Computer Science Mark Scheme

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2015 series


0478/13 Paper 1, maximum raw mark 75

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2015 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.

IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations.

Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Cambridge IGCSE October/November 2015 0478 13

1 (a) Temperature
central heating / air con system
greenhouse environment
a chemical reaction / process

Magnetic field
anti-lock brakes on a car
detection of motor vehicles (e.g. at traffic lights)
reading magnetic ink characters on cheques
geophysical surveys

automatic doors
burglar alarm [3]

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Read light

1 mark

1 mark

Yes Is street light Yes

already off? 3

Time set to 10
1 mark
1 mark

Count down in
minutes 1

1 mark
Yes No No Is time Yes
4 = 0?


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2 (a) Any five from:

sensors send signals / data to microprocessor
signal / data converted to digital (by an ADC)
microprocessor compares temperature / carbon monoxide level / value with stored
level / value
if CO level > stored value, microprocessor sends signal
if temperature > stored value, microprocessor sends signal
to light warning bulb on dashboard / sounds alarm [5]

(b) (i) 2 marks for all correct conditions, 1 mark for 2 correct conditions

CO (carbon monoxide) level too high

oil pressure too low
brake pads too thin [2]

(ii) 1 mark for each correct parity bit in position 1

1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0


(iii) 1 mark for correct parity bit + 1 mark for remainder of binary value

1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0


(iv) A 2 (allow follow through from part (iii)) [1]

3 (a) (i)

MAR 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

MDR 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1


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MAR 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

MDR 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1


Address Contents
1000 0000 0110 1110
1000 0001 0101 0001
1000 0010 1000 1101
1000 0011 1000 1100

1000 1100
1000 1101
1000 1110 0111 1001
1000 1111

(b) CIR (Current Instruction Register)

PC (Program Counter)
Acc (Accumulator) [3]

(c) Controls operation of memory, processor and input / output

Instructions are interpreted
Sends signals to other components telling them what to do [3]

4 (a) (i) Free software / open source software [1]

(ii) Any three from:

Set of principles / laws that regulate the use of computers
Covers intellectual property rights (e.g. copying of software)
Privacy issues (e.g. accessing personal information)
Impact of computers on society (relevant examples can be credited) [3]

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(b) 1 mark for each CORRECT row

Statement Firewall Proxy server

Speeds up access of information from a web server by

using a cache
Filters all Internet traffic coming into and out from a
users computer, intranet or private network
Helps to prevent malware, including viruses, from

entering a users computer
Keeps a list of undesirable websites and IP addresses  


(c) one mark for method + one mark for linked reason (maximum 6 marks)

back up files
on a regular basis / to another device / to the cloud

set data to read only

to prevent accidental editing

save data on a regular basis

to prevent loss / corruption of data in unexpected shutdown / failure

use correct shut down / start up procedures

to prevent damage to components / stored files

use correct procedures before disconnecting portable storage device

to prevent damage to device / data corruption

keep storage devices in a safe place

away from fire hazards [6]

5 (a) Memory card / SSD / HDD / magnetic tape

Suitable description of device given [2]

(b) 2 hours = 120 minutes

120 180 = 21 600
21 600 / 1024 (or 21 600 / 1000)
= 21.1 GB (or 21.6 GB)

(1 mark for correct answer and 1 mark for correct calculation) [2]

6 Any two from:

facial recognition software / biometric software used to scan face
face image converted to digital format / data by the camera
digital image formed from scanned photo / biometric data stored in passport
key features of the face are checked / compared [2]

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Application Suitable output device

Production of one-off photographs of inkjet printer

very good quality

High volume colour printing of

laser printer
advertising flyers

Production of an object, which is built

up layer by layer; used in CAD 3D printer

Converting electrical signals into sound speaker/headphones

Showing enlarged computer output on Projector

a wall or large screen


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8 1 mark for each named application + 1 mark for each matching reason for choice

Input device Application and reason

Automatic doors
detects a person when light beam broken and opens doors

Light sensor Street lighting

detects change in light and switches on / off the street lights

ensures correct lighting conditions for growth of plants
Word processor / spreadsheet / database
need to key in data manually (e.g. report writing)
Control room interface
need to manually key in data (e.g. flow speed of liquid)
Supermarket checkout
read barcodes to find prices, description
allows automatic stock control

Barcode reader Library system

can track books on loan
can link books to borrowers using barcoded cards

Airport check-ins
barcodes on luggage to track whereabouts
Ticket / information kiosk
easy method for public to enter data
limited number of options

Touch screen Mobile phone / tablet

easy method to input data
use of icons for application selection

Control room interface

faster / easier method to input data into system
fewer chances of error since number of choices limited


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9 (a) 8 MB
100 [2]

(b) (i) Any two from:

removes sounds human ear cant hear very well
if two sounds played at same time, softer sound removed
uses perceptual music shaping [2]

(ii) Lossy [1]

(iii) One from, for example:

gif [1]

10 symmetric encryption

encryption key

plain text

encryption algorithm

cypher text [5]

Cambridge International Examinations 2015

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