Screem Magazine 3
Screem Magazine 3
Screem Magazine 3
1 sn
to DAVE " S a n t a " Fi BURLESQUE
elves a t S.W.V! Leavi ^ | Y O U R EYES
V o l ? V A R I F T F . A S E color 1954
prehapvWiri Another "lost" Klaw burly-Q classic with B E T T Y
that lylll UK
j 1 T F . A S E R A M A color 1955
print of Irving Klaw's "lost" Burly- PAGE & LIU St. CYR. Amazing quality!
movie f u n ^ e e k e r s alike, .... starring B E T T Y PAGE & TEM-
iponj&ftlostis reason e n o u g h S T STORM. What else needs to be said'
Vol. 7 CANNIBAL ISLAND b&w 1956
Come In Another early mondo-rype shockumen- TEASERAMA "NEW EDITION" & "VAR1ETEASE "NEW EDITION" 199;
Full Color tary so politically incorrect you gotta SOMETHING WEIRD VIDEO, INC. & DAVID F.FRIEDMAN. A L L RIGHTS RESERVED.
Wrap-around love it! Pygmies chow down on you-
Boxes! know-what & lovely native girls demon Please make For a complete All orders shipped U P S Ground. Please
ALL VIDEOS A $ 2 0 . 0 0 EAI
strate the topless craze-jungle style! checks & catalog send allow 3 - 4 weeks for delivery. Personal
I WRITE: mey orders $3.00 to: checks must clear before shipping. Please
nude, buttotVend PHONE: S.WV. Ipayable to:
"SWV Catalog"
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add $ 3 . 0 0 postage for first tape. $ 1 . 5 0
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PO Box 3 3 6 6 4 S O M E T H I N G PO Box 33664
Oam-10 pm add $ 7 . 0 0 per tape. Canadian orders add
LING Seattle, WA
Seattle, WA $ 5 . 0 0 per tape. All videos recorded at S P
(208) 364-75' that
accepted! are 18 or older. Retailers: Inquire about quantity discounts!
F I L M S It was
the score
only mistake
of a
on videocassette
$14.95 EACH
plus $1.05 per taps
tor postage & handing
1J 1
the prowl adds to his many
Almost Human
One he j r of coming attraction
trailers from sci-fi classics like
AHacfr of the 50 Ft. Woman.
Cover painting from The
Black Cat (Hemisphere
Pictures 1966)
By Heather Kosek
, h W u d screewmews 4
Cindy Baum SCRfrEWAJL
Gene Teme*y EErHNGED... ..6
E d d i e S.
Karim Hussein T h e Kims of Alejandro 3odorowsky 10
Darryl Maye*kt BOOK REVIEW5 15
Hep Cat 77/W*W0/f 17
Tke Retow { the AdVenmaiutoi. 1 9
Allen K o s z o w s k i _ _ , , _ ... ,
A .
Bob Gcnewski S . S . Hkhllhrils last performance a 3
_ _ The Great Project Unlimited Massacre 24
Jim Knas<-h (El Topo
Phoi^D^B^wtek CWJtLER TWEATBE 30
K r ^ r ^ t r uideo wwews 31
K r Todd
Ferry. X Phillip*.
S r CSACKE*S:The UntoW Story 38
David E. William*, and a l l
CapltoD.Moore Video. * a y
of tkote w h o have helped
to keep SClrtTW going.
All contents 1993 SCREEW publishing. Nothing may be reproduced in whole or part without written
permission by the Editor. Single copy $3.95 each. Dealer Inquiries welcome: SCREEM, 490 S. Franklin St
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702. Any videos, mags, music, books, etc. received will be subject to review. SO SEND
'EM! All photos used are owned by their respective companies and are used for promotion/retrospective
purposes. Thanks for supporting this magazine!
Good news and bad news time. Last year only 6 kids Quigley and Manque Gabrielle
department: Issue #2 of showed up at my door (Of and Kane "Jason" Ho drier. For
S C R E F W had an article about course it was decorated to be more info on this euent call
Tetsuo 2 :The Body Hammer, the eyesore of my (508) 838-0200 for further
lite mere surprised to find that neighborhood) and most were details.
not long after me went to with their parents, we neuer
press, FOH Lorber Uideo had went with our parents. That ^B ^B ^B ^B ^B ^B
bought the rights to the first was one of the best parts
Tetsuo film The good neuis is about Halloween! Euen
that it is auailable legally in the Teleuision doesn't show as Does anyone get the Sci-fi
U.S. at most major outlets, but many Halloween specials as it channel?? From what I'ue been
the bad news is- if you want to used to. Doesn't anybody told, not many cable companies
purchase Tetsuo for your own are carrying it. what a shame! I
collection, it's gonna cost a hope it can suruiue in the cable
whopping $60.00. This isn't euen market The Sci-Fi channel
a full length feature! Hopefully offers such classic TO programs
FOH Lorber will come to their as Lost In Space, The Prisoner,
senses and drop the price of The Night Stalker, Rod
this uideo. Serlings Night BaHery and
Uogage To The Bottom of The
Sea. Original programming such
as Sd-Fi Baa, keeps us
informed on what is new in S d -
Fi Horror and Fantasy. It is
Rs Halloween draws near, it's simply the best half boor on TO!
sad to think that this Holiday is Other original shows include
rapidly declining. I can Mysteries From Beyond The
remember when I would go out SPOOKY WOULD MAY BE THE LAST OF Other Dominion (stories on
trick or treating and the streets THE HALLOWEEN HAUNTNO GROUNDS.
Bigfnot,U.F.0.Setc.)and Inside
would be j a m packed with kids Space (hosted by Billy Mumy).
all dressed up with their bags The Sd-Fi channel also shows
full of candy and money. This celebrate this holiday? well,
monies euery day. Recent
was not that long ago folks! there is one place you can go
features included The Flash
But with the media constantly to in the month of October to
Eaters, The Mummy's Ghost,
reminding parents of the haue a uery scary time.
Revenge of The Creature and
dangers of poison candy, the Spooky UJoriti is located in
The Star Wars Trilogy. When I
once popular occasion has all Berlin, Mass, and is THE place
spoke with them they said they
but gone the way of the driue- to be for a memorable
may be showing R.I.P. monies
in theatre. Hospitals tried to Halloween. Not only do they
soon. Can't wait!
come to the rescue by hauing haue a haunted hayride, but
candy enamined under H ray there is a haunted house and a
machines, but when you think haunted barn! This years
about it, hauing your child's celebrity guests include -
goodies checked for safety Eluira, Euimar "Leatherface"
doesn't make for a fun Holiday Hansen, Scream Queens Liimea
<4 /ong sought after title,
Deranged has finally been
made available legally
through Moore video.
The movie is based on the
factual events of Wisconsin
killer Ed Gein. This print is
by far the best of its kind.
Previous bootleg copies
have been scratchy and
barely watchable. The
Moore video print not only
is crisp, but is in its
original letterbox format
complete with newly added
rare footage. It has also '|\
been digitally restored and
remastered. As a bonus '|\
vj, >'(
did!" The cop ignored him and said that his was going 50
The true tale of Ed Gein has been portrayed in many films, most notably in a 35 zone. The officer got a whiff of Ezra's back seat
Psycho and The Texas Chaimaw Massacre. However, due to the prize. He got out of the predicament by telling the cop it was
accurate screenplay of Alan Ormsby (who also co-directed this film a hog he left in his truck for a while. The officer let him go
with Jeff Gillen), Deranged is by far the most factual. Ezra Cobb on his way. Ezra then apologized to his mother, "Sorry, I V
vj/ (Roberts Blossom) is the proto-type for Gein. A quiet fanner boy who didn't mean to call you a hog mama." Mama was placed
lives with his dying beloved mama (Cosette Lee). She is very protective back in her room which was as clean as the day she left it.
vj/ of Ezra and tells him to keep away from women who she calls "Filthy (In Gein's case, he boarded up his mother's room, as if to
vj/ black-souled sluts with pus filled sores!" On her death bed she tells Ez keep it as a shrine). Mom was showing the signs of rotting
vj/ that the only woman she can trust with him is Maureen Selby because away, so Ezra vowed to repair her. He read up on
she's is a big heifer of a woman! Ma passes away while Ezra is feeding
i' her. At her funeral he tells friends that "Mama isn't dead, she's just
embalming and taxidermy. In the outside world, Ezra didn't
have many friends. But his neighbor Harlan Kootz did keep
sleeping." Ez would visit her grave 4 to 5 times a week and would write in touch. Harlan's family were the only true friends Ezra
letters to her frequently. He could hear her voice from beyond the grave had. While eating dinner at the Kootz residence, Ez learned
"Shame on you, it's dark down here..when are you going to bring me about the Obituary column. He told Harlan that it would be
home?" Ezra Cobb thought that it was time to bring her back, so he very valuable to know when someone was recently buried.
dug up her grave and put her corpse in a sack. While speeding home, a
vj/ cop pulls Ezra over. Being a small community, the officer recognizes
vj,' the driver. "Okay, Ez what's the deal?"Ezra stumbles on his words- "S-
s-he wanted t-t-to c-c-come home sh-she really
his date with Maureen. "I like
her., she's fat. I like that. But
mama... I don't think
she's..well..all there". Later at
the seance, Maureen makes
advances to a rather confused
Mr. Cobb. When she lures him
into the bedroom (speaking in
the voice of her belated
husband) Ezra can hear his
mother's warnings- "The wages
of sin are syphilis and
gonorrhea!" To which he pulls
out a gun and blasts Maureen's
head clear off. His next victim
was at Goldie's Tavern. A 34
year old barmaid named Mary
Hogan introduced Ez to his first
whiskey sour. He frequented the
bar and devised a way that he
could be alone with Mary. Late
one night at the bar before
closing time, Ez slashed Mary's
tires and waited for her. It would
be her final ride. Ez took her
home to meet Mama, Mrs.
Johnson and whatever was left
Ezra finds out that his mother's ABOVE: In a scene restored in the new of Maureen Selby. In a scene
friend (a Sunday school teacher ) that is reminiscent of the Texas
named Mrs. Johnson recently
print, Ezra scoops out some fresh Chainsaw Massacre, the dazed
passed away. Ez figured a reunion eyeballs. barmaid sits at the dinner table
would be just what mama needed as Ezra entertains her. The
to cheer her up. In a scene that has multi-talented ghoul plays a tune
been restored in Deranged, Ezra on a drum made of stomach skin
digs up the freshly buried Mrs. and he uses a thigh bone to keep
Johnson, takes her home and the beat.
scoops her eyeballs out with a BELOW: Mom has seen better days.
spoon. He then takes a saw to her
scalp. (Special effects master Tom
Savini is responsible for this
creation). Ezra continued to dig up
spare parts for months and soon he
willl go after a fresh kill. Harlan
Kootz was concerned about the
lonely, wifeless Ez, so one day
Harlan his wife asked him if he
dated anybody. "Don't trust girls
and stuff. Just mama. And
Maureen Selby." Ezra said. So he
gets dressed up in his Sunday's
best and gives Maureen a visit.
The two of them hit it off. They
both talk to dead people! Maureen
lost her husband Herbert 4 years
ago in a car crash. Ez explains that
mama is always at home if he
needs her, so Maureen has a
brilliant idea to conduct a seance
on the following Thursday.
Somewhat bewildered. Ezra agrees
to the delight of Maureen (1 need a
man) Selby. Ma is all ears when
Ez tells about
The last victim was Sally Peterson, whom Ezra
met at Harlan Kootz' home. She was the girlfriend
ere w o u i d b e n o TEXAS CHAD4SAW MASSACRE or SILENCE OF THE LAMES w i t h o u t t h e
u n d i s p u t e d d a u i c and p w l a l Cult film
of them allDERANGEDT
M i c h a e l D. Moore. MOORE VIDEO
"My a i l - t i m e f a v o r i t e . - / B i l l K n i g h t , M I D N I G H T V I D E O
vehicle. Disoriented, she runs into the woods. THE LONG-AWAITED. MOST REQUESTED. TOTALLY DIGITALLY RESTORED,
Poor Sally might have eluded Cobb if she didn't THE LEGENDARY TOM EARR PRODUCTION
step in a bear trap, but such is death. This time
Ezra's shot is right on the money. Later that
evening, authorities are informed about Cobb
being at the Hardware store. When the police " ^ . . r w coH-taaiOMs of A HecHo'imt
arrive at the farmhouse, they find Sally hung PLUS BONUS DOCUMXNTARY.-'ED GEIN: AMERICAN MANIAC
upside down and gutted, and an incoherent, blood ONLY $39.95 FOR VHS HI-FI + $3.00 PRIORITY MAIL!
drenched Ezra Cobb.
P.O. BOX 5703
ADVERTISERS - $3.95 each plus $1.50 postage. Send
SCBEtTW WANTS YOU! to Screem,490 S. Franklin St.
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
INCREDIBLY CHEAP BACK-ISSUES. Foreign orders add $1.00 extra.
Quarter Page - $25.00
Half Page - $50.00 SCREEM #2 - Conrad Veidt in The Man Who
Full Page $100.00 Laughs, A synopsis on the the films of Jorg
Inside front/back cover or color Buttgereit; Tetsuo 2 : The Body Hammer,
ads please write for details. Interview with director Peter (Bad Taste -
ALL ADS MUST BE Dead/Alive )Jackson; Zacherley-ZTV Revisited
CAMERA READY by Jim Knusch; Video, music reviews.
18702 DEBUTA'V-'.v''..'-' /
ISSUE! 0*^-7
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THE G H 0 U L ( e x d u 3 i v e tint) 1933 Karloff $19.95 UNASHAMED 1938 filmed in nudist camp $15.95
BelaLugosi $14.95 color. 1967 "R" sleaze mondo-documentary $19.95
documentary up to the 60's $14.94 DOUBLEFEA 7UREJEEHAGE MONSTER 1967
FROM HELL IT CAME 1957 $19.95 (tint) p/i/sHEBE COMES TOBOR (B/W) $19.95
LADY FRANKENSTEIN 1972 (Nudity) $15.95 THE LUCKY GHOST 40's Moreland $15.95
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We also carry KWAIDAN -
VIDEO SP6CUUISTS inTCRnflTionnL reviewed in this issue of SCPf?f?WI]
Throughout the decades of By Karim Hussain ed to turn his efforts to the
genre and horror fantastic but painful world of
filmmaking, few directors filmmaking, citing that if anyone
have proven to have such an tried to censor him, the picture
original vision of pure could be stored in cans and
creativity and delirium a s viewed in the future.
Alejandro (A.K.A.) Alexandra Jodorowsky's
Jodorowsky. Obviously, his first picture to be considered a
1 9 7 0 epic El Topo springs "real" film was 1968's Fando
to mind a s one of the most and Lis. Shot mostly on
elaborate and sanguinary weekends for about $300,000,
western/ splatter/religious Fando and U s chronicled the
allegories ever made, and journey of the titular characters
his recent Santa Sangre through ruthless terrain to reach
( 1 9 8 9 ) is an incredible twist the city of TAR. The picture was
on the common slasher film. a very violent and cruel affair,
But it is probably his 1 9 7 3 that Jodorowsky claimed
film The Holy Mountain that contained actual mutilation
truly exposes this genius to along with acts of blood drinking
his fullest, the picture is a and dismember-ment. Based on
Fenix cannot get away from reality no matter
non-stop barrage of imagery a play by collaborator Fernando
how high he climbs. From Santa Sanrge.
that is surreal, violent, Arrabal, the film's images
funny, and spiritual at the caused an audience to riot, and
He then moved to Mexico in 1 9 6 0 , where
same time. its subsequent banning in
he worked on a few avant-garde plays
Mexico. Cannon picked it up for
Before he came to before returning back to Paris to work with
a miniscule 1 9 7 0 release in the
international fame with El Roland Topor ( who wrote the book that
U.S. after shearing the film of a
Topo, Jodorowsky was Polanski's brilliant The Tenant (1976) was
half an hour. Rumor exists that
mostly involved in plays, and based on) and Fernando Arrabal on various
a few prints are lying around for
art happenings, studying plays and events they dubbed "PANIC
film festivals, but any video
mime with Marcel Marceau EPHEMERAS". These shows which were
release in the future seems
in Paris for over six years in phenomenas of violent surrealism and
bleak. During this period he also
the fifties. During this shock visuals, caused much scandal and
worked on a weekly comic strip
period, he completed his horror, his masterwork being a delirious
adopting his philosophy of
first film, The Severed 1965 play entitled Sacremental
"PANIC FABLES", which was
Head, a mime version of Melodrama. (It featured scenes where
Thomas Mann's The Jodorowsky slit geese throats, eviscerated
Transposed Heads, that is rabbis, and was reborn by a gargantuan Continued on next page
more or less considered a synthetic vagina). After working on other
lost entity today. plays simply for survival, Jodorowski decid
the beginning of a long career in The gunman who is aptly named El eras. And I realty, realty raped her."
comics as well as film (recent lopo, learns from a dying bandito Such may seem a rather
examples are The Incal, Young thai a trazed and ego-obsessed extreme way to make a picture, but it
John Difool. etc...). His PANIC General is responsible for the ts exemplary of how far into insanity
FABLES soon developed into a aforementioned carnage. So he goes and sacrifice Jodorowsky (as well as
whole way of thought that he about trying to destroy the his poor actress) is willing to absorb
supposedly expressed in many perpetrator and his followers. Once in order hi make sure the emotions
books, as well as his films Tusk al the leaders ramp, he humiliates portrayed on the screen are genuine.
(1979), his biggest cinematic and mutilates the General, forcing Such tactics of total absorption were
disaster begins with the title that is the man to kill himself... also used for his next picture The
a "PANIC FABLE" (more on that Now liberated, the Holy Mountain, such as Arica
one later). General's girlfriend leaves with El training for the principal actors ami
Topo (1970) lopo (Who abandons his son to communal living in Jodorowsky's
was where Jodorowsky soon found monks) on horseback for an house for a month prior to shooting..
himself to become a cull figure and odyssey with the purpose to kill the El Topo is a film that
midnight movie phenomenon for Four Great Masters of the Desert. El caused a minor revolution. It became
hippies and "trip" film watchers Topo must commit the murders in an event, not only a film to go see
everywhere. Having completed the order to prove his love for the under ihe influence of various
picture for $400,00 dollars based woman, but needless to say, things substances to embrace the
on his notoriety after Fando and go oddly wrong and the plot twists experience, or to see with a clear
Us, he arrived in New York with greatly in create the sensation that mind, only to have it affected by ihe
Ihe completed picture having not we are not watching the film, but imagery and sounds with a similar
made an effort to open it in are being absorbed into a surreal sensation to many hallucinogens. It
world of dust, pain, love, and blood. caused surrealism to open up lo a
After a few art-house Putting it mildly, wider audience.
eningSt it began a midnight Jodorowsky doesn't just make fi The Holy Mountain is
run at Ben Barenholtz's Elgin He lives, breathes and creates lodornwskv's subsequent Mexican
TheatreHvhere a loyal and under out of his element and morsel film made in 1973, financed bv Allen
standably obsessed crowd soon his soul. When he makes a film, his Klein based upon the success of El
n to form, the audience crew must com[letely change their Topo's midnight run. Definitely his
the garish violence lives and live the adventure. Such most elaborate vision, it is a work
Jh.and the intense, realism can be revealed by a rape ih.ti throws out Ihe conventions of a
III;, story. John scene during which he claims that "narrative" plot and relishes in a
sin later he actually assaulted his actress co- seemingh endless collection of
the film star on camera. In an interview imagery and outrageousness.
ting to published on the soundtrack album Shot for the still low
ouse fame (Apple Records), he talks of filming sum of $750,000 dollars, Ihe
ure. this moment: finished product looks larger than
Topo is about a "We had never ANY multi-million dollar picture; ever
black-clad gunman played by the spoken lo each other. I know made. (Jodorowsky once said that he
tyr-like Jodorowsky himself. nothing about her. We went to the wanted to be the Cecil B. Demille of
io roams the desert with his desert with two other people, the Ihe underground). Every instant is a
son; killing bandittis to carry phoiographer and a technician process of discovery..A portrait lo
a self-imposed execul one else. I said I'm not originality.
One of the film's rehearse. There will be only The Vague story chrom
Ms features take because it will be impossible to a Christ-like figure who awakes m
nts, repeat it. Roll the cameras when I day from a trance after being pelted
lood signal you to. Then I told her pain with rocAs by street children, an
hixi artfully on the walls of does not hurt. Hit me. And she hit lakes up with an amputated dwarf in
Iklings and in Ihe sand... A me. I said harder, and she hit me roam about the city...
astic river of plasma collected very hard, hard enough to break a
from the townspeople.. Slaughtered a week. After she hit
animals everywhere... p t i r e her, I said,
now it's my turn. Roll the cam
O n e o f m a n y f a s c i n a t i n g i m a g e s f o u n d i n THE HOLY MOUNTAIN e p i c .
Cannes film festival, and then picked up the tights, and With Tusk, Jodorowsky has done
Jodorowsky's subsequent cutting David Lynch directed his rather something rather shocking. We
of twenty minutes from the film, it entertaining version of it. shouldn't take the final product
received only minor midnight Following that into consideration I assume,
showings in big cities, except for disaster, another stroke of bad because he insists that it is not at
Los Angeles, where it wasn't luck happened. Jodorowsky's G- all like he wanted it to be, but
shown initially at all! Despite some rated adventure film Tusk when all Is said and done, he has
angry and confused spectators, (1979), about a wild elephant's created a film that the whole
The Holy Mountain still psychic bonding with a powerful family can watch. A picture with
persevered, and became a modest white man's daughter in India, ran values. Is this the same man who
midnight success, still thrilling new into trouble when the producer raped a woman for El Topo back
audiences today. gave half a million to Jodorowsky in the late sixties, and paraded
After the completion to make the film and kept the rest crucified lambs through the streets
of The Holy Mountain, Alejandro of the film's budget money for for Holy Mountain? Yes. It is. Even
repeatedly tried to get his pirate himself! (The Tusk budget was 5 though this film made it seem like
movie Mr. Blood And Miss Bones million dollars)! Alejandro disowns Alejandro was about to open a day
off the ground before embarking Tusk, and is happy that the care for baby elephants, he soon
on what would certainly be an picture can only be seen in returned to the darker cinematic
ambitious telling of Frank France, which is the only country visions we were used to. Well...not
Herbert's novel Dune. Artists like that bought It. tor a while anyways...
H.R. Giger toiled on the project for Though far from his Santa Sangre
the production design, Jodorowsky best picture, Tusk benefits from was his welcome return to the
having assembled a cast that nice Indian locations, fine camera cinema, completed ten years after
would include Orson Wells, his son crane shots, and a good music the Tusk disaster, and introducing
Brontis (the child in El Topo), score. The acting is top notch, his work to a newer, younger
Salvador Dali and Gloria Swanson. ironically featuring Chris Mitchum generation eagerly awaiting
Due to money problems, the and Anton Diffring who both originality in movies. It is
picture shut down after some 2 appeared nine years later in Jesse currently available on video and
million spent and many months of Franco's Faceless-(a.k.a. Les laserdisc by Republic Pictures
work. Dino DeLauentJs Pred-ateurs De La Nun). Home Video, in R-rated and NC-17
(the disc is slightly time- both his offspring Adan and Axel playing the main being said about the master. In
compressed)! Santa Sangre part of Fenix, and another relative called Ted 1990, he filmed a British T.V.
is the story of a young man playing a pimp. Jodorowsky, as with Tusk does not movie entitled The Rainbow
named Fenix whose trapeze appear, his acting career unfortunately seeming to Thief starring Peter 0' Toole,
artist mother gets her arms grind to a halt. Omar Sharif and Christopher
chopped off by his father Santa Sangre is graced with a slick Lee, practically no one
during childhood; Fenix score by Simon Boswell; whose other credits are promoting it I do know that It
grows up in a mental Stage Fright, Hardware, Phenomena, The features a bunch of rats but
institution only to be Church, Ogre, The Mask of Satan, Dust Devil, not much sex or violence. A
confronted by his now arm etc.. A truly gifted performer, Boswell has a distinct bootleg of it hasn't come by my
less spectre-like mother who sound of his own that is both operatic and way yet, so if anyone reading
asks him to join her. He does, this has seen it, please contact
and has to act as her arms in me in care of SCREEW
a stage performance where magazine!
they deliver a mime routine. One prospective
When a woman attracts
FerUx's attention too much, or
just acts out of revenge, the
A - r Jodorowsky project which
should be awaited with
anticipation is the screenplay
mother forces Fenix to for Sons of El Topo, which he
commit murder with his plans to make with his sons (of
arms, the arms that she has course) in the leading roles.
control over because she But whether this project gets
doesn't have her own... Many * ': mm off the ground depends on how
conflicts ensue, an emotional brave the film's investors are.
battle of the wills Reading an article
commencing between Fenix on the films of the enigmatic
and his mother which usually Alejandro Jodorowsky is
culminates in Fenix having to nothing like experiencing the
kill against his wishes. The v. images and sounds of one of
ending comes as a surprise, his pictures. There is only one
and changes the whole thing you can do...THIS
meaning of the film we have ARTICLE HAS FINISHED, NOW
seen previously, adding a YOU BEGIN. You will return to
savagery ironic twist to the reality, and await the next
murders. chance you can escape to
Much more fantasy. Find a Jodorowsky
accessible and plot-oriented film. You will experience the
than his other works, Santa most indescribable things.
Sangre still succeeds based
on the humor of the situation, Karim Hussain is a young
the brutal gore of the Above photo front jodorowsky's
filmmaker living In
murders, and the genuine last offering, S a n t a S a n g r e .
atmosphere of the whole deal.
Montreal, Quebec that Is
Even after all these years completely obsessed with
Jodorowsky's pet themes of Italian and European
frightening. I strongly recommend next time you
Christianity, mutilation and horror films, He Is
obsession still come through, are at the soundtrack or import section of your
record dealer you look out for his stuff. The only currently shooting his
as always offering the viewer
new and fantastic sights. domestic album of his I know of is the Hardware first feature film,
soundtrack, and is definitely worth picking up. Subconscious Cruelty,
On the acting
Santa Sangre has enjoyed a large an experimental horror
front, Jodorowsky's sons play
audience, bringing back Jodorowsky's name into picture for midnight
a big part in Santa Sangre,
the spotlight, and renewing an interest in his older
pictures. This is a marvelous thing to see happen,
theatrical screenings.
only now three years later not much is
Book Review
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the World's Most Vicious Murderers Human Monsters
A n Illustrated Encyclopedia
272pgs. Contemporary books of t h e World's Most.
V I C I O U S Murderers:
by David Everitt
MOVIES HORRORI The Vampire Legend
I GO pgm. I2 0 pgm. o n Film
1 BO pgm.
by by John Wooley
Starting with the silent era through the atomic As a tribute to low grade drive-in flicks, bg
50's, vlnt-age Horror Movies Is a wen- John Wooley has hit a soft spot in my heart
rounded collection chock full of information with Hot Schlock Horror. The book recalls Covering the bloody genre from the
and stills from these classic films. The book 43 grade Z pictures made mainly in the classic beginning, 1922's Nosteratu to
begins with the earliest monster movie, 60S and 70's. The features include the contemporary tackiness of 1992's
Frankenstein (1910), (Although some Wooley's commentary and interviews Butty The Vampire Slayer, Marrero
historians can say that the 2 minute short The conducted with such great filmmakers as summarizes films from around the
Devil's Jtfanorri896) was actually the first of Sam Sherman and David Friedman. world - Italy, Britain, Mexico, etc., They
its kind). The adaptation of Mary Sheffy's tale Articles contain pictures and dialog from are listed in year order and Include
was produced by Thomas Edison and ran some of the hard to find pressbooks of everything from the Universal monster
approx. 16 minutes. The twenties were ttie era classic (and not so classic) drive-in series to the Mexican Wrestling stars
of German films and the rise of ton Chaney. movies,. Contents include - H.G. Lewis against the vampires. The author
The 30's and 40's were when the monsters tides (Stood feast, 2000 Maniacs and details principal actors and directors
that have stuck in our memories came to life The Wizard of Gore), Ted Mikets best in each review. The entire second half
on the big screen. These two decades shaped known movies (Astro Zombies, The of the book is composed of stills
the films that were to toUow In the horror Corpse Grinders) as well as Schlock, the grouped according to the subject, i.e.
genre, for we aU know of Draoula, Frankenstein debut film by John Landis. A few personal women, offbeat vampire characters
and the Wormian thanks to Universal Pictures. favorites made the book. Door To Door and heros. Too many photos come
The book wraps up with the 50's classics Maniac (1964) starring Johnny Cash! And from the same films. More variety
(Creature From The Black Lagoon, Teenage the still scary Beast of Blood (1970) a could have improved the book, but
Werewolf, etc..)Vlntage Monster Movies also Philippines import. A.I.P.'s Cannibal Girts there are some beautiful scenes from
includes an Intro by Furry Ackerman and is the starring SCTV alumni Eugene Levi and the long sought after Chaney silent
perfect book to buy for someone (especially Andrea Martin, and The Night Evelyn classic - London After Midnight
young fans) who are gaining an interest in Came Out Of The Grave (1971). Scary (1927) Mar* of The Vampire (1935)
monster movies. title, lousy movie. Best of all, Wooley treats and the Hammer series.
these titles with respect, which at times is
a feat in itself!
Rs a young boy I can t entailer going to my Hunt's
house on an occasional Saturday night. I alujays
enjoyed the uiats because my cousins had a Super
B projector. UJe unuld match the 12 minute Castle
Film versions of Curse Of The Demon, The
Manny's Tomb, The Creature UJatks Hwang us,
The Bant daw and The Werewolf, These little
snippets always showed the meat and potatoes of
a film, no boring dialog, just 12 minutes of
monsters in action. Euen today I'd prefer to match
the Castle films than most of the aboue mentioned
titles. One of the few enceptions is Ihe Werewolf,
a 1956 Columbia Pictures release. Unlike the
pretty permed look of Lon Chaney Jr. in The
UJOfman (Jack Pierce's creation), the monster in
The Werewolf had a genuine frightening look. (I
think it had a lot to do with his constant
salivating). Sad to say, it hasn't been made
available on uideo yet, so hopefully some company
put it out on the market. The cast included Steuen S t e v e n Hitch a s t h e Werewolf.
Ritch (in his first film role as the UJerewolf) and
Don Ntegowan as the Sheriff. The picture was a
The nent morning the confused man checks into
Sam Katzman production. It was directed by Fred
the local doctors office where he confides in Dr.
(Earth Us. The Hying Saucers] Sears. Although
Kicrest, a caring gent who wants to help. The
the monster had a resemblance to Matt mills'
man tells of being in a car crash and renumbers
werewolf used in Return of The Uompire (a 1943
two doctors being involved with him He also
Columbia pic starring Bela Lugosi), Bitch's
knows that there are people trying to find and
characterization is more beiieuable as the
kill him when Dr. Etlcrest's assistant brings the
threatening creature.
lost soul something to sedate him, he panics and
runs out of the office knowing what may
Mountain Crest is a small happen.
community where all the townspeople know who In a town nearby, the two
does and doesn't belong, when a strange man doctors responsible for turning the man into a
enters the local tavern, it makes small talk uery beast spot a matching description of him in the
quickly. The new guy in town isn't enactly sure Mountain Crest newspaper. Dr. Chambers and Dr.
why he is uisiting and soon departs the bar. Before Forrest are responsible for injecting the man
he goes he pays the bartender for his drink with a with a radioactive serum that has turned him
twenty dollar bill, when he leaues he is followed into a werewolf. They decide to go into town and
by a man who tries to rob him. They take their kill him before the Sheriffs men bring him in
fight into a back alley. Only one shadow emerges alive. B knock is heard. It is Mrs. Duncan Marsh.
from the dark, fln old woman sees the beast She asks the doctors if they've seen her husband.
running away and she screams. The sheriff She says the police took him to a doctor's office
questions her and she tells him that she saw two that was nearby the accident site.
men go into the alley and one is dead and the
other was gone, but it was no man that left the
Or. Chambers admits that her The town is relieved that the werewolf has
husband mas taken to his been caught, but the two corrupt doctors know
office, but that he only had a that they haue to get to Marsh before he tells
small bump on Ms head. In ail. They break into the jail and knock out the
fact, Mr. Marsh left the only guard on duty with an ether-filled
office before he could tend handkercMef. Chambers and Forrest go in the
to h i m Chambers assured cell where Marsh is being detained. It looks as
the worried woman that her though Marsh is sleeping, but he quickly lunges
husband was fine and she at the men, this time as a werewolf. He kills the
left the office feeling better doctors and escapes. The men at the bar hear C A S T :
than when she entered it. the fatal screams and run to the jail. Knowing
that Marsh has just killed two m i r e men, they
Knowing that time
break out the torches (like all bonding Don Megouian
was o f the essence, the two
townspeople do) and head out to the woods J o y c e Holder*
doctors drive to Mountain
once again to catch the beast. Eleonore Tanin
Crest to kill Marsh. Rs they
head into the woods, Or. S. John L a u n e r
Forrest finds the scared George f\. Lynn
Duncan Marsh mho quickly Introducing
recognizes him Before
Forrest can shoot, Duncan S t e v e n Ritch
changes into the beast and as The WereujolP
attacks him Dr. Chambers
loads the gun but misses his Screenplay
target. Hearing shots, Robert E. Kent 8
Sheriff Hayes questions the
men on their presence. The J a m e s B Gordon
doctors explain that Marsh
was a patient, but it was a Directed by
monster that attacked Dr. Fred F. S e a r s
Forrest. Later that day, the
Sheriff finds out that Marsh
Produced by
is indeed the werewolf, since
his car had been found with Sam Katzman
proper identification of the
driuer. Mrs. Marsh is notified B a c k w h e n It w a s n ' t h i p t o w e a r A Clover production
and she and her young son plaid...
travel to Mountain Crest. b l a c K 8 uuhite
Upon their arrival, Sheriff Marsh is spotted in the distance and is chased
Hayes and men enter the but nonages to escape into the night for a few 1*156
woods and address Marsh. hours. Sheriff Hayes stops pursuit knowing that 8 3 minutes
Ms wife cries ''Duncan, we daylight is very near and that Marsh cannot go
wont to help you - your son far. (unlike typical werewolf/wolfman movies, r e l e a s e d by Columbia
Owls is here too". The boy there isn't a specific time when Marsh changes pictures
breaks free of Ms mother's into the beast, such as a full moon. He is seen at
grasp and father and son night and in broad daylight as the monster). Hs
embrace. The party follows the sun rises, the men see Marsh (as the beast)
and Duncan is taken to Jail. running on the Mghway. They Hock off both
Regaining Ms memory, he lanes and trap M m The monster leaps over a
tells Ms wife and son to bridge onto rocks but is soon shot down by the
leave until the situation is townspeople. In typical fashion, the monster
cleared up. Knowing it's for transforms back into Doug Marsh (in slow-
the best, they listen to Ms motion stop action) as the film ends.
wishes and depart.
r e
with Robert Bloch, a discussion on
classic Universal pictures hosted by
Ronald Borst and featuring Curt
Siodmak, Gloria Stuart and Carroll
Borland. In fact, topic selections
were as broad based as to include Z A C H E R L E Y , J O E D A N T E , BOBBY BREESE A N D
subject matter such as Women's J O H N LANDIS.
Roles in Genre Fibns, How to
Create a Fanzine and Independant
Film Making. The events were very
imaginative. Horrorwood Squares
was game based upon tic-tac-toe
meets charades with audience
participation and celebrity guests
like Zacherley, Forty John Landis,
and Joe Dante testing their movie
knowledge. Other memorable events
included the Son of Ackermuseum FM cover by Frank'
auction and tbsGrand Monster Kelly Freas of Dwight
Bash/smg-a-long with Uncle Forty
SHAMELESS P R O M O T I O N A L PLUG FOR f C M r f W f FORRY A N D Ackerman - or is that
EDITOR D A R R Y L M A Y E S H . Forry Frye?
Okay, so Hope SCBEEW:B ut
the initial health", or "best wishes" or
Organ does play on this comp. pressing did sell out if I'm something of that nature. I've
Now what happened with the correct. sold a few of those through mail
single? The singer died or some Peter: I'm not really sure. I think order. I have more if anyone is
thing? Rick might have some available interested.
Peter: Yeah, he was a friend of of Volume 1, but I'm not sure. SCREFT^As far as the single
B : e
mine, Bob Petri. About three SC t?EW T h book is very "Young Girl", do you have any
years ago, on New Year's Eve, amusing. It has letters from comment on it?
he passed away after a pretty Oprah Winfrey, members of the PeterNo, other than we
heavy night of drinking. Angry Samoans, The Cramps, recorded it three years ago and
Between both of us. I'd last seen and all these wild people. like I said earlier, we sold quite a
him around nine o' clock, and I Peter: I hope none of mine pop few of them. So all you moms
think about one o' clock that up in the next one. out there, there's a lot more
morning he passed away. I'm (Laughs)Yeah, I'm also friends kooks out there than you think.
not really too sure how he died, with an acquaintance of Gacy's My Mother, when I originally
but he did nonetheless. Sort of a Cocoa decided to put the record out,
tragic thing. was like "Oh you know, you're a
SCREEW: Are you making that kook, blah,blah,blah," to put it
cassette available of the stuff lightly.
that you're on with the Man- SCREEW Are there any
son songs? other Brooks Postqn songs
Peter: No, I'm not, but the that you know of that y o u
fellow that I think is from plan to record?
Belgium (actually Norway) Peter: Yeah, well that is
is selling them through the pretty much it. W e were
mail. Ifs called Watching Sa going to do two more songs
tan. Ifs all Charles Manson from the Manson documen-
covers, or something to do with iary, but we decided not to.
the family. SCBEEW Ooes your label
D :
$C EEW You're a distributor Ingreat Records have anything
as well. Don't you put out a else available?
book called "They Call Him Mr. I'm not sure if you are familiar Peter:No. W e are currently
Gacy". Not the book itself, but with Andrew Cocarales. working on a new single titled
you do distribute it, right? SCREEWNo, I'm not. "Apathy For The Devil". The
Peter: Yes. I'm friends with P e t e r H e is right across from only thing I could compare it to,
John. Mr. Gacy. Gacy on Death Row. He was and I hate to do this, is a Nine
$CREl?W Is : m e r e
sequel to a involved in the cannibal killings Inch Nails/ Skinny Puppy
that book? in Chicago. This was in the late sound. More along the lines of
Peter: There's one that came out 70's, early 80's. He called about a an industrial-dance thing.
not too long ago. I think a fellow week before Christmas. He and SCBEEWSo foe single thafs
named Rick Staton from... Gacy are buddies. I guess, if out doesn't represent the Hope
Grindhouse that's what you want to call Organ sound?
Graphics. them. PeteirCorrect. We haven't
Peter: Yeah, I just ordered a SCREFW'Do y o u own any of played live shows for a while be
copy of that and I rnight distrib John Wayne Gacy's paintings? cause i t s so monotonous play
ute it very soon. I'm going to Peter:I have an original Christ. I ing in an industrial band, in the
check it out and see what if s made some laser prints of them off true sense of the word in the true
like. and I had John sign them "With sense of the word that Genesis
21 Continued o n N e x t P a g e
Continued from previous page
P'Orridge termed a few years ago. Pure noise, that is 11 m e
SCRFFVTO B-side of the single, you've got a
pretty much what we did when we played out live.
sample of a voice, who is it?
Whatever we could get our hands on and smash up,
I think ifs Paul Watkins. W e sampled it right off of
thats what it sounded like.
; the Manson documentary video.
SCRFFW Have you played much in Pittsburgh?
SCRFFW: So the video is the only source to hear
Peter:No, like I said, we havent played out live much.
those songs in their original form.
I think our last show was in 1990, we opened for
Peter:Thafs the only way you can hear those tunes.
Etant Doraies from France. Actually, we played a club
SCRFFW-'Did you write Squeaky Fromme?
here in Pittsburgh called Metropbl in '91. So its been a
Peter: No, none of the Manson family members other
few years since we've played any shows.
than Beausoleil, "Cupid".
SCRFFW^d" y o u ever correspond with Manson? : u
SCRFFW D y have Fromme's address?
P e t e r I've written him a few letters, but he never
P e t e r N o , I don't. I'm trying to get Mark David Chap
wrote back. But I have corresponded with Bobby
man's address right now. I just wrote the prison
Beausoleil, and he's going to be doing the artwork for
requesting his proper address. I wrote one letter to
the upcoming single release.
: him, but it was returned because it didn't have the pro-
SCRFFW Amazing. What about Richard Rarnirez?
address o n _ i L _ ^ _ _
Peter: No, I think he's a dick. :
SCRFFW I hear that he's got a SCRFFW The prison will
lot of women at his doorstep. write you back with the ac
Peter: Yeah, a blonde girl. She tual address?
is pretty but not very bright. I Peter: They should. That is
think Ramirez just got married. how I got John Gacy's ad
SCRFFW: hi jail? What kind dress. I corresponded with
of privacy could they have? a friend of Ted Bundy's in
Peter: I guess they have some Florida. Ted had such an
type of conjugal visits like once overwhelming amount of
a month. Beausoleil is married. mail that he would get oth
In fact, the woman that is send er inmates to write back for
ing me the artwork for our sin him. So I wrote to one of
gle is Barbara Beausoleil. So I'm I his friends for a while.
assuming that she is his wife. I Jerry Brudos, I used to
SCR FEW: But can you get laid during these visits? correspond to, the lustToller. I think he is out in
Peter: Yeah, of course, I think that they have a little Oregon or Washington. I haven't written to him for a
trailer set-up out in the yard, (laughter). Tex Watson long time. I wrote a few others like Andrew
fathered three kids while he's been incarcerated. Cocorales. Thaf s about it.
; e o n e
SCRFFfftWow. Whatever happened to the babies SCRFFW 1h thing that prisoners can't do is
that Charlie Manson had while the family was still on write other inmates. Correct?
the Spahn ranch? Did they keep their identity's secret? Peter: Right. Charlie can't write Squeaky. But I'm sure
Peter: I think from what I've seen on TV, a few of he communicates with her b y other means.
them have been on Geraldo and shows of that nature. SCRFFW Through a third party.
I have some of them on tape. If s ironic that I grew u p Peter: Or psychically.
: u
right across the river from where Manson was raised. SCRFFW ^ y do vocals on the single?
He was b o m in Cincinnati and I grew u p in Peter: No. I sing backing vocals on the b-side. And I
McMechan, West Virginia in Benwood which is also co-produced the single.
straight across the river from m y hometown of
Shadyside, Ohio. I heard one of Charlie's sons still EDITOR'S NOTE: H o p e Organ can b e reached at
lives back there. His name is Jay White. Thaf s what I P.O. B o x 2 9 3 , Pittsburgh, P A 15230.
heard. And a town that is about five or six miles u p G e n e T e m e s y is the Editor o f Dangerous Rhythms.
river from me, Bridgeport, Ohio is where Manson
stole a '51 Buick to get to California, so...
Rock 'NT Roll has lost its most
dangerous ally. G.G. Allin is
dead. Kevin Michael Allin (36)
was the most controversial of
all performers in the rock era.
Shock value was a big part of
GG.'s stage act, but the man
lived his show. He was found
dead at a friend's apartment in
New York City from a heroin
overdose on June 28th. He
was truly the wildest
performer ever t o hit the
stage, literally. Sadly, he died
prematurely, since G.G.
wanted his grand finale t o be
an explosive suicide on his
own turf, the stage. He was
supposed to off himself in
1990, but a jail sentence
postponed this event. Every
one who knew G.G. could tell
you that he wasn't one t o
bluff about this, and that his
death was not expected yet.
He will go down as a rock
icon, but he surely didn't want Dressed for the occasion. G.G. Allin in his final performance.
Photo Courtesy of Todd Phillips
it t o end this way. A G.G.
Allin show would consist of
vulgar lyrics, a loud back-up Even his funeral was a show in itself. Buried with a bottle of Jim Beam, a
band - The Murder Junkies, walkman playing The Suicide Sessions, and leather jacket and jock-strap,
and a variety of sights no G.G. died as he lived. The G.G. Allin story has been kept immortal thanks
other act could come close t o a young filmmaker named Todd Phillips. A documentary titled H a t e d is
to. G.G. would beat people the ultimate tribute t o the animalistic rocker. The 52 minute film is not
up, get beat up, have sex, typical G.G. fare. Unlike previous G.G. videos, H a t e d was shot for the big
defecate, smash bottles in his screen and was well researched. W e get t o meet G.G.'s brother (and band
face, break his teeth with a member) Merle Allin. He says that G.G. was anti-social and was very much
microphone, slam his (or like his dad! Producer/Director Phillips shows the viewer that G.G. was
anybody's) head against a wall, always an outcast Interviews with G.G's teachers and high school buddies
and escape the police before confirm that Allin was a timebomb that outgrew his hometown quickly.
they could catch him. His
Dino, the drummer for The Murder Junkies loves t o be naked as much as
legion of dedicated fans
possible and was arrested for exposing himself t o a little girl. "/ was only
wanted t o be in the front row
teasing her!" he replied. Even Dee Dee Ramone was a band member, but
when G.G. killed himself so
he couldn't handle the job. W e also get t o meet Unk, a dedicated fan who
they could die with him.
throws a birthday bash for G.G. As a present, Unk hires a girl t o urinate in
Former Murder Junkie
Allin's mouth as he pukes up hot dogs! Even ex band members share
member Chicken Joe called
unpleasant memories of life on the road with G.G. The only essential
G.G.'s fans the biggest bunch
character missing from this film is G.G.'s mother. But H a t e d does portray
of losers of the face of the
G.G. Allin in an honest light N o t a pretty picture, but a necessary one.
Available through Film Threat video P.O. Box 3170, Los Angeles, CA
90078. $24.95 plus $2.00 postage.
B y J o h n n y L e g e n d
with your other hand. Someone said "Oh
yeah, those were in Flight of The Lost
Balloon or Two Weeks In A Balloon or
some Balloon movie." I figured "what the
hell" so for a buck I walked away with the
Over at the main podium,
the bidding had simmered down again
surprisingly on two of the most impressive
items on hand, a matching set of huge,
colorful protoplasmic gkibcreatures
originally seen in "7he Probe," the very last
episode of The Outer Limits, in which they
were affectionately referred to as Mlkle. The
big mlkle had a cavity large enough to
conceal one full-grown adult - the smaller
mlkle was perfect for a young child or
midget "passenger." Once inside on all
fours, you could crawl blindly along the DENNIS, CLAD IN HIS PHANTOM ISLAND GARB, POSES WITH
ground, giving the illusion that the mlkles BIG MIKIE AND LITTLE MIKIE AS SEEN IN THE FINAL EPISODE
were moving "all by themselves." The OF THE OUTER LIMITS.
potential buyers were stricken with elaborate, colorful mechanical-man experimented with a prisoner exchange
practical concerns, such as "Gee, how costume from the celebrated Issac Asimov program with the Planet Chroma. I had to
would we ever get them home. " Dennis I, Robot episode. call back the auctioneer who was walking
quietly won the war of nerves and secured The bidding soared up to away: "What about that one Mister?" He
the twin terrors for a cool fifteen smackers. the hundred dollar mark and beyond. One glanced at the rubbery mess on the
Off to the side, my spoiled rich kid with a limousine and a ground, shrugged and said, "Yeah, what
attention was rlvetted to the giant claw chauffeur kept jacking the price up until about that one..."
armature from Jack The Giant Killer. someone finally tipped the scales around The rich kid and a
Realising that this was a vintage piece a hundred and fifty and walked away with couple of stragglers were the only ones
employed by Harryhausen protege Mm the Grand Prize. The high rollers shook left when someone jokingly started the
Danforth, I popped for another buck-fifty their heads and began to disperse. The bidding at a dollar. "Richie" pondered
and stuffed the taloned treat into my booty- moment I had been watting for was at this then raised the ants to a dollar-fifty. I
bag. hand. saw a place for me in this action and
It was approaching late Sitting to the side, almost bravely blurted out "Two dollars!" The
afternoon and everyone (except for me, it forgotten, in two barely recognizable first guy apathetically went up to two-fifty,
seemed) was waiting anxiously for the battered pieces, was the original Garbage Richie immediately jumped to three
premium item of the day - the Eater a.k.a. the Chromoite from the dollars.
classic Henry Sitva episode The Mice in Then, mustering all the
which the Earth false bravado and moxie I could for my
age, I stared blazen-eyed and boldly at
Richie and the other bidder and solemnly
said, "I'm going to have that THING no
matter what it costs!" Dead silence
followed this, possibly the most dramatic
moment of my young life, after which I
murmured, "Three-fifty." Icy heartbeats
Mm. ticked by until the auctioneer shouted
i -
with finality - "Sold!"
The auction was over. In one
classic footnote, Forry and James Warren
posed (for possible the last time together)
in front of my new Garbage Eater which
V # ' ' sit was propped up on the back of the family
wagon. Future wrestling mogul Jeff
Walton stood proudly nearby wearing
Dennis' new Megasoid costume. I still had
a buck and some change in my pocket.
Then Dennis and I had the ungodly task
of cramming an that crap Into the car to
go home.
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Project Unlimited WE HAVE
POST MORTEM (or What The Hell Do You Do With AH This Great Stuff After
You Get Home?)
THE ZANTI MISFIT: I immediately reassembled and repainted the limber insect
and shot some footage of it riding a skateboard in my backyard. FOR ON VIDEOI
THE MEDUSA SNAKES : Made one final appearance on "career day" in junior
college when I wowed the class with an "animation demonstration." ALSO HAVE A
THE BIRDS : Provided years of entertainment at private parties and the like as
I stunned unwary guests with the spectacle of a pet bird on my hand turning MILLION LP'S
its head in complete circles.
THE JACK THE GIANT KILLER CLAW : Was mounted to a "Flub-a-Dub" duck
head and featured in the title role of Puke, The Saliva Demon a 1967 eight
millimeter epic starring Dennis.
THE MIKIES and THE MEGASOID : Dennis was forced by his parents to give
them all away to neighborhood kids less than a month after the auction. A) NEW RELEASES B) B'S (WESTERNS,
THE GARBAGE EATER : A bit of spit and polish and the Chromite was as good SERIALS. SCI Fl ETC) C) SOUNDTRACK/
as new and he became quite popular at school functions at the San Fernando BROADWAY/NOSTALGIA LP'S
Valley; appeared frequently on the Sunset Strip at the height of the Pandora's
Box era to promote local rock concerts & roadshow-type events, needless to say
wrecking havoc on the L.S.D.-addled teenage minds of the time; also appeared "CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF BUSINESS"
on TV talk shows such as Joe Pyne and the forgotten Uargollst & Arbogast
program; was featured in live At Pershing Square, an amateur film of the late
RTS. D e p t . S O
sixties in which Legend and friends actually convinced a congregation of P.O. B o x 9 3 8 9 7 . Las V e g u . N V 8 9 1 9 3
downtown derelicts that the creature was a real-life "Messenger from Satan."
Drifting into darker times, the Garbage Eater and other
artifacts bought by Johnny all disappeared into a swirl of bad crash pads, COLLECTIBLESI
unpaid storage fiascos, landlord-tenant disputes, and, by the year 1970, they It you wish a copy ol our latest catalog or
were all gone. rare LP soundtracks, Broadway shows,
and television, please send $1.0O.
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H e p [at'S M
U S i
Reri S B g
t H e p C a t i s t h e SCRFFW m u s i c c r i t i c H e c l a i m s t o b e o n
w a v e l e n g t h w i t h N e r v o u s IVorvis- H e p C a t l i s t e n s t o all m u s i c t h a t a r r i v e s
a t t h e SCRFFM o f f i c e , s o s e n d y o u r C D ' s , c a s s e t t e s a n d v i d e o s f o r r e v i e w t o :
s c c n r m i s i c - 4 9 0 s . f r a n k l i n s r . , w i l k e s - b a r r e , p a 1 aram
With Halloween here, it's always fun
to play some of my fave spooky New York indie band Karen Black QUICKIE8
7 records. I won't mention any out of just released their debut CD, A
print titles, since most of the in print National Health Care, it's about time! BAD MANNERS-Fat Sound
titles are hard enough to find!! Best of They've been touring these tunes for Skasters make a commercial attempt
this bunch is Elvira Presents quite a while, 1 wish them the that isn't as disastrous as their 80's
I Haunted Hits a compilation of 23
tracks (on the cassette, there are less
best of success, they deserve it. Send
CBS period but not quite as
memorable as the last outing Return
on the CD) featuring Vic Mizzy's Box 20818, New York, NY 100009. of The Ugly. Highlights include cover
Addams Family Theme, Attack of The Caught the Butthole Surfers tour versions- The First Cut Is The
Killer Tomatoes and seasonal (Thanks to Tracey at Capitol). Whatta Deepest, Midnight Rider and The
favorites from The Cramps, Screamin' show! The band was tight and the Kinks standard, Lola.
Jay Hawkins, and the Ran-Dells. One song selection was better than I
of the best Hallo ween tunes ever expected it to be. Only setback was BUZZCOCKS
written is here - the delightful that their movie screen highlights are Trade Test Transmissions
Halloween Spooks by Lambert, getting tamer. What happened to the A sort of reunion album since Pete
3 Hendricks and Ross . Missing is the
hilarious If's Halloween by the gawd-
highway fatality shots? Shelley and Steve Diggle remain as
original members. Not a
awful 60's girl group The Shaggs, disappointment by any means. It
which did appear on Elvira's Vinyl could've sounded like a Pete Shelley
Macabre compilation. Bobby (Boris) QU1C K solo album (God forbid). The record
Pickett's Monster Mash album was re is true to the Buzzcocks trademark
issued last year and adds 4 bonus punk/pop sound and though it's tough
tracks that were missing from the 70's TESCO VEE'S HATE POLICE to compare this to the earlier songs,
re-release. Digitally remastered, it Gonzo Hate Vibe Trade Test Transmissions stands
sounds great, even though no matter proud on its own merits.
how much it gets cleaned up, it's still Ex-Meatmen leader is back with
outdated. another record full of perversion as With 1993 coming to a close, we
Also re-issued is The Ghouls album seen thru the eyes of Tesco Vee. thought that we'd pick our
Monsterbilty Heaven which has its Unlike his debut EP, this is way too fave/worst albums of the year.
moments but is even more outdated long, very repetitive and void of the
than the Monster Mash album Lastly, humor that makes a Tesco record 1. U R G E O V C R K I l , I . Saturation
the cool ghoul Zacherley has two worthwhile. 2. W O R L D P A R T Y - Bang!
3.ALMEE M A N N - W h a t e v e r
cassette singles available. Sadly, none 4. R O B I N H I T C H C O C K - Respect
of his early albums have been put back 5. PERE UBU-Story of My Life
into print for ages but these recordings MORRISEY-Beethoven Was Deaf 6. VAN MORRISON - Too Long In
show that Zach still has the talent to
perform what he does best. The singles
Import only live album has a few non-
lp tracks recorded live in Paris. No
Exile 3
7. BAD RELIGION - Recipe For
are Grave Robbing Tonight b/w lack
s is Back. Tape 2 features Eternal
Smiths tunes here, but a well rounded
selection of tracks. Recommended for
8. THE THE-Dusk
Polyester and Formaldehyde. die-hard fans only. 9. PAUL WESTERBERG-14 Songs
From MAD GHOUL MARKETING, 10. a-ha - Memorial Beach
P.O. Box 13, Hampton Bays, NY
Next issue - The ten biggest disasters
11946. (and why) of the year.
s S
For horror collectors, nothing beats going to a Chiller , Jonathan Harris, David Friedman, Bruce Campbell, Forrest J. Ackerman, Ray
Theatre convention. But if you need a fix between the Harryhausen, Ted V. Mikels, Brinke Stevens and Gunnar Hansen to name a few.
months of May and October (when these conventions are This year's October show will be the biggest yet with another super list of celebs in
held) then the Chiller Theatre store can take care of your store for fans and the great selection of dealer tables is enough to wet the palate of
needs. The Chiller cons and the Chiller store are the any horror fan. This Expo will also be the first to fall on the Halloween weekend.
brainchild of long time collector Kevin Clement. Although And to make it even more special, the Chiller Con will be held for three days (Oct.
the Chiller conventions started in 1990 and the store is 2 29. 30 and 31) at the Meadowlands Hilton. Tentative guests include Melissa
years old. Kevin has been in the horror business for 12 Moore, Jeffrey (Re-Animator) Combs, Monique Gabrielle, Beverly Garland, Stewart
years doing mail-order sates of horror and Sci-Fi related Gordon and of course Zacherley. Gore Gazette editor Rick Sullivan will be on hand
items. His clientele include John Carpenter, Kirk Hammet as the MC (a show in Itself!) Don't miss this incredible event!!
of MetaHica, Tom Savini and Johnny Ramone to name but
a few. Kevin has an amazing collection, some of it is on
display at the Chiller Store. His love of Horror couldn't be
kept to himself, so this is his way of sharing it with all of
us. The Chiller Expo gives the horror fan everything they
could ask for with diversity being the key. Kevin doesn't
stay one dimensional in his choices for Chiller Expo
guests. Twice a year the immortal Zacherley shows up as
the guest celebrity host and no matter how many times
you see Zach, he still gives a great performance for the
folks who remember him in TVs Shock Theatre days.
Past Chillerthon guests have included Herschel! Gordon
Lewis, Dyanne(llsa)Thorne
(717) 8 2 4 - 7 7 2 7
Y O U ' L L S C R E E M !
C O M I C S ! C O M I C S ! C O M I C S I S P O R T S & IXIOIXI S P O R T S C A R D S * D O L L S
52 LCC PARK AV.,UH1*KS^ARR, PA 18702
In Association With FEMMES FATALES Magazine Presents:
wims of m ottmom swum
H.G. Lewis) and he soon dies from loss of produced two Rock'N' Roll oriented Disneyland in Anaheim, California
blood. The local yokels go back to tell films in the early 70's starring Grand opened its Haunted Mansion for the first
Ranger Jim Waters (played by country Funk Railroad and Iron ButterfhA But time in 1969. And, later on that same
star Ferlin Husky!) about the incident and Barry is at his best (or worst) with day in 1969, actress Sharon Tate and
the strange occurrence of the swamp girl. nudie features like Pagan Island. four others were brutally slain at her
This isnt the first time someone Ed Dew stars as a guy Benedict Canyon home by the now
mentioned her so the lawman takes to the who is lost at sea and wanders onto an infamous Manson family.
swamp for clues of her existence. He island filled with beautiful young For a few other bits of
catches a glimpse of someone running women. These gals must have learned August 8th history, refer to Werewolf
through the swamp and a chase ensues. our language from the Tonto school Video's Charles Manson, Superstar. It's
At the moment he gets a hold of the of bad broken English. A typical simply great! Shot (no pun intended)
swamp girl's arm, his leg gets caught in a sentence in this film sounds like this: entirely on location in San Quentin
bear trap. The Ranger assures the girl he Man: "I'm hungry. I need food." Pagan Prison, Death Valley, and the Santa
won't hurt her and she reluctantly gives girl: "I no understand", but you white Susanna Mountains, this flick is one of
him a chance to explain his pursuit. The man - you no good". Although the gals the strangest (perhaps THE strangest)
swamp girl confides in him and tells of don't show anything below the waist, Manson film to date. Charlie himself
her life in the swamps. "My name is they only wear lei's for their tops so provides music for the score as does
Janinc. I live in a shack with my Pa. We plenty of quickie mammary shots can former Mansonite Bobby Beausoleil
don't bother anyone!" Jim says that it is be seen to keep your interest in who was imprisoned for the murder of
illegal to live out on the swamp land but between boring dialog. And there is a musician Gary Hinman in July of'69.
he could help her find a new home. Janinc story buried somewhere in this film How can a film miss with Lynette
agrees to meet him the next day in the about gods, love , trust and bad white "Squeaky" Fromme as a consultant!
same spot. For a swamp girl, she ain't bad men. And the film does have a The film takes us to the
looking. 17, blonde, blue eyes. Pa on the moral...beware of Barry Mahon! now empty lot, infested with VERY tall
other hand is blacker than the ace of
Transferred from the weeds, where. Spahn Ranch (the
spades! This story has so many twists and
original 35 mm master. This is one in Manson family dwelling at the time of
turns it will make you dizzy just watching
a series taken from Johnny Legend's the Tate murders) once stood. It was
it! The film does include a cat fight, death
Untamed Video collection, which is destroyed by a massive fire in the 70's.
by 'gators and snakes and a theme song
distributed by Something Weird We also visit Manson hideouts Myers
that is worth the price of the video itself!
Video. Ranch and Barker Ranch in Death
The movie poster boasts..."Filmed in vivid
Valley where Manson believed there
color in the natural wilds of the
was a bottomless pit dating back to
Okefenokee swamps!"Available from
Biblical times.
Something Weird Video.
( -.ntoiw! en next poqe
From Harry Novak
Of course, the San Quentin interview THERE ONCE WAS A PIGKEEPER'S DAUGHTER
with Charlie is superb! Manson's WHO RAISED WHAT SHE SHOULDN'T OUGhTER
"aerobics" are as good as ever and his
"respect" for his jailers" shines through!
Also worth mentioning is
the artwork. It's both shocking and
captivating - much like Manson himself
1 1
- and much like the entire video for that BETHEL G. BUCKALEW A PURE GOLD PRODUCTION
matter. Anyone even remotely interested R E S T R I C T E D TO ADULTS
in the Manson mystique MUST see
Charles Manson, Superstar. It
mentions Manson material I've never The Picjskeeper's Daughter
even heard of (and I've followed the
case since 75) and "that sums it up in Sassy Sue
one big lump"
$49.95 from Video Viwm SUM Iwmn Vou fautom*
Werewolf, 8033 Sunset Blvd.,#1313, The formula for the first two films is simple. Get some perty gals, country
Los Angeles, CA 90046. scenery and let the good 'ol folk doos what dey do bess! The Pigskeeper's
Daughter and Sassy Sue aren't the best in cinema fare, but they do have
some very funny moments. The plot of Sassy Sue revolves around a family of
rednecks. Ma watches over Pa and Junior, while Pa reckons he can git any
young thang that passes by (he's uglier than sin, but he has a charming way
DEATH SCENES 2 with the girls). Junior is in love with the family cow, and when Pa gets
Anton LeVay narrated the first of this worried about his sons love for critters, he sets him up with a young and
series, a graphic look at murder and willin' next door neighbor. Junior makes it with her, but not before he gets her
accidents through the lens of the crime to moo! One day while sittin' round drinking corn liquor, Pa hears Ma yelling
scene photographer, and morgue table from the outhouse. Here Ma got her butt stuck in the hole, giving Pa the get
file photography. Though the first rich quick idea of creating custom made toilet seats!! Stars John lull as
Death Scenes did dwell on earlier Junior and a cast of various milkers.
atrocities, from the 1%0's back, it did Down the road you'll find The Pigskeeper's Daughter. This gal loves her
deliver visceral gut-punches that the pig-Lord Hamilton, but her parents-The Swyners (!) are worried that their
Faces of Death videos tried so over-the-hill 19 year old daughter Moonbeam is too busy with her hog. As
desperately to deliver, through staged fate would have it a traveling salesman (Peter James)pops into town and
phoniness. The second is literally knocks on the first door he sees, the Swyner home. Before his entrance, he
unbelievable, giving the viewer a travels upon a wandering hillbilly in position, if you know
gander at entire highway fatality films what I mean, and later ends up with a hitchhiking prostitute. At first she tells
from the sixties (in color, mind you), him 25 bucks, but when they are finished, she reminds the salesman that
celebrities (Lugosi, Mansfield, Morrow, she'll keep her mouth shut to the authorities, cuz she's only 15! Back on the
et al) final visions ( the entire Vic farm, local hick Jasper (John Keith) tries to get a piece of a virgin girl he
Morrow Twilight Zone tragedy from fancies. She won't go all the way so he proclaims "What do ya think that
several angles, at several speeds), the thing was made fer- to put in your ma's canning jars and pickle it forever?
crime scene pics of Manson's victims Plenty of hot lookin' country gals and witty lines make The Pigskeeper's
(morgue table shots as well), and the Daughter good ole down home entertainment.
entire R. Bud Dwyer suicide spectacle! A long time ago in a galaxy.well., how about
In between all of this, you'll find plenty it's 1973, you arc Harry Novak and you want to make an Outer Space feature.
o' disembowelings, dismemberments, #1. Get William (Blackenstein, The Happy Hooker Goes To Washington)
shootings, stabbings, accidents, and Levey to do the screenplay as well as produce and direct the picture. #2 add a
other horrors that the FOD series just soundtrack that would rival anything by the J.B.'s. #3 add Aliens that looked
didn't look hard enough for. All in all, like they just robbed George Clinton's house. Put them all together with some
the entrails, blood, and raw carnage will softcore nudity and you've got Wham Bam thank You Spaceman. Although
satisfy anyone who's been blue-balled the film seems like it takes an eternity to watch, there are some highlights.
by Death Faces, Dying, or the When the Aliens land on Earth, they are somewhat streetwise and very homy!
countless other pseudo-docu-pics that They first go to a whorehouse to see how humans mate. Very different,
wallow in the Nazi camp footage we've according to the Space Creatures. One of the aliens has a one-eyed monster
all seen too many times. Now if and they both use their tongues for sex as they capture women and bring them
someone would just grant access to aboard their spaceship. At times the plot is reminiscent of Novak's Kiss Me
videos of lies Marts (Of The Dead) Quick, shot some nine years earlier.
and Savage Man, Savage Beast. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Also Starring SHARON KELLY
BELOW THE BELT - 1 9 7 0 ' SASSY SUE ' 1 9 7 2 ' INDIAN RAID. INDIAN MADE - 1969 -
The title's meant to be taken two A comic look at the glamorous side of Moonshine stills, secret agents, &
ways in this seamy tale of boxing rural living (retards, incest, alcoholism, Morgana the Kissing Bandit all come
and broads. bestiality, out-houses & nekkid girts!) together in this crazy softcore comedy!
HARRY NOVAK t l t M M l ^ J S V
HOOKER Starring
IV iv ted and Produced Ov
O L O S i
What's a mother to do when her
daughter's fancy turns to love.Jor
MIDNIGHT PLOWBOY ' 1 9 7 1 ' COUNTRY HOOKER 1970 TEENAfiE BRIDE 1970 a pet pig! Classic hillbilly softcore!
When Junior leaves the hills back When some down-home hookers meet a A game of musical beds hits a sour
home for the hills of Hollywood, group of musicians, we're treated to a tour note when a philandering husband gets
he's in for a wicked awakeningl of tne seedy side of life, w/ Renee Bond. his just dessert!
ALL VIDEOS ARE $20.00 EACHPlease make For a complete All orders shipped" UPS Ground. Please allow AEE t o p e a c o w e vMk
all checks & catalog
send 3-4 weeks for delivery. Personal checks must
to: clear
WRITE: money orders "SWV Catalog" before shipping. Please add $3.00 postage
PHONE: S.WV. payable to: Dept F U N for first tape. $1.50 each additional tape. For
(206)361-3759 PO Box 33664 SOMETHING P0 Box 33664 overseas orders add $7.00 per tape. Canadian
lOam-lOpm Seattle, WA WEIRD VIDEO Seattle. WA orders add $5.00 per tape. All videos recorded at VIDEO
98133 98133 SP mode on name-brand tape. A signed
FAX: VISA & PUgra tHli wltt statement that you are 18 or older is required.
(206) 364-7526 MASTERCARD signature that y o u
Wham Bam Thank You Spaceman 1964 color
features an appearance by Dyanne (Lisa)
dir.:Masaki Kobayashi
Thome and Valda (Night of The Ghouls)
color 1968
Dir.: Herschell Gordon Lewis
Hansen. Filmed in Hollywood, U.S.A.! Combine a Japanese version of the Twilight
Zone with a mixture of 70's Amicus films
Just as enjoyable(and featuring many of the
(Tales From The Crypt, The Vault of
same cast members) as 1968's She Devils
Horror) and you'll get Kwaidan, a stylish
On Wheels) Just For The Hell of It is a
collection of 4 tales from American writer
Lafcadio Hearn. Taken from his book Stories
story of total mayhem and mischief gone too
far. A bunch of young gang members filled
and Studies of Strange Things(I904), the
stories hold up well after almost 20 years
with too much booze and testosterone take
since the film was released. Kwaidan
to the streets to cause as much damage as
they can. Their pranks include - attacking a
showcases the visual artistry of photographer
blind man, a cripple and a housewife - the
Yoshio Miyajima and is complimented with
latter being soaked with her own garden
a beautiful score by Tohru Takemitsu. The hose. The head gang leader is played by Ray
Black Hair opens the film, in which a man Sager, who later went on to star in Lewis'
leaves his faithful wife.(she begs him not to
go."HI work harder!")He is tired of living in
Wizard of Gore. The film features my fave
H.G gal Nancy Lee Noble (Honey Pot in
poverty and marries another more wealthy
and worldly woman. He only becomes more
She Devils) and a great psychedelic theme
song Destruction played throughout the
miserable in this marriage due to a lack of film.
true love from his richer other half
lUHHM-fltfJVV Eventually (which presumably seems like
The plot isn't very deep which makes Just
For The Hell of It very easy to watch. The
many a moon later) he goes back to his first
staged pranks are so bad!! As they ride
TWAM4VAU wife ( who is shown throughout this segment
in a sympathetic way). They reunite, he
through the streets of Miami, the gang
knocks of a traffic cop's helmet, splash a
STOCfiMAW pleads for her forgiveness and all seems well.
Sure enough, next morning he wakes up only
bucket of water on a pedestrian and in the
best staged scene - bum a newspaper while
1964-Italy color
to find that his wife is a corpse!
In 7jlie Woman in the
a woman is reading it. It takes so long for
the gang member to light up the damn
* Dir:Roberto Bianchi Montero Snow (which was originally edited out of paper, but the actress is a real trooper. She
U.S. prints, due to the film's 164 minute
ECCO running time) a man and his young
tries her best as to NOT see him doing this
and screams in surprise as the paper goes up
1963 - color Dir: Gianni Proia apprentice are caught in the woods in a in flames. Only Herschell Gordon Lewis
blinding snowstorm. A Jack Frost type of could pull off a stunt like this and be
woman freezes the man with her breath but forgiven for its absurdity. From Something
As far as Mondo movies go, these two titles spares the boy providing he never tells Weird Video, this once hard to find title is a
are prime examples of the popularity of this
genre in the early sixties thanks to the
anyone about that night. He eventually
recovers, meets a young lady named Yuki
must see for fans of Lewis fare.
success of Mondo Cane. Both titles are (who never seems to age) marries her and has
a family. One night, being reminded of the hrlNri MUCf *Wl k n tW-Awb gill
from the Frank Henenlotter/Something
Weird Video series. Mondo Balardo is "snow woman" when seeing his wife in a
strange light, he tells Yuki the story and she
dubbed for America by non other than Boris
Karloff. It features the usual Mondo reveals her true identity - that of the woman
subjects of that era, which were more of the snow! She spares him for the sake of
the children and leaves disappearing into the
widescreen format, and the S.W.V. print is Next up. Hoichi The Earless in
which the ghost of a Heike warrior lures a
very sharp. Ecco is narrated by George
Sanders of all people, and boasts better blind servant to a cemetery to recount the nin amis
production values than Mondo Balardo. story of the great Heike-Genji battle in 1185. ttsnmm mumum
To prevent it from recurring, a priest writes
Not to say that it is an amazing find (I
actually preferred the trailer than the film) holy words on the servant but forgets to write JUSTFO/f
but Ecco and Mondo Balardo contain on his ears, which of course the ghosts rip
subject matter meant to amaze us. Midget off!! In an added twist, the servant plays his met/eiir
instrument for the temple and brings in many
MUNDO DEPRAVADOS BRINKE STEVEN'S PRIVATE lem is that he doesn't have any time for his
1967 B/W DIR: Herb Jeffries COLLECTION 13 year old son (Robert Mantell). The family
dog up and dies and the boy seems to blame
Not a "mondo" film, but a Okay, i know I'm gonna hear about this from its death on his parents! Mom and dad do
murrJer/mystery/comedy that still leaves horror enthusiasts (like I haven't already), their best to help, but to no avail. The kid
me baffled! Subtitled World of The but I really did like this video. It features the goes out one day and sees a hippie and his
Depraved, the story centers around the many faces (and other fine pieces of girlfriend drinking it up and smoking weed.
murders of young women that work as anatomy) of Scream Queen Brinke Stevens. The boy is welcomed to join in and that's
strippers and on a TV exercise show. The See Brinke in her early days as a stage where the dilemma starts. He becomes
film stars the lovely Tempest Storm and dancer (hey, she used classic tunes by friends with an easy-going hippie named Eric
her bevy of stripper gals. The main Jethro Tull and Al Stewart), see Brinke doing (Johnny Legend) who means well, but drugs
attraction is the comedy team of Decker TV commercials, Brinke in a Playboy video, come first even though the kid looks up to
& Reed who attempt to play straight laced hosting Plan 9 From Outer Space, see him. There is a struggle with the family and
detectives but try to throw their comedy Brinke out takes., see ...BRINKE! Alright so the kid throws some wonderful temper
act in to give the film some strange type it may be shameless self promotion, but tantrums! The police get involved with the
of comic relief! From an interrogation more power to ya Brinke. I did learn more case and the boy doesn't want to snitch on
scene: Woman: Maybe these girts that about her from this video than anything else his new found friend. And yes, Johnny
work here can help you with some she's been in, and it takes a lot of bard work Legend does the. ."I can fly like a bird" scene.
Information. Connie can hear you but to be more than just another pretty face. There is a bonus interview at the beginning
she can't speak. She's a deaf mute. Available from: and end of the tape with Phillip Pine that
Detective Hamilton: A woman that can't BRINKE STEVENS FAN CLUB
gives more info on this film. From the
talk? That's great! Will you marry me? 8033 SUNSET BLVD. SUITE 557
Untamed Video series distributed through
Besides the strippers and detectives, the Something Weird Video.
other cast members couldn't act if their
lives depended on it, but that is what
makes Mundo Depravados a pleasure to
watch. Each actor tries their best not to UNASHAMED
screw up their lines, but if they do., what 1938 B/W Dir: Allen Stuart
the hell! This is one of seventeen films in MONDO LEGEND
a series from Frank Henenlotter's Sexy Forget about the Hayes act with this
color 1992 picture.Acoording to that age old film
Shockers From The Vaults. Distributed by
Something Weird Video. two people of the opposite sex could be seen
POT, PARENTS & POLICE together in one bed, even if they were man
color 1971 Dir.: Phillip Pine and wife. Another rule for the impressionable
filmgoer of that period was every movie had
Two Johnny Legend videos that are as recent to have a moral and justified finish or at
as last year and as old as 22 years ago!! least a relatively happy ending. Well, 1938's
THE BEAST THAT KILLED Mondo Legend is a real hoot. Johnny walks Unashamed threw all of the Hayes Code out
WOMEN the streets of LA in a short we'll call "Hell is the window. It was one of the better nudie
a place called Hollywood". Johnny finds a films of its time. The story has two main
1965 Color Dir.:Barry Mahon
bum who O.D.'d and fell on his car (none of characters. The first being Robert Lawton
this is staged) and we get to see Johnny do a (played by Robert Stanley). He is an
Another in the Sexy Shocker series, The
reading as a barker for a freak show( he is overworked businessman who needs to get
Beast That Killed Women is a nudie
wearing an original Spike Jones outfit in this away from the hustle and bustle of strenuous
cutie with a twist. Unlike most of the early
scene). Other highlights include Johnny on work. His doctor recommends a nudist camp-
'nude for nude's sake' titles, The Beast
the U.K. Jonathan Ross TV show as well as Olympic Fields. His secretary Rae Lane
That Killed Women adds some spice to
the Santo episode of The Incredibly Strange (played by Rae Kidd) is an Amazon of a
an otherwise boring genre by adding a
Film Show. In Bride of Re-Animator, J.L. woman. She is also part Indian. She
killer gorilla! The beast escaped from an
plays a zombie and the viewer gets to see the overheard co-workers mention that she has a
estate and goes into a nudist colony kill
behind the scenes make-up effects. Also perfect body, but her face could stop a clock!
the female visitors. Of course the gorilla
included on this tape is Johnny as a (Not true folks, she's quite a beauty)j\nyway,
looks like something you'd see in a Three
wrestling manager (he did pen the Fred she's madly in love with Robert and decides
Stooges short, but this ain't Rick Baker
Blassie novelty hit Pencil Neck Geek) as well that Olympic Fields would be a perfect place
material! In one scene, an injured man
as seeing Johnny host exclusively for this to start a relationship. They both meet there.
tells a detective: "At first, I thought it was
video a parade in Hollywood where stars like They play ball naked, run around naked,
somebody in a monkey suit, but when he
Larry Drake, Joan Van Ark and Ed McMahon swim naked, do almost everything naked.
grabbed me, I knew it was the real
show up. It's a riot! Soon to be available She must have been a glutton for
thing!" Plenty of T&A but no frontal
from Something Weird. From 1971, Pot, punishment. It's there in front of you but you
nudity. The women were always in their
Parents & Police has the look and feel of can't have it! Robert falls in love with a
undies or had the "protective" towel
anti-drug message movie made by a fugitive woman (ifs a long story), Rae
wrapped around them so they'd be
Christian organization, but it works. The film becomes devastated and the story has a very
decent (in a weird sort of way) for the
stars its producer, writer and director, sad ending. But the ta-ta's are swelLHoteha!
camera. By far the oddest nudie film I've
Phillip Pine as a father trying to be a Available from Video Specialists
husband, dad and busy worker all at the international. See their ad in this issue.
same time. The prob
m i m i u m m m i i m u m n i i i i i m i
Sometning WeirJ Video presents py special arrangement witn JOSE MOJICA MARINS.
ALL VIDEOS ARE $ 2 0 . 0 0 EACH Please make For a complete All orders shipped UPS Ground. Please allow
m Tern!
all checks & catalog tend
3-4 weeks for delivery. Personal checks must
WRITE: money orders $ 3 . 0 0 to: clear before shipping. Please add $3.00 postage
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"SWV Catalog"
for first tape. $1.50 each additional tape. For
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SOMETHING P0Box33GG4 overseas orders add $7.00 per tape. Canadian
10am-10pm Seattle, WA orders add $5.00 per tape. All videos recorded at
W E I R D V I D E O Seattle, W A
98133 98133 SP mode on name-brand tape. A signed
FAX: VISA & Please stale w l l h statement that you are 18 or older is required.
M A S T E R C A R D s t a t u r e that y o u
(206) 364-7526
m accepted! an 18 o> older. Retailers: Inquire about quantity discounts!
Subtitled editions of At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul. Strange World of Coffin Joe, Awakenings of the
Beast. Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind 1 9 9 3 S.W. V Inc. & Jose'Mojica Marins. All rights reserved. |
Coffin J o e h a s t h e m y s t i q u e of Mexico's w r e s t l i n g l e g e n d , Santo. Y o u
don't k n o w h o w m u c h of his p e r s o n a c o n t i n u e s after the c a m e r a stops
rolling, but I get t h e i m p r e s s i o n that h e c a r r i e d his c h a r a c t e r with h i m
in life to a certain d e g r e e . Coffin J o e is J o s e Mojica Marins, a l t h o u g h
in his films he g o e s b y the n a m e of Z e d o C a i x a o ( J o s e p h T h e G r a v e ) .
He h a s that /'// tie you to the railroad tracks if you don't pay the rent
look, the m a n in black with a t o p hat. His debut a s Coffin J o e is A
Meia Noite Levarei Sua Alma (At Midnight I Will Take Your Soul),
(Brazil 1 9 6 3 ) a n a m a z i n g film that c a p t u r e s t h e e s s e n c e of Z e , a n d is
the best o f the 4 Coffin J o e films released b y S o m e t h i n g W e i r d V i d e o .
Midnight introduces the evil Z e , a g r a v e d i g g i n ' , wife cheating, best friend beatin', sadistic
m a n . He is s o evil, y o u can't help but love h i m ! Marins also directed this film (as well a s t h e
other 3 titles r e v i e w e d h e r e ) a n d gives a n a s t o u n d i n g p e r f o r m a n c e a s t h e m e n a c i n g
undertaker. His p h i l o s o p h y of life is that G o d is a figure of o u r w e a k n e s s e s a n d that people
are basically losers. B u t h i s sadistic treatment of people is still frightening, being that after
30 y e a r s since it w a s s h o w n in Brazil, this film hasn't lost a n y s h o c k v a l u e . Z e c h o p s a
finger of a p o o r g a m b l e r - it is s h o w n in all its g r a p h i c g l o r y ! He t h e n d e m a n d s s o m e o n e to
call a doctor to administer to the bleeding s o u l . W h e n the d o c a r r i v e s , Z e s a y s that h e will
pay the bill - to w h i c h the doctor replies, " Y o u a r e s o v e r y k i n d " . Z e is also d o m i n a n t o f
w o m e n . W h e n h e tires of his wife, h e g o e s after his best friend's girl! Not satisfied with a n y
of t h e m , h e offs the Mrs., h i s best b u d d y ' s girl a n d a n d his friend all in v e r y cruel w a y s ! A n
excellent s u p p o r t i n g cast a n d m o o d setting s p o o k y sets m a k e At Midnight I'll Take Your
Soul the ultimate Coffin J o e film. T h e 2 n d title, T h e Strange World of Coffin Joe is a trilogy
of tales that o n l y features Marins in t h e final s t o r y . In t h e first e p i s o d e , a w e a l t h y o l d
dollmaker a n d his three lovely d a u g h t e r s a r e t e r r o r i z e d b y three h o o d l u m s looking f o r s o m e
action. T h e y get m o r e than they b a r g a i n f o r . Lots of nudity a n d e y e g o u g i n g . Y E A H ! T h e
s e c o n d tale is about a m a n w h o ' s o b s e s s i o n with a w o m a n carries o v e r to h e r g r a v e . T h e
third tale stars Marins a s a p r o f e s s o r w h o s e theories a r e challenged b y a T V host. T h e
p r o f e s s o r invites the journalist a n d is wife o v e r to h i s castle a n d s o o n i m p r i s o n s t h e m . T h e
p r o f e s s o r h a s a h o u s e of h o r r o r s , complete with slaves that o b e y h i s e v e r y c o m m a n d . H e
m a k e s t h e hapless couple e n d u r e torture after torture to p r o v e his t h e o r y that love does not
exist, o n l y instinct. T h e blood flows in buckets a n d Marins, a l t h o u g h not in h i s Coffin J o e
role, is a s masochistic a s e v e r . T h e other titles - The Awakening of The Beast ( 1 9 6 S ) a n d
Hallucinations of A Deranged Mind lack t h e excitement o f the earlier films a n d f o c u s o n
the p o w e r of L.S.D., although the latter c o m b i n e s s c e n e s f r o m o t h e r early Coffin J o e films -
only this time these clips a r e in color. Hallucinations is m o r e of a compilation t h a n a film,
t h o u g h there is a s t o r y b u r i e d in there s o m e w h e r e . After v i e w i n g these Brazilian delights, I
h o p e that S o m e t h i n g W e i r d V i d e o will release o t h e r Coffin J o e titles like 1 9 6 5 ' s Tonight I
Will Make Your Corpse Turn Red. F o r fans of g o r e , these films m u s t b e in y o u r collection.
A r t i c l e B y Steve M . M o n t e f o r t e
went down that night, as I greatest cult film of all time. SCftEEW How does he
came face-to-face with one of Danny: How does it feel to feel?
the filthiest people alive... be a MAJOR STAR? Well, I Danny: I don't know,
know there are (continued on next page)
Danny: I think my No, you guys really do
mother went to see it. make me feel good. I
SCBEEW Really? don't deserve it, but...
Danny: Yeah, and she SCWFEYf I remember
Continued from previous loved it, actually! She's you telling me a story
page sick too. (the whole about you and John
room breaks out in going across the country.
Danny: ...sometimes it's laughter). That's my son Danny: Oh, yeah!
embarrassing cuz I forget up there getting a BJ Looking for
a lot. (laughs) But I am a from his mama! Very Tex Watson's mother?
star. But, it feels normal. Freudian... Danny: No, it was Lee
I can take the glory ya John is a sick pup, Harvey Oswald's mother,
know. But. you guys SCBEEW: Do you keep but we didn't get to see
make me feel good, in contact with John? her. It was too far off of
(laughs). Danny: Oh yeah, I have the interstate..ya know.
SCREEW: Who would him over for dinner every YEE HAW! Didn't want
you say was the most Friday evening. to get caught
colorful of the Waters SCBEEW: Seriously? with.. Divine! Haircut
entourage, and give an Danny: No, not halfway to her head, ya
incident to back your seriously, but the last know..bullet bras, not
selection. time I saw John was at back then.. Nowadays, if
Danny: Well, I suppose Sowebo, which is a big you had tinted windows
Divine,,, cuz of the blow Bohemian festival here, on your car..
job... and I kept taking SC&EEW: Well, that
that's pretty colorful. It photographs of the back basically covers..
wasn't that good anyway. of his head. Cuz he has Danny: (grabbing
I'm only kidding... the this stupid Dutch Boy questions) let me ask you
hot lights, you know. haircut, and I didn't want a couple of questions.
(Pulls out a strange to laugh in front of the SCBEEW Okay.
cigarette). Got to have poor guy's face though. Danny: How do you like
some medicine. Got to But, we're pals, ya know? being a fan of the
do the medicine, hueh.. SCREEM: Has he asked greatest screen actor of
Smokin' the crack! We you to do another film? all time???
smokin' crack! Danny: It would depend SC&EEW: I feel you
SCREEW: How did on a contract. Money were generally jerked
your family react to your talks... (roar of laughter from
portrayal of Crackers,
SC&EFW: How do you Danny) Screwed over big
and did that change for
feel about fans like time.
better or worse after
myself who have a high Danny: That's OK. I
Pink Flamingos became
regard for you? forgive and
a box-office success?
Danny: Too bad you forget.
weren't women!
St' %St' %st' ^st'^st'^St' %St'ViSt' VZ!t'TZSt'VoSt'*ZSt'%S*'%St'%St'%St' ZSt'Hst' %St'%Sl'%St' %St'^St'^,St'V> St'^St' 0 $&St' %st'\Z3t'TZst'\Z*' \%3t' %3t'XZ
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It* It*
St'% St'%
It* It*
h St'%
St'V, Sl'%
It* It*
St'% Sl'%
It* It looks as if Eclipse cards have past singles to go to AIDS related
jumped back on the controversy projects. If Eclipse would have kept
wagon with the AIDS Awareness the set as a collection of celebrities St'
trading cards set. Each pack that have died from AIDS, many It
St' %
contains a free condom. Whether organizations might have led a
Eclipse is trying to cash in on protest, but Eclipse knew that it
<3, '
It* St'%
Sl'% AIDS victims or are attempting to would be too macabre to keep AIDS It*
It* St'%
St'Z educate young people through Awareness as a dead Celeb, set. So
It* these cards is debatable. they added 5 5 more cards of on St'%
St'% It*
Personally, I don't care if I'm such subjects a s - AIDS history,
St'% St'%
stuffed and put on display when I AIDS groups (Act up, etc.), AIDS It*
St'T% die, but some people do deserve myths, IV drug users,and the AIDS AIDS Awareness cards. Where Sl'%
st"% privacy even in death. OK, I'm off quilt. Plus limited edition bonus was Klaus Nomi? It*
S*'% my soapbox and I'm playing stickers. These include the f use It*
It* devil's advocate. I'd be the first condoms sticker and the Dont St'%
Hot Schlock Bikers is a 40 It*
one in line to buy a video of The Share Needles sticker. Informative? card set of miniature black and St'%
Si'K Best of Airplane Casualties, who You bet. Educational? Of course. sl'%
white movie poster re It*
am I fooling? But when you are Exploitive? DAMN RIGHT! Available productions. The back of the St'%
It* in the public eye, it is fair game, from Eclipse Enterprises, P.O. Box It*
St'% card gives a review of the film.
even if you are there against your 1099, Forestville, CA 9 5 4 3 6 . Some very good (and obscure)
It* It*
will (Ryan White, for example). I selections include The Glory Sl'%
It* will say that every card treats the It*
ON A LIGHTER NOTE Stompers, Motor Psycho, The Sl'%
subject of AIDS as the horrible MiniSUrt Mob, C.C. * St'%
St'% disease it is. Half of the 110 set is It*
Company (Joe Namath and Ann St'%
It* a collection of celebrities that
St'%, From Dreamtrip Enterprises, the Margaret!) and Werewolves It*
have died from the disease or are Sl'%
It* same folks that brought us the Hot on Wheels to name a few. This It*
St'% HIV positive. Celebs include Magic Schlock H o r r o r book comes 2 sets set is limited to 1200 copies. Sl'%
It* Johnson, Robert Reed, Liberace,
St'% of Hot Schlock Cards. The other set Hot Schlock St'%
It* Rock Hudson, Freddie Mercury, B- Horror is a compan- ion to the It*
St'% St'%
52's guitarist Ricky Wilson and book of the same name and
It* It*
st'% Anthony Perkins. Avant Garde features cards of all the movies St'%
St'% punk/opera singer Klaus Nomi It*
mentioned in the book. This set St'%
It* should have been included here
St'% is limited to 1000 copies, but St'
It* since he was one of the first I'd recom- mend the book over it
.t'% celebrities to die from AIDS. Other St'
the card set. Both sets can be
well known names in this set purchased from Dreamtrip
include AIDS activists Elizabeth It*
St'% Press, P.O. Box 5S0932, Tulsa Sl'%
(why didn't Robert Forbes make Oklahoma 7 4 1 5 8 . Not sure
St'% St'%
this set) Taylor and Madonna. what they retail for, I paid It*
St'% Oddly, Elton John didn't have his st'%
It* $7.95 for each set.
own card. He has contributed It*
St'% St'%
It* plenty of time and money to fight "Tlie night It*
AIDS. In fact, he just donated all Evelyn came out St'%
of tfje grave" It*
royalties from his X Sl'%
St'% Sl'%
It* ^4*
It* Sl'%SI'%St'%SI'%Sl'%St'%St'%Sl'%Sl'%St'%St'%SI'%SI'%St'%St'%St'%Sl'%Sl'%^'%St'%Sl'%SI'%SI %St' %St %s* %st %}t %sl' %S* ' %Sl %SI %3t St'%
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<7 .. 40
tram the) min
UNCUT! who eritd
become a cult classic! You won't believe this one! 1 9 6 4 B&W Knows 1
Frank's Fave! VERY weird * funny sci-fi sexplo'iter from Argentine
This is required viewing! 1967 B&W
See what happens when a killer gorilla gels loose in a nudist camp!
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