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Stabilization of Expansive Soil

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ISSN: 2277-3754

ISO 9001:2008 Certified

International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 2, Issue 11, May 2013

Stabilization of Expansive Soils Using Low Cost

Monica Malhotra, 2Sanjeev Naval
1 P.D.M School of Technology & Management, Bahadurgarh.2. D.A.V Institute of Engineering &
Technology, Jalandhar
In many centuries, coal is the primary fuel in thermal
AbstractFor any structure, the foundation is very important power plant and other industry. The fine residue from these
and it has to be strong to support the entire structure. In order for plants which is collected in a field is known as fly ash and
the foundation to be strong, the soil around it plays a very critical
considered as a waste material. The fly ash is disposed of
role. To work on soils, we need to have proper knowledge about
their properties and factors which affect their behavior. either in the dry form or mixed with water and discharged in
Expansive soils always create problems more for lightly loaded slurry into locations called ash ponds. The quantity of fly ash
structures than moderately loaded structures. By consolidating produced worldwide is huge and keeps increasing every day.
under load and changing volumetrically along with seasonal Four countries, namely, China, India, United State and
moisture variation, these problems are manifested through Poland alone produce more than 270 million tons of fly ash
swelling, shrinkage and unequal settlement. In this paper the
every year. This work has been done to see the effect on
experimental results obtained in the laboratory on expansive soils
treated with low cost materials (lime and fly ash) are presented. A swelling aspect and on strength of some swelling soil by
study is carried out to check the improvements in the properties of adding fly ash & lime in different proportion into it as
expansive soil with fly ash and lime in varying percentages. The additive.
test results such as liquid limit, standard proctor compaction, and Soil stabilization improves the engineering properties of
differential free swelling test obtained on expansive clays mixed at soil such as strength, volume stability and durability. The
different proportions of lime and fly ash admixture are presented
percentage addition of fine, coarse fly ash improves the
and discussed in this paper. The results show that the stabilized
clay has lesser swelling potential whereas increase in optimum strength of stabilized black cotton soil and exhibit relatively
moisture content has been observed. well-defined moisture-density relationship. It was found that
the peak strength attained by fine fly ash mixture was 25%
Keywords: Fly ash, lime, unequal settlement, expansive soil, more when compared to coarse fly ash.[10]
stabilization. The addition of lime and class C fly ash to highly plastic
clay also showed a reduction in shrinkage with increasing
I. INTRODUCTION additive percentages. However, the addition of lime arrested
For centuries mankind was wondering at the instability of the shrinkage at almost twice the rate of class C fly ash. The
earth materials, especially expansive soil. One day they are shrinkage arrest was not linear but occurred more readily
dry and hard, and the next day wet and soft. Swelling soil with small amounts of additive and the rate of shrinkage
always create problem for lightly loaded structure, by arrest slowed as the amount of additive increased [2]
consolidating under load and by changing volumetrically It is seen that the thickness of pavement decreases by 66%
along with seasonal moisture variation. As a result the as the CBR value goes on increasing. The improved CBR
superstructures usually counter excessive settlement and value is due to addition of Lime and Fly ash as admixtures to
differential movements, resulting in damage to foundation the BC soil. It also reduces the hydraulic conductivity of BC
systems, structural elements and architectural features. In a soil. There will be no need of drainage layer after treatment of
significant number of cases the structure becomes unstable or BC soil as sub grade with lime and fly ash. In combination,
uninhabitable. Even when efforts are made to improve the admixtures are beneficial for lower plasticity and higher
swelling soil, the lack of appropriate technology sometimes silt content soils. In terms of material cost, the use of less
results volumetric change that are responsible for billion costly fly ash can reduce the required amount of lime [5]
dollars damage each year. It is due to this that the present This paper presents the results of the Experimental study
work is taken up. The purpose was to check the scope of on expansive soil by stabilizing it with fly ash and lime.
improving bearing capacity value and reduce expansiveness Compaction test and free swelling index test on fly ash lime
by adding additives. mixed swelling soil have been performed. The clayey soil
There are many methods of stabilizing soil to gain required was mixed with 5% lime and varying percentage of fly ash
engineering specifications. These methods range from (5%,10%,15%,20%,25%) to see the effect on swelling
mechanical to chemical stabilization. Most of these methods aspect and. optimum moisture content and modified dry
are relatively expensive to be implemented by slowly density. The swelling potential, optimum moisture content
developing nations and the best way is to use locally and liquid limit decreases with increase in the fly ash content
available materials with relatively cheap costs affordable by from 5% to 25%.
their internal funds.[4]

ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 2, Issue 11, May 2013
Soil: The properties of the expansive clay used in this
S.N Samples Liquid Limit
investigation are given below:
Properties Soil
Grain size 40% particles are below 2
distribution micron
Liquid Limit 57%
Plastic limit 30.43% +15%(FA+BA)
Plasticity Index 26.57% (CH) According to 4 SOIL SAMPLE +5%LIME 47.67
USCS +20%(FA+BA)
Free swelling 100% 5 SOIL SAMPLE +5%LIME 44.02
index +25%(FA+BA)
Lime: Industrial grade lime approx 4kgs was From the above it shows that the liquid limit decreases
purchased. with increase in the fly ash content from 5% to 25%.
Fly ash: Fly ash and Bottom ash (waste material) was Free Swelling Index (F.S.I):
collected from the Indraprastha Thermal Power Plant in Differential free swell test was performed in 100 ml
Rajghat, New Delhi. Fly Ash was collected from the ash pond cylindrical jar with 10 g soil sample.
about 150 m from the thermal power plant. About 12kg of fly The graph showing variation of the readings for different
ash was collected. The Bottom ash approx 10 kg was samples is as follows:
collected from the boiler area. The fly ash was sieved and
dried, in case of Bottom ash only drying was required.
Results of geotechnical classification tests of fly ash:
Properties Rajghat Flyash

Grain size distribution

1.Fine sand, 0.475-0.075mm (%) 21
2.Silt size, 0.075-0.002mm (%) 76
3.Clay size, 0.002mm (%) 3
Liquid Limit 50%


Fly Ash and Bottom Ash were mixed in a ratio of 4:1 i.e. (4
Parts of Fly Ash and 1 Part of Bottom Ash). In addition to the
mixture, 5% of lime was also added to the soil mixture by
weight. Fig-1
The percentage of Lime was maintained at a constant Standard Proctor Test
5%by weight of the expansive soil sample, whereas the The degree of compaction of a soil is measured in terms of
mixture of Fly Ash and bottom ash was increased in multiple its dry density. The degree of compaction mainly depends
percentages of 5% to obtain test samples on which tests were upon its moisture content, compaction energy and type of
carried out and their properties studied. The proportions of soil. For a given compaction energy every soil attains the
flyash used along with the soil in the study are 5%, 10%, maximum dry density at a particular water content which is
15%, 20%and 25% respectively. known as optimum moisture content.
The following Tests were performed in order to check the The readings for different Percentage are as below:
properties of the stabilized expansive soils: Table:4
Liquid limit S.No Samples Liquid Limit
Free Swelling Index (F.S.I)
Standard Proctor Test
All the tests were conducted in the controlled conditions as 2 SOIL SAMPLE +5%LIME 51.1
per the standard procedures given in the respective codes of +10%(FA+BA)
Indian Standard. 3 SOIL SAMPLE +5%LIME 48.42
Liquid Limit +20%(FA+BA)
The liquid limit (LL) is the water content at which a soil
changes from plastic to liquid behavior.

ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 2, Issue 11, May 2013



Fig-2 Fig-5

Fig 6

SOIL SAMPLE +5%LIME +15%(FA+BA) From the results it is clear that a change of the expansive
soil texture takes place. When lime & fly ash are mixed with
the expansive soil, the Plastic limit increases by mixing lime
and liquid limit decreases by mixing fly ash, which decreases
plasticity index.
As the amount of fly ash & lime increases there is apparent
reduction in modified dry density & free swell index (shown
in figure1 & 2) and increase in optimum moisture content. It
can be concluded that the mixing lime & fly ash in specific
proportion with the expansive soil is an effective way to
tackle the problem of shrinkage, swelling and unequal
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ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 2, Issue 11, May 2013
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