Geochemistry of Gems
Geochemistry of Gems
Geochemistry of Gems
n colored gems, minor and trace chemical components commonly Green color can also occur in
determine the difference between a common mineral specimen and andradite garnet, Ca 3Fe 2 (SiO 4 ) 3.
Andradite is pale yellow-green when
a gemstone. Also, these components are often responsible for the it has exactly the end member
color, and may provide a fingerprint for determining the provenance composition, but commonly, minor
of the gemstone. The minor elements that are incorporated will depend amounts of Ti4+ coupled with Fe2+
turn andradite to brown or black.
on local geologic conditions such as temperature, redox conditions, and, A beautiful green variety of andra-
particularly, chemistry. dite occurs when minor amounts
of Cr3+ enter the garnet (Mattice
KEYWORDS : gemstone, provenance, color, geochemistry
1998). These stones, known as the
variety demantoid, are highly
Metal ions from the fi rst row of transition elements in the The stoichiometric components of garnets also depend on
periodic table, especially Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, and Cu, are the the geologic setting. In lithium pegmatites, minerals that
most important causes of color in oxide and silicate crystallize late in the formation of the gem pockets in the
gemstones. V3+, Cr3+, Mn3+, and Cu 2+ can produce strong pegmatites can be nearly devoid of iron. In this setting,
coloration when present at concentrations of tenths of a nearly pure end member spessartine garnet, Mn3Al2 (SiO4) 3,
weight percent. Color comes from electronic transitions can occur. This garnet has a beautiful orange color due to
involving only the electrons in the d-orbitals (referred to Mn2+ in a cation site of eight-coordination (FIG. 2). If the
as ligand-field transitions or crystal-field transitions). When garnet grows while some iron is still present in the pegma-
present by themselves, Fe2+, Fe3+, and Mn2+ typically require titic fluids, the color becomes a much less valuable brown-orange
higher concentrations to cause significant color. Intervalence due to solid solution with the almandine end member,
charge transfer (IVCT) interactions, which involve an Fe3Al2 (SiO4) 3.
exchange of an electron between two cations with different
valences (for example, between Fe2+ and Fe3+ or between A
Fe 2+ and Ti4+) are a major source of color in gems and
require only a small amount of the interacting couple to
produce intense color. In some systems, charge transfer
from oxygen to the metal ion also contributes to the color.
Good examples of the compositional dependence of color
are provided by the garnet group. When grossular garnet,
Ca3Al2 (SiO4) 3, is composed of just the end member compo-
nents, it is colorless. Ca 2+, Al3+, Si4+, and O2- ions do not
absorb light in the range of the visible spectrum. However,
low concentrations of minor elements can dramatically B
modify the color. Small amounts of V3+ with some Cr3+
turn grossular into the green tsavorite variety (FIG. 1A).
Spectacular examples of these garnets occur in marble
seams in graphitic gneisses of the Mozambique belt in
northeastern Tanzania and southeastern Kenya. There,
metamorphic fluids were able to mobilize traces of vana-
dium and chromium from the host rock and incorporate
them in the grossular garnets. The unusual beauty of these
garnets was recognized after their discovery in 1967 and
they were given the trade name tsavorite, in honor of the
nearby Tsavo National Park in Kenya (Bancroft 1984). (A) The tsavorite variety of grossular garnet owes its color
to the substitution in the Al site of about a percent level
3+ usually
of V accompanied by a lesser amount of Cr3+. This stone
weighs 7.4 carats. (B) The color of the demantoid variety of andradite
1 Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences is due to a minor amount of Cr3+ but is somewhat modified by the
California Institute of Technology presence of the stoichiometric constituent Fe3+. This highly valued
Pasadena, CA 91125-2500, USA variety of andradite has classically come from the southern Ural
For many years, rubies from the Mogok region of Burma
were considered the fi nest in the world and commanded
a high price (Hughes 1997). Beginning in the early 1990s,
A crystal of orange spessartine and a faceted gem from rubies from a different source in Burma appeared in markets
FIGURE 2 in Bangkok. The Mng-Hsu rubies generally are unsaleable
the Little Three mine near Ramona, San Diego County,
California. The orange color is due to Mn2+ in the eight-coordinated as mined. They usually must be heated, often to high
cation site of the garnet. PHOTO: WIMON MANOROTKUL, temperatures, to remove a naturally occurring dark blue
color that arises from a combination of Fe2+ Ti4+ and Fe2+
Fe3+ IVCT in the core of the stones. Heating oxidizes the
Fe2+ to Fe3+, which disrupts the IVCT couple. Furthermore,
the heating of rubies from Mng-Hsu introduces flux into
cracks in the stones (Peretti et al. 1995; Emmett 1999).
Although beautiful, the rubies from Mng-Hsu are gener-
ally valued less than rubies from Mogok because they have
been treated to enhance their appearance (Drucker 1999).