to elicit the resonance and once struck, lift the finger immediately (figure 6.4).
Chapter 6 Examination of the respiratory system

(a) Anterior (b) Posterior

Figure 6.3 Assessment of chest movement; (a) anterior, (b) posterior.

Figure 6.4 Technique of percussion.

While percussing the clavicle, the bone acts as the pleximeter and so percuss on the bone directly. The
areas to be percussed are clavicle, three anterior (supraclavicular area, mammary, and inframammary
areas), axilla (axillary and infra-axillary area), and three posterior (suprascapu lar, interscapular, and
infrascapular areas) (figure 6.5). While percussing for the borders of organs, the pleximeter should be
parallel to the border to be identified.
System examination

Anterior Posterior

~- ....... ~:-~.:_:;;-:: ..... '. . . ~.~::::>:,., .-:-~:.. :.

: i .. i .... i :

ry..; .~
-~ - --~- '\

_;:f :t=
= Site of percussion
Figure 6.5 Sites for chest pe rcussion.

increased resonance-hard to detect, seen in pneumothorax

impaired resonance-collapse consolidation
stony dullness-effusion .

Common errors of percussion

placing the entire hand on the chest instead of the pleximeter finger alone
fulcrum of the percussing movement from elbow rathe r than wrists
striking either too vigorously or too softly
percussing one entire lung and then moving to the other lung instead of comparing both sides at
every level
not asking the child to cross their arms across their chest to move the scapula laterally while
percussing posteriorly.

Auscultation helps to confirm the findings identified by the preceding examination techniques and,
sometimes, it may be the only way of recognizing new findings . Always auscultate on the skin and not
over the patient's gown or clothing. Ask the child (if old enough to understand) to 'breath in and out,
through the mouth, in their own time'. Infants and toddlers are best auscultated when they are quiet.
While auscultating posteriorly, ask the child to cross their arms in front of their chest. Listen fo r an entire
respiratory cycle at every location. Do not move the stethoscope while the patient is breathing out.

Intensity of the breath sounds: it is better to describe intensity than to speak about air entry. The
latter is a physical phenomenon , which cannot be measu red by listening to breath sounds alone.
Reduced breath sounds are present in pneumonia, p leural effusion, pneumothorax, and collapse.
Prolongation of the expiratory phase is seen, for example, in obstructive airway disease.
Be able to recognize abnormal character of the breath sounds like bron chial breath sound which
is different to normal from vesicular breath sounds. Vesicular breath sounds are louder and longer
in inspiration than expiration and there is no gap between the inspiratory and expiratory phase.
Bronchial breath sounds have a hollow, blowing quality and are audible t hroughout expiration.
There is a gap between inspiration and expiration. Bronchial breath soun d is audible normally just
below the neck posteriorly and the right upper chest where the trachea is contiguous with the
right main bronchus. It is also heard over areas of consolidation. collapse with unobstructed
airway, bronchiectasis, and fibrosis .
Chapter 6 Examination of the respiratory system

Be able to recognize and describe added sounds (crepitations, wheezes), their nature and timing
(e.g. end expiratory crackles). Wheezes are continuous musical sounds, louder in expiration than
inspiration. A wheeze suggests significant airway narrowing and can be absent in severe airway
obstruction due to lack of airflow. Crackles are interrupted sounds, non-musical in nature, and
suggest loss of stability of smaller airways (early inspiratory) or alveolar disease (throughout or
end inspiratory). They can be heard with pneumonia, bronchiectasis (coarse, gurgling), or left
ventricular failure (fine) .
Vocal resonance:
Ask the child to say 'ninety-nine' while listening to each part of chest.
Muffled is normal.
+ Clearly heard speech (aegophony) means consolid ation.
Markedly reduced sounds suggest effusion or collapse with obstructed bronchus.
Dynamic auscultation :
following cough.

Common errors during auscultation

auscultating over the clothing
auscultating one entire lung and then moving to the other lung instead of comparing both sides at
every level
not beginning the au scultation at the apex of lungs
hastily moving the stethoscope before exhalation is complete.

Other examination techniques

Peak flow in children older than 6years: ask the child to take a full breath in and exhale rapidly
through the mouth into the PEFR meter. Normal value depends on age, sex, and height. Airway
obstruction resu lts in reduced and variable PEFR.
In haler technique.

Other systems
Abdomen: palpate for hepatomegaly (increased liver span) or pushed down liver of obstructive
lung d isease (normal liver span but palpable below t he costal margin).
Cardiovascular examination: to rule out signs of right heart failure or associated underlying
cardiac illness.
The ENT examination is part of the respiratory examination and therefore, should be ex amined
(or at least you should offer to do so) .

After examining the child wash hands or disinfect hands with alcohol gel.

In th is video, Dr O'Keeffe examines the respiratory system of child. Note his technique
for examining an uncooperative child . He identifies all relevant aspects of the examination and gives
a running commentary as he goes along. It is a well-structured, fluent, and systematic ex amination .
He summarizes and interprets his findings.
Chapte r 7 Examination of the abdomen

General approach 67
Visual survey-head to toe examination 68
General tactile examination 69
System examination 69
Examination of the posterior aspect of the abdomen 77
Other system examination 78
Common errors at this station 78
General approach

The examination of the abdomen is one of the easier cases in the clinical exam. It is, however, easy for
candidates to fail this station if they cannot elicit the appropriate physical findings. As always, listen
carefully to the examiner's instructions. You may be asked to examine either the gastrointestinal
system or only the abdomen; they are not the same. Occasionally, you may be instructed to palpate
the abdomen and beginning at the hands in such situations will annoy the examiner. While giving
instructions to the child, you must use simple language that can be easily understood. The examination
of the abdomen is best done in correlation with the available medical history, as it often gives major
clues. It helps to have a systematic approach to presenting your findings, which should be practised
thoroughly. However, the examination process itself can be performed in a different sequence
depending on the age of the child and their degree of cooperation.
Key competence skills required in the examination of the abdomen are given in table 7.1. Abdominal
cases commonly encountered in the MRCPCH Clinical Exam are listed in table 7.2.

General approach
These are repeated in every system to reiterate their importance and to help you recollect the initial
approach of any clinical exam. Also refer to chapter 4 .

On entering the examination room, demonstrate your adherence to infection control measures by
washing your hands or decontaminating them using alcohol rub .
Introduce yourse lf both to the parents and the child.
Talk slowly and clearly with a smile on your face.
Establish rapport with the child and parents (remember that ignoring the child can have negative
consequences!) .

Table 7.1 Key competence skills required in the examination of the abdomen

Competence skill Standard

Knowledge of appro priate descriptive Demonstrate understanding that the abdomen is divided into nine
terms used for clinical findings of the regions for descriptive purposes
abdomen Ability to us e the correct terminology for findings

Understand ing the importance of Demonstrate ability to position the patient correctly
correct positioning of the child

Knowledge and clear understanding Demonstrate a systematic approach of abdom inal examination-
of how to carry out a complete inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation
abdominal examination Elicit clinical signs and recognize associated abnormalities
Awareness that the genitalia and rectum may need to be examined as
cl inicall y indicated, but this is not appropriate in the MRC PCH exam

Inspection Ab ility to perfor-m a general inspection including the hands, head and
neck, and the abdornen
Palpation Demonstrate ab ility to detect hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, en larged
kidneys, and presence of masses
Percussion Abi lity to percuss for shifting dullness, liver span, and urinary bladder

Auscultation Demonstrate ability to auscultate for bowel sounds, hepatic, splenic,

and renal bruit

Summarize findings, offer a differential Demonstrate ability to describe findings and offer a possible differential
diagnosis and discuss a management diagnosis list (see tables 7.3. 7.4. and 7.5)
plan Offer an appr-opriate management plan
Chapter 7 !Examination of the abdomen

Table 7.2 Abdom inal conditions that may be seen in the MRCPCH Clinical Exam

Cause Disease

Congenital Umbilical hernia in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

Prune bel ly syndrome

Inflammatory Inflammatory bowel diseas e

Crohn's disease
U lce r-ative colitis

Metabolic/ m iscellaneous Fai lure to thrive (FTT)

Short gut syndrome
Cyst ic fibros is
C hronic renal failure

Ensure privacy: to expose the abdomen adequately, the child should be undressed to the waist.
Be careful when exposing o lder chil d ren and adolescents, with whom limited exposure should be
practised. Cover the lower part of the body with a bed sheet, to avoid accidental exposure.
Positioning: initial inspection may be done in the stand ing position. Growth, nutrition, hernias, and
abdominal distension are best evaluated in this position . Further examination is carried out with
the child lying down on their back comfortably, with a pillow supporting the head, hands at the
sides, and legs uncrossed. Examine infants and toddlers on their parent's lap. Removing a toddler
from their parents is less likely to yield good clinical signs and more likely to yield a screaming child .

Visual survey-head to toe examination

As always, start w ith inspection from head to toe and the n proceed to tactile examination from the
hands onwards. Remember the basic ru le of ' looking at the patient and describing without touching'.
Also, it might be better if you give a running commentary throughout the examination. When the
examiner asks you to perform a specific task such as palpate the abdomen, first describe the general
condition of the child in a nut shell.
Comment on the following: look care fully and observe

state of wakefulness
general well being: we ll or ill-looking child
resting position
interest in the surroundings
size of the child: comment that you would like to plot the child's height and weight on the growth
chart; if the examiner asks you to plot, make sure that you have the appropriate growth chart for
the age and sex of the child; assessment of the nutritional status of the child is very important in the
context of the abdominal examination
employ the Tanner's developmental stages provided on standard growth charts to assess
race is particularly r elevant in the abdominal examination ; for example sickle cell disease is
common in Afro-Caribbean peop le and the spleen may be palpable in the younger but not in the
older child
environment (equipment): oxygen mask, nasal cannula, intravenous catheter, feeding tube,
gastrostomy, feeding pump, med ications (Creon in cystic fibrosis), nappies in older children,
urinary catheter, etc.
System examination

pink or pale in air

head : size, shape
face : haemolytic facies is seen in chronic haemolytic anaemia, su ch as thalas saem ia due to
extramedullary haematopoiesis
conjunctiva: palpebral and bulbar
hydration status
mouth: ulcers ar e seen in Crohn's d isease, pigm ent at ion in Peutz- Jeghers syndro m e, large t ongue
in hypothyr oidi sm , Beckwith- Wied emann synd ro m e, glycogen st orage disease, an d Down 's
t eeth: dent al car ies
tonsils and phar ynx
hands and nails : koilonychia suggests iron deficie ncy; clubbing of finger s may occur with
inflammatory bowel disease and cystic fibrosis
skin : scratch m arks , bruises, petechiae, cafe-au - lait spots, skin nodu les, scars
signs of liver failure: asterix is (flapping tremo r) , palmar erythema, gynaecomastia, spider naevi .

General tactile examination

brach ial pulse in an infant or toddler, radial in an ol der child
check both right and left side (refer to chapt er 5).

Blood pressure
Blood pr essure may be measured at the end of th e examinatio n or at least mentio n that you w o uld
like to measure th is. Hypertension may be present in neurofibromatosis, renal artery stenosis , and in
some abdominal tumours such as pheochromocytomas.

System examination
Ex amination of the abdomen has two components, namely, anterior abdominal examination and
examination of po sterior a spect of the abdomen. Complete the anterior abdo minal ex aminati on
before moving to t he back. Findings on the anterior aspect can be descri bed based o n quadrants (right
upper quadrant, r ight low er quadrant, left upper quadrant, left lower quadrant) o r nine regions.

Adequate exposu r e of the abdomen is essential t o ensure that the signs are not missed. Th e lighting
should be good for inspection of th e abdomen. A s discussed ear lier, t he initial inspection should be
carried out in th e standing position, which makes it easier to id ent ify global disten sion, he rn ia, and
distended veins. Further inspection and exam inatio n can be carried in th e supine position (figur es 7.1
and 7.2) .

Shape: t he abdominal contour can be scaphoid, f lat, or distended. Symmetrical d istension of the
abdomen m ay be due to fat, faeces, fluid (ascites) , fl atus, orfetus (l ess li kely)- th e so call ed fi ve Fs.
Symmetry of t he abdomen: altered in local visceroptosis (where o rgans may be displaced from
their natural position) o r paralysis of th e abdominal muscle. Divar ication of recti m ay be see n in
hypot onia o r after prolonged abdominal distensio n.
Skin: look for scars, striae , stoma, or rashe s. A lin ear scar sugge sts previous su rgery. M ultipl e
need le scars are indicative of medication admin istration (insul in in diabetics, desferrioxamine in
haemolytic anaem ia) . Striae can be seen in obesity or post pregnancy state.
Chapter 7 Examination of the abdomen

... . I
..... : :: __\ ________ ]. _____ __ __ ___ __ _____ ---- - Liver transplant scar
= ~ l
(mercedes incisional scar)
:1 :
: ~ I
Kocher's for biliary tract - "" .J

Right hypochondcicm c i~c:~::L~~~l~-~ ": [-<-, -~~ _

Left hypochondrium

;;;;---- -- ----- +----- -- -- -- ---- ----- ------ - Midline laprotomy scar

I - I
! I
Right : llllllllllllllf- -;,:y-------- --r -- --c.ett:______ ------- --- Pyloric stenosis repair
1 '- I -- - - ------- Renal surgery
lumbar 1 Umbilical 1 lum
I - ----- ------- ---- -1. .... .. ---------- - ----- McBurney's incis ion (appendicitis)
1 ~ I

--~--- _l:.:: ___ =- ---~---- ---'-

Right Iliac fossa _________ .:..:.:.:'- -~ -------------:--- ----- -------.;.'-- ______ _ Pelvic operations
. 1 H yplgastric 1 ..
Direct inguinal hernia repair
Left Iliac fossa -- -- ---- --- -------- --'-,-.~: -.:.: : - ----- -------- ~-- - - -- --- ------~-~~.:~.:-_:~-~~----~~--~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
Indirect inguinal hernia repair
l /. :....
I .... ~ l
I ~
-- --1---- ----- ---- ------- ---- ----- Femo ral hernia repair

Figure 7.1 Inspection of the abdomen-quadrants and scar sites.

:; I
I lncisional herni a
:. ~ - -- -- _L--- ---- Epigastri c hernia
. 1~ I ..

- --

R~hthypoch on drium

IVC obstruction ----- ----

-~:-~~~;~F~~~:~ ~~::;::;;~~~:;:~~:;tom'
umbar 1 ~ ~------ -----Um bilical hernia
~~ : Left

Loop ileostomy stoma __ _ ___ * ! _,ill"b~ - 1 ~~-b~C- _- ---- Cpct medcm

(right lower quadrant) -\----;.- -/ - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - -- Colostomy stoma
\ __ - ~ : ----- - -,:-_:;-- (left lower qu adrant)
Right Ili ac fossa --- --- >- 1 Hypogastric J ...:- - - c-------- Left ll1ac fossa
I I .
.. I I .. ...-

j ~- ~. ~.- - ~~~~~r:~~-------~---_-_-_-_-_- ~:i:::~~~~~~~~a~~::a

~-- - - -- --- ~--- ---- --- - --- Femoral hernia

Figure 7.2 Inspection of the abdomen-hernial and stoma sites.

System examination

e Umbilicus: normal umbilicus is either flat or depressed . Careful examination for discharge is
necessary, as it indicates underlying patent urachus or fistula. Presence of granulation tissue
suggests umbilical granuloma.
Respiratory movements: look for movement of the abdomen with respiration. Diminished
movement is seen in guarding of muscles (peritonitis) . Paradoxical movement (abdomen moving
in with inspiration) is seen in bilateral diaphragmatic paral ysis.
Peristaltic movements: these can be visible in thin or malnourished children . Apart from these
conditions, visib le gastric peristalsis (movement from left hypochondrium towards the umbilicus
and then to the right) is seen in pyloric stenosis, while visible intestinal peristalsis (movement from
right to left and usually below or at the level of the umbilicus) is seen in intestinal obstruction. It is
highly unlikely that any surgical abdomen will be used as a case in the exam.
V ei ns: distended veins are normally not seen over the abdomen and, when present, indicate
portal hypertension or inferior vena cava obstruction .
H e rnia: this is seen as a localized lump of variable size. Small hernias are better felt than seen ,
usually when the chi ld is coughing or crying. Hernias arise due to weakness in the abdominal wal l,
which evolves into a localized defect. Weakening can be congenital or due to connective tissue
problems (Ehlers- Danlos syndrome, Marfan's syndro me), scars from previous surgery or chronic
increase in intra-abdominal pressure. The common abd ominal hernias are:
inguinal hernia (congenital weakness at the internal inguinal ring or weak posterior wall of the
inguinal canal)
femoral hernia (weak posterior wall of the femoral canal)
umbilical hernia (weakness at the site of insertion of the umbilical cord, more common in
infants of African descent, ex-premature infants, and hypothyroidism; usually resolves
incisional hernia (weakness at the site of surgical incision)
~ epigastric hernia (through the linea alba above the umbilicus)
+ lumbar hernia (hernia in the lumbar region) .
G en italia: mention that inspection of the genital ia would be necessary to complete a full
examination, but do not do so in the exam unless the examiner specifically instructs you to.

Palpation provides maximum information in an abdominal examination and is best done in the supine
position. In older children with a firm abdomen, support the neck with a pillow and partially flex the legs
at the hips and knees to relax the abdominal muscles. A pillow under the knees may also aid relaxation of
abdominal muscles. While palpating the abdomen, your hand and forearm should be in the same plane as the
abdominal wall. To achieve this, get down to the level of the child, either by kneeling down next to the bed
or sitting on a low chair. Warm your hands before placing them on the patient by rubbing them against
each other to avoid reflex muscle contraction and discomfort to the child. Keep you r hands supple with
fingers slightly flexed for easy and effective palpation . Never forget to ask the child 'does it hurt anywhere?'
Don't cause pain to the chi ld in your anxiety when palpating the abdomen. Even for deep structures,
palpation should be gentle. Start with the least painful area first, before proceeding to the more tender
areas. Always look at the child's face for any signs of discomfort. In obese children, reinforce the hand on the
abdominal surface by placing the other hand over it. There are three stages of abdominal palpation:

1. Superficial palpation: this provides a general idea of ton e of the abdominal wall and calms down
the child.
2. Deep palpation: this is useful for identifying organ enlargeme nt and masses.
3. Bimanual palpation: this is useful for palpating the kidneys.
State of th e abdominal muscles: look for guarding or rigidity of the muscles. Guarding is
involuntary contraction of the abdominal muscles on stimulation, whereas rigidity is contraction
Chapter 7 Examination of th~ abclom~n

of the abdominal muscles at rest (without any stim ulation). These indicate the presence of
peritoneal irritation (peritonitis).
Tenderness: tenderness at any site usually indicates inflammation of t he underlying organ. Press the
abdomen with the finger tips and suddenly rel ease t he pressure. If the child feels pain on release,
rebound tenderness is present and indicates inflammation of the underlying parietal peritoneum.
Liver (figure 7.3):
+ Start at the r ight iliac fossa area. Ask the child to take deep breath and palpate with the fingers
parallel to the costal margin and pointing upwards. Move the fingers upwards during exp iration
in stages until you reach the costal margin . Continue tracing the edge across the midline
towards the left side to identify the extent of the left lobe of the liver. After defining the
border, palpate the surface of liver and look for te nderness. Note the surface (smooth or
nodular) , consistency (firm, soft, hard) , and presence of pu lsation (pulsatile in arteriovenous
malformation and expansile in tricuspid regurgitation).
+ Palpation of t he liver edge below the costal margin can be due to hepatomegaly or pushed-
down liver, which can be differentiated by measuring the liver span (table 7.3). Identify the
upper margin of the liver by percussing deeply for a dull note along the midclavicul ar line from
the fourth intercostal space with the pleximeter parallel to the ribs. Calculate the liver span by
measuring the distance between the Lipper margin and the liver edge on the midclavicular line.
Spleen (figure 7.4; tab les 7.4 and 7.5):
Start from the right iliac fossa and move the palpating right hand diagonally towards the left
hypochondriac area, as the child breathes in and out until you reach the tip of the 1Oth rib.
On reaching the left upper quadrant, place your left hand around the lower left rib cage and
palpate below the costal margin with your right hand. If the spleen is still not palpable, ask the
child to roll onto the right side. This will bring the edge of the spleen forwards and makes it
easier to palpate . A spleen is rarely palpab le normally, except in infancy.
It is essential to differentiate a splenic mass from a renal mass. A spleen enlarges downwards
and diagonal ly towards the r ight iliac fossa (crosses the midline). It moves well with respiration,
has a notch on the medial side, one cannot get above it, and is dull to percussion (usually the
splenic area of dullness extends over the 9th , 1Oth, and 11th ribs, behind posterior axillary

Figure 7.3 Palpatio n of t he li ver.

System examination

Table 7.3 Causes of hepatomegaly

Infections Bacterial Typhoid fever


Viral Viral hepatitis

V iral (Epstein- Barr virus, cytomegalovirus)
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

Parasitic Amoebic liver abscess

Echinococcal cysts
l(ala azar

Inflammatory Juvenile idiopathic arthritis

Systemic lupus erythematosus
Infiltrative Metastasis

Congestive Congestive heart failure

Tricuspid stenosis/ regurgitation
Constrictive pericarditis
Budd-Chiari syndrome
Storage Glycogen storage diseases
Li pid oses (e.g. Niemann-Pick, Gaucher's disease)
Mucopolysaccharidoses (e.g. Hurler's syndrome)
Wilson's disease
Fatty liver

Intrinsic Cirrhosis

Structural Biliary atresia

Polycystic liver disorder

Metabol ic Hereditary fructose intolerance

Reye's syndrome
Toxin exposure

Pushed down liver (palpable Pulmonary Asthma

liver, no hepatomegaly) Bronchiolitis

Subdiaphragmatic Subdiaphragmatic abscess

Kidneys (figure 7.5): to palpate the right kidney, place your right hand over the right lumbar
area and place your left hand posteriorly in the loin area. Ask the child to take slow and deep
breaths. Push the right hand downwards towards the loin while pulling the left hand forwards
(bimanual palpation). An enlarged kidney will be felt between the two hands. The left kidney can
be palpated from the r ight side by leaning across the patient with the right hand over the left
lumbar area and the left hand in the left loin posteriorly. Alternatively, the child can be examined
from the left side with the right hand under the left loin and the left hand over the left lumbar area.
Chapter 7 Examination of the abdomen

Figure 7.4 Palpation of the spleen.

Normal-sized kidneys are not usually palpable except in slim individuals. The kidney is bimanually
palpable, ballottable, one can get above it, it is resonant to percussion (due to overlying colon),
and does not move freely with respiration.
Mass: if a mass is palpable, determine its characteristi cs, namely size, shape, surface, edge,
consistency, tenderness, movement with respiration, pulsations, percussion note, and presence
of bruit. A mass of pyloric stenosis becomes prominent while feeding (test feed).
Hernial orifices: palpate all hernial sites (femoral, inguinal, umbilical orifices) at rest and during
coughing for any evidence of hernia.
Fluid thrill: ascites can be detected by using fluid thrill (massive ascites) or shifting dullness
(moderate ascites). To elicit the f luid thrill, tapone flank and feel the transmitted wave on the
opposite flank. Place another person's hand firmly on the midline to dampen vibrations conducted
via fat. (The 'Puddle sign ' , which used to be performed , is no longer done, as it is inaccurate and
causes discomfort to the child.)
Arterial pulsation : aortic pulsation can normally be felt in thin children. It can also be felt in
aortic aneurysm or when an overlying mass transmits the aortic pulsations. Pulsations are felt by
pressing deeply in the midline, above the umbilicus. A well-defined, pulsatile mass, greater than
3 em in diameter suggests an aortic aneurysm.
Determination of the direction of blood flow in distended veins: occlude the vein with
two adjacent fingers, empty it by massaging and spreading the fingers apart and then look for the
direction of refill after removing the occlusion . In portal hypertension, veins radiate from the
umbilicus (caput medusae) and b lood flow is away fro m the umbilicus. In extrahepatic inferior
vena caval obstruction, the blood flow in the distended veins is towards the umbilicus (figure 7 .6).

Percussion is useful for identifying the upper border of liver (to differentiate enlarged liver from
pushed down liver), mild splenomegaly, and ascites and is best performed in a quiet room in the
supine position. Place the middle finger (pleximeter) of the non-dominant hand on the part to be
System eltamination

Table 7.4 Causes of moderate splenomegaly

Infection Bacterial Subacute bacterial endocard itis

Splenic abscess
Typhoid fever
Cat-scratch disease

Viral Acute viral hepatitis

Viral (Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus)
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

Parasitic Toxoplasmosis

Fungal Histoplasmosis

Inflammation/ Systemic lupus erythematosus

disordered immunoregu lation Rheumatoid arthritis
Inflammatory bowel disease
Coeliac disease
Chronic granulomatous disease
Serum sickness
Immune thrombocytopenia
Drug reactions

Extramedullary Haemolytic anaemia Hereditary spherocytosis

haematopoiesis Haemoglobinopathies
Thalassaemia major
Osteopetrosis (rare)
Nutritional anaemias
Marrow damage by radiation, toxins
Congestive Portal hypertension Splenic venous thrombosis
Portal vein obstruction
Budd-Chiari syndrome
Chronic congestive heart failure

Malignancy Leukaemia
Hodgkin's disease
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Metastatic disease
H istiocytosis

Storage/infiltrative disorders Lipidoses (e.g. Niemann- Pick syndrome, Gaucher's

Mucopolysaccharidoses (e.g. Hurler's syndrome,
Hunter's syndrome)
Tangi er's disease

Structural Haematoma (trauma)

Cysts or pseudocysts
Chapter 7 Examination of the abdomen

Table 7.5 Causes of massive splenomegaly (more than 8 em below costal margin)

Infections Parasitic Chronic malaria (tropical splenomegaly)

Visceral leishmaniasis (kala azar)

Extramed ullary Haemolytic anaemia Hereditary spherocytos is

haematopoiesis Thalassaemia major

Congestive Portal hypertension Non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis

Malignancy Non- Hodgkin 's lymphoma

Metastatic disease
Chronic myelogenous leukaemia (very rare)

Storage/ infiltrative disorders Lipidoses (e .g. Niemann-Pick syndrome, Gaucher's disease)

Figure 7.5 Bimanual palpation of right kidney.

percussed. Strike the dorsum of the middle phalanx by the tip of the middle finger of the other hand
(the plexor) at 90, with movement delivered from the wrist rather than the elbow. Once struck, lift
the plexor immediately; the blow should be just hard enough to elicit the resonance.
Shifting dullness is useful for detecting moderate ascites and involves demonstration of a shift in the
area of dullness with change of posture.

Step 1: start in the centre of the abdomen to detect a resonant area due to gas in the bowel. If
there is no area of resonance then the test cannot be performed. Move the pleximeter away
from the resonant area and continue to percuss till you identify the upper border of the fluid in
the midline (dull note).
Step 2: place the pleximeter parallel to the flanks above the level of dullness and commence
percussion. Continue to percuss and move slowly towards the flanks until a dull tone is elicited.
Step 3: ask the ch ild to turn to the side opposite to the dullness, while keeping the pleximeter at the site
of dullness. After 15-20 seconds, repeat the percussion at the same site where dullness was elicited. If
fluid is present, then the site will be resonant. Percussion away from this site will result in the return of a
dull note. If there is no shift in area of resonance the presence of significant ascites is unlikely.
Examination of the posterior aspect of the abdomen

Step 1: Empty bl ood fro m t he vein Step 2: Remove on e finger and look Step 3: Replace the finger on the vein
by placing two fingers o n a segment for refilli ng of the vein. In this exam ple and then repeat step 2 but r emove the
of vein and moving them apart. the vein is not refilling. other finger. In this example th e vein has
now fi lled up. indicating that blood flow
is from below.

Figure 7.6 Determining the direction of venous blood flow.

Auscultation of the abdomen is performed to detect bowel sounds, rubs, and bruits. Warm the
diaphragm of the stethoscope by rubbing with your hands. Apply it to the abdominal wall firmly but
gently and auscultate various areas of the abdomen .
Normal bowel sounds are heard irregularly every 5-10 seconds (but this can be up to a
minute). Absent bowel sounds indicate paralytic il eus. Diarrhoea is associated with increased
bowel sounds.
Bruit is a blowing noise, which arises from stenosis of a large vessel such as the aorta or renal
arteries, and is best heard with the bell of the stethoscope. Renal bruits are best heard over the
renal angle or in the flanks (and can be easily missed by a nervous candidate!).
A venous hum is usually heard over the right upper quadrant and is associated with enlargement
of the anastomotic veins in portal hypertension. This sound is softer than the arterial bruit and
tends to be continuous rather than systolic.
Rubs are grating sounds caused by the rubbing of two inflamed and irregular surfaces against one
another. They may o ccur over the liver, spleen , or an abdominal mass.

Examination of the posterior aspect of the abdomen

As always start with inspection. The points to note are:
asymmetry of the back
contour: kyphosis, scoliosis, step-ups, prominent spinous process
skin: tuft of hair over the midline over the lumbo-sacral are may indicate spina bifida occulta
+ swellings: lipoma
cutaneous haemorrhages: purpura, petechiae
scars: midline scar (repair of neural tube defect, resection of spinal tumour), scars in the loin
(nephrectomy, pyeloplasty)
signs of inflammation: erythema. swelling, warmth , pain
gluteal muscle wasting: sign of severe malnutrition
perianal fissures and fistula: inflammatory bowel disease
anus: patency, patu lous anus may be seen in spina bifida.
Chapter 7 Examinat io n of the a bdom e n

While ex amining the posterior aspect, the m ain o bjective of pal patio n is to id entify any are as of
t enderness. Tend ern ess could be present at on e of th e following sites: r enal angl e (pye lonephritis),
bony prominence of th e spine (tenderness m ay indi cate infection, fracture, or malignancy) and
par avertebral mu scles (spasm).

Percussion is mainly useful in identifying minimal te nderness over sp inous process es. T he pl exor is
tapped directly over the bony point without the use of pleximeter.

Auscultation is performed at the renal angles to look for the presence of renal bru it.
At the end of the examination, state that you w o uld normally exami ne the genitalia and perform a
rectal examination where indicated.

Other system examination

Other systems which may be examined dependi ng upon the findings are cardiovascular, respirat o ry,
and central nervous systems.

cardiovascular system : pulmonary stenosis in A lagil le's syndrom e, patent ductus arte ri osus in
congenital rubella syndrome, dextrocardia in polysplenia/ asplenia syndrome
respiratory system: cystic fibrosis
central nervous system : hypotonia (Zellweger's syndrome), ataxi a (vit amin E deficiency) , chorea
in Wilson 's disease.

Common errors at this station

Common errors made by candidates that can result in failure of th is stati on include:

missing an enlarged o rgan such as a spleen o r liver

rough technique and causing pain to the child
reporting physical signs that are not present
poor exam ination technique
failure to examine the back
missing scars from previous surgery.

In th is station , Dr Zengeya ex am ines the abdom en o f an infant. T his is a particu larl y
difficult ex amination as the findings can be very easily missed. Note his gentle techniq ue by whic h
he ensures that the child does not get upset w ith the exami nati on , and his identification of all
relevant clin ical findings.
In this station , you can see Dr Zengeya assessing a m o ck candidate perform ing an
abdominal ex amination . Notice that the cand idat e establishes go o d r apport and demonstr at es his
good technique while ex amining the abdomen . A t th e end, he summarizes his findings well.
Chapter 8 Examination of the central
nervous system

General approach 82
Visual survey-head to toe examination 82
Higher mental function 83
Motor exam ination of the upper limb 85
Motor examination of the lower limb 88
Sensory system examination 93
Signs of meningeal irritation 96

Examination of the central nervou s system

Due to the comp lexity of t he diseases and the number of tests invo lved, examination of the central
nervous system (CNS) is relatively diffi cu lt in the exam setting. Candidates should realize that an
attempt to carry out every aspect of t he physical examination of the CNS will take too long and is
obviously impractical. Appropriate signs need to be eli cited quickly to identify the existence of a
lesion , its anatom ical localization, and likely pathology. Hence, t he examination of this system re quires
plenty of practise and a po lished technique. In the exam, you may be asked to exam ine, fo r example ,
just the motor system, or the upper or the lower limb, rather than an examination of the whole
central nervous system. Prepare yourse lf for a screening examination, which will uncover most signs
in a relatively short time . Remember, a detai led assessment of com plex disorders is never a part of
the MRCPCH Cli nical Exam.
In this chapter, some areas have been explored extensively, keeping in mind the possibility of a
'small area' being examined. As the focus is m ainl y on examination technique and not theoretical
aspects, basic neuroanatomy which has not be en dealt with here should be read about elsewhere .
Key competence ski lls required in the neurological examination are given in table 8.1.
Neurological assessment begins with the first contact with the child , that is the moment you enter
the room . It is necessary to have a predetermined , systematic order of examination so that important
signs are not overlooked . However, you should be ready to adapt the examination technique ,
depending on the ch ild's age and the level of coop eratio n (e.g. compliant teenager, difficult tod dler).
Candidates should real ize that a great deal can be learned by in spection before touching the child .
Integration of observations with specific findings gathered during the neurological examination will
fetch much credit.
Candidates are often not expected to reach a diagnosis in a short case. They are ex pected to
define the deficit, decid e on the anatomical level , if possible, and then consider the likely causes.
Abnormalities commonly seen in the exam include cereb r al palsy, hemiplegia, quad r iplegia, diplegia,
primary myopathy, and hereditary motor sensory neuropathies . It is productive to have a pattern
recognition approach to neurological disorders. It is important to differentiate between upper motor
neurone and lower motor neurone lesions. Upper motor neurone lesio ns pre sent with universal
weakness of muscles, mo re severe in the abductors and extensors in the upper limb and flexors and
abductors in the lower limb, but with relatively normal muscle bulk.

Table 8.1 Key competence skills required in the neurological examination

Competence skill Standard

Knowledge that the ch il d is an individual Demonstrate the ability to perform the physical examination with
and has rights gentleness, respect, and compassion
Knowledge of descriptive terms of the Demonstrate the ability to use the correct terminology for findings
nervous system from examination of the nervous system
Knowledge and clear understand ing of Demonstrate the ability to con duct a clinical examination in an
how to carry out a comp lete neurological organized fashion
examination Examination of the motor system, including tone, power, and
Sensory examination (superficial sensation, deep sensation, and
cortical senses)
Knowledge of the systemati c approach for Demonstrate the abi lity to:
examining the central nervous system identify an abnormality in the nervous system
distinguish peripheral from central nervous system lesions
Summarize the find ings, offer a diffe1ential Demonstrate the ability to sum up t he find ings, provide the
diagnosis, and discuss a management plan differential diagnosis, and offer an appropriate management plan
Chapter 8 Exa minatio n of th e ce nt ra l ne rvo us syst e m

A complete neurological examination can be di v ided into seven areas :

1. general examination
2 . assessment of the higher mental function including speech
3. cranial nerve examin ation
4. motor system examination (inspection , tone, pow er, reflexes, and fu nction)
a. upper limb
b. lower li mb
5. cerebellar examination
6. sensory system exam ination (pain, proprioception , vibration, t ouch , and higher sensory
7. signs of meningeal irritation .

Tools required for the neurological examination are :

reflex hammer
128 hertz tuning fork (for testing vibration and temperature sensation)
visual acuity card (usually provided in the ex am)
a clean Q-tip.

General approach
These steps are repeated in every system to reite r ate their impo rtance and to hel p you recollect the
initial approach o f any clinical examination . Also r efe r t o chapter 4 .

On entering the examination room, adhere to infection control measures by washing your hands or using
alcohol rub .
Introduce yourself both to the parents and the child .
Ask the name and age of the child, if not already tol d by t he ex am iner.
Speak slowly and clearly with a smile on your face.
Explain what t he examination involves and obtain co nsent.
Establish rapport with the child and parents.
Expose the ch ild adequately while ensuring their pri vacy. The child should be sufficiently
undressed for the ex amination, but may need t o be draped an d a gow n may be used to prese rve
modesty. Be careful with teenagers, who might r esent being in minimal clothing. Fo r examination
of the upper limbs, ex pose both the upper limbs an d the chest.
Positioning: the child should be awake and al ert, and the room should be warm and adequately lit.
For assessment of the upper extremities, the o lder child may lie d own or sit on t he edge o f the
couch. It is preferable to examine the younger ch ild on their parent's lap.

Visual survey-head to toe examination

The aim of the visual su rvey is to capture every availabl e clue, w hich may help you t o ar rive at the
correct diagnosis. Take a few seconds to watch the chi ld act ively at the start and cont inue to observe
them attentively during the examination .

Look at the child and try to estimate th eir app roximate age.
Always consider whether the findings combine to form a reco gn izab le clinical sy ndrome .
Common syndromes with motor involvement includ e Ai cardi's sy ndrome , Angelman's synd r ome ,
Arnold-Chiari malfo r mation, Lesch- Nyhan syndro me, myast henia gravis, neurofi bromatosis ,
Higher mental function

Sturge- Weber syndrome. and Werdnig-Hoffman disease. Make sure you are familiar with
common features of these conditions.
Comment on the fo ll owing:
~ state of wakefulness: awake/ aware/ alert/ active
general well-being: wel l, ill
attention, behaviour, interest in the surroundings, play, relation with parents
resting position
growth: comment on the nutritional status of the child ; comment that you would like to plot the
child's height and weight on the growth chart.
-.lJ head:
size: microcephaly I macrocephaly
shape: hydrocephalus, craniostenosis, small posterior fossa (cerebellar agenesis), occipital
protuberance (Dandy- Walker malformation)
sutures: separation, overriding, and fusion
shunts and reservoirs
facial expression
unusual facial features: facial asymmetry (VI I nerve palsy), ptosis, dysmorphic facies
:. ~ (trisomy 21, fetal alcohol syndrome)
eyes: squint, nystagmus, spectacles, Kayser-Fleishe r rings of Wilson's disease
secretions in the throat
skin: neurocutaneous markers, scars
+ degree of respiratory distress
tracheostomy scar
+ environment:
feeding pump, nasogastric tube (pseudobulbar palsy), feed ing assistance devices such as PEG
urinary catheter
shake hand
ask if right or left-handed.

Higher mental function

Ex amination of the higher mental function constitutes an integral part of the clinical evaluation of
cortical function. A detailed assessment is time-consuming and not routi nely performed . It is extremely
unl ikely that higher mental function will be assessed in the MRCPCH exam . For all practical purposes,
one needs to have a simple instrument for screening cognitive dysfunction. Features of individual lobe
lesions are given in table 8.2. In the section below, we have given modified ment al assessment
questions, which ar e suitable for children above 4 years. They concentrate on five areas of cognitive
functions: registration, orientation, attention- concentration, recall, and speech (language) (acronym
Chapter 8 Examin ation of the central ne rvous system

Tabl e 8.2 Clinical features of cortical lobe les ion s

Affe cte d lobe Clinical feature s

Front al lobe Changes of personality and behaviour (e.g. apathy or disinhibition)

Loss of emotional responsiveness or em oti onal lab ility
Cognit ive impairments (particularly memo r y, attentio n, and co ncentratio n)
Expressive dysphasia (dominant lobe)
Conjugate gaze deviation to the sid e of t he lesion
Urinary incontinence
Reappearance of primitive reflexes

Temporal lobe Memory impairment

Compl ex partial seizures
Contralateral upper quadrantanopia
Recept ive dysphasia (dominant lobe)
Parietal lobe Signs of involvement of the dominant or non-dom in ant lobe
Cortical sensory impairments (sensory an d visual inattenti on , constru ctio n and dressing
aprax ia, spatial neglect and 1nattent ion , astereognosis, agraphesthesia, t actile extinction ,
impaired two-point discrimination)
Contralateral lower quadrantanopi a
Primitive reflexes
Dysphasia (dominant)
Signs of dominant lobe involvement
Finger agnosia
Left-right disorientation
Occipital lobe Visual field defects (homonymous hemian o pi a)
Visual agnos ia (inability to read ; wo rd blindness)
Visual hallucinations

Registration :
Can you identify t hree objects by name?
Orientation (person, place, and time) :
+ What is your name?
Are you a boy or a girl?
Where do you live?
Where are you at the moment?
~I How old are you ?
What time is it?
.'~ Attention-concentration :
. Can you count from 1 to 20?
., Can you count backwards from 20 to 1?
Recall (immediate):
Show the child three common objects and ask t he child t o re co llect them .
Speech (language):
+ Look at fluency and articulation of norm al speech.
Name parts of the body.
Motor examina t ion of the uppe r limb

~ Simple command: Take the toy from my han d an d put it on the tab le.
Repeat a simple sentence (with a verb and a nou n) .
+ Reading: Can you read your name?
Writing: Write down your name.
Copy a simple design .

Motor examination of the upper limb

Posture: note the resting posture. Look for abno r mal flexion, unusual rotation or clawing of the
hand. Always compare both sides for symmetry. In a child with hem iplegia, the upper limb is
flexed at the shoulder and elbow with adduction and pr o nation o f t he arm , while the lower limb
is extended .
Muscle bulk: look for wasting (indicates denervatio n, myopathy, o r disuse) and hypertrophy.
Compare one side with the other and proximal w it h distal (asymmetry). Mu scle wasting is not
seen in acute upper motor neurone lesions.
Involuntary movements:
~ fasciculation is fine irr egular twitching of individu al muscle bun d les : ask the chil d t o r elax t heir
arms and r est them on their lap; look at the large muscle gro ups fo r fasciculatio ns;
f asciculation, when p r esent in association with w eakness and w asting of m uscle, in dicates
degeneration of the lower motor neurone
chorea is characterized by brief, jerky, irregu lar, quasipurposeful contractions that are not rhyt hm ic
+ athetosis is characte rized by continuous, slow, f lo wing, writhing, invol untary m ovem ents
dystonia is the slow deve lopment of an ab no rm al posture due to sudd en , sustained
co ntractions of the m uscles
tics are sudden, repetit ive, non-rhythmic, ster eo t yped motor movem ent or vocalization
involving discrete m uscle groups such as shr uggi ng of shoulder
t remor is rhyt hmic, o scillatory movement acr oss jo ints due to altern ating muscl e contraction
and relaxation; look fo r tremors at rest whi le m aint aining a postu r e and on active m o vem ent
~ myoclonic jerks are brief, involuntary, shock-like co ntractions of o ne o r more groups of muscles.
Paucity of voluntary movements

For the rest of the examination, always explain the procedure to the child before carrying it out.

Tenderness: ask the child 'Does it hurt anywhe re?' This is to avoid m ani pu lating any joi nt w ith
Myotonia (normal tone at rest, increased to ne afte r active movement, and inab ilit y to relax th e
muscle) : shake hands. If myotonia is present, the ch ild cannot rel ax th e handgrip and w ill o pen the
hand slowly. Thi s is seen in myotonic dystrophy.
Tone (resistance felt when a joint is moved passi vely) : in the upper limbs, tone is tested at the
w rist s and elbows. Ask the child to relax, let thei r shoulders and arm s go f loppy, and allow you t o
move the jo ints freely. H old the child's hand belo w t he wrists with on e hand an d support the
el bow with your other hand. Flex , extend, and ro tate t he forearm at varying speeds . A ssess t he
resistance to movements (both f lexor an d ex t en sor tone) and decid e if t he t one is normal,
decreased, or increased . Similarly, grasp the fo rearm proximal to the wrist with one hand and the
child's hand with the other. Rotate the hand t hr o ugh the full range of m ovements, bo t h slowly
Chapter 8 Examination of the central nervous sy stem

and quickly. Hypertonia is present in upper motor neurone lesion (spasticity, which is velocity
dependent resistance to passive movement) or extrapyramidal lesion (rigidity, which is sustained
resistance throughou t the range of movement). Rigidity is of two types, namel y lead pipe and
cogwheel rigidity (that is regular interruption to the resistance due to tremor) . Hypotonia occurs
in lower motor neurone lesion, cerebellar disease, early spinal shock, and in muscle disorders.

Assess muscle strength by comparing the child's strength against your ability to resist their
voluntary movement.
Start proximally and move distally. Compare both sides for symmetry.
Demonstrate the movement to be performed to help the child understand.
Palpate the muscle group as the child performs a movemen t .
Assess the movements with gravity eliminated initially (directio n of movement parallel to the
ground), then against gravity, and finally against resistance.
During routine assessment, quickly screen the p r oxim al and distal muscle groups in each limb.
If the power is reduced, then test the individual muscles.
Determine whether the child has norn:al power by taking into account the maximum observed
response and the age of the child.
Grade the muscle strength using the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale (table 8.3).
+ Abduction- deltoid and supraspinatus (CS, C6) : 'flex the elbow and abduct the arms'.
Adduction-pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi (C6, C7, C8): with the upper limbs
abducted, ask the child to 'flex your elbows and pull your arms into your sides' .
Flexion- subscapularis and teres major (CS-C7) : 'Bend your elbows and put your arms in
front of your chest, as if to bear hug yourselves'.
Extension-latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major (CS, C6).
Flexion-biceps, brachialis, and brachiorad ialis (CS , C6): 'Bend your elbow and do not let me
straighten it'.
Extension- triceps and anconeus (C7, C8): 'Keep your elbow straight and do not let me
bend it'.
Flexion-flexor carpi ulnaris, and radialis (C6, C7): 'Bend your wrist and do not let me
straighten it'.
+ Extension-extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris (C7) : 'Stop me
bending your wrist'.

Table 8.3 Medical Research Council scale for muscle power

Grade Description

0 No muscle contraction
1 Flicker of contraction but no movement
2 Active movement with effect of gravity eliminated
3 Active movement against gravity but not against examiner's resistance
4 Active movement against gravity and resistance. weaker than normal
5 Normal power
Motor examination of the upper limb

Flexion-flexor digitorum profundus and sublimis (C7, C8) : 'Squeeze my fingers' or 'make a fist '.
* Extension-extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, and extensor digiti minimi (C7, C8):
'Straighten your fingers and do not let me bend them'.
Abduction-dorsal interossei (C8, T1 ): 'Spread out your fingers and do not allow me to push
them togethe r'.
+ Adduction- palmar interossei (C8, T1): 'H old your fingers together and stop me from
spreading them out'.
T humb:
Extension- abductor pollicis brevis (C8, T1 ): Place the hand flat o n the table with palm facing
upwards and ask the child to 'Lift your thumb straight up to touch my pen' .
Opposition- opponens pollicis (C8, T1 ): Ask the chil d to 'Touch the tips of your thumb and
little finger together' and try to break them apart.

Dee p tendon reflexes (contraction of a muscle elicited in response to sudden stretch of the
tendon): the child should be relaxed and <;omfortable , as anxiety and pain can produce an
exaggerated response. While delivering the blow, extend the wrists and allow the weight of the
reflex hammer to deliver the impulse. Check the extent of the reflex contraction and the
symmetry of the response . When a reflex is apparently absent, always test following
reinforcement (isometric contraction of other muscles). In the case of upper limb reflexes, this
can be done by asking the child to clench the teeth tightly just before the blow. Reflexes are
graded according to the scale given in table 8.4. An abnormally brisk reflex (hype r-reflexia) occurs
with upper motor neurone lesion. Diminished or absent reflex occurs with a lesion in the muscle,
motor nerve, anterior horn cell, or sensory nerve.
Biceps jerk (CS, C6): with the elbows semiflexed and forearm pronated, place the th umb on
the biceps tendon, tap with the reflex hammer, and observe the arm movement. N ormal
response is a brisk contraction of the biceps with flexion of the forearm, followed by prompt
relaxation. Repeat in the other arm and compare.
+ Supinator jerk (CS, C6): with the elbows semiflexed and forearm semipronated, place the
index and middle fingers on the lower end of the radius just above the wrist (styloid process)
and then strike the fingers. Flexion of the elbow occurs as the normal response due to
contraction of the brachioradialis.
Triceps jerk (C7, C8): semiflex and support the elbow with one hand and tap over the
triceps tendon. A normal response is triceps contraction, causing elbow extension .

Assessment of function is useful in identifying dyspraxia (inability to perform a motor action despite
understanding the task in the absence of motor weakness, coordination defects, or sensory impairment).
To assess the functional capacity of the upper e xtremity, the following tests can be done

Table 8.4 Scale for grading the deep tendon reflex

4+ Very brisk, associated with clonus

3+ Brisker or increased than normal
2+ Normal
1+ Present but diminished
0 No ,-esponse
Chapter 8 Examination of the centt'al nel"vous system

Give the child an object and see how they receive it.
Ask the child to write on a piece of paper or draw a figure .
Ask about 'combing your hair'.

Back examination
Motor examination of the upper limb is complete only after examin ing the upper back.

Inspection: look for muscle wasting, winging of scapula, and surgical scars.
Power (in addition to muscles of the shoulder, see above):
~ Serratus anterior (CS, C6, C7): 'Stand in front of the wall and push it with your hands'. Look at
the back for winging of the lower scapula.
Infraspinatus (CS, C6): 'With your arms at your sides, bend both elbows to 90 and rotate the
arms outwards (externally rotate)', while you provide the resistance against external rotation.

For features of individual nerve lesions, refer to table 8.5.

Motor examination of the lower limb

Ask the child to lie down on the bed and expose to the underpants. Place a towel over the groin and
inspect the lower limb.

Posture: note the resting posture. Look for abnormal flexion or extension, unusual rotation,
clawing of the foot, or limb shortening. Always compare with the other side for symmetry.
Muscle bulk: look for muscle wasting of the quadriceps and anterior tibials, and hypertrophy of
the calf muscles. Compare one side with the other and proximal with distal (asymmetry) .
Involuntary movements: look for abnormal moto r activity such as fasciculations and tremor.
Paucity of voluntary movements.
Scars, particularly on the posterior aspect of the lower limb.
Equipment: urinary catheter, footwear.

Gait examination
Function assessment of the lower limbs is an important part of the neurological examination.
Sometimes, this aspect alone is given as an individual case in the exam. It is important to remember
that normal stance and gait depend on intact visual, proprioceptive, corticospinal, extrapyramidal,
cerebellar pathways, and motor systems. There are two phases to the normal walking cycle: stance
phase, when the foot is on the ground, and swing phase, when it is moving forward. While assessing
gait, one should evaluate both the stance and walking, with various manoeuvres. Before the assessment,
ask the child to remove their socks and footwear, and examine the shoe.

Stance: make sure the legs and the thighs are clearly visible:
look fo r limb shortening
foot and knee position-valgus/ varus
width of stance
+ Romberg's sign (chapter 10).
Ask the child to walk normally, with a walking aid if needed, fo r a few metres and then turn
around quickly and walk back. Look for age-appropriate walking, symmetry and smoothness of
the gait, and ability to turn . Watch the width of gait, the arm swing and position, movement of
M otor exam ination o f t h e lowe r li mb

Table 8.5 Deficits in individual nerve lesions

N erve Motor supply M otor de ficit Sensory de fi cit

Upper trunk of Deltoi d Loss of shoulder abduction, elbow Sen sory loss over t he
C5-C6 of brachial Biceps flex ion , and supination of the lateral aspect of th e arm
plexus (Er b's palsy) forearm and forearm
Hand he ld in the w aiter's t ip

Lower trunk of Intrinsic muscles of the C law hand with paral ysis of all the Sensory loss along the
C8-T1 of brachial hand intri nsic m uscles ulnar side of the hand
plexus (Erb's pal sy) Flex ors of the wrist and Horner's syndrome and forearm
Dilators of t he iris and
levato r palpebrae
superi o ris
Radial nerve Triceps Wrist drop Se nsory loss over the
Brachioradiali s Weakness of triceps when lesion is dorsum of the hand and
extensor muscles of the in upper third of the upper arm anatomical snuffbox
hand Loss of triceps jerk

Median nerve Muscl es of the anterior Lesi on at car pal tunnel : Weakness Palmar aspect of the
(C6-T 1) aspect of the forearm of abductor pollicis brevis and thumb, index, middle and
except flexo r carpi ulnaris opponens pollicis lateral half of the ring
and the ulnar half of the Lesion in the cubital fossa: fingers
flexor digitorum Ochsner's clasping test-ask the Palm is spared in median
profundus child to clasp the hands firmly nerve lesions in the
Small muscles of the together carpal tunnel
hand- flexor pollicis Inability to flex the index finger
brevis, opponens pollicis , confirms a lesion on that side
abductor po llicis brevis,
lateral two lumbricals

Ulnar nerve Al l the small muscles of Wasting of the small muscles of Sensory loss on the
(C8- T 1) the hand (except the the hand palmar and dorsal
FOAL muscles) Clawing (hyperex tension at the aspects of the little finger
m etacarpophalangeal joints and and the medial half of
flexion of the interphalangeal the ring finger
joints) of the littl e and ring fingers
Adduction of the fingers: place a
card between the fingers and pu ll it
out against resi st ance

Femoral nerve Quadriceps Weakness of knee extension Medial aspect of the

(L2, L3, L4) Iliopsoas (quadriceps paralysis) thigh and leg
Hip flexion weakne ss is on ly slight
and adductor strength is preserved
Absent knee jerk

Sci ati c nerve A ll th e muscles below the Foot d rop Posterior thigh, lateral
(L4, LS, S1, S2) knee Weakness of kn ee flexion and posterior aspect of
Hamstri ngs Intact knee jerk but absent ankle the leg and t he foot
jerk and plant ar respons e

Com mon pe roneal Muscles of the anterior Foot drop Minimal sensory loss
nerve (L 4, LS, 51) and lateral compartment Weakness of do rsiflexion and over the lateral aspect of
of the leg eversion of foot the dorsum of t he foot
Intact ankle jerk
Chapter 8 Examination of the central nervous system

pelvis and knee, the heel lift, and toe push -off. Toddlers walk with wide, jerky steps. By age 7 ,
children have a smooth, mature gait, with heel strike, stance phase (whole foot on the ground),
push -off phase , and arm swing.
+ Next, ask the child to 'walk heel to toe' in a straight line (tandem gait) to exclude a midline
cerebellar lesion.
+ Ask the child to 'walk on tiptoes' (to identify foot dorsiflexion weakness and S1 lesion) .
Ask the child to walk on their heels (a child with L4-5 les ion, foot drop, and Achilles' tendon
contracture cannot do this manoeuvre) .
+ Ask the chi ld to 'hop on each leg' (tests balance, coordination, and quadriceps function).
+ Fog's test: 'walk on the outside (everted) of the feet' . This is useful in identifying mild
hemiplegia and athetoid posturing of hands.
+ Finally, ask the child to run (identifies subtle hemiplegia, whi ch may be missed otherwise).
Other manoeuvres:
Gowers' sign: ask the child to squat and then stand up. This sign is present when the child uses
the hands and arms to 'walk' up his or her own body from a squatting position due to
weakness of the proximal muscles of the lower limb.
Types of gaits due to abnormal neuroiQgy (chapter 12):
Gluteus maximus gait: with weakness of the gluteus maximus, the trunk lurches backward at
heel strike on the weakened side to interrupt the forward motion of the trun k.
Trendelenburg gait: during the stance phase on the weakened side, the pe lvis tilts downwards
to the opposite side. To compensate, the trunk lurches toward the weakened side (abducto r
lurch). This is seen in gluteus medius and adductor weakness.
+ Steppage gait: there is a difficulty in clearing the toes during the swing phase due to foot drop,
therefore the child lifts the foot high off the ground to avoid tripping over an d walks w ith
ex aggerated flexion at the knee and the hip.
Hemiplegic gait: the leg is extended at the kn ee and ankle and the foot is plantar flexed. The leg
is swung in a lateral arc, with circumduction at the hip.
+ Scissors gait: flexion in the legs, hips, and pelvis with extreme adduction at the hips gi ves a
crouched appearance. The knees and thigh s cross each other wh ile walking. Thi s is seen in
spastic diplegia.
~ Cerebellar gait: broad - based, unsteady, staggering gait, with a tend ency to fall.
Toe walking: only the ball of the foot rests on the ground while the child is walki ng. Causes are
spastic cerebral palsy, congenital short Achilles' tendon, and Duchenne's muscular dystrop hy.
+ Waddling gait: broad-based gait with a duck-like waddle to the swing phase and tilt of the
pelvis downwards to the side of the leg being raised and lumbar lordosis. It is seen in proximal
myopat hy.
Festinating gait: gait with stooped posture , short and shuffling steps, and loss of arm swing. It is
seen in extrapyramidal disorders.

Always explain the procedure to the child before performing it.
Tenderness: ask the child ' Does it hurt anywhere?' This is to avoid manipulating any joint w ith
Tone: ask the child to lie down on the ir back. Assessment of the lower limb includes adductor
tone at the hip, extensor tone at the kn ee, and plantar fle~or tone at the ankle . A preliminary
evaluation of tone can be done by rolling th e legs from side to side . N ext , place one hand under
the knee and pull it up to check its tone . T hen , support the thigh, and flex and extend the knee at
varying speeds, while feeling for resistance (figure 8.1). Finally, check the tone at t he ankle by
plantar and dorsiflex ing the foot, and assessing the resistance.
Motor examination of the lower limb

Figure 8.1 Testing for tone at the knee joint.

Clonus: rhythmic contraction of the muscles evoked by sudden stretch. Ill-sustained clonus can
occur in tired healthy individuals spontaneously, but sustained clonus indicates upper motor
neurone damage. Clonus can be elicited at the knee and ankle.
Knee (patel lar) clonus: with the knee extended , place the thumb and forefinger on the lower
part of the quadriceps just above the patella. Push the patella down sharply towards the foot
and sustain the pressure for a few seconds. In upper motor neurone lesion, sustained
contraction of the quadriceps can occur while the downward stretch is maintained .
Ankle clonus: bend the knee and support the heel with one hand, sharply dorsiflex and partially
evert the foot, and sustain the pressure for 2- 3 seconds. When ankle clonus is present,
rhythmical plantar flexion may occur until the dorsiflexion is sustained (figure 8.2).

For general principles, refer to sections above.

Flexion- iliacus and psoas major (L2, L3): 'Lift your leg up and don't let me push it down '
(place your hand above the knee) .
.e. Extension-gluteus maximus (LS, 51, 52): 'Push your heel down into the bed and don't let me
pull it up'.
~ Abduction- gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, sarto rius (L4, LS, S1): 'Spread your legs apart
and don't let me push your knees together' .
+ Adduction- adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, pectineus (L2, L3, L4): 'Keep
your legs close together and don't let me push your knees apart'.
Flexion-semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, popliteus, gastrocnemius
(LS , 51): 'Bend your knee and don't let me straighten it' .
o& Extension- quadriceps femoris (L3, L4): 'Bend your knee partially, straighten it and don't stop
me from bending it'.
Chapter 8 Examinati o n of t h e ce ntra l n e r vo u s s yst e m

F igure 8.2 Testing for ankle clonus.

Plantar flexion- gastrocnemius, soleus (51 , 52) : 'Push t he foot down and don 't let me pull
it up'.
~ Dorsiflexion-tibialis anterior, extensor digitor um lo ngus, extensor hallucis longus (L4, LS) : 'Lift
your foot and don 't let me push it down'.
Eversion (tarsal joint)-peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, exte nsor digitorum longus (LS, 51):
'Stop me turning your foot inwards' .
Inversion (tarsal joint -tibialis posterior, gastrocnem ius, hallucis longus (LS, 51) : 'Stop me
turn ing your foot outwards'.
Great toe:
Plantarflexion: 'Push the great toe down and don 't let m e pull it up'.
Dorsiflexion: 'Lift your great toe and don 't let me pus h it down '.
Deep tendon reflexes.
Kn ee je r k (LJ- 4): ask the child to relax as much as po ssible. With the child lyi ng on their
back, slide one arm under the knees and lift to bend it slight ly. Strike the infrapatellar portion
of the quadriceps tendon directly with the reflex ham m er. A normal response is the
contraction of the quadriceps causing the knee t o exte nd . Repeat on the other side and
compare. At times, it might be difficult to elicit th e knee and an kle reflexes , and a
reinforcement manoeuvre should be used before deciding that reflexes are absent. The
commonly used one is the Jendrassik's manoeuvre, wh ich is performed by asking the child to
interlock their fingers and pull the hooked fi ngers apart just before eliciting the reflex ('grip
your fingers and pull your hands apart when I say "yes"').
Ankl e jerk (S1 - 2): with the child lying on the back and f ully relaxed , position the lower limb
so that the thigh is externally rotated and the knee is part ially fl exed . Hold the foot in
dorsiflexion with o ne hand. Strike the Achilles' te nd on with th e reflex hammer and note the
plantar flexion. Compare both the ankle jerks.
Sensory system examination

Superficial reflexes: contraction of the muscles elicited in response to light touch of skin.
+ Abdominal reflexes (above the umbilicus [T8, T9, T1 OJ and below the umbilicus [T11,
T12]): ask the child to lie down on the back and relax. With a blunt object, such as a key or
tongue depressor, stroke briskly but lightly in each of the four quadrants of the abdomen in an
inward direction, above and below the umbilicus. The normal response is the contraction of
the underlying muscle with the deviation of the umbilicus outwards and upwards or
downwards, depending upon the quadrant tested . Abdominal reflexes are absent in upper
motor neurone lesions above the segmental level.
~ Plantar (Babinski) reflex (LS, 51, 52): ask the child to lie down on their back with legs out
straight and relax. Using a blunt object, stroke the lateral aspect of the sole from the heel
upwards and curve inwards across the ball of the foot medially. Stop before reaching the base
of the great toe. In children older than 1 year, flexion of the big toe at the metatarsophalangeal
joint is the normal response. The abnormal response, also called as positive Babinski's sign, is
characterized by extension of the big toe and fanning of the other toes, and is seen in upper
motor neurone lesion .
~ Cremasteric reflex (L1- 2): this reflex is rarely elicited in the exam and is mentioned here
only for the sake of completion. Ask the child to lie down on the back, abduct and externally
rotate the thigh. With a blunt object, stroke the superior and medial aspect of the thigh in a
downward direction. The normal response is the contraction of the cremaster muscle that
pulls up the testicle on the side stimulated briskly.

Gait assessment- see above.

Sensory system examination

Detailed examination of the sensory system is time-consuming and difficult, and is rarely tested in the
exam. In case you need to perform the sensory exam (e.g. child with sensory symptoms, spinal cord
lesion, or peripheral nerve disorder), the following section will help you to cover the basics. The
sensory exam includes testing for superficial sensation (pain, light touch, and temperature), deep
sensation (p roprioception and vibration), and cortical senses (stereognosia, graphesthesia, etc .).
Nerve fibres carrying the pain and temperature impulses enter the spinal cord, crossover to the
opposite spinothalamic tract after a few higher segments, and ascend to the brainstem. Proprioceptive
fibres and touch fibres travel in the dorsal colum ns ipsilateral to the side of their origin until they reach
the lower medulla, where they cr oss to the opposite side.
Children should be sufficiently undressed but draped to preserve modesty. Initial evaluation of the
sensory system is done with the child lying on their back and eyes closed.

General principles
Always test the sensation in a dermatomal distribution, proximal to distal, comparing the right
with the corresponding area on the left. Move from an area of reduced sensation to normal or
increased sensation. Map out the distribution of sensory loss and decide on the pattern of loss,
which can conform to a region (spinal cord or upper brainstem lesion), dermatome (spinal cord
or nerve root lesion), peripheral nerve, or glove and stocking distribution (peripheral neuropathy
with involvement of multiple nerves).
Often, in cases of spinal lesions, a level of increased sensitivity can occur above the sensory level,
which usually ind icates the highest affected spinal segment.
Because the vertebral column is longer than the spinal cord in older children, spinal cord segments
do not correspon d to the vertebrae. The C8 spinal segment lies opposite to the C7 vertebra.
The difference between the spinal segment and vertebra is about two segments in the upper
Chapter 8 Examination of the centr al nervous system

Table 8.6 Simplified dermatomal distribution

C4 Posterior aspect of the shoulders

CS Shoulder tip and lateral aspect of the upper arm
C6 Lateral aspect of the forearm and tip of the thumb
C7 Ti p of the middle finger
C8 Tip of the little finger
T1 Medial aspect of the upper arm and elbow
T4 Nipple level in the chest
T1 0 Umbilicus
L2 Upper anterior thigh
L3 Knee
L4 Medial aspect of the leg
LS Lateral aspect of the leg and the medial side of the dorsum of the foot
S1 Heel and the sole
S2 Posterior aspect of the thigh
S3 Medial side of the buttock

thorax and three in the midthorax. Lumbar and sacral segments are found between vertebral
levels T1 0-T1 1 and T12-L2, respectively.
For a rough dermatome guide, refer to table 8.6 and figure 8.3 .
Always assess the cortical senses after establishing the intactness of the main senses and only
i when a parietal lesio n is suspected .
I Always explain the procedure to the child before performing it to decrease anxiety.
:I Avoid repetition of testing.

,i Superficial sensation (pain, light touch, and temperature)

i Pain: is almost never tested in the exam, unless it is absolutely necessary. Two t ypes of pain
sensation are tested during routine examination .
Ii + Superficial pain: with a new, disposable; neurological pin that does not penetrate the skin,
touch a normal area and demonstrate the relatively sharp sensation with eyes open, to

j alleviate any fear of being hurt during the examination. Ask them 'd oes this feel sharp or
blunt?'. Following th is, ask the child to close their eyes and assess the pinprick sensation.
J Do not use a hypodermic needle.
+ Deep pain : squeeze the calf muscl es or apply pressure to the nail bed . Ask the child to report
when they fee l discomfort.
J Light touch : following the principles of sensory examination discussed above, gently touch t he
skin with a cotton wisp in various places at irregu lar intervals. Ask the child to close their eyes and
respond with a 'yes' every time they feel the sensation . Do not stroke the skin with the cotton wool.
Temperature : ask the child to close their eyes, touch the skin with a cold tuning fork (which can
be cooled by holding it under cold water) and ask 'Does it feel cold?'.

Deep sensation
Vibration: in contrast to spinothalamic senses, posterior column senses are tested from distal to
proximal dirr.:cti()n, a:; distol oreos ore the first ones to lose the sensation. Strike a 128Hz tuning fork
Sensory system examination

Figure 8.3 Simplified sensory distribution.

on your hand, place the handle of the vibrating tuning fork on the child's sternum and
demonstrate. 'Can you feel the vibration (buzzing)? Tell me when it stops'. Test the vibration
sense over the great toe, medial malleolus of the ankle, patella, kn ees and the anteri or superior
iliac spines in the lower limb and distal phalanx, styloid proces s of the radius, olecranon process in
the elbow, and acromion process in the shoulder in the upper limb. Ask the child to close their
eyes only if you are unsure about the response . There is no need to test the proximal areas if the
sensation is perceived distally.
Proprioception (joint position sense): hold t he distal interphalangeal joint at the sides with the
thumb and index finge r of one hand and stabilize . With the child's eyes open , hold the digit
distally from the side with the other hand , make small upward and downward movements, and
finally hold it in one position, up or down. Th en ask the chi ld to 'tell me whether your finger is up
or down' . Repeat the procedure with the eyes closed . Holding the top or bottom of the digit
instead of the sides will produce pressure cues that will annul the test. Test the thumb and fingers
in the upper limb and great toe in the lower limb, bilaterally.

Cortic:al senses
These are rarely tested in children and will not be discussed in detail here.

Two point discrimination: ability to perceive two stimuli delivered close together as two
different stimuli rather than one. The normal valu e over the tip of the fingers is 2-4 mm .
Chapter 8 Examination of the centt"al net"vous system

Graphesthesia: ability to identify numbers or letters written on the skin with a blunt object.
Stereognosis: abi lity to identify an object placed in the hand without looking at it.
Extinction: ability to identify simultaneous stimuli delivered b ilaterally to corresponding areas of
the body.

Signs of meningeal irritation

Inflammation of the meninges leads to increased resistance to passive flexion of the neck and
the extended leg. Th is can be identified clinically by eliciting neck stiffness, Kernig's sign , and
Brudzinski's sign.

Neck stiffness: with the child lying flat on their back, slip a hand under the occiput and gently
flex the neck passively. In the presence of meningeal irritation, there is resistance to flexion of the
neck due to spasm of the extensor neck muscles. Normally, the chin can be brought up to the
chest wall.
Kernig's sign: ask the child to lie down flat on the couch with both legs exten ded . Flex the hip
and the knee to 90 on one side and then try to straighten the knee, while keeping the hip flexed .
Kernig's test is positive when painful spasm of the hamstrings lim its the exte nsion of the knee,
and at times the child will flex the head t~ avoid stretching of the meninges.
Brudzinski's sign: ask the child to lie down flat on the couch with both legs extended. Flex the
neck forward and look for flexion of the knees and hips.

@0:11 In th is video Dr Chinthapalli demonstrates how to examine the upper limb. Notice how
he quickly eli cits the relevant clinical features of weakness and absence of reflexes. The examination
is well structured, fluent, and is completed in the allotted time.
Chapter 9 Examination of cranial nerves

General approach 99
Visual survey-head to toe examination 99
Individual cranial nerve examination 103
Visual survey-head to toe examination

Cranial nerve examination is one of the commonly assessed areas of the nervous system in the
MRCPCH clinical examination. The examiner may ask you to examine some of the cranial nerves or
just the eye. This gu ide wil l take you through a systematic nerve examination, which is fo llowed by
most practitioners. You may need to individualize the examination sequence to suit your style. The key
competence skills requ ired in the cranial nerve examination are given in table 9 .1. Cranial nerves cases
commonly encountered in the MRCPCH Clinical Exam are listed in table 9.2. Causes of the different
cranial nerve lesions are given in table 9.3.

General approach
These steps are repeated in every system to reiterate their importance and to help you recollect the
initial approach of any clinical exam. Also refer to chapter 4.

On entering the examination room, demonstrate strict adherence to infection control measures by
washing your hands or by decontaminating them with alcohol rub.
Introduce yourself both to the parents and the child.
Talk slowly and clearly with a smile on your face.
Establish rapport with the child and parents.
Ensure privacy.
Positioning: examine the older child while they sit on the edge of the bed or on a chair. It is
preferable to examine the younger child on a parent's lap rather than on a couch, as this can
cause much anxiety.

Visual survey-head to toe examination

The aim of the visual survey is to capture every available clue, which may help you to reach the correct

Look at the child and try to estimate their approximate age .

Always consider whether the findings combine to form a recognizable clinical syndrome. Common
syndromes with cranial nerve involvement include Aicardi's syndrome, Angelman's syndrome,

Table 9.1 Key competence skills required in the cranial nerve ex amination

Competence skill Stan dard

Knowledge of descriptive terms of the cranial nerves Demonstrate ability to use the correct terminology for
findings of the cranial nerve examin ation
Knowledge that the child is an individual and has rights Demonstrates abil ity to perform a physical examination
with gentleness, respect, and compassion
Knowledge and clear understanding of how to carry Demonstrates ability to conduct a clinical examination
out a complete examination in an organized fashion
Knowledge of the systematic approach to examining Demonstrates ability to examine all the cranial nerves
the cranial nerves Demonstrates ability to examine for motor strength
Ability to assess various reflexes related to cranial
Sensory exam (touch, pain, vibration)
Ability to assess special senses when appropriate (taste,
smell, vision , hearing)
Summarize the findings, offer a differential diagnos is, Demonstrate an abi lity to sum up the findings, provide
and discuss a management plan possible differential diagnosis lis t, and offer an
appropriate management plan
Chapter 9 Examination of cranial nerves

Table 9.2 Possible MRCPCH Clinical Exam cases with cranial nerve involvement

Cause Diagnosis

Congenital Moebius syndrome

Congenital intrauterine infections (CMV, toxop lasmosis, rubella)
C ongen ital syndromes with :
visual loss
hearing loss: Pend red, Waardenburg, T reacher-Co llins

Infect ive Bell's palsy

Guillain-Barre syndrome
Postmeningitis, especially pneumococcal

Trauma Head injury

Horner's syndrome

Neoplastic Brain stem astrocytoma

Medu ll ob lastoma

Table 9.3 Cau ses of crani al nerve lesions

Olfactory or cran ial nerve I Head trauma, damage to the ethmoid bone
Frontal lobe tumour
Foster-Kennedy syndrome (ips ilateral optic atrophy, central
scotoma, anosmia, contralateral papilloedema)
Kallmann 's syndrome (hypogo nadotropic hypogonadism with
congenital anosmia)
Refsum's disease (sensorimotor polyneuropathy, cataract,
retinitis pigmentosa, anosmia, sensorineural deafness , and
cerebellar ataxia)
Idiopath ic intracranial hypertension

Optic or cranial nerve II Visual acuity (any Uveitis

abnormality of the Cataract
lens, cornea, Lens dislocation
fundus, or optic Eye trauma
nerve pathway) Vitreous haemorrhage
Optic atrophy
Optic nerve hypoplasia
Retinal detachment
Retinopathy of prematurity
Retinitis pigmentosa

Visual fie ld defects Central field loss:

Optic neuropathy
Macu lar degeneration
Cone dystrophies
Peripheral field loss:
Retinitis pigmentosa
Retinal detachment
Leber's optic atrophy
H em ianopia
Pituitary tumoui-
Optic tract lesion
Tumour in temporal , parietal, or occipital lobe
Visual survey-head to toe exa mination

Table 9.3 Continued

Defective co lour Congenital colo ur vision defi ciencies:
vision Monochro macy
AnomaloLI S trichromacy
Cone d yst rop hy
Cone- r od dystrophy
Leber's co ngenital am auros is
Retinit is pigmentosa
Ocu lomotor or Il l cranial Pup ill ary abnormalit ies

Di lated fixed pup il Internal opht halmoplegia caused by a central or peripheral

les ion
Hutchinso n p upil of transtento ri al herniation
Ocular trauma

Ad ie's pup il Viral enceph alitis

, Fami lial dysautonomia (Riley-Day syndrom e)

Constricted pupil Horner's syndrome

Klumpke palsy
Post cardiac surgery

Nucleus, m idbrain Infarction


Subarachnoid M eningitis
region Aneurysm
Tumour and malignancy

Cavernous si nus Tumour and malignancy

Aneu rysm
Arteriovenous fistula

Eye Hyperthyroid ism


Troch lear or IV cran ial nerve Head inju ry


Trigeminal or V cran ial Sensory Herpes zoster

nerve Trigeminal neuralgia

Motor Bulbar palsy

Myotonic dystrophy

Abducens or V I cranial nerve Comp ression in the cavernous sinus, orbit, or base of the skull
Aneurys m
Head injury
Increased intracran ial pressure

Facial or V II cranial Congen ital/ Myotonic dystro phy

genetic Moebiu s' syndrome
Gol denhar's syndrome
O steopet ro sis
T risomy 13 and 18
Chapter 9 Examination of cranial n e rves

Table 9.3 Continued

Trauma Basal skull fracture

Penetrating injury to middle ear
Parotid surgery
Birth trauma

Neurological Bell's palsy

Gui ll ain-Barre syndrome
Myasthenia gt-avis
M illard-Gubler syndrome

Infection Otitis media

Herpes zoster (Rams ey-Hunt syndrome)
Po liomyelitis
Lyme disease
D iphtheria
Cat scratch disease
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Metaboli c Diabetes mellitus


Tumo ur/ Leukaemia

malignancy Metastatic carcinoma

M iscellaneous Arsenic poisoni ng


Vestibu locochlear Herpes zoster

or VII I cranial nerve Neurofibroma
Drugs (aminoglycosides, furosemide)

Glossopharyngeal or IX Nucleus Brain stem infarct

cranial nerve and Poliomyelitis
vagus or X cran ial nerve G lioma
Pseudobulbar palsy

Base of the brain Chronic meningitis

Wegener's granulomatosis

Peripheral Perforating inju ry to the neck

Botu lism

Sp inal accessory or XI cranial nerve Trauma

Cerebellopontine angle tumour
Gui ll ain-Barre syndrome
Brainstem lesions

Hypoglossal or XII cranial nerve Poliomyelitis

Individual cranial nerve examination

Arnold-Chiari malformation, Crouzon's syndrome, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, Sturge-Weber

syndrome, and Werdnig- Hoffman disease.
Comment on the fo ll owing:
state of wakefulness: awake/ aware/ alert/ active
general well-being: well or ill
~ resting position
~ interest in the surroundings
+ growth: comment on the general nutritional status of the child but mention that you would like
to plot the child's height and weight on the appropriate growth chart
+ head:
size: microcephaly or macrocephaly
shape : hydrocephalus, small posterior fossa (cerebellar agenesis), occipital protuberance
(Dandy-Walker malformation)
sutures: separation, overriding, and fusion
shunts and reservoirs
+ face:
unusual facial features
eyes: squint, nystagmus, spectacles
tracheostomy scar
secretions in the throat
+ skin : neurocutaneous markers, scars
~ degree of respiratory distress
wheelchair: motor powered (indicates the child has sufficient intellectual ability and upper
limb motor power to use the wheelchair) or manual (suggests the child has good upper
body mobility or needs non-occupants to propel the chair)
feeding pump, nasogastric tube, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)

Individual cranial nerve examination

It is important not only to identify the cranial nerve lesion but also to classify its location as peripheral
or central. Peripheral lesions are lesions of the cranial nerve or the nucleus, while central lesions
are lesions of the brainstem, cerebrum, or cerebellum . An understanding of the functions of the
cranial nerves is important and you need to study these from anatomy, physiology, o r neuro logy

Olfactory or cranial nerve I

The first nerve is not tested routine ly, unless there is history of loss of smell (anosmia), head injury,
signs of the frontal lobe lesion, or the examiner specifically seeks to do so. No local izing information
can be gained from testing the olfactory nerve. When an osmia is present, the child often complains of
altered taste. Pungent substances such as ammonia should not be used, as it is an irritant and the child
can sense the nox ious stimuli by sensory fibres of the trigeminal nerve. Common causes of anosmia
are upper respiratory tract infection, congenital (Kallmann 's syndro me) , and post meningitis.
Chapter 9 Examination of cranial nerves

First, note the exte rn al appearance of the nose. Then, exami ne the nasal vestibule by lifting the tip
of the nose. Shut one nostril and ask the child to breathe through the other to check th e patency
of nasal passages.
Once the patency is proven, ask the child to close their eyes and occlude one of the nostrils.
Place samples of different substance with f lavours familiar to the child such as coffee, soap, and
peppermint near the nostril. Ask the child to identify the smell of the object. Make sure the
stimulus is non- irritating, common ly used, and easily identifiable.
Repeat the procedure to test the sme ll in each nostri l separately.

Optic (ophthalmic) or cranial nerve II

Examination of the 'optic nerve' is different from examination of 'vision', as the latter involves assessing
cranial nerves Ill, IV, and VI as well as cranial nerve II. In this section, we will concentrate on optic nerve
examination, which is conducted under six subheadings: inspection, visual acuity, visual fields, pupils,
colour vision, and fundus.

Head position: if d iplopia is present, the head is tilted to reduce doub le vision.
Eyelids :
Position, w hen looking straight ahead : ptosis (narrow palpebral fissure with the upper eyelid
encroaching the pupil) can occur due to the lesion of the sympathetic pathway, which
innervates the Muller's muscle, or the ocu lomotor nerve, wh ich innervates the levator
palpebrae . In myasthenia gravis, besides bi lateral ptosis, one can notice wrinkled forehead,
as the ch ild rei nforces eyel id opening with the frontalis muscle.
Lid lag: ask the child to look down slowl y. Normally, the lid follows the downward
movement of the eyes. In addition, see if the upper lid covers th e sclera above the iris.
Lid lag can occur in thyrotoxicosis, proptosis, or orbital mass.
Margin : look for inflammation.
Position of the eyeballs:
Proptosis: ask the child to sit on a chair, stand behind, and look down from above to see if
the eyeballs protrude.

Enophthalmos: stand in front and look for obvious sinking by comparing one eye with the
other. Bilateral enophthalmos is difficult to determine without radiographic studies or old
+ Periorbital area including the lacrimal apparatus: look for periorbital oedema, which is
commonly seen in nephrotic syndrome, congestive cardiac failure, orbital cellulitis, and
Conjunctiva: examine the lower lid by pulling it down with the thumb or index finger. Exam ine
the upper lid by everting it, though this is not normally performed in the exam.
+ Sclera: comment on the colour (blue in osteogen esis and yellow in jaundice), and signs
of inflammation.
Cornea: look fo r op acity, ulcer, and peripheral corneal deposition such as Kays er-Fleischer
Iris: aniridia, heterochromia, Brushfield spots, etc.
Visual acuity: any abnormality of the lens, cornea, fundus, or optic nerve pathway can reduce
visual acuity. Assess both the uncorrected vision and vision corrected with spectacles, contact
lenses, or a pinhole. Examine any child with uncorrected visual acuity of less than 20/20 with
a pinhole. Improvement of vision through a pinhole indicates the error is refractive. In a toddler,
visual acuity can be crudely assessed by using a toy. In children between 3 and 5 years, a Stycar
matching letter t est can be used. In older child ren, use a Snellen's chart or Logmar chart on the wall.
Individual (;fl"aniai nerve examination

While testing one eye, cover the other. Test and record the visual acu ity for each eye separately.
Consider th e possibility of an artificial eye, if the visual acuity is zero and pupillary reaction is not
-e. Check whether the child c;:m count finge rs held in front of each eye, perceive hand movements,
or see light.
~ If they can, then ask the child to sit 6 metres fro m the chart.
+ Check to see if the child can read the top line an d progress ively smal ler lines until they cannot
go any further.
<t> If the child cannot read the top line at 6 metres, bring them forward to decrease the distance
until they can see.
<G> Record the response as X/Y, where X is the line t he child reads and Y is the line th at a normal
eye sees.
Visual fields : the normal visual field extends to 60 nasally and superiorly, 1 00 temporally, and
75 inferiorly. The blind spot is located 15-20 to the temporal side of the point of visual fi xation .
In the clinical setting, visual field is tested by confro ntation. Whi le checking, some clinicians prefer
to use white or red~tipped hatpin instead of wiggling fingers.
+ Remove the child's spectacles.
+ Sit facing the child with a gap of 1 metre, with yo ur and the child 's head at th e same level.
~ First, perform a quick screening test of the major visual field defects. Keep your eyes open and
ask the chi ld to look at your nose. Wiggle the tip of your finger in superotemporal,
superonasal, inferotemporal, and inferonasal quadrants. Ask the child to identify the moment
when they see the moving finger.
+ Next, evaluate the visual fields by confrontation. Cover your left eye with your left hand.
Request the child to cover their right eye with the right hand. Ask the child to focus on you r
left eye and say 'yes' when they can just see your wiggling fingers moving int o sight.
Extend your right elbow and wrist to the side as far as possibl e, midway between you r self and
the child. Wiggle th e index and middle fingers and slowly bring them into the field of vision .
Notice the point wh en your finger enters your field of vision and the point when the child sees
the fingers , w hich should be similar. Continue moving the fingers until yo u reach the centre (to
rule out any scotom a). Repeat this manoeuvre in each quadrant, and then with the other eye.
Finally, on the temporal field of each eye, continue to move the fingers horizontally across until
it disappears from your visual field . Preserve the same temporal horizontal positi on, move it
front or back until it disappears from the child's visual field. Map the blind spot and compare
the size of the child's blind spot with yours. The blind spot is more accurately mapped usi ng
a red pi n.
Pupillary examination:
Resting appearance of pupils: ask the child to focus on a d istant object, and note the size and
symmetry of the pupils when the room is both dimly and brightly lit. Estimate the diameter of
each pupil in millimetre. Unilateral mydriasis in bright light is seen in loss of ipsilateral
parasympathetic innervation o f the iris. Unilateral miosis in dim light is seen in ipsilateral
sympathetic loss.
Light reflex: this comprises direct (constriction of the pupil of th e stimulated eye) and
consensual (constriction of the pupil of the unstimulated eye) reflexes. Place one hand
vertically along the nose (to prevent focusing with both eyes and to avoid accommodation),
and shin e a light source from the side into one eye. Check for both direct and co nsensual
res ponse in each pupi l on both sides. Presence of direct response in the right pupil without
a consen sual response in the left pupil suggests damage to the left oculomotor nerve or
Edinger- Westp hal nucleus of the .brainstcm. Absence of a dir-ect reflex suggests total damage
to the ipsilateral optic nerve .
Chapter 9 Examination of cranial nerves

~ Swinging flashlight test: this is useful in detecting partial loss of sensory (afferent) stimulus to
the brain. With a dim room light, ask the child to gaze into the distance and swing a light
alternately from one pupil to the other. Observe the size and light reflexes of both pupils.
Normally, both pupils constrict symmetrically, when one is exposed to light. When the light is
shone on the eye with the afferent defect, both pupils will either constrict minimally or dilate.
Light in the unaffected eye will cause a normal constriction of both pupils (Marcus-Gunn
~ Accommodation: in a dimly lit room, ask the child to focus on the tip of your finger held about
1.5 metres away. Move the finger progressively closer to a point about 30 em in front of the
nose. Another method is to ask the child to look at a distant object and then at the tip of their
nose. Look for convergence of the eye and constriction of the pupil. Accommodation is
impaired in lesions of the optic pathway and oculomotor nerve. An intact accommodation
reflex with absent light reflex can occur in Argyii- Robertson pupil (midbrain lesion) or Adie's
pupil (ciliary ganglion lesion).
Colour vision: colou r vision is tested using Ishihara plates in older children. Ishihara plates
consist of symbols made of coloured dots against a random background coloured spots.
Defective colour vision is a sensitive test for optic neuritis. Impaired ability to identify red objects
is an early indicator of optic nerve lesions.
+ Allow the child to wear their spectacles during the test.
+ Cover one eye and hold the plates about 35 em from the face.
+ Ask the child to pick out the numbers written on the p lates quickly.
+ Responses can be anomalous (colour-bl ind ch ild gives different responses to colour-normal
observers), vanishing (only the normal observer recogn izes the coloured pattern), or h idden
(only the co lou r -blind child sees the pattern).
Test colour vi sion of toddlers by asking them to identify various colours.
Fundus examination: ophthalmoscopy involves not only fundus examination, but also
visualizing the cornea, lens, vitreous, and choroids. Examine in a dimly lit room.
For proper fundus examination, the eye should be dilated using a mydriatic.
+ Examine the child with their spectacles in place.
+ Ask the child to keep still and fix their gaze on a distant target and to 'pretend' to see it, even if
you obscure it with your head.
+ Approach the child from the side. For the right eye, hol d the ophthalmoscope with your right
hand and examine with your right eye to prevent the contact of your nose with that of the
child. Keep your head vertical so that the child can fix with the left eye. Place your left hand on
the child's forehead and gently retract the upper eyelid .
Remove your spectacles if you are a high myope or hypermetrope. Keep both eyes open,
concentrate on the image from the right eye and suppress the one from the left eye.
Rotate the lenses clockwise to + 1 0 diopter and observe the eye from 10 em. Study the red
reflex to detect any opacity (seen as dark patches against a red background) of the cornea,
anterior chamber, or vitreous.
+ Slowly move closer to the child and simultaneously r otate the lens anticlockwise to reduce the
power of the lens gradually. Focus will progressively shift from the lens, to the vitreous, and
finally the fu ndu s.
Once a blood vessel on the fundus has been located, follow it to locate the optic disc. Since
the optic disc enters the eye nasally, approach the eye at a slight angle from the temporal side.
O bserve the colour (normal-yellow, pale or white-optic atrophy), margins, and the cup of
the optic disc and the pulsations of the optic vessels.
+ From the optic disc, follow the retinal blood vessels in fo ur quadrants (superotemporal,
inferotemporal, superonasal, inferonasal) . The veins are large and dark red, while the arteries
Individual cranial nerve examination

are relatively thin and pale. Look for the presence of haemorrhages, microaneurysms,
exudates, pigmentary changes, Roth's spot (suggestive of infective endocarditis), and white
spots of choroiditis.
~ Finally, with a smaller aperture beam, return to the disc, ask the child to look at the light and
move nasally to view the macula along the visual axis.

Oculomotor (Ill), trochlear (IV), and abducens (VI) cranial nerves

Although each of these nerves control separate extraocular muscles, they are normally examined
together due to their close functional interrelationships.

Inspection : start with inspection of the eyes.

~ Head position: if diplopia is present, the head may be turned or ti lted to minimize double
+ Look at the eyelids and eye position.
~ Ask the child to look at an object about 1.5 metres away. Examine the size, shape, and
symmetry of the pupils. Oculomotor nerve palsy causes mydriasis. Sympathetic palsy leads to
miosis. Ciliary ganglion malfunction within the orbit produces Adie's pupil with mid-dilated
pupils and poor response to convergence.
Ocular alignment: the eyes are normally parallel in all positions of gaze except convergence.
Squints can be either paralytic (paresis of one of the extraocular muscles) or non-paralytic
(defective binocular vision). Congenital paralytic squints result in abnormal head postures, wh ile
the acquired ones cause diplopia. Non-paralytic (concomitant) squints are not associated with
Looking at light: sit in front of the child about 1 metre away. Shine a light source and ask the
child to look at the light. Observe the position of the light reflection on the cornea. Normally,
the light reflex is symmetrical and slightly nasal to the centre of each pupil.
The cover test is a good test of eye alignment and is helpful to determine the presence of both
manifest and latent strabismus.
Unilateral cover test: ask the child to focus on an object that is 3 metres away as if 'their
eyes are glued to the object'. To test the right eye, cover the child's left eye with an opaque
sheet and closely observe the movement of the right eye. Wait for 3-4 seconds to allow
fixation of the eye. To test the left eye, cover the child's right eye and repeat the procedure.
Absence of movement of either the right or left eye means the child does not have manifest
strabismus. If the deviating eye moves inward after the other eye is covered, the child has
exotropia (eye turns out). On the other hand, if the deviating eye moves outward, esotropia
(eye turns in) is present (figure 9.1 ).
Alternating cover test: as before, ask the child to concentrate on an object that is 3 metres
away. Cover the child's left eye with an opaque sheet for 1 to 2 seconds and then move
quickly to the right eye. Hold the occluder in place for 1 to 2 seconds and repeat the cycle at
least three times. As you unveil , observe the eye that is being uncovered to detect a refixation
movement. Absence of movement means the child does not have latent strabismus.
If the deviating eye moves inward after the other eye is covered, the child has exotropia.
On the other hand, if the deviat ing eye moves outward, esotropia is present.
Ocular movements:
+ Spontaneous movements of the eyes can be nystagmus or ocular bobbi ng.
Nystagmus is an involuntary rhythmic oscillation of the eyes in any direction (horizontal,
vertical, or rotatory) and is characterized by a slow initiating phase and a quick corrective
phase. The direct ion of nystagmus is defined by the direction of the quick corrective phase.
To assess the nystagmus, ask the child to follow a fingertip held 30 em away from the
central gaze position to 30. At times, nystagmus may be apparent only with gaze.
Chapter 9 Examination of cranial n e rves

Figure 9.1 Unilateral cover test showing exotropia.

jerky horizontal nystagmus may be caused by vestibular (direction away from the side
of the lesion), cerebellar les ions (direction to the side of the lesion), and toxicity from
alcohol or drugs such as phenytoin and benzodiazepines (both horizontal and vertical
nystagmus) . Upbeat nystagmus can be caused by lesions from the medulla to the
midbrain, while downbeat nystagmus implies disorders of the craniocervical junction
(Arnold- Chiari malformation). With pendular nystagmus, the velocity of oscillation is
equal in all directions. It may be congenital or caused by either retinal lesions (decreased
macular vision) or lesions of the central tegmental tract.
Ocular bobbing is the abrupt, spontaneo us, downward jerks of the eyes followed by slow
drift to the midposition. It is characteristic of pontine dysfunction.
Induced movements are used to assess failure of eye movement and diplopia. Sit in front,
about 1 metre away and ask the child to follow your finger with their eyes while keeping their
head still. Move your finger horizontally at the eye level, then vertically to the left at the lateral
end (from the forehead to the chin), and , finall y, to the right at the medial end , similar to a
large ' H '. Look for lack of movement of the eyeball. Pause at the end of each direction to
observe for nystagmus. Ask the child ' Do you see any double images (diplopia) in any
direction ' and if so 'when is it worse' . If diplop ia is present, the false image is the one that is
less distinct and more peripheral than the real one. The two images can lie side by side
(horizontal diplopia) or one above the other (vertical diplopia). Cover one eye at the point
when the diplopia is worst and find out which image disappears. Loss of the most peripheral
image suggests the affected eye is the covered one. If diplopia persists after covering the eye, it
indicates the presence of monocular diplopia, which can be due to astigmatism or a dislocated
lens. Abnormal eye movement may be due to Il l, IV, or V I nerve palsy, gaze palsy, or
internuclear ophthalmoplegia.
Ill cranial nerve: in complete oculomotor nerve palsy, the affected eye will be in the down
and out position, due to unopposed superior oblique ( IV cranial nerve) and lateral rectus
(VI nerve). The eye is incapable of movement upwards, downwards, or inwards. In addition,
there will be ptosis (paralysis of levator palpeb rae) and mydriasis. Only in partial
oculomotor nerve palsy involving the inferi or division is diplopia present, and it worsens on
looking down and to the side of the lesion .
IV cranial nerve : in trochlear nerve palsy, the ch ild has either diplopia or head tilt. The child
has compensatory head tilt away from the affected side towards the opposite shoulder to
reduce their diplop ia. Diplopia is best el icited when the child looks downwards and inwards,
for example as if to read a book.
VI cranial nerve: in abducens nerve palsy, the affected eye will have convergent squint. The
child cannot move the eye past the midlin e o utwards. Diplopia is maximal on looking to t he
affected side.
I ndividua l c r a nia l n e rve e x am in ation

Gaze palsy: t his is the inability to move both eyes together in a single direction (horizontal or
vertical) and can occur due to supranuclear (cortical gaze centres) or nuclear (brain stem
gaze centres) lesions. In nu cl ear gaze palsy, the eyes can neither be moved voluntarily nor by
reflex in the restricted direction. In supranuclear gaze palsy, only reflex movement is intact
and voluntary rnovement is absent.
Internuclear ophthalmop legia: th is is characterized by impaired adduction of the ipsilateral
eye in horizontal gaze but not in convergence, due to an ipsilateral median longitudinal
fasciculus lesion, which connects the sixth nerve nucleus, horizontal gaze centre, and
contralateral t hird nerve nucl eus. The resultant diplopia is worse on looking to the
contralateral side .
'One-and-a-half' syndrome: this occurs because of a lesion affecting the horizontal gaze
centre and t he median longitudinal fasciculus on the same side. There is horizontal gaze
palsy when looking to one side (the 'one') and impaired adduction on looking to the other
side (the 'and -a-half') eyes. Convergence is unaffected.

Trigeminal or V nerve
The trigeminal nerve has three major branches: the ophthalmic nerve, the maxillary nerve, and the
mandibular nerve. It is a mainly sensory nerve, but the mandibular nerve has a motor component to
the muscles of mastication. Total loss of sensation in all three branches suggests the lesion is at the
ganglion. A postganglionic lesion wi ll result in total sensory loss in one division. Dissociated sensory
loss (loss of pain and temperature sensation, but retention of touch) occurs with lesions of the
medulla or upper spi nal cord. Preserved pain sensation and lost touch sensation occurs with pontine
nuclear lesion.

Sensory component: proprioception is not tested on the face.

+ Sensation of face- touch:
Ask the child to close their eyes and say 'yes' when they feel the touch of an object on their
Touch lightly on the forehead (ophthalmic division), cheek (maxillary division) , and next to
the chin (mandibular divisio n) on each side of the face with fingertip (gross touch) and then
wit h a piece of cotton wool (fine touch) . Do not stroke the skin, as it triggers pain and
temperature nerves. Avoid the angle of the jaw, as it is innervated by the great auricular
Check if the strength of the sensation feels the same on both sides. If sensation is absent in
an area, map the extent of the anaesthetic area.
Sensation of face- pain:
Show the d isposable pin to the child and explain that you will touch with a sharp
object. Reassure that it has not been used on anyone else. Demonstrate with their
eyes open.
Ask the child to close their eyes.
Apply the d isposable pin lightly in three different places (fo rehead for the ophthalmic
division, cheek for the maxillary division, and next to the chin for the mandibular division)
on each side of the face.
Ask if it feels 'sharp' or 'blunt', when you touch with the pin on the ir face. Compare both
sides of the face.
Sensation of face-temperature:
Temperature it is not tested routinely, unless dissociated sensory loss is suspected .
To check temperature a tun ing fork cooled by cold tap wate r can be used.
Follow the steps for exami ning the touch sensation, and check if the child can sense the
ch ill ness of the object.
Chapter 9 Examination of cranial nerves

Co rneal reflex: the afferent stimulus of the corneal reflex is carried by t he nasocil iary branch of
the ophthalmic nerve and the efferent response is mediated by the facial nerve.
In the exam, omit the corneal reflex, unless th ere is sensory loss on th e face or cranial nerve
palsies .
Ask the child to look at a distant object, and approach from the side to avoid a visual threat.
Lightly touch the. edge of the cornea (not the conjunctiva) with a wisp of cotton wool.
Observe blinking of both eyes. Repeat the procedure on the other eye.
Motor component:
Motor power: with a unilateral lesion, the jaw is pul led over to the paretic side by the pterygoids
of the normal side. In unilateral upper motor neurone lesion, jaw opening and closing is normal
due to bilateral innervation of both hemispheres to muscles that open and close the jaw.
Look for wasting of the muscles of mastication (temporalis, masseter) .
Ask the child to clench the teeth. Palpate the temporalis and masseter, and feel the
contraction as the child clenches the jaw.
Next, ask the child to open their mouth against resistance applied to the base of the chin,
and note ariy deviation of the jaw (lateral pterygoids).
With their mouth open, ask the child to move the jaw from side to side against resistance
(medical and lateral pterygoids) .
Finally, ask the child to keep their mouth open and try to close the jaws with pressure on
the chin (medial pterygoid s).
+ Jaw jerk: this is normally absent, but is exaggerated in upper motor neurone lesion above the
pons. Brisk jaw jerk by itself does not have any clinical significance.
Ask the child to let the jaw fall and open the mouth slightly.
Place your index finger on the chin and strike it with a reflex hammer gently to deliver
a downward stroke.
Normally, the mouth closes slightly.

Facial or VII nerve

The motor fibres of the facial nerve supply the muscles of facial expression, the parasympathetic
secretomotor fibres to the lacrimal, submandibular, and sublingual salivary glands, and the sensory
taste fibres to the anterior two-thirds of the tongue via the chorda tympani . Clinical features of facial
nerve palsy depend on the site of the lesion (tabl e 9.4).

Inspection: inspect the face during rest and whi le tal king.
+ Facial asymmetry due to drooping of the corner of the mouth, smo othing of the wrinkled .
forehead, and the nasolabial fold and widening of the palpebral fis sure. Asymmetry may not be
seen in bilateral facial nerve palsy.
Spontaneous and involuntary movements of the face (hemifacial spasm orofacial dyskinesia,
myokymia, or tics) .
+ Lack of tears and dryness of the mouth .
Motor component:
Demonstrate the actions and then ask the child to mimic.
Ask the ch ild to do the following actions, look for asymmetry and check for the power of the
' Raise your eyebrow and wrinkle your forehead ' (frontalis).
'Close your eyes tightly and stop me opening them' (orbicularis oculi).
'Close your mouth and puff out you r cheeks (orbicularis oris).
'Show me your teeth' (buccinator) (compare the nasolabial grooves, which are smooth on
the weak side).
Individual cranial nerve examination

Table 9.4 Clinical signs of facial nerve palsy depending on the level o f lesion

Site Manifestation Explanation

Upper motor nerve (UMN) fa cial palsy

Unilateral UMN Weak muscles of the lower- half of the Part of the V II cranial nerve nucleus that
(supranuclear) fac ial palsy f ace contralateral to the lesion w ith sup plies the upper face receives
re lative preservation of mu scles of innervation from bot h cerebral
upper half hemisph eres
Bi lateral UMN Loss of vo lition al movements of t he Due to the sparing of th e extrapyram idal
(supranuclear) facial palsy face alone, preserved involuntary system w hich is responsible for the
(emotional) movements involuntary movements of the face

Lower motor nerve (LMN) facial palsy

Unilateral LMN facial palsy Ipsilateral weakness of all faci al muscles Loss of all t he motor fibres to facial
at the nucleus w ith loss of both voluntary and muscles
involuntary movements of face

Unilateral LMN fac ial palsy Ipsi lateral weakness of all facial muscles, Loss of motor fibres to facial muscles,
at the cerebello po ntine loss of taste in the anterior t wo-thirds nerve to stapedius which dampens the
angle and in the facial canal of tongue, hyperacllsis, imp airment of ossicle movem ents and sens ory taste
between internal auditory salivary and tear secretion fibres
meatus and nerve to
stapedius mu scle

Uni lateral LMN facial palsy Ipsilateral weakness of all facial mu scles Loss of motor fibres to facial m uscl es
distal to nerve to stapedius Loss of taste, impaired salivary Nerve to stapedius is preserved but
muscle, but proximal to secretion sensory taste fibres are affected
the stylomastoid foramen No hyperacusis
Uni lateral LMN facial palsy Ipsi lateral weakness of regional facial Loss of motor fibres related to site
from th e stylomastoid muscles of lesion
foramen Preserved taste and sali var y secretion

~ Bell's phenomenon : ask the chi ld to close their eyes. In lower motor neurone VII nerve palsy,
the upward movement of the eyeball is seen due to incomplete closure of the eyelid.
Taste sensation:
+ Only in th ose with facial palsy, examine taste on the anterior two-thirds of the tongue.
+ A sk t he ch ild to protrude the tongue and not to speak during the test.
Apply a small sample of sugar, vinegar, salt, and quinine solutions (sweet, sour, salt, and bitter)
with cotto n buds to one side of th e anterior two-thirds of the tongue, one at a time.
+ Ask th e ch ild to point to the taste o n a prepared card.
Between each sample, rinse the mouth with water.
Repeat test on the other side of the tongu e.

Vestibulocochlear or VIII cranial nerve

The vestibulocochlear nerve has two components, the cochlear branch provides innervation to the
hearing apparatus and th e vestibular branch is concerned with balance. C onductio n deafness resu lts
from interference of so und wave transm issio n in the external canal or middle ear to the organ of
Corti. In sensorineural heari ng loss, the lesion can be in the inner ear, the vestibulocochlear nerve, or
the brain . Because of th e extensive bilateral connection s of the ear, unilateral sensorineural hearing
loss is usually due to the les ion of the nerve nucleus or the nerve itself. Bilateral hearing loss can be
Chapter 9 Examination of cranial nerves

either due to a central lesion or bilateral exposure of the coch lear apparatus to toxins and infectious
Auditory component:
Inspection :
Remove hearing aids, while testing for hearing impairment.
Exam ine the pinna and look for scars behind the ears.
Do an otoscopic examination of both ears. Loo k for w ax or other obstruction in the
external audito ry meatus and perforation of the tympanic membrane.
Whisper test: screening test for hearing loss in older children and correlates with a hearing loss
of 30 decibels.
Stand about 1 metre behind the child on one side so that they cannot read your lips.
Close the external auditory meatus of the contralateral ear to mask the sound.
At the end of exhalation, whisper a word with two distinct syllables towards the ear that is
being tested .
Ask the child to repeat the word.
Repeat the test on the opposite side.
+ Distraction test: this is a behavioural 'screeni ng test of hearing for babies between 6 and
18 months. The test capitalizes on the infant's instinct to turn and locate a quiet sound
presented at ear level outside the visual field.
In a quiet room, place the baby on the parent 's lap, facing forwards.
Ask a helper (this could be your examine r) to stand in front of the child and capture his or
her attention with a small toy.
Stand 1 m beh ind the child on a horizontal level at 45 outside the baby's field of vision.
Produce a sound stimulus with high frequency rattle .
See if the child turns and looks around for the source of the sound .
Weber's test: this test is for lateralization
Place the base of a vibrating 512Hz tuning fork in the centre of the forehead.
Ask 'on which side the sound is louder'. Normally, it should be heard equally in both ears.
If sensorineural deafness is present, the sound is heard better in the normal ear.
In conductive hearing loss, the sound is louder in the abnormal ear.
Rinne's test: this compares air conduction to bone conduction.
Place the base of a 512Hz vibrating tuning fork on the mastoid process.
Ask the child to say 'now', when they can no longer hear the ' buzz'.
When the child indicates, remove the fork from the mastoid process and place the prongs
of the tuning fo rk about 1 em from the external auditory meatus.
Ask 'can you hear the sound now?' Normally, the sound is aud ible at the external meatus
after it has disappeared from the mastoid process.
In sensorineural deafness, due to the universal decline of air and bone conduction, the note
is audible at the external meatus similar to a normal child (Rinne positive) .
In conductive hearing loss, bone conduction is better than air conduction and therefore , no
note is audible at the external meatus (Rinn e negative).
Vestibular component: impaired vestibular function is one of the causes of difficulty in
upholding posture, the others being defective proprioception a nd visio n. To assess defective
vision, refer to th e optic nerve examination .
Vestibulospinal reflexes:
Romberg's test: stand close to the child to prevent them from falling over. Ask the child
to stand upright with feet togethe r, hands by the side, and eyes open. Note the balance .
Individual cranial nerve examination

Next, ask the child to close their eyes and observe them for a minute. In positive Romberg's
test, the child sways or falls to the side of the labyrinthine lesion when the eyes are closed .
Unterber-ger's stepping test: ask the child to walk on the spot (stationary stepping) with
their eyes closed an d arms outstretched for 30 seconds. In uni lateral labyrinthine lesion , the
body rotates to the side of the lesion .
~ Nystagmus (see above):
Hallpike manoeuvre for positional nystagmus : ask the child to sit on the bed and turn their
head to 45 on one side. Lay the child on the bed quickly with their head over the edge of
the bed, 30 below the horizontal (support the head while the child lies down). Look for the
presence and direction of the nystagmus. Repeat with the head turned to other side. This
test is not normally performed in the exam.
Other tests of vestibular function, such as the oculocephalic and oculovestibular tests, are
not performed in the exam setting and are not described here .

Glossopharyngeal (IX) and vagus (X) nerves

These two nerves are responsible for swallowing, phonation, and guttural and palatal articulation and
are tested together in view of their close function al relationship.

~ difficulty in swallowing foods or choking
drooling of saliva.
Ask the child to open their mouth and inspect the soft palate, uvula, and pharynx. Look for any
displacement of the uvula and pooling of secretions .
+ Flash a light source into the mouth and ask the child to say 'aaah'. Look at the movements of
the palate and uvula. Normally, the edge of the soft palate rises symmetrically and the uvula
remains in the midline. In unilateral tenth nerve palsy, the edge of the soft palate does not rise
on the affected side and the uvula is drawn towards the normal side.
+ Listen to the child's speech.
Note the quality and sound of the voice. Hoarseness of voice may occur with unilateral
recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (X nerve). Nasal voice may be seen in IX and X nerve palsy.
Ask the child to cough. Listen for the characteristic bovine cough, seen in recurrent laryngeal
nerve palsy.
Motor component:
~ Swallowing: ask the child to swallow a sip of water, and watch for any difficulty in swallowing,
nasal regurgitation, or coughing.
Nasal air leak: ask the child to puff out their cheeks with the lips closed. Look and feel for air
escaping from the nose. In IX and X nerve palsy, the soft palate does not rise and occlude the
nasopharynx, resulting in air leak through the nose.
Gag reflex: do not test gag reflex in the exam .
Sensory component: testing pharyngeal sensation and the gag reflex are unpleasant for the child
and should be omitted, unless there is dysarthria, dysphagia or lower cranial nerve palsies.
+ Sensation: touch the posterior pharyngeal wall with a tongue depressor and ask if the child can
feel the tongue depressor touching the palate. In IX nerve palsy, sensation is lost in the pharynx
and posterior tongue.
+ Gag reflex: touch the posterior pharyngeal wall with a t ongue depressor. Normally, there is
r-eflex contr-action of the soft palate and the child will gag. Intact sensation but absent gag
suggests te nth nerve palsy. Do not test the gag reflex in the exam.
Chapter 9 Examination of cranial nerves

+ Taste on the posterior third of the tongue: this is not routinely carried out. When performed,
quinine shou ld be us ed as the posterior third of the tongue is sensitive to bitter taste.

Spinal accessory or XI cranial nerve

The spinal accessory nerve is a motor nerve supplying the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius.
Stand in front of the child and inspect the sternocleidomastoids for wasting or asymmetry.
Palpate the muscl es to assess their bulk.
Look from behind for wasting or asymmetry of the trapezius.
Motor component: upper motor neurone les ion produces weakness of the ipsilateral
sternomastoid and contralateral trapezius.
+ Trapezius: stand behind and ask the child to shrug their shoulders as hard as possible. Place
your hands on the shoulders, and press down as the child lifts the ir shoulders.
Sternocleidomastoid: to test the left sternocleidomastoid, stand in front and ask the child to
'turn yo ur head t o the right against my hand'. Place your hand on the right side of the chin and
resist the head turn . Repeat this procedure on the opposite side to test the right
sternocleidomastoid. Normally, the .child shou ld be able to turn the ir head against resistance.

Hypoglossal or XII cranial nerve

The hypoglossal nerve provides motor supply to the intrinsic muscles of the tongue.
+ Ask the ch ild to open their mouth and inspect the tongue on the floor of the mouth. Observe
the tongue for signs of wasting and fasciculations.
Next, ask the child to protrude their tongue. Look for deviatio n of the tongue from midl ine.
In peripheral hypoglossal lesion , there will be atrophy and fasciculati ons, and the tongue
will deviate towards the side of the lesion . In central lesion, there is spastic paralysis of the
tongue without atrophy or muscle fibrillation and paralysis, and the tongue deviates to the
opposite side.
Motor component:
Ask the child to push their tongue into each cheek while you press from outside with your

In this station Dr O'Keeffe performs an examination of the cranial nerves on a young
child. Notice his fluent systematic approach and his ability to turn this difficult exam into a game
with the child. He summarizes his findings and offers a differential diagnos is.
Chapter 1 0 Examination of the cerebellar

General approach 11 7
Visual survey-head to toe examination 119
System examination 119
Genel'"al appl'"oach

Although many books include cerebellar examination as part of the motor examination, it is discussed
separately here in view of its importance. As chi ldren with cerebellar d iseases are not often seen in
routine clinical practice, candidates tend to neglect this system in their preparation and so find it
difficult in the exam. Assessment involves examination of the gait and coord ination, wh ich t ests both
cerebellar midlin e and hemisph eric function (tables 10.1 and 1 0 .2). In the exam, you may pass through
a station asking you to examine either the cerebellar system or the gait alone. If such an instruction is
given, be clear what you nee d to focus on .
Key competence skills required in the cerebellar examination are given in tab le 1 0.3.

General approach
These steps are repeated for every system to reiterate their importance and to help you recollect the
initial approach of any clin ical examination. Also refer to chapter 4.

On entering the examination room, adhere to infection control measures by washing your hands or
decontaminating with alcohol rub .
Introduce yourself both to the parents and the chil d.
Ask the name and age of the child, if not already told by the examiner.

Table 1 0.1 Localizatio n of cerebral lesions

Site Location Function C linical m anifestation of lesion

Vermis Midline of the Concerned w ith axial Instability of the trunk and the legs while standing still
cerebellum functions (posture , or walking
locomoti on, position Dysmetric (wide- based compensatory) gait due to
of head rel ative to intention tremor of the legs
trunk), control of Truncal imbalance-tendency to lean and fall
voice and eye toward the affected side in heel-to-toe tandem
movements walking
Retropulsion-strong tendency to fall backwards
and the child appears to be actively pushing
themselves backwards
Ocul ar motor dysfunction-uncoordinated eye

Neocerebellum Lat eral Planning of Rhythmic intentional tre mor (occurs on volu ntary
cerebellar skilled vo luntary activity) , worse when reaching fo r objects
hemispheres movement of (fi nger-to-nose testing)
the ipsilateral limbs Ataxia (incoordination)
D ysmetria or past-pointing- overshoot or
undershoot the target
Difficulty in performing rapid repetitive
movements- tapping fingers or feet
Dysdiadochokinesis-d ifficulty in perform ing rap id ,
alternating movements such as pronation and
su pi nation of the hands
Wide-based gait
Excessive rebound- lack of checking movements
Staccato speech- sou nds drunken
Pendu lar reflex

Flocculonodular Posteroinfe rior Vestibular functions Nystagmus in different d irections depending on

lobe part of and regulation of the which way the child is looking
cerebe llu m vestibula-ocu lar
Chapter 10 Examination of the cerebellar system

Table 10.2 Cerebellar disorders in children


Congenital CNS malformations Cerebellar hypoplasia

Vermian aplasia
Dandy-Walker malformation
Chiari malformation
Joubert's syndrome

Hereditary A utosomal recess ive Friedreich's ataxia

Ataxia telangiectasia
V itamin E deficiency

Autosomal dominant Spinocerebellar ataxias

Acute! subacute
Infectious Acute cerebe llar ataxia
Immune-mediated Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Multiple sclerosis

Drug/ toxin related Alcohol

Heavy metals
Mass Tumour
Opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome (neuroblastoma)
Arteriovenous malformation

Trauma Haemorrhage
Verte bral artery dissection

Miscellaneous Basilar migraine

Psychogenic gait disorder

Table 1 0.3 Key competence skills required in the cerebellar examination

Competence skill Standard

Awareness that the ch il d is an individual with Perform the physical examination with gentleness, respect,
fully fledged human rights and compassion

Knowledge of descriptive terms of clinical Demonstrate ability t o use the co rrect terminology fot the
findings relevant to the examination of the findings of the cerebe ll ar examination

Knowledge and clear understanding of Demonstrate understanding that the cerebellum is important
cerebe ll ar funct ions for coordination , equilibrium, and move ments

Knowledge of the systematic approach to Demonstrates ability to exam ine specificall y for coord ination,
examination o f the cerebellum ton e, speech , and gait
Demonstrates the ab ility to modify the clinical examination to
suit the situati o n

Understanding that clinical features vary Demonstrate ability to localize lesions to the cerebellum
depending on the region of involvement based on clinical find ings (see figure 10.1)

Summarize the find ings, offer d ifferential Demonstrate ability to sum up t he findings, to provide a
diagno sis, and discuss a management plan possible differential diagnosis li st , and offer an appropriate
management plan
System examination

Speak slowly and clearly with a smile on your face.

Explain what the examination involves and obtain consent.
Establ ish rapport with the ch ild and parents.
Expose adequately while ensuring their privacy.
Positioning: to examine the older child, they may sit on the edge of the bed or on a chair when
they are not acutely ill. It is preferable to examine the younger child on their parent 's lap rather
than on a couch, which can cause much apprehension.

Visual survey-head to toe exam ination

The aim of the visual survey is to capture every available clue, which should help you to arrive at the
correct diagnosis.

Look at the child and try to estimate the approximate age.

Always consider whether the findings combine to form a recognizable clinical syndrome.
Common syndromes with cerebellar involvement include ataxia telangiectasia, Dandy-Walker
cyst, Chiari malformation, and Friedreich's ataxia.
Comment on the following:
+- state of wakefulness: awake/ aware/ alert/ active
+ general well-being: well or ill
+ interest in the surroundings
resting position
+ growth: comment on the general nutritional status of the child but mention that you would like to
plot the child's height and weight on the appropriate growth chart.
~ head and neck:
size: microcephaly I macrocephaly
shape: hydrocephalus, craniostenosis (brachiocephal y, plagiocephaly, trigonocephaly), small
posterior fossa (cerebellar agenesis), occipital protuberance (Dandy- Walker malformation)
sutures: separation, overriding, and fusion
shunts or reservoirs
unusual facial features
eyes: telangiectasia, squint, nystagmus, spectacles
tracheostomy scar
secretions in the throat
+ skin: neurocutaneous markers, scars
+ degree of respiratory distress
wheelchair: manual or machine (independent use of a motor-powered wheelchair indicates
the child has sufficient intellectual ability and upper limb motor power to use it)
feeding pump
orthoses: any devices used to support limb function
glasses .

System examination
While testing the cerebellar system, it is important to ascertain that the child has normal motor
and sensory systems, as their lesions can result in abnormal t ests of coordination, even without
Chapter 1 0 Examination of the cerebe llar system

cerebellar lesions. If a child has difficulty in perform ing any of the tests for cerebe llar function, separate
assessments of power and proprioception should be carried out. Cerebellar signs shou ld be tested
only when the child has attained the appropriate developmental milestones in the respective areas
(usually after 4- 5 years).
As the spinocerebellar pathways are uncrossed, deficits from cerebellar d amage are ipsilateral to
the side of the lesion . In general, children with cerebellar lesions have postural instability, delayed
initiation and termination of motor actions, inability to perform continuous, repetitive movements,
and lack of smoothness and coordination of complex movements (figure 10.1 ). While examining, it is
advisable to start from head to toe.

Look for nystagmus: involuntary, rapid oscillation of the eye in the horizontal, verti cal, or
rotatory directions, with the fast component maximal towards the side of the lesion.
Dysarthria (staccato or scanning speech) : listen to the child's spontaneous speech and watch for
'scanning speech' ch aracterized by slow pron unciation and ten dency to hesitate at the beginning
of the word or syllable. It can be further tested by asking the child to say 'British constitution' or
' baby hippopotamus'. Look for poor modulatio n o f the volume with irregular separation of

Upper limbs
Tremor: look for resting tremor of the hands. Ask the child to pick an object and watch for
intention tremor.
Hypotonia: test the tone at the shoulders, elbows, and wrists. Ask the child to relax and not to
resist. Move the limb at the joints passively at varying speeds, through several ranges of motion,
and feel for lack of resistance or floppiness.
Dysmetria (inability to perform point-to- point movements accurately) or past-pointing: for
the finger-to-nose test place your index finger about 60 em from the child's face. Ask the child to
touch the tip of their nose with the index finger and then the tip of your outstretched finger with
the same finger. Ask the child to repeat the movement as fast as po ssible w hile you slowly move
your finger, ideally fo r 1 minute. Repeat the test with the other hand and compare. Normally, the
ch il d shou ld be able to perform the movement accurately without overshooting or

! ;~ Dysmetric (wide-based) gait !
: '''Truncal imbalanc e !
, 1: Retropulsion !
Primary fissure
~-~':-~~.C_<:?..r:~~~~::_~-~~:- ~5:~:-~-~~~~- --)
.....'! ..................... .
( ~:;- R~;;;h;;;i~ i ~~:;~~i~ ~-;;~-t;~~;;;----.
m ' ;;::; Ataxia (incoo rdination)
Posteri r lobe ;;; Dysmetria (past pointing)
''' Dysmetric (wide- based) gait
:;. ... .. 5. ... Jlf Dysd iadochokinesis
':' Dys rhythm ia
''' Dyssynergy
,;, Excessive rebo und
''' Hypoto nia
;;;;. Pendu lar reflex
-!~~ -~:~~-~~:~- ~ p_~:~-~----------------- /
c_____;~:..:..::.:..::.:..:~:..:.:..:.-=-:..:.:..:.-~~ - -c~~~~B):~{~?0~~y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;

Figure 10.1 Region s of the cerebe llum and featurP.s of IP.sions.
System examination

Dysrhythmia (inability to tap and keep a rhythm): ask the child to tap the table with the hand
repeatedly or touch the tip of the index, middle , ring, and little fingers with the thumb rapidly to
form circles w ith the fingers .
Dysdiadochokinesia (inability to perform rapidly alte rnating movements): ask the child to place
their hands on their thighs and then rapidly turn their hands over (pronation and supination of the
forearm). Ask them to do this as fast as possible for 10 seconds and re peat the test with the other
hand . A normal child should do so without difficu lty.
Handwriting: in children with cerebellar disorders, letters will be of unequal size, irregularly
spaced, and the height of the letter increases while writi ng.
Rebound phenome non : place your left arm in front of the child's face for protection. Ask the
child to flex their elbow while resisting the movement with your right hand. Release the res istance
suddenly and look for inadequate braking of the forearm , which may fly upwards and may hit
their face or shoulder (hence the need to use your left hand to prevent injury). Norm al ly, the
child can stop their arm in front of their face . Remember that this manoeuvre is a recipe for disaster
if it is not done well, as the child can injure themselves .

Lower limbs
Gait (refer to chapter 8): watch the different gait components (heel strike, toe lift off) .
., Step 1: ask the child to sit on the floor and then obse rve the child rising from the sitting
position to rule out any proximal muscle weakness, which will prevent normal walking. Watch
the stance while standing. Observe the posture and the steadiness of the child on their feet.

( .___ '

Eyes ope n, arms by side When eyes closed, falls
and feet close together towards the side of t he lesion
Figure 10.2 Romberg's test.
Chapte r 1 0 Examination of the cerebella1r system

Figure 1 0.3 Heel-to-toe test.

~ Step 2: ask the child to walk to the other side of the room and back. If the child normally uses
a walking aid, observe the gait with and without it, if possible. Observe carefully for any gross
gait abnormalities. Watch the walking base , the arm swing (a slight decrease is a sensitive
indicator of upper extremity weakness), the heel lift, and toe push off. Note the turn around
as this involves good balance and coordination.
! Step 3: instruct the child to walk in a straight line.
i + Step 4: next , ask the child to walk heel to toe across the room (tandem gait) with their eyes
,j open. Tandem walking should be possible without difficulty in child ren older than 4years.
I A tendency to tilt or fall to one side indicates ipsilateral cerebellar lesion.
:j Romberg's test: stand close to the child and be ready to support them in case of a fall during

the test. Ask the chi ld to stand unaided with feet together, arms by the side, and eyes open . Once
the child is at ease in this position, instruct the child to close their eyes. If the child swings or loses
balance, the test is positive (Romberg's posit ive). If they cannot balance with eyes open , do not
ask them to close their eyes (figure 1 0 .2) .
j Dysrhythmia, toe tapping: to check for dysrhythmia (inability to repeat a rhythmic tap).

Ask the child to perform rapid foot taps.
Postural stability (retropulsion): ask the child to stand with feet apart and eyes open. Explain
1 that you will try to pull them back, but they must maintain stability and avoid moving backwards.
Stand behind , close to the child , and be read y to catch them should they fall. Apply a quick pull
backwards and look for an inability to maintain the stance. This test is not performed routinely in the
MRCPCH Clinical Exam .
Pendular knee jerk: ask the child to sit on the edge of the exam ination table with the legs
hanging freely. With a reflex hammer, tap just below the patella. With cerebellar hypotonia, t he
leg swings freely (more than three cycles) like a pendulum, and eventually stop.
Heel-to-toe test: finally, ask the child to lie down supine, place their heel on the opposite knee,
and slid e their heel down the shin to the t op of the foot. Ask them to repeat the movement as
quickly as possible a few times. before rep eating the same with the other leg (figure 1 0.3).
C hapte r 11 Developmental examination

Developmental history 125

Developmental assessment 130
General approach 130
Developmental evaluation of an infant 133
Developmental evaluation of toddler, preschool, and scho o l-age children 135
Developmental history

All doctors working with children should have good knowledge of normal developmental milestones ,
as early diagnosis of developmental problems and appropriate intervention is desirable to improve the
outcome. Candidates should be able to identify key warning signals and know the practical relevance
of the milestones . 'Developmental assessment' is the comprehensive evaluation of a child's physical,
intellectual, language, emotional, and social development, and is an area where most candidates lack
competence and confidence. It should be distinguished from 'd evelopmental screening', which is a
brief, formal, standardized evaluation for the early identification of children at r isk of a developmental
In the developmental assessment station, a candidate can be assessed in different ways: a
developmental history with the parent and child; assessment of specific developmental domains (such
as gross motor skills, fine motor skills, speech, language skills, etc.); or global assessment of an infant
or older child. Occasionally, the candidate might be asked to just 'observe the child's play' and
comment on the development. The candidate should anticipate and be prepared for these scenarios.
In the exam, a detailed assessment of development is impossible, as it is complicated and time
consuming. Ideally, observations of the child should take place with several people in varied settings,
which is not feasible in the exam. However, useful assessment of a child's development can be easily
performed as part of routine examination. The main purpose of the developmental assessment in the
exam is to identify the child's strengths and weaknesses, the developmental problem, and, if possible,
the cause of the problem. The candidate is expected to give an approxim ate developmental age at the
end of the assessment.
Before we continue, it is important to understand the commonly used terminology. A child is said
to have 'developmental delay' when he or she shows a significant lag (more than two standard
deviations) in acquiring milestones in one or more domains. Global developmental delay is defined as
a delay in two or more developmental domains. ' Developmental deviance' occurs when a child
develops milestones outside or apparently ahead of the typical acquisition sequence. 'Developmental
regression' is the loss of previously acquired milestones.
Children develop skills in various areas, also called developmental domains : gross motor, speech
and language, fine motor, cognitive, personal-social, and emotional. For practical purposes, these
domains are grouped into four: gross motor, language, fine motor- adaptive (including cognitive and
fine motor) and personal- social (tables 11 .1 and 11.2). It is essential to remember that there are large
variations in normal development.
In this chapter, we aim to provide a basis for developmental history and structured developmental
assessment. This chapter is divided into three sections : the first is on developmental history, the
second is on developmental assessment of an infant, and the third is on developmental assessment of
an older child.

Developmental history
The history is a major tool to gather information about a child's developmental achievements and
parental concerns. It involves the comprehensive collection of information from parents or the
caretaker on the progress of the child in all functional areas. A good developmental history uses
the parent's valuable observational skills and elicits their observations, experiences, and concerns.
High- quality information can be elicited by posing simple questions to the parents about the child's
For a productive developmental history, the establishment of rap port with both the parent and the
child is the priority. All the techniques for establishing rapport that have been discussed in chapters 2
and 3 may be used for a successful interview. Observing the child's interaction and play during the
interview can reveal a lot about the child's development and behaviour. It is important to engage the
child during the encounter and encourage them to com municate. Here are some of the ways of
keeping them engaged: discuss how they travelled to the hospital, their interests, hobbies, sports they
follow, their toys, school friends, siblings, ambitions for the future , or recent events such as birthdays
,.----~~~-........!L..~r_:_!...:!.~ ...... - - . ..l . :._:.~ :i.! . ,_ .. ...c..-.~~ :.__,_~~'~_,_._...:..........,~-;.:....,;..~~J...~..:..:_~---:_._.__....:......o.....:....:.....:..:..: .. . ----- ---- --- -- -----~ - - --- -- --- - ----~------ - -- -~ __.:_ ____, .... ---.

Table 11.1 Developmental milestones in gross ~otor and psychosocial domains
Age Personal- Social Gross motor ~
Range Actual Eating Dressing Play General/social
0--3 months 6 weeks Social smile ...
12 weeks Recognizes mother rD
4--6 months 16 weeks Sustained head contro l
5 months Laughs Rolls over supine to prone o
Reaches out for objects
6 months Transfers objects from one hand to
Rolls over prone to supine
7-9 months 7 months Enjoys mirror Stranger anxiety Sits briefly with support
Prefers mother
Responds to name
8 months Object permanence Crawl
Responds to 'No'
9 months Chews biscuit Plays peek-a-boo Sitting without support
Plays pat-a-cake Pulls to standing
10-12 months 10 months Responds to words
Waves bye-bye
Wil l not give object to examiner
11 months Looks for fallen object Cruising
Will give object to examiner
12 months Finger feeds Simple ball game Object recognition Stands alone
Releases object on request Walks with support
13- 18 months 15 months Picks up cup and drinks Ind icates desire by pointing Broad based gait
from it Kneels
Uses cup and spoon Pushes wheeled toy
18- 24 months 18 months Feedsindependendy Takes off Symbolic play alone Points to named body parts Steady, purposeful walk
socks and Dislikes being left Domestic mimicry Walks backwards
shoes alone Dry by day Walks carrying toy
Feeds doll Obeys 2 simple orders Runs, squats
Explores dustbins Creeps downstairs
24 months Feeds with fork and Role play Toilet training Walks up and down stairs holding on
spoon Wants im mediate Temper tantrums Kicks ball
satisfaction of needs Obeys 4 simple orders
30 months Starts to play with Dry by night Jumps
other children Helps to put things away Rises from knees without hands

25- 36 months 36 months Eats with fork and Helps in Vivid make-believe Likes hearing and telling stories Walks up stairs 1 foot and down 2 feet
spoon knife dressing play Washes hands per step
Brushes teeth Stands on one leg
Parallel play Walks on tip-toes
Throws ball
Pedals tricycle
37-48 months 48 months Able to Dramatic make Tells a story Walks up stairs & down 1 foot per step
und ress bel ieve play Goes to toilet alone Ho ps
Takes turns
49- 60 months 60 months Uses knife and fork Able to put Understands rules Skips
on clothes Chooses own friends Catches ball
and do up Comforts playmate in Runs on toes
large distress ~
buttons 0
rtl-:.-!..-'-'"~'~.c.- - -_:"~
~ ~
---~~--.----'. _,_ '-'-- "- ' ---'!..O~...e-:.._'-'1. --'- <:::.0-~- --" :_.__....::o.....__ ..I:/.:...:-'-'<.'.:.;...:..>'-'-"-T; - "'---'------"-'-'--'-"---'- ..;:;.--"~-..._,:.:._='----'-' '"--'----'- . ..__. _.,_.c,...; _ ~- .. . ' "' .

Table 11.2 Developmental milestones in fine motor adaptive and language domains c
Age Vision Fine motor Hearing Language ~
Range Actual 3ttl
0-3 months At birth Follows a dangling ring at 25 em 45 Cry ~
2 weeks Startle responds to sounds )(

1 months Fixate face and follows Quietens, cries, or blinks


6 weeks Follows a dangling ring at 25 em 90

to sound
Vocalizes own sounds ~.
3 months Follows a dangling ring at 25 em 180 Holds object for few seconds when Turns head at level of Vocal play
placed in hands sound
4-6 months 4 months Fixate on a toy brick Reaches for objects without getting it
Volu ntary grasp
5 months
Reaches for objects an d gets it
6 months Adjusts position to see Whole hand palmar grasp Turns head at below level Reduplicated sou nds (Da, Ba, Ma)
Mouth ing of sound
Bidextrous approach
Transfers from 1 hand to another
7-9 months 7 months Holds one brick when offered next Makes noise for attention
8 months Formal Distraction Test

9 months Looks at distant point when sitting Grasps with finger and thumb, scissor Variable babble
Throws toys to the ground
Index finger approach
Finger thumb apposition
10--12 months 12 months Good pincer grasp Turns to name 2-3 words with meani ng
Casts repeatedly
13-18 months 15 months Sees small objects To and fro scribble Jargon speech
Tower of 2 cubes 2-6 words
Inserts pellet into bottle Communicates wishes, obeys
18-24 months 18 months Points to one object in picture card Circular scribble 6-20 words
Tower of 3 cubes
Turns several pages of book
Hand preference
24 months Copies vertical line 2 to 3-word sentences
Tower of 6 cu bes Uses pivotal grammar
Turns single pages of book Uses questions
25-36 months 30 months Refers self using pronoun 'I'
36 months Copies circle Gives fi rst and last name
Tower of 9 cubes Knows sex
Builds train and bridge if shown Recognizes 1 colour
Draws a man with face and 2 other body Lots of nursery rhymes
37--48 months 48 months Copies cross Counts 10 or more Good account
Builds steps of bricks Enjoys long story
Draws a man with limbs and fingers Asks 'why'
Recognizes 2 or 3 colours
49-60 months 60 months Copies triangle Uses grammatical speech
Draws a man with recognizable face Asks 'when' and 'how' questions
Enjoys joke
Chapter 11 Developmental examination

and festivals. Don't continue a conversation if the child is not interested in talking as this will waste
valuable time. There is no standard developmental histo ry checklist in chi ldren , however, a sample list
is given in Box 11.1 at the end of this chapter. A developmental history shou ld be adapted depending
on the age of the child, the problems, and parental concerns _Th e developmental history should start
from preconception and continue to the present. It should cover:

the course of the pregnancy, complications, and details of r ecreational and therap eutic drug use
the child's birth and neonatal period
subsequent progress of the child's development in various domains
protective factors as well as risk factors in children's lives.

Developmental assessment
Developmental assessment is the process of evaluating the maturity of the child by observing what the
child can do and how they do it. In the examination , this can be in the form of clinical interview (see
above), observation, or interaction with the child . The first method reli es on a comparison of the
milestones of the individual child to those of other child r en. The latter two methods depend on the
child's 'perfo r mance' of certain tasks. A &ood assessment should incorpo r ate all three methods so
that it is valid and reliable. For assessment, tool kits containing items such as a rattle, crayons and
paper, p icture story book, doll, hairbrush , spoon, cup, bricks, and three or four piece of form board
can be used. Most of these will be available in the examination room . However, it is usefu l and prudent
to carry your own, fam iliar equipment.
The developmental examination is probably the most im portant station where the child's
cooperation makes or breaks the case, therefore try to make 'friends' with the child . Get down to
their level and avoid towering over the child . First, touch a non-threatening area, such as the hand,
when handling a young child. Keep in mind that observation is the most im portant form of examination.
W atching the chi ld play can give a good overview of the d evelopmental skills. It is equally important
to talk to the child and the parents, while observi ng the social interactions. Reme mber to smile while
talking to the child . Infants are best assessed with the parent next to them . In the case of toddlers and
preschool childre n, initially make an informal examination whil e they are playing. Involve the parents
to reassure the child and facilitate the examinatio n.

General approach
These steps are repeated in every system to reite r ate thei r importance and to help you r ecollect the
initial approach o f any clinical exam . Also refer to chapter 4 .

On entering the examination room, adhere to infection control measures bywashing your hands or
decontaminating them with alcohol rub.
Li sten carefull y to the examiner's instructions (also known as the opening statement) and ask
them to repeat if you are not sure.
Introduce yourself both to the parents and the child.
A sk the name and age of the child, if not already told by the examin er.
Speak slowly and clearly with a smile on your face .
Ou tl ine wh at you are going to do.
Estab lish rapport with the child and parents .
Ensure privacy.
Positioning: the child should be awake and alert, and the room should be warm and adequately lit.
Initial examination can be done on the parent's lap rather than on a couch separated fron1 the
parents. Later, after establishing rapport, the child can be encouraged to perfotTn the manoeuvres
without the parent at their side.
General app roac h

Box 11.1 Checklist for a chi ld developmental history

Identifying information
Chi ld's name
How would you like me to call your chi ld (any nick name) ?
Accompanying person and their relationship:
Contact details
General physician

Questions about the general health (be brief)

List of major ch il dhood illness, age of occurrence
Hospitalizations, current medications, and allergies

Questions about developmental problems

Do you have concerns about your child's development in any of the following areas ?
gross motor, language, fine motor-adaptive, and personal-social
Please list any problems in the developm_ent of yo ur child .
When did you first notice the problem?
What seems to make the problem better or worse?
Does your ch ild have any special needs?
Was your child specifically referred by someone? If so, whom?
Has your child had previous assessments for the problem? If so, by whom and when?
Has this ch ild received any treatment? If so, please give the details of treatment (such as speech or
occupational therapy and medication)

Pregnancy and birth

Mode of delivery?
Child's weight at birth?
Any complications during pregnancy, during, or immediately after delivery? If so, describe briefly

Milestones: at what age did this child do each of the following?

Gross motor:
+ At what age did your child start to be able to hold their head still without support?
When did your child began to sit alone?
At what age did your child crawl? Was it 'all f ours' crawling?
At wh at age did your chi ld pull himself/herself up to chairs and tables?
+ At what age did your child walk with suppo rt and in dependently?
Does your child walk well without stumbling (when compared with peers)?
Does your ch ild run a lot?
What are the languages spoken in the home ?
How well does your child speak the common language?
Any speech difficulties such as stuttering, stammeri ng?
At what age did your child first make speech sounds?
When and what were the first words?
+ Age when your child said first sentences (combined two words).
Could peop le other than the family under stand your child's speech?
Can th e chi ld understand other peop le.
+ Can the chi ld say numbers from 1 to 1 0?
+ Knows how many fingers are on each hand.
Chapter 11 Developmental examination

Compares things, for exam ple, says 'thi s one is bigger, heavier,' etc.
+ Counts three or more objects .
+ Copies a circle or other shapes.
Writes first name or part of it .
Eating habits:
+ Age at w hich your chi ld was weaned (bottle/breast) .
+ Does your chi ld e at w ith spoon , fork, hands?
+ Drinks from cup or bottle.
+ What hand does yo ur chi ld prefer to use for eating?
+ Is your chi ld fed sitting in a high chair?
To ilet habits:
+ Is your ch ild to ilet trained (day and night): 1. urination , 2. bowels?
+ Does ch ild wear a nappy?
+ What is us e d at home? Potty chair? Special ch ild seat? Regular seat?
+ Are bowel movem ents regular? How many pe r day?
+ Can your ch ild dress himse lf/herself?
+ Can they button clothes, zip zip pers, lace shoes?
Sleeping habits:
Does yo ur chi ld slee p in a cot or bed?
+ What time does child go to bed at night?
+ Are there any sleep time ritual s?
+ What are your child 's favourite activities at home?
Where do es your child usually play?
+ Is play active or quiet?
+ With whom does the ch ild play- alone, siblings, peers, adults?
Does yo ur chi ld play we ll with other ch il dren ?
Which foot is used for kicking?
+ Can he /s he throw and catch a ball?
Social behaviour:
+ Does your ch ild get alo ng we ll with adults?
+ Does your child get along well with other ch il dren (same age, younger, or older)?
Does your child like books and magazines ?
+ Do you have any concerns about you r child 's behaviour?
Name of the school and their schoo l year.
How is your child doing at school?
Does your child like school?
Has the teacher reported anything about your child's schoolwork?
Has your child ever re peated the schoo l year? Why?
Family history
Father's and moth er's name, age, occupation , and consanguinity
Siblings name, age, and sex
What is the marital status of the parents-single, married, partnered, separated, divorced ,
Was the ch ild adopted?
If yes, at what age?
+ What have you told your child about his/h er adoption?
+ Does your child have any contact with birth parent(s) 7
Deve lopmental evaluation of a n infant

Is there anything you would like us to be sensitive to about your child?

Has any serious incidents/illnesses/ changes occurred in your child's life recently?
Are you getting any support from governmental agencies (for example, Sure Start)

Is there anything else we should know about your child?

Comment on the following:

state of wakefulness: awake/ aware/ alert/ active
+ general well-being: well, ill
attention, behaviour, interest in the surroundings, eye contact, play, relation with parents
concentration/ distractibility
appearance: normal or syndromic
+ growth : w hether the child is thin and small , thin and tall, well nourished and tall , w ell nourished
and short. Comment that you would like to plot the child 's height, weight, and head circumference
on the growth chart.
+ head:
size: microcephaly I macrocephaly
shape: hydrocephalus, craniostenosis (brach iocephaly, plagioceph aly, trigonocephaly), small
posterior fossa (cerebellar agenesis), occipital protuberance (Dandy-Walker malformation)
sutures: separation, overriding, and fusion
shunts or reservoirs
+ face:
facial expression
unusual facial features: facial asymmetry (VII nerve palsy), ptosis, dysmorphic facies
(trisomy 21 , fetal alcohol syndrome)
eyes: squint, nystagmus, spectacles, telangiectasia
secretions in the throat '
+ movements:
paucity of voluntary movements
presence of involuntary movements.

Developmental evaluation of an infant

As formal examin ation is difficu lt in infants, improvisatio n is often requ ired. In general, it is better to
start with non-threatening assessments such as vision, hearing, and language before proceeding to
manoeuvres invo lvi ng handling, such as gross motor assessment.

Vision: babies with no r mal vision will fix and follow objects with their eyes. Dangle a ring at least
5 ern in diameter at 25 em and move it in the horizo ntal plane. Note the visual fixation and the ability
to follow the ring. A newborn can fix and follow up to 45. At 6weeks, the infant can follow up to
90 and up to 180 by 3 months. If the infant does not fix or follow the ring, loo k for the red
reflex in each eye. In older children , check visual fixation with a brick or a Smarty. A baby can
fixate on a 2-cm brick at 4 months, Smarties at 8 months, and distant objects at 9 months.
Hearing: next, observe the response to soun ds. Most crying babies will quieten to sounds by
1 month of age. With the child sitting on the parent's lap, get down to the level of the ear and make
a sound. At 3 months, the infant turns their head to sound produced at the level of t he ear.
By 6 m onths, they turn their head to sound produced below the level of the ear. A formal
Chapter 11 Developmental examination

distraction test can be done at 8-9 months (see chapter 9). Although the startle response to
loud noises is present in all babies with normal hearing, it should not be checked as it can cause
significant distress to the baby.
Language: once the normality of hearing is established, proceed to check the speech of the
baby. Listen to the sounds produced by the child and the response when you talk. In the early stages of
speech development. cooing (low soft and gentle cry, 3 months) and babbling (unintelligible
sounds resembling language, 6 months) are heard. The baby learns to respond to their name by
8 months. Around 9 months, they begin to string sounds together, incorporate the different tones
of speech, and say words such as 'mama' and 'dada' (without understanding the meaning of those
words). They learn to say the first word with meaning at 1 year.
Fine motor- adaptive: Give a toy to the baby. At 4 months , the baby reaches for it and by
5 months, they can reach and get the toy. Next, give a 2-cm brick to the baby. Look at the grasp,
the ability to hold and retain, and to transfer to the other hand. A 6 month old holds the cube
with the palmar grasp (curls the whole hand to wrap around the object) and 'mouths' the object.
They can transfer the cube from one hand to another by 7 months. Give one more brick to the
baby and observe the response . By 7 months, the baby holds on to both the cubes without
dropping the first one. In older infants, give a pellet and look at the approach and grasp.
At 9 months, the child reaches for the object with the index finger pointing at the object. They
grasp the object between the thumb and radial fingers . At 10-12 months, the infant picks up a
small object between the distal thumb and tip of the index finger. Check with the mother about
finger feeding, which most can do by 1 year.
Personal-social: check with the mother about social smiling. Social smiling occurs after 6weeks in
response to stimuli, such as talking or singing to the baby, and should be distinguished from
spontaneous smiling, which occurs without any stimuli. The infant can laugh loudly at 5 months.
Stranger anxiety (i.e. distress the child experiences when exposed to people unfamiliar to them)
develops at 7 months, and can make the examination difficult. The infant can wave bye-bye at
1 0 months. Give an object to the infant and ask him to give it back. A child can do this at 11 months.
Gross moto r : testing for gross motor milestones sho uld be kept for last. It is useful to follow the
sequence of manoeuvres given here, starting with the supine position and moving on to the rest
of the positions in a semicircle.
Supine: observe the child while lying on the cot in the supine position. Comment on the position
of the head and limbs. A hypotonic baby will have extended limbs similar to a 'pithed frog' .
+ Pull to sit: next, hold the baby by their hands and pul! to the sitting position. Look at the head lag
and the ability of the baby to lift the head. By 4 months, head lag will disappear. At 5 months,
the baby will lift the head in anticipation when about to be pulled up.
+ Sitting: once the baby is pul!ed to the sitting position, look at the head control (ability to support
the head and sustain the position), straightness of the back, and ability to sit independently
without forward support of their arms. Head control should be achieved by 4 months. An infant
can sit with erect back at 6 months of age. Babies can sit with support by 7 months and
without support by 8-9 months. They learn to pivot (rotate the trunk while sitting) by
11 months.
+ Supported standing: place your hands in both axil/a and lift the baby to standing position.
Look for weight bearing and standing. At 6 months, babies can bear most of their weight.
At 36weeks, they can stand holding on to furniture . At 11 months, they can cruise
(walk holding on to furniture).
~ Prone position: next, place the infant in the prone position. Look at the position of the head,
arm, shoulders, and pelvis. At 4 weeks, the head is tu rn ed to one side and the pelvis is higher
than the shoulders. By 12 weeks, they can hold the chin and shoulders off the cot with the legs
fully extended. By 6 months, they can hold the chest and upper abdomen off the cot, and can
D e ve lopm e ntal evalu ation of toddler, preschool, and school-age children

role over from prone to supine position . They can crawl by 9 months, and creep o n hands and
knees by 1 0 months.
+ Ve ntral su spension : with your hands beneath the abdomen, lift the baby off the cot. Look at t he
position of the head, limbs, and pelvis. A t 6 w eeks, the baby can lift their head t o t he horizontal
plane momentarily; by 12 weeks, they can m aintain the head above the plane o f th e body.
Primitive reflexes: t hese are a set of transient refl exes which are evid ent in the neonatal and
postneonatal period. T hey are called primitive becau se they are controlled by the most p r imitive
parts of the brain, the medulla and midbrain. Th ey are gradually in hibited by higher centres in the
brain during the first 3 to 12 months of postnatal life. It is usu al ly inappropriate t o elici t pr im itive
refl exes, unless you have noted asymmetry of movement of the limbs.
~ Walking reflex : this reflex is present from birth an d disap pears at 6 weeks. H o ld the baby
across the chest wit h your hands and allow thei r feet to touch th e ground. T he baby will try to
make a 'walking motion' by placing one foot in front of the other.
Moro's r e fl ex : thi s reflex is present from birth an d disappears by 3 to 4 months of age. Hold
the baby off the couch in the supine position w ith your arm und erneath their back; lower the
head and the upper back suddenly and unex pectedly by 'dropping' the baby a few inches.
The baby w ill jerk up, throw the arms out, open t he fingers w ith the palms up and then will
bring the arms together while the hands clench into fists. At ti m es, the baby might cr y loudly.
Asymmetrical Mora's is seen with a fractured clavicle and a brachial plexus injury.
Tonic neck re flex: there are two types- asym m etric and sym m etr ic . T he asym metric t onic
neck reflex is present from 1 month and disappears at 4 months. W hen th e infant's head is
rotated to the side, the arm on that side (face sid e) stretches int o extension an d the opposite
arm flex es up above head (fencing postu re) . Persistence after 6 m onths would suggest cereb ral
palsy. The symmetrical tonic neck reflex is p resent from 4-6 months and disappears by
7- 8 months. With the infant in the quad r uped po sition on th e f loo r, passively f lex and then
extend the infant 's head. Flexion of the head causes flexion of the arm s and ex ten sion o f the
legs, while extensio n results in extension of t he arms and fl exi o n of th e legs. Pers istence of thi s
reflex will prevent t he child from crawli ng.
+ Galant's refl ex : t his reflex is present fro m bi rth and disappears by 3-4 months of age. H o ld
the baby prone while supporting their belly w it h your hand and stroke t he skin paral lel t o the
spine. The infant w ill swing and flex the wh o le bo dy towards th e side that w as stroked .

Developmental evaluation of toddler, preschool, and school-age

In toddlers, the main domains of development are psychomoto r and co mmun icat ion , w hereas in
preschool children most of the advances are in co m m unication and language. In school-age chil dren ,
social and behavioural aspects of development become more important. A s the chi ld get s old er, gross
motor milest ones become less important (table 11 .3) .

Vision : vi sual testing begins with assessment of vi sual acuity. The test ing method varies ,
depending on age. Showing a colourful toy to tod dlers and assessing th eir interest w ill provide
a crude assessment of vision. In preschool ch ild ren , vision (acuit y and colou r) can be asse ssed by
presenting a series of simple pictures from a d istance of 3 metres. For older child ren, vision can
be tested using Snellen's charts (see ch apter 9).
Hearing: for hearing tests refer to chapter 9.
Language: begin a conversation with the chi ld; decide if the problems are recepti ve (impaired
comprehension), ex pressive (impaired productio n), or a combinat ion of both . A t 1 year, t he ch ild
can compreh end simple instructions and follow t hem. They can speak six or m o re words at
18 months. They can combine two words at 2 years, three words at 3 years, an d fo ur w ord s at
Chapter 11 Developmental examination

Table 11.3 Developmental assessment of toddlers and preschool children

Communication by assessor Expected response by the child

18 months
Give simple instruction, e.g. 'give me the ball ' Follows the instructions
Talk to the baby Says several si ngle wo rds
Show me your head , eyes, ears Knows 2 or 3 body parts

2 years
Show me, e.g. an object , a picture Points to the object or picture
Show me body parts Recognizes and shows body parts
Talk to the chi ld Uses simple phrases of two words
Repeats words overheard in conversation
Give me, e.g. the bal l and pen (two or mo re objects) Gives as requested

3 years
Show common objects and pictures Recognizes and identifies almost all common objects and
Talk to the child Understands placement in space (on, in , under)
Uses pronouns (1, you, me, we, they)
Ask their name, age, and sex Tells the name, age, and sex

4 years
Talk to the ch ild Speaks in sentences of 4 to 6 words
Tells stories

5 years
Talk to the ch ild Uses futu re tense
Says name and address

4 years. In addition, the 3 year old can tell their name and sex, and use prepositions (in, on)
appropriately. At 4years, the child can follow a three-step command, count to four, name four
colours, and enjoy rhymes. The 5 year old can count to 10 and respond to 'why' questions.
Fine motor-adaptive: to test fi ne motor skills, you will need bricks, beads or pellets, book,
pictures, paper, pencil, scissors, and form board.
Bricks: give a brick to the child and see the manner of grasp. Then ask the child to make a
tower with the bricks. For smal ler children, first demonstrate and then ask them to make the
tower similar to what has been shown (figures 11.1 and 11.2).
+ Beads or pellets: next, place pellets on a flat surface, ask the child to pick them up and put
them in a bottle. Look at the pincer grasp; a 15 month old can put t he pellets in the bottle.
At 18 months, the child can turn the bottle over and get the pellets out. For older children, give
a bead and string and ask them to thread it, which a 3 year old can do.
Books: give a picture book and see how the child browses through the book. At 18 months,
the child turns two pages at a time, while by 2 years. they can turn one page at a time.
Pictures: show the ch ild a book of pictures and ask them to point out some common objects,
which a 30 month o ld can do. Most children learn to identify colour by 4years.
D e velopmental e valu at ion o f todd ler, presch oo l, a nd sc hool-age c hildre n

Fig ure 11.1 Assessment of fine motor ski lls usi,ng bricks,

Tower of3 Tower of 4 Tower of 6 Tower of9

15 months 18 months 24 months 36 months

Bridge of 3 bricks Steps of 6 bricks Steps of 1 0 bricks

3 years 4 years 5 years
F igu r e 11.2 Developmental testing with bricks,
Chapter 11 Deve lopmental examination

+ Paper and pencil: you can ask the child to copy or draw geometrical shapes and draw
a person or themselves (figure 11.3 and 11.4). The child's maturity is assessed based on the
number of body parts in the drawing.
+ Paper and scissors: a 3-year-old child can cut paper with scissors .
Form board : ask the child to fill the shapes in a form board. The child can fit a circle and
square at 18 months; circle, square, and triangle at 2-3 years, and six shapes at 4years
Personal-social : most of these milestones are based on history rather than examination.
~ Feeding: ask about drinking from a cup and feeding them self with spoon , fork, and knife.
A 15 month old can drink from a cup and eat with a spoon without spilling. By 3 years, they are
adept at eating with a fork and spoon ; by 5 years, they can use a fork, spoon , and knife w it hout
Dressing: ask about dressing. At 14 months, the child starts helping to be dressed by putting
their arms out. They help with putting shoes and socks by 18 months. By 3 years, children can
dress and undress , except buttons and shoes, and can completel y dress themse lves by 5 years.
They learn to brush their hair at 15 months.
Toilet training: most children ar7 dry by day at 18 months and dry by night at 30 months
Brushing teeth: the majority of the children can brush their teeth by 3 ye ars.
Play: children learn to play with dolls and brush the doll's hair at 18 months (figure11.5).
Children play next to each other, but do not try to influence one another's behaviour
(parallel play) at 2 years. They learn to play with other children at 3 years and take turns whil e

3 years 4 years 5 years

Figure 11.3 Draw a person test.

Vertical line
18 months

Horizontal line Circle Cross Square Triangle Diamond

2 years 3 years 4 years 4.5 years 5 years 6 years
Figure 11.4 Geometrical shapes dtawn at different ages.
Developmental evaluation of todd ler, presc hool, and school-age children

Figure 11.5 Playing w ith a doll at 21 months old.

playing at 4years. By 5 years, they understand rules of a game and comforts playmate in
Gross motor:
+ Locomotion: while testing the locomotion, remember the following sequence-stand, walk,
run, hop, and skip. Toddlers walk with a broad -based gait at 15 months. They can walk
backwards at 18 months and run smoothly by 21 months. Preschool children learn to walk on
tiptoe at 3 years. At the same age, they learn to stand on one leg and ride a tricycle. They can
hop at 4 years and skip at 5 years.
Throwing and l<icl<ing: finally, give the child a ball and see them throw and kick.
By 30 months, the child can t hrow and kick the ball and at 4years, they are skilful at playing
a ball game.

In this station Dr Zengeya examines a mock candidate, Dr Dantuluri, performing a
developmental assessment of the fine motor skills of a young boy. He uses appropriate tests and in
the end gives a developmental age. He engages t he ch ild well. The candidate passed this station.
Chapter 12 Examination of the
musculosl<eletal system

General approach 143

Visual survey- head to toe examination 145
Screening examination of the musculoskeletal system 146
Detailed individual joint examination 150
Other systems 159
General approach

The muscu loskeletal examination, as for other systems, is best done in correlation with the medical
history. You may be asked to examine the whole system , the spine, or a single joint. A structured
approach is required, both for a screening examination and individual joint examination. Practise
a systematic approach for presenting your findings, even if the examin ation is carri ed out in a different
sequence from the one outlined here. l<ey competence skills required in the musculoskeletal exam -
ination are given in t able 12.1. Musculoskeletal cases commonl y encountered in the MRCPCH Cl inical
Exam are listed in table 12.2.
Stepwise examination of the musculoskeletal examinatio n is performe d as follows :

visual survey (head to toe inspection)

screening examination of the musculoskeletal system: gait, arms, legs, spine (pGALS)
Examination of individual joints (hands and wrists, elbows, shoulders, head and neck, hips, knee,
foot and ankle, spine):
+ measurements
+ assessment of function
+ joint-specific tests.

General approach
These steps are repeated in every system to reiterate their importance and to help you recollect the
initial approach of any clinical exam. Also refer to chapter 4.

On entering the examination room, demonstrate strict adherence to infection control measures by
washing your hands or by using alcohol rub .
Introduce yourse lf both to the parents and the child.

Table12.1 Key competence skills required in the musculoskeletal examination

Competence skill Standard

Knowledge of conditions with true joint and Ability to distinguish between true articular problems and
periarticu lar involvement conditions with periarticu lar involvement, wh ich extend
beyond the normal joint margin

Recognition of the involved structures and Ability to recognize joint, muscle and bone involvement in
nature of pathology in musculoskeletal musculoskel etal disorders along with the pathology

Identify the extent and functional consequences Ability to perform screening exam of musculoskeletal system
of muscu loskeletal disorders (pGALS)

Recognition of the effect of illnesses on the Ability to perform a detailed musculoskeletal examination
range of motion and function on various joints including the hip, knee, shoulder, hand, wrist, elbow,
and back

Knowledge of the various paediatric Ability to differentiate between normal and abnormal
musculoske letal disorders assessment findings
Ability to produce a differential diagnosis of common
musculoskel etal problems

Knowledge of systemic disorders affecting the Ability to id entify the presence of systemic or extra- articular
musculoskeletal syste m manifestations in musculoskeletal disorders
Chapter 12 Examination of the musculoskeletal system

Table 12.2 Musculoskeletal conditions that may be seen in the MRCPCH Clinical Exam

Primary cause Disease Musculoskeletal associations

Congenital Skeletal dysplas ias Heter-ogeneous group, includes spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia,

multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, achondroplasia

Infective Reactive arthrit is Painful, asymmetric ol igoarthritis

co nditions Often lower limb, enthes itis

Tuberculosis Ethnic background or travel

Acute or chronic arthritis; spinal involvement

Rheumatic fever Painful, transient, fleet ing arthritis

Poststreptococcal reactive Persistent, usually oligoarthritis


V iral associated: parvovirus, Usually associated with fever, rash, oligo or polyarthritis,
EBV, CMV, rubella tenosynovitis

Autoimm une and Systemic lu pus Small joints of the hand and wrist usually affected, although all
inflammatory erythematosus joints are at risk
cond itions Remember blood pressure and urinalysis

Juvenil e idiopathic arthr itis Commonest chronic ch ildhood inflammatory musculoskeletal

Mild to severe
Describe distribution of affected joint
Signs of active disease
Signs of dam age and functional limitation
Check eyes

Juvenile dermatomyositis Periorbital oedema, heliotrope d iscoloration, Gottron 's

papules, proximal muscle weakness
Calcinosis and lipodystrophy in long-standing cases

Scleroderma: Tight, inelastic (hidebou nd) skin and subcutaneous tissue

localized or system ic Raynaud's, digital pits, nailfold capillary changes, absorption of
Underlying joint contractu res
Sometimes mimics juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Localized form does not involve internal organs
Systemic (rare) gut hypomotility, malabsorption and wasting,
pulmonary fibrosis

Henoch-Schori lei n purpura Arthritis may be prominent

Kawasaki's disease

Hypermobility Marfan 's syndrome, Ehlers- Children can have pain from recurrent subclinical subluxation
associated Dan los, Down's syn d rome , Most hypem1obility is benign
syndromes Lar-sen's syndrome, cutis
laxa; osteogenesis imperfecta

Acute hip pain A ll ages Septic Arthritis or Osteomyelitis

Can present as a limp, hip pain (radiates to groin), or knee pain

0- 3 years Developmental dysplasia of hip

3- 10 years Perthes osteochondritis of the femor-a l epiphysis

10-15 years Transient synovitis of hip

Slipped upper- femora l epiphysis

Secondary Haem oph ilia Acu t e haemarthrosis or chrqnic arthrit is, often knee
Vi s ua l survey- head to toe e x am ination

Talk slowly and clearly w ith a sm il e on your face .

Establish rapport with the child and parents.
Expose adequately whi le ensuring th eir privacy. Ideall y, the chi ld sho uld be und r esse d to thei r
underwear. If possible, watch the child undress .
Ask three important questions:
D o you have pain anywhere?
~ Can you dress completely without difficulty?
+ Can you w alk up and down the stai r s without diffi culty?
Positioning: earl y in the exam ination, it is prefe r abl e t o examine a yo unger child on t heir pare nt 's
lap r ather than on a couch . Useful information can be obtained by watching the chi ld wal k an d
pl ay. Depending on the jo int , ex amin e an old er child either in the sitting or lying posit ion .

V isual su rvey-head to toe exam ination

Loo k at the chi ld and t ry to estimate their approxim ate age, if not given.
Always thin k whether t he findings combine to form a recognizable cl inical syndrome.
Comment o n the following:
state of wakefulness
+ general w ell-being
interest in th e surroundings
si ze of t he ch ild
+ obviou s lack of movement of a limb or joi nt
+ position and alignment of the spine and limbs
soft tiss ue: swelling, r edness, muscle wasting, contractures, deformiti es
skin : scar s, r ashes, sk in lesions
mouth , mucous mem branes, teeth , and fauce s
eyes: signs of previous iritis, lens dislocat io n, cataract
environment: splints, walking aids, or wheelchair.
V iew the child in th e standard anatomical positio n (standing wi t h feet t ogether, arm s t o t he
side and head, eyes, and palms of the hands f acing forwards) .
From the fron t :
bulk and sy mmetry of the shoulder
extension of the elbow
bulk an d sy mmetry of the quadriceps
sym m etr y at the knee.
+ From th e back:
alignment of the spine
bu lk and symmetry of the gluteal muscles, ham stri ngs, and calf mu scles
limb alignment
sym metry of the foot.
From th e side :
cervi cal curvature
tho r acic curvatu re
lumbar curvature
position of the knee
foot arch es.
Chapter 12 Examination of the musculos ke letal system

Screening examination of the muscu loskeletal system

The movements tested below are the first to become affected if there is a problem with a joint or
muscle. They are screening movements. Show the child the movement you want them to do, so that
they can copy you. If any joint is painful or movement is restricted, then continue to the specific joint
examination (modified from the pGALS screen).

Gait (walking)
There are two phases to the normal walking cycle: stance phase , when the foot is on the ground,
and swing phase, when it is moving forward . The stance phase is further subdivided into the contact
j (outer border of the heel strikes the floor followed by pronation at the subtalar joint, which causes
1 the tibia to rotate internally), midstance (loaded forefoot, supination of subtalar joint, which causes
the tibia to rotate externally and the foot is converted to a r igid lever ready for propulsion), and
propulsive (push-off) phases.
Ask the child to walk normally with and without walking aids.
Look for age-appropriate walking pattern : toddlers walk with wide jerky steps. By age 7, children
should have a smooth, mature gait with contact, midstance (whole foot on the ground),
propulsive phase, and arm swing.
Look for symmetry and smoothness of the gait and ability to turn quickly.
Ask the child to 'Walk on tiptoes/ walk on your heels'.
Ask the child to 'Hop on each leg'. This tests balance, coordi nation , and quadriceps function.
Types of gait:
+ Antalgic gait: shortened stance phase on the affected side. In additio n, when the hip is the
source of pain, there is lurching of the trunk towards the painful side during the stance phase.
Gluteus maximus gait: with weakness of gluteus maximus, the trunk lurches backward at heel
strike on the weakened side to interrupt the forward motion o f the trunk.
+ Trendelenburg gait: during the stance phase on th e weakened side, the pelvis tilts downwards
to the opposite side. To compensate, the trunk lurches toward the weakened side (abductor
lurch) . This is seen in gluteus medius and adducto r weakness.
+ Steppage gait: there is difficulty in clearing the toes during the swing phase, due to foot drop.
Hence, the child lifts their foot high off the ground to avoid tripping over and walks with
exaggerated flexion at the knee and the hip.
+ Subtalar or heel pain: during the stance phase, the child avoids the heel strike and tenses the
midfoot, in addition to a shortened stride.
+ Metatarsalgia: during the stance phase, the child avoids push off or walks on the side of
the feet.
~j + Toe walking: walks on the toes without putting much weight on the heel or any other part of
the foot.
~I Trick movements: children with leg length imbalance swings the longer leg round and out to

avoid tripping.

~) Arms
:J General-ask the child to 'Put your arms out in front of you'. Look for:
:..:- l
muscle bulk
' + asymmetry
contractures and deformity
swollen joints
rashes (psoriatic, vasculitic, striae, Gottron's papules over knuckles)
Screening examination of the mu sculoskeletal system

Wrist or finger swelling and deformity: 'Put your han ds out in front of you' .
~ Precision grip: 'Pinch your index finger and thumb together' and 'Touch the tips of your fingers
with your thumb'. Children w ith involvement of the metacarpophalangeal joints will not do
these movements .
"" Supination and pronation of forearm and flexion at the proxim al and distal interphalangeal
joint: 'Turn your hands over and make a fist ' .
Extend wrists: 'Put your hands together palm-to-pal m' (prayer position) (figure 12.1 ).
Flex wrists: 'Put your hands back-to - back'.
~ Look at the face and squeeze the metacarpophalangeal and other finger joints and wrist gently
but firml y and ask if it hurts (tenderness indicates synovitis).
Full extension: 'Arms out straight'.

(a) Extension of wrists - prayer pos it ion


(b) Flexion of wrists - hands back to back

Figure 12.1 Flex ion and extens ion at wrists. (a) Extensi on of wdsts, prayer position. (b) Flexion of wrists,
hands back to back.
Chapter 12 Examination of th e musculoskeletal system

+ Abduction: 'Reach up and touch the sky' .
~ External rotation of the shoulders: 'Bring your arms out to the side and put you r hands behind
your neck' .

~ Passively flex the knee to 90 and internally rotate at the hip (observe the difference between
the sides).
~ In babies, examine the hip for dislocation and subl uxation:
Barlow's test identifies an unstable hip that lies in reduced position but can be passively
dislocated. Flex the hip and the knee, adduct the thigh, and push posteriorly in line with the
shaft of the femur. In an unstable hip, the femoral head will dislocate posteriorly from the
acetabulum, which can be felt as the femoral head slips out of the acetabulum (figure 12.2).
Examine the hips one at a time.
Ortolani'stest identifies a dislocated hip that can be reduced . Flex the hips and knees to
90, abduct the thigh while placing anterior pressure on the greater trochanter using the
index and middle finger. This brings the femoral head from its dislocated posterior position
to the acetabulum and the hip reduces with a palpable and audible clunk (figure 12.3).
Examine the hips one at a time.
Kn ees:
+ Look for swelling or deformity of the knees and muscle wasting of the quadriceps.
+ Look for effusion at the knee (patellar tap).
Ask the child to bend and straighten the knee fully.

, . Indicates the direction of fo rce

Figure 12.2 Barlow's test. Arrows ind icate the direction of force.
Screening exami nation of the mu sc uloskeleta l syste m


.....~-""'!~ Indicates the direction of force

Figure 12.3 Ortolani's test. Arrows indicate the direction of force.

Look for callosities on the sole and arch of the feet and ankles.
Look at the face, squeeze the metatarsals gently but firmly side to side, and ask if it hurts
(tenderness indicates synovitis of metatarsophalangeal joints).

Inspection from behind :
look for
symmetry of the muscles
level of iliac crest
unequal buttock creases
keep the feet wide apart and check whether the lateral lumbar indentations ' dimples of
Venus' are at the same level.
Inspection from the front:
Lateral flexion at the neck 'Try to touch your shoulder with your ear'.
Inspection from the side:
Look for normal curvatures: cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis.
Forward flexion at lumbar spine and hip ' Can you bend and touch your toes, without bending
your knees?'
Finger excursion for flexion: place two fingers on adjacent lumbar vertebrae. Your fingers
should move apart as the child flexes forwards.
Palpate down the spine and look for any signs of tenderness.
Assess the degree of opening of the temporomand ibular joint: 'Open your mouth and put in
three fingers (i .e. child's fingers) sideways'. This is redu ced in te mporomandibular joint arthritis.
Chapter 12 !Examination of the mu sculoskeletal system

Detailed individual joint examination

When examining a specific jo int, it is helpful to think in terms of: look, feel, move, assess function,
and joint-specific tests. For the normal range of jo in t movements, refer to table 12.3. To determ ine
the presence of hypermobility. calculate the Beighton score as given in table 12.4. Before you start, ask
the child 'Does anywhere hurt or is there pain at rest?'

Look (inspection):
Swelling: look fo r loss of normal contour and landmarks, distension, and fullness . Compare
with the opposite side. To examine swelling aroun d joints (synovitis, effusion) follow the shape
of the joint capsule. To exam ine tendon swel lings (tenosynovitis) follow the longitudinal line of
the tendon sheath . Bo ny swellings are hard . Bursa are fluctu ant and separate from the joint.
Nodules are fi rm, subcutaneous, mobile , and often seen at sites of pressure. Calcinosis is hard
and usually superficial.
Skin changes: redness .

Table 12.3 Range of motion of various joints in degrees (modified from JC Jacobs. Pediatric
rheumatology for the practitioner, 2nd edn. New York, Springer, 1992)

joint Flexion Extension Inte rnal rotation External Abduction Adductio n


Neck tilt 45 50 80 (r ight) 80 (left) 40 (tilt) 40 (tilt)

TMJ 4 em or 3 finger breadths (space between the incisors when mouth is fully open)
MPCs 90 30-40 0
1" MPC 70 (palmar) 09
Wrist 80 70 20 (radial) 30 (ulnar)
Elbow 135 0~5 90 (supination) 90 (pronation)
Sh oulder 90 45 >55 >40-45 180 45
Hip 135 30 35 45 45~5 0 20~30

Knee 135 2~10 0 0

Ankle 50 20
Subtalar 20 (inversion) 20 (eversion)
Midtarsal 10 (midfoot) 20
1st MTP 45 70~90

TMJ, temporomand ibular joint; MPC, metacarpophalangeal joint; MTP, metatarsophalangeal joint.

Table 12.4 Beighton score for hypermobil ity

Passive little finger dorsiflexi on beyond 90 1 point for each hand

Thumb apposed to volar aspect of forearm 1 point for each thumb
Hyperextend elbow to >1 0 1 point for each elbow
Hyperextend each knee to >1 oo (genu recurvatum) 1 point for each knee
Hands flat on floor without bending knees 1 point

Calculate total sco re. Hyperm obi le if score >4. Maximum 9 points.
Detaile d individual joint e x amination

.._. Alignment: angulatio n and deformity. Parents an d children are sensitive to the word
'deform ity'. Use terms such as malalignment, subluxation, dislocation , drift, or deviation.
~ Changes to adjacent structures: muscle wasting.
Feel (palpation):
'il> Warmth : assess with fingertips for smaller joints and back of the hand for large r joints.
Compare with an unaffected joint or the adjacent joint margins.
+ Tenderness: be careful and gentle if the area looks painfu l or tender. If the child complains
about it in advance, do this as the last step. Squeeze a joint from the side until your finger and
thumb just blanch . If you squeeze from above and below the joint, you may elicit pain from the
tendon . Palpate the joint margin and adjacent bony structu r es and distinguish the tenderness
from within and outside the joint.
Crepitus : coarse crepitus is produced from damaged joint surfaces while fine crepitus is usually
from tendonitis.
Move (active then passive) to examine :
Range of motion- compare both sides. Ask the child to show you w hat they can do with a
joint themselves. For active movements, ask the child to move the joint through its complete
range of motion and for passive movef!lents, move the joints through the same range of
motion with the child relaxed. Passive range of movements should be 5 more than active
range of motion.
+ Pain during movements.
+ Stability: can the joint be moved into abnormal positions?
+ Muscle strength: ask the child to maintain a movement, while applying resistance on the
opposite direction.
+ Assessment of function .
Joint-specific tests.

Hands and wrists

+ Wrist or finger swelling and deformity: 'Put your hands out in front'.
Inspect hands (palms and backs) for joint symmetry, deformity, muscle wasting, palmar
erythema rashes, and nail changes. Subtle hyperpigmentation over the knuckles may suggest
early synoviti s. Systemic lupus erythematosus rashes are seen between knuckles , while the rash
in juvenile dermatomyositis is seen over the knuckles.
Assess skin temperature.
+ Bimanually palpate the wrists, metacarpophal angeal, proximal. and distal interphalangeal joints.
Squeeze firmly and gently. Watch the child's face for signs of pain. Squeeze all joints laterally and
not vertically. This distinguishes synovitis from tenosynovitis of the tendons.
+ Assess the range of motion in t he hand (active and passive):
Finger flexi on and extension: 'Can you close and open the fingers of both hands?'
Precision grip : 'Pinch your index finger and thumb together' and 'Touch the tips of you r
fingers with your thumb'. Children with metacarpophalangeal joi nt in volvem ent will not do
these movements.
Assess the range of motion at the wrist:
Extend wrists: 'Put your hands together palm-to-palm' (prayer position) (Figure 12.1 a).
Flex wrists: 'Put your hands back-to- bad<.' (Figure 12.1 b).
Supination and pro nation of the forearm : 'Turn your hands over and make a fist' and 'Tu rn
your palms up'.
Chapter 12 Examination of the musculoskeletal system

Squeeze the metacarpophalangeal and other finger joints and wrist gently but firmly. Look at
the child's face and ask if it hurts (tenderness indicates synovitis).
Assessment of function:
+ Ability to make fist.
joint-specific tests for carpal tunnel syndrome:
~ Tinel's sign : hyperextend the wrist and tap the median nerve with the middle finger o r reflex
hammer. The sign is positive if tapping elicits pain or paresthesias radiating down the palm in
the index, middle, and outer half of ring finger (median nerve distribution).
+ Phalen 's test: flex the wrist to 90 and maintain it for 1 minute. In a positive test, pain or
paresthesias radiates along the index, middle, and outer half of ring finger of palm (median
nerve distribution) .
+ Carpal compression test: firmly compress the median nerve with your thumb at the flexor
retinaculum, that is the carpal tunnel, for 30 seconds. A positive test producing pain or
paresthesias in the median nerve distribution suggests median nerve comp ression .

+ Inspect for scars, swelling, or rashes.
+ Note any fixed flexion deformity.
Assess skin temperature .
Support the child's forearm, semiflex the elbow, and palpate the head of radius, joint line,
olecranon process, medial and lateral epicondyles, and the extensor surface of the ulna.
Tenderness of extensor tendons at the lateral epicondyle suggests tennis elbow.
Assess active and passive movements.
+ Flexion and extension: ' Flex and extend your elbow'.
Pronation and supination: 'Keep your arms ex ten ded, supinate and pronate each hand'.
Note any hyperextension .
Assessment of function:
+ 'Hand to nose or mouth'.

Inspect the shoulder from the front, side, and behind for fullness, muscle wasting, and
angulation. Shoulder effusions bulge anteriorly under the distal clavicle.
Feel :
Assess skin temperature.
Palpation for tenderness : acromioclavicular joint for subacromial bursitis and intertubercular
groove for biceps tendonitis.
Assess (actively and passively) flexion, extension , abduction, adduction, external rotation, and
internal rotation .
Flexi on : 'Raise both arms forward and straight up overh ead '.
Extension: 'Extend and stretch both arms backward behind your back'.
Abduction: 'With arms at your sides, lift both arms outwards and straight overhead'.
Adduction: 'Swing each arm across the front of the body'.
Detailed individual joint examination

External rot ation: 'Place both arms behind your head, elbows o ut to the side'.
Internal rotati o n: ' Place both the arms behind yo ur hips, elbo ws out to the side '.
+ Ask the child to shrug their shoulders:
Observe the scapul ar movement , which should be symmetric.
Muscle str engt h t esting
Assessment of fu nction
' Keep your hands behind your head' and 'Put your hands behi nd your back'.
Joint-specific tests:
Hawkins' impingement test: f lex the shoulder and the elbow fo rwar d to 90 and intern all y
rotate the arm. If this motion is painful , it is a positi ve sign for supraspinatus tendon
+ N eer's test: with the arm by the side of the t runk, elbow fully extende d and internally rotat ed ,
and thumb touching the side of leg, forward flex th e arm at th e shou lde r and move t he arm up
until it is above the head . Pain suggests impingem ent of posteri o r cuff.

Head and neck

+ Look at the neck from the front, side, and behind for deformities and abnorm al p o sture.
+ Assess the degree of opening of the temporoman dibular joint: 'Open your mo uth and put
in three fingers (i .e. child's fingers) sideways'. Th is is reduced in t em po romand ibu lar jo int
Palpate t he sternoclavicular and manubriosternal joints anteriorly an d cervical spin e,
paravertebral , rhomboids, and trapezius muscles posteriorly for te nderness.
+ Place the index and middle finger of each hand in front of th e tragu s, ask the child to open and
close the mouth and palpate the temporoman dib ular joint.
M ove:
+ Assess the active range of motion :
Flexion : ' Put your chi n to your chest' .
Extension: ' Extend yo ur head backwards'.
Lateral flexion : 'Touch your shoulder w ith your ear on the same side'.
Rotation : 'Turn your head and touch each shou lder with you r ch in '.
+ Joint-specific tests:
If crep itus is suspected in the temporomandib ular joint, auscultate wh ile t he child opens and
closes t he mouth .

With the child lying on the couch:
+ f lexion deformity and leg length disparity
+ ch eck for scars.
Feel :
+ greater trochanter for tenderness.
M ove:
+ A ssess fl exion, extension , abduction , and adduction actively:
Fl exion: 'Move yo u r thigh up towards yo ur tummy'.
Chapter 12 Examination of the musculoskeletal system

. J

Extension: 'Lie down on your tummy, keep one leg straight, and lift the other leg off the bed
without bending the knee'.
Abduction: 'l<eep your legs straight (extended) and move your leg away from the mid lin e'.
Adduction: 'Keep your legs straight (extended) and move your leg towards the midline and
cross it '.
Assess flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal and external rotation passively.
= Flexion : hold the heel and move the thigh up towards the trunk.
Extension: ask the child to turn to prone position, straighten one leg to stabilize the pelvis,
.j and lift the other leg off the bed without bending the knee .
"' ! Internal rotation: flex the knee to 90 with the shin parallel to ground and the thigh in the
:- 1
~ \
perpendicular position, and move the ankle laterally.
External rotation: flex the knee to 90 with the shin parallel to the table and the thigh in
perpendicular position, and move the ankle medially.
Abduction: with the knee extended, move the leg away from the midline.
Adduction: with the knee extended, move the leg towards the midline and cross it.
Joint-specific tests :
Thomas' test: this is useful to detect ~ccult hip flexion contracture. Flex the child's knee on one side
and push firmly against the abdomen. The test is positive if the hip flexes and the thigh is off the table.
FABER test (flexion, abduction, external rotation of the hip) to distinguish hip or sacroiliac joint
pathology from spinal problems: place the foot of the affected side on the opposite knee just
above the patella (this flexes, abducts, and externally rotates the hip). Pain in the groin indicates a
problem with the hip and not the spine. Gently, but firm ly press the flexed knee and the opposite
anterior superior iliac crest to the exam table. Tenderness in the sacroiliac area indicates a
problem in the sacroiliac joints (figure 12.4). Repeat the manoeuvre with the other leg.
Straight leg raising test: with the lower limbs fully extended, lift the child's leg up to 70 from
i the table and then sharply dorsiflex the foot. The test is positive if pain increases in the lower
:_j back or leg. Pain in the leg produced from oo
to 30 indicates nerve root compression,
between 30 and 60 suggests sacroiliac disease, and pain produced wi th leg motion beyond
<I 60 points to lumbosacral conditions (figure 12.5) .

Pelvic compression (to detect sacroiliac disease): with the child lying on the side, apply
pressure to the hip joint. Repeat on the other side .
Leg length: ask the child to lie down, make the pelvis 'square' (both anterior superior il iac spine
at the same level) and measure from the anterior superior iliac spine to the medial malleolus.
With the child standing:
Gluteal muscle bulk.
Assess the child's gait.
Mobility and gait: refer to the section on screening ex amination .
Joint-specific tests:
Trendelenburg's test: ask the child to lift one leg. Watch for the tilt of the pelvis on the
non-weight-bearing side. When positive, the pelvis tilts downwards instead of raising on the
side of the lifted foot. Note that the lesion is on the contralateral side to the sagging pelvis
(on the side of the stance leg) . A positive Trendelenburg sign is found in dislocation of the hip,
abductor weakness, and shortening of the femoral neck (figure 12.6).
Gowers' sign: Ask the child to get up from squatting position on the floor. With hip and thigh
muscle weakness, the child will be unable to stand independently and will use their hands and
Step 1: Palms Step 2: Make a fis t

Step 3: Hands and palms in midline Step 4: C arrying angle

Step 5: Touch shoulders w ith tip of the th umb

Figure 13.3 Manoeuvres fo r examination of short stature .
I Papule with central umblication -
I Macule Papu les
molluscum contagiosum


i Salman plaques of psoriasis Chickenpox vesicles Nodu le - neurofibroma

Wheal - urticaria
henoch schon lein purpura

Figure 14.1 Primary lesio ns of the skin .

Atrophic scar
with thickened skin

Silvery scales of psorias is Peripheral scaling- pityriasis rosea

Figure 14.2 Secondary lesions of the skin .
Aplasia cutis in newborn Koebner's phenomenon



Clustered vesicles - Thickening and ridges -

herpes zoster nail psoriasis

Papular acrodermatitis
Figure 14.3 More examples of cutaneous lesions.
Detailed individual joint examination


towards table

Figure 12.4 FABER test.

arms to 'walk' up the body from a squatting position. In extreme weakness, the child may roll
over to the front and 'crawl' up the thighs with their hands to standing position. This is
classically seen in proximal muscle weakness (muscular dystrophy, juvenile dermatomyositis).

With the child lying on the couch:
from the end of the table for alignment deformity (valgus, lateral malalignment of lower leg,
varus, medial malalignment), quadriceps muscle wasting, effusion (absence of normal hollows
around the patella), scars, and popliteal fossa swelling
from the side for fixed flexion deformity.
Assess skin temperature.
With the knee slightly flexed, palpate the joint line and the borders of the patella.
Palpate the suprapatellar pouch on each side of the quadriceps between the thumb and the
fingers for thickening and tenderness of the synovial membrane.
Feel the popliteal fossa with the finger tips of both hands.
Assess full flexion and extension (actively and passively) .
Assess stability of the knee:
Valgus stress to check the medial collater-al ligament: slightly flex the knee, place the
-! contralateral hand on the lateral side of the knee, grasp the ankle with the ipsilateral hand
and abduct the lower leg. Watch for the degree of motion.
Chapter 12 Examinatio n of the mu scu loskeletal system

Figure 12.5 Straight leg raising test.

Varus stress to check the lateral collateral ligament: slightly flex the knee, place the
contralateral hand on the medial side of the knee, grasp the ankle with the ipsilateral hand
and adduct the lower leg. Watch for the degree of motion.
Anterior and posterior draw test: sit at the child's foot, flex the knee to 90, place the hands
on the lower leg with thumbs on the tibia near tibial tuberosity and fingers on the calf
muscles, and pull it anteriorly and posteriorly to assess for laxity of the respective cruciate
ligaments. Any movement beyond 5 mm suggests ligament laxity.
McMurray test for meniscal injury: f lex the child 's hip and knee to 90 with the foot flat on
the table. Hold the heel wi t h the right hand and steady the knee with the thumb and index
finger of the left hand on either side of the joint. Extend the knee slowly using the right hand
and , at the same time, palpate the joint line with the left hand. Repeat this manoeuvre with
the tib ia in external (rotate the foot and lower leg laterally) and then internal (rotate the
foot and lower leg medially) rotation at the various stages of fl exi on. A positive test is when
a 'clunk' is felt with associated pain .
Joint-specific tests:
+ Patellar tap: extend the knee and squeeze out the suprapatellar pouch by appl ying pressure
with the index finger and the thumb above the knee. While maintaining the pressure, with the
tips of the fingers of the free hand, hit the patella downwards with force. If effusion is present,
then the patella can be felt striking the femur with a click and bouncing off.
Bulge test: useful to identify a small amount of effusion, which may not be identified by patellar
tap. Extend the knee and massage the medial aspect of the knee joint upwards with the palm
D~t a il~d individual joint ~ xaminat i on


Normal pelvis t ilts Abno rmal pelvis ti lts

towards stance leg away fro m stance leg
Fi gu r~ 12.6 T rendelenburg's test.

of the hand. Tap the lateral side of the joint at the suprapatella r pouch. Look for a fluid impulse
in the medial aspect of the knee.
With the child standing:
knock-knee (genu valgum)
+ bowleg defo r mity (genu varum).
Assessment of function:
+ assess gait (see above).

Foot and ankle

With the child lying on the couch:
+ dorsal and plantar surfaces of the foot fo r deformity, swell ing, an d nodules
+ alignment deformity such as claw toe or hammertoe
nails, nail folds, and between the web spaces
the child 's shoes.
Assess skin tempe rature.
> Squeeze the forefoot between thumb and finge rs at the level of t he metatarsal phalangeal joints.

+ With the thumbs on the sole of foot and th e fingers on the do rsum of the foot. palpate the
proximal and distal interphalangeal joints an d midfoot.
Chapter 12 Examination of the musculoskeletal system

Palpate anterior sutface and joint line of ankle joint, subtalar joint, and origin of plantar fascia
into calcaneus.
9 Palpate Achilles' tendon for tendonitis and enthesitis (inflamed sites of insertion of tendon).
Enthesitis-related arthritis may occur alone or be associated with psoriatic arthritis and HLA
B27 -related arthritis. Common sites are heel, patella, tibial tuberosity, ischial tuberosity, and
+ Palpate for peripheral pulses.
+ Assess movement actively:
Dorsiflexion: 'Lift your foot up'.
Plantar flexion: ' Lift your foot up' .
'Curl and extend your toes and then 'cup' the arch of your foot'.
Assess movement passively:
Dorsiflexion: put one hand on the heel while the ipsilateral forearm supports the foot.
Support the tibia with the other hand . Dorsiflex the ankle by lifting the forearm under the
Plantar flexion : hold the dorsum of the foot with one hand. Support the tibia with the other
hand. Plantar flex the ankle.
Inversion and eversion: hold the calcaneus with one hand and the talar neck with the thumb
and index finger of the other hand . Apply abducting force (valgus stress) and adducting
force (varus stress) with the hand on the calcaneus. Feel the movement of the talus. Holding
the talus rather than the tibia isolates subtalar from ankle motion.
Rotation at midtarsal joints: hold the calcaneus with one hand and move the forefoot
medially and laterally with the other hand .

With the child standing:

forefoot, midfoot (foot arch) , and the hindfoot
+ swelling around the heel and Achilles' tendon
+ ask the child to stand on tiptoes to assess for correction of flatfeet and valgus hind foot
+ ask the child to stand on the outside of foot; stand on inside of foot (neurological and hind
foot assessment)
+ ass ess the gait cycle (heel strike, stance, toe-off).

+ Inspection from behind:
symmetrical muscle bulk
level of iliac crest
feet width apart; assess whether the lateral lumbar indentations, dimples of Venus, are at
equal height
unequal buttock creases.
Inspection from the side:
normal curvatures: cervical lordosis; tho racic kyphosis; lumbar lordosis.
Palpate and percuss spinous processes and intervertebral spaces for tenderness.
+ Palpate paravertebral muscles for spasm or tenderness.
Other systems

Cervical spine:
Extension: 'Look at the roof'.
Flexion: 'Bend your head forward, chin to the chest' .
Rotation: 'Look over each shoulder'.
Lateral flexion at neck: 'Touch each shoulder with your ear' .
Thoracic spine:
Lateral flexion: 'Bend to the right and then left'.
Flexion: 'Bend your back' .
Rotation: 'Twist shoulders to right then left'.
~ Lumbosacral spine:
Forward flexion at lumbar spine and hip: 'Can you bend to touch your toes?'
Extension: 'Hyperextend at the waist as far as possible' .
Lateral flexion: 'Bend to the r ight and then left side to side as far as possible at the waist'.
Rotation: 'Look behind by rotating at the waist, while standing steadily (to stabilize the
Finger excursion: place two fingers on the lumbar vertebrae-the fingers should move apart
as the child flexes forwards.
+ Gait: see above.
+ Joint-specific test:
Straight leg raising test: see above.
Axial compression test (for cervical radicular pain or paresthesia): forcibly press down
vertically on the top of the head with the neck in a neutral position to compress the cervical
nerve roots. The test is positive if the pain is exacerbated. Avoid doing this test in children
with serious spine disease.
Spurling's test: first extend the neck and compress the head vertically. Next, rotate the head
to either side while still extended and apply compression. The test is positive if pain is
exacerbated by this position.
Modified Shober's test (to detect and quantify restrictions of lumbar flexion): with the child
standing, locate posterior iliac spines (indicated by the dimples of Venus) and mark over the
spine at their level. From this line, make a second mark 10 em superiorly. With the tape in
place, ask the child to bend over and attempt to to uch their toes. Note down the maximum
distance between the two marks and calculate the excursion. Normal excursion is 5- 7 em.
Braggard's test for sciatica: with the knee extended , hold the child's leg and raise it slowly
until pain is felt. Lower the leg slightly and dorsiflex the foot briskly. The test is positive if it
produces pain in the spine.

Other systems
Vital signs, especially the temperature chart, blood pressure, dip stick urine.
Integuments: skin, hair, and nails.
Eyes for signs of uveitis, cataract, lens dislocation, sclera discoloration.
System signs and symptoms, for example lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, weight loss,
night sweats.
Chest and abdomen for cardiopu lmonary or renal involvement.
Brief neurovascu lar assessment.
Chapte r 13 Examination of the child with
short stature

General approach 163

Visual survey- head to toe examination 163
Measurements 168
Manoeuvres 169
Systemic examination 170
_cj_ __________ _ _
Visual survey-head to toe examination

Assessme nt of a child with shor"L stature is one of the commonest endocrinology cases seen in the
exam. It is important to remember that short stature is not a disease by itself and is an impairment
of linear growth. T he term 's hort stature' is restricted to height-related issues above 2 years of age,
in contrast to 'faltering growth' w hich focuses on weight-related issues in those less than 2 years.
Short stature is a height wh ich is less than the third percentile for age on the growth chart derived
from local data. Other definitions of impaired linear growth are height significantly below genetic
potentials (- 2 standard dev iations below mid parental height), abnormal ly slow growth velocity, and
downwardly crossing percentile channels in a child older than 18 months. To determine the normalcy
of stature, one needs a relevant history and serial height measurements over time documented on a
growth chart. In the exam, the examine r may provide the context of the case and the chi ld's growth
chart. In t he Un ited Kingdom, the most widely used charts include the one published by the
Child Growth Foundation 1996/1, and the UK- WHO growth charts published by the Royal College
of Paediatrics and Child Health using the World Health Organizatio n standards (figure 13.1 ).
Be familiar with the use of the different charts and remember to use growth charts appropriate
for sex and underlying disease (Down's syndrome, Turner's syndrome). The causes of short stature
are given in table 13.1 and features of common conditions causing short stature in table 13.2. Possible
conditions seen in a child with short stature commonly encountered in the MRCPCH Clinical Exam
are listed in table 13.3.
You may be asked to assess the chi ld's' growth or assess the child with short stature. Such an
assessment is appropriate only after taking into account the history and physical examination findings.
However, in the clin ical exam, you will not be allowed to take a history and have to evaluate the child
based on the clues available at the bedside and examination findings.

General approach
These steps are repeated in every system to reiterate their importance and to help you recollect the
initial approach of any clinical exam. Also refer to chapter 4.
On entering the examination room, demonstrate strict adherence to infection control measures by
wash ing your hands or by using alcohol rub.
Introduce yourself both to the parents and the child.
Talk slowly and clearly with a smile on your face.
Establish rapport with the chi ld and parents.
Find out the age of the child, if not told already.
Confirm the relationship of the adult who is present with the child.
Expose adequately while ensuring the child's privacy. The child should be sufficiently undressed, but
draped with underwear and gown to preserve modesty. Be careful with teenagers, who might resent
being in minimal clothing. For examination of the limbs, expose both the upper and lower limbs.
Positioning: child should be awake and alert and the room should be warm and adequately lit.
For assessment, the older child should be standing on the floor. Initial examination of a toddler
can be done on the parent's lap rather than on a couch. Later, after establishing rapport, the child
should stand alone for measurements and manoeuvres.
Examination of the child with short statu re comprises of four stages: head to toe visual survey,
measurements, manoeuvres and systemic examination.

Visual survey-head to toe examination

Take a few seconds to watch the child actively, from head to toe, at the start and make observations on
the well-being of the child and their interactions. Look for both obvious and subtle dysmorphic features.
which might fit into a recognizable syndrome. Do not ignore items in their immediate vicinity.
(a) n
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Figure 13.1 Growth charts for (a) boys between 1 and 5 years and (b) girls between 0 and 1 year. Reproduced with permission from the Child Growth Found ation.
Visual survey-head to toe examination

Table 13.1 Causes of short stature

Growth hormone deficient

Organic causes
Congenital, e.g. septo-optic dysplasia
Empty sella syndmme
Pituitary /hypothalamic tumour, e.g. craniopharyngiomas
Cranial irradiation
Other acquired, e.g. trauma, meningitis, or encephalitis

Non-growth hormone deficient

Famili al short stature
Constitutional delay
Intrauterine growth restriction
Down's syndrome
Turner's syndrome
Noonan 's syndrome
Prader- Willi syndrom e
IUGR-related syndromes (Russell-Silver syndrome)
Diseases of other systems
Respiratory (cystic fibrosis)
Malabsorption (inflammatory bowel disease, coeliac disease)
Skeletal dysplasia
Short limb dwarfism, e.g. achondroplasia, hypochondroplasia
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Mucoli pidosis
Endocrin e disorders
Cushing's syndrome
Precocious puberty
Social deprivation

Comment on the following:

state of wakeful ness: awake/aware/alert/active
general well - being: we ll, ill
attention, behaviour, interest in the surroundings, play, relation with parents
looks: normal or syndromic
growth: see next section, personal health record of the child (the Red Book), if available
development: Tanner staging for pubertal development in teenagers should be recorded.
+ Body habitus:
Overweight, p lethoric, striae; kyphosis suggests Cushing's syndrome.
Disproportionate body proportions impl y skeletal dysplasias.
Chapter 13 Examination of the child with short stature

Table 13 .2 Features of common conditions causing short stature

Familial short stature Height be low the 3rd centi /e but appropriate for parental heights
Steady growth below, but parall e l to, the normal growth curves
At least one parent is short
Puberty occurs at t he normal age compared to peers
Bone age is cons istent with chronological age
Constitutional growth delay Short stature
Reduced growth velocity during the first 3 years, with normal growth velocity
Delayed sexual maturation
Delayed bone age
More common in boys
Fam il y history of delay
Final adult height usually within the normal range
May benefit from treatment with gonadal steroids
Intrauterine growth restriction Height be low the 3rd centile and small for parental heights
Steady growth below but parallel to the normal growth curves
Some ch il dren might have catch up growth
Parents usually have normal height
Puberty occurs at the normal age compared to peers
Bone age is consistent with chronological age
Growth hormone deficiency Short stature with proportionate body
Facial phenotype resembling a yo unger child
Increased subcutaneous fat
Frontal bossing
Midfacial hypop lasia
Microphallus in boys
Subnormal growth velocity
Delayed bone age
Hypothyroidism Short stature
Delayed bone age
Delayed sexual maturation
Decreased growth velocity
Dry skin, constipation, cold intolerance
Cushing's syndrome: Slow growth velocity
De layed bone age relative to the chronological age
Excessive weight gain and truncal obesity
Elevated blood pressure
Psychosocial deprivation Poor growth
W ithdrawn child who avoids eye contact
Bizarre behaviour, poor speech and language deve lopment
Increased growth ve locity in a more secure environment

Decreased weight for height is seen in malnutritio n from any cause.

Loss of fat and muscle mass with shrunken , wasted appearance is seen in pr-otein energy
Loss of secondary sexual characteristics in a female suggests an eating disorder, such as
anorexia nervosa.
V isual survey- head to toe examination

Table 13.3 Conditions involving short statu re that may be

seen in the MRCPCH Clinical Exam

Endocrine Hypothyroidism
Cushing's syndrome

Syndrom es Down 's syndrom e

Turner's syndrome
Noonan's syndrome
Williams' syndrome
Russell- Silver syndrome

Chronic diseases Chronic renal failure

Post-renal transplant
Cyanotic congenital heart disease
Chronic juvenile arthritis
Crohn's disease
Ulcerative colitis
Cystic, fibrosis

Skeletal dysplasia Achondroplasia

Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia
Iatrogenic Chronic steroid use-Cush ing's syndrome
Spinal irradiation
Post-intracranial surgery

Miscellaneous Familial short stature

Constitutional growth failure

size: microcephaly (TORCH, Seckel's syndrome, Williams' syndrome), macrocephaly
(achondroplasia, hydrocephalus)
shape: brachycephaly (Down's syndrome), occipital protuberance (Dandy-Walker
malformation), frontal bossing with macrocephaly (achondroplasia), dolichocephaly
shape: small triangular face and micrognathia (Russell-Silver syndrome), triangular face
(Noonan's syndrome), micrognathia (Seckel's syndrome), moon face (Cushing's syndrome).
dysmorphic features: midfacial abnormalities (clefts, bifid uvula, maxillary incisor, hypoplasia,
seen in pituitary abnormality and growth hormone deficiency), coarse features (glycogen
storage disorder and, rarely, hypothyroidism), upturned nose, lo ng philtrum with
m icrognathia (Williams' syndrome) , smooth philtrum, thin vermili on , small palpebral fissures
(fetal al cohol syndrome), flattened nose, small mouth, protruding tongue , sm all ears,
upward slanting eyes, epicanthal fold (Down 's syndrome).
visual field examination and fundoscopy: papi lloedema, optic atro phy (underlying CNS
disease causing growth hormone deficiency).
+ Neck:
webbed neck: Turner's syndrome, Noonan 's syndrome
goitre: hypothyroidism
bitemporal hemianopia: pituitary or hypothalamic lesions (craniopharyngioma).
Chapter 13 Examination of the child with short stature

acne, facial hair: Cushing's syndrome
clubbing: Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, cystic fibrosis, congenital cyanotic heart disease.

Measurements play an important part in the assessment of a child with short stature.
+ Height: recumbent length is plotted for children up to 24 months of age using a Harpenden
infantometer. The infantometer consists of a flat surface with a fixed headboard and movable
base plate. The child is placed on the back and head is held in position at the fixed end by one
observer. The movable foot piece is brought up to the feet by a second assistant, who should
ensure the body, legs, and feet are in a straight line, and the length is measured . In children
older than 2 years, standing height is measu red using the stadiometer. Ask the child to stand
against the wall facing forward with the arms by the side of the body and the feet side by side
(figure 13.2). Position the head so that the plane of the eyes is parallel to the ground (Frankfurt
plane) and heel, buttock, and the upper back are touching the wall. Accurately measure the
height and plot it on an appropriate centile chart.
Lower segment: next, with the child in the same position, measure the distance from the top
of the symphysis pubis to the floor, which will give the lower segment.
+ Upper segment/lower segment ratio (US/LS ratio): calculate the upper segment by
subtracting the lower segment from the height and compute the US/LS ratio. T his indicates
whether the short stature is proportionate (i.e. involves both the trunk and the lower limbs ,
e.g. short stature due to chronic diseases) or disproportionate (i.e. involves one more than
th e other, e.g. primary bone disorders) . The US/LS ratio decreases progressivel y from 1.7
at birth until 8years when it reaches 1. The formula for normal age-appropriate ratio is
1: 1 + (1 /age in years).
+ Arm span: position the child against a wall, with the feet together, the arms stretched
sideways, and the palms facing forwards. Measure the distance between the tips of the middle
fingers. Arm span is approximately equal to the height above 8 years of age. Arm span is an
indicator of extremity growth and can be used as a surrogate for height measurement in
children who have scolios is or contractures.
Weight and weight for height ratio: measure the weight using a digital scale. Place the
scale on a firm floor rath e r than carpet. Remove the child's shoes and heavy clothing and ask
them to stand with bot h feet close together in th e centre of the scale. Record the weight and
determine the weight for height ratio. This ratio is relatively preserved in endocrine disorders
(growth hormone deficiency, hypothyroidism and Cushing's disease) in contrast to systemic
disorders, which are associated with poor weight gain and linear growth.

+ Midparental height: obtain the parents' heights (wherever possible) and plot on the child's
-:j chart. Measured parental heights should always be obtained as reported heights are
notorious ly inaccurate. Calculate the midparental percentile (MPC) for boys by adding 7 em to
the mean of the father's and mother's height in em. For girls, subtract 7 em from the mean of
the heights. The chi ld's target centile range (TCR) is 10 em and 8.5 em of the mid parental
height for boys and girls, respect ively. The midparental height predicts the target height based
on the genetic potential and helps to determine if the child's height is appropriate considering
the height of the parents.


Figure 13.2 Measurement of height.

Frankfurt plan: position of reference in whi ch the upper border of the external auditory meatus is on a horizontal plane with the
low er border of the eye.

To identify the region that predominately contributes to the short stature and the cause, perform
the following sets of manoeuvres. Ask the child to stand upright and observe from the front
(figure 13.3).
Step 1: look at the palms of the hands for clinodactyly (Russell- Silver syndrome, Down's
syndrome) , single palmar crease (Down's syndrome), swo llen wrists (juvenile chronic arthritis),
splayed wrists (rickets) , polydactyly (Bardet-Bied l synd rome), and bowlegs (rickets) .
Step 2: ask the child to make a fist and turn their hand over to look for shortened fourth
metacarpal (pseudohypoparathyroidism, Turner's syndrome, and McCune-Albright syndrome).
Step 3 screening for unilateral limb shortening (asymmetry) : ask the child to stand erect and put
their hands and th e palms together in the midline without flexion at the elbows, hips or knees
(Russel l- Silver syndrome).
Chapter 13 Examination of the child with short stature

Step 1: Palms Step 2: Make a fist

Step 3: Hands and palms in midline Step 4: Carrying angle

Step 5: Touch shoulders with tip of the thumb

Figure 13.3 Manoeuvres for exam ination of short stature. See also colour plate section .

Step 4, carrying angle (angle made by the axes of the arm and the fore arm, with the elbow in full
extension): ask the child to keep their arms at the sides, extended at the elbow and the palms
face forward, and look at the carrying angle. Normal carrying angle is up to 15 (increased in
Turner's syndrome).
Step 5: ask the child to bend their elbow and touch their shoulders with the tip of the thumb
on both sides, which normal children should be able to do. In rhizome lic dwarfism (short arms),
the thumbs will go beyond t he shoulder. In mesomelic (short forearm) and acromelic
(short hands) dwarfism, the thumbs will fall short of the should er.

Systemic examination
Next, a screening examination of the various regions should be done. Finally, complete examination
of the system identified in the screening is performed to identify the cause of short stature.
., pectus excavatum or carinatum: Noonan's syndrome
Systemic examination

shield chest: Turner's syndrome

+ hyperinflation: chronic asthma
crackles : cystic fibrosis.
~ slow pulse rate, slow relaxation of the Achilles tendon reflex: hypothyroidism.
+ bradycardia with hypotension is seen in eating disorders
hypertension: kidney disease, Cushing's syndrome
cyanosis and clubbing suggests congenital cyanotic heart disease
cardiac murmurs are heard in ch ildren with congenital heart disease
~ heart failure: congenital acyanotic heart disease.
abdominal distension: coeliac disease
+ scars: Crohn 's disease, ulcerative colitis, and previous abdominal mal ignancy
hepatosplenomegaly is seen in glycogen storage disorder type 1.
Ask the child for permission before proceeding to examine the genitalia . The examiner will usually
stop you if there is nothing specific to find in the examination or he or she may ask you what
you are going to look for.
Look for abnormalities of the genitalia, such as undescended testes and hypospadias in boys
and clitoromegaly and fused labia in girls. Penile length and testicular size should be measured.
Hypospadias: Russell-Silver syndrome.
Microphallus: defect in hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis or in peripheral androgen action.
Micropenis may also be caused by isolated growth hormone deficiency.
hypotonia: Prader-Willi syndrome, myopathy.
Chapte r 14 Examination of the skin and
skin appendages

General approach 175

Visual survey-head to toe examination 175
Exam ination of the skin 177
Examination of the hair 183
Examination of the nails 183
Other systems 18 7
Visual sur-vey- head to toe examination

Examination of the skin can provide information about cutaneous or systemic diseases. As always,
examination of the skin is best performed in correlation with the available medical history. Even if the
examination is conducted in a different order, you should have a systematic method of presenting the
findings. Examination comprises inspection and palpation of skin and skin appendages (hair, nails,
teeth, and mucous membranes) and is performed in one of two scenarios.

I. The skin may be sequentially examined alongside the examination of other systems (e.g.
neurocutaneous syndromes, which are disorders with neurological features, characteristics lesions
on the skin, and tumours in different parts of th e body) (table 14.1 ).
2. A dedicated examination of the skin may need to be carried out when it is the suspected primary
involved organ and includes evaluation of the hair, nails, teeth, an d mucous memb ranes of the
mouth and genitalia.

Key competence skills required in examination of the skin are given in table 14.2. Some of the
clinical features of common paediatric dermatoses are given in table 14.3.

General approach
These steps are repeated in every system to reiterate their importance and to help you recollect the
initial approach of any clinical exam. Also refer to chapter 4.

On entering the examination room, demonstrate strict adherence to infection control measures by
washing your hands or by using alcohol rub.
Introduce yourself both to the parents and the child.
Talk slowly and clearly with a smile on your face .
Establish rapport with the child and parents.
Expose adequately while ensuring their privacy.
Positioning: the patient must be undressed adequately to carry out a complete examination.
Inadequate skin exposure with the cloth pushed to one side or lifted momentarily often casts
shadows on the skin and is not conducive for proper examination. Infants and very you ng children
should be undressed completely. The younge r child is examined preferably on the parent's lap.
Older child ren can lie down except for the examination of back, which can be exami ned in the
sitting position.
Lighting: examination of the skin should be performed in an environment with good illumination.
The child should be examined in an environment with bright overhead and side lighting. The best
source of lighting is natural daylight. Inadequate lighting is the most common cause of an
inco mplete skin examination . Mobile lighting is req uired for close inspection of lesions. A torch
with a well lit cone is essential for examination of the mouth and transillumination. A hand lens is
often useful for detailed examination and a ruler is essential for recording the size of lesions.
If natural light through a window is used, it is critical to protect the patient's privacy inside the
ex amination room.

Visual survey-head to toe examination

Look for every possible clue available, which may help you to make the correct diagnosis.
Look and try to estimate the approximate age of the child.
Always think whether the findings constitute a recognizable clinical syndrome.
Every exam candidate is expected to be familiar with dermatological descriptive terms but it is
best to describe your findings in plain language.
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Table 14.1 Neurocutaneous syndromes

Syndrome Neurological features Cutaneous features Other features

Ataxia Progressive neurological impairment, Ocular and cutaneous telangiectasia Autosomal recessive disorder, variable im munodeficiency
telangiectasia cerebellar ataxia, choreoathetosis with susceptibility to sinopu lmonary infections, and
predisposition to malignancy

Hypo melanosis Seizures, learning difficulties, developmental Whirled hypochromic patches along Blaschko lines Hemihypertrophy, arm and leg length discrepancy, and
of Ito delay, deafness, visual problems scoliosis

Incontinentia Seizures, developmental delay, learning Neonatal vesicular rash with eosinophilia, Seen in girls (lethal in boys)
pigmenti difficulties, ataxia, spastic paralysis, hyperpigmentation on the trunk, fading in adolescence Three stages of skin lesio ns : vesiculobullous, verrucous,
microcephaly Linear, atrophic, hairless lesions pigmentary
Whorled pattern of lesions Ophthalmologica l (loss of visual acu ity, strabismus, optic
nerve atrophy, microphthalmia, kerat itis, cataracts, iris
hypoplasia, nystagmus) and dental manifestations

Linear nevus Moderate to severe learning difficulties, Linear, verrucous or nodular facial nevus w ith - Ocular (esotropia, coloboma of the eyelid, iris or
syndrome developmental delay, hemiparesis, seizures hyperplastic sebaceous glands, present on the choro id, cloudy cornea, homo nym ous hemianopia)
forehead down into the nasal area near the midline Renal man ifestations (renal hamartomata,
nephroblastoma, Wilms' tumour)

Neurofibromatosis High prevalence of seizures, learning Cafe au lait macules: brown coloured patches may be Bone deformities also may develop
type 1 disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and present at birth and increase in size and number with age Lisch nodules (found on the ir is of the eye)
speech problems Axillary or inguinal freckling develops by 3 years
Cutaneous and plexiform neurofibromas develop
during puberty

Sturge-Weber Epilepsy, learning difficulties, hemiplegia, Multiple angiomas involving the face, eye, and brain Sporadic condition
syndrome ipsi lateral leptomeningeal angioma Port-wine stain (non-elevated capillary angioma) May manifest with glaucoma
present in the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal
nerve distribution
Usually unilateral

Tuberous sclerosis Seizures, behavioural problems, learning Periungual fibromas, cutaneous angiofibromas Hamartomas in brain, kidneys, heart, eyes, lungs, and
difficu !ties (adenoma sebaceum) from Syears, mainly affecting skin
the centre of the face, Shagreen patches (brown Variable expression and penetrance
leathery th ickenings of the skin) and ash leaf macules
( depigmented)

Von Hippei-Lindau Tumours of the central nervous system Cafe au lait spots, angiomatosis Haemangiob lastomas, phaeochromocytoma, renal cell
disease carcinoma, and pancreatic cysts
Examination of the skin

Table 14.2 Key competence skills required in examin ation of the skin

Competence s kill Standard

Knowledge of dermatological descriptive Ability to describe skin rashes and lesions in simple language
terms Ab ility to apply app ropriate descriptive dermatological terms

Understanding that hair, teeth, and nail are Look for clinical evid ence of asso ciated hair, teeth, and nail
appe nd ages of the skin involvement

Clear understanding that skin conditions Ability to recognize skin lesions with associated underlying
m ay be part of a neurocutaneous neurological con diti ons such as cafe au lait spots with
syndrome neurofibromatosis type1, port-wine stain in Sturge-Weber
syndrome, ash leaf macules in tuberous sclerosis

Understanding that skin conditions may Ability to identify and diagnose underlying systemic involvement
have und erlying systemic causes

Recogn ition of common skin ras hes A bility to recognize quickly common rashes in children such as
atopic eczema, seborrhoeic dermatitis, infection, infestation, and
common rashes
Recognition of malignant conditions of the Ability to identify and accurately describe skin malignancy such as
skin and conditions which later develop malignant m elanoma or premalignant conditions such as dysplastic
into malignancy in children naevus syndromes and giant melanocytic naevus

Comment on the following:

state of wakefulness
general well being
interest in the surroundings
growth of the child
environment (equipment)

Proceed to specific inspection of the skin.

Examination of the skin

Start with a general observation of the skin. This is followed by inspection of the individual lesions,
which are best described by the ABCDE r ule (Asymmetry of the lesion, Border irregularity, Colou r of
the lesion including uniform ity of the pigmentatio n, Diameter and distribution, Edge). Other points to
include are location, number (isolated and well localized or coalescent and diffuse), shape (oval,
circular, annular), appearance (similar or monomorphic, different or pleomorphic), level with the
surrounding skin (flat, raised above the surface, depressed), consistency (solid, fluid filled), and type of
lesion (pri mary or secondary) (tables 14.4 and 14.5).
Primary lesions are the initial lesions in the skin caused directly by the disease process, while
secondary lesions evolve from primary lesions having been modified by external forces such as
scratching, picking, infection, or healing (table 14.6, figures 14.1, 14.2, and 14.3).
Chapter 14 Examination of the skin and skin appendages

Table 14.3 Diagnosis of co mmon paediatric dermatosis

Condition Morphological Distributio n of lesions Arrangement Number of

appearance of lesions of lesions lesions

Acne Areas of skin w ith non- Face and other parts of Non e specific Depends on
inflammatory follicular the skin that contain the severity
papules or comedones highest concentration of
Inflammatory papules, sebaceous glands
pustules, and nodu les in
more severe forms

Addison's disease Hyperpigmentation Most visible on scars, skin

folds, pressure points
such as the elbows, knees,
knuckles and toes, lips,
buccal mucosa, and
photo-exposed areas

Allergic contact Pruriti c papules and vesicles Exposed areas with Linear lesions in Depends on
derm atitis on an er ythematous base localized distribution areas o f contact exposure and
Atop ic dermatitis Acute : intensely pruritic Face, flexures of arms and Bi laterally Varies
vesicl es and blisters with legs (antecubital fossae symmetrical
intense erythema and popliteal fossae) ,
Subacute: pruritic wrists, nipples and eyelids
eczematous lesions with in infants, extensor
erythema, scaling, and surface in younger
fissuring of the skin child re n, flexor aspect in
Chronic: thickened skin, older children
accentuated skin lines,
excoriations and fissuring
I accompanying a moderate to

j Cand idiasis
intense itch
Pruritic, well-demarcated, Intertriginous areas such
:I erythematous patches of as axi lla, neck, groin, and
varying size and shape gluteal folds, web spaces
~1 Satellite papules and pustules of fingers and toes, glans
~l adjacent to primary patches penis and beneath the
Chronic bullous Pruritic tense blisters over Genitalia, periorifkia l, New blisters
disease of red base perioral lesions deve loping
:j childhood around the
"' healed ones

~ String of pearl

Intensely itch y, polymorphic
papulovesicular erupti ons
Extensor surfaces
(buttocks, back of neck,
scalp, elbows, knees,

Dermatomyositis Heliotrope rash (violaceous Periorbital, heliotrope Symmetrical

to du sky erythematous rash rash, central face and distribution of
i w ith o r w ithout oedema) , scalp heliotrope rash
' Gottron papules (slightly
elevated, violaceous papules
and plaq ues over bony
prominences) , periungual
t elangiectasia
Exa mination of the sl<in

Ta ble 14.3 Continued

Condition M orph o logical Distribution of lesions Arra nge m e nt Number of

a p pearance o f lesions of lesi o ns le sio ns

Erythema Red shiny lumps 1-3 em in Distribu ted over t he front

no dosum diameter of the shins
Initially purple and painful

Erythema Polymorphic eruption: Palms and dorsu m of t he Symmetrical

multiforme erythematous, expanding hands, soles, ex t ensor distribution
macu \es o r papu les evolve surface of extrem ities,
into target lesions, with face
bright red borders and Mucous mem brane
central petechiae, vesicles involved in seve re cases
or purpura

Epidermolysis Blisters may present with old Over both kn ees

bu llosa scars
Nails are dysplastic

Factitious illness Simi lar loo king lesions Areas of skin accessi bl e Predominantly Varies
to manipulati on (e.g. the on the left side
poster ior shoulders but in righ t handed
not the middl e of t he patient and vice
back) versa in left
handed patients
Henoch- Palpable purpura, oedema of Typicall y on the legs and
Schonlein hands, feet and scalp buttocks, but m ay also be
purpura seen on the arms, face,
and trunk

Herpes zoster Vesicu lar rash over Dermatomal Clustered

erythematous base, markedly
Kawasaki's Maculopapular erythematous H and s and feet Symmetrical
disease lesions, urticariform type distribution
rash, erythema multiforme
Peeling of the skin in the
genital area, hands, and feet
in later phases

Phototox ic drug Various t ypes Sun~e x pos e d areas o f the

eruptions body

Psoriasis Red , scal y patches Scalp, extensor aspect of Often N umber of

arms and legs, umbi licus, symmetrical lesions is an
gluteal cleft and fi ngernails Koebner indication of
Lesions can involve t he phenomenon the severity
entire body surface
Pitting nails

Seborrhoeic Greasy scaling over red, Sebum rich areas of th e

dermatitis inflamed skin presenting as scalp, face, and trunk
patchy scaling to widespread ,
thick, adherent crusts

Scabies (unlikel y Burrows lnterdigital areas, gen it alia

in ex am)
Chapter 14 Examination of the skin and skin appendages

Tabl e 14.4 Regional distribution of paediatric skin diseases

Face Infantile eczema, Sturge-Weber syndrome, dermatomyositis, scabies in infants

Mouth Cand idi asis, herpes simp lex, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, xanthelasma

Tru nk Most viral rashes, neurofibromatosis. herpes zoster (dermatome distribution),

Add ison's (areolar and scar pigmentation) , eryt hema multiforme, pityriasis rosea

Elbow Atopic eczema (extensor in younger and flexor in older child) , xanthomata
(extensor), phrynoderm a

Hands Kawasaki's d isease (red and swollen or peel ing skin), Addison 's (skin crease
pigmentation), scabies (interdigital areas), dermatomyositis, erythema multiforme
(polymorphic eruption, macules, vesicles, bullae), verruca vulgaris

Nails Psoriasis (pitting nails), iron defi ciency (koilonychia), fungal dystrophy

Legs Necrobiosis li poidica diabeticorum , pretibial myxoedema, erythema nodosum,

Henoch- Schon lein purpura (extensor aspects ankles and buttocks), xanthomata
in Achil les, tendon

Feet Verrucae, Kawasaki (swelling or peeling), pustular psoriasis, eczema,


Buttocks and elbows Dermatitis herpetiformis

Genitalia and perioral lesions Chron ic bullous disease of childhood, acrodermatitis enteropathica

Dermatomal Herpes zoster

Skin colour: while describing the colour, one shou ld decide if it correlates with the race.
Generalized hypopigmentation is seen in albinism and phenylketonuria. Yellow discoloration of
the skin is seen in jaundice (involving the mucosa and the sclera) or hypercarotinaemia (sparing
mucosa and the sclera). Ashen grey or pale skin is seen in shock. Generalized hyperpigmentation
is seen in Addison's disease and haemosiderosis.
Localized pigmentation: may present as hyperpigmentation (skin naevi) or hypopigmentation
(postinflammatory lesions, pityriasis alba, tinea versicolor, ash leaf macules in tuberous sclerosis,
hypomelanosis of Ito or vitiligo).
Inspect all areas including nails, mucous membranes, scalp, axilla, buttocks, and perineum as
follows (figures 14.4 and 14.5) .
~ Step 1: start with the face, giving special attention to the nose, lips, mouth (gums, tongue, and
buccal mucosa), eyelids, and dorsal and ventral surface of the ears.
-e. Step 2: proceed to inspect thoroughly the scalp, hair shaft, and the hair root.
Step 3: examine the palm and the dorsum of the hands carefully, paying particular attention to
the skin between fingers and the area beneath the fingernails.
Step 4: continue up the wrists and examine both front and back of the forearm. Next move to
the elbows and look at the arms including the axilla.
-0- Step 5: focus on the neck, the chest, and the abdomen. With adolescent girls, carefully
examine the under surface of the breasts (or at least say that you would examine the skin
beneath the breasts).
Step 6: inspect the dorsal surface of the neck, shou lders, and the back including the buttocks.
+ Step 7: move onto the lower limb and look at the anterior and posterior surface of both thighs
and legs, the dorsal and ventral aspects of the foot, between the toes, and under toenails.
Step 8: last but not the least is the examination of the gen ital region. In general, this is avoided
in the exam, but it is important to mention to the examiner.
Examination of the s kin

Table 14.5 Descriptive terms in dermatology

Term Definition

Annular ring Ring-shaped les ion with dark edge and central clearing

Arcuate Incomplete circle

Clustered Multiple lesions grouped within an area

Digitate Finger shaped

Discoid/nummular Filled circle, coin like

Discrete Lesions separated by normal skin

Disseminated Widespread, discrete lesions

Eczematoid Inflamed lesions with a tendency towards oozing or crusting

Erythema Redness due to capillary dilation that blanches on pressure

Follicular Lesions involving the hair follicle

Friab le Surface bleeds easily after minor trauma

Generalized Covering most of body, without intervening normal skin

Guttate Drop like

Indurated Abnormal hardening skin cannot be pinched over the lesions

Koebner phenomenon Reproduction of skin lesions at sites of trauma

Linear Arranged in a line

Livedo Lesions in a hatched pattern

Multiform Presence of lesions of variety of shapes

Papi ll omatous/warty Finger-l ike or round projections from surface of the lesion

Peduncu lated Lesion with a stalk having a narrower diameter at the base
Photodistribution Lesions occurring over sun exposed skin

Reticulate Fine, net-like pattern

Scarlatiniform Innumerable small red papules that are widely and diffusely distributed

Serpiginous Snake shaped

Stellate Star shaped

Target Lesions presenting as concentric rings

Umbilicated Elevated lesion with central depression

Zosterifotm Lesions follow a dermatome

Ensure that your hands are warm before palpation. Gloves are not necessary when exam ining intact
skin. Non-latex gloves should be worn when you examine broken skin and mucous membranes.

Step 1 general palpation of the skin, in particular the uninvolved areas. Points to note while
palpating are coarseness of the skin and skin temperature.
Step 2 palpation of the individual lesions:
depth of involvement of the skin or subcutis
Chapter 14 Examination of the sk in a n d ski n app~ndag~s

Papu le with central umblication -

Macule Papules
moll uscum contagiosum

Salman plaques of psoriasis Chickenpox vesicles N odu le - neurofibroma

Purpura -
Wheal - urticaria
henoch schon lein purpura
Figure 14.1 Primary lesio ns of the skin. See also co lou r plate section.

textu re of t he lesion (firm or soft)

+ thickness of lesions above the surface of skin
+ mobility of the lesion from underlying structures
presence, t exture , and quantity of scales. Do the scales flake off easily?
in crusted lesions, determine what is beneath the crust.
Step 3 squeeze the skin: a dimple will appear with dermatofibromas.
Step 4 surrounding skin: stroke the skin linearly with pressure (to elicit dermographism) and
apply tangential pressure on perilesional skin (to elicit Nikolsky's sign, wh ich is present w hen slight
rub bing of th e skin resu lts in exfoliation of the skin's outermost layer) . N ikols ky's sign is seen in
pemphigus, toxic epidermal necrolysis, and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome .
Step 5 diascopy: apply vertical pressure w ith a transparent glass slide and squeeze the b lood out
of the skin to enhance the visibility of the lesions. Diascopy is useful in distinguishing intravascular
(erythema) and extravasated blood (purpura) . This is a useful sign to distinguish meningococcal
purpura from viral rashes, which fade o n pressure.
Examination of the nails

Atrophi c scar
with thickened ski n

Silvery scales of psoriasis Per ipheral scaling - pityriasis rosea

Figure 14.2 Secondary lesions of t he skin. See also co lou r plate secti o n.

Examination of the hair

Ex amination of the hair in the scalp, axilla, and bod y is part of skin ex amination . As usual , t his starts
with insp e ction of the hair. Points to note during inspection are:

quantity and density of hair: excess/ sparse/ absence o f hair

site of hair loss or excess: generalized or localized
length of hair
colour of hair
tex ture (straight, wavy, or curly)
skin in areas of hair loss: look for scarring (absence of follicle s), erythema, scal ing, ex coriation
presence of nits (egg cases of lice) .
After inspection , proceed to pa lpation of the hair.
Hair pull test: identifies excess hair shedding. G r asp a tuft of hair an d pull th e tuft firmly, but
gently. Normal ly. up t o two hairs can be extr acted. Examine t he p ulled out hai r under a
magnifying glass . Presence of a rounded bulb at the proximal en d suggests that t he hair is telogen
hair, while anagen hair w ill have a tapered end .

Examination of the nails

Even though the nails can provide valuable informati on about syst emic and cutaneous diseases,
ex amination of the nails is often ignored. Nail abn orm alities can present with prob lem s of the co lou r,
Chapter 14 Examination of the skin and skin appendages

Aplasia cutis in newborn Koebner's phenomenon

Clustered vesicles- Thickening and ridges-

herpes zoster nail psoriasis

Papular acrodermatitis
Figure 14.3 More examples of cutaneous les ions. See also colour plate section.

shape, texture, or thickness of the nail plate or cuticle. Nails should be systematically examined
as follows.

Step 1 nail plate:

Look for the presence of a nail plate in all the fingers. Loss of nail plate can be congenital
or secondary to trauma or severe systemic illness. In nail-patella syndrome, the nail plate is
typically absent on the thumb and, even when present, it never reaches the free edge of the
Pitting of nails (presence of small depressions on the nail surface) can be seen in eczema,
psoriasis, ectodermal dysplasia, and alopecia areata (Figure 14.3).
Examination of the nails

Table 14.6 Primary and secondary lesions of the skin

N ame Description Example

Primary lesion
Macu le Flat, non-palpable area of altered colour of the Freckles, nevi, tinea versicolor, cafe au lait
skin macule, port-wine stain, vitiligo
Papu le Sol id raised lesion that has distinct borders <1 em Acne, molluscum contagiosum, warts,
scabies, insect bites

Plaque Solid, raised , flat-top ped lesion >1 em

Vesicle Small fluid filled blister (<0.5 em) Chickenpox, herpes, impetigo, friction
blisters, pemphigus
Bul la Large fluid filled blister (>0.5 em)

Pustu le Bli ster containing pus Acne

Nodule Raised, so li d lesion >1 em Neurofibromas, lipomas, tendon

xanthoma, rheumatoid nodules

Wheal Area of oedema of the dermis Ins ect bite, drug-induced urticaria
Burrow Linear or curved elevations of the superficial skin Scabies
due to infestation of female scab ies mite
Telangiectasia Permanent dilatation of superficial blood vessel Poikiloderma, chronic topical steroid usage
Petechiae Pinhead-sized, red macules of blood which does Idiopathic thrombocytic purpura,
not blanch on pressure m eningococcal septicaemia, trauma,
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
Purpura Larger petechiae

Ecchymos is Large extravasation of blood in skin

Cyst Cavity lin ed by epithelium contain ing fluid, pus, Sebaceous cyst, cystic acne
or keratin

Comedo Dark, horny keratin and sebaceous plugs within A cne vulgaris, naevus comedonicus
pilosebaceous openings

Secondary lesion
Scale Flakes or plates of loose, excess, compacted Psoriasis, crusted scabies, ichthyosis
desquamated layers of stratum corneum vulgaris, pityriasis rosea

Crust Dried exudate Acute eczema, ulcers

Lichenification Thickening of the epidermis with exaggerated skin N eurod ermatitis, atopic dermatitis

Excoriation Abraded skin caused by scratching or rubbing

Erosion Partial loss of epidermis which heals without Pemphigus

Fissure Linear slit of skin w hich extends into the dermis Fissure foot

Ulcer Necrosis of the epidermis and dermis with or

w ithout invo lvement of the underlying
subcutaneous tissue, heals with scarring

Scar Permanent changes occurring on skin following

damage to the dermis, produced by replacement
with fibrous tissue

Keloid Excess ive scar formation which sp reads beyond More common ly seen with dark-skinned
the original scar line peop le

Atrophy Thinning of the skin due to shrinkage of Morphea, discoid lupus erythematosus.
epidermis, dermis, or subcutaneous fat atrophic scars
C hapter 14 Examination of the skin and skin appendages

Step I: Face Step 2: Scalp, Hair root, Shaft

Step 3: Palms and Step 4: Front and back

dorsum of arm and
of hands forearm

--. Indicates areas which need special attention while examining

Figure 14.4 Step-wise inspection of the skin 1.

Step 5: Neck, Chest abdomen tep 6: Dors um of neck,
1 ~ ( Back. Buttock

Step 7: Anterior & Step 8: Genital area

posterior thigh

and leg, Foot, Soles

--. Indi cates areas which needs to particul arl y e;><amined

Figure 14.5 Ste p-wise insp ectio n of the skin 2.

Other systems

Ridges are raised lines running across the nail and can be transverse (eczema, psoriasis,
systemic illness, trauma) or longitudinal (trauma, lichen planus, onychomycosis, and
Nail plates can thicken (fungal infection) or thin out (nail biting).
Dystrophic nails (opalescent, thin, dull, fragile, ridged, and notched) can be seen in
'twenty nail dystrophy' which is characterized by the rough linear ridges on most of the nails
of the fingers and toes.
Onycholysis (separation of the nail plate from the proximal nail bed) can be idiopathic or
due to trauma, psoriasis, infection, or tumour.
+ Discoloration : diffuse hyperpigmentation of the nail plate is seen in Addison's disease. White
nail beds are seen in anaemia, chro nic hepatic failure, and chronic renal failure . Blue
discoloration of the lunula (the whitish area at the base of the nail) is a sign of Wilson's
disease. Yellow discoloration of nail plate can be seen in yellow nail syndrome, onychomycosis,
psoriasis, and staining from nail enamel. Purple or black discoloration can be splinter
haemorrhages (small areas of bleeding beneath the nails that appear as narrow, reddish-brown
lines running along the length of the nail, associated with infective endocarditis) or subungual
haematoma (larger collection of blood beneath the nail, caused by trauma).
Step 2 cuticle and nail fold: loss of cuticle can occur in paronychia. Subungual hyperkeratosis
(increase in the thickness of the cuticle) can be seen in psoriasis, onychomycosis, and scabies.
Step 3 nail shape: presence of long nails may indicate poor hygiene. Clubbing can be seen in
various systemic conditions and is discussed in chapter 5. Though koilonychia (thin, spoon-shaped
nail) can be normally seen in infants, it is often occurs due to repeated local injury and in iron
deficiency anaemia.
Step 4 skin surrounding the nails: various conditions that may affect the skin adjacent to the
nails are viral warts, mol luscum contagiosum , corn, and pyogenic granuloma.

Other systems
Relevant systems should be examined depending on the cutaneous finding: arthropathy in psoriasis,
growth, abdomen and cataract in Cushing's syndrome, central nervous system in neurocutaneous
conditions such as tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis, etc.

Dr Zengeya will demonstrate examination of the skin. He introduces himself and
defines the objective of the examination . He then proceeds to examine not onl y the skin but also
other appendages. At the end he summarizes the findings well and offers a working diagnosis.
. j


Note: Page numbers in bold in dicate tables and italics indicate figures_

22q11 deletion (di George) syndrome, 25,42 ankle, 92

examination, 157-158
abdominal examination, 65- 78 range of motion, 150
abdom inal conditions, 68 a nkle clonus, 91 , 92
auscultation , 77, 78 ankle jerk, 92
blood p!-essure, 69 anosmia, 103
common errors, 78 antalgic gait, 146
general approach to, 67-68 anterior and posterior draw test, 156
general tacti le, 69 aorta, coarctation of the, 52
head to toe examination, 68- 69 aortic regurgitation, 52
hernias, 70, 71 ao rtic stenosis, 52
inspection, 69-71 apex (apical) impu lse, 48
key competence skills required, 67 aplasia cutis in newborn, 184
other systems to examine, 78 arms, 146-148
palpation, 71-74, 78 arm span, 168
percussion, 74-76, 78 arterial pulsation, 74
posterior aspect of, 77-78 asymmetric tonic neck reflex, 135
p ulse, 69 ataxia telangiectasia, 176
quadrants and scar sites, 70 athetosis, 85
shape of the abdomen, 69 atopic dermatitis, 178
skin of t he abdomen, 69 atrial septal defect, 52
stoma sites, 70 atrophy, 185
symmetry of t he abdomen, 69 auscultation, 37,49-51, 63-64, 77
system examination, 69-77 dynamic auscu ltation, 56, 64
visual survey, 68-69 of posterior aspect of abdomen, 78
abdom inal palpation, 64,71 -74, 78 autoimmune and inflammatory cond itions, musc uloskel etal
bimanual palpation, 71 associat ions with, 144
deep palpation, 71 axial compression test, 159
kidneys, 73 74
liver, 72 back examination, upper limb and, 88
posterior aspect, 78 bad news, 16, 19-20
sp leen, 72 Barlow's test, 148
state of the abdominal Beighton score for hypermobility, 150
muscles, 71-72 Bell's palsy, 100
superficial palpation, 71 Bell's ph e nomenon, 111
tenderness, 72 biceps jerk, 87
abdom in al reflexes, 93 bilateral UMN (sup ranuclear) facial palsy, 111
abduce ns nerve, 107-1 09 biliary atresia, 25
abducens nerve lesions, 101 blood flow direction, veno us, 74, 77
abducens nerve palsy, 1 08 blood pressure, 45, 58, 69
accommodation, 106 bowel sounds, 77
acne, 178 brachial plexus
active listeni ng, 13 lower trunk of C8- T1 of, 89
acute cerebellar diso rders, 118 upper trunk of C5- C6 of, 89
ac ute hip pain, 144 brachial pulse, 44, 58
Add ison's disease, 178 bradycardia, 44
allergic contact dermatit is, 178 Braggard's test for sciatica, 15 9
a lternating cover test, 107 b-eaki ng bad news, 16, 19-20
In dex

breathi ng, 56, 60 movement of the, 59

breath so unds, 63 shape,47,56,59
bro nchi a l, 63 sy mmetry, 59
intensity, 56 chest expansion, 47, 56, 61
q ua lity, 56 chest movement
vesicu lar, 63 anterior, 62
Brudzins ki 's sign , 96 assessment of, 62
bruit , 77 poste.-iot-, 62
br ushing t eeth, 138 chest percussion, 61-63
bulge test, 156-157 chest wall, 60
bulla, 185 chickenpox vesicles, 182
burrows, 185 ch ildren, examination of, 33-37
child with short stature, 161-171
candidi as is, 178 general approach to exam ination of the, 163
cardi ovascular system , 39-5 2, 64 head to toe exami nation , 163- 168
cardi ovascular co nd it ions, 42 manoeuvres, 169- 170
chest, 4 7 measurements, 168, 169
general a pproach to e xam inatio n of th e, 4 1-42 systemic examination, 170-171
ge ne ral t acti le exam in atio n, 4 3-46 visual survey, 163- 168
head t o toe examin ation , 4 3 ch orea, 85
in spe ctio n, 46-47 chronic bullous disease of chil dhood, 178
key co mp etence skills requ ire d in e xami nation chronic renal fa ilure, 68
of the, 41 clonus, 91
syst e m exam inatio n, 46-51 cl ubbing, 56
visu al survey, 4 3 coarctation of the aorta, 52
carotid p ulse , 44 coeliac disease, 25
ce ntra l ne rvous system , 79- 96 colour vision, 106
areas of, 82 comedo, 185
ge neral app roach t o exami natio n of t he, 82 common peroneal nerve, 89
head t o t oe examin ation, 82- 83 communicat ion, 9-20
higher mental fu nction, 8 3-85 barriers to effective, 14
key co mpete nce skills requ ired in examin atio n competence ski lls, 11
of the,81 cross-cultural, 17
low er limbs, 88-9 3 environment to prom ote good, 17
too ls re quired fo r examin ation of t he, 82 five Cs, 14
upper limbs, 85-88 medical communication, 11 , 12
visua l survey, 82 83 overcoming barriers to effective, 14-15
ce rebe llar gait , 90 possible scenarios in the station, 16-17
cere be lla r syste m, 11 5-122 the practice of effective, 15- 19
ce re bellar syste m d iso rders, 118 princ iples of effective, 13-15
ge net-al app roac h to exam ination of the , 117 11 9 process of, 12
head exami natio n, 120 t heo ry of effective, 11- 1 5
head t o t o e exam ination, 119 competence model, 3f
key co mpete nce skills req uired in examination congenital abdom inal cond it io ns, 68
ofth e,118 congenital cardiovascu lar co ndit io ns, 42
localization of cere bra l lesions, 117 congenital ce rebellar system d iso rders, 118
lowe r limbs exam inatio n, 121 -122 congenital intrauterine infect io ns, 100
upper lim bs exami nati o n, 120-121 congenital rube lla syndro me, 42
visual survey, 119 congenital syndromes, causing musculoske leta l
cere be llu m, 12 0 cond itions, 144
ce re bral palsy, 25 conjunctiva, 104
ce r vi ca l sp ine, 159 connective tissue disordet-s, 42
chest consent, 36
inspection of t he, 59-61 constitutional growth delay, 166
landm arks , 57 content, 12

context, 12 Cri-du -c hat syndrome, 25, 42

dynam ic components, 12 Crohn's disease, 25, 68
static components, 12 crust, 185
cornea, 104 Cushing's syndrome, 166
corneal reftex, 110 cutis le1xa, 144
cortical lobe lesio ns, 84 cyst, 185
frontal lobe, 84 cystic fibrosis, 25, 68
occipital lobe, 84
parieta l lobe, 84 deep tendon reflexes, 87, 92
te mporal lobe, 84 degenerative disorders, 42
cortical se nses, 9 3, 95- 96 derm atitis herpetiform is, 178
coughs, 59 dermatology, descri pt ive terms in, 181
ba rking, 59 dermatomal d istrib ution, 94
brassy, 59 dermatomyos itis, 178
croupy, 59 derm atosis, diagn osis of paediatric, 178-179
dry, nocturnal, 59 developmental de lay, 125
honking, 59 developmental devi an ce, 125
paroxysmal w it h a wh oop, 59 developmental domains, 125
wet, 59 developmental examination , 123-139
cover test, 107, 108 checklist for a child
crackles, 64 deve lopmnetal history, 131 - 133
cran ia l nerve I see olfactory nerve developmental assess me nt, 130
cran ial nerve II see optic nerve d eve lop mental eval uatio n of an infant, 133-135
cran ial nerve Ill see oculomotor nerve developmental evaluation of toddler, preschool and
cran ial nerve IV, see troch lear nerve sc hool-age children, 135-139
cran ial nerve V see tr igeminal nerve developmental milestones
cran ia l nerve VI see abducens nerve in fin e motor adaptive and langu age
cran ial nerve VII see fac ial nerve domains, 128- 129
cran ial nerve VIII see vestibu lococh lear nerve in gross motor and psychosocial domains, 126- 127
cranial nerve IX see glossopharyngeal nerve general approach to, 130-133
cranial nerve X see vagus nerve developmental history, 29- 30, 125- 130
cranial nerve XI see spinal accessory nerve checklist for a child, 131-133
cranial nerve XII see hypoglossal nerve developmental regress ion , 125
cranial nerves, 97-1 14 dextrocardia, 48
causes of lesions to, 100- 102 D iabetes mellitus (type 1 ), 25
facial nerve (cranial nerve VII), 110- 11 1 diascopy, 182
general approach to examination of the, 99 di George (22q1 1 deletion) syndrome, 25, 42
glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves (cranial nerves diplopia, 104, 108
IX and X) , 113-114 distraction test, 112
head to toe examination , 99- 1 03 dorsalis pedis, 44
hypoglossal ne rve (cran ial nerve X II), 114 downb eat nystagmus, 108
ind ividual cranial ne rve e xaminatio n, 103-114 Down's syndrome (Trisomy 21), 25 , 42,144
key competence skills required in the examination draw test, anter-ior and posterior, 156
ofth e,99 dressing, 138
oculomotor, trochlear and abducens (cran ia l nerves Ill, dysarthria, 120
IV and VI), 107- 109 dysdiadochokinesia, 121
olfactory nerve (cranial ne rve 1), 103-104 dysmetria, 120
optic (ophtha lm ic/cranial ne rve II), 104-107 dyspraxia, 87
possible cas e s with cranial nerve involve ment, 100 dysrhythmia, 121, 122
spinal accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI), 114 dystonia, 85
trigem ina l nerve (cranial nerveV), 109-110 dystrophic nails, 187
vestibulocohlear (crani al nerve VIII ), 11 1-113
visual survey, 99- 103 ecchymosis, 185
cremasteric reftex, 93 Edward's syndmme, 42
crep i tu~. 61 effective communicatio n see communication

Ehlers- Danlos syndrome, 42, 144 frontal lobe lesions, 84

elbows, 86, 147, 152 fundus examination, 106-107
range of motion, 150
emotional prepa ration, MRCPCH clinical examination, 5 gag reflex, 11 3
enop hthalmos, 104 gait, 121-122,146
ENT examination, 64 see also walking
epidermolysis bullosa, 179 gait examination, 88-90
Erb's palsy, 89 Galant's reflex, 135
erosio n, 185 gaze palsy, 109
erythema multiforme, 179 general inspection, 37
erythema nodosum, 179 General Med ical Counci l, 11
exam inatio n of a chi ld, principles of, 33- 37 genetic cond itions, 25
excoriation, 185 genitalia examination, 71
extinctio n, 96 gestures, 12
eyeballs, 104 giving information, 16, 19
eye contact, 12 global developmental delay, 125
eyelids, 104 glossopharyngeal nerve, 113-114
glossopharyngeal nerve lesions, 102
FABER test, 154, 155 gluteus maximus gait, 90, 146
fac ial expressions, 12 Gowers' sign, 90, 154-155
facial nerve, 110-1 11 graphesthesia, 96
facial nerve lesions, 101 gross motor skills
facial nerve palsy, 111 infant, 134-135
factitious illness, 179 toddler, preschool and schoo l- age children, 139
fa ilure to thrive (FTT), 68 growth charts, 163, 164
'falteri ng growth', 163 growth hormone deficiency, 165, 166
familial hyperc holesterolaemia, 42 Guillain-Barre syndrome, 100
familial short stature, 166
family history, 30 haemophilia, 144
fasc iculation, 85 hair, examination of the, 183
feedback, 12, 14 Hallpi ke manoeuvre for positional nystagmus, 113
feeding, 138 hands, 147,151 - 152
femora l nerve, 89 handwriting, 121
femora l pulse, 44 Harpenden infantometer, 168
festinating gait, 90 Harrison's sulcus, 47, 48
fetal alcohol syndrome, 42 Hawkins' impingement test, 153
fetal valproate syndrome, 42 head and neck examination, 153
fine m otor-adaptive tests hearing tests, 112, 133- 134, 135
infant, 134 heart sounds, 49, 50
toddler, preschool and school-age children , 136-139 1st, SO
finge rs, 87 2nd, 48, 50, 51
fissure, 185 3rd, 50
floccu lonodular lobe les io ns, 117 4th, 50
fluid thrills, 74 ejection click, 50
focused history taking, 21 - 31 opening snap, 50
environm ent, 24-25 heel pain, 146
general principles, 25- 26 heel-to-toe test, 122, 122
key co mpe tence skills, 24 height, measurement of, 168, 169
i paediatric history, 26-31 hemiplegic gait, 90
:1 Henoch-Schonlein purpura, 144, 179, 182
possible cases, 25
preparation, 23-24 hepatomegaly, 73
principles of, 23-26 hereditar-y cerebellar system d isorders, 118
from a teenager, 31 hernial orifices, 74
Fog's test, 90 hernias, 71
foot, 149, '157-158 epigastric hernia, 71
Friedreich's ataxia, 25, 42 femoral hernia, 71

incisional hern ia, 7 1 knee0),91,148,155-156

inguinal hernia, 71 range of motion, 150
lumbar he rn ia, 71 Koebner-'s phenomenon, 184
umbilica l hernia, 68, 7 1
he rpes zoster, 179, 184 langu age tests
higher mental function, 83- 85 infant, 134
hips, 91,148,153-155 toddler, preschool and school-age ch ildren, 135-136
acut e hip pain, 144 Larse n's syndro me, 144
range o f motion, 150 legs, 148- 149
histo r y taking see focused history taking lichenificat ion, 185
Holt-Oram syndrome, 42 with thickened skin, 183
hypermobi lity associated syndromes, 144 li ght reflex, 1OS
hypermobil ity, Beighton score for, 150 li ght touch, 94
hypertonia, 86 lin ear nevus syndrome, 176
hypoglossal nerve, 114 listeni ng, 11, 12, 13
hypoglossal nerve lesions, 102 liver, palpation of the, 72
hypo melanosis of It o, 176 local inspection, 37
hypo thyroid ism , 166 localized pigmentation, 180
hypoto nia, 86, 120 locomotion , 139
lower limbs
immun ization hi story, 29 examination of the, 121-122
incontinentia pigmenti, 176 motor examination of the, 88-93
infantometer, 168 lower motor nerve (LMN) facial palsy, 111
infants lumbosacral spine, 1 59
developmental evaluation of, 133-135
of di abetic mother, 42 macules, 182, 185
infection control, 35 malabsorption, 68
infective conditions, 42 mandib ular nerve, 109
infective endocarditis, 42 Marfan's syndrome, 25, 42, 144
inflammatory abdom inal conditions, 68 mass, palpation of, 74
inflammato r y bowel disease, 25, 68 maternal systemic lupus erythematosus- fetal lupus, 42
infrasp inatus, 88 McMurray test for meniscal injury, 156
inspectio n, 37 measurem ents, 154
internuclear ophthalmoplegia, 109 arm span, 168
intrauterine growth restriction, 166 height, 168, 169
introd ucing you rse lf, 36 lower segment, 168
involuntar y movements, 85 midparental height, 168
iris, 104 upper segment/lower segment ratio (US/LS ratio). 168
Ishih ara plates, 106 we ight and weight for height ratio, 168
median nerve, 89
jaw jerk, 11 0 medical commun ication, 11, 12
jerky horizo ntal nystagmus, 108 Medical Research Council (MRC) scale , muscle power, 86
jo ints, range of motion, 150 medications, 28
jugular venous pressure, 46-47 meningeal irritation, 96
juvenile de rmatomyositis, 144 mental preparation, MRCPCH clinical examination, 5
juve nile id iopathic arthrit is, 144 metabolic conditions, 25, 42
metabolic/miscellaneous abdominal conditions, 68
Kawasaki's dis ease, 144, 179 metacarpophalangeal joints (MPCs), 150
kelo id, 185 metatarsalgia, 146
Kern ig's sign, 96 metatarsophalangeal joint (M TP) , 150
kicking, 139 midparental he ight, 168
kidneys midtarsal joint, 1 SO
chronic ren al fa ilure, 68 Miller. George, 3
palpation of the, 73-74 mitr-al regur-gitation, 52
kn ee (pate llar) clon us, 9 1 mitral stenosis, 52
knee jerk, 92, 122 model of competence, 3f

modified Shober's t est, 159 dystrophic nails, 187

Moebius syndrome, 100 examination of. 183-187
molluscum contagiosum, 182 pitting of. 184
Moro's reflex, 135 ridges, 187
moto r- exam ination of the lower limb, 88-93 shape, 187
clonus, 91 skin surrounding, 187
gait exam ination , 88-90 neck
inspectio n, 88 examination of t he, 58, 61, 153
palpation, 90-9 1 tonic neck reflex, 135
powe r, 9 1-93 neck stiffness, 96
tenderness, 90 neck tilt, 150
tone,90 Neer's test, 153
motor examination of the upp e r limb, 85- 88 neocerebellum lesions, 117
funct ion, 87-88 nephrotic syndrome, 25
inspection, 85 nerve lesions, deficits in, 89
muscle strength, 86 neurocutaneous syndromes, 176
palpation, 85-86 neurofibroma, 182
power, 86- 87 Ne urofibromatosis type 1, 25, 176
reflexes, 87 neurological examination see central nervo us system
upper back examination , 88 newborn, aplas ia cutis in, 184
MRC PC H clinical exami nat ion nodules, 185
aim of, 3 neurofibroma, 182
emotional preparation, 5 Noonan's syndrome, 25,42
during the exam, 7- 8 nystagmus, 107, 108, 113, 120
how to prepare for, 1- 8
mental preparation , 5 occi pital lobe lesions, 84
physical preparation, 5 ocular alignment, 107
preparation ocular bobbing, 108
on the day of t he e xam, 7 ocular moveme nts, 107
more than six months before the exam, 5- 6 oculomotor nerve, 107- 109
o ne to six months before the exam, 6-7 ocu lomotor nerve lesions, 101
the week before the exam, 7 oculomotor nerve palsy, 107, 108
station circuit, 4 oedema, 46
mucopo lysaccharidosis, 42 o lfactory nerve, 1 03-104
murmurs olfactory nerve lesions, 100
grading of, 51 'one-and-a-half' syndrome, 109
site and radiatio n of, 52 o nycholysis, 187
m uscle bu lk, 85 optic nerve, 104-107
muscle power, Medical Research Council (MRC) scale, 86 optic nerve lesions, 100-101
musculoskeletal system, 141 - 159 Ortolani's test, 148, 149
detailed individual jo int e xam ination, 150- 159 osteogenesis im perfecta, 144
general approach to ex amination of t he, 143- 145
he ad to toe examination, 145 paediatric dermatosis, diagnosis of, 178-179
key competence skills required in t he examination of the, 143 paediatric histo ry
musculos keletal cond itions that may be seen in the antenatal history, 28- 29
MRCPCH clinical exam. 144 chief complaint, 27
other systems to examin e, 159 current medications, 28
screeni ng examination, 146-149 developmental history, 29-30
visual survey, 145 discussion w ith the exam ine r; 31
myotonia, 85 family history, 30
history of the presenting illness, 27
nail plates, 184, 187 identifying data, 27
nail psoriasis. 184 immunizatio n histo ry, 29
nails medical history, 28
cuticle an d nail fold, 187 neonatal history, 29
d iscoloration of, 187 outline, 26-31

past history, 28- 29 persuasion, 16

periconception period, 28 petechiae, 185
perinatal (birth) history, 29 phototoxic drug eruptions, 179
social history, 30 physical contact, 12
summarizing information, 31 physical preparation, for the MRCPCH
systems review, 27-28 clinical examination, 5
paediatric skin diseases, regional distribution of, 180 pigmentation, 180
paediatric stethoscopes, 41 pityriasis rosea, 183
pain, 94 plantar (Babinski) reflex, 93
palpation, 37, 61,71-74 plaques, 185
of the apex, 49 play, 138-139
apex beat, 61 Pompe's disease (type 2 glycogen storage disease), 42
chest expansion, 61 postganglionic lesion, 109
crepitus, 61 poststreptococcal reactive arthritis, 144
deep. 37 postura l stability, 122
of the hair, 183 posture, 12, 85
light, 37 premature infant with complications, 25
of the lower limbs, 90-91 preparation, for the MRCPCH clinical examination, 1-8
mediastinal position, 61 preschool children, developmental evaluation of, 135- 139
of posterior aspect of abdomen, 78 primary lesions, 177
of the precordium, 48 primitive reflexes , 135
skin and skin appendages, 181-182 privacy, 36
tracheal position, 61 proprioception, 95
tracheal tug, 61 proptosis, 104
of the upper limbs, 85-86 prune belly syndrome, 68
vocal fremitus, 61 psoriasis, 179
papular acrodermatitis, 184 nail psoriasis, 184
papules, 182, 185 salman plaques of, 182
parasternal heave, 48 silvery scales, 183
parietal lobe lesions, 84 psychosocial deprivation, 166
past-pointing, 120 pulmonary stenosis, 52
patellar tap, 156 pulsations, 47,74
patent ductus arteriosus, 52 pulse, 43-45, 58, 69
patient dissatisfaction, 17 character, 45
patient identification, 36 rate, 44--45
patient positioning, 36 rhythm, 45
peak flow, 56, 64 volume, 45
pectus carinatum (pigeo n chest), 47 pulsus paradoxus, 58
pectus excavatum (funnel chest), 47 pupillary examination, 105-106
pelvic compression, 154 purpura, 182, 185
pend ular knee jerk, 122 pustules, 185
pendular nystagmus, 108
percussion, 37, 48, 56, 61-63 radial nerve, 89
abdominal examination, 74-76 radial pulse , 44
clavicle, 62 rappot-t with the child and parents, 36
direct, 37 reactive arthritis, 144
indirect, 37 rebound phenomenon, 121
of posterior aspect of abdomen, 78 reflexes, 87, 92
sites for, 63 respiratory disorders, 56
technique, 62 added sounds, 56
pericardia[ friction rub, 52 audible noise, 56
peripheral scaling. 183 rcspir<:~tor-y movements, 71

peristaltic movements. 71 respiratory system

personal-social skills clinical signs of common disorders of the, 56
infant, 134 devices. 60-61
toddler, preschool an d schoo l-age children, 138-139 examination of the, 53-64

resp iratory system (Cont.) skin and skin appendages, 173- 187
general approach to examination of the, 55 examination of the skin. 177-182
head to toe exam ination, 55-58 general approach to examination of the, 175
inspection of the chest, 59-61 head to toe examination, 175- 177
key competence skills requ ired in examination of the, 57 inspection, 177
respiratory movement, 58 key competence skills required in examination
tactile examination, 58 ofthe,177
visu al survey, 55-58 other systems to examine , 187
resuscitation status, 17 palpation, 181 -1 82
retropu lsion, 122 step-wise inspection of, 186
rheu matic fever, 42, 144 visual survey, 175-177
Rinne's test, 112 see also hair; nails
Romberg's test, 112- 113, 121, 122 skin colour, 180
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 3, 11 smiling, 134
rubs, 77 social history, 30
speaking, 11, 12
scabies, 179 spinal accessory nerve, 114
scales, 185 spinal accessory nerve lesions, 102
scars,47, 60, 70,185 spine,61, 149,158-159
atrophic, 183 spleen, palpation of the, 72, 7 4
left lateral thoracotomy scars, 44 splenomegaly
operative, 47 massive, 76
school-age children, deve lop mental evaluation moderate, 75
of, 135-139 Spurling's test, 159
sciatica, Braggard's test for, 159 sputum, 60
sciatic nerve, 89 squints, 107
scissors gait, 90 stance phase, 88
sclera, 104 steppage gait, 90, 146
scleroderma, 144 stereognosis, 96
scoliosis, 47 stethoscopes, 41
sebo rrhoeic dermatit is, 179 straight leg raising test, 154, 156
secondary les ions, 177 stranger anxiety, 134
self-care, 138 Sturge-Weber syndrome, 176
se nsation subacute cerebellar disorders, 118
deep, 93, 94-95 subtalar joint, 150
of face , 109-110 subtalar or heel pain, 146
superficial, 93, 94 superficial pain, 94
taste, 111 superficial reflexes, 93
se nsory system exam ination, 93-96 superficial sensation, 93, 94
serratus a nterio t~ 88 supinator jerk, 87
short gut syndrome, 68 swinging flash light test, 1 06
short stature , 161 - 171 swing phase, 88
causes of, 165 symmetrical tonic neck reflex, 135
growth horm o ne deficiency, 165 sympathetic palsy, 107
non-growth hormone deficiency, 165 Syringobulbia, 100
commo n conditions causing, 166 systemic lupus erythematosus, 144
conditions w hich may be seen in the exam, 167
manoeuvres, 169-170 tachycardia, 44, 58
measurements, 168, 16 9 taste sensation, 111
sho ulders, 86,148, 152-15 3 teenagers, focused history taking from , 31
range of motion, 150 teeth brushing, 138
skeletal dysplasias, 144 telangiectasia, 185
skin temperature, 94
primary lesio ns, 185 temporal lobe lesions, 84
secondary lesions, 185 temporomandibular joint, 150

tendemess, 8S upper limbs

Thomas' test, 154 function, 87-88
thoracic spine, 1S9 motor examination of, 8S-88
thrills, 48 tremors, 85, 120
throwing, 139 upper- motor nerve (UMN) facia l palsy, 111
thumb, 87 urticaria, 182, 184
tics, 8S
toddlers, developmental evaluation of, 135- 139 vagus nerve, 113-114
toe tapp ing, 122 vagus nerve lesions, 102
toe walking, 146 veins, 71
toilet tra in ing, 138 velocardiofacial syndrome, 25
tone, upper limbs, 8S-86 venous hum, 52,77
tongue, 114 ventricular septal defect, 52
tonic neck reflex, 135 vermis lesions, 117
tracheal/apex beat position, 56 vesicles, 184, 185
tracheal tug, 61 vesicular breath sounds, 63
tremors, 8S, 120 vestibulocochlear nerve, 111-113
Trendelenburg gait, 90, 146 vestibulocochlear nerve lesions, 102
Trendelenburg's test, 1S4, 157 vibration, 94-9S
triceps jerk, 87 visual acuity, 104-1 OS
trick movements, 146 visual fields, 1 OS
tricuspid regurgitation, 52 visual testing
trigem inal nerve, 109- 110 infant, 133
motor component, 110 toddler, preschool and schoo l-age children , 13S
sensory component, 109-110 vocal fremitus, 61
trigem inal nerve lesions, 101 vocal resonance,56,64
Trisomy 18 (Edward's syndrome), 42 Von Hippel-Lindau disease, 176
Trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome), 25, 42, 144
trochlear nerve, 107-109 waddling gait, 90
trochlear nerve lesions, 101 walking, 88-90, 146
trochlear nerve palsy, 108 contact phase, 146
tuberculos is, 144 midstance , 146
Tuberous sclerosis, 25, 176 propulsive (push-off) phase, 146
Turner's syndrome (XO), 25,42 stance phase. 146
two point discrimination, 9S swing phase, 146
see also gait
ulcerative colitis, 25, 68 walking reflex, 135
ulcers, 185 Weber's test, 112
ulnar nerve, 89 weight, 168
umbilical hernia in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, 68 weight for height ratio, 168
umb ilicus, 71 wheals, 182, 185
unilateral cover test, 107, 108 wheezes, 64
unilateral lesions, 110 Williams' syndrome, 25,42
unilateral LMN facial palsy. 111 wr-ists, 86, 1S1-152
unilateral UMN (supranuclear) facia l palsy, 111 extension - prayer position, 14 7
Unterberger's stepping test, 113 flexion - hands back to front, 14 7
upbeat nystagmus, 108 range of motion, 1SO

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?e MRCPCH Clinical Exam Made Simple is a unique revision tool prese nt ing a focused strategy m
1d clear advice for succeeding at the MRCPCH clinical examination , th e fin a l hurdle to gaining
em bership to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health .Togethe r the book and DVD 3
ovide comprehensive notes for the exam , including chapters on how to prepa re and on history ::=c
king.The DVD includes cl ips of examination situations with expert commentary. This unique n
Jproach not only provides you with the knowledge required to pass the e xam but also demonstrates
,e skills and approach that successful candidates have used . Comp rehe nsive , clear, and authoritative,
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jited by Mark Gardiner, Sarah Eisen , and Catherine Murphy


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