0563 SkinnyBitchKitch PDF 1 PDF
0563 SkinnyBitchKitch PDF 1 PDF
0563 SkinnyBitchKitch PDF 1 PDF
In the Kitch
Kick-ass recipes for
hungry girls who want
to stop cooking crap
(and start looking hot!)
SEARCHING: Simply click on the chapter name in the table of contents and
you will be taken to that chapters first page. Then click on the recipe you want
to make and you will be taken directly to that page.
TO GET BACK: When you are on a recipe page and want to get back to the
chapter title page, simply click on the recipes name and you will return to the
first page of that chapter. If you wish to return to the table of contents, click on
the chapter name at the top of the chapter page.
Grown-Up Appetizers
Skinny-Ass Salads
Hearty-Ass Sandwiches
International Bitch
Italian Bitch
Down Home Cookin
Skinny Bitch Staple Meals
Happy Endings
After-Dinner Mint
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Coffee sucks for your body and is no way to start
your day. (If thats news to you, go read Skinny Bitch,
pages 1516.) The real breakfast of champions is
fresh fruit. But for weekend brunches and those days when
fruit aint gonna cut it, enjoy these bitchin breakfasts.
French Scramble
Potato Scramble
Basic Pancakes
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French Scramble
Serves 3 or 4 In a large bowl, combine the tofu, cheese,
14 to 16 ounces firm or extra firm tofu, scallions, garlic, yeast flakes, tamari or
crumbled (use your hands or a fork) soy sauce, turmeric, salt, and pepper.
4 ounces vegan Jack, cheddar, Set aside.
or American cheese, shredded In a large nonstick skillet over med-
3 scallions, sliced ium heat, melt the coconut oil. Add the
2 cloves garlic, minced mushrooms and cook, stirring occa-
2 tablespoons nutritional sionally, until tender, about 112 minutes.
yeast flakes Stir in the spinach, a handful at a time
1 tablespoon tamari or soy sauce if necessary, and cook until wilted,
2 teaspoon turmeric about 1 minute. Stir in the tofu mixture
2 teaspoon fine sea salt and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 to
2 teaspoon pepper 4 minutes, or until any liquid has evapo-
2 tablespoon refined rated and the mixture is hot. Serve
coconut oil immediately.
1 cup sliced mushrooms
(any kind, or a combination)
2 cups fresh spinach leaves
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Potato Scramble
Serves 4 to 6 In a large bowl, combine the cheese, tofu,
8 ounces vegan Jack, cheddar, or tomatoes, salt, pepper, and paprika;
mozzarella cheese, shredded set aside.
7 to 8 ounces firm or extra firm tofu, In a large nonstick skillet over medium
cut into 2 -inch dice heat, melt 12 tablespoon of the coconut
2 tomatoes, cut into 12 -inch dice oil. Add the sausage and cook accord-
1 teaspoon fine sea salt ing to package directions. Transfer the
2 teaspoon pepper sausage to the bowl with the cheese mix-
2 teaspoon paprika ture. Add the remaining 12 tablespoon of
1 tablespoon refined coconut oil coconut oil to the skillet and melt over
8 ounces vegan breakfast sausage, medium heat. Add the onion and cook,
crumbled or cut into small bite- stirring occasionally, for 1 minute. Add
sized pieces the potatoes and cook, stirring occasion-
1 1
2 onion, cut into 2-inch dice ally, until the potato is tender, 15 to
2 russet potatoes (about 24 20 minutes. Stir in the garlic and cook
ounces), cut into 2 -inch dice for 1 minute. Stir in the cheese mixture
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced and cook, stirring occasionally, for 2 to
3 minutes, or until the mixture is hot.
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Basic Pancakes
Makes about eight set, and the pancakes are nicely browned
4- to 5-inch pancakes on the bottom (about 2 to 3 minutes).
1 4 cups whole wheat pastry flour Turn and cook until the other side is
1 2 teaspoons baking powder nicely browned, 1 to 2 minutes. If neces-
2 teaspoon fine sea salt sary, keep the finished pancakes in a
1 2 cups rice milk warm oven while you finish the batter.
2 tablespoons refined coconut oil, Serve hot with maple syrup.
melted, or safflower oil
1 tablespoon maple syrup, BLUEBERRY PANCAKES
plus more for serving Stir 1 cup of blueberries into the batter.
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, Stir 1 large banana, thinly sliced, and
baking powder, and salt. In a medium 2 cup chopped walnuts into the batter.
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tortilla up and over the fillings, fold in the Transfer the burrito to a plate, seam down.
edges, and continue rolling the tortilla to Repeat with remaining tortillas. Pass the
the other side, making a tight bundle. remaining salsa at the table. Ol, bitches!
stirring occasionally, for 2 minutes. Then bacon or ham on top of one side of the
spread it evenly in the pan and cook, omelet. Remove from the heat and gently
without stirring, until nicely browned on slide the omelet about halfway onto a
the bottom, 2 to 3 minutes. serving plate. Carefully turn the pan over
Arrange the vegetable mixture and to fold the omelet in half on the plate.
If a group of scientists conducted a study
saying PMS wasnt real, wed kill them all.
Then wed stuff our faces like sows.
This is what wed eat.
Onion Rings
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Onion Rings
Makes about 20 rings Preheat oven to 450F. Grease a large
Refined coconut oil, rimmed baking sheet; set aside.
for greasing baking sheet Separate the onion slices into rings
1 onion (preferably a sweet and pick out 20 or so of the largest
type), cut crosswise into (reserve the rest for another use). In a
3 -inch-thick slices shallow bowl, combine the bread
2 cup seasoned whole crumbs, cornmeal, and salt. Place the
wheat bread crumbs rice flour in a second bowl and the soy
2 cup cornmeal milk in a third. One at a time, dip the
1 teaspoon fine sea salt, onion rings in the soy milk, the rice
plus more for sprinkling flour, the soy milk again, and then the
4 cup rice flour bread crumb mixture, pressing to thor-
4 cup soy or rice milk oughly coat. Arrange the coated rings
Ketchup, or other dipping on the prepared baking sheet and bake
sauce (optional) for 25 to 30 minutes, or until nicely
browned. Sprinkle with salt and serve
with ketchup, if desired.
If we were having a dinner party
and pretending to be classy,
wed make stuff like this.
Stuffed Mushrooms
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Stuffed Mushrooms
Makes 20 mushrooms baking sheet and bake until they leak liq-
2 tablespoons refined coconut oil, uid, about 10 minutes. Remove from the
plus more for greasing baking sheet oven and set aside.
20 large (2 to 2 2 inches across) While the caps are baking, finely chop
white mushrooms the stems. Heat the oil in a large skillet
1 red bell pepper, finely diced over medium-high. Add the stems and
1 shallot, finely diced cook, stirring occasionally, until golden
2 teaspoon dried oregano brown, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the bell
6 tablespoons whole wheat pepper, shallot, and oregano and cook,
seasoned or Italian bread crumbs stirring occasionally, until the bell pep-
6 tablespoons vegan per is tender, about 3 minutes. Transfer
Parmesan cheese the mixture to a medium bowl to cool
4 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley slightly, then stir in the bread crumbs,
1 teaspoon fine sea salt cheese, parsley, salt, and pepper.
2 teaspoon pepper Turn the mushroom caps over and
spoon in the filling, pressing gently and
Preheat oven to 400F. Grease a large, slightly mounding it. Bake until the mush-
rimmed baking sheet. rooms are tender and the stuffing is
Carefully pull the stems from the mush- browned, about 20 minutes. Then eat
room caps; set stems aside. Arrange the every last one before anyone else can
caps, stem sides down, on the prepared try them.
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Makes 4 rolls
4 cup vegan mayonnaise In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise
2 to 1 tablespoon sriracha with 12 tablespoon of sriracha. Taste and
(or other chili sauce; see note), add more sriracha if you like.
or more to taste Place a bamboo sushi mat on a clean
4 sheets nori (see note) work surface, with the sticks in the mat
About 3 cups prepared Brown parallel to you. Place a sheet of nori on
Sushi Rice (recipe follows) the mat, shiny side down, shorter edge
1 avocado, peeled, pitted, and sliced toward you. Have a shallow bowl of water
2 small cucumber, peeled, halved nearby. Dampen your hands in the
lengthwise, seeded, and sliced water, shaking off the excess moisture.
lengthwise Use your fingers to press about 23 cup of
2 small carrot, julienned Sushi Rice onto the nori, covering 23 of
Soy sauce for serving the sheet closest to you (if the rice sticks
Wasabi paste for serving (see note) to your hands as you work, redampen
Pickled ginger for serving (see note) them in the water). Drizzle about 1 table-
Special equipment: spoon of the mayonnaise mixture on top
bamboo sushi mat (see note) of the rice in a line parallel to you, about
1 inch in from closest edge. Top the may- SRIRACHA (an Asian chili
onnaise with 4 of the avocado, 4 of the
1 1
sauce), NORI (seaweed
cucumber, and 14 of the carrots. sheets), WASABI paste,
Take a deep breath and smile. Hold- and PICKLED GINGER
ing the fillings firmly in place with the can be found in the Asian
fingertips of both hands, use both section of most major super-
thumbs to lift the edge of the mat closest markets.
to you up and over, enclosing the fill- Look for a BAMBOO
ings. Squeeze gently to make a compact SUSHI MAT there, too, or
roll. Raise the end of the mat slightly to in the utensils section, or at
avoid rolling it in with the nori, and con- cookware stores. Before you
tinue rolling, squeezing occasionally, start, cover the sushi mat with
until the sushi is completely rolled in to plastic wrap to make it easy
a tight cylinder. If necessary, dampen to clean.
the end of the nori to help it seal, then
allow the roll to sit for a minute or two.
Slice the roll into 8 pieces with a sharp,
lightly moistened knife. Repeat with the
remaining ingredients, making 4 rolls
total. Serve the sushi on a platter with
soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger.
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Sassy Soups
We like soup. There. We said it.
Dont think that makes us boring old farts.
These soups are really friggin good. And
you can make a big batch and just heat it up for
dinner a few nights in a row. More time for sex!
Hah! Whos a boring old fart now, bitch?
Chicken Noodle
Lentil Vegetable
Split Pea
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Lets face it: Salads can be so fucking lame.
But theyre really good for our bodies
(especially for pooping), so we gotta have em.
We crafted these little green monsters to be healthy
and yummy. This way, we dont have to suffer
through salads. We can actually enjoy them.
Greek Salad
Chefs Salad
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is a dried herb blend. If you
cant find it at your supermar-
ket, try a specialty food store
or substitute dried sage,
thyme, rosemary, marjoram,
or a combination.
Greek Salad
Serves 6 to 8 as a side dish In a small bowl, whisk together the red
or 4 as an entree wine vinegar, garlic, mustard, salt, and
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar pepper. Slowly whisk in the olive oil; set
4 garlic cloves, minced the dressing aside.
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard In a large bowl, combine the toma-
2 teaspoon fine sea salt toes, cucumber, olives, and onion.
2 teaspoon pepper Gently toss in the Marinated Tofu Feta
4 cup extra virgin olive oil and dressing to taste. Serve as is for a
2 tomatoes, cut into 4 -inch dice side dish, or on top of salad greens for
1 cucumber, peeled, halved length- an entree.
wise, and cut into 4 -inch slices
2 cup pitted black olives,
preferably Kalamata
4 red onion, thinly sliced
3 cups Marinated Tofu Feta
(see page 159)
Salad greens (optional)
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Chefs Salad
Serves 4 as an entree Arrange the lettuce on 4 plates, dividing
1 head red leaf, green leaf, or it evenly. Artfully arrange the cheeses,
iceberg lettuce, torn into ham, turkey, and tomatoes on top, divid-
bite-sized pieces ing them evenly. Drizzle the salad dress-
4 slices vegan cheddar cheese, ing over the salads. Top with Egg
cut into strips Salad, dividing it evenly, and sprinkle
4 slices vegan Swiss or American with parsley, if using. Serve immediately.
cheese, cut into strips
4 slices vegan ham, cut into strips
4 slices vegan turkey, cut into strips
4 Roma tomatoes, cut into wedges
2 to 1 cup salad dressing of your
choice (For Ranch see page 151,
Thousand Island page 152,
Caesar page 154)
1 4 cups Egg Salad (see page 44)
2 tablespoons chopped Italian
parsley, for garnish (optional)
Serves 6 to 8 In a large bowl, combine the bulgur
4 cup bulgur wheat (see note) wheat and boiling water. Cover and set
1 cup boiling water aside for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, in a
4 cup extra virgin olive oil small bowl, combine the olive oil, lemon
1 2 tablespoons lemon juice juice, salt, and pepper; set aside.
2 teaspoon fine sea salt Add the tomato, cucumber, and
4 teaspoon pepper onion to the bulgur wheat. Stir in the
1 tomato, cut into 2 -inch dice parsley and mint. Add the dressing and
2 cucumber, peeled and cut toss gently.
into 2 -inch dice
4 red onion, cut into 12 -inch dice BULGUR WHEAT can
3 cup roughly chopped fresh parsley be found in the bulk section
3 cup roughly chopped fresh mint of many major supermarkets
as well as at natural food
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The only thing better than pigging out on
a big-ass sandwich? Getting seconds from off
your own face. Moo! Chow down, cowgirls!
Club Sandwich
Tuna Salad
Chicken Salad
Philly Cheesesteak
Veggie Burger
Chicken Panini
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Club Sandwich
Makes 4 sandwiches Spread each slice of toast with about
8 slices vegan whole wheat 2 teaspoons of the mayonnaise. Top the
bread, toasted mayonnaise side with 4 slices with
About 3 tablespoons avocado, turkey or chicken, tomatoes,
vegan mayonnaise bacon, and lettuce, dividing the ingre-
1 avocado, sliced dients evenly. Top with remaining toast,
8 ounces vegan turkey mayonnaise side down.
or chicken slices
2 tomatoes, sliced
12 strips vegan bacon
4 large lettuce leaves
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Philly Cheesesteak
Makes 2 sandwiches browned, about 3 minutes. Add the
2 tablespoons refined coconut oil mushrooms and cook, stirring occasion-
2 red bell pepper, ally, for 3 minutes more. Add the garlic,
cut into 4 -inch slices reduce the heat to low, and cook, stirring
2 yellow or green bell pepper, cut
occasionally, until all the vegetables are
into 4 -inch slices very tender, 5 to 7 minutes. Remove
2 red onion, cut into 4 -inch slices
from the heat and stir in the salt and pep-
4 ounces brown or white per. Transfer to a bowl, cover with a dish
mushrooms, sliced or plastic wrap, and set aside to steam.
2 cloves garlic, minced Return the skillet to medium heat and
2 teaspoon fine sea salt add about 2 tablespoons of water. Use a
4 teaspoon pepper spatula to loosen any caramelized bits in
12 slices vegan bacon the skillet, then add the bacon (it can over-
About 4 cup water lap slightly, but you may have to do two
4 slices vegan American cheese batches). Cook about 2 minutes, turning
2 vegan soft whole wheat rolls once. If the skillet gets dry, add more
water, 1 tablespoon at a time (you want
Heat the coconut oil in a 10- to 12-inch the bacon tender and juicy, not crisp).
skillet over medium heat. Add the pep- Cut the rolls almost in half lengthwise,
pers and cook, stirring occasionally, for then gently fold each open. Pile 6 strips
5 minutes. Add the onion and cook, stir- of bacon, 2 slices of cheese, and half of
ring occasionally, until onion is lightly the veggies onto each of the rolls.
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You can totally pretend to be cooler
and worldlier than you actually are.
Just make one of these global goodies.
Pad Thai
Veggie Enchiladas
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Makes 6 sandwiches 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 (15- to 16-ounce) can garbanzo 4 teaspoon paprika
beans, drained and rinsed 6 (6-inch) pita breads
1 1
2 onion, coarsely chopped 4 head iceberg, romaine,
2 tablespoons vegan whole wheat green leaf, or red leaf lettuce,
panko (Japanese bread crumbs) coarsely shredded
or whole wheat bread crumbs 1 tomato, cut into thin wedges
2 tablespoons chickpea 2 cucumber, cut into 14 -inch slices
(garbanzo) flour or whole wheat 12 to 18 slices dill pickle
pastry flour
2 tablespoons coarsely chopped Preheat oven to 350F.
Italian parsley In a food processor, combine the gar-
2 teaspoon ground cumin banzo beans, onion, panko, flour, pars-
2 teaspoon ground coriander ley, cumin, coriander, pepper, 2 cloves
4 teaspoon pepper of the garlic, and 12 teaspoon of the salt.
4 cloves garlic Pulse, scraping the sides of the bowl as
1 3
2 to 4 teaspoon fine sea salt, necessary, to form a coarse paste. Shape
plus more for sprinkling the paste into 12 to 14 golf ball-sized
About 2 tablespoons refined rounds. Flatten the balls to about 34-inch
coconut oil, melted, or safflower oil thick and transfer to a rimmed baking
1 lemon sheet. Brush both sides of each ball with
6 tablespoons tahini the coconut or safflower oil and bake for
4 cup water 45 minutes, turning halfway through,
until nicely browned. Set aside to cool. serve, or refrigerate for up to a week.
Meanwhile, juice the lemon. In a To assemble the sandwiches, cut
small bowl, whisk together the tahini, about 1-inch off the top of each pita,
water, olive oil, paprika, lemon juice, forming a pocket. Add falafel, lettuce,
and 4 teaspoon salt (if using unsalted
tomato, cucumber, and pickle, dividing
tahini). Press or finely mince the remain- evenly. Drizzle each sandwich with
ing 2 cloves of garlic and whisk into the about a tablespoon of tahini and pass the
tahini sauce. Set aside until ready to rest at the table.
International Bitch 87
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or Japanese eggplant, cut into minutes. Add the carrot and steam for
4 -inch slices 5 to 8 minutes. Add the tofu and steam
About 4 4 teaspoons fine sea salt for 3 minutes, until the vegetables are
8 ounces firm or extra firm tofu, tender and the tofu is heated through.
cut into 4 -inch cubes Meanwhile, in a 4- to 6-quart stockpot,
1 carrot, cut into matchsticks combine 3 quarts of water with about 112
8 ounces buckwheat soba noodles tablespoons salt. Bring to a boil over high
3 scallions, thinly sliced heat, add the noodles, and cook accord-
1 tablespoon gomasio (see note) ing to package directions until tender.
or toasted sesame seeds Drain, rinse in cold water, drain again,
and return the noodles to the pot. Toss
with the remaining 1 teaspoon of sesame
oil and cover.
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Bring to a boil and add the potatoes and Pumpkin doesnt have to be
pumpkin. Return to a boil, reduce to a peeled or skinned before
simmer, cover, and cook, stirring occa- cooking. If you cant find
sionally, until the potato and pumpkin pumpkin, substitute butter-
are tender, about 15 minutes. Remove nut squash, which does have
from heat and stir in lemon juice. to be skinned. A vegetable
Serve over rice sprinkled with cilantro. peeler works well.
International Bitch 91
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Pad Thai
Serves 3 to 4 Cook the noodles according to package
6 ounces rice stick noodles directions. Drain and set aside.
4 cup agave nectar Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk
4 cup mirin (see note page 89) together the agave, mirin, ketchup,
3 tablespoons ketchup tamari or soy sauce, lime juice, and
3 tablespoons tamari or soy sauce sriracha; set aside.
1 2 tablespoons lime juice Heat the coconut oil in a 12- to 14-
1 tablespoon sriracha (see note inch wok or skillet over high. Add the
page 49) or other chili sauce tofu and stir-fry for 4 minutes. Add the
2 tablespoons refined coconut oil red onion and stir-fry for 30 seconds.
14 to 16 ounces extra-firm tofu, Add the garlic and stir-fry for 30 sec-
cubed onds. Add the noodles and agave nectar
1 1
2 red onion, cut into 4 -inch slices mixture and stir-fry until the noodles are
2 cloves garlic, minced softened and evenly coated with sauce.
3 scallions, halved lengthwise and Add the scallions, bean sprouts, and car-
cut into 2-inch pieces rot and stir-fry until all the ingredients
2 cups bean sprouts are well combined and heated through.
1 carrot, shredded Transfer the pad thai to plates or a plat-
4 cup chopped fresh cilantro, mint, ter, garnish with cilantro or mint, peanuts
or a combination and lime wedges, and serve.
4 cup chopped roasted peanuts
4 to 8 lime wedges We know it seems like the
ketchup would crap up the
whole dish, but it doesnt.
Trust your Bitches.
92 Skinny Bitch In the Kitch
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Veggie Enchiladas
Serves 6 Preheat oven to 350F.
2 tablespoons refined coconut or Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a 10-
safflower oil, plus more for frying to 12-inch skillet over medium heat.
1 red bell pepper, cut into 2 -inch dice Add the bell peppers and cook, stirring
1 yellow or green bell pepper, occasionally, for 5 minutes. Add the
cut into 2 -inch dice onion and cook, stirring occasionally,
1 red onion, cut into 2 -inch dice for 5 minutes. Add the garlic, reduce the
2 cloves garlic, minced heat to low, and cook, stirring occa-
3 cups enchilada sauce, homemade sionally, until all the vegetables are very
(recipe follows) or canned tender, about 10 minutes. Transfer the
1 cup fresh corn, cooked, or frozen vegetables to a large bowl and stir in 12
corn, thawed cup of the enchilada sauce, the corn,
1 (2 4 -ounce) can sliced olives, salt, cumin, and coriander.
Mission olives, drained Warm the remaining enchilada sauce
1 teaspoon fine sea salt in a small saucepan. Then transfer the
2 teaspoon ground cumin sauce to a round 8- or 9-inch cake pan.
2 teaspoon ground coriander Working one tortilla at a time, use tongs
12 (7-inch) corn tortillas to dip the tortilla into the warm enchi-
4 ounces vegan cheddar lada sauce, dipping to soften the tortilla
cheese, shredded and coat both sides. Transfer the tortilla
2 scallions, thinly sliced to a plate and spoon about 14 cup of the
vegetable mixture down the center of
the tortilla. Roll the tortilla into a tight
cylinder, enclosing the filling. Transfer
International Bitch 93
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the filled tortilla to a 13 x 9-inch baking Sprinkle the cheese over the sauce. Bake
pan, seam side down. Repeat with for 20 minutes, or until the tip of a knife
remaining tortillas, making 2 rows of inserted into the center of an enchilada
6 enchiladas each in the baking pan. comes out piping hot. Sprinkle with scal-
Pour the leftover dipping sauce over lions and serve.
the enchiladas, covering them evenly.
Oh, Italian food, how we love thee.
When everyone was forsaking you for
low carb diets, we never turned our backs on you.
And we never will, Italian food. We never will.
Stuffed Shells
Fettuccine Alfredo
Eggplant Parmesan
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Italian Bitch 99
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the Tofu Ricotta mixture, arranging the sauce, dividing it evenly. Cover the pan
stuffed shells on top of the sauce (you with foil and bake until the tip of a knife
may not need all of the shells). Top each inserted in the center of one of the shells
shell with a dollop of the remaining comes out piping hot, about 30 minutes.
Fettuccini Alfredo
Serves 3 to 4 In a 4- to 6-quart stockpot over high
3 quarts water heat, combine the water with about 112
About 434 teaspoons fine sea salt tablespoons salt. Bring the water to a
8 ounces whole wheat or brown rice boil, add the fettuccini, and cook
fettuccini according to the package directions.
4 cup refined coconut oil Meanwhile, in a 1- to 2-quart sauce-
2 cup vegan creamer pan over medium heat, melt the coco-
4 cup vegan Parmesan cheese nut oil. When its almost melted, whisk
4 teaspoon pepper in the creamer, increase the heat to
2 cups fresh peas, cooked, or medium high, and bring to a simmer.
frozen peas, thawed (optional) Whisk in the Parmesan, pepper, and the
remaining 14 teaspoon of salt. Cover and
set aside.
When the pasta is done, drain it,
reserving 12 cup of the pasta cooking
water. Return the pasta to the pot and
stir in the sauce (re-whisk if it separated)
and peas, if using. If it seems too dry,
add 14 to 12 cup of the pasta water.
Transfer the pasta to plates or a platter
and serve.
Eggplant Parmesan
If youre one of those baby bitches I dont like eggplantnow
is the time to get over it.
spreading it evenly. Top the sauce with both evenly. Bake until the sauce is hot
the basil and mozzarella, sprinkling and cheese is melted, about 20 minutes.
Down Home
If the shoe fits, wear it. And if you like to eat shit,
eat it. And dont feel bad about it, neither.
Here are a few old favorites that you might ordinarily
feel guilty about eating. But now you can indulge
without feeling fat or sick. (You can send us
thank-you notes via www.SkinnyBitch.net.)
Potatoes au Gratin
Shepherds Pie
Cheezy Casserole
Sloppy Joes
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In a medium bowl, combine the bread dish on a baking sheet and bake for 20
crumbs, Parmesan, and the 1 tablespoon minutes, then broil for 2 to 3 minutes,
of oil. Sprinkle over the top of the mac- or until the top is nicely browned.
aroni and cheese. Place the casserole
If you dont exper ience mul-
tiple orgasms within the first
three bites, you need to see
your gyno.
Potatoes au Gratin
We thank you Lord, for potatoes. Please forgive our fellow bitches
who forsake them . They know not what they do.
Shepherds Pie
Serves 6 to 8 Preheat oven to 350F.
1 tablespoon refined coconut oil Heat the oil in a 4- to 6-quart stockpot
2 shallots, thinly sliced over medium. Add the shallots and cook,
2 cloves garlic, minced stirring occasionally, for 1 minute. Add
1 teaspoon herbes de Provence the garlic, herbes de Provence, and 12 tea-
(see page 62) spoon of the salt and cook, stirring occa-
1 teaspoon fine sea salt sionally, for 1 minute, or until the shallots
1 2 cups lentils are browned. Add the lentils and 2 12 cups
About 3 cups low-sodium of the vegetable stock, increase the heat to
vegetable stock high, and bring to a boil. Reduce to a sim-
2 tomatoes, cut into 2 -inch dice mer, cover, and cook until the lentils are
1 bunch (about 2 pound) chard, tender and the stock is absorbed, 35 to 40
leafy parts only, cut into 2 -inch minutes. Stir in the tomatoes and transfer
strips the lentil mixture to a 2-quart casserole
6 cups Mashed Potatoes dish, spreading it evenly.
(see page 119) Add the remaining 12 cup of stock to
the pot and return it to high heat. When
the stock comes to a boil, add the chard
and the remaining 12 teaspoon of salt.
Cook, stirring occasionally, until the
chard is tender and the liquid has been
absorbed, about 4 minutes. (If the pan
gets dry before the chard is cooked, add
Cheezy Casserole
Serves 6 to 8 Preheat oven to 375F. Grease a 2-
Refined coconut oil, quart casserole dish. Line a large bowl
for the casserole dish with one or two paper towels.
1 2 cups short grain brown rice In a 2-quart saucepan over high heat,
3 quarts plus 3 cups water combine the rice, 3 cups of the water,
About 4 4 teaspoons fine sea salt and 14 teaspoon of the salt. Bring to a
8 ounces (or four to six) red boil, reduce the heat to a simmer, cover,
potatoes, cut into 4 -inch cubes and cook until the water is absorbed and
2 carrots, cut on a diagonal the rice is tender, about 45 minutes.
into 4 -inch slices Remove from the heat and let the rice
2 red onion, cut into 4 -inch dice
stand, covered, at least 10 minutes.
4 ounces sugar snap peas, cut Meanwhile, in a 4- to 6-quart stockpot
crosswise in half over high heat, combine the remaining
1 broccoli crown, cut into bite-sized 3 quarts of water with about 112 table-
florets (about 212 cups) spoons salt. Bring the water to a boil.
14 to 16 ounces firm, extra firm, or Add the potatoes and cook until they
baked tofu, cut into 2 -inch cubes are soft but still holding their shape,
2 4 cups Cheezy Sauce about 5 minutes. Use a slotted spoon or
(see page 150) hand-held strainer to remove the pota-
4 cup coarsely chopped toes to the prepared bowl. Then remove
Italian parsley the paper towels. Add the carrots and
3 cup sliced almonds onion to the stockpot and cook until
Tamari or soy sauce, tender, about 2 minutes. Use the same
for serving (optional) slotted spoon to remove the carrots and
onions, adding them to the bowl. Add the to the prepared casserole dish. Place the
snap peas and broccoli to the stockpot casserole on a rimmed baking sheet and
and cook until tender, about 1 minute. bake for 30 minutes. Sprinkle almonds on
Remove the snap peas and broccoli, top and bake for 15 minutes, or until the
adding them to the bowl. almonds are toasted and the tip of a knife
Add the cooked rice, tofu, Cheezy inserted into the center of the casserole
Sauce, and parsley to the vegetables, toss- comes out piping hot. If using, pass the
ing until combined. Transfer the mixture tamari or soy sauce at the table.
with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Serves 6 Preheat oven to 375F. Oil a 10 x 4 x 3
1 tablespoon refined coconut oil, inch loaf pan.
plus more for the pan In an 8- to 10-inch skillet over
1 carrot, cut into 4 -inch dice medium heat, melt the oil. Add the carrot
1 celery stalk, cut into 4 -inch dice and celery and cook, stirring occasion-
1 onion, cut into 4 -inch dice ally, for 2 minutes. Add the onion and
3 ounces cremini, shiitake, or cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 min-
portobello mushrooms, cut into utes. Add the mushrooms, garlic, salt,
4 -inch dice (about 2 cups) and pepper and cook, stirring occasion-
2 cloves garlic, minced ally, until the vegetables are crisp-tender
2 teaspoons fine sea salt and any liquid the mushrooms have
1 teaspoon pepper released is cooked off, about 2 minutes.
2 slices vegan whole wheat bread Remove from heat and allow to cool
1 cup toasted walnuts slightly.
2 (14-ounce) packages Gimme Meanwhile, in a food processor, com-
Lean vegan ground beef bine the bread and walnuts, pulsing to
2 cup rolled oats form a coarse meal. Transfer the mixture
2 cup ketchup to a large bowl and add the beef, oats,
2 tablespoons chopped ketchup, parsley, and the vegetable mix-
fresh Italian parsley ture. Use your hands to mix well.
6 cups Mashed Potatoes Transfer the loaf mixture to the pre-
(recipe follows) pared pan, spread it into an even layer,
2 2 cups Brown Gravy (see page 149) and bake for 45 minutes, until the tip of
a knife inserted into the center comes slices and serve with Mashed Potatoes
out piping hot. and Brown Gravy. If youre not drooling,
Let the loaf sit 5 minutes before turn- check your pulse.
ing it out onto a serving plate. Cut into
Sloppy Joes
Serves 4 to 6 Heat the coconut oil in a 10- to 12-inch
2 tablespoons refined coconut oil skillet over medium high. Add the bell
1 green bell pepper, cut into pepper and celery and cook, stirring
4 -inch dice occasionally, for 2 minutes. Add the
1 stalk celery, halved lengthwise onion and cook, stirring occasionally,
and cut into 4 -inch slices for 4 minutes. Add the mushroom, chili
2 large onions, cut into 4 -inch dice powder, salt, and pepper and cook, stir-
4 ounces thinly sliced white or ring occasionally, for 2 minutes. Stir in
cremini (brown) mushrooms the water, tomato sauce, Braggs Liquid
(about 2 cups) Aminos or tamari or soy sauce, and
1 teaspoon chili powder ketchup. Stir in the textured soy protein,
2 teaspoon fine sea salt increase the heat to high, and bring to a
4 teaspoon pepper boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook, stir-
2 cups water ring occasionally, for 20 minutes.
1 (15-ounce) can tomato sauce Meanwhile, split and toast the buns.
4 cup Braggs Liquid Aminos (or 8 To serve, place two bun halves on each
teaspoons tamari or soy sauce) plate, open faced. Top the buns with the
4 cup ketchup Sloppy Joe mixture, dividing evenly.
1 2 cups textured soy protein Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, if using,
4 to 6 vegan whole wheat and serve.
hamburger buns Serve with potato salad (see page 66)
2 to 3 tablespoons vegan Parmesan and dill pickle chips.
cheese, for serving (optional)
4 teaspoon pepper the insides for another use). Oil the bak-
3 scallions, thinly sliced ing sheet. Place the skins, skin side
4 cup vegan sour cream down and one inch apart, on the sheet.
Sprinkle with the salt, pepper, and the
cheese mixture, dividing them evenly.
Bake until the skins are crisp and the
cheese is melted, about 15 minutes.
Transfer the skins to plates or a
platter. Sprinkle with the scallions and
dollop with sour cream, dividing evenly.
Skinny Bitch
These hearty, wholesome, satisfying meals
are the staples to get you through day-to-day life.
Double-dip Fondue
SkinnyBitch Int:Layout 1 9/12/07 9:02 AM Page 124
Steamed Veggies
and Tofu with Brown Rice
Serves 4 to 6 In a 2-quart saucepan over high heat,
1 2 cups medium grain brown rice combine the rice, 3 cups of the water,
3 2 cups water, plus more for steaming and the salt. Bring to a boil, reduce the
4 teaspoon fine sea salt heat to a simmer, cover, and cook until
2 cup tahini (sesame seed paste) the water is absorbed and the rice is ten-
4 cup sesame oil der, about 45 minutes. Remove from
6 tablespoons Braggs Liquid the heat and let the rice stand, covered,
Aminos, plus more for the table (or at least 10 minutes.
4 tablespoons tamari or soy sauce) Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk
2 carrots, cut into 4 -inch slices together the tahini, sesame oil, 14 cup of
4 head cauliflower, cut into bite- the Braggs Liquid Aminos (or 8 tea-
sized florets (about 2 cups) spoons of tamari or soy sauce), and the
4 head red cabbage (about 6 remaining 12 cup of water; set aside.
ounces), cut into 14 -inch strips In a pot fitted with a steamer insert,
4 bunch kale (about 4 ounces or four bring 1 inch of water and the remain-
to six leaves) cut into 2 -inch strips ing 2 tablespoons of Braggs Liquid
1 broccoli crown, cut into bite-sized Aminos (or 4 teaspoons of the tamari or
florets (about 2 2 cups) soy sauce) to a boil. Arrange the carrot
7 to 8 ounces firm or extra firm tofu, and cauliflower in the insert and steam
cut into 4 -inch slices, then cut on for 3 minutes. Add the cabbage, kale,
a diagonal into triangles broccoli, and tofu and steam for 3
4 cup raw pine nuts minutes, until the vegetables are tender
and the tofu is heated through. Braggs Liquid Aminos at the table.
To serve, place the rice on plates or a
platter and top with the vegetable mix- Uhhh!!! This dish tastes
ture, tahini sauce, and pine nuts. Pass so simple, pure, and good
any remaining sauce and additional it makes us mad!
Double-dip Fondue
Serves 6 To blanch vegetables: Bring a pot of
2 cups bite-sized broccoli well-salted water (about 12 tablespoon
florets, blanched fine sea salt per quart of water) to a boil.
2 cups bite-sized cauliflower Add the vegetables and cook until crisp-
florets, blanched tender, 1 to 3 minutes depending on the
2 red bell peppers, vegetable and the size (blanch different
cut into 1-inch dice vegetables separately since cooking
12 bite-sized potatoes, cooked times may vary). Remove with a slotted
1 2 cups dry white wine spoon (if blanching other vegetables) or
1 tablespoon coarse nutritional yeast drain.
1 clove garlic, pressed or finely To make the cheese fondue: In a 3-
minced to 4-quart saucepan over medium heat,
2 teaspoons Braggs Liquid combine the wine, nutritional yeast,
Aminos, (or 1 4 teaspoons tamari garlic, and 12 teaspoon of the Braggs
or soy sauce) Liquid Aminos (or 14 teaspoon tamari or
6 teaspoons arrowroot or soy sauce), and bring to a simmer.
7 teaspoons cornstarch Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk
6 teaspoons water, divided together 4 teaspoons of the arrowroot,
1 pound vegan Jack cheese, shredded (or 412 teaspoons of the cornstarch)and
212 cups low-sodium vegetable stock 4 teaspoons of the water.
2 (14- to 16-ounce packages) About a cup at a time, add the cheese
firm or extra firm tofu, pressed to the saucepan, whisking until all the
and cut into 4 -inch cubes cheese is incorporated and the mixture
is smooth. Whisk in the arrowroot mix- FYI: The broth is more like
ture. Bring to a simmer and cook, whisk- a flavorful liquid to warm
ing occasionally, until thickened, 5 to 8 the veggies and tofu in, while
minutes. Transfer to a fondue pot set the cheese is more of a
over a flame. dipping thing.
To make the broth fondue: In a 3- to
4-quart saucepan over medium high heat,
combine the stock and the remaining 112 Other things thatd be good
teaspoons Braggs Liquid Aminos (or 1 to dip: cubed apples, pears,
teaspoon tamari or soy sauce), and bring bread, etc.
to a simmer.
Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk
together the remaining 2 teaspoons
arrowroot (or 212 teaspoons of the corn-
starch) and the remaining 2 teaspoons
water. Whisk the arrowroot mixture into
the stock mixture, stirring until slightly
thickened. Transfer to a fondue pot set
over a flame.
Arrange the broccoli, cauliflower, bell
pepper, potatoes, and tofu on plates or a
platter and serve.
for 1 minute. Add the bell pepper and tortilla, 2 inches from either edge. Top
chile and cook, stirring occasionally for 1 with 14 of the beans, 14 of the vegetable
minute. Add the onion and cook, stirring mixture, 14 of the cheese, 14 of the
occasionally, for 2 minutes. Add the zuc- cilantro, and 14 of the scallions. Fold one
chini, garlic, chili powder, coriander, side of the tortilla up and over the fill-
cumin, and the remaining 2 teaspoon of
ings, fold in the edges, and continue
salt and cook, stirring occasionally, for 4 rolling the tortilla to the other side, mak-
minutes, or until all the vegetables are ing a tight bundle. Transfer the burrito
crisp tender. Stir in the tomatoes. to a plate, seam down. Repeat with
Reduce the heat to low, cover, and cook remaining tortillas.
for 4 minutes, until the vegetables are
very soft. Stir in the lime juice. Beans, onions, garlic. You
To serve, lay a tortilla on a work sur- may want to stay in for the
face and top with 14 of the rice, arranging night after this one.
it in a column down the middle of the
in the stock mixture and the tofu and stir- To serve, arrange the rice on plates or
fry until the tofu is heated through and a platter and top with the mushroom mix-
the sauce has thickened, 1 to 2 minutes. ture. Pass additional tamari or soy sauce
Stir in the scallions. at the table.
(If you dont have a grill, use two to the heat, and let stand for 5 minutes.
three skillets with a little oil in the bottom Once the vegetables have cooked,
over medium-high heat. Just be sure not coarsely chop the onion, zucchini, and
to crowd the veggies in there or theyll squash. Stir the chopped vegetables into the
steam instead of sear. couscous, along with the reserved mari-
Meanwhile, in a 2- to 3-quart saucepan nade. Cut the portobellos into thick slices.
over medium heat, bring the water and Arrange the couscous on plates or a
the remaining 4 teaspoon of salt to a boil.
platter, top with the portobellos and any
Stir in the couscous, cover, remove from accumulated juices, and serve.
Add the olive oil and the remaining Were not dumb broads. We
4 teaspoon of salt and toss gently. know that 12 of a 4-pound
Transfer the spaghetti to plates or squash means you could just
a platter, top with the greens mixture, buy a 2-pound squash. But a
garnish with the remaining 1 tablespoon larger squash merits longer,
of pine nuts, and serve. thicker strands of spaghetti
than a whole small squash.
So do what youre told
just save the other half for
another use
4 cup bottled vinaigrette dressing, tortilla up and over the fillings, fold in the
whatever kind you like edge with the border, and continue
rolling the tortilla to the other side,
making a tight bundle. Transfer the wrap
to a plate or a platter, seam down. Repeat
with the remaining tortillas.
spoon of the salt. Bring to a boil, reduce *For all you bitches in a rush:
the heat to a simmer, cover, and cook Instead of dried beans, you
until the stock is absorbed and the can use canned beans. Substi-
quinoa is tender, about 20 minutes. tute 2 (15-ounce) cans of white
While the beans and quinoa are cook- beans. Place the beans and
ing, cook the chicken according to pack- their liquid in 1- to 2-quart
age directions. saucepan over medium heat.
When everything is about 10 minutes Bring to a simmer, reduce the
from being done, in an 8- to 10-inch heat to low, and cook until the
skillet over high heat, combine 12 -inch beans are heated through,
of water and the remaining 12 teaspoon about 5 minutes. Cover and set
of salt and bring to a simmer. Add the aside until ready to serve
asparagus and cook, turning occasionally then, either drain the beans
and adjusting the heat to maintain a sim- or serve them with a slotted
mer, until crisp-tender, 3 to 5 minutes, spoon.
depending on the size of the asparagus.
Transfer the chicken, beans, quinoa,
and asparagus to 4 serving plates, divid-
ing evenly. Garnish with lemon wedges
and serve.
Divine Dressings,
If you have shitty taste buds from eating
poorly all these years, healthy food may not taste
so good to you. If thats the case, douse your
grub with any one of these gooey delights.
Savory White Cream Sauce
Brown Gravy
Cheezy Sauce
Ranch Dressing
Thousand Island Dressing
Miso-Ginger Dressing
Agave-Dijon Spread
Agave-Dijon Dressing
Vegan Caesar Dressing
Basil Pesto
Sage Pesto
Basic Red Sauce
Super Simple Pizza Sauce
Tofu Ricotta
Marinated Tofu Feta
SkinnyBitch Int:Layout 1 9/12/07 9:02 AM Page 148
Brown Gravy
Makes about 2 1 2 cups Heat the oil in a 2- to 3-quart saucepan
4 cup refined coconut oil over medium heat. When the oil is
2 cup whole wheat pastry flour almost completely melted, whisk in the
2 to 2 4 cups low-sodium flour. Cook, stirring often, until the mix-
vegetable stock ture is browned and smells nutty, about 5
4 tablespoons Braggs Liquid minutes. A little at a time, add 2 cups of
Aminos (or 8 teaspoons tamari or the stock, whisking until smooth after
soy sauce) each addition. Remove from the heat and
whisk in the Braggs Liquid Aminos (or
tamari or soy sauce). Add more stock, if
desired, until the gravy reaches the
desired consistency. Serve hot, or cool,
cover, and refrigerate for 3 or 4 days.
Reheat gently, adding a little more stock
or water if necessary.
Cheezy Sauce
Makes about 2 34 cups In a 1-quart saucepan over low heat, heat
About 2 cups soy or rice milk 2 cups of soy or rice milk until its barely
4 cup refined coconut oil simmering (small bubbles will appear at
4 cup whole wheat pastry flour the edges of the pan). Cover and set aside.
8 ounces vegan cheese (cheddar, Heat the oil in a 2- to 3-quart sauce-
mozzarella, Jack, whatever you pan over medium heat. Whisk in the
like, or a combination), shredded flour and cook, whisking constantly, for
2 teaspoon fine sea salt 2 minutes. Slowly whisk in the hot milk
4 teaspoon white pepper and bring the mixture to a simmer.
Reduce the heat to low and cook, whisk-
ing often, until the sauce is thick and no
longer tastes of raw flour, 6 to 8 min-
utes. Remove from the heat and whisk in
the cheese, salt, and pepper, stirring
until the cheese melts (if necessary,
return the pot to low heat). If not using
immediately, transfer the sauce to a
bowl, cover with plastic wrap directly on
the surface of the sauce, and use within
30 minutes. If the sauce gets too thick
while it sits, whisk in a little more warm
soy or rice milk.
Ranch Dressing
Makes about 1 34 cups In a blender or a food processor, com-
1 cup vegan sour cream bine all ingredients and process until
2 cup soy milk smooth. Set aside in the refrigerator
4 cup safflower oil overnight to allow the flavors to bloom.
1 tablespoon agave nectar Store refrigerated for up to 1 week.
1 tablespoon granulated
garlic powder
2 teaspoons chopped dill
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon fine sea salt
2 teaspoon onion powder
2 teaspoon cider vinegar
4 teaspoon pepper
4 teaspoon tamari or soy sauce
Agave-Dijon Spread
Makes 12 cup
4 cup agave nectar In a small bowl, whisk together the agave
4 cup Dijon mustard and mustard. Use immediately, or cover
and refrigerate for up to 2 months.
Agave-Dijon Dressing
Makes about 1 12 cups
4 cup agave nectar In a small bowl, whisk together all ingre-
4 cup Dijon mustard dients. Use immediately, or cover and
3 cup extra virgin olive oil refrigerate for up to 1 month.
4 cup red wine vinegar or
balsamic vinegar This would totally kick ass
2 cloves garlic, minced on a spinach salad.
2 teaspoon fine sea salt
2 teaspoon pepper
Caesar Dressing
Makes 1 12 cups In a food processor, combine the tofu,
4 ounces silken tofu lemon juice, garlic, cheese, mustard,
6 tablespoons lemon juice Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, and
3 cloves garlic kelp powder, if using, and process until
2 tablespoons vegan smooth. With the motor running, slowly
Parmesan cheese drizzle in the olive oil. Use immediately,
2 tablespoon Dijon mustard or cover and refrigerate for up to 1 week.
2 teaspoons vegan
Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoon fine sea salt
2 teaspoon pepper
4 teaspoon kelp powder (optional, to
give it an anchovy kind of flavor)
4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Basil Pesto
Makes about 1 13 cups In a food processor, combine the pine
4 cup pine nuts nuts and garlic and pulse to roughly chop.
4 cloves garlic Add the basil and pulse to chop. Add the
3 cups fresh basil leaves cheese, salt, and pepper and process into
4 cup vegan Parmesan cheese a paste. With the motor running, slowly
2 teaspoon fine sea salt pour in the olive oil, processing until the
8 teaspoon pepper oil is fully combined. Use immediately or
4 cup extra virgin olive oil, transfer to a small container, cover with a
plus more for storing thin layer of olive oil, and store in the
refrigerator for 3 to 4 weeks.
Sage Pesto
Makes about 1 cup In a food processor, combine the almonds
4 cup whole almonds and garlic and pulse to roughly chop.
2 cloves garlic Add the sage and parsley and pulse to
1 2 cups fresh sage leaves chop. Add the cream cheese, salt, and
4 cup fresh Italian parsley leaves pepper and process into a paste. With
3 ounces (about 3 cup) soy the motor running, slowly pour in the
cream cheese olive oil, processing until the oil is fully
2 teaspoon fine sea salt combined. Use immediately or transfer
8 teaspoon pepper to a small container, cover with a thin
3 cup extra virgin olive oil, plus layer of olive oil, and store in the refrig-
more for storing erator for 3 to 4 weeks.
Makes about 2 cups In a food processor, combine the tofu,
14 to 16 ounces extra firm tofu, garlic, olive oil, oregano, and salt and
crumbled pulse to puree. Use immediately or cover
3 cloves garlic and refrigerate for up to 1 week.
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped fresh This is so similar to the real
oregano or 1 teaspoon dried deal it makes us angry. Why
oregano is it so good? Why?
4 teaspoon fine sea salt
If eating dessert is wrong, we dont want to be right.
Give us dessert, or give us death. Life without dessert is
like life without the sun. We never met a dessert we didnt
like. Clearly, were totally fucking psychotic for dessert.
Bitchtastic Brownies
Dream Bars
Rice Pudding
SkinnyBitch Int:Layout 1 9/12/07 9:02 AM Page 162
Bitchtastic Brownies
Makes 9 or 12 Preheat oven to 350F. Oil an 8 x 8 inch
5 ounces unsweetened vegan baking pan; set aside.
chocolate, chopped In the top of a double boiler or in a
1 4 cups Sucanat medium metal bowl set over a pot of gen-
(or other dry sweetener) tly simmering water, melt the chocolate,
4 cup silken tofu stirring just until smooth. Transfer the
6 tablespoons safflower oil, plus chocolate to a food processor and add
more for the pan the Sucanat, tofu, oil, and vanilla;
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract process until smooth. Add the flour,
3 cup whole wheat pastry flour cocoa powder, and salt, pulsing until just
2 tablespoons unsweetened combined. Transfer the batter to the pre-
cocoa powder pared pan, spreading it evenly. Bake for
4 teaspoon refined sea salt 30 minutes, until a toothpick inserted
into the center comes out clean. Thor-
oughly cool on a cooling rack before cut-
ting into 9 or 12 squares.
Oh yes we did!
minutes. Unmold the cakes and return to Frosting. Stack the cakes, then use the
racks to thoroughly cool. remaining frosting to coat the sides of
Spread each cake with about 4 of the
the cake and your boobs.
Vanilla Frosting or Fudgy Chocolate
8 cups (about 2 pounds) powdered high and beat until light and fluffy, 1
evaporated cane sugar (or other to 2 minutes.
dry sweetener)
Chocolate Cake
Serves 12 to 16 Preheat oven to 350F. Oil a 13 x 9-inch
4 cup safflower oil, plus more baking pan; set aside.
for the pan In a large bowl, sift together the flour,
2 cups whole wheat pastry flour sugar, cream of tartar, baking soda, and
1 2 cups evaporated cane sugar salt. Stir in the chocolate chips; set aside.
1 tablespoon cream of tartar In a medium bowl, combine the oil,
2 teaspoons baking soda soy milk, applesauce, and vanilla, stirring
2 teaspoon fine sea salt until smooth; set aside.
4 cup vegan chocolate chips In the top of a double boiler or in a
1 4 cups soy milk medium metal bowl set over a pot of
4 cup unsweetened applesauce gently simmering water, melt the choco-
2 tablespoon pure vanilla extract late, stirring just until smooth.
4 ounces unsweetened vegan Add the oil mixture into the flour mix-
chocolate, chopped ture, stirring until smooth. Add the
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar melted chocolate, stirring until smooth.
2 cups Fudgy Chocolate Frosting Stir in the vinegar.
(see page 171) (optional) Transfer the batter to the prepared pan
and smooth the surface. Bake for 40 to 45
Write out your will while its minutes, until the cake springs back when
cooking. Its just that good. lightly touched in the center and begins to
pull away from the sides of the pan. Thor-
oughly cool on a cooling rack before
frosting with Fudgy Chocolate Frosting.
Dream Bars
Makes 16 to 20 Preheat oven to 350F.
1 2 cups vegan cookie crumbs In a medium bowl, combine the
(see note on page 168) cookie crumbs, coconut oil, and 13 cup of
4 cup refined coconut oil, melted the sugar, stirring until the mixture
3 cups raw (turbinado) evaporated is uniformly moist. Transfer to a 13 x
cane sugar, divided 9-inch baking pan and press the mixture
3 cup peanut butter evenly into the bottom.
2 tablespoons water Heat the peanut butter in a 1-quart
4 cup vegan butter saucepan over medium heat, stirring
4 cup vegan chocolate chips occasionally, until soft enough to pour.
1 cup chopped walnuts Drizzle the peanut butter over the cookie
2 cup unsweetened shredded crumb mixture (dont worry about spread-
coconut ing itjust drizzle it evenly around).
1 (13.5-ounce can) coconut milk In a 1-quart saucepan over medium
2 tablespoons agave nectar heat, combine the remaining 13 cup of
1 tablespoon arrowroot or 312 sugar and the water, stirring occasionally
teaspoons cornstarch dissolved until the sugar is melted. Reduce the heat
into 2 tablespoon water to low and continue to cook, swirling
(not stirring) occasionally, until the mix-
ture is a dark honey color. Remove the
saucepan from the heat and swirl in the
butter. Prestoyouve got butterscotch
sauce! Pour the butterscotch sauce
evenly over the peanut butter. Top with 30 minutes, until the coconut milk is
chocolate chips, walnuts, and coconut, set and the edges are browned. Thor-
sprinkling each evenly. oughly cool on a cooling rack before cut-
In a small bowl, whisk together the ting into squares. For best results, set
coconut milk, agave, and arrowroot mix- aside at room temperature overnight
ture. Pour the coconut milk mixture or in the refrigerator for 1 or 2 hours
evenly over the toppings and bake for before serving.
Dont plan on sharing these with anyone. Hoard them for yourself.
Rice Pudding
Serves 4 to 6 In a 2-quart saucepan over high heat,
2 cups soy creamer (or 1 combine 1 cup of the creamer or coconut
13.5-ounce can coconut milk mixture, the water, rice, and salt.
milk plus 3 cup water) Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a sim-
1 cup water mer, cover, and cook until the water is
1 cup medium-grain brown rice absorbed and the rice is almost tender,
Pinch fine sea salt about 40 minutes.
3 cup raisins, golden raisins, Stir in the remaining 1 cup of creamer
or a combination (optional) or coconut milk mixture, the raisins (if
2 tablespoons agave nectar using), agave, vanilla, and cinnamon.
2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Bring to a simmer and cook, stirring
4 teaspoon ground cinnamon occasionally, until the raisins are plump
and the rice is tender, about 5 minutes.
Spoon the pudding into bowls and let
cool. Serve at room temperature or cover
and refrigerate for about an hour before
serving chilled.
If the pudding seems too thick, which
can be the case if its served cold, you can
stir in a little soy milk or creamer.
We know that for many of you, this is a whole new way of eating. So we
salute your willingness to take it onchange is definitely hard. But it
doesnt have to be scary. The more you know, the less intimidated youll
be. Knowledge is power.
Having said that, behold the glossary. (If theres an ingredient youre
curious about that we dont define . . . look it up in a dictionary or
online. Dont be a Needy Bitch.)
Glossary 183
SkinnyBitch Int:Layout 1 9/12/07 9:02 AM Page 184
options, too. Heating oils, especially white pasta with whole wheat,
at high temperatures, can alter them brown rice, or quinoa pasta. These
into harmful toxic substances. How- are healthier alternatives that con-
ever, a girls gotta eat, and some- tain nutrients and fiber.
times a girls gotta heat her oil. With
that said, some oils withstand heat Rice Milk: Dairy-, lactose-, and
better than others. Refined coconut cholesterol-free milk alternative made
oil is the best oil for high heat cook- from brown rice, water, and a small
ing. Canola oil and safflower oil are amount of brown rice sweetener.
other decent options. (Never con-
tinue to use oil that has burnt or Seitan: High-protein meat substi-
is smoking. And never save and tute made from wheat gluten. The
re-use oil that youve already texture may freak you out at first,
cooked with. Re-used fryer oil is just but keep trying it. Soon, youll be
one of the reasons fast food is so hooked.
damn bad for you.)
Soy Butter: A dairy-free butter
Parmesan (vegan): A Parmesan substitute usually made from a
cheese substitute that is made with- blend of oils. Be sure to get the non-
out any dairy components. (Some hydrogenated kind.
companies make it with a soy-
based version, and others make it Soy Milk: Dairy-, lactose-, and
with nutritional yeast and nuts.) cholesterol-free milk alternative
made from soybeans. High in pro-
Pasta: Substitute regular, refined, tein, vitamins, and minerals.
Sucanat: Sugar in its most natural Tofu: Made from processed soy-
form: SUgar CAne NATural. Its bean curds. Good source of cal-
extracted from unrefined sugar cium and protein. Cholesterol-free,
cane where only the water has been baby. Tofu is a total chameleon in
removed. It retains the molasses, as recipes and can take on whatever
well as the vitamins and minerals. flavor you want. It does take getting
used to.
Tahini: Thick paste made from
ground sesame seeds. Turbinado: Made from 100 per-
cent sugar cane. Its whats left after
Tempeh: A vegan, meat-like alter- raw sugar has been washed, allow-
native made from fermented soy- ing the natural molasses to remain.
beans. High in protein. The texture
isnt really meatyits more nutty Vegan (noun): A person who
and grainy, kinda. Just shut up and abstains from eating cows, chick-
try it. ens, pigs, fish, eggs, and dairy. I am
a vegan.
Textured Soy Protein (also known
as texturized vegetable protein): A Vegan (adjective): 1. The state of
meat substitute made from defatted being with regard to not eating
soy flour thats compressed and cows, chickens, pigs, fish, eggs,
processed into bite-size chunks. and dairy. I am vegan. 2. A prod-
Generally, it needs to be rehydrated uct free of animal ingredients. Is
with water when using. that cookie vegan?
Glossary 185