XK 3190-A 1
XK 3190-A 1
XK 3190-A 1
Weighing Indicator
Please read this Users Guide carefully when you use the indicator!
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Chapter 1 Specification
1 Model XK3190-A1+
2 Sample rate 5~25 times / sec
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Chapter 2 Installation
UNIT:KG 1 2 3
4 5 6 0
7 8 9
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2.2 Keyboard
Key Function
1 [ACCU/1] In calibration mode, press [ACCU/1] to input digital key 1; In
weighing mode, its an invalid key.
2 [PRE-T/2] In calibration mode, press [PRE-TARE/2] to input digital key 2;
In weighing mode, the key is used for presetting tare.
3 [FUN/3] In calibration mode, press [FUN/3] to input digital key 3; In
weighing mode, its an invalid key.
4 [CLEAR/4] In calibration mode, press [CLEAR/4] to input digital key 4; In
weighing mode, it is guide key for data clear, details shown in
5 [CHECK/5] In calibration mode, press [CHECK/5] to input digital key 5; In
weighing mode, it is guide key for data check, details shown in
6 [DATE/6] In calibration mode, press [DATE/6] to input digital key 6 ;In
weighing mode, it is guide key for date setting, details shown in
7 [SET PRINT/7] In calibration mode, press [SET PRINT/7] to input digital key
7 ;In weighing mode, it is guide key for print, details shown in
topic printing function.
8 [CALB/8] In calibration mode, press [CALB/8] to input digital key 8 ;In
weighing mode, press [CALB/8] to enter into calibration mode;
9 [TIME/9] In calibration mode, press [TIME/9] to input digital key 9 ;In
weighing mode, it is guide key for time setting , more details
shown in topic DATE and TIME SETTING.
10 [STORE/0] In calibration mode, press [STORE/0] to input digital key 0 ;In
weighing mode, it is function key for data store, more details
shown in topic DATA STORE.
11 In weighing mode, when stable indicating light appears, press [TARE] key to clear tare. Then
indicator displays zero, the display is net weight and the tare indicating light is on.
12 In weighing mode, when stable indicating light appears, press [ZERO] key to clear limited
weight on the platform. Zero range can be set within 4% of full capacity.
13 In weighing mode, when stable indicating light appears, press [PRINT] key to print weight
data in set format.
14 In calibration mode, press [ENTER] key to confirm the parameter input and go to next
parameter setting step automatically. When indicator is in date, time, print and communication
setting mode, press [ENTER] key also to confirm parameter input.
15 In calibration or parameter setting mode, press [WEIGH] to exit from original calibration or
parameter setting mode to weighing mode.
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2.3 Connecting Load cell to Indicator
1. The 9-pin socket is adopted for connection of load cell, pin defined in graph 2-3.
2. The 4-pin shielded cable is used, +S must be short connected with +E, -S and -E. The
indicator does not have the function of long distance compensation.
Indicator must be reliably connect ed to Load cell and shielded-cable of load cell
must be reliably connected to underground . If indicator is powered on, the user
should not insert or withdraw the plug in order to protect the indicator and load cell.
Sensor and indicator are static sensitive devices; you must adopt anti-static
measures. In order to protect the operator, indicator, and relevant devices, you
should install lightning rod in the thunderstorm frequently happening area.
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Chapter 3 Calibration
3.1 According to Graph 2-3, connecting load cell to indicator, and then turn on indicator, it enters
into weighing mode
3.2 Unscrew the lead sealing board (located at the back of indicator), then turn the calibration
switch (under the lead sealing board) to top, then calibration mode is allowed to enter into by
pressing [CALB/8]. When all the calibration operation is finished, turn the calibration switch to
bottom to save all the operation. Then screw the lead sealing board, then lead seal
it.(Attention: The default location of calibration switch is at top)
3.3 According to table 3-1, carry out calibration operation step by step.
Table 3 - 1
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6 press [ Enter ] [ noLoAd] Confirm Zero position. Assure there is no load
on the scale. Press [Enter] when the stable light
is on.
Note: H. L. td indicating three calibrating coefficients .Recording them for spare use.
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Chapter 4 Operating Instructions
4.1 Turning on
1 Turn on indicator by AC power supply, it will perform 9999999 - 0000000 self-checking.
And then enter weighing mode. Or press any key, self-checking performance stops and
enters into weighing mode automatically.
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(Graph 4-1) Serial Communication port and score display port
ST D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 BUSY
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Graph 4-2
2. Printing notes:
You must connect the indicator and the printer correctly. The wrong connection will destroy
indicator output interface or printer input interface, and may even destroy the indicator or
Turning on the printer as following: connecting the line correctly first, turning on the
Turning off the printer as following: turning off the printer power first, and then turning off
the indicator power, cutting off the line finally. Wrong procedure may destroy the indicator
or printer.
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The printer must be compatible to the indicator, please choose the recommended printer.
The printer GND can not be connected to the power GND, otherwise the indicator or printer will be
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Press[Enter] Example: 0
8 Press[0] [ dct *] 0: doesnt use discount
Press[Enter] [ dct ] 1: use discount
End Exit to weighing mode
You can use discount only when the blank filling mode is selected.
Record Format:
Weight Bill
Date 97-01-31
NO. Time Gross ( kg ) Tare ( kg ) Net ( kg ) Accumulating(kg)
0001 08.56.16 299.98 1 298.98 298.98
0002 09.00.09 299.98 2 297.98 596.96
0003 09.00.28 299.98 3 296.98 893.94
Document Format( 1 document as example)
Weight Bill
NO. : 007
Date : 96-09-25
Time : 09.03.21
Gross : 299.98 ( kg )
Tare : 9.98 ( kg )
Net : 290.00 ( kg )
Total : 2059.90 ( kg )
Fist bill for operator
SERIAL No. 123
DATE 1999-05-28
TIME 12.35.28
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GROSS 1580 kg
TARE 80 kg
NET 1350 kg
If setting the odE parameter to 1, you can perform the blank filling printing, at this time the other
printing formats are invalid (Records format and document format are invalid).
Method: press [print] key, if dct parameter is set to 1, it will display [BFL **], input the discount
rate and press [Input], it will print out the blank filling report: if dct parameter is set to 0, it will print
out the blank filling report directly, discount rate will be in blank.
The XK3190-A1+ does not have the functions of truck No. and Cargo No. administration. The
In blank filling format, the indicator can print out the report in 1 or 3 fold.
The user can contact with the local dealer if the user wants the customized blank filling format.
1. The 15-pin socket (shared with scoreboard socket) is adopted for serial communication. Pin
is defined as graph 4-1, pin 6(RXD) is used to receive the signal from the computer, pin
2. Communication protocol adopts RS-232C, and all data are ASCII codes. Every group of
data consists of ten bits binary codes. The first bit is start bit. The tenth bit is stop bit, the
Mode of communication:
Indicator transmits current data of weight value (Gross or net weight) to computer.
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(1) Communication parameter
Communication parameters consist of communication address, baud rate and
communication mode.
(2) The sequence of parameters setting is as followed:
Connecting the load cell, the indicator enters into working mode which is shown in the Graph
2-3.Then turn the calibration switch to top as described in Chapter 3 item 3.2.
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( Please note the explanation. Dont change other parameters setting carelessly. )
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press [ Check ] [A *****] Gross
press [ Check ] [P ***** ] Tare
press [ Check ] [n ******] Net
press [ check ] [no 002 ] The second group of weighing sigh
symbols record
Checking ends, Indicator auto-returns to weighing mode, and using [weighing ] key, you can
quit checking mode.4.8.3 Clear
Press [ clear ] key, can clean accumulating weight value or stored data.
Step Operating Display Explanation
1 press [ Clear ]
2 [ sure 0 ] Selecting clear/not clear
0: no
1: yes
press [ 1 ] [ sure 1 ] Example: 1
[ sure 1 ]
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electronic components will be damaged and electric shock is likely to happen.
5.6 You should cut off power supply of indicator and relevant device before you pull-in and out the
connecting line of indicator and external device.
You must cut off power supply of the indicator, before you plug the connecting line of
the load cell in and out.
You must cut off power supply of the indicator and the printer, before you plug in connecting
line of the printer.
You must cut off power supply of the indicator and the scoreboard, before you plug connecting line
of the scoreboard in and out.
You must cut off power supply of the indicator and the master computer, before you pull
connecting line of communication in and out.
You must cut off power supply of the indicator and external connecting system, before you pull
connecting line of control output in and out.
5.7 The user should return this indicator to our company for repair. Non-weighing manufacturer should
not repair it, or by yourself, otherwise further destruction may occur.
5.8 From invoice date, the indicator has a total one-year free repair period. If any non-artificially
obstacle about the indicator occurs while under correct using conditions within the period, the
user is allowed to send the product with its guarantee card (of the correct number) back to our
corporation for free repair.
5.9 The indicator shouldnt be taken apart, otherwise free guarantee will be cancelled.
1 --OF-- No meaning.
3 Err 11 Not meet demands of document format, print set is wrong. Set print format again
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6.3 Wrong setting information indicating
2 Err 14 Decimal point must be less than 5, please reset the decimal bit.
1 Err P It means the printer has trouble or is wrongly connected. Push any key to quit.
2 Err 01 It means the load cell signal line is wrongly connected, or its signal is negative.
1 If this scale is under usage, then can be sure: the load cell connecting wires had
2 If this scale hasnt been calibrated, the user should check the load cells connective
wires first. (Whether the signal line has been negatively connected). If the load cell
cable is correctly linked, but the indicator still indicates Err01, the problem can then
3 Err 02 It means the load cells wires are wrongly linked, or the signal value exceeds the A/D
converting range.
1 If this scale is under usage, then can be sure: the load cells connective wires had
dead load + scales rated capacity must be less than the load cells rated capacity.
c) This may happen in case that there are more than one load cell in the weighing
d) Short connecting the pin 4 and pin 1 on the socket of the load cell.
1 Err 18 Key board has problems, It will indicates for ten seconds, then
2 Err 20 The data is partly lost in RAM. Operator should put in the calibration
3 Err 21 Calibrating data have been lost in RAM and EPROM, Operator must put
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in the calibration plug, then reenter the original calibration data, turn
1. Err 24 In normal operation, you must pull off the calibration jumper. The indicator is
under normal operation, and the calibration jumper shouldnt be put in. If calibration is needed, the
calibration jumper should be put in at set-up. You should pull out the calibration jump when
turning off the indicator. If the indicator finds that the calibration jump was inserted when
turning on, it will display Err 24 for 6 seconds to prompt the operator.
1 02 (X ON) , start
2 + or - ,
3 Weight date
4 Weight date
5 Weight date
6 Weight date
7 Weight date
8 Weight date
12 03 (X OFF) END
1 02 (X ON) start
2 A~Z address
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3 A: Shaking hands
B: asking GW
C: asking tare
D: asking NW
4 XRL checking
5 XRL checking
6 03 (X OFF) end
XRL = 2 3
GW data (6 bits)
GW data
Decimal position
C Tare data
Tare data
Decimal position
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Command NW: +/- Each frame consists of 14 groups of data
D NW data
NW data
Decimal position
Command E Accumulated times and weigh Each frame consists of 22 groups of data
Decimal position
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