32 Bit USB Debug Adapter 253241

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32-Bit USB Debug Adapter


1. Introduction
The 32-bit USB Debug Adapter (UDA) provides the interface between the PCs USB port and the Silicon Labs 32-
bit target devices in-system debug/programming circuitry. The attached 10-pin debug ribbon cable connects the
adapter to the target board and the target devices debug interface.

Figure 1. USB Debug Adapter

2. Relevant Documentation
Application notes can be found on the 32-bit MCU Application Notes web page: www.silabs.com/32bit-software.
AN667: Getting Started with the Silicon Labs Precision32 IDEDescribes the software setup and
debugging process using the USB Debug Adapter.
AN678: Precision32 Si32FlashUtility Command-Line Programmer Users GuideThe programming
utility and DLL discussed in this document uses the USB Debug Adapter to program the memory space of
32- bit devices.

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32-Bit USB Debug Adapter
3. Pinout Specification
The 32-Bit USB Debug Adapter supports both JTAG and Serial Wire debug interfaces, and the adapter is powered
from the USB connection to the PC. The adapter uses the standard ARM CoreSight 10-pin connector. Table 1
shows the pin definitions for the UDA keyed connector. The part number for the matching shrouded and keyed con-
nector for a PCB is FTSH-105-01-F-F-K from Samtec. More information on the CoreSight connectors can be found
here: http://www.keil.com/coresight/connectors.asp.
The USB Debug Adapter can automatically change the communication voltage level based on the level detected
on pin 1 of the connector.
Note: The USB Debug Adapter requires a target system clock of 4 kHz or greater.

Table 1. USB Debug Adapter Debug Connector Pin Descriptions

Pin # Description Details
1 VREF This is the I/O reference voltage and should
normally be connected to the I/O voltage on the
device (VIO, or VDD on devices without VIO).
2 SWDIO / TMS Serial Wire Data I/O or JTAG TMS
3 GND (Ground)
4 SWCLK / TCK Serial Wire Clock or JTAG TCK
5 GND (Ground)
6 SWO / TDO Serial Wire Output (for Serial Wire Viewer or
7 Not Connected
9 GND (Ground)
10 RESETB This pin should be connected to the RESETB
pin of the device.

1 3 5 7 9

2 4 6 8 10
Figure 2. 32-Bit USB Debug Adapter Connector

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32-Bit USB Debug Adapter
4. Minimum C2 Programming Connections
The minimum required programming connections for the Serial Wire interface are VREF (pin 1), SWDIO (pin 2),
SWCLK (pin 4), and ground (pins 3, 5, or 9). RESETB (pin 10) is highly recommended for debugging purposes, but
is not required for production programming.

5. Hardware Setup using a USB Debug Adapter

Connect a 32-bit target board to a PC running the Silicon Laboratories Precision32 IDE via the USB Debug
Adapter as shown in Figure 3.
1. Connect the USB Debug Adapters 10-pin ribbon cable to the 10-pin CoreSight connector on the target
2. Connect one end of a standard USB cable to the USB connector on the USB Debug Adapter.
3. Connect the other end of the USB cable to a USB Port on the PC.
4. Power the target board.
Use the Reset / Restart button in the IDE to reset the target when connected using a USB Debug Adapter.
Remove power from the target board and the USB Debug Adapter before connecting or disconnecting the
ribbon cable from the target board. Connecting or disconnecting the cable when the devices have power can
damage the device and/or the USB Debug Adapter.

3 2

Figure 3. Hardware Setup using a USB Debug Adapter

6. USB Drivers
The USB Debug Adapter uses the Human Interface Device (HID) USB interface to communicate with the PC.
Since most operating systems have this driver automatically built in, no drivers need to be installed to use the UDA.

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32-Bit USB Debug Adapter
7. Software Setup using a USB Debug Adapter
The Silicon Laboratories Precision32 IDE along with other software tools are provided for device development and
debugging. The IDE is available for download from the Silicon Laboratories website (www.silabs.com/
mcudownloads) and is also available on microcontroller development kit CD-ROMs.
7.1. Configuring the USB Debug Adapter in the Precision32 IDE
The IDE will automatically detect and use any UDAs connected to the PC when a Debug session starts. No
additional configuration is required. If the IDE does not detect the UDA, ensure the adapter is enumerated in
Device Manager as an HID device, its connected to the target board, and the target device is powered.

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8. Schematics

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Figure 4. 32-Bit USB Debug Adapter Schematic (UDA-32) (page 1 of 2)
32-Bit USB Debug Adapter

32-Bit USB Debug Adapter

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Figure 5. 32-Bit USB Debug Adapter Schematic (UDA-32) (page 2 of 2)
32-Bit USB Debug Adapter
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