Story of Electricity (Tell Me Why #126) (Gnv64)
Story of Electricity (Tell Me Why #126) (Gnv64)
Story of Electricity (Tell Me Why #126) (Gnv64)
March 2017 .. Volume: 11 No: 3
What is meant by electrici
charged particles move down a
SUallY we talk about 'conductor' giving electric cu rrent.
electricity as current. But Conductor means anything that
are the two same? No! allows the movement of electric
cu rrent for example, metals, and
some liquids.
Electric current is measured using
a device called an ammeter. The
conventional symbol for current is I .
The intensity of electric current is
measured in terms of 'ampere',
named after the French scientist
Andre-Marie Ampere, one of the
Experiments! founders of classical electromagne
It is said that scientists tism.
in the past used electric
charges to study the
nature of electricity.
One of the earliest
instruments that helped
in generating electric
charges was the electro
static generator,
developed by Francis
I11------- =
the speed of light.
That would be more than
28,51,02,627 metres per
conductor, reverse their
direction of movement in lternating current, as we saw,
a periodic manner. periodically reverses its direction,
whereas direct current (DC) flows
always in the same direction. The
amount of current can change in a
DC circuit, but their general direction
remains the same.
Perhaps the best and the simplest
example of direct current is a battery.
Take a look at one of them in your The Biggest Source
house. You can spot two terminals Coal is the biggest
+ve and -ve. If a wire is connected to source of energy for pro
these two terminals, it will cause a ducing electricity. Burn
flow of electrons resulting in the pro ing coal in furnaces
duction of electricity. heats water until it gen
erates steam. It is then
used to drive turbines to
produce electricity.
You want
Other than this, direct current is used direct current?
as power supply for electronic sys Come with me.
tems and also for charging batteries.
DC is thus used for many purposes,
though for smaller and less complicat
ed ones, unlike AC power. But direct
current can be converted to alternating
current through devices like an invert
er or a motor-generator set.
Direct current is produced by vari
ous sources such as solar cells,
tors and even vacuum. However, in the course of time,
Electric current in DC alternating current took over and
is measured in ampere electric transmission became easier
and voltage in volts. than before. We have seen that this
type of current can reverse its direc
Why is it said that the tion, and serve better than DC. I n
earlier power transmis 1 884, the first long distance A C line
sions used direct cur was built in Italy, proving that AC
D irect current, as we
know, is the flow of elec
tric charge in just one
direction. The history of
electric power records
tharthe first commercial
transmission was made
possible using direct
This was perhaps
because DC was the
only option then . But as An Electric Substation
time passed, it proved to
be insufficient. Because, was better for long distance trans
with direct current, volt mission.
age couldn 't be changed As years passed, newer technolo
easily. What made it gies were introduced. By the mid
worse was that, different 1 950s, an advanced type of direct
classes of loads, for current transmission was developed,
instance, lighting, and was named the high voltage
motors, railway systems direct current transmission. Today, it
etc, required different is the alternate and the most accept
voltages. So for this, able option for long distance, bulk
there had to be different transmission of electric power, espe
generators and circuits. cially between countries.
from one atom to another. It is
usually supplied by a battery or
One can observe voltage in
the electrical appliances that
we commonly use. We often
see the brightness of light
bulbs dimming. A reason for
this could be a change in volt
age. So, as the voltage increas
es, electric supply too
increases. Devices called sta
bilizers are used in most of the
domestic appliances like TV's
or fridges, to stabilize voltage.
Alessandro Volta
I nitially,
direct current '0
was used for power Ci ----------
E .
: Time.
transmission. It was only .
in the 1 950s that people e
the other.
Although the two are In terms of safety too, AC is pre
used today, alternating ferred to DC power.
current is more accepted It is for these reasons that most
worldwide. It is used for countries in the world favour AC than
bigger appliances as DC power.
well as in houses. Let us
see why. What is high voltage direct current?
One of the main rea
sons for having AC for high voltage direct current
domestic purposes is (HVDC) is a transmission system
that it causes very low that uses direct current for transmis
wastage of power. It is sion of electric power in large quanti-
ties. Or, in other words, it is a
technology used to transmit electric
ity over long distances. HVDC is also
called a power super highway, or
electrical super highway.
We have seen that alternating cur
rent is preferred to direct current for
various reasons, including financial. War of Currents
To address this, as well as other dif In the late 1880s, there
ficulties, HVDC can be used, as they was a rivalry between
are less expensive and suffer lower Thomas Edison, the
electrical losses. developer of direct cur
In this technology, electricity is rent, and Nikola Tesla,
who developed the alter
nating current. This fight
over supremacy of cur
rents is popularly known
as the War of Currents.
tance transmission of
electric power was dem
onstrated using direct
current, in Germany. In
Overhead Transmission Lines the 1 930s, the technolo
gy was further devel
transmitted through overhead trans oped in Sweden and
mission lines, or submarine cables. Germany. The modern
According to experts, the advantag form of HVDC also uses
es of HVDC include lower invest this technology.
ment cost, long distance water The Rio Madeira link in
crossing, controllability, lower losses Brazil is the longest
etc. It also causes lower environ HVDC link in the world.
mental impact compared to AC. The length of this link is
It was in 1 882 that the first long dis- 2385 kilometres.
18 Tell Me Why
Why is it said that lightning is one of
the major sources of electricity?
Franklin received the Royal
enjamin Franklin firmly Society's Copley Medal in
believed that electricity and 1 753.
20 Tell Me Why
larities. To prove this, he went
out with his son on a dark after
noon on June 1 0th, 1 752. They
attached a silk string to the
kite, and tied an iron key to its
end. Then, they tied a thin met
al wire from the key, and insert
ed it into something called a
Leyden jar, a container for
storing electrical charge.
Franklin's idea was to fly the
kite into the storm-clouds and
conduct electricity down the
string. Later, when lightning
struck the kite, Franklin moved
his hand towards the key.
Guess what happened? A
Benjamin Franklin's Kite Experiment spark formed, and Franklin felt
A Painting a shock. But luckily for Frank
lin, he was standing on an
Why was Benjamin Franklin's insulator, keeping dry under a
kite experiment an important
one? Didn't expect
this much high
enjamin Franklin conduct voltage!
ed the famous kite experiment
in Philadelphia, USA. The
experiment was done to under
stand the 'mystery' behind
lightning and electricity. Let us
see how it took place.
The inspiration for the kite
experiment came from Frank
lin's conviction that lightning
and electricity had close simi-
roof, to avoid the danger Eels are freshwater predators
of electric shock. found in the shallow, muddy areas of
However, with this the Amazon and Orinoco rivers in
dangerous experiment, it South America. They often live in
was proved that lightning stagnant waters.
was electrical in nature. They possess enormous amounts
of electricity that can possibly knock
Why is it said that elec off a large horse, or even kill humans.
tricity can be found in It is said that the electric discharge
some fishes? from eels can be stronger than 500
volts. They are also known to have
lectric charge is
something that is seen
everywhere in the Uni
verse- even inside living
things. Some fishes, for
instance, have a surpris
ing amount of electricity
in them- like the electric
Electric Eel
22 Tell Me Why
Why is it said that our body
has electricity in it?
- tI-UooI2
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_It: !lU.
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IS 101: ....
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24 Tell Me Why
time. For this test, electrodes hour. It happens in the same
or metal tabs are fixed to the place, and in clear skies, with
skin- on the shoulders, chest, out a sound. This spot was
wrists and ankles. As the test thus declared a World Herit
begins, the electrodes detect age Site by the UNESCO.
tiny electrical changes on the Luckily, Catatumbo lightning
skin that arise from the heart is not destructive like others.
muscle's functioning, due to Rather it is helpful . Catatumbo
the heartbeat. lightning provides a spectacu
Through the electrocardio lar sight. Scientists say that
gram, the doctor gets to know this natural phenomenon is
more about the heart and its
ent shapes. Some are very
battery is a device that small, like the ones used in
stores electricity in chemical wristwatches, or smart phones,
form inside a closed-energy and some are as big as those
system . used in cars and trucks. At the
Long before the invention of extreme, there are huge bat
electrical generators and grids tery banks that are the size of
batteries proved to be the main rooms.
All batteries have three
I have a parts- an anode (the negative
light weight side), a cathode (positive side)
and an electrolyte, a liquid or
gel that contains electrically
charged particles called ions.
When connected to an exter
nal circuit, the ions interact
with the other two, and a
chemical reaction takes place
inside the battery.
This reaction results in the
generation of electric current.
This is how batteries function
Tell Me Why
and provide electric power to all
appliances in our house including
mobile phones, laptops, flashlights
There are two basic con
lectromagnetism is a basic cepts behind electromagne
force of nature. It is the crea tism. The first one is that, any
tion of a magnetic field from moving charge produces a
the movement of electrical magnetic field because of its
charges. movement. The second one is
The basic characteristics of that, a moving magnetic field
this force can be best defined
through the example of a cop
per wire. When electric current
is allowed to pass through the
wire, it can attract, or magnet
ize pieces of iron or steel near
it. That is, the electromagnetic
force causes the attraction, as
me ...
An Electric Motor
how it happened. However, he
he history of electromagne was not successful.
tism cannot be complete with But this experiment was
out a few names. Let's take a taken further by another phys
look at a few of them. icist in France named Andre
In 1 820, Hans Christian M arie Ampere. Through h is
A Maglev Train Why is it said that many of the phe
nomena that we witness in our daily
in a conductor by chang life can explained by electro magnet
ing the magnetic field ic force?
E lectromagnetism is a phenome
around it. This theory
helped in laying the
foundation of modern non that works behind almost all
day electricity. forces on Earth. Perhaps the only
However, earlier elec
tricity and magnetism Good news!
were seen as two differ Electromagnetism
ent properties. It was in exists.
1 865 that James Max
well published his work
'A Dynamical Theory of
the Electromagnetic
Field', demonstrating the
connection between the
two forces.
36 Tell Me Why
speaker. It is the electromagnetic
force that is responsible for the
movement of the coil inside. This in
turn, results in the production of
sound that can be heard over a long
In the same way, almost all appli
FACT ances that we use in our daily life,
Maglev including motors, gadgets, TV, radio,
Magnetic levitation or
computers, work on the principle of
Maglev trains function
on very strong electro
In short, all forces involving inter
magnets that carry the
action between atoms can be
explained in terms of electromagne
train on a cushion of
magnetic repulsion.
tism that occurs between the electri
cally charged atomic nuclei, and
electrons of the atoms.
ing on and on. This in
turn, makes the blade n electromagnet is a device that
hub of the fan to rotate, can create a magnetic field if elec
blowing air. Another tricity is allowed to pass through it.
example is that of a loud We can understand it better by
comparing it with an ordinary
magnet. In normal magnets,
magnetic power is always pre
sent. But in electromagnets,
the magnetic power or field,
depends on electricity . It can
be turned on or off, using a
switch . Likewise, the strength
of these electromagnets can
also be increased by increas
ing the amount of electric cur
There are different parts for
an electromagnet. It consists
of a coil of wire, made mainly
of copper, and a piece of met
al. The wire should be wrapped
William Sturgeon's Electromagnet
around the metal piece. When
Thales of Miletus is an
who first recorded his findings. But
Thales have never identified it as
important figure in the static electricity. At that time magnet
history of electricity. It is ism was also confused with static
said that he discovered electricity.
Later, it was proved that the force
that work between amber and animal
fur is nothing but static electricity.
Thales' role was remarkable because
he was the first to record his findings
regarding static electricty. Thales
was born in the city of Miletus around
the mid 620 BC. He was a philoso
pher, and astronomer and the one
who conducted the earliest studies in
electricity. Thales' findings were
recorded but none of them survived
to modern times.
Static electricity was
first observed when tto von Guericke was a German
amber, rubbed with ani scientist, and inventor who lived
mal fur, got charged, between 1 602 and 1 686.
42 Tell Me Why
He is credited to have made
many inventions at a time when
there were not many resourc
es to refer to. One of it is the
electrostatic generator, known
to be the first one ever made.
It was described as a huge
sulphur ball, mounted on a
pole inside a glass globe. With
the help of a hand crank, the
ball was rotated. As a result,
the ball rubbed against a pad,
generating sparks. This was
static electricity, a phenome
non which they could not iden
tify then . But the device
became famous, and was used for later experiments with
In 1 672, Guericke found out
that electricity produced
through his earlier experiment
could cause the surface of the
sulphur ball to glow. The con
cept of electrostatic repulsion
was demonstrated for the first
time in history through Guer
icke's book.
Moritz Jacobi
vacuum tube. And the modi
n one of his experiments, fied light bulbs were later used
Thomas Alva Edison discov to control the flow of electrons
ered that electrons can flow through vacuum.
from one metal conductor to
another, through a vacuum. Why is it said that the amplifier
This discovery was later and triode changed the history
named as the Edison Effect. of electricity?
Sometime in the early 1 880s,
Edison and his team were n electronic amplifier is a
working to find a light bulb fila tool that can amplify or increase
ment. Their carbonised bam the power, current, or voltage
boo filament did well, but even of a signal. It could be either a
52 Tell Me Why
signals. It is a fundamental
form of vacuum tube devel
oped by the American inventor
Lee De Forest. He had only a
little understanding of how the
tube worked.
However, the discovery rev
olutionised electrical technolo
gy, and laid the foundation of
electronics. It also made pos
sible radio broadcasting, talk
ing motion pictures, and
countless other applications.
Lee De Forest
of lighting. It was much too
he story of the invention of bright for use in a home, and it
the electric bulb was very inter burned quickly. But the princi
esting. Even though many ples behind this arc light were
believe that it is Thomas Alva used throughout the 1 800s,
Edison who discovered the and many took inspiration from
light bulb, it was not so. He this invention.
54 Tell Me Why
Why is it said that William
Staite and Warren de la Rue's
contributions are remarkable?
of London.
nother person who made
significant contributions to the Why is it said that Edison's
making of the electric bulb is contribution to the develop
Sir Joseph Wilson Swan. ment of the electric bulb is
Swan was an English chem unmatchable?
ist. During the 1 850s and
1 860s, he conducted many saw that during the
experiments on bulbs using 1 800s, many inventors have
carbon filaments. Most of them worked hard to develop an
failed, because the vacuum effective light bulb. But, the
pumps used in those times most successful among these
56 Tell Me Why
1 878. He wanted to invent a
safe, yet cheap electric light
that could replace the earlier
ones. Between 1 878 and
1 880, he conducted many
experiments, with carbon fila
ments, platinum, and other
metals. In 1 879, he success
fully tested a bulb with a car
bon filament that lasted 1 3.5
The following year, Edison
and his team discovered that a
carbonised bamboo filament
could last over 1 200 hours.
Thomas Alva Edison
This marked the beginning of
commercially made light bulbs
inventors was Thomas Alva in 1 880.
Edison. As we know, this is just one
Edison's serious research of the many inventions made
into making a practical incan by Edison.
descent lamp began around Thus, Edison's contributions
remain unparalleled and, for
Do not disturb. his tireless work, he was right
He's checking the fully described as one of the
life of his bulb. greatest inventors.
- .
An ammeter is an instru
ment used to measure the flow
of electric current in a circuit. It
measures current in terms of
amperes, which is the unit of
current. The speed and force
of a current can be measured
using this instrument.
In the past, the instrument Ammeter
relied on the Earth's magnetic
field to take the readings of were designed and developed.
current. But as technology Ammeters are mostly used in
improved, better ammeters science laboratories. Other
than scientists, electricians
This ammeter also use this instrument, to
shows you have check the electric circuit.
high current. There are smaller units of
reading to amperes, namely,
milliamperes and microam
peres. These are measured
using milliammeters and
microammeters respectively.
There are two types of
ammeters- analogue and digi
tal . In analogue ammeters,
there is a needle that points to
the reading. In digital amme
ters, they are displayed digi
also voltmeters that can be
mounted on a transformer,
and other huge devices.
Yet another variety is a volt
meter that use amplifiers in
them. Such meters can meas
u re very small, or tiny voltages
of microvolts, or even less.
What is a galvanometer?
basic device consists of a coil
voltmeter is an instrument placed in a magnetic field. It
that measures the voltage can be used for detecting and
between two points in an elec
tric circuit. It can be connected
to a circuit by joining its posi
tive and negative wires to
where the voltage is. With such
an arrangement, the instru
ment is said to be parallel to
the electrical circuit.
A voltmeter can be used for The term galvanometer was
many purposes. For instance, derived from the name of the
to check whether there is any Italian electricity researcher
more electricity left in a bat Luigi Galvani, who discovered
tery. the principle of frog
In an analogue voltmeter, galvanoscope in 1791. He had
the pOinter indicates the num found out that the legs of a
ber of volts. In a digital voltme dead frog would move if it
ter, the reading will be received an electric current.
displayed digitally. There are
62 Tell Me Why
What is a multi meter?
A n ohmmeter is an electrical
readings are not as accurate
as the digital meters. Recent
digital multi meters are instrument used to measure
advanced enough to measure resistance of a conductor.
extremely tiny differences or Resistance, as we have
fluctuations. already seen, is the opposition
offered by a substance to the
It's time for a current flow in the device. The
self evaluation. unit of measurement for resist
ance is in ohms, hence the tool
to measure it is called an ohm
One must know that every
device has a resistance, large
or small. Resistance in con
ductors increases with temper
ature, but decreases in the
case of semiconductors.
Depending on the applica
tion, there are micro ohmme
ters, milli ohmmeters, and
64 Tell Me Why
two dimensional graph show
ing time on the x-axis, and volt
age on the y-axis. The signals
produced are plotted on a
There are a number of appli
cations for which oscilloscopes
are used. Most of the general
purpose instruments are used
for maintenance of electronic
equipment and laboratory
mega ohmmeters used. A work. It is an important tool for
micro ohmmeter measures
extremely low resistances with
high accuracy whereas a milli
ohmmeter measures the same
and confirms the value of any
electrical circuit. A mega ohm
meter measures large resist
ance values.
There is a device called
Fluke micro ohmmeter. It is Oscilloscope
used to measure voltage, cur
rent, and test diodes. designing, or repairing elec
tronic equipment. Special pur
What is an oscilloscope? pose oscilloscopes are used
for analysing an automotive
n simple terms, an oscillo ignition system or to display
scope is a type of equipment the waveform of the heartbeat
that provides visual images of as an electrocardiogram.
varying electrical quantities. Oscilloscopes can be divid
That means that its main func ed into two- digital and ana
tion is to graph an electrical logue. Digital oscilloscopes
signal as it changes over time. are portable u nits that are
Most oscilloscopes produce a replacing the analogue ones.
Why is Coulomb's law one among
the basic laws of electricity?
proportional to the potential
difference or voltage, and concept of electricity
inversely proportional to the cannot be complete without
resistance. The law was impor Faraday's Law of induction. It
tant, because it marked a suc describes how changing mag
cessful start to the analysis of netic fields can cause electric
electric circuits. current to flow in a conductor.
In 1 827, Ohm published his The working principle of
book titled 'The Galvanic Cir- electric motors, transformers,
generators, are all based on Faraday's Lecture
Faraday's Law of Induction.
Faraday discovered electro Then he experimented by
magnetic induction in 1 831 . changing magnetic fields, and
He had conducted many saw that they induced current
experiments before conclud and voltage.
ing his theory. He experiment
ed with magnetic fields that
stayed the same, and realised
that they do not induce current.
68 Tell Me Why
Faraday's discovery of is an electromagnetic phenomenon.
electromagnetic induc The equations formed from these
tion did not receive much laws could give an explanation to
acceptance from scien many phenomena around. For
tists when it was intro instance, how hair stands on end
duced. But Scottish when one removed a nylon sweater,
scientist James Clerk
Maxwell realised its Statue of Maxwell
importance, and used
the ideas as the basis of
his quantitative electro
magnetic theory.
M axwell'S equations
refer to a set of four
equations that describe
the creation and propa
gation of electric and how a compass needle points north
magnetic fields. They all the time, how a power station tur
are named after the bine generates electricity etc.
Scottish physicist James Together, they could also describe
Clerk Maxwell, who the transmission of radio waves, and
made significant contri the propagation of light.
butions to unify the theo Hence, Maxwell's equation, along
ries of electricity, with the Lorentz force law, is said to
magnetism, and light. form the foundation of classical elec
The early form of these tromagnetism. Lorentz force law
equations was published describes the force acting on a mov
between 1 861 and 1 862, ing point charge 'q' in the presence
and it proposed that light of electromagnetic fields.
What are power stations? A Nuclear Power Plant
What is meant by the 'War of Cur
Nikola Tesla
72 Tell Me Why
could also be converted to different A Thermal Power Plant
voltages using an electrical trans
former. It made possible long dis tricity. It is the most con
tance electricity transmission too. ventional, and common
However, Edison saw Tesla's source of electric power.
argument as a threat to his work. He Let's see how it works.
thus started off a public campaign , A thermal power plant
trying to discredit AC. The main rea burns fossil fuels like
son for the campaign was that Edi
son did not want to lose the royalties
he had been earning from his DC
But in spite of all the efforts Edison
made, it was Tesla and his AC that
won in the end. Today, electricity is
mainly powered by alternating cur
rent. Obsessions
Serbian-American inven
Why is it said that thermal power sta
tor Nikola Tesla was
tions are common?
known to have an obses
The advantages of a thermal s we saw earlier, hydroe
power plant is that it requires lectric power plants make use
less initial cost, and less land of the force of flowing water to
compared to other power sta generate electricity. There are
tions. The fuel used - fossil many reasons why experts
fuel- is also cheap. Many coun hold that hydroelectricity is
tries in the world depend main more acceptable than the oth
ly on thermal power for er. One of the most significant
electricity. It is said that around advantages is that hydroelec-
40 per cent of the world's pow
er is made out of fossil fuels.
However, thermal power
plants have been criticised for
the pollution they cause, due to
the large amount of smoke and
carbon dioxide emitted. This is
a cause of global warming.
Besides, the overall efficiency
of a thermal power station is
below 30 per cent.
tric power plants do not require thermal plants. Besides these,
any fuel for power production. hydroelectric plants are known
They only need water, a to facilitate irrigation of farms
renewable source of energy. and preventing floods.
Thermal power stations need Hence, around 1 50 countries
fossil fuels like coal, natural in the world use this technolo
gas, oil etc., to function. gy for power generation.
Since no fuel is required, the
cost of electricity produced by How is electricity produced in
hydroelectric plants is also hydroelectric power stations?
somewhat constant. In the
case of other kinds of plants, it s we know, it is flowing
depends on the cost of fuels in water that creates the energy
the international market. required to generate electrici
Another important factor is ty. Wonder how it works?
pollution. Hydroelectric power Well, there is a huge amount
plants do not burn fuel ; hence of energy created from the faIl
do not cause pollution either. ing of water. This energy is
The heated water that comes harnessed by forcing it through
out of them threatens aquatic a pipe, which is called a pen
lives too. stock. At the end of the pipe,
Hydroelectric plants also
have longer lives compared to A Hydroelectric Power Plant
flow of a river and stores the water in
a reservoir above it. When needed, a
portion of the water is released into
the river flowing below the dam. The
pressure thus created from the fall of
water, spins turbine generators lying
Solar Cells below. From this is created hydroe
Solar cells are used to
Yet, another is the run-of-the-river
power portable devices
system. Here, turbines are spun by
like calculators. They
the natural flow of the river.
are also called photo
The third type follows the pumped
voltaic cells.
storage system. This is similar to the
first type of storage system. But the
difference is that it uses pumps to
there is a turbine propel pump the used water back into the
ler. So, when water flows reservoir.
through the pipe, it
reaches the propeller, How do solar power plants work?
and turns the blades of
the turbine. This spins s the name suggests, solar pow
an electric generator. er plants use sunlight for power pro
Hence, as long as water duction. There are two different
is flowing, the generator technologies used for solar power
will be spun, and there production these days- using photo
will be electricity. voltaic plants and solar thermal sys
There are mainly three tems.
ways in which hydroe Photovoltaic cells, or PV cells, pro
lectric plants are duce electric current when exposed
designed. to light. They are also called solar
The most common cells. They contain silicon, a natural
type follows a storage ly occurring element found in sand.
system. To put it clearly, When sunlight hit silicon, there hap
there is a dam used in pens a chemical reaction. As a result,
this system. It slows the electrons move, and electric current
76 Tell Me Why
is produced. A group of PV, or A Solar Power Plant
solar cells create a solar pan
el. A number of solar panels generate electricity. All the
form a solar array, and they systems have solar energy
generate solar energy. collectors with two compo
In solar thermal systems, nents- a 'reflector' that cap
sunlight is collected and con tures and focus sunlight onto
centrated to produce high tem the 'receiver'. In the system
perature heat that is needed to here, a heat transfer liquid is
heated and circulated in the
It's receiver. It is used to produce
my own solar steam. The steam is then con
power plant...
, \ , verted to mechanical energy in
- O
, , ,
a turbine, which powers a gen
erator to produce electricity.
electricity. Hence, power com
panies build wind farms with a smotic power is the energy
large number of wind turbines. that comes out of the differ
In many countries including ence in salinity between sea
Denmark and Portugal, wind water and fresh water. This
power contributes largely to
power production. Wind Turbines
energy can be har
nessed to generate elec
Sounds strange,
doesn't it? Let's see how
this happens. When we
separate fresh water
from sea water by a semi
permeable membrane,
we can see that the fresh
water moves through the
membrane into the sea An offshore wind farm of Statkraft
water. This happens by
a process called osmo others. However, the biggest chal
sis. It means the move lenge this technology faces is the
ment of something from cost. Osmotic power plants are just
a less concentrated too expensive to install.
solution into a concen Yet another renewable energy is
trated one. biomass, a fuel that is developed
There is a pressure from organic materials like certain
created by the process crops, manure, forest debris etc. In
of osmosis. This pres biomass power plants, waste is
sure combined with the burned to produce steam that runs a
permeating flow rate turbine, producing electricity.
together, turns a hydrau
lic turbine, and produces
Statkraft, the Norwe
gian energy firm was the
world's first test plant
that harnessed osmotic
power. Experts note that
there are many advan
tages to this kind of pow
er production over
What is meant by the A Sub Station
term electric power
transmission? process is called power distribu
tio n . Normally, transmission takes
lectric power trans place at very high voltage , like 1 1 0
mission means the kV or above. This is because of the
transfer of electric pow large amount of power involved in
er from one place to this.
another in large quanti Over long distances, electricity is
ties. transmitted through overhead power
Typically, this hap transmission lines. But in places that
pens between a power are environmentally sensitive, or
plant and a substation where there is very high population,
situated near a popu lat transmission takes place under
ed area. A substation is ground. They have high installation
where voltage is trans cost and operational limitations, yet
formed from high to low their maintenance cost is lower.
or vice versa using trans The network of power stations,
formers. When power is transmission lines, and substations
transmitted from substa is together known as a transmission
tions to consumers, the grid.
80 Tell Me Why
How does electricity
come to our home?
electric power distribution?
verhead power lines are
structures for electric power transformer is an electri
transmission and distribution cal device that transforms
across large distances. They electricity from high to low
also make the cheapest method voltage and vice versa. It is
for transmitting power. an important component for
In usual cases, overhead pow power transmission. Let's
er lines have one or more con get to know why.
ductors suspended by towers. We saw the process
One of the major duties of these through which electric power
power lines is to maintain enough reaches our homes. When
space or clearance between electricity travels from a
these energised conductors and power plant, it comes in a
the ground, in order to avoid dan
ger. A High Voltage Transmission Tower
These days, power lines can
be operated at voltages of
765,000 volts or even more,
between conductors. Depending
on their range of voltages, over
head power lines can be classi
fied as low voltage, medium
voltage, high voltage, extra high
voltage, and ultra high voltage.
However, these power lines
are extremely dangerous, and
one has to keep a safe distance
from them. Unlike household
power cords, overhead power
lines are not insulated. Even if it
looks like an insulation, it might
be a weatherproofing material.
A diode is an electric
component made of
semiconductor materi
als like silicon, germa
nium or selenium. It has
two electrodes in it- the
anode and the cathode. A Step Down Transformer
Sneha Rao
due to excess current, the fuse
tends to melt and separate. It elegraPhY, a technology
thus prevents fire outbreaks developed in the early 1 8th
and also protects humans from century, revolutionised long
electric shock. distance communication. It was
Fuses, in general, are used a simple electrical circuit that
in all types of electrical and transmitted electric Signals
electronic applications. over a wire, between stations.
Depending on their uses,
there are different types of fus
es available. One is the car
tridge fuse, which is used to
protect electrical appliances
like motors, air-conditioners,
refrigerators, pumps etc.,
where high voltage rating and Telegraph Equipment
currents are required.
pose, the signals have to be
connected to an electronic
Generally, a loudspeaker is
built using a coil of thin copper
wire, a still paper cone and a
circular magnet. When electri
cal signals are passed through,
the coil of copper wire moves
back and forth. This, along
Old Telephone with the magnet, cause the
paper cone to vibrate and
Through the telegraph lines, reproduce sou nds.
messages could be sent back Taking into consideration the
and forth as bursts of electrici above mentioned devices, as
ty. It was the connection well as other equipment, one
between electricity and mag can say that no invention in
netism that led to this path recent times has been com
breaking invention. plete without electricity.
By the end of the 1 9th centu
ry, another invention surfaced )
the telephone. It was a different
and advanced device that lI'
, ' '9C
improved communication
between long distances. In a
telephone, an electric current
carries the sound. Here again,
Gone with the Wind
the invention followed the prin India is credited with having the
ciple of electromagnetism. fifth largest wind power capaci
Another important device ty in the world. Wind power
that works on the same princi accounted for 9 per cent of the
ple is the loudspeaker. It con country's total power capacity
verts an electrical signal from in 2015-16.
devices like a radio, or televi e Oevnath
sion into sound. For this pur-
88 Tell Me Why
Why is it said that electricity some of them, generation,
distribution is different in eve transmission and distribution
ry country? of electricity is done by a gov
ernment controlled organisa
he electrical sector of any tion. But in some others,
country in the world depends privately owned companies
mainly on its economic sys will have shares too.
tem, and policies adopted by Just like the operation, the
its government. voltage and frequencies for
Hence, the whole process of providing electrical power to
power production and trans appliances too, differ from
mission in a country need not country to country.
be the same as others. In In India, 50 Hz and 230 volts
of power is distributed for
domestic and industrial pur
poses. Countries like Hungary,
Italy, Indonesia, Germany,
France, and Russia too, follow
the same pattern . But the USA
and Canada have a different
scheme- of 1 20 V and 60 Hz.
In Pakistan , Iran, and China
it is 220 V and 50 Hz, and in
Japan it is 50/60 Hz and 1 00V.
This means, every country has
differing rules regarding distri
bution of power.
Why is it said that India is a giant in
the production of electricity?
.".. -
, _ I' -"" ....
F c,. ""F I : .
..,II' " "
... ;''', ' '
more than 42,848 MW
,01 ... '
, '
.. ....,....-..,.. ... .....
renewable energy sourc
,' -\oil... , , . ... :., 1...
_ _ _
es such as solar and
Thermal Power Plant at Kota, Rajasthan wind power plants. This
means, the country's
sources like solar, wind, agricultural renewable energy sec
and domestic waste. tor is considered very
The country has witnessed a very important.
fast growth in electricity generation About 65 per cent of
since 1 990. In the year 201 5, the the electricity produced
country became a power surplus in India is from thermal
nation that possessed huge electric power plants. More than
generation capacity. But many villag 20 per cent of the power
es in India do not have power con comes from hydroelec
nection even now. tric power plants and 3
By mid-201 6, I ndia's power gener per cent from nuclear
ation capacity crossed the 300,00 plants. The rest is from
MW (megawatt) mark, including alternate sources.
90 Tell Me Wh}
Why is it said that India's regional grids were interconnected.
grid management sys In October 1 99 1 , the first intercon
tem is unique? nection was made, between the
demand a large-scale import
of these resources at high pric y now, we should all know
es. Also, their cost depends on that electric power is very pre
the international market. In the cious and has to be saved.
case of renewable resources, There are of course many
it's not needed as most of the ways to do that. Let's look at a
energies depend on the Sun. few of them.
92 Tell Me Why
The first and foremost step is to
make sure that any appliance is
turned off when not in use. For light
ing, you could use LEOs or CFLs
instead of incandescent bulbs. And if
it's daytime, try to make use of the
day light instead of other lights. They
could very well serve the purpose!
The next thing to remember is that
electrical appliances should never
be left on standby. It's a major waste up. So, old appliances
of power. A TV consumes 1 0 watt should be replaced by
power in standby mode. energy-saving models
If you are using an air conditioner, on time, so as to save
make sure the doors and windows power.
are closed, so that the power is not These are some of the
wasted. But any day, ceiling fans are methods you can try to
recommended instead of coolers save power in homes.
and air conditioners.
The appliances that accou nt for a
big chunk of your electricity bill are
refrigerators, air conditioners, wash
ing machines etc. And as they get
older, power consumption too goes
First Electric
The first electric train
in India ran on
February 3rd, 1 925 on the
Harbour Line between
Bombay's Victoria
Terminus and Kurla.
T h e N a t i o n a l G e o rg ra p h i c K i d s
rec e n t ly h e ld a worl d - w i d e
p hotog ra p hy contest for c h i l d re n ,
Sanya Jain
T h e va r i o u s n a t i o n a l e d i t i o n s
C lass VI I E
Army Pub lic School,
c o n d u cted separate c o ntests, a n d t h e
Am bala C a n tt , i nt e r n a t i o n a l wi n n e rs were c h o se n
H a rya n a . fro m t h e fi rst - p rize w i n n e rs i n va rious
I nternational countries,
Wi n n e r i n t h e O n e of t h e I n d i a n w i n n ers,
' W i l d Vacat i o n '
Sa nya J a i n [ 1 2) from H a rya n a , has
been c h osen a s a n i nt e r n a t i o n a l
w i n n e r, i n t h e 'Wild Va c a t i o n ' c a t e g o ry.
94 Tell Me Why
27 Coy ASC Sup Ambala Cantt, 28/145, Shobhendu, Thondayad,
Geeta Gopal Chowk, Ambala Chevarambalam Post,
Cantt, Haryana 1 3300 1 . Kozhikode, Kerala 6730 1 7.
L Mr. Mammen Mathew. Manorama Mandiram, Manganam, 19. Mrs. Sarah Kuriyan, Empire Infantry, 3rd Floor, No. 29,
Kottayam- 686 018. Infantry Road. Bangalore- 560 001.
2. Mr. KK. Mammen Mappillai, Indo Bloom Ltd., Empire lnfan- 20. Mr. Rohan Mathew Mammen, Block E-13, Willingdon
try, 3rd Floor, 29, Infantry Road, Bangalore- 560 001. Enclave, Pandit Karuppan Road, Thevera, Kochi-682 013.
3. Mrs. Soma Philips. 2211, Grant Road, BangaJore- 560 001. 21. Mrs. Ambika Mammen & Mr. KM. Mammen, 17,
Gilchrist. Avenue, Off Harington Road, Cbetpet,
. Mr. Roy Mammen, No. 29, Infantry Rood, BangaIon>- 660 001. Cbennai- 600 03l.
5. Mr. Arun Mammen. 28, G.N. Chetty Road, 1" Nagar. 22. Mrs. Reenu Zac:.bariah, Ashoka House, Mount. Wardha,
Chennai- 600017.
Kottayam. 686 004.
6. Mrs. Omana Mammen. 15, Wallace Garden, 1st Street. 23. Mrs. Ammu Mathew, Kandatbil, Old Seminary Road,
Chennai- 600 006. Cbungam, Kottayam- 686 001.
7. Dr. Mrs. Annamma Mammen, Mount Wardha, 24. Mr. K.M. Mammen, 17, Gilchrist Avenue,
Kottayam 686 004. OfT Harington Road,, Chennaj 600 031.
8. Dr. Mrs. Sarah Thomas, Mount. Wardha, Kottayam- 686 004. 25. Mrs. Meera Mammen, No.6, Riverllide Road,
Kotturpuram, Chennsi- 600 086.
9. Mrs. Annu Kurian, OoppoottiJ. Kawdiar P.O.,
Thiruvanant..hapuram- 695 003. 26. Mr. Mammen Espen, 15, Wallace Garden, 1st Street.
Cbennai- 600 006.
10. Mrs. Mary Kurian, C/o. Mr. T.K Kurian, 402,
Skyline Apartments, Langford Road, Bangalore- 560 025. 27. Mrs. Rebecca Jacob, Flat No. IB, 'AUM' Apartments,
1L Mrs. Shirin Mammen, No. 10, Wallace Garoen, 1st Street, 26, Kothari Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai-600 034.
Chennai- 600 006. 28. Mr. Anand Mammen Katakam, 413 Curley Street,
12. Ms. Shilpa Mammen, C-Il, IFS Apartments, Mayur Vihar, Richmond Town, Bangalore- 560 025.
Phase I, New Delhi 110091. 29. Ms. Anna Philip, 2A, Camhrae Hall, 172,
13. Mrs. Meers Philip & Mr. Rohit Philip, Lodha Bellissimo, Flat Dr. P.V. Cherian Crescent, Egmore, Chennai-600 008
No. A-3001. A wing, Appollo Mil1s Compound, N.M. Joshi 30. Mrs. Maya Katakam, 1&15, Binny Cresent, Benson Town,
Marg, MahaJaxmi, Mumbai-400 OIl.
Bangalore- 560 04S.
14. Mr. Kiran Kattukaran. Empire Infantry, rurd Floor. No. 29,
31. Mr. Adith Pouloae Mammen, Block E13, Willingdon
infantry Road, Bangalore- 560 001.
Enclave, Panmt Karuppan Road, Thevara, KochiS82 013.
15. Mrs. Prems Mammen Mathew, Manorama Mandiram,
Manganaro, Kottayam 686 018. 32. Mr. Varon Mammen Mappillai, No. 6, Riverside Road,
Kotturpuram, Chennai- 600 086
IS. Mrs. Meera Philip & Ma. Oivya Nanavaty, Lodha Bellissimo,
Flat No. A-300l , A wing, Appollo Mills Compound, 33. M.s. Aditi Mammen, No.6, Riverside Road, Kotturpuram,
N.M. Joehl Marg, Mahalumi, Mwnbai-400 011. Chennai 600 08S
17. Ms. Aswatby Vargbese, lst Floor, ViBwas, 8 (old No. 34), 34. Mr. Mammen Philip. 4A. Chandika, O.P.Towers, a,
Prithvi Avenue, Abbiramapuram, Chennai-600 018. College Lane, Chennai 600 006
18. Mrs. BiDa Mathew, 'MANORAMA', 5912002, 35. Mrs. Annamma Philip, 4A, Chandika, D.P.Towers. 8,
Panmt Karuppan Road, Tbevara, Kochi- 682 013. College Lane, Chennsi- 600 006
l, V. Sajeev George, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best. of my knowledge and belief.
Dated: 01-02-2017 Publisher
96 Tell Me Why
It.s time to
use a memory
card ....
Printed and Published by V. Sajeev George. on behalf of 14.14. Publications ltd. P.B. No. 226. Kottayam - 686 001
at 14.14. Publications ltd. P.B. No. 226. Kottayam - 686 001 and Malayala Manorama Press. Kottayam - 686 039
and published from 14.14. Publications ltd. P.B. No. 226. Kottayam - 6B6 001.