Lesson Plan For Thursday Kindy
Lesson Plan For Thursday Kindy
Lesson Plan For Thursday Kindy
Producesmostlowercaseand Understand foundation movements that - Students will be assessed on their writing when completing the
uppercaselettersandusesdigital underpin NSW Foundation Style sentence
technologiestoconstructideas - Finger spacing
ENe3A Begin to understand the sequence of - Neat writing
letters through structured and guided - Smaller writing
Demonstratesdevelopingskillsin activities - Writing from left to right
- Writing letters and words correctly
usingletters,simplesoundblends Develop basic skills of writing, including - Capital letters and full stops
andsomesightwordstorepresent correct pencil grip, good posture,
knownwordswhenspellingENe handwriting movements and accurate use
5a of alternative writing tools, to form
some lower case and upper case letters
Lesson Content/ Timing: Teaching Strategies/ Learning Experiences: Resources and Organisation:
Indicators of Learning (How is it taught?
(What is Taught):
INTRODUCTION Introduce lesson
Demonstrates 20 minutes (T) will introduce lesson by using the t-v and Floor space
developingskillsin getting students to sing the alphabet song as well Flash cards
usingletters, as the vowel song. T-v
simplesound Once both songs have been sung (T) will use the
blendsandsome flashcards and ask students to represent the
sightwordsto grapheme and phonemes of the words displayed
representknown on the cards.
wordswhen (T) will then get students up on their feet and get
spellingENe5a them to stomp to syllables of random words
CLOSURE - Reflection 10 minutes (T) will walk around and check everyones
work and instruct (s) to place it on the
cupboard for marking. (T) will praise the
students for their efforts.