Fig. 10-8 Fig. 10-10: Pipe End As A Pipe Cutter Leaves It

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Pipe end as a pipe cutter

leaves it.

Fig. 10-10 Remove the burr on the inside of the pipe with the
Pipe end as is wanted deburring tool shown below. Then clean with the wire brushes.
for soldering or brazing. Fig. 10-8 For tubing such
Location: UA Local 400 Edward R. Bohnart, Photographer
as copper type B tubing that
Fig. 10-7 The top sketch has walls made to close
tolerances, a plug-type tool shot-blasting, mechanical sanding or grinding, filing, hand
shows, with some exaggera-
tion, why using a pipe cutter is very effective in getting the sanding (Fig. 10-9), cleaning with stainless-steel wool, wire
makes extra work in preparing outside diameter to size, true, brushing (Fig. 10-10), and scraping with a knife or shave
ends for soldering or brazing and round. hook. Sandcloth is the most widely used method of me-
such as removing the burr. chanical cleaning for copper, brass, and the softer metals.
The end of the tube should be cleaned for a distance
Precleaning and Surface Preparation Care in cleaning only slightly more than that required for the full insertion
the surface of the material to be soldered is essential. A of the tube into the cup of the fitting. The cup of the fit-
dirty surface impairs the wetting and alloying action be- ting should also be cleaned. Cleaning beyond these areas
cause it prevents the solder from flowing as a thin film. wastes filler metal and may permit the solder to flow be-
All foreign materials such as oil, paint, pencil markings, yond the desired areas. Excessive cleaning may reduce
lubricants, general atmospheric dirt, and oxide films must the outer diameter of the tubing, and thus cause clearance
be removed before soldering. The strength and adherence problems. If the tubing is very dirty, it may require both
of the solder is a function of the surface contact area of mechanical and chemical cleaning.
the solder to the base metal. Contact may be improved by
Chemical Cleaning Chemical cleaning is usually done for
roughening the surface of the base metal.
production operations. Either solvent or alkaline degreas-
Two methods of surface cleaning are employed: me-
ing is recommended. The vapor condensation type solvents
chanical and chemical. The mechanical method is more
probably leave the least residual film on the surface. Be-
widely used in soldering and brazing of tube or pipe.
cause the equipment required for this process is expensive,
Mechanical Cleaning Severalmethods of cleaning may be dipping the tube ends into a liquid solvent or in detergent
used, depending on the nature of the job and the avail- solutions are suitable alternate procedures.
ability of the equipment. These methods include grit- or Acid cleaning, also called pickling, removes rust, scale,
oxides, and sulfides. The inorganic acidshydrochloric,
sulfuric, phosphoric, nitric, and hydrofluoricare used sin-
gly or mixed. Hydrochloric and sulfuric acid are the most
frequently used. The tubing should be thoroughly washed
in hot water after pickling and dried as quickly as possible.

Practice Jobs: Soldering

Instructions for Completing Practice Job 10-J50
The following procedure will serve as a guide in soldering
Fig. 10-9 (A) Use abrasives to get scale and dirt off the end of practice. Use copper tubing with diameters of to 1 inch and
the pipe. (B) Clean out the cup and chamfer of each fitting outlet copper fittings to match the tube diameters. Select a good
with abrasives. grade of 5050 and/or 955 solder. Heat may be applied by

Soldering and Brazing Principles and Practice: Jobs 10-J50J51 Chapter 10257
4. Assemble the joint by
inserting the tube into
Square Cut the fitting. Make sure
that the tube is hard up Blue Flame

No Burr Inside
against the stop of the Green Feather
No Burr
socket. A small twist
Outside helps to spread the flux Fig. 10-13 Add enough
over the two surfaces. acetylene to the mixture
Clean End The joint is now ready to produce a slight green
feather on the blue cone.
Correct Diameter for soldering. The joint This is a reducing flame.
1 may be held in position
No Out-of-Roundness
in a vise. Frequently, a large number of joints are
Clean for about One Inch cleaned, fluxed, and assembled before soldering. Do
not let the assembling get more than two or three
Fig. 10-11 This sketch is a checklist of the requirements for a hours ahead of the soldering, and never leave pre-
pipe that has been cleaned and sized for soldering. pared joints unfinished overnight.
5. Adjust the flame as shown in Fig. 10-13. Play the
flame on the fitting. Keep it moving so as to heat as
a gas-air torch or a blowtorch;
large an area as possible, Fig 10-14. Do not point the
the gas-air torch is preferred.
flame into the socket. When the metal is hot enough,
Practice in all positions.
move the flame away.
1. Cut the tubing into 6. When the joint is the correct temperature, touch
12-inch lengths that the end of the solder wire to the joint. If the joint
can be recut for each has been made properly, a ring of solder will be
new joint. (Review the observed almost instantly all the way around the
information on cutting.) A joint. Opinions differ as to whether a fillet is desir-
2. Remove the burrs and able. Never apply the flame directly on the solder. It
straighten up the ends should melt on contact with the surface of the base
of the tubing. Clean metal and be drawn into the joint by the natural
the surface thoroughly. force of capillary attraction, regardless of whether
(Review the informa- the solder is being fed upward, downward, or side-
tion previously given ways. If the solder does not melt, remove the solder
for these operations.) and apply more heat. Then apply the solder again.
Figure 10-11 illustrates Avoid overheating, which may burn the flux and de-
properly prepared stroy its effectiveness. If the flux has been burned,
tubing. the solder will not enter the joint, and the joint must
3. Flux the tube and fitting
surfaces as soon as pos-
sible after cleaning. The
preferred flux is one Apply Alloy
that is mildly corrosive
/ to 1
1 2
and contains zinc and
ammonium chlorides Fitting
in a petrolatum base. C
Because the chemicals
have a tendency to settle Fig. 10-12 Brush flux on
from long standing, stir the end of the pipe as soon as Fitting
the paste thoroughly you have cleaned it. Flux all
the cups on a fitting as soon A B
when you open a new
as they are clean. Brush more
can. Use solder flux flux around the joint after Fig. 10-14 (A) Heat the pipe near the fitting all around its circum-
brushes to apply the you have fitted the two parts ference. (B) After the pipe is warmed up, shift the heat to the fitting.
flux evenly, Fig. 10-12. together. Keep the flame pointed toward the pipe.

258Chapter 10Soldering and Brazing Principles and Practice: Jobs 10-J50J51

be opened, recleaned,
and refluxed. Overheat-
ing of cast fittings may
also cause the fittings
to crack.
7. While the joint is still
hot, remove surplus
solder and flux with a
rag or brush, Fig. 10-15.
This improves the
appearance of the as-
sembly and r emoves
any chance of continued Fig. 10-16 Cut the fitting and tube along the center line.
corrosive action by the
surplus flux. Fig. 10-15 Use water and
8. Allow the joint to cool a stiff brush to remove excess Unsoldered areas:
naturally for some time flux after completing a joint. Fittings are de-
before applying water, signed to allow
particularly if cast fittings are used. Too rapid cool- an ample safety
ing has been known to crack cast fittings. factor in the joint
9. Practice these joints in all positions until you can and permit a bare
make joints with relative ease and have mastered the spot or two if
control of heat and the flow of solder. You are now they do not cause
ready for a check test. leaks. Bare spots
running circum-
Check Tests ferentially may
You will perform two kinds of tests to check the sound- not leak, but they
ness of your soldered joints: surface inspection and a weaken the joint.
water pressure test. A bare spot of the
same size running
Surface Inspection: lengthwise may Fig. 10-17 Separate the tube
1. Select a 1-inch T-connection and solder a length of leak. Unsoldered from the fitting. American Welding
tubing about 12inches long into each opening of the areas may be the Society
connection. Following the procedure as outlined, result of improper
complete the solder joints. Solder the three cups of fluxing and heating or improper cleaning, if the surface
the fitting in different positions: horizontal, vertical, does not have the glassy appearance of dried flux. If the
and overhead. unsoldered area is covered with flux, it is caused by a
2. After the joints have cooled and the excess flux has flux inclusion.
been cleaned off, cut the tubing at each end. Leave Flux inclusions: A flux inclusion indicates that the
about 1 inch of tubing sticking out. Cut the three flux had no chance to flow ahead of the solder. It may
joints lengthwise along the center line with a hack- be caused by feeding the solder into the joint improp-
saw, Fig. 10-16. erly. On small tubing, the solder should be fed at one
3. Place the half tube and fitting in a vise, with the point. Shiny areas indicate that although the metal is
tube end down and the face of the fitting cup flush tinned on both surfaces, there is a flux inclusion be-
against the jaws of the vise. Tighten the vise until tween them. This is as serious as though there were no
the tube end is flattened. Pull the pipe away from solder at all on these areas. The cause may be that the
the fitting, Fig. 10-17. fitting was too loose on the tube.
4. Inspect the soldered surfaces of the tubing and the
fitting. A perfect joint will have the entire cup area Water Pressure Test:
of the fitting completely covered with solder, which 1. Make up a closed-line assembly composed of joints
will have a grayish appearance. Defects include un- made in all positions. Solder the connections with both
soldered areas and flux inclusions. the silver alloys and the copper-phosphorus alloys.

Soldering and Brazing Principles and Practice: Jobs 10-J50J51 Chapter 10259
2. Braze a male-to-female fitting into the line so that you Strong, leaktight brazed connections for copper water
can introduce water under pressure into the tubing. tube may be made with brazing alloys melting at tempera-
Although the line can be tested with air pressure, the tures between 1,100 and 1,500F. These are sometimes re-
water-pressure test detects more leaks. If flux has ferred to as hard solders, a term not universally accepted.
sealed any pinholes on the inside of the assembly, The highest temperature at which a brazing material is
water dissolves it and leaks through. completely solid is the solidus temperature. At the liqui-
3. Pump water into the assembly at line pressure and dus temperature the brazing material is completely melted.
observe for leaks. This may require from several This is the minimum temperature at which brazing will take
hours to a day under test pressure. place. The difference between the solidus and liquidus tem-
peratures is known as the melting range. The melting range
Torch Brazing (TB) may be important in the selection of the brazing material,
particularly as an indication of the rapidity with which the
Brazing is one of the oldest joining processes. It was first alloy will freeze after brazing.
used to join ornamental gold fabrications with gold-silver
and gold-copper-silver alloys as filler metals. At the begin-
ning of the Iron Age, copper-zinc alloys, called spelter, Industrial Applications
were developed for joining iron and steel. These alloys are The brazing process is used in joining copper and other
strong and easily melted. They have a vigorous wetting ac- metals. The process has the following advantages:
tion on clean, fluxed ferrous metals. The early silver solders Brazed joints are stronger than threaded joints because
survive today as silver-base brazing alloys and are of great the pipe or tube is not notched or mutilated. The joints
importance. Silver alloys are used extensively in brazing are as strong as the fittings themselves, Fig. 10-18.
joints in copper tubing. Vibration does not loosen brazed joints. If a system
is damaged, the brazed joint will hold together longer
than the threaded joint.
Brazed joints do not leak. A sound joint will stay pres-
JO B TI P sure- or vacuum-tight throughout its service life.
Corrosion resistance is one of the main requirements
Turning a Job into a Career of the kinds of piping and fittings commonly assem-
In any interview, youre going to be asked bled by brazing. When copper, brass, or copper-nickel
why you want to work there. Of course you need the alloy is used to combat
money, but that isnt your answer. Figure out what you like rust and deterioration, the Smooth Brazed Joint
about that company. What does the company do that in- joining material must re-
terests you? What does the industry mean to you? Let the
company know that you understand what the job requires
sist corrosion too. The sil-
and that youre able to do it. ver alloy filler metal used
for brazing is generally as
resistant to attack as are Thin Walled Tubing
these metals themselves.
Streamlined design, which Brazing Fitting

brazing makes possible,

AB OUT W E L DIN G means that there will be
Threads Notch the Pipe
less pressure drop, reduc-
Sumerians tion of dead weight, less
As early as 3000 b.c., Sumerians clogging, and reduced
were using hard soldering to make swords. tendency to pit or erode
piping near the fittings.
Accurate assemblies can Threaded Pipe
The essential differences between brazing and soldering be made by brazing. Pipe
Threaded Fitting
are the much higher melting temperatures of the brazing filler or tubes can be cut to
metals and the special fluxes used for brazing. Brazing makes exact dimensions, because
Fig. 10-18 Brazed joints
a joint stronger than soft solder, but the higher temperature no guesswork allowance have all the strength of pipe
necessary to melt the brazing filler metal anneals the copper for threading is necessary, because they have no notches
tube in the heat- affected zone. Fig. 10-19. The angle to cause weak spots.

260Chapter 10Soldering and Brazing Principles and Practice: Jobs 10-J50J51

and furnace application. Type 4 is used for torch braz-
ing and dip and furnace brazing. It is highly corrosion
Center to Center
resistant. Type 5 is used for dip and furnace brazing at
Center to C
L temperatures lower than type 2.

C For video of mechanized torch brazing,

L please visit

Cup Depth
Cut Pipe to Copper-Phosphorus Filler Metals (BCuP) We will be con
This Exact Length
cerned with these types of filler metals in the practice course.
They are used primarily for joining copper and copper
Fig. 10-19 You can work to accurate measurements by brazing alloys, but they may also be used for joining other nonfer-
because the cut ends of every piece of pipe are seated against rous metals. With copper, these types of filler metals are
precision-machined shoulders in the fitting. self-fluxing, but fluxes are recommended for other metals
and copper alloys. Type 1 is used for preplacing in joints
and is suited for resistance and furnace brazing. Types 2,
of a fitting on a pipe can be preset. There is never a 3, and 4 are all highly fluid filler metals that are suited for
need for overtightening or slacking off in order to line close clearance. Type 5 is used for joints where the clear-
upparts. ance is less.
Temporary or emergency piping can be assembled
rapidly by brazing. Gold Filler Metals (BAu) Gold alloys are used to join parts
Brazed piping can be taken apart, and all the pieces in electron tube assemblies and for missile components.
can be reused. They are suitable for induction, furnace, and resistance
brazing. They require a flux.
Filler Metals Copper (BCu) and Copper-Zinc (RBCuZn) Filler Metals
Four factors should be considered when selecting a braz- These filler metals are used for joining both ferrous and
ing filler metal: nonferrous metals with boraxboric acid flux. Since cop-
per and copper-zinc alloys are extremely fluid, they re-
1. Compatibility with base metal and joint design
quire close fits. Overheating will cause volatilization of
2. Service requirements for the brazed assembly
the zinc. These filler metals should not be used to join
3. Brazing temperature required
copper alloys or stainless steels because of interior cor-
4. Method of heating
rosion resistance. This group is used for joining ferrous
The American Welding Society lists the following clas- metals, nickel, and copper-nickel alloys.
sifications of brazing filler metals:
Magnesium Filler Metals (BMg) Magnesium alloys are
BAlSialuminum used for joining magnesium with the torch, dip, and fur-
BAgsilver base nace brazing processes.
BAugold base
BCucopper Nickel Filler Metals (BNi) These materials are used when
BCu-Pcopper phosphorus extreme heat and corrosion resistance are required. Typi-
RBCuZncopper zinc cal applications include jet and rocket engines, food and
BMgmagnesium base chemical processing equipment, automobiles, cryogenic
BNinickel base and vacuum equipment, and nuclear reactor components.
The composition and melting ranges of filler metals in Nickel alloys are very strong and may have high or low
these classifications are given in Table 10-4. ductility, depending on the brazing method. The filler
metal is supplied as a powder, paste, or sheet, or it is
Aluminum-Silicon Filler Metals (BAlSi) These are used formed with binder materials into wire and strip.
exclusively for brazing aluminum. They require flux. Type 1 is highly corrosive and cannot be used with thin
Type 2 is used as a cladding and applied with dip and sheets. Type 2 has the lowest melting point and is the least
furnace brazing. Type 3 is a general-purpose metal for dip corrosive of the group. Type 3 is a chromium-free alloy

Soldering and Brazing Principles and Practice: Jobs 10-J50J51 Chapter 10261
Table 10-4 Summary of Brazing Filler Metals

AWS Nominal Composition (%) Brazing

Classification Ag Cu Al Ni Other Range (F) Uses
BAlSi-2 92.5 Si, 7.5 1,1101,150 For joining aluminum alloys and cast alloys.
BAlSi-3 4 86 Si, 10 1,0601,120 All of these filler metals are suitable for
furnace and dip brazing. BAlSi-3 and BAlSi-5
BAlSi-5 90 Si, 10 1,0901,120 are suitable for torch brazing.
BAlSi-6 90 Si, 7.5; Mg, 2.5 1,1251,150 Vacuum brazing filler metals. Magnesium is
BAlSi-8 86.5 Si, 12; Mg, 1.5 1,0801,120 present as an O2 getter.

BAlSi-10 86.5 Si, 11; Mg, 2.5 1,0801,120

BAlSi-11 88.4 Si, 10; Mg, 1.5; 1,0901,120
Bi, 0.1
BCuP-1 95 P, 5 1,4501,700 For joining copper and its alloys with some
BCuP-3 5 89 P, 6 1,3001,500 limited use on silver, tungsten, and
molybdenum. Not for use on ferrous or
BCuP-5 15 80 P, 5 1,3001,500 nickel-base alloys. Are used for cupro-nickels,
BCuP-7 5 88 P, 6.8 1,3001,500 but caution should be exercised when nickel
content is greater than 30 percent. Suitable
for all brazing processes. Lap joints are
recommended but butt joints may be used.

AWS Nominal Composition (%) Brazing

Classification Ag Cu Zn Al Ni Other Range (F) Uses
BAg-1 45 15 16 Cd, 24 1,1451,400 For joining most ferrous and
BAg-2 35 26 21 Cd, 18 1,2951,550 nonferrous metals except
aluminum and magnesium.
BAg-4 40 30 28 2 1,4351,650 These filler materials have
BAg-6 50 34 16 1,4251,600 good brazing properties
and are suitable for
BAg-8 72 28 1,4351,650 placement in the joint or
BAg-13 54 40 5 1 1,5751,775 for manual feeding into
BAg-18 60 30 Sn, 10 1,3251,550 the joint. All methods of
heating may be used. Lap
BAg-20 30 38 32 1,4101,600 joints are generally used;
BAg-22 49 16 23 4.5 Mn, 7.5 1,2901,525 however, butt joints may
be used.
BAg-24 50 20 28 2 1,3051,550
BAg-26 25 38 33 2 Mn, 2 1,4751,600
BAg-28 40 30 28 Sn, 2 1,3101,550

AWS Nominal Composition (%) Brazing

Classification Ni Cu Cr B Si Other Range (F) Uses
BCu-1 100 2,0002,100 For joining various ferrous
and nonferrous metals.
BCu-2 86.5 O, 13.5 2,0002,100
They can also be used
RBCuZn-A 59 Zn, 41 1,6701,750 with various brazing
processes. Avoid
RBCuZn-C 58 0.1 Zn, 40 1,6701,750 overheating the Cu-Zn
Fe, 0.7 alloys. Lap and butt joints
Mn, 0.3 Sn, 1 are commonly used.
RBCuZn-D 10 48 0.2 Zn, 42 1,7201,800
BCuZn-E 50 Zn, 50 1,6101,725
Zn, 46.5
BCuZn-F 50 1,5801,700
Sn, 3.5
BCuZn-G 70 Zn, 30 1,7501,850
BCuZn-H 80 Zn, 20 1,8301,950

262Chapter 10Soldering and Brazing Principles and Practice: Jobs 10-J50J51

Table 10-4(Concluded)

AWS Nominal Composition (%) Brazing

Classification Ni Cu Cr B Si Other Range (F) Uses
BAu-1 63 Au, 37 1,8602,000 For brazing of iron,
nickel, and cobalt-base
BAu-2 20.5 Au, 79.5 1,6351,850
metals where resistance
BAu-4 18.5 Au, 81.5 1,7401,840 to oxidation or corrosion
BAu-6 22 Au, 70 1,9152,050 is required. Low rate of
Pd, 8 interaction with base
metal facilitates use on
thin base metals. Used
with induction, furnace,
or resistance heating in
a reducing atmosphere
or in a vacuum and
with no flux. For other
applications, a borax
boric acid flux is used.
BCo-1 17 8 Cr, 19 2,1002,250 Generally used for high
W, 4 temperature properties
B, 0.8 and compatibility with
C, 0.4 cobalt-base metals.
Co, 59

Source: Engineers Edge, LLC

with a narrow melting range and free-flowing characteris-

tics. Type 4 is similar to type 3. It is used for joints contain-
ing large gaps and for forming large ductile fillets. Type 5 SH OP TA L K
resists oxidation up to 2,000F. It is used for high strength
joints needed in elevated temperature service, as in nuclear Knowledge Required
reactor components. Type 6 is a free-flowing filler metal. To be a prepared welder, you need to have
It produces a minimum amount of corrosion with most an understanding of metallurgy, the AWS standards,
nickel and iron-base metals. Type 7 makes a strong leak- and equipment repair.
proof joint at relatively low temperatures. It is used for thin
wall tube assemblies. Ductility increases with time.
eutectic used for vacuum sealing parts. It is free-flowing,
Silver Filler Metals (BAg) Silver and copper-phosphorus but does not wet well on ferrous metals. Type 8a resembles
filler metals are the materials we are primarily concerned type 8, but the addition of lithium makes it self-fluxing on
with in this practice course. Silver alloys are used for join- ferrous metals and alloys in a dry, protective atmosphere.
ing virtually all ferrous and nonferrous metals, with the Type 13 is a filler metal with a high melting point that is
exception of aluminum, magnesium, and several other used in aircraft and aircraft engine construction. Type 18
metals with low melting points. They are generally free- does not contain cadmium and zinc. It is made of sterling
flowing. Best results are obtained when the clearance be- silver, and lithium is added to promote self-fluxing. It has
tween the tube or pipe and the bore of the fitting is held a low melting point. This alloy is used for brazing stainless
between 0.002 and 0.005 inch. A flux is required. steel for ultra-high-speed aircraft.
Types 1 and 1a are general-purpose metals, which are
free-flowing and have low melting points. Type 2 is suitable Specialized Filler Metals There are also available a num-
for general purposes at higher temperatures. Type 3 is used ber of special-purpose alloy filler metals based on such
for brazing carbide tool tips to shanks and for corrosion- uncommon metals as gold, platinum, and palladium. They
resistant joints in stainless steel. Type 4 is also for carbide are used, for the most part, in brazing vacuum sealed
tip brazing, but at higher temperatures. Types 5 and 6 are components. Soldering and brazing of aircraft engines,
general-purpose metals for higher brazing temperatures. nuclear systems, electronic equipment, pressure vessels,
Type 7 is a cadmium-free filler metal with a low melting biomedical components, and aerospace vehicles have con-
point used for furnace brazing. Type 8 is a silver-copper tinued to push the development of new filler metals.

Soldering and Brazing Principles and Practice: Jobs 10-J50J51 Chapter 10263

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