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The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers




ASME PTC 18-2002

and AslE PTC 18.1-1978)
Copyright ASME International
Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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Date of Issuance: April 11, 2003

This Code will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition. There will be no
addenda issued to this edition.

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Code. Interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages at http:// as they are issued.

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Copyright ASME International

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Foreword .............................................................................. V

Committee Roster ..................................................................... vii

1 Object and Scope ............................................................. 1
1.1 Object ........................................................................ 1
1.2 Scope ......................................................................... 1
2 Definitions and Description of Terms ............................................ 2
3 Guiding Principles ............................................................. 19
4 Instruments and Methods of Measurements ..................................... 25
4A General ....................................................................... 25
4B Head and Pressure Measurement .............................................. 25
4c Flow Measurement ........................................................... 29
4D Power Measurement .......................................................... 59
4E Speed Measurement .......................................................... 63
4F Time Measurement ........................................................... 63
4G Relative Flow Measurement - Index Test ..................................... 64
5 Computation of Results ........................................................ 70
5.1 Measured Values .............................................................. 70
5.2 Conversion of Test Results to Specified Conditions ............................. 70
5.3 Computation of Turbine Index Test Results .................................... 71
5.4 Evaluation of Errors .......................................................... 72
5.5 Assessment of Turbine Index Test Errors ....................................... 72
5.6 Comparison with Guarantees ................................................. 72
6 Report of Results .............................................................. 73
2.4A Head Definition. Measurement and Calibration. Vertical Shaft Machine With
Spiral Case and Pressure Conduit ........................................... 13
2.4B Head Definition. Vertical Shaft Kaplan or Propeller Machine with Semi-spiral
Case ....................................................................... 14
2.4C Head Definition. Bulb Machine ................................................ 15
2.4D Head Definition. Horizontal Shaft Impulse Turbine (One or Two Jets) .......... 16
2.4E Head Definition. Vertical Shaft Impulse Turbine ............................... 17
2.5 Reference Elevation of Z. of Turbines and Pump-Turbines ...................... 18
3.23A Limits of Permissible Deviation from Specified Conditions Operating in Turbine
Mode ...................................................................... 23
3.23B Limits of Permissible Deviations from Specified Conditions Operating in Pump
Mode ...................................................................... 24
4B.11 Pressure Tap .................................................................. 27
4B.12 Calibration Connections for Pressure Gages or Pressure Transducers ............ 28
4C.17 Location of Point Velocity Measurements with Weighting Factors Ki for the
Log-Linear Method in a Rectangular Measurement Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4c.35 Typical Pressure-Time Diagram ................................................ 35
4c.37 Arrangement of Pressure-Time Apparatus ..................................... 36
4C.40 Damped Harmonic Waves .................................................... 37
4C.42 Sample of Data and Computation Sheet of a Flow Rate Measurement by the
Pressure-Time Method ...................................................... 38
4c.53 Example of Digital Pressure-Time Signal ....................................... 41
4C.61 Ultrasonic Method - Diagram to Illustrate Principle ............................ 43

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4C.63 Ultrasonic Method . Typical Arrangment of Transducers in a Circular
Conduit .................................................................... 44
4C.67 Ultrasonic Method . Typical Arrangment of Transducers in a Rectangular
................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
e Velocity Profile Caused by Protruding Transdu 47
4C.75 Locations for Measurements of D .............................................. 49
4C.82 Profile of the Classical Venturi Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... 51
4C.89 Schematic Representation of Dye Dilution Technique .......................... 53
4C.91 Experimental Results: Allowable Variation in Tracer Concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4C.94 Typical Chart Recording During Sampling ..................................... 57
4D.7.1 Three-Wattmeter Connection Diagram ......................................... 60
4D.7.2 Two-Wattmeter Connection Diagram .......................................... 61
4G.4 Effect of Variations in Exponent on Relative Flow Rate ......................... 65
4G.8.1 Location of Winter-Kennedy Pressure Taps in Spiral Case ...................... 66
4G.8.2 Location of Winter-Kennedy Pressure Taps in Semi-spiral Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4G.9 Location of Differential Pressure Taps in Bulb Turbine or Converging Taper
Penstock ................................................................... 68
2.3 Conversion Factors Between SI and U.S. Customary Units of Measure . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.4A Letter Symbols and Definitions ................................................ 4
2.4B Acceleration of Gravity as a Function of Latitude and Altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4C Vapor Pressure of Distilled Water p,, (Pa) as a Function of Temperature . . . . . . . . 8
2.4D Density of Water at a Given Temperature and Pressure ........................ 9
2.4E Density of Dry Air ............................................................ 11
2.4F Density of Mercury ........................................................... 12
4C.16 Locations of Measurement Points Using Log-Linear Method .................... 31
4C.66 Integration Parameters for Ultrasonic Method ................................. 46
4C.82 Minimum Diameters of Straight Pipe Between Venturi Meter Inlet and Nearest
up iledI-1 Fiiiii-tg ...........................................................

Mandatory Appendices
I Uncertainty Analysis .......................................................... 75
II Outliers ...................................................................... 78
Nonmandatory Appendix
A Typical Values of Overall Uncertainty ......................................... 79
I-1 Two-Tailed Student t Table for the 95% Confidence Level ...................... 76
11-1 Modified Thompson T (At the 5% Significance Level) .......................... 78


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The Rules for Conducting Tests of Waterwheels was one of a group of ten test codes
published by the ACME in 1915. The Pelton Water Wheel Company published a testing code for
hydraulic turbines, which was approved by the Machinery Builders Society on October 11,1917.
This code included the brine velocity method of measuring flow wherein the time of passage of
an injection of brine was detected by electrical resistance. Also in October 1917, the Council of
the ACME authorized the appointment of a joint committee to undertake the task of revising the
Rules for Conducting Tests of Waterwheels. The joint committee consisted of thriteen members,
four from the ASME and three each from ASCE, AIEE, and NELA (National Electric Light
Association). The code was printed in the April 1922issue of Mechanical Engineering in preliminary
form. It was approved in the final revised form at the June 1923 meeting of the Main Committee

and was later approved and adopted by the ACME Council as a standard practice of the Society.
Within three years the 1923 revised edition was out of print and a second revision was ordered
by the Main Committee. In November 1925, the ACME Council appointed a new committee, the
Power Test Codes Individual Committee No. 18 on Hydraulic Power Plants. This committee
organized itself quickly and completed a redraft of the code in time for a discussion with the
advisory on Prime Movers of the IEC at the New York meeting later in April 1926. The code was
redrafted in line with this discussion and was approved by the Main Committee in March 1927.
It was approved and adopted by the ACME Council as the standard practice of the Society on
April 14, 1927.
In October 1931 the ACME Council approved personnel for a newly organized committee,
Power Test Codes Individual Committee No. 18 on Hydraulic Prime Movers, to undertake revision
of the 1927 test code. The committee completed the drafting of the revised code in 1937. The
Main Committee approved the revised code April 4, 1938. The code was then approved and
adopted by the Council as standard practice of the Society on June 6,1938. The term Hydraulic
Prime Movers is defined as reaction and impulse turbines, both of which are included in the
term hydraulic turbines. A revision of this Code was approved by the Power Test Codes
Committee and by the Council of ACME in August 1942. Additional revisions were authorized
by Performance Test Code Committee No. 18 (PTC 18) in December 1947. Another revision was
adopted in December 1948. It was also voted to recommend the reissue of the 1938 Code to
incorporate all of the approved revisions as a 1949 edition. A complete rewriting of the Code
was not considered necessary, because the 1938 edition had been successful and was in general
use. A supplement was prepared to cover index testing. The revised Code including index testing
was approved April 8,1949, by the Power Test Codes Committee and was approved and adopted
by the Council of ACME by action of the Board on Codes and Standards on May 6, 1949.
The members of the 1938 to 1949 committees included C. M. Allen, who further developed
the Salt Velocity Method of flow rate measurement; N. R. Gibson, who devised the Pressure-
Time Method of flow rate measurement; L. E Moody, who developed a method for estimating
prototype efficiency from model tests; S. Logan Kerr, a successful consultant on pressure rise and
surge; T. H. Hogg, who developed a grapical solution for pressure rise; G. R. Rich, who wrote
a book on pressure rise; as well as other well known hydro engineers.
In 1963, the Hydraulic Prime Movers Test Code Committee, PTC 18, was charged with the
preparation of a Test Code for the Pumping Mode/Pump Turbines. The Code for the pumping
mode was approved by the Performance Test Codes Supervisory Committee on January 23,1978,
and was then approved as an American National Standard by the ANSI Board of Standards
Review on July 17, 1978.
The PTC 18 Committee then proceeded to review and revise the 1949 Hydraulic Prime Movers
Code as a Test Code for Hydraulic Turbines. The result of this effort was the publication of PTC
18-1992 Hydraulic Turbines.
Since two separate but similar Codes now existed, the PTC 18 Committee proceeded to consoli-
date them into a single Code encompassing both the turbine and pump modes of Pump/Turbines.

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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
The consolidation also provided the opportunity to improve upon the clarity of the preceeding
Codes, as well as to introduce newer technologies such as automated data-acquisition and compu-
tation techniques, and the dye-dilution method. Concurrently, the flow methods of salt velocity,
pitot tubes and weirs, which had become rarely used, were removed from this Edition. However,
detailed descriptions of these methods remain in previous versions of PTC 18 and PTC 18.1
The methods of measuring flow rate included in this Code meet the criteria of the PTC 18
Committee for soundness of principle, have acceptable limits of accuracy, and have demonstrated
application under laboratory and field conditions. There are other methods of measuring flow
rate under consideration for inclusion in the Code at a later date.
This Code was approved by the Board on Performance Test Codes on July 7,2002, and approved
as an American National Standard by the ANSI Board of Standards Review on October 7, 2002.


All Performance Test Codes MUST adhere to the requirements of PTC 1, GENERAL
INSTRUCTIONS. The following information is based on that document and is included here
for emphasis and for the convenience of the user of this Code. It is expected that the Code user
is fully cognizant of Parts I and III of PTC 1and has read them prior to applying this Supplement.
ACME Performance Test Codes provide test procedures which yield results of the highest level
of accuracy consistent with the best engineering knowledge and practice currently available.
They were developed by balanced committees representing all concerned interests. They specify
procedures, instrumentation, equipment operating requirements, calculation methods, and uncer-
tainty analysis.
When tests are run in accordance with a Code, the test results themselves, without adjustment
for uncertainty, yield the best available indication of the actual performance of the tested equip-
ment. AS'MB Performance Tesi Codes du riot specily I I W ~ ~ - Lt
S . ci-pare kse wsks :i; cc;;itractUa!

guarantees. Therefore, it is recommended that the parties to a commercial test agree before
starting the tesi and prer'erably brfe signig the citract 9:: thc methed tv he used fer
comparing the test results to the contractual guarantees. It is beyond the scope of any Code to
determine or interpret how such comparisons shall be made.

--``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- vi
Copyright ASME International
Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Code.)

W. W. Watson, Chairman
R. I. Munro, Vice Chairman
G. Osolsobe, Secretary

C. W. Almquist, Principia Research Corp. P. A. March, Tennessee Valley Authority
R. E. Deitz, Safe Harbor Water Power Corp. C. Marchand, GE Hydro
L. F. Henry, Consultant G. H. Mittendorf, Consultant
J.J. Hron, MWH, Inc. R. I. Munro, Ontario Power Generation, Inc.
D. O. Hulse, US Bureau of Reclamation L. L. Pruitt, Stanley Consultants, Inc.
P. Lamy, Hydro-Quebec A. E. Rickett, Consultant
El. H. Latimer. Consultant P. R. Rodrigue, Acres International Corp.
A. B. Lewey, US Army Corps of Engineers J. T. Walsh, Accusonic Technologies
P. Ludewig, New York Power Authority W. W. Watson, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California


S. J. Korellis, Chairman

1. R. Friedman, Vice Chairman
W. O. Hays, Secretary

P. G. Albert D. R. Keyser
R. P. Allen P. M. McHale
R. L. Bannister J. W. Milton
J. M. Burns G. H. Mittendorf
C. Campbell S. P. Nuspl
M. J.Dooley A. L. Plumley
A. J.Egli R. R. Priestley
G. J.Gerber J.W. Siegmund
P. M. Gerhart J.A. Silvaggio
Y. Goland W. G. Steele
T. C. Heil J. C. Westcott
T. S. Jonas J.G. Yost

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

Copyright ASME International
Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ASME PTC 18-2002



1.1 Object the Code, prior written agreement as to the selected

methods and procedures is required.
This Code defines procedures for field performance The code on General Instructions, ACME PTC 1, gov-
and acceptance testing of hydraulic turbines and pump- erns the philosophy and general approach of ACME
turbines operating with water in either the turbine or performance test codes.
pump mode. The test procedures specified herein and the limita-
tions placed on measurement methods and instrumenta-
1.2 Scope tion are capable of providing a total uncertainty,
calculated in accordance with the procedures of PTC
This Code applies to all sizes and types of hydraulic 19.1 and of this Code, of not more than:
turbines or pump-turbines. It defines methods for ascer- (u) Power rr1.2%
taining performanceby measuring flow rate (discharge), (b) Flow Rate 11.5%
head, and power, from which efficiency may be deter- (c) Efficiency t2.0%
mined. Requirements are included for pretest arrange- Where favorable measurement conditions exist and
ments, types of instrumentation, methods of best methods can be used, smaller uncertainties should
measurement, testing procedures, methods of calcula- result. Any test with uncertainties greater than the above

tion, and contents of test reports. shall not qualify as an ASME Code test.
This Code contains mandatory test requirements and This Code contains recommended procedures for
various methods of measurement.Where multiple meth- index testing and describes the purposes for which index
ods of measurement and procedures are permitted by tests may be used.

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2.1 (j) Run comprises the readings and/or recordings suf-

ficient to calculate performance at one operating con-
The code on Definitions and Values, ACME PTC 2,
and referenced portions of Supplements on Instruments
(g) Point is established by one or more consecutive
and Apparatus, ASME PTC 19 Series, shall be considered runs at the same operating conditions and unchanged
as part of this Code. Their provisions shall apply unless wicket gate, blade or valve openings.
otherwise specified. Common terms, definitions, sym- (h) Test comprises a series of points and results ade-
bols and units used throughout this Code are listed in quate to establish the performance over the specified
this section. Specialized terms are explained where they

range of operating conditions.

appear. The following definitions apply to this Code: (i) Parties to the Test for acceptance tests, are those
(a) Machine means any type of hydraulic turbine or individuals designated in writing by the purchaser and
pump-turbine. machine suppliers to make the decisions required in this
(6) Turbine means a machine operating in the turbine Code. Other agents, advisors, engineers, etc. hired by
mode. the Parties to the Test to act on their behalf or otherwise,
(c) Pump means a machine operating in the pumping are not considered, by this Code, to be Parties to the Test.
mode. 2.2
( d ) Purnp-turbine is a machine that is capable of Clarification of any term, definition or unit of mea-
operating as a pump and as a turbine. surement in question shall be agreed to in writing by
(e) Runner means turbine runner or pump impeller. the Parties to the Test before the test.

%h!e 2.3 C ~ n i e r s I mFacters Between S! and

US. Customary Units of Measure
The following selected conversion factors between the CI and U.S. Customary units of measure are
listed here for convenience.

SI to us. U.S. to SI
1N = 0.224809 Ib Force 1 Ib = 4.44822 N

1,000 kg = 68.5218 slugs Mass 1 slug = 14.5939 kg

1 kg = 2.20462 lb-mass = 32.1740 lb-mass
1 lb-mass = 0.453592 kg

1m = 3.28084 ft Length 1 ft = 0.3048 m

T "C = (T X 1.8 + 3 2 ) OF Temperature T "F = (T - 32) / 1.8 "C

1 bar = 100 kPa = 14.5038 Ib/ Pressure Ib/in.2 = 6.89476 kPa


1 m3/s = 35.3147 R3/s Flow Rate 1000 ft3/sec = 28.3168 m3/s

1000 kg/m3 = 1.94032 slugs/ft3 Density 1 slug/ft3 = 515.379 kg/m3

= 62.4280 Ib-mass/ft3

1 kW = 1.34102 hp Power 1 hp = 0.745706 kW

go = 9.80665 m/s2 Standard go = 32.1740 fils2


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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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2.3 "T" indicates measured value during test, or as

otherwise defined.
The International System of Units (SI)is used through-
(8) "O" indicates static or zero flow conditions.
out this Code with U S . Customary Units shown in
(h) "c" indicates runner cavitation reference elevation
parentheses (see Table 2.3). The code on Definitions and
for determining plant cavitation factor when used with
Values, ACME PTC 2, provides conversion factors for
Z (see para. 2.5).
use with ASME performance tests.
(i) "t" refers to a turbine.
(j) "p" refers to a pump.
The symbols, terms, definitions and units in this Code Density of a liquid used in a manometer for the pres-
are listed in Table 2.4A. See Figs. 2.4A through 2.4E for sure measurement is related to the mid height of the
a graphical definition of certain terms. liquid column.

2.4.1 Remarks Concerning Table 2.4A and Remainder 2.5

of Code. The following subscripts are used throughout By agreement between the Parties to the Test, the

the Code to give the symbols a specific meaning: runner reference elevation Z , for determining the plant
(a) "1"refers to the high pressure side of the machine, cavitation factor may be selected at the location where
or as otherwise defined. the development of cavitation has a predominant influ-
(b) "Zp" refers to the high pressure pool. ence on the performance of the machine. In the absence
(c) "2" refers to the low pressure side of the machine, of such agreement, the reference elevation Z , shall be
or as otherwise defined. as shown in Fig. 2.5.
(d) "2p" refers to the low pressure pool. 2.6
(e) "spec" refers to the specified conditions stated in Some definitions in this Code may differ from those
purchase specification. customarily associated with centrifugal pumps.

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Table 2.4A
Letter Symbols and Definitions (See Figs. 2.4A through 2.4E)


Flow Section Area Area of water passage cross section normal to general direction of flow. m2 ft2

Area of High Pressure Area of agreed flow section in machine high pressure passage between m2 ft2
Section machine and any valve.

Area of Low Pressure Area of agreed flow section in machine low pressure passage between m2 ft2
Section machine and any valve.

Force N Ib

Local Gravitational Value o f acceleration due to gravity at a given geographical location. mis2 RIS2
Acceleration (See Table 2.46)

Gross Head Water elevation difference between upper pool and lower pool. m ft
HG = zlp - z2p

Static Head Water elevation difference between upper pool and lower pool at zero m ft
flow rate. Ho = Zlpo - Z2p0

Net Head Difference between Total Head of high pressure section and Total Head m ft

of low pressure section corrected for buoyancy of water in air.
H = (21 + h i - 22 - hi) [i - ( ~ a / ~+) h
l i - hv3

Total Head of High Sum of potential, pressure and velocity heads at machine high m ft
Pressure Section pressure section. H1 = Z1 + hl + h v l

Total Head of Low Sum of potential, pressure and velocity heads at machine low pressure m ft
Pressure Section section. ti2 = Z2 + n 2 + nv2

Height nf water m!?irnn ijnder prevailing conditions equivalent to static m ft

pressure at given point in the water passage. h = p/[g (p - pa)]

Barometric Pressure Height of water column under prevailing conditions equivalent to m ft

Head atmospheric pressure (absolute) at given latitude and elevation.
h -- Pa
a --S!(P--Pa)
Pressure Head at High Height of water column under prevailing conditions equivalent to gage m ft
Pressure Section pressure at horizontal centerline of machine high pressure section, Al.

Pressure Head at Low Height of water column under prevailing conditions equivalent to gage m ft
Pressure Section pressure at horizontal centerline of machine low pressure section, A2.

Head Loss Total head loss between any two sections of water passage. m ft

Head Loss on High Head loss between machine and upper pool, including entrancelexit, m ft
Pressure Side trashrack, conduit and valve losses. Hu = ZlP - Hl

Head Loss on Low Head loss between machine and lower pool, including entrance/exit, m ft
Pressure Side ~ Z2p - H2
trashrack, conduit and valve loss. H L =

Net Positive Suction The absolute pressure head at the first stage runner reference elevation m ft
Head NPSH (ZJ. minus the vapor pressure head of the liquid.
NPSH = (ha + 2 2 + h2 - 2, ) - hvp

hV Velocity Head Height of water column under prevailing conditions equivalent to m ft

kinetic pressure head in a given flow section.
hv = 2g

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Table 2.4A
Letter Symbols and Definitions (See Figs. 2.4A through 2.4E) (Cont'd)


hVP Vapor Pressure Head Height of water column equivalent to vapor pressure (absolute) of m ft
water at temperature of turbine discharge or pump inlet.

n Speed Rotational speed.

M Mass

L Length

P Turbine Power Output Power delivered by the turbine shaft or applied to the pump shaft,
or Pump Power Input

pe Generator Power Output Net electrical power delivered by generator or supplied to motor kW kW
or Motor Power Input

pw Water Power Power equivalent o f flow rate at net head. kW hP

P, = pgQH/1000
(P, = pgQH/550)

P Gage Pressure Static pressure at any point in water passage relative to prevailing kPa Ib/ft2
atmospheric pressure.

Pa Barometric (Ambient) Absolute atmospheric pressure at given elevation above sea level. k Pa Ib/ft2

PVP Vapor Pressure Absolute vapor pressure of water at a given temperature kPa Ib/ft2
(see Table 2.4C)

Gage Reading Actual gage pressure measured in piping at zero reference elevation of kPa Ib/ft2

Pi Pressure at High Gage pressure at horizontal centerline of machine high pressure kPa Ib/ft2
Pressure Section section Al.

P2 Pressure at Low Gage pressure at horizontal centerline of machine low pressure section kPa Ib/ft2
Pressure Section A2.

Q Flow Rate Volume of water passing through the machine per unit time, including m3/s ft3/s
water for seals and thrust relief but excluding water supplied for the
operation of auxiliaries and the cooling of all bearings.
Time S S

Tem peratu re OC OF

Mean Velocity Flow rate divided by flow section area. m/s fils
Potential Head Elevation of a measurement point relative to common datum. m ft

Potential Head at Elevation of cavitation reference location relative to common datum. m ft

Runner Reference (Fig. 2.5)

Potential Head at High Elevation of horizontal centerline of machine high pressure section m ft
Pressure Section relative to common datum.

22 Potential Head at Low Elevation of horizontal centerline of machine low pressure section m ft
Pressure Section relative to common datum.

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Table 2.4A
letter Symbols and Definitions (See Figs. 2.4A through 2.4E) (Contd)


Potential Head of Elevation of upper pool at zero flow rate relative to common datum. m ft
Upper Pool at Zero Flow

Potential Head of Elevation of upper pool relative to a common datum. m ft

Upper Pool

Potential Head of Lower Elevation of lower pool at zero flow rate relative to common datum. m ft
Pool at Zero Flow

Potential Head of Lower Elevation of lower pool relative to a common datum. m ft


Measuring Instrument Elevation of reference point of measuring instrument relative to m ft

Potential Head common datum.

Efficiency Turbine: PIP, Pump: P,/P. ... ...

Density of Water Mass per unit volume of water at measured temperature and pressure. kg/m3 slug/ft3
(See Table 2.4D)

Density of Ambient Air Mass per unit volume of ambient air at measured temperature and kg/m3 sluglft3
barometric pressure. (See Table 2.4E)

Density of Mercury Mass per unit volume of mercury at measured temperature (See Table kg/m3 sIug/ft3

Cavitation Factor
u -
h5 ... ...
Angular Speed Radians per second. rad/s rad/s

Machine Reference Pelton: Pitch diameter m ft

Diameter Kaplan: Discharge ring diameter at centeriine of
Runner Blades
Francis: Runner throat diameter.

U Velocity of the
runner at diameter D

V Kinematic Viscosity of

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Table 2.4B Acceleration of Gravity as a Function of Lattitude and Altitude

SI Units (m/s2)

Altitude Above Mean Sea Level (m)

(deg) O 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
~ ~~~

O 9.780 9.779 9.777 9.776 9.774 9.773 9.771 9.770

10 9.782 9.780 9.779 9.777 9.776 9.774 9.773 9.771
20 9.786 9.785 9.783 9.782 9.780 9.779 9.777 9.776
30 9.793 9.792 9.790 9.789 9.787 9.786 9.784 9.782
40 9.802 9.800 9.799 9.797 9.795 9.794 9.792 9.791
50 9.811 9.809 9.808 9.806 9.805 9.803 9.801 9.800
60 9.819 9.818 9.816 9.815 9.813 9.811 9.810 9.808
70 9.826 9.824 9.823 9.821 9.820 9.818 9.817 9.815

US. Customary Units (ft/s*)

Altitude Above Mean Sea Level (ft)

(deg) O 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000

O 32.088 32.082 32.075 32.069 32.063 32.057 32.051

10 32.093 32.087 32.080 32.074 32.068 32.062 32.056
20 32.108 32.101 32.095 32.089 32.083 32.077 32.070
30 32.130 32.124 32.118 32.112 32.106 32.099 32.093
40 32.158 32.152 32.145 32.139 32.133 32.127 32.121
50 32.187 32.181 32.175 32.169 32.163 32.156 32.150
60 32.215 32.209 32.203 32.196 32.190 32.184 32.178

70 32.237 32.231 32.225 32.219 32.213 32.207 32.200

(a) Smithsonian Physical Tables, Ninth Revised Edition
(b) Smithsonian Meteorological Tables, Sixth Revised Edition
(c) Gravitational acceleration formula from page 488 of (b), where acceleration g is in m/s2 and latitude
4 is in degrees:
g = 9.80616 (i - 0.0026373 COS (2+) + 0.0000059 COS (24))
(d) Additive correction A g (m/s2 or ft/s2) for altitude Z (m or ft, respectively) above mean sea level:
A g = -3.086 X Z
(e) Conversion factor to U.S. Customary Units:
g (ft/s) = g (m/s)/0.3048
(0 The standard value of gravitational acceleration adopted by the International Commission on Weights
and Measures is g = 9.80665 m/s2 or 32.17405 RIS.

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Vapor Pressure of Distilled Water pvp(Pa) as a Function of Temperature
Temperature Vapor Pressure Temperature Vapor Pressure Temperature Vapor Pressure Temperature Vapor Pressure
(?Cl pvpPa) (?Cl pvp(Pa) (?Cl pvpPa) (?C) pvp(Pa)
O 611
1 657 21 2488 11 1313 31 4495
2 706 22 2645 12 1403 32 4758
3 758 23 2810 13 1498 33 5034
4 814 24 2985 14 1599 34 5323
5 873 25 3169 15 1706 35 5627
6 935 26 3363 16 1819 36 5945
7 1002 27 3567 17 1938 37 6280
8 1073 28 3782 18 2064 38 6630
9 1148 29 4008 19 2198 39 6997
10 1228 30 4246 20 2339 40 7381

pvp = 10(2.7862
+ - with an error smaller than 17Pa.


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Table 2.4.D Density of Water at a Given Tem erature and Pressure


Density of Water p (kg/m )

A b s o l u t e p r e s s u r e Pabs (bars)
T PC) 1 5 10 20 30 40 50 1O 0 150

O 999.84 1000.04 1000.30 1000.80 1001.31 1001.82 1002.32 1004.82 1007.30

1 999.90 1000.10 1000.35 1000.86 1001.36 1001.86 1002.36 1004.84 1007.30
2 999.94 1000.14 1000.39 1000.89 1001.39 1001.89 1002.38 1004.85 1007.29
3 999.96 1000.16 1000.41 1000.91 1001.40 1001.90 1002.39 1004.84 1007.26
4 999.97 1000.1 7 1000.42 1000.91 1001.40 1001.89 1002.38 1004.81 1007.22
5 999.97 1000.16 1000.41 1000.90 1001.38 1001.87 1002.36 1004.77 1007.17

6 999.94 1000.14 1000.38 1000.87 1001.35 1001.84 1002.32 1004.72 1007.10

7 999.90 1000.10 1000.34 1000.82 1001.31 1001.79 1002.27 1004.65 1007.02
8 999.85 1000.04 1000.28 1000.76 1001.24 1001.72 1002.20 1004.57 1006.93
9 999.78 999.98 1000.22 1000.69 1001.17 1001.65 1002.12 1004.48 1006.82
10 999.70 999.89 1000.1 3 1000.61 1001.08 1001.55 1002.03 1004.38 1006.70

12 999.50 999.69 999.92 1000.39 1000.86 1001.33 1001.80 1004.13 1006.43

14 999.25 999.43 999.67 1000.13 1000.60 1001.06 1001.52 1003.83 1006.11
16 998.94 999.13 999.36 999.82 1000.28 1000.74 1001.20 1003.49 1005.75
18 998.59 998.78 999.00 999.46 999.92 1000.38 1000.83 1003.10 1005.35
20 998.20 998.38 998.61 999.06 999.52 999.97 1000.43 1002.68 1004.91

22 997.77 997.95 998.17 998.63 999.08 999.53 999.98 1002.22 1004.43

24 997.29 993.92 997.70 998.15 998.60 999.05 999.49 1001.72 1003.92
26 996.78 996.96 997.19 997.63 998.08 998.53 998.97 1001.18 1003.37
28 996.23 996.41 996.64 997.08 997.53 997.97 998.41 1000.61 1002.79
30 995.65 995.83 996.05 996.49 996.94 997.38 997.82 1000.01 1002.18

32 995.03 995.21 995.43 995.87 996.31 996.75 997.19 999.37 1001.54

34 994.38 994.55 994.77 995.22 995.65 996.09 996.53 998.71 1000.86
36 993.69 993.87 994.09 994.53 994.96 995.40 995.84 998.01 1000.15
38 992.97 993.1 5 993.92 993.80 994.24 994.68 995.11 997.27 999.42
40 992.22 992.40 992.62 993.05 993.49 993.92 994.36 996.51 998.65

Density of Water p (siug/ft)

A b s o l u t e P r e s s u r e Pabs (psia)
T PD 14 15 25 50 100 200 500 1000 2000

32 1.94001 1.94001 1.94008 1.94025 1.94059 1.94127 1.94330 1.94667 1.95332

34 1.94013 1.94014 1.94020 1.94037 1.94071 1.94138 1.94340 1.94673 1.95334
36 1.94021 1.94022 1.94029 1.94045 1.94079 1.94146 1.94345 1.94676 1.95331
38 1.94026 1.94026 1.94033 1.94050 1.94083 1.94149 1.94347 1.94676 1.95326
40 1.94026 1.94027 1.94033 1.94050 1.94083 1.94149 1.94345 1.94671 1.95317

42 1.94023 1.94024 1.94030 1.94046 1.94079 1.94144 1.94340 1.94663 1.95304

44 1.94016 1.94017 1.94023 1.94039 1.94072 1.941 37 1.94330 1.94652 1.95289
46 1.94006 1.94006 1.94013 1.94029 1.94061 1.941 25 1.94318 1.94637 1.95270
48 1.93992 1.93992 1.93999 1.94015 1.94047 1.94111 1.94302 1.94619 1.95248
50 1.93974 1.93975 1.93981 1.93997 1.94029 1.94093 1.94283 1.94598 1.95223

55 1.93917 1.93917 1.93924 1.93939 1.93971 1.94033 1.94221 1.94532 1.95149

60 1.93840 1.93841 1.93847 1.93863 1.93894 1.93956 1.94141 1.94449 1.95058
65 1.93746 1.93747 1.93753 1.93768 1.93799 1.93860 1.94044 1.94348 1.94951
70 1.93636 1.93637 1.93643 1.93658 1.93689 1.93749 1.93931 1.94233 1.94830
75 1.93512 1.93 5 12 1.93518 1.93533 1.93564 1.93624 1.93804 1.94103 1.94695

80 1.93373 1.93373 1.93379 1.93394 1.93424 1.93484 1.93663 1.93960 1.94548

85 1.93220 1.93221 1.93227 1.93241 1.93271 1.93331 1.93508 1.93803 1.94387


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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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Density of Water p (siug/ft3)(Contd)

Temperature Absolute Pressure Pabs(psia)
T (0
14 15 25 50 100 200 500 1000 2000

90 1.93054 1.93055 1.93060 1.93075 1.93105 1.93164 1.93341 1.93634 1.94215

95 1.92875 1.92876 1.92882 1.92896 1.92926 1.92985 1.93161 1.93452 1.94030
100 1.92684 1.92685 1.92690 1.92705 1.92734 1.92793 1.92968 1.93259 1.93835
105 1.92481 1.92482 1.92488 1.92502 1.92531 1.92590 1.92765 1.93054 1.93628

(a) Calculation of intermediate values and interpolation from the tables are equally valid.
(b) The numerical values of Table 2.4D were calculated from equation in Table 2.4D. The results were converted to US.
Customary units of measure using the factors in Table 2.3.

The numerical values of Table 2.4D were calculated from the following equation:

p = density of water (kg/m3)
Pabs = absolute pressure of water at the High Pressure Section (bar)

T = temperature of water at the High Pressure Section (C)
To = OC for the temperature range of O to 20C
To = 2OoC for the temperature range of 20 to 5OoC
Rij coefficients for the temperature range of O to 2OoC

i =o i=l i=2 i=3

i=o 4.465741557E-05 -5.594500697E-05 3.402591955E-06 -4.1363451 87E-08

i = l 1.010693802E-01 -1.51 3709263 E-O5 1.063798744E-06 -8.146078995E-09
i = 2 -5.398392119t-O6 4.6/.?756685t-8
1 -,,-.-.-.rI.-3r-
. 4

i = 3 7.7801 1812 1E-10 -1.619391 322E-11 5.883547485E-13 -8.754014287E-15

Ri coefficients for the temperature range of 20 to 5OoC

j=O j=1 j=2 j=3

i=o -4.410355650E-05 3.052252898E-05 9.207848427E-07 -2.590431198E-08

i = 1 1.011269892E-01 1.763956234E-05 5.750340044E-07 -1.923769978E-09
i = 2 -4.832441163E-06 1.533281704E-08 -3.749721294E-10 1.322804180E-12
i = 3 6.194433327E-10 -3.164540431E-12 6.311389123E-14 2.469249342E-16
(a) Herbst, G., Rogener, H: Neue kanonische Zustandsgleichung des Wassers. Fortschritt Berichte VDI-Z, Reihe 6, Nr. 50
(b) Kell, G.S., Whalley, E.: Reanalysis of the Density of Liquid Water in the Range O to 15OoC and O to 1 kbar.
Paper presented at the 8th Int. Conf. Prop. Steam, Giens (1974)
(c) Kell, G.S., McLaurin, G. E., Whalley, E.: The PVTProperties of Liquid Water in the Range 150 to 350C.
Paper presented at the 8th Int. Conf. Prop. Steam, Giens (1974)

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Table 2.4E Density of Dry Air

SI units US. Customary Units

(fi) (Ibm/ft3) (siug/R3)

O 1.2250 O 0.0765 0.00238

500 1.1673 1000 0.0743 0.00231
1000 1.1116 2000 0.0721 0.00224
1500 1.0581 3000 0.0700 0.00218
2000 1.0065 4000 0.0679 0.00211

2500 0.9569 5000 0.0659 0.00205

3000 0.9091 6000 0.0639 0.00199
3500 0.8632 7000 0.0620 0.00193
4000 0.8191 8000 0.0601 0.00187
9000 0.0583 0.00181
10000 0.0565 0.00176
11000 0.0547 0.00170
12000 0.0530 0.00165

(a) Reference: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, TN 3182
(b) Density values p (kg/m3) as a function of altitude 2 (m) were calculated from

p = 1.225 (1 - 0.0065Z/288.16)4.2561

(c) Conversion factors to U.S. Customary Units:

p (ibm/ft3) = p (kg/m3)/16.01846
1 slug = 32.1740 Ibm

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Table 2.4F Density of Mercury

Si Units U.S. Customary Units

Temperature Density Temperature Density Temperature Density Temperature density

(Cl (kg/m3) (Cl (kg/ m3) (0 (ibm/ft3) (slug/ft3) (0 (ibrn/ft3) (slug/ft3)

-10 13619.78 16 13555.70 20 849.74 26.4107 66 845.79 26.2878

-9 13617.30 17 13553.25 22 849.57 26.4053 68 845.61 26.2825
-8 13614.83 18 13550.79 24 849.39 26.4000 70 845.44 26.2771
-7 13612.36 19 13548.34 26 849.22 26.3946 72 845.27 26.2718
-6 13609.89 20 13545.89 28 849.05 26.3893 74 845.10 26.2664
-5 13607.42 21 13543.43 30 848.88 26.3839 76 844.93 26.2611
-4 13604.95 22 13 540.98 32 848.71 26.3786 78 844.75 26.2557
-3 13602.48 23 13538.53 34 848.54 26.3733 80 844.58 26.2504
-2 13600.02 24 13536.08 36 848.36 26.3679 82 844.41 26.2451
-1 13597.55 25 13533.63 38 848.19 26.3626 84 844.24 26.2397
O 13595.08 26 13531.18 40 848.02 26.3572 86 844.07 26.2344
1 13592.62 27 13528.73 42 847.85 26.3519 88 843.89 26.2290
2 13590.15 28 13526.28 44 847.68 26.3466 90 843.72 26.2237
3 13587.69 29 13523.83 46 847.50 26.3412 92 843.55 26.2184
4 13585.22 30 13521.39 48 847.33 26.3359 94 843.38 26.2130
5 13582.76 31 13518.94 50 847.16 26.3305 96 843.21 26.2077
6 13580.30 32 13516.49 52 846.99 26.3252 98 843.04 26.2023
7 13577.83 33 13 51 4.05 54 846.82 26.3198 100 842.86 23.1970
8 13575.37 34 13511.60 56 846.64 26.3145 102 842.69 26.1916
9 13572.91 35 13509.16 58 846.47 26.3092 104 842.52 26.1863
10 13570.45 36 13506.72 60 846.30 26.3038 106 842.35 26.1810
11 13567.99 37 13504.27 62 846.13 26.2985 108 842.18 26.1756
12 13565.53 38 13501.83 64 845.96 26.2931 110 842.00 26.1703
13 13563.08 39 13499.39
14 13560.62 40 13496.95
15 13558.16

(a) Reference: ASME Fluid Meters, 6h Edition, 1971, Table 11-1-2
(b) Above tables are computed from the equation

p = 851.457 - 0.0859301T + 6.20046 X T2

where density p is in Ibm/ft3 and temperature Tis in degrees F. Computed values agree with the table to within

(c) Above table is computed for atmospheric pressure. At 100 atmospheres, the density of mercury changes by only
0.018%. Therefore, the compressibility of mercury at pressures normally seen in hydraulic machine operations may be


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Density of water by
static check using
deadweight gage
reading pg

(1) Head losses ifL1 and ifLZare shown for the turbine mode. For the pump mode, the head losses will be of the opposite
(a) Zlpo (not shown) will be level Z I P at zero flow rate.
(b) Z2po(not shown) will be level Z2,, at zero flow rate.

Fig. 2.4A Head Definition, Measurement and Calibration, Vertical Shaft Machine With
Spiral Case and Pressure Conduit

--``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 13
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. i.

. .



.. '.
.. . .. ..
' . <

(1) Head losses /iL1
and HL2 are shown for the turbine mode. For the pump mode, the head losses will be of the opposite
(a) ZIP,,
(not shown) will be level Z1, at zero flow rate.
(b) Z2p0(not shown) will be level Z2, at zero flow rate.

Fig. 2.48 Head Definition, Vertical Shaft Kaplan or Propeller Machine


with Semi-spiral Case

Copyright ASME International
Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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t t
Y .-c
o o
n, an
L f

+ + + +
(1) Head losses HL1and HL2are shown for the turbine mode. For the pump mode, the head losses will be of the opposite
(a) Zlpo (not shown) will be level ZIP at zero flow rate.
(b) Zzpo(not shown) will be level Z2, at zero flow rate.

Fig. 2.4C Head Definition, Bulb Machine

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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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H, - i-i2 (Upper jet operating).J 1

Fig. 2.4D Head Definition, Horizontal Shaft Impulse Turbine (One or Two Jets)

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- -- I




L. ... :..,. . _..

* , _ . . .. .* .. .
... . .. . . . ..:
....... .. :.. ... _.

Fig. 2.4E Head Definition, Vertical Shaft Impulse Turbine


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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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Reference elevation o f the machine Zc>

O Reference d a t u m i


R!?forence O!OV^tiC!!? C!? the !???chine(7-!

O Reference a a i u m 0

O deg 5 CL 5 90 deg

Radial machines, such as Francis turbines a n d pump-turbines; f o r multistage machines; l o w pressure stage.
Diagonal (mixed-flow, semi-axial) machines with fixed runner/impeller blades a n d with runner/impeller band.
Diagonal (mixed-flow, semi-axial) machines w i t h fixed runner/impeller blades w i t h o u t runner/impeller band.
Diagonal (mixed-flow, semi-axial) machines w i t h adjustable runner/impeller blades.
Axial machines, such as propeller turbines and pump-turbines with fixed runner/impeller blades.
Axial machines, such as Kaplan turbines a n d pump-turbines w i t h adjustable runner/impeller blades.

Fig. 2.5 Reference Elevation Z, of Turbines and Pump-Turbines

[ASME thanks the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for permission to reproduce information from its
International Standard IEC 60041 (1991-11). All such extracts are copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
Further information on the IEC is available from IEC has no responsibility for the placement and context in
which the extracts and contents are reproduced by ASME; nor is IEC in any way responsible for the other content or
accuracy therein.]

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3.1 to make a single reading for each run. The pressure-

In tests conducted in accordance with this Code, the time method requires that the interconnected electrical
Parties to the Test shall be represented and shall have system absorb sudden shedding of load; water passages
equal rights in determining the test methods and proce- and other structures may be subject to increased stresses.
dures and in selecting test personnel unless agreed to
otherwise. All arrangements and plans shall be submit-
ted to the Parties to the Test sufficiently in advance for Prior to conducting the test, a written agreement shall
adequate consideration and agreement before testing be reached by the Parties to the Test as to the specific

begins. Any agreement reached between the Parties to object and scope of the test and to the test procedures.
the Test shall be in writing. These shall include the required accuracy of measure-
ment methods and test instrumentation necessary to
3.2 provide overall test results within the limits of uncer-
To ensure fulfillment of Code conditions, attention tainty required by Section 1.2 of this Code. The
should be given to provisions for testing when the plant agreement shall also reflect the requirements of any
is being designed and preferably before the machine is applicable specification. Any discernible omissions or
purchased. This applies particularly to the arrangements ambiguities as to any of the conditions shall be resolved
for measurement of flow rate, head, power, and speed. before the test is started. Typical items on which written
The method for measuring flow rate should be selected agreement shall be reached are:
during the design stage and stated in the procurement (a) Object of test and type of test.
document. Typical items, which should be decided dur- (b) Operating conditions.
ing the design stage and prior to construction are: (c) Limits of test uncertainty.
(a) flow rate measurement method and devices (d) Test schedule and scope (which machines are to
(b) location of high pressure and low pressure Sec- be tested and when).
tions (e) Flow rate measurement device(s) and method to
(c) number and location of pressure taps and instru- be used.
ment connections fl Methods to be used for measurement of speed,
d) location of flow rate measurement section head, and power.
(e) location and type of piping for pressure and flow (g) Method to be followed for maintaining constant
rate measuring devices to be used during the test operating conditions during a test run, including per-
(f>provisions for power measurement missible fluctuation of measured variables.
(h) Selection of types and locations of instruments,
3.3 data acquisition and processing equipment, and tech-
niques for computing results.
In addition to the discussion in para. 3.2, the following
information i s useful in planning a performance test. (i) Methods of calibrating instruments before and
after the test.
(a) Determine the availability of test equipment and
trained personnel for the measurement of large flow (j) Organization of test personnel.
rates with the accuracy required. Obtaining this equip- ( k ) Method of determining acceptable condition of
ment and the personnel experienced in its installation, the machine prior to testing.
adjustment, operation, and the analysis of the results is ( I ) Need for and application of results of any index
a major consideration. tests.
(b) Consider the time for testing and plant outage (m) Duration of operation at test load before test read-
required for each method. Some methods require unwa- ings commence.
tering to install and remove test equipment. Others (n) Duration of runs including start and stop proce-
require only limited interruption for inspection and test- dures.
ing. These factors are significant to the overall cost of (o) Frequency of observations and number of runs
the test. Some methods require a long series of readings and points.
for each run. Other methods require only a few seconds ( p ) Method of ensuring synchronization of readings.

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(q) Corrections for deviations of test conditions from with this Code and in accordance with any written
those specified. agreements made prior to the test.
(r) Method of computing results including methods
for estimating systematic uncertainties, calculating ran- 3.8
dom uncertainties (see Appendices), and performing a Acceptance testing shall be performed only after
pre-test uncertainty analysis. dependable operation and after the machine has been
(s) Comparison of test results with performance found by inspection to be in a condition satisfactory to
requirements. the Parties to the Test to undergo the test. The Parties
( t ) Arbitration procedure. to the Test should agree, after consideration of plant
(u) Any objections, noted deficiencies, need for addi- operation, head, and flow-rate conditions, when the test
tional devices, changes and calibrations. is to be performed. This shall be as soon as possible
(u) Extent and estimated duration of the test. This after the machine is handed over to the owner and within

shall include a statement of the minimum number of the specified warranty period, unless otherwise agreed
runs and the operating conditions, loads and gate set- in writing by the Parties to the Test.
tings at which runs are to be made.
(zu) Details of measurements. This shall include the 3.9
degree of accuracy required and the methods to be used Dimensions and information regarding the machine,
for measurement of head, flow rate, speed, power, associated equipment and water conduits shall be
and time. obtained prior to the test. All drawings of importance for
the test and all relevant data, documents, specifications,
calibration certificates, and reports on operating condi-
The use of proven electronic instrumentation, com- tions shall be examined by the Chief of Test and made
puter technology and other data acquisition equipment available to the Parties to the Test.
and software is acceptable under this Code. These instru-
ments and techniques shall be used with due regard 3.10
to frequency response, sampling rate, data windows,
Agreement shall be reached in advance as to the per-
instrument and system accuracy, filtering, shielding and
sonne1 required to conduct the test. Personnel shall have
other pertinent considerations. Methods for onsite cali-
bratinn a n d /nr verificaticm of -ic!ch &.'.ta arq~icitier?
the experience and /or training necessary to enable them
to take accurate and reliable readings from the instru-
equipment and software shall be provided.
ments assigned to them.
3.1 1
The Parties to the Test shall designate an experienced
Chief of Test who shall: A clear and unmistakable communications system
(a) Ensure that a written test plan has been prepared. shall be established between test personnel. None of the
(b) Be qualified to supervise all on-site calibrations, personnel shall be required to take so many readings
measurements and calculations necessary to determine that lack of time may result in insufficient care and
the performance of the machine under test. precision. Automatic data acquisition is permissible
(c) Exercise authority over all test personnel. where the data system has the required accuracy and
(d) Supervise the conduct of the test in accordance resolution, the readout is clear and periodic verification
with this Code and any written agreements made prior readings are made by independent means.
to the test.
(e) Report on test conditions and be responsible for
the computation of results and the preparation of the Careful inspections and checks of all instrumentation
final report (see Section 6). shall be carried out before, during and after the test.
Cf3 Be responsible for ensuring that test instruments Prior to the start of the test, an inspection of the machine
have been properly calibrated or have valid calibration and its water passages shall be made to verify that:
documents. (a) All machine components which affect perform-
(g) Be responsible for all test measurements. ance are in satisfactory condition.
(h) Make every reasonable effort to ensure that any (b) The water does not carry undue quantities of air,
controversial matters pertaining to the test are resolved. bark, leaves, weeds or other foreign elements, which
may unfavorably affect the flow rate or operation of the
3.7 instrumentation.
The Parties to the Test shall be entitled to have such ( e ) Pressure taps, piezometer tubes and connecting
members of their staff present during the test as required pipes are clear of obstructions and are properly formed
to assure them that the test is conducted in accordance and located.

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3.13 results, and plots along with pre-test instrument calibra-

Unless otherwise provided, head losses between the tions shall be provided to the Parties to the Test prior
high-pressure and low-pressure sections are charged to to the dismantling of the test instrumentation or depar-
the machine. Other head losses including those due to ture of the test group from the site. Programs that are
conduits upstream and/or downstream of the machine used to calculate results may be considered as proprie-
intakes, trashracks, gates, valves and the discharge tary. However, sufficient information needs to be pro-
velocity head loss at the conduit exits shall not be vided for the true copies which permits the duplicated
charged to the turbine or credited to the pump. data to be used to calculate the test results. These copies
will provide the Parties to the Test with all information
3.14 plus ensure the safekeeping and integrity of the test data.
At installations where an absolute flow rate measure-
ment is not practical or desirable, the index method
(paras. 4G.1 through 4G.18) may be used. Index testing Preliminary results shall be computed during the
makes use of the relative flow rate in order to determine course of the test and these results, together with
relative machine efficiency. selected important measurements, shall be plotted on
graphs. Any run which appears to be inconsistent with
3.15 the other runs or appears to exceed limits of deviation
In the case of a machine with both adjustable wicket or fluctuation shall be repeated. However, test records
gates and adjustable runner blades, index testing should of all runs shall be retained.
be carried out before the performance test to determine
the best gate and blade combination. The positions of 3.21
the wicket gates and runner blades for various positions Every reasonable effort shall be made to conduct the
of the operating mechanisms shall be accurately mea- test as close as possible to specified operating conditions
sured and suitable reference scales provided. These in order to minimize deviation corrections. Each run
scales shall be accessible during operation and their indi- shall be conducted under the best steady state conditions
cations shall be recorded during the test. obtainable at the operating point. Once a test has started,
adjustments to the equipment under test or the test
equipment, which may affect test results, shall not be
For pumped storage installations, with small reser- permitted. Should adjustments be deemed necessary by
voirs, tests can be conducted conveniently over the entire the Parties to the Test, prior runs shall be voided and
operating head range. One or more runs at the various the test restarted.
gate openings shall be conducted at each of several
heads, using machined metal spacers, if necessary, for 3.22
accurately and positively blocking the gate servomotors
Test runs should be made under conditions of con-
at each position.
stant speed, constant head and constant power within
3.17 the following limits of variation during an individual
For pumped storage installations with large reservoirs
(a) Variations in measured speed should not exceed
it may be convenient to conduct tests at only one point
+0.5% of the average speed measured.
in the head range. At each constant head, sufficient test
runs shall be conducted at the same gate opening using (b) Variations in measured head should not exceed
metal spacers, if necessary, to reduce the positioning 11.0% of the average head measured.
error. (c) Variations in measured power output or input
should not exceed +i.5% of the average measured power.
Preliminary test runs complete with records and cal-
culations shall be conducted to ensure that the equip- Should the actual average conditions of any test devi-
ment, instrumentation, personnel, and procedures are ate from the corresponding specified conditions, they
functioning properly. Any problems shall be corrected shall be treated individually as follows:
prior to proceeding with the official test. If agreeable to (a) The actual average speed nT and net head HT for

the Parties to the Test, preliminary runs may be consid- each individual test run may deviate from nspecand Hspec
ered to be official runs. by as much as 15% and +lo%, respectively, provided
the value of the ratio nT/ & does not differ from that
3.19 of nspec/& by more than 11%. The measured flow
True copies of all official test data taken manually rate, head, net positive suction head and power shall
or electronically, test logs, notes, sample calculations, be converted to values which correspond to

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nspec/& by using the equations of Section 5 of this tion (see Figs. 3.23A and 3.23B, Zone 2).
Code. No efficiency correction is required (see Figs. (c) The method of making the conversion for opera-
3.23A and 3.23B, Zone 1). tion at other selected speeds, the permissible deviation
(b) If the conditions of para. 3.23(a) are not met but from specified conditions, and the basis for making cor-
nT is within +5% of nspec,HT is within +lo% of Hspec rection for electrical and mechanical characteristics shall
and nT/& is within t5% of n s p e c / Gthen the be determined by prior agreement.
measured values of flow rate, head, net positive suction (4 If, in the pumping mode, it is not possible to test
head and power may be converted to specified values within the specified head range, discharge throttling
using characteristic test curves of an identical or homolo- may be used to perform the test, by agreement, within
gous machine tested over the operating range in ques- the specified head range.


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QT Qspec


Fig. 3.23A Limits of Permissible Deviations from Specified Conditions Operating in Turbine Mode

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Zone 1 /

Fig. 3.23B Limits of Permissible Deviations from Specified Conditions Operating in Pump Mode

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4A GENERAL of mercury presents a serious health hazard if spillage

4A.1 occurs. Extreme care is necessary and strict adherence
to applicable regulations concerning the use of mercury
This Section describes the instruments and methods shall be followed.

to be used for measuring head, flow rate, power, speed,
and time. It also includes a description of the index
method of measuring relative flow rate. 4B HEAD AND PRESSURE MEASUREMENT

4A.2 4B.1 Bench Marks

Instruments shall be located so they can be read with A fixed elevation reference point called a main bench
precision and convenience by the observers. All instru- mark shall be provided at each machine installation. The
ments shall be clearly and properly identified and their elevation of this main bench mark shall be accurately
calibration tables or charts shall be readily available. determined, preferably in relation to some established
Observers shall be instructed in the proper reading of the datum such as a geodetic bench mark. The main bench
instruments and the desired precision of the readings. mark shall be clearly labeled to avoid any possibility of
error. The elevations of auxiliary bench marks for free
4A.3 water surface levels and pressure gages shall be accu-
The precision of all measuring instruments shall be rately determined in relation to the main bench mark
compatible with the degree of accuracy agreed to by prior to starting the test. All bench marks and elevation
the Parties to the Test. The instrument manufacturers, reference points in the head measuring system shall
identifying numbers, owner of instruments, and length be retained undisturbed until the final test report is
and type of electrical leads, where applicable, shall be accepted.
stated in the final report. Refer to IEEE Standard 120. 4B.2
4A.4 The pressure measuring system should be used to
Additional instrumentation may be necessary to measure the static head conditions. This will aid in veri-
maintain the uncertainties required by para. 1.2 when fying the value of the density of water, the functioning
testing at machine operating conditions substantially of the pressure measurement system and the accuracy
different than the best operating range of the instrumen- of the water level elevations.
48.3 Free Water Elevation
4A.5 The measurement section for the determination of a
All instruments/instrument transformers shall be cal- free water elevation shall be chosen to satisfy the follow-
ibrated before and after the test. Those instruments ing requirements:
which cannot be calibrated on site shall bear a valid ( a ) the flow shall be steady and free from distur-
calibration certificate from an accredited laboratory. bances; and
Before carrying out the test, the necessary correction ( b ) the cross-sectional area used to determine the
and calibration curves of all instruments employed shall mean water velocity shall be accurately defined and
be available, so that within a short time following a test readily measurable.
run, preliminary calculations can be made. The inlet water elevation in machine installations with
open canals or intakes shall be determined at the agreed
4A.6 inlet section downstream from the trashracks.
After completion of the test, a repeat calibration may The outlet water elevation shall be determined at the
be omitted by agreement. Instrument calibrations shall agreed section at the end of the outlet conduit. If the
be included in the final report. above is not practical, a different measurement section
may be used in each case at the shortest possible distance
4A.7 from the agreed flow section. The total head determined
Mercury and compounds of mercury may cause dan- at the measurement sections shall be corrected by the
gerous environmental problems. The low vapor pressure head loss in the intervening passages between the agreed

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flow section and the actual measurement section com- the wall of the measurement section to eliminate any
puted by the Darcy-Weisbach or similar formula. disturbance.
(c) The connection between the measurement section
4B.4 Measuring Wells and Stilling Boxes and the well should have an area of at least 0.01 m2
If the free water surface is not accessible or sufficiently (0.1 ft2)
calm at either the machine inlet or outlet, measuring (d) A flushing valve should be provided at the bottom
wells may be used. These wells may also be used to of the well. It is recommended that at least two meacur-
confine and protect submersible pressure cells, when ing wells be provided at each measurement section, one
they are used for water surface elevation measurement. on each side of the passage at the measurement section.
The following guidelines apply when submersible
4B.5 Plate Gage
pressure cells suspended in pipe-type stilling wells
are used: A plate gage consisting of a metal disk suspended
(u) The diameter of the pipe should provide a clear- from a calibrated flexible steel tape may be used to
ance of at least i 2 mm (% in.) around the pressure cell, determine the water elevation in relation to an auxiliary
to allow the water surface in the pipe to follow the water bench mark at the measurement section.
surface at the measurement location.
(b) If the measurement location is such that there is 4B.6 Point or Hook Gage
no mean flow past the location, then a simple open- A point gage or hook gage may be used to determine
ended pipe may be inserted into the water. This is often the level of calm water, for example inside stoplog slots,
the case in gate slots at elevations above the conduit measuring wells, stilling boxes, or upstream of weirs.
ceiling, or against a wall which is above the machine
discharge conduit (e.g., downstream face above a draft 4B.7 Float Gage
tube in turbine mode). A float gage may be used and is recommended where
(c) When used in inlet gate slots with multiple inlet the water level is variable. The float diameter should be
conduits, at least one measurement location should be at least 200 mm (8 in.). When the float is manually
provided in each slot. displaced, it shall return to within 5 mm (0.2 in.) of its
(d) When used at draft tube exit, at least one measure- original position. A float diameter of 200 mm (8 in.) is
ment location should be provided for each exit bay with considered adequate for use with a stilling box 250 mm
. .
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(e) If the stilling well is installed in the flow, it should for installation in stoplog slots.
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attached to a wall or other location where the flow veloc- 4B.8 Staff Gage
ity is low. The end of the well should be capped, and A fixed staff gage, installed flush with the wall of the
at least six square-edged holes with a diameter of at measurement section, may be used where the head is
least 6 mm ('4 in.) with a combined area of no more greater than 10 m (33 ft).
than % of the cross-sectional area of the pipe should be
evenly spaced around the pipe on a plane at least two 48.9 Liquid Manometers
pipe diameters below the pressure cell. When installed If the free water surface in the measurement section
in the flow in this manner, the uncertainty in the head is inaccessible, its elevation may be determined by
measurement can be estimated as one-half of the velocity means of two or more liquid column manometers. The
head at the stilling well location. recommended liquid manometer is a differential type
cf, The output of the pressure cell should be sampled with inverted U-tube. One leg of the U-tube is connected
at a sufficient frequency that water-surface fluctuations to a reference vessel in which water is maintained at a
occurring in the pipe can be accurately averaged over fixed level, the other leg is connected to the free water
the test run. level. If the free water level to be measured is above the
The following guidelines apply if a float-gage type manometer, the water in the upper portion of the U-
stilling well is used: tube must be depressed by means of compressed air or
(a) The area of the measuring well should be such nitrogen. If, however, the free water level to be measured
that the float gage may respond freely and without inter- is below the manometer, the levels in the two U-tube
ference from the sides of the stilling well. legs must be raised by suction. The connecting tubes to
(b) All connections should be normal to the passage the manometer must allow for ready purging to remove
wall at the measurement section and should be covered any gas pockets and to maintain the same water temper-
with a non-corrosive smooth plate having perforation ature throughout the system. They must be sufficiently
of 6 mm to 10 mm ('4 in. to % in.) diameter with the airtight to avoid leakage of air into sections below atmo-
area of the perforations equal to or greater than 25% of spheric pressure. The weight of the unbalanced gas col-
the connection. Such cover plates should be flush with umn in a differential manometer shall be taken into

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account. Further details on manometers can be found

in PTC 19.2 Pressure Measurement. Noncorrosive
4B.10 Measurements by Means of Compressed Gas
The free water elevation may be determined by means
of compressed gas, air or nitrogen, inside a tube (bubbler
system). One end of the tube is connected through a
regulating valve to a small compressor(s) or gas bottle(s).
The other end is open and located at a known elevation
below the water surface to be measured. Pressure loss .maximum
in the tube is small because the flow rate is 3 to 8 bubbles radius
per minute. Gas consumption is small because it is neces-
sary only for small bubbles to escape continuously from
the open end of the tube. The bubbler works best in still
water, because dynamic effects may cause errors.

4B.11 Pressure Measurement by Pressure Taps

When pressure taps are used to measure the static
head at the inlet and/or discharge sections, there shall
be at least four pressure taps equally spaced around a
circular conduit. There shall be two pressure taps located
on each vertical side (at the one quarter and three quarter
heights) of a rectangular conduit or at least one at mid-
height of both vertical sides of each part of a multiple
conduit section. To avoid air and dirt, no pressure taps
shall be located at the top or bottom. All pressure taps maximi
shall be flush with the walls, normal to the walls, and radius
free from local flow disturbances (see Fig. 48.11). Care
shall be exercised in locating the inlet pressure taps to
avoid flow vortices. Location of pressure taps shall be 3 mm < d < 9 mm
in. < d < 3/s in.)
at least three conduit diameters downstream from an

elbow, butterfly valve, or other flow-disturbing configu-

ration, and one conduit diameter upstream from the Fig. 4B.11 Pressure Tap
machine inlet section or the manifold inlet section of an
impulse turbine. If the distance between the machine
and the flow-disturbing configuration is too short to resistant plate at least 300 mm (12 in.) diameter, embed-
allow the recommended location, the pressure taps shall ded flush with the surrounding concrete. Pressure taps
be located at least one conduit diameter upstream from shall be individually valved so they can be read sepa-
the flow-disturbing configuration, and the computed rately. Pressure taps may be manifolded after the valve
head loss in the intervening segment of conduit shall provided the manifold piping is not less than 12 mm
be deducted from the measured head. If the conduit is (g in.) inside diameter when measuring devices other
rectangular, one equivalent conduit diameter shall be
the average of height and width.
than pressure cells are used, and 6 mm (x
in.) inside
diameter when pressure cells are used. All connections
The wall of the conduit shall be smooth and parallel shall be leak free. Care must be taken to ensure that all
to the flow for a distance of at least 450 mm (18 in.) pressure sensing lines are regularly bled and that no air
upstream and 150 mm (6 in.) downstream from the pres- has entered the system.
sure tap. The surface shall not deviate by more than The condition of measurement, including velocity dis-
0.75 mm (0.03 in.) from a 450 mm (18 in.) straight edge tribution, and condition of pressure taps shall be such
applied parallel to the flow for 150 mm (6 in.) on either that no pressure tap in the section of measurement shall
side of the pressure tap. Each pressure tap orifice shall vary in its reading from the reading of any other by
be of uniform diameter d, 3 mm to 9 mrn (l/s in. to % more than 1%of the net head or 20% of velocity head
in.) for a depth of at least 2d from the wall where d is at full gate and specified head, whichever is larger. If
the diameter of the orifice. The orifice edge shall be free any pressure tap reading appears to be in error, the
from burrs or irregularities and shall be rounded to a source of the discrepancy shall be determined and
radius not greater than d/4. In concrete conduits, each removed, or the reading of the tap shall not be used in
pressure tap shall be located at the center of a corrosion computing the head. At least two taps shall be used at

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II Penstock pressure

Fig. 4B.12 Calibration Connections for Pressure Gages or Pressure Transducers

each measurement section. If this is not possible, a new through an interface vessel, so that at any time before,
measurement section shall be selected and an appro- during or after the test, all parties may be satisfied that
priate correction shall be made for the intermediate head the gage readings or recorded measurements are in

loss. Pressure taps and connecting piping to the devices agreement with the primary device. The interface vessel
should be regularly flushed between runs. permits operation of the deadweight gage with the
required oil and provides for operation of the gage or
4B.12 Pressure Measurement the transducer with oil at the same temperature.
For the measurement of pressure, liquid manometers, The two modes of operation, (1) pressure measure-
dead++~i gdge iesiers, shaii De consiaerea to be ment with the gage or the transducer and (2) calibration
primary devices. Precision Bourdon gages or precision of the instruments with the deadweight gage, are
~ 2 C s U Ck f i S & L i G Z S are S e C l i d X y deViCt3, dI1d IIdY obtained by switching valves. For pressure measure-
be used for pressure measurements provided they are ment, valves A and C are open; valves B, D, and E are
calibrated before and after the test against a primary closed. For instrument calibration, valves A, C, and D
standard or an NIST-traceable transfer standard. It is are closed and E is open; valve B and sight glass are
recommended that the calibrations of all secondary only used for checking the point of zero gage pressure.
devices be checked on-site before and after testing, and Valve D can be used to either release trapped air from
during testing if specified by the test plan or if requested
the interface vessel or to fill the vessel and pressure line
by the Chief of Test. These on site pre- and post-calibra-
with oil. Valve B is used to relieve pressure in the vessel
tion checks are sufficient to meet the requirements of
or adjust the interface level to the reference elevation.
this paragraph so long as the calibration checks are made
using primary devices or NIST-traceable transfer stan- An in-line calibration check does not need to include
dards. It is advantageous to have a primary device or the point of zero gage pressure, nor does it need to cover
transfer standard connected in parallel with the primary the full instrument range. It must however, include a
device so that at any time during the test all parties pressure p~ just below the expected test pressure(s) and
may be satisfied that the gage readings or the recorded a pressure pH, just above the expected test pressure(s).
measurements are in agreement with the primary device When used for pre-test or post-test calibration, at least
(Fig. 4B.12 and para. 4B.13). This is especially important five calibration points shall be included. The applied
if the test instruments must be shipped or exposed to weights and respective gage readings or transducer out-
potentially harsh environments between the test site and puts are recorded, but the gage/transducer is not
an off-site calibration facility. adjusted.
The instrument calibration is determined by a best-
4B.13 Pressure Measurement With Running fit straight line fit to the calibration data. All calibrations
Calibration and calibration checks should be evaluated and plotted
Figure 4B.12 shows a precision spring pressure gage as they are acquired. Should the difference between cali-
or a precision transducer connected in parallel with a brations or calibration checks performed during the test
deadweight gage (primary device) to the penstock program exceed acceptable limits, the causes of such

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difference shall be determined and eliminated, and the Code Committee for soundness of principle, limits of
calibration procedure repeated. accuracy available and demonstrated application under
laboratory and field conditions. In addition, it is
4B.14 Determination of Gravity expected that these methods permit the selection of at
When using a deadweight tester, or a pressure trans- least one method of flow measurement suited to field
ducer, the determination of gravity should be made at conditions encountered in testing.
the elevation of the testers piston. If a mercury column
is used, the mid-height of the column should be the 4c.4
elevation used to determine gravity. The classical methods of salt velocity and pitot devices
4B.15 Determination of Density of Water have not been included in this Code. These methods are
still considered valid methods of measuring flow rate
In freshwater situations, the density of water may be but are no longer considered economically feasible.
determined by static water level measurement or by use Should a situation dictate the need to use one of these
of standard tables of pure water density, such as those methods, the user should refer to PTC 18-1992.
given in Table 2.4D, and taking into account or making
corrections for the following: (1) local gravity at the 4c.5
latitude at the test site and the elevation of the mid-
height of water column, (2) average temperature of the The current meter method (paras. 4C.13 to 4C.25)mea-
water column, (3) compressibility at the mid-height of sures velocities at several specified locations in a test
the water column, and (4) dissolved and suspended section. This method of measuring flow rate is, for the
solids. Water temperature must be periodically recorded purpose of this Code, restricted to closed conduits. It
during the test. requires a suitable test section with appropriate
When the test water is heavily silt-laden or brackish, approach conditions, and equipment to orient and hold
the density of the water shall be determined by measure- the meters in the test section.
ment. Pressure measnrement devices shall be used at
the test site under static conditions to determine the 4C.6
conversion factor from units of measurement indicated The pressure-time method (paras. 4C.26 to 4C.59)
by the device, to the value of the density of water. In measures the impulse resulting from the deceleration of
determining the water density, the buoyancy effect of flow. This method requires a closed conduit of suitable
air must be considered. Since instrument problems and length with two piezometer sections, gates or valves
survey errors can influence this measurement, it is advis- that provide a nearly uniform rate of flow reduction,
able to confirm this value by computation. and apparatus to record the relation between pressure
and time as the flow is decelerated. Numerous turbine

4C FLOW MEASUREMENT mode tests have been successfully performed using this
method but few successful pump mode tests have been
4C.1 done. For this reason, the method is not recommended
The choice of a method for measurement of flow rate for pumping mode tests.
is a decision, which should be made early in the design
stage of the project. Choice of the method for measuring 4c.7
large flow rates involves consideration of the conditions
required for using each method, relative accuracy of test The ultrasonic method (paras. 4C.60 to 4C.80)is based
results of those methods that can be used, and relative on the principle that ultrasonic pulse transit times along
costs when the accuracy of results of two methods are chordal paths are altered by the fluid velocity. Transit
equal. Each method has its own requirements. times of pulses propagated downstream are reduced by
fluid velocity, while transit times of pulses propagated
4C.2 upstream are increased.
Any leakage or diversion of water occurring between
the measurement section and the machine shall be mea-
sured and suitably taken into account. The venturi meter method (paras. 4C.81 to 4C.87)
measures the difference between the pressure head at
4c.3 the inlet and at the throat section of the Venturi to deter-
This Code describes the current meter, pressure-time, mine the flow rate. This method is suited to installations
ultrasonic, venturi meter, dye dilution, volumetric meth- having a closed conduit of sufficient length. Only ventu-
ods of flow measurement, and addresses the thermody- ris with calibrated discharge coefficients are considered
namic method of measuring efficiency. These methods capable of meeting the Code maximum flow rate uncer-
are included because they meet the criteria of the Test tainty requirement.

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4c.9 4C.12
The dye dilution method (paras. 4C.88 to 4C.101) Any of the preceding methods of measuring flow rate
involves the constant rate injection of a dye tracer into may be used by mutual consent of the Parties to the
the flow stream to be measured, and drawing off sam- Test, provided the guiding principles stated in Section
ples downstream at a distance where mixing is complete. 3 of this Code are observed. The method of measurement
The samples are analyzed for concentration and to should be determined prior to construction so that the
ensure that the dilution of the dye is proportional to the test appurtenances can be installed during construction.
flow. The method is suitable for once-through systems, 4C.13 Current Meter Method
where no recirculation takes place. The method is appli-
cable to hydraulic turbines and pump-turbines 4C.14
operating in either the pumping or generating mode. The current meter method establishes the flow rate
An environmental permit may be required depending in a conduit by measuring the flow velocity at discrete
on downstream usage of the flow stream. points (point velocities) in the flow section area. The
Advantages of the method are that: it can easily be measured point velocities are integrated over a measure-
adapted to existing facilities to inject and sample the ment cross section to obtain the mean velocity from
dye without interrupting the flow, no measurements are which the flow rate is determined. The method pre-
required of the conduit, no dewatering of the conduit sented here considers only flow measurement sections in
is usually necessary to install the injection system unless closed conduits, full of water. For placing of measuring
the conduit is extremely large, straight sections of con- points, the log-linear method, which requires a fully
duit are not required, duration of test runs are relatively developed turbulent flow profile, or integration of veloc-
short, and a large range of flow rates can be measured ity area methods' of placement of measuring points are
with the same equipment. recommended. The methods of Gauss and Chebyshev'
Essential requirements of the method are that the may also be used. The flow section area shall be deter-
injection rate is constant and known accurately, mixing mined within an accuracy of 0.2%.
is complete at the point of sampling, and there is no
change of the dye strength other than caused by dilution
by the flow being measured. With respect to measurements in closed conduits, both
circular and rectangular, the following points shall be
4C.10 observed for the measurement section:
(u) For the profile dependent log-linear method, the
i n e voiumetric method (paras. 4C.l2 to 4c.114) measurement section shall be straight and at least 20
determines the average flow rate for a change in reser- conduit diameters for circular conduits or 80 hydraulic
voir fluid elevation over a time period. The method radii for rectangular conduits downstream, and at least
requires a survey of the reservoir to determine an accu- 5 conduit diameters for circular conduits or 20 hydraulic
rate relationship of reservoir volume change for the cor- radii for rectangular conduits upstream from the nearest
responding fluid elevation change. bend, change in section, or other obstruction to the flow.
(b) The velocity distribution shall, as nearly as possi-
4C.11 ble, be that of fully developed turbulent flow in a straight
conduit of uniform section.
The thermodynamic method for efficiency determi-
nation is based on the water temperature differencemea-
(c) The mean velocity shall not be less than 75% of
the maximum velocity.
sured across the machine. This temperature difference
(d) If flow conditioners are required, they should be
is converted to losses and consequently to efficiency.
placed upstream at least 10 conduit diameters for circu-
The flow rate is then computed from this and other
lar conduits or 40 hydraulic radii for rectangular con-
measured variables. The thermodynamic method is spe-
cifically suitable for machines with heads in excess of
(e) If the conduit is of lapped construction, the mea-
100 m. Due to the limited use and experience with this
surement plane should be in the smaller section.
method in North America, details of this method are
cf, If the measurement section does not meet the
not included in this Code. If the thermodynamic method
requirements of (a) and is a location where oblique or
is desirable either as the primary or secondary method
reverse flows could exist, it is necessary to investigate
it is the recommendation of this Code to refer to the for them using a flow directional sensing device such as
current version of IEC Standard 60041 "Field acceptance directional vane with an angular transducer. All velocity
tests to determine the hydraulic performance of hydrau-
lic turbines, storage pumps, and pump-turbines," Chap- '
Measurement of clear water flow in closed conduits - velocity
ter 1 4 "Thermodynamic method for measuring area method using current meters, IS0 3354.
efficiency". *
Fluid Meters, Sixth Edition, 1971, ASME, pp. 107-110.

--``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 31
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Table 4C.16 locations of Measurement

Points Using log-linear Method
Number of
Measuring Points
per Radius
(y) min

3 0.358 6 t 0.010 O 0.320 7 t 0.005 O

0.730 2 0.010 O 0.134 9 t 0.005 O 23.4
0.935 8 t 0.003 2 0.032 1 t 0.001 6

5 0.277 6 t 0.010 O 0.361 O t 0.006 O

0.565 8 t 0.010 O 0.217 1 t 0.005 O 39.7
0.695 O t 0.010 O 0.152 5 t 0.005 O
0.847 O t 0.007 6 0.076 5 t 0.003 8
0.962 2 t 0.001 8 0.018 9 t 0.000 9

R = radius of measurement section
ri = radius to measurement point i
fi = distance from wall to measurement point i
d = propeller diameter

0.966 H

3 3

0.908 H

0.750 H

5 0.6325 H
2 0.500 H 6--

.-$ 0.3675 H
0.250 H

0.092 H
0.034 H

3 3

GENERAL NOTE: Numbers are weighting factors (ki) which apply at the locations of the meters. The center meter is for
reference only.

Fig. 4C.17 location of Point Velocity Measurements with Weighting Factors Ki for the log-linear
Method in a Rectangular Measurement Section

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

points must be included in the overall velocity calcula- the mean velocity or the flow rate. However, for small
tion with the appropriate contribution. However, points variations in flow rate the reference velocity can be used
exceeding the current meter's maximum oblique angular to adjust all velocity measurements to the same reference
capability will increase the estimate of the overall veloc- flow rate.
ity uncertainty. Measurement in this section would only
be acceptable using a technique not dependent on an 4C.18
assumed velocity profile.
Only axial-flow electric-signaling current meters shall
(9) Trashracks, trashrack support structures, and
be used. The bearing arrangement and lubrication are
accumulated trash will affect the velocity distribution
of special importance, as water borne solids should not
and turbulence levels. Consequently, the effects of these
enter the bearing, and corrosion or water hardness
disturbances on the measurement section must be evalu-
should not cause deterioration of the calibration. The
ated. The trashracks must be cleaned prior to testing.
effect of changes in water temperature shall be deter-
4C.16 Circular Conduits mined by calibration. It is recommended that meters be
capable of detecting reverse flow.
Velocities in circular conduits shall be measured along
a minimum of two mutually perpendicular diameters. 4C.19

Table 4C.16 specifies the locations of the measurement

points for the log-linear method. The minimum number All current meters shall be homologous, with blade
of measurement points permitted by this Code is five tip diameter not less than 100 mm (4 in.), except for
points per radius, except that three current meters per meters adjacent to the conduit wall where tip diameters
radius may be used in conduits too small to permit five as small as 50 mm (2 in.) may be used.
current meters. The mean velocity is V, = C Vi/n where
Vi is the individual velocity and n is the number of 4C.20
measuring points. All current meters shall be mounted with their axes
parallel to the conduit axis. The mounting rods and
4C.17 Rectangular Conduits
meter attachments shall be stiff enough so that deflection
Figure 4C.17 shows an arrangement of 26 measure- and vibration caused by the flow are negligible. The
ment points in a rectangular section, the minimum yer- minimum distance between the axis of any current meter
ititted Gy- this CdO. T k i :ca:in in the c ~ ~ e c n ~an ihe cunciuii waii ur tiie bidde tip u dity ddJdCt!lli
section is for the log-linear method. Unlike the arrange- current meter shall be 0.75 times the blade tip diameter
---4 -:.,-":---..-A P I L --A n h i nn r I L thoen x,nin,-;+T,
I I I Z I I L e j l V L I L I L L y U I L I . 7L.I" U I L U
of tlie cUeL-lt l-lete.

measurements shall be weighted according to the values The minimum permissible conduit dimensions for
ki given in Fig. 4C.17. The mean velocity for the arrange- current meter measurement are dictated by the mini-
ment shown in Fig. 4C.17 is mum number of meters permitted and the minimum
tip diameter allowed near the conduit wall. For circular
conduits with 5 current meters per radius located as
shown in Table 4C.17, the minimum permissible internal
conduit diameter will be 2.1 m (6.5 ft) if 50 mm (2 in.)
The measured flow rate is
tip diameter current meters are near the wall. For rectan-
Qmeasured = VmA
gular conduits with 26 current meters spaced as shown
where A is the gross area of the measurement section. in Fig. 4C.17, the minimum permissible height will be
Qmeasured shall be corrected for the blockage caused by 1.1 m (3.6 ft), and the minimum permissible width 0.4
the current meters and their supports, as described in m (1.3 ft) if 50 mm (2 in.) tip diameter current meters
para. 4C.23. If the conduit is divided into several sec- are near all four walls.
tions, the flow rate shall be computed from simultane-
ous measurements in each section. 4C.21
The duration of measurement for each run shall be
Simultaneous measurements with several current
at least 2 min. Should the water velocity be subject to
meters mounted on movable frames, which can be repo-
periodic pulsations, the duration of measurement shall
sitioned at fixed locations between readings, can advan-
include an even number (at least four) of complete peri-
tageously reduce the duration of the run.
ods of the pulsation.
When all velocity measurements are not made simul-
taneously, it is useful to check for steadiness of flow
during the sampling period using a reference velocity 4C.22
measured at the center of the measurement section. This The time measurement shall be accurate to at least
reference velocity is not included in the computation of 0.05'/0.

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4C.23 velocity of a volume of water expressed in terms of

The current meters and their supports disturb the the pressure waves propagated during the change. The
velocity distribution in the conduit. This leads to a posi- differential diagram application of the pressure-time
tive error in the flow rate measurement. The magnitude method shall be used. Differential diagrams record the
of this error depends on the number and type of current pressure variations between two measurement sections
meters being used and the projected frontal area of the with no intermediate free surface points of relief and
supports. are affected only by the friction loss and change in
The flow rate Q, corrected for blockage, is given by: momentum between two such sections. The effect of
conduit friction loss outside of the differential test sec-
Q = [I - 0.125 (S/A) - 0.03 ( S J N l Qmeasured tion, changes in intake or conduit friction, and changes
in intake or surge-tank water levels are identical at both
where pressure measurement sections, and thus are eliminated
S = frontal area of the support structure from the differential pressure readings.
S , = propeller area,
The minimal condition for the use of this method is
that the product of L and D shall not be less than 46.5,
di = tip diameter of the propeller where L is the length between the two pressure measure-
A = area of the measurement section ment sections in meters and D is the mean velocity in
n = number of current meters the test section in m/s when the machine is carrying full
load. (The corresponding value in the US. Customary
The summation of area is for all current meters system is 500, where L is in feet and D is in ft/s.) Values
whether of the same or different tip diameters. An uncer- of L shall exceed the larger of 10 m (33 ft) or twice the
tainty of I(%~)(S/A)is introduced into the flow measure- internal diameter of the conduit. Intakes with multiple
ment by the supports. This may limit the amount of passageways require that simultaneous independent
blockage that can be tolerated. pressure-time diagrams be taken in each passageway of
the intake.
The current meters shall be calibrated in a towing
tank with the same type of mounting as will be used The leakage past the wicket gates or other closing
during the test. Where meters are closely spaced, the device used in producing the pressure rise should be
calibration shall include the effects of adjacent meters. measured separately when the wicket gates or the clos-
The calibration shall include oblique flow up to 10 deg. ing device are in the closed position under the actual
In no case may the calibrated rating curve be extrapo- test head. If this is not possible, the leakage measured
lated. when the unit is at standstill shall be adjusted to the
pressure drop across the wicket gates or closing device
4C.25 measured at the end of each pressure-time run. Such
The current meters shall be inspected before and after leakage, when adjusted to test conditions, shall not be
the test. Any blade deformation or other defect subse- greater than 2% of full load flow rate and the leakage
quent to calibration shall require a recalibration of the measurement error shall not exceed 0.1% of full load
meter at the request of any party to the test. flow rate.

4C.25.1 The uncertainty in flow measurement using 4C.30

the Current Meter Method within the specifications of The areas of each of the two pressure measurement
this Code is estimated to be within 11.2% for conduits sections and the distance between them shall be mea-
ranging in diameter from 1.2 m to 1.5 m (4 ft to 5 ft) sured with sufficient precision to determine the pipe
and within 11% for conduits larger than 1.5 m (5 ft) in factor F = L/A within 0.1%. Construction drawing
diameter. dimensions shall be used only as a check on these mea-
4C.26 Pressure-Time Method surements, not for the area calculation.

4C.27 Four pressure taps, 3 mm to 9 mm (g in. to % in.)
This method for measuring the flow rate is applicable diameter, shall be installed at each measurement section
where the water flows through a closed conduit of either in positions diametrically opposed and in a plane nor-
uniform or converging cross section. It is based upon mal to the axis of the section. The four taps of each
the relation between change of pressure and change of measurement section shall be valved individually and

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connected by rigid piping or tubing to a separate mani- a recording device. Acceptable recording devices
fold for each measurement section. The two manifolds include the traditional Gibson apparatus and the digital
shall be accessible for connection to the differential pres- pressure-time system. Other measurements necessary
sure manometer of the pressure-time apparatus. for each test run include fluid temperatures and the time
of wicket gate closure.
4C.36 Pressure-Time Method Using the Gibson
In circular conduits, the pressure taps at each mea-
surement section shall be located at 45 deg to the center-
line of the section. In rectangular conduits, the pressure
taps shall be located at one-quarter and three-quarter 4c.37
heights on the vertical walls. Pressure taps and connect- The Gibson apparatus (see Fig. 4C.37) photographs
ing piping, except for this particular requirement, shall on a sensitized film moving at a uniform rate, the move-
conform to requirements of para. 4B.11. ment of the top surface of a column of mercury in a U-
tube manometer. The manometer is connected to the
4c.33 flow conduit (see para. 4C.32). This mercury column
To ensure the necessary accuracy in the recorded pres- movement is caused by a pressure change in the conduit.
sure-time diagrams, flow conditions in the conduit shall Because the diagram is produced by means of an expo-
be such that, at each measurement section, the difference sure through a narrow slot in the film holder, the width
between the pressure measured at any one tap and the of slot will cause the diagram to be slightly larger than
pressure measured at all taps in the same measurement it would be drawn by a point or by exposure through
section shall not exceed 0.2 v2/2g. The average of the a slot of infinitesimal width. The operator must be pre-
readings from any pair of opposite taps shall not differ pared to perform an on-site check of the pendulum
from the average of the other pair of taps in the same swing time and width of slot as displayed photographi-
measurement section by more than 0.1 v2/2g. This will cally on film similar to that used for the test.
require consideration of such items as velocity distribu-
tion, length of straight run of conduit, and wall condi- 41.38
tions at the individual taps. Compliance with the To reduce the effects of friction, all connecting piping
velocity head criteria shall be required at three represen- shall be at least 19 mm (34in.) diameter.
t i i f i v p giitP settings within the sypc-ified range a n d
should also be checked at flow extremes to estimate 4c.39
flow measurement accuracy outside this range. TL- -----A..--
yI"LcuuIc I V I
A-lLfimt;..- --A c h - A;--
U C l l l L C L I I L I L E > UI1U L L L C c c . L 4 ~C ~I L~C ~U ~I C L

Pressure readings shall be checked prior to beginning gram of Fig. 4C.35 is as follows: A horizontal line AA,
the test. If any pressure tap appears to be in error, the called the running line, is drawn coincident with the
source of the error shall be determined and removed. position on the diagram representing the level of the
If this is not possible, the non-conforming tap and its top surface of the mercury in the manometer of the

opposite shall be eliminated from the flow measure- apparatus under running conditions before the wicket
ment. Not less than one pair of opposite taps shall be gates began to close. If the running position of the rner-
used at each measurement section. Spot checks of the cury is wavy, the running line AA shall be taken as the
velocity head criteria shall be made immediately follow- mean position of its peaks and valleys.
ing the test to confirm compliance with the required
criteria. 4C.40
A horizontal line FF, called the static line (see Fig.
4C.35) is drawn coincident with the position on the dia-
The flow rate, which is to be measured in the conduit, gram representing the top surface of the mercury in
shall be set by limiting the movement of wicket gates the manometer of the apparatus under static conditions
or other closing device in the opening direction at the after the wicket gates have been closed. Usually this line
desired position, preferably by means of mechanical is coincident with the median line of the afterwaves
blocks, without restricting the closing function for emer- following complete closure. The median line is obtained
gencies. by bisecting the envelope curves shown at HH and GG.
The vertical line KM marking the end of the diagram
4c.35 is located as follows.
While the generator remains connected to the system, (a) Measure the horizontal distance along the static
a pressure-time diagram (see Fig. 4C.35) shall be line FF from its intersection at U with the rising edge
obtained by closing the wicket gates or other closing of the first uniformly decaying harmonic wave after
device in one continuous movement, graphically rec- complete closure, to its intersection at N with the falling
ording the resultant change in pressure on the chart of edge of the same afterwave.

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~ ~~



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The diagram is divided into a number of approxi-
mately equal sub-areas al, a2, etc. A trial recovery line
OP is drawn as shown by the dashed line on Fig. 4C.35.
Each of the sub-areas al, a2, etc., above OP is then mea-
sured by a precision-type planimeter rated to have an
accuracy of 1:4000. Deduct the slot area from the sum
of the sub-areas. The slot area is determined by summing
the vertical rise and fall for all peaks within the particu-
lar sub-area and multiplying the result by one-half the
slot width.

Figure 4C.42 is a tabular form, which has been
designed so that the successive steps to be taken in
measuring a diagram may be followed in a systematic
The data entered at the top of the form for identifica-
tion and convenient references are self-explanatory.
The columns of the table show, respectively:
(a) Column 1-Designating letter of the sub-areas al,
a2, etc.
(b) Column 2-Summation of the vertical rise and fall
of each sub-area is multiplied by one-half of the effective
slot width to obtain the slot correction (paras. 4C.37 and
(c) Column 3-Planimeter readings for each sub-area
I d ) C o l u m n 4-Difference between planimeter

A = upstream pressure measurement section readings
B = downstream pressure measurement section ( P ) Column li-Value of each sub-area of the diagram
C = light source less the slot correction is the net area.
D = glass tube leg of manometer
E stainless steel leg of manometer
= (8Column &The summation values are obtained by
F= seconds pendulum adding successively the net areas in Column 5. When
G = photographic lens the last of the sub-areas has been added, the total will
/-i= photographic film on revolving drum approximate the net area of the diagram above the
I = conduit assumed recovery line. The final recovery line is located
by following the instructions in para. 4C.43, and after
Fig. 4C.37 Arrangement of Pressure-Time the final recovery line has been located, the final total
Apparatus area of the diagram is then measured.
(g) Column 7-Recovery line (see para. 4C.43)
( k ) Column 8-Time constant for each sub-area
(b) Subtract the slot width (see para. 4C.37) from the (i) Column 9-Weighted timing product
value obtained in (a) above.
(c) Measure the heights yl and y2 above the static line 4C.43 That part of the gross area of the diagram
FF of the peaks of two adjacent afterwaves and compute produced by the recovery of friction and velocity head
the wave height ratio W = y1/y2. differentials shall be eliminated on the basis that friction
(d) Determine the quantity Z from Fig. 4C.40 and and velocity head differentials remaining are equal to
multiply this quantity by the dimension obtained in (b) c( - r)' where:
above to obtain the length UM. This length is scaled c = sum of the friction head and the difference in
along the static line FF from the point U where FF inter- velocity heads between pressure measurement
sects the rising edge of the first afterwave, following sections recorded on the pressure-time diagram,
closure, to a point M. Draw a vertical line MK. This Fig. 4C.35
line determines the end of the diagram. The area of the x = slope of "c-versus-Q" curve plotted on logarith-
diagram shall be at least 10000 mm2 (15 in.2) for the mic graph paper
rated full load conditions.

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O 1 2 3 4

w = - y, rnax.
yz rnax.
,etc. -
GENERAL NOTE: [exp (-x)](sin X) = e-'sin x

Fig. 4C.40 Damped Harmonic Waves

UN L = total distance, m (ft), between the two pressure

aT + aL measurement sections, measured along the cen-

terline of the conduit ( L = 2 Li)
where A = area of conduit, at the measurement section,
uN = net area of the diagram measured up to a given m2 (ft2, . I

sub-area n F = constant of conduit called the pipe factor (F =

L/A). If the conduit is of non-uniform cross sec-
aN = (al + a2 + tion, then
aT = total net area of the diagram for all the sub-areas F = Z(Li/Ai)
aT = (al + a2 + Li = distance, m (ft), between each intermediate con-
uL = area of the diagram corresponding to leakage duit section within the total measurement
Ai = area, m2 (ft?), at each intermediate conduit sec-
tion within the total measurement section
S = time constant of diagram. It is the horizontal
aL = -
length in mm (in.) corresponding to one second
of time (see Fig. 4C.35).
q = leakage flow past the machine wicket gates used K = calibration constant of the recording appara-
to create the pressure rise, m3/s (ft3/s) tus = g/y

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Operating Company

Plant Date U n i t No. Run No.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Weighted T i m i n g
Slot Planimeter Corrected
NO. Correction Readings DIFF. For Slot aN c(l - r)' AS AS ( A a l




Total area = Correction for slot =

Final net area a, =
Ka,/FS -
Leakage q -
Total flow rate O =

Fig. 4C.42 Sample of a Data and Computation Sheet of a

Flow Rate Measurement by the Pressure-Time Method

y = vertical height on the diagram corresponding when the assumed value and slope of "c-vs-Q curve
to 1 m (1 ft) of head change in the conduit, are in substantial agreement. An initial trial value of
mm (in.) x = 1.85 is recommended. When the value of c is small,
the recovery line can frequently be located with sufficient
41.44 precision by eye, and the process of subdividing the
When c is equal to or less than 6 mm ('4 in.) on the area of the diagram into sub-areas can be omitted or at
diagram at maximum flow rate, the exponent x may be least limited by checking of a few diagrams.
assumed to be 2.0. When c is greater than 6 mm ('4 in.)
at maximum flow rate, the exponent x shall be deter- Negative values of c are sometimes encountered and
. mined by successive measurements of diagrams based must be dealt with on an individual basis. Negative c
on assumed values of x and corresponding logarithmic values may result from secondary flows set up by small
plottings of c and Q. The exponent shall be accepted pressure differences in the piezometer manifolds or from

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erratic pressure fluctuationsprior to load rejection. Suffi- (u) The response time of the transducer shall be 0.2
cient pressure fluctuations, representing the running seconds or faster.
condition, should be photographed prior to load rejec- ( b ) The full-scale volumetric displacement of the
tion to assure accurate running line AA delineation. Trial transducer shall be no more than 0.082 cm3 (0.005 in3).
runs should be made using different combinations of (c) The transducer shall have an uncertainty of no
piezometer taps in an attempt to identify and eliminate more than 0.25% of the expected peak signal, including
the negative c phenomena. If the negative c values can- the effects of hysteresis and linearity.
not be eliminated, or evaluated to the satisfaction of the (d) The pressure-time transducer shall be calibrated
Parties to the Test, the affected runs shall be rejected. prior to and after testing using a manometer or dead
weight tester. It is recommended that this calibration
be performed on-site, using the same wiring and data
The flow rate shall be computed by the equation acquisition system as will be used during testing. Upon
agreement of the Parties to the Test, a lab-certified trans-
Q = *-Ka
FS +q fer standard with an uncertainty of no more than 0.1%
of the maximum expected signal may be used.
where (e) Most differential pressure transducers will exhibit
Q = flow rate, m3/s (ft3/s) some change in calibration if the static or line pressure
uf = final net area, mm2 (in.'), of the diagram (Fig. of the measurement is raised, even if the pressure differ-
4C.35) after the recovery line has been estab- ential across the transducer stays the same. If this static
lished, and corrections have been made for pressure effect on the transducer will lead to more than
width of slot and shrinkage or stretching of the 0.2% uncertainty between calibration and test condi-
print of the diagram (see para 4C.41). tions, the transducer shall be calibrated at the average
The area of the pressure-time diagram (Fig. 4C.35) is static pressure expected during the tests.
a measure of the quantity of water actually decelerated. (f, If the effect of a change in ambient temperature
Any water (leakagewater), which remains flowing, shall between calibration and test conditions will lead to more
be measured and adjusted to the head condition existing than 0.2% uncertainty in the transducer calibration, the
at the time of closure in the manner described in para. transducer shall be maintained at a temperature close
4C.29. The leakage rate q shall be added to the flow rate enough to the calibration temperature to achieve an
measured from the diagram to obtain the total flow rate ambient temperature effect of less than 0.2% uncertainty.
at the moment the wicket gates or other closing device (9) Calibration and span adjustment of the differential
began to close. pressure transducer shall include allowance for negative
4C.46 Pressure-Time Method Using Digital Data pressure differentials that will be experienced during a
Acquisition pressure-time test.
(h) Any signal conditioning or pressure damping
device used in the hydraulic circuit with the differential
Differential pressure transducers may be used in con- pressure detector must be applied with caution to ensure
junction with a digital data acquisition system to record that the characteristics of the device do not alter the
the pressure-time signal. The general requirements for method. All signal conditioning, including hardware or
validity, including conduit dimensions, pressure taps, software filtering or smoothing, shall be approved by
pressure-tap consistency, etc., apply to the digital all Parties to the Test.
method. This section describes requirements and fea- (i) In the case of an undamped sensing element, the
tures unique to the digital implementation of the pres- natural frequency of the transducer shall be at least 10
sure-time method. times greater than the maximum frequency expected in
The digital pressure-time method will normally rec- the pressure signal.
ord the pressure signal with higher frequency response (i., No over-range or under-range of the transducer
than the traditional method, with the result that exces- shall be present in the integrated portion of the pressure-
sive pressure noise in the penstock may make it impossi- time signal.
ble to accurately integrate the pressure-time diagram.
Because of this possibility, it is advantageous to perform 4C.49 Data Acquisition System
a preliminary pressure-time measurement well in
advance of the formal testing for the purpose of verifying (u) The differential pressure signal shall be sampled
that a suitable pressure signal can be obtained. at a rate of at least 100 samples per second.
(b) The data acquisition system shall have an uncer-
4C.48 Differential Pressure Transducer tainty of no more than 0.1% of the maximum value of
The following requirements shall govern the selection the acquired signal.
and use of the differential pressure transducer used for (c) The timing uncertainty of the samples shall be no
pressure-time testing: more than 0.1% of the length of the main excursion

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portion (integration interval) of the pressure-time in its details than one obtained using the Gibson appara-
record. tus, somewhat different methods are employed to delin-
eate and integrate the pressure-time signal.
4C.50 Connecting Piping
4C.54 Running Line Delineation
(a) Connecting piping shall be as short as practical
The starting point on the running line is chosen 10-
and be at least 6 mm ('4 in.) inside diameter. 30 sec before gate closure. The point chosen should have
(b) Connecting piping may be rigid or flexible,so long a pressure value close to the midpoint of the peaks in
as the material and construction is non-elastic and non- the running line interval (i.e., near the average).
expanding and it can be shown that the piping will The ending point on the running line should have a
convey the pressure signal without introducing damping pressure value close to the midpoint of the peaks (i.e.,
in excess of that specified in para. 4C.48(a). For this near the average), and be close (within a pressure wave
purpose, the connecting piping shall be considered to cycle or two) to the point at which the wicket gate posi-
be a part of the transducer. If necessary, piping should tion signal shows the start of wicket gate closure.
be supported to prevent resonant mechanical vibration.
4C.55 Static Line Delineation
4C.51 Manifold
(a) Connecting piping from each piezometer at a sec- The starting and ending points on the static line
tion should be manifolded together as close to the should be chosen at a point in the trace after complete
piezometer section as practical, using pressure sense wicket gate closure in which no mean pressure oscilla-
lines of equal length. tions are apparent. These points should have a pressure
(b) To ensure that there is no pressure bias due to value close to the midpoint of the peaks in the static
flow in the pressure sense lines between pressure taps, line interval (i.e., near the average). A static line length
either a triple-tee piping arrangement or a chamber-type of 10-20 sec will generally be sufficient.
manifold may be used to combine the pressure sense 4C.56 Integration Interval Delineation
lines. If a chamber-type manifold is used, the cross-
sectional area of the manifold should be at least 10 times The starting point of the integration interval should
the combined area of the sense lines from the piezometer be the same as the ending point of the running line
taps. This will ensure no significant pressure bias due interval. The ending point of the integration interval
fc few within !h.P m-.nifc2!d ???i!! exist. should be the same a s the starting point of the static
line interval.
4C.52 Acquisition of the Pressure-Time Sienal 4C.57 integration o i Digitai Pressure-lime Signai

(a) Data acquisition must commence sufficiently in Paragraphs 4C.57 through 4C.59 describe the analyti-
advance of the start of gate closure and continue suffi- cal background and implementation for determination
ciently long after completion of gate closure to allow of discharge by integration of a pressure-time signal
accurate delineation of the running and static lines. As obtained using digital data acquisition methods.
a general rule, acquisition of the pressure-time signal The discharge computation computer program shall
should start at least 10 sec before the start of gate closure be based on the principles of numerical integration
and should continue for at least 20 sec after gate closure. described in paragraphs below.
Preliminary tests should be performed to ensure that The computer program with all relevant information
these intervals are adequate. These intervals should be shall be made available for review by the Parties to
re-evaluated as the testing progresses. the Test.
(b) Every differential pressure signal sample value The test report shall include a copy of the graphical
shall be stored permanently in its raw form and made presentation of the pressure-time signals showing the
available to all Parties to the Test. running, recovery and static lines, and the start and end
(c) The criteria to be used for discarding spurious test points for the integration.
data shall be agreed to by the Parties to the Test. The
digital system shall keep a record of all data rejected 4C.58 Analytical Description of Numerical Integration
and the reason why they were rejected. The fundamental pressure-time integral is given by
(d) It is recommended that the wicket gate position
be recorded and displayed with the pressure-time signal.
Q, - Qf= + 1)dt (1)
4C.53 Delineation of the Pressure-Time Diagram 'r

An example of a typical digital pressure-time signal where

is shown in Fig. 4C.53. Because the pressure-time signal Qi = flow rate prior to wicket gate closure
from a digital implementation will generally be different Qf = flow rate after completion of wicket gate closure

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-r q-
(uado %) UO!J!SOd a J W
c\I z O

3 O
Pa> b

r O

L O -





Fig. 4C.53 Example of Digital Pressure-Time Signal


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g = local acceleration of gravity By the head loss equation (Eq. 3), the initial flow can
A = average penstock area be given by
L = distance between piezometer tap planes
k = pressure head difference between piezometer Q: = - - k i (6)
tap planes at local conditions
I = pressure loss between piezometer tap planes Since k is taken to be constant, the following relation-
t = time ship also holds:
t, = beginning of integration interval
tf = end of integration interval
Also, the following variables for this analysis are
k f = static (final) line average head at local condi- Substituting Eq. (3) in Eqs. (6) and (7), and solving
tions for k and ho yields
hi = running (initial) line average head at local con-
p = density of water
The relationship between pressure and head (water and
column at local conditions) is given by:
Ap = Hk (2)
where kmi and kmf are the initial and final values of the
Note that, in the above equation, k is measured in measured pressure differential kn,.
terms of local water column (i.e., in meters or feet of
water at local temperature, pressure, and gravitational The factor k, is termed the offset compensation. It
acceleration). An appropriate conversion to convert the can be thought of as compensating for instrument offset,
pressure difference dp to the desired pressure units may and ensures that the computed running and static lines
be required. If a water manometer is used for calibration, are consistent with the assumed recovery loss law.
a correction for the difference in density due to tempera- The final form of the pressure-time integral used in
ture between the calibration water and the test water the analysis is given by
may be necessary.
The pressure recovery term I is assumed to follow a
fully turbulent velocity-squared pressure law as follows:

4C.59 Numerical Integration of Pressure-Time

The pressure-time integral given by Eq. (10) may be
hl L integrated using a trapezoidal or higher-order integra-
= k = constant (3)
- QI = D2gA2 tion scheme. The equation solved is for the flow at a
given time t as given below:
By agreement of the Parties to the Test, a power of
less than 2 on the flow term may be used in the pressure- tr 1

recovery law, so long as appropriate adjustments are

made to all subsequent equations in paras. 4C.58 and
If the pressure cell has an initial offset, it will not affect Numerical evaluation of this integral proceeds as
the integration of the pressure-time integral, so long as follows:
the offset does not change during the course of run. The (u) An estimate for the value of the flow before gate
value of the offset can be determined directly from the closure Qi is made.
pressure-time record as described in the following. (b) Using the assumed value for Qi, the integral of
Assume a constant instrument offset k , exists, so that Eq. (11)is evaluated for each time in the pressure-time
the relationship between the true pressure k and the data series, until QCt,,, the final flow value at t = 9,is
measured pressure k , is given by obtained.
(c) If IQ(tf) - QA 2 O.OOIQl , then convergence has
k,, = k + k, (4) been achieved, and the value of Q, used in the integration
Then the true pressure is given by is the flow rate obtained by the pressure-time integra-
tion. If convergence is not achieved, these steps are
k = k,, - k, (5) repeated.

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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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L, distance across the conduit from wall to wall across chordal paths
Li distance in the fluid along chordal path between transducers
I$ = angle between acoustic path and the direction of water flow

Fig. 4C.61 Ultrasonic Method - Diagram to Illustrate Principle

Because the integral involves the flow Q(t) quadrati- to insure that the equipment and program are function-
cally and on both sides of the equation, a quadratic ing properly.
solution for the flow Q(t)at each time step is preferable.
If a converging solution cannot be achieved using a 4C.63
quadratic solution, then the value of Q(t)from the previ- Several methods of ultrasonic flow measurement exist
ous time step may be used in the pressure-recovery term but not all have demonstrated that they are capable of
in the pressure-time integral. achieving the accuracy required for field performance
4C.59.1 The uncertainty in flow measurement using tests. Methods acceptable to this Code are based on the
the Pressure-Time Method within the specifications of measurement of the transit time of ultrasonic pulses in
this Code is estimated to be within 41.0%. each of two crossed measurement planes, although in
some cases one plane may be used (see Fig. 4C.63).
4C.60 Ultrasonic Method Excluded from this Code are (1) devices based on the
measurement of the refraction of an ultrasonic beam by
4C.61 fluid velocity, (2) devices which measure the Doppler
This method of flow rate measurement is based on frequency shift of an ultrasonic wave reflected by the
the principle that the ultrasonic pulse transit times along flowing water or by moving particles. In this Code, the
chordal paths are altered by the fluid velocity. An ultra- application of the ultrasonic method is limited to closed
sonic pulse sent upstream travels at a slower speed than conduits of uniform cross section, either circular or rect-
an ultrasonic pulse sent downstream (see Fig. 4C.61). angular.
By measuring separately the transit times of pulses sent
in the two directions, the average velocity of the fluid 4C.64
crossing the path of the pulse is determined vectorially. There are two acceptable methods of transit time mea-
Many time measurements are required to establish an surement. The first measures the transit time in each
average and to minimize the random error for each run. direction between the two transducers. The second
The fluid velocity is determined by suitable integration method measures additionally the transit time difference
of the individual velocity measurements. between upstream and downstream pulses.

4C.62 4C.65
The ultrasonic flow rate measurement equipment In order to reduce the systematic error due to effects
includes transducers (used alternately as transmitter or of transverse flow, the use of measurement planes A
receiver) installed in the measurement section and elec- and B is required, as shown on Fig. 4C.63 and explained
tronic equipment to operate the transducers, make the in para. 4C.66. For ease of understanding, Fig. 4C.63
measurements, process the data, and display or record depicts the chordal paths in the section as being parallel
the results. It should also include a verificationprogram to the ground. This is not a stipulation of the figure; in

Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

- Flow

Fig. 4C.63 Ultrasonic Method - Typical Arrangement of Transducers in a Circular Conduit

reality, the chordal path can be at any angle as long as 4C.68

the relationship of the transducers in all three views is
A systematic error, depending upon the Reynolds
consistent with those shown here.
number and the shape of the transducer mount (proj-
ecting or recessed), is introduced. Two known effects
exist. The local distortion of the velocity profile along
In circular conduits, the application of ultrasonic the chordal path, compared to that which would exist
methods using two planes with four chordal paths each if the transducer were not present is the first effect. The
has been demonstrated to measure the flow rate with second effect is an incomplete sample of the velocity
an accuracy acceptable under this Code (see Fig. 4C.63). along the chord which arises from the transducer not
The arrangement and location of these chords shall per- being flush mounted in the conduit (see Fig. 4C.68).This
mit the use of recognized numerical integration methods systematic error from both effects shall be included in
as shown in Table 4C.66. the uncertainty analysis. Combined systematic errors
have been estimated to undervalue the flow rate by
4C.67 0.35% for one-meter path lengths to 0.05% for 5 m path
Similarly, the use of the above-described methods in lengths. The systematic error for any installation
conduits of rectangular cross sections is expected to pro- depends on the transducer design and may vary from
vide flow rate measurements of acceptable accuracy pro- the above values.
vided the paths are located such that recognized Other factors, including mounting apparatus may
numerical integration methods may be applied (see Fig. alter the flow streamlines in the vicinity of the meter
4C.67). In Table 4C.66, values for the location of the section. Experience has shown that piping for signal
paths for two recognized numerical integration methods cables attached to the conduit along the circumference
are shown. of the conduit alters the flow streamlines when placed

44 --``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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B I 82 B3 84
AI' A2' A T A4'
Plane A

Piane B

Elevation Section

Fig. 4C.67 Ultrasonic Method - Typical Arrangement of Transducers in a Rectangular Conduit

either upstream or downstream of the internally non-water parts of the chordal path, such as the acousti-
mounted transducers. Runs of such piping shall be cally transparent material in the face of the transducer
placed a minimum of 1 conduit diameter downstream holder, shall be determined and taken into account.
of the meter section when the ratio of the diameter of
the conduit to the piping is 50 to 1. When smaller ratios 4C.70
exist (i.e., smaller conduit diameters) the piping should
be placed further downstream. If the above conditions are fulfilled, then by measur-
ing the transit time of an ultrasonic pulse along a given
4C.69 path in both the upstream and downstream directions,
The time delays in the electronic circuitry and cables the flow measurement will be virtually independent of
and the times for the ultrasonic pulse to traverse any the water's composition, pressure, and temperature.

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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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c oco o 3
m h
o m
.$ c? mv! To!
n O 8 99 94
00 W COW W a J
h 3 hri W O U
co U m e U h
oi 3 m m com L O
O 2 N Y
O 0
O 0
m o
3 +

U u7 W h com

m m m
c? c? c9
O 9 9

h h a>
m m L O
? 5 m o
O O 374

Pi m U

\ v

U M U 3
m N M W w u
O N O vim
H 74W L m
c? c? c?N mo!
O O O 0 eo 3 0

U m W h com

co U
m ri
m 3
2 ?

L n Ln W
7 4 3 U
N N 00

rn Ln U
z z 2 -;o!


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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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Acoustic signal

Reduced projected
local velocities


Depth of protrusion

Fig. 4C.68 Distortion of the Velocity Profile Caused by Protruding Transducers

4C.71 V = mean axial component of the flow velocity over

To measure transit time along a given path, the trans- distance L, m/s (ft/s)
ducers are arranged so that pulses are transmitted E = +1 for signals traveling downstream
upstream and downstream at an angle relative to the E = -1 for signals traveling upstream
axis of the pipe (see Fig. 4C.63). Angles from 45 deg to Since the transducers are generally used both as trans-
65 deg have been shown to be satisfactory for ultrasonic mitters and receivers, the difference in transit time may
flow rate measurement methods. be determined with the same pair of transducers. Thus,
the mean axial velocity crossing the path is given by
If there are no transverse flow components in the
conduit, and if the time delays referred to in para. 4C.69 where fd and f, are the transit times of an ultrasonic
are taken into account, the transit time of an ultrasonic pulse downstream and upstream, respectively.
pulse is given by
If there are transverse flow components, then
t =
c + EV cos @ L
t =
c +E (V cos @ + YV, sin @)
where where
L = distance in the water along chordal path
between the transducer faces, m (ft) V , = transverse component of the flow velocity hav-
c = ultrasonic velocity in the water at the operating ing a component parallel to the acoustic path
condition, m/s (ft/s) and averaged over the distance L
@ = angle between the longitudinal axis of the con- Y = factor equal to +1 or -1 depending upon the
duit and the measurement planes, deg direction of the transverse component of the

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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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flow parallel to the chordal path and depending paths in a crossed plane arrangement can be used.
upon the orientation of the chordal path (i.e., When the Jacobi-Gauss method is applied to a circular
path in plane A or B in Fig. 4C.63). For a given section, with the paths located at the specified distance
transverse flow component Y = +1for a chordal from the center, the general formula is often used in the
path in plane A, and Y = 11 for a chordal path simpler form:
in plane B.
0 2
The average axial velocity crossing a path is given by: Q = TFW:V,

sin Q
With two measurement planes as in para. 4C.66, the wi'= w,-L,i D
velocities are averaged, and the errors due to transverse
flow are eliminated because the term (-YV, tan @)
For four paths
Wi' = Wi = 0.217079
The flow rate Q can be obtained from the general
W i = W,'= 0.568320
and for nine paths
Q= sin Q
W1' = W{ = 0.00300
L,i = distance across the conduit (wall to wall) along W i = W,'= 0.10854
the chordal path i, m (ft)
D = maximum dimension of the conduit parallel to W i = W,'= 0.20562
the intersection of the two measurement planes,
as shown in Figs. 4C.63 and 4C.67. W i = W i = 0.28416
Wi = weighting coefficients depending on the num-
ber of paths and the integration technique used
Vi = average velocity along path i as calculated from W{ = 0.31416
measured transit times, m/s (ft/s)
LWi sin @ = D sin a;, where aidefines the angular
n = number of chordal paths
location of path ends relative to the direction along
k = numerical integration correction coefficient
which D is measured (see Fig. 4C.63)
(shape factor) which accounts for the error intro-
duced by the integration technique chosen for 4C.75 Transducer positions and conduit dimensions
the shape of the conduit shall be accurately measured in the field. The uncertain-
In a rectangular conduit of uniform cross-section, (L,i ties in the measurements shall be accounted for in the
sin ds) is equal to the width B of the measurement section analysis in para. 4C.80.
(see Fig. 4C.67). Special care shall be taken when measuring large con-
The inherent difficulty of some integration techniques duits, which may not have perfectly symmetrical shapes.
to integrate over sections of different configuration A representative maximum diameter shall be deter-
requires a shape factor k to be used. See Table 4C.66. mined in the measurement section, perpendicular to the
(Table 4C.66 provides weighting coefficients zuI, chordal direction of the measurement paths as shown in Figs.
path positions di and k factors for 4 and 9 acoustic paths 4C.63 and 4C.67. At least five equally spaced diameter
in one plane). measurements shall be taken including one at the center
of the measurement section and one at each end (see
4c.74 Fig. 4C.75). These measurements shall be averaged to

The Gauss-Legendre and the Jacobi-Gauss quadrature be representative of the maximum dimension D. A suffi-
integration methods meet the requirements of the Code. cient number of other measurements shall be taken to
At least four chordal paths in each plane shall be used determine the shape of the conduit for the purpose of
for a proper determination of the flow rate. For a four- determining the effect of the conduit shape on the
path arrangement, the location of the paths and the numerical integration correction coefficientk.
weighting coefficients for the Gauss-Legendre and Accurate measurements of (1)the maximum dimen-
Jacobi-Gauss quadrature integration methods are as sion D, (2) the chordal path lengths L between transducer
shown in Table 4C.66. When conditions do not permit faces, (3)path lengths L, between the wall of the conduit
sufficient straight length of penstock, more acoustic along the chordal paths, (4) the location of the acoustic

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1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 4C.75 Locations for Measurements of D

paths, and (5) their angles relative to the center of the a straight length of at least 3 conduit diameters between
conduit are to be used in the calculation of the flow rate. the measurement section and any important down-
Errors in transducer locations shall be incorporated in stream irregularity. When this is not practical, more
the uncertainty analysis or by correction of the indicated acoustic paths may be required to achieve the accuracy
flow rate. required in this Code.
Satisfactory results in turbine mode can be obtained
4C.76 with a single four-path measurement plane located
The velocity profile may be distorted by a bend. When downstream of a straight length of 20 or more conduit
two planes are used, the intersection of the two measure- diameters.
ment planes shall be in the plane of the bend to minimize In pump mode tests, satisfactory results can be
the effects of the transverse flow components on the obtained with 4 acoustic paths in each of two planes
accuracy of the measurement. Individual measurements when the measurement section is 20 or more diameters
of velocity shall be made for each path in order to obtain away from the impeller casing. When this is not practical,
an indication of any distortion in the velocity profile more acoustic paths may be required to achieve the
and the magnitude of any transverse flow components. accuracy required in this Code.
When one plane is used, it shall be oriented in the same
manner as described above for two planes. 4C.78
The product of V and D shall be large enough to
permit an accurate determination of the difference in
Although the use of two planes compensates for most pulse transit times taking into account the accuracy of
transverse velocity components, the measurement sec- the timer. Measurements with flow velocities less than
tion shall be chosen as far as possible from any distur- 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) should be avoided.
bances that could cause asymmetry of the velocity
profile, or swirl, particularly pump-turbines operating 4c.79
in the pump mode. Other factors that may produce trans-
verse velocity components or distortion of the velocity Provision in the design and construction of the flow
profile are flow conditions upstream caused by the shape meter shall be made for checking that the equipment is
of the intake, a number of bends, and changes in conduit operating correctly. This shall permit such checks as:
diameter. Changes in conduit diameter downstream (u) showing pulses and their detection on an oscillo-
may also cause distortion of the velocity profile. scope
In turbine mode tests using four paths in each of two (b) internal electronic tests of the program and con-
planes, there shall be a straight length of at least 10 stants
conduit diameters between the measurement section (c) comparison of calculated values of the speed of
and any important upstream irregularity. There shall be sound using the measured chordal path transit times


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and path lengths with published values corrected for to determine flow rate. The profile of a classical Venturi
water temperature meter is shown in Fig. 4C.82. Minimum piping require-
(d) measurement of the average velocity along each ments for a venturi meter are given in Table 4C.82.
path. Details of the construction, installation, and use of three
It is desirable to measure the ultrasonic pulse transit types of venturi meters are given in ACME MFC3M,
times independently and compare them with the results Measurement of Fluid Flow in Pipes Using Orifice, Noz-
given by the measurement system. zle and Venturi. Only meters fabricated from welded
Bubbles, sediment, and acoustic noise may disrupt steel plate are described in this Code and the above
the operation of the ultrasonic flow measurement system reference should be consulted for other details for ven-
and should be avoided. If the disruption results in turi meters having cast or machined convergent
missed samples, enough valid samples shall be obtained entrances.
to be compatible with the assumptions used in the error
analysis. The design of the data acquisition and data 4C.83

processing system shall provide for the checking of the There shall be no joining curvature between any of
proportion of lost pulses. the sections of the venturi meter other than that resulting
from the welding (Le., RI = R2 = R3 = O). The entrance
4C.80 cylinder A shall be concentric with the conduit, and the
Both random uncertainties and systematic uncertain- internal diameters of each shall not differ by more than
ties shall be taken into account. For a detailed analysis, 0.01 D. At least four equally spaced pressure taps shall
see PTC 19.1-1998, Test Uncertainty. The following be located in a plane at both the entrance and at the
sources of error have been identified: throat, as shown in Fig. 4C.82. No tap shall be located
(a) measurement of path lengths Li and L,; at the top or bottom of a horizontal meter. At least four
(b) measurement of chordal path angles equally spaced diameters shall be measured in the plane
(c) measurement of path spacing and conformity with of each set of taps as close as possible to the taps. At
the positions prescribed the entrance, no single diameter measurement shall dif-
( d ) measurement of D fer from the average by more than +0.5%. At the throat,
(e) time measurement and time resolution no single diameter measurement shall differ from the
(f,non-water path time estimation average by more than &0.1%.The maximum roughness
(g) h.ter~.->!rcm-nrita tinn al nrnrician
I & cd a! internzl c12rf2cec except thr9l.t S h ! ! -e 6.3 pr, p5cI
(h) error due to flow distortion around the trans- pin.). The maximum roughness of the throat shall be
ducers less than 1.h 1i.m (50 !ph).
(i) error due to change in dimensions when the con-
duit is pressurized or temperature changes 4C.84
Cj) existence of transverse flow components The details of a pressure tap are shown in Fig. 4B.11.
(k) flow profile distortions If possible, all pressure taps shall be separately con-
(0 spatial variations of ultrasonic velocity nected and valved so that each may be read individually.
( m ) spatial variation of flow velocity along the The pressure tap orifice diameter d shall be as small as
conduit the quality of the water permits but not less than 3 mm
(4 variations of flow velocity and ultrasonic velocity (% in.) nor larger than 9 mm (% in.). The length of the
Items (a) through (i) are usually calculated and com- tap shall not be less than 2d. All burrs caused by drilling
bined into an instrument systematic error. This system- or reaming shall be removed by rounding each edge
atic error for items (j) through (m) shall be estimated (inside and outside) to a radius not larger than 4. The
and combined with the instrument systematic error in taps may be manifolded if desired but the inside diame-
a root sum square relationship to produce an overall ter of the manifold and the connections to the manome-
systematic error. Item (n) is associated with variations ter shall not be less than (d)(n) where n is the number
of flow velocity and ultrasonic velocity and results in a of taps connected to each manifold.
random error.
The uncertainty in flow measurement using the Ultra- 4C.85
sonic Method within the specifications of this Code is The flow rate Q is given by
estimated to be within 11%.

4C.81 Venturi Meter Method

4C.82 using any consistent system of units. The quantity Ah
This method measures the difference between the is the difference in static pressure head measured
pressure head at the inlet and at the throat of a Venturi between the inlet and throat measuring sections.

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The venturi meter discharge coefficient C shall be
established by calibration. It is important that the veloc-
ity distribution in the flow approaching the Venturi
meter correspond as closely as possible to that of well-
developed turbulent flow in a straight circular conduit.
For further discussions, see PTC 19.1-1998 and ACME

t All fittings upstream of the Venturi meter may affect

the coefficient C. The lengths of straight pipe specified
I in Table 4C.82 are the minimum required to ensure that
this effect on the error in C will not exceed rr0.5%
4C.87.1 The uncertainty in flow measurement using
the Venturi Meter Method within the specifications of
this Code is estimated to be within +1.5%.

4C.88 Dye Dilution Method

The dye dilution method involves injecting a dye
tracer, at a constant rate, into the flow to be measured.
At a distance downstream, at which mixing is complete,
samples are drawn off and analyzed to determine the
dye concentration in the water. The flow rate is propor-

t tional to the dilution undergone by the dye. Since the dye

is injected at a constant rate, the relationship between the

1.5% 2 0.02)D*
concentration and the flow is given by the equation:

q Ci + Q Co = (9 + QI Ci

9 = dye injection rate

C1 = concentration of injected dye
Q = flow rate to be determined
Co = background concentration of dye in flow
C, = concentration of diluted dye in flow
The equation can be rearranged to:
(0.5% t f"") Dl

A-.' -@- However, since Cl is greater than C2 usually by a factor

of lo', the equation reduces to:
+ DI -

(Cl/C, - Co) is defined as the "Dilution Factor".

Figure 4C.89 shows a schematic representation of the
Fig. 4C.82 Profile of the Classical Venturi Meter dye dilution technique.
It is not practical to measure the dilution undergone
by the dye directly, due to the extremely high concentra-
tion of the injected dye. The dilution can be determined
by comparing the concentration of the diluted dye with
that of a prepared standard solution, of a precisely
known dilution. The standard solution is prepared by

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Table 4C.82 Minimum Diameters of Straight Pipe Between

Venturi Meter Inlet and Nearest Upstream Fitting
90 deg Reducer 3 0 Expander
One 90 deg 90 deg Bends Not To Length 0.70 Wide Open
Bend Bends in In Same Plane Equal to Length Gate or Ball
D2/DI [Note (l)] Same Plane [Note (211 3.50 Equal t o D Valve

0.30 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 O. 5

0.35 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
0.40 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5
0.45 O. 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.o 1.5
0.50 0.5 1.5 8.5 0.5 1.5 1.5
0.55 0.5 1.5 12.5 0.5 1.5 2.5
0.60 1.o 2.5 17.5 0.5 1.5 2.5
0.65 1.5 2.5 23.5 1.5 2.5 2.5
0.70 2.0 2.5 27.5 2.5 3.5 3.5
0.75 3.0 3.5 29.5 3.5 4.5 3.5

(1) The radius of curvature of all bends shall be at least equal to the conduit internal diameter.
(2) Published data indicate that two bends not in the same plane have minimum effect on the coefficient
when all straight pipe is eliminated.

diluting a portion of the injected dye the same amount (b) measuring the injection rate of the dye
it is expected to undergo when injected into the flow (c) preparing standards
stream. (d) collecting samples of diluted dye
The recommended dye for this method is the fluores- (e) analyzing the concentration of the diluted dye
cent dye Rhodamine WT, which was developed in the samples and calculating the flow
1960's specifically for dye dilution flow applications.
Rhodamine WT is detectable and stable in very low 4C.91 Injecting the Dye
.V,iLL, I L U I U L U L I I
r i u"""'y""'L,
m'4'.-....c:-.. -:.,,.,-
L I L I A L 0
Figure 4C.89 shows a schematic representation of the

readily in water, not usually present in natural water

Dye Dilution Method and a typical injection
system-r, ?Ed. it. flnnrescence i. pr"p"rti"na! t" its COP.-
centration in water, which can be accurately measured
The dye must be injected at a constant rate with mini-
with a fluorometer.
mum pulsations, using any precision positive displace-
The dilution factor, DF, of a flow sample from a test
ment pump, such as a gear, peristaltic or piston pump,
run can be determined by comparing the fluorescence
driven by a synchronous motor to ensure constant speed.
of the test sample and the standard.
A variable rate pump is useful to allow proportioning
Since the DF of the standard is known (discussed in
of the injection rate with the flow rate to be measured.
para. 4C.93), the DF of the test sample can be deter-

In theory, any concentration of injection dye may be
mined from:
used; however, in practice the optimum fluorometer
detection concentration for Rhodamine WT is 10 parts
per billion, ppb. Therefore the strength of the injection
where: mixture and the rate of injection should be matched to
achieve 10 ppb in the test sample after the dilution that
DF, = dilution factor of test sample is expected to occur in the test. If visibility of dye in the
DF, = dilution factor of standard solution flow to be measured is a concern, a target concentration
F , = fluorescence of standard solution of 5 ppb can be used.
F , = fluorescence of test sample Injection rates are very low, in the order of 1 to 10
Then the flow to be determined, Q, is therefore: ml/s, in order to minimize the volume of dye required
when many injections are made during a test series. In
some situations, where the volume of the injection line
between the pump and the injection point is large, direct
injection into the flow to be measured may not be feasible
4C.90 because of the long transit time of the dye. In these
There are five steps in executing the dye dilution circumstances, a secondary flow into which the dye is
method: injected may be used to transport the dye to the injection
(u) injecting the dye point. Care must be taken to ensure the transport water

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u) 4
c X
3 CI
i I
CI 5-5
g o
v> .-Q
m 9 %
O d al
> .-.w
o a


2 CI .-E

A .-a


(v al





Copyright ASME International
Provided by IHS under license with ASME
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-A- four orifices at 0.63 radius

-0- four orifices at the pipe wall
-1 -0- single orifice on pipe axis

-X- single orifice at the pipe wall


O 50 1O0 150 200

Mixing distance (E)

Reproduced from IS0 2975/1- 1974(E): Measurement of Water Flow

In Closed Conduits - Tracer Method - Part 1: General, Figure 3

Fig. 4C.91 Experimental Results:

Allowable Variation in Tracer Concentration
[O International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This material is reproduced from IS0 2975/1-1974 with permission
of the American National Standards Institute on behalf of 60. No part of this material may be copied or reproduced in
any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwise or made available on the Internet, a public network, by satellite or
otherwise without the prior written consent of the American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New
York, NY 10036.1

flow rate is relatively constant. It is not necessary to container from the supply container. The injection solu-
know the flow rate of the transport water because that tion should be prepared using water from the system
water is added to the system and makes up part of the under test. This ensures that any background fluores-
total volume being measured. cence Co, or any influencing agent, affects the standard
The duration of injection must be long enough so to the same degree as it affects the test sample. Tap water
that stable concentration conditions are established at should not be used because it contains chlorine, which
all points of the sampling cross-section to allow a period reduces the fluorescence. If the system water is turbid,
of stable sampling for at least several minutes. A suitable the suspended sediment should be allowed to settle and
duration must be determined by preliminary trial injec- the clear water decanted and used for the injection solu-
tions. tion. Sufficient solution should be prepared to supply a
Stock Rhodamine WT is usually supplied in concen- full series of tests, and stored in a clean, inert, non-
trated form, requiring some pre-dilution before injec- adsorptive, light proof, sealable container. The mixture
tion, therefore preparation of the injection mixture must be stirred frequently and thoroughly prior to each
requires careful attention to ensure it is fully homoge- injection.
neous. This can be obtained by vigorous mixing, by The injection system must be designed to provide
means of a mechanical stirrer or a closed circuit pump. It complete mixing of the dye in the flow stream, before
is advisable to prepare the injection solution in a separate the point of sampling. Injection systems can range from

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a single point through the conduit wall, to a multi point be prepared and compared to the test sample for analy-
injection manifold located across the conduit cross sec- sis. Each standard is compared separately to the test
tion. The selection of the injection system depends on sample, with the final flow value taken as the average of
the natural mixing provided by the conduit before the the flows calculated from each standard. The systematic
sampling point and accessibility to the conduit. Where uncertainty of the flow rate measurement decreases with
the conduit is not long enough to provide thorough the use of additional standards. Although the diluted
mixing for a single injection point, mixing can be dye concentration and dilution factor have a linear rela-
improved using a multi-orifice injection manifold; high tionship, it is recommended when a large range of flow
velocity injection normal or backwards into the flow rates is to be measured, using a constant injection mix-
stream; or vortex generators located downstream of the ture, sets of standards be prepared to match the expected
injection. Paragraph 4C.94 gives a procedure to deter- test sample concentration.
mine whether adequate mixing is occurring. The standards should be prepared in as close to a
Mixing is aided by bends and obstructions in the flow laboratory quality environment as possible for precise
stream. Guidelines for design of the injection system are measurement of dye and water quantities and cleanli-
given in Fig. 4C.91. For a single point wall tap injection, ness to reduce possible contamination. Each standard is
usually 200 diameters of straight conduit will provide prepared to the expected diluted sample concentration
full mixing. of 10 ppb. The standards must be prepared with the
In the case of the pumping mode of pump-turbines, same injection solution used in the test runs and, in
a convenient injection point is into the draft tube, either order to cancel any background effects, with the same
through the draft tube access door or a manifold across water in the system under test.
the tailrace section. The changes in velocities the flow To prepare the standard, the target dilution factor is:
goes through the pump casing also provides additional
mixing. Q
DF, = -
Injecting upstream of a machine intake or downstream 4
of a machine draft tube are not permitted due to possible Since this value is of a large magnitude, frequently in
recirculation and consequential loss of dye from entering the order of lo, standards are prepared by serial dilu-
the flow being measured. tion, in which successive solutions are diluted in turn
It is important to ensure that there is no flow path until the required overall dilution factor is obtained.
where concentrated dye can leave the main flow prior A four serial dilution is usually performed, in which
to the dye being fully mixed. The entire injection system the target DF for each step is:
should be protected from sunlight as much as possible.
DF = (Q/q)0.25
4C.92 Measuring the Injection Rate of the Dye
The injection rate must be measured by a primary The dilutions can be performed gravimetrically or
method, either volumetric or gravimetric. Volumetric volumetrically. It is essential that no contamination from
would be by timing the filling or emptying of a volumet- a higher concentration solution enters a lower concentra-
ric flask. Gravimetric would be by timing the weight tion solution, and accurate measurement in each step
change due to filling or emptying of a container. Since must be made. Rigid adherence to sound laboratory
the Dye Dilution Method is volumetric, the gravimetric practice must be followed.
method must also take into account the specific weight
4C.94 Collecting Samples of the Diluted Dye
of the dye during the calibration. The calibration must
be conducted using a dye mixture the same concentra- The sampling point must be located far enough down-
tion used during the test injections. When a fixed flow stream of the injection location to ensure that complete
rate pump is used, having no provision for varying the mixing of the injected dye has occurred. Complete mix-
flow rate, calibration before and after the test is accept- ing is considered to occur when both spatial and tempo-
able. When a variable rate pump is used, the flow rate ral variations in dye concentration at the sampling
must be calibrated during each test run. The calibration location are less than 0.5%. This must be confirmed by
must provide an uncertainty in injection rate no greater analysis of preliminary trial runs at least at maximum
than 0.25%. This would be the combined uncertainty of and minimum test flow rates before the official tests
the volumetric flask or weigh scales, and the timing proceed.
device. Sampling from a machine tailrace in a turbine test, or
downstream of a machine discharge in a pump test, is
4C.93 Preparing Standards not permitted due to possible recirculation and increased
Figure 4C.89 shows a typical arrangement of standard dilution occurring.
preparation. Standards are prepared to the expected Spatial is the variation of dye concentration across the
diluted sample concentration of 10 ppb. As a minimum, conduit at the sampling cross-section. This is measured
at least two separate sets of standard solutions should by taking samples from at least four points, using either


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a probe sampling across the conduit diameter or radial later analysis. The sample bottles should be laboratory
taps on the conduit wall, and comparing them. The quality, clean, and opaque to light. The bottles should
variation between each sample, determined as follows, be stored away from light until the analysis is conducted.
must not exceed 0.5%. Figure 4C.94 shows a typical chart trace. The entire sam-
pling system should be protected from sunlight as much
as possible.
The sample should be collected throughout the stable
where: period of the injection. More samples should be collected
than required for one analysis, allowing spare sample,
t,.l = Student's t coefficient for 95% confidence
which can be retained, if repeat analysis is necessary.
C = standard deviation of fluorescence of n samples At least 1 L of sample should be collected. Where the
- = number of samples
sampling site is not suitable for analysis procedures the
X = mean fluorescence of n samples samples can be transported to another location.
If the spatial variation is greater than 0.5%, improve-
ments must be made to increase the mixing process, by 4C.95 Analyzing the Concentration of the Diluted
such means as increasing the mixing length, increasing Dye Samples and Calculating the Flow
the number of injection points, adding vortex generators, The flow is calculated using the equation given in
or using high velocity injection. para. 4C.89.
When it is confirmed that the spatial variation is satis-
factory, the individual sampling points may be joined
together for convenience in a manifold, equal flow from
Q = q . DF, . (2)
each point must be ensured to result in one sampling
point. The fluorescence intensity of Rhodamine WT is
Temporal is the variation of dye concentration at the inversely related to temperature. Therefore the tempera-
sampling location over time. This is measured by analy- ture of the test sample and the standard solution must
sis of repeated samples, or analysis of fluorescence data, be within 0.2"C of the same temperature when each are
taken while monitoring during the sampling period. analyzed. If it is not possible to achieve a temperature
The variation over the sampling period, determined as difference within 0.2"C their fluorescence must be cor-
follows, must not exceed 0.5%. rected to the same temperature before comparison. The
temperature correction for Rhodamine WT is:

F, = F, e u.uLb ( ' s - ' J (see note below)

where: where:

t,-l = Student's t coefficient for 95% confidence F, = corrected fluorescence at reference temperature
S = standard deviation of recorded fluorescence Tr (OC)
values F , = measured fluorescence at sample temperature
- = number of recorded fluorescent values Ts (OC)
x = mean of recorded fluorescent values
NOTE: An exponent value of 0.026 may be used as an initial trial
If the temporal variation is greater than 0.5%, the value. However, it is recommended that the value for each fluorom-
duration of the sampling period, or mixing in the con- eter be experimentally determined.
duit, must be increased. Analysis of the sample may be performed in either of
During the sampling process it is necessary to monitor two ways.
the dye concentration as the dye passes the sampling
point. This gives direct confirmation that the dye concen- 4C.96 Analysis Method A
tration has fully developed and is stable prior to and The fluorometer is equipped with a special glass
during sample collection. cuvette into which the sample is placed for analysis.
As dye is being injected at a point upstream, a continu- Sufficient sample should be collected to allow at least
ous sample of water from the sample point, of at least six fillings of the cuvette. It is recommended that at
4 L per minute, is bled from the system and passed least double this amount be collected to provide back-
through a monitoring fluorometer, and then to drain. up spare sample if repeat analysis is necessary. One liter
As the injected dye passes the sampling point, the fluo- of sample should be sufficient. The test sample bottles
rometer will indicate an increase in dye concentration and standards bottles should be placed in a circulating
and it is plotted on a chart recorder or monitored with water bath for temperature equalizing and remain there
another indicating device. When the dye concentration throughout the analysis procedure. The temperature of
is stable, indicating full mixing equilibrium has the sample and the standards must agree within 0.2"C
occurred, a sample is directed to a collecting bottle for before the analysis is made, or temperature correction


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Fig. 4C.94 Typical Chart Recording During Sampling

applied. The temperature monitoring should be con- The advantage of this method is that analysis is rapid,
ducted in bottles containing dummy samples collected and the sample and standards are less susceptible to
from the flow stream at the same time as the samples. contamination due to repeated handling.
The fluorescence of the test sample and the standard
solution is measured by inserting a cuvette of each, in 4C.98
turn, into the fluorometer, and recording the value. This The accuracy of the dye dilution method is dependent
should be repeated at least six times and an average on several factors.
value obtained for each. Increased repetition of analysis
(a) accuracy of the dye injection rate
reduces the uncertainty in the estimate of the true dye
concentration; however practice indicates six repetitions
(b) homogeneity of the injection mixture
provides sufficient accuracy without unduly lengthen- (c) completeness of mixing at the sampling location
ing the analysis process. (d) accuracy of measurement of sample and standard
4C.97 Analysis Method B (e) fluorescencetemperature correction of sample and
The fluorometer is equipped with a flow-through standard
measuring cell, and the sample is circulated through the (f,accuracy of the weight and volume measurements
cell from either the sample bottle or directly from the in the preparation of the standards
system under test. As the sample passes through the
measuring cell, its fluorescence and temperature are 4c.99
automatically measured, and the fluorescence level The uncertainty in each of the above parameters
adjusted to a predetermined reference temperature. This should be evaluated for contributions from systematic
data is then transmitted to a data logger, which can also and random sources. The recommended maximum com-
compute the flow equation to give the test flow value. bined uncertainty in each parameter is:
The circulation loop must be flushed thoroughly with
(a) injection rafe, 0.25%:
the sample before beginning the data collection.Approx-
imately one third of the sample should be used for flush- (I) systematic - accuracy of instruments used to
ing. The sample should be measured at least every five calibrate injection pump
seconds, for a duration of at least one minute. The tem- (2) random - statistical variation in pumping rate
perature should be measured within -tO.l"C . measured by repeated calibrations of injection pump
The standard solutions are analyzed using the same (b) homogeneity of injection mixture, 0.25%
procedure, adjusting their measured fluorescence to the (c) completeness of mixing, 0.5% - spatial and temporal
same reference temperature as the test sample. The stan- variation as defined in para. 4C.92.
dard solutions must be analyzed immediately before or ( d ) measurement of sample and standard fluorescence,
after the test sample. 1.25%:

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(1) systematic - accuracy of fluorometer, readout measurements or by photogrametry methods. If aerial

should not be less than 50% full scale photography is used it shall be done from a sufficient
(2) random - variation in repeated measurement altitude to include the entire reservoir in a single photo-
of each sample and standard, this can be reduced by graph. The reservoir level should preferably be rising
performing additional measurements and there should be minimal wave action during the
(e) fluorescence temperature correction of sample and stan- survey.
dard, 0.5% - maximum 0.2"C temperature difference
between sample and standard 4C.106 Reservoir Level Measurements
Cf, measurements in calculation of diution factor of stan- The water level shall be measured simultaneously in
dard, 0.25% - accuracy of weigh scales, volumetric flasks, at least four locations. For large and/or irregular shaped
specific weight of solutions reservoirs, one measuring location for each 100 O00 m2
of surface area is recommended. The location of the level
4C.100 gaging stations shall take into account the shape of the
The overall uncertainty in flow measurement is reservoir and possible effects of seiche and wind.

reduced by increasing the number of standards used in
the comparison to sample. 4C.107 Stilling Wells
Although it is possible to retrofit measuring devices
4C.101 in a reservoir after construction, consideration should
The uncertainty in flow measurement using the Dye be given to their location and design during the design
Dilution Method within the specificationsof this Code and construction of the reservoir. The most suitable
is estimated to be within 11.5%. arrangement usually utilizes a measuring device in a
stilling well with interconnecting conduit to a desired
4C.102 Volumetric Method location in the reservoir depths. Fixed elevation bench-
marks shall be provided to allow these reservoir eleva-
tions to be correlated.
4C.103 Principle
4C.108 Pre-Test Calculations
This method of flow rate measurement is based on
determining the change in volume over a timed period A plot of reservoir volume change vs. water elevation
+-Ar tktck,e2&<a:s 8 esei-vGi u: a ~-ly<.llu- kd!k FEFCd i5 aM d ~ ~ ~ l l ~ ~iiit. & ~ l gU
l k Idllgt2
electric plant. The average flow rate of the machine dur- reservoir elevations best suited for flow rate measure-
i"g the test T!.2II is determincd by &-"kE,,;g:>,e change F.eRts. This P!Gt wi!! U!SG bc used in de:eiliLig :Ele
in volume, corrected for any leakage, evaporation or length of a test run. The duration of each test run should
inflow, by the time of the test run. This method is only be such that the uncertainty in the change in volume is
practical for a plant with a well-defined reservoir small less than 11%.
enough so that a suitable change in reservoir elevation
will take place during a test run. It is especially suitable 4C.109 Index Test
for measuring cycle efficiency of pump-turbines because For volumetric flow measurement of pump-turbines,
errors in determination of reservoir volume tend to consideration must be given to changes in wicket gate
cancel. opening with changes in reservoir level. An Index Test
should be performed on the machine to determine opti-
4C.104 Limits of Application mum wicket gate opening for the efficiency testing.
An artificial reservoir with well-defined boundaries
for which accurate area surveys can be made is best 4C.110 Inflow/leakage Test
suited for volumetric flow measurement. Natural basins A test shall be conducted prior to the commencement
may be used provided reservoir banks are well defined of the performance test to determine the rate of leakage,
and can be accurately surveyed, and provided adequate evaporation and/or inflow in the measuring reservoir.
consideration is given to absorption and resorption of The inflow/leakage tests shall be carried out immedi-
the banks during filling or emptying. The reservoir must ately prior to the performance test and under compara-
be small enough so that sufficient level change can be ble climatic conditions in order to represent actual
achieved during a single test run to ensure acceptably conditions occurring during the test. Reservoir water
low uncertainty (typically less than I0.5%0). elevation shall be monitored for a sufficient time, at least
8 hr, with no flow into or out of the reservoir from the
4C.105 Reservoir Area Measurements power station. During ., this test all known sources of
Reservoir areas shall be accurately determined for at inflow and leakage shall be accurately measured. Flows
least five elevations over the range that is to be used for into or out of the reservoir, which cannot be measured
testing. Areas may be determined either by geometrical or accounted for shall not exceed 11% of the expected

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flow rate of the machine during the performance test. 4C.114 Estimated Uncertainty
Results of the leakage test shall be used in the test com- The uncertainty in flow measurement using the Volu-
putations. A repeat of the leakage test after testing may metric Method within the specifications of this Code is
be waived by the Chief of Test if results are satisfactory. estimated to be within k1.570.
4C.111 Test Procedure
Tests using this system of flow measurement require 4D POWER MEASUREMENT
that the machine be operated at a fixed wicket gate
position for up to several hours. If this cannot be 4D. 1
achieved under control of the governor, then machined Power output from the turbine or power input to the
blocks shall be used for establishing wicket gate posi- pump shall be determined by either the indirect or direct
tion. The machine must be started, desired operating method.
conditions established and allowed to stabilize before (a) The indirect method utilizes electrical measure-
the test is started. All test readings shall be taken over ments of power output from the generator or input to
the duration of the test run, and a sufficient number of the motor, the previously determined generator or motor
readings of each parameter shall be made to carry out losses, and appropriate corrections for the operating
an error analysis as well to determine any variation in conditions during the test.
operating conditions. All volumetric level gages shall (b) The direct method determines the power deliv-
be read simultaneously and their average shall be used ered by the turbine or applied to the pump on the basis
for determining reservoir elevations. Preliminary test of measurements of torque and shaft speed. Torque is
runs as required by para. 3.19 may be carried out over measured by a transmission dynamometer. Speed is
a shorter period of time than that for a test run. Alterna- measured according to subsection 4E.
tively, a portion of the final test run may be considered
as a preliminary run. For example, the first 30 min of a 4D.2 Indirect Method of Power Measurement
test run may be used as a preliminary run. In the indirect method, the generator or motor is uti-
4C.112 Weather Conditions lized as a dynamometer for measuring the power output
from the turbine or the power input to the pump. Turbine
Tests should be carried out on a clear, calm, rainless
power output is then determined by adding the gerrem-
day in order that weather factors have a minimal effect
tor losses to the measured generator power output, and
on the volumetric measurements. If the rainfall and/or
pump power input is determined by subtracting the
runoff occurring during the test is in excess of 1% of
motor losses from the measured motor power input (see
the estimated volume to be measured the test shall be
also paras. 4D.4 and 4D.16). The generator or motor
voided. For amounts of 1%or less the volume measure-
losses shall have been previously determined, for the
ment shall be corrected by the estimated runoff. The
conditions such as output, voltage, power factor, speed,
effect of wind on the reservoir level may be determined
direction of rotation, and temperature expected during
by simultaneous readings of all level gages. If the differ-
the test of the turbine or pump.
ence in volume calculated from the average of all level
gages and that calculated from all level gages but one 4D.3
is greater than 0.5% of the estimated volume to be mea-
sured, the test shall be voided. All losses specified in IEEE (Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers) Standard 115-1995, Tests Proce-
4C.113 Special Applications dures for Synchronous Machines, shall be determined.
The volumetric method is particularly well suited for The 12R losses so determined shall be corrected for the
determining cycle efficiency of a pump-turbine. For temperature, armature current, and field current mea-
determining the cycle efficiency, the machine is operated sured during the performance test.
in one mode (e.g., turbining) for a selected period of The power supplied to separately driven generator
time and the reservoir elevations accurately determined auxiliary equipment, such as excitation equipment,
for the starting and ending times. During the reverse motor driven cooling fans, motor driven or circulating
mode (e.g., pumping) the times corresponding to the pumps is frequently supplied from other power sources
previously determined elevations are accurately deter- rather than directly from the turbine. If these losses are
mined and this elapsed time becomes the duration of the included in the total losses for the generator, they shall
test run. The cycle efficiency is then the output energy be determined separately and excluded.
generated by the turbine during the turbine test run
divided by the input energy consumed by the pump 4D.4
during the pump test run. The turbine net head and Measurement of effective power output at the genera-
pump total head cannot be independently adjusted for tor terminals or effectivepower input at the motor termi-
this type of test. nals shall be made in accordance with IEEE (Institute
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(i) IF mechanically connected exciter is used.

Fig. 4D.7.1 Three-Wattmeter Connection Diagram

of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Standard 120, the neutral connected to the potential transformer pri-
ElPrtrical MPariirPmPiltc ir. ?c)wor CircUits. mary ietd, the iw-o-wdiimefer connection for mea-
suring three phase power (Fig. 4D.7.2), shall be used.
40.5 The three-wattmeter method affords simpler and more
During the turbine or pump test, the generator or nearly correct calculation of corrections of ratio and
motor shall be operated as near to specified voltage and phase angle errors of the instrument transformers and
unity power factor as existing conditions permit. Should for scale corrections of the wattmeters or registration
the voltage be other than specified andlor the power errors for the watt-hour meters if such corrections are
factor be other than unity, suitable corrections in the required.
computation of the power output or input and losses If the neutral is not available, the two-wattmeter
shall be made. method shall be used for measuring three-phase power.
One point of each secondary circuit shall always be con-
4D.6 nected to a common ground as shown in the figures.
The power shall be measured by means of wattmeters
or watt-hour meters. Subsequent reference in this Code 4D.8
to wattmeters shall include watt-hour meters as an
Proper corrections shall be made for temperature
equivalent substitute.
effects in the instruments. In cases of excessive tempera-
4D.7 ture variation, an enclosure shall be used to insure suit-
able temperatures for the instruments.
The connections, which are used for reading power,
depend on the connections of the generator or motor.
If the neutral of the generator or motor is brought out
and is connected to the network or to ground during The indicating instruments shown in Figs. 4D.7.1 and
the test, the three-wattmeter connection as in Fig. 4D.7.1 4D.7.2 give a check on power factor, load balance, and
shall be used. If the neutral is brought out, but not voltage balance, and show the proper connections to
connected to the network or to ground during the test, be applied so that power output and losses may be
a three-wattmeter connection, similar to Fig. 4D.7.1 with accurately determined.

--``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 60
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(i) If mechanically connected exciter is used.

Fig. 413.7.2 Two-Wattmeter Connection Diagram

4D.10 Parties to the Test. When existing station (meter class)

If the power output or input is measured by indicating transformers are used, the burden of the transformer
instruments, the number of readings shall depend upon secondary circuits shall be measured with the test instru-
the duration of the run and the load variations. Sufficient mentation connected. If the burden of the transformers
readings shall be taken to give a true average of the is exceeded, then station metering circuits may be tem-
output or input during the run, and, in case of the pres- porarily disconnected for the duration of the test. The
sure-time method of flow-rate measurement, prior to instrument transformers shall be tested to determine the
when the wicket gates or other closing devices begin ratio of transformation and the phase angle deviations
to close. Simultaneous readings of the wattmeters are for secondary burdens, which are equivalent to actual
recommended. If the power output or input is measured instrument burdens of the instruments to be used during
by rotating standard type integrating watt-hour meters, the performance test. The correction data shall be avail-
they shall operate simultaneously throughout the period able before the start of testing.
of the run. The duration of operation of the integrating
meters shall be measured by timing devices sufficiently
accurate to permit the determination of time to an accu- All generator or motor friction and windage losses
racy of at least +0.2%. The power output or input shall shall be charged to the generator or motor, and all tur-
be measured over a period of time which includes the bine or pump friction losses shall be charged to the
period during which the flow rate is being measured, turbine or pump. During the generator or motor test,
except in the case of the pressure-time method of flow the turbine or pump should be uncoupled from the
rate measurement where the power output or input shall generator or motor to permit determination of the gener-
be measured immediately prior to when the wicket gates ator or motor windage and friction.
or other closing devices begin to close.
4D.11 If it is impractical to uncouple the turbine or pump
Instrument transformers used for the test shall be during the generator or motor efficiency test, the approx-
calibrated prior to installation or immediately prior to imate value of windage and friction of the machine may
the test by comparison with standards acceptable to the be calculated by the following formulas:

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(a) Francis Turbine or Centrifugal Pump Ki = empirical constant, as determined from a series
of tests, the average value of which is 8.74 x
P = KfBD4n3 ~ x
1 0 -(2.3
where B = width of bucket, m (ft)
D = outside diameter of runner, m (ft)
P = turbine or pump windage and friction turning n = speed of rotation, revolutions per second
in air, kW
Kf = empirical constant, the average value of which 4D.14
is 3.8 x (1 x W4) Other methods of determining windage and friction
B = height of distributor, m (ft) may be used by prior agreement by the Parties to the
D = outside diameter of runner, m (ft) Test.
n = speed of rotation, revolutions per second
The above formula was determined from tests on

Francis turbine runners and may be used for centrifugal Turbine output shall be generator output plus those
pump-turbine impeller runners rotating in the turbine generator losses supplied directly by the turbine. Pump
direction. input shall be motor input less all motor losses. Any
(b) Propeller Type Turbine or Pump (including Kaplan) power input provided to shaft driven auxiliaries not
necessary for normal turbine or pump operation shall
P = Kp(Bt + 0.25 Bh)0.5 D4 n3(5 + NP) be added to the turbine power output and deducted
from the motor output. Electrical power input to genera-
where tor and turbine auxiliaries necessary for normal turbine
operation shall be deducted from the measured genera-
P = turbine or pump windage and friction turning
tor power output plus applicable generator losses to
in air, kW
determine net turbine power output. Pump power input
Kp = empirical constant as determined from a series shall be measured motor power minus applicable motor
of tests conducted in the field on both fixed and losses, plus electrical power input to auxiliaries neces-
movable blade propeller turbines. The value sary for normal continuous pump operation. Generator
found is 1.05 X (5 x with fixed and or motor losses obtained by shop tests may be used in
movable blade propeller runners this determinatinn if cnrrcxtecl tn hIrhk_n~nr pi.1mp test
Li, = distance parallel to the axis of the runner, mea-
conditions and agreed upon by the Parties to the Test.
sured from the inlet edge to the outlet edge of
the runner at its outer periphery (tip height), 4D.16
m (ft) If possible, all auxiliaries driven from the machine
Bh = distance parallel to the axis of the runner, mea-
being tested shall be disconnected during the test. If
sured from the inlet edge to the outlet edge of
the generator or motor is excited from a mechanically
the runner blade adjacent to the runner hub
connected exciter, the calculated input to the exciter
(hub height), m (ft)
shall be added to the appropriate generator or motor
D = outside diameter of the runner, m (ft)
losses in determining the turbine output or pump input.
n = speed of rotation, revolutions per second
Correction shall be made in the same manner for any
Np = number of runner blades
other auxiliaries connected either mechanically or elec-
The windage and friction test should preferably be
made with the Kaplan runner blades in the closed or 4D.17
flat position. In both cases (a) and (b), the test to deter- Correction shall also be made for any other auxiliaries
mine the combined windage and friction shall be made necessary for proper operation and related to the per-
under the following conditions: formance of the turbine, but not directly connected to
(1) cooling water supplied to seal rings it. If compressed air is required for turbine operation at
(2) wicket gates open certain wicket gate openings, the compressor motor
(3) spiral case drained and access door open input or equivalent energy usage shall be deducted from
(4) draft tube access door open measured generator output.
(c) Impulse Turbine
P = Ki B D4 n3 The values of generator or motor windage and friction
where shall be measured in the shop, or after installation, with
special attention to the turbine or pump conditions out-
P = turbine windage and friction turning in air, kW lined herein for windage and friction tests (see paras.

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4D.12 and 4D.13). In units containing direct connected tem frequency is compared to a very high-grade crystal
exciters of sufficient capacity, the windage and friction controlled clock. Short-term deviations are recorded and
may be measured by driving the generator with the long-term deviations are integrated to zero. The crystal
exciter. Windage and friction, when not directly measur- controlled clock is checked by standard time signals
able, shall be taken either from shop tests of generators transmitted by the United States National Bureau of
of similar size and design or, preferably, from a decelera- Standard radio station WWV located at Fort Collins,
tion test made after installation. Colorado, or by telephone.

4D.19 Direct Method of Power Measurement 4E.3

For a turbine or pump test with a synchronous genera-
The turbine power output or pump input may be
tor or motor connected to an alternating current inter-
determined by a transmission or torsion dynamometer
connected grid, the speed is not expected to vary from
of either the surface strain type or the angular twist
true interval by more than +0.02% under normal
type. Such dynamometers shall not be employed for
operating conditions. For a Code test, the actual system
measurements less than 25% of their rated torque.
frequency must be measured somewhere in the power
system and its value recorded.
4E.4 Isolated Alternating Current Systems or Short
Torsion dynamometers shall be calibrated before the
Term Measurements
test over the range of ambient temperature expected
during the test and should be recalibrated after the test Electronic timers and counters are available which can
at the temperature experienced. The calibration of the be used in two ways. A crystal controlled time base
torsion dynamometer shall be conducted with the tor- accurately measures pulses for a period of 1 to 10 sec.
sion indicating means in place. Observations of the indi- During a preset period, the counter integrates the num-
cator shall be taken with a series of increasing loadings ber of cycles or pulses. Alternatively, using the same
and then with a series of decreasing loadings, with the equipment, time for one cycle is measured. A one-mega-
precaution that when taking readings with increasing hertz timing crystal will read 16.667 milliseconds for
loadings, the loading shall at no time be decreased. Simi- one cycle. The "hold" time can be set for one second
larly, during the taking of readings with decreasing load- to allow a reading, and then another cycle is sampled
ings, the loading shall at no time be increased. automatically.

4E.5 Induction Generators and Motors or Direct

Current System
The calculation of output shall be based on the average The first choice in this case is a mechanically driven
of the increasing and decreasing loadings as determined revolution counter using the same electronic equipment
by the calibration. If the difference in readings between as above. A projection on the shaft provides an electrical
increasing and decreasing loadings exceeds 0.2% of the pulse either by contactor or electromagnetic pickup.
dynamometer full load rating, the dynamometer shall
be deemed unsatisfactory. 4E.6
The electronic devices mentioned above are provided
with an independent crystal oscillator as a time base.
4E SPEED MEASUREMENT The frequency of this crystal shall be checked in the
laboratory before the test.
Accurate measurement of the rotational speed of the 4E.7
turbine is essential when the power output is measured Pulse generating wheels must be solidly connected
by a direct method such as a transmission dynamometer. to the unit shaft. Tachometer generators shall be driven
However, when the turbine power output is determined by a mechanical connection such as a flexible shaft. Fric-
by an indirect method such as the measurement of the tion or belt drives shall not be used.
output of the synchronous generator, the rotational
speed can be computed from the system frequency.
4E.2 A-C Interconnected Power Grid 4F.1
The power systems in nearly all the 48 contiguous The most accurate measurement and portable time
states and many of the Provinces of Canada are intercon- base available at present is a crystal-controlled oscillator.
nected for power exchange and frequency control. Sys- All manufacturers of crystal oscillators offer crystal


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oscillators that are temperature-compensated. Typically, (c) to determine the relationship between runner
temperature-compensation ranges (OOC - 5OOC) encom- blade angle and wicket gate opening for most efficient
pass what is normally found in ambient temperatures. operation of adjustable blade turbines and for the pur-
Uncertainties vary from one part per million for a crystal pose of calibrating the blade control cam.
that is temperature compensated, to 300 parts per mil- ( d ) to determine the optimum relative efficiency
lion when not temperature compensated. Crystal con- wicket gate opening at various heads for pump oper-
trolled oscillators shall be checked for stability and drift. ation.
Oscillators used in field-testing applications should be (e) to assess the change in efficiency due to cavitation
temperature compensated. They shall be operated resulting from a change in lower pool level and/or
according to the manufacturer's instructions. net head
(f,to monitor flow rate data during the performance
test. This is particularly useful where the performance
46 RELATIVE FLOW MEASUREMENT - INDEX TEST test method is one in which errors may change with
46.1 flow or at operating points other than peak efficiency.
(9) to obtain calibration data for permanent power-
An index test is a relative flow measurement method house flow measuring instruments by assuming an abso-
that can be used to obtain the most efficient wicket gate/ lute value of machine efficiency at some operating point
blade angle relation for adjustable blade turbines. Index (h) to assess the change in efficiency of the machine
tests can also be used in assessing the effect of modifica- resulting from wear, repair, or modification. The pres-
tions or repairs, measuring efficiency change with wear sure taps and the surrounding area shall be in the same
and obtaining the relative overall efficiency of units with condition as for the previous test in order to obtain
the object of knowing how to operate them with opti- reliable results.
mum utilization of flow. Index tests are useful for check- When an index test is used to supplement results of
ing the shape of efficiency curves of all types of a performance test, measurements of flow rate made for
machines, and demonstrating whether the prototype the performance test are used to calibrate the index of
efficiency curve has the shape expected from the test of flow. The index test results may then be expressed in

the homologous model. An index test shall comply with terms of efficiency rather than relative efficiency. In this
all the relevant test provisions given in other sections case, the results should include a statement concerning
of this Code except as modified by the following para- the accuracy and confidence !hits, which ","ply ic the
graphs. calibration of flow rate measurement. For some applica-
tions, the index test may be used to obtain the nveral!
4.2 Definitions relative efficiency of the turbine-generator or pump-
An index test determines the relative flow rate or motor generating unit in preference to the relative effi-
relative efficiency of a machine. An index value is an ciency of the machine.
arbitrarily scaled measure. Relative values are derived 46.4 Relative Flow Rate
from the index values by expressing them as a propor-
tion of the index value at a stipulated condition. Output An index test does not require any absolute measure-
and head are measured by any of the methods in this ment of flow rate. For the determination of relative flow
Code. Flow rate is measured as an index value by an rate, one of the following methods shall be used:
(a) Measurement of the pressure differences existing
uncalibrated device, which serves as a flowmeter. Rela-
tive efficiency is expressed as a proportion of peak index between suitably located taps on the turbine spiral case.
efficiency. This is the Winter-Kennedy Method, described in ASCE
paper, "Improved Type of Flow Meter for Hydraulic
46.3 Application Turbines" by I. A. Winter (April 1933). This method is
not suitable for relative flow measurement for pump
An index test may be used alone, or as part of a operation. Flow rate is taken as proportional to the nth
performance test, for any of the following purposes: exponent of the differential pressure head [i.e., Qre, =
(a) to determine relative flow and efficiency in con- k (differential pressure)"]. An approximate value of
junction with turbine output or pump input. Such per- exponent n is 0.5. However, the value of the exponent
formance characteristics may be compared with the may vary with the type of spiral case, the location of
performance predicted from tests on a homologous the taps, and the flow rate. When an index test is part
model. of the performance test, the value of n can be determined
(b) to determine the overall operating point or points from measurements of flow rate made for the perform-
which define the most efficient operation, or to extend ance test (see para. 4G.6 and Fig. 4G.4).
information on performance over a wider range of net (b) Measurement of the pressure difference across a
head, flow rate or output than covered by perform- converging taper section of the penstock using the prin-
ance tests. ciple of a Venturi. This method is reliable, provided a

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+ 0.49
[r 0.50
L 0.51
Y 0.52

Relative F l o w Rate = -

Q, = Mh"
W h e r e h is t h e differential pressure across t h e taps. The error is that arising f r o m a s s u m i n g
n = 0.50 w h e n t h e t r u e v a l u e can be, f o r instance, 0.48 or 0.52.

Fig. 46.4 Effect of Variations in Exponent on Relative Flow Rate

suitable convergence exists to give a pressure difference 4G.5

large enough to be measured accurately (see para. 4G.9).
(c) Measurement of the differencebetween the eleva- Differential Pressure measurements should not be
tion of water in the inlet pool and the inlet section of made at turbine discharge sections, low pressure pump
the machine (see para. 4G.10). intake sections or other sections where pressure varia-
(d) Measurement of differential pressure between two tions are high in comparison with the total differential
piezometers located on a conduit elbow (see para. pressure, as the accuracy of the relative flow rate mea-
4G.11). surement will be significantly diminished.


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= 15 to 90 deg Section A-A

Fig. 46.8.1 Location of Winter-Kennedy Pressure Taps in Spiral Case

JiC L TL.. ..-l..L:..-
CL --..-L 4L- ---L:--
L I I L W U ~ j l LL l l C IILC4CIL"LC

The Winter-Kennedy and converging taper methods taken as a linear function of the square root of the differ-
eriri.1 p ~ e e?<i~tir,g ~ ~ ~==ter 2p.d $=er nroc-
y ~ hetx.~,yy~ r-"
of:obtaining relative flow rate shall not be used for flow
rates less than half the maximum flow rate. sure taps, unless calibration against an absolute flow
measurement indicates that a different exponent of dif-
46.7 ferential pressure will give more accurate results.

Measurement of the needle stroke may be used on 46.9 Relative Flow Measurement by the Converging
impulse turbines to determine an index of flow rate Taper Method
provided the needle stroke-vs-discharge characteristic Two pressure taps shall be located at different size
shape has been checked by tests on a homologous model cross sections of the conduit. The most stable pressure
of the turbine. Care shall be taken to assure that the difference will be obtained if both taps are in the con-
needle, nozzle, and support vanes are clean and in good verging section of the conduit. However, the differential
order during the test and are indeed homologous with pressure thus obtained is not the maximum possible,
the model. and for this reason it may be preferable to locate one
tap a short distance upstream of the convergence and
46.8 Relative Flow Rate Measurement by the Winter- the second not less than half a diameter downstream of
Kennedy Method the convergence as shown on Fig. 4G.9.
The Winter-Kennedy method requires two pressure
taps usually located in the same radial section of the 46.10 Relative Flow Rate by the Friction Head Loss
spiral case. See Figs. 4G.8.1 and 4G.8.2. One tap is located and Velocity Head Method
at the outer radius of the spiral or semi-spiral case, often The difference between the elevation of the water in
on the horizontal centerline. The other tap is located at the inlet pool (upper pool for turbine and lower pool
an inner radius outside the stay ring. Sometimes more for pump), and the pressure head near the entrance to
than one tap is provided at the inner radius. The taps the machine, may be used to measure the relative flow
shall not be near rough weld joints or abrupt changes rate. The differential reading consists of the friction head
in spiral case section. The inner taps shall lie on a flow and other head losses between the inlet pool and the
line between stay vanes. section at the point of measurement near the entrance

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ff = 15 to 90 deg

Section A-A

Fig. 46.8.2 Location of Winter-Kennedy Pressure Taps in Semi-Spiral Case

to the machine plus the velocity head at this section. gates or shutoff valves of the other turbine(s) shall be
Attention should be given to the trash rack to insure measured, calculated, or estimated.
that the head loss through the trash rack is not affected 46.11 Relative Flow Measurement as a Differential
by an accumulation of trash during the test. Across an Elbow
For pumps, the section near the entrance to the
machine shall be selected so that the proximity to the The differential pressure readings between two
runner is not causing rotational flow, which can influ- piezometers located on a penstock elbow may be used
ence the pressure head reading. to determine relative flow rate. The flow rate shall be
At installations with long high-pressure conduit, rela- taken as a straight-line function of the square root of
tive flow for pumps can be measured on the discharge the differential readings.
conduit, provided that the measuring section on the 46.12 Pressure Taps and Piping
high-pressure side of the pump is selected so that rota- The pressure taps shall comply with the dimensional
tional flow from the pump discharge is not influencing requirements of para. 4B.11. Since the differential heads
the pressure head reading. Often the net head taps on to be measured may be small, special attention shall be
the pump inlet conduit (draft tube on a pump-turbine) given to removing surface irregularities.
versus tap(s) near the runner can be used.
If more than one machine is connected to the same 46.13
conduit, the machine(s) other than the one under test Piping which slopes upward from the pressure tap to
shall be shut down, and the leakage through the wicket the gage is normally used because it is easily purged.

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Section A-A

GENERAL NOTE: Tap 2 is located midway between stay vanes and halfway along the channel formed by the vanes or
approximately 0.6 to 0.7D upstream of the runner centerline. Tap 1 is located on the same radial plane as Tap 2.

Fig. 46.9 location of Differential Pressure Taps in Bulb Turbine or Converging Taper Penstock

After prolonged 11s~;iipward. sloping pipe m q gradfi- in ElLitl??!O sti!!ir.g :ve!!s. The V f i ? , k = K C ? C & ~ method,
ally accumulate air and require frequent purging. For using taps located in accordance with this Code, typi-
this reason, where the pressure taps are to be used for cally gives pressure differences ranging from 1 m to 6
a permanently operated flow recorder or gage, it may be m (3 It to 20 ft) of water at maximum flow rate. For the
preferable to slope the pipe downward from the pressure higher differential pressures, mercury-water manome-
tap to the gage or flow recorder. ters or differential pressure transducers may be used.

46.14 Head and Differential Pressure Measurement 46.16 Effect of Variation in Exponent

The head on the machine shall be measured using the Relative flow rate measurement using Winter-Ken-
methods given in paras. 4B.1 through 48.14. In order to nedy taps, or differential pressure taps on tubular tur-
determine the net head on the machine, it is necessary bines, bulb turbines and converging taper sections, do
to calculate velocity heads. Since only relative flow is not always give results in which flow rate is exactly
determined, velocity heads can only be estimated. This proportional to the 0.5 exponent of the differential pres-
may be done by assuming a value of turbine efficiency, sure. The extreme values of the exponents that may be
usually the peak value, and thus estimate flow rate. The expected are 0.48 to 0.52. For spiral cases where the
possible error introduced if the assumed efficiency is satisfactory location of Winter-Kennedy taps has been
incorrect is negligible in the final determination of rela- demonstrated on model tests, the exponents will be
tive efficiency. between 0.49 and 0.51.
The effects of variation in exponent n, in the relation-
ship Q = k (differential pressure)", on relative flow rate
46.1 5
are shown on Fig. 4G.4. A change in exponent n rotates
Differential pressure shall be measured using a gage the relative efficiency curve, whereas a change of the
selected to give accurate measurements over the coefficient k changes the shape of the curve. The two

expected range. The differentials may be measured with effects can often be separated.
micro-manometers, air-water manometers, differential The use of two independent pairs of Winter-Kennedy
pressure transducers, and point or hook gages installed taps may provide a greater level of confidence in using

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the assumed exponent of 0.5. It is unlikely that two 46.18 Wicket Gate and Needle Opening and Blade
independent pairs of taps would each show the same Angle
departure from the exponent 0.5. Agreement in indicated The wicket gate or needle opening and the blade
flow rate Qi, within +0.5% over the range of Qre1 = 0.5 angle, if not fixed, shall be recorded for each run. Atten-
to Qrel = 1, can be taken as confirmation of the correct- tion shall be given to the accurate calibration of wicket
ness of the 0.5 exponent. gate opening against an external scale. The calibration
shall include a check that differencesbetween individual
wicket gate openings are not significant. The wicket
46.17 Output gates could be fully closed before the operating servo-
motors are fully closed, so that servomotor stroke cannot
The output of the turbine or of the unit shall be deter- be used as a measure of wicket gate opening without
mined by the indirect or direct method, in accordance proper calibration. It is preferable to calibrate wicket
with subsection 4D. It is also possible to use the control gate opening against a measurement of the wicket gate
board instruments, but with less accuracy. lever angle made with the turbine unwatered.

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5.1 Measured Values

5.1.1 The averages of the readings or recordings with or, when using U.S. Customary units, is
appropriate calibrations and/or corrections for each run
shall be used for the computation of results. Any reading 550P
suspected of being in error shall be tested by the criteria ~QHspec
for outlier in Mandatory Appendix II. Preliminary com-
putations (para. 3.20) made during the course of the test, Values of p and g are given in Tables 2.4D and 2.43,
together with plots of important measured quantities respectively.
versus wicket gate servomotor stroke, are useful for indi- 5.2.3 When the test conditions have complied with
cating errors, omissions, and irregularities, and shall the provisions of paras. 3.22 and 3.23(b), but not with
appear in the final report as a reference. para. 3.23(a), the values of Q for H,,, and P for H,,,,
5.1.2 Before disconnecting any instruments, all test as calculated in para. 5.2.1 shall be corrected to Q' and
logs and records shall be completed and assembled, P', respectively, by multiplicative factors derived from
and then critically examined, to detect and correct or known characteristic curves of a previously tested
eliminate irregularities. It should be determined also homologous turbine, by following steps (a), (b), and (c)
at that time whether or not the limits of permissible below.
deviations (para. 3.23) from specified operating condi- (a) For each run, the following is calculated:
tions, and/or the limits of permissible fluctuations (para. nnTD = speed coefficent
3.22), have been exceeded. kuT = 60(2gH~)"~
5.i.3 Prompt examination ot readings may indicate
the need for inspection and adjustment of the machine
r l ksi irisirumeniation, thereby minimizing the num-
ber of runs that may have to be voided and repeated.
5.1.4 The averages of all readings shall be corrected, PT = P T ~ 2 ~ ~=1 unit
. 5 power output
using the average of the pre-test and post-test calibration
curves for each instrument. where D equals runner diameter, and "unit" means
5.2 Conversion of Test Results to Specified rationalized to 1 m diameter, 1 m head (1 ft diameter,
Conditions 1 ft head).
(b) Using the above referenced test curves determine:
5.2.1 Turbine Mode. When the readings indicate that q' = unit flow rate at specified head and speed coef-
test conditions have complied with the requirements of ficient (ku-spec)for the gate opening that pro-
paras. 3.22 and 3.23(a), the measured flow rate (QT) duces qT at kuT
and turbine power output (PT)at head (HT) shall be p' = unit power at specified head and speed coeffi-
converted to the values for specified head (Hspec)
by: cient (ku-spec) for the gate opening that produces
q T at kuT

(c) Calculate flow rate and power at specified head.

5.2.2 When the test conditions have complied with

the provisions of para. 5.2.1, the turbine efficiency, which
requires no correction, is
turbine output (I') - 1OOOP 1000 PT
' = turbine input (Pw)

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5.2.4 When the test conditions comply with the pro- q' = pgQ"
visions of para. 5.2.3, the corrected values, Q' and p', at 550P'
Hspecshall be used to calculate the efficiency at each
test run: Values of p and g are given in Tables 2.4D and 2.4B,
q' = 1ooop'
A curve of efficiency as a function of flow rate shall
or, when using U.S. customary units, is: be plotted.

q' =
- 5.3 Computation of Turbine Index Test Results
5.3.1 The test data shall provide, for each test point,
5.2.5 A curve of efficiency as a function of power
values for the flow tap differential pressure Ah, pressure
shall be plotted.
heads (hl, h2) and potential heads ( Z l , Zz,), turbine
5.2.6 Pump Mode. Assuming that the measured val- power output P, wicket gate opening (needle stroke for
ues indicate that test conditions have complied with the impulse turbines), and blade position in the case of
requirements of paras. 3.22 and 3.23(a), the calculated adjustable blade turbines. Plots of power output, gross
test results shall be converted to the specified speed head and differential pressure versus wicket gate open-
(nspec) by using the following equations: ing or needle stroke are useful for indicating errors,
omissions, and irregularities. For adjustable blade tur-
Q at nspec= Q- bines, a plot of Pe/[(Ah)0.5(H)]vs P, is helpful for
nT determining the maximum efficiency point for each
combination of blade angle and wicket gate opening
5.3.2 Relative flow rates, using the Winter-Kennedy,
converging taper or other appropriate methods are
given by

Qr = k(Ah)"

QI = relative flow rate

Where the test conditions have complied with the Ah = differential pressure head
provisions of para. 3.23(a), the machine efficiency (q), k = coefficient
which requires no correction for these conversions, is n = exponent
given by: When differential pressure heads are taken during
tests, and flow rate is also measured by a Code-approved
q = - PgQH method, these flow rates should be used to evaluate k
1000 P and n. The recommended procedure is to fit a power
or, when using U.S. customary units, by curve equation to the test points by the least squares
method. The form of the equation is:

Q = k(Ah)"
Where the test conditions have complied with the where:
provisions of para. 3.23(b) but not with those of para.
Q = flow rate from Code-approved measurement
3.23(a), the values of Q at nspec,H at nspec,and P at nspec
shall be adjusted by the addition (or subtraction) of
incremental values AQ, AH, and Al', respectively, 5.3.3 If measurements of flow rate by a Code-
derived by reference to characteristic curve of previously approved method are unavailable, then the value of the
tested homologous machine. exponent n is assumed to be 0.5, and k is determined
The machine efficiency q using the corrected values of from an estimate of maximum turbine efficiency at the
Q' = Q + AQ at nspec,H' = H + AH at nspec,and P' = test head. The corresponding flow rate Q is then as
P + AP at nspec,is given by: follows:

q' = PgQ'H' -
1000 P'
or when using U.S. customary units, by


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or, when using U.S. customary units, the equation relating relative flow to differential pres-

sure head. The effect of such variation is given in Fig.

5.5.2 Random errors affect the results of an index
test. A sufficient number of test points shall be made in
accordance with the procedures set out in Mandatory
Appendix I to result in an overall uncertainty for the
smoothed results due to random errors not to exceed
where q is the estimated maximum turbine efficiency +0.5% at 95% confidence limits. If the test conditions
obtained from tests of a homologous model. Maximum are such that this accuracy cannot be obtained, then the
turbine model efficiency at the speed coefficient k, cor- test report shall state what accuracy has been achieved
responding to prototype test head and speed, and cor- and any comparison with performance, predicted from
rected by a suitable scaling factor shall be used to model tests shall make an allowance for such inaccuracy.
estimate flow rate. 5.6 Comparison with Guarantees
5.6.1 Turbines are usually guaranteed for power out-
Determination of net turbine head H in the above
put and efficiency at one or more specified net heads.
equation for flow rate requires that a trial value of Qr
Efficiency may be guaranteed at one or more specified
or k be used initially. If trial values of Q, or k differ from
power outputs or wicket gate or needle openings. All
final values by more than kO.1 percent, new trial values
guarantees are at the specified synchronous speed unless
shall be selected and the calculation repeated.
otherwise stated.
After k and n have been satisfactorily determined,
further computation of results shall be carried out as 5.6.2 Pumps are usually guaranteed for flow rate
described in paras. 5.2.1 through 5.2.4. and efficiency at one or more specified heads. Efficiency
may be guaranteed at one or more flow rates. All guaran-
5.3.4 The curves of relative flow rate and relative tees are at specified speed unless stated otherwise.
efficiency versus turbine power output should be com-
5.6.3 When the head varies during the test, the val-
pared with the expected curves based on model test ues of efficiency and power output or flow for several
data to indicate the nature of any discrepancy between heads may be determined. In such instances, a mean
expected and prototype relative efficiency obtained from curve of guaranteed efficiency for comparison with the
the test. test curve of efficiencies at mean head can be determined
by interpoiation.
5.4 Evaluation of Errors
5.6.4 Test results shall be reported as actual com-
Regardless of the excellence of the test, there will puted values, corrected for instrument calibrations and
always be an uncertainty in the result. The uncertainty converted to specified conditions. A statement shall be
of the final results and all intermediate results shall included in the test report that results are estimated to
be estimated using the general procedures described in have a plus or minus percentage uncertainty, as deter-
Appendix I, which is a summary of the more complete mined by evaluation of uncertainties described in
treatment given in PTC 19.1-1998, Test Uncertainty. Appendix I.
5.5 Assessment of Turbine Index Test Errors 5.6.5 Application of Uncertainties The application of
uncertainties to adjust test results or guarantee is specifi-
5.5.1 Systematic errors in head or output measure- cally not permitted by Performance Test Codes because
ment, which are constant percentage errors, although the test results themselves provide the best indication
unknown in magnitude, do not affect the results of an of actual performance. The test results shall be reported
index test unless comparative results are required. The as calculated from test observations, corrected for instru-
largest systematic error which can affect index test ment calibration and test deviations from design condi-
results arises from possible variation of the exponent in tions but with no other corrections.


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6.1 Ci., Tabulations or summaries of all measurements and

The Chief of Test (see para. 3.6) shall be responsible uncorrected readings.
for preparation of the final report and shall sign the ( k ) Methods of calculation for all quantities computed
report. from the raw data.
( I ) Corrections for deviations from specified condi-
6.2 tions.
The Parties to the Test shall receive copies of the draft (m) Statement regarding cavitation values observed
and final report. For acceptance tests, the report shall during the tests.
include: (n) Analysis of the uncertainty of the test results.
(u) A brief summary of the purpose of the tests, the (o) Summary of results.
principal results, and conclusions. (p) Tabular and graphical presentation of the final test
( b ) Description of special conditions or pre-test results.
agreements. For turbines, the graphical presentation should
(c) Identification of the Parties to the Test and a list include
of the key personnel taking part in the test, including (1) Efficiency versus power output
their organizational affiliations. (2) Flow rate versus power output.
(d) A summary of the specified operating conditions (3) Power output versus wicket gate opening or
and guarantees. needle position and blade angle where applicable.
(e) Descriptions, drawings and/or photographs of the (4) Flow rate versus wicket gate opening or needle
machine under test, the plant layout, inlet conditions, position and blade angle where applicable.
and outlet conditions, including any unusual features
For pumps, the graphical presentation should include:
which may influence test results.
(5) Head versus flow rate.
(3 The names of manufacturers and nameplate data (6) Flow rate versus power input.
listing power, flow rate, speed, and head.
(g) Description of the inspected water passages, pres- (7) Efficiency versus flow rate.
sure taps, and underwater components. (8) Efficiency versus wicket gate opening.
(h) Description of the test equipment and test proce- ( q ) Appendices as required to describe details of
dures, including the arrangement of the equipment, and dimensions of water passageways, additional drawings
list of instruments. Instrumentation descriptions should and illustrations as needed for clarification, and any
include manufacturer, key specifications, manufactur- other supporting documentation which may be required
e r s stated accuracy, identifying number or tag, owner, to make the report a complete self-contained document
length and type of electrical leads (where relevant), cali- of the entire test.
bration curves and certificates of calibration. (r) Documentation of any unresolved disagreements
(i) Log of test events. between the Parties to the Test.

--``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 73
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1-1 BASIS FOR UNCERTAINTY CALCULATION For an individual parameter, the uncertainty in the
measurement is determined by a combination of system-
All tests regardless of the care taken in design and
atic errors, which are generally due to uncertainty in
implementation will yield measurements and results
instrumentation calibrations, and random errors, which
that are different from the true values, which would
generally arise from variations in the quantity being
have been determined with perfect measurements. This
measured or noise in the measurement system. The over-
results in some degree of uncertainty as to what the
all uncertainty Ux in the measured value of a parameter
true or exact result is. The objective of the uncertainty
X is given by
analysis is to rationally determine this uncertainty in
the required test result (e.g., machine efficiency).
The uncertainty analysis methodology summarized
here follows the general principles in PTC 19.1-1998
Test Uncertainty. That document should be consulted where
for more details on the application of the method and for Bx = systematic uncertainty in parameter X
definitions of basic concepts. The basis for this method is S- = Standard deviation of the sample mean of
the root-sum-square (RSS) approach to combining the X
parameter X (defined below)
various uncertainties identified in the measurement. t = Students t-statistic for adjusting to 95% confi-
Uncertainties for this Code are computed at the 95% dence interval (see Table 1-1)
confidence level. The RSS approach preserves this confi-
dence interval, assuming normally-distributed indepen- t may be computed from the following empirical equa-
dent measurements. The summary presented here tion for other values of v.
applies only to the case in which the various uncertain-
2.36 3.2 5.2
ties can be considered independent of one another. PTC t = 1.96+-+-+-
19.1-1998 should be consulted if there is any question
lJ d 3.84

as to the applicability of this assumption. The standard deviation of the sample mean, Sx is
computed from the standard deviation of a series of
individual measurements of the parameter X by
The methodology presented here uses turbine mode sx = sx /fi
as an example. The resulting equations for overall uncer- where
tainty are the same for both pump and turbine mode
and the methodology presented here applies to both. Sx = the standard deviation of a set of measure-
Turbine efficiency (in SI units) is defined as ments of a parameter X (defined below)
N = the number of measurements in the sample
The standard deviation of a set of measurements of
parameter X is given by
The uncertainty in the measured efficiency will there-
fore be a function of the uncertainty in the measurements
of power, flow, and net head (water density and gravity
also enter into this equation but uncertainties in these
quantities are usually quite small and they are neglected where xis the average of the measurements.
in this discussion).Each of these measurements will, in Individual (elemental) systematic and random uncer-
general, depend upon the results of measurements of tainties are combined by the RSS method:
several other parameters. For instance, net head will
depend upon both the static and velocity heads at the B~ = JBX, + BX> + . . . + B ~ K

inlet and the discharge. Consequently, it will depend and

on the measurements of flow rate, conduit area, inlet
pressure, discharge pressure, etc. SF = &)il+ ( t S ) i 2 + . . . + ( t S ) i K
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Table 1-1 Two-Tailed Student t Table for the 95%

Confidence Level
Degrees of Degrees
Freedom of
v = n - 1 t Freedom t and

1 12.706 16 2.120
2 4.303 17 2.110
3 3.182 ia 2.101
4 2.776 19 2.093
5 2.571 20 2.086
6 2.447 21 2.080 Because the three test quantities of power, flow, and
7 2.365 22 2.074 head enter into the equation for the final result of effi-
a 2.306 23 2.069 ciency as the product of first powers, the uncertainty in
9 2.262 24 2.064 the efficiency, based on a Taylor series propagation of
10 2.228 25 2.060 parametric uncertainties into the final result, takes on a
11 2.201 26 2.056
simple form involving the parameter uncertainties:
12 2.179 27 2.052
13 2.160 28 2.048
2.042 u,= [[q)' (a)'+

where the Bxl and the tSx,are the elemental systematic

and random uncertainties, respectively.
= b: .
+ u; + u;]

As a practical matter, it is worth noting that the final U, = relative uncertainty in the turbine efficiency
result of an uncertainty calculation does not depend on LIp = relative uncertainty in the turbine power out-
the order in which the combining of the elemental error
put measurement
is performed. In other words, under the RSS method, UQ = relative uncertainty in the flow rate mea-
the same result is obtained if all the systematic and all
the random errors are computed separately and then
LIH = relative uncertainty in the net head mea-
combined, if the systematic and random errors for an Sl.Wm.P*t
individuai measurement are computed and combined,
6 = absolute uncertainty in the indicated
and then the measurement errors are combined over all
measurements, or if all the elemental systematic and
Several other useful specific forms derived from the
random errors are combined in one step. However, it
Taylor series method for propagation of uncertainties
may be useful to determine the overall systematic and
into results for the special case of independent uncertain-
random uncertainties separately, as this may give insight
ties are given below.
as to the most likely areas for improvement in test uncer-
tainty. 1-2.1 Average of Two or More Parameters
The following discussion assumes that the overall sys-
tematic and random errors in the efficiency calculation If a result is computed as an average of two param-
are to be reported as relative (e.g., percentage) values. eters
The relative sensitivity of a result r computed from
measured parameters due to changes in a particular r = i(.x +y)
parameter P is given by using a Taylor series approxima-
tion to define a sensitivity coefficient for the parame-
then the uncertainty in the result is given by
ter, el':
el'= ap, /

This equation simply quantifies the relative change Averages for more than two parameters can be com-
in the computed result r, which would result from a puted in similar fashion. For instance, if three parame-
relative change in the measured parameter P. ters are averaged to determine a result, then the
The relative random and systematic uncertainties of uncertainty in the result is given by
a result r computed from the statistics of the total num-
ber of parameters u) upon which the result is based are + u: + u;)!:
ur = ;(u:
then given by


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This combining of uncertainties for a result computed to relate the two parameters is the most common method
from an average will be referred to as RSS-averaging of of fitting the smooth curve.
the uncertainties in this Appendix. The standard deviation of the sample mean in this
Note that if the elemental uncertainties Ui are equal case is the standard deviation of the difference of the
(for instance, in the measurement of flow rate in three independent measured parameter (e.g., turbine effi-
intake bays of a Kaplan unit), the RSS-average of three ciency) from the curve fit to that parameter as a function
uncertainties is given by of the independent parameter. For instance, suppose
turbine efficiency 7 is plotted as a function of power
U output E, and a fifth-order polynomial relating these two
where U1 = LI2 = U , = U. A similar result obtains for
parameters is determined by a least-squares technique,
resulting in the following relationship:
any number of averaged parameters.
5 = Co + ClP + c2P2 + c3P3 + c4P4 + c5P5
1-2.2 Sum or Difference of Two or More Parameters
If a result is computed as the sum or difference of where the co - c5 are the polynomial coefficients. The
two parameters standard deviation of the measurements from the curve
fit is then given by
Y =x+y
then the uncertainty in the result is given by l N ( X i - 2 )2]12
sx = [ N - M - I j=I

u,= (u$+ u$)?

where Xiare the individual results (efficiency 7 in this
Sum or differences of more than two parameters can example), X is the curve fit of the result (efficiency, as
be computed in similar fashion. For instance, if three a function of power), N is the number of measurements,
parameters are summed to determine a result, then the and M is the number of coefficients to be determined
uncertainty in the result is given by (the polynomial coefficients of the example above).
The standard deviation of the sample mean for the
u,= (u:+ u,
+ u;)Z turbine efficiency over the range of power outputs is
then given by
Note that if the elemental uncertainties Ui are equal,
the RSS-sum of three uncertainties is given by Cn = S J J
u,= &u where S, is the standard deviation of the difference
between the measurements and the curve fit, and N is
where U1 = U , = U , = U. A similar result obtains for
the number of measurements.
any number of summed parameters.
It should be noted that the random error deter-
mined from a curve fit will depend not only upon the
1-3 APPLICATION OF UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS scatter in the measurements, but also upon the appro-
OVER A RANGE OF OPERATING CONDITIONS priateness of the curve used for the curve fit. For
Measurements (e.g., power output) or determinations instance, if turbine efficiency is considered as a function
of results ( e g , turbine efficiency) of parameters over a of power output, a second-order polynomial will gener-
range of operating conditions may be expected to follow ally not follow the true curve very well. This will lead
a smooth curve. For instance, turbine efficiency (the to a relative high estimate of uncertainty. The use of a
dependent parameter) may be expected to be a smooth higher order curve may reduce this uncertainty while
function of the power output (the independent parame- retaining the smoothness and reasonableness of the
ter) for a given head. However, test measurements or curve. However, care must be used, and the fit curve
results will deviate from a smooth curve plotted over a should be plotted and investigated for reasonableness.
range of operating conditions, reflecting random For polynomial curve fits, for instance, the number of
(repeatability) errors in the underlying measurements. data points should be at least 1.5 to 2 times order of the
The deviation of these computed results from the curve fit. Fitting a fifth-order curve to six data points
smooth curve can be used to determine the uncertainty may result in a wildly oscillating curve. Experience has
of a result over a range of operating conditions. In prac- also shown that polynomial curves fits greater than fifth
tice, the smooth curve-fits are often made using polyno- order often yield unsuitable curves. Such unreason-
mials of up to the fifth order, although other functions ableness can be detected by simply plotting and
may be employed. The use of a least-squares curve fit inspecting the derived curve fit.


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11-1 Table 11-1 Modified Thompson T

(at the 5% Significance Level)
All measurement systems may produce spurious data ~~ ~~ ~

Sample Sample
points, also known as outliers, strays, mavericks, rogues,
Size Size
or wild points. These points may be caused by temporary N 7 N r
or intermittent malfunctions of the measurement sys-
tem. Data points of this type shall not be included as 3 1.150 22 1.893
part of the uncertainty of the measurement. Such points 4 1.393 23 1.896
5 1.572 24 1.899
are considered to be meaningless as steady-state test
6 1.656 25 1.902
data, and shall be discarded. 7 1.711 26 1.904

8 1.749 27 1.906
9 1.777 28 1.908
10 1.798 29 1.910
11 1.815 30 1.911
The Modified Thompson 7 Technique is recom- 12 1.829 1.913
mended for testing possible outliers. The following is a
summary of the technique. A more complete discussion 13 1.840 32 1.914
with example is given in PTC 19.1-1998. 14 1.849 33 1.916
Let yi be the value of the observation y that is most 15 1.858 34 1.917
remote from ?, the arithmetic mean value of all observa- 16 1.865 35 1.919
;* b h - .--& --,I C L- AL- ..-A:--A--~ -c---l--A A-..:- 17 1.871 36 1 p7n
LIVILU 111 L I L C DCL, UILU LI v c LILC c : J u u L a L c u 3Laiiuaiu u e v i a-
tion of all observations in the set. Then, if the value, 18 1.876 37 1.921
cinn n C
"'o"' "I 19 1.881 38 1.922
20 1.885 39 1.923
d = Iyi - ?I 21 1.889 40 1.924
is greater than the product 6, then yi is rejected as an
outlier. The value of T is obtained from Table 11-1.
After rejecting an outlier, ?and S are recalculated for All sets of readings should be examined for outliers
the remaining observations. Successive applications of before computations are made. All significant quantities,
this procedure may be made to test other possible outli- such as Q, H , P, and n should be tested for outliers. The
ers, but the usefulness of the testing procedure dimin- test should also be applied to curves fit to test data over
ishes after each rejection. a range of operating conditions.


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Uncertainties in this Code are specified at the 95% Power Uncertainty, Up

confidence interval as described in Appendix I. The table 1. By measurement of torque and speed f 1.0%
below presents typical overall uncertainties (including 2. By measurement at the terminals of:
both systematic and random errors), which may be dc generators I 1.0%
attainable with calibrated instrumentation and normal ac generators * 0.5%
test conditions. Smaller uncertainties can be obtained
with ideal test conditions. Depending upon the method employed for the deter-
The values listed below for specific measurements mination of generator losses, and in cases where shunts
are for general guidance only and should not be used are used for large direct currents, Up may be greater
without supporting calculations and verifications. Sys- than the above values. For example, the uncertainty in
tematic and random uncertainties should be calculated power at a test point can be calculated as follows:
in accordance with Appendix I and PTC 19.1-1998. This
general list is not comprehensive and all uncertainties
associated with each test measurement should be identi- Watthour meter uncertainty rto.25%
fied and separately addressed. Potential transformer uncertainty 10.5%
Flow Rate Uncertaintv, UO Current transformer uncertainty 10.5%
Timer uncertainty 10.0001%
1. Current Meter Method
Conduits from 1.2 to 1.5 m (4 to 5 ft) I 1.2%
Uncertainty in generator efficiency +.0.lo/0
Conduits of more than 1.5 m (5 ft) diameter * 1.0%
2. Pitometer Method * 1.5% The calculated uncertainties then computed as
3. Pitot Tube Method I 1.5% described in Appendix I from the root sum square of
4. Salt Velocity Method * 1.0% the above uncertainties.
5. Pressure-Time Method * 1.0%
6. Ultrasonic Method (Two crossing planes - ? 1.0%

four paths each) Up = t(0.25 + 0.5 + 0.5 + O.O0Ol2 + 0.12)0.5

7. Venturi Meter Method (Calibrated Venturi) * 1.5%
8. Dye Dilution Method I 1.5%
9. Volumetric Method I 1.5%
Head Uncertaintv. UU
Up = 10.76%
Measurement of free water level difference h
1. Point gage, hook gage, I ( l / h ) % (metric)
or float gage ? (3.2/h)% (US. customary) At other measuring points, the overall uncertainty
2. Plate gage, fixed ? (5/h)% (metric) would be different. With the utilization of accurate mod-
t (16.4/h)% (U.S. customary) ern electronic instrumentation, it may be significantly
Pressure Uncertainty smaller.
1. Deadweight gage ? 1.0%
2. Height of mercury (h) * (O.l/h) (metric) Speed Uncertainty
? ( 0 . 3 2 / h ) (U.S. customary)
3. Spring pressure gage I 0.5% Electric counter and other precision speed
4. Transducers i (0.1 to 0.5%) measuring devices I0.1%

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