Insead PHD Brochure
Insead PHD Brochure
Insead PHD Brochure
Europe Campus
PhD Office
Boulevard de Constance
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 60 72 42 93
Fax: +33 (0)1 60 74 55 93 / 00
Asia Campus
PhD Office
1 Ayer Rajah Avenue
138676 Singapore
Tel: +65 6799 5139
Fax: +65 6799 5365
INSEAD PhD in Management 45
David F. Drake (USA), Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School, USA
PhD in Technology and Operations Management, INSEAD (2011)
Background: BS Psychology and Human & Organizational Development, and MBA, Vanderbilt University, USA
INSEAD PhD in Management 01
Your passport
to a prestigious
academic career
Imagine a highly respected, international career a life of intellectual stimulation,
creativity and freedom. It involves working with the leading business thinkers, the best
practitioners and the brightest high-potentials. Combining academic research and
teaching with real-world business impact, it truly is a dream job that represents the best
of both worlds.
Next, imagine that the doctoral degree you need to launch this career is available in
a unique two-continent format. Take a group of incredibly intelligent and motivated
students from all over the world, bring them to Europe and Asia then, get the leading
experts in their fields to mentor them. Add a full scholarship for tuition fees, a generous
living allowance, a formidable placement record and it really does sound too good to
be true.
Now, stop imagining. The INSEAD PhD in Management is a reality. It is proven to be one of
the most effective ways to launch a career as a management professor.
02 INSEAD PhD in Management
INSEAD PhD in Management 03
04 Message from the Dean
Practical Information
20 Alumni network
26 Areas of specialisation
32 Programme structure
36 Campus exchanges
38 Research support
39 Admissions
42 Financial information
Creating knowledge
for a better world
Academic excellence is at the heart of what makes INSEAD great. For more than 50 years,
knowledge creation and dissemination have remained integral to our mission as a premier
global management school.
Even more important, our faculty and graduates have put these ideas into action. INSEAD
scholarship is alive out in the world, making a difference every day for countless people,
organisations, and communities.
Across all business disciplines, INSEAD is dramatically shaping both theoretical discourse
and practical application in ways that generate innovation and solve important challenges
to make life better. With campuses in Fontainebleau, Singapore and Abu Dhabi, as well
as strategic alliances in the USA and China, INSEAD offers a unique, truly global
management education to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. Our faculty
and students are exceptionally diverse. Our commitment to transcultural insights,
entrepreneurship, and creative problem solving differentiates INSEAD in the marketplace.
Indeed, these strengths enable our extraordinary global community to manage complexity,
reduce uncertainty, and lead innovation anywhere in the world.
In our doctoral programme, we are preparing the next generation of exemplary educators
people who will transform the possibilities of what management can and should be in
a world with fewer borders but greater challenges. At INSEAD, you will learn alongside
the worlds best business minds. Even more, you will gain a profound appreciation for how
to put that knowledge to work in ways that matter most.Each year, over 1,300+ degree
candidates (MBA, EMBA, MFin, EMCC, TIEMBA and PhD) and 12,000+ executives from top
companies trust INSEAD to provide them with the education to thrive in todays challenging
global environment.
We invite you to join them and over 48,000 alumni distributed across 171 countries with 157
nationalities, to see for yourself why INSEAD is truly The Business School for the World.
Ilian Mihov
Professor of Economics
Novartis Chaired Professor of
Management and Environment
INSEAD PhD in Management 05
06 INSEAD PhD in Management
INSEAD PhD in Management 07
Thought leadership
Influential scholarship
INSEADs unusual 50-year history is The life of a professor is remarkably social
distinguished by its entrepreneurial nature as well. As a PhD student, you will spend
and its international diversity. It was founded some solitary time struggling (or making
by faculty from different parts of the world brilliant progress) in your office or at your
who wanted to do something different - they kitchen table alone, as in the stereotype of
took a US style academic model and infused it the doctoral student. However, few papers are
with international faculty and students, giving written without co-authors and the sharing of
all programmes a uniquely global focus not ideaswhether in joint projects, in seminars
connected to one particular nationality or at universities, in the exchanges that arise in
perspective. An innovative institution that teaching, in conferences at far-flung places,
began as a European business school has now or in lunch and corridor conversations with
become The Business School for the World, colleaguesthese are a critical and day-to-day
largely due to its entrepreneurial DNA. There is part of the process for creating knowledge.
no other business school quite like it.
At INSEAD, you benefit from our
So today INSEAD trains many of tomorrows entrepreneurial intellectualism and from
leading entrepreneurs, and this includes our the interaction with a culturally diverse and
PhD candidates who go on to academic careers. academically distinguished set of faculty, who
They are the brightest and most creative minds do not merely come from different countries but
who aspire to become innovative researchers who have chosen to live their lives as citizens
through INSEAD. For over 25 years, we have of the world. The students and professors at
been remarkably successful and remain INSEAD that you meet and learn from and share
committed in launching their academic ideas with will form the core of the intellectual
careers in top business schools worldwide. network you will develop, and that will develop
you in your professional life.
Why become an academic? Being a professor
in a research institution is an exceptionally I hope to welcome you to INSEAD and to our
entrepreneurial activity. You get an office premier doctoral degree, as the start of a
and other resources and are told to create lifetime academic career.
knowledge that will be interesting and have
impactwhatever you like. Every now and
then, your colleagues and other peers check
in to ask: So, what interesting and innovative
things have you done? The answer to this Timothy Van Zandt
will determine your success (or failure!) Dean of Faculty & Research
in the profession. Professor of Economics
Shell Fellow of Economic Transformation
08 INSEAD PhD in Management
We have been remarkably successful, given our strong placement record and our
graduates research achievements for over 25 years, and we aspire to do even better.
I invite you to join us in this enterprise.
Phanish Puranam
Academic Director, PhD Programme
Professor of Strategy
The Roland Berger Chaired Professor of Strategy
and Organisation Design
10 INSEAD PhD in Management
INSEAD PhD in Management 11
A career in
business academia
PhD advantage
Business needs
This much is
well known.
But it also
needs thought
Close relationships with world All this and full financial support
experts As well as moral and intellectual support,
Perhaps most important of all, the relationships INSEAD offers generous funding. Almost all
with our faculty are close too. INSEAD PhD students benefit from our scholarships and
professors are the world experts in their fields, living allowances, which come with very few
yet their strong ethos of support, collaboration strings attached except our high expectations
and mentorship is distinctive. of our students.
Simone Marinesi (Italy), Assistant Professor of Operations and Information Management, The Wharton School, USA
PhD in Technology and Operations Management, INSEAD (2014)
Background: BS and MS Industrial Engineering, Universit di Bologna, Italy
INSEAD PhD in Management 15
First two years to lay the foundation Next, two (or three) years to become
As a successful applicant, you are not only one of the leading experts in your field
offered a broad choice of specialist areas Upon admission to candidacy, you now work
in the four to five years full-time programme with your faculty advisor to define your
(Accounting, Decision Sciences, dissertation topic and pursue truly independent
Entrepreneurship, Finance, Marketing, research. By the end of your third year at
Organisational Behaviour, Strategy, and INSEAD, you should have your proposal
Technology and Operations Management). approved and be well on course to complete
You can also choose whether to begin the your dissertation in the next year or two,
programme in France or in Singapore. Both if needed.
campuses offer almost identical opportunities.
These are the first of many choices to come. Added inspiration comes from regular seminars
led by resident and visiting faculty and
The first two years teach the fundamentals of attended exclusively by professors, research
business in interdisciplinary classes, with the staff and PhD students. There is a strong
addition of specialist courses in your subject interdisciplinary tradition at INSEAD, which
and further specialisation, again according to stimulates an extra level of research creativity.
choice. You will also receive intensive training
in research methodologies, culminating in the By the time you attend the graduation ceremony
production of a formal research paper. in June, you should already have made your
final INSEAD choice, that is, which other
During the early years, you are encouraged leading institution anywhere in the world is
to spend one eight-week period on the other going to be best for the next phase of your
INSEAD campus. You can also decide to switch academic career.
campuses permanently. If you decide to stay
put, you will certainly attend some video-
conferenced classes, held simultaneously and
seamlessly on two continents.
INSEAD PhD in Management 17
Academia versus the real world? There is an enormous amount of time and effort in my
no versus. Our research should result in a academic development, much more than my
better understanding of how to do business. I previous mentors could afford. Nevertheless,
am looking forward to achieving this through I was the one responsible for my progress
teaching and research. There is no greater there is no direct, day-to-day supervisor, as
satisfaction than seeing students successfully you would find in a more conventional
apply the ideas that you taught them, though I business career.
am also hoping that my research on investment
behaviour in CEO election cycles will result in At INSEAD, we are well connected to the
better governance. In this way, my current work finance community. Paris, Singapore, London,
is not much different from my previous job as a Frankfurt and Zurich host a vast pool of
strategy consultant only that my results apply financial professionals to discuss ideas and
in general rather than to the particular firm that recent deals. The INSEAD PhD in Management
hired me. provides financial support for conferences and
other educational pursuits. Many of us visit
Of course, my methods of working changed other universities I spent a summer at the
along with my career. My research projects are University of Chicago with some challenges to
much more detailed and take years rather than my own view of market efficiency.
weeks. My advisor, Theo Vermaelen, invested
18 INSEAD PhD in Management
During my masters, I realised how attractive I admit it was a challenge to change direction.
the academic lifestyle was. It was not just That first year was crazy! I learnt a huge
the freedom to organise my own time that amount, but sometimes it is an advantage to be
appealed, but also the freedom to think. It is so new to a field and to have no preconceptions.
much more rewarding to research ideas that It also helped to have the mentorship of senior
you have developed yourself. students who had already been through it all.
Although I loved maths, I was also fascinated There is a real interdisciplinary PhD community
by people. Technology and Operations at INSEAD. I could have over 70 smart people
Management seemed the perfect way of from all over the world and all backgrounds to
combining both interests and INSEAD clearly talk to about my research, my thoughts and my
had one of the best departments in the world. life. I could not ask for a better support network.
It turned out to be even better than I would
imagined once I got here.
INSEAD PhD in Management 19
Research potential.
Intellectual capacity.
Commitment to academia.
Creativity. Motivation. Drive.
Our standards are high, but extremely broad. What does that mean in practice? You might
Diversity is what INSEAD is about, after all. But be a fresh graduate in a business-related
there is one thing that all successful applicants discipline, or you might have developed an
have in common - and that is the desire to interest in business research through a masters
pursue a successful career in academia. or a few years of work experience. However,
some of our best students have come straight
Apart from that essential requirement, we from degrees in mathematics, IT, science or
are, first of all, seeking people with a proven even the arts, but with a strong interest in
academic record, whatever their subject business as a future field of academic study.
background. Second, we are looking for the
creativity and independent thought necessary If this sounds like a good fit for you, read on
to become a great researcher. Third, the ability to get more details about the choices on offer,
to work in the English language is a necessity. to find out how to apply for them and, most
Fourth, we require evidence of motivation and importantly, to hear from the people who have
drive, which are prerequisites for successful already benefited from this unique INSEAD PhD
independent research. in Management.
Alumni network
An outstanding placement record. Americas
Unparalleled career trajectory. Wharton, Harvard, Stanford, Kellogg, MIT
From its very beginning, the INSEAD PhD in Sloan, Chicago Booth, U. of California Berkeley,
Management has achieved a very impressive Michigan Ross, NYU Stern, U. of Illinois at
placement record. Today, its graduates can Urbana-Champaign, Carnegie Mellon, Yale,
be found throughout the world, teaching and Boston U., UCLA, Georgia Tech, Emory, McGill
researching at the best business schools and U., U. of Western Ontario, etc.
universities worldwide, and have tremendous
success advancing their academic career.
Over the years, PhD graduates have been
ambassadors for INSEAD and have positively
played a key role in ensuring its reputation
as one of the worlds best graduate business
PhD alumni
Find out more about our impressive placement record at
INSEAD PhD in Management 21
Europe Asia
London Business School, London School of HKUST, CEIBS, CKGSB, National University of
Economics, Oxford University, Imperial College Singapore, Nanyang Technological University,
of London, HEC, ESSEC (France), IE Madrid, Singapore Management University, IIMB
IESE, ESMT Berlin, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, (Bangalore), Seoul National U., Keio U., Kobe U.,
Rotterdam U., Tilburg U., Ko niversitesi, U. of Technology Sydney, U. of New South Wales,
etc. Sydney, Yonsei U., etc.
I had never really been anywhere east of my made it possible to do part of my doctoral
home country, Turkey, so the time I spent in research there. As I graduate from the PhD
Singapore as part of my INSEAD PhD was an Programme and move on to work as an
eye-opening experience. I heard about how Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, I know
Asia was the worlds rising economic power, I have received the best doctoral education for
but I saw it for myself at the HarbourFront area developing a global vision as a scholar.
in Singapore, which is a key cargo transit point
for trade between the whole continent and the I would encourage all PhD applicants to
rest of the world. The volume of cargo waiting to consider stepping outside their comfort zone
be shipped to Europe, America and Africa was and to do part of their doctoral work in a
simply mind-boggling. different country: it is very stimulating for the
mind. And, of course, if you choose to study at
Half of our world lives in Asia, and I became INSEAD it is also very easy to achieve!
familiar with this continent only after INSEAD
INSEAD PhD in Management 23
Before INSEAD, my trajectory was very French. big believer that the most innovative people are
I was destined to spend my career in the French those who have been embedded in different
university system, but INSEAD opened the door cultures. That is why I am here in the U.S. today.
to a new world for me. It felt like a wonderful You have to practise some of the theories you
international bubble but in my own country teach!
and my dissertation was on the British National
Health Service. Quite simply, there is no other There is no doubt that INSEAD has an amazing
school that is as diverse. track record in placing its PhD graduates, and
I am collaborating on research with several of
Why is that so important? Well, it is a source them. If there is one thing that I have recently
of richness, particularly in the classroom. You come to appreciate about INSEAD, it is the
get exposed to so many different approaches, strong intellectual and social network that the
ideas and perspectives from professors and school has given me.
colleagues alike. It helps in research, too. I am a
24 INSEAD PhD in Management
INSEAD PhD in Management 25
740 27
Average Age
Average GMAT Score
Average GRE Score
Nationalities 60%
Nationality Chart
Total PhD
2 2 2 2 2
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26 INSEAD PhD in Management
Areas of specialisation
1 Accounting 5 Marketing
2 Decision Sciences 6 Organisational Behaviour
3 Entrepreneurship 7 Strategy
4 Finance 8 Technology & Operations Management
Areas of specialisation
Entrepreneurship has of areas, together with close Southern California, Michigan
previously been a sub-field supervision. Ross and Purdue University
of Organisational Behaviour in the US, McGill University
and Strategy areas. Given INSEAD provides an in Canada; and Singapore
EFE areas approach to outstanding environment for Management University and
research, students will receive finance scholarship given the Nanyang Business School
training in the foundation schools traditionally strong in Asia. This confirms the
of organisation theory and position in management reputation of an innovative
strategy, core knowledge disciplines and its exceptional research group with a strong
of entrepreneurship and commitment to intellectual track record of developing
research methodology, so that diversity. promising young scholars.
they have the essential tools
to conduct rigorous research. Research interests of
Candidates can come from applicants could be either 5 Marketing
a wide range of academic theoretical or empirical, and The Marketing (MKT) group
background in science and include (but are not limited has an exceptional reputation.
management, and prior to) asset pricing, international With more than 20 resident
research experience is helpful. finance, asset management, faculty members, the group is
corporate finance, household among the most diverse and
In addition to receiving finance, behavioural finance dynamic in the world. Looking
classroom instruction and and corporate governance. at publications in the top
discussion, students will work marketing journals (Journal of
closely with faculty members Marketing Research, Journal of
who engage in the frontier Consumer Research, Marketing
of research in diverse areas. Science, Journal of Marketing
This will allow students to lay and Management Science) over
a solid foundation for their the last 10 years, INSEAD is
research and to identify and #11 in the world.
build promising research
agendas. INSEAD provides an
outstanding environment
Like all other areas, the EFE for marketing scholarship
area aims to develop first- and intellectual diversity.
class academics at top-tiered The FIN area has successfully The highly diverse and
universities and business placed PhD graduates in a research-active faculty, and
schools. variety of excellent, research- the behavioural lab in Paris
oriented schools, including: provide the intellectual
4 Finance London School of Economics, environment, support and
ESSEC (France), HEC Tilburg synergy, as well as the
The Finance (FIN) group University, the University of infrastructure, necessary to
at INSEAD has a strong Amsterdam in Europe; MIT obtain a PhD and become a
reputation as a world leader Sloan, Chicago Booth, Yale distinguished scholar in the
in its field. A diverse group University, Georgia Institute field.
of faculty members offers of Technology, University of
expertise in a wide variety North Carolina, University of
INSEAD PhD in Management 29
Areas of specialisation
Over the years, top research- Interdisciplinary research is
oriented schools worldwide also encouraged and there
have welcomed PhD graduates are frequent joint research
from STR area, namely: projects with other areas,
Wharton, NYU Stern, LBS, including Marketing, Decision
HEC Paris, and IESE Business Sciences, Strategy, Finance,
School, among others. and Organisational Behaviour.
The group is strong in multiple
8 Technology and research methods, including
Operations mathematical modeling,
Management econometrics and surveys,
multiple case studies, and
The Technology and
experiments with human
Operations Management
(TOM) group at INSEAD has
a very strong reputation
worldwide, and its PhD
Programme boasts 100%
academic placement over its
entire history. With 20 resident
faculty across France and
Singapore, the group is at the
forefront in innovation, supply
chain management, healthcare
and socially responsible
operations management. The
group includes editors at
The TOM area has a
leading academic journals
formidable record over
including Management
the years in placing PhD
Science, Operations Research,
graduates at a variety of
M&SOM and POMS, and it
top schools, including
is consistently at the top of
Wharton, London Business
the research productivity
School, Chicago Booth,
Kellogg Graduate School
of Management, Carnegie
Potential research interests
Mellon, UCLA, Georgia
of applicants include (but are
Institute of Technology, Purdue
not limited to) supply chain
University, University of
management, innovation,
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
behavioural operations,
Vanderbilt University, HEC,
disaster and humanitarian
HKUST, National University
logistics, health care
of Singapore, and Singapore
operations, product take-back
Management University,
and sustainable production,
among others.
and service operations.
INSEAD PhD in Management 31
32 INSEAD PhD in Management
Programme structure
We will not deny that it is very hard work indeed, but the INSEAD PhD in Management could
represent four or five of the most fulfilling years of your life.
Years 1 and 2
The first two years consist primarily of course is largely devoted to research and study. All
work, distinguished by an inter-disciplinary instruction is in English.
approach and an early emphasis on in-depth
training in the basic disciplines underlying The core curriculum is composed of a set of
management (such as economics, behavioural four required core courses that are common
sciences, research methodology,etc.). to all fields of specialisation. In addition to
the core course requirements, each field of
Many classes are video-conferenced between specialisation lists a set of requirements, which
campuses for a unique two-continent must be met by students to qualify in that field.
educational experience. Some courses assign Refer to the PhD website for the complete list:
projects or assignments to be completed
during the course, others conclude with an programme_structure/
examination or project work.
In very exceptional circumstances, candidates
The year is divided into five teaching periods of may be exempt from certain courses in which
eight weeks (7.5 weeks of course work followed they can demonstrate extensive knowledge.
by an examination period), allowing ample time Alternative work is usually proposed in such
for reading and reflection. The summer period cases.
INSEAD PhD in Management 33
Programme structure
Years 3 and 4 (sometimes 5)
Submission and defense of the Committee. If the quality of the dissertation
dissertation is deemed acceptable, the PhD Committee
makes a final recommendation to the Academic
The dissertation is the culmination of doctoral Director to award the degree. It is a necessarily
study. It is intended to represent independent rigorous and demanding process in keeping
and original research work of a publishable with the reputation of the INSEAD PhD in
standard. Students are expected to complete Management.
and submit it during their fourth or fifth year.
Award of the PhD degree
Permission to defend the dissertation must first
Following the recommendation of the PhD
be granted by the Dissertation Committee.
Committee, the Academic Director grants the
Following the oral defense, which is open
degree on behalf of the entire INSEAD faculty.
to all INSEAD faculty and PhD students, the
The degree is awarded by INSEAD, under
Dissertation Committee will meet again to
its own name and responsibility, at an end-of
determine whether any revisions are required.
year ceremony. It is an occasion for successful
Once these have been implemented, the
graduates to celebrate with friends, family,
Dissertation Committee will grant their full
faculty and colleagues, before moving on to an
approval via a written report to the PhD
exciting new career.
Performance reviews
Performance reviews are carried out by the PhD
Committee, consisting of INSEAD faculty, at the
end of each year. The purpose is to determine
whether sufficient progress is being made and
to give constructive feedback.
INSEAD PhD in Management 35
Whenever I
get stuck in my
research, I go
to the forest in
to climb, and then
I get unstuck.
Tomasz Obloj (Poland)
Assistant Professor of Strategy
HEC Paris, France
Background: MS Management Studies,
Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
PhD in Strategy, INSEAD (2011)
36 INSEAD PhD in Management
Campus exchanges
Transferring between INSEAD locations The INSEAD-Wharton Alliance
Dual Campuses: Fontainebleau and Singapore INSEADs alliance with The Wharton School
As students progress through the programme, is part of a major strategic partnership
campus choice is generally guided by the between the two schools. Exchanges and
location of faculty members or research visits of doctoral students are major pillars of
projects. Both campuses offer exactly the this long-standing relationship. Each school
same opportunities and the programme is offers complementary centres of expertise
fully integrated across the two sites. It really and campus locations for a compelling global
is one school, one programme - but with two network that no other school can offer, whereby
campuses. Indeed, most faculty and PhD PhD students registered largely benefit from
students tend to spend time in both places, but the collaborative relationship and exchange
at the beginning, choosing a base is usually a across two schools. Some financial aid may
matter of personal preference. be available through the Alliance Centre for
During the first two years of the programme, Global Research and Development.
most students will spend some time on the
INSEAD campus that is not their original base. Exchanges with and visits to other
Although there are set times and restrictions to institutions
campus exchanges, INSEAD feels that exposure INSEAD may enter exchange programmes with
to both campuses is an important component other academic institutions, allowing students
of learning and training. Once the dissertation to attend certain courses there or to carry out
phase is reached, approach to campus choice is research. This is subject to the approval of the
quite flexible. Many students choose to spend Academic Director. In such cases, tuition fees
longer or shorter periods of time on the other and living expenses are generally covered by
campus, depending on the location of key the home institution.
faculty members or their own personal interests
and commitments. Permanent exchanges are Visits to other institutions may also be approved
also possible, subject to the approval by the for specific periods to enable students to
Academic Director. undergo specific training in topics for where
PhD students also have the opportunity to there are relevant experts outside INSEAD.
spend time at Abu Dhabi campus, if there is a
benefit to their research.
I wanted to get a PhD at a top school and weekend or during breaks, which otherwise
I wanted to see the world, so coming to would have been once in a lifetime destinations.
INSEAD looked like a way to hit two birds
with one stone. I decided to apply right after I am particularly grateful for the campus
undergraduate because I wanted to learn how exchanges and the INSEAD-Wharton Alliance,
to conduct research and become a professor. which have already enabled me to spend over
I approached the PhD Programme like it was six months each in Fontainebleau, Singapore
my first full-time job, although it is more like an and Philadelphia. It has also been easy to take
intense and rigorous apprenticeship. elective classes across departments. If a class
does not exist, which fits our research interests,
INSEAD has exceeded my expectations. It has it is easy to create a reading and discussion
given me the opportunity to do research I am class with a faculty member for credit. The
passionate about with brilliant, supportive and school also provides funding to conduct
renowned faculty mentors. I have colleagues research and fly around the world to attend
in the PhD Programme from dozens of different conferences. The programme provides a lot of
countries who continuously inspire me with flexibility and support to help us achieve our
their intelligence, generosity and earnestness. goals.
I also travelled regularly to countries for the
38 INSEAD PhD in Management
Research support
Seminars and workshops The ISSRC provides the infrastructure to
do world-class behavioural research in
Faculty seminars and workshop series are an
organisational behaviour, consumer behaviour,
integral part of the INSEAD research culture.
decision sciences, experimental economics,
These are conducted all throughout a typical
and behavioural finance. It is a tremendous
academic year and doctoral students are
resource, which has set a benchmark for other
expected to take an active part in these
business schools.
activities at the earliest opportunity.
INSEADs policy is to admit the most promising Test requirements
candidates, irrespective of nationality, race,
All applicants are required to take either the
religion, sex or background. Candidates must
Graduate Record Examination General Test
hold a university degree from an accredited
(GRE), administered by the Educational Testing
academic institution and have a working oral
Service (ETS); or the Graduate Management
and written knowledge of English.
Admission Test (GMAT), administered by
Pearson VUE. Both tests may be taken at various
Above all, candidates need to possess both the
locations around the world. Applicants are
ability to engage in high-quality research and
strongly encouraged to take one of these tests
the commitment to an academic career at an
in the fall, at the latest. It is best to allow ample
international level. Candidates are assessed
time for ETS or Pearson VUE to send test scores
on the basis of outstanding intellectual
to INSEAD. Applications cannot be considered
ability, motivation, faculty recommendations
without a valid test score.
and personal characteristics required of an
international academic career. Fewer
The INSEAD PhD in Management is
than 5% of the application pool are admitted
taught exclusively in English and is highly
each year.
participatory, requiring well-developed written
There is no particular requirement concerning and verbal skills. Applicants whose native
fields of study at the undergraduate level, but language is not English are required to take the
standard postgraduate entry tests are used Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL),
to assess general ability and, if necessary, unless their university degree is from an
the level of English. Candidates with a weak institution where the curriculum was exclusively
mathematical background will be encouraged taught in English. The TOEFL is administered by
to undertake remedial studies before entering ETS and is offered at specified locations around
the programme. the world.
Tests Required Centre Codes of INSEAD PhD Validity of scores Can be waived?
For further information about the required tests, visit the respective test administrators websites.
40 INSEAD PhD in Management
Application procedure
Applications are fully electronic and will open
in early Fall, a year preceding the intake; and
the deadline for submission of applications and
documents is in early December.
The application process is fully electronic. During application, all supporting documents are
submitted in electronic format (PDFs, etc). Only upon acceptance that original and official
documents are required for submission prior to the start of the programme.
Start of Admissions
Early Fall
Submission Deadline
Early December
Admissions Decisions
Late March / Early April
of the following year
2 Initial
6 Final Selection
Decision Approximately
3-4 Months
from submission
deadline to final
5 Admissions
Committee 3 Shortlist
4 Interviews
Financial information
In practice, it is rare for students to fund
tuition from their own resources. All successful
applicants are eligible for INSEAD Fellowship
- full tuition fee waiver, generous living
allowance, substantial research support and
health insurance for up to five years. This
means that students do not have to bear the
financial burdens typically associated with
postgraduate study.
Donors and
corporate sponsors
INSEAD gratefully acknowledges the support of corporate sponsors,
individual donors and external institutions, which have provided fellowships
and endowments for doctoral study at INSEAD over the past 25 years.
Information about giving to INSEAD is available on the schools website -
INSEAD 2015 - 2017 Design: Method Media Pte Ltd