Curriculum Semester 4

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(Under sec. 3 of UGC act 1956)


Course Name: M.Sc(Fleet Operation Management)

(With Effect from the Academic Year 2008)

1. Research Methodology
2. RES 01 Dissertation / Thesis

The student shall devote the entire fourth semester to Dissertation / Thesis work.
The thesis work shall be carried out either at the University or on board ship or at maritime
related place of work under approved supervision.


1. MSE01 Port Management.

2. MSE02 Ship Agency Management.
3. MSE03 Liner Trade and Multimodal Transportation.
4. MSE04 MIS and Information Technology in Shipping.
5. MSE05 Quantitative Methods in Management

Document Prepared in Board of Studies held on Document Approved by Vice Chancellor on

Date: Date: 05.09.2007
Controlled Copy Rev00/01.10.2012

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