PR 900 PDF
PR 900 PDF
PR 900 PDF
Total Fluid ManagementSM solve the problem. We are eager to Contents
take on new challenges and are
Pall follows a comprehensive, committed to keeping up with
Total Fluid Management approach to evolving market demands. Separation of
identifying and solving contamination Pall offers worldwide technology Solids from Liquids
problems. consultation and support through Pages 9-15
our Scientific and Laboratory
Our advanced technologies and Services (SLS) department. SLS is a Separation of
services help refiners: worldwide network of scientists and
engineers experienced in investigating Solids from Gases
Increase production
and solving various and often Pages 16-20
Reduce unscheduled downtime
Meet environmental emission complex problems encountered in
standards fluid clarification and separation Separation of Liquids
Reduce corrosion rates, lengthen processes. In addition, a specialized and Solids from Gases
plant life, and improve safety group of scientists and engineers is Pages 21-22
Raise product yield and conversion solely dedicated to customers in the
Minimize product reprocessing petroleum refining industry. Pall has
Enable capacity expansion with state-of-the-art laboratories located Separation of
minimum capital expense throughout the United States, Liquids from Liquids
Help to debottleneck existing Europe, and Asia. Pages 23-24
plants during revamps or clean
fuels upgrades All Pall manufacturing facilities
Help to utilize opportunity crudes adhere to uniform manufacturing
Enable refiners to meet tighter procedures and have been granted
product specifications International Standards Organization
Lower energy costs (ISO) certification to ISO 9001. This
Lower maintenance costs ensures that Pall filtration and
Protect catalyst beds separation products and systems
will perform exactly as specified,
Pall offers a full range of high-quality no matter where they are installed.
filtration and separations systems
that meet the unique requirements Root cause analysis and Total Fluid
of the diversified refineries that we Management are the principles on
serve. We design and manufacture which we base our success in the
nearly all of our media, elements, petroleum refining industry. We look
vessels, and fully integrated separations forward to applying our knowledge,
systems. By supplying the broadest technology, and experience to help
array of polymeric, inorganic, metallic, you achieve a higher level of
and ceramic media available, Pall is process control and efficiency in
able to select the optimal filter medium your operations.
to meet specific process requirements.
Filtration and Separation Liquid/Gas Coalescers1
Recommendations Application Problem Benefits
6 Hydrocarbon carryover into Minimized or eliminated
The process diagram and corresponding charts illustrate Amine and amine plant causes foaming, production losses due to sulfur
typical applications within a refinery. Processes are detailed Sulfur excessive amine losses, and plant trips; reduced environmental
within the drawing and include major applications. The Recovery Unit can lead to either reduced license level exceedance; stable
amine plant capacity or impact amine plant operations; and
numbered items coincide with the recommended the ability to meet final product increased amine plant capacity.
filter/separation application tables below. Note: should a sulfur specifications in fuels.
Amine plant upsets; sulfur
particular concern or filtration/separation application arise plant trips; and environmental
that is not addressed in this brochure, please contact emissions above license limits.
your local Pall representative for assistance. 7 Fuel gas composition changes Reduced or eliminated routine
Refinery rapidly and contains burner cleaning program;
Fuel Gas condensable hydrocarbons; improved furnace fine tuning;
liquids and solids will foul, plug reduced fuel gas usage;
burners and combusters; low reduced greenhouse gas
Particulate Filters/Backwash Filters1 NOx and ultra low NOx burners emissions; safer furnace
are especially sensitive to operation and on-spec NOx
Application Problem Benefits plugging. emissions.
1 Liquid hydrocarbon and Reduced solvent losses and foaming; 8 Liquid hydrocarbons and solid Reliable hydrogen compressor
Aromatics particulates cause foaming improved energy consumption; Hydrogen contaminants such as corrosion operation; significantly reduced
and fouling problems. reduced maintenance, labor, Compressor products or ammonium chloride maintenance and repair costs.
and disposal costs. Protection in hydrogen gas streams can
lead to premature failure of
Solid particulates plug and Improved conversion efficiency reciprocating compressor
2 deactivate catalyst bed and and profitability; fewer catalyst suction and discharge valves,
Catalyst foul feed exchanger; water can change-outs; improved and piston ring failure resulting
Protection deactivate some catalysts. conversion/yield; lower in H2 compressor downtime
maintenance, labor, and catalyst and excessive unscheduled
costs; longer cycle times; less maintenance and in some
backwash fluid reprocessing; cases can cause lost production.
extended campaign life.
Refinery final products contain Improved product quality; fewer
3 particulates and water. reprocessing and contamination
Final Product costs; lower maintenance and Liquid/Liquid Separators1
Filtration disposal costs. Application Problem Benefits
Catalyst fines reduce value of Improved product quality and 10
4 slurry oil. revenue; reduced critical nozzle Off-spec products; high salt or Improved product quality/on-spec
Fluid Catalytic erosion; increased yield; reduced Final clay tower usage; corrosion in products; fewer reprocessing and
Cracking Unit coke formation in FCC reactor; Product storage tanks. contamination costs; lower
Slurry Oil less backwash fluid to reprocess; Filtration maintenance and disposal costs;
higher profitability of FCCU. free up tank storage; improved
cash flow and fewer delayed
Amine foaming. Amine losses prevented; sulfur shipments.
5 plant operation improved.
11 Water may contain caustic and Improved conversion efficiency
Rich / Amine
Loop Catalyst other solid particulates; plug or and profitability; fewer catalyst
Protection deactivate catalyst bed. change-outs; lower maintenance,
labor, and catalyst costs.
12 Caustic or amine carries over Improved profitability; lower
Blowback Filters1 Treating into product stream causing reprocessing costs; reduced
Application Problem Benefits off-spec product; carried-over maintenance and labor costs.
caustic can disarm sensitive
9A Existing equipment is unable to Tougher environmental license catalyst.
Reduced meet tightening emission levels limits met continuously and FCC 13 Desalter upsets can cause oil Less emissions from water
Particulate required by environmental plant shutdown and/or capacity Desalter carryover to waste treatment treatment plant; allows debottle-
Environmental authorities for particulate and reduction averted; turbo expander plant and upset water treatment necking of desalter and reduced
Emissions micro-particle matter. Poor reliability improved dramatically. plant operation and emissions corrosion rates in CDU overhead;
reliability of turbo expander and to the environment; desalter improved FCC catalyst yield and
inability to meet desired FCC upsets or crude charge rate longer FCC catalyst life.
campaign length of 3-5 years increase can cause brine
between major repairs or carryover to CDU and result in
overhaul of turbo expander. high corrosion rates in crude
9B Poor reliability of CCR recycle Reliable CCR operation and overhead; salt in FCC feed can
CCR gas compressor; high production of H2 and reformate. reduce FCC catalyst yield and
Recycle Gas maintenance costs; loss of shorten catalyst life.
expensive reformer catalyst. 14 Liquid hydrocarbon ingress; More stable Amine system
1 Amine Unit foaming incidents; upsets at operation, reduced foaming,
In applications where different options are listed, Pall Corporation will
Protection sulfur plant. longer A/C life; less sulfur plant
assist project engineers in determining the best filtration solution for trips.
their situation.
Refinery Filtration and Separation Applications
Acid Gas
2 11
Sour Gas
Atmosphere Distillation
Fuel Gas 7 6 5 14
Crude Desalter 13
Oil Kerosene & Middle Distillates
Sour Gas
13 2 2 11
11 H2 Sour Gas
Brine Fuel 11
8 Gas
Fuel Fuel Gas H2
Gas 8 9A 9B
11 Off
7 Gas
Sour Gas Flue
7 Fuel FLUID
2 11 13
Fuel H2
Gas 7 Fuel Gas 8
To FCC 2 11
Coker Gas Oil
Fuel Gas
7 8
Refinery Fuel 7
11 Gasoline 3 10
7 Fuel Gas 8 1 EXTRACTION Benzene, Toluene,
Xylene 3 10
3 Solvents 3 10
Fuel Gas
7 9B
MeOH 2
ALKYLATION Gasoline 3 10
Gasoline 3 10
Slurry Oil 4
HYDROCRACKING Jet Fuel, Diesel 3 10
7 Fuel Gas
Root Causes . . .
Then Applying
Filtration and
Separation of Solids from Liquids
Palls backwash systems have extremely low operating and maintenance costs compared
to other technologies such as electrostatic separators and hydrocyclones.
Backwash Systems Rigimesh Medium vs. Wedgewire
Benefits of Palls
A backwash system is designed to Backwash Systems
remove and/or collect suspended
solids from a liquid process stream Longer run times between fixed
while periodically regenerating itself. bed catalyst change-out
A porous filter medium with suitable Higher throughputs
pore size will efficiently collect solids Lower differential pressure
on its surface, where they form a Longer cycle time between
permeable cake. During backwash, backwash regeneration
a reverse flow will be initiated at a Lower utility costs
predetermined filter pressure drop Significantly reduced backwash
Rigimesh medium approximate void
and/or time interval, discharging the fluid reprocessing cost (up to volume = 30%.
collected solids to recovery. The filter seven times less backwash fluid
will then be returned to full forward to reprocess)
flow. Its pressure drop just after Payback in less than one year
backwash will remain essentially Extremely low cost of operation
constant through backwash cycles. vs. wedgewire systems
Separation of Solids from Liquids
Refineries receive a high return on investment after installing Palls backwash filters to protect catalyst beds and to remove catalyst fines from FCC
slurry oil.
Forward flow is restored to the vessel Infrequent out-of-vessel One or more vessels
and the remaining filter vessels are element cleaning
Isolate one vessel for backwash
backwashed sequentially.
A compressed volume of gas
During gas assist backwash, the provides a high-velocity reverse
Combining the gas assist backwash flow of liquid remaining in vessel
expanding gas bubble forces the
with the high dirt-holding capacity of
liquid through the elements in the
Palls backwash media results in long
reverse direction (inside-out) at a
cycle times between backwashing
velocity as high as seven times the
and reduced reprocessing costs which
normal forward flow velocity. This
substantially improve unit economics
effectively dislodges the accumulated
over the life cycle of the equipment.
cake from the elements, while
significantly reducing the volume of
liquid required. Thus, the concentration
of the solids discharge is high.
Metallic Backwash Filters
PSS Porous Metal Filters PMF Metal Fiber Filters Rigimesh Stainless Steel
Manufactured of sintered stainless PMF filters are manufactured of fine Woven Wire Mesh Filters
steel powder, the PSS S medium diameter 316L stainless steel fibers Palls proprietary process permits the
offers exceptionally uniform that are sintered at their points of use of finer-diameter wires in the
permeability and absolute removal contact to produce a uniform, manufacturing of Rigimesh stainless
efficiencies. strong, tapered-pore medium. This steel woven wire mesh filters. The
medium provides remarkably high result is low pressure drops, more
PSS elements are seamless in
dirt-holding capacity, with one or pores per unit area, and better dirt-
construction with a very high void
more inner layers providing holding capacity than other woven
volume (up to 60% in some grades).
absolute-rated filtration. metal filters.
This provides very high dirt-holding
capacity and low pressure loss, The medium is sintered for improved
especially in very fine grades, which tensile, yield, shear, and fatigue
permit design at high flux to help strength. Rigimesh filters maintain
reduce capital costs. a uniform pore size and exhibit no
In addition to the standard product media migration, even under high
made from 316L stainless steel, we temperature and pressure conditions.
supply PSS medium in Inconel 2,
nickel, nickel molybdenum, and
aluminide alloys.
Liquid Disposable
withstand changing process
Efficiency %
conditions 99
Chemical and thermal W1
compatibility with process
10 W2
conditions to ensure long life
Absolute-rated3 for reliable,
reproducible performance
1 50
backed by documented
performance data 5 10 15 20 25 30
Cost-effective, nominally-rated Particle Size (m)
filters are available for less Filtration beta ratio of Profile II filters (P200) and two competitive polypropylene depth filters
critical applications rated at 1 m nominal.
Liquid Disposable Filters
Claris Filters
Claris filters are polypropylene melt
blown filters. Claris filters feature an
E-core, Extruded Fibrous Core, structure
which provides excellent strength. Their
gradient pore structure enhances their Hi-V Filters
dirt-holding capacity. Claris filters feature Hi-V filters are resin-bonded disposable
an all polypropylene construction for easy filters designed for highly viscous fluids.
Profile Coreless Filters and safe filter incineration and disposal. Hi-V filters use wound resin impregnated
Profile Coreless filters are absolute-rated fibers that are four to six inches in length,
filters used to filter gases or liquids. They much longer than typical molded filters
have high capacity, low cost, and are which use fibers of less than one-eighth
ideal for applications such as amine inch.
loop filtration, compressor protection, Hi-V filters feature high flow rates, high
or final product filtration. The coreless contaminant-holding capacity, no center
construction allows for easy and safe cores, and reliable, consistent filtration.
filter incineration and disposal.
HDC II Filters
HDC II filters are constructed of all
polypropylene pleated media. These filters
feature a high area, high dirt-holding
capacity, and extended service life. HDC
II filters are ideal for use in applications
where economy and reliability are
Separation of Solids from Liquids
Nexis Filters
Nexis high-efficiency depth filters are
manufactured using an advanced,
Duo-Fine Filters microprocessor-controlled, Co-located Marksman Filters
Duo-Fine filters are high-capacity pleated Large Diameter (CoLD Melt) production
Marksman filters are available as
filters with microfiberglass media. The process. This proprietary process allows
high-capacity, pleated, depth filters or
microfiberglass media provides exceptional the creation of multiple filtration zones
high-capacity melt blown filters. These
dirt-holding capacity for long service life. within a single filter cartridge. The benefits
filters feature a large 152.4 mm (6 inch)
include: efficient contaminant removal,
Duo-Fine filters are available in a variety diameter, high surface area, and high
long service life, and improved strength.
of core options to satisfy a wide-range flow capacity. Marksman filters are
of temperature compatibilities. available in a variety of grades and sizes
to meet specific application requirements.
Separation of Solids from Gases
Pall continually develops state-of-the-
art technology for solid/gas separation Blowback Filters
to deal with aggressive environments,
PSS sintered powder
extreme temperatures, and high
stainless steel filters
contaminant concentrations. Pall has
PMF metal fiber filters
worked with both refiners and process
Rigimesh sintered woven wire
licensors to develop blowback
mesh filters
systems that efficiently separate
solid particulates from gas streams.
Gas Particle
Disposable Filters
A filter medium with sufficiently
small pores is selected for this Pall pleated filters with Ultipor
application. Solids form a permeable GF Plus medium, HDC II
cake on the filters surface that is medium, or Epocel medium
dislodged at a predetermined pressure Ultipleat filters with Profile
drop (a function of cake thickness depth filter media
and compressibility) by initiating a Profile II filters
reverse pulse (blowback). The Profile coreless filters
dislodged solids are purged from
the filter system, where they may be Palls blowback filter system in operation.
returned directly to the process for
reuse, or removed from the process Blowback Systems vs. Other Technologies
stream and sent to a storage or
Pall Blowback Cyclone Baghouse Scrubber Electrostatic
collection unit. The filter is then Filters Precipitator
returned to full forward flow and to
Efficiency of Solid Separation >99.99% 98% 99.9% 99% 99%
an initial pressure drop that remains from Gas Stream
essentially constant through repeated
Separation Efficiency Varies No Yes No Yes Yes
blowback cycles.
with Solids Loading
Relative Operating Medium Medium Medium High Low
Palls blowback systems use either
Pressure Drop
porous metal composite or ceramic
filters. The comprehensive capabilities Maximum Operating 899C 1093C 232C 232C 482C
Temperature (1650F) (>2000F) (450F) (450F) (900F)
of Palls blowback systems are high-
lighted in the chart to the right. Sensitivity to Changes Insensitive Very Some Very Very
in Flow Rate Sensitive Sensitivity Sensitive Sensitive
Precooling Required Upstream of No No Yes Yes Yes
Solid Separation Device
Solids-Loading Reduction Prior No No Yes Yes Yes
to Final Separation Required
Reliability and Safety of High High Low Medium Medium
Blowback Filters
PSS Porous Metal Filters PMF Metal Fiber Filters Rigimesh Stainless Steel
Manufactured of sintered stainless PMF filters are manufactured of fine Woven Wire Mesh Filters
steel powder, the PSS S medium diameter 316L stainless steel fibers Palls proprietary process permits the
offers exceptionally uniform that are sintered at their points of use of finer-diameter wires in the
permeability and absolute removal contact to produce a uniform, manufacturing of Rigimesh stainless
efficiencies. strong, tapered-pore medium. This steel woven wire mesh filters. The
Jet Pulse Blowback Method Palls Blowback System
The jet pulse blowback method
eliminates the need for large vessel Process Out
isolation valves. Full forward flow is
maintained at all times. Groups
Blowback Gas
of elements are blown back
sequentially by directing a high-
pressure pulse of gas into the throat
of each element. The pulses last
between 0.1 and 1.0 seconds, at two
to three times the process pressure. Process In
During this period, the flow to the
elements being cleaned is reversed
momentarily by a high-pressure jet Solids Recovery
pulse. The shock wave set up by
the reverse pulse, enhanced by the One or more vessels
Palls blowback filters are used to remove catalyst fines from vent gas.
Palls blowback systems are used with an even more
in many applications. A few of the corrosive and hotter
more common ones are listed environment than FCC,
below. Palls PSS porous stainless
steel filters or Dia-
Catalytic Reforming Schumalith ceramic
Palls blowback systems are used filters have proven to
in catalytic reforming units where be efficient and reliable.
catalyst is continuously regenerated Unlike cyclones, the
to protect against erosive wear and removal efficiency of
fouling of the recycle gas compressor. Pall blowback filters
These systems filter the elutriation remains constant during
gas that is recycled back to the variations in gas flow rate.
regenerator. For this application,
Palls PSS porous stainless steel B) If turbo expanders
filters (rated one micron in gaseous are not used PSS
service) with jet pulse (blowback) clean-in-place blowback
in-situ cleaning are used. PSS filters filters are recommended
have been installed successfully at to consistently meet
refineries throughout the world. emission guidelines.
Separation of Liquids and Solids
from Gases
Palls SepraSol liquid/gas (L/G) coa-
lescers have been used in refineries Liquid/Gas Coalescers
and gas processing plants for more
than thirty years. Palls liquid/gas SepraSol liquid/gas coalescers
coalescers provide maximum liquid SepraSol Plus liquid/gas coalescers
and solid removal at low saturated SepraSol Double Open-ended
pressure drops to reduce mainte- liquid/gas coalescers
nance and operating costs associat-
ed with contaminated gas. The
elements highly effective filtration
area and glass fiber resin-bonded
pleated cartridge construction is
surrounded by non-woven polymeric
support and drainage layers. The
coalescer is rated at 0.3 m (99.99%
removal efficiency) for solid particles,
and produces downstream liquid
aerosol concentration as low as
0.003 ppmw. These specifications
ensure long service life, minimized
from Gases
Palls liquid/gas coalescers merge,
or coalesce, small droplets of liquid
into larger drops. A gas is forced to Palls liquid/gas coalescers remove liquids and solids from hydrogen and fuel gas, protecting
flow through several layers of filter turbo machinery and combustion equipment.
media, each layer having a
progressively larger mean pore Liquid/Gas Coalescers vs. Other Technologies
opening. As droplets compete for
the open pores, they coalesce, and SepraSol High Mist Vane Cyclonic Knock-out
Efficiency L/G Eliminator Separator Separator Drum
the process continues until the Coalescer
larger drops continually collect
and drain into a collecting sump. Smallest Liquid <0.1 5 10 10 300
Droplet Efficiently
Removed (Micron)
Palls liquid/gas coalescers remove
Relative Operating Low Medium Medium Medium Low
virtually all liquids in gas streams Pressure Drop
(down to 0.003 ppmw liquid in
Sensitivity to Low High Medium Medium Medium
the effluent gas). In addition, Palls Increased Liquid Loading
liquid/gas coalescers have a proprietary
Sensitivity to Medium High Medium Medium Medium
oleophobic/hydrophobic treatment Increased Flow Rate
that ensures efficient removal and
Sensitivity to Low High High High Low
quick recovery from process upsets
that send slugs of
liquid downstream.
Palls liquid/gas coalescers are used coalescers are recommended to can reduce the costs associated
in many applications. A few of the protect mol sieves / PSAs on with foaming such as reduced
more common ones are listed below. isomerization units, polypropylene processing capacity and increased
units or in hydrogen plants for amine losses. Liquid/gas coalescers
Hydrogen Recycle Gas hydrogen purification. can also recover any amine that is
Compressor Protection carried over into the acid gas going
Palls liquid/gas coalescers are Gas Treating Processes / Sulfur to the sulfur plant or the sweet gas.
installed in front of hydrogen Recovery By reducing upsets in the amine
compressors to prevent costly In amine treating units, foaming can plant, the sulfur plant can be
unscheduled downtime. Refiners be initiated by liquid hydrocarbon protected from upsets and the
have been able to extend regular contaminants in the feed gas. number of trips or incidences of
maintenance schedules by installing Installation of a liquid/gas coalescer off-spec sulfur can be reduced
liquid/gas coalescers upstream of upstream of the amine contactor along with a reduction in
the compressors. Because refinery environmental emissions.
hydrogen streams are particularly
prone to changes in purity and liquid
concentration, Palls oleophobic/
hydrophobic treatment is extremely
beneficial in this application.
Burner Protection
Liquid and solid contamination in
fuel gas streams is a universal problem
for refineries. By removing such
contaminants, liquid/gas coalescers
significantly reduce the maintenance Liquid / Gas Coalescers for Optimum Performance
associated with plugged burner tips
Palls liquid/gas coalescers perform with maximum removal efficiency and
in process furnaces. Low NOx and
economy that reduces equipment downtime, labor and maintenance costs.
Ultra Low NOx burners are even
Palls unique filter medium provides single-stage coalescing, separating
more susceptible to plugging. Because
liquid aerosols smaller than 0.1 micron in size. Palls proprietary coalescer
the concentration of liquids in fuel
treatment improves the drainage of liquids through the coalescer, enabling
gas can change instantaneously, Palls
the use of smaller assemblies and minimizing up-front capital costs. The
oleophobic/hydrophobic treatment
treatment also lowers operating costs by operating at a lower liquid saturated
again is particularly beneficial.
pressure drop and by recovering quickly from process upsets.
Lube Oil Recovery
Most compressors have an oil Effect of Chemical Treatment
lubricating system. Lube oil is often on Coalescer Performance Coalescing Mechanism
discharged into the process gas in
Treated Element
Downstream Oil Concentration (ppmw)
Droplets Fall
desiccant, and activated carbon beds. in Gas
in Air
Due to
0.010 Flow
Drops Fall
Due to
Separation of Liquids from Liquids
When refinery customers alerted Pall Palls liquid/liquid coalescers
to recurring problems with hazy fuel do not disarm in the presence Liquid/Liquid Coalescers
and caustic carryover, Pall worked of surface active agents in the
with them to provide a long-term fuel. AquaSep Plus liquid/liquid coalescers
solution. As a result, Pall developed PhaseSep liquid/liquid coalescers
two new products the AquaSep Small flow liquid/liquid coalescers
liquid/liquid coalescer and the Lucid liquid/liquid separators
PhaseSep liquid/liquid coalescer.
Pall consulted with its customers
during every step of the product
development cycle to ensure that the
new products would meet their needs.
Unique Stack Design
Palls AquaSep Plus coalescers and
PhaseSep coalescers are stacked on
top of a separator element. This
proprietary stacking method optimizes
the flow distribution from the
coalescer to the separator, ensuring
that each separator has equal flow.
In conventional two-stage systems,
the separators are located at different
distances from the coalescer, causing
unequal distribution of flow to the AquaSep Plus Liquid/Liquid Coalescers and
separator. Also, conventional two- PhaseSep Liquid/Liquid Coalescers
stage systems require several coalescer
elements for each separator. Palls AquaSep Plus liquid/liquid coalescers and PhaseSep liquid/liquid coalescers
stack design results in an overall were developed to efficiently separate very stable liquid/liquid dispersions
smaller assembly size and a longer and provide high-fluid quality and value. They are compatible with highly
coalescer/separator life. acidic and basic fluids. The high-performance stack design allows an even
flow distribution which permits a high flow rate in a smaller assembly. Also,
the long life of the cartridge results in fewer change-outs, which reduces
Low Interfacial Tension (IFT) maintenance and disposal costs.
The ability to remove water
improves as the IFT between the AquaSep Plus and PhaseSep Liquid/Liquid Coalescer
two phases increases. The IFT
effectively measures the stability of
an emulsion or dispersion. The IFT
AquaSep Plus/
is a critical factor when considering Prefilter PhaseSep
liquid/liquid coalescence because Coalescer
the largest possible stable droplet
size that will form by the coalescence Separator
process will be dictated by IFT. A
system with a high IFT (> 20 dyne/cm) Outlet
can sustain a large stable coalesced
droplet size. Systems with low IFT
(i.e., water in fuels with additives
< 20 dyne/cm) form smaller stable
coalesced droplets and require a AquaSep Plus/PhaseSep liquid/liquid separation system with
coalescer/separator stack in a vertical housing.
high-efficiency coalescer/separator.
Liquid/Liquid Coalescers vs. Other Technologies
Disarming Pall AquaSep Salt and Conventional Pack Bed Electrostatic Tank
Surfactants in fuels have a tendency Plus/PhaseSep Desiccant Coalescers Tower Precipitator Settling
to form fuel/water hazes and can System Tower
degrade the performance or disarm Lowest Interfacial AquaSep Plus: <2 dyne/cm >20 dyne/cm >20 dyne/cm >10 dyne/cm >20 dyne/cm
conventional glass fiber coalescers. Tension Efficiency 3 dyne/cm
Separated PhaseSep:
Palls liquid/liquid coalescers do not <2 dyne/cm
contain glass fiber, instead they are Relative Operating and Low High Medium Low High Low
constructed of polymeric material using Maintenance Costs
a unique proprietary process. This results Effect of Additional Low High Low Low High Low
Dispersed Liquid on
in a long, reliable, low-maintenance Operating Costs
service life when compared to Effect of Surface Active None None Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced
conventional liquid/liquid coalescers. Chemical on Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency
Palls liquid/liquid coalescers are Effect of Additional Low Medium Low High Medium Medium
immune to disarming caused by Dispersed Liquid on
surface active components like
Sensitivity to Low Medium Medium Low High Low
naphthenate or sulfonate carryover, Temperature Changes
or the addition of corrosion inhibitors, Relative Maintenance Low High Medium Low High Low
dispersants, and static dissipators.
About Pall Corporation
For more than 60 years, Pall Pall continues to develop new
Corporation has been solving products and systems to further
complex contamination problems its cutting-edge phase separation
for diverse customers around the technology. Palls core competency
world. With revenues of more than in coalescing technology has helped
$2.7 billion, Pall is the largest and reduce operating and maintenance
most diverse filtration, separations, costs at refineries.
and purifications company in the
world. Our products and services We invite you to learn more about
allow customers to meet regulatory our technology, products, and
requirements and increase output services. For more information
while reducing total cost of ownership. contact your Pall representative
Our enabling technologies help or visit us on the web at:
make customers products better,
safer and even possible.
Environmental protection
Pall is dedicated to helping customers minimize their
carbon footprint, maximize recycling and waste reduction,
and ensure the most efficient utilization of natural
resources and raw materials. We are applying the same
know-how and dedication to our own operations.
Fuels and Chemicals Visit us on the Web at
Pall Corporation has offices and plants throughout the world. For Pall representatives in your
25 Harbor Park Drive area, please go to
Port Washington, NY 11050
+1 516 484 3600 telephone Because of technological developments related to the products, systems, and/or services
described herein, the data and procedures are subject to change without notice. Please
+1 888 873 7255 toll free US consult your Pall representative or visit to verify that this information remains
valid. Products in this document may be covered by one or more of the following patent
Portsmouth UK numbers: EP 0 930 926; US 5,443,724; US 6,332,987; EP 1 165 205; US 6,342,283;
+44 (0)23 9230 3303 telephone US 6,662,842; US 7,473,360; EP 0 830 191; US 5,591,335; US 5,653,833; US 5,681,469;
US 5,690,782; US 5,730,820; US 5,733,581; US 5,741,395; US 5,783,011; EP 0 930 926;
+44 (0)23 9230 2507 fax US 5,480,547; US 6,332,987; EP 0 433 661; EP 0 667 800; EP 0 982 061; EP 1 380 331; US 5,543,047; US 5,690,765; US 5,725,784; US 6,113,784; US 7,083,564; US 7,318,800;
EP 0 470 485; US 5,252,207; US 5,552,048.
Copyright 1995, 2011, Pall Corporation. Pall, , AccuSep, AquaSep, Claris, CoLD Melt, Dia-Schumalith,
Duo-Fine, Dynalloy, Epocel, HDC, Hi-V, Lucid, Marksman, Nexis, PhaseSep, PMF, Profile, PSS, Rigimesh,
SepraSol, Ultipleat, and Ultipor are trademarks of Pall Corporation. Indicates a Pall trademark registered in
the USA. , Total Fluid Management, and ENABLING A GREENER
FUTURE are service marks of Pall Corporation.