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*Part of Ph. D. thesis submitted by the first author to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, India
Karnataka J. Agric. Sci.,25 (3) : 2012
Results and discussion for different characters. Heritability values considered along
with predicted genetic gain increases the reliability of the
Mean, range and environmental index for different
parameter as a tool in selection programme.
quantitative traits in minicore collection of chickpea were
High heritability with moderate GAM was recorded for days
depicted in Table 1. the results of the present investigation
to 50 per cent flowering in all the three environments. The results
indicated the prevalence of significant differences among 203
obtained in the present investigation suggest that high
genotypes studied during the three environments for all the
heritability with moderate GAM is the indication of presence of
eight characters (Table 2). A narrow differences was observed
both additive and non-additive gene action operating for this
between PCV and GCV for days to 50 per cent flowering. These
character. High heritability with low GAM was recorded for
results are in conformity with the reports of Jeena and Arora
plant height in all the three environments. Similar results were
(2001). The present finding suggests negligible influence of
also reported by Chavan et al. (1994). High heritability with low
extraneous factors on this trait.
GAM recorded for the traits in the present investigation
For the character plant height, narrow difference between
indicated that they are controlled to greater extent by non-
PCV and GCV were recorded in all the three environments.
additive gene action. Low heritability coupled with low GAM
Similar observations were made by Lawrence Daniel (2004).
was observed for primary branches per plant and secondary
Narrow differences for PCV and GCV was recorded for the traits
branches per plant in E1. Low GAM reflects higher influence of
days to 50 % flowering and plant height indicating absence of
environment on this trait. High heritability with high GAM was
environmental factor. A high PCV and GCV was estimated for
recorded for tertiary branches, pods per plant,100 seed weight
the traits number of primary branches, secondary branches
and seed yield per plant in all the environments suggesting
tertiary branches per plant, number of pods per plant and seed
this trait could be improved through simple selection. These
yield per plant. These observations are in accordance with the
results are in accordance with the findings of Patil (1996) and
results of Patil (1996) and Jeena and Arora (2001).
Sidramappa (2003). High heritability with high GAM is the
The co-efficient of variation indicates only the extent of
indication of presence of additive gene action. These traits could
variability present for different characters and do not indicates
be improved through simple selection.
the heritable portion. To obtain the heritable portion of
In order to identify the elite lines the mean performance of
variability, it is essential to compute the heritability estimates
Table 1. Mean, range and environmental index for different quantitative traits in minicore collection of chickpea
Characters Mean Range Environmental index
E1 E2 E3 E1 E2 E3 E1 E2 E3
DFF 60.26 56.9 56.13 38 to 78 38 to 77 36 to 76 1.27 0.80 0.80
PLHT(cm) 37.19 39.96 48.34 28 to64 26to66 30 to69 2.23 1.51 1.65
PB 2.55 3.71 3.91 2 to 4 2 to 6 2 to 8 0.22 0.32 0.38
SB 14.17 8.81 10.07 8 to 18 5to 17 5 to 19 0.75 0.80 0.60
TB 18.87 17.08 30.23 11to28 6to40 9to34 0.95 1.30 1.38
PPP 91.05 114.35 126.78 21to162 25to182 27to200 4.06 9.54 7.65
SDWT(g) 16.28 17.40 18.58 9to38 11to36 13to39.9 0.53 0.45 0.69
YPP(g) 17.71 18.16 20.85 7to31 8to33 10to49 1.07 0.67 1.53
E1-04-05 rainfed E2-05-06 rainfed E3-05-06 irrigated
Table 2. Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for seed yield and its component traits evaluated under rainfed condition during
2004-05, 2005-06 and irrigated condition during 2005-06.
Environments Characters Traits
under study DFF PLHT(cm) PB SB TB PPP SDWT(g) YPP(g)
E1 GCV(%) 16.29 23.07 12.69 19.05 15.92 18.90 34.65 27.85
PCV(%) 16.30 27.56 24.04 49.91 25.62 29.47 35.35 29.79
h2 (%) 99.87 70.07 27.87 14.57 38.61 41.13 96.07 87.36
GAM(%) 99.54 39.80 13.73 14.98 20.37 24.97 69.97 53.63
E2 GCV(%) 18.02 15.06 21.29 25.75 33.34 33.17 26.94 32.30
PCV(%) 19.42 18.29 25.37 26.78 54.37 41.43 27.70 32.34
h2 (%) 86.10 67.83 70.46 99.80 37.62 64.08 94.59 89.75
GAM(%) 34.44 25.55 36.82 55.06 42.13 54.70 53.99 66.46
E3 GCV(%) 17.39 14.99 24.70 30.17 23.10 38.68 29.58 31.51
PCV(%) 17.48 15.95 34.17 58.34 24.08 51.33 38.87 35.17
h2 (%) 98.68 88.24 52.26 26.74 92.40 56.78 57.90 80.29
GAM(%) 35.65 29.00 36.79 32.13 45.66 60.03 46.35 58.18
Genetic variability studies in minicore collection of ........
the test entries for different traits with checks has been of bold seededness. In general, kabuli types had higher seed
compared. Annigeri-1 and KAK-2 were used as check varieties. weight in the study.
The genotype performing significantly higher than their checks For seed yield per plant 24, 22 and 17 genotypes showed
in all the environments for various characters are presented in significantly higher yield over check A-1 in E1, E2 and E3
Table 3. Since chickpea is mainly grown as a rabi crop, the respectively. Out of these, ICC 13124 ( 31.25g, 32.85g and 32.95g)
terminal water stress is gong to affect the yield potentiality of was the only top yielder in all the 3 environments. The genotype
the crop. So one has to identify the genotypes which are early ICC 13124 is found to be promising for earliness, bold seed and
in flowering and maturity and hence they can escape the terminal yield per plant in all the environments suggesting that this entry
drought condition. The lines which are early in flowering and is best suited for both rainfed and irrigated condition during
maturity have been identified in three different environments rabi season.
(E , E and E ). E1 had ten genotypes,E had six genotypes and Upadhyaya and Ortiz (2001) evaluated minicore consisting
1 2 3 2
E 3 had nine genotypes which showed significantly early of 216 genotypes at ICRISAT, Hyderabad. The same set of
flowering. genotypes except 13 have been evaluated in this study during
Out of 203 genotypes 21, 19 and 17 genotypes expressed 2004-05 to 2005-06 at Dharwad. It thus provides an opportunity
significantly higher pods per plant over check Annigeri-1 in E1, to compare the performance of minicore at Dharwad and
E2and E3 respectively. ICC 14831 was found to be promising for Hyderabad with the average of different years and the place in
pods per plant in both rainfed and irrigated condition suggesting which they are evaluated (Table 4). Of the quantitative traits, a
that the genotype is fairly tolerant to drought. With regard to good correspondence was observed for mean, range and
100 seed weight, out of 203 genotypes 22, 21 and 18 genotypes coefficient of variation between the studies at Dharwad and
had significantly higher seed weight over check A-1 in E1, E2 Hyderabad. Generally days to 50% flowering, plant height and
and E3 respectively. ICC 8261, ICC 13357, ICC 16903, ICC 10341, maturity are environmentally influenced to a greater degree.
ICC 13124, ICC 15406, ICC 2969, ICC 7315 and ICC 1915 are the Even for complex trait like yield per plant had a reasonably high
top bold seeded genotypes ranging fro 23 g to 40 g in all the 3 degree of correspondence was observed particularly in respect
different environment suggesting that their characteristic feature of mean and coefficient of variation and to some extent in respect
Table 3. Promising accessions in respect of seed yield and its component traits identified based on the evaluation of chickpea minicore in three
different environments
Characters E1 E2 E3
DFF (<40 days ): (< 38 days): (< 39 days):
ICC 16903, 13357, 6279, ICC 8058, 6279, ICC 6279, 13124, 506,
13124, 1882, 14669, 15888, 13124, 12824, 1882, 11879, 15888, 6874,
1164, 8318, JGK 1 14669 1164, 1356, JGK 1
PPP (> 153 pods): (>161 pods): (>169 pods):
ICC 13523, 637, 10341, ICC 14831, 6816, ICC 14831, 2969, 13124,
1230, 6279, 12824, 3325, 2969, 5434, 4918, 2065, 4182, 2720, 12866,
4872, 13863, 15888, 14051, 14402, 10945, 2277, 15264, 2580, 2263, 4463,
1397, 3512, 7819, 12155, 13764, 12726, 1205, 6571, 13816, 1710, 1052,
3421, 6877, 6537, 3776, 9402, A-1, ICC 708, 8318, 4567
2507, L 550 1164, KAK-2, ICC
12328, 6293, 10399
Bold seeded (Seed weight>24.0g): (Seed weight>25.0g): (Seed weight>26.4g):
ICC 8261, 13357, 10341, ICC 16903, 8261, ICC 16903, 8216, 13357,
15406, 2969, 2242, 13124, 13357, 10341, 15406, 10341, 15406, 2969,
1923, 15518, 7315, 1915, 13124, 1923, 7315, 13124, 7315, 1915,
16261, 2919, 12947, 3512, 1915, 16261, 13892, 16261, 2072, 12947,
13219, 1164, KAK 2, 5879, 2072, 456, 12947, 1397, 3512, 11627, 1164,
1356, 12492, JGK 1 11284, 3512, 11627, 7272, JGK 1
2720, 7272, 6263,
High yield (>24.85g/plant): (>26.5g/plant): (>30.4g/plant):
ICC 1230, 6279, 5504, ICC 16903, 15406, ICC 637, 13124, 8195,
13124, 506, 7315, 13892, 6279, 2242, 13124, 7308, 6816, 11879,
15333, 12947, 11284, 3512, 4841, 14402, 15610, 15888, 16796, 12947,
13187, 6877, KAK 2, 13892, 2072, 2919, 1510, 13524, 13219,
12328, 6537, 15606, 2580, 12947, 13077, 13187, 12866, 6877, 13816,
5879, 5383, 1431, 1715, L 12866, 2990, 9848, 67, 12928, 4533
550, ICC 7554 7867, 5135, 10399,
Karnataka J. Agric. Sci.,25 (3) : 2012
Table 4. Mean, range and co efficient of variation for eight quantitative traits in minicore of chickpea
Trait Mean Range Coefficient of variation(%)
Present Upadhyaya Present Upadhyaya & Present Upadhyaya
study & Ortiz, 2001 study Ortiz, 2001 study & Ortiz, 2001
DFF 60.3 62.2 38-78 33-82 16.30 14.21
PLHT(cm) 37.2 46.7 28-69 12.8-78.6 27.56 18.01
PB (no.) 2.55 2.89 2-4 0-6 24.04 82.96
SB(no.) 14.17 4.07 8-18 1.3-5.3 49.90 39.82
TB(no.) 18.87 2.28 11-28 0-7 25.62 80.69
PPP(no.) 91.1 83.3 21-162 13.3-247.3 29.47 45.34
SDWT(g) 16.28 17.21 9-38 8.3-57.2 35.35 44.54
YPP(g) 17.70 15.0 7-31 5.3-46.0 29.79 36.45
of range also. However for an important traits like yield per different than at Hyderabad. Thus it may be concluded that the
plant, pods per plant, seed weight and days to 50% flowering, it minicore obtained from ICRISAT can be very well used as a
may be inferred that the expression of these traits was not very source population for genetic and breeding investigation.
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