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Conditions of Contract for GENERAL CONDITIONS

Uslovi ugovaranja za PREPARATION OF
2-88432-024-5 O REAVANJU SPOROVA

Serbian Chamber of Engineers

Inenjerska komora Srbije
Serbian Chamber of Engineers
Inenjerska komora Srbije

Beograd, 2008.

Opti Table
pregled sadraja of Contents

Predgovor 4-5 Foreword



Deo I Part I
Sadraj 16-17 Contents

Deo II Part II
Pravila za reavanje sporova 44-45 Rules For Adjudication
Savetodavne napomene 54-55 Notes for Guidance


Ove uslove ugovaranja pripremila je Meunarodna federacija inenjera konsultanata

(FIDIC) i oni se preporuuju za tehnike i graevinske radove relativno male kapitalne
vrednosti. Meutim, zavisno od vrste radova i okolnosti, ovi uslovi mogu da budu prikladni
i za ugovore vee vrednosti. Smatraju se moda najprikladnijim za prilino jednostavne ili
ponavljajue radove ili kratkotrajne radove za koje nisu potrebni specijalizovani podizvo-
Naa glavna namera bila je da izradimo jedan jednostavan, fleksibilan dokument koji sa-
dri sve bitne komercijalne odredbe i koji moe da se koristi za sve vrste tehnikih i gra-
evinskih radova po raznim administrativnim aranmanima. Po uobiajenim aranmanima
za ovu vrstu ugovora, Izvoa izvodi radove po projektima Investitora ili njegovog pred-
stavnika (eventualnog), s tim to ova forma takoe moe da bude prikladna za ugovor koji
obuhvata delimino ili u celini radove iz oblasti niskogradnje, mainstva, elektrotehnike i/ili
Pored toga, investitor ima izbor naina procene. Uz to, iako se ne pominje nepristrasni
nadzorni organ (Engineer), investitor, ako eli da to uini, moe da angauje nekog neza-
visnog nadzornog organa koji bi nepristrasno delovao.
Ova forma se preporuuje za optu upotrebu, mada se moe ukazati potreba za izme-
nama zbog zahteva izvesnih pravosudnih sistema. FIDIC smatra zvaninim i autentinim
tekstom verziju na engleskom jeziku.
Naa namera je bila da se svi potrebni podaci unesu u prilog ugovora, koji sadri ponudu
uesnika u tenderu i njeno prihvatanje u jednom jednostavnom dokumentu. Predvieno je
da opti uslovi pokriju veinu ugovora. Ipak, korisnici bi mogli da unesu posebne uslove
ako ele da reguliu posebne sluajeve ili okolnosti. Opti uslovi skupa sa posebnim uslo-
vima sainjavaju uslove kojim se reguliu prava i obaveze ugovornih strana.
U elji da pomognemo u pripremi tenderske dokumentacije, pripremili smo i savetodavne
napomene. Te napomene ne mogu da postanu sastavni deo ugovora. I na kraju, uneli smo
i relevantna pravila za reavanje sporova.
Korisnicima skreemo panju na FIDIC-ovu publikaciju Postupak podnoenja tendera,
koja predstavlja sistematski pristup izboru ponuaa i proceni njihovih ponuda.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC


These Conditions of Contract have been prepared by the Fdration Internationale des
Ingnieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) and are recommended for engineering and building work of rela-
tively small capital value. However, depending on the type of work and the circumstances, the
Conditions may be suitable for contracts of greater value. They are considered most likely to
be suitable for fairly simple or repetitive work or work of short duration without the need for
specialist sub-contracts.
The main aim has been to produce a straightforward flexible document which includes all es-
sential commercial provisions and which may be used for all types of engineering and building
work with a variety of administrative arrangements. Under the usual arrangements for this type
of contract, the Contractor constructs the Works in accordance with design provided by the
Employer or by his representative (if any). However, this form may also be suitable for con-
tracts which include, or wholly comprise, contractor-designed civil, mechanical and/or electrical
In addition, the Employer has a choice of valuation methods. Furthermore, although there is no
reference to an impartial Engineer, the Employer may appoint an independent Engineer to act
impartially, should he wish to do so.
The form is recommended for general use, though modifications may be required in some
jurisdictions. FIDIC considers the official and authentic text to be the version in the English
The intention is that all necessary information should be provided in the Appendix to the
Agreement, the latter incorporating the tenderers offer and its acceptance in one simple docu-
ment. The General Conditions are expected to cover the majority of contracts. Nevertheless,
users will be able to introduce Particular Conditions if they wish, to cater for special cases or
circumstances. The General Conditions and the Particular Conditions will together comprise the
Conditions governing the rights and obligations of the parties.
To assist in the preparation of tender documents using these Conditions, Notes for Guidance
are included. These Notes will not become one of the documents forming the Contract. Finally,
applicable Rules for Adjudication are also included.
The attention of users is drawn to the FIDIC publication Tendering Procedure, which presents
a systematic approach to the selection of tenderers and the obtaining and evaluation of ten-

FIDIC Short Form of Contract


Investitor je _______________________________________________________________ iz
Izvoa je ________________________________________________________________ iz
Investitor eli da se izvedu izvesni Radovi koji su poznati kao _________________________

Izvoa je pregledao dokumentaciju navedenu u prilogu koji sainjava sastavni deo ovog spo-
razuma i nudi se da izvede radove u skladu sa ugovorom za iznos od ________________
_________________________________________________________________ (brojkama)
ili za neki drugi iznos koji je utvren ugovorom.

Investitor moe da ovu ponudu, koju je izvoa podneo u dva potpisana originalna primerka,
prihvati potpisivanjem i vraanjem izvoau jednog primerka originala do ________________
_______________ (datum).

Izvoau je poznato da investitor nije u obavezi da prihvati najniu ili bilo koju drugu ponudu
primljenu za izvoenje radova.

Potpis: _______________________________ Datum: ________________________________

koji je ovlaen da potpisuje u ime (naziv orga-
Ime: _______________________________
nizacije): _______________________________
Svojstvo: _______________________________ __________________________________________

Investitor svojim potpisom ispod ovog teksta potvruje da je prihvatio izvoaevu ponudu i da
pristaje da za izvoenje radova izvoau plati u skladu sa sporazumom. Ovaj sporazum stupa
na snagu onog dana kada izvoa primi originalni primerak ovog dokumenta koji je potpisan
od strane investitora.

Potpis: _______________________________ Datum: _________________________________

koji je ovlaen da potpisuje u ime (naziv orga-
Ime: _______________________________
nizacije): ________________________________
Svojstvo: _______________________________ __________________________________________

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC


The Employer is ___________________________________________________________ of

The Contractor is __________________________________________________________ of
The Employer desires the execution of certain Works known as ________________________

The Contractor has examined the documents listed in the Appendix which forms part of this
Agreement and offers to execute the Works in conformity with the Contract for the sum of
__________________________________________________________________ (in words)
____________________________ ( in figures ) ( __________________________________ )
or such other sum as may be ascertained under the Contract.

This offer, of which the Contractor has submitted two signed originals, may be accepted by
the Employer by signing and returning one original of this document to the Contractor before
_____________________________________________________________________ (date)

The Contractor understands that the Employer is not bound to accept the lowest or any offer
received for the Works.

Signature: ______________________________ Date: _________________________________

Authorised to sign on behalf of (organization
Name: ______________________________
name): _________________________________
Capacity: ______________________________ __________________________________________

The Employer has by signing below, accepted the Contractors offer and agrees that in consid-
eration for the execution of the Works by the Contractor, the Employer shall pay the Contractor
in accordance with the Contract. This Agreement comes into effect on the date when the
Contractor receives one original of this document signed by the Employer.

Signature: ______________________________ Date: _________________________________

Authorised to sign on behalf of (organization
Name: ______________________________
name): _________________________________
Capacity: ______________________________ __________________________________________

FIDIC Short Form of Contract


Ovaj prilog sainjava sastavni deo ugovora.

[ Napomena: Izvoa unosi sledee podatke, izuzev stavki za koje su uneti uslovi investi-
tora, pre podnoenja ponude.]



Dokumenti koji sainjavaju sastavni deo ugo-

vora po redu prvenstvay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1

Dokument (izbrisati ako ne vai) Naznaka dokumenta

(a) Ugovor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________

(b) Posebni uslovi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________
(c) Opti uslovi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________
(d) Specifikacije . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________
(e) Crtei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________
(f) Projekti Izvoaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________
(g) Predmer i predraun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________
(h) ................................ ______________________________________
(i) ................................ ______________________________________

Rok zavretka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.9 _________________________________ dana

Merodavno pravo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Pravo zemlje* __________________________


Jezik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 ______________________________________

Obezbeenje gradilita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Na datum poetka* ________________________


Ovlaeno lice ........................ 3.1 ________________________________________

Ime i adresa predstavnika investitora

(ako su poznati) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 ________________________________________
Garancija za dobro izvravanje posla (ako postoji):

Iznos ............................. 4.4 ________________________________________

Obrazac ......................... 4.4 ________________________________


* Investitor menja po potrebi

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC


This Appendix forms part of the Agreement.

[ Note: with the exception of the items for which the Employers requirements have been in-
serted, the Contractor shall complete the following information before submitting his offer.]

Item Sub-Clause Data

Documents forming the Contract listed in the

order of priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1

Document (delete if not applicable) Document Identification

(a) The Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________

(b) Particular Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________
(c) General Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________
(d) The Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________
(e) The Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________
(f) The Contractors tendered design . . . . . ______________________________________
(g) The bill of quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______________________________________
(h) ................................ ______________________________________
(i) ................................ ______________________________________

Time for Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.9 _________________________________ days

Law of the Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Law of the Country* _____________________


Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 ______________________________________

Provision of Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 On the Commencement Date* _______________


Authorised person ..................... 3.1 ________________________________________

Name and address of Employers

representative (if known) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 ________________________________________
Performance security (if any):

Amount .......................... 4.4 ________________________________________

Form ............................ 4.4 ________________________________ (details)

* Employer to amend as appropriate

FIDIC Short Form of Contract




Uslovi za projekte izvoaa

(ako postoje) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Klauzule specifikacija br. ___________________


Rok za podnoenje . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 U roku od 14 dana* od datuma poetka.

Obrazac programa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 ______________________________________


Iznos koji je plativ zbog

neizvravanja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 __________________ na dan do najvie
10%* iznosa navedenog u ugovoru

Rok za prijavu nedostataka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1 & 11.5 __________________ 365 dana*

od dana navedenog u saoptenju
iz podklauzule 8.2
Postupak vrenja izmena

Tarife za dodatne radove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 ______________________________________

____________________________ (pojedinosti)
Vrednovanje radova*

Paualna cena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 ____________________________ (pojedinosti)

Paualna cena sa cenovnikom . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 ____________________________ (pojedinosti)

Paualna cena sa predmerom . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 ____________________________ (pojedinosti)

Ponovno merenje sa tenderskim

predmerom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 ____________________________ (pojedinosti)

Nadoknadivi trokovi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 ____________________________ (pojedinosti)

Procenat vrednosti materijala i

oprema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Materijali _________________________ 80%*

Oprema __________________________ 90%*

* Investitor menja po potrebi

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC


Item Sub-Clause Data

Requirements for Contractors

design (if any) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Specification Clause Nos ___________________


Time for submission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Within 14 days* of the Commencement Date.

Form of programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 ______________________________________


Amount payable due to failure

to complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 __________________ per day up to a
maximum of 10%* of sum stated in the

Period for notifying defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1 & 11.5 __________________ 365 days* calcu-
lated from the date stated in the notice
under Sub-Clause 8.2
Variation procedure

Daywork rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 ______________________________________

________________________________ (details)
Valuation of the Works*

Lump sum Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 ________________________________ (details)

Lump sum price with schedules of rates . . . 11.1 ________________________________ (details)

Lump sum price with bill of quantities . . . . . 11.1 ________________________________ (details)

Remeasurement with tender bill

of quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 ________________________________ (details)

Cost reimbursable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 ________________________________ (details)

Percentage of value of Materials

and Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Materials _________________________ 80%*

Plant ____________________________ 90%*

* Employer to amend as appropriate

FIDIC Short Form of Contract




Procenat garantnog depozita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 ____________________________________ 5%

Valuta plaanja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7 ______________________________________

Kamatna stopa ........................ 11.8 __________________ % godinje

Osiguranja ........................... 14.1

Vrsta pokria* Osigurani iznos* Izuzea*

Radovi, materijali, postrojenja Iznos naveden u

i takse ugovoru + 15% ____________________________

Oprema izvoaa Puna cena zamene ____________________________

Povreda lica i imovinska

teta ___________________________ ____________________________

Radnici ___________________________ ____________________________

Ostalo* ___________________________ ____________________________


Pravila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 UNCITRAL* pravila* arbitrae

____________________________ (pojedinosti)

Odreujui organ .................... 15.3 Predsednik FIDIC-a ili lice koje on imenuje*
____________________________ (pojedinosti)

Mesto arbitrae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 Zemlja*_________________________________

* Investitor menja po potrebi

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC


Item Sub-Clause Data

Percentage of retention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 ____________________________________ 5%

Currency of payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7 ______________________________________

Rate of interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.8 __________________ % per annum

Insurances ........................... 14.1

Type of cover* Amount of cover* Exclusions*

The Works, Materials, Plant and The sum stated in the Agreement
fees plus 15% ____________________________

Contractors Equipment Full replacement cost ____________________________

Third Party injury to persons

and damage to property ___________________________ ____________________________

Workers ___________________________ ____________________________

Other cover* ___________________________ ____________________________


Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules*

________________________________ (details)

Appointing authority ................. 15.3 President of FIDIC or his nominee*

________________________________ (details)

Place of Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 The Country*_______________________

* Employer to amend as appropriate

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

Deo I


Part I


z c

z c



Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC







FIDIC Short Form of Contract

18 Opti uslovi

Opti uslovi

Opte odredbe


Rei i izrazi koji se koriste u nie definisanom ugovoru imaju znaenje koje im je ovde dato,
osim kada kontekst iziskuje drukije znaenje:

1.1.1 ugovor predstavlja sporazum i svu ostalu dokumentaciju navedenu u Prilogu.

1.1.2 specifikacije predstavljaju dokument koji je naveden u Prilogu i koji sadri zahteve
investitora u pogledu projektovanja koje vri izvoa, ako je predvieno, i sve izmene
u tom dokumentu.

1.1.3 crtei predstavljaju investitorove crtee radova prema spisku u Prilogu i sve izmene
u tim crteima.

1.1.4 investitor predstavlja lice koje je imenovano u sporazumu i pravne sledbenike tog
lica, ali ne i njegove cesionare (ukoliko se izvoa s tim nije saglasio).

1.1.5 izvoa predstavlja lice koje je imenovano u sporazumu i pravne sledbenike tog lica,
ali ne i njegove cesionare (ukoliko se investitor s tim nije saglasio).

1.1.6 strana predstavlja bilo investitora ili izvoaa.

Datumi, vreme i rokovi

1.1.7 datum poetka predstavlja 14. dan od datuma pravo snanosti sporazuma ili bilo
koji drugi datum koji je dogovoren izmeu strana.

1.1.8 dan predstavlja kalendarski dan.

1.1.9 rok zavretka predstavlja rok za zavretak radova koji je naveden u Prilogu (ili koji
je produen u skladu sa podklauzulom 7.3) raunato od datuma poetka.

Novac i plaanja
1.1.10 troak predstavljaju sve trokove koji je izvoa opravdano imao (ili e imati), bilo na
ili van gradilita, ukljuujui i reijske i sline trokove, ali koji ne ukljuuju i dobit.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

General Conditions 19

General Conditions

General Provisions


In the Contract as defined below, the words and expressions defined shall have the following
meanings assigned to them, except where the context requires otherwise:

The Contract
1.1.1 Contract means the Agreement and the other documents listed in the Appendix.

1.1.2 Specification means the document as listed in the Appendix, including Employers
requirements in respect of design to be carried out by the Contractor, if any, and any
Variation to such document.

1.1.3 Drawings means the Employers drawings of the Works as listed in the Appendix,
and any Variation to such drawings.

1.1.4 Employer means the person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in
title to this person, but not (except with the consent of the Contractor) any assignee.

1.1.5 Contractor means the person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in
title to this person, but not (except with the consent of the Employer) any assignee.

1.1.6 Party means either the Employer or the Contractor.

Dates, Times and Periods

1.1.7 Commencement Date means the date 14 days after the date the Agreement comes
into effect or any other date agreed between the Parties.

1.1.8 day means a calendar day.

1.1.9 Time for Completion means the time for completing the Works as stated in the
Appendix (or as extended under Sub-Clause 7.3), calculated from the Commencement

Money and Payments

1.1.10 Cost means all expenditure properly incurred (or to be incurred ) by the Contractor,
whether on or off the Site, including overheads and similar charges, but does not in-
clude profit.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

20 Opti uslovi

Ostale definicije
1.1.11 oprema izvoaa predstavlja sve aparate, maine, vozila, ureaje i ostale stvari
koje su potrebne za izvoenje radova, ali bez materijala ili postrojenja.

1.1.12 zemlja predstavlja zemlju u kojoj se nalazi gradilite.

1.1.13 obaveze investitora predstavljaju one stvari koje su navedene u podklauzuli 6.1.

1.1.14 via sila predstavlja nekakav izuzetan dogaaj ili okolnost koja je van kontrole neke
strane, protiv koje ta strana objektivno nije mogla da se obezbedi pre zakljuivanja
ugovora, koju po njenom nastanku ta strana objektivno nije mogla da izbegne ili savla-
da, i koja se u bitnoj meri ne moe pripisati drugoj strani.

1.1.15 materijali predstavljaju stvari bilo koje vrste (osim postrojenja) koje sainjavaju ili e
sainjavati deo osnovnih radova.

1.1.16 postrojenje predstavlja maine i aparate koji sainjavaju ili e sainjavati deo osnov-
nih radova.

1.1.17 gradilite predstavlja mesto koje je obezbedio investitor za izvoenje radova i svako
drugo mesto koje je ugovorom predvieno kao deo gradilita.

1.1.18 izmena predstavlja izmenu specifikacija i/ili crtea (ako postoje) koju je investitor
naloio u skladu sa podklauzulom 10.1.

1.1.19 radovi predstavljaju sav rad i projektovanje (eventualno) koje vri izvoa, ukljuuju-
i i privremene radove i sve izmene.

1.2 Tumaenja

Rei koje ukazuju na lica ili strane ukljuuju firme i organizacije. Rei koje ukazuju na jedninu
ili jedan rod ukljuuju mnoinu ili neki drugi rod, zavisno od konteksta.

1.3 Prioritet dokumentacije

Dokumenti koji sainjavaju ugovor smatraju se uzajamno objanjivim. U sluaju dvosmislenosti

ili nesaglasnosti dokumenata, investitor izvoau izdaje sve potrebne naloge, s tim to se prio-
ritet odreuje po spisku iz Priloga.

1.4 Merodavno pravo

Merodavno ugovorno pravo se navodi u Prilogu

1.5 Komunikacije

Kad god je predvieno davanje ili izdavanje saoptenja, naloga ili ostalih komunikacija bilo kom
licu, to se ini u pisanoj formi na jeziku koji je naveden u Prilogu, ukoliko drugaije nije predvi-
eno, i ne moe se sa tim odugovlaiti niti moe biti neopravdano uskraeno.

1.6 Zakonske obaveze

Izvoa se obavezuje da postupa u skladu sa zakonima zemalja u kojima se obavljaju aktiv-

nosti. Izvoa se obavezuje da daje sva saoptenja i da plaa sve reijske i sline trokove u
vezi radova.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

General Conditions 21

Other Definitions
1.1.11 Contractors Equipment means all apparatus, machinery, vehicles, facilities and
other things required for the execution of the Works but does not include Materials or

1.1.12 Country means the country in which the Site is located.

1.1.13 Employers Liabilities means those matters listed in Sub-Clause 6.1.

1.1.14 Force Majeure means an exceptional event or circumstance: which is beyond a

Partys control; which such Party could not reasonably have provided against before
entering into the Contract; which, having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have
avoided or overcome; and, which is not substantially attributable to the other Party.

1.1.15 Materials means things of all kinds (other than Plant) intended to form or forming
part of the permanent work.

1.1.16 Plant means the machinery and apparatus intended to form or forming part of the
permanent work.

1.1.17 Site means the places provided by the Employer where the Works are to be ex-
ecuted, and any other places specified in the Contract as forming part of the Site.

1.1.18 Variation means a change to the Specification and /or Drawings (if any) which is
instructed by the Employer under Sub-Clause 10.1.

1.1.19 Works means all the work and design (if any) to be performed by the Contractor
including temporary work and any Variation.

1.2 Interpretation
Words importing persons or parties shall include firms and organisations. Words importing sin-
gular or one gender shall include plural or the other gender where the context requires.

1.3 Priority of Documents

The documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. If
an ambiguity or discrepancy is found in the documents, the Employer shall issue any necessary
instructions to the Contractor, and the priority of the documents shall be in accordance with the
order as listed in the Appendix.

1.4 Law
The law of the Contract is stated in the Appendix.

1.5 Communications
Wherever provision is made for the giving or issue of any notice, instruction, or other commu-
nication by any person, unless otherwise specified such communication shall be written in the
language stated in the Appendix and shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

1.6 Statutory Obligations

The Contractor shall comply with the laws of the countries where activities are performed. The
Contractor shall give all notices and pay all fees and other charges in respect of the Works.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

22 Opti uslovi


2.1 Obezbeenje gradilita

Investitor se obavezuje da obezbedi gradilite i pravo pristupa istom u vremenu navedenom u


2.2 Dozvole i licence

Investitor se obavezuje da na zahtev izvoaa, izvoau prui pomo u podnoenju zahteva za

dozvole, licence ili odobrenja koji su potrebni za radove.

2.3 Nalozi investitora

Izvoa se obavezuje da postupa u skladu sa nalozima koje investitor bude izdao u vezi rado-
va, ukljuujui i obustavu radova u celini ili delimino.

2.4 Odobrenja

Nikakvo odobrenje ili saglasnost ili uzdravanje od komentara od strane investitora ili predstav-
nika investitora ne moe da utie na obaveze izvoaa.

Predstavnik Investitora

3.1 Ovlaeno lice

Jednom lanu osoblja investitora izdaje se ovlaenje da u njegovo ime deluje. Ime tog lica
navodi se u Prilogu ili ga investitor na neki drugi nain saoptava izvoau.

3.2 Predstavnik investitora

Investitor takoe moe da angauje neku firmu ili pojedinca za izvravanje odreenih obaveza.
Naziv odnosno ime firme ili lica angaovanog u tom smislu moe da se navede u Prilogu ili da
se izvoau saoptava s vremena na vreme. Investitor se obavezuje da izvoaa obavesti o
obavezama i ovlaenjima predstavnika investitora.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

General Conditions 23

The Employer

2.1 Provision of Site

The Employer shall provide the Site and right of access thereto at the times stated in the

2.2 Permits and Licences

The Employer shall, if requested by the Contractor, assist him in applying for permits, licences
or approvals which are required for the Works.

2.3 Employers Instructions

The Contractor shall comply with all instructions given by the Employer in respect of the Works
including the suspension of all or part of the Works.

2.4 Approvals

No approval or consent or absence of comment by the Employer or the Employers representa-

tive shall affect the Contractors obligations.

Employers Representatives

3.1 Authorised Person

One of the Employers personnel shall have authority to act for him. This authorised per-
son shall be as stated in the Appendix, or as otherwise notified by the Employer to the

3.2 Employers Representative

The Employer may also appoint a firm or individual to carry out certain duties. The appointee
may be named in the Appendix, or notified by the Employer to the Contractor from time to
time. The Employer shall notify the Contractor of the delegated duties and authority of this
Employers representative.

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24 Opti uslovi


Opte obaveze

Izvoa se obavezuje da radove izvede dobro i u skladu sa ugovorom. Izvoa se obavezuje

da obezbedi sav nadzor, radnu snagu, materijale, postrojenja i opremu izvoaa koji budu
potrebni. Sav materijal i postrojenja koji se nalaze na gradilitu smatraju se vlasnitvom inve-

4.2 Predstavnik izvoaa

Izvoa se obavezuje da investitoru podnese na saglasnost ime i podatke o licu koje je ovla-
eno da prima naloge u ime izvoaa.

4.3 Podugovaranje

Izvoa nema pravo da radove u celini ustupi podugovoraima. Izvoa nema pravo da ustupi
bilo koji deo radova podugovoraima bez saglasnosti investitora.

4.4 Garancija za dobro izvravanje posla

Ako je to predvieno u Prilogu, izvoa se obavezuje da u roku od 14 dana od datuma poet-

ka, investitoru podnese garanciju za dobro izvravanje posla, koja je izdata u formi i od strane
treeg lica, odobrenoj od strane investitora.

Projektovanje od strane Izvoaa

5.1 Projekti izvoaa

Izvoa se obavezuje da izvri projektovanje u predvienom obimu koji je naveden u Prilogu.

Izvoa se obavezuje da Investitoru odmah podnese sve projekte koje bude pripremio. U roku
od 14 dana od prijema, investitor saoptava svoje primedbe ili ako neki projekt nije u skladu sa
ugovorom, odbija takav projekt sa obrazloenjem. Izvoa ne moe da izgradi bilo koji element
osnovnih radova koji je on projektovao u roku od 14 dana od podnoenja projekta investitoru
ili ako je projekt tog elementa bio odbijen. Odbijeni projekt mora da se odmah ispravi i ponovo
podnese. Izvoa se obavezuje da ponovo podnese sve projekte na koje su bile stavljene pri-
medbe nakon to je postupio u skladu sa tim primedbama u potrebnoj meri.

5.2 Odgovornost za projekte

Izvoa ostaje odgovoran za ponuene projekte i projekte predviene ovom podklauzulom, koji
moraju da budu upotrebljivi u svrhe predviene ugovorom, kao i za krenje bilo kog patentnog
ili autorskog prava u vezi istih. Investitor je odgovoran za specifikacije i crtee.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

General Conditions 25

The Contractor

4.1 General Obligations

The Contractor shall carry out the Works properly and in accordance with the Contract. The
Contractor shall provide all supervision, labour, Materials, Plant and Contractors Equipment
which may be required. All Materials and Plant on Site shall be deemed to be the property of
the Employer.

4.2 Contractors Representative

The Contractor shall submit to the Employer for consent the name and particulars of the person
authorised to receive instructions on behalf of the Contractor.

4.3 Subcontracting

The Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the Works. The Contractor shall not subcon-
tract any part of the Works without the consent of the Employer.

4.4 Performance Security

If stated in the Appendix, the Contractor shall deliver to the Employer within 14 days of the
Commencement Date a performance security in a form and from a third party approved by the

Design by Contractor

5.1 Contractors Design

The Contractor shall carry out design to the extent specified, as referred to in the Appendix. The
Contractor shall promptly submit to the Employer all designs prepared by him. Within 14 days
of receipt the Employer shall notify any comments or, if the design submitted is not in accor-
dance with the Contract, shall reject it stating the reasons. The Contractor shall not construct
any element of the permanent work designed by him within 14 days after the design has been
submitted to the Employer or where the design for that element has been rejected. Design that
has been rejected shall be promptly amended and resubmitted. The Contractor shall resubmit
all designs commented on taking these comments into account as necessary.

5.2 Responsibility for Design

The Contractor shall remain responsible for his tendered design and the design under this
Clause, both of which shall be fit for the intended purposes defined in the Contract and he shall
also remain responsible for any infringement of any patent or copyright in respect of the same.
The Employer shall be responsible for the Specification and Drawings.

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26 Opti uslovi

Odgovornosti Investitora

6.1 Odgovornosti investitora

U smislu ovog ugovora, odgovornosti investitora odnose se na:

a) rat, neprijateljstva (bez obzira da li je rat objavljen ili ne), invaziju i delovanje stranih
neprijatelja u zemlji,
b) pobunu, terorizam,revoluciju, ustanak, vojnu ili uzurpiranu vlast ili graanski rat u ze-
c) metee ili nerede koji nisu izazvani od strane osoblja i drugih radnika izvoaa i koji
utiu na gradilite i/ili radove,
d) jonizujue zraenje ili radioaktivna zagaenost izazvana nuklearnim gorivom ili radi-
oaktivnim otpadom od nuklearnog goriva, radioaktivne eksplozive ili ostale opasne
osobine bilo kojeg nuklearnog sklopa ili komponente takvog sklopa, osim u meri u kojoj
je moda izvoa odgovoran za korienje radioaktivnog materijala,
e) udarni talasi izazvani avionima ili ostalim letilicama koji se kreu brzinom zvuka ili
nadzvunim brzinama,
f) investitorovo korienje ili zauzimanje bilo kog dela radova u sluajevima koji nisu
ugovorom predvieni,
g) projekte bilo kog dela radova koje je pripremilo osoblje investitora ili su to uinila lica
za koja je investitor odgovoran,
h) dejstvo prirodnih sila na gradilite i/ili radove, koje je bilo nepredvidivo i protiv kojeg
iskusni izvoa objektivno nije bio u mogunosti da preduzme mere predostrono-
i) viu silu,
j) obustavu iz podklauzule 2.3, ukoliko do nje nije dolo krivicom izvoaa,
k) svako neizvravanje obaveza od strane investitora,
l) fizike prepreke ili fizike uslove, osim klimatskih, na koje se naie na gradilitu tokom
izvoenja radova, koje iskusni izvoa objektivno nije mogao da predvidi, a koje je
izvoa odmah saoptio investitoru,
m) svako odlaganje ili poremeaj koji je izazvan bilo kojom izmenom,
n) bilo koju izmenu ugovornog prava do koje doe posle datuma podnoenja izvoaeve
o) gubitke koji proistiu iz prava investitora da mu se osnovni radovi izvedu na, pre-
ko, ispod ili kroz bilo koje zemljite i da zaposedne to zemljite za osnovne radove,
p) tetu koja je neminovna posledica izvoaeve obaveze da izvede radove i otkloni ne-

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

General Conditions 27

Employers Liabilities

6.1 Employers Liabilities

In this Contract, Employers Liabilities mean:

a) war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies,
within the Country,
b) rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or civil war,
within the Country,
c) riot, commotion or disorder by persons other than the Contractors personnel and other
employees, affecting the Site and/or the Works,
d) ionising radiations, or contamination by radio-activity from any nuclear fuel, or from
any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radio-active toxic explosive, or
other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component
of such an assembly, except to the extent to which the Contractor may be responsible
for the use of any radio-active material,
e) pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices travelling at sonic or super-
sonic speeds,
f) use or occupation by the Employer of any part of the Works, except as may be speci-
fied in the Contract,
g) design of any part of the Works by the Employers personnel or by others for whom the
Employer is responsible, and
h) any operation of the forces of nature affecting the Site and/or the Works, which was
unforeseeable or against which an experienced contractor could not reasonably have
been expected to take precautions.
i) Force Majeure,
j) a suspension under Sub-Clause 2.3 unless it is attributable to the Contractors fail-
k) any failure of the Employer,
l) physical obstructions or physical conditions other than climatic conditions, encoun-
tered on the Site during the performance of the Works, which obstructions or condi-
tions were not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor and which the
Contractor immediately notified to the Employer,
m) any delay or disruption caused by any Variation,
n) any change to the law of the Contract after the date of the Contractors offer as stated
in the Agreement,
o) losses arising out of the Employers right to have the permanent work executed on,
over, under, in or through any land, and to occupy this land for the permanent work,
p) damage which is an unavoidable result of the Contractors obligations to execute the
Works and to remedy any defects.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

28 Opti uslovi

Rok zavretka

7.1 Izvoenje radova

Izvoa se obavezuje da pristupi izvoenju radova na datum poetka, ekspeditivno i bez zasto-
ja, i da radove zavre u roku zavretka.

7.2 Program

Izvoa se obavezuje da u roku koji je naveden u Prilogu investitoru dostavi program radova po
obrascu koji je naveden u Prilogu.

7.3 Produenje roka

U skladu sa podklauzulom 10.3, izvoa ima pravo na produenje roka zavretka ako kasni ili
e da kasni krivicom investitora.
Po prijemu zahteva izvoaa, investitor razmatra izvoaevo obrazloenje i po potrebi produ-
ava rok zavretka.

7.4 Zakasneli zavretak

Ako izvoa ne zavri radove u roku zavretka, njegova jedina obaveza prema investitoru
zbog takvog kanjenja odnosi se na isplatu iznosa preciziranog u Prilogu za svaki dan


8.1 Zavretak

Izvoa moe da investitora obavesti kada bude smatrao da su radovi zavreni.

8.2 Obavetenje o primopredaji

Investitor obavetava izvoaa kada bude smatrao da je izvoazavrio radove, pri emu
navodi datum zavretka. Alternativno, investitor moe da obavesti izvoaa da su radovi
spremni za primopredaju iako nisu u potpunosti zavreni, pri emu navodi datum primo-
Investitor prima radove po davanju takvog obavetenja. Izvoa se obavezuje da izvede preo-
stale radove i da shodno klauzuli 9 raisti gradilite.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

General Conditions 29

Time for Completion

7.1 Execution of the Works

The Contractor shall commence the Works on the Commencement Date and shall proceed
expeditiously and without delay and shall complete the Works within the Time for Completion.

7.2 Programme

Within the time stated in the Appendix, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer a pro-
gramme for the Works in the form stated in the Appendix.

7.3 Extension of Time

Subject to Sub-Clause 10.3, the Contractor shall be entitled to an extension to the Time for
Completion if he is or will be delayed by any of the Employers Liabilities.
On receipt of an application from the Contractor, the Employer shall consider all supporting
details provided by the Contractor and shall extend the Time for Completion as appropriate.

7.4 Late Completion

If the Contractor fails to complete the Works within the Time for Completion, the Contractors
only liability to the Employer for such failure shall be to pay the amount stated in the Appendix
for each day for which he fails to complete the Works.


8.1 Completion

The Contractor may notify the Employer when he considers that the Works are complete.

8.2 Taking-Over Notice

The Employer shall notify the Contractor when he considers that the Contractor has completed
the Works stating the date accordingly. Alternatively, the Employer may notify the Contractor
that the Works, although not fully complete, are ready for taking over, stating the date accord-
The Employer shall take over the Works upon the issue of this notice. The Contractor shall
promptly complete any outstanding work and, subject to Clause 9, clear the Site.

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30 Opti uslovi

Otklanjanje nedostataka

9.1 Otklanjanje nedostataka

Investitor ima pravo da bilo kad pre isteka roka navedenog u Prilogu izvoau prijavi sve nedo-
statke ili nezavrene radove. Izvoa se obavezuje da bez ikakvog troka na teret investitora
otkloni sve nedostatke koji su proizali iz izvoaevih projekata, materijala, postrojenja ili izrade
koji nisu bili u skladu sa ugovorom.
Trokovi otklanjanja nedostataka koji su proizali iz neeg drugog utvruju se kao izmene. U
sluaju da izvoa ne otkloni bilo koji nedostatak ili ne zavri preostale radove u primerenom
roku od investitorove prijave, investitor ima pravo da obavi sav potreban rad o troku izvoa-

9.2 Otkrivanje i ispitivanje

Investitor ima pravo da naloi otkrivanje i/ili ispitivanje bilo kog dela radova. Ukoliko se ne
utvrdi da izvoaevi projekti, materijali, postrojenja ili izrada nisu u skladu sa ugovorom,
izvoa ima pravo na naknadu za takvo otkrivanje i/ili ispitivanje kao izmene u skladu sa
podklauzulom 10.2.

Izmene i potraivanja

10.1 Pravo na izmene

Investitor ima pravo da naloi vrenje izmena.

10.2 Vrednovanje izmena

Izmene se vrednuju kako sledi:

a) paualno po dogovoru izmeu strana, ili
b) po prikladnim cenama iz ugovora, ili
c) ako nema prikladnih cena, cene iz ugovora se koriste kao osnovica vrednovanja, ili
ako je to neumesno
d) po novim prikladnim cenama koje budu dogovorene ili koje investitor smatra odgova-
rajuim, ili
e) ako tako naloi investitor, po cenama za dodatne radove iz Priloga o kojima izvo-
a vodi evidenciju u vezi utroenog vremena, opreme izvoaa i korienih ma-

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

General Conditions 31

Remedying Defects

9.1 Remedying Defects

The Employer may at any time prior to the expiry of the period stated in the Appendix, notify
the Contractor of any defects or outstanding work. The Contractor shall remedy at no cost to
the Employer any defects due to the Contractors design, Materials, Plant or workmanship not
being in accordance with the Contract.
The cost of remedying defects attributable to any other cause shall be valued as a Variation.
Failure to remedy any defects or complete outstanding work within a reasonable time of the
Employers notice shall entitle the Employer to carry out all necessary work at the Contractors

9.2 Uncovering and Testing

The Employer may give instruction as to the uncovering and/or testing of any work. Unless
as a result of any uncovering and/or testing it is established that the Contractors design,
Materials, Plant or workmanship are not in accordance with the Contract, the Contractor
shall be paid for such uncovering and/or testing as a Variation in accordance with Sub-
Clause 10.2.

Variations and Claims

10.1 Right to Vary

The Employer may instruct Variations.

10.2 Valuation of Variations

Variations shall be valued as follows:

a) at a lump sum price agreed between the Parties, or
b) where appropriate, at rates in the Contract, or
c) in the absence of appropriate rates, the rates in the Contract shall be used as the basis
for valuation, or failing which
d) at appropriate new rates, as may be agreed or which the Employer considers appropri-
ate, or
e) if the Employer so instructs, at daywork rates set out in the Appendix for which the
Contractor shall keep records of hours of labour and Contractors Equipment, and of
Materials used.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

32 Opti uslovi

10.3 Blagovremeno upozorenje

Bilo koja strana se obavezuje da drugu stranu upozori im postane svesna okolnosti koje bi
mogle da uspore ili poremete izvoenje radova ili iz kojih bi mogla da proizau dodatna potra-
ivanja. Izvoa se obavezuje da preduzme sve razumne mere kako bi se takvi uticaji sveli na
Pravo Izvoaa na produenje roka za zavretak ili dodatno plaanje ogranieno je na
rok i plaanje koji bi vaili da je on odmah podneo obavetenje i preduzeo sve razumne

10.4 Pravo na potraivanje

Ako izvoa bude izloen trokovima krivicom investitora, on ima pravo na naknadu tih tro-
kova. Ako se krivicom investitora ukae potreba za vrenjem izmena radova, to e se tretirati
kao izmena.

10.5 Postupak izmena i potraivanja

Izvoa se obavezuje da investitoru podnese vrednost izmena i potraivanja po stavkama u

roku od 28 dana od prijema naloga ili dogaaja iz kojeg proizilazi potraivanje. Investitor vri
proveru i eventualno odobrava dotinu vrednost ili je sam odreuje.

Ugovorna cena i plaanje

11.1 Vrednovanje radova

Radovi se vrednuju na nain naveden u Prilogu, u skladu sa klauzulom 10.

11.2 Meseni izvetaj

Izvoa ima pravo na meseno plaanje:

a) vrednosti izvedenih radova,
b) procenta vrednosti materijala i postrojenja isporuenih na gradilitu u razumnom roku,
koji je naveden u Prilogu,
sa eventualno dospelim dodacima ili odbicima.
Izvoa svakog meseca podnosi investitoru izvetaj navodei iznose na koje ima pravo po
sopstvenom miljenju.

11.3 Privremene situacije

U roku od 28 dana od prijema svakog izvetaja, investitor isplauje izvoau iznos koji je nave-
den u izvetaju, umanjen za garantni depozit po stopi iz Priloga i za bilo koji iznos koji investitor
nije odobrio sa obrazloenjem. Investitor nije u obavezi da isplati bilo koji iznos koji je ranije
smatrao plativim izvoau.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

General Conditions 33

10.3 Early Warning

A Party shall notify the other as soon as he is aware of any circumstance which may delay or
disrupt the Works, or which may give rise to a claim for additional payment. The Contractor shall
take all reasonable steps to minimise these effects.
The Contractors entitlement to extension to the Time for Completion or additional payment
shall be limited to the time and payment which would have been due if he had given prompt
notice and had taken all reasonable steps.

10.4 Right to Claim

If the Contractor incurs Cost as a result of any of the Employers Liabilities, the Contractor shall
be entitled to the amount of such Cost. If as a result of any of the Employers Liabilities, it is
necessary to change the Works, this shall be dealt with as a Variation.

10.5 Variation and Claim Procedure

The Contractor shall submit to the Employer an itemised make-up of the value of Variations and
claims within 28 days of the instruction or of the event giving rise to the claim. The Employer
shall check and if possible agree the value. In the absence of agreement, the Employer shall
determine the value.

Contract Price and Payment

11.1 Valuation of the Works

The Works shall be valued as provided for in the Appendix, subject to Clause 10.

11.2 Monthly Statements

The Contractor shall be entitled to be paid at monthly intervals:

a) the value of the Works executed,
b) the percentage stated in the Appendix of the value of Materials and Plant delivered to
the Site at a reasonable time,
subject to any additions or deductions which may be due.
The Contractor shall submit each month to the Employer a statement showing the amounts to
which he considers himself entitled.

11.3 Interim Payments

Within 28 days of delivery of each statement, the Employer shall pay to the Contractor the
amount shown in the Contractors statement less retention at the rate stated in the Appendix,
and less any amount for which the Employer has specified his reasons for disagreement.
The Employer shall not be bound by any sum previously considered by him to be due to the

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

34 Opti uslovi

Investitor ima pravo da uskrati privremena plaanja sve dok ne primi garanciju za dobro izvra-
vanje posla u skladu sa podklauzulom 4.4 (ako je predviena).

11.4 Isplata prve polovine garantnog depozita

Investitor se obavezuje da izvoau isplati polovinu garantnogdepozita u roku od 14 dana od

izdavanja saoptenja u skladu sa podklauzulom 8.2.

11.5 Isplata druge polovine garantnog depozita

Investitor se obavezuje da izvoau isplati ostatak garantnog depozita u roku od 14 dana od

bilo isteka roka navedenog u Prilogu ili otklanjanja prijavljenih nedostataka ili zavravanja preo-
stalih radova, kako je to predvieno podklauzulom 9.1, zavisno od poslednje nastalog sluaja.

11.6 Konana isplata

U roku od 42 dana od poslednje nastalog sluaja iz podklauzule 11.5, izvoa podnosi investi-
toru konani obraun skupa sa dokumentacijom koja je investitoru opravdano potrebna da bi
utvrdio konanu ugovornu vrednost.
U roku od 28 dana od podnoenja konanog obrauna, investitor isplauje dospeli iznos izvo-
au. Ako investitor ne bude saglasan sa bilo kojim delom konanog obrauna, on je duan da
svoje neslaganje obrazloi prilikom isplate.

11.7 Valuta

Plaanje se vri u valuti koja je navedena u Prilogu.

11.8 Kanjenje u plaanju

Izvoa ima pravo na zateznu kamatu po stopi navedenoj u Prilogu za svaki dan investitorovog
kanjenja u plaanju po isteku predvienog roka za plaanje.

Neizvrenje obaveza

12.1 Neizvrenje od strane izvoaa

Ako izvoa napusti radove, odbije ili ne izvri validan nalog investitora ili ne postupa ekspe-
ditivno i bez zastoja ili ako uprkos pisanoj pritubi kri svoje ugovorne obaveze, investitor ima
pravo da ga upozori sa pozivom na ovu podklauzulu i navodei uinjeno krenje.
Ako izvoa ne preduzme odgovarajue mere za ispravljanje prekraja u roku od 14 dana
od prijema investitorovog upozorenja, investitor ima pravo da raskine ugovor sa otkaznim
rokom od 21 dan. Izvoa potom naputa gradilite i za sobom ostavlja materijale i postro-
jenja, kao i svu opremu izvoaa ije je korienje do zavretka radova investitor naloio
u otkazu.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

General Conditions 35

The Employer may withhold interim payments until he receives the performance security under
Sub-Clause 4.4 (if any).

11.4 Payment of First Half of Retention

One half of the retention shall be paid by the Employer to the Contractor within 14 days after
issuing the notice under Sub-Clause 8.2.

11.5 Payment of Second Half of Retention

The remainder of the retention shall be paid by the Employer to the Contractor within 14 days
after either the expiry of the period stated in the Appendix, or the remedying of notified defects
or the completion of outstanding work, all as referred to in Sub-Clause 9.1, whichever is the

11.6 Final Payment

Within 42 days of the latest of the events listed in Sub-Clause 11.5 above, the Contractor shall
submit a final account to the Employer together with any documentation reasonably required to
enable the Employer to ascertain the final contract value.
Within 28 days after the submission of this final account, the Employer shall pay to the Contractor
any amount due. If the Employer disagrees with any part of the Contractors final account, he
shall specify his reasons for disagreement when making payment.

11.7 Currency

Payment shall be in the currency stated in the Appendix.

11.8 Delayed Payment

The Contractor shall be entitled to interest at the rate stated in the Appendix for each day the
Employer fails to pay beyond the prescribed payment period.


12.1 Default by Contractor

If the Contractor abandons the Works, refuses or fails to comply with a valid instruction of the
Employer or fails to proceed expeditiously and without delay, or is, despite a written complaint,
in breach of the Contract, the Employer may give notice referring to this Sub-Clause and stating
the default.
If the Contractor has not taken all practicable steps to remedy the default within 14 days after
the Contractors receipt of the Employers notice, the Employer may by a second notice given
within a further 21 days, terminate the Contract. The Contractor shall then demobilise from the
Site leaving behind Materials and Plant and any Contractors Equipment which the Employer
instructs in the second notice is to be used until the completion of the Works.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

36 Opti uslovi

12.2 Neizvrenje od strane investitora

Ako investitor ne izvri isplatu u skladu sa ugovorom ili uprkos pisanoj pritubi kri svoje ugo-
vorne obaveze, izvoa ima pravo da ga upozori sa pozivom na ovu podklauzulu i navodei
prekraj. Ako prekraj ne bude ispravljen u roku od 7 dana od prijema upozorenja od strane
investitora, izvoa ima pravo da obustavi izvoenje radova u celini ili delimino.
Ako prekraj ne bude ispravljen u roku od 28 dana od prijema upozorenja od strane investitora,
izvoa ima pravo da raskine ugovor sa otkaznim rokom od 21 dan. Izvoa se potom povlai
sa gradilita.

12.3 Nesolventnost

Ako bilo koja strana bude proglaena nesolventnom u skladu sa merodavnim zakonom, druga
strana ima pravo da ugovor odmah raskine podnoenjem otkaza. Izvoa potom naputa gra-
dilite ostavljajui za sobom, u sluaju njegove nesolventnosti, svu opremu izvoaa ije je
korienje do zavretka radova investitor naloio u otkazu.

12.4 Plaanje po raskidu

Po raskidu, izvoa ima pravo na isplatu neisplaenog dela vrednosti izvedenih radova i mate-
rijala i postrojenja isporuenih na gradilitu, sa korekcijom za:
a) iznose na koje izvoa ima pravo u skladu sa podklauzulom 10.4,
b) iznose na koje investitor ima pravo,
c) ako je investitor raskinuo ugovor u skladu sa podklauzulom 12.1 ili 12.3, on ima pravo
na iznos koji odgovara 20% vrednosti delova radova koji nisu bili izvedeni do dana
d) ako je izvoa raskinuo ugovor u skladu sa podklauzulom 12.2 ili 12.3, on ima pravo
na naknadu trokova vezanih za obustavu i naputanje gradilita i iznos koji odgovara
10% vrednosti delova radova koji nisu bili izvedeni do dana raskida.
Neto dospela razlika se isplauje ili vraa u roku od 28 dana od podnoenja otkaza.

Rizik i odgovornost

13.1 Izvoaevo staranje o radovima

Izvoa snosi potpunu odgovornost za staranje o radovima od datuma poetka do datuma

investitorovog obavetenja iz podklauzule 8.2.
Odgovornost potom prelazi na investitora. U sluaju da tokom navedenog perioda doe do na-
stanka gubitka ili tete u radovima, izvoa se obavezuje da nadomesti takav gubitak ili tetu,
tako da radovi budu u skladu sa ugovorom.
Ukoliko do gubitka ili tete nije dolo krivicom investitora, izvoa se obavezuje da obeteti
investitora, investitorove izvoae, zastupnike i radnike za gubitke ili tetu nastalu u radovima
i za sva potraivanja ili trokove u vezi radova, a koji su nastali zbog krenja ugovora u vidu
nemara ili drugih prekraja uinjenih od strane izvoaa, njegovih zastupnika ili radnika.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

General Conditions 37

12.2 Default by Employer

If the Employer fails to pay in accordance with the Contract, or is, despite a written complaint,
in breach of the Contract, the Contractor may give notice referring to this Sub-Clause and stat-
ing the default. If the default is not remedied within 7 days after the Employers receipt of this
notice, the Contractor may suspend the execution of all or parts of the Works.
If the default is not remedied within 28 days after the Employers receipt of the Contractors
notice, the Contractor may by a second notice given within a further 21 days, terminate the
Contract. The Contractor shall then demobilise from the Site.

12.3 Insolvency

If a Party is declared insolvent under any applicable law, the other Party may by notice terminate
the Contract immediately. The Contractor shall then demobilise from the Site leaving behind,
in the case of the Contractors insolvency, any Contractors Equipment which the Employer
instructs in the notice is to be used until the completion of the Works.

12.4 Payment upon Termination

After termination, the Contractor shall be entitled to payment of the unpaid balance of the value
of the Works executed and of the Materials and Plant reasonably delivered to the Site, adjusted
by the following:
a) any sums to which the Contractor is entitled under Sub-Clause 10.4,
b) any sums to which the Employer is entitled,
c) if the Employer has terminated under Sub-Clause 12.1 or 12.3, the Employer shall
be entitled to a sum equivalent to 20% of the value of those parts of the Works not
executed at the date of the termination,
d) if the Contractor has terminated under Sub-Clause 12.2 or 12.3, the Contractor shall be
entitled to the Cost of his suspension and demobilisation together with a sum equivalent
to 10% of the value of those parts of the Works not executed at the date of termination.
The net balance due shall be paid or repaid within 28 days of the notice of termination.

Risk and Responsibility

13.1 Contractors Care of the Works

The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of the Works from the Commencement
Date until the date of the Employers notice under Sub-Clause 8.2.
Responsibility shall then pass to the Employer. If any loss or damage happens to the Works
during the above period, the Contractor shall rectify such loss or damage so that the Works
conform with the Contract.
Unless the loss or damage happens as a result of an Employers Liability, the Contractor shall
indemnify the Employer, the Employers contractors, agents and employees against all loss or
damage happening to the Works and against all claims or expense arising out of the Works
caused by a breach of the Contract, by negligence or by other default of the Contractor, his
agents or employees.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

38 Opti uslovi

13.2 Via sila

Ako bilo koja strana bude ili e biti onemoguena viom silom da izvrava svoje obaveze, doti-
na strana je obavezna da o tome odmah obavesti drugu stranu. Po potrebi, izvoa obustavlja
izvoenje radova i vri demobilizaciju svoje opreme u obimu koji je dogovoren sa investito-
Ako dejstvo vie sile traje due od 84 dana, bilo koja strana ima pravo da raskine ugovor sa
otkaznim rokom od 28 dana.
Po raskidu, izvoa ima pravo na isplatu razlike u vrednosti izvedenih radova i materijala i po-
strojenja isporuenih na gradilitu, sa korekcijom za:
a) sve iznose na koje izvoa ima pravo u skladu sa podklauzulom 10.4,
b) trokove vezane za obustavu i naputanje gradilita,
c) sve iznose na koje investitor ima pravo.
Neto dospela razlika se isplauje ili vraa u roku od 28 dana od podnoenja otkaza.


14.1 Pokrie

Izvoa se obavezuje da pre poetka izvoenja radova izvri i nadalje odrava zajedniko
osiguranje u ime stranaka:
a) za gubitak i oteenje radova, materijala, postrojenja i opreme izvoaa,
b) od odgovornosti za gubitak, oteenje, smrt ili povredu treih lica ili njihove imovine
kao posledica izvravanja ugovora od strane izvoaa, ukljuujui i odgovornost izvo-
aa za tetu nanetu imovini investitora mimo radova, i
c) od odgovornosti obe strane i bilo kog predstavnika investitora za smrt ili povredu oso-
blja izvoaa, ukoliko do toga nije dolo zbog nemara na strani investitora, predstavni-
ka investitora ili njihovih radnika.

14.2 Saglasnosti

Sva osiguranja moraju da budu u skladu sa uslovima iz Priloga. Osiguravai i uslovi osiguranja
podleu odobrenju investitora. Izvoa se obavezuje da investitoru podnese dokaz o tome da
su sve polise osiguranja na snazi i da su premije plaene.
Strane zajedniki zadravaju sav novac primljen od osiguravaa u vezi gubitaka ili oteenja
radova i koriste ga za saniranje gubitaka ili tete ili kao obeteenje za ne sanirane gubitke ili

14.3 Neizvreno osiguranje

Ako izvoa ne izvri ili ne odrava bilo koje osiguranje iz prethodnih podklauzula ili ne pod-
nese valjane dokaze, polise ili priznanice, investitor ima pravo da bez uticaja na bilo koje svoje
drugo pravo, izvri osiguranje koje pokriva takvo neizvravanje i plati dospele premije i da iste
povrati kao odbitak od iznosa koji su plativi izvoau.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

General Conditions 39

13.2 Force Majeure

If a Party is or will be prevented from performing any of its obligations by Force Majeure, the
Party affected shall notify the other Party immediately. If necessary, the Contractor shall sus-
pend the execution of the Works and, to the extent agreed with the Employer, demobilise the
Contractors Equipment.
If the event continues for a period of 84 days, either Party may then give notice of termination
which shall take effect 28 days after the giving of the notice.
After termination, the Contractor shall be entitled to payment of the unpaid balance of the value
of the Works executed and of the Materials and Plant reasonably delivered to the Site, adjusted
by the following:
a) any sums to which the Contractor is entitled under Sub-Clause 10.4,
b) the Cost of his suspension and demobilisation,
c) any sums to which the Employer is entitled.
The net balance due shall be paid or repaid within 28 days of the notice of termination.


14.1 Extent of Cover

The Contractor shall, prior to commencing the Works, effect and thereafter maintain insurances
in the joint names of the Parties:
a) for loss and damage to the Works, Materials, Plant and the Contractors Equipment,
b) for liability of both Parties for loss, damage, death or injury to third parties or their
property arising out of the Contractors performance of the Contract, including the
Contractors liability for damage to the Employers property other than the Works, and
c) for liability of both Parties and of any Employers representative for death or injury to
the Contractors personnel except to the extent that liability arises from the negligence
of the Employer, any Employers representative or their employees.

14.2 Arrangements

All insurances shall conform with any requirements detailed in the Appendix. The policies shall
be issued by insurers and in terms approved by the Employer. The Contractor shall provide the
Employer with evidence that any required policy is in force and that the premiums have been paid.
All payments received from insurers relating to loss or damage to the Works shall be held jointly
by the Parties and used for the repair of the loss or damage or as compensation for loss or
damage that is not to be repaired.

14.3 Failure to Insure

If the Contractor fails to effect or keep in force any of the insurances referred to in the previous
Sub-Clauses, or fails to provide satisfactory evidence, policies or receipts, the Employer may,
without prejudice to any other right or remedy, effect insurance for the cover relevant to such
default and pay the premiums due and recover the same as a deduction from any other monies
due to the Contractor.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

40 Opti uslovi

Reavanje sporova

15.1 Donoenje reenja

U sluaju nastanka bilo kakvog spora izmeu izvoaa i investitora u vezi ugovora, ukljuujui
vrednovanje koje izvri i odluke koje donese investitor, i isti ne bude reen na prijateljski nain,
bilo koja strana ima pravo da spor podnese na reavanje u skladu sa priloenim Pravilima za
reavanje sporova (u daljem tekstu: Pravila). Presuiva je lice koje su strane sporazumno
odredile. Ako ne doe do sporazuma, presuiva se odreuje u skladu sa Pravilima.

15.2 Obavetenje o nezadovoljstvu

Ako neka strana bude nezadovoljna odlukom presuivaa ili ako odluka ne bude doneta u roku
predvienim Pravilima, ona moe da podnese obavetenje o nezadovoljstvu sa pozivom na
ovu podklauzulu u roku od 28 dana od prijema odluke ili isteka roka za donoenje odluke. Ako
se obavetenje o nezadovoljstvu ne podnese u predvienom roku, odluka postaje konana i
za strane obvezujua. Ako obavetenje o nezadovoljstvu bude podneto u predvienom roku,
odluka je obvezujua za obe strane i one moraju da odmah postupe u skladu s njom, ukoliko
odluka ne bude izmenjena od strane arbitra.

15.3 Arbitraa

Spor u vezi kojeg je podneto obavetenje o nezadovoljstvu konano reava inokosni arbitar
po pravilima navedenim u Prilogu. Ako se ne postigne sporazum, arbitra odreuje organ koji je
naveden u Prilogu. Rasprava se odrava u mestu koje je navedeno u Prilogu i na jeziku koji je
naveden u podklauzuli 1.5.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

General Conditions 41

Resolution of Disputes

15.1 Adjudication

Unless settled amicably, any dispute or difference which arises between the Contractor and the
Employer out of or in connection with the Contract, including any valuation or other decision of
the Employer, shall be referred by either Party to adjudication in accordance with the attached
Rules for Adjudication (the Rules). The adjudicator shall be any person agreed by the Parties.
In the event of disagreement, the adjudicator shall be appointed in accordance with the Rules.

15.2 Notice of Dissatisfaction

If a Party is dissatisfied with the decision of the adjudicator or if no decision is given within
the time set out in the Rules, the Party may give notice of dissatisfaction referring to this Sub-
Clause within 28 days of receipt of the decision or the expiry of the time for the decision. If no
notice of dissatisfaction is given within the specified time, the decision shall be final and binding
on the Parties. If notice of dissatisfaction is given within the specified time, the decision shall be
binding on the Parties who shall give effect to it without delay unless and until the decision of
the adjudicator is revised by an arbitrator.

15.3 Arbitration

A dispute which has been the subject of a notice of dissatisfaction shall be finally settled by a
single arbitrator under the rules specified in the Appendix. In the absence of agreement, the
arbitrator shall be designated by the appointing authority specified in the Appendix. Any hear-
ing shall be held at the place specified in the Appendix and in the language referred to in Sub-
Clause 1.5.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

Deo II Part II

Napomena: Predvieno je da kratka for- Note: It is intended that the Short Form of
ma ugovora bude uspeno primenjena Contract will work satisfactorily without any
bez Posebnih uslova. Meutim, ako je Particular Conditions. However, if the requ-
zbog uslova projekta poeljno da se izvri irement of the project makes it desirable to
izmena bilo koje klauzule ili da se dodaju amend any Clause or to add provisions to
ugovorne odredbe, izmene i dopune tre- the Contract, the amendments and additions
balo bi da se napiu na stranicama odelj- should be set out on pages headed Particular
ka Posebni uslovi. Potrebno je da se ta- Conditions. Care should be taken with the
kve klauzule paljivo pripreme s obzirom drafting of such Clauses especially in view
na veliku prednost Posebnih uslova koja of the high priority given to the Particular
je odreena podklauzulom 1.3. Conditions by Sub-Clause 1.3.
44 Posebni uslovi

Pravila za reavanje sporova

na koja se poziva podklauzula 15.1

Opte napomene

1 Svaki poziv na Pravila za reavanje sporova u Uslovima ugovora smatra se pozivom na

ova Pravila.
2 Definicije date u ugovoru vae i u ovim Pravilima.

Postavljenje presuivaa

3 Strane dogovorno postavljaju presuivaa. Presuiva je lice sa odgovarajuim kvalifikaci-

4 Ako se iz bilo kojih razloga ne postigne dogovor o presuivau u roku od 14 dana od po-
kretanja spora u skladu sa ovim Pravilima, bilo koja strana moe da podnese zahtev, sa
primerkom i za drugu stranu, postavljajuem organu imenovanom u ugovoru, ili ako takav
ne postoji, predsedniku FIDIC-a ili licu koje on odredi, za postavljenje presuivaa, pri
emu takvo postavljenje biva konano.
5 Mandat presuivaa moe da se prekine meusobnim dogovorom strana. Mandat presu-
ditelja prestaje po zavretku radova ili kada se povue ili rei spor koji mu je bio podnesen
na reavanje, zavisno od poslednje nastalog sluaja.

Uslovi postavljenja

6 Presuiva se obavezuje da tokom svog mandata bude nepristrasan i nezavisan od strana

i da stranama odmah predoi u pisanoj formi sve to bude uoio to bi moglo da utie na
njegovu nepristrasnost ili nezavisnost.
7 Presuiva ne moe da daje savete stranama ili njihovim predstavnicima u vezi re-
alizacije projekta u ijem se sastavu radovi nalaze, osim u meri predvienoj ovim
8 Strane ne mogu da presuivaa pozovu kao svedoka u bilo kakvom sporu u vezi ugo-
9 Presuiva se obavezuje na uvanje poverljivosti pojedinosti ugovora i svih svojih aktivno-
sti i da iste ne obelodanjuje bez saglasnosti strana. Presuiva ne moe da bez saglasno-
sti strana prenese svoje obaveze koje su navedene u ovim Pravilima ili da angauje pravnu
ili tehniku pomo.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 45

Rules for Adjudication

referred to in Sub-Clause 15.1


1 Any reference in the Conditions of Contract to the Rules for Adjudication shall be deemed
to be a reference to these Rules.
2 Definitions in the Contract shall apply in these Rules.

Appointment of Adjudicator

3 The Parties shall jointly ensure the appointment of the Adjudicator. The Adjudicator shall be
a suitably qualified person.
4 If for any reason the appointment of the Adjudicator is not agreed at the latest within 14
days of the reference of a dispute in accordance with these Rules, then either Party may
apply, with a copy of the application to the other Party, to any appointing authority named in
the Contract or, if none, to the President of FIDIC or his nominee, to appoint an Adjudicator,
and such appointment shall be final and conclusive.
5 The Adjudicators appointment may be terminated by mutual agreement of the Parties. The
Adjudicators appointment shall expire when the Works have been completed or when any
disputes referred to the Adjudicator shall have been withdrawn or decided, whichever is the

Terms of Appointment

6 The Adjudicator is to be, and is to remain throughout his appointment, impartial and inde-
pendent of the Parties and shall immediately disclose in writing to the Parties anything of
which he becomes aware which could affect his impartiality or independence.
7 The Adjudicator shall not give advice to the Parties or their representatives concerning the
conduct of the project of which the Works form part other than in accordance with these
8 The Adjudicator shall not be called as a witness by the Parties to give evidence concerning
any dispute in connection with, or arising out of, the Contract.
9 The Adjudicator shall treat the details of the Contract and all activities and hearings of
the Adjudicator as confidential and shall not disclose the same without the prior written
consent of the Parties. The Adjudicator shall not, without the consent of the Parties,
assign or delegate any of his work under these Rules or engage legal or technical as-

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

46 Posebni uslovi

10 Presuiva moe da se povue, s tim to je obavezan da strane o tome obavesti 28 dana

unapred. U sluaju povlaenja, smrti ili nesposobnosti, prekida ili odbijanja vrenja obave-
za presuivaa u skladu sa ovim pravilima, strane se sporazumevaju o zameni presuiva-
a u roku od 14 dana ili se primenjuje Pravilo 4.
11 Presuiva ne moe da bude odgovoran pod bilo kojim okolnostima za bilo kakvo injenje
ili neinjenje u vrenju dunosti presuivaa, ukoliko se ne dokae da je to injenje ili nei-
njenje bilo nesavesno.
12 Ako presuiva svesno prekri bilo koju odredbu Pravila 6 ili nesavesno deluje, on gubi
pravo na honorar i naknadu trokova i obavezan je da stranama nadoknadi sve propisno
isplaene honorare i naknade trokova ako se utvrdi nitavost ili nedelotvornost postupaka
ili odluka presuivaa zbog takvog krenja.


13 Presuivau se isplauju honorari i naknade trokova iz ugovora.

14 Nagrada za obezbeenje usluga, ako je predviena, odnosi se na:

(a) raspoloivost za sve rasprave i posete gradilitu, pod uslovom da bude obave-
ten 28 dana unapred;
(b) sve reijske trokove, kao to su to oni koji se odnose na administrativne
usluge, fotokopiranje i kancelarijski materijal, koji se naprave u vezi njegovih
(c) sve usluge izvrene u ovom smislu, osim onih koje se izvre u dane predviene
Pravilom 15.
15 Dnevni honorar se isplauje za svaki radni dan proveden u pripremanju za posete gradilitu
i u poseti gradilitu ili za rasprave odnosno na raspravama, ukljuujui i vreme provedeno
na putu.
16 Nagrada za raspoloivost i dnevni honorar su fiksni tokom trajanja mandata presuivaa.
17 Izvoa vri sva plaanja presuivau, a investitor se obavezuje da mu nadoknadi polo-
vinu takvih isplata. Izvoa se obavezuje da izvri isplatu po fakturama u roku od 28 dana
od prijema. Fakture presuivaa za mesena nagradu za obezbeenje usluga podnose
se tromeseno unapred, a fakture za dnevni honorar i trokove podnose se posle posete
ili rasprave. Fakture sadre kratak opis aktivnosti koje su obavljene u dotinom periodu.
Presuiva ima pravo na obustavu rada ako neka faktura ne bude isplaena po isteku
roka za plaanje, pod uslovom da obe strane na to upozori 7 dana unapred.
18 Ako izvoa ne isplati fakturu koja je njemu upuena, investitor se obavezuje da fak-
turisani iznos isplati presuivau, s tim to ima pravo na povraaj tog iznosa od strane

Postupak za dobijanje
odluke presuivaa

19 Bilo koja strana moe da svoj spor sa drugom stranom podnese presuivau na reavanje,
pri emu dostavlja primerak drugoj strani. Ukoliko nije postignuta saglasnost oko presu-
ivaa ili ako on nije postavljen, spor se upuuje drugoj strani u pisanoj formi, skupa sa
predlogom za postavljenje presuivaa, sa pozivom na ova Pravila.
20 Presuiva moe da odlui da poseti gradilite. On moe da odlui da odri raspravu, u
kom sluaju on odreuje datum, mesto i trajanje rasprave. Presuiva moe da trai da
mu strane podnesu pisane izjave pre, za vreme ili posle rasprave. Strane se obavezuju da

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 47

10 The Adjudicator may resign by giving 28 days notice to the Parties. In the event of res-
ignation, death or incapacity, termination or a failure or refusal to perform the duties of
Adjudicator under these Rules, the Parties shall agree upon a replacement Adjudicator
within 14 days or Rule 4 shall apply.
11 The Adjudicator shall in no circumstances be liable for any claims for anything done or
omitted in the discharge of the Adjudicators duties unless the act or omission is shown to
have been in bad faith.
12 If the Adjudicator shall knowingly breach any of the provisions of Rule 6 or act in bad faith,
he shall not be entitled to any fees or expenses hereunder and shall reimburse each of the
Parties for any fees and expenses properly paid to him if, as a consequence of such breach
any proceedings or decisions of the Adjudicator are rendered void or ineffective.


13 The Adjudicator shall be paid the fees and expenses set out in the Adjudicators
14 The retainer fee, if applicable, shall be payment in full for:
(a) being available, on 28 days notice, for all hearings and Site visits;
(b) all office overhead expenses such as secretarial services, photocopying and
office supplies incurred in connection with his duties;
(c) all services performed hereunder except those performed during the days re-
ferred to in Rule 15.
15 The daily fee shall be payable for each working day preparing for or attending Site visits or
hearings or preparing decisions including any associated travelling time.
16 The retainer and daily fees shall remain fixed for the period of tenure of the Adjudicator.
17 All payments to the Adjudicator shall be made by the Contractor who will be entitled to be
reimbursed half by the Employer. The Contractor shall pay invoices addressed to him with-
in 28 days of receipt. The Adjudicators invoices for any monthly retainer shall be submitted
quarterly in advance and invoices for daily fees and expenses shall be submitted following
the conclusion of a Site visit or hearing. All invoices shall contain a brief description of the
activities performed during the relevant period. The Adjudicator may suspend work if any
invoice remains unpaid at the expiry of the period for payment, provided that 7 days prior
notice has been given to both Parties.
18 If the Contractor fails to pay an invoice addressed to it, the Employer shall be entitled to pay
the sum due to the Adjudicator and recover the sum paid from the Contractor.

Procedure for Obtaining

Adjudicators Decision

19 A dispute between the Parties may be referred in writing by either Party to the Adjudicator
for his decision, with a copy to the other Party. If the Adjudicator has not been agreed or ap-
pointed, the dispute shall be referred in writing to the other Party, together with a proposal
for the appointment of an Adjudicator. A reference shall identify the dispute and refer to
these Rules.
20 The Adjudicator may decide to visit the Site. The Adjudicator may decide to conduct a
hearing in which event he shall decide on the date, place and duration for the hearing.
The Adjudicator may request that written statements from the Parties be presented to him
prior to, at or after the hearing. The Parties shall promptly provide the Adjudicator with suf-

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

48 Posebni uslovi

presuivau odmah obezbede dovoljan broj primeraka bilo kojih dokumenata i informacija
u vezi ugovora koje on bude traio.
21 Presuiva se obavezuje da deluje kao nepristrasni strunjak, a ne kao arbitar, i on je
ovlaen da vodi svaku raspravu koju bude smatrao potrebnom, pri emu nije obavezan
da potuje bilo koja druga pravila ili postupke osim onih koji su ovde propisani. Pored pret-
hodno reenog, presuiva ima pravo da:

(a) odluuje o sopstvenoj jurisdikciji i o obimu spora koji mu je podnet na reava-

(b) koristi sopstveno struno znanje, ako ga ima,
(c) usvoji inkvizitorski postupak,
(d) odluuje o plaanju kamate u skladu sa ugovorom,
(e) otvori, razmotri i izmeni bilo koje miljenje, nalog, odluku, potvrdu ili procenu u
vezi spora,
(f) zabrani prisustvo raspravi bilo kom licu osim investitoru, izvoau i njihovim
predstavnicima i da vodi postupak u odsustvu bilo koje strane za koju presui-
va zna da je primila poziv za raspravu.
22 Sve komunikacije izmeu bilo koje strane i presuivaa vre se na jeziku navedenim u
ugovoru sa presuivaem. Kopije takvih komunikacija prosleuju se drugoj strani.
23 Najkasnije do pedesetestog dana po prijemu reference od strane presuivaa ili, ako je
kasniji, dana pravosnanosti ugovora sa presuivaem, presuiva se obavezuje da stra-
nama saopti svoju odluku u pisanoj formi. Takva odluka sadri obrazloenje i izjavu da je
data u skladu sa ovim Pravilima.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 49

ficient copies of any documentation and information relevant to the Contract that he may
21 The Adjudicator shall act as an impartial expert, not as an arbitrator, and shall have full au-
thority to conduct any hearing as he thinks fit, not being bound by any rules or procedures
other than those set out herein. Without limiting the foregoing, the Adjudicator shall have
power to:
(a) decide upon the Adjudicators own jurisdiction, and as to the scope of any dis-
pute referred to him,
(b) make use of his own specialist knowledge, if any,
(c) adopt an inquisitorial procedure,
(d) decide upon the payment of interest in accordance with the Contract,
(e) open up, review and revise any opinion, instruction, determination, certificate or
valuation, related to the dispute,
(f) refuse admission to hearings to any persons other than the Employer, the
Contractor and their respective representatives, and to proceed in the absence
of any Party who the Adjudicator is satisfied received notice of the hearing.
22 All communications between either of the Parties and the Adjudicator and all hearings shall
be in the language of the Adjudicators Agreement. All such communications shall be cop-
ied to the other Party.
23 No later than the fifty-sixth day after the day on which the Adjudicator received a reference
or, if later, the day on which the Adjudicators Agreement came into effect, the Adjudicator
shall give written notice of his decision to the Parties. Such decision shall include reasons
and state that it is given under these Rules.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

50 Posebni uslovi

Ugovor sa presuivaem

Naziv projekta:


Naziv i sedite investitora:


Naziv i sedite izvoaa:


Ime i adresa presuivaa:


Budui da su Investitor i Izvoa zakljuili ugovor (Ugovor) za realizaciju Projekta i da ele

da postave Presuivaa u svojstvu presuivaa koji e da deluje u skladu sa Pravilima za re-
avanja sporova

Investitor, Izvoa i Presuiva su se dogovorili kako sledi:

1. Pravila i ugovorne odredbe sainjavaju sastavni deo ovog Ugovora.

2. Presuivau se isplauje:

Dnevna naknada za obezbeenje usluga (ako je predviena) u iznosu od

_____________________________________ meseno
Dnevni honorar u iznosu od _________________________________________
Naknada trokova (ukljuujui trokove telefonskih razgovora, kurirskih usluga, faksa i
teleksa u vezi vrenja svojih dunosti, sve opravdane i neophodne putne trokove, hotel-
ski smetaj ishranu i ostale neposredne putne trokove).
Potrebno je da se za sve trokove podnesu priznanice.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 51

Adjudicators Agreement

Identification of Project:

(the Project)

Name and address of the Employer:

(the Employer)

Name and address of Contractor:

(the Contractor)

Name and address of Adjudicator:

(the Adjudicator)

Whereas the Employer and the Contractor have entered into a contract (the Contract) for the
execution of the Project and wish to appoint the Adjudicator to act as adjudicator in accordance
with the Rules for Adjudication [the Rules].

The Employer, Contractor and Adjudicator agree as follows:

1. The Rules and the dispute provisions of the Contract shall form part of this Agreement.
2. The Adjudicator shall be paid:

A retainer fee of _____________________________________ per calendar month

(where applicable)
A daily fee of _________________________________________
Expenses (including the cost of telephone calls, courier charges, faxes and telexes in-
curred in connection with his duties; all reasonable and necessary travel expenses, hotel
accommodation and subsistence and other direct travel expenses).
Receipts will be required for all expenses.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

52 Posebni uslovi

3. Presuiva pristaje da deluje u svojstvu presuivaa u skladu sa Pravilima i stranama je

predoio sve svoje eventualne ranije ili sadanje veze sa stranama ili drugim licima koja
su zainteresovana za projekt.
4. Merodavno pravo ovog Ugovora jeste pravo ________________________________
5. Merodavni jezik ovog Ugovora jeste ______________________________________

za raun i u ime Investitora u prisustvu
Svedoka ________________________________
Ime ________________________________
Adresa ________________________________
Datum ________________________________

za raun i u ime Izvoaa u prisustvu
Svedoka ________________________________
Ime ________________________________
Adresa ________________________________
Datum ________________________________

za raun i u ime Presuivaa u prisustvu
Svedoka ________________________________
Ime ________________________________
Adresa ________________________________
Datum ________________________________

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 53

3. The Adjudicator agrees to act as adjudicator in accordance with the Rules and has dis-
closed to the Parties any previous or existing relationship with the Parties or others con-
cerned with the Project.
4. This Agreement shall be governed by the law of ________________________________
5. The language of this Agreement shall be _____________________________________


for and on behalf of the Employer in the presence of

Witness ________________________________
Name ________________________________
Address ________________________________
Date ________________________________


for and on behalf of the Contractor in the presence of

Witness ________________________________
Name ________________________________
Address ________________________________
Date ________________________________


for and on behalf of the Adjudicator in the presence of

Witness ________________________________
Name ________________________________
Address ________________________________
Date ________________________________

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

54 Posebni uslovi

Savetodavne napomene

(nisu sastavni deo Ugovora)

Opte napomene

Svrha ovog ugovora jeste da se na jasan i jednostavan nain izraze tradicionalni pojmovi na-
bavke. Ovaj ugovor je predvien za radove jednostavnog sadraja i kratkog trajanja. Ako je
potrebno da izvoa izvri projektovanje, i to je obuhvaeno.
Ovde nisu dati Posebni uslovi, ali su zato date alternativne formulacije koje se uzimaju u
obzir pod konkretnim uslovima. Sve potrebne dodatne informacije trebalo bi da se unesu
u Prilog.
Jedan dokument je predloen kao obrazac tendera i ugovora. To odraava predviene jedno-
stavne projekte.
Jedna od posledica jednostavnog obrasca ugovora je u tome to se od investitora zahteva da
u specifikacijama i crteima iskae pun obim radova, ukljuujui i obim projektovanja za koje bi
izvoa bio eventualno zaduen.
Ne postoji nadzorni organ ili predstavnik investitora kakav je u formalnom smislu predvien u
nekim drugim FIDIC-ovim uslovima. U ovom sluaju, investitor preduzima sve potrebne mere.
Meutim, investitor mora da imenuje svog zvaninog tumaa stavova, a ako eli da anga-
uje nekog konsultanta koji bi upravljao izvravanjem ugovora, on moe da postavi svog
predstavnika sa posebnim obavezama i ovlaenjima. Izvoa takoe imenuje svog pred-
Uslovi ne sadre sveukupna ogranienja odgovornosti izvoaa. U sluaju da takvo ogra-
nienje bude potrebno, potrebno je da se u Posebne uslove unese klauzula u tom smislu.


tampani obrazac predvia jednostavan postupak podnoenja ponude i prihvatanja. Da bi se

izbegle zamke i neizvesnosti vezane za pisma o prihvatanja ili pisma o namerama, smatralo
se da bi bilo poeljno da se promovie jedna jasna i nedvosmislena praksa.
Namera je bila da investitor sam upie svoje ime u sporazumu i da po potrebi popuni Prilog,
kao i da to u dva primerka poalje podnosiocima tendera skupa sa specifikacijama, crteima,
itd., to sve sainjava tenderski paket. to se tie oba primerka, izvoa kompletira, potpisuje
i stavlja datum u odeljku ponude i popunjava sav preostali prostor u Prilogu. Kada odlui koju
e ponudu da prihvati, investitor potpisuje odeljak o prihvatanju u oba primerka i vraa jedan
primerak izvoau. Ugovor stupa na snagu kada izvoa primi svoj primerak.
Ako su dozvoljeni pregovori posle tendera i pri tome se postigne dogovor o izmenama u specifi-
kacijama ili ceni, tada se taj obrazac moe koristiti kada stranke izvre i parafiraju odgovarajue
izmene u svojim dokumentima. Time izvoa daje izmenjenu ponudu u odgovoru na investito-
rovu izmenjenu tendersku dokumentaciju, a izmenjena ponuda se smatra prihvaenom kada
je investitor potpie i vrati obrazac prihvatanja. Ako su izmene obimne, potrebno je da strane
popune novi obrazac ugovora.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 55

Notes for Guidance

(not forming part of the Contract)


The objective of this Contract is to express in clear and simple terms traditional procurement
concepts. The Contract is intended to be suitable for works of simple content and short dura-
tion. If it is required that the Contractor should undertake design, this is also provided for.
There are no Particular Conditions, although these Notes contain alternative wording for con-
sideration in particular circumstances. All necessary additional information is intended to be
provided in the Appendix.
A single document is proposed for the form of tender and the agreement. This reflects the
simple projects envisaged.
One result of the simple form of Contract is that there is an increased burden on the Employer
to set out in the Specification and Drawings the full scope of works, including the extent of any
design to be done by the Contractor.
There is no Engineer or Employers Representative in the formal sense used in some other
FIDIC Conditions. The Employer takes all necessary actions. However, the Employer must
nominate his authorised spokesman and, if he wishes to engage a consultant to administer
the Contract, may appoint a representative with specific delegated duties and authority. The
Contractor also nominates a representative.
The Conditions contain no overall limit on the Contractors liability. If such a limit is required, a
Clause should be inserted in the Particular Conditions.


The printed form envisages a simple procedure of offer and acceptance. In order to avoid
the traps and uncertainties that surround letters of acceptance and letters of intent, it was
thought preferable to promote a clear and unambiguous practice.
It is intended that the Employer will write in the Employers name in the Agreement and fill in the
Appendix where appropriate and send two copies to tenderers together with the Specification,
Drawings etc forming the tender package. In respect of both copies, the Contractor is to com-
plete, sign and date the Offer section and complete any remaining spaces in the Appendix.
Having decided which tender to accept, the Employer signs the Acceptance section of both
copies and returns one copy to the Contractor. The Contract comes into effect upon receipt by
the Contractor of his copy.
If post-tender negotiations are permitted and changes in specification or price are agreed, then
the form can still be used after the Parties have made and initialled the appropriate changes
to their respective documents. The Contractor thus makes a revised offer in response to the
Employers revised tender documents and the revised offer is accepted by the Employer sign-
ing and returning the Acceptance form. If the changes are extensive, a new form of Agreement
should be completed by the Parties.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

56 Posebni uslovi

Budui da ugovor stupa na snagu kada izvoa primi potpisani odeljak o prihvatanju, investitor
bi trebalo da preduzme mere radi utvrivanja prijema, tako to e, na primer, od izvoaa traiti
da uzme i potpie sporazum.
Kada je merodavnim zakonima predvieno plaanje nekog poreza na radove, kao to je to
PDV, investitor bi trebalo da jasno naznai da li je potrebno da ponuai ukljue takav porez u
svoju cenu. Slino tome, ako se plaanja vre u celini ili delimino u nekoj valuti koja nije valuta
Zemlje, investitor mora da o tome obavesti ponuae. Videti podklauzulu 11.7.


Sve savetodavne napomene u vezi sastavljanja Priloga nalaze se u napomenama u vezi

dotinih klauzula. Investitor bi trebalo da sastavi Prilog na predloeni nain pre nego to
uputi poziv za podnoenje tendera. Od podnosilaca tendera moe se traiti da rok zavret-
ka unesu pod 1.1.9, ukoliko taj rok nije preciziran. Kada se od izvoaa trai da uz tender
priloe i svoje projekte, podnosioci tendera trebalo bi da projekt oznae u stavki 1.1.1(f)
U Prilogu je dato nekoliko predloga u vezi, na primer, roka za podnoenje programa izvoaa u
skladu sa podklauzulom 7.2 i iznosa garantnog depozita predvienog podklauzulom 11.3. Ako
investitor usvoji te predloge, nisu potrebne nikakve mere. U suprotnom, njih bi trebalo brisati
i zameniti.

Opte odredbe

1.1 Definicije. Definicije koje su date u ovim Uslovima nisu sve istovetne onima koje su date
u ostalim FIDIC-ovim ugovorima. To je tako zbog potrebe da se stvari uproste u ugovorima
ove vrste. Bitno drukije definicije odnose se na datum poetka, gradilite, izmene i rado-
1.1.1 Ugovor
. Spisak dokumentacije ima dve svrhe: kao prvo, utvrivanje dokumentacije koja
sainjava deo ugovora, i kao drugo, utvrivanje reda prioriteta u sluaju sukoba izmeu

Utvrivanje dokumentacije potrebno je da bi se izbegle eventualne nedoumice, zbog na

primer, izmena u specifikacijama. Uvek je poeljan kompletan spisak crtea koji bi bio
dat na posebnom listu.
Posebni uslovi nisu potrebni, ali u sluaju potrebe da se vre izmene ovih uslova, takve
se izmene navode na listu sa zaglavljem Posebni uslovi i njima se daje prednost u odno-
su na Opte uslove. U suprotnom, ovaj se uput brie.
U specifikacijama bi trebalo da se jasno naznae projekti koje bi izvoa trebalo da obez-
bedi, ukljuujui i obim u kojem bi trebalo da se podnesu projektni predlozi uz tender. Ako
toga nema, uput na projekt podnet od strane izvoaa brie se.
Ako nije predvien predmer, uput se brie.
Ako je potrebna dopunska dokumentacija kao sastavni deo ugovora, kao to su to spi-
skovi informacija koje obezbeuje izvoa, istu dodaje investitor. Potrebno je da se u
svakom sluaju vodi rauna o potrebnom prioritetu.
Ako se koristi pismo o prihvatanju, njemu se daje visoki prioritet.

1.1.7 Datum poetka. Datum poetka ugovora jeste 14. dan od dana kada izvoa primi ugo-
vor kojeg je investitor potpisao, ukoliko se strane nisu drukije dogovorile.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 57

As the Contract comes into effect upon receipt of the signed Acceptance by the Contractor,
the Employer should take steps to establish when receipt occurs, for example by requiring the
Contractor to collect and sign for the Agreement.
When the applicable law imposes any form of tax such as VAT on the Works, the Employer
should make clear whether tenderers should include such taxes in their prices. Similarly, if pay-
ment is to be made in whole or in part in a currency other than the currency of the Country, the
Employer should make this clear to tenderers. See Sub-Clause 11.7.


Any Notes for Guidance on the completion of the Appendix are to be found in the Notes to the
Clauses concerned. The Employer should complete the Appendix as indicated prior to inviting
tenders. Tenderers may be asked to insert a Time for Completion at 1.1.9 if none is specified.
Where tenderers are required to submit design with their tenders, the documents containing the
tendered design should be identified by the tenderer against item 1.1.1(f) of the Appendix.
A number of suggestions have been made in the Appendix, such as the time for submission
of the Contractors programme under Sub-Clause 7.2 and the amount of retention under Sub-
Clause 11.3. If these suggestions are adopted by the Employer, no action is required. Otherwise,
they should be deleted and replaced.

General Provisions

1.1 Definitions. The definitions in these Conditions are not all the same as those to be found
in other FIDIC Contracts. This is as a result of the need for simplicity in Conditions of this
sort. Significantly different definitions include Commencement Date, Site, Variation and

1.1.1 Contract. The list of documents serves two purposes: firstly, to identify which documents
form part of the Contract; and secondly, to provide an order of priority in the event of conflict
between them.
Document identification is necessary to avoid any possible doubt, for example because
specifications have been subject to revisions. A complete list of Drawings is always desir-
able and could be attached on a separate sheet.
There is no need for Particular Conditions but if amendments to these Conditions are
required, they should be inserted on the sheet headed Particular Conditions and given
priority over the General Conditions. If none, delete the reference.
The Specification should set out in clear terms any design that the Contractor is required to
undertake, including the extent to which any design proposals are to be submitted with the
tender. If none, the reference to the Contractors tendered design should be deleted.
If there is no bill of quantities, delete the reference.
If there are additional documents which are required to form part of the Contract, such
as schedules of information provided by the Contractor, these should be added by the
Employer. Consideration should be given in each case to the required priority.
If a letter of acceptance is used, it should be given high priority, with or in place of the
Agreement, for example.

1.1.7 Commencement Date. The starting date for the Contract is 14 days after the date when
the Contractor receives the Agreement signed by the Employer, unless the Parties agree

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

58 Posebni uslovi

1.1.14 Via sila odnosi se, pored ostalog, na nie navedene izuzetne dogaaje ili okolnosti,
pod uslovom da su ispunjena sva etiri uslova iz definicije:

a) rat, neprijateljstva (bez obzira da li je rat objavljen ili ne), invaziju, delovanje
stranih neprijatelja,
b) pobuna, terorizam, revoluciju, ustanak, vojna ili uzurpirana vlast ili graanski
c) mete, nemir, nered, trajk ili onemoguavanje radnicima prilaz svojim radnim
mestima, ukoliko se ne radi o radnicima izvoaa ili podizvoaa,
d) municiju, eksplozivna sredstva, jonizujua zraenja ili radioaktivno zagaenje,
ako se to ne moe pripisati izvoaevom korienju municije, eksploziva, zrae-
nja ili radioaktivnosti, i
e) elementarne nepogode kao to su to zemljotresi, uragani, tajfuni ili vulkanska
1.1.19 Radovi. Radovi obuhvataju sve obaveze izvoaa, ukljuujui i eventualno projektova-
nje i otklanjanje nedostataka.
1.5 Komunikacije. Problem jezika reava se zahtevom da bitne komunikacije, kao to su to
one koje se odnose na upozorenja i naloge, budu na jeziku koji je naveden u Prilogu. Inae,
ne postoji merodavni jezik. Arbitraa se vri na predvienom jeziku.
1.6 Izmene u zakonima koje se izvre posle datuma izvoaeve ponude predstavljaju rizik
investitora, tako da njima izazvana kanjenja ili dodatni trokovi idu na njegov teret. Ako
merodavno ugovorno pravo nije pravo Zemlje, tada je potrebno da se izvri izmena u
podklauzuli 6.1 Posebnih uslova.


2.1 Ukoliko se strane nisu drukije dogovorile, investitor predaje gradilite izvoau na dan
poetnog datuma. To je 14. dan od stupanja ugovora na snagu, tj. kada investitor vrati
potpisani ugovor izvoau (videti takoe podklauzulu 1.1.7).
2.2 Ako iz bilo kog razloga budu potrebne i dozvole, itd. od izdavaa koji su van Zemlje, ova
podklauzula bi mogla da se ogranii dodavanjem na njenom kraju rei:
... u Zemlji, ali ne van nje.

2.4 Izraz odobrenje koristi se u uslovima samo u vezi garancije za dobro izvravanje posla
iz podklauzule 4.4 i osiguranja iz podklauzule 14.1. Bitno je da ne doe do nenamernog
prenoenja na investitora rizika, kao to su to oni koji se odnose na lou izradu ili projekte
izvoaa. Ova podklauzula je predviena da sprei prepirke.

Predstavnik investitora

3 Voeno je rauna o dva principa u pripremi ove klauzule. Kao prvo, izvoa bi trebalo da
zna ko je u investitorovoj organizaciji ovlaen da govori i deluje u ime investitora bilo kada.
To se postie podklauzulom 3.1: ovlaeno lice se imenuje u Prilogu.

Kao drugo, investitore koji ele strunu pomo ne bi trebalo obeshrabrivati u tom smislu i
njihovi konsultanti bi trebalo da imaju jasno izraena ovlaenja. To je svrha podklauzule
3.2. Po svom postavljenju, predstavnik investitora deluje u ime i u interesu investitora. Ne
postoji dvojna uloga ili obaveza nepristrasnosti. Ako je potreban nepristrasni predstavnik

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 59

1.1.14 Force Majeure may include, but is not limited to, exceptional events or circumstances
of the kind listed below, so long as all of the four conditions stated in the definition have
been satisfied:

a) war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign en-
b) rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or civil
c) riot, commotion, disorder, strike or lockout by persons other than the Contractors
personnel and other employees,
d) munitions of war, explosive materials, ionising radiation or contamination by ra-
dioactivity, except as may be attributable to the Contractors use of such muni-
tions, explosives, radiation or radioactivity, and
e) natural catastrophes such as earthquake, hurricane, typhoon or volcanic ac-

1.1.19 Works. The term Works is intended to cover all the obligations of the Contractor, in-
cluding any design and the remedying of defects.

1.5 Communications. The problem of languages is addressed by requiring the important com-
munications such as notices and instructions to be in the language stated in the Appendix.
Otherwise there is no Ruling Language. Any arbitration will be conducted in the specified

1.6 Changes to the law after the date of the Contractors offer are at the Employers risk and
any delay or additional cost are recoverable by the Contractor. If the law of the Contract
is not the law of the Country, then Sub-Clause 6.1 should be changed in the Particular

The Employer

2.1 Unless the Parties have agreed otherwise, the Site must be handed over by the Employer
to the Contractor on the Commencement Date. This is 14 days after the Contract has come
into effect, which occurs when the signed Agreement has been returned by the Employer
to the Contractor (see also Sub-Clause 1.1.7 above).
2.2 If for any reason, permits etc may also be required from places other than the Country, this
Sub-Clause could be limited by the addition at the end of the words:
... in the Country but not elsewhere.

2.4 The term approval is only used in the Conditions in relation to the performance security
at Sub-Clause 4.4 and insurances at Sub-Clause 14.1. It is important that risks such as
those of poor workmanship or Contractors design are not transferred to the Employer un-
intentionally. The Sub-Clause is intended to prevent argument.

Employers Representatives

3 Two principles guided the drafting of this Clause. Firstly, the Contractor should know who
in an Employer organisation is authorised to speak and act for the Employer at any given
time. This is achieved by Sub-Clause 3.1: the authorised individual should be named in the
Secondly, those Employers who require professional assistance should not be discour-
aged from doing so and their consultant should have clearly established delegated pow-
ers. This is the object of Sub-Clause 3.2. Once appointed, the Employers representative

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

60 Posebni uslovi

investitora ija bi uloga bila slina ulozi tradicionalnog nadzornog organa, tada bi mogao
da se koristi sledei tekst u Posebnim uslovima:
Zameniti poslednju reenicu podklauzule 3.2 sledeom: Predstavnik investito-
ra vri na pravian i nepristrasan nain ovlaenja investitora u skladu ili u vezi sa
sledeim podklauzulama: 1.3, 2.3, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 7.3, 8.2, 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, 10.5,
11.1 do 11.6, 11.8, 12.1, 13.2 i 14.1.
U meri u kojoj je investitor preneo ovlaenja na svog predstavnika, investitor bi trebalo
da vodi rauna o tome da takva ovlaenja sam ne vri da bi se izbegao rizik od sukoba
naloga, odluka, itd.


4.1 U veini ugovora se ne preciziraju standardi za svaki element radova, tako da je po-
trebno da se izvoau odredi orijentacioni standard. Ako je potreban specifiniji set
standarda za odreeni projekt, tada bi bilo poeljno da se izvri izmena u Posebnim
4.4 Garancija za dobro izvravanje posla. Nisu dati predloeni obrasci garancija za dobro
izvravanje posla ili bankarskih garancija. Ako se smatra da razmere projekta iziskuju ta-
kvu garanciju, trebalo bi se pridravati lokalne prakse u tom smislu. Uzorni obrasci dati su u
FIDIC-ovim Uslovima ugovora za gradnju. U Prilogu bi trebalo da se navede iznos i eljeni
obrazac potrebne garancije.

Projekti izvoaa

5.1 Kao i u sluaju svih ugovora za projektovanje i izgradnju, potrebno je da investitorovi zahte-
vi budu jasno i precizno postavljeni. U Prilogu bi trebalo da se ponuaima jasno naznae
podklauzule specifikacija u kojima su postavljeni uslovi projektovanja. Ako investitor obez-
beuju bilo koji deo projekata, odgovornost za projekte se deli, jer je po ovom ugovoru izvo-
a odgovoran samo za projekte koje je on pripremio. Stoga bi trebalo da se jasno naznai
obim projektne obaveze izvoaa, kako bi se sporovi izbegli. Uslovi izbegavaju zbunjujui
pojam odobrenja projekta. Projekti se podnose i mogu da budu vraeni sa primedbama ili
da budu odbijeni. Uopte nema potrebe da investitor reaguje.
5.2 Odgovornost izvoaa za svoje projekte stoji, kako je jasno naznaeno ovde i u podklau-
zuli 2.4. U sluaju sukoba izmeu specifikacija i crtea i podnetih projekata izvoaa, red
prioriteta koji je dat u Prilogu jasno pokazuje da dokumentacija investitora ima prednost.
To znai da ako je investitor sklon podnetom izvoaevom reenju, trebalo bi da se izvre
izmene specifikacija i crtea pre nego to strane potpiu ugovor.
Izvoa je u apsolutnoj obavezi da se postara o tome da delovi radova koje je on pro-
jektovao budu primereni svojoj nameni, pod uslovom da je ta namena predviena ugo-
vorom. Stoga bi investitor morao da u delovima specifikacija u kojima se postavljaju
projektantske obaveze precizira namenu dela radova za ije je projektovanje izvoa
odgovoran. To bi trebalo da se uradi da bi se izbegao spor oko toga da li je namena
definisana ili nije.
Ako neka strana eli da zatiti prava intelektualnog vlasnitva nad svojim projektima, u
Posebne uslove trebalo bi da se unese odredba u tom smislu.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 61

acts for and in the interests of the Employer. There is no dual role or duty to be impartial.
If an impartial Employers Representative is required with a role similar to the traditional
Engineer, then the following words could be used in the Particular Conditions:
Replace the final sentence of Sub-Clause 3.2 with the following: The Employers
Representative shall exercise in a fair and impartial manner the powers of the
Employer under or in connection with the following Sub-Clauses: 1.3, 2.3, 4.2, 4.3,
5.1, 7.3, 8.2, 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, 10.5, 11.1 to 11.6, 11.8, 12.1, 13.2 and 14.1.
To the extent that the Employer has delegated powers to an Employers representative, he
should be careful not to exercise such powers himself in order to avoid the risk of conflicting
instructions, decisions etc.

The Contractor

4.1 Most contracts do not specify the exact standard required for each element of the Works,
so some benchmark standard is needed with which the Contractor is to comply. If a more
specific set of standards could be referred to for a particular project, then an amendment in
the Particular Conditions would be desirable.
4.4 Performance Security. Suggested forms of performance bond (surety bond) or bank
guarantee have not been provided. If it is felt that the scale of project warrants security
by means of a bond, then local commercial practice should dictate the form. Example
forms are included with FIDICs Conditions of Contract for Construction. The amount
and a reference to the desired form of any required security should be set out in the

Design by Contractor

5.1 As with all design-build contracts it is essential that the Employers requirements are set
out clearly and precisely. The Appendix should indicate to tenderers the Sub-Clause(s) in
the Specification that set out the design requirement. Where the Employer procures any
part of the design, the responsibility for design will be shared as this Contract makes the
Contractor responsible only for design prepared by him. The extent of the Contractors
design obligation should therefore be clearly stated if disputes are to be avoided. The
Conditions avoid the confusing concept of approval of design. Designs are submitted and
may be returned with comments or rejected. The Employer need not react at all.
5.2 The Contractors responsibility for his design remains, as is made clear here and in
Sub-Clause 2.4. In the event of conflict between the Specification and Drawings and the
Contractors tendered design, the order of priority in the Appendix makes it clear that the
Employers documents prevail. This means that if the Employer prefers the Contractors
tendered solution, the Specification and Drawings should be amended before the Contract
is signed by the Parties.
The Contractor will have an absolute obligation to ensure that the parts of the Works de-
signed by him are fit for their purpose, provided that the intended purposes are defined in
the Contract. The Employer must therefore make clear in the parts of the Specification that
impose design obligations, the intended purposes of the part of the Works to be designed
by the Contractor. This should be done even where this seems obvious in order to avoid
argument about whether an intended purpose is defined or not.

If a party wishes to protect the intellectual property in his design, provision must be made
in the Particular Conditions.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

62 Posebni uslovi

Odgovornosti izvoaa

6.1 Ova podklauzula okuplja na jednom mestu osnove za produenje roka u skladu sa podkla-
uzulom 7.3 i osnove za potraivanja u skladu sa podklauzulom 10.4. Tu nema potraivanja
u vezi utroenog vremena ili loih vremenskih uslova, mada bi to moglo da se regulie
Posebnim uslovima, po potrebi.

Rok zavretka

7.2 U Prilogu bi trebalo da se navedu svi posebni uslovi u pogledu oblika i nivoa detaljnosti
programa koji se podnose. Kada se trae projekti izvoaa, u Prilogu bi trebalo da se kae
da bi u program trebalo da se unesu nameravani datumi pripreme i podnoenja crtea,
7.3 Produenje roka trebalo bi da zavisi od njegove opravdanosti. To znai da ako neki dogaaj
koji je predvien podklauzulom 6.1 izazove kritian zastoj u izvoenju radova i ako bi bilo
pravino i razumno da se odobri produenje roka, investitor bi trebalo da tako i postupi.
Produenje roka ne bi trebalo odobriti ukoliko izvoa ne podnese blagovremeno upozore-
nje u skladu sa podklauzulom 10.3.
7.4 Postoji maksimalni iznos koji je plativ od strane izvoaa zbog probijanja roka zavretka
koji je naveden u Prilogu. Predlae se da to bude 10% iznosa navedenog u sporazumu.


8.2 U skladu sa normalnom praksom, nije predvieno da radovi moraju da budu zavreni u ce-
lini pre nego to ih investitor preuzme. Kada su radovi spremni za korienje u predviene
svrhe, o tome se izdaje saoptenje. Nema odredbi o primopredaji samo delova radova, ali
ako se to zahteva, potrebno je da se odredba u tom smislu unese u Posebne uslove.
Ako je potrebno da neka ispitivanja budu izvrena pre primopredaje, ona bi trebalo da
budu navedena u specifikacijama. Definicija radova dovoljno opsena za ukljuivanje
takvih ispitivanja.

Otklanjanje nedostataka

9.1 Rok odgovornosti za otklanjanje nedostatka nije preciziran, investitor moe da izvoau
prijavi nedostatke tokom jednog perioda koji obino traje 12 meseci od primopredaje rado-
va. Izvoa se obavezuje da te nedostatke otkloni u razumnom roku, a ukoliko to izvoa
ne uini, investitor moe da angauje druga lica to uine o troku izvoaa.. Investitor
takoe moe da prijavi nedostatke u svako doba pre primopredaje.
Odgovornost izvoaa za nedostatke obino ne prestaje sa istekom roka navedenog
u Prilogu. Premda on onda vie nije obavezan da se vrati na gradilite radi otklanjanja
nedostataka, nedostatak predstavlja krenje ugovora za koje je izvoa obavezan da
obezbedi obeteenje. Ova obaveza postoji onoliko koliko je predvieno ugovornim pra-
vom, to esto biva 3, 6 ili 10 godina od datuma prekraja. Da bi se ovakva dugorona
odgovornost skratila ili izbegla, potrebno bi bilo da se u Posebne uslove unese klauzula
u tom smislu.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 63

Employers Liabilities

6.1 This Sub-Clause gathers together in one place the grounds for extension of time under
Sub-Clause 7.3 and the grounds for claims under Sub-Clause 10.4. There is no time or
claim for bad weather although this could be adjusted in the Particular Conditions if so

Time for Completion

7.2 The Appendix should stipulate any particular requirements as to the form and level of detail
of programme to be submitted. Where Contractors design is required, the Appendix could
stipulate that the programme should show the dates on which it is intended to prepare and
submit drawings etc.
7.3 The test for entitlement to an extension of time is whether it is appropriate. This means
that if an event under Sub-Clause 6.1 caused critical delay to the Works and it is fair and
reasonable to grant an extension of time, the Employer should do so. An extension of time
should not be granted to the extent that any failure by the Contractor to give an early warn-
ing notice under Sub-Clause 10.3 contributed to the delay.
7.4 There is a maximum amount which the Contractor is liable to pay for late completion speci-
fied in the Appendix. 10% of the sum stated in the Agreement is suggested.


8.2 In line with normal practice, it is not envisaged that the Works need be 100% complete
before the Employer may take over. Once the Works are ready to be used for their
intended purpose, the notice should be given. There is no provision for taking-over of
only parts of the Works but if this is required, provision should be made in the Particular
If any tests are required to be completed prior to taking-over, these should be specified in
the Specification. The definition of Works is broad enough to include any such tests.

Remedying Defects

9.1 There is no defined Defects Liability Period but during the period - normally 12 months
- from the date of taking-over, the Employer may notify the Contractor of defects. The
Contractor must remedy such defects within a reasonable time. If he fails to do so, the
Employer may employ others for that purpose at the Contractors cost. The Employer may
also notify defects at any time prior to taking-over.
The liability of the Contractor for defects will not normally end with the expiry of the period
stated in the Appendix. Although he is then no longer obliged to return to Site to remedy
defects, the defect represents a breach of contract for which the Contractor is liable in dam-
ages. This liability remains for as long as the law of the Contract stipulates, often 3, 6 or 10
years from the date of the breach. If this long-term liability is to be reduced or eliminated, a
Clause in the Particular Conditions is required.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

64 Posebni uslovi

Izmene i potraivanja

10.1 Po definiciji, izmena predstavlja bilo kakvu promenu u specifikacijama ili crteima. Ako
investitor eli da izmeni bilo koji deo radova kojeg je projektovao izvoa kao deo svoje
ponude ili nakon dodele ugovora, to se ini u vidu dodatka specifikacijama ili crteima koji
shodno podklauzuli 5.2 imaju prednost u odnosu na projekt izvoaa.
10.2 Ova podklauzula daje alternativne postupke za vrednovanje izmena koji se primenjuju po
datom redu prioriteta. Ona se primenjuje kako na izostavljanje, tako i na dodavanje

a) Paualni iznos predstavlja prvi metod kojeg bi trebalo uzeti u obzir, jer on obu-
hvata stvarnu cenu izmene i pomou njega se izbegava kasniji spor u vezi po-
srednih posledica. Investitor moe da od izvoaa zatrai vrednost izmena po
stavkama (podklauzula 10.5) pre nego to da nalog za izmenu, tako da dogovo-
reni paualni iznos moe da bude sastavni deo naloga.
b) Alternativno, neto tradicionalniji pristup bio bi da se izmena vrednuje po cena-
ma iz predmera i cenovnika, ili
c) Korienje tih cena kao osnovice, ili
d) Korienje novih cena.
e) Cene za dodatne radove obino se koriste kada je izmena neodredive prirode
ili je van redosleda ostalih radova. Da bi se obezbedile umerene cene dodat-
nih radova, potrebno je da se u tenderskoj dokumentaciji predvidi konkurentno
10.3 Ova podklauzula i podklauzula 10.5 obavezuju izvoaa da investitora odmah obavetava
o dogaajima i da detaljno obrazloena potraivanja podnosi u roku od 28 dana. Ako se
uticaj nekog dogaaja pojaa ili ako na mogunost da investitor proveri neko potraivanje
utie neprijavljivanje, tada je investitor zatien.

Ugovorna cena i plaanje

11.1 Obino je potrebno da se koristi jedna od opcija iz Priloga da bi se dobio nain na koji se
izraunava i prikazuje iznos u ponudi. Sledi objanjenje namere:

Paualna cena Paualna ponuda bez obrazloenja. Ovo bi trebalo da se ko-

risti u sluaju veoma malih radova, gde se izmene ne oekuju
i kada e radovi biti zavreni u kratkom roku, pri emu se vri
samo jedna isplata izvoau.
Paualna cena sa Paualna ponuda sa spiskom cena pripremljenim od strane
spiskom cena ponuaa. To bi bio vei ugovor koji bi iziskivao izmene i fazno
plaanje. Ako investitor nije u mogunosti da pripremi sopstve-
ni predmer radova, ova alternativa bi bila prikladna.
Paualna cena sa Paualna ponuda na bazi investitorovog predmera. Ovo je isto
predmerom kao i u prethodnom sluaju, s tom razlikom to je investitor u
mogunosti da pripremi svoj predmer. Bolji je ugovor ako po-
stoji investitorov predmer.
Ponovno merenje sa Iznos koji podlee ponovnom merenju po cenama koje nudi
predmerom ponua u predmeru pripremljenom od strane investitora. To
bi bilo isto kao i prethodno, s tim to bi bilo prikladno za ugo-
vore kod kojih postoji velika verovatnoa izmena posle njihove

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 65

Variations and Claims

10.1 Variation is defined to include any change to the Specification or Drawings included in
the Contract. If the Employer requires a change to part of the Works designed by the
Contractor either as part of his tender or after the Contract was awarded, then this is to be
done by way of an addition to the Specification or Drawings which by Sub-Clause 5.2 will
prevail over Contractors design.
10.2 This Sub-Clause sets out alternative procedures for the valuation of Variations, to be ap-
plied in the order of priority given. It applies equally to omissions as to additional works.

a) A lump sum should be the first method to be considered as it can encompass

the true cost of a Variation and avoid subsequent dispute over the indirect effect.
The Employer can invite the Contractor to submit an itemised make-up (Sub-
Clause 10.5) before instructing the Variation so that an agreed lump sum can
form part of the instruction.
b) Alternatively, a more traditional approach can be taken by valuing the Variation
at rates in the bill of quantities and any schedules, or
c) using these rates as a basis, or
d) using new rates.
e) Daywork rates are normally used when the Variation is of an indeterminate na-
ture or is out of sequence with the remaining Works. To ensure reasonable day-
work rates, provision should be made for these to be priced competitively in the
tender documents.

10.3 This Sub-Clause and Sub-Clause 10.5 require the Contractor to notify the Employer of
events promptly and to detail any claim within 28 days. If the effects of the event are in-
creased or if the ability of the Employer to verify any claim is affected by the failure to notify,
then the Employer is protected.

Contract Price and Payment

11.1 Normally only one of the options in the Appendix should be used to indicate how the sum
in the offer is be calculated and presented. The following explains what is intended:
Lump sum price A lump sum offer without any supporting details. This would be
used for very minor works where Variations are not anticipated
and the Works will be completed in a short period requiring only
one payment to the Contractor.
Lump sum price with A lump sum offer supported by schedules of rates prepared by
schedule of rates the tenderer. This would be a larger contract where Variations
and stage payments would be required. If the Employer does
not have the resources to prepare his own bill of quantities
then this alternative would be suitable.
Lump sum price with A lump sum offer based on bill of quantities prepared by the
bill of quantities Employer. This would be the same as last but where the
Employer has the resources to prepare his own bill of quanti-
ties. A better contract would result with an Employers bill of
Remeasurement with A sum subject to remeasurement at the rates offered by the
bill of quantities tenderer in the bill of quantities prepared by the Employer. This
would be the same as last but would suit a contract where many
changes are envisaged to the Works after the Contract has
been awarded.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

66 Posebni uslovi

Nadoknadivi trokovi Proraunati trokovi od strane ponuaa koji e biti zamenjeni

stvarnim trokovima izraunatim pod uslovima koje odredi in-
vestitor. To bi bilo prikladno za projekt u kome se obim radova
ne moe utvrditi pre dodele ugovora. Primer ovoga mogla bi
da bude rekonstrukcija neke zgrade koja je oteena poa-

Meutim, ako se iz nekih posebnih razloga izabere nekoliko opcija, npr. ako u paualnom
ugovoru postoji element koji podlee ponovnom merenju, tada je potrebno da se pojedi-
nosti paljivo definiu.
U predgovoru je reeno da je ova kratka forma ugovora predviena za kratkotrajne ra-
dove. U sluaju dugotrajnijih radova, potrebno bi bilo da se unese jedna nova odredba
u podklauzulu 11.1 da bi se pokrila poveanja ili smanjenja trokova vezanih za radnu
snagu, materijale i ostale inpute radova. U te svrhe mogla bi da se adaptira neka odredba
uslova ostalih FIDIC-ovih ugovora.
11.2 Ako je ugovor zakljuen za paualni iznos, potrebno je da se razmotri nain vrednovanja
radova radi vrenja privremenih plaanja. U pripremi priloga podklauzule 11.1, investitor
bi mogao da od ponuaa zatrai prognozu novanih tokova u vezi predloenog faznog
plaanja. To bi moglo da se ponovo razmotri u sluaju produenja roka u skladu sa podkla-
uzulom 7.3.
Aletrnativno, privremena plaanja mogu da budu zasnovana na vrednovanju radova, to
bi takoe moglo da bude prikladno za ugovore koji predviaju ponovno merenje i nakna-
du trokova. Plaanje takoe moe da bude na bazi postizanja ciljeva ija je vrednost
Ukoliko to iziskuju lokalni zakoni ili praksa, moe se traiti i faktura i u tom sluaju, ona
se podnosi skupa sa izjavom.

11.3 Ne postoji odredba o avansnom plaanju. U sluaju potrebe da se takvo plaanje izvri,
potrebno je da u Posebnim uslovima postoji odredba o tome i garanciji koju obezbeuje
izvoa. Uzorni obrazac garancije za avansno plaanje prikazan je u FIDIC-ovim Uslovima
ugovora za izgradnju.
11.4 Odbijanje od garantnog depozita ponekad se zamenjuje odredbom o davanju obezbe-
enja investitoru od strane izvoaa. Alternativno, ukupan iznos odbitaka od garantnog
depozita oslobaa se nakon primopredaje. U svakom sluaju, potrebno je da se u Posebne
uslove unese prikladan tekst. Uzorni obrazac garantnog depozita prikazan je u FIDIC-ovim
Uslovima ugovora za izgradnju.
11.5 Oslobaanje drugog dela garantnog depozita slui kao potvrda da su svi prijavljeni nedo-
staci otklonjeni.
11.7 Pretpostavlja se da e se sva plaanja vriti u jednoj valuti, a ako to nije sluaj, razmere
raznih valuta trebalo bi da se navedu u Prilogu, a u specifikacije ili Posebne uslove, nain


12.1 Investitor ima pravo na raskid ugovora ako izvoa koji ne izvrava svoje obaveza ne
preduzme sve mogue mere da iste izvri ni posle formalnog upozorenja. Ovim se priznaje
da nije mogue da se sva neizvravanja isprave u roku od 14 dana. Ako doe do raskida,
investitor moe da preuzme i koristi opremu izvoaa radi zavravanja radova. Meutim,
opreznost je potrebna ako se na gradilitu nalazi iznajmljena oprema, jer specifina odred-
ba za takav sluaj ne postoji, tako da je malo verovatno da investitor moe da zadri takvu

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 67

Cost reimbursable An estimate prepared by the tenderer which will be replaced

by the actual cost of the Works calculated in accordance with
the terms set by the Employer. This would suit a project where
the extent of work cannot be ascertained before the Contract is
placed. An example of this would be an emergency reconstruc-
tion of a building damaged by fire.

However, if for some special reason, more than one option is selected, for example there
is a remeasureable element in a lump sum Contract, then the details should be carefully
The Foreword indicates that this Short Form of Contract is intended for works of short
duration. In the event of a contract for works of long duration, a new clause could be
inserted at Sub-Clause 11.1 to adjust for the rise and fall in the cost of labour, materials
and other imports to the Works. Such a clause could be adapted from the other FIDIC
Conditions of Contract.

11.2 If the Contract is for a lump sum, consideration should be given as to how the work is to be
valued for the purposes of interim payments. In completing the Appendix for Sub-Clause
11.1, the Employer may request tenderers to submit a cash flow forecast linked to a stage
payment proposal for agreement. This would be reviewed in the event of an extension of
time made in accordance with Sub-Clause 7.3.
Alternatively, interim payment can be based on valuation of the Works which would also
be appropriate for remeasurement and cost reimbursable Contracts. Payment could also
be based on the achievement of milestones or a schedule of activities to which values are
If local law or practice so dictates, an invoice may also be required, in which case it could
be submitted with the statement.

11.3 No provision is made for advance payments. If such a payment is to be made, there
should be provision in the Particular Conditions and for any security to be provided by
the Contractor. An example form of advance payment guarantee is to be found in FIDICs
Conditions of Contract for Construction.

11.4 The deduction of retention is sometimes replaced by the provision of security by the
Contractor to the Employer. Alternatively, the entire retention sum deducted is released
after taking-over upon the provision by the Contractor of security. In either event, suitable
text would be required in the Particular Conditions. An example form of retention guarantee
is to be found in FIDICs Conditions of Contract for Construction.
11.5 The release of the second part of the retention will serve as confirmation that all notified
defects have been remedied.

11.7 It is assumed that payments will be in a single currency. If this is not the case, the propor-
tions of different currencies should be stated in the Appendix and provision made in the
Specification or the Particular Conditions as to how payment is to be made.


12.1 The Employer may terminate the Contract if the defaulting Contractor does not respond
to a formal notice by taking all practicable steps to put right his default. This recognises
that not all defaults are capable of correction in 14 days. If termination takes place, the
Employer may take over and use the Contractors Equipment to complete the Works. Care
should be taken, however, if the equipment on Site is hired: no specific provision is made
to cover this situation and the Employer is unlikely to be able to retain such equipment.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

68 Posebni uslovi

12.2 Ova odredba obezbeuje izvoau glavnu zatitu u sluaju neplaanja. Ako investitor ne
izvri isplatu u roku od 7 dana od prijema izvoaevog upozorenja o neizvravanju oba-
veze sa pozivom na podklauzulu 12.2, izvoa ima pravo da obustavi radove u celini ili
delimino. Ako investitor ne izvri plaanje ili neku drugu obavezu u narednih 21 dan,
stvoren je uslov za raskid ugovora. Izvoa moe da iskoristi svoje pravo na raskid u roku
od 21 dana ili da ga izgubi. Time se jedna strana spreava da zloupotrebi pravo na raskid
u poslovanju sa drugom stranom u preostalom delu projekta.
Ako je oprema izvoaa neophodna zbog bezbednosti ili stabilnosti radova, investitor
mora da se dogovori sa izvoaem u vezi zadravanja te opreme. Lokalni zakoni u veini
sluajeva tite investitora od trenutnog i bezobzirnog odstranjivanja neophodnih stvari.

12.3 Pravo investitora da zadri opremu izvoaa moe da doe u sukob sa pravom likvidatora
ili steajnog upravnika da realizuje sredstva nesolventnog izvoaa. Potrebno je da se
naznai merodavno pravo.

12.4 Ova podklauzula omoguava brzo reavanje finansijskih aspekata ugovora, bez ekanja
dok neko drugi ne zavri radove. Preciziranjem obeteenja plativog pogoenoj strani
zbog neizvrenih obaveza kao uslova za raskid izbegavaju se zastoji, komplikacije i sporo-
vi. Obino su trokovi investitora u vezi obezbeivanja drugog izvoaa vei od izgubljene
dobiti izvoaa.

Rizik i odgovornost

13.1 Iako je izvoa odgovoran za radove sve do primopredaje, on je zatien svojom obave-
zom da radove osigura u skladu sa klauzulom 14 i mogunou da ostvari naknadu svojih
trokova u skladu sa klauzulom 6 u sluaju investitorovog neizvravanja obaveza.
13.2 Da bi se smatrali viom silom, dogaaji moraju da budu takvi da onemoguavaju izvrava-
nje obaveza. Takoe pogledajte definiciju u podklauzuli 1.1.14. Obavetenje mora da se
odmah podnese.


14.1 Potrebno je da investitor precizira svoje zahteve u Prilogu. Osiguranje od odgovornosti

prema treim licima i osiguranje od javne odgovornosti obino je obavezno. Budui da su
manji ugovori uglavnom pokriveni izvoaevim osiguranjem protiv svih rizika, od ponuaa
bi trebalo traiti da uz ponudu priloe i podatke o svom osiguranju.
Svaki zahtev za osiguranje posle datuma investitorovog obavetenje iz podklauzule 8.2
ili usled preuzimanja delova radova trebalo bi da bude obuhvaen posebnim uslovima.
Takoe pogledajte klauzulu 13.
Ako investitor eli da izvri osiguranje umesto izvoaa, potrebno bi bilo da se kao pose-
ban uslov unese sledei tekst umesto podklauzule 14.1:
Zameniti tekst podklauzule 14.1 sledeim tekstom:Investitor se obavezuje da pre
datuma poetka izvri zajedniko osiguranje u ime strana i to po vrstama, u iznosi-
ma i sa izuzecima iz Priloga. Investitor se obavezuje da izvoau podnese dokaz o
vanosti bilo koje polise i uplati premija osiguranja.
Podklauzule 14.2 i 14.3 trebalo bi da se briu ako investitor izvri osiguranje.
Skreemo panju na to da u sluaju investitorovog propusta da izvri osiguranje, izvoa
moe da podnese upozorenje u skladu sa podklauzulom 12.2.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 69

12.2 This provision provides the Contractors main remedy for non-payment. 7 days after the
Employers receipt of a default notice, which must refer to Sub-Clause 12.2, the Contractor
may suspend all or part of his work. 21 days later the option to terminate arises if the
Employer persists with nonpayment or other default. The Contractor must use his right to
terminate within 21 days or lose it. This is to prevent a party abusing a right to terminate in
his dealings with the other party for the remainder of the project.
If Contractors Equipment is essential for the safety or stability of the Works, the Employer
will be obliged to agree terms with the Contractor for the retention of such equipment. Local
law will often protect the Employer from the immediate and reckless removal of essential

12.3 The right of the Employer to retain the Contractors Equipment may clash with the right of
a liquidator or receiver to realise the assets of an insolvent Contractor. Reference to the
applicable law would be necessary.

12.4 This Sub-Clause enables the financial aspects of the Contract to be resolved quickly and
without the necessity to await the completion of the Works by others. By specifying the
damages payable to the innocent party for the defaults leading to the termination, much
delay, complication and scope for dispute are avoided. The Employers costs in obtaining
a replacement contractor will generally be higher than the Contractors loss of profit.

Risk and Responsibility

13.1 Although the Contractor is responsible for the Works prior to taking-over, he is protected
by the obligation to insure the Works under Clause 14 and by his ability to recover under
Clause 6 his Cost if one of the Employers Liabilities occurs.
13.2 To qualify as Force Majeure, events must prevent performance of an obligation. See also
the definition at Sub-Clause 1.1.14. Notice must be given at once.


14.1 The Employer should set out his precise requirements in the Appendix. Third Party, public
liability insurance would normally be mandatory. As smaller contracts are likely to fall within
tenderers standing Contractors All Risk (CAR) insurance policies, tenderers should gener-
ally be asked to submit details of their insurance cover with their tenders.
Any requirements for insurance after the date of the Employers notice under Sub-Clause
8.2, or arising from taking-over parts of the Works, should be covered by Particular
Conditions. See also Clause 13.
If the Employer wishes to take out the insurances instead of the Contractor, the following
should be used as a Particular Condition in place of Sub-Clause 14.1:
Replace the text of Sub-Clause 14.1 with the following: The Employer shall, prior
to the Commencement Date, effect insurance in the joint names of the Parties of
the types, in the amounts and with the exclusions stipulated in the Appendix. The
Employer shall provide the Contractor with evidence that any required policy is in
force and that the premiums have been paid.

Sub-Clauses 14.2 and 14.3 should be deleted if the Employer takes out the insurances.
It should be noted that in the event of the Employers failure to insure, the Contractor may
give notice under Sub-Clause 12.2.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract

70 Posebni uslovi

Reavanje sporova

15.1 Postoje koristi od postavljanja presuivaa jo na samom poetku, iako moda ne bude
potrebno da presuiva bilo ta uini pre nego to mu se neki spor podnese na reavanje.
Odugovlaenje bi bilo neminovno ako bi strane pokrenule postupak postavljanja presu-
ivaa tek po nastanku spora. Stoga se preporuuje da investitor predloi presuivaa
bilo u fazi podnoenja tendera ili odmah po zakljuivanju ugovora i da se o tome postigne
sporazum to je mogue pre.

Potrebno je da se paljivo odlui o tome da li da presuiva bude neko domae lice ili
lice iz neke neutralne zemlje. Mada bi trebalo da presuiva bude nepristrasan, trokovi
angaovanja nekog lica iz neke tree zemlje bili bi nesrazmerni ako bi bilo potrebno da
presuiva dolazi ili da se odri rasprava. Meutim, s obzirom na trokove vezane za
arbitrau, ak i u manjim sporovima, svaki dodatni troak vezan za stvarno nepristrasnog
presuivaa predstavlja preporuljivu investiciju.
Bilo bi dobro da se omogui da sve odluke investitora ili njegovog predstavnika budu
podnete na razmatranje presuivau ili, po potrebi, arbitrima.

15.3 Arbitrai se ne moe pristupiti pre podnoenja spora presuivau na reavanje. U Prilogu
bi trebalo da se odrede primenjiva pravila arbitrae. Preporuuju se pravila UNCTRAL.
Meutim, ako je potrebna nadzirana arbitraa, tj. arbitraa koju nadgleda i kojom rukovodi
neka arbitrana institucija, trebalo bi da se usvoje Pravila Meunarodne trgovake komore.
Arbitrani tribunal MTK i njegov sekretarijat u Parizu postavljaju i smenjuju arbitre, kontro-
liu nadlenosti i odluke i uopte prate uinak arbitara. Ako se izaberu alternativna pravila
arbitrae, koja predviaju postupak za postavljenje arbitra, organ koji je naveden u Prilogu
za postavljenje trebalo bi da se promeni u tom smislu. Na primer, u sluaju opredeljenja za
Pravila MTK, organ za postavljanje trebalo bi obino da se promeni u Arbitrani tribunal
MTK. Znaaj se pridaje i mestu arbitrae, jer arbitrano pravo mesta arbitrae primenjuje
se na takva pitanja kao mogunost neke strane da se ali.

Kratka forma ugovora FIDIC

Particular Conditions 71

Resolution of Disputes

15.1 There are advantages in appointing an adjudicator from the outset even though the adju-
dicator may not be required to take any action or earn any fee unless and until a dispute is
referred to him. Delays will inevitably occur if the parties initiate the procedure to appoint an
adjudicator only when a dispute has arisen. It is therefore recommended that the Employer
propose a person to act as adjudicator either at tender stage or shortly after the Agreement
is signed and that the matter is discussed and agreed as soon as possible.
Care should be taken about whether an adjudicator should be local or from a neutral coun-
try. Although the adjudicator should be impartial, the costs of employing someone from a
third country could be disproportionate if it is necessary for the adjudicator to visit or if a
hearing became necessary. However, in view of the costs involved in arbitration, even of
minor disputes, any extra cost of a truly impartial adjudicator is a recommended invest-
It is intended that all decisions made by the Employer or his representative should be ca-
pable of being reviewed by an adjudicator and, if required, by an arbitrator.

15.3 Arbitration may not be commenced unless the dispute has first been the subject of an ad-
judication. The Rules of arbitration should be stipulated in the Appendix. The UNCITRAL
Rules are recommended. However, if administered arbitration is required, that is arbitration
overseen and administered by an arbitral institution, the ICC Rules could be specified.
The ICC Court of Arbitration and its Secretariat in Paris appoints and replaces arbitrators,
checks the form of terms of reference and awards and generally monitors progress and
the performance of arbitrators. Where alternative arbitration rules are chosen that include
a procedure for the appointment of an arbitrator, the authority designated in the Appendix
to make the appointment should be changed to reflect this. For example, if ICC Rules
are chosen, then the appointing authority should normally be changed to ICC Court of
Arbitration. The place of arbitration is significant as the arbitration law of the place of arbi-
tration will apply in such matters as the ability of a party to appeal.

FIDIC Short Form of Contract



KRATKA forma ugovora : ugovor, opti

uslovi, pravila za reavanje sporova /
[donela] Meunarodna federacija konsalting
inenjera ; [prevod Milutin Dovijani ;
struni redaktor Branislav Simovi] = Short
Form of Contract : agreement, general
conditions, rules for adjudication /
[provided by] International Federation of
Consulting Engineers ; [translated by Milutin
Dovijani ; reviewed by Branislav Simovi].
Beograd : Jugoslovenski pregled = Belgrade :
Yugoslav Survey, 2008 (Beograd : Caligraph).
- 74 str. ; 30 cm

Uporedo engle. tekst i srp. prevod. Tira


ISBN 978-86-7149-039-9
1. , [
] 2.
COBISS.SR-ID 149810444

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