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Multiple Logons and Multiple Sessions

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You can access SAP system using front end program with a variety of designs. All
SAP component are.however,accessible using a general front end program,the SAP
graphical use interface (SAP GUI).the SAP GUI is the standard program the accesing
almost all SAP soluction.

Multiple logons and multiple sessions

The SAP system tracks multiple logons as of SAP R/3.4.6. the primary reasons for
tracking multiple logons are security and licensing.if the same user logs on more than
once,then for each subsequent logon,the system display a warning message the ofters the
user the folloeing three options:
-continue with this logon and end any other logons of this user in the system
-continue with this logons without ending any other logon in the system
-terminate this logon

Methods for personalizing the user interface

Some of the many things you can do are:
-change the layout of the SAP easy access screen
-track your input history to provide input help
-display status messages in a pop-up window instead of the status bar
-set preferences for how data display
-adjust the color and behavior of the screens and fields
Execise objective
After completing this exercise you will be able to:
-create a logon entry
-log on to an SAP system
-personalize your user interface
Navigating in the SAP system

Screen structure
The SAP easy aces screen in the default initial screen in SAP system,the leaf side
of the screen contains are a tree hieracy of the menus available to you in the Sap system.
An SAP screen can contain the following simple screen elements:
-command field
-menu bar
-standar tool bar
-title bar
-aplications tool bar
-check boxes
-radio buttons
-status bar

Navigations options
You have several options for navigating in an SAP system:
-enter transactions codes in the command field
-choose items from menus in the menu bar
-choose items the favorites list or from the role based user menus
Using favorites
In SAP easy access,you can create s favorites list containing:
-link to files
-internet addresses

Status Bar
The status bar provider general informations on the SAP system and transaction
or task on wich you are working.At the left on the status bar,system messages are
diaplayed. The right end of the status bar contains three fields: one with server
informations,and two with ststus informations.
At the far left,the status bar:
-indentifies error messages
-indentifies other system messages
To display the following system information,choose each in the firs status field:
-response time
The second status display the server to whice you are connected. The third status
field specifies you data entry mode.by choosing this field,you can toggle between the
insert (INS) and overwrite (OVR) modes.

Business example
You are in the process of entering new data into the system.you encounter a field that you
have never used before.you need to find out what type of data you nedd to provide,and if
there are possible values that already exist for that field.
Help features
The SAP system provides comprehensive online help.you can display the help
from any screen in the system.you can always request help using the help menu or using
the relevant icon.the help menu contains the following options:

Applications help
Applications help display comprehensive help for the cureen
appliacation.selecting this menu options in the initial screen display help on getting
started ith SAP.

SAP library
All online documentations can be found here

You can search for definitions of terms in the glossary

Release notes
This display notes that describle functional changes that occur between SAP
system release.

This enables you to log on to SAPnet

Feedback enebles you to sand a messages to the SAPnet front end,the SAP service

Settings enable you to select settings for help.

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