MSC Abstracts Transportation - Engg
MSC Abstracts Transportation - Engg
MSC Abstracts Transportation - Engg
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Published by
Center for Applied Research and Development (CARD)
Ananda Niketan, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
G.P.O. Box: 1915
Phone: 977-1-5521310
Aadhaar Group Pvt. Ltd., Kupondole, Nepal
Padma Press, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Master of Science in Transportation Engineering CARD
This paper mainly presents motorcycle traffic stream
characteristics of Kathmandu Valley. Traffic problems are
common in city areas however the type and extent of problems
are diverse in developed countries and developing countries.
Most of the developed countries are facing four wheelers
problems whereas developing countries are facing two wheelers
problems. Though much knowledge about traffic characteristics
was acknowledged, very little attention has been paid regarding
motorcycle. This study will address a comprehensive analysis of
motorcycle behavior and operation through videotaping of some
roads that have significant motorcycle proportion.
The quality of a base material can significantly alter the lifespan
of the pavement that it supports. Most specifications for base
materials require that the plasticity index (P. I.) of the passing
No. 40 portion of the mix be no greater than 6% and that the
liquid limit be no greater than 25%.
peak value at 10% fines content for stone dust and maximum dry
density peaks at 5% fines content for clay.
For the soil aggregate mix with fines 0% and 5.0%, the fines to
sand ratio (i.e. 75 m/2.36 mm) is less than 0.20; therefore the
mix is unstable and permeable. For remaining soil aggregate as
the fines to sand ratio lie between 0.20 and 0.60, the mix is stable
and less permeable.
Various types of structural evaluation of the asphalt concrete
pavement can be done to find the structural capacity of the
pavement. These are broadly divided into two categories. The
first is a destructive test (DT) and second a non-destructive test
(NDT). The NDTs have become popular as a result of the recent
development of sophisticated equipment for these tests. The non-
destructive tests are fast, cost-effective and do not hamper the
functional requirement of the pavement. On the other hand, the
destructive tests are costly, time-consuming and disrupt the
operational requirement of the pavement.
Kathmandu Valley is considered one of the most densely
populated areas in the Nepal. The lack of efficient application of
transportation planning process leads to deficiency in adopting
the suitable transport policies to mitigate the transportation
problems resulting from urbanization and rapid increase of
population. The mode choice model is probably the most
important element in transportation planning and policy making.
The aim of this study is to develop mode choice model for work
trips in Kathmandu Valley and therefore investigating the factors
that affect the employed people's choice for public transport
modes. The revealed preference mode choice models were
developed using about 400 questionnaires out of 598 valid
questionnaires and rest l/3rd of questionnaires were used to
validate the chosen models.
The various pedestrian facilities provide segregation of the
pedestrian traffic from the vehicular flow, thereby increasing the
perceived safety. In order to provide such facilities, it is essential
to know the behavior of pedestrians. It is, as a study in
Kathmandu, the problems regarding behavioral aspects of
pedestrians are formulated using a mathematical model.
Data are collected at eight locations in Kathmandu, including am
and pm, peak hour and off-hour. These locations are selected
based on the frequency of occurring accidents and having similar
traffic flow characteristics. Combined survey, including
observational and interview method is adopted at mid-block un-
controlled crossings. Randomly selected 400 pedestrians were
observed for their waiting time and he/she was asked with a set
of questions including their age, gender, marital status, have
children at home, crossing frequency, in group or individual
during cross, access to private vehicle, destination, involve or
In fiscal year 2010/11 the 8656 number of vehicles involved in
accident with 171 number of fatalities, 553 number of the severe
injury and 3632 number of minor injuries in Kathmandu Valley.
Out of this 77 fatalities are of the motorcycle users and
involvement of motorcycle on crash is about 45% out of total
crash. Besides that 75% of Registered vehicle in the Kathmandu
valley is Motorcycle which also tends to increase the probability
of motorcycle accident. To address the road safety problem, it is
essential to understand accident costs which is related to
motivation and awareness. If the cost can be visualized in some
ways, it would provide motivation to handle the question in an
adequate manner that is by the provision of the necessary
legislation, organization, funding etc.
Road infrastructure is an important sector of economic activity
for the development of a country. The road infrastructure is
required to be maintained in proper condition to ensure its
continuous utilization in proper manner. By proper maintenance
of roads continuous acceptability is achieved but also at the same
time a higher economy, safety and serviceability is gained. The
decision-making process for the development and maintenance
of low-volume rural roads suffers from the lack of an economic
evaluation tool customized for this type of roads. For the
optimum resource allocation in rural road by local government
agency, traffic threshold is very important indicator for decision
maker in policy level. The main objective of this study is to
ascertain the traffic threshold for rural road upgradation. By
using Road Economic Design (RED) model the traffic threshold
is ascertained for upgrading rural road in Teria region. Study has
shown that traffic threshold for rural road upgradation in Nepal
Air transport in Nepal remains the most reliable means for
domestic and international linkage given the geographical
location and topography of the country. This requires large
infrastructural facilities like airports. Modeling air travel demand
has rapidly emerged as a major issue in view of the mammoth
growth in air travel in Nepal. The importance of air travel
demand and its variation with time, together with the emergence
of new policies, emphasize the need to develop accurate air
travel demand models. This present study is undertaken to
develop an air travel demand model for Nepal. Different
Modeling techniques like Econometric modeling, Time series
modeling and a combination of both have been used to forecast
the air travel demand. In view of the large demand of air
transport in Nepal and the congestion at existing Kathmandu TIA
airport, there has been a proposal for second international airport
in Pokhara, Kaski district. At this juncture the traveler would
have an option to choose between two airports, assuming that
This paper proposes a new signal operation strategy aimed at
efficient utilization of green time by cutting down on the start up
and response time. The idea is to have a "pre-signal'' on main
approach a few meters upstream of the intersection in addition to
the main intersection signal, which is coordinated with pre-
signal. The offset between the main and pre-signal ensures that
the majority of startup looses does not occur at the main signal.
The benefit of the system under various traffic compositions
were evaluated based on the control delay and VIS SIM
simulation Study.
is based on the same video footage recorded on 6th and 29th July
2012 for the traffic count as well as evaluating the present
condition. The vehicle count has clarified that the peak flow time
of 17 PM to 18 PM with the peak flow of first 15 min flow of
1677 vehicles through Jamal Leg, first 15 min flow of 165
vehicles through Thamel Leg, first 15 min flow of 997 vehicles
through Lainchaur Leg and second 15 min flow of 808 vehicles
through Royal Palace Leg. The level of service is found to be F.
The saturated headway for all vehicles is measured to I sec and
saturated flow speed with maximum 65 kmph for motorbike and
minimum 40 kmph for three wheel vehicles.
Good estimation of layer Moduli from nondestructive methods is
an important tool for scheduling and designing rehabilitation
projects in pavement engineering. The Benkelman beam for
deflection test is the most commonly used nondestructive method
for the evaluation of the structural performance of pavement
systems. Thickness of pavement layers obtained from dynamic
cone penetration (DCP) test and surface deflection obtained from
Benkelman beam were used for the study. The back calculation
approach recommended by the American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials (AASTHO) guidelines for
design of Pavement Structures 1993 was also adopted.
This thesis report reviews basic concepts and parameters
involved in the design of cobble pavements. The basic
requirements for the pavement are evaluated with study of
existing pavement conducting different tests. Cobble pavement is
appropriate pavement option for rural road in comparisons of
other pavement. Cobble pavements designed with conventional
flexible pavement concepts. This requires use of an equivalent
thickness or equivalent modulus for the block surfacing, and
current recommendations for both are examined. Special cobble
characteristics such as effect of laying pattern on performance
must be considered, but two widely debated aspects (cobble
shape and lock up) probably have relatively minor effects on
thickness design. The design of cobble pavement is based on
flexible pavement design concept. This thesis report focus on
Trip generation model is the fundamental tool for traffic How
analysis and management in transportation system. The purpose
of this study is to develop a trip generation model for zone inside
the ring roads of Kathmandu valley.
For the effective road maintenance management the performance
of the existing pavement conditions and predictions of their
future conditions are the most essential. To determine the
resealing, rehabilitation or/reconstruction needs, the distress
survey need to be done every year in all the road sections, which
is very time consuming and costly. Department of Roads (DoR),
Nepal conducts the Surface Distress Index (SDI) survey of the
Strategic Road Network (SRN) each year. Therefore, this study's
objective is to formulate the pavement prediction models from
the available SDI and other information at the DoR. Model
formulation is limited only to the pavements prior to the
Aggregates arc important constituents of the pavement
structures. Performance of aggregate layers depends on particle
shape, grading, composition, and their physical, mechanical and
chemical properties. Careful study of these properties allows
evaluation of aggregates according to the international norms.
There are huge rock outcrops surrounding the Kathmandu
Valley. With growing construction in and around the Kathmandu
Valley, demand of the aggregates has become so high that
limited quarry site within the valley are not sufficient to meet the
requirements. Therefore, the search of the outcrops from which
aggregates may be quarried is sought to meet the current and
future demands of aggregates suitable for the roads or for the
transport network in the country. This study aims in exploring
and evaluating suitability of natural crushed rock aggregates in
the Central Development Region of Nepal.
Road infrastructure is an important sector of economic activity
for the development of a country. The road infrastructure is
required to be maintained in proper condition to ensure its
continuous utilization in proper manner. By proper maintenance
of roads, continuous acceptability, a higher economy, safety and
serviceability is gained. The decision-making process for the
development and maintenance of low-volume rural roads suffers
from the lack of an economic evaluation tool customized for this
type of roads. For the optimum resource allocation in rural road
by local government agency, traffic threshold is very important
indicator for decision maker in policy level. The main objective
of this study is to analyze the road for economic feasibility by
using 'Road Economic Decision (RED)' model. If the road is
economically feasible and then finds out the minimum traffic
threshold for that rural road to be economically available NPV
value is almost zero and IRR value is 12%. By using 'Road