ORDBMSConceptsandOracle8i LabExercisesandSolutions

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Lab Exercises

2.1 RDBMS concepts and ORACLE 8i

Lab 1

Create the student table using the given fields.

(1) Student Information Table:

Student_id varchar2(20)
Last_name varchar2(25)
First_name varchar2(20)
Dob varchar2(20)
Address varchar2(300)
City varchar2(20)
State varchar2(2)
ZipCode varchar2(9)
Telephone varchar2(10)
Fax varchar2(10)
Email varchar2(100)

(2) Department Information Table:

Department_Id varchar2(20) primarykey

Department_Name varchar2(25)

(3) Instructor's Information Table:

Instructor_id varchar2(20) primarykey

Department_Id varchar2(20) Foreignkey
Last_Name varchar2(25)
First_Name varchar2(200)
Telephone varchar2(20)
Fax varchar2(20)
Email varchar2(100)

(4) Course Information Table:

Course_Id varchar2(5)
Department_Id varchar2(20) foreignkey department(department_id)
Title char(60)
Description varchar2(200)
Additional_fees number primarykey (course_id, department_id)

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RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

(5) Schedule Type Header Table:

Schedule_Id varchar2(20)
Schedule_Description varchar2(200)

(6) Schedule Type Details:

Schedule_Id varchar2(20)
Day number
Starting_Time date
Duration number

(7) Class Location Information:

Class_Building varchar2(25)
Class_Room varchar2(25)
Seating_Capacity varchar2(2)

(8) Class Table:

Class_Id varchar2(20) primarykey

Schedule_Id varchar2(20)
Class_Building varchar2(25)
Class_Room varchar2(25)
Course_Id varchar2(5)
Department_Id varchar2(20) foreign key
Instructor_Id varchar2(20) Instructor(Instructor_id)
Semester varchar2(6)
School_Year date

(9) Student Grade Information Table:

Student_Id varchar2(20)
Class_Id varchar2(20)
Grade varchar2(2)Check
Grade in ('A','A+','A-','B','B+','B-',
Date_Grade_Assigned date

(10) Describe the structure of the following tables.

1. Student information table

2. Department information table
3. Instructor's Information Table
4. Course Information Table
5. Schedule Type Header Table
6. Schedule Type Details
7. Class Location Information
8. Class table

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Lab Exercises

9. Student Grade Information Table.

Lab 2

Alter the Table with the following requirements.

(Hint: Use Alter Table Command)

(1) Alter the student table to make the following changes:

Add a new column SEX which is of char datatype.

Alter the column size of First_Name to 25.
Alter the datatype of Dob to Date
Add a primary key constraint for the Student Id.

(2) Alter the Course Table to make the following changes:

Add a new column UNITS, which is of the number datatype.

(3) Alter the Instructor Table to make the following changes:

Add a new column SEX which is of char datatype.

(4) Alter the new column Position which datatype varchar2 and size 25 with a check constraint which
checks for


(5) Alter the Schedule Type Header Table to make the following changes:

1. Reduce the size of the schedule description to 100.

2. Add a primary key for Schedule_Id.

(6) Alter the Schedule Type Details to make the following changes:

Add a composite primary key to the columns Schedule_id, day.

Add a Foreign key to the column Schedule_id which refers schedule_id (Schedule Type Header).

(7) Alter the Class Location Table to make the following Changes:

Alter the datatype of Location column to number.

Add a composite primary key for (Class_Building, Class_Room)

(8) Alter the Class Table to make the following changes:

Add a foreign key for the column Schdule_Id which refers schedule(Schedule_Id)
Add a foreign key for the column Department_Id which refers Department(Department_Id)
Add a foreign key for the column Course_Id which refers Course(Course_Id).

(9) Alter the Student_Sche to make the following changes:

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Add a composite primary key to the columns (Student_Id, Class_Id).

Add a foreign key constraint to Student_Id which refers Student(Student_Id)
Add a foreign key constraint to Class_Id which refers Class(Class_Id).

(10) Add the new column hod the data type is varchar2(25) into depart_info.

Lab 3

(1) Insert Records into the following tables. (Hint: insert minimum 10 records in each table).

1. Student Information Table.

2. Department Information Table.
3. Instructor Information Table.
4. Course Information Table.
5. Schedule Type Header Table.
6. Schedule Type Details Table.
7. Class Location Table.
8. Class Table.
9. Student Grade Information Table.

(2) Display all the inserted records in the each table.

(3) Set save points after every ten insertion.

(4) Roll back to the second save point.

(5) Set a save point upd.

(6) Update the records in the student information table.

(7) Set save point del.

(8) Delete records from the instructor table.

(9) Set save point ins.

(10) Insert a row in the course table.

(11) Roll back the transactions till the deletion.

Lab 4

(1) Enable the primary key student_id student table.

(2) Enable the primary key pk_course in course table.

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Lab Exercises

(3) Disable the foreign key schedule_id in schedule_type_details table.

(4) Disable the foreign key fk_class_location in class table.

(5) Disable the foreign key fk_class_schedule_id in class table.

(6) Disable all foreign keys in student_sche table.

(7) Enable the foreign key fk_class_location in class table.

(8) Enable the foreign key schedule_id in schedule_type_details table.

(9) Enable the foreign key fk_class_schedule_id in class table.

(10) Enable all foreign keys in student_sche table.

(11) Drop the primary key pk_course course table.

(12) Drop the primary key student_id in student table.

(13) Drop the foreign key schedule_id in schedule_type_details.

(14) Add primary key to student table as before.

(15) Add primary key to course table as before.

(16) Add foreign key to schedule_id in the schedule_type_details as before.

Lab 5

(1) Display all information from the Student table whose lastname is null.

(2) Display the Student Id and the Firstname from the Student table who doesn't have a telephone and
an email.

(3) Display Students Firstname whose city is Chennai.

(4) Display Students Lastname whose state starts with the letter "T".

(5) Display Students Id, LastName whose state ends with the letter 'A'.

(6) Display Students Firstname, Dob whose Firstname contains 'A' in the Fourth position.

(7) Display Students Firstname and Lastname Concatenated.

(8) Display all information from the Student table where the Students Firstname is of only ten

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(9) Display Students Firstname, Id and their age.

Lab 6

(1) Display Students Id whose age is greater than 20.

(2) Display Students Firstname, Dob whose Birthday falls today.

(3) Display the Students Firstname, Address whose birthday falls in the month of January.

(4) Display the eldest male Student's Firstname from the Student table.

(5) Display all information of the youngest female student from the Student table.

(6) Display the Students Id whose age is greater than 26 as on current date.

(7) Display the student's names whose first_name sounds alike.

(8) Display the Instructors Firstname, lastname concatenated together and the first character in

(9) Display the Student's firstname all in capitals.

Lab 7
(1) Display the last day of the current month.

(2) Display the first day of a given year.

(3) Display the last day of a given year.

(4) Display the no of months of the students since their birth.

(5) Display the next date of the given day that immediately follows the sysdate.

(6) Display the greatest date of the two given dates.

(7) Display the students date of birth rounded to the nearest month.

(8) Display the Average age of the Students.

(9) Display the Students Firstname, Dob in the format "DD/MONTH/YYYY".

(10) Display number of unique cities from the Student table.

Lab 8
(1) Display Students Id from the Student table whose Lastnames are unique.

(2) Display Students Id, Firstname from the Student table whose Zipcode Contains two zeros.

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Lab Exercises

(3) Display Course Id, Department Id from the Course table where the additional fees is the least.

(4) Display the Course Id, Additional fees from the course table with the additional fees in the format

(5) Display the Average additional fees for the courses from the Course table.

(6) Display Additional fees from the course table rounded off to the nearest integer.

(7) Display minimum additional fees, maximum additional fees and difference between the minimum
and the maximum fees from the course table.

(8) Display Scheduled Id from the Schedule Type table for which the starting time is next month and
duration is less than three.

(9) Display Scheduled Id from the Schedule Type for which the starting time is current day.

(10) Display all from Schedule Type table where the starting time is between ten days prior the current
date and ten days after the current date.

(11) Display Schedule Type, Duration, days past since their starting date from Schedule Type table.

(12) Display all from Schedule Type table with the month of starting time spelled out.

(13) Display all from Schedule Type table where the starting date falls in the current week of this month.

(14) Display all from the Class location table substitute the Seating capacity to 'Not Applicable" if its

(15) Display all from the Class table where the classrooms are unique and have the same instructor.
Lab 9

(1) Update all informations from the Student table whose lastname is null to a last name of 'Nil'.

(2) Update the Firstname from the Student table who doesn't have a telephone and an email to a value
of 'Radiant'.

(3) Update Students Last name whose city is Chennai to 'Madrasi'.

(4) Update Students Last Name whose state starts with the letter 'T' to a value of 'TTT'.

(5) Update LastName whose state ends with the letter 'A' to a value of 'AAA'.

(6) Update Students Firstname to 'XXX', Dob to current date whose Firstname contains 'A' in the
Fourth position.

(7) Update Students last name to 'YOUTH' whose age is less than 20.

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(8) Update Students lastname to 'BIRTHDAY' whose Birthday falls today.

(9) Update the eldest male Student's Last name from the Student table to 'SENIOR'.

(10) Update students last name to 'JAN' whose birthday falls on January.

Lab 10

(1) Delete all informations from the Student table whose lastname is null.

(2) Delete the information from Student table that doesn't have a telephone and an email.

(3) Delete Students information whose city is Chennai.

(4) Delete Students information whose state starts with the letter 'T'

(5) Delete Students information whose state ends with the letter 'A'

(6) Delete Students information whose Firstname contains 'A' in the Fourth position.

(7) Delete all information from the Student table where the Students Firstname is of only ten

(8) Delete Students information whose age is greater than 20.

(9) Delete Students information whose Birthday falls on June,05.

(10) Delete the Students information whose birthday falls in the month of October.

(11) Delete the eldest male Student's information from the Student table.

Lab 11

(1) Rename the student information table as student.

(2) Grant the alter, update, insert privileges to your friend on the table student.

(3) Revoke the above privileges.

(4) Create a savepoint s1.

(5) Insert two new student detail in student table.

(6) Rollback to savepoint s1.

(7) Commit the changes.

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Lab Exercises

(8) Rename the student table as student information table.

(9) Create the employee table using instructors information table.

(10) Disable the primary key constraint of instructors information table.

(11) Truncate the employee table.

(12) Drop the foreign key constraint.

(13) Alter the table employee to add a primary key constraint on the new column age datatype raw. Is it
possible to have a primary key on a column having datatype as raw? Can a table have more than
one primary key?

(14) Drop the employee table.

Lab 12
(1) Display MSU techno wing & CIT@MSU & RADIANT ray of hope using concatenation operator.

(2) Concatenate and display the instructors first and last name using built in function

(3) Create the employee table with following fields.

Empid varchar2(4)
Joindate date
Basic number(10,2)
HRA number(8,2)
DA number(8,2)
PF number(8,2)

(4) Insert the employees details into the employee table.

(5) Display the employees net salary using arithmetic operators.

(6) Calculate the simple interest using dual table.

(7) Using employee table display the Empid whose basic is equal to 3000.

(8) Display all the details of employees whose basic is not equal to 4000.

(9) Display all the details of employees whose HRA is greater than 750.

(10) Display the employees details whose DA is less than 1000.

(11) Display the employees record whos PF is lies between 500 to 1000 ranges.

(12) Display the employees details whose id is either e101 or e103 or e104.

(13) Display the absolute value of the given number using built-in functions.

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(14) Display the largest integer equal to or less than the given value using built-in functions.

(15) Display the smallest integer greater than or equal to given value using built-in functions.

(16) Find the total working days of employees in employee table.

Lab 13

(1) Find the first name of the A grade students.

(2) Find the duration of given schedule description.

(3) Find the additional fees of the given department name.

(4) Find the instructor first name of the given department id.

(5) Find the semester of given schedule description.

(6) Count the total number of students in student information table.

(7) Calculate the total duration per day in schedule table.

(8) Calculate the average basic of employee.

(9) Determine the minimum and maximum basic of employee; rename the title as max_basic and
min_basic respectively.

(10) Count the number of employee having basic greater than or equal to 2000.

(11) Count the number of student whose telephone number is null.

(12) Count the number of student whose state is TN and august month babies.

(13) Concatenate the name of the student using built-in function.

(14) Translate the first name of the student information table s first character a as b.

(15) Display the name of the instructor in upper case.

(16) Display the description of the schedule in lower case.

Lab 14
(1) Create a view named student from student information and department information tables that
contains only the following columns student_id, first name, last name and department_id.

(2) Update the column of newly created view student. Observe the changes in the base tables.
(3) Create a synonym for course information table with name cours.

(4) Create a sequence instseq with the following specifications minimum value 1, maximum value 20,
increment by 1, start with 0, with cycle and cache 10.
(5) Alter the sequence such that the maximum value is only 15.

(6) Create a local index named stud on first name of student information table.

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Lab Exercises

(7) Create a unique index named stud1 on student_id column of the student information table.

(8) Create a view course_view from the course table with the following fields.
a. Course id.
b. Department id
c. Title
d. Description
e. Additional fees
f. Total fees (i.e. units *250 + additional fees)

(9) Create a view class_summary with the following fields and requirements.

a. Class id from class table

b. Class building from class table
c. Class room from class table
d. Department id from class table
e. Title from course table
f. Firstname from instructor table
g. Lastname from instructor table Provided,

Class.department id = course.department id
Class.course id = course.course id
Class.instructor id = instructor.instructor id

(10) Create a view dummy_view with columns (name, id) from the table(Dummy) which does not exist
in the database.

(11) Create a table dummy with two columns( name, id).

(12) Create a view from the class table by substituting the column names with relevant names.

(13) Replace the view class_summary by removing the column title from the class table.

(14) Update the description of view course_view to null.

(15) Delete the rows from the course_view where deparment id is null and additional fees > 100 and
total fees less than 500.

(16) Create a synonym class_alais for class table.

(17) Rename the synonym.

(18) Create a synonym for course_alais course table.

(19) Drop the synonym course_alais.

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Lab 15
(1) Create an index stud_last on the student table (Lastname).

(2) Create an index instruct_first on the instructor table (firstname).

(3) Create an unique index dept_name on the department table(department name).

(4) Drop index instruct_first.

(5) Drop index stud_last.

(6) Drop index dept_name.

(7) Create a cluster named dept_cluster of datatype number(2).

(8) Create table dept using the dept_cluster with the following columns.
a. Deptno number(2)
b. Dname varchar2(30)
c. Loc varchar2(20)

(9) Create table emp using the dept_cluster with the following columns.

a. Empno number(3)
b. Ename varchar2(30)
c. Doj date
d. Desig varchar2(10)
e. Sex char(1)
f. Deptno number(2)
g. Salary number(7,2)
h. Comm number(7,2)

(10) Create a sequence named deptno_sequence; with starting value 1 and incrementing by 1, maximum
value is 99, with cycle and cache.

(11) Create a sequence named empno_sequence. With starting value 100 and incrementing by 5,
maximum value is 999, with no cycle and cache.

(12) Insert the deptno_sequence values into the dept table(deptno).

(13) Insert the empno_sequence values into the emp table(empno).

Lab 16

(1) Create a type address that would contain the following columns:

Column name datatype

Add1 number(5)
Add2 varchar2(10)

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Lab Exercises

Add3 varchar2(5)
Add4 number(7)

(2) Create another type emp which will have the above defined user type and the following columns:

Column name data type

Eno number(2)
Ename varchar2(10)
Eadd address

(3) Insert into the object emp values for the columns eno as 100 and eadd as 100, first st, Chennai,

(4) Insert into the object emp values for columns eno as 101 and eadd as 102, iii phases, bgl, 576897.

(5) Write a query to display the eno and add1 from the emp object where add1 has a value of 11.

(6) Write a query to update the eadd column to be 10, ii st, mds,35567 where the eno is 100.

(7) Write a query to delete from the emp table that row whose add1 has a value of 10.

(8) Create a type named personal whose structure is given below:

Column name data type
Name varchar2(20)
Age number(3)
Sex char(1)

(9) Create a table whose structure is as shown below:

Column name data type
Id number(4)
Centre varchar2(15)
Per personal

(10) Insert into the above table the values given:

1234,Chennai, (meena, 22,f)
2345,nellai, (veena, 23,f)
3456,Bangalore, (reena, 24,f)

(11) Drop the type personal that has been created.

(12) Create a type person_details with structure as shown below:

Column name data type
Name varchar2(15)
Age number(2)
Desg varchar2(15)

(13) Create a table person_details_table_ty which is based on the type created above.

(14) Create another table other_info_person, has a structure as shown below. It should also contain a
stored table named as person_store_table.

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Column name data type

Dept_name varchar2(10)
Dept_no number(3)
Person_info person_details_table_ty

(15) Create a varying array which will contain a maximum of 3 rows and will be of data type

(16) Create a type dept_type whose structure is given below:

Column name data type
Deptno number(2)
Dname varchar2(14)
Loc varchar2(13)

(17) Create a table dept_t which consists of the above type.

(18) Create a table emp which will hold a reference to the above created table and also have a structure
as given below:

Column name data type

Empno number(4)
Job varchar2(10)
Mgr number(4)
Hiredate date
Sal number(7,2)
Comm number(7,2)
Dept ref dept_type

Lab 17
(1) Write PL/SQL block to increase the salary by 10% if the salary is > 2500 and > 3000.

(2) Write PL/SQL block to decrease the salary by 13% if the salary is >3000 and < 5000.

(3) Write PL/SQL block to increase the salary by 15% if the salary is > 5000.

While Loops.
(Hint: use basic loops, while loops, numeric for loops, cursor for loops.)

(4) Write PL/SQL block to insert student details into student table until the user wishes to stop.

(5) Write PL/SQL block to insert department details into Department table until the user wishes to

(6) Write PL/SQL block to display the names of those employees getting salary > 3000.

(7) Write PL/SQL block to display the male employees details.

(8) Write PL/SQL block to display the total salary (I,e.Salary +Comm) of each employee whose comm
Is not null.

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Lab Exercises

(9) Write PL/SQL block to insert the instructor details from the instructor table with the record count
until record count is > 20.
(10) Write PL/SQL block to display the total salary (I,e .Salary + Comm.) of each employee whose
comm. Is not null until sum of total salary exceeds 25,000.

(11) Write PL/SQL block to display the employee details from the employee table, and get the users
choice and delete the record if the user wishes to delete.

(12) Write PL/SQL block to insert only the odd numbers from 1 to 20 into department table as
department id and get the department name from the user.

Lab 18

Note: use the cursor attributes % found, % notfound, % rowcount, % isopen

(1) Write PL/SQL block to increase the salary by 15 % for all employees in emp table.

(2) Write PL/SQL block to decrease the additional _fees in the Course table to 5%.

(3) Write PL/SQL block to increase the additional fees by 10% and if the additional fees exceeds 100
then decrease the additional fees by 20%.

(4) Write PL/SQL block to display the employee details, and the number of employees joined in each

(5) Write a PL/SQL block to get a class_room from the user and display the Starting_time, Duration
from the schedule_type table for that room.

(6) Write a PL/SQL block to get a instuctor first_name and class_room from the user and display the
instructor details, schedule_type details. From the class, schedule_type instructor tables.

(7) Write a PL/SQL block to display the schedule_id, schedule_description, day, starting_time, and
duration from the schedule_type header, schedule_type details tables.

(8) Create a Pl/SQL tables containing the instructor_id, first_name, last_name of the instructor table
and insert values into the table.

(9) Delete all he rows from the PL/SQL tables.

(10) Create a PL/SQL tables containing class_id, course_id, department_id, instructor_id, instructor
first_name of the class, instructor tables and insert values into the tables.
Lab 19


(1) Write PL/SQL block to handle the exception no_data_found for the question 5,6 given above.

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(2) Write PL/SQL block to handle the exception dup_val_on_index by inserting a duplicate row in the
course table.

(3) Write PL/SQL block to handle the exception value_error by inserting a value of width greater than
20 into the department table.

(3) Write PL/SQL block with a user defined exception and raise the exception, and handle the

(4) Write PL/SQL block to handle exception, which are not handled by, using others and display a

Sub programs & packages

(1) Create a procedure that takes an argument (description) and deletes the row from the course table.

(2) Create a procedure that displays the instructor details, class details and the student details of a
particular student which the user inputs.

(3) Write a function that takes two arguments viz. student_id, class_id from the user and checks
whether any conflict occurs with any others class with the current class schedule. If occurs give an
alert message that a conflict occurs with the corresponding class else display no conflict.

(4) Write a function that will get the value from the user and insert rows into the class table without
any violation of the integrity constraints.

(5) Write a function that will display the constraint details in the given table.

(6) Create a package that contains overloaded functions for

a. Adding five integers

b. Subtracting two integers
c. Multiplying three integers

(7) Create a package that contains the following;

i. Function to register for class.

Arguments (student_id, class_id)

Check if the student has already registered or not.

Check for conflict in class schedules.

ii. Function to check for conflict in classes.

Arguments (student_id, class_id)

iii. Procedure to assign an instructor to a class.

Arguments (class_id, instructor_id)

Check if the instructor is associated with the department that offers the class.

iv. Procedure to assign grade.

Arguments ( student_id, class_id , grade)

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Lab Exercises

Check if the students is registered for the class.

v. Function to calculate the average grade point for the given student.
Arguments (student_id)

Lab 20

Database Triggers.

(1) Write a database trigger before insert for each row on the course table not allowing transactions on
Sundays and Saturdays.

(2) Write a database trigger after update for each row giving the date and the day on which the update
is performed on the class table.

(3) Write a database trigger before delete for each row not allowing deletion and giving message on the
department table.

(4) Write a database trigger after delete for each row on instructor table, which creates a new table
named dump for the first delete, and inserts the deleted row into that table.

(5) Write a database trigger before insert/delete/update for each row not allowing any of these
operations on the table student on Mondays. Wednesdays, Sundays.

(6) Write a database trigger before insert/delete/update for each row not allowing any of these
operations on the table instructor between 6.p.m to 10 a.m

Lab 21

(1) Create a PL/SQL function compute with two parameters eno and bonus. Using this function create
a java program and call this function.

(2) Create a java program using sql query. Select the salary of given employee number.

(3) Create a java program using #sql command retrieves the employees details. Import the sqlj tool.

Lab 22

(1) Create a java program insert the records into the student table. Import the sqlj tool.

(2) Create a java program insert the records into the depart table using PL/SQL commands. Import the
sqlj tool.

(3) Create a java program select the record from emp table and display the records.

Lab 23

(1) Create a new form module for student information table. Create a new block by using the data
block wizard.

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Run your form module. Execute a query. Exit run time and return to form builder.
(2) Create new form department information using data block wizard. And modify layout wizard and
run the form module. Execute a query. Exit run time and return to form builder.

(3) Create new form for instructor and course table using tab canvas.

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Lab Exercises

Lab 24

(1) Create new form for schedule using stacked canvas, run the form, execute query, and exit the form.

(2) Create a form for schedule type. Using data block wizard.

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(3) Create a form for class location using content canvas.

(4) Create a form for class table. Run the form and execute the query insert one new record and save it.

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Lab Exercises

(5) Create a form for student grade details. Run a form and delete one record and change the student
grade details.

Lab 25
(1) Create master detail relations for student and student grade table. Student information table is the
master table and student grade table is the detail table it gives the grade detail of the course.

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RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

(2) Create a new block by using the data block wizard. Base the block on the course table and include
all columns. Create a relationship and select the master block as department id. Display all items
except department id on the course table. Display the record in this detail block on the same canvas
as the master block. Use a tabular style layout and include a scroll bar.

(3) Create a master detail form for department and instructor tables.

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Lab Exercises

(4) Create a master detail relation for schedule header and schedule type tables.

Lab 26

(1) In this lab session, you will create two LOVs and an editor. Using the LOV wizard, create an LOV
in the student information form to display student id. Attach the LOV to the student_id item in the
data block. Save and run the form.

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RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

(2) Using the LOV wizard, create an LOV in the class form. Attach the LOV to the class_id in the data
block. Save and run the form.

(3) Using the LOV wizard, create an LOV in the course form. Attach the LOV to the course_id in the
data block. Save and run the form.

Lab 27

(1) Create a form to calculate the bonus details for the employees with the following fields ecode,
ename, designation, salary and bonus. Using radio group control checks the designation of the

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Lab Exercises

employee (like manager 40%, analyst 30%, programmer 20%, clerk 10%, technical writer 5%). When
we click one button it will calculate the bonus of the employee for the selection of designation.

(2) Create a form for telephone bill calculation with the following fields cname, phno, address, loccall,
stdcall, stdcharge and totalch. Calculate the stdcharge and total charge.
(3) Create a railway ticket reservation form for using reservation table trno, date_of_journey, class,
no.of_seats, berth/seat, start_place, destination_place and train_fare. Calculate the total amount for
reserved seats per classes and display it in display item. Insert the new instance using add button.
Include the modify for update the records, cancel for delete the records, calculate for total train_fare
calculation (no.of_seats * train_fare). And include the navigation button also for moving records.

Lab 28
(1) Create a form for maintaining the stock details. Using the following records pid, pname, unit_price,
qty, costprice and sellingprice. Calculate the total price for purchasing products and display it in
one display item.

(2) Create a form for calculate the charge of patient details. Calculate both in-patient and out-patient
details. Using patient table in this table the columns are pat_id, name, age, pat_cat, diseases,
consult_fees, inject_fees, operation_fees, rent, medicine and ECG scan. In this details calculate
patient total charge using patient category manner the patient category is in and out. If the
patient is out category then calculate the total charge using consult_fees, inject_fees and medicine
but the patient is in then calculate the total charge using consult_fees, inject_fees, rent, medicine if
there is ECG scan or operation_fees then include these fees also and calculate the total charge for in-
patient. Create menu for this form in this menu include add, save, edit, delete, view, navigation
menu (first, next, previous, last) and exit.

Lab 29
(1) Create a tabular report for student information table.

(2) Create a tabular form report for employee table and calculate the total employees salary and their

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(3) Create a report for display the information technology department instructors only.

(4) Create a report for group the course table in department wise and find the maximum fees for each

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Lab Exercises

Lab 30

(1) Create a graph for employees salary details grouping it with manager wise.

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(2) Create a graph for course details.


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Lab Solutions

2.1 RDBMS concepts and ORACLE8i

Lab 1

1. create table stud_info(Student_id varchar2(20), Last_name

varchar2(25),First_name varchar2(20), Dob varchar2(20),
Address varchar2(300), City varchar2(20),State varchar2(2),
ZipCode varchar2(9),Telephone varchar2(10), Fax varchar2(10),
Email varchar2(100));

Table created.

2. create table depart_info(Department_Id varchar2(20)primary key,

Department_Name varchar2(25));

Table created.

3. create table inst(Instructor_id varchar2(20) primary

key, Department_Id varchar2(20) references
depart_info(department_id),Last_Name varchar2(25), First_Name
varchar2(200),Telephone varchar2(20), Fax varchar2(20),Email

Table created.

4. create table course(Course_Id varchar2(5),Department_Id

varchar2(20) references depart_info(department_id),Title
char(60),Description varchar2(200), Additional_fees number
primary key);

Table created.

5. create table sche_head(Schedule_Id varchar2(20) primary

key,Schedule_Description varchar2(200));

Table created.

6. create table sche_type(Schedule_Id varchar2(20),Day number,Starting_Time

date,Duration number);

Table created.

7. create table class_loc(Class_Building varchar2(25),

Class_Room varchar2(25), Seating_Capacity varchar2(2));

Table created.

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RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

8. create table class(Class_Id varchar2(20) primary key,

Schedule_Id varchar2(20),Class_Building varchar2(25),
Class_Room varchar2(25),Course_Id varchar2(5),
Department_Id varchar2(20),Instructor_Id varchar2(20)
references Inst(Instructor_Id),Semester varchar2(6), School_Year date);

Table created.

9. create table stud_sche(Student_Id varchar2(20),

Class_Id varchar2(20),Grade varchar2(2) check (Grade
Date_Grade_Assigned date);

Table created.

10. Desc stud_info

Name Null? Type

------------------------------- -------- ----

11. desc depart_info

Name Null? Type

------------------------------- -------- ----

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Lab Solutions

12. desc inst

Name Null? Type

------------------------------- -------- ----

13. desc course

Name Null? Type

------------------------------- -------- ----

14. desc sche_head

Name Null? Type

------------------------------- -------- ----

15. desc sche_type

Name Null? Type

------------------------------- -------- ----

16. desc class_loc

Name Null? Type

------------------------------- -------- ----

17. desc class

Name Null? Type

------------------------------- -------- ----

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RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i


18. desc stud_sche

Name Null? Type

------------------------------- -------- ----

Lab 2

1. alter table stud_info add(sex char(6));

Table altered.

alter table stud_info modify(first_name varchar2(25));

Table altered.

alter table stud_info modify(dob date);

Table altered.

alter table stud_info add primary key(student_id);

Table altered.

2. alter table course add(units number(2));

Table altered.

3. alter table inst add(sex char);

Table altered.
4. alter table inst add(position varchar2(25)check(position in('ASSISTANT

Table altered.

5. alter table sche_head modify(schedule_description


Table altered.

alter table sche_head add primary key(schedule_id);

Table altered.

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Lab Solutions

6. alter table sche_type add primary key(day);

Table altered.

alter table sche_type add foreign key(schedule_id)

references sche_head(schedule_id);

Table altered.

7. alter table class_loc add(location number);

Table altered.

alter table class_loc add primary key ( class_building,

class_room );

Table altered.

8. alter table class add foreign key(schedule_id) references


Table altered.

alter table class add foreign key(department_id)

references depart_info(department_id);

Table altered.

alter table class add foreign key(course_id) references


Table altered.
9. alter table stud_sche add primary key (student_id, class_id);

Table altered.

alter table stud_sche add foreign key(student_id) references


Table altered.

alter table stud_sche add foreign key(class_id) references


Table altered.

10. alter table depart_info add(hod varchar2(25));

Table altered.

Lab 3

1. Insert into student_info values('&Student_id','&Last_name',

Centre for Information Technology and Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

'&First_name','&Dob', '&Address', '&city', '&State', '&ZipCode',

'&Telephone', '&Fax', '&Email',&sex);

Enter value for student_id: 701

Enter value for last_name: agila
Enter value for first_name: hema
old 1: insert into student_info values('&Student_id', '&Last_name',
new 1: insert into student_info values('701','agila','hema',
Enter value for dob: 12-jan-77
Enter value for address: 12,31st street, k.t.c nagar, palai
Enter value for city: palai
Enter value for state: tn
Enter value for zipcode: 627011
old 2: '&Dob', '&Address', '&city', '&State', '&ZipCode',
new 2: '12-jan-77', '12,31st street, k.t.c nagar, palai', 'palai', 'tn',
Enter value for telephone: 573444
Enter value for fax: 573444
Enter value for email: agila@yahoo.com
Enter value for sex: female
old 3: '&Telephone', '&Fax', '&Email','&sex')
new 3: '573444', '573444', 'agila@yahoo.com','female')

1 row created.
2. insert into depart_info values('&department_id',

Enter value for department_id: d01

old 1: insert into depart_info values('&department_id',
new 1: insert into depart_info values('d01',
Enter value for department_name: computer
Enter value for hod: vasu
old 2: '&department_name','&hod')
new 2: 'computer','vasu')

1 row created.

3. insert into inst values ('&INSTRUCTOR_ID', '&DEPARTMENT_ID',


Enter value for instructor_id: i01

Enter value for department_id: d01
Enter value for last_name: bala
old 1: insert into inst
new 1: insert into inst values('i01','d01','bala',
Enter value for first_name: madhu
Enter value for telephone: 271 584
Enter value for fax: 001-462-371 584
Enter value for email: bala@yahoo.com
Enter value for sex: m

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Lab Solutions

new 2: 'madhu','271 584','001-462-371 584','bala@yahoo.com','m',
Enter value for position: PROFESSOR
old 3: '&POSITION')
new 3: 'PROFESSOR')

1 row created.

4. into course values('&course_id','&DEPARTMENT_ID',


Enter value for course_id: c01

Enter value for department_id: d01
old 1: insert into course values('&course_id','&DEPARTMENT_ID',
new 1: insert into course values('c01','d01',
Enter value for title: IT
Enter value for description: Information Technology
Enter value for additional_fees: 550
Enter value for units: 1
new 2: 'IT','Information Technology',550,1)

1 row created.

5. into sche_head values('&SCHEDULE_ID',


Enter value for schedule_id: s01

old 1: insert into sche_head values('&SCHEDULE_ID',
new 1: insert into sche_head values('s01',
Enter value for schedule_description: first shift
new 2: 'first shift')

1 row created.

6. SQL> insert into sche_type

values('&schedule_id',&day,'&start_time', 2 &duration);

Enter value for schedule_id: s01

Enter value for day: 2
Enter value for start_time: 12-aug-77
old 1: insert into sche_type values('&schedule_id',&day,'&start_time',
new 1: insert into sche_type values('s01',2,'12-aug-77',
Enter value for duration: 3
old 2: &duration)
new 2: 3)

1 row created.

7. SQL> insert into class_loc

2 '&seating_capacity',&location);

Centre for Information Technology and Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

Enter value for class_building: nandhavanam

Enter value for class_room: commerce
old 1: insert into class_loc values('&class_building','&class_room',
new 1: insert into class_loc values('nandhavanam','commerce',
Enter value for seating_capacity: 53
Enter value for location: 01
old 2: '&seating_capacity',&location)
new 2: '53',01)

1 row created.

8. insert into class values('&CLASS_ID','&SCHEDULE_ID',


Enter value for class_id: cl02

Enter value for schedule_id: s02
old 1: insert into class values('&CLASS_ID','&SCHEDULE_ID',
new 1: insert into class values('cl02','s02',
Enter value for class_building: nandhavanam
Enter value for class_room: mca
Enter value for course_id: c02
Enter value for department_id: d01
old 2:

new 2: 'nandhavanam','mca','c02','d01',
Enter value for instructor_id: i01
Enter value for semester: second
Enter value for school_year: 12-apr-00
new 3: 'i01','second','12-apr-00')

1 row created.

9. insert into stud_sche values('&STUDENT_ID','&CLASS_ID',


Enter value for student_id: 701

Enter value for class_id: cl01
old 1: insert into stud_sche values('&STUDENT_ID','&CLASS_ID',
new 1: insert into stud_sche values('701','cl01',
Enter value for grade: A
Enter value for date_grade_assigned: 12-feb-00
new 2: 'A','12-feb-00')

1 row created.

2.1 select * from student_info;

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Lab Solutions

2.2 Select * from depart_info;


-------------------- ------------------------- -------------
d01 computer vasu
d02 information murugan
d03 biochemistry esakki
d04 microbiology manikkam
d05 english kavitha
d06 arts&science kumar
d07 commerce arasu
d08 economic saravanan
d09 tamil sankar
d10 sports marthandam

10 rows selected.

2.3 select * from inst;

2.4 select * from sche_head;

2.5 select * from sche_type;

2.6 select * from class_loc;

2.7 select * from class;

2.8 select * from course;

2.9 select * from stud_sche;

3. savepoint s1;

4. rollback;

5. savepoint upd;

6. update stud_info set telephone = 333444 where student_id = 705;

7. savepoint del;

8. delete from inst where instructor_id =i01;

9. savepoint ins;

10. insert into course values('c07','d04', 'MFM ',' Master of finance


11. rollback;

Lab 4

1. Alter table stud_info enable stud_pk;

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RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

2. Alter table course enable pk_course;

3. Alter table sche_type disable sche_pk;

4. Alter table class disable fk_class_location;

5. Alter table class disable fk_class_schedule_id;

6. Alter table stud_sche disable stud_fk;

7. Alter table stud_sche disable class_fk;

8. Alter table class enable fk_class_location;

9. Alter table sche_type enable sche_fk;

10. Alter table class enable fk_class_schedule_id;

11. Alter table stud_sche enable stud_fk;

12. Alter table stud_sche enable class_fk;

13. Alter table course drop pk_course;

14. Alter table stud_info drop stud_pk;

15. Alter table sche_type drop sche_fk;

16. Alter table stud_info add primary key(student_id);

17. Alter table course add primary key(course_id);

18. Alter table sche_type add foreign key(schedule_id) references

Lab 5

1. Select * from stud_info where Lastname is null;

2. Select student_id, Firstname from stud_info where telephone is null and

email is null;

3. Select firstname from stud_info where city = chennai;

4. Select Lastname from stud_info where state like T%;

5. Select student_id, Lastname from stud_info where state like %a;

6. Select Firstname, dob from stud_info where Firstname like ___a%;

7. Select concat(Firstname, Lastname) from stud_info;

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Lab Solutions

8. Select * from stud_info where length(first_name) = 10;

9. select first_NAME,student_id,to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')- to_char(dob,'yyyy')

as age from stud_info;

Lab 6

1. Select student_id from stud_info where to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy')-

to_char(dob,'yyyy') > 20;

2. Select First_name, dob from stud_info where to_char(dob, 'month') =

to_char(sysdate,'month') and to_char(dob,'dd')= to_char(sysdate,'dd');

3. Select First_name, address from stud_info where to_char(dob, 'month')=

'january' and to_char(dob,'day')='monday';

4. Select first_name from stud_info where dob =(select

Min(dob) from stud_info) and sex='male';

5. Select * from stud_info where dob =(select Max(dob) from stud_info) and

6. Select student_id from stud_info where to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy')-

to_char(dob,'yyyy') > 26;
7. Select first_name from stud_info where

8. Select initcap(concat(first_name,last_name)) from stud_info;

9. Select Upper (first_name) from stud_info;

Lab 7

1. Select last_day(sysdate) from dual;

2. Select round(sysdate,day) from dual;

3. Select trunc(sysdate,day) from dual;

4. Select months_between(sysdate,dob) from stud_info;

5. Select next_day (sysdate,tuesday) from dual;

6. Select greatest ('12-dec-1999','13-mar-2000') from dual;

7. Select round(dob,month) from stud_info;

8. Select Avg(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')-to_char(dob,'yyyy'))from stud_info;

9. Select first_name,to_char(dob,dd/month/yyyy) from stud_info;

10. Select count(distinct(city)),city from stud_info group by city;

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Lab 8

1. Select distinct(last_name) from stud_info group by last_name;

2. select student_id,first_name from stud_info where instr

(zipcode,'00',1,1) <> 0;

3. Select Course Id, Department Id from course where additional_fees =

(select min(additional_fees) from course);

4. Select Course Id, to_char(Additional_fees,$999.99) from course;

5. Select avg(additional_fees) from course;

6. Select round(additional_fees,1) from course;

7. Select min(addititional_fees), max(additional_fees), Max( additional_fees

)- min(additional_fees) as different from course;

8. select schedule_id from sche_type where to_char( starting_time, 'month')

= to_char( add_months(sysdate,1), 'month') and duration < 8;

9. Select schedule_id from sche_type where starting_time=sysdate;

10. Select * from sche_type where to_char(starting_time,dd) >10 and

to_char(starting_time < 10);

11. Select schedule_id, duration, to_char( months_between( starting_time,

sysdate),dd) from sche_type;

12. Select * from sche_type where to_char(starting_time,month) >


13. Select * from sche_type where to_char(starting_time,'ww')=


14. Select class_building, class_room, NVL(TO_CHAR (seating_capacity), 'NOT

APPLICABLE') as seating_capacity, location from class_loc;

15. Select distinct(class_room),instructor_id from class;

Lab 9

1. Update stud_info set last_name = nil where last_name is null;

2. Update stud_info set first_name = radiant where telephone is null And

email is null;

3. Update stud_info set last_name = madrasi where city = chennai;

4. Update stud_info set last_name = TTT where state like T%;

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Lab Solutions

5. Update stud_info set last_name = AAA where state like %A;

6. Update stud_info set first_name = XXX and dob =sysdate where first_name
like ___a%;

7. Update stud_info set last_name = youth where to_char( sysdate,

'yyyy')- to_char(dob,'yyyy') < 20;

8. Update stud_info set last_name = birthday where dob = sysdate;

9. Update stud_info set last_name =senior where dob =(select

Min(dob) from stud_info) and sex='male';

10. Update stud_info set last_name =jan where to_char(dob, month) =


Lab 10

1. Delete from stud_info where Last_name is null;

2. Delete from stud_info where telephone is null and email is null;

3. Delete from stud_info where city =chennai;

4. Delete from stud_info where state like T%;

5. Delete from stud_info where state like %a;

6. Delete from stud_info where first_name like ___a%;

7. Delete from stud_info where length(first_name) = 10;

8. Delete from stud_info where to_char( sysdate, 'yyyy')- to_char(dob,'yyyy')

> 20;

9. Delete from stud_info where to_char(dob, month) =june and

to_char(dob,dd) = 05;

10. Delete from stud_info where to_char(dob, month)=october;

11. Delete from stud_info where dob =(select Min(dob) from

stud_info) and sex='male';

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RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

Lab 11

1. Rename stud_info to student;

2. Grant alter, update, insert on student to msit;

3. Revoke msit;

4. savepoint s1;

5. Insert into student_info values ('&Student_id','&Last_name',

'&First_name','&Dob', '&Address', '&city', '&State', '&ZipCode',
'&Telephone', '&Fax', '&Email',&sex);

6. Rollback;

7. Commit;

8. Rename student to stud_info;

9. Create table employee as select * from inst;

10. Alter table inst disable inst_pk;

11. Truncate employee;

12. Alter table employee drop dept_fk;

13. alter table employee add(age raw(2) primary key);

14. drop table employee;

Lab 12

1. Select MSU techno wing &|| CIT@MSU &|| RADIANT|| ray of hope from

2. Select concat(first_name,last_name) from inst;

3. Create table employee (Empid varchar2(4),Joindate date, Basic

number(10,2),HRA number(8,2),DA number(8,2),PF number(8,2));

4. Insert into employee values(&Empid, &Joindate, &Basic, &HRA, &DA ,


5. Select basic+hra+da-pf as netsalary from employee;

6. Select (3000*3*4)/100 from dual;

7. Select Empid from employee where basic = 3000;

8. select * from employee where basic <> 4000;

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Lab Solutions

9. Select * from employee where HRA > 750;

10. Select * from employee where DA < 1000;

11. Select * from employee where pf between 500 and 1000;

12. Select * from employee where Empid in(e101,e103,e104);

13. Select abs(-12.23) from dual;

14. Select FLOOR(15.7) "Floor" FROM DUAL;

15. Select ceil(15.7) ceiling from dual;

16. Select (to_char(sysdate,dd))-(to_char(joining_date,dd)) from employee;

Lab 13

1. select first_name from stu_info where student_id =(select student_id from

stud_sche where grade = A);

2. Select duration from sche_type where schedule_id =(select schedule_id from

sche_head where schedule_description = third shift;

3. select additional_fees from course where department_id =(select

department_id from depat_info where department_name = computer;

4. Select first_name from inst where department_id = d03;

5. Select semester from course where schedule_id = (select schedule_id from

sche_head where schedule_description =first shift;

6. Select count(*) from stud_info;

7. select sum(duration) from sche_type where day = 1;

8. Select avg(basic) from employee;

9. Select min(basic) as min_basic, max(basic) as max_basic from employee;

10. Select count (*) from employee where basic >= 2000;

11. Select count (*) from stud_info where telephone is null;

12. Select count (*) from stud_info where state =TN and

13. Select concat(first_name,last_name) from stud_info;

14. Select replace (instr(first_name ,a,0,1),a,b) from stud_info;

15. Select upper (concat(first_name,Last_name)) from inst;

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RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

16. Select lower (schedule_description) from sche_head;

Lab 14

1. Create view student as select student_id,first_name,last_name,

department_id from stud_info ,depart_info ;

2. Update student set first_name = bhavani where first_name = saran;

3. Create synonym cours for course;

4. Create sequence instseq START WITH 0 MINVALUE 1 INCREMENT BY 1 MAXVALUE 20


5. Alter sequence instseq maxvalue 15;

6. Create index stud on stud_info(first_name);

7. Create index stud1 on stud_info(first_name);

8. Create view course_view as select Course_id,Department_id,

Title,Description,Additional_fees, (units *250 + additional fees) as
Total_fees from course;
9. Create view class_summary as select Class_id, Class_building, Class_room,
Department_id, Title, First_name, Last_name from class, instructor where
Class.department_id = course.department_ id and Class.course_id =
course.course_id and Class.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id;

10. Create view dummy_view as select name,id from dummy;

11. Create table dummy(name varchar2(20),id number(9));

12. Create view class_view as select * from class;

13. Create view class_summary as select * from class_view;

14. Update class_view set description = shift where description is null;

15. Delete from class_view where department_id is null and additional_fees >
100 and total_fees < 500;

16. Create synonym class_alias for class;

17. Rename class_alias to clas;

18. Create synonym course_alias for course;

19. Drop synonym course_alias;

Lab 15

1. Create index stud_last on stud_info(last_name);

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Lab Solutions

2. Create index inst_first on inst(first_name);

3. Create index dept_name on depart_info(department_id);

4. Drop index inst_first;

5. Drop index stud_last;

6. Drop index dept_name;

7. Create cluster dept_cluster(number(2));

8. Create table dept(deptno number(2), dname varchar2(30), loc varchar2(20));

9. Create table emp(Empno number(3),Ename varchar2(30),Doj date,Desig
varchar2(10),Sex char(1),Deptno number(2),Salary number(7,2),Comm

10. Create sequence deptno_sequence START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 MAXVALUE 99


11. Create sequence empno_sequence START WITH 100 INCREMENT BY 5 MAXVALUE


12. Insert into dept(deptno_sequence,computer,hgvg);

13. Insert into emp(empno_sequence,saran,12-mar-74, technical, m,

Lab 16

1. Create type address(Add1 number(5),Add2 varchar2(10),Add3

varchar2(5),Add4 number(7));

2. Create type emp(Eno number(2), Ename varchar2(10),Eadd address);

3. insert into emp values(100,address(100, first st, Chennai, 600078);

4. insert into emp values(101,address(102, iii phases, bgl, 576897);

5. select * from emp where eadd=10;

6. Update emp set eadd = address(10, ii st, mds,35567) where eno = 100;

7. Delete from emp where eadd(address(add1))=10;

8. Create type personal(Name varchar2(20),Age number(3),Sex char(1));

9. Create table person(Id number(4),Centre varchar2(15),Per personal);

10. Insert into person values(1234,Chennai, personal(meena, 22,f));

Insert into person values(2345,nellai, (veena, 23,f));

Insert into person values(3456,Bangalore, (reena, 24,f));
11. Drop type personal;

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RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

12. Create type person_det(Name varchar2(15),Age number(2),Desg varchar2(15));

13. Create table person_det_table(p person_det);

14. Create table person_store_table(Dept_name varchar2(10), Dept_no

number(3),Person_info person_details_table_ty);

15. Create type price as varray(3) of varchar2(8);

16. Create type dept_type(Deptno number(2), Dname varchar2(14),Loc


17. Create table dep(d dept_type);

18. Create table emp(Empno number(4),Job varchar2(10),Mgr number(4),Hiredate

date,Sal number(7,2),Comm number(7,2),Dept dept_type);

Lab 17

1. begin
if salary > 2500 and salary < 3000 then
salary = salary + 10 /100;
end if;

2. begin
if salary > 3000 and salary < 5000 then
salary = salary + 13 / 100;
end if;

3. begin
if salary > 5000 then
salary = salary + 15 / 100;
end if;

while loops

4. declare
y Boolean = true;
while(y = true)
insert into stud_info values('&Student_id','&Last_name',
'&First_name','&Dob', '&Address', '&city', '&State', '&ZipCode',
'&Telephone', '&Fax', '&Email',&sex);
dbms_output.put_line(do you want to continue);
y := &y;
end loop;

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Lab Solutions

5. declare
y Boolean = true;
while(y = true)
insert into depart_info values('&department_id',
dbms_output.put_line(do you want to continue);
y := &y;
end loop;

6. declare
s first_name%type;
select first_name into s from emp where salary > 3000;

7. declare
s emp%rowtype;
select * into s from emp where sex =male;

8. declare
t number(9,2);
select (salary + comm) as total_salary from emp where comm is not null;

9. begin
insert into inst values ('&INSTRUCTOR_ID', '&DEPARTMENT_ID', '&LAST_NAME',
exit when (INSTRUCTOR_ID %rowcount > 20);
end loop;

10. declare
t number(9,2);
select (salary + comm) as total_salary from emp where comm is not null;
exit when total_salary > 25000;
end loop;

11. declare
s emp.eno%type;
dbms_output.put_line(enter the empno);

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RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

s := &s;
delete from emp where eno = s;

12. declare
d dept.department_id%type;
d1 dept.department_name%type;
select department_id,department_name into d,d1 from depart_info where

Lab 18

1. Declare cursor c1 is
Select sql from emp;
S emp.sal % type;
Open c1;
Fetch c1 into s;
Exit when c1%notfound;
Update emp set sal=sal+s*15/100;
End loop;
Close c1;

declare cursor c2 is
select additional_fees from course;
a course additional_fees%type;
open c2;
fetch c2 into a;
exit when c2%notfound;
update course set additional_fees = a-a * .05;
end loop;
close c2;

declare cursor c3 is
select additional_fees from course;
a course additional_fees % type;

open c3;
fetch c3 into a;
exit when c3%notfound;
if (a+(a*10/100)> 100) then

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Lab Solutions

update course set additional_fees = a-(a*20/100);

update course set additional_fees = a+(a*10/100);

end if;
end loop


declare cursor c4 is
select * from emp;
j emp.%rowtype;
open c4;
fetch c4 into j;
exit when c4%notfound;
select to_char(doj, month) from emp;
end loop;

s sche_type.shedule_id % type;
st sche_type.starting_time % type;
d sche_type.duration % type;
c class.class_room % type;
c := &c;
select starting_time, duration into st, d from sche_type
where schedule_id = (select schedule_id from class where class_room = c);

f inst.first_name%type;
c class.class_room%type;
f := &f;
c := &c;

select i.instructor_id,i.Department_id,
c1.schedule_id, c1.class_room from class a, inst i,
sche_type c1 where inst.first_name = &f and
class.class_room = &c;

select schedule_description, s.schedule_id, s.day,

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s.starting_time, s.duration from sche_head, sche_type;


8. begin
create table ins as select instructor_id, first_name, last_name from inst;
insert into ins values(&instructor_id,&first_name, &last_name);

9. begin
delete from ins;

9. begin
select c.class_id,c.course_id,c.department_id, i.instructor_id,
i.first_name from class c, inst I;

Lab 19

1. declare
s sche_type.shedule_id % type;
st sche_type.starting_time % type;
d sche_type.duration % type;
c class.class_room % type;
c := &c;
select starting_time, duration into st, d from sche_type
where schedule_id = (select schedule_id from class where class_room =
when no_data_found then
dbms_output.put_line(no record found);
f inst.first_name%type;
c class.class_room%type;
f := &f;
c := &c;

select i.instructor_id,i.Department_id,
c1.schedule_id, c1.class_room from class a, inst i,
sche_type c1 where inst.first_name = &f and
class.class_room = &c;
when no_data_found then
dbms_output.put_line(no record found);

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Lab Solutions

insert into course values('&course_id','&DEPARTMENT_ID',
when dup_val_on_index then
dbms_output.put_line(duplicate record);
insert into depart_info values('&department_id',
when value_error then
dbms_output.put_line(value error);
ex1 exception;
n number(5) := &x;
if n > 20000 then
raise ex1;
end if;
when ex1 then
dbms_output.put_line(value must not exceed 20000);

5. declare

err_num number;
err_msg varchar2(100);
insert into temp(empno) values (null);
when others then
err_num := sqlcode;
err_msg := substr(sqlERRm,1,100);
insert into errors values(err_num, err_msg);

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Subprograms and Packages

1. create or replace procedure dele(d in varchar2(200))is

delete from class where description = d;
exec dele(Information Technology);

2. create or replace procedure disp(s in varchar2(20))is

select c.class_id,c.class_building,c.class_room,
s.student_id,s.first_name,s.dob, i.instructor_id, i.first_name from class
c,stud_info s,inst i;

3. create or replace function dis(sid varchar2(20),cid

varchar2(20)) return varchar2 is

select class_id into c from stud_sche where student_id = (select
student_id from stud_info where student_id = sid);
if c = cid then
return no conflict;
return conflict;
4. create or replace function inset return varchar2 is

insert into class values('&CLASS_ID','&SCHEDULE_ID',
dbms_output.put_line(duplicate occur);
return (inserted);

5. create or replace function cons return Boolean is

select * from class;
return (0);
6. Create or replace package over is
Procedure add(n number,n1 number,n2 number,n3 number,n4 number);
Procedure sub(n interger,n1 integer);
procedure mult(n integer,n1 integer,n2 integer);

create or replace package body over as

procedure add(n number,n1 number,n2 number,n3 number,n4 number)is

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Lab Solutions

n := n+n1+n2+n3+n4;
dbms_output.put_line(the value of ||n);
procedure sub(n interger,n1 integer)is
n := n n1;
dbms_output.put_line(the value of ||n);
procedure mult(n integer,n1 integer,n2 integer)is
n := n * n1 * n2;
dbms_output.put_line(the value of ||n);

7. create or replace package pack1 is

function reg(std varchar2(20),cid varchar2(20)) return Boolean;
function dis(sid varchar2(20),cid varchar2(20)) return varchar2;
procedure ins(cid varchar2(20),ind varchar2(20));
procedure stu(sid varchar2(20),cid varchar2(20),gr varchar2(2));
function avg(s varchar2(20)) return Boolean;

create or replace package body pack1 is

function reg(std varchar2(20),cid varchar2(20))return Boolean is

select class_id into c from stud_sche where student_id = (select student_id
from stud_info where student_id = sid);
if c = cid then
message registered;
message not registered ;

function dis(sid varchar2(20),cid varchar2(20)) return varchar2 is

select class_id into c from stud_sche where student_id = (select
student_id from stud_info where student_id = sid);
if c = cid then
return no conflict;
return conflict;

procedure ins(cid varchar2(20),ind varchar2(20))

select class_id into c from class where instructor_id = ind;
if c = cid then

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message assigned;
message not assigned;
end if;

procedure stu(sid varchar2(20),cid varchar2(20),gr varchar2(2));

update stud_sche set grade = gr where student_id = sid and class_id = cid;

function avg(s varchar2(20)) return Boolean is

select avg(grade) into g from stud_sche where student_id = s;
dbms_output.put_line(g); return (inserted);

Lab 20

1. create or replace trigger t1 before insert on course for each


if not(to_char(sysdate,month)=sunday or
to_char(sysdate,month)=saturday) then
dbms_output.put_line(inserting operation);
dbms_output.put_line(insertion not allowed);
end if;

2. create or replace trigger t2 after update of date on class for each row

dbms_output.put_line(updating operation);

3. create or replace trigger t3 before delete on depart_info for each row

dbms_output.put_line(do you want to delete);

4. create or replace trigger t4 after delete on inst for each row

insert into temp values('&INSTRUCTOR_ID', '&DEPARTMENT_ID',

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Lab Solutions

5. Create or replace trigger t5 before insert/update/delete on stud_info for

each row

if (to_char(sysdate,month)=monday or
to_char(sysdate,month)=wednesday or to_char(sysdate,month)=sunday)
dbms_output.put_line(trigger operation);
dbms_output.put_line(insertion not allowed);
end if;
6. Create or replace trigger t6 before insert/update/delete on inst for each

If not(to_char(sysdate,hh)>=6 p.m or to_char(sysdate,hh)<=10
p.m) then
dbms_output.put_line(trigger operation);
dbms_output.put_line(insertion not allowed);
end if;

Lab 21

import java.sql.*;
import java.io.*;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;

public class ex6

public static float test (int en, int ri) throws SQLException
Connection conn = new OracleDriver ( ). DefaultConnection( );
CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall({?=CALL
compute (?,?) } ) ;

cstmt.registerOutParameter (1.Types.FLOAT);
cstmt.executeUpdate( );

int ot = cstmt.getInt(1);

return ot;

create or replace function compute (eno number, rise number) return number

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rt number;
s1 number;
select sal into s1 from emp where empno = eno;
rt := s1 + s1 * (rise/100)return rt;


import java.sql.*;
import java.io.*;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;

public class ex3

public static int esal(int eno)throws SQLException
Connection conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
String sql = Select Sal From Emp Where Empno= ?;
Int s1 = 0;

preparedStatement psmt = conn.prepareStatement (sql);

psmt.setInt (1,eno);
ResultSet rset = psmt.executeQuery();

While (rset.next())
s1 = rset.getInt (1);

return s1;


import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;

#sql iterator MyIter1 (String ENAME, int SAL);

class Ts1
public static void main (String args[]) throws SQLException
try {
oracle.connect (Ts1.class, connect.properties);
Ts1 ti = new Ts1();
Ti.runExample ();

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Lab Solutions

} catch (SQLException e) {
System.err.println (Error running the example: here only + e);
} // End of method main

// Method that runs the example

void runExample() throws SQLException
//Issue SQL command to clear the SALES table

int dp = 20;
MyIterl iter;

while (iter.next()) {
System.out.println(iter.ENAME() + + iter.SAL());


Lab 22

import java.sql.SQLException;
import Oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;

class Ts2

public static void main (string args[]) throws SQLException
try {
Oracle.connect(Ts2.class, connect.properties);
Ts2 ti = new Ts2();
ti.runExample ();
} catch (SQLExeception e) {
System.err.println(Error running the example: here only + e);
} // End of method main

//Method that runs the example void runExample() throws SQLException

//Issue SQL command to clear the SALES table
#sql {
#sql {COMMIT};

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import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;

#sql iterator MyIter (String ITEM_NAME);

class Ts
public static void main (String args[]) throws SQLException
try {
Oracle.connect (Ts.class, connect.properties);
Ts ti = new Ts();
ti.runExample ();
}catch (SQLException e) {
System.err.println (Error running the example: here only + e);
} //End of method main

//Method that runs the example

void runExample() throws SQLException

// Issue SQL command to clear the SALES table


#sql { COMMIT } ;
MyIter iter;

while (iter.next()) {

import java.sql.SQLException;
import Oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;

#sql iterator Empiter(int,String, Float);

class Ts3

public static void main (string args[]) throws SQLException
try {

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Lab Solutions

Oracle.connect(Ts3.class, connect.properties);
Ts3 ti = new Ts3();
ti.runExample ();
} catch (SQLExeception e) {
System.err.println(Error running the example: here only + e);
} // End of method main

//Method that runs the example

void runExample() throws SQLException
int eno = 0;
String en = null;
float sl = 0.0f;
Empiter mp;

#sql { FETCH : mp INTO :eno, :en, :sl};
Lab 23

1. Create a new form module for student information table. Create

a new block by using the data block wizard.

Choose all the fields from the stud_info table and select all fields.

Choose the layout wizard and select the type of canvas from this.

Choose all fields from the stud_info table and select all fields.

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RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

2. No formal solution. Same above solution are continuing for this question.

3. No formal solution.

Lab 24

1. No formal solution.

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Lab Solutions

2. No formal solution.

3. No formal solution.

4. No formal solution.

5. No formal solution.
Lab 25


create the relation for both stud_info and stud_sche table using student_id
and run the form.

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Create the relationship for department and course table and join these two

3. create the relation for department and inst table using depatment_id as

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Lab Solutions

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4. create the relation for sche_head and sche_type using schedule_id.

Lab 26
1. create LOV for student_id and display the student_id for using LOV. and
execute the form.

2. Create a Lov for class table and display the class room detail.

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Lab Solutions

3. create a lov for course table and display the course detail.

Lab 27

1. Push Button: Exit

Trigger : When_Button_Pressed

Item type: Radio Button

Trigger : When_Radio_Changed
PL/SQL code

ss number (8,2);
na char (10);
do date;
select ename, doj, salary into na, do, ss from bonus
where eno = :eno;
:ename := na;
:doj := do;
:salary := ss;

if :radio_group4 = 1 then

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RDBMS Concepts and Oracle 8i

:bonus := ss * .2;

elsif :radio_group4 = 2 then

:bonus := ss * .9;

elsif :radio_group4 = 3 then

:bonus := ss * .8;

elsif :radio_group4 = 5 then

:bonus := ss * .6;


2. Push button : calculate

Trigger : When_Button_Pressed
:tocharge := :loccall + :stdchr;

Push button : Exit

Trigger : When_Button_Pressed

Lab 28


Push_button : view
Trigger : When_button_pressed

PL/SQL editor

al boolean;
al:= show_lov(lov12);

Push button : find

Trigger : When_button_pressed

PL/SQL editor

pn char(10);
qu number(7);
up number(8,2);
rl number (8,2);

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Lab Solutions

Select pname, unitprice, quantity, reorderd into pn,up,qu,rl from Stock
where pid = :pid;
:pname := pn;
:unitprice := up;
:quantity := qu;
:reorderd := rl;


Push_button : Exit
Trigger : When_button_pressed

PL/SQL editor


Push_button : previous
Trigger : when_button_pressed

PL/SQL editor


Push_button : Last
Trigger : When_button_pressed

PL/SQL editor

Push_button : Next
Trigger : When_button_pressed

PL/SQL editor


Push_button : first
Trigger : When_button_pressed

PL/SQL editor


Push_button : Delete
Trigger : When_button_pressed

PL/SQL editor


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Push_button : edit
Trigger : When_button_pressed

PL/SQL editor


Push_button : Save
Trigger : When_button_pressed

PL/SQL editor


Push_button : clear
Trigger : When_button_pressed

PL/SQL editor


al number;
If (:quantity - :ordqty) <= :reorderd then
al := show_alert(alert 35);
Insert into stock values(:pid, :pname, :unitprice, :quantity, :reorderd,
:costprice, :sellingprice, :ordqty);
al :=show_alert(alert 36);
:quantity := :quantity - :ordqty;
:costprice := :unitprice * :quantity;
:sellingprice := :costprice * 5;
end if;


Text_box Age
Trigger key : next_item

If :age <0 or :age >120 then message (Invalid Age);

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Lab Solutions

End if;

Text_box : pcat
Trigger key : Next_item

If ;pcat = IP or :pcat = op then

If :pcat = op then
:rent := 0;
:op_fees :=0;
set_item_property (rent,enabled,property_off);
set_item_property (op_fees, enabled, property_off);
end if;
message(Invalid patient category);
:pcat =;
end if;

Text_box : Disease
Trigger : key_next_item

PL/SQL code

:Tcharge :=0;
go_item (cfees);

Text_box : Inject fees

Trigger : key_next_item

If :pcat = IP then
End if;

Button :Add
trigger :When_button_pressed

clear_block (no_commit);

Button : Save
Trigger : When_button_pressed

clear_block (do_commit);
Set_item_property (op_fees,enabled,property_on);
Set_item_property (rent,enabled,property_on);
Set_item_property (inpatient,enabled,property_on);
Set_item_property (outpatient, enabled,property_on);

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Button : Select
Trigger :When_button_pressed

F number;
Select pid, age, pcat, disease, tcharge, cfees, injectfees, op_fees, rent,
medcharge, ecgfees into :pid, :age, :pcat, :Disease, :Tcharge, :cfees,
:injectfees, :op_fees, :rent, :medcharge, ; ecgfees from Host where pid =

Set_item_property (inpatient,enabled,property_on);

If :pcat = ip then


End if;
When no_data_found then
F := show_alert(error);

Button : outpatient
Trigger : When_mouse_click


If :pcat = op then
:Tcharge := :cfees + :injectfees + :op_fees + :rent + :medcharge +

update Host set Tcharge = :Tcharge where pid = :pid;

set_item_property (Inpatient,enabled,property_on);

message(invalid usage);
end if;


When no_data_found then message(no data found);




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Lab Solutions

T1 number(8,2);
T2 number(8,2);
T3 number(8,2);
T4 number(8,2);
T5 number(8,2);


If :pcat = IP then
Select cfees, op_fees,rent,medcharge,ecgfees into T1,T2,T3,T4,T5 from Host
where pid = :pid;

:Tcharge :=T1+T2+T3+T4+T5;
update Host set Tcharge = :Tcharge where pid = :pid;
set_itm_property(Inpatient, enabled,property_on);
end if:

when no_data_found then message (no data found);


Lab 29
1. create the student information report for stud_info table in tabular form.

2. create report for employees detail using report wizard.

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3.create report for information technology instructor details.

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Lab Solutions

4. Create report for group the course table in department wise and also
display the maximum fees.

Lab 30

1. Create the graph for employees salary details.

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2. Create the graph for course details using graphics builder.


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