Information Systems
Information Systems
Information Systems
Disclaimer: In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University's control, the
content and/or evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change.
Office: MB-12.127
Office Hours: Mondays 2:00 pm to 4:00pm
Course Description
The objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the role of information technology in
business organizations. Students learn how information technologies can be used to create business value, solve
business problems, accomplish corporate goals and achieve and maintain a competitive advantage.
Course Overview
Information technology dominates the modern business environment. This creates a need for managers that not only
understand technology but also know how to use it to create business value for the organization. Business
Technology Management (BTM) is a set of processes and services that unite an enterprise's business technology
(BT) and business management (BM) strategies to extract total BT solution value potential. The course introduces
students to information systems and technology with a focus on its application to help businesses to achieve and
maintain a competitive advantage. Modern information systems and approaches used to support organizations in
their operations and interactions with other business are emphasized in this course, including enterprise resource
planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), Business Intelligence (BI) and customer relationship management
(CRM). Database management and design is covered as a tool to improve decision making and to support
operations. The use of internet technology as a business tool to expand markets, improve efficiency and facilitate
operations is introduced to students with practical business cases. Students are also exposed to information
technology risks such as computer crimes and learn how to mitigate them by using information security. This course
also provides students with hands-on experience to an ERP system (SAP) and a database system (Microsoft
Learning Objectives
The main objective of this course is to provide an in-depth understanding of the role of information systems in
supporting business activities and enhancing organizations competitive advantage. Upon successful completion of
this course, students will be able to:
Describe the main concepts of information systems and the related concepts;
Describe the relationship between information systems and competitive advantage;
Identify the major trends in IS technologies such as Customer Relationship Management Systems,
Supply Chain Management Systems and Enterprise Resource Planning and their use to improve
business efficiency, increase profits and support other business functions;
Learn how to use E-commerce and E-business in order to create new or improve existing businesses.
Demonstrate how information systems can enhance business decision making and help create
business partnerships;
Describe how organizations develop, acquire and implement information systems;
Discuss issues related to computer crime and security, and information systems ethics.
Reading: Students need to read course material from the textbook and other sources. Students can
determine own pace by referring to the agenda attached at the end of this course outline.
Mini-case studies and discussions: Real or fictional business scenarios may be presented, and there
will be in-class discussions on how to apply information systems to solve business problems.
Assignments and activities: Students will be required to complete assignments and activities designed
to complement and enhance learning of the course material as well as to provide some practical
experience of management information systems.
Exam: The final exam will take place in the computer lab. The final exam will cover the material in the
book. The date, time and rooms for the final exam will be announced in July
The text required for this course is available through the course website and is included in the cost of
the course textbook fee.
Learning Lab:
o You need to register to a 3rd party interactive learning tools, (DO
NOT TYPE WWW before the link) for a nominal fee. (1) you need to create a user account
(SIGN UP) at the website of Learning Lab. (2) Verify your email address to confirm your sign
up. (3) Login to learninglab and select the course Introduction to MIS, and pay the
subscription fee. (4) Login again to have access to the learning tools for course. For support to
LearningLab please email
Software for assignments
o You will also need various specific software applications for your assignments in this course,
such as SAP GUI and Microsoft Access. When each assignment is announced, specific
instructions will be provided to obtain and install the required software.
Important Note for Apple Macs users.
o The assignments teach you how to use real-world business software. Unfortunately, much
software in the business world does not work well or at all on Apple OS X. Thus, if you use a
Mac, you will sometimes need to also run Windows on your Mac. Instructions will be provided
for how to do this.
Case discussion (5 X 1% ) - 5%
Assignments - 15%
Total - 100%
Note: In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University's control, the content and/or evaluation
scheme in this course is subject to change.
Assessment Details
There will be a short pre- and post-test that need to be taken by the course participants. These two tests are worth
zero marks. You need to take the MIS Knowledge (Pre Assessment) at the beginning of the class. Afterward, you can
take the MIS Knowledge (PostAssessment) after you complete the class. These two tests will help you to calibrate
the learning outcomes that you achieved in this course.
Case Discussion
You must do the following in Learning Lab to get full Case Discussion Marks. There will be 3 cases posted by the
professor in Learning Lab. You must post your response to each case with a minimum of 300 words in the
discussion section for each case. Your response should engage with the teachers case and provide your personal
thoughts/understanding and response.
The case discussions are a versatile learning method in an online course. It is akin to putting your hand up in class,
but with a bonus: each and every student can read the comments, questions, and the various answers posted, at
their leisure. To earn their marks on Case Discussion, each student is expected to contribute to the discussion on
cases. This can be done by contributing relevant material-related comments or questions, by answering others
questions, by adding to others comments, by providing counter-arguments, real-life example, and the like. In
addition, make sure that you make reference to relevant chapters in the book to not only strengthen your argument
and feedback but to manipulate the content in the book for better understanding the concepts.
EISEL: The Educational Information System for Enhanced Learning (EISEL) is a learning tool made of multiple
choice questions to help you practice the subject matter and reinforce your knowledge of what you have learned by
repetition. EISEL presents you with some questions that you answer just like in a test. But here you are allowed to do
them as many times as you wish. Ideally, to use EISEL for its maximum potential, you would continue practicing the
questions until you start answering them correctly all the time. Using EISEL is also intended to help you practice for
the final exam questions as the questions in the final exam would be of similar nature. You should be practicing
EISEL throughout the semester and not in the last days before the final exam, if you want to get the most benefit from
it. The grade in EISEL is calculated based on the running average.
The Peer2Peer learning tool will be run virtually. It is composed of three phases. One specific chapter or subject
within the course will be given. Phase 1: You will be asked to create a number of questions. Phase 2: You will be
asked to evaluate a number of questions created by your peers on relevancy, clarity and level of difficulty. Phase 3:
You will be asked to complete a test from the questions created (by the students taking the class). Phases 1 and 2
may or may not have participation points (check the evaluation section above). We will use the tool also before the
final exam for practicing purposes.
There are three assignments during the semester; please refer to the schedule for the due dates.
Late assignments class policy: Late assignments, for any reason, will be subject to a 25% penalty for the first day.
An additional 10% will be deducted for each additional day.
Final Exam
The final examination is worth 60% of the total mark for this course. However, in order to pass the course, you must
score at least 50% in the final examination. The final examination is comprehensive; it will cover all of the chapters
and sections of the textbook listed above. The final examination will have both multiple choice questions and word
At the end of this course, the instructor will produce an overall score for the students performance on the various
components of this course, and then convert that score to a letter grade. The following list provides the numerical
equivalent for the letter grades that will be reported at the end of the term:
Score Letter
90 100 A+
85 89 A
80 84 A-
77 79 B+
73 76 B
70 72 B-
67 69 C+
63 66 C
60 62 C-
57 59 D+
53 56 D
50 52 D-
< 50 FNS
Please refer to section 16.3 of the Undergraduate Calendar for more information about the grading system,
examinations, and performance requirements. (
Time zone
Please note that the eConcordia HelpDesk is open Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET
Technical Requirements
The technical requirements for accessing the online material are listed within the course content and may also be
found at:
If your existing hardware does not meet the requirements, you may experience a lower level of quality and
accessibility to our website and course content.
The course requires the use of Microsoft Software that can only run on Windows XP or higher. Students using Mac
OS will be required to install a virtual machine with Windows OS. It is the responsibility of the student to install this
virtual machine. Details of the installation procedures will be provided during the semester. Lab facilities with
Windows are also available on campus.
Students are expected to have access to MS Office 2003 or higher as assignments will require the use of MSWord
and MSExcel for electronic submissions.
You will be communicating with your assigned Teach Assistants through the Question Center on
You are required to be polite at all times and to include the following information in all your e-mail communication:
Full name
Concordia student ID number
Course name and number pertaining to your inquiry
Save a copy of all e-mail correspondence for the duration of the term and until the final letter grade for your course
has been posted in your MyConcordia portal.
We strongly encourage you to use a Concordia University e-mail account or an account from a provider such as
Sympatico, Videotron, etc.
Free e-mail accounts such as Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. are NOT recommended and very often lead to communication
Your e-mail address must be registered in your MyConcordia Portal as well as in the Student Profile of your My
eConcordia Portal
Important information regarding the course will be communicated to you via the Announcements Section of the
course website.
The Announcements are located in the centre of the main page upon logging in to your eConcordia account. Please
make sure to read the postings frequently, at least twice per week.
Important Information
Topic Link
Concordia Library Citation & Style Guides Citing - Help & How-to
Helpdesk/Support FAQ
Refunds Refunds
Tutorial Companies
Please note that private tutorial companies, some of whom aggressively promote their services on and off campus,
are not authorized by Concordia University to distribute flyers on University premises and may not use Concordia
University facilities to promote or provide their services on some flyers.
Concordia University and its academic departments do not have any affiliation with these companies even though
names such as JMSB, Concordia, or references to specific departments often appear in a visible way. If you are
interested in the Universitys approved tutoring services, all you need to do is ask your Professor or consult the
services listed in your course outline.
COMM 226 - Business Technology Management
Summer 2017
All deadlines indicated are on the due date listed by 11:59 p.m. unless otherwise indicated.