Conference Paper
Conference Paper
Conference Paper
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3 authors, including:
Abhishek Sharma
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
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Proceedings of
6 International & 27 All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference
th th
College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA
December 16-18, 2016
Keywords: In the present work, the effect of copper along with the austempering variables such as austempering
Austempered Ductile Iron temperature and austempering time are studied on the mechanical properties and microstructure of
Pearlite Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI). It is observed that with increasing austempering time tensile
Austenite strength and hardness decreases while elongation and impact toughness increases. With increasing
Retained Austenite austempering temperature hardness and tensile strength are decreased and elongation and impact
Impact Toughness toughness increases. Austempered ductile iron with copper shows higher strength, hardness, and
lower elongation than the austempered ductile iron without Copper. Copper in ADI increases the
impact toughness and hardness drastically. In microstructure, Copper acts as a pearlite stabilizer in
the case of as-cast ductile iron while it acts as an austenite stabilizer in the case of austempered
ductile iron. As the amount of retained austenite increased by longer austempering time, the impact
toughness of austempered ductile iron is found to increase while the hardness decreases marginally in
case of longer austempering time for both compositions.
4.2 Copper alloyed ductile iron temperature as shown in Fig. 11(a). The higher tensile strength
at a higher austempering time is justified previously.
Figure 9 shows the microstructure of as-cast DI alloyed
This higher amount of retained austenite at higher
with 0.45% Cu. The rate of formation of pearlite is increased on
austempering temperature also leads to the increase in ductility
alloying with 0.45% Cu. This is a contradiction as copper is
and decrease in hardness at higher austempering temperature
known to be an austenite stabilizer [19]. This can be attributed
due to soft structure of retained austenite.
to the formation of barrier in the vicinity of graphite nodules
takes place with the addition of Cu. This barrier could have
blocked the diffusion of carbon atoms to the graphite nodules.
Hence a considerable amount of pearlite was formed during the
eutectoid transformation of austenite cooling.
Fig. 10. Cu alloyed DI austempered at (a) 300C for 60 min (b) 300C for
90 min (c) 360C for 60 min (d) 360C for 90 min.
The acicular ferrite structure was found when austempered
at alower temperature of 300C as shown in Fig. 10(a).
However, as the austempering time increases from 60minutes to
90 minutes, the acicular ferrite structure transforms to coarse
ferrite as shown in Fig. 10(b). Due to this coarse ferrite structure
the impact toughness increases as shown in Fig. 11(b).
It is observed that lower austempering temperature leads to
a fine or lower bainitic structure while higher temperature due
to grain coarsening effect transformation of lower bainitic
structure to upper bainitic or coarse structure takes place as
shown in Fig. 10(c) and 10(d).
The unalloyed ADI has a lower hardness as compared to
Cu alloyed ADI. Other than Cu rich phase there is no obvious
reason in the microstructure to explain this significant
difference in hardness [8].
As it is clearly visible from Fig. 10 that higher
austempering temperature leads to the higher amount of
retained austenite in the matrix. This higher amount of retained Fig. 11. Effect of austempering temperature and time on (a) UTS (b) Impact
austenite decreases the tensile strength at a higher austempering energy (c) Ductility (d) Hardness of Cu alloyed DI