Otitis Externa
Otitis Externa
Otitis Externa
Richard G. Harvey
The Veterinary Centre
Cheylesmore, Coventry, UK
Sue Paterson
RCVS and European Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology
Rutland House Referral Hospital
St Helens, Merseyside, UK
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4 Ear Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Assessing the integrity of the tympanum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Assessing the discharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Assessing the canal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Cleaning process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Home cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
QQ The external ear comprises the pinna The ear of the dog and cat is composed of
and the external acoustic meatus. It three parts: the external ear, the middle ear,
serves to collect and locate the origin and the inner ear (Figure 1.1)13. Together
of sound waves. these components allow the animal to
QQ The middle ear comprises the locate a sound and the direction from which
tympanic membrane, the ossicles, it emanates, to orientate the head in relation
the auditory tube, and the tympanic to gravity, and to measure acceleration and
cavity. It serves to transduce incoming rotation of the head. Selective breeding, of
airborne sound waves into waves in a dogs in particular, has resulted in a wide
liquid medium. variation in relative size and shape of the
QQ The inner ear comprises the cochlea, components of the external ear. Compare,
the vestibule, and the semicircular for example,theFrench Bulldog, the
canals. It interprets sound and serves Cocker Spaniel, the German Shepherd
to relate the head to gravity, allowing Dog, the St. Bernard, and the Persian cat.
the visual system to compensate for The pinnal shape and carriage, the diameter
movement and to perceive both linear of the external ear canal, thedegree of
and rotational acceleration. hair and amount of soft tissue within the
external ear canal, and the shape of the
Vestibular nerve
Cochlear nerve Semicircular canals
Stapes membrane
Fig. 1.1 The anatomic relationship of the components of the external, middle, and inner ear
remains constant in relation to each other and the skull.
skull within which the middle and inner The pinna is composed of a sheet of
ear lie, vary from one breed to another. cartilage covered on both sides by skin
Despite this anatomic variation the essen (Figures 1.2, 1.3), which is more firmly
tial relationship between the various com adherent on the concave aspect than on the
ponents of the external, middle, and inner convex aspect2,3,5. The cartilage sheet which
ear is preserved1. supports the pinna is a flared extension
of the auricular cartilage. Proximally this
PINNA becomes rolled to form the vertical ear canal
and part of the horizontal ear canal6. The
The evolutionary role of the pinna has major part of the external auditory meatus
been as an aid to sound collection and is contained within the auricular cartilage.
point-of-origin location (Figures 1.2, 1.3). Generally the pinna is haired on the
However, selective breeding of dogs has convex surface and in some breeds, such as
resulted in pinnae which often appear to the Cocker Spaniel and Papillon for example,
have been designed more as lids to prevent markedly so. The concave aspect may be
access by foreign bodies (Figures 1.4, 1.5) lightly haired on the free edges and towards
or as vehicles to carry ornate displays of the tip, but towards the base it becomes
exuberant growths of hair (Figures 1.6, 1.7). essentially glabrous and is tightly adherent
Despite these changes, the functionality of to the underlying cartilage. A few fine hairs
the ear appears to have been maintained. In are usually present around the entrance to
most breeds of cats the pinna is held erect, the external auditory meatus. In breeds with
with the exception of the Scottish Fold Cat hirsute ear canals, such as Cocker Spaniels,
where the distal portion of the scapha is there may be profuse hair growth along the
folded rostroventrally4. whole length of the earcanal.
Figs. 1.2, 1.3 Archetypal pinna, in this case of a German Shepherd Dog. Note the even
distribution of short hairs on the convex aspect (1.2). There is a variable amount of glabrous,
sparsely-haired skin on the concave aspect (1.3) which is confluent with the epithelial lining of
the external ear canal.
Figs. 1.4, 1.5 Examples of the various pinnae which have resulted from selective breeding.
Labrador Retriever (1.4), Cocker Spaniel (1.5).
The external auditory meatus serves to The middle ear and auditory (Eustachian)
conduct sound waves to the tympanum. tube comprise a functional physiological
It is contained within the vertical and unit with protective, drainage, and venti
horizontal portions of the external ear latory capabilities9,10. The middle ear is
canal. The size of the vertical canal composed of the tympanum, the ossicles,
(length and volume) correlates with body the auditory tube, and the tympanic
weight7,8.In the dog the averagelength of cavities (Figure 1.9)1,3. The middle ear cavi
the external ear canal within the auricular ties are lined with secretory epithelium
cartilage is 4.1cm (1.6in) (2.25.7cm (Figure 1.10). Epithelia such as this not only
[0.82.2 in]) and its average diameter, at secrete liquid, but also absorb gas9. This
the level of thetragus,is 5.8 cm (2.3 in) tends to result in a slight negative pressure
(2.17.9 cm [0.83.1 in])7. within the normal middle ear cavity9. The
The vertical canal deviates medially, composition of the gas in the normal middle
just dorsal to the level of the tympanum, ear cavity of both dogs and cats has been
towards the external acoustic process. In described11. It appears to correlate closely
the dog the average length of canal within to the composition of the capillary blood,
theannularcartilage is 1.2 cm (0.5 in) rather than reflecting gaseous exchange
(0.81.9cm[0.30.7 in])7. along the auditory tube.
The epithelium and dermal tissues which The three ossicles transmit sound waves
line the bony and cartilaginous components impacting upon the tympanic mem
of the external ear canal result in a smooth brane to the oval window. At this point
inner surface to the canal (Figure 1.8). The the mechanical energy of the ossicles is
epithelium is sparsely haired in most, but transduced to pressure waves within the
not all, breeds, and it is rich in adnexal inner ear, to be interpreted subsequently as
glands (see Microscopic structure of the sound. Pressure and internal homeostasis
external ear canal). within the inner ear is equilibrated across
the round window membrane.
Fig. 1.8 Otoscopic picture of a normal canine (A) and feline (B) external ear canal,
demonstrating the smooth epithelial lining. Note the occasional accumulations of cerumen.
Fig. 1.9 The caudoventral aspect of a canine skull with the bulla
removed. Three of the four ports of communication are visible:
the external acoustic meatus (arrow), the round window on the
promontory (arrow head), and the auditory tube (delineated with
a piece of nylon).
Relative humidity
In one study the mean relative humidity Fig. 1.20 Otoscopic view of the normal
within the external ear canal of 19 dogs external ear canal. Note the clean, smooth
was 80.4%6. This was remarkably stable epithelial surface.
Figs. 1.21, 1.22 Scanning electron Figs. 1.23, 1.24 Scanning electron
micrographs of the epithelial surface of micrographs illustrating squames in the
the external ear canal of a dog (1.21, top) process of detaching in a canine ear canal
and a cat (1.22, above). Note the cerumen (1.23, top) and a feline ear canal (1.24,
coating the hair shafts and squames such above). (Electron micrographs produced by
that individual squame borders cannot clearly the Department of Anatomy, Royal Veterinary
be seen. (Electron micrographs produced by College, London,UK.)
the Department of Anatomy, Royal Veterinary
College, London, UK.)
were isolated from some of these cases. between the left and right ears. This vari
Nonparametric (Mann Whitney) analysis ation presumably reflects individual vari
of Gronos data by the authors showed that ation in concentration and activity of
in cases of otitis externa associated with ceruminous glands. In man, cerumen type
Pseudomonas spp., the pH is significantly (wet or dry) is a simple mendelian trait11.
higher (mean 6.85, p<0.05) than in cases of Whether there is a simple genetic control of
otitis externa in which no Pseudomonas spp. canine or feline cerumen type is not known.
are isolated (mean 5.7). Oleic and linoleic acid have antibacterial
activity12,13, although the effects of these
CERUMEN IN NORMAL AND fatty acids, and others, against bacteria
OTITIC EARS and Malassezia pachydermatis within the ear
canal is less clear10.
Cerumen coats the lining of the external ear In cases of otitis externa the lipid content
canal (Figures. 1.25, 1.26). It is composed of of the cerumen falls significantly to a mean
lipid secretions from the sebaceous glands, of 24.4%, compared to a mean of 49.7% from
ceruminous gland secretion8, and sloughed normal ears9. This fall in lipid content may
epithelial cells. The lipid component of reflect the hypertrophy of apocrine glands
dogs cerumen can vary widely, as does the which accompanies chronic otitis externa14.
type of lipid within the cerumen, although The decreased lipid component of cerumen
margaric (17:0), stearic (18:0), oleic (18:1), may account for the increase in relative
and linoleic (18:2) fatty acids are the most humidity reported in the external ear canals
common 9,10. A range of 18.292.6% (by of dogs with otitis externa6. This, plus the
weight) of lipid content was found in the decrease in antibacterial activity, may allow
external ear canals of normal dogs, and increased bacterial multiplication.
in some cases there was wide disparity
Fig. 2.1 The upper portion of the feline Fig. 2.2 A normal horizontal external ear
external ear canal. canal of a dog. There is an even, pale colour
with a smooth contour. A few fine hairs may
be seen.
Fig. 2.3 Patchy brown cerumen adhering to Fig. 2.4 Yellowish cerumen near the
the walls of a normal external ear canal. tympanum.
whole length of the external ear canal13. The normal tympanum is thin, pale
The diameter of the vertical portion of the grey in colour (described as rice paper-
external canal varies from breed tobreed like), and translucent (Figure 2.7). It is
but at its base, where it apposes the visible via otoscopy in about 75% of normal
horizontal portion, it is 510 mm (0.20.4 ears4. Cerumen, debris, or hair prevents a
in) in diameter3. The horizontal canal is clear view of the tympanum in the other
approximately 2 cm (0.8 in) in length3. ears 4. The shape of the tympanum is
Fig. 2.5 Tufts of hair emerging from the Fig. 2.6 Hair and adhering cerumen
horizontal ear canal. emerging from the horizontal ear canal.
elliptical, mean 15 10 mm (0.6 0.4 in), the concave aspect of the pinna will also
with the short axis nearly vertical2. The be affected (Figure 2.10). In most cases the
initial otoscopic view is restricted to the inflammation affects the entire ear canal,
posterior quadrant of the pars tensa and but in some instances it will be localized
the pars flaccida5,6. Manipulation of both to either the horizontal or, more usually,
the external ear canal and the otoscope will the vertical canal. Bilateral inflammation
usually bring the majority of the manu confined to the concave aspect of the pinna
brium (Figure2.8) and the larger portion and the vertical canal, particularly if there is
of the pars tensa into view5,6. The external little discharge, is very suggestive of atopy
aspect of the tympanum, as viewed with (Figure 2.11). Indeed, erythema of the entire
an otoscope, is divided into two unequal canal in the absence of significant discharge
parts by the manubrium of the malleus. or other pathology is highly suggestive
This is attached along the medial aspect of of allergy. Atopy, dietary intolerance,
the tympanumand exerts tension onto it, and neomycin sensitivity should all be
resulting in a concave shape to the intact considered in the differential diagnosis.
membrane. Inflammation also results in increased
secretion from the glands within the epi
Abnormal appearance of the thelial lining of the canal and a shift away
external ear canal from a lipid to an aqueous constitution7,8.
Inflammation results in oedema, erythema, Continued inflammation results in macer
and warmth (Figure 2.9). Given that the ation of the stratum corneum, loss of barrier
glandular tissues of the external ear canal function, and the outward movement of
are contained within a cartilaginous tube, transepidermal fluid. Discharge accumu
any swelling will result in a reduction in lates within the external ear canal (Figures
the diameter of the lumen. In many cases 2.122.14) and microbial proliferation
Fig. 2.8 The tympanic membrane with the Fig. 2.9 Erythematous otitis in a case
manubrium of the malleus clearly visible. of atopy. There is erythema and some
degreeofswelling, resulting in loss of
Fig. 2.10 External ear canal of an atopic Fig. 2.11 Erythema, hyperplasia, moderate
dog. There is erythema, hyperplasia, and fissure formation, and a tendency to ulcerate
lichenification. and bleed very easily, even after otoscopy, are
commonly seen in ear canals of atopic dogs.
occurs. The colour of the discharge may Otoscopic examination may reveal the
vary from light yellow to dark brown and presence of ectoparasites, such as O. cynotis
it may be aqueous, thin, or pus-like in or Otobius megnini (Figure 2.16). Otodectic
nature. Animals with severe or generalized mites are often accompanied by the presence
defects in keratinization may exhibit a of a crumbly brown discharge (Figure 2.17).
greasy yellow discharge that has a purulent Not all infestations are inflammatory.
appearance, but which may be free of Failure to detect otodectic mites during
pathogens and noninflammatory in nature. otoscopic examination does not preclude
Medications may result in a thin, shiny infestation, and microscopic examination of
covering over the mural epithelium. cytological samples is necessary.
The presence of erosions and ulcers Epidermal hyperplasia, nodules,
in the external ear canal should be noted tumours, polyps, and foreign bodies within
(Figure2.15). Frank ulceration is uncom the external ear canal are easily visualized
mon and is usually associated with gram- during otoscopy (Figure 2.18), although
negative bacterial infection. Rare causes of cleaning of the external ear canal may be
otic ulceration are autoimmune diseases necessary. This is particularly the case for
and otic neoplasms. The finding of ulcers cats where the whole canal may fill with
within the external ear canal mandates purulent discharge if an otic tumour or
samples for both cytological evaluation and polyp is present (Figure 2.19).
bacterial culture and sensitivity testing.
Fig. 2.15 Haemorrhagic foci associated with Fig. 2.16 Spinous ear tick, Otobious megnini,
focal ulcerations in a case of gram-negative within the vertical ear canal. (Courtesy of Dr.
infection. Louis Gotthelf, DVM; Montgomery, AL, USA.)
Fig. 2.17 Crumbly, dry, blackish brown Fig. 2.18 Grass awn, cerumen, and
cerumen associated with Otodectes cynotis associated erythema in the external ear
infestation. canalof a dog.
Fig. 2.20 Acute tear in the tympanic Fig. 2.21 Chronic otitis media and otitis
membrane of a dog associated with grass externa have resulted in a thickened, opaque,
awn penetration. ruptured tympanic membrane.
The tympanum should be examined for diagnosis of otitis media, exclusively via
colour, texture, and integrity; it is usually otoscopy, is not reliable. Bulging of the
dark grey or brown in cases of otitis tympanum may indicate an accumulation
externa1. In contrast to normal dogs, it is of exudate within the middle ear, whereas
only possible to visualize the tympanum retraction (and a concave appearance)
adequately in 28% of ears affected with suggests a partially filled middle ear with
otitis externa 4. If tears or holes in the obstruction of the auditory tube5.
tympanum (Figures 2.20, 2.21) indicate that Tympanic defects may heal in the
otitis media is present (although an intact presence of infection in the middle ear.
tympanum does not rule out otitis media), Thus, diagnosing otitis media on the sole
then failure to visualize the tympanum basis of a ruptured tympanum is unreliable.
adequately, let alone a tear, suggests that
CYTOLOGICAL Introduction
CHARACTERISTICS OF NORMAL Otodectic otitis (Figure 2.22) is often
AND ABNORMAL EARS associated with a crumbly, rather dryish
discharge (Figure 2.23), similar to coffee
grounds1. However, there is no clear-cut
KEY POINTS relationship between the gross charac
teristics of any otic discharge and the
QQ Cytological samples should be taken species of micro-organism with which it
before ear cleaning is undertaken. is associated, e.g. staphylococcal, gram-
QQ Both external ear canals should negative, or malassezial2,3.
be sampled, preferably from the Cytological examination of otic exudate
horizontal canal. is a rapid, in-house test which provides
QQ There is no reliable correlation diagnostically and therapeutically useful
between the physical nature of the information 25. Reproducibility is high
discharge and a particular microbe. with regard to detecting micro-organisms
QQ Examination of unstained, oil- and is good for bacteria, but is less so for
mixed cerumen is a reliable method yeast6. In many cases, information from
of determining infestation with cytological examination of cerumen is more
O.cynotis. accurate than that from samples submitted
QQ Information on the organisms for microbiological culture and sensitivity
within the canal and the type testing. Furthermore, the clinician can
and nature of the inflammatory assess the significance of any micro-
response may be obtained from organisms in the light of other ceruminal
microscopic examination of stained characteristics, such as the presence of
smears;modified Wrights stains, nucleated squames, proteinaceous debris,
such as Diff-Quik, are ideal stains for and inflammatory cells. This is particularly
in-house use. exemplified in the case illustrated
(Figure2.24) of a Cocker Spaniel with
Fig. 2.22 Typical appearance of cerumen Fig. 2.23 The dry, crumbly nature of the
associated with Otodectes cynotis dark, dry, cerumen can be appreciated when it is rolled
and crumbly. As in this case, it is not always onto a glass slide.
associated with inflammation in the ear canal.
Fig. 2.25 Gross appearance of an unstained Fig. 2.26 Gross appearance of a Diff-Quik-
cytologic sample thick and white. stained sample thick and blue, suggestive
ofa high cell content.
Fig. 2.27 High-power photomicrograph from Fig. 2.28 Unstained smears from normal ear
the Cocker Spaniel in Fig. 2.24. Note the yeast canals are all but invisible.
and cocci on and around the squames, and
the absence of inflammatory cells.
chronic, bilateral otitis associated with a it is not necessary unless samples are to be
thick, greasy exudate. Gross examination kept for future examination. Commercial
of the discharge (Figures 2.25, 2.26) might laboratories usually perform a Grams stain
suggest that a malassezial, or even a gram- because, although more time consuming, it
negative, infection was responsible but does allow assessment of the classification
cytological examination (Figure2.27) of organisms by both morphology (coccus,
does not support this. Although there rod, diphtheroid) and Grams stain status.
are increased numbers of squames and Generally, Gram staining is too cumber
microbes visible, the lack of any inflam some and time consuming for practitioners
matory cells suggests a ceruminous otitis to consider for a rapid, in-house stain8.
externa, probably associated with a more Knowledge of morphology and Grams
generalized defect in keratinization, rather stain status allows a recommendation for
than infection. treatment1,4. In addition to allowing visual
ization of the microbial populations of the
Samples and stains external ear canal, cytology also allows
The most useful sample for otic cytology the physical nature of the cerumen to be
is a swab taken from the ear canal, which assessed, in terms of keratinaceous debris
is then rolled onto a clean glass slide. If and the lipid content of the cerumen9,10.
feasible, samples should be taken from the Stained samples should be air-dried
horizontal portion of the external ear canal and examined for evenness of stain and
of both ears4,5. In large dogs it is usually for depth of stain, which is usually deeper
possible to collect a shielded sample in intensity as the cell count increases. A
using, for example, an alcohol-sprayed coverslip should be applied prior to micro
otoscope cone. In small dogs and cats scopic examination 5. Initial low-power
collecting a shielded sample is difficult, and examination is followed by high-power
verticalcanal samples will have to suffice5. examination, and this is usually sufficient
If otitis media is suspected, a shielded for accurate classification of any micro-
sample should be taken from the middle organisms and identification of any cells
ear in addition to that from the external ear present7,8.
Most clinicians advocate using modified Gross examination of cytological
Wrights stains such as Diff-Quik 1,4,5 . preparations
Alcohol-based stains are more useful than Gross examination of fresh and stained
aqueous preparations (e.g. new methylene smears reflects the lipid and cellular con
blue) because of the lipid nature of the otic tent of cerumen. Normal cerumen has a
discharge4. Griffin1 advocated heat fixing high lipid content and a low concentration
of obviously waxy preparations in order of intact cells, usually squames. Unstained
to prevent solvent-associated leaching preparations are all but invisible in direct
of lipid. Since all cerumen contains lipid light (Figure 2.28), reflecting the low cell
it would seem appropriate to heat fix all content of cerumen. Increasing cell content,
samples, but opinion is divided on this particularly if it is inflammatory in nature,
issue48. Subtle information may be lost if is reflected in the increased opacity of the
heat fixing is not performed, but generally cerumen.
Fig. 2.29 Photomicrograph of a cytological Fig. 2.30 Outlines of lipid are visible, even
sample from a normal ear. Note the low cell after fixing and staining with Diff-Quik.
content in the cerumen.
Figs. 2.35, 2.36 Gross cytological samples from an otitic and a normal ear canal. The otitic ear
(2.35) contains a higher cell content and appears much bluer, when stained, than the smear
from the normal ear (2.36).
Fig. 2.45 Photomicrograph illustrating yeast Fig. 2.46 Photomicrograph illustrating yeast
in sufficient numbers to be associated with and inflammatory cells.
Figs. 2.47, 2.48 Photomicrograph of adult otodectic mites and an ovum recovered from the
cerumen of an ear infected with Otodectes cynotis.
Generally, even in first opinion for yeast organisms was only moderate6.
cases, the observation of bacilli should In addition to relative insensitivity, malas
promptsampling for bacterial culture and sezial culture is expensive and time con
sens it ivity testing 4. This is particularly suming, resulting in unnecessary cost and
important if Gram staining is not performed, delay in treatment compared to cytological
since clinicians cannot differentiate assessment2.
Pseudomonas spp. from Clostridium spp.,
or Bacillus spp.4. Unless a recurrent case is Ectoparasites
involved it is not usually necessary to submit It is often easy to visualize O. cynotis and
samples from otitis externa associated with O. megnini within the external ear canal
cocci for bacterial culture and sensitivity simply by using an otoscope. However,
testing. Indeed, inone study, testing since very low numbers of mites have
achieved a sensitivity of59% for gram- been associated with otitis externa13 it is
positive cocci and 69% for gram-negative not surprising that they will be missed
rods, compared with 100%sensitivity with in some cases, particularly if there is an
cytological examination8. accumulation of debris or discharge with
in the canal. Therefore, microscopic exam
Yeast ination of cytological preparations is
M. pachydermatis is a member of the normal indicated if otodectic mange is suspected.
canine otic microflora11, although it has the Cerumen is deposited on a glass slide and
potential for opportunistic pathogenicity. mixed with mineral oil prior to microscopic
At least two species of malassezial yeast examination 2. Otodectic mites have a
can be isolated from feline ear canals, characteristic appearance (Figures 2.47,
M. pachydermatis and M. sympodialis 12. 2.48).
The presence of yeast (Figure 2.44) must,
therefore, be interpreted with caution. Bacterial culture and sensitivity testing
Evidence of increased numbers of yeast In most cases, examination of cytological
(arbitrarily more than 510 per high-power samples will provide all the information
field [Figure 2.45] 1,4,5) and an associated necessary for effective treatment to be
inflammatory reaction (Figure 2.46) should instituted. Microbial culture and sensitivity
be sought before disease status is decided. testing of samples from the external ear
Malassezial yeast are flask- or peanut- canal is, however, useful in certain cases:
shaped, whereas candidial yeast are round In cases of recurrent, or refractory,
in appearance, although this distinction is otitis externa.
not easily made. If ulceration of the epithelial lining of
The importance of cytological evaluation the external ear canal is present.
was exemplified in two studies which If gram-negative infection is
reported that demonstration of malassezial suspected.
infection by culture methods achieved a If otitis media is suspected (when
sensitivity of 82% and 50% respectively1,8. samples from the middle ear will also
However, in another study looking at the be necessary).
reproducibility of cytology, the agreement
Video-otoscopic examination of
the ear canal
The video-otoscope (VO) is a useful and
effective tool in the management of both
canine and feline otitis. Its widespread use
is, unfortunately, limited by expense and
it is most commonly available in referral
institutions. The equipment takes up
space in the consulting room (Figure 2.49).
Although it has major advantages over
hand-held otoscopes, animals do need to
be minimally sedated but more commonly
anaesthetized in order for it to be used
successfully. Its uses and indications in
veterinary medicine have been reviewed by
different authors13. It has many advantages
over the hand-held otoscope:
The VO provides a range of
magnification lenses which allows
assessment of fine detail especially at
the level of the tympanic membrane Fig. 2.51 In-use picture showing the
(Figure 2.50). Often the inferior workinghead inserted in a dogs ear canal.
magnification of the hand-held
instruments does not allow the
clinician to see small tears in the
tympanic membrane, which can be
important when deciding on topical
The intense light source which is
positioned at the tip of the endoscope,
rather than at the base of the cone as
is the case with hand-held devices,
provides excellent illumination
to allow more detailed evaluation
of the structures within the ear
(Figure 2.51). This also prevents
the problem of shadows within the
visual field created when instruments
are introduced down the working
The working channels facilitate fully
visualized flushing (Figure 2.52) of the Fig. 2.52 Suction head within the external
canal and removal of foreign bodies, ear canal of a dog.
such as grass awns or ceruminoliths,
using grasping forceps.
Figs. 2.53, 2.54 Lateral oblique radiographs of the head of a dog (2.53) and a cat (2.54)
demonstrating optimal positioning for visualizing the tympanic bullae, which are clearly visible.
Figs. 2.55, 2.56 Close-up view of the normal tympanic bullae of a dog (2.55) and a cat (2.56)
in the lateral oblique view.
should be visible in the external ear mandible with tape8. The interpupillary
canal 7. Predominantly lytic changes line must be parallel to the film. In
on the rostroventral wall of the bulla dolichocephalic breeds the primary beam
are usually associated with chronic is centred through the open mouth parallel
inflammation7. Lytic changes within the to the hard palate5. In mesaticephalic
petrous temporal bone may reflect either breeds it may be necessary to angle the
inflammation or neoplasia7,8. hard palate slightly away from the vertical
(perhaps 10 or so4). In brachycephalic
Rostrocaudal (open mouth) view breeds the hard palate may need to be
(Figures2.57, 2.58) angled up to 20 away from the vertical in
Advantages: Good visualization of both order to avoid superimposing the bullae
tympanic bullae. Good view for diag on the wings of the atlas5. Alternatively,
nosing otitis media4,9. the centre of the beam can be angled rostro
Disadvantages: General anaesthesia is caudally, at up to 30 angling towards the
necessary and the endotracheal tube must hard palate. The beam can be centred on
be removed. Can be difficult to obtain the base of the tongue10.
perfect pictures without fine-tuning, Interpretation: The bullae appear as thin-
especially with brachycephalic breeds. walled, symmetrical bone opacities at the
Positioning: The animal must be in dorsal base of the skull (Figure 2.59)7. Overlying
recumbency. The head is positioned with soft tissues may produce the appearance
the sagittal plane and hard palate vertical of middle ear pathology. This must be
to the film. The tongue must be brought interpreted with care.
as far forward as possible and tied to the
Figs. 2.57, 2.58 Rostrocaudal (open mouth) radiographs of the head of a dog (2.57) and
acat (2.58) demonstrating how the tympanic bullae are skylined.
Figs. 2.60, 2.61 Dorsoventral radiographs of the head of a dog (2.60) and a cat (2.61). Note
the appearance of the bullae and the difficulty in visualizing them using this position compared
with the lateral oblique and rostrocaudal (open mouth) views.
Figs. 2.62, 2.63 Lateral radiographs of the head of a dog (2.62) and a cat (2.63). The bullae
are visible but both left and right bullae are superimposed, making interpretation difficult.
view, as the mandibles provide stability Some distortion and masking may occur
against lateral rotation6. Provides a good due to superimposition of the petrous
view for diagnosing otitis media4. temporal bones6. Air shadow should be
Disadvantages: Because the calvarium visible in the external ear canals.
is further from the plate it is magnified
and this can induce some artefactual Lateral view (Figures 2.62, 2.63)
distortion6. However, this is more than Advantages: Standard view; lots of refer
outweighed by the advantage of having ence material.
the bullae close to the plate. Disadvantages: General anaesthesia is
Positioning: The animal is placed in ventral necessary. Not ideal for visualizing
recumbency, under general anaes individual tympanic bullae as they are
thesia or heavy sedation. Care must superimposed if a true lateral position is
be taken to ensure that the animal is achieved.
aligned symmetrically with the inter Positioning: The animal is placed in lateral
pupillary line parallel to the film6. The recumbency and the head adjusted to
hard palate must be parallel to the table true lateral, with the sagittal plane paral
and the animal adjusted so that the lel to the film and the interpupillary line
base of the skull is as close to the film vertical6. This may require foam padding
as possible6. This may require support to achieve a true lateral. The calvarium,
with radiolucent blocks of foam under nasal pharynx, and larynx should be
the rostral mandible, sandbags over included in the view. The beam should
the cervical spine, or both. The beam be centred between the ear and the eye.
should be centred at the intersection of Interpretation: The bullae appear as thin-
two imaginary lines: a sagittal line, and a walled, crisply outlined bony struc
lateral line, at right angles to the sagittal tures with a smooth external border
line, drawn through the estimated (Figures2.64,2.65), but in a true lateral
position of the tympanic membranes. view they will be superimposed, making
Interpretation: The bullae should exhibit for difficult interpretation6. Air shadow
bilateral symmetry and appear as fine, and, if present, the thickened walls of the
crisp, distinct, linear bony opacities7. horizontal ear canal, may be visible6.
Figs. 2.64, 2.65 Close-up views of the tympanic bullae of a dog (2.64) and a cat (2.65)
demonstrating the air shadow of the horizontal ear canal.
Figs. 2.66, 2.67 Ventrodorsal radiographs of a dog (2.66) and a cat (2.67). Note the
appearance of the bullae and the difficulty in visualizing them using this position compared
with the lateral oblique and rostrocaudal (open mouth) views.
Positioning: The animal is placed in dorsal an additional inner bony wall which
recumbency, under general anaesthesia. appears in this view (Figure 2.67)6.
Care must be taken to ensure that the
animal is aligned symmetrically. The Visualizing the external ear canal
hard palate must be parallel to the table. and assessing the tympanic
This may require support under the membrane
rostral mandible or under the cervical Radiography is not commonly employed as
spine, or both. Intraoral tape, positioned a means of assessing pathological changes in
immediately caudal to the canine teeth the external ear canal. It may be possible to see
and then tied to the table, may help in air shadows (Figures2.68,2.69) delineating
positioning the mandible. The beam the external ear canal in some of the standard
should be centred at the intersection of radiographic views of the ear, particularly
two imaginary lines: a sagittal line, and a the dorsoventral and rostrocaudal (open
lateral line, at right angles to the sagittal mouth) views. In addition, in cases of chronic
line, drawn through the estimated posi otitis externa, there may be calcification of the
tion of the tympanic membranes. cartilages of the external canal (Figures 2.70
Interpretation: The superimposition of 2.72). However, it is not possible to assess
the petrous temporal bones makes the the integrity of the tympanic membrane
bullae walls appear thicker, and this can or visualize the position of an obstructing
make evaluation of subtle changes more luminal neoplasm without using contrast
difficult. The bulla of the cat contains techniques.
Figs. 2.71, 2.72 Dorsoventral and rostrocaudal (open mouth) radiographs of a Cocker Spaniel
with chronic otitis externa and otitis media. Note the extensive calcification of the ear canal
cartilages (arrowheads) and the changes around the left bulla (arrow).
canal epithelium, tympanum, and may initially be mild but as the disease
glandular structures in the wall of the process progresses they often become
canal as well as otitis media, which the most significant part of the ear
may occur as a consequence of otitis disease, and accentuate secondary
externa (Table 3.3) and is commonly causes due to chronic damage creating
underdiagnosed in chronic cases of an environment within the ear to
otitis externa. Perpetuating factors enhance bacterial and yeast growth.
Allergy Adverse food reaction, atopic otitis, contact allergy
Autoimmune Bullous pemphigoid, epidermolysis bullosa, lupus
erythematosus, pemphigus foliaceous
Ectoparasites Otodectes cynotis, Otobius megnini, Demodex
spp., Eutrombicula spp.
Endocrine Hyperadrenocorticism, hypothyroidism, Sertoli cell tumour,
sex hormone abnormalities
Epithelialization disorders Primary idiopathic seborrhoea, sebaceous adenitis, zinc
responsive dermatosis, vitamin A responsive dermatosis,
idiopathic inflammatory otitis of the Cocker Spaniel
Foreign bodies Hair, grass awns, sand, dirt
Glandular disorders Hypersecretory states, sebaceous gland abnormalities
Immune mediated Erythema multiforme, vasculitis, drug eruption
Micro-organisms (rare) Fungi (Aspergillus spp.)
Miscellaneous Eosinophilic granuloma complex, juvenile cellulitis,
proliferative perforating otitis of kittens
Viral Canine distemper
Bacteria Cocci (staphylococcus, streptococcus, enterococcus)
Baccilli (Pseudomonas spp., Proteus spp., Escherichia
coli, Klebsiella spp., Corynebacteria spp.)
Yeast Malassezia spp., Candida spp.
Medication reaction Products containing topical irritants (alcohol, low pH,
propylene glycol)
Over-cleaning Water-based solutions causing maceration (water, water-
based cleaners, antibiotics in aqueous solution); dry
cleaning with cotton wool
Are there any predisposing factors? Water within the external ear canal
Predisposing factors (Table 3.4) make either through swimming or from
otitis externa more likely by changing grooming may precipitate acute
the internal environment in such a gram-negative infection or Malassezia
fashion that humidity within the ear pachydermatis otitis externa.
canal rises, surface maceration occurs, The external environment may
and microbial proliferation follows. also be pertinent since humidity
Predisposing factors include: and high temperature are known
Conformational factors such as the to be correlated with an increased
amount of soft tissue within the incidence of ear disease.
confines of the auricular cartilage.
The presence of hair follicles, Although predisposing factors will not cause
particularly compound hair ear disease they can, on occasion, combine
follicles, within the external ear with secondary causes and engender otitis
canal. externa. For example, obstructive ear disease
Stenotic ear canals (Shar Pei) or caused by neoplastic or hyperplastic lesions
hair within the ear canal (Cocker can lead to changes in the environment in
Spaniel). the ear, predisposing to infection and sub
sequent disease.
Ongoing pathological changes Failure of epithelial migration, oedema, proliferative
within the ear canal change, canal stenosis, calcification of pericartilagenous
fibrous tissue
Tympanum Acanthosis, dilation, rupture, diverticulum or pocket
Glandular tissue Apocrine blockage and dilation, hidradenitis, glandular
Middle ear (otitis media) Material within the middle ear (granulation tissue,
infection, foreign material, primary secretory otitis media)
Conformation Hairy ear canals, pendulous pinna, stenotic ear canals,
hairy concave pinna
Excessive moisture Environment (heat and high humidity), water (swimmers
ear, grooming)
Obstructive ear disease Neoplasia, polyps, cyst
Systemic disease Debilitation, immunosuppression
Treatment effects Trauma from cleaning, over-use of antibiotics
Figs. 3.1, 3.2 Classic signs of a hypersensitivity affecting the proximal aspect of the concave
side of the pinna (3.1) and the upper portions of the external ear canal (3.2). There is erythema
and hyperplasia in both areas.
Fig. 3.5 Failed lateral wall resection in an Fig. 3.6 Only partially successful vertical
atopic West Highland White Terrier. Persistent canal ablation in an atopic dog. Erythema
erythema and hyperplasia continue to affect and hyperplasia still affect the proximal aspect
the residual medial wall of the external ear of the pinna and the residual portion of the
canal. medial wall of the external ear canal.
Fig. 3.7 Allergic contact dermatitis. Note Fig. 3.8 Allergic contact dermatitis following
the hyperpigmentation affecting the perioral, neomycin therapy. Erythematous, hyperplastic
periocular regions, in addition to the concave otitis externa. Note the lack of lesions on the
aspect of the pinna and the upper portion of concave aspect of the pinna, a pointer to this
the vertical ear canal. not being atopy, even though the changes in
the external ear canal are indistinguishable on
clinical grounds.
survive within the household, off the host, occurs. Although the life cycle of 3 weeks is
for weeks if not months3. confined to the host, it has been suggested
The physical presence of the mite induces that the mite can survive in the environment
a mechanical irritation which accounts for long periods3. Nevertheless, contact
for some of the pruritus experienced by with an infected host is still believed to be
infected animals. However, the saliva is the main route of transmission1.
both irritant and immunogenic and in The prevalence of O. cynotis in dogs
the cat the mite stimulates an IgE-like ears was assessed as 29.1% in one study of
antibody2, suggesting that hypersensitivity 700 ears, with a significant predisposition
contributes to the pruritus. The mite pro in dogs with pendulous and semierect
duces an antibody which cross-reacts pinnae as compared to erect pinnae7. This
with the house dust mite Dermatophagoides study also reported that there was a highly
farinae3 and may thus play a part in human significant correlation between the presence
atopy. Ear mite antigen may play a part in of mites and otitis externa. In 114 (out
inducing aural haematoma in both the dog of 700 ears) ears, mites were found in the
and cat and this might have an autoimmune absence of any indication of otitis externa,
aetiology4,5. suggesting that in dogs, asymptomatic
Zoonotic lesions may occur on in-contact carriage is possible. Fewer cases were
human members of the household1. Ves reported in the summer months. One study8
icles, wheals, erythematous papules, and suggested a seasonal incidence for the
excoriations on the arms and torso have disease; however, a very large study9 could
been reported6. find no evidence of a seasonal incidence.
Note that many of these studies on the
Lifecycle, transmission, and prevalence prevalence of O. cynotis wereperformed
Females lay eggs (Figure 3.11) and cement before the widespread useof topical and
them to the epidermal surface. These systemic ectoparasiticides.
hatch to yield six-legged larvae which Young dogs appear to be more com
undergo two moults through eight-legged monly infected than older animals9. This
protonymphs and deutonymphs. The probably reflects the fact that infected dogs
emerging deutonymph is approached are easily diagnosed, effectively treated,
by, and attached to, an adult male mite and not reinfected. The average number of
(Figure 3.12) and, if it is female, copulation mites per dog was only 5.69.
Clinical features
O. cynotis is typically associated with a
pruritic otitis externa7,8. However, Scott8
considered that in the cat, three syndromes
(otitis externa, ectopic infection, and asymp
tomatic carriage) might be associated with Fig. 3.13 Adult cat with Otodectes cynotis
infection with the mite. infestation. Note the typical dark brown
Very low numbers of mites, even as low colour and the dry nature of the cerumen.
as three7, may be sufficient to induce clinical Note also the lack of self-trauma in this
signs. This, together with the mites ability to asymptomatic case.
inhabit the entire external ear canal, canmake
definitive diagnosis difficult andmight make
a rule-out of otodectic acariasis, other than by
trial therapy, problematic.
The classic feature of otitis externa due
to ear mite infection is moderate to severe
otic pruritus. In addition, the external ear
canal becomes filled with a crumbly black/
brown discharge (Figures 3.133.15). Most
affected dogs exhibit chronic otic pru
ritus but Frost7 reported four dogs out of
200 which had asymptomatic infection.
Puppies are most likely to be infected from
dams, but in adult dogs the cat is a common Fig. 3.14 Otodectic mange in a pup. Note
cause of contagion1, particularly since the the presence of the dryish cerumen and
cat may well be asymptomatic8,10. evidence of some self-trauma.
The mite is relatively large and may be
Fig. 3.17 Area of erythema and self-trauma easily seen in the external ear canal with
associated with otodectic otitis on the lateral the aid of an auroscope (Figure 3.18). Direct
aspect of the head of a cat. observation may not always result in a
The degree of discharge may make
direct observation difficult.
There may be so few mites that direct
observation is not possible.
Fig. 3.24 Larva of Neotrombicula autumnalis. Fig. 3.25 Otobius megnini in the external ear
Note the red colour and six legs. canal of a dog. (Courtesy of Dr. Louis Gotthelf,
DVM; Mongomery, AL, USA.)
Epithelialization disorders
Fig. 3.28 Cocker Spaniel with an almost Fig. 3.29 Unstained cytology smear. Note the
occluded external ear canal, a consequence thick, oleaginous nature of the cerumen.
ofchronic otitis externa.
Fig. 3.32 Ulcerated external ear canal due to Fig. 3.33 Persian cat with an hereditary
gram-negative bacterial infection in a Cocker defect in keratinization. There is a greasy otitis
Spaniel. externa.
There is no sex predisposition to otic foreign as Stipa, Setaria, Bromus, and Avena, may be
body penetration but young dogs are involved in other areas of the world2. All
predisposed to grass awn penetration1,2. In have a similar shape (Figure 3.34) with wiry
general, all breeds of Spaniels and Golden barbs which prevent retrograde movement;
Retrievers are most commonly affected, once in the ear canal they can only move
while German Shepherd Dogs, Miniature forward (Figure 3.35).
Poodles, and Dachshunds are under- Hair shafts, particularly if they contact
represented2. the tympanum, may also act as foreign
The most common foreign body found in bodies (Figure 3.36). In one series of 120
the external ear canal of dogs and cats is the cases of otitis externa, 12.6% of the cases
grass awn1. In the USA the most common were considered to result from matted hair
species of plant awn is Hordeum jubatum, and cerumen in the external ear canal 3.
although other members of the genus, such Other foreign bodies that may enter, or be
as H. murinum, H. silvestre, and genera such put into, the external ear canal include other
Fig. 3.35 Otoscopic picture of a grass awn Fig. 3.36 Accumulation of hair and cerumen
lying adjacent to the tympanic membrane. In obstructing the horizontal ear canal at the
this case the grass awn had not punctured level of the tympanum.
the tympanum; however, note the area
of erythema and erosion on the tympanic
Fig. 3.38 Grass awn penetration of the Fig. 3.39 Grass awn penetration, picture
tympanum. Note the small piece of vegetation taken with video-otoscope, note the increase
still visible on the left, adjacent to the area of in clarity and depth of field.
for healthy dogs 38,20. There appears to the ears are erythematous, malodorous,
be the same environmental effect on the and hyperplastic (Figures 3.40, 3.41).
carriage of M. pachydermatis in normal ears Cerumen may be thick and oleaginous
as there is on gram-negative bacteria, with and vast numbers of yeast may be detected
a higher rate of recovery in tropical and when smears are stained and examined
subtropical regions compared to temperate microscopically (Figure 3.42).
areas. Currently, the organism is regarded The fungal flora of the ear canal also
as an opportunist pathogen, capable of changes in otitis externa (Tables 3.1 and 3.2)
causing inflammatory changes in the ear and almost all of the increase results from
canal, at least in the presence of moisture21. an increased incidence of M. pachydermatis.
This is not to minimize its importance Thus, Fraser10 recovered M. pachydermatis
as a potentiator of chronic, or acute, otic from 36% of normal ear canals and from
inflammation, but it serves to suggest to 44% of cases of otitis externa. However, the
the clinician that a search for underlying incidence of fungi was unchanged; indeed
causes of the inflammation should be made. the number of isolations of Aspergillus spp.,
M.pachydermatis is a common cause of otitis Penicillium spp., and Rhizopus spp. was
externa in West Highland White Terriers reduced in otitic ear canals.
and Basset Hounds. In these animals
Reduced lumen
Increased humidity
Similar changes take place in the feline It is not clear at which stage these
ear canal, although the papillary changes in changes become irreversible. Certainly,
the ceruminous glands may be sufficiently aggressive medical therapy, initially with
florid that discrete polyps occur2. antimicrobial agents and then with topical
The consequence of these changes is a glucocorticoids, can result in significant
reduction in luminal cross-section, a result reduction in soft tissue occlusion of the
of increasing soft tissue within the bounds lumen. However, the structural changes
of the containing cartilage5. The change in apocrine ducts and glands are probably
in nature of the cerumen, the reduction irreversible; certainly the progressive
in luminal diameter, and the moisture changes in glandular architecture correlate
and warmth which accompany active with the progression of the otitis externa4.
inflammation contribute to an increase in Even very early changes in the luminal
local humidity5. These changes in the otic epithelia have the potential to become
environment result in surface maceration permanent and, once these permanent
and the creation of a milieu favourable to changes occur, simple Zepp resection of the
microbial multiplication, itself a potent lateral wall of the vertical canal is unlikely
inducer of inflammation (Figure 3.43). to be successful68. Ablation of the canal is
Fig. 3.55 CT scan of a 13-year-old cat. Fig. 3.56 CT scan of a 10-year-old Cocker
There is increased soft tissue opacity in the Spaniel. The left-hand side exhibits an
right external ear canal extending up to, and irregular, imprecise outline to the bulla,
perhaps across, the tympanic membrane. increased density within the bulla, loss of air
This is a ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma. within the external ear canal, mineralization
Note that the right bulla appears as normal as of soft tissue in the external ear canal, and a
the left. The bony septum dividing the feline homogenous soft tissue mass on the ventral
bulla into lateral and medial compartments is aspect of the skull. This is a ceruminous gland
clearly visible with this imaging modality. adenocarcinoma.
The waxier the discharge the more important the ceruminolytic property of the cleaner
The more purulent and mucoid the discharge the higher the water content of the
cleaner should be to flush the ear
and in allergy in such breeds as the (vestibular effects) and caused inflammatory
Cocker Spaniel, then the cleaner needs changes within the middle ear. It was not clear
to have the ability to break up the wax. which component(s) of the various products
Such cleaners need potent ceruminolytic was/were responsible for the changes. In the
or ceruminosolvent (oil-based lubricant) same study the ceruminosolvent squalene
activity. Where the discharge is more was shown not to have any ototoxic effects.
purulent or mucopurulent in bacterial No in vivo or in vitro studies have been
infection, especially where there is gram- performed on canine or feline cerumen.
negative infection and/or concurrent otitis Howe ver, studies on human cerumen
media, then an aqueous-based flush is most demonstrated that aqueous alkaline solu
appropriate. tions of sodium hydroxide (0.1 molar),
sodium bicarbonate (0.5% and 1.25%),
Ceruminolytics and and sodium dodecyl sulphate (0.05%
ceruminosolvents and 0.1%) were superior to organic
Clinicians should be aware of the difference agents such as glycerine, triethanolamine
between a true ceruminolytic and a lubri polypeptide oleate-condensate, and olive
cant or ceruminosolvent: oil5. Proprietary oil-based ceruminolytics
A ceruminolytic disrupts the integrity were found to be no better than glycerine
of cerumen by inducing lysis of the or oliveoil.
squames5. None of the oil-based products had
A ceruminosolvent merely softens and any true ceruminolytic effect; all merely
loosens the cerumen. lubricated and softened the bolus of
cerumen5,9. However, softening and lubri
Many authors 2,4,68 advocate an initial cating may be just as useful as true ceru
application of ceruminolytic agents prior minolysis since a blind, controlled study10
to lavage in cases of otitis externa. The failed to show significant differences
justification for this is that the action between sterile water, sodium bicarbonate
of the ceruminolytic, and some of the solution, and a lipid-based proprietary
additives which may potentiate their ceruminolytic.
effect, softens the ceruminous debris and Water-based proprietary ceruminolytic
cerumenocellular aggregates, permitting preparations usually possess surfactant
easy removal with subsequent aural lavage. and emulsifying properties which allow
Ceruminolysis is optimal in hypo- aqueous substances to penetrate and
osmolar, alkaline solutions 5 . Proteins under-run oily masses. These are preferred
on the surface of squames dissolve into to oil-based products for two reasons:
this alkaline solution, binding with free Firstly, they are less messy7 and are
hydroxyl ions. Loss of surface proteins more easily removed from the ear
reduces the integrity of the cell membrane canal, permitting quicker cleaning and
and water enters the cell, resulting in drying.
swelling and fragmentation5. Disruption of Secondly, oil-based preparations are
the squames results in disintegration of the occlusive and may, if not thoroughly
cerumen, allowing it to be flushed from the removed, potentiate bacterial
external ear canal. infections8.
A study on commercially available
ceruminolytics3 demonstrated that glycer Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate and calcium
ine-based ceruminolytics, including sulfosuccinate are effective emulsifiers11
carbamide peroxide/dioctyl sulfosuccinate but they must not be used in dogs or cats
and triethanolamine polypeptide oleate- if there is a ruptured tympanum3,4. Car
condensate preparations, were ototoxic bamate peroxide is a less potent agent than
and M. pachydermatis. Of 31 ears from 16 is often too large to enter the middle ear4.
dogs, 67% of animals infection resolved Furthermore, the lack of infusion fluid can
within 2 weeks of twice daily application24. make effective cleaning difficult. The length
Cleaners containing microbial adhesion- of time involved in cleaning the equipment
blocking carbohydrates have been shown is also a disadvantage4.
to have good antibacterial and antiyeast
activity25. One study20 has suggested that Irrigation
isopropyl alcohol and PCMX provide Irrigation is necessary to remove ceru
cleaners with antibacterial properties; these minolytics or chemical depilatory com
data were not supported by a larger study18 pounds and it is very effective in cleaning
which showed ear cleaners containing the external ear canal16. Pressure irrigation
these components had inconsistent activity is potentially hazardous as a damaged
against bacteria. The same study18 showed tympanum may be ruptured by powerful
that low pH does not necessarily confer jets of fluid4,16. Curved heads on the end of
good antibacterial properties. the jets may help to prevent direct pressure
on the tympanum4. The main disadvantage
CLEANING PROCESS of many models of irrigating pump is the
lack of suction, the mess they create, and
There are three methods, not mutually the time taken to dry the dog and clean up
exclusive, to accomplish removal of the equipment6. Some models (such as the
cerum en from the external ear canal 16: OtoPet Earigator), however, allow both
mechanical removal, suction, and lavage. irrigation and suction, in an independently
adjustable manner.
Mechanical removal Griffin4 described using a soft rubber
This is the safest method for removing feeding tube attached to a syringe, which
cerumen since it does not involve any may be used alternatively to flush and
risk to the tympanum or middle ear. aspirate fluid under direct observation
Good visualization is imperative and if through the otoscope. This method is also
possible, both eyes should be used as this ideal for flushing the middle ear cavity.
increases depth perception16. A wire loop,
or blunt curette, is gently pulled along the Chemical depilatories
lining of the canal, loosening and rolling Chemical depilatory compounds have
cerumen out of the canal as it moves. occasionally been advocated as aids in
After pretreatment with lubricants or cleaning the external ear canal of dogs 12.
ceruminolytics, there should be no tightly Given that in some dogs the external ear
adherent pieces of cerumen, but if any are canal may be so hirsute that cleaning
remaining, perhaps bound to hair shafts, and adequate visualization is difficult,
they should not be subject to undue force as depilatory compounds would appear to be
this may result in erosions to the epidermis. useful. Furthermore, chemical depilatory
products, because of their alkalinity, might
Suction well be of value in helping to break down
Suction is particularly useful when some of the aggregates of hair and cerumen
cerumen is semiliquid or purulent. It is which occur in some ears.
indicated for draining the middle ear4 and Most modern chemical depilatories
is useful when the tympanum has been contain thioglycolic acid or glycolate salts,
ruptured since there is no lavage fluid presented as a cream or foam spray13. The
which might enter the middle ear cavity. depilation is accomplished by chemical
However, there is a risk of the suction tip disruption of disulphide bonds. The
becoming blocked16, and in animals the tip chemical effect requires a concentration of at
least 2.5% and most contain thioglycolates or acetic acid 1,4. High concentrations of
in the range of 2.54%13. One drawback of these weak acids may be mildly irritant,
these preparations is that thioglycolates particularly in inflamed ear canals and are
require a very high pH (ideally about 12.5) therefore not suitable in all cases. Similarly
if the chemical depilation is to occur within most drying agents are ototoxic or have
a few minutes13, and as such they might be an unknown ototoxicity so should be
expected to have an irritant potential to dogs used with care if the ear drum cannot be
and cats12. However, one study12 looked visualized26.
at the post application histopathological
features of the external ear canal of dogs, HOME CLEANING
and no significant evidence of inflammation
was reported. Furthermore, experimental Animals with chronic and/or recurrent
studies comparing chemical depilation otitis externa benefit from regular ear
with shaving found no evidence of either cleaning which in most cases owners
increased bacterial colonization or delayed can perform at home, providing patient
wound healing14,15. compliance is good. The most usual can
The depilatory compound is applied didates are dogs with ceruminous otitis
via a syringe in sufficient quantity to coat externa, secondary to defects in kera
the external ear canal and it is allowed tinization or allergy4, and those recovered
to remain for 510 minutes before being from severe bacterial infection especially
flushed out. It has been suggested (Fadok, where it is has been caused by multiply
communication on VetDerm Listserv) that resistant strains of bacteria such as methi
an initial test dose should be applied to cillin-resistant Staphylococcus or Pseudo
the concave surface of the pinna as a few monas spp. Animals with recurrent
individuals may show extreme sensitivity. ceruminous otitis benefit from a cleaner
It is recommended that chemical depilatory with good ceruminolytic/ceruminosolvent
compounds do not enter the middle ear. activity. Many of the ceruminolytic clean
ers incorporate a drying agent making the
Drying agents use of a second flush unnecessary. Ceru
Once the ear canal has been cleaned it minosolvent agents often do not contain
must be dried, as residual moisture may a drying agent which should therefore be
potentiate bacterial infection. Lavage fluid employed after cleaning with a lubricant,
may be removed by suction, or even gentle when used on a long-term basis, to prevent
use of swabs (see above); however, where colonization of the ear with bacteria or
possible a drying agent should be used as a yeast. Where animals have recovered from
final rinse, and an alcohol-based product is bacterial infection, a cleaner with antiseptic
recommended1,2,6. qualities (e.g. containing EDTA-tris, acetic
Most products contain isopropyl alco acid, chlorhexidine, or lactic acid) may be
hol, often combined with a weak acid such useful.
as boric acid, benzoic acid, salicylic acid,
and death1517. However, certain breeds of the hypothermia may be severe. The
dogs exhibit an idiosyncratic sensitivity to drug is contraindicated in Chihuahuas,
ivermectin, developing side-effects at doses for example. Precautions must be taken
as low as 0.1 mg/kg. Collies, Old English to prevent operator exposure 19 and the
Sheepdogs, and Shetland Sheepdogs are dipping should be performed in a well-
particularly susceptible15. ventilated room. The person carrying
Ivermectin dosages over 0.05 mg/kg will out the dipping should wear gloves and
kill Dirofilaria immitis larvae. Therefore, in waterproof protective clothing. Recom
heartworm-endemic areas dogs should mended treatment of canine otodemodi
be tested for heartworm before receiving cosis is 1 ml of 19.9% amitraz solution in 30
ivermectin in acaricidal dosages15. ml mineral oil, or 2 ml 5% solution in 20 ml
Many dogs with ivermectin toxicity will mineral oil7,21,22.
recover, particularly if recognized early Amitraz is also licensed (in the UK)
and treated adequately. The provision against scabies, at a dilution of 0.025%
of adequate nursing care is critical 16 and (25ml 5% solution in 5 litres of water).
treatment is based on antishock doses of Amitraz preparations are useful as
glucocorticoids and intravenous fluids16,17. a tick repellent23 and in some countries
Specific agents that may antagonize iver the chemical is marketed as an amitraz-
mectin include picrotoxin and physo impregnated collar for this purpose.
stigmine. Clinicians are unlikely to be able Accidental ingestion of amitraz-impreg
to obtain these agents easily or quickly. nated collars may prove fatal to dogs
The inability to predict with any con and prompt treatment is necessary.
fidence if an individual dog will exhibit Atipamezole (50 mg/kg i/m) should be
ivermectin toxicity is one of the main followed by oral yohimbine (0.1 mg/kg)
problems facing clinicians16. A modified every 6 hours as needed20.
dosing schedule has been proposed which
provides for a gradually increasing dose, Fipronil
allowing the opportunity to observe the Indications: Spilopsyllus cuniculi, O. cynotis,
dogs closely for toxic signs 12. Prompt S. scabies, N. autumnalis, ticks, lice.
intervention (and at the subcritical dose Fipronil is primarily marketed as a
stage) increases the chances of recovery flea control product and as such it will
from ivermectin toxicity. The modified be effective against S. cuniculi. Although
dosing scheme is as follows12: presented in both spray and spot-on
Day 1 0.05 mg/kg formulations, the spray formulation is
Day 2 0.1 mg/kg preferred for the treatment of otic parasites
Day 3 0.15 mg/kg since effective local concentrations on both
Day 4 0.2 mg/kg hair and skin surfaces may be achieved
Day 5 0.3 mg/kg rapidly. Fipronil has also been used off
license as a topical otic application. Fipronil
Amitraz is also effective against lice24.
Indications: Demodex spp., S. scabiei, ticks. Fipronil has been demonstrated under
Amitraz is a monoamine oxidase field conditions to prevent infestation with
inhibitor presented in an organic vehicle. trombiculid mites and ticks25,26. The spray
Although serious side-effects are rare, formulation of fipronil is preferred for this
owners may report transient lethargy and indication. Fipronil spray has also proven
hypothermia post dipping18,19. Bradycardia, effective against scabies27 and it may be
hypertension, and hyperglycaemia may particularly useful when clinicians are faced
be seen in some animals18,20. Problems are with scabies in very young puppies, where
most serious in very small dogs where other topical treatments are inadvisable.
of the body, especially the muzzle and on a resolution of the clinical signs while an
periocular areas. This gives the clinician the exclusion diet is fed. A period of 316 weeks
opportunity to use allergen specific therapy may elapse before complete recovery is noted.
immunotherapy as part of the therapeutic Allergic contact dermatitis is extraordinarily
regime to control both skin disease and the rare in cats. However, allergic contact derma
otitis externa. titis to topical neomycin is recognized by
Allergic contact dermatitis to otic medica some clinicians. Certainly, the diagnosis
tions has been reported, most commonly to should be considered in all cases of refractory
neomycin and propylene glycol. Whether otitis externa.
the reaction to propylene glycol is a true
allergic reaction and not simply an irritant Otitis externa associated with a
dermatitis is not clear. An allergic contact defect in keratinization
reaction should be suspected when the Ceruminous otitis externa is not always
application of topical medication causes an complicated by infection, but chronic
increase in discomfort or pain. Treatment cases usually are. In particular there is a
should consist of removal of all topical tendency for gram-negative bacteria to
medication and the institution of a 57-day proliferate early in the course of the disease
course of prednisolone at a dose of 1 mg/ and this must be identified and treated.
kg by mouth once daily. Subsequent topical Furthermore, there may be concurrent
therapy may be reintroduced with care, but otitis media and this must be ruled in or
a detailed knowledge of the composition of ruled outbefore long-term measures are
each product should be sought before use. instituted:
Keep the external ear canal and
Feline otitis associated with the surrounding area as clean as
hypersensitivity possible. Pluck hair regularly out of
Although atopy is a very common cause of the external ear canal, and keep the
otitis externa in dogs, it appears to be much concave aspect of the proximal pinna
less so in cats, perhaps due to differences in and surrounding area clipped short.
anatomy, such as a relatively wide canal, Local shampooing may be helpful in
lack of hair within the canal, and an upright keeping greasy scale to a minimum;
pinna8. There may also be differences in the use a degreasing, keratolytic, or
cerumen which make microbial overgrowth keratoplastic product such as benzyl
less likely, even in the face of chronic inflam peroxide or one of the tar/sulphur/
mation. Intradermal skin testing is more salicylic acid combination products.
difficult to perform in the cat compared Regular use of an acetic acid-based
to dogs, and many clinicians will make a aqueous cleanser (2.5% or 5%
provisional diagnosis of atopy on the basis concentration) will help to keep the
of ruling out all other potential diagnoses. otic pH acid and suppress gram-
Dietary intolerance (food allergy) is also negative overgrowth. Commercial
rare in the cat. However, pinnal erythema products may be used, as may equal
and otitis externa may be associated with quantities of white vinegar and water,
intolerance to dietary components33. Perhaps or alcohol2,3.
more commonly, there is facial and head Regular use of ear cleansers which
pruritus with the pinnae and periaural areas loosen cerumen and inhibit microbial
being affected, rather than the external ear growth may help to prevent accumu-
canals3335. The most common allergens in lation of such debris and prevent
proven cases of feline dietary intolerance relapse into overt otitis externa.
are beef, milk, and fish36. Diagnosis is based
study (of 752 dogs with otitis externa) in an endotracheal tube placed with the cuff
which underlying disease was not a feature inflated.
of gram-negative otitis in dogs50.
Otic inflammation, an increase in Cleaning the ear
humidity, and a rise in pH within the Where there is a ceruminous discharge then
external ear canal appear to be necessary a ceruminolytic, such as carbamide peroxide
for Pseudomonas spp. to establish48; inflam or dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate, or
mation per se is not sufficient in the normal a ceruminosolvent, such as squalene,
external ear canal. However, predisposing can be used to clean the ears. Where the
factors, such as hirsute ear canals, narrow tympanum cannot be seen or is damaged,
ear canals, and pendulous pinnae, may squalene is the safest option. More often the
make the external ear canal more sus discharge is mucopurulent and water is the
ceptible to gram-negative infection. Hence, best initial flush. Large volumes of sterile
Cocker Spaniels are predisposed51. Gram- water or isotonic saline may be used to
negative infections of the external ear canal break up the thick tenacious mucous.
appear to be more common in tropical
climates, possibly because of increased Killing the Pseudomonas (1): disinfectant
temperature and increased humidity in flushes
the environment affecting, or potentiating, Although antibiotics can be used to kill
alteration in the otic microclimate. Pseudomonas spp. and are important in
ongoing therapy, topical antiseptics are
Treatment beneficial after an initial water flush. The
Note that, to date, there have been no authors favour a double flush in the form of
blinded studies into the optimum treatment a 5 minute acid soak followed by a second
protocol for pseudomonal otitis50, meaning 5minute potentiating disinfectant flush:
that the clinicians have only limited data on The first flush is with an acid-based
which to make a therapeutic decision; every solution such as acetic, boric, citric, or
case must be taken on merit and based on lactic acid. Vinegar diluted 50:50 with
culture and sensitivity. sterile water provides an acetic acid
The aims of therapy in pseudomonal solution of 2.5% which is an excellent
otitis should be to: flush with good activity against
Clean the ear thoroughly to pseudomonal bacteria. Acetic acid is
remove exudate which is usually the authors preferred flush especially
mucopurulent. when the ear drum is ruptured. A
Kill, or remove, the pseudomonal 2% acetic acid flush is available as a
bacteria. commercial otic cleaning solution in
Decrease inflammation and further many countries.
production of exudates. After an acid flush a second topical
Reverse chronic changes in the ear and disinfectant can be used. This may
create an environment which is hostile be an alcohol, aluminium hydroxide,
to pseudomonal bacteria to prevent chlorhexidine (0.2% or less) or EDTA-
recolonization (see section on therapy tris. In vitro studies with Pseudomonas
of chronic change later in this chapter). spp. isolated from cases of canine
otitis have also demonstrated the
Note: due to the severe ulcerative painful bactericidal potential of EDTA-tris51.
changes that typically occur within the
ear canal in these infections, the initial The authors favour a combination of
flushing of the ear is best undertaken in an chlorhexidine 0.15% with EDTA-tris as a
anaesthetized animal which should have second flush. The two components of this
solution, which is available as a commercial penem, are rarely if ever indicated and
flush, have been shown to have synergistic should only be used when all other options
antibacterial effects52. In addition, EDTA- have been exhausted.
tris has been shown to have the ability to
potentiate a range of antibiotics. Silver sulfadiazine
EDTA binds divalent cations, enhances Silver sulfadiazine has broad spectrum
membrane permeability, and alters ribo antibacterial activity especially against
some stability 53 . P. aeruginosa and S. P. aeruginosa but also has activity against
intermedius, which are resistant to enro Staphylococcus spp. 1% silver sulfadiazine
floxacin and cephalexin (respectively), may cream applied daily for 10 days is effective
be rendered sensitive by pretreatment of but, being rather viscous in nature, it is
the external ear canal with EDTA-tris54. hard to apply to the depths of the external
ear canal55. However, dilutions of the cream
Decreasing the inflammation with water, to a concentration as low as
Inflammation within the canal can be 1/100, will exceed the minimum inhibitory
reduced using both topical and sys concentration (MIC) for P. aeruginosa
temic glucocorticoids. Potent topical and are fluid enough to penetrate the
glucoc orticoids that are useful are otic depths of the ear canal56. A 0.1% solution
prepa rations containing mometasone, may be prepared by mixing 1.5 ml silver
dexa m ethasone, or betamethasone. sulfadiazine cream into 13.5 ml water or
Where the ear drum is damaged the saline57. This may be instilled into the ear
safest topical steroid is off-license usage canal twice daily. The ototoxicity of silver
of dexamethasone sodium phosphate (2 sulfadiazine is reported to be low44,58. It has
mg/ml) which can be diluted 50:50 with though been reported to produce signs of
water or sterile saline and instilled into the systemic toxicity when absorbed through
ear. Once the flushing procedure has been burn wounds in man59 so caution should be
completed 0.250.5 ml of glucocorticoid used when applied to the ears of dogs with
solution can be instilled into the ear. An extensive ulceration.
intravenous anti-inflammatory injection
of an appropriate dexamethasone solution Fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents
can be given before waking the animal up. Fluoroquinolones are bactericidal anti
biotics with good activity against a wide
Killing the Pseudomonas (2): antibiotics range of bacteria, especially gram-nega
Initial therapy of the pseudomonal infec tive bacilli and gram-positive cocci
tion can be undertaken with a range of (including Staphylococcus spp. but with
drugs. Silver sulfadiazine, continued use variable activity against Streptococcus
of acetic acid or topical polymyxin, amino spp.) 44 . Enrofloxacin, marbofloxacin,
glycosides (framycetin, gentamicin), or and ciprofloxacin are highly effective
fluoroquinolones (enrofloxacin, marbo against P. aeruginosa and Proteus spp.60,61.
floxacin, ciprofloxacin, orbifloxacin) are A topical enrofloxacin-based otic drop is
all suitable as empirical first-line therapy available in the USA, and a specific otic
after cytology has identified the presence preparation containing marbofloxacin,
of rods on cytology, pending culture and clotrimazole, and dexamethasone is
sensitivity. Other drugs, such as amikacin availa ble in some countries. There is
and tobramycin, may be used second line evidence (manufacturers internal data)
if these drugs are found to be unsuitable. that adjunctive treatment with systemic
Third-line drugs, such as carboxypenicillins administration may enhance the time to
(carbenicillin, ticarcillin), third generation cure interval. In those countries where
cephalosporins (ceftazidime), and imi a specific fluoroquinolone-based otic
Fig. 5.3 Earwick placed into the external Fig. 5.4 Earwick filling the ear canal after
earcanal. absorbing the medicants.
Wicks can be used successfully in all critical when wicks are used. If the canal is
but the giant dogs. In normal ears of such not adequately flushed then the wick will
breeds the canals are too wide so that even act as a cork to bottle up infection which
when the wick is expanded they do not fill can then predispose to the development of
the whole canal. They can though be used otitis media. The principal uses of ear wicks
to treat stenotic ear canal in these breeds. in veterinary medicine are for:
The sponge has a porous interconnected Treatment of bacterial/yeast otitis
structure which gives it great tensile externa.
strength, so that it will not disintegrate or Reduction of hyperplasia/stenosis of
tear while in situ or when it is grasped to be the external ear canal (see section later
removed. The fine pores facilitate minimal on chronic change).
tissue adhesion providing it remains Postoperative packing after
soaked. Effective cleaning of the canal is nonablative surgery.
Ear wicks can be used to treat otitis externa 4 Selection of soak solution and
in cases where the dog will not tolerate or placement of the wick; an unsoaked
the owner is unable to apply otic drops. The wick should be placed deep in the
wicks can be used in combination with any vertical canal, extending into the
aqueous solution especially water-based horizontal canal where possible.
solutions of antibiotic. Successfultherapy Once positioned, the wick should be
involves several steps and is best accom soaked. A wick will normally absorb
plished on an anaesthetized animal: approximately 2 ml of aqueous
1 Assessment of the ear canal and solution, which should be gently
tympanic membrane. syringed into the ear canal. After
2 Assessment of the otic discharge with soaking, the wick should be left in
cytology +/ culture. situ for a few minutes before being
3 Thorough cleaning of the canal. rechecked. At this stage a further 0.5 ml
4 Selection of soak solution and of fluid can be applied if necessary. The
placement of wick. wick is adequately soaked when a small
5 Postflushing glucocorticoid amount of fluid is seen to be pooled on
administration. the top of it. Where bacteria have been
identified, by cytology, the wick may
1 Assessment of the ear canal and be soaked in an aqueous solution of
tympanic membrane is important to antibiotic such as injectable solutions
establish if the disease is confined to of fluoroquinolones (enrofloxacin,
the external ear canal. Where the ear marbofloxacin), trimethoprim
drum is damaged and otitis media is sulfadiazine, or aminoglycosides
present therapy may be tailored to suit (gentamicin). Where indicated by
this (see Chapter 6 Otitis Media). sensitivity, and where other drugs
2 Assessment of the otic discharge have been shown to be ineffective,
with cytology +/ culture is essential other aminoglycosides (amikacin,
to decide on the most appropriate tobramycin) and carboxypenicillins
drug to apply to the wick. Where cocci (ticarcillin) may be appropriate.
or yeast are present culture is not Where yeast is identified on cytology,
generally necessary unless the bacterial enilconazole diluted 1:5 with sterile
infection has already failed to respond water may be used to infuse the wicks.
to conventional therapy or MRSA is 5 Postflushing glucocorticoid
suspected. When rods are identified administration; flushing can cause
culture should be performed. irritation of the lining of the external
3 Thorough cleaning of the canal is ear canal which can lead to head
an important step in therapy. Careful shaking during the postoperative
selection of an appropriate cleaning period. If the dog shakes its head then
solution is essential (see Chapter 4 it is possible the wick may be lost.
Ear Cleaning). The ear canal should Therefore, unless contraindicated, an
be cleaned and ideally should then be intravenous bolus of dexamethasone
soaked in a disinfectant solution, e.g. at an anti-inflammatory dose should
acetic acid, chlorhexidine/EDTA-tris, be administered before recovering the
or lactic acid prior to placement of the animal.
In a dog with erythematous hyperplastic the flexor aspect of the carpus (Figure 5.17),
changes (Figures 5.125.14) characteristic of and on the extensor aspect of the tarsus.
hypersensitivity, the clinician should look In addition, the coat may be rather harsh
for similar changes on the concave aspect and dry and be accompanied by a fine
of the pinnae (Figure 5.15), in the dorsal scale. There may be a secondary superficial
and plantar interdigitae (Figure 5.16), on pyoderma and M. pachydermatis infection.
Fig. 5.16 Hyperpigmentation following Fig. 5.17 Discrete patch of erythema and
chronic inflammation in the interdigital areas alopecia immediately distal to the accessory
of a Labrador Retriever with atopy. carpal pad on the plantar aspect of the distal
limb of a German Shepherd Dog with atopy.
if glandular and epithelial hyperplasia is degree of stenosis within the canal and
present. In some cases the canal may be that all are at risk for concurrent otitis
stenosed by proliferative epithelial changes media, the investigation should probably
(Figure 5.20), which are often localized or be performed under sedation so that
polyploid in the cat. Epithelial hyperplasia radiography of the bullae, and advanced
and accumulation of cerumen may result diagnostic imaging (where available),
in complete obstruction of the horizontal assessment of the tympanum and, possibly,
canal. The deeper portion of the horizontal myringotomy can be performed.
ear canal and tympanum is completely Otoscopic examination may reveal large
hidden from view and protected from quantities of ceruminous discharge in
topical treatment false middle ear. some cases (Figures 5.21, 5.22); in other ears
Attempting to classify the changes there may be minimal discharge. Air-dried
within the ear canal as ceruminous or smears should be examined unstained
erythematous hyperplastic, is helpful and after staining with Diff-Quik (Figures
from a management point of view. How 5.235.25). Yeast and bacteria may be
ever, the basic elements of the otic exam identified, in addition to cellular elements
ination should still be carried out. Given and variably proteinaceous exudate.
that many of these animals will have a
Figs. 5.21, 5.22 Photographs of air-dried cerumen from normal (5.21) and ceruminous-type
(5.22) ear canals demonstrating the breadth of appearance of the sample.
Not all exudate contains pathogenic suggest that any micro-organisms are
micro-organisms. Microscopic examination nonpathogenic and that any discharge
of otic exudate only allows identification relates to ceruminous gland hyperactivity
of the relative number and physical (which can be prodigious) and epithelial
classification of organisms; yeast, coccus, hyperproliferation, rather than to infection.
bacillus, gram positive, or gram nega Histopathological examination of biopsy
tive, for example. The presence of a samples may be useful in identifying the
neutrop hilic infiltrate may suggest an degree of fibrosis present (Figures 5.26,
infectious process, or at least that inflam 5.27). Topical glucocorticoids may be
mation is present. Absence of such an useful in suppressing mural oedema and
inflammatory infiltrate might strongly hyperplasia, provided fibrosis is minimal.
Fig. 6.1 Pinnal trauma as a consequence Fig. 6.2 Dramatic head tilt to the right in
of otitis media. This dog displayed incessant a domestic longhaired cat with peripheral
head shaking. vestibular disease associated with otitis media.
Figs. 6.4, 6.5 Horners syndrome and facial nerve paralysis in a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. There
is right-sided head tilt, a myotic right pupil, and facial paralysis resulting in drooping of the lips
on the right-hand side of the face.
Otoscopy has good specificity but poor diagnosis difficult. However, myringotomy
sensitivity11. Otitis media should be sus can be employed to take samples from the
pected in all cases of chronic otitis externa middle ear if the tympanum is intact.
or in cases with recurrent episodes of otitis
externa. The presence of a ruptured tym Myringotomy
panic membrane is diagnostic (Figure6.6). Surgical incision of the intact tympanum
However, the presence of inflammation (myringotomy) is indicated in a number of
and exudate within the external ear canal instances:
makes meaningful examination of the To obtain samples of the effusion
tympanum difficult11. When the ear drum within the middle ear cavity for
is ruptured a sample may be taken directly microbial culture and sensitivity
from the middle ear. This can be achieved testing, if otitis media is present.
by inserting a clean otoscope cone or video- To provide a route of access to, or
otoscope head into the canal as far into the drainage of, accumulated middle
horizontal canal as possible and inserting a eareffusion.
fine catheter or a micro-swab through the To provide a means of access to
tube or working channel to guard it from the middle ear cavity to permit
discharge from the external canal. Material flushing, or to facilitate instillation
can be gathered onto the swab or suctions of medication or insertion of a
up the catheter to sample the middle ear. transtympanic ventilation tube.
The presence of an intact tympanum does Myringotomy must be carried out
not rule out otitis media since the defect under direct visual observation.
in the tympanum often heals, even in the The external ear canal must be
presence of ongoing otitis media2. These carefully cleaned and dried before
complications make definitive otoscopic myringotomy is performed.
Figs. 6.8, 6.9 Lateral oblique views of the tympanic bullae of a 3-year-old Himalayan cat with
left-sided otitis media associated with a nasopharyngeal polyp. Compare Fig. 6.8 (normal bulla,
arrow) and Fig. 6.9 (soft tissue density within the bulla, arrow).
Fig. 6.10 CT scan of a cat with otitis media. Fig. 6.11 CT scan of a dog with a soft
There is an effusion within the bulla. tissue mass within the horizontal ear canal.
Note that the mass, a neoplasm, has clearly
breached the tympanic membrane (arrow).
Fig. 6.12 MRI of a cat with left-sided otitis media (arrows). Note that the third image is much
clearer: this is the T2-weighted image.
acid tromethamine (EDTA-tris), all of which infection (see Chapter7 Ototoxicity and
have been shown to be very safe as flushes Other Side-effects of Otic Medication).
even when the ear drum is ruptured26. The safest antibiotics for infusion are
Although ceruminolytics are generally not fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, enro
used as commonly in otitis media due to the floxacin, marbofloxacin)26,31, aqueous peni
nature of the discharge, only squalene has cillin G 26, and aqueous gentamicin 26,32.
been shown to be safe in the dog27. In the Other aminoglycosides, such as tobramycin
cat flushes should be used with care; only and semisynthetic penicillin ticarcillin,
water, sterile saline, and EDTA-tris are have been associated with severe hearing
considered safe. Chlorhexidine has been loss when used to treat otitis externa 26.
shown to have ototoxic effects even at low Antifungal drugs that are considered safe
concentrations2830. are clotrimazole26,31, miconazole, nystatin,
Tube flushing of the middle ear is and tolnaftate 31, although one author
the most effective way to clean it. A soft (SP) has seen temporary deafness caused
feeding tube or a urinary catheter may by both clotrimazole- and miconazole-
be used and can be carefully introduced based products that resolved when top
into the middle ear by sliding it along ical medication was withdrawn. The
the floor of the horizontal canal and then aqueous forms of anti-inflammatory drugs
directing it ventrally into the tympanic dexamethasone26,31 and fluocinolone31 also
bulla. Where possible the flushing tube appear to be safe in the middle ear.
should be introduced down the working Providing the ear is cleaned adequately
channel of a video-otoscope to allow better prior to application of medication, the use
visualization of the flushing process. Care of aqueous nonototoxic drugs directly
should be taken to avoid introducing the into the bulla hastens recovery from otitis
tube into the dorsal or middle aspects media. The tympanic bulla of the dog and
of the middle ear, which may result in cat is a deep blind ending bucket so that
damage to the delicate structures of the when a drug is infused in, it cannot escape
oval and round window that lie within easily and therefore provides long-acting
the promontory. Once the tube has been high-concentration effects. Most drugs are
positioned within the bulla,repeated thought to remain in the bulla for several
cycles of fluid infusion and aspiration days after infusion33.
can be performed until theflushsolution
removed becomes clear. Reducing inflammation with
Infusing topical medication into Glucocorticoids are important to reduce the
the bulla inflammation and exudation that is found
Once the external ear canal and the middle in middle ear disease. Glucocorticoids
ear have been successfully cleaned medi help to reverse some of the granulation
cation can be introduced into the middle tissue that forms within the bulla. They
ear. This can again be infused down a also help to reduce the amount and
soft feeding tube or urinary catheter. No viscosity of the mucus produced by the
medication is licensed for the therapy mucoperiosteum and reduce swelling
of otitis media; therefore, when topical within the auditory tube, which may help
medication is infused into the bulla a to improve drainage from the tympanic
careful assessment should be made of the bulla into the nasopharynx33. Care should
risks of the topical drugs causing signs of be taken to ensure that the patient is a
ototoxicity versus the benefits in resolving suitable candidate for glucocorticoid
which were associated with these changes ammonium compounds (cetrimide for
contained propylene glycol, although example) appear to potentiate the toxic
whether this was the sole agent responsible effects of chlorhexidine18 and commercial
for the effects is not clear. mixtures of the two compounds (Savlon
for example) should not be instilled into the
Ear cleaners external ear canal.
Mansfield et al.5 looked at four commercial Povidoneiodine preparations
ceruminolytic preparations commonly Aqueous solutions of certain iodine
used as ear cleaners to assess their potential preparations were found to be nonototoxic
ototoxicity. He instilled squalene, dioctyl in guinea pigs 23 whereas alcohol-based
sodium succinate, carbamide peroxide, preparations of iodine23 and povidone
and triethanolamine into the middle ear iodine solutions were ototoxic. Both
of both guinea pigs and dogs. Only the ear vestibular and cochlear damage was
cleaner containing squalene showed no caused.
morphological or neurological changes.
Acetic acid
Antimicrobial flushing agents A 5% solution of acetic acid (undiluted
Chlorhexidine vinegar) is irritating within the middle ear
Chlorhexidine is readily available in and should only be used with caution when
clinical practice and is frequently used for the tympanum is ruptured24,25. Anecdotal
irrigation of the external ear canal. Care reports suggest that a 22.5% solution may
must be taken to ensure that adequate be safe in the face of a ruptured tympanic
dilution is achieved. If it is formulated too membrane25,26.
weakly, it loses its antimicrobial potency,
particularly against gram-negative bacteria; EDTA-tris
if formulated too strongly, it is ototoxic17. A EDTA-tris is widely available as both a
study by Merchant et al.2 investigated the component of commercial ear flushes and
ototoxic potential of 0.2% chlorhexidine as crystals and a ready-to-use aqueous
acetate instilled into canine ears before flush. EDTA-tris based products can
and after experimental myringotomy. be used as flushes and presoaks to help
No significant effects were noted, sug potentiate antibiotic therapy or as a
gesting that at 0.2% concentration, or carrier vehicle for aminoglycoside and
less, chlorhexidine is safe as an irrigating fluoroquinolone antibiotics. EDTA-tris has
solution in dogs, even in the presence of a been widely promoted by many different
ruptured tympanum. Chlorhexidine does authorities as a safe and efficacious therapy
not appear to be safe as a flush in cats ears: for otitis media and has rapidly become the
solutions as dilute as 0.05% cause cochlear treatment of choice for gram-negative otitis
and vestibularototoxicity and mucosal externa/media2729.
Aqueous solutions of chlorhexidine Topical antibacterial agents
(0.15%) combined with ethylenediamine Aminoglycosides
tetra-acetic acid tromethamine (EDTA-tris) Aminoglycosides are common components
also appear to be very safe when usedas of topical otic preparations. This group con
a middle ear flush 20. The ototoxicity of tains amongst others amikacin, framycetin,
chlorhexidine is markedly enhanced in gentamicin, neomycin, and tobramycin.
the presence of some, but not all, nonionic Many of the studies assessing the topical
or cationic detergents 21,22. Quaternary ototoxicity of this group of drugs have been
performed in guinea pigs and chinchillas. tologists has led to them being generally
Studies on guinea pigs have shown that accepted as nonototoxic2426,34,35.
neomycin, streptomycin, gentamicin, Topical application of a 0.2% solution
amikacin, and netilmicin show signs of of ciprofloxacin into the middle ear of
cochlear toxicity when applied topically guinea pigs was shown not to be ototoxic36.
into the middle ear30,31. One study by Morais ABAER study in dogs showed that
demonstrated that the organ of Corti was aqueous solutions of marbofloxacin failed
completely destroyed in guinea pigs after to produce any signs of vestibular or
3 months application of topical neomycin. cochlea toxicity21.
Similar work in chinchillas has also
demonstrated potent topical ototoxicity32. SYSTEMIC EFFECTS OF OTIC
Such studies have led to the extrapolation MEDICATION
of similar effects in dogs. However,
despite fears over the ototoxic potential Topically applied drugs pass easily into
of gentamicin in dogs, a canine study and through the epithelial lining of the
designed to stimulate clinical exposure external ear canal. This may be enhanced in
via a ruptured tympanic membrane failed the presence of propylene glycol and other
to document any noticeable degree of agents. The facility of systemic absorption
cochlear or vestibular toxicity after 21 days following topical otic administration, even
of therapy33. into normal ear canals, is demonstrated by
Other research looking at BAER testing the ability of locally applied glucocorticoid
and neurological assessment of dogs before to suppress the pituitary adrenocortical
and after topical administration of drugs axis37.
into the tympanic bulla21, demonstrated Systemic absorption following topical
no signs of ototoxicity when aqueous otic administration may not be limited
gentamicin solution was used over a period to glucocorticoids. Measurable serum
of 6 weeks. It is therefore possible where concentrations of gentamicin occurred
reactions to topical gentamicin preparations in humans and dogs following otic
have been recorded it may have been the administration38,39. Whether the route of
vehicle that produced side-effects rather absorption was via the epithelium of the
than the antibiotic. Little information is external or middle ear, or even if it was via
available on the topical ototoxic potential the auditory tube, is not known, although
of other aminoglycosides in dogs. The same the latter route is unlikely in view of the
study which showed that gentamicin was poor absorption of aminoglycosides
safe in the middle ear demonstrated that via the gut. Given that most topical otic
an aqueous solution of tobramycin was preparations are administered when the
profoundly ototoxic21. To date therefore, otic epithelium is inflamed, it is most
the only aminoglycoside that can be used probable that absorption was via this route.
with confidence in the middle ear of the dog
Aqueous solutions of fluoroquinolones Furosemide, salicylates, and cisplatin and
are widely used in otitis media to treat aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin,
gram-negative infection. Few studies amikacin) have all been reported to cause
exist demonstrating their safety, but their ototoxicity in man and experimental
widespread use and recommendation animals 1,12. Aminoglycoside ototoxcity
by otologists and board certified derma has been recorded in cats after systemic
Fig. 8.1 Results of a lateral wall resection in Fig. 8.2 Results of a vertical canal ablation in
an atopic German Shepherd Dog. The surgeon a German Shepherd Dog. As in the previous
failed to appreciate that the atopic lesion case the underlying condition of atopy was
would continue on the residual lateral and not appreciated.
medial walls of the vertical ear canal.
Fig. 8.3 Vertical canal ablation. A T-shaped Fig. 8.4 Circumferential dissection of the soft
incision is made over the vertical ear canal. tissues is performed keeping as close to the
cartilaginous ear canal as possible.
Fig. 8.6 A permanent stoma is constructed Fig. 8.7 The rest of the incision is closed,
by ensuring that the cartilaginous portion of ensuring that dead space is eliminated.
the horizontal ear canal remains patent when
sutured to the skin.
Fig. 8.11 The level of the horizontal ear canal Fig. 8.12 The skin is incised at the level of the
is palpated. horizontal ear canal.
Fig. 8.13 The entire, already freed, conchal Fig. 8.14 The exposed vertical ear canal is
cone is pulled through the incision. excised at the level of the horizontal ear canal.
Fig. 8.15 The stoma at the horizontal ear Fig. 8.16 The initial circumferential incision is
canal is closed, taking care to ensure that the closed in a routine manner.
drainplate keeps the opening patent.
Postoperative care
Postoperative analgesia is mandatory.
Postoperative antibacterial therapy should
be continued for at least 10 days, or until the
sutures are removed14.
Postsurgical problems
Postsurgical complications with this
technique are much less common than
those seen after lateral wall resection13,14,19.
Furthermore, improper patient selection
occurs less frequently than with lateral wall
resection17. In one study19, dehiscence of the
suture line occurred in 12% of cases, with
stenosis of the external acoustic meatus
occurring in 7% of cases. Damage to the
facial nerve is possible, particularly if deep
Fig. 8.17 Stenosis of the horizontal ear canal sectioning of the external acoustic meatus
following inadequate construction of the is attempted. Stenosis of the external
drainplate. The problem was exacerbated by acoustic meatus (Figure 8.17) is usually a
a failure to identify underlying atopy, which consequence of inadequate construction
resulted in ongoing disease in the remnants of the drainplate, resulting in a failure
of the vertical ear canal and concave aspect of to support the canal and impairment of
the pinna. natural drainage19.
Postsurgical problems can be addressed Although the pain associated with chronic
as follows: otitis externa was largely controlled in the
Postoperative, acute, inflammatory dogs subjected to this procedure24, most
stenosis of the external acoustic required occasional treatment to clean the
meatus may be suppressed if the ear canals.
lumen is packed with glucocorticoid- The technique for dissecting out the
impregnated gauze for a few days13. ossifications is as follows (after Hobson23
Dehiscence is best treated and Elkins et al.24):
aggressively with systemic If the vertical canal is still present
antibacterial agents and drainage19,22. (and is to be ablated, as described
Consideration should be given to above), it is exposed and the
obtaining a culture and sensitivity dissection is continued ventrally to
report if dehiscence occurs in dogs expose the ventral wall of the ossified
receiving postoperative antibacterial horizontal canal, taking great care to
therapy. Surgical closure is indicated avoid the facial nerve.
as soon as infection is under control6. In the presence of an ossified vertical
Stenosis of, or impaired drainage canal, ronguers are used to remove
from, the external acoustic meatus ossified cartilage from the lateral
warrants investigation since it surface of that portion of the vertical
implies one of two problems, neither canal destined to form the drainplate.
mutually antagonistic: inadequate In effect, the drainplate is constructed
drainplate construction or ongoing from the epithelial components of the
otitis media. vertical canal rather than from the
cartilaginous portion.
Ossification of the external ear An incision is made on the distal
canal aspect of the junction of the annular
Mineralization of the cartilaginous com and auricular cartilages. This allows
ponents of the external ear canal may occur an osteotome (or a small rounded
as a consequence of chronic inflammation23. periosteal elevator) gradually to
The initial changes appear to occur in the elevate the soft tissue lining of
horizontal canal23, although with time, and the horizontal canal. The ossified
in particular in Cocker Spaniels, the vertical cartilage can then be gradually
canal may also become ossified. Although removed with ronguers while
the ossified vertical canal may be removed leaving the soft tissue lining of the
relatively easily by ablation, the surgical ear canal intact.
resection of ossified horizontal canals is Once the ossified material has been
more difficult. removed a drainplate is created from
A surgical technique has been described the remnants of the lateral wall of the
for dissecting out the ossified portions of the vertical canal, taking care to ensure
horizontal and vertical canals23,24, although that the horizontal canal is patent.
if the condition has progressed to this stage,
total ablation and bulla osteotomy may be
indicated. However, since total ablation
and bulla osteotomy sometimes results
in loss of hearing, owners may want to
avoid such a radical step, particularly if the
contralateral ear has already been ablated.
Total ear canal ablation and Total ablation and bulla osteotomy
lateral bulla osteotomy should render the ear deaf but, somewhat
The crucial steps in this procedure are: surprisingly, this does not always occur31,32.
Avoid damage to the round window It is wise to try and assess the dogs auditory
and the facial nerve. ability preoperatively and to demonstrate
Ensure that all secretory epithelium this to the owner2 in an attempt to forestall
is removed from the bulla and from unwarranted accusations of surgical
the site of the horizontal ear canal. ineptitude.
Treat tissues gently; ensure good Systemic antibacterial therapy is indi
haemostasis and close all dead space. cated both pre- and postoperatively,
beginning 714 days preoperatively30. The
It is now generally accepted that it is patient is anesthetized and the surgical area
prudent to perform a LBO with every prepared as described above. The pinna is
TECA 15,2527. Given the difficulty of defi hung with atraumatic forceps and a full
nitively documenting otitis media by draping of the field is performed. A small
radiography8, or even by CT28 (see Chapter rolled towel placed under the neck of the
2 for discussion on imaging the bulla), it is dog, to elevate the head to the level of the
almost impossible to justify not performing chest wall, facilitates exposure2.
a bulla osteotomy. Any residual discharge or A circumferential incision is made
secretion which might result from continuing around the acoustic meatus, severing the
otitis media, or indeed any portions of auricular cartilage but not penetrating the
epithelial tissue inadvertently left behind, will lateral skin surface of the pinna. The incision
accumulate and may well result in para-aural is continued to the level of the junction of the
abscessation3,26. Most authorities recommend horizontal and vertical ear canals (Figure
LBO in association with ablation of the 8.18). It may be necessary to resect large
external ear canal, since to perform ventral areas of infected, hyperplastic tissue in some
bulla osteotomy would require repositioning cases, with consequent implications for
of the animal during surgery, an unnecessary postoperative pinnal carriage.
complication since the ventral approach has Blunt dissection is used to expose
no advantage over the lateral29. the lateral surface of the vertical canal
Presurgical evaluation of the facial, (Figure8.19). The vertical canal is freed
oculosympathetic, and vestibular (cranial from the surrounding tissue using a
nerve VIII) nerves is useful28,30 as it provides combination of blunt and sharp dissection
a baseline for assessing the significance (Figures 8.20, 8.21). A dry gauze sponge
of any postoperative neurological signs. can be helpful for bluntly rubbing the
Bilateral total ear canal ablation (TECA) connective tissue from the vertical canal.
performed simultaneously has been Care should be taken to avoid haemorrhage
reported to cause pharyngeal swelling2, from the rostral auricular artery and vein
a complication of hypoglossal nerve and from the auriculopalpebral (branch of
damage. This complication may necessitate the facial) and auriculotemporal (branch of
a tracheostomy to alleviate upper airway the trigeminal) nerves in the cranial aspect
obstruction. For this reason some surgeons of the dissection30. Damage to blood vessels
stage the procedure by allowing at least 23 in this area may lead to avascular necrosis of
weeks to lapse before performing a second the pinna2. Haemorrhage may be controlled
TECA on a patient. However, other surgeons with electrocautery in the area around the
take the view that the advantages of a single vertical canal but not the horizontal canal;
episode of anaesthesia and a single period of the risk to the facial nerve is too great23.
postoperative pain outweigh the small risk Blunt dissection, keeping as close to the
of pharyngeal problems. perichondrium as possible, is continued
Fig. 8.18 Total ear canal ablation and bulla Fig. 8.19 The vertical ear canal is exposed,
osteotomy. The initial incisions are made. using blunt dissection.
around the angle that forms the transition (Figure 8.22). Care should be taken to
between the vertical and horizontal canals, identify the facial nerve as it exits from
which represents the transition from the stylomastoid foramen and curves
auricular cartilage to annular cartilage rostroventrally around the horizontal
Fig. 8.23 The external ear canal is excised to Fig. 8.24 Using rongeurs, the bony external
expose the tympanic aperture. acoustic meatus is removed to expose further
the tympanic cavity.
canal. It should be carefully retracted this level (Figure 8.23). If chronic disease
ventrally. The advantage of performing this has caused ossification of the horizontal
dissection after freeing the vertical canal is canal, a small osteotome may be necessary
that there is maximal tissue laxity, which to transect the ear canal. A clamp across
allows the fullest retraction 17. In some the base of the horizontal canal before
cases the facial nerve may be intimately transection minimizes contamination from
associated with perichondrial connective debris within the canal.
tissue or even buried within the reactive A bone curette is used to scrape all
tissue surrounding ossified cartilage 1,26. epithelial tissue from the osseous external
This will require careful dissection if signi acoustic meatus27,30,33. It is critical that all
ficant postoperative morbidity is to be secretory tissue is removed as failure to
avoided. Gelpi retractors may be useful at achieve this will result in postoperative
this point. If the facial nerve proves hard para-aural abscessation. The bony external
to find, Smeak17 advocated searching the acoustic meatus is removed (Figure 8.24)
caudal and more superficial aspect of the using a sharp, small rongeur (such as
horizontal ear canal for small branches of a Lempert rongeur) or an air drill. This
the internal auricular nerve which penetrate will allow increased visualization of the
the cartilage; these may be followed back tympanic cavity. When enlarging the
to the facial nerve trunk. Gentle traction external auditory meatus it is best to stay
and tissue manipulation in this area is rostral and ventral to avoid the oval and
mandatory. round windows (on the opposite wall of
Blunt dissection is continued along the the bulla to the tympanum) and the facial
horizontal canal to the level of the skull. nerve33.
The entire horizontal canal is exposed to The ventrolateral portion of the tym
the level of the bony acoustic meatus, and panic bulla is removed (Figure 8.25) with
then sharply transected, with scissors, at rongeurs or an air-driven burr. It may
Fig. 8.25 The ventrolateral wall of the Fig. 8.26 After the tympanic cavity has been
tympanic bulla has now been breached. curetted it is flushed to ensure removal of all
prove necessary to extend the osteotomy removed earlier. Care should be taken not
rostrally and caudally in order to visualize to evulse the stapes off the oval window;
the caudal aspects of the tympanic cavity peripheral vestibular problems may result.
adequately. It is imperative that the shelf Paradoxically, removal of chronically
of bone ventromedial to the external inflamed epithelia is often more easily
acoustic meatus is removed if adequate accomplished than removal of minimally
exposure is to be achieved for optimum inflamed tissue. Extreme care should be
curettage33. taken not to disrupt the epitympanic recess,
The surgeon should avoid advancing the round window (mid-dorsal aspect), or
onto the ventral aspect of the bulla. Some the oval window (craniodorsal). Samples
ventral retraction of the soft tissues will from the middle ear should be submitted
have been performed to allow dissection for bacterial culture and sensitivity.
of the annular cartilage, but both the facial Note: This part of the procedure is
nerve and the external carotid artery are critical, for if infected secretory tissue is left
in this area and extreme caution is war within the bulla, postoperative abscessation
ranted. If haemorrhage is encountered, and fistulation can be expected.
definitive haemostasis is important; use The tympanic cavity is thoroughly
haemostaticclips33. flushed with warmed saline solution
Suction is usually necessary at this (Figure 8.26). A drain (latex, active, or
point to maintain adequate visibility of ingress/egress) (Figure 8.27) may be
the surgical field. The tympanic cavity placed, entering via the tympanic orifice
is curetted or abraded, using a dry gauze and exiting the tympanic cavity through the
sponge wrapped on the end of a haemostat osteotomy and passing through the skin via
to remove any inspissated contents, a stab incision. This is beneficial if clearing
secretory epithelium, and remnants of the of the bulla is not complete or if a large
tympanic membrane and the malleus, if not amount of discharge is expected2. Drainage
may not be necessary with strict adherence be taken to ensure that they are not used
to good surgical techniques34. concurrently with nonsteroidal anti-
Closure is performed using mono- inflammatory drugs as there is an increased
filament absorbable sutures in the subcu risk of gastric ulceration.
taneous tissue (Figures 8.288.30). Great Generally, it is not necessary to irrigate
care must be taken to close all potential postoperatively; the drains are placed
dead space as this will help to minimize (Figures 8.31, 8.32) to allow local exudate
postoperative cellulitis. Routine skin to clear the surgical site rather than to
closure is performed in the shape of a T, facilitate flushing30. If a drain is inserted,
with care taken to effect a cosmetic ear soft, padded dressings should be used to
carriage when closing the area of the former cover the surgical site and the drain egress
tragus and antitragus. until the drain is removed, typically after
25 days. Care should be taken that these
Postsurgical care dressings do not constrict the pharynx17.
Postoperative analgesia is mandatory. Sutures are removed after 1014 days.
Postoperative systemic antibacterial Careful neurological observations
therapy is usually warranted and must should be made. In the immediate post
be continued for 1021 days 2,30 . The operative period, hypoglossal damage
choice of antibacterial agent may need may be apparent and although it does
to be reviewed in the light of bacterial not usually require specific treatment,
culture and sensitivity testing of tissue animals should be closely observed for
obtained at surgery. Postoperative the 24 hours immediately postsurgery2.
glucocorticoids have been recommended23. Respiratory function, in particular, should
Used in anti-inflammatory doses be monitored postoperatively as significant
(0.51.0 mg/kg dividedq12 h) prednisolone pharyngeal swelling may occur following
may help to decrease postoperative bilateral surgery17. Ocular lubricants may
swelling. Glucocorticoids should not be be indicated until normal blink reflex is
used for more than 3 days and care must regained.
Figs. 8.31,8.32 Passive and active drains, put in place after surgery, ensure that any exudate is
Fig. 8.34 The bulla has been exposed. Fig. 8.35 A Steinmann pin has been used to
broach the bulla.
Digastric muscle
Tympanic bulla
Sublingual gland
Soft rubber
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