Exploration On Amino Acid Content and Morphological Structure in Chicken Feather Fiber
Exploration On Amino Acid Content and Morphological Structure in Chicken Feather Fiber
Exploration On Amino Acid Content and Morphological Structure in Chicken Feather Fiber
Kannappan Saravanan
Assistant Professor
Bhaarathi Dhurai, Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Textile Technology
Kumaraguru College of Technology
Coimbatore, India
Converting poultry feather biomass into useful products presents a new avenue of
utilization of agricultural waste material. However, not much is understood about the poultry
feather structure or methods to process it. Fibers from non-traditional textile sources have the
potential to offer novel properties at a reduced cost compared to traditional textile fibers.
Feather constitutes over 90% protein, the main component being beta-keratin, a fibrous and
insoluble structural protein extensively cross linked by disulfide bonds. An attempt has been made
to analyze the amino acid content and the morphological structure of chicken feather fibers for
prospective use as natural protein fibers. The study reveals that the presence of both hydrophobic
and hygroscopic nature of amino acid makes the feather partially hygroscopic in nature. The
presence fat content is about 1.53%. Using the cheap and plentiful feathers as protein fibers will
save the cost and benefit the environment.
Keywords: Chicken feather fiber, Keratin, Structure, Amino acid content, SEM
Serine (16%) is the most abundant amino moisture from the air. Feather fiber is,
acid and the -OH group in each serine therefore, hygroscopic. Chicken feather
residue helps chicken feathers to absorb the
The presence of amino acids in the chicken The human hair contains -helical
feather fiber which is hydrophobic in nature polypeptide feather keratin can contain both
contributes to a percentage of about 22%, -helical and -sheet conformations.
therefore, hydrophobic. Hence, the chicken Chicken feather fiber primarily consists of
feather fiber posses both Hydrophobic and -helical conformations, and some -sheet
Hygroscopic character and approximately conformations are present [Naresh et al
the ratio will be 60:40 percentages. 1991]. Chicken feather outer quill consists
almost entirely of -sheet conformations,
The estimated value of total Fat content in and few -helical conformations are present
Chicken Feather is 1.53% [Schmidt, W.F. et al 2003]. Hard -sheet
Feather keratins are composed of about 20 keratins have a much higher cystine content
kinds of proteins, which differ only by a few than soft -helix keratins and thus a much
amino acids. The distribution of amino acids greater presence of disulfide (S-S) chemical
is highly non-uniform, with the basic and bonds which link adjacent keratin proteins
acidic residues and the cystine residues (Fig 3). These strong covalent bonds
concentrated in the N- and C-terminal stabilize the three-dimensional protein
regions. The central portion is rich in structure and are very difficult to break
hydrophobic residues and has a crystalline [Alberts, B, 1994].
-sheet conformation.
The authors would like to thank the
management of Kumaraguru College of
Technology, Coimbatore, for funding to
carry out this work.
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