Puzzle Corner
Puzzle Corner
Puzzle Corner
Welcome to the Australian Mathematical Society Gazettes Puzzle Corner No. 23.
Each puzzle corner includes a handful of fun, yet intriguing, puzzles for adventur-
ous readers to try. They cover a range of difficulties, come from a variety of topics,
and require a minimum of mathematical prerequisites for their solution. Should
you happen to be ingenious enough to solve one of them, then you should send
your solution to us.
For each puzzle corner, the reader with the best submission will receive a book
voucher to the value of $50, not to mention fame, glory and unlimited bragging
rights! Entries are judged on the following criteria, in decreasing order of impor-
tance: accuracy, elegance, difficulty, and the number of correct solutions submitted.
Please note that the judges decision that is, my decision is absolutely final.
Please email solutions to ivanguo1986@gmail.com or send paper entries to: Kevin
White, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of South Australia, Maw-
son Lakes, SA 5095.
The deadline for submission of solutions for Puzzle Corner 23 is 1 September
2011. The solutions to Puzzle Corner 23 will appear in Puzzle Corner 25 in the
November 2011 issue of the Gazette.
Vanishing rows
Twenty integers are written in a row. For each integer, we count the number of
integers to its right (in the same row) that are strictly greater than it. The result
is written beneath the original integer. A second row of 20 integers is formed in
this way. Repeat with the second row to form a third row, and so on. Using this
method, what is the greatest number of non-zero rows that we can write?
Garden gnomes
Jack positions nine garden gnomes in such a way that ten
distinct straight lines are formed, each containing three
gnomes. Jill thinks the arrangement is taking up too much
Photo: Robbie Beattie
Polyas pizza
Polyas pizza shop is a favourite amongst locals for two reasons: instead of the tra-
ditional circular shape, each pizza is a regular pentagon, and the pizzas are known
for their extremely tasty crusts, found on their perimeters. You have ordered a
1 E-mail: ivanguo1986@gmail.com
140 Puzzle corner 23
pizza from Polyas for a party of seven. How do you cut it into seven pieces of
equal areas, each having an equal amount of crust?
Maximal sets
What is the maximum number of positive integers you can choose from the set
{1, 2, . . . , 100}, such that
(1) any two of the integers are relatively prime?
(2) no two integers are relatively prime?
(3) no integer is a multiple of another?
(4) no two integers multiply to give a square of an integer?
Combo cube
Eight cubes are marked with one dot on two opposite faces, two dots on two oppo-
site faces and three dots on two opposite faces. The eight cubes are put together to
form a 2 2 2 cube. The dots on each face of the large cube are counted, to get
six totals. Can the cubes be arranged so that the six totals are consecutive integers?
Puzzle corner 23 141
Solution by Sam Krass: Each of the eight small cubes exposes three pairwise adja-
cent faces, showing 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 dots. Hence the total number of dots exposed by
all eight small cubes is even. But the sum of any six consecutive integers is odd,
so such a combo cube is not possible.
Curious cut
Is it possible to cut the shape on the left into two pieces, and join them together
again to form the shape on the right?
Solution by Bill Walsh: Yes it is possible. The cut is shown in bold in the diagram
Stretchy string
A rubber string is 10 metres long. There is a worm crawling from one end toward
the other at a speed of 1 metre per hour. Upon the passing of each hour, the rubber
string is stretched uniformly to become 1 metre longer than it just was. Will the
worm ever reach the other end of the string?
Solution by Joe Kupka: Let pn be the proportion of the string which the worm has
travelled after n hours. In the first hour, the string is 10 metres long, so p1 = 10 .
The stretching at the end of the hour does not change this.
During each subsequent hour, the string is 1 metre longer than the previous hour.
1 1 1 1 1
So p2 = 10 + 11 , p3 = 10 + 11 + 12 and in general,
pn = .
Since the harmonic series is divergent, it follows that the worm will eventually
reach the end of the string. In particular, it is achieved in the 17th hour.
Comment. This result generalises. For any positive real numbers l and s, the worm
can always reach the end of a string initially l metres long and stretching s metres
every hour.
Genius Loci
. . . The path I took to get here is in the shape of a perfect semicircular arc. And
also, on my way here I visited the Shrine of the Serpents. The figure gestures
towards the setting sun. The Shrine is 10 miles that way.
142 Puzzle corner 23
Even though there is no way to pinpoint the village of Kyklos exactly from this
mumbo jumbo, could you at least narrow down its possible locations?
Solution by Konrad Pilch: Let the current location be X, the Shrine of the Ser-
pents be S and the village of Kyklos be K. As the route travelled by the cloaked
figure is semicircular, we know that XSK = 90. Thus, the possible locations of
K are on the line perpendicular to XS through S. The following diagram shows
some of the possible semicircular routes.
Poisoned prisoners
The king has 500 barrels of wine, but one of them is poisoned. Anyone drinking
the poisoned wine will die within 12 hours. The king has four prisoners whom he
is willing to sacrifice in order to find the poisoned barrel. Can this be done within
48 hours?
Solution by David Angell: Call the duration within which any poisoned prisoner
will die a time period. We claim that, if n prisoners may be sacrificed and there
are t time periods available, then it is possible to find the one poisoned barrel out
of (t + 1)n barrels.
Label each barrel with a different string of n digits from the set {0, 1, 2, . . . , t},
and the prisoners P1 , . . . , Pn . At the beginning of time period s, with 1 s t,
give prisoner Pi a mixture of all the wines whose ith digit is s. If Pi dies during
period s, this means that the ith digit of the poisoned barrel is s (and it does
Puzzle corner 23 143
not matter that the prisoner is unavailable for future tastings). If the prisoner is
fortunate enough to still be alive at the end of the process, then the ith digit of
poisoned barrel has to be 0.
Thus each prisoner determines one of the digits borne by the poisoned barrel, and
between all n of them the barrel can be identified uniquely. Since 500 54 , the
ruthless king will succeed.
Twice or thrice
(1) Show that there exists a unique function f : N+ N+ which is increasing
and satisfies the equation
f(f(n)) = 3n
for all n N+ .
(2) Show that there exist at least two functions f : R R which are increasing
and satisfy the equation
f(f(x)) = 3x
for all x R.
Bonus: Can you find more of these functions?
Solution by David Butler:
(1) If f(1) = 1, then f(f(1)) = 1 6= 3, contradiction. So f(1) > 1. Since f is
increasing, 3 = f(f(1)) > f(1). Therefore f(1) = 2 and f(2) = 3.
Now for n N+ , f(3n) = f(f(f(n))) = 3f(n). Inductively, we have f(3k n) =
3k f(n) for any k N+ . This quickly yields f(3k ) = 2 3k and f(2 3k ) =
3k+1 .
Note that there are (3k + 1) integers between 3k and 2 3k (inclusive), and
they must map to the (3k + 1) integers between f(3k ) = 2 3k and f(2
3k ) = 3 3k (inclusive). Now no two values of n have the same value of f(n)
since f is strictly increasing. This implies that if n = 3k + b for 0 b 3k ,
f(n) = f(3k + b) = 2 3k + b = n + 3k . (1)
Since each positive integer is between two consecutive powers of 3, (1) and
(2) determine f(n) for all n N+ . This function is indeed unique and it can
be verified that it satisfies the required conditions.
It is worth noting the following alternative representation of the function.
Write the number n in base 3 notation. Now, if the first digit of n is a 1,
then replace it with a 2. If the first digit is a 2, then replace it with a 1 and
add a 0 to the end of the number.
144 Puzzle corner 23
(2) One obvious function satisfying the equation is f0 (x) = 3x.
The function from the previous part can be extended to R R as follows:
f1 (0) = 0.
If 3k x < 2 3k for some k Z then f1 (x) = x + 3k .
If 2 3k n < 3k+1 for some k Z then f1 (x) = 3(x 3k ).
If x < 0 then f1 (x) = f1 (x).
The checking is left to the reader.
Bonus: There are in fact infinitely many increasing functions satisfying
f(f(x)) = 3x. All such functions can be constructed in the following manner.
First note that f has to be bijective with f 1 (x) = f( x3 ). Iterating f(3x) =
f(f(f(x))) = 3f(x), we again have f(3k x) = 3k f(x) for all k Z. Since any
positive real can be written in the form 3k x where k Z and 1 x < 3, it
is sufficient to determine the behaviour of f on the interval [1, 3).
Let f(1) = a, so f(a) = 3. The increasing condition forces 1 < a < 3, and f
must map the interval [1, a] to [a, 3]. Consider any increasing and bijective
function g : [1, a] [a, 3], then define f on R+ as follows:
If 1 x < a then f(x) = g(x).
If a x < 3 then f(x) = 3g1 (x).
If 3k x < 3k+1 for some k Z then f(x) = 3k f(3k x).
Similarly for R , let 3 < b < 1 and consider any increasing and bijective
function h : [b, 1] [3, b], then define f on R as follows.
If 1 x > b then f(x) = h(x).
If b x > 3 then f(x) = 3h1 (x).
If 3k x > 3k+1 for some k Z then f(x) = 3k h(3k x).
Finally, setting f(0) = 0 completes the construction.
Infinitely many functions are constructed as a, b, g and h are varied under
their respective constraints.