A 2
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A 2
Section 21.1
Principle of Superposition
If two or more travelling waves are moving through a medium, the resultant wave function at
any point is the algebraic sum of the wave functions of the individual waves.
The principle of superposition depends on the medium having a linear response to perturbations.
I.e. Hookes Law, F = -kx. For an elastic medium, the linear regime is defined as that where
Hookes law is obeyed.
Interference: when waves add, the interference is constructive. When waves cancel each other,
the interference is destructive.
Consider two sinusoidal travelling waves with the same wavelength and velocity but different
D = D1 + D2 = 2DMcos(/2)sin(kx -t + /2)
Note that the sine part of the equation is the original sinusoidal wave with wave number k and
angular frequency v. Its phase angle is 1/2 the relative phase angle between the two waves being
added. The amplitude is given by 2DMcos(/2).
Question: When cos(/2) is -1, is the resultant wave inverted with respect to D1?
ANS: no {note: if /2 = 180, sin( + ) = sin cos = - sin , so D = 2DMsin(kx-t)} And of
course, this corresponds to a 2 phase shift!
+ +
= =
cos(/2) = 1 cos(/2) = 0
Sections 21.2, 3, 4 Standing waves, transverse standing waves and standing sound waves
and musical acoustics.
If we send a wave pulse down the string it will be reflected and inverted at the wall. This
amounts to a phase change of 180o at the wall boundary. The inversion is caused by the reaction
force of the wall against the string as the wave is pulled down when it meets the wall.
This diagram
might look more
plausible if it
were turned 90o
so the rope was
vertically down.
If we send a wave pulse down this string, the wave pulse will be reflected but not inverted at the
right hand end.
StringWave Simulation
Demonstrate what happens to a pulse when it gets to a fixed end and when it gets to a loose end.
1) Fixed both ends: Use the Oscillate mode with the fixed end. Set Tension high,
damping 0, and amplitude 20.
Standing waves
Nodes Nodes
If we excite it at random, chances are that reflected waves will interfere with each other and the
disturbance will dissipate. However, if we excite it at a particular frequency which depends on
the length of the string, we can excite a resonance or standing wave.
The standing wave is the sum of waves. We define nodes where the waves interfere destructively
to produce zero amplitude and antinodes where the waves interfere constructively to produce
maximum amplitude.
Standing waves occur at more than one frequency. Allowed frequencies are determined by the
placement of nodes and antinodes.
For a string fixed at both ends, the longest wavelength occurs when there are nodes at each end
and one antinode in the centre. Then 1 = 2L and f1 = v/1. This is called the fundamental
frequency. The next higher frequencies are called the second and third harmonics and they occur
with two and three antinodes for 2 = L and 3 = 2/3L.
The fundamental frequency is sometimes called the first harmonic. The higher harmonics are
sometimes called overtones.
The natural frequencies are fm = v/m = mv recall that for a string, v = (Ts/)
This is how a guitar works. The thicker strings play the lowest frequency music. If plucked in the
middle, the first harmonic is the main mode excited. Because the string is plucked near one end
and not the middle, more than one harmonic is excited in the standing waves. To change the
frequency of the standing waves, the guitar player moves their finger up and down the strings to
change the length of available string. To tune the instrument, the player adjusts the tension in the
A standing wave is actually made up of two travelling waves travelling in opposite directions
one with velocity v (to the right) and the other with velocity -v (to the left).
What does this say about energy? An equal amount of energy is being transferred in each
direction. Standing waves store energy.
The two waves are D1(x,t) = DMsin(kx - t) and D2(x,t) = DMsin(kx + t).
Derived before This equation tells us that the string oscillates at the angular
frequency everywhere but has an amplitude which varies with
Then D = 2DMsin(kx)cos(t) x as 2DMsin(kx).
We know that x=0 and x=L must correspond to nodes, so kL = m where k=2/
Then we can write = 2L/m This means that the fixed points of the string at each end
determine the wavelengths of possible standing waves.
The nodes occur where sin(kx) = 0 or
Sine waves pass through the origin every half
kx = m or (2/)x = m, Then x = m/2, m=1,2,3 wavelength. Each mode has a different .
When we discussed standing waves, we considered a system where the string is attached at both
ends. For air column, this type of system is not useful since there is no way for the sound to leave
the column. In air columns, we look at two types of system: one with both ends open and the
other with one end open.
Standing longitudinal sound waves can be set up in this column. For sound waves there are two
Air molecules cannot move through a solid wall. Pressure builds up (and dies down) as the air
molecules push (and pull) against the wall.
The open end of an air column is a displacement antinode and a pressure node.
L = /4 Fundamental = 4L
L = 5/4 Fifth Harmonic = 4/5L
L = /2 Fundamental = 2L
In the average adult, the auditory canal is about 1 ml in volume and 2.7 cm long. It can be
approximated by a pipe with one end closed, the ear drum, and the other end open, the outer ear.
The auditory canal acts as a filter since it will set up a standing wave at the fundamental
frequency. Small perturbations at this frequency will be successful in producing audible sounds.
Speaker's 1 and 2 transmit identical sound waves of wavelength and relative phase zero.
What are the conditions for r1 and r2 such that there is constructive (or destructive) interference at
the receiver?
Note that for each speaker, D = DMsin(kr -t); where r is the distance between the speaker and
the listener. At any time t, the relative phases are determined by the relative distances from each
speaker; i.e. the phase difference between the speakers is kr1 kr2 or 2r1/ 2r2/. The relative
phase difference between speakers 1 and 2 is then
Note that as r1 r2 varies from 0 to ,
= 2(r1 - r2)/ or equivalently, r1 - r2 = (/2)
varies from zero to 2.
We have already learned that (maximum) constructive interference occurs for = 2m, so we
get constructive interference when
Similarly, for (perfect) destructive interference, we use = (m+ )2 (m= 0,1,2,3) to get
The above relations assumed that the inherent phase of the speakers were the same. (i.e. at rn=0,
t=0, phase =0). If this is no the case we add a term o to and
= 2(r1 - r2)/ + o
Problem: A tuning fork generates sounds with f = 246 Hz. The waves travel in opposite
directions along a hallway, are reflected by walls at each end and return. The hall is 47.0 m long
and the tuning fork is located 14 m from one end. What is the phase difference between the
reflected waves when they meet back at the tuning fork? v = 343m/s
14m 33m
Then r1 (to the left and back) is (47 -33)m x 2 = 28m To put this problem another way,
r1-r2 = 38m = 27.2536 where =
And r2 = 66m 1.39m. So, 38m = 27 + 0.2536
Problem from midterm: Two speakers are attached to the same amplifier so that at each box
they emit sound waves at the same phase. What is the lowest frequency that will provide
constructive interference at the location of the observer A?
S1 Solve r2 - r1 = m where = v/f and m = 0,1,2,3,
A column of air in a tube is found to have standing waves at frequencies of 360, 504, and 648
Hz. There are no standing wave frequencies between the above frequencies.
(a) For a tube closed one end, fm = mv/4L, m=1,3,5.; for a tube open both ends, fm = mv/2L,
m = 1,2,3. and between adjacent modes, f = v/2L in both cases. In this case, f =
144Hz. Note that the lower frequencies correspond to 216 Hz and 72 Hz. The lowest
frequency, 72 Hz, corresponds to the fundamental frequency.
(b) If this were a tube open both sides, the fundamental frequency would have been 144Hz.
So it is a tube open at one end
(c) The 504 Hz standing wave corresponds to the 4th possible frequency (m=7) or the 7th
harmonic; There will be three anti-nodes.
(d) Use fm = mv/4L; For the fundamental mode, L = (343 m/s)/472Hz = 1.19m.
Then for CO2, fm = m(280m/s)/(41.19m) = 58.8Hz, 176.5Hz, 294.1Hz and 411.7Hz for the 7th
Normal Breathing
Breathing while speaking
During speech, air from the lungs is pushed through the vocal cords (folds) then through the
vocal tract where it is altered by the shape of the vocal tract before being emitted from the lips.
Vocal cords are elastic protuberances of tendon, muscle and mucous membrane. Their tension,
elasticity, length, width and separation are altered during speech.
The output of the vocal cords has a fundamental frequency of about 150 Hz for men, 200 Hz for
women and 300 Hz for children. These frequency differences are attributed to differences in
vocal cord size (17-24mm long in men and 13-17mm long in women). This fundamental
frequency is altered during speech. In addition to the fundamental frequency, the output of the
vocal cords contains harmonics of the fundamental frequency which fall off in intensity at a rate
of about 12 dB for each doubling of frequency (octave).
The vocal tract begins at the vocal cords and ends at the mouth. It is a sound resonator
analogous to an organ pipe. The vocal tract approximates a tube closed at one end (vocal cords)
and open at the other (lips). The fundamental resonant frequency will have a wavelength 4 times
the length of the tube. A male vocal tract may be about 17 cm long. This corresponds to a
fundamental frequency, f = v/4L= (343m/s)/(4x0.17m) = 500Hz, known as the formant F1. The
higher harmonics follow fn = mv/4L; i.e. F2 has f =1500 Hz and F3 has f = 2500 Hz. The
resonances of the vocal tract modify the frequency spectrum of the vocal cords by enhancing
vibrations near each of the resonances and suppressing off resonance vibrations. This results in
three major peaks or formants in the frequency spectrum of speech. The frequency of each
formant can be altered if the shape of the vocal tract is altered near a point of maximum velocity
(displacement antinode) or a point of maximum pressure (displacement node). The vocal cords
are always a point of maximum pressure and the lips are always a point of maximum velocity.
Constrictions at point of maximum velocity lower the resonant frequency while constrictions at
points of maximum pressure raise the resonance frequency. The first formant (F1) is most
responsive to changes in mouth opening; small mouth openings lower the frequency of F1 and
large openings raise the frequency of F1. The second formant F2 is most responsive to changes
in the oral cavity; tongue backing or lip activity lower F2 while constrictions at the tongue would
raise F2. F3 is responsive to front versus back constrictions. Positions of the mouth and the
frequencies of the different formants have been characterized while producing different periodic
(vowel) sounds.
Hearing starts at the opening of the ears which face out and forward. Combining sound inputs
from both ears enables the listener to determine direction from the relative phases of the sound.
The next chamber, called the ear canal, has a dual role in hearing: 1) protection of the delicate
inner parts of the ear and 2) it acts as a quarter wavelength resonator. This resonant cavity works
such that the maximum air pressure (displacement node) is at the tympanic membrane at the
inner end and the maximum air particle velocity (displacement antinode) is at the ear opening. In
the average adult, the auditory canal is about 2.7 cm long. The fundamental frequency of the
channel is given by f1 = vs/4L = (343m/s)/(40.027m) = 3.2 kHz. This is the frequency we hear
best and it corresponds to about the centre of the speech frequency band (0.1 - 5kHz).
Beating is the periodic variation in intensity at a given point due to the superposition of two
waves of slightly different frequencies.
Consider two sine waves of equal amplitude travelling through a medium with slightly different
frequencies f1 and f2. Lets suppose that we are sitting still so we
needn't worry about the spatial dependence.
At x=0, the time dependence of these waves follows:
Or in terms of frequency:
D = 2DMcos[2(f1-f2)/2t]sin[2(f1+f2)/2t]
We treat the cosine term as an amplitude which varies at frequency (f1 - f2)/2 and the sine term as
an oscillation at frequency (f1 + f2)/2. If this were a sound, the listener would hear the frequency
(f1 + f2)/2 but its amplitude would vary up and down as (f1 - f2)/2. However, since there are two
maxima, one positive and the other negative, which we cannot distinguish, the frequency of the
'beat' is |f1 - f2|.
Note that these beats occur as the two input sine waves come into phase and go out of phase with
each other.
Our ears can only pick up beats with frequency less than 20 beats/s.
While attempting to tune the note C at 523Hz, a piano tuner hears 2 beats/s between a reference
oscillator (at 523 Hz) and the string.
Then, |fpiano - 523 Hz| = 2Hz, then fpiano = 523Hz 2Hz i.e. 521 or 525 Hz
(b) After tightening the string, she hears 3 beats/s, What is the string frequency now?
The beat frequency increased from 2 to 3 Hz.
Recall the fn = (m/2L)(Ts/); so increasing tension increases the frequency. In fact,
By what percentage should the piano tuner change the tension to bring the wire into tune.