LOLER Lifting Equipment Inspection Duties Ebook

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The key takeaways are that maintaining and inspecting lifting equipment is essential for safety, and failing to comply with LOLER regulations can result in prosecution and imprisonment.

The legal consequences of failing to comply with LOLER regulations include tougher sentencing, consideration of risk rather than just outcomes, and potential prosecution and imprisonment for managers and companies.

Companies should look for third party inspection companies that are ISO/IEC 17020 compliant, have UKAS 'Type A' accreditation, employ competent engineers with sufficient experience, and have rigorous internal processes and audits.


About your LOLER lifting equipment inspection duties


Why You Should Take Lifting Equipment Safety Seriously 3

The Legal and Business Consequences of Failing to Comply

With LOLER 5

Your Duties Under LOLER 8

Using A Third Party Inspection Company: What to Look For 16

About British Engineering Services 18


Almost every week there are reports of serious

lifting equipment accidents from injuries that
arise from workers getting stuck in moving parts,
to fatal falls from height.
In fact, statistics supplied by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) show that
falls from height are the most common cause of fatal workplace accidents.

Maintaining and inspecting lifting equipment is essential to ensuring

that it does not deteriorate to an unsafe condition and result in accident.
With changes to sentencing guidelines & the increasing threat of criminal
prosecution, every organisation must take necessary precautions and remain
diligent. This guide outlines your legal duties, as well as taking you through the
reasons why preventing such accidents should be at the top of the agenda for
every responsible management team.

This eBook covers:

PP Your general duties under The Lifting Operations and Lifting

Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)

PP How to determine the scope and nature of your inspection obligations

PP Who is a competent person that can carry out LOLER inspections
PP The legal and business consequences of failing to comply with
your duties

PP What to look for in a third party inspection company -

and why you cannot blindly rely on self-proclaimed expertise.

In 2015/16, there
were 469,000 469,000
self-reported injuries

144 and 144 fatalities

arising from accidents at work,

with an estimated 4.5 million
lost working days as a result.
Falling from height was the
main cause of fatal incidents.
Source: Health and Safety at Work: Summary statistics for Great Britain 2015/16


Some companies may believe that they can cut corners and that lifting
equipment accidents are unlucky events that will happen to another
company. However, the statistics tell another story.

With the HSE now more zealous than ever in their health and safety
prosecutions, a shifted focus on the degree of risk, rather than the end
result and a wealth of business reasons in favour of total compliance, can
you afford not to comply?

The tougher approach of the Courts and the HSE

Organisations can no longer escape severe sentences due to a near-miss.
Instead, the new Sentencing Guidelines introduced on 1 February 2016 require
the Courts to consider their culpability and the degree of probable risk - instead
of any harm that actually occurred - as well as their ability to pay fines.

Armed with this remit, the courts and the HSE have shown a more hard-hitting
approach to both organisations and senior managers responsible for health
and safety.

According to data from the HSE, analysed by the
law firm Clyde & Co LLP, the number of directors
prosecuted for health and safety offences tripled
in the period of 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016,

with 46 directors and
managers prosecuted

compared with 15
in the previous year.
The total value of fines imposed have also
increased by 43% from the year before, jumping
from 14.4 million to 20.6 million. Case reports
show these figures are likely to increase further as
the courts adopt the new sentencing guidelines.
My interpretation of the new threshold is as follows: if a director or
employee knows there is a breach of the law that has at least a medium
likelihood of causing death or disability, then the court is directed as a
starting point to impose a punishment of one years imprisonment, with a
range of between 6 and 18 months depending on other relevant factors.
Dr Simon Joyston-Bechal, Director at Turnstone Law

The new cri INES
Find out more about the courts new
teria for co

approach to sentencing with our eBook:

The Amended Health & Safety Court Sentencing
Guidelines, The New Criteria For Courts.

A range of HSE intervention measures
The HSE will consider the degree of inherent risk in workplaces, as well as any
past health and safety breaches or complaints. Enforcement measures can
range from prohibition notices to fines and prosecutions for serious breaches
- all of which can cause significant business disruption. With the Courts now
looking at the degree of risk rather than actual harm caused, prosecutions are
becoming much more likely.

The business consequences of non-compliance

Insurance companies may not cover the cost of claims
PP Even minor lifting equipment incidents can result in a claim and the
costs can quickly escalate for personal injury claims once loss of
earnings, medical bills and legal fees are factored in

PP If your insurance company has evidence that you failed to comply

with the relevant health and safety legislation, there is a possibility
they may not cover the entire cost of the claim.

Increased insurance premiums

PP Insurance premiums will be based on the number and severity of
previous health and safety claims or incidents, with some insurers
even providing rebates to those that can demonstrate that effective
procedures are in place.

Adverse publicity
PP The negative consequences of adverse publicity following a conviction
should not be underestimated. It is no coincidence that large
organisations will employ top lawyers to negotiate increased fines
in exchange for avoiding an adverse publicity order.


The requirements for the examination of lifting equipment found within
the LOLER regulations apply over and above the more general requirements
of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER).
They must also be read in the context of the overarching Health and Safety
at Work Act 1974 (HSWA) and Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999 (MHSWR).

LOLER aims to protect workers from lifting equipment and handling accidents
by ensuring that:

PP The right lifting equipment is selected and appropriately marked

for safe working loads

PP Lifting operations are properly planned, managed and carried out in

a safe manner

PP Lifting equipment is thoroughly examined at suitable intervals by

a competent person.

This guide is generally limited to the examination requirements of LOLER.

For more information on your PUWER
To fulfilling
inspection your PUWER work eq
obligations uipment

responsibilities please download our eBook on:

The Essential Guide To fulfilling your PUWER
work equipment inspection obligations.

What LOLER covers
LOLER covers work equipment that lifts or lowers a load. This includes the
attachments used for anchoring, fixing or supporting it. LOLER, therefore,
covers a wide range of equipment such as cranes, lifts, excavators and trucks.

It also covers accessories for lifting, which includes any chain, rope, sling,
or component kept for attaching loads to machinery for lifting.

Conducting risk assessments

Every workplace must carry out risk assessments of work equipment
under Regulation 2 of The Management Regulations, which states that
for each job using work equipment, you need to build in health and safety
by carrying out a risk assessment.

Risk assessments are integral to every stage of LOLER, from the initial selection
through to installation, in-service safety & stability and recommissioning/

In-service risk assessment
An assessment of the risks associated with the management and use of
lifting equipment must also be made to ensure lifting operations are properly
planned. The assessment should also include identifying maintenance needs
and the extent & scope of your inspection regime.

The following issues will need to be considered in order to identify the

management and use hazards arising from lifting equipment:

PP The type of load being lifted

PP The risk of the load falling & striking a person or object and the
PP The risk of the equipment striking a person or object and the
subsequent consequences
PP The type of equipment and how & where it is used
PP The risk of the lifting equipment failing, or falling over whilst in use.

We cover the extent & frequency of inspections and competence requirements

in greater detail later in this guide.


When examination and inspection must be carried out
Regulation 9 of LOLER states that thorough examinations must be carried out:

PP Before using it for the first time - before equipment is taken into service
(though there are some exceptions for CE marked new equipment)

PP Post installation - where safety is dependent on correct installation

PP In service - where lifting equipment is exposed to conditions that
cause deterioration which could lead to a dangerous situation, they
must be thoroughly examined:
periodically, or in accordance with an examination scheme
following any exceptional events such as an accident or long
period without use.

If appropriate, lifting equipment should also be inspected at suitable intervals

in-between thorough examinations.


In-service inspections
Prescribed minimum periods between inspections

Regulation 9 of LOLER prescribes minimum periods between thorough

examinations of lifting equipment. These are:

PP Every 6 months for lifting equipment used for lifting/lowering persons

e.g.: passenger lifts, access platforms and window cleaning equipment

PP Every 6 months for lifting accessories (tackle) e.g.: chain slings,

eyebolts and shackles

PP Every 12 months for all other lifting equipment not falling into either
of the above categories e.g.: cranes and lift trucks, when used solely
for lifting goods.

The LOLER Approved Code of Practice and Guidance (ACOP) states that:

The frequency depends on the type of equipment and the purposes

for which it is used, e.g.: equipment used for lifting people requires
more frequent examination. The periods stated are the maximum
periods between each examination unless there is an examination
scheme produced by a competent person in place, which can specify
longer or shorter periods depending on the risk of defects arising.

As the guidelines state, the maximum periods between inspection and

the frequency of examination should always be based on an assessment.
The assessment will consider factors such as how quickly machinery
or safety devices are likely to deteriorate and pose a potential risk to
operators/workers. Such risk can be calculated and measures put in
place to prevent possible injury. It is important to remember that the risk
assessment is not optional and while appropriate standards, or government/
trade association guidance contain helpful pointers, they should never take
the place of a risk assessment.


Risk based inspection
Regulation 9 of LOLER and ACOP offers a risk based approach to examination.
This means that customers can arrange for a scheme of examination to be
drawn up which takes account of their specific equipment, environment and
operations in order to define the scope and frequency of ongoing through
examinations, based on foreseeable risk.

While the HSE has stressed that safety concerns need to take precedence over
other influences such as business interruption and loss of earnings when considering
implementing risk based inspection, the approach does generally result in both
improved safety and cost savings from a reduced overall inspection frequency.

SAFeds Guidance on In-Service Inspections

SAFed plays a key role in helping individuals and organisations obtain relevant
advice to support them in maintaining and complying with standards for
equipment inspection and safety in UK workplaces. SAFeds guidance on
carrying out the regulatory thorough examinations under LOLER Regulation 9
provides a helpful table which confirms the recommended maximum frequency
of inspection for various work equipment. It also states if an independent
inspection company is strongly recommended for the specific item.

The next table details a range of work equipment SAFed recommends for
inspection and the right person for the job.


Competence: Who can carry out LOLER examination
and inspections?
The LOLER interpretative provisions make it clear that thorough
examinations and any testing must be carried out by a competent person.

The LOLER Approved Code of Practice and guidance (paragraph 296)

provides further information on what this means:

You should ensure that the person carrying out a thorough examination has
such appropriate practical and theoretical knowledge and experience of the
lifting equipment to be thoroughly examined as will enable them to detect
defects or weaknesses and to assess their importance in relation to the safety
and continued use of the lifting equipment.


The competent person must be sufficiently independent and impartial to allow
objective decisions to be made. This does not mean that competent persons must
necessarily be employed from an external company. If employers and others within
their own organisations have the necessary competence then they can use it. However,
if they do, they must ensure that their in-house examiners have the genuine authority
and independence to ensure that examinations are properly carried out and that the
necessary recommendations arising from them are made without fear or favour.

You should, therefore, ensure that anyone carrying out inspections:

PP Has practical and theoretical knowledge

PP Is sufficiently experienced
PP Is sufficiently independent and impartial, so that they can act
without fear or favour.

In larger organisations, competence and the ability to act without fear or favour
may be possible to achieve in-house, but for small and medium organisations it
is usually necessary to instruct a third-party inspection company.

ACOP further makes it clear that it is the employers duty to ensure that they
employ a suitably qualified competent person to carry out the thorough
examination. Employers should, therefore, ensure that they are diligent when
discharging this duty.



Those responsible for lifting equipment safety cannot simply discharge their
examination and inspection duties by instructing a third party who specialises in
this area. Instead, they must take all reasonable steps to verify their competence.

ISO/IEC 17020 compliance

Independent inspection bodies should be able to provide proof of compliance
with the ISO/IEC 17020, an international standard for inspecting and testing
plant equipment.

Type A accreditation
The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is the national
accreditation body for the United Kingdom, appointed by the government,
to assess organisations that provide certification, testing, inspection and
calibration services. UKAS undertakes assessment and certifies compliance
with IS0/IEC 17020.

You should look for a Type A third party inspection service company,
as this ensures:

PP Independence and impartiality, without favour of profit from

recommended repairs

PP Engineers Surveyors meet a minimum required standard of

competence (required experience of 5 years)

PP Annual assessment of internal policies and training

PP Formal feedback and improvement procedures are in place
PP Audits of on-site inspections are undertaken by a third party.


Can you rely on your competent person?
SHP Online reported on the two
year prison sentence issued to an

2 access firm manager following a

fatal incident, who had relied upon
YEARS the negligent advice of a third
in prison party inspection company to repair
instead of replace a damaged a
mobile boom lift.
As the HSE Inspector pointed out:
The competence and diligence of a thorough
examiner is vital as it is they who declare
the MEWP [Mobile Elevating Work Platform]
safe to use.



British Engineering Services is a UKAS accredited Type A

independent third party inspection and testing company
that carries out LOLER thorough examinations, inspections
and risk assessments.

We pride ourselves in retaining and recruiting the best

Engineer Surveyors in the business - those with the
on-the-job experience and qualifications to ensure that
they are highly competent in their role. We then supplement this with
industry-leading training and development, setting the standard for
others to follow.

Our external engineering certifications and accreditations are second-to-none,

we are members of the most prestigious industry bodies and we sit on national
and international standards committee boards - testament to the importance
we place on ensuring that our people and processes keep our customers
equipment safe, compliant and efficient.

Our focus in on protecting people and business. In order to do so, it is

imperative that issues are identified and dealt with as soon as they arise.

Our team of 150 support staff and 450 Engineer Surveyors are on hand
to respond to customer issues as and when they arise. Added to this, our
customers can sleep easy at night, safe in the knowledge that our transparent
online reporting system can provide them with an overview of their engineering
compliance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Ensure your lifting
equipment is safe,
compliant and efficient



British Engineering Services, 5 New York Street, Manchester M1 4JB

T 0345 678 2985 E W


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