Iso22000 2005
Iso22000 2005
Iso22000 2005
Revision: 0
This manual is intended as a guidance document to the sites. Its use is recommended, but not
INIVIL. 1(00 L-ause Lvaluation Manual
NMC Root Cause Evaluation Manual
1.1. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for personnel to effectively identify the
root cause(s) of problems to ensure proper corrective actions to prevent recurrence are
1.2. This document provides guidance and tools for an investigator to determine a root cause of an
event. It is the investigators' responsibility to select the most appropriate analysis technique,
whether covered by this guide or not, that will identify the root cause(s).
2.1. It is the responsibility of NMC personnel conducting a Root Cause Evaluation (RCE) to
ensure that the investigation is performed in compliance with applicable station procedures or
controls. This guideline establishes the framework for standards and expectations regarding
Root Cause Evaluation performance to ensure consistency, thoroughness and quality.
3.1. Causal Factors: The potentially influencing conditions or elements that were present when a
condition adverse to quality occurred that may have led to or contributed to the root or
contributing cause(s).
3.3. Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence (CATPR): Actions taken to address the Root
Cause of a significant event identified in a Root Cause Evaluation.
3.4. Root Cause Evaluation (RCE): An analysis technique that identifies the cause of a problem
or condition. The Root Cause is the most fundamental cause, that when eliminated, will
correct the problem and prevent recurrence.
3.5. Contributing Cause: Causes that, if corrected would not by themselves have prevented the
event, but are important enough to be recognized as needing corrective action to improve the
quality of the process or product.
3.6. Root Cause: Identified cause(s) that, if corrected, will prevent recurrence of a condition
adverse to quality.
3.7. Root Cause Investigator (RCI): A qualified individual assigned to perform a root cause
INIMV Root Cause Evaluation Manual
3.8. Failure Mode: An event causal factor that when identified will help identify the Root
Cause(s) and Contributing Cause(s) for an event.
3.9. Common Cause Assessment (CCA): An assessment method used to identify the Root
Cause(s) and Contributing Cause(s) for a number of similar events. Usually initiated based on
a declining or adverse trend, the analysis generally uses a variety of statistical analyses,
interviews, and surveys to help to determine the Root Cause(s) of the adverse trend.
3.10. Equipment Failure Root Cause Evaluation (RCE): An assessment of equipment failures
where the failure modes are the result of material, design, or similar equipment-related defects
or natural phenomenon (e.g., tornado, lightning). This should include Maintenance Rule
failures and should consider Human Error or Organizational/Programmatic Breakdown failure
NOTE: The root cause investigator must not become distracted by event recovery activities.
Investigators should communicate effectively with recovery team members, but stay focused on
investigation and root cause analysis.
4.1. A root cause investigator should refer to this guide as appropriate, while performing
evaluations. The intent of the guide is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
4.2. If station management has determined that a Root Cause Evaluation is required, Management
should appoint a leader who will conduct the investigation. A charter should be established,
containing the following elements:
"* The scope and intent of the investigation should be defined and should be consistent with
the severity of the event.
" The authority of the investigator should be defined in relation to scope changes, priority of
interviews, commanding internal and external support services, etc.
4.3. The charter should identify the composition of the investigation team.
Ivvit. Root Cause Evaluation Manual
4.4.1. Initiate the preparation process as soon as practicable after the evaluation is assigned.
The following points should be helpful to the investigator to better plan the evaluation.
"* Determine the scope of the evaluation with the appropriate line manager.
"* When planning the evaluation, consider who should be interviewed and any schedule
constraints that may impact the interviews (e.g., shift workers).
" If support from another department is involved, give them early notification.
"* Give early consideration to the need to correspond with outside organizations such as
vendors, EPRI, other utilities, etc., if needed to support the evaluation. Sometimes
information requests and inquiry responses can take several days or weeks. NOMIS
and Nuclear Network are two industry information exchange media for requesting
information from other utilities who may have experienced similar events.
"* Identify or define the station acceptable performance criterion that meets or exceeds
applicable Industry Standards and Regulations.
"* If performing an RCE on an incident that involves chemicals or chemical processes,
contact Industrial Health and Safety to ensure compliance with OSHA 1910.
4.4.2. The estimated number of man-hours expended for completion of a RCE is as follows:
"* Common Cause = 100 - 700 (Hours may vary greatly based on extent of problem/size
of team).
"* Root Cause = 40 to 80 (significant management review and revision may extend this).
4.5.1. The investigator should gather information and data relating to the event/problem. This
includes physical evidence, interviews, records, and documents needed to support the root
cause. Some typical sources of information which may be of assistance include the
NML Root Cause Evaluation Manual
NOTE: Statements should be obtained prior to any critique which could alter the perceptions of
those personnel involved with the event whenever possible.
4.5.2. Use Exhibit A, "Personnel Statement," or a similar form to obtain written statements from
personnel involved as soon as practical (preferably prior to leaving the site) following the
event. Personnel statements are normally written separately by each individual rather than
as a collaborative summary of the event.
NOTE: Construction of an Event and Causal Factor Chart should begin as soon as information
becomes available. Even though the initial event sequence and timeline may be incomplete, it
should be started early in the evaluation process.
4.5.3. Construct an Event and Causal Factor Chart that shows the order in which each action of
the event occurred. This can most easily be done by compiling all input information
(e.g., interviews, written statements, evaluation results) and placing them in chronological
order. A Task Analysis may be useful in constructing the Event and Causal Factor Chart.
See Exhibit B, "Event and Causal Factor Charting," and Exhibit C, "Task Analysis."
4.5.4. Conduct personnel interviews with involved parties as soon as practical following the
event. See Exhibit D, "Interviewing."
4.5.5. If it is suspected that the cause of the event may have been an intentional attempt to
disrupt normal plant operation (e.g., tampering), notify station management and Security
in accordance with applicable station procedures.
NOTE: These are not the only methods available, but represent proven techniques for
evaluating various types of problems.
4.6.1. Using the facts identified by the evaluation, and reviewing the event as a whole, decide
which of the facts or groups of facts are pertinent. Analytical techniques that may be
helpful include:
NMC Root Cause Evaluation Manual
4.6.2. Compare the facts to an "acceptable standard" and determine if an unacceptable condition
exists. Identify each inappropriate action and equipment failure.
4.6.3. Search the corrective action program database for key words or similar events that could
identify other related issues, past or present. Review the corrective actions from these
other events and determine how effective they were in preventing or mitigating
recurrence of the event.
4.6.4. The Nuclear Network can be used to identify similar industry events or other Operating
Experience (OE) information.
4.6.5. Review the corrective actions taken from other events or OE evaluations and determine
how effective they were in preventing the recurrence or mitigating the outcome of the
current event. Consider whether any corrective actions still in progress could have
prevented the event or mitigated the outcome of the event.
NOTE: All RCEs should address "EXTENT OF CONDITION." Ask the question, "Could this
condition be lurking out there some where else?" If it is truly isolated and not applicable to
anything else, state it explicitly in your report. Otherwise we need to determine the extent of the
condition or how we will determine the extent.
4.6.6. Ensure similar components or documents are examined to determine the extent to which
the unacceptable condition exists.
4.6.9. Establish a start time and a finite end time to the event.
4.6.10. Determine the nuclear safety significance of the event. This may require formal analysis
of the event by the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) group. PRA should be
contacted early in the investigation as appropriate.
4.6.11. Occasionally, more than one apparently similar event is analyzed in one RCE report. The
evaluation should use the analysis techniques described above to determine and analyze
the pertinent facts, extent of condition, failure mode(s), etc., of the inappropriate action or
adverse condition for each event or issue, then identify the root cause(s). Each event
needs to be considered separately first as the causes may actually not be related at all (for
example, three storage tanks failing over the course of a month may sound similar with a
potential common root cause, but one might be due to a system lineup causing over
pressurization, one due to a tornado, one due to corrosion). It is important to ensure that
all issues and corrective actions required by the individual Action Request or RCEs are
addressed in the final report.
4.7.1. Once the Event and Causal Factor Chart has been constructed, it may be necessary to
break down the sequence of events further to determine causal and contributing factors
NMC Root Cause Evaluation Manual
that led to each inappropriate action or equipment failure. Root cause(s) will be
determined from the causal factors.
4.7.2. The failure modes (causal factors) should be determined by using the NMC Trend Code
Manual. Each failure mode must be supported by facts determined in the investigation.
Not all facts may necessarily lead to a failure mode; also, multiple facts may lead to a
single failure mode and individual facts may lead to multiple failure modes.
4.7.3. Organizational & Programmatic (O&P) issues may initially be identified during
interviews, but the issues should be verified through factual information such as
procedures, process maps, regulations, etc.
NOTE: Normally, more than one failure mode is involved with an event. The failure mode is not
a Root Cause, but a means to help determine the root cause(s).
4.7.4. Once all the failure modes are identified determine the potential Causes by stream
analysis. Using the appropriate failure mode chart, for each failure mode identified, draw
lines sequentially to the other failure modes that the preceding one "caused;" then draw
lines to the failure mode from each of the others that it was "caused by." When all
cause-effect relationships have been identified, count how many lines go out from and
into each box on the chart. Failure modes with the most lines going out are causes, the
ones with the most coming in are effects (although they may also be causes); the failure
mode with the most should be related to the root cause. This is a graphical analysis
similar to the analysis in the next step.
4.7.5. For each causal factor identified, ask the following questions until the root cause(s) is
determined (see Exhibit H, "Cause and Effect Analysis").
4.8.1. Once the causes of an event have been identified, test them to ensure that the correction
of the causes will prevent recurrence. If the "test" would not have prevented the event,
the root cause has not been identified.
NOTE: If a cause does not meet all three of the required criteria but meets 1 or 2, then it is
considered a "significant contributing" cause.
4.8.2. Each root cause should meet the following three criteria:
"* The problem would not have occurred had this cause not been present.
"* The problem will not recur due to the same cause if it is corrected or eliminated.
"* Correction or elimination of the cause(s) will prevent recurrence of similar conditions.
INML_ Root Cause Evaluation Manual
NOTE: Minimize the use of corrective actions that call for "assessment", "evaluation",
"consideration", "review", etc. This is to minimize the likelihood of no corrective actions being
implemented. RCEs which contained actions for assessment or evaluation of existing practices
or programs typically end up with no actual changes being made.
4.9.1. Solutions must be identified and implemented that will correct the identified root
4.9.2. Brainstorming, and interviewing are good sources of CATPRs and involve people to
establish ownership as early as possible. See Exhibit L, "Development of Corrective
4.9.3. Apply the following criteria to CATPRs to ensure they are viable.
4.9.4. Assign priorities to the corrective actions in accordance with the guidance provided in
the NMC Action Request Process.
4.9.5. Obtain "buy-in" from the Manager of the group that will be responsible for performing
the corrective action.
4.9.6. If the investigator, sponsor, or a group responsible for implementing corrective actions
is unable to reach agreement, the CAP Manager will facilitate a resolution. When
necessary, CARB should provide the final resolution.
NMC Root Cause Evaluation Manual
4.9.7. Corrective actions should be specific and address each cause. Corrective actions too
narrowly focused, unless appropriate, may not correct the root cause such that similar
events are prevented. Corrective actions that are too broad or more extensive than the
causes would imply may be an attempt to "shotgun" the cause. In the long run, this
could prove costly and create the potential for another event.
4.10.1. The other NMC sites should be notified of the significant event and preliminary
findings as soon as possible. The Corrective Action Program manager should be utilized
for these notifications.
4.10.2. Completion of this expectation should be documented in the Root Cause Evaluation
4.11.1. RCEs should be documented utilizing the NMC standard RCE template (Attachment
Q). The RCE report should consist of the content listed below.
4.11.2. A cover page with a title, the Action Request and LER (if appropriate) associated with
the event, the date of the event, and the names of the investigator(s).
4.11.8. A summary of the root and contributing causes and corrective actions with responsible
groups and due dates
NMC Root Cause Evaluation Manual
* Actual nuclear safety significance (e.g., unable to fulfill design basis function).
NOTE that this may require input from Licensing, Engineering, or Probabilistic Risk
Assessment (PRA).
4.11.11. After the RCE report is drafted, the cognizant managers and potentially affected
personnel should be given the opportunity to review and comment on the draft report in
its entirety prior to finalization.
4.11.12. The draft of the RCE should be given to the CAP Coordinator for review quality
grading in accordance with the Root Cause Analysis Quality Index (RCQAI). This
index assesses RCE quality according to a set of criteria that can be compared against
industry results. This index will produce a score for the RCE and provides for feedback
of specific comments to the RCI. (See Attachment N)
4.11.13. The cover page of the RCE will contain the signature and date of the Approving
Manager, Corrective Action Program Manager.
4.11.14. When the RCE has been approved by the appropriate managers, it is routed to the
CAP Coordinator. The CAP Coordinator should review the RCE and CAP database to
ensure corrective actions have been entered. If corrective actions have not been entered,
the CAP Coordinator will notify the RCI that the RCE is approved and corrective
actions should be entered.
4.11.15. The CAP Coordinator shall distribute the RCE report to the appropriate site
NOTE: Entry of corrective actions into the Action Request database is independent of
CARB review.
4.11.16. The RCE is considered approved when the appropriate managers sign the cover sheet.
As soon as the RCE is approved, close the evaluation Activity associated with the RCE
and enter any required corrective actions in the Action Request database.
NMC Root Cause Evaluation Manual
4.12. 1. Descriptions of other investigative methods, report content, etc., are contained in other
sections of the Root Cause Manual.
4.12.2. The depth to which the equipment failure root cause analysis is taken is based on the
safety and economic significance of the failure. See Exhibit M for possible techniques
to use.
4.12.3. Quarantine or preserve the failed equipment so that evidence is not destroyed or
4.12.5. Where appropriate develop a testing plan that utilizes the failure modes chart to prove
or refute all the possible causes. The testing plan should prevent destruction of evidence
as much as possible for future testing and should detail the expected resulting
4.12.6. Through the testing sequence different failure modes should be eliminated. The goal is
to eliminate all but one failure mode. The failure mode should determine the root cause.
4.12.7. If testing shows that multiple event failure modes have taken place in the same event,
then each must be considered for root cause and corrective actions should be applied to
each unique root cause.
4.12.8. In these evaluations, the following additional items should be considered during the
investigation. Findings in each of the items below should be provided in the final
4.12.9. Investigation of the failure mode may require laboratory analysis. Many of these test
results must be compared to the original design specifications to determine if the critical
characteristics of the failed item meet design requirements. Tolerances should be included
as this will often identify a mis-manufactured item.
4.12.10. Successful equipment failure root cause is heavily dependent on a thorough and
systematic evaluation of technical data. After collecting the data, perform simple analyses
to eliminate possible scenarios. Watch for human error or programmatic problems.
Consult experts as required.
NMC Root Cause Evaluation Manual
4.13.1. Descriptions of other investigative methods, report content, etc., are contained in other
sections of the Root Cause Manual.
4.13.3. Data is generally from cause coding from completed evaluations. If any evaluation is still
open that is to be included as part of the data, at a minimum an apparent cause needs to be
determined and coded for analysis. Data may need to be transferred to another application
for generating charts used in analysis. Data may need to be validated and possibly
recoded due to variations on how people code similar events.
4.13.4. Develop an Organization & Program Interface Chart (OPIC chart) when appropriate.
"* Identify key activities (e.g., request work, prepare work plan, etc.)
"* Chart should have just 15-20 elements
"* When coding key activity, relate to chart
"* The key activities will direct what questions need to be asked
"* Organization(s)
"* Work Process(es)
"* Key Activity
"* Organizational/Programmatic Failure Mode
"* Human Error/Inappropriate Action Failure Mode
"* Human Error Type (Skill, Rule, or Knowledge-Based)
4.13.6. Plot the information using Nomographs/Pareto Charts (see Exhibit I) when appropriate.
" The error rate of the data plotted will determine which information in the charts is not
used in further analysis (i.e., insignificant). The more data used, the smaller the error
" Generally, for 50 bits of data, look at patterns that are statistically significant or above
8%; for 100 bits, above 6%. For a general common cause analysis, patterns above two
times the error rate are often considered; for a process specific CCA, one times the
error rate is appropriate.
NMC Root Cause Evaluation Manual
4.14.1. Descriptions of other investigative methods, report content, etc., are contained in other
sections of the Root Cause Manual.
4.14.2. The NMC Human Error FailureMode Chart defines internal factors (failure modes)
for human errors. This chart is used in conjunction with the NMC Organization &
Programmatic Failure Mode (O&P) Chart (external failure modes affecting human
error) to analyze a human error event. Other investigative methods (e.g., Event and
Causal Factor Charting, barrier analysis) are used to compliment the investigation.
"* Quickly obtain as much background information as possible. This information should
define who was involved, what was in progress at the time of the error, when the error
took place, and where the error took place.
"* Define potential inappropriate actions. These are the initial areas of interest that will
focus the investigation.
"* Postulate potential internal failure modes using the NMC Human Error Failure
Mode Chart.
" Postulate potential external failure modes using the NMC Organization &
ProgrammaticFailureMode Chart..
"* Investigate the event or condition by performing interviews, reviewing procedures,
training, operating experience, etc., as appropriate. An event and causal factor
chart (E&CFC) is an important tool to guide the investigation. Other investigative
methods may be employed as appropriate.
"* Eliminate failure modes that are not present. Validate and verify the failure modes that
"* Determine the underlying reasons (causes) for the presence of the remaining failure
mode(s) through further investigation (interviews, reviews of practices/procedures,
evaluation of knowledge and skills, surveys, etc.).
4.14.4. Determine if the event is an isolated human error or has organizational and programmatic
causes (external causes). As a general rule, if the recurrence rate is less than 0.3%, and the
individual has a history of error, it is likely an isolated human error. Failure rates greater
than 0.2% are likely due to O&P drivers. Recurrence rate is the rate of similar events with
the same root cause. The number of events is determined through the review of internal
operating experience. The rate is determined by comparing the number of events to the
number of opportunities, either quantitatively or qualitatively. For some activities,
quantitative rates can be determined (e.g., tagging activities - the number of tags hung is
known), while for other activities, qualitative rates must be estimated using good
4.14.5. In some cases, a review of internal operating experience will not provide data to
determine recurrence rate (some types of problems are not reported, the data base is
incomplete, the activity rate may not be reasonably estimated, etc.). In these cases, further
evaluation is required to determine if an O&P issue is the underlying cause of the human
NMC Root Cause Evaluation Manual
4.14.6. Develop appropriate corrective actions for the human error category (skill-based,
rule-based, knowledge-based).
4.15.1. Effectiveness Reviews should be developed by the RCE evaluator after CATPRs have
been developed and approved. Effectiveness reviews are targeted towards CATPRs and
should be identified in the text of the RCE (including the organization responsible for
performance and the due date).
4.15.2. Effectiveness Reviews are performed after corrective actions have been implemented to
ensure the RCE identified and corrected root causes. This is a proactive assessment of the
corrective actions versus waiting for an event challenge to determine effectiveness. The
depth and duration of an effectiveness review should be commensurate with the
significance and complexity of the problem. See Exhibit P for general guidance and
examples of when an Effectiveness Review might be appropriate.
5.1. The original hard copy of the completed RCE report should be retained for reference
and informational purposes.
5.2. An electronic copy of the completed RCE report should be added to the Action
NMC Root Cause Evaluation Manual
__ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _/ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
General Instructions:
In your own words, describe your knowledge of the event facts, and your involvement in the event
before, during, and after the final outcome. Include any pertinent verbal communications and specify
who you spoke with (by name and/or position). Indicate the format of the communications (pre-job brief,
direct assignment, inter-department interfaces, etc.), and who you spoke with. List any pertinent
procedural or equipment conditions relating to the event. Use additional sheets as necessary.
iNiviLt- Koot L.ause Evaluation Manual
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An event and causal factor chart (E&CF) is a graphic display of an event. The heart of the E&CF chart is
the sequence of events plotted on a time line. Beginning and ending points are selected to capture all
essential information pertinent to the situation.
Often, failure modes that are not obvious become evident through use of this technique.
E&CF charts are particularly useful for complex and complicated situations, and can be more useful than
long narrative descriptions. They allow you to separate the many causal factors associated with complex
The E&CF chart graphically displays the relationship between the sequence of events, inappropriate
actions, barriers, changes, causes, and effects.
"* All events (actions or happenings) that occurred during some activity - rectangles
"* All conditions (circumstances pertinent to the situation) that may have influenced the course of
events - ovals
"* All events and conditions that are assumed or have not been confirmed - dotted line rectangles
and ovals
"* Primary effect(s) of a series of events (or inappropriate actions that may have led or contributed
to the situation) - diamonds
"* Causal factors (shape the outcome of the situation) - ovals shaded at one end (light)
" Terminal event (end point of the evaluation, typically this will be the consequence of the event)
"* Other symbols may be used, as desired, to indicate barriers, broken barriers, process changes, or
other items that contribute to the clarity. Provide an identification key for these symbols if used.
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Chart scope should range from beginning to end of the situation sequence.
Each event should be derived directly from the event and conditions
preceding it. When this is not the case, it is an indication that one or more
events or conditions are missing.
Detail of the event sequence MUST be sufficient to ensure completeness of final report.
- Initial
- During course of inappropriate actions or equipment failures
- After inappropriate actions or equipment failures
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There is no "correct" chart. The important thing to remember is to use the chart and the process to help
discover the root causes and to convey that discovery process to others reviewing your investigation.
The "rules" are not mandatory. Violate these E&CFC rules when it contributes to communicating the
information. The intent of this process is to understand the sequence of events and the relationships of
the conditions and causal factors.
FSAR Section 9 3
Addresses CCW Design
and Operation
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and Operations
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Task analysis is a tool that is used on evaluations where problems during performance of tasks
contributed to the event. Performing a Task Analysis will provide the RCI with:
"* Questions arising out of the analysis to be answered during the course of the evaluation, usually
through interviewing.
One of the first priorities when entering an evaluation is to understand as much as possible about the
activity that was being performed. It may be necessary to obtain the required expertise on the team to be
able to perform the task analysis.
The task analysis will require a review of work documents, logs, technical manuals, and other documents
in an effort to determine what the task is about and how it was to be performed. This process is called
the Task Analysis method.
1. Paper and Pencil - the task is broken down on paper into subtasks identifying:
- Sequence of actions
- Instructions
- Conditions
- Tools
- Other materials associated with the performance of the task
This type of analysis consists of a review of logs, work documents, technical manuals, etc., to
determine what the task was about and how it was to be performed. The steps, questions and
concerns should be displayed on the preliminary event and causal factor chart.
2. Walk-Through - A step-by-step enactment of the task for an observer without carrying out the
actual function. The observer makes notes of any differences between the actual performance
enactment and the procedure steps. Personnel performing the walk-through should be people who
actually do the tasks, but not people who were directly involved in the event. The walk-through
should identify:
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I. Develop a guide for the walk-through to outline how the analysis will be conducted:
I. Determine exactly what information is going to be recorded and how - one technique is to check
off each step as it occurs. Discrepancies and problems may be noted in the margin or in comment
space provided adjacent to the step.
2. Select personnel to perform the task who normally perform it. If a crew is involved, crew
members should perform their normal role.
3. Perform the walk-through while observing and recording. Note any discrepancies or problems.
*Try to re-create the situation to obtain a sense of how the actual event occurred.
*The walk-through may be done in slow motion, stopping to address questions. The
personnel performing the task may describe the activities from their perspective as they
- The walk-through may be performed in real time to identify time-related problems.
* An actual task in the plant may be observed, but preparation as described above is
A simulator or mock-up may be used.
1. Summarize and consolidate problems noted and questions to be answered during interviews.
Identify possible contributors or causal factors for the event or failure.
J. _____________________ I
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Interview Preparation
All interviews require preparation, no matter how simple the problem seems. Interviewing is a "fact"
finding skill rather than a "fault" finding session.
1. Develop a set of questions. The questions can be derived from the Events and Causal Factors
Chart, Change Analysis, Barrier Analysis, and the enclosed Question Guide.
3. Make appointments.
The purpose of the introduction is to orient the interviewee and put him/her at ease.
1. Explain the purpose of the evaluation and the interview (to identify what happened, how it
happened, why it happened, and what can be done to prevent recurrence).
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The purpose of the interview is to obtain the interviewee's recollection and understanding of the event.
The following are some of the features of a successful interview.
"* Begin with open-ended questions to allow the interviewee to provide his/her perspective.
" Use primary questions (from the prepared list) to introduce a topic and use secondary questions
to clarify information.
The Closing
The closing accomplishes more than just concluding the interview. It provides an opportunity to validate
information and obtain additional information.
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Interviewing Guide
1. Verbal Communications
1. Written Document
1. Human Factors
1. Physical Environment
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1. Work Schedule
"* How may hours had been worked prior to the event
" How much overtime had been worked prior to the event
"* How many consecutive days had the person worked
"* What time of day did the event occur
"* When was the next day off scheduled to occur
1. Work Practices
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1. Change Implementation
"* Was there anything different since the job had previously been performed
"* Were changes adequately reflected in procedures, drawings, training, labels, etc.
"* Were there any policies, goals, or objectives that influenced the event
"* Did the worker understand who he/she reports io
"* Were roles and responsibilities clear
"* Were quality requirements clear
"* Is the expectation for problem identification and resolution clearly understood
"* Was support adequate (procedures, training, engineering, planning, scheduling, radiological
protection, clearance tagging, protective equipment, etc.)
"* Were parts, materials, and supplies provided to support the job
"* Was the reason for the job clear
"* Was the job within the workers capabilities
"* Were there unnecessary requirements
"* Were there any conditions causing stress
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What was different about this situation from all the other times the same task or activity was carried out
without an inappropriate action or equipment failure?
2. Analyze a comparable situation that did not have an inappropriate action or equipment failure.
3. Compare the situation containing the inappropriate action or equipment failure with the reference
4. Write down all known differences whether they appear relevant or not. As the evaluation
progresses, be alert to other differences that were not apparent during the initial review and add
them to the list.
5. Evaluate the differences for effect on producing the event. This must be done with careful attention
to detail, e.g., a change in color or finish may change the heat transfer parameters and consequently
affect system temperature.
6. Integrate information relevant to the causes of, and contributors to, the inappropriate action or
equipment failure into the investigative process via the E&CF chart.
"* When you suspect that a change may have contributed to the inappropriate action or equipment
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"* What - operating parameters (i.e., changes in temperature, pressure, flow, cycle time, etc.)
"* When - plant status, time of day, day of week, season of year, times when specific conditions
exist (i.e., why does it work some times but not others?)
"* Where - physical location (i.e., why does it work in one location but not another?)
"* How - how equipment is supposed to work (i.e., why does it work in one application but not
" Who - personnel involved (i.e., is one individual or crew using a different method or
Problem Statement: (Optional section. Write a brief statement of the event being analyzed and
the question that needs to be answered.)
(List all possible (List comparable (List all differences (What effect did the
contributors one at a contributors.) without evaluation or change have on the
time, need not be in value judgment or situation.)
sequential order.) significance, whether
relevant or not.)
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Barriers are devices employed to protect and enhance the safety and performance of the plant. They can
be physical or administrative in form. Barriers are erected to ensure consistent and desired performance
of the plant. A single barrier is rarely relied upon. Generally, barriers are diverse and numerous - a
defense-in-depth concept. Some examples of barriers commonly found in nuclear power plants highlight
the importance of these devices as follows:
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"* Barriers that promote (good design, labeling, work planning, procedures)
"* Barriers that prevent (interlocks, locked doors, physical segregation)
"* Barriers that discourage (caution signs, rope barriers, notes/cautions in procedures/briefings)
"* Barriers that-detect (hold points, check off lists, operator rounds, pre-job procedure reviews)
"* Barriers that compensate (tests done at shutdown/low power, notifying control room prior to task)
1. Identify target - Result of the event (e.g., Rx scram, ESF actuation, personnel injury, valve
mispositioned, etc.). Target could also be desired result (e.g., successful completion of test).
2. Identify a single hazard to the target -Typically start with the symptoms or failure mode(s) at the
time the event occurred. This could also be "energy" applied to the system (e.g., monthly pump
5. Identify all apparent barriers that failed and allowed the event to progress.
6. Determine HOW the barrier failed, e.g., the relief valve barrier failed because although the valve
was functional the set point had drifted high.
7. Determine WHY the barrier failed, e.g., the relief valve set point had not been checked since
While barrier analysis identifies missing or defective barriers, it has a weakness. If the investigator does
not recognize ALL failed barriers, the evaluation may be incomplete. Because using barrier analysis
alone is very time consuming it is recommended that barrier analysis be used in conjunction with other
When a RCA evaluation is initiated, you must think in terms of barriers. Naturally, the barriers
established in plants differ widely and evaluation of them is dependent upon your knowledge. Regardless
of variations in barriers at plants, RCA provides the framework for barrier assessment because it focuses
on precise barrier categories that have proven to be critical in identifying equipment failures. Corrective
actions from RCA evaluations usually include modification of existing barriers, but caution should be
taken before considering additional barriers so that additional failure modes are not introduced.
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Example of a Energy(Hazard)/Barrier/Target
Analysis Worksheet
(List one at a time, (Identify all applicable (Identify if barrier was (Identify all applicable
need not be in physical and missing, weak, or targets such as individual
sequential order.) administrative barriers ineffective and why.) organizations, equipment,
for each consequence.) facilities, and processes.)
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1. Develop a list of possible failure modes. Possible sources or references to develop the list might
include the following:
Possible failure modes can be documented on a Fishbone Diagram where each failure mode is a
major rib of the fish. As an alternative, the major ribs can be general categories such as Human
Performance, Procedures, Equipment, and Facilities.
1. Collect physical evidence (NOTE: this can be performed concurrently with Step 1.)
* Physical evidence should be gathered to completely understand the WHAT and HOW of the
NOTE: Care must be taken while gathering evidence not to accidentally destroy other evidence.
For example, if a component must be disassembled, care must be taken to capture all "as found"
conditions. Do not clean or contaminate fracture surfaces. Measurements, photographs, video
tape, or other methods should be considered to preserve evidence.
* Evidence should be gathered to validate or refute the postulated failure modes. For example, if
one of the postulated failure modes is WATER HAMMER, then conduct a system walkdown to
look for evidence of water hammer, such as damage to small pipe or instrument connections, etc.
1. Evaluate each possible failure mode against the physical evidence to validate or refute it. In other
words, determine whether the failure mode would have produced the physical evidence that exists.
2. Continue Steps I through 3, and through a process of elimination reduce the list to the single failure
mode or the most probable failure mode(s).
3. Evaluate the single or most probable failure modes using the "Cause and Effect" process to
determine the root cause(s).
A thorough understanding of the failed equipment is necessary in order to conduct FM & EA. A
highly knowledgeable subject matter expert is needed. If the evaluation team does not possess a high
level of knowledge, an expert needs to be recruited from elsewhere inside or outside of the
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" organization.
"* Possible failure modes should not be ruled out until physical evidence validates that it should be
eliminated. The evaluation may need to look for a lack of evidence to eliminate a particular failure
"* The process may need to be repeated to identify intermediate failure modes until the primary failure
mode is determined.
" Examination of physical evidence may need to be performed under laboratory conditions. If that is
the case, it is important to get laboratory personnel involved as early as possible. It is highly
recommended that laboratory personnel visit the location of the failure to understand layout,
environmental conditions, history, etc., that may have contributed to the failure.
" If the component failure was catastrophic, physical evidence may have been lost or destroyed in the
failure (for example, electrical insulation is destroyed by fire). If that is the case, other similar
components can be examined. Also, possible corrective actions to consider are methods to capture
and preserve physical evidence in future failures.
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"* Root cause(s) can be found by examining the relationships. Ask "why?," usually five to seven times
to determine "root" cause.
"* Often causes and effect analysis will lead to management-controlled root causes (also called
Organizational and Programmatic causes).
"* When more than one cause is responsible for an effect, each cause must be evaluated.
" Cause and effect is most effective when used within the framework of the E&CF chart. It is not a
stand alone method because the situation must first be unraveled to the point where ALL failure
modes are identified. This is particularly true in situations involving multiple failures.
"* This process of cause and effect provides a logical, structured guide to maintaining the evaluation on
track, but will require good judgment and experience to be effective.
"* There are no other causes that can be found that explain the effect being evaluated
" Further cause and effect analysis will not provide additional benefit in correcting initial problem
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Pareto Analysis is the process of determining the "Vital Few" factors responsible for a particular
problem. A Pareto Chart is a bar chart of failures ordered by frequency of failure, cost of failure or
contribution to system unavailability.
1. Determine the Effect or Problem. What is the problem to be addressed? For example, is system
reliability or availability of concern (or both)?
2. Decide how the Effect should be measured. Determine how to measure the problem. For example,
frequency offailure is used to measure reliability; duration offailure is used to measure availability.
3. Decide how the Effect can be stratified. Failures are typically stratified by system equipment or
component, although other strata may be used.
4. Interpretthe Results. What does the Data Reveal? Which failures or causes are the "Vital Few?"
3. Draw bars for each category; the bar heights equal the category's frequency/duration.
4. Develop the cumulative line, adding the impact of each category from left to right.
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Troubleshooting is the diagnostic process of determining which component(s)' failure resulted in the
observed system failure. Failure Analysis determines why the component failed (physical failure
mechanism). Troubleshooting and Failure Analysis comprise the analysis portion of a root cause
1. Determine the FailureSequence/Circumstances. Gather initial data relevant to the failure event.
This includes failure reports, operations logs, strip chart recordings, etc.
2. Develop a Troubleshooting Plan. Develop a plan to diagnose the failure. Determine which
subsystems/equipment/actions could have caused the failure, develop diagnostic tests that will
eliminate or confirm the potential failure sources.
3. Identify the FailedPart.Perform the diagnostic activities identified by the plan. Identify the failed
part or parts.
4. Confirm Failureof the Part. (When laboratory analysis is required) Confirm that the part declared
to have failed by the troubleshooting process is, in fact, failed.
5. Develop a Failure Analysis Plan. Develop a plan to determine why the part failed. This may
included laboratory analysis, process analysis (procurement, maintenance, etc.).
6. Analyze the Part's Failure Causes. Perform the failure analysis tasks outlined in the plan.
Determine the physical causes of failure.
7. Determine the Sources of these Causes. Determine if the part is capable of performing its mission.
Determine which management system failed and requires modification in order to prevent the
reoccurrence of the failure.
8. Develop a Conclusion & Recommendations. Review the facts and data, draw conclusions regarding
the part(s) which failed, the physical cause of the failure and the processes which resulted in the
failure. Develop corrective action recommendations.
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Fault Tree Analysis develops a logic model that is used to identify and verify
possible causes of failure.
FalugdSeal Faiure
Facue O-Ring
Page 1 of 1
I. Corrective actions should be developed to address the
*i * *, I! - , I1- # ..
Page 1 of I
Fishbone'Diagiram X X
Paret Analysis X X X X
Problem .Slving
Improvement x
Statistical -,'-Pirocess
General Error Model" X X
Task Analysis X X X X
Events-'&" Causal X X X
Factors Charting ____________
Change Analysis X X X X
Barrier Analysis.' X X X X
Interviewing X X X X
Cause & 'Effecfs, X x x x
Analysis ____"______
Root Cause Evaluation Manual
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N' Root Cause Evaluation Manual
* Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrence (CATPR) address each root cause and are clearly identified.
* Corrective actions are cost effective, under management's span of control, meet or exceed industry
standards, and can be implemented by reasonable action.
o Necessary immediate and interim corrective actions have been taken.
Corrective Actions Corrective actions to address contributing factors are separated from CATPRs.
Corrective actions have an agreed to owner, due date and priority.
o The corrective actions do not have the potential to introduce new problems.
2 The RCE contains provisions for performance of an Effectiveness Review. If it does not, there is
20 adequate justification for not performing one.
Total Score (Max = 100) The NMC goal is for all RCEs to score above 75.
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Data Sources
Evaluation Sources
The RCE Manual was used to determine which method of causal factor analysis is most
appropriate for each category of event. (More than one method may be necessary to fully
analyze the event or condition.)
Documentation (e.g., worksheets, checklists, statements, copies of stripcharts) is referenced in
the report and attached to confirm the method used to determine the root causes and causal
factors and make a complete record.
Scope of evaluation addresses Action Request problem statement(s) and Plant Manager's
Safety Significance
_ _ Probabilistic Risk Assessment contacted for assessing nuclear safety significance of the event.
Benchmarking/Extent of Condition
Internal and external operating experience have been checked for adverse trends/conditions.
INPO Nuclear NETWORK or other sources have been used to identify industry standards.
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Corrective Actions
Each root cause has a recommendation aimed at eliminating or minimizing its recurrence.
(Contributing factors have corrective actions if appropriate.) Corrective Actions to Prevent
Recurrence (CAPR or CATPR) are clearly identified.
The appropriate group for implementation is identified for each corrective action.
All corrective actions have been entered into the Action Request Process for follow-up.
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I. Effectiveness review action(s), assignment and due date (may be tied to corrective action
completion) should be provided in all RCEs, or justification provided for non-performance.
2. Effectiveness review actions shall be tracked under the Action Request in the Action Request
Program, and tagged with an identifier to allow exclusion for certain performance indicators, e.g.,
action average age.
3. A request for non-performance of an effectiveness review should be justified in the RCE and
approved by CARB during the normal RCE review process.
4. It is expected that a majority of RCEs should have an effectiveness review. The CAP Coordinator
will periodically compile these statistics and report to CARB.
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Effectiveness Reviews are performed after significant corrective actions (CATPRs and actions to
address significant contributing causes) have been implemented to ensure the RCE identified and
corrected the root cause(s). This is a proactive assessment of the corrective actions versus waiting
for an event challenge to determine effectiveness. The depth and duration of an effectiveness review
should be commensurate with the significance and complexity of the problem. The following
provides general guidance:
2.0 The effectiveness review can be performed using various techniques including:
3.0 Effectiveness reviews will be tracked as action items in the CAP database.
4.0 If corrective actions have not been effective at removing the root cause or condition, initiate a CR
to document the ineffective corrective action.
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A root cause analysis was performed to determine why appropriate LCOs were not entered during
an event. The root cause analysis determined that there was a lack of knowledge and understanding
by the operators of the basis and requirements of certain technical specifications (knowledge based
error on the part of several operators).
* The corrective action to prevent recurrence was to provide training on the basis and requirements
of the technical specifications in question, and provide practical application in the classroom and
* An effectiveness review could be performed to determine if the classroom and simulator training
adequately resolved the knowledge and application deficit by administering a test in
re-qualification training after the corrective actions have been completed.
2 A root cause analysis was performed to determine why non-QA parts were installed on a QA
component. The root cause analysis determined that the planner writing the work plan did not
understand the method used to determine quality classification of sub-components or class breaks.
The root cause also determined that the problem was widespread in the organization, that green lines
were rarely used, and that the green lines were not readily accessible to the planners.
" Corrective actions to prevent recurrence included placing the green line prints in the area,
training on their use, and establishing clear expectations for their use.
" In this case, an effectiveness review could be performed to determine if the work practice of the
planners has been favorably impacted after completion of the corrective actions by performing a
mini-self assessment by monitoring, observing, and discussing determination of quality
classification with the planners.
"* Corrective actions to prevent recurrence were targeted for the effectiveness review.
"* The conditions were not due to isolated human error.
"* The effectiveness review is proactive; i.e., it is focused at measuring the effect of the corrective
actions before the organization is challenged.
CR [Year - Number]
Event Date:
Principle Investigators:
Manager Date