Arduino Microwire EEPROM Reader

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Arduino Microwire EEPROM Reader

Postby PVTech Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:23 pm

Sometimes when we are dealing with ECU stuff and not only we come across a
microwire eeprom.
Those EERPOMs are 93Cx6 series EEPROMs. Mainly they hold data like immobiliser
code, VIN, odometer and generally data used by the main program routine.
So how do we read the data if we dont have a microwire EEPROM programmer?
There is no problem if you have an Arduino. I did some searching and i came
across some code that can read the data from a 93C56 EEPROM.
The connections are easy and you can read the data without desoldering them
from the ECU or the dashboard.

Here is the code to read the 93C56 eeprom (L56R). There are comments if you
want to read it in 8bit or 16bit organization.

//defining pins for eeprom

int DATA_IN = 2; // EEPROM PIN#4
int DATA_OUT =3; // EEPROM PIN#3
int CLOCK =4; // EEPROM PIN#2
int CHIP_SEL =5; // EEPROM PIN#1

int high = 0,low =0; //high and low address

byte dataword[]={"hello world!"}; //data to send in eeprom

byte READ = 0b1100; //read instruction ob indica binario

byte WRITE = 0b1010; //write instruction
byte EWEN = 0b10011; //erase write enable instruction
byte EWDS = 0b10000; //erase write DISABLE instruction

void setup(){
pinMode(DATA_IN ,INPUT);
digitalWrite(CHIP_SEL ,LOW);

void loop()
char buf[8];

//digitalWrite(CHIP_SEL ,HIGH);
//shiftOut(DATA_OUT,CLOCK,MSBFIRST,EWEN); //sending EWEN instruction
//digitalWrite(CHIP_SEL ,LOW);


// For 8bit organization change it to i<=255

for (int i=0; i<=127; i++)
digitalWrite(CHIP_SEL ,HIGH);
shiftOut(DATA_OUT,CLOCK,MSBFIRST,READ); //sending READ instruction
shiftOut(DATA_OUT,CLOCK,MSBFIRST,low); //sending low address
byte a = shiftIn(DATA_IN,CLOCK,MSBFIRST); //sendind data

// The Following Line is for x16Bit Organization

// Comment it for 8 bit organization
byte b = shiftIn(DATA_IN,CLOCK,MSBFIRST); //sendind data

digitalWrite(CHIP_SEL ,LOW);

// For 8bit Organization change it to low++;

low+=2; //incrementing low address

// The Following Line is for x16bit Organization

sprintf(buf, "%02X%02X", a,b);

// The Following Line is for x8bit Organization

//sprintf(buf, "%02X", a);


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