FMEA - Diesel Generator
FMEA - Diesel Generator
FMEA - Diesel Generator
June 1996
Dr. Tae Woon Kim
Dr. Brijendra Singh
Mr. Tae Yong Sung
Mr. Jin Hee Park
Mr. Yoon Hwan Lee
June 1996
Dr. Tae Woon Kim
Dr. Brijendra Singh
Mr. Tae Yong Sung
Mr. Jin Hee Park
Mr. Yoon Hwan Lee
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-Y-^^^l tfl^V FMECA ^ 4 1 - ^ J L ^ O ^ . A1B^
l ^ FMECA S f-
I. Introduction - 1
II. FMECA Methodology 3
1. Selection of Critical Components 3
2. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis -- - 4
3. Classification of Criticality 4
4. Failure Probability of Components 5
III. FMECA on Diesel Generator Subsystems 6
1. Air start subsystem 6
2. Lube oil subsystem 8
3. Jacket water cooling subsystem 11
4. Governor subsystem 13
5. Fuel subsystem 14
6. Engine subsystem 15
IV. Conclusion 16
V. References 17
I: List of Components of SDGs at Wolsong Unit 1 19
II: Current Preventive Maintenence Tasks of SDGs 21
III: Failure History of SDGs of Wolsong Unit 1 - 23
List of Tables
I. Introduction
The emergency or standby diesel generators in nuclear power plants
take a very important role in point of view of risk. If off-site AC
power source is not available in accident situations in nuclear power
plant, then on-site emergency AC power source i.e. diesel generators
should be available to actuate safety equipments such as pumps and
valves to cool down reactors. Therefore, high reliability is required
for the diesel generators.
Starting air, (2) Lub oil, (3) Governor, (4) Jacket water cooling, (5)
Fuel, and (6) Engine subsystems. Generic and plant-specific failure
and maintenance records are reviewed to identify critical
components/ failure modes. FMECA are performed for these critical
component/ failure modes.
Yes No
Impact on Safety ?
Yes No
Impact on Generation ?
The final step in the FMEA is to classify the component failure mode
as critical or non-critical. A critical component failure mode causes
the loss of function, it affects on plant safety or operation. If the
effects do not call for a critical classification, other factors to consider
include a high probability of failure and a large amount of corrective
maintenance. These factors, by themselves, do not make a failure
mode critical. Based on the operating experience for each part from
historical data, dominant failure modes are determined.
Critical components are subdivided into individual parts and each part
is treated as a separate component, since surveillance tests and
maintenance activities may only affect given parts instead of the
component. Therefore, the component failure rate should be replaced
by the sum of the failure rates of its parts.
FMECA on Diesel Generator
Most of the diesel engine starting systems use compressed air. Air
may be injected directly into the cylinder through a distributor, or the
air may drive air motors that are geared to turn the engine.
The operator should check the starting air pipes on the engine at
point both before and after the air-starting distributor for signs of over
heating. If one or more pipes is usually hot, it is probable that an air
starting valve is not properly closed. The starting air system consists
of two redundant subsystems, consisting of a compressor, aftercooler,
dryer, and storage receiver. Starting air system is shown in Fig. 1.
FMECA on Diesel Generator
Starting air
admission valves
* Air start valves
Pressure gauge * Air distributors
* Governor oil
boost cylinder
Compressor Motor
FMECA on Diesel Generator
The most common control failure in the starting air system is solenoid
valve failure. This valve fails to operate most frequently by not
closing completely or sticking open. Dirt or water in the air starting
system may cause this to happen. Water transports dirt and metal
particles and creates rust. The valve may stuck because of dirt and/
or water but additionally is susceptible to overheating and coil failure.
If, there is no maintenance for solenoid valve, then there is no need to
find out the cause of failure. Only replacement is the solution. So
time should be fixed according to old failure and maintenance
records. Some manufacturers specified operating environment.
Air compressor
If the motor fails to operate, it is most likely the result of dirt or water
(and rust) in the system. This dirt and rust from the air system piping
will cause internal wear of the motor and vanes and thus cause loss of
motor efficiency.
Lub oil pumps are directly driven by the engine. In majority of the
engines of 500-kW and greater capacity, auxiliary motor-driven
FMECA on Diesel Generator 10
Lubricating oil coolers will leak when they are corroded, subjected to
high vibration, or overpressurized. In all cases, the pressures
prevailing in the lubricating oil cooler will be higher than in the
cooling liquid. When leakage occurs, the oil will flow to the coolant
as long as the engine is running, but it is possible that there might be a
small amount of coolant leakage but into a static engine. A leaking
lubricating oil cooler will readily be detected by observing the
sightglass in the coolant header tank, which will soon be occluded by
oil. Shortly thereafter, a drop in the sump lubricating oil level will be
noticed. As soon as a lubricating cooler is revealed to be leaked, the
following actions are to be taken: the engine must be stopped, the
cooling system must be drained, steps must be taken to replace or
repair the cooler, and the whole of the cooling system that has been
contaminated by oil must be cleaned.
All lubricating oil coolers will leak to the cooling water because
pressure of the lubricating oil system is higher than that of the raw
water circulating system.
The jacket water system, which provides cooling for the engine, oil
cooler, turbochargers, governor, and air coolers, is shown in Figure 2.
Jacket water high
temperature sensors
Control Valve
Air Air
Cooler Cooler
i r
Out In
Diesel generator cooled by plant service water are equipped with heat
exchangers. Hot water from the diesel jacket flows through one side
of the heat exchanger and cooling water flows through the other.
When the diesel generator is not operating, cooling water does not
flow through the heat exchanger; but when the diesel starts, a
FMECA on Diesel Generator 12
Heat exchanger
The most frequent heat exchanger failure is leaking cooling water into
the lub oil or lub oil into the cooling water. This can be detected by
oil in the water reservoir or by a false increase in the lub supply. The
cause is usually either failure of the gaskets, improper installation of
the gaskets and seals during maintenance and repair, or failure of the
tubes in the cooler.
4. Governor subsystem
Functions of governor
1. Load limiting governors are arranged to limit the load that may
be applied to an engine.
2. Variable speed governors will maintain any preset speed of an
engine regardless of load.
3. Speed limiting governor limits the minimum and maximum
speeds of an engine. The intermediate speeds are controlled by
an external, usually manual, means.
4. Isochronous or constant-speed governors maintain an engine at
preset constant speed regardless of load.
FMECA on Diesel Generator 14
5. Fuel subsystem
The fuel oil subsystem consists of bulk storage tanks, day tanks,
supply pipes, and pumps. The bulk storage tanks contain enough fuel
to operate at least one diesel genertor for 4 to 7 days. Each diesel
generator has a day tank which contains enough fuel to operate for 2
to 4 hours. Usually, redundant AC pumps transfer fuel from the bulk
tanks to the day tanks. An engine-driven pump or a gravity feeder
supplies the diesel engine with fuel from the day tank. The engine-
driven pump may have an AC, DC or manual backup pump. The bulk
tanks are frequently interconnected through pipes with normally
closed valves, but since the output lines from the day tanks are
usually not interconnected, each tank supplies only one diesel. There
are usually one or two manually-operated block valves in the supply
lines from the bulk tank to the day tanks. Alarms indacate low-low or
high-high levels in the day tanks and level switches in the day tanks
automatically control fuel transfer from the bulk tanks.
However, some of the leaks are small enough that the diesel engine
could be left running and the fuel spill controlled. Dominant failure
modes in fuel subsystems are plugging in fuel injection pipe and
leakeages through gasket and valves. Some of them resulted in
critical failures which prevent the diesel generator from proper
functioning and some are not critical failures. Some of failure modes
are as follows.
6. Engine subsystem
* Engine bearings
* Crankshaft
* Cylinder/ piston
IV. Conclusion
In this report, failure mode effect and criticality analysis of the diesel
generator of the nuclear power plants is described on the basis of
foreign and Korean failure and maintenance records. This report
describes six subsystems of diesel generator on the basis of functional
analysis and failure mode analysis for each component of the
subsystem. Actually this is the first phase for implementation of
RCM approach on diesel generator. This report is a trial application
of FMECA to diesel generator. A systematic functional failure
analysis and logic tree analysis will be performed in future. This
report will be helpful to select appropriate maintenance and
surveillance tasks, which will be described in separate report as third
phase of RCM analysis on diesel generator.
FMECA on Diesel Generator 17
V. References
The most dominant failure modes are overspeed and underspeed trip
signals in engine. The causes of these trip signals are due to fault
setpoint in time delay relay, fault speed transmitter, wear sarting air
solenoid valve, etc.
The other failure modes are low pressure trip due to fuel line valve
leakages and low flow trip at air compressors.
Table 2: FMECA of Lube Oil Subsystem
Component Failure Mode Class of Failure Cause Effect on How to Failure Current Recommendation
Failure other detect Probability
Mode componen
t or system
l.Lube oil pump Pump damage II Lack of Yes Noise Change in 1 PM based on
Lubrication Yr. operating time.
in Bearing Vibration check
2.Lube oil cooler Leakage in II High Yes Visual No Change the
cooler tube pressure, check Maintenance Material. Analysis
corrosion by of mererial of tube
sea water required.
3.Lube oil heater Burn out of II Carbon Yes Surveillance No Preventive
coil buidup on test Maintenance maintenance
coil (some kind of
inspections are
4.Tank of oil Leakage in oil PM
cooler tube,
oil level
Table 3: FMECA of Jacket Water Subsystem
Component Failure Mode Class of Failure Effect on How to detect Failure Current Recommendation
Failure Cause other Probabilit
Mode component y
or system
1. Heater damage II carbon Yes During the
buildup, surveillance
corrosion test
2.Heat Exchanger leakage II corrosion No Change cooling
by sea source by C.C.W.
water system
3.Radiator tube leakage II corrosion
4.Gasket, O-rings leakage II No Change based on
operating time
Table 4: FMECA of Governor Subsystem
Component Failure Mode Class of Failure Effect on How to detect Failure Current Recommendation
Failure Mode Cause other Probability
or system
1 .Governor Dirt oil II During
Low oil pressure II
Low level of oil II Seurveillance 1 year TDT
Speed II Sensor
Table 5: FMECA of Engine Subsystem
Component Failure Mode Class of Failure Effect on How to Failure Current Recommendation
Failure Cause other detect Probability
Mode component or
1. O-rings leakage II
2. Piston
3. Engine Bearing loss of
of lubricating
Table 6: FMECA of Fuel Subsystem
Component Failure Mode Class of Failure Effect on How to Failure Current Recommendation
Failure Cause other detect Probability
Mode component or
1. Gasket leakage II
2. O-ring leakage
3. Pipes leakage in
4. Fuel Injector Low pressure
Pump failed or lack of fuel
Mr. Tae Yong Sung, Mr. Jin Hee Park, Mr. Yoon Hwan Lee
Pub. Place Taejon Pub. Org. KAERI Pub. Date June 1996
Largely, the RCM approach can be divided in three phases; (1) Functional failure analysis
(FFA) on the selected system or subsystem, (2) Failure mode, effect and criticality analysis
(FMECA) to identify the impact of failure to plant safety or economics, (3) Logic tree analysis
(LTA) to select appropriate preventive maintenance and surveillance tasks.
This report presents FMECA results for six mechanical subsystems of the diesel generators
of nuclear power plants. The six mechanical subsystems are Starting air, Lub oil, Governor,
Jacket water cooling, Fuel, and Engine subsystems. Generic and plant-specific failure and
maintenance records are reviewed to identify critical components/ failure modes. FMECA was
performed for these critical component/ failure modes. After reviewing current preventive
maintenance activities of Wolsong Unit 1, draft RCM recommendations are developed.
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(FMECA), ^ s ^ J l (3)
s . - ^ (LTA) 5L
67fl (FMECA)
FMECA S - | -
Failure Mode. Effect and Criticality Analysis
(FMECA) on Mechanical Subsystems of
Diesel Generator at NPP.
1996*? IE 9 B EPfi'J
1996 7 n 1] B tf
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