Quantum Channels: Peter Shor MIT Cambridge, MA
Quantum Channels: Peter Shor MIT Cambridge, MA
Quantum Channels: Peter Shor MIT Cambridge, MA
Peter Shor
Cambridge, MA
Claude Shannon, 1948
The fundamental problem of communication is that of reproducing
at one point either exactly or approximately a message selected at
another point.
John Pierce, 1973
I think that I have never met a physicist who understood
information theory. I wish that physicists would stop talking about
reformulating information theory and would give us a general
expression for the capacity of a channel with quantum effects taken
into account rather than a number of special cases.
Shannons 1948 paper A mathematical theory of communication
founded the field of information theory. It contained two theorems
that we will discuss the quantum analogs of today: Source Coding
and Channel Coding.
Source Coding
Asymptotically, n symbols from a source X can be compressed to
length nH(X) + O( n).
For a memoryless source, which emits i.i.d. signals where signal xi
has probability pi , the entropy H is:
H(X) = pi log pi
This lecture will deal only with memoryless sources and channels.
Channel Coding
A noisy channel N has capacity
H(X) = pi log pi
Entropy of a quantum state
Classical Case
Given n photons, each in state | li or | i, with probability 21 . Any
two of these states are completely distinguishable. The entropy is n
Quantum Case
Given n photons, each in state | li or | .% i, with probability 12 . If
the angle between the polarizations is small, any two of these states
are barely distinguishable. Intuitively, the entropy should be much
less than n bits.
By thermodynamic arguments, von Neumann deduced the entropy
of a quantum system with density matrix is
Schumacher Compression
(Quantum source coding theorem)
Given a memoryless source producing pure states v1 , v2 , v3 , . . .
with probabilities p1 , p2 , p3 , . . ..
nHvN () + o(n)
qubits, with fidelity approaching 1 as n , where = i p i v i v i
is the density matrix of the source.
Classical source coding works with high probability: the probability
that the received sequeuce is exactly the signal goes to 1 as the
block length n goes to .
This is too strong a criterion for quantum source coding. We ask
that the fidelity between the signal sent and the received state
goes to 1 as the block length n goes to .
The fidelity between a pure state sent | vi and a received density
matrix is hv | | vi = v v.
If the fidelity goes to 1, any measurement on the received signal
will have almost the same probability distribution of outcomes as
the same measurement on vv , the state sent.
Proof of Classical Source Coding Theorem
Assume we have a source X emitting symbols s1 , s2 , . . . with
probabilities p1 , p2 , . . .. Consider a sequence of n symbols from this
Then a typical sequence has close to the right number (npi ) of each
symbol si .
Theorem: Almost all the time, the source emits a typical sequence.
There are 2nHShan (X)+o(n) typical sequences.
Typical Subspaces
Have states v1 , v2 , . . ., vk with probabilities p1 , p2 , . . ., pk .
Look at eigenvectors of density matrix .
Assign to each of eigenvector a probability equal to the
corresponding eigenvalue.
Any two eigenvectors are orthogonal.
Let the eigenvectors be v1 , v2 , . . ., vd with probabilities p1 , p2 , . . .,
pd .
Suppose we have n of these states.
The typical subspace S is the subspace generated by typical
sequences of eigenvectors.
S has dimension 2HvN ()n+o(n) .
How to do Schumacher compression.
Have states v1 , v2 , . . ., vk with probabilities p1 , p2 , . . ., pk . These
give density matrix . Let S be the typical subspace of n .
To compress:
Measure whether output of source lies in S.
If yes, get the state projected onto S. Can send using
log dim S nHvN () qubits.
If no, this is a low probability event; send anything.
Why does Schumacher Compression work?
Recall that the density matrix determines the outcomes of any
Using the eigenvectors v1 , v2 , . . . vd with probabilities p1 , p2 , . . . pd
gives same probability of the outcomes as using states v1 , v2 , . . . vk
with probabilities p1 , p2 , . . . pk , since these two sources have the
same density matrix.
We know from the classical theory of typical sequences that the
probability of a no outcome is very small using vi and pi . Thus, the
probability of a no outcome is also very small with vi and pi .
This implies that the original state is almost surely very close to
the typical subspace S. Sending the state projected into S gives the
right outcomes with high fidelity.
Accessible Information
Suppose that we have a source that outputs signal i with
probability pi . How much Shannon information can we extract
about the sequence of is?
Let X be the random variable telling which signal i was sent.
Optimize over all possible measurements M on the signals (with
outcomes M1 , M2 , . . .).
Example 1: Two states in ensemble
v1 = v2 =
1 cos()
v1 = v2 =
0 sin()
1 1 + cos2 sin cos
2 sin cos 1 cos2
We see that Iacc < HvN ().
A plot of HvN and Iacc for the ensemble of two pure quantum states
with equal probabilities that differ by an angle of , 0 /2.
The top curve is the von Neumann entropy HvN = H( 12 + cos2 ) and
the bottom the accessible information Iacc = 1 H( 21 + sin2 ).
POVM Measurements
(Positive Operator Valued Measurements).
We are given a set of positive semidefinite matrices Ei satisfying
i Ei = I.
pi = Tr(Ei )
Example 2: Three signal states differing by 60 .
vi : (prob 13 )
1 1/2 1/2
v1 = v2 = v3 =
0 3/2 3/2
Optimal Measurement:
POVM corresponding to vectors wi vi .
Ei = 23 wi wi
wi : (prob 31 )
Each outcome rules out one state, leaving the other two equally
Iacc = log 3 1 = .585; HvN = 1
Again, we have Iacc HvN .
Holevo Bound
Suppose we have a source emitting i with probability pi .
= HvN ( pi i ) pi HvN (i )
i i
Is this the most information we can send using the three states of
example 2?
Answer: No!
Use just two of the states, each with probabilities 1/2
1 1/2
v1 = v2 =
0 3/2
Is this the most information we can send using the three states of
example 2?
Answer: No!
Use three codewords v1 v1 , v2 v2 , v3 v3 .
The optimal measurement for these three states gives 1.369 bits,
which is larger than 2 .6454 = 1.298.
Theorem (Holevo, Schumacher-Westmoreland)
The classical-information capacity obtainable using codewords
composed of signal states i , where i has marginal probability pi ,
({i }; {pi }) = HvN ( p i i ) pi HvN (i )
i i
We will give sketch of the proof of this formula in the special case
of pure states i .
Does this give the capacity of a quantum channel N ?
Possible capacity formula:
Maximize ({N (i )}; {pi }) over all output states N () of the
Theorem (pure state capacity)
We are given pure quantum states v1 , v2 , . . ., vk for use as signals.
Let = i pi vi vi . There are codes such that we send state vi with
Random Coding
We choose codewords
Pretty good measurement
We have N vectors u i S, which occur with equal probability N.
Given one of these, we want to distinguish between them.
Let = i ui u
Measure using the POVM with elements
Ei = 1/2 u i 1/2
i u
i 1/2 = I
Ei = 1/2 u
i u
i i
ui 1/2 u
The probability of error if the state ui is sent is 1 ( i )2 .
This can be shown to be small for most ui from a random code if
N < dim S o(dim S).
Description of arbitrary memoryless quantum channel N : N must
be trace-preserving completely positive operator.
Positive: takes positive semi-definite matrices to positive
semi-definite matrices.
Completely postive: is positive even when tensored with the
identity channel. (E.g., the transpose operation is positive but not
completely positive).
A trace preserving completely positive operator can always be
expressed as
Ai Ai
N () =
Ai Ai = I
Unentangled Inputs, Separate Measurements
Unentangled Inputs, Joint Measurements
Entangled Inputs, Joint Measurements
Open Question
Is channel capacity additive?
Is max (N1 N2 ) = max (N1 ) + max (N2 )?
If it is, then gives the classical-information capacity of a quantum
This turns out to be the same question as additivity of
entanglement of formation considered in the previous lecture.
What things might increase the capacity of a quantum channel
which dont affect the capacity of a classical channel?
Entanglement between different channel uses? Unknown. This
is the big open additivity question.
A classical back channel from the receiver to the sender? This
helps, but seems to make exact calculation of the capacity
Prior entanglement shared between the sender and the receiver.
This helps and makes the formulas really nice.
Recall superdense coding lets you send two bits per qubit over a
noiseless quantum channel if the sender and receiver share
Suppose that we have a quantum channel N . From superdense
coding, if N is a noiseless quantum channel, the sender could
communicate twice as much classical information to a receiver if
they share EPR pairs than if they dont. How does this generalize
to noisy channels? We call this quantity the entanglement-assisted
capacity and denote it by CE .
By superdense coding and teleportation, the entanglement-assisted
quantum capacity is exactly half of the entanglement-assisted
classical capacity.
Formula for entanglement-assisted capacity
Theorem (Bennett, Shor, Smolin, Thapliyal)
TrB = .
When the channel is classical, this formula turns into the entropy of
the input plus the entropy of the output less the entropy of the joint
system, or the second expression for classical mutual information.
Suppose that the sender and the receiver have a limited amount of
entanglement (E ebits) they share. How much can capacity can
they obtain from a quantum channel?
If the sender is not allowed to use entanglement between different
channel uses, the answer is:
Here H means average over the entropy, and i means average over
the state; i is the pure entangled state (shared between sender
and receiver) whose partial traces are i . This formula interpolates
between the Holevo-Schumacher-Westmoreland capacity and the
entanglement-assisted capacity.
How to prove the formula for CE
(the lower bound)
The first term of gives the first two terms of CE ; the second term
of gives the last term of CE .
The Holevo formula for :
({i }; {pi }) = HvN ( p i i ) pi HvN (i )
i i
where is d1 I.
Proof sketch if 6= Id.
If is a projection matrix, things work the same way as in the
identity case.
If is not a projection matrix, then take tensor product of n uses
of the channel, N n , and the projection matrix = T , where T is
a typical subspace for n .
It turns out we need to show that
lim HvN (N n (T )) = HvN (N ()).
n n
What things might increase the entanglement-assisted capacity of a
quantum channel which dont affect the capacity of a classical
Entanglement between different channel uses? Does not help!
A classical back channel from the receiver to the sender? Does
not help!
Both of the above simultaneously? Does not help!
Proofs via quantum reverse Shannon theorem (next slide).
Quantum Reverse Shannon Theorem:
In the presense of entanglement, a noiseless qubit channel can
simulate n uses of any quantum channel with entanglement-assisted
capacity CE by sending nC + o(n) qubits.
This conjecture would show that asymptotically, in the presense of
free entanglement, quantum channels are characterized by one
parameter, CE . The analogous theorem is true for classical
channels in the presense of a correlated source of random bits.
With Charlie Bennett, Igor Devetak, and Andreas Winter, we have
a proof of this theorem for channels (1) transmitting signals
generated by some stochastic source, or (2) transmitting tensor
product states.
Does not appear to be quite true for general inputs, unless we allow
for other forms of shared entanglement than EPR pairs.
Quantum capacity
The quantum capacity is defined as limn log d/n, where n is the
number of channel uses in a protocol, and the d is the dimension of
the largest Hilbert space which can be transmitted through the
channel such that the fidelity of transmission of the (average/lowest
fidelity) state in it is 1 , for some fixed .
The quantum capacity of a channel can be shown to be
lim max H(N n ()) H((N n I))( ))
n n