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Assignment 1
Chapters 1-2
1. Who is Govinda?
Govinda is Siddhartha's friend. He is the son of a Brahmin.
2. How do the people of Siddhartha's home town feel about him?
The townspeople admire and love Siddhartha.
3. What has caused Siddhartha "to feel the seeds of discontent within him"?
Siddhartha believes that he has obtained all the knowledge that his father and teachers
can offer, but it is not enough.
4. When Siddhartha first leaves home, where does he want to go to try to acquire more
He wants to travel with the ascetics and become a Samana.
5. Who accompanies Siddhartha on his journey to become Samana?
Govinda accompanies Siddhartha.
6. What changes take place in Siddhartha while on the road with the Samanas?
He becomes thin from fasting, his nails grow long, he gives away his clothes, he snarls
at women, and he looks at well-dressed people with contempt.
7. What is Siddhartha's "one single goal" on his first journey?
He wishes to let the Self die.
8. With what two animals did Siddhartha associate himself through practicing "self-denial
and meditation according to the Samana rules"?
Siddhartha compares himself to the heron and the jackal.
9. Identify Gotama.
Gotama is the Illustrious One, the Buddha who has reportedly attained Nirvana and
wanders the countryside preaching. Govinda follows him, but Siddhartha chooses not
10. How does Siddhartha prove that he has mastered all that the Samana could teach him?
Siddhartha hypnotizes the eldest Samana, proving that he has mastered all that the
Samana could teach him.
Assignment 2
Chapters 3-4
1. What is Jetavana?
It is the Buddha's favorite place to stay, which had been given to him by Anathapindika.
2. By what qualities do Siddhartha and Govinda recognize the Buddha?
They recognize him only by his complete peacefulness of demeanor, by the stillness of
his form, in which there was no seeking, no will, no counterfeit, no effort--only light and
3. Why is Siddhartha not very curious about the teachings of the Buddha?
He does not think the Buddha can teach him anything new.
4. What is Siddhartha's response to Govinda's question about following the Buddha?
Siddhartha blesses Govinda and wishes him well but says he will not be joining the
Buddha's company.
5. What does the Buddha warn Siddhartha to be on his guard against?
The Buddha warns Siddhartha to be on his guard against too much cleverness.
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6. What separates Govinda and Siddhartha?
Govinda joins the Buddha's community, and Siddhartha moves on.
7. What does Siddhartha realize has left him "like the old skin that a snake sheds"?
He has lost the desire to have teachers and to listen to their teaching.
8. What realization gives Siddhartha the feeling of awakening from a long dream?
He realizes he has been afraid of being himself, and so he has tried to lose himself in the
teachings of others.
9. After Siddhartha decides not to join the Buddha's community, from whom does he
choose to learn?
He chooses to learn from himself.
10. After Siddhartha leaves Jetavana grove, where does he initially intend to go?
He initially intends to go home to see his father.
Assignment 3
Chapters 5-6
1. When Siddhartha decides to be "present" in the world, what does he begin to notice
about it?
He notices the beauty of nature that he had never paid attention to before.
2. After leaving the presence of the Buddha, what is it that Siddhartha believes he must
gain for himself?
He believes he must gain experience.
3. What does Siddhartha dream as he slept in the ferryman's straw hut?
Siddhartha dreams that Govinda stands before him asking, "Why did you leave me?"
Govinda then turns into a woman from whose breast Siddhartha drinks and becomes
intoxicated with pleasure.
4. The ferryman tells Siddhartha that one can learn much from something. What?
The ferryman tells Siddhartha that one can learn much from a river.
5. When Siddhartha is tempted by the woman in the village, what stops him from
Siddhartha hears his inward voice say, "No!"
6. Who is Kamala?
Kamala is a beautiful courtesan from whom Siddhartha wishes to learn about the art of
7. Who is Kamaswami? Why does Kamala send Siddhartha to him?
Kamaswami is the richest merchant in town. Kamala insists that Siddhartha must see
him so that he may gain fine clothes, shoes, and money. Only then will Siddhartha be fit
to be with Kamala.
8. What services does Siddhartha say he can perform for Kamaswami?
Siddhartha tells Kamaswami that he can think, he can wait, and he can fast.
9. What is Siddhartha's attitude toward business?
Siddhartha is indifferent towards business and unconcerned about making a profit.
10. To what does Siddhartha compare those who have no "stillness and sanctuary to
[they] can retreat at any time"?
Siddhartha compares them to falling leaves that drift and turn in the air but have no
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Assignment 4
Chapters 7-8
1. What becomes of Siddhartha's "glorious, exalted awakening" that he had experienced
his youth?
It becomes a memory and passes away.
2. When Siddhartha's soul goes to sleep, what becomes more awakened?
His senses become heightened.
3. What are some of the things Siddhartha learns to do while living in the town after
meeting Kamala and Kamaswami?
He learns to transact business, exercise power over people, amuse himself with women,
wear fine clothes, command servants, bathe in sweet-smelling waters, eat rich foods,
and drink wine.
4. In what game does Siddhartha become increasingly involved?
He becomes increasingly involved with dice, gambling for money and jewels.
5. What does Siddhartha dream when he becomes dissatisfied with his gambling life?
He dreams that Kamala's bird dies in its cage, and he throws it away on the road. He is
horrified by this and feels as if he has thrown away what is good and of value in himself.
6. What discovery does Kamala make after the disappearance of Siddhartha?
She discovers she is pregnant with his child.
7. For what does Siddhartha passionately wish when he leaves Kamala and the town?
He wishes for death and tries to commit suicide.
8. What sound comes to Siddhartha that awakens his "slumbering soul"?
He hears, "Om."
9. Who does Siddhartha see when he awakes from his long sleep?
He sees a monk in a yellow gown and realizes it is Govinda.
10. What things does Siddhartha claim he has had to experience "just in order to become
child again and begin anew"?
He has had to experience stupidity, vices, error, nausea, disillusionment, and sorrow.
Assignment 5
Chapters 9-10
1. What is it that brings Siddhartha feelings of love, enchantment, and gratitude?
His love for the flowing river brings him these feelings.
2. Who is Vasudeva?
Vasudeva is the ferryman who takes Siddhartha into his service.
3. What is the first "secret from the river" that Siddhartha learns?
He learns that there is no such thing as time. "The river is everywhere at the same time,
at the source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the current, in the ocean,
and in the mountains, everywhere, and that the present only exists for it."
4. What one word does the river pronounce "when one is successful in hearing all its ten
thousand voices at the same time"?
The river says, "Om."
5. What becomes of Kamala?
She is bitten by a snake while on a pilgrimage to see the dying Buddha; she dies.
6. How does Siddhartha's son behave while living in the hut by the river?
He is a spoiled rich boy who refuses to do any work, and he is disrespectful of others.
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7. What does Vasudeva suggest Siddhartha should do for his son?
Vasudeva suggests that Siddhartha should take the boy back to the town where he grew
up and find him a life that includes people his own age.
8. What is the boy's reaction when Siddhartha asks him to gather some twigs for the fire?
He refuses and then goes on to tell Siddhartha how much he hates his father. The boy
runs away the next day.
9. Siddhartha tries to find his son after he runs away. Why does Siddhartha stop his
at the garden that had once belonged to Kamala?
Standing at the garden Siddhartha remembered his life and in doing so he realized it
was a foolish desire to follow his son. He realizes that he can not help his son and that
he shouldn't force himself on his son.
Assignment 6
Chapters 11-12
1. What knowledge does Siddhartha possess that he many times "doubted...was of such
great value?"
He possesses the consciousness of the unity of life, but he has begun to think that it is
"perhaps the childish self-flattery of thinkers, who were perhaps only thinking children."
2. When Siddhartha bends over the water of the river and sees his reflection, of whose
is he reminded?
He is reminded of his father's face when he sees his own reflection.
3. To what realization does Siddhartha come after seeing his reflection in the water?
He realizes that his father had suffered the same sorrows at Siddhartha's leaving that
Siddhartha now suffers at the leaving of his own son.
4. After listening to the song of the river, where does Vasudeva go?
He goes into the woods to die.
5. Who hears tales about the old ferryman by the river and decides to go see him?
Govinda hears the tales and decides to go see the old ferryman.
6. According to Siddhartha, what is the difference between seeking and finding?
To seek means to have a goal; to find means to be receptive without a goal.
7. What does Siddhartha hold in his hand and tell Govinda that it may one day possibly
become either a plant, an animal, or a man?
He holds a stone, which within a certain amount of time may break down to become soil,
and then may become a plant, an animal, or a man.
8. What does Govinda claim that the Illustrious One called illusion and forbade his
followers to bind themselves?
He forbade them to bind themselves to love.
9. What does Govinda see in Siddhartha's face?
When Govinda looks into Siddhartha's face, he sees many other faces--hundreds,
thousands, which seemed to be there all at the same time, and yet were all Siddhartha.

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