Birth Certificate

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OOFF 71637621 FORMS bf 3 GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ‘ J DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION Bay vorew MUDICAL & HEALTH DEPARTMENT essjeeouu -aigna ceerinicare Certeae S001-- 10968 : 200 coon aor 1969,12/17 Dea grace swagQh we sud adres Denson 1999,0/13 Dense feos Semsaa soos are (lensed under ection 12/17 fe Reger ton of Brie tnd Dest At 1960 and Re 8/13 of te ‘nana Pradesh Reparation f Bc an Bethe Ras 1990) excoth opin OYtrene are aay tyra mea g (3 Sn) aan 0a PD uscd eat wots Oop sso save ba aceaad aientepse i ‘cay tt alwys ben an om he gel ed tw ‘mits tet wen | tat ba) MELLORE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF POTTY SHEER MeLLORE ‘Steric or SATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH [sere GANGA RATION pear pas "oars omar | Veer parse * On One ZeRo FOUR OME MINE WANE Tee [SESEAST cro prep Pv nauAcHANORA REDOY peOPLES FOLVELINICWELLORE [apse wane or [GANGAPATHAN PRASARRALARSHOT 22 [Sno orOH TET SaneneNTHaN pansonea” [ees orasetersy eee ee Actes oft pares at teome ot | MELORE NELIORE PSR HELLORE 5 faze ‘NELLORE WELLORE Rx POTTE SURAMULU WELLORE DESTRICT 2 ro co opr BONS |eessras7omory 2 — ee overs a Kot ai, ‘eras By ate 10/03/2038 SmLces yeaa an Ip/apaspneseva go in/APSDCPora Vsernerfae ize CDMAUniidBinhCe..2015-03-10 Nata; This a Digtaly Sioned Cerificate des rat ir pa sant An aii cn ved ‘Mo sinter gory keh Resonator narbe norton ve

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