Btech (ECE) 7 and 8

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7th 7

Course No: ECE-13701

Data Communication and Computer Networks

Unit I: Introduction
Data representation and flow, Analog and Digital data, Analog and Digital signals, Periodic
Analog Signals, Phase, Wavelength, Time and Frequency Domains, Composite Signals, Data
Communication modes, Transmission of Digital Signals, Transmission Impairment (Attenuation,
Distortion, Noise), Data rate limits (Noiseless Channel: Nyquist Bit rate, Noise Channel:
Shannon Capacity), Performance parameters.
Unit II: Data Transmission
Digital Transmission: Digital to Digital Conversion, analog to digital conversion, transmission
modes), Analog Communication: Digital to Analog Conversion, Analog-to-Analog Conversion).
Introduction to multiplexing and spectrum spreading.
Unit III: Transmission Media and Switching
OSI, TCP/IP and other networks models, Network Topologies, Network Types based on size like
PAN, LAN, MAN, WAN, Functional Classification of Networks, Peer to Peer, Client Server.
Transmission media Guided (UTP, STP, Coaxial and Fibre optic,), Unguided Media, switching
and encoding, Requirements of computer networks, Introduction to Wireless Networks.
Unit IV: Data Link Layer
Design issues of Data Link layer, framing, error detection and correction, CRC, Elementary
Protocol-stop and wait, Sliding Window, Slip, Data link layer in HDLC, Contention based media
access protocols (ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA, CSMA and CSMA/CD) MAC addresses.
Unit V: Network and Transport Layer
Introduction of network layer, IP addressing (IPV4 and IPV6), Classes of IP addressing, Sub-
netting and Super-netting, Virtual circuit and Datagram Subnets-Routing algorithms (shortest
path, Vector distance and Link state routing), Flooding, Congestion, Control avoidance
algorithms, Introduction to Internetworking devices, Introduction to transport layer, Transport
Services, Connection management, TCP and UDP protocol.
Books Recommended:
1. B. A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, TMH.
2. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Pearsons.
3. P. C. Gupta, Data Communication and Computer Networks, PHI.
Course No: ECE-13702

Power Systems

Introduction to Power System, Single line diagram, impedance and reactance diagram of a power
system, Single Phase and Three Phase Transmission, Overhead and Underground Transmission
System, Elements of AC distribution. Single fed, double fed and ring main distributor. Per unit
Mechanical Design of Transmission Lines: Main components of overhead lines, Conductor
materials, Line supports, insulators, Types of insulators, Potential distribution over suspension
insulators, String efficiency, Methods of improving string efficiency, Sag in overhead lines and
sag calculations.
Classification of cables, Cable conductors, insulating materials, insulation resistance,
electrostatic stress, grading of cables, Capacitance calculation, losses and current carrying
Transmission line parameters, types of overhead conductors with calculations of inductance and
capacitance, effect of earth on capacitance of a transmission line, Bundled conductors, Skin and
proximity effect, corona, interference of power lines with communication lines.
Representation of lines, Modeling and Performance analysis of short, medium and long
transmission lines. ABCD constants, Transposition of transmission conductors, Surge impedance
loading, Ferranti effect.
Books Recommended:
1. J J Grainger and W D Stevension, Power System Analysis, McGrawHill,Inc., 1994.
2. D P Kothori and I J Nagrath, Modern Power System Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill
Education Private Limited, 2011.
3. Hadi Saadat, Power System Analysis McGraw-Hill, 2004.
4. M A Pai, Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis, Tata McGraw Publishing
Company Limited, 2006
Course No: ECE 13703

Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems

UNIT -I: Introduction to Embedded Systems
Definition of Embedded System, Embedded Systems Vs General Computing Systems, History
of Embedded Systems, Classification, Major Application Areas, Purpose of Embedded Systems,
Characteristics and Quality Attributes of Embedded Systems.
UNIT -II: Typical Embedded System
Core of the Embedded System: General Purpose and Domain Specific Processors, ASICs, PLDs,
Commercial Off-The-Shelf Components (COTS), Memory: ROM, RAM, Memory according to
the type of Interface, Memory Shadowing, Memory selection for Embedded Systems, Sensors
and Actuators, Communication Interface: Onboard and External Communication Interfaces.
UNIT III: Introduction to Microcontrollers
Microcontrollers for embedded systems, Classes of microcontrollers, Types of Microcontrollers,
Introduction to microcontrollers, platforms PIC, Arduino and 8051. Choosing a microcontroller
for embedded application.
UNIT IV: 8051 Microcontroller Architecture
8051 microcontrollers, Architecture, Features, Pin layout, addressing modes, accessing memory
using various addressing modes, Jump, Loop and call instructions, Time delay generation and
calculation, Single bit instructions, Bit manipulation instructions, I/O port Programming.
UNIT V: Features and Programming
Architecture of 8051 timers, Counters and Interrupts, Programing 8051 timers, Counter
programming (pulse, frequency and width measurements), Interrupt programming, Programming
external hardware interrupts and serial communication interrupts, Microcontroller Interfacing -
Key Board, D / A and A/D conversion, Stepper Motor.
Books Recommended
1. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design, THM
2. Mohammad Ali mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, PHI
3. Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller, Cengage Learning.
Course No: ECE-13704E (A)

Optical Fiber Communication

Unit I: Optical Fiber: Structures and propagation
Introduction to Optical Communication Systems; Optical fibers, light propagation through fibers,
different types of fibers, optical fiber modes and configurations, mode theory, attenuation,
dispersion, characteristics of single mode fibers.

Unit II: Digital and Analog links

Point to point links, power links, error control, coherent detection, Differential Quadrature Phase
Shift Keying (QPSK), overview of analog links, Carrier-to-Noise Ratio, multichannel
transmission techniques, RF over fiber, radio over fiber links.


Overview of WDM, Passive optical couplers, isolators and circulators, fiber grating filters, phase
array based devices, network concepts, network topologies, SONET/ SDH, high speed light
wave links, optical Add/Drop multiplexing, optical switching, WDM examples.

Unit IV Optical Sources and Detectors

Optical sources- Structures, Materials, Quantum efficiency, Power, Modulation, Power
bandwidth product. Reliability of LED&ILD, Source to fiber power launching - Output patterns,
Power coupling, Power launching, Equilibrium.

Optical detectors- Physical principles of PIN and APD, Detector response time, Temperature
effect on Avalanche gain, Comparison of Photodetectors, Optical receiver operation.

Unit V: Optical Networks

Passive Optical Networks, IP over DWDM, Optical Ethernet Optical receiver operation-
Fundamental receiver operation, Digital signal transmission, error sources, Receiver
configuration, Digital receiver performance, Probability of error, Quantum limit, Analog
receivers. Optical system design Considerations, Component choice.

Books Recommended:

1. Microwave Principles by Herbert J. Reich, East- West Press.

2. Antenna and Wave Propagation by A.K. Gautam.
3. Modern Electronic Communications by Jeffrey S. Beasley, PHI.
4. Lasers and Optical Fibre Communications by P. Sarah International Publishing House.
5. Fiber Optic Communication SystemsGovind.P.Agarwal , John Wiley, 3rd Edition, 2004.
6. Fiber Optic Communications Joseph C. Palais, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2004.
Course No: ECE-13704E (B)

Speech and Audio Processing

Unit-I Fundamentals of Speech

The human speech production mechanism, LTI model for speech production, nature of the
speech signal, linear time varying model, types of speech, voiced and unvoiced decision making,
audio file formats: nature of WAV file, parameters of speech, spectral parameters of speech.
Unit-II Linear Prediction of Speech and Quantization
Lattice structure realization, forward linear prediction, auto correlation covariance method,
uniform and non-uniform quantization of speech, waveform coding of speech, the 726 standard
for ADPCM, parametric speech coding technique, RELP based vocoder, transform domain
coding of speech, sub-band coding of speech.
Unit-III Speech Quantization and Coding
Uniform-Non-uniform quantizers and coder, companded quantizer, forward adaptive quantizers,
Backward adaptive quantizers, waveform coding of speech, PCM,DPCM,ADM, Introduction to
parametric speech coding techniques.
UNIT-IV Speech Synthesis
History of text-to-text speech system, synthesizer technologies. HMM based speech synthesis,
sine wave synthesis, speech transformation, emotion recognition from speech, watermarking for
authentication of a speech / Music signal, digital watermarking, watermarking in capestral
Unit-V Speech Processing Applications
Speech Recognition Systems, Architecture of a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition
system. Deterministic sequence recognition for ASR, statistical sequence recognition for ASR,
VQHMM based speech recognition, speech enhancement, Adaptive echo cancellation.

Books Recommended:
1. Speech and Audio Processing, Dr Shaila D Apte, Wiley Publications.
2. Digital Signal Processing, Dr. Shaila D. Apte, Wiley Publications.
3. Theory and Applications of Signal Processing, L.R. Rabinder and B.Gold, Prentice Hall .
4. Digital Signal Processing A.V. Oppenheim and R.W Shafer, Prentice Hall 1985.
5. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing J.G. Proakis and DG Manolakis, Prentice Hall.
Course No: ECE-13704E (C)

HDL and Digital System Design

UNIT I: Hardware Description Languages and VHDL

Hardware Description Languages: Introduction to VHDL, Design flow, Code structure: Library
declarations, Entity and Architecture, Introduction to behavioural, dataflow and structural
modeling. Data types: BIT, Standard logic, Boolean, Integer, real, Signed and Unsigned Data
types, Arrays, Bit vector and Standard logic vectors, Operators and attributes: Assignment,
Logical, Arithmetic, Relational and concatenation operators
UNIT II: Concurrent, Sequential Codes and State
Machines Concurrency, Concurrent verses Sequential codes, advantages of concurrent codes,
concurrent and sequential statements: WHEN (simple and selected), GENERATE, PROCESS,
IF, ELSIF, WAIT, CASE, LOOP, Signal versus Variable, Bad Clocking, Brief concepts of Finite
State Machines, (Melay and Moore Machines), state diagrams and state tables.
UNIT III: Combinational and Sequential Circuit Design
Elements combinational and sequential circuits, VHDL modeling combinational systems: Gates,
Binary adders and Subtractors, Multiplexers, De-multiplexers, encoders, decoders,code
converters, comparators, Boolean functions using Multiplexer. Shannons expansion theorem,
VHDL Modelling of Sequential Circuits: Flip-Flops, Shift Registers, Counters UPDOWN,
Johnson and Ring Counters.
UNIT IV: System Design
Introduction to COMPONENTS and FUNCTIONS, Port Mapping, Digital system design:
VHDL modeling of ALU, Pseudo random Number Generator, Sequence detector, Barrel shifter,
UNIT V: Programmable Logic devices
Programmable Logic Array (PLA), Programmable Array Logic(PAL), Introduction to Complex
Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD) and Field Programmable Logic Arrays(FPGA),
Advantages of FPGAs, Application Specific integrated Circuits (ASIC), FPGA design flow.
Books Recommended:
1. Pedroni V. A., Circuit Design with VHDL, PHI, 2008.
2. J.Bhasker, VHDL Primer, Pearson Education, India.
3. Perry D. L., VHDL Programming by Example, TMH,2000.
4. Wakerly J. F., Digital Design Principles and Practices, Pearson Education,2008.
5. Brown S. and Vranesic Z., Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, TMH.2008.
Course No: ECE-13704E (D)

Advanced Microprocessors
Unit I: Intel 8086, 80186

Architecture and working of 8086 and 80186 Microprocessor, Register set of 8086 and 80186
Microprocessor, Addressing Modes and memory segmentation in 8086 and 80186
Differences between 8086 and 80186 microprocessors, Instruction set of 8086 Microprocessor,
Assembly language Programming for 8086 microprocessors.

Unit II Intel 80286 Processor Architecture and Programming

Intel 80286 Microprocessor, 80286 Architecture, system connection Real and Protected mode
operations. Memory management unit, OS support, Instruction for Real and Protected mode

Unit III: Intel 80386 Processor: Architecture and Programming

Intel 80386 Microprocessor, 80386 Architecture and system connection Real operating mode
386 protected mode operation segmentation and virtual memory segment privilege levels and
protection call gates I/O privilege levels Interrupts and exception handling task switching
paging mode 80386 virtual 86 mode operation.

Unit IV: Intel 80486 and Pentium Processors: Architecture and Programming
80486 Processor model Reduced Instruction cycle five stage instruction pipe line
Integrated coprocessor On board cache Burst Bus mode, Recent trends in microprocessor
design. Pentium super scalar architecture u-v pipe line branch prediction logic cache
structure BIST (built in selftest) Introduction to MMX technology.

Unit V: Advanced and Special Purpose Processors

Architecture, addressing and programming of Digital Signal Processors, co-processors and I/O
processors. Difference between CISC and RISC processors, various emerging trends in
Microprocessor Design. Introduction to graphics and other special purpose processors,
Introduction to architecture of multi-core processors.

Books Recommended:
1. Introduction to 8086, 80186,80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium and Pentium Pro Processors, B.
Bray, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
2. Advanced Microprocessors by Daniel Tabak McGraw-Hill.
3. Advanced Microprocessors by A. P. Godse, D. A. Godse Technical Publications.
4. Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals by K. M. Burchandi, A. K. Ray Tata McGraw Hill
5. Advanced Microprocessors by Y. Rajasree, New Age International.
Course No: ECE-13704E (E)

Radar and Satellite Communication

Unit-I Modern Radar System
Fundamentals of surveillance Radar and design: Bandwidth considerations, Prf, Un-ambiguious
range and velocity, Pulse length and sampling, radar Cross-section and Clutter. Tracking Radar,
Tracking and search radars. Antenna beam shapes required, radar guidance, Frequency agility,
Importance of Mono Pulse radar.

Unit-II Satellite Communication

Basic Transmission Theory, System Noise Temperature and G/T ratio, Design of Down Links,
Domestic Satellite Systems Using Small Earth Stations, Uplink Design, Design of Satellite Link
for Specified (C/N)

Unit-III Multiple Access Techniques

Multiple Access Techniques, Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), TDMA, CDMA,
Estimating Channel Requirements, Practical Demand Access Systems, Random Access, Multiple
Access with on Board Processing VSAT.

UNIT-IV Satellite Channel and Link Design

Basic information theory, General link design equation, Noise Temperature, Calculation of
Systems, Noise Temperature, Noise Figure and Noise Temperature, Antenna Noise Temperature,
Noise Density, G/T, Ratio for Earth Systems, uplink Design Downlink Design.

Unit-V Satellite Applications

Satellite for earth observation, Satellite for weather forecast, Satellite for Scientific studies.
Satellite for Military Applications, Satellite Television, Telephone services via satellite, Global
Positioning System (GPS).

Books Recommended:

1. J.G Proakis, Digital Communication MGH 4th edition

2. Edward A. Lee and David G. Messerschmitt, Digital Communication, allied Publishers.
3. J Marvin. K.Simon, Sami M. Hinedi and William C. Lindsey Digital Communication .
Course No: ECE-13705L

Data Communication and Computer Networking Lab

1. Study of different types of network cables and practically implement the cross and
straight wire.
2. Study the basic network commands and network configuration commands.
3. Experiments of resource sharing (Remote Desktop Sharing, Drive Mapping etc).
4. Experiments on creation of LANs and WANs using Packet Tracer software.
5. To study the various internetworking devices using Packet Tracer.
6. Configuration of Network Operating System for DCHP, FTP, Telnet and Active
7. User management using Active Directory.
8. Creation of Virtual LANs and DHCP using packet Tracer Software.
9. To configure the Wireless LANs.
10. Implementation of Adhoc and Infrastructure Networks.

Course No: ECE-13706L

Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems LAB

1. Study A/D Converter and Analysis of External input using A/D converter and Display the
result on LCD.
2. Study D/A Converter, Waveform generation i.e. ramp wave, step wave, square wave,
triangular wave.
3. Display the status of 4-bit Keyboard switches on LCD and interface the LCD with micro-
controller to display data or character string.
4. Study the 7-segments Display, Digital clock, counter (0-9) and (0-99).
5. Study the LEDs, check the status of any ports, add two numbers and display the result on
LEDs, multiply the two numbers and display the result on LEDs.
6. Study the Relay Switch and perform switching of relays to turn ON/OFF.
7. Study the Buzzer operation by using the micro-controller.
8. Study the stepper motor.
9. Some Experiments on Arduino Module.
Course No: ECE-13707P


The students are required to undergo training at some center of excellence outside the
state to get additional exposure in the new and emerging trends in the discipline of Electronics
and communication engineering. This component shall be evaluated by the host Institute through
conduct of theory and practical examinations in collaboration with the teacher in-charge of the

Course No: ECE-13708S


Each student shall present a seminar in the 7th semester on a topic relevant to Electronics
and Communication Engineering for about 30 minutes. The topic should not be a replica of what
is contained in the syllabus. The topic shall be approved by the Seminar Evaluation Committee
of the Department. The committee shall evaluate the presentation of students. Seminar report in
the prescribed form shall be submitted to the department after the approval from the committee.
SEMESTER 8th 8th

Course No: ECE-13801

Wireless Communications


Overview of wireless systems Physical modeling for wireless channels Time and Frequency
coherence Statistical channel models Capacity of wireless Channel- Capacity of Flat Fading
Channel Channel Distribution Information known Channel Side Information at Receiver
Channel Side Information at Transmitter and Receiver Capacity with Receiver diversity
Capacity comparisons Capacity of Frequency Selective Fading channels.
Realization of Independent Fading Paths Receiver Diversity Selection Combing Threshold
Combing Maximal-Ratio Combing Equal - Gain Combing Transmitter Diversity Channel
known at Transmitter Channel unknown at Transmitter The Alamouti Scheme Transmit &
Receive Diversity-MIMO Systems.
Frequency Reuse Channel Assignment Strategies Hand off Strategies Interference and
system capacity- Co-Channel Interference- Adjacent Channel Interference Trunking and Grade
of service(GOS) Improving coverage & capacity in cellular Systems-Cell Splitting- Sectoring-
Repeaters for Range Extension-Microcell Zone Concept.
Why hand-off, types of handoff, forced handoffs: controlling a handoff, creating a handoff,
queing of handoffs, power difference handoffs, Mobile Assisted Handoff (MAHO) and soft
handoff, introduction to Dropped Call rate, Tele-traffic theory, Prediction models (Okumura,
Hata and Log-normal shadowing model).
Multiple access techniques used in mobile wireless communications: FDMA/TDMA, CDMA.
FDM/TDM Cellular systems, Cellular CDMA, soft capacity, Earlang capacity comparison of
FDM/TDM systems and Cellular CDMA. Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)
system overview: GSM Architecture, Mobility management, Network signaling, Frequency
allocation and control, Base System and Master System, introduction to 3G and 4G mobile
Books Recommended:

1. David TSE and Pramod Viswanath Fundamentals of Wireless Communication Willey

series in Telecommunication, Cambridge university press, 2005.
2. Theodore S. Rappaport Wireless Communication principles and practice, 2nd Edition
Pearsons Education, Indial 2009.
3. Arogyaswami Paulraj, Rok Nambar Dhananjay Gore Introduction to space-time wireless
communication 1st edition, Cambridge university press, 2008.
4. W.C.Y Lee Mobile Cellular Telecommunications-Analog and Digital Systems, 2nd
edition Tata Mcgraw-Hill 2006.
5. Andrea Goldsmiths Wireless Communication Cambridge University Press 2005.

Course No: ECE-13802

Industrial Organization and Management

Modern concept of Management: Scientific Management-Functions of Management-Planning
Organizational structures- Line, Line and staff and Functional relationships- Span of control
Delegation-Management by Objectives.

Personnel management: Objectives and functions of personnel management- Recruitment
Selection and training of workers- Labor Welfare- Industrial Fatigue- Industrial Disputes-Trade
Unions - Quality circles. Formation of companies: Proprietary-Partnership-Joint stock companies
Public-sector- Joint sector and Co-operative sector.
Marketing Management: Pricing- Promotion- Channels of distribution- Market Research
Advertising. Production Management: Batch and mass production- Inventory control- EOQ-
Project planning by PERT/CPM- Construction of Network (Basic ideas only).

Theory of demand and supply- Price mechanism- Factors of production- Land, labor, capital
and organization- National income- Difficulties in estimation- Taxation- Direct and indirect
taxes Progressive and regressive- Black money- Inflation-Causes and consequences.
Indian financial system- Reserve bank of India: Functions - Commercial banking system
Development financial institutions - IDBI- ICICI- SIDBI- IRBI- NABARD- Investment
institutions UTI - Insurance companies - Indian capital market- Stock market- Functions- Role
of the public sector - Privatization- Multinational corporations and their impact on the Indian

Books Recommended:
1. Industrial Management by O P Khanna, Dhanpat Rai Pub.
2. Industrial Management by K.K. Ahuja, Khanna Pub.
3. Marketing Management by Philip Kotler, PHI
4. Indian economy by A.N. Agarwal, Wishwa Prakashan
5. Modern economic theory by K.K Dewett, Shyam Lal charitable trust.


Course No: ECE-13803E(A)

CMOS Circuit Design: Analog & Mixed

Unit I: MOSFET Operation

MOS Capacitor, MOSFET I-V characteristics, Regions of operation, sub-threshold

characteristics, MOSFET channel mobility, MOSFET capacitance and inversion layer
capacitance effect, MOSFET parasitic elements. MOS transistor with Ion-Implanted channels,
Threshold Voltage: Threshold variation with device length and width and temperature
dependence of threshold voltage. Short channel effects: Channel length modulation, barrier
lowering, two dimensional charge sharing and threshold voltage, Punch Through, Carrier
velocity saturation, Hot carrier effect-substrate current, gate current and breakdown, effect of
surface and drain series resistance, effects due to thin oxides and high doping.

Unit II: Analog CMOS Sub circuits

MOS Switch; MOS Diode/Active Resistor; Current Sinks and Sources, Trans linear Circuits:
Ideal Trans linear Element, Trans linear-loop-circuit synthesis, Various Trans linear circuits,
Squarer/divider, Squarer rooting, Current Mirrors, The Basic Current Mirror, Cascoding the
Current Mirror, Biasing Circuits

Unit III: Amplifiers

Amplifiers, Gate-Drain Connected Loads, Current Source Loads, Common-Source Amplifier,

The Cascode Amplifier, The Common-Gate Amplifier, The Source Follower (Common-Drain
Amplifier), The Push-Pull Amplifier, Differential Amplifiers, The Source-Coupled Pair, The
Source Cross-Coupled Pair, Cascode Loads, The Gilbert Cell.

Unit IV: References, Multistage Amplifiers and Nonlinear Circuits

Voltage and Current References, MOSFET-Resistor Voltage References, Parasitic Diode-Based

References, Bandgap Reference Design, Operational Amplifiers, The Two-Stage Op-Amp, The
Operational Trans conductance Amplifier (OTA), Basic CMOS Comparator Design, MOS
Analog Multipliers: Multiplier Design Using Squaring Circuits, The Multiplying Quad,
Simulating the Operation of the Multiplier; Mixing, Modulation and Frequency Translation:
Single-Device Mixers, Modulation and Demodulation using Analog Multipliers.

Unit V: Data Converters

Analog Versus Discrete Time Signals; Converting Analog Signals to Digital Signals; Sample-
and-Hold (S/H) Characteristics; Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) and Analog-to-Digital
Converter (ADC) Specifications; DAC Architectures: R-2R Ladder Network DAC, Cyclic DAC;
Pipeline DAC; ADC Architectures: Flash ADC; Two-Step Flash ADC, Pipeline ADC,
Integrating ADC, The Successive Approximation ADC; Oversampled converters; First-Order
Modulator; Higher Order Modulators.

Books Recommended
1. P. R. Gray, P. J. Hurst, S. H. Lewis and R. J. Meyer, Analysis and Design of analog
integrated circuits, John Wiley and Sons, 2001.
2. R. Jacob Baker, CMOS, Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, JOHN WILEY & SONS,
3. P. E. Allen and D. R. Holberg, CMOS analog circuit design, Oxford University Press, 2002.

Course No: ECE 13803E(B)

Digital Image Processing

Unit I: Digital Image Fundamentals
Digital image fundamentals: representation - elements of visual perception - simple image
formation model - Image sampling and quantization - basic relationships between pixels
imaging geometry. Review of matrix theory results: Row and column ordering. Various Pixel
manipulation operations using MATLAB. Review of Image transforms: 2D-DFT, FFT.

Unit II: Image Enhancement

Image enhancement: Spatial domain methods: point processing - intensity transformations,
histogram processing, image subtraction, image averaging; Spatial filtering- smoothing filters,
sharpening filters. Frequency domain methods: low pass filtering, high pass filtering.
Unit III: Image Enhancement
Image restoration: Degradation model - Diagonalization of circulant and Block circulant
matrices - Algebraic approaches - Inverse filtering - Wiener filter - Constrained Least squares
restoration - Interactive restoration - Geometric transformations.

Unit IV: Image Compression

Image compression: fundamentals- redundancy: coding, inter pixel, psychovisual, fidelity
criteria, Models, Elements of information theory, Error free compression- variable length, bit
plane, lossless predictive, Lossy compression- lossy predictive, transform coding. Fundamentals
of JPEG and MPEG.

Unit V: Image Processing using MATLAB

Introduction to Image Processing Toolbox. Frequently used commands in image processing.
Reading and writing of images. Resizing an image, Image filtering and restoration using
MATLAB. Image compression using MATLAB.

Books Recommended

1. Gonzalez and Woods, Digital Image Processing, 2 Ed, Pearson Education, 2002.
2. Anil K. Jain Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education, 2003.
3. Mark Nelson, Jean-Loup Gailly The Data compression Book, Bpb Publications.
4. Pratt William Digital Image Processing, John Wiley & sons.
5. Chanda & Majumdar, Digital Image Processing and Analysis, PHI.

Course No: ECE-13803E(C)

Data Structures
Unit 1: Lists, Stacks
Lists, Abstract Data Type-List, Array Implementation of Lists, Linked Lists, Doubly Linked
Lists, Circularly Linked - Implementation and Applications. Stacks, Abstract Data Type-Stack,
Implementation of Stack, Implementation of Stack using Arrays, Implementation of Stack using
Linked Lists, Applications.

Unit II: Queues

Abstract Data Type-Queue, Implementation of Queue, Array Implementation, Linked List
Implementation, Implementation of Multiple Queues, Implementation of Circular Queues, Array
Implementation, Linked List Implementation of a circular queue, Implementation of DEQUEUE,
Array Implementation of a dequeuer, Linked List Implementation of a dequeuer.
Unit III: Trees
Trees, Abstract Data Type-Tree, Tree Traversals, Binary Trees, Binary Tree Traversals,
Recursive Binary Tree Traversals, Non Recursive Binary Tree Traversals, Applications. Binary
Search Trees, Traversing a Binary Search Trees, Insertion of a node into a Binary Search Tree,
Deletion of a node from a Binary Search Tree, AVL Trees, Insertion of a node into an AVL
Tree, Deletion of a node from and AVL Tree, AVL tree rotations, Applications of AVL Trees,
B-Trees, Operations on B-Trees, Applications of B-Trees.

Unit IV: Graphs

Graphs Definitions, Shortest Path Algorithms, Dijkstras Algorithm, Graphs with Negative Edge
costs, Acyclic Graphs, All Pairs Shortest Paths Algorithm, Minimum cost Spanning Trees,
Kruskals Algorithm, Primss Algorithm, Applications, Breadth First Search, Depth First Search,
Finding Strongly Connected Components.

Unit V: Searching, Sorting and Advanced Data Structures

Linear Search, Binary Search, Applications. Internal Sorting, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick
Sort, 2-way Merge Sot, Heap Sort, Sorting on Several Keys. Splay Trees, Splaying steps,
Splaying Algorithm,Red-Black trees, Properties of a Red Black tree, Insertion into a Red-Black
tree, Deletion from a Red-Black tree, AA-Trees.

Books Recommended:
1. Tenenbaum, Data Structures through C
2. Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++
3. Samiran Chattopadhy, Data Structures through C Language
4. Patel, Data Structures with C
5. Wiener and Pinson, Fundamentals of OOPS and Data Structures in Java

Course No: ECE-13803E(D)

Industrial Automation & Control

Unit I
Introduction: Automation in Production System, Principles and Strategies of Automation, Basic
Elements of an Automated System, Advanced Automation Functions, Levels of Automations.
Flow lines & Transfer Mechanisms, Fundamentals of Transfer Lines.

Unit II
Material handling and Identification Technologies: Overview of Material Handling systems,
Principles and Design Consideration, Material Transport Systems, Storage Systems, Overview of
Automatic Identification Methods.

Unit III
Automated Manufacturing Systems: Components, Classification and Overview of Manufacturing
Systems, Manufacturing Cells, GT and Cellular Manufacturing, FMS, FMS and its Planning and
Implementation. Quality Control Systems: Traditional and Modern Quality Control Methods,
SPC Tools, Inspection Principles and Practices, Inspection Technologies.
Unit IV
Control Technologies in Automation: Industrial Control Systems, Process Industries Versus
Discrete-Manufacturing Industries, Continuous Versus Discrete Control, Computer Process and
its Forms.

Unit V
Computer Based Industrial Control: Introduction & Automatic Process Control, Building Blocks
of Automation Systems: LAN, Analog & Digital I/O Modules, SCADA Systems& RTU.
Distributed Control System: Functional Requirements, Configurations & some popular
Distributed Control Systems.

Books Recommended:
1. Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing M.P. Groover,
Pearson Education.5th edition, 2009.
2. Computer Based Industrial Control- Krishna Kant, EEE-PHI,2nd edition,2010.
3. An Introduction to Automated Process Planning Systems- Tiess Chiu Chang & Richard A.

Course No: ECE-13803E(E)

Rotational drives - Pneumatic Motors: continuous and limited rotation - Hydraulic Motors:
continuous and limited rotation - Brushless DC Motors - Motion convertors, Fixed ratio,
invariant motion profile, variators, remotely controlled couplings Hydraulic Circuits and
Pneumatic Circuits.

Mechanical Systems and Design - Mechatronic approach - Control program control, adaptive
control and distributed systems - Design process - Types of Design - Integrated product design -
Mechanisms, load conditions, design and flexibility Structures, load conditions, flexibility and
environmental isolation Man machine interface, industrial design and ergonomics, information
transfer from machine from machine to man and man to machine, safety.

Real time interfacing - Introduction Elements of data acquisition and control Overview of I/O
process - Installation of I/O card and software - Installation of application software-

Case studies on Data Acquisition - Testing of transportation bridge surface materials -
Transducer calibration system for Automotive applications Strain Gauge weighing system
Solenoid force - Displacement calibration system - Rotary optical encoder - Inverted pendulum
control - Controlling temperature of a hot/cold reservoir - Pick and place robot - Carpark

Case studies on Data Acquisition and Control - Thermal cycle fatigue of a ceramic plate pH
control system - De-Icing Temperature Control System - Skip control of a CD Player
Autofocus Camera, exposure control. Case studies on design of Mechatronic products - Motion
control using D.C. Motor, A.C. Motor & Solenoids - Car engine management - Barcode reader.

Books Recommended

1. Bolton, -Mechatronics - Electronic Control systems in Mechanical and Electrical

Engineering-2nd Edition, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., 1999.
2. Devdas shetty, Richard A. Kolk, -Mechatronics System Design,- PWS Publishing
company, 1997.
3. Bradley, D.Dawson, N.C. Burd and A.J. Loader, Mechatronics: Electronics in Products
and Processes, Chapman and Hall, London, 1991.
4. Brian Morris, Automated Manufacturing Systems - Actuators, Controls, Sensors and
Robotics, Mc Graw Hill International Edition, 1995.
5. Gopel Sensors A comprehensive Survey Vol I & Vol VIII, BCH Publisher, New-York.


Course No: ECE-13804E(A)

Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic

Unit I
Fuzzy Logic: Basic concepts of Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy vs Crisp set, Linguistic variables,
membership functions, operations on Fuzzy sets, fuzzy numbers and intervals, Arithmetic on
fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Relations, Fuzzification, Approximate reasoning, Fuzzy control and Expert
systems, Fuzzy if-then rules, Variables inference techniques, Defuzzification techniques, Basic
Fuzzy interference algorithm, application of fuzzy logic , Fuzzy system design implementation,
useful tools supporting design.
Unit II
Neural Networks Characteristics: History of Development in neural networks, Artificial neural
net terminology, model of a neuron, Topology, ANN architecture, Types of learning. Supervised,
Unsupervised learning, Basic Learning laws.

Unit III
Basic Learning laws, Hebbs rule, Delta rule, window and Hoff LMS learning rule, correlation
learning rule instar and ouster learning rules.

Unit IV
Unsupervised Learning: Competitive learning, K-means clustering algorithm, Kohonens feature
maps. Radial Basis function neural networks - recurrent networks, Real time recurrent and
earning algorithm.

Unit V
Introduction to Counter Propagation Networks- CMAC Network, ART networks, Application of
NN in pattern recognition, optimization, Control, Speech and decision making.

Books Recommended:
1. Berkin Riza C and Trubatch, Fuzzy System design principles- Building Fuzzy IFTHEN rule
bases, 2. Yegna Narayanan, Artificial Neural Networks. 8th Printing. PHI (2003)
3. Patterson Dan W, Introduction to artificial Intelligence and Expert systems, 3rd Ed., PHI
4. Simon Haykin, Neural Networks Pearson Education.
5. Yen and Langari, Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, Control and Information, Pearson Education.

Course No: ECE-13804E(B)

RF Engineering
Scattering and chain scattering matrices, Generalized scattering matrix, Analysis of two port
networks, Interconnection of networks. Positive real concepts, scattering matrix, representation
of microwave components (directional coupler, circulators, hybrids and isolators).

Tuned Circuits, Filter design- Butterworth filter, Chebyshev filter, impedance matching. High
frequency amplifier, BJT and FET amplifier, Broadband Amplifiers RF Oscillators, Colpitts,
Hartley Oscillators, PLL. High Frequency Integrated Circuits.
Types of amplifiers, Power gain equations. Introduction to narrow band amplifiers basic
concepts, Maximum gain design, Low noise design. High power design, Negative resistance,
reflection amplifiers various kinds stability considerations, Microwave transistor amplifier
design input and output matching networks constant noise figure circuits.

One port and two port negative resistance oscillators. Oscillator configurations, Oscillator
design using large signal measurements, Introduction to Microwave CAD packages, Microwave
integrated circuits, MIC design for lumped elements.

Radiation from surface current and line current distribution, Basic Antenna parameters, Feeding
structure-Patch Antenna, Ring Antenna, Micro strip dipole, Micro strip arrays, Traveling wave
Antenna, Antenna System for Mobile Radio-Antenna Measurements and Instrumentation.
Propagation characteristics of RF and Microwave signals, Introduction to EBG structures.

Books Recommended:
1. Mathew M. Radmanesh, RF and Microwave Design Essentials Author House Bloomington
2. Daniel Doskin R.F. Engineering for Wireless Networks Elsovier, London 2005.
3. Reinhald Ludwig and Gene Bogdarov R.F, Circuit Design, Theory and Applications 2 nd
Edition, Pearson, 2012
4. E.daSilva High Frequency and Microwave Engineering Butterworth Heinmann
Publications, oxford 2001.
5. David M.Pozar Microwave Engineering John Wiley and Sons Third Edition, 2005.

Course No: ECE-13804E(C)

Information Security
Unit I: Information security
Need for information security, Active and passive attacks, Introduction to Cryptography,
Transposition and substitution ciphers, One time pad, Stream and Block ciphers,

Unit II Cryptanalysis.
Data scrambling and descrambling Cryptanalysis of classical ciphers. Introduction to modular
arithmetic. Differential and linear cryptanalysis.
Unit III: Cryptographic Algorithms
Introduction to Data encryption standard, Security of DES, Advanced Encryption standard
(AES), Private and public keys. Need of Pseudorandom Code Generators in Cryptographic
algorithms. PN sequence generator, Geffe generator, Stop and Go generator

Unit IV: Information Hiding for covert communications

Need of information hiding, Hiding versus Encryption, Requirements of a Data Hiding System,
Hiding Capacity, Robustness and Imperceptibility, Steganography and watermarking. Hiding in
Spatial and Frequency domains. Advantages and disadvantages of spatial and frequency domain
embedding. LSB based embedding algorithm for data hiding.

Unit V: Practicals using MATLAB

Introduction to image processing toolbox. Frequently used commands for image manipulation
using MATLAB. Implementation of LSB and ISB algorithms, Frequency domain data hiding in

Books Recommended:

1. W. Stallings, "Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice", Prentice-

Hall, New Jersey, 1999.
2. B. Schneier , Applied Cryptography", John Willey & Sons, Inc., 2nd edition, 1996.
3. Lu, S.: Multimedia security: Stenography and digital watermarking techniques for
protection of intellectual property, Idea Group Publishing, USA. (2005).

Course No. ECE 13804E(D)

Robotics: Introduction- Robotic Mechanism - Classification of Robots - Drive Systems Robots -
Co-ordinate system - Degrees of Freedom Spatial Descriptions -Transformations Position and
orientation - Description of Frames - Mapping involving frames - Transform equations.

Kinematics of Manipulators Link Parameters Link frame assignment and forward kinematics
Inverse manipulator kinematics Velocities and static forces Velocity Transformation Force
control system Interfacing computers to Robots RS 232 Interface Hardware Handshaking
Handshaking RS 232 communication.

Machine Vision: Introduction Image Geometry Coordinate Systems Sampling and Quantization
Image Definitions Levels of Computation Point Level Local Level Global Level Object Level,
Binary Image Processing Thresholding, Geometric properties Size Position Orientation
Projections Binary Algorithms Morphological Operators Basic Lighting Techniques.

Optics - Lens Equation Image Resolution Depth of Field View Volume Exposure Shading Image
radiance Surface orientation Reflectance Map Shape from Processing Color constancy:
Statistical methods of Texture analysis- Structural analysis of Ordered Texture Model based
methods for Texture Analysis Shape from Texture Depth stereo imaging Stereo Matching Shape
from X-Range
Imaging Active Vision.

Dynamic Vision Change Detection Segmentation using motion Motion Correspondence Image
flow Segmentation using a moving camera Tracking Shape from motion Object recognition
System components Complexity of Object Recognition Object Representation Feature Detection
Recognition Strategies Verification.

Books Recommended:

1. P.A.Jananki Raman, " Robotics and Image Processing " , Tata McGraw Hill 1991.
2. Ramesh Jain, Rangachar Kasturi, Brian G.Schunck, Machine Vision, Mc Graw Hill
International Edition, 1995.
3. K.S.Fu, R.C. Gonzalez, C.S.G.Lee," Robotics Control, Sensing, Vision, and Intelligence,
McGraw-Hill Incs., 1987.
4. Mikell P. Groover, Mitchell Weiss, Roger N.Nagel, Nicholas G.Odrey
5. Industrial Robotics Technology, Programming and Applications, McGraw- Hill
International Editions, 1986.
6. Awcock and R.Thomas, "Applied Image Processing ", McGraw Hill, Inc, 1996.
7. Rembold, " Microsystem Technology and Micro Robotics " Springer Ferlog

Course No: ECE-13804E(E)

Multimedia Systems
Unit I: Introduction to Multimedia Systems and Processing
Introduction to multimedia systems, Multimedia signals, various sources of multimedia signals,
Motivation for growth of multimedia theory, different elements of multimedia communication
system, Challenges involved with multimedia signal processing and communication
Unit II: Lossless Image Compression
Redundant information in images. Lossless and lossy image compression. Elements of an image
compression system, Huffman coding. Limitations of Huffman coding. Arithmetic coding(Basic
principal). Encoding and Decoding procedure of a n arithmetic coded bitstream. Coding
limitations of arithmetic coding. Introduction to Lempel-Ziv and Run length coding

Unit III: Lossy Image Compression

Theory of Quantization, uniform and non-uniform quantization, scalar and vector quantization.
Lloyd-Max quantizer. Rate-distortion function,Lossy predictive coding. Pixel encoding using
Delta modulation, source coding theorem.

Unit IV: Multi-resolution Analysis: Theory of Sub band Coding

Subband coding and decoding of one-dimensional signals. Analysis and synthesis filters.
Downsampling and upsampling. Subband coding for a two-dimensional four-band filter bank.
Introduction to Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWT) and its inverse. Calculation of DWT and
inverse DWT through subband coding and decoding. DWT-based still image compression and
coding system. Introduction to embedded wavelet coding.

Unit V: Multimedia Information Hiding

Need of information hiding, Hiding versus Encryption, Requirements of a Data Hiding System,
Hiding Capacity, Robustness and Imperceptibility, Steganography and watermarking. Hiding in
Spatial and Frequency domains. Advantages and disadvantages of spatial and frequency domain
embedding. LSB based embedding algorithm for data hiding.

Books Recommended:

1. Gonzalez and Woods, Digital Image Processing, 2 Ed, Pearson Education, 2002.
2. Anil K. Jain Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education, 2003.
3. Mark Nelson, Jean-Loup Gailly The Data compression Book 2 Ed, bpb Publications.
4. Lu, S.: Multimedia security: Stegnography and digital watermarking techniques for protection
of intellectual property, Idea Group Publishing, USA. (2005).

Course No: ECE-13805L

Wireless Communication and Information Security Lab

Study of wireless Communication using communication trainer kits
1.a. Baseband Communication.
1.b Adaptive Linear Equalizer.
1.c Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)-Multipath.
1.d Global System Communication (GSM).
1.e Global Positioning System (GPS).
1.f Spread Spectrum Modulation.

Wireless Pathloss Computation-Study of Propagation Path Loss Models-indoor and outdoor

(using Matlab) Programming:

2.a Free space Propagation-path labs Model

2.b Link Budget Equation for Satellite Communication
2.c Carrier to Noise Ratio in Satellite Communication
2.d Outdoor Propagation-Okumura Model
2.e Outdoor Propagation-Hata Model
3.f Study of various cryptographic techniques and for security Algorithms using MATLAB

Course No: ECE-13806P

This project work is the continuation of the project initiated in 6th semester. Each student
group should complete the project work in this semester. Each student is expected to prepare a
report and a technical paper in the prescribed format, based on the project work. The paper may
be prepared as per IEEE standard and can have a maximum of eight pages. Members of the
group will present the relevance, design, implementation, and results of the project before an
evaluation committee consisting of the guide, and three/four faculty members of the department.
The evaluation committee may also carry out continuous assessment of the project through
progress seminars conducted during the semester.

Course No: ECE-13807T


The students are required to undergo training at some center of excellence outside the
state to get additional exposure in the new and emerging trends in the discipline of Electronics
and communication engineering. This component shall be evaluated by the host Institute through
conduct of theory and practical examinations in collaboration with the teacher in-charge of the

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