Syllabus-Computer Science Honours
Syllabus-Computer Science Honours
Syllabus-Computer Science Honours
University of Gour Banga
Three-year B.Sc. (Honours) Courses of Studies in Computer Science effective from the Academic Session 2015-2016
A DOS Commands 10
VI Practical 50 4hrs
B Programming Through C Language 65
Theoretical 100 A Microprocessor 45
(Multiple Choice -20 : 30mins) B Computer Organization-II 40
C Data Communication & computer 65
(Written -80 : 3.30hrs) Networks
Theoretical 100 A Object-Oriented Programming (C++) 45
(Multiple Choice -20 : 30mins) B Software Engineering 30
C Database Management Systems 45
(Written -80 : 3.30hrs) Computer Graphics
D 30
A Object-Oriented Programming (C++)
IX Practical 100 6hrs
C Shell Programming 30
Practical 50 : 4hrs A Hardware: Microprocessor Programming 75
Practical 50 B Project 75
PAPER I (Theoretical: 100 Marks)
Problem Solving: Flow Charts, Decision Tables and Pseudo codes. Number Systems and Codes:
Number representation: Weighted Codes, Non-weighted codes, Positional, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Binary Coded
Decimal (BCD), Conversion of bases. Complement notions. Binary Arithmetic, Binary Codes: Gray, Alphanumeric,
ASCII, EBCDIC; Single Error-Detecting and Correcting Codes.
Boolean Algebra: Fundamentals of Boolean Algebra, Switches and Inverters, Functionally Complete Gates (AND, OR,
NOT), NAND. NOR, Switching function and Boolean Function. De Morgans Theorem, Minterm, Truth table and
minimization of switching function up to four variables, Algebraic and K-map method of Logic circuit synthesis: Two
level and Multi level. SSI, MSI, LSI, and VLSI classifications.
Elementary circuit theory: Kirchoffs Laws with simple applications, Statement and illustration of Thevenins &
Nortons theorems(without proof) in resistive network only& its simple applications. Elementary Physics of semi-
conductors: Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors, P & N type, Diode & its applications: P-N Junction diodes, Biasing
of a junction diode, Depletion region & its effect, Zener diodes & its applications, Diode as a rectifier, Types of diodes,
LED, LCD. Principle of junction transistor, Current components of transistor, Modes of a transistor (CB, CE and CC)
and their properties, I/O characteristics of a transistor in CE mode. Amplifiers: Concepts, Class A & B. Inverters using
Transistorstransfer characteristics and threshold voltages. Switching characteristics of diodes and transistors. Principle
of FET and MOSFET. Concept of NMOS, PMOS and CMOS switch. Principle of Multivibrators, Applications of
Multi-vibrators Monostable and Astable Multivibrators. OP-AMP, CMRR of differential amplifiers, Properties of
Ideal OP-AMP, Concept of virtual ground, Offset parameters and its uses as an inverting, non-inverting amplifiers,
adder/subtractor/multiplier/divider, differentiator, integrator and scale changer.
Combinational Circuits: Half and Full Adder, Multi-bit adders Ripple carry and Carry Look Ahead Adder,
Adder/subtractor, BCD-Adder, Data selectors/multiplexers expansions, reductions, function realization, universal
function realization, multi-function realization, Decoders: function realization, De-multiplexer and function realization,
Encoder, Priority Encoder, Parity bit Generator/checker, Gray Code Generator, Code Converters, Seven segment display
unit, Comparators.
Sequential Circuits: Model of Sequential computing, Difference between Combinational and Sequential circuit, RS-
Latch: using NAND and NOR Gates, RS Latch as a Static RAM Cell, Problems of Basic Latch circuits, Digital Clock
Duty Cycle, Rising time, Falling time, Clocked Flip Flops - SR, JK, D, T, Level Trigger and Edge Trigger, Excitation
Functions of each flip-flops, Flip-flops with Preset and Clear, Application of Flip-flops: Asynchronous
Counter(UP/DOWN) up to 4 bit counter, Decade Counter, Mod n Counter, Finite State machine Model State
Transition Diagram and Table, Synchronous Counters different mod counters, Ring counter, Johnsons Counter,
Registers, Registers with parallel load, Shift Registers. Data Converter: D/A Conversion principle using basic circuit,
R-2R Ladder circuit, Counter based A/D converter, Successive approximation method for A/D conversion.
Distribution of questions/Marks/Time:
Text Books:
Distribution of Questions/Marks :
Text Books :
Study of IC Data Books Linear and Digital. Familiarity with breadboard, LED, 7 segment display etc. Study of
basic logic functions like AND, OR, NOT, NAND etc. Design of a debouncing switch. Logic probe, Clock (crystal
timer). Verification of NAND and NOR gates as universal gates, De Morgans Theorem.
Digital Circuits:
Combinational Circuits:
1. Implement Half Adder/Half Subtractor/Full Adder/Full Subtractor using Logic Gates. Realize a logic function
using basic/universal gates in SOP and POS form. Study the functionalities of 7483 and design a BCD adder
using 7483 or equivalent.
2. Design of two level AND OR, NAND NAND, NOR-NOR circuits to realize any truth table. Realize XOR in
two level and multilevel.
3. Design a 4 bit 2s complement adder subtractor unit using 7483 or equivalent and XOR gates.
6. Design a 2:4 decoder using NAND gates. Study of 74155 and 74138. Design Full Adder/Subtractor using
Sequential Circuits:
1. Realize S-R, D, J-K and T flip-flop using basic gates. (Study the undefined state in S-R flip-flop).
2. Design a shift register (shift left and shift right) using flip-flops. (Study the functional characteristic of IC 74194
with emphasis on timing diagram).
Study the functional characteristics of RAM IC chip. Study of open collector and tri-state output. Horizontal and
vertical expansion of RAM chips by cascading. Use 74189, 7489, 2114 or any available chip.
Paper IV (Theoretical: 100 MARKS)
Distribution of questions/Marks/Time:
Text Books:
Text Books :
1. Operating Systems by H.M.Deitel, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education
2. Operating System Concepts, A.Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, G. Gagne, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. References of Data Structure is given previously
Group B : Programming through C Language: Problems should cover basic features of the Language;
Applications including numerical problems, Data Structure, Graph representation and manipulation.
05 marks
Marks Allotment: 05 marks
30 marks
10 marks
Part III
Paper VII (Theoretical: 100 Marks)
Group A : Microprocessor:
Evolution of Microprocessor: Architecture of 8 bit microprocessor Machine Language Instructions, Addressing
Modes, Instruction Formats, Instruction Sets, Instruction Cycle, Clock Cycles, Timing Diagrams, Interrupts, DMA,
Bus Standards and types, Interfacing concepts- Memory Interfacing, I/O Interfacing and Ports Keyboard
Interfacing, Display Interfacing, Storage Device Interfacing, Programming a Microprocessor, Interrupt Handling,
Methods of Interrupts, Preliminary concepts of 8086 microprocessor.
Distribution of questions/Marks/Time:
Q1. (Compulsory 20 MCQ questions 20 marks 30mins).
Q2. Five questions to be answered taking at least one question from each group. (All questions are of 16 marks:
questions may have subdivisions, maximum marks of each subdivision may be up to 6 marks.) Time- 3.30hrs.
Text Books :
Distribution of questions/Marks/Time:
Q1. (Compulsory 20 MCQ questions 20 marks 30mins).
Q2. Five questions to be answered taking at least one question from each group. (All questions are of 16 marks:
questions may have subdivisions, maximum marks of each subdivision may be up to 6 marks.) Time- 3.30hrs.
Text Books :
Sessional- 10 marks
Marks Allotment : Viva-voce 20marks
Experiment 70 marks
Experiment with 8085A based micro computing kits:
Broad areas:
Computer Networking, Network Protocol, Application DBMS, Multimedia, Graphics, Internet based
application, Software Engineering Tool Development, Simulation, any other related topics, I/O Controller, I/O
interfaces, Microprocessor based system.
Presentation 07 marks
Marks Allotment :
Project Work 20 marks
Viva-voce 15 marks