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(Gospel of Paramahamsa Nithyananda )

(Gospel of Paramahamsa Nithyananda )

(Gospel of Paramahamsa Nithyananda )
The meditation techniques included in this book are to be practiced only under the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of
Life Bliss Foundation (LBF) and in consultation with your personal physician to determine your fitness and ability to do the
techniques. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. If someone tries
these techniques without prior participation in the meditation programs of LBF and without the direct supervision of an
ordained teacher of LBF, they shall be doing so entirely at their own risk; neither the author nor LBF shall be responsible for
the consequences of their actions.

Published by:
Life Bliss Foundation

Copyright 2009 - Living Enlightenment year

Previous Editions: 8000 copies

Fourth Edition reprint: October 2009, 3000 copies

ISBN 13: 978-1-60607-049-9

ISBN 10: 1-60607-049-5

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
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in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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Living enlightenment is actualizing the limitless potential and experiencing the
ultimate as every moment of life unfolds afresh.
Living in this divine space is living the best life and doing the greatest service to

Preface ............................................................................................. xv
Introduction .................................................................................... xvii


Flow in Love .................................................................................1
What is Love? ................................................................................................ 1
Love Cannot be Created ................................................................................ 2
Love Brings Great Courage ............................................................................ 2
Be Open - Not Philosophizing ......................................................................... 3
Ego Disconnects - Love Connects .................................................................. 4
Be a Lover Every Moment.............................................................................. 6
Love Yourself First.......................................................................................... 7
Love Existence and Feel It Loving You ............................................................ 7
Love is Different from Respect ........................................................................ 8
Love is the Root of all Religion ........................................................................ 8
Three Types of Love and their Integration........................................................ 9
Enter into Causeless Love ............................................................................. 10
Love, Hatred and Attention-Need ................................................................. 11
Love and Liberate, Dont Possess ................................................................. 12
Love in Relationships .................................................................................... 14
Meditation Feel the Love Overflowing in You ............................................. 15

There is Nothing to Worry....................................................... 17

What Is Worry?............................................................................................ 17
How Does Worry Take Root? ...................................................................... 18
See What Is As It IS And Move On........................................................... 19
Worry a Legacy Passed Down................................................................... 21


Awareness the Benign Virus! ...................................................................... 22

Work out of Inspiration Not out of Worry .................................................. 23
Leave no Space for Worry to Fill .................................................................. 24
Worry is Only an Illusion ............................................................................... 24
Surrender and Relax ..................................................................................... 25
The Ego in Disguise ...................................................................................... 25
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone ..................................................................... 26
Drop Worry, Pick up Health ......................................................................... 27
How Meditation Helps.................................................................................. 28

Excel without Stress.................................................................. 29

What is Stress?............................................................................................. 29
Mind is not a Machine .................................................................................. 30
Connecting the Unconnected......................................................................... 31
How do we Decide?..................................................................................... 32
Transcend Time - Be in the Present ............................................................... 32
Physiological Effects of Stress ....................................................................... 34
Is Stress Work Related? ............................................................................... 35
Meditation Technique.................................................................................... 36

Face Your Fears and Be Free ................................................. 39

What is Fear? ............................................................................................... 39
Big Bang and Black Hole Inside You ............................................................. 39
Fight between Your Potentiality and Your Negative Approach ........................ 40
Increased Possibility for Enlightenment .......................................................... 41
Fearlessness is Courage to Face Fear ........................................................... 42
Fear of Losing Identity .................................................................................. 42
Fear of Death ............................................................................................... 42
Anger The Active Form of Fear ................................................................. 43
Fear Strokes ................................................................................................ 43
How to Overcome Fear................................................................................ 44


Meditation Techniques .................................................................................. 46

Pain is a Great Teacher ........................................................... 47

What is Pain ................................................................................................. 47
Time vs Understanding .................................................................................. 47
Pain and Pleasure Two Sides of the Same Coin .......................................... 48
Free Yourself from Pleasure and Pain ............................................................ 49
Awareness in Pain......................................................................................... 49
Pain A Phenomenon of the Mind ................................................................ 50
The Cognitive Shift ....................................................................................... 52
Meditations .................................................................................................. 53

Desire is a Dynamic Energy .................................................... 55

Recognize Your True Desires......................................................................... 55
The True Desire for Fulfillment ...................................................................... 56
Desire-Knowledge-Action ............................................................................ 56
The Power of Love...................................................................................... 57
Lust to Love ................................................................................................. 58
Discover the Man and Woman Inside You ..................................................... 58
The Ultimate Alchemy ................................................................................... 59
Meditation .................................................................................................... 60

Guilt is The Original Sin .......................................................... 63

What is Guilt? ............................................................................................... 63
Three Kinds of Guilt ..................................................................................... 64
Heaven and Hell ........................................................................................... 66
The Stone of Guilt in the River of Your Mind - The Block in the Flow of
Intelligence ................................................................................................... 67
Morality ....................................................................................................... 69
Rules ............................................................................................................ 70
The Useful Guilt ............................................................................................ 73
Meditation Techniques .................................................................................. 75


You Are The Best, Why Compare? ......................................... 77

Comparison and Jealousy ............................................................................. 77
Why Comparison?........................................................................................ 77
The Futility of Comparison ............................................................................ 78
Above and Below the Ladder ....................................................................... 79
Doing, Having and Being............................................................................... 80
You are Unique ............................................................................................. 80
Peer Pressure The Stick of Jealousy ........................................................... 81
How to Overcome Jealousy .......................................................................... 81

You Are Not Who You Think You Are! ................................... 85

Seriousness vs Sincerity ................................................................................ 85
Perfectionism ................................................................................................ 86
Life is Beyond Your Logic ............................................................................. 86
What is Ego? ................................................................................................ 87
The Solid Feeling of No ............................................................................. 88
Ordinary vs Extraordinary ............................................................................. 88
Using the Right Mask.................................................................................... 89
Ego is Born from Discontentment .................................................................. 89
Suffering Leads to Ego.................................................................................. 90
Dual Identities............................................................................................... 90
Inferior Ego .................................................................................................. 90
Types of Ego ................................................................................................ 91
Ego vs Master .............................................................................................. 92
Meditations .................................................................................................. 92

Gratitude is Enough! ................................................................ 95

What is Gratitude.......................................................................................... 95
Be Grateful for Just Being ............................................................................. 96
Everything is a Gift ........................................................................................ 97
Revere The Other with Gratitude................................................................... 97


Thank Your Body ......................................................................................... 99

Everything is Auspicious, Just Celebrate It! .................................................. 100
Gratitude Can Burn your Karmas ................................................................ 102
Gratitude - the Ultimate Prayer and Religion ................................................ 103
Expectation is the Culprit - Let Go! ............................................................. 103
Your Very Body Language Can Change With Gratitude ............................... 104


You can Unclutch from the Mind Maze ................................ 107
The Ten-Minute Experiment ........................................................................ 107
The Nature of the Mind .............................................................................. 108
Awareness.................................................................................................. 109
The Shaft That Does Not Exist..................................................................... 111
Thoughts are like Bubbles in a Fish Tank ..................................................... 112
It is Never the Same................................................................................. 114
Living Intensely in the Present...................................................................... 117
Solutions for Physical, Mental and Emotional Problems................................ 120
Unclutch - Work Smart, Not Hard .............................................................. 123
Are You Needed to Run Your Life? .......................................................... 124
Unclutching A Self-Purifying and Evolutionary Technique........................... 125
Meditation Techniques ................................................................................ 125

The Karmic Cycle Can Be Broken ....................................... 127

What is Karma? ......................................................................................... 127
The Present is the Totality of All Past Decisions ........................................... 128
Karma and TPS ......................................................................................... 130
Karma Totality of Conscious Choices....................................................... 131
Vasana, Samskara and Karma .................................................................... 132
Three Types of Karma ................................................................................ 133
The Way Out of the Daily Irritation - Living Your Prarabdha Karma ............. 134


The Way Out of the Cycle of Karma ........................................................... 136

Only Intention Matters ................................................................................ 137
Masters Presence Affects the Intention ....................................................... 138
Action without Intention is Free from Karma ............................................... 138
Intention and Action .................................................................................... 140
The Power of Daily Intention ....................................................................... 140
Mission or Machine? .................................................................................. 141
Pointing the Same Sword Inside .................................................................. 141
Karma and the Next Body .......................................................................... 142
Enlightenment Back to Home ................................................................... 145
Techniques to Overcome Karma ................................................................. 146
Deities and Enlightened Masters Your Paths to Exhausting Karma ............. 147
Nithyam Dhyanam - Anandam ................................................................. 148
Myths on Karma ........................................................................................ 149

Death is a Celebration ............................................................ 151

Story of Yayati ............................................................................................ 151
Why are we Afraid of Death?...................................................................... 152
In the Mystery of Death Lies the Answer to Life .......................................... 153
Entering into Death ..................................................................................... 153
Mystery of Mysteries .................................................................................. 154
Death in My Presence - Before Enlightenment ............................................. 155
Death in My Presence - After Enlightenment ................................................ 159
What You Remember in the Last Moment Counts........................................ 162
My Own Death Experience......................................................................... 163
What Happens at the Time of Death ............................................................ 166
Death Happens Everyday ........................................................................... 169
Waking World vs Dream World .................................................................. 169
The Art of Dying ......................................................................................... 170
Auspicious Death........................................................................................ 171
Reality is a Dream....................................................................................... 171


Life and Death vs Waking and Sleep ........................................................... 172

Meditation Technique.................................................................................. 175
Life Bliss Program Level 2 Nithyananda Spurana Program (LBP Level 2 -
NSP) ......................................................................................................... 175

You are Intelligence ................................................................ 177

Natural Intelligence ..................................................................................... 177
Children Are Born Intelligent ....................................................................... 178
The Driving Forces of Fear and Greed ........................................................ 178
What Is The Measure of Intelligence?.......................................................... 179
Spontaneity - Straightforward Intelligence.................................................... 179
The Key to Awareness................................................................................ 180
Beyond Rules to Responsibility ................................................................... 181
Now and Here ........................................................................................... 181
Beyond the Head Is the Gate to Loving Intelligence ..................................... 182
Understanding, Not Thinking....................................................................... 182
Body Intelligence ........................................................................................ 184
You are not Needed to Run your Life....................................................... 185
Cosmic Intelligence Responds to Us............................................................ 187
Space No Bar ............................................................................................ 188
Intellect vs Intelligence ................................................................................ 189

Responsibility Elevates You ................................................... 191

Compassion is Responsibility and Energy .................................................... 192
A Cognitive Shift......................................................................................... 192
Ego vs Responsibility .................................................................................. 193
Trust and Patience ...................................................................................... 193
Responsibility of Enlightenment.................................................................... 194
State, Not Status ........................................................................................ 194

Leadership is a State, Not a Status ....................................... 197


Background................................................................................................ 197
What is Leadership? ................................................................................... 198
Can Leaders be Created or do you have to be a Born Leader? ................. 198
What are the key ingredients that make a successful leader?......................... 199
Leader Consciousness ................................................................................ 200
State versus Status of a Leader ................................................................... 201
Productivity ................................................................................................ 204
Impact of Samskaras on Intuition and Innovation ......................................... 207
Meditation Technique.................................................................................. 210

Intensity is the Unfailing Way ................................................ 213

What is Intensity ......................................................................................... 213
Being is Intensity....................................................................................... 215
Intensity is Independent of the Nature of the Work ...................................... 216
Interest vs Intensity ..................................................................................... 216
Be Intense in Whatever You Do .................................................................. 217
Intensity and the Four States of Consciousness ............................................ 219
How to Get Enlightened? I Want toReal Bad and Urgently....................... 220
Intensity Prepares You for the Ultimate ........................................................ 221
The Deep Spiritual Experience .................................................................... 222
The Intensity of Buddha .............................................................................. 224
Intensity for My Deep Spiritual Experience .................................................. 225
Intense, Innocent Inner Space ..................................................................... 226
Message of Living Enlightenment How will Master behave?.................... 227
True Relationship with the Master................................................................ 228
Intensity - The Ultimate Technique............................................................... 228
How to Get Intensity................................................................................... 229
Meditation Techniques to Be Intense ........................................................... 229

Innocence Regained Opens Many Doors to Life ................ 231

What is Innocence? .................................................................................... 231


Remain Empty ............................................................................................ 234

Grasp With Innocence ................................................................................ 237
Be Vulnerable ............................................................................................. 241
Surrender With Trust................................................................................... 243
Spirituality the Way to Innocent Obeisance ............................................... 245
Drop Cunningness and Become Spontaneous .............................................. 247
Innocence, Totality, Maturity ....................................................................... 250

You Are Part of the Collective Consciousness .................... 255

Matter, Energy and Beyond ........................................................................ 255
Matter is Vibrating Energy ........................................................................... 256
The World of Infinite Possibilities................................................................. 256
The Real Nature ......................................................................................... 257
Perception of Space-Time........................................................................... 260
Reality Consists of Eleven Dimensions ......................................................... 264
Chaos is Order - Order is Chaos ................................................................ 264
Chaos is Order ........................................................................................... 265
Order is Chaos ........................................................................................... 266
Seer-Seen-Seeing....................................................................................... 266
Collective Consciousness ............................................................................ 269

Global Peace Begins From You ............................................ 273

Global Peace a Byproduct of Individual Bliss............................................ 273
How to Handle the Suffering in the World.................................................... 275
Studies of the Effects of Meditation on Peace .............................................. 275
Global Peace Meditation............................................................................. 276
The Unavoidable Loving Touch of Enlightened Beings.................................. 276
The Nithyananda Mission............................................................................ 277
Meditation Technique for Global Peace ....................................................... 278

Sannyas is the Ultimate Gamble ........................................... 279

Sannyas.................................................................................................. 279

Flow Like a River ....................................................................................... 281

Sannyas Is Not Renunciation....................................................................... 282
Samsar and Sannyas ................................................................................... 283
The Responsibility of a Sannyasi.................................................................. 287
Integrity the Trait of a Sannyasi! ............................................................... 288
Life is For Enlightenment!............................................................................ 292
Conditioning is the Culprit ........................................................................... 293
Enjoy the Transience!.................................................................................. 296
Surrender, Love, Compassion, Sannyas ...................................................... 299
When Sannyas Happens, the Moment is Right ........................................ 303
Real Love Doesnt Stand In The Way ......................................................... 305

Enlightenment is the Key to Your Kingdom ......................... 307

Why Enlightened Beings Happen on Planet Earth......................................... 307
Enlightenment Is...................................................................................... 307
Living Enlightenment ................................................................................... 313
Ego Vs. Enlightenment ................................................................................ 315
For the Sheer Grace and Blessing - Deep Want, No Qualifications .............. 315
Enlightened Society..................................................................................... 317
The Ultimate Energy that can Stand the Test of Time .................................... 317
The Greatest Service to Mankind - Keeping the Science of Enlightenment Alive
Top 10 Reasons to Get Enlightened............................................................. 319


Why Meditate? ........................................................................ 321
What is the Real Aim of Life? ...................................................................... 321
What is Bliss? ............................................................................................. 322
What is Meditation?.................................................................................... 322
What is the Right Way to Approach Meditation? ......................................... 322


Why Meditation? ........................................................................................ 324

Benefits of Meditation ................................................................................. 325
When to do Meditation? ............................................................................. 327
Benefits of Meditation ................................................................................. 328
Kinds of Meditation .................................................................................... 330
Reality as Dream ........................................................................................ 331
Glimpse of Scientific Research on Meditation .............................................. 333
Increased Brain Power ............................................................................... 333
Meditation versus Sleep .............................................................................. 334
Improved Concentration and Speed of Response ........................................ 334

Nithya Dhyaan - Life Bliss Meditation ................................. 337

The Master Technique ................................................................................ 337
The Birth of Nithya Dhyaan......................................................................... 337
Chakra Awareness ...................................................................................... 337
Nithya Dhyaan Meditation Technique .......................................................... 338
Benefits of Nithya Dhyaan........................................................................... 343

Nithya Yoga - For the Body, Mind and Beyond................... 345

What is Yoga? ............................................................................................ 345
Patanjali Founder of Yoga ........................................................................ 346
Raghupati Yogi Master of Yoga ................................................................ 346
Just Move The Body with the Intention and Get the Result!.......................... 347
Scientific Evidence ...................................................................................... 348
Purpose of Nithya Yoga .............................................................................. 348

Eight Steps for a Blissful Life Everyday .............................. 351

Living in Bliss.............................................................................................. 351
Blissful Laughter ......................................................................................... 351
BlissfulAffirmation ...................................................................................... 352
Blissful Cleansing ........................................................................................ 353


Blissful Yoga ............................................................................................... 354

Blissful Meditation ...................................................................................... 358
- Life Bliss Meditation or Nithya Dhyaan ..................................................... 358
Blissful Tools .............................................................................................. 358
Blissful Energy ............................................................................................ 360
Blissful Chant.............................................................................................. 361
Meditation .................................................................................................. 363


Master - The Living Enlightenment...................................... 365
Lion and Cub Story .................................................................................... 366
You Are A Lion, Not A Goat! ...................................................................... 371
Significance of a Master .............................................................................. 372
Learning from Master ................................................................................. 372
The Eternal Relationship.............................................................................. 374
God and Master ......................................................................................... 376
Five Ways to Relate with the Master ........................................................... 377
Stages of Master-Disciple Relationship........................................................ 378
How to be with the Master Be Open........................................................ 380
Burn Your Samskaras in the Masters Presence ........................................... 382
Awakening to the Purpose of your Life and the Master ................................ 383
End of the Psychodrama of Life .................................................................. 384
Surrender The Ultimate Technique............................................................ 385
Three Levels of Surrender........................................................................... 385
Placebo Effect or More?............................................................................. 386
Master The Ultimate Luxury..................................................................... 387
The Presence of the Master ........................................................................ 387
Upanishad .................................................................................................. 388
How Upanishad Happens Beyond the Law of Cause and Effect ............... 388
Hardware and Software Change ................................................................. 389


DNA Phantom Effect .................................................................................. 390

Energy to Hold the Transformation .............................................................. 391
Vasudeva Kutumbaha ................................................................................. 391
Q&A ......................................................................................................... 391


Living Enlightenment is the Ultimate Meditation Technique
Static Meditations ....................................................................................... 395
Dynamic Meditations .................................................................................. 400
Breath-Related Techniques ......................................................................... 402
Powerful Instant Meditations ....................................................................... 405
Sound ........................................................................................................ 409
Visualization................................................................................................ 410


Nithya Spiritual Healing - You Can Also Heal ..................... 413
Nithya Spiritual Healing............................................................................... 413
What is Healing?......................................................................................... 413
Health ........................................................................................................ 413
Chakras and the Science of Healing ............................................................ 413
Mind over Body ......................................................................................... 414
What is Nithya Spiritual Healing? ................................................................ 414
Who Can Receive Energy? The Person with Open Heart and Mind ............. 414
Nithya Spiritual Healers Initiation................................................................ 414
Ananda Gandha Chakra ............................................................................. 415
Some Benefits of Ananda Gandha Meditation .............................................. 415
Health Benefits of Nithya Spiritual Healing ................................................... 416
Services ..................................................................................................... 416


Appendix ................................................................................................... 416

Experience the touch of living Enlightenment ..................... 419

Ananda Darshan ......................................................................................... 419


Blissful Sharing ....................................................................... 425
Healing Experiences.................................................................................... 425
Meditation Programs .................................................................................. 426
Appendix ............................................................................................. i
Glossary ............................................................................................ ix


Many reputed intellectuals including scientists have recorded that there has been an
elevation in human consciousness in recent times. Whether it is to do with the Age of
Aquarius as rock groups foresaw or the metaphorical end of the world as the Mayans
predicted is not the question here.

The question is, how do we define consciousness? As societal beings who have been
guided all our lives by moral and legal commandments, our beacon of behavior has
always been conscience. But conscience is not consciousness.

Consciousness is the awareness that there is something more to our life than the material
pleasures that we seek. Consciousness is that tension within us that tells us there is
something higher than what we see. It is the beacon of inner awareness that guides us to
a state of being where we realize that we are more than what we think we are.

Human beings are far more than mere bio machines. This is why even the most powerful
computer would never be able to replace the human. It can replace the mind and the
body but not the energy of the human being. It might be a fact that we ascended from
animals. But it is the truth that we can go further.

From time immemorial wise men of all cultures have pondered deep into this simple yet
intangible issue of what lies within us. Who am I has been the refrain of many sages.
Many did find the answer. Their answers were experiential. The scriptures of all great
religions are the expressions of these wise masters to convey their experience to us.
When they live, the masters themselves are the experience that we can share.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is such an experience.

This book is the first volume of the essence of the wisdom of Nithyananda that has so
far been expressed. Nithyananda has spoken in a number of structured programs. He has
commented on great scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita and spoken to large public and
small private groups over the last five years. This book is an essence of these teachings.

This book takes you through an understanding of why we behave the way we do and
explains how we can change the way we act so that we are in synchronicity with the

energy of the cosmos. Meditation techniques provided in this book help you to experience
this synchronicity.

The understanding and the experience that we are one with the energy outside us expands
our consciousness. We realize that we are one with every other individual, however
different the individual may be in culture, color, language, religion or tribe. We realize
that we are all waves in the same cosmic ocean.

This experience is Living Enlightenment. This experience is Nithyananda.

While there is some order in the way the chapters are structured, you may move back and
forth in any order to read the subject of your choice. All chapters are interconnected
with the common thread of Living Enlightenment. Yet, each one is an individual pathway
to the experience and not a sequential step. In this book, references of non-English
words have been explained as footnotes on the first three occurrences of the word, and
explained in the glossary as well.

As you go deeper into the experience and feel the need to interact with others who
experience a similar need, visit the Living Enlightenment section of
You can also join one of the many hundred Life Bliss Centers around the world and
interact with others who are already on this path.

This book is an amazing journey into Existential Truths and a gift from an enlightened
master of this millennium.

-Nithyananda Publishers


If you are here, it means Existence wants you to be here in this form. You are not an
accident, you are an incident. You are a conscious miracle of Existence. Dont think this
is positive thinking. This is the straightforward and simple Truth. If you trust this Truth,
you will start experiencing life in its pinnacle.

Understand, Existence is trying to express itself through you. What you call your potential
is nothing but the expression of Existence through you. When you freely allow this, you
will start realizing your infinite potential. When you start becoming the fulfillment of
Existence, you become flowing energy, which is what I call Living Enlightenment. Living
Enlightenment is living with the flowing energy of Existence, in synchronicity with its
miraculous happenings.

When you live this way, you will find there is no personal barrier, no emotional baggage,
nothing that holds you back in life. Life flows continuously like a river, carrying bliss and
fulfillment every moment.

In this book, you will find deeper truths and powerful techniques to tide over personal
barriers and resolve emotional conflicts. You will also find truths that demystify your
relevance in this vast cosmos, so you start moving in a higher plane of consciousness.

This book is for anyone who wishes to live a fulfilling life. It reveals the secrets of the
self, Existence and the world. It is for every individual to start experiencing the ultimate
purpose of taking human birth on planet earth. It is meant to give the experience of:

Shakti, the Energy to understand and change whatever you need to change in life

Buddhi, the Intelligence to understand and accept whatever you dont need to change in

Yukti, the Clarity to understand and realize that however much you change, whatever
you see as reality is itself a continuously changing dream

Bhakti, the Devotion, the feeling of deep connection to That which is unchanging, Eternal
and Ultimate, and

Mukti, the ultimate Liberation into Living Enlightenment when all these four are

-Paramahamsa Nithyananda


Flow in Love

Psychology explains that thoughts arise in lust. If the process asks, How can I enrich
the brain, and emotions from the heart. it? it is driven by love! Lust is an energy that
Irrespective of where they arise from, demands. Love is an energy that gives.
thoughts and emotions are inseparable.
Love is an intense experience in ones
Ancient scriptures say that thoughts create
inner space. Many of us think love is a choice.
us. So do emotions. We become what our
We think experience and expression of love
emotions are. Managing our emotions is crucial
is a choice. We think that if we want to, we
to transforming our lives.
can handle love; otherwise we can let it go.
No! It is not a choice as we think. It is a basic
necessity of life.
What is Love? When I say life, I dont mean just breathing
Whenever we look at something, the first and staying alive. I mean being alive at the
thing we do is to calculate what we can get innermost being level, as a live Consciousness.
from it. It can be a person or an object, that If you can express love, if you can experience
doesnt matter. Our thoughts start functioning love, that is the only way of being alive as a
either through fear or through greed to Consciousness. If you dont experience and
calculate what there is in the situation for us. express love, you may inhale and exhale, but
Our attention is centered on that object or you cant say you are a live being. There are
person. so many animals, plants and other things that
breathe day in and day out. You will continue
It is possible to turn our attention towards
to exist like them, thats all.
our own inner space and ask, What can I
contribute?, What can I add?, How can I A small story:
enrich others? If the process is only to ask,
What can I get out of it? then it is driven by A disciple asked a Zen* master, Does an
enlightened master speak?
Zen - Japanese Buddhist practice. Derived from dhyana, meditation.

If you try to create LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT

love, it will be like

forcing open the The master No! Her energy is causeless love. As we
said, No, an grow, society instills fear and greed in us and
petals of a flower enlightened we orient our love based on greed and fear.
to make it bloom. person never Then it is no longer causeless love. It is love
speaks. Only a with a reason. It becomes suffocating. We
person who doesnt know enlightenment
start feeling other emotions like jealousy, fear
and anger. We experience only love with a
Then the disciple asked, So does an cause, a reason. But with a little awareness
enlightened master keep quiet? and awakening, it is possible to reclaim our
The master said, No, an enlightened master original love.
never keeps quiet. If he keeps quiet, then
he is not enlightened.
The disciple was puzzled. He asked, You Love cannot be created
say he neither speaks nor keeps quiet. What
does he do? Love can never be made to happen with
just your logical decision. Our mental setup
The master replied, He sings! His being
itself should be created in such a way that we
sings. He neither speaks, nor keeps quiet.
His very being sings. become love and our actions speak love. Our
logic should start radiating a love that is beyond
Love is the ultimate experience of a logic!
human being. When the experience happens,
we will not be able to possess the experience, If you try to create love, it will be like
only the experience will possess us! That is forcing open the petals of a flower to make it
what the master means. When the experience bloom. Can it be called flowering? No. Love
possesses us, whatever we do will be like a is a flower that blossoms deep within your
beautiful song. Any word that comes out will being and sends out a sweet fragrance that
be poetry. Our being will be so light. We will we share with others.
simply float. Our walking will be a dance. Our
body language will radiate grace. All our
expressions will be of great service to Love brings great courage
A beautiful incident happened in the life
All human beings are born as loving beings. of Ramanuja * . If you study the life of
A new born baby radiates causeless love. Ramanuja*, you will see how he used every
Does she know anyone around her at birth? step of his life to move towards enlightenment.

Ramanuja - Founder of the Vishishtadvaita or modified duality principle. Along with Adi Shankara and Madhva,
considered to be one of the three great teachers of Hindu philosophy.


When his teacher initiated Ramanuja*, he his disciple and declared that Ramanuja had
gave him a special chant. The teacher told reached greater heights than him. He told
him not to pass on the chant to anybody Ramanuja, You are in a different space now.
and that if he did so, he would go to hell.
Ramanuja asked him what would happen
to the others with whom he might share it.
The teacher said that they would be led to Be Open - Not
salvation. Philosophizing
What would we have done? Naturally we
would have kept quiet, thinking, Why The problem is that we have all practically
unnecessarily go to hell? become philosophers. We dont understand
that life is not philosophy. It is spontaneous
Ramanuja immediately stood on a platform
flowing energy. It is new every moment.
in a temple and called out to the whole
Philosophy is all about repeating the same old
village. He loudly pronounced the chant
given by his teacher and told the people,
things in different ways, thats all. Theres
Let you all go to heaven! I am not bothered nothing fresh in it. Life is fresh every moment.
about me going to hell. Let you all reach Philosophy robs life of the freshness.
heaven! A small story:
When you are deeply in love, you feel as Ten philosophers were imprisoned in a
if your whole being is open and you are ready country. They were kept together in one cell.
to go to any extreme for the sake of anybody. They decided that somehow they should
You are ready to go to any boundary, as there escape from the prison. They sat and made
is nothing to protect within your being. Your a big plan. They got the mold of the prison
being is totally open. You dont feel insecure door key and made a duplicate key for the
when you are wild with love. That is why prison door.
people who are in love always do risky things. Finally, they chose the date of escape. The
They take the risk because they feel they have whole plan was clearly laid out. They
nothing to lose. There is no insecurity about decided that on the particular night, two of
anything. They feel so expansive. Love gives them will open the prison door with the
tremendous courage and energy. It opens you duplicate key and signal to the others. The
up. It makes you finally available to yourself. others would escape and these two would
As of now, you are not available to yourself. follow after locking the door behind them.
Love can make you available to yourself. The day of escape dawned and two of them
went to open the door. The rest of them
When the teacher saw what Ramanuja
waited for the signal. They waited and
did, he admitted that he learned a lesson from

Ramanuja - Founder of the Vishishtadvaita or modified duality principle. Along with Adi Shankara and Madhva,
considered to be one of the three great teachers of Hindu philosophy.


waited but never got any signal. Three hours way, to experience love, just a few ideas alone
passed. Suddenly the two who had gone to will not help. You need to allow it to grow in
open the door came back and said, We have its existential state in your inner space. Then
to drop our plan to escape. It cant happen you will know it. Allow it to happen in your
today. We will have to do it some other day. heart, not in the head. Decide to be with the
We will have to reschedule our escape.
heart. Then it will grow and happen.
The others asked, Why, what happened?
What was once a failure within the head
They replied, What to do? The foolish can become a success within the heart! Love
guards forgot to lock the prison door! is really a success of the heart that every
Those who philosophize cannot think of individual should experience. It is easy to stay
anything new! It has to be the same old mental in the head. It is, after all, a mundane and
setup. If there is some change or some new familiar intellect. It requires courage to come
situation, they cannot think creatively to deal down to the heart, because with the heart
with it, because they are not open. They are nothing is familiar, everything is fresh. At the
like a closed circuit. head level you have a solid identity and familiar
patterns. At the heart level there is no identity,
We have also become like philosophers
no pattern. It is an open space. To enter into
when dealing with our lives. We are stuck in
it, you need tremendous courage. That is why
patterns of the past. We are never in the
love is fearful for many people. It is an
moment. If anything new happens, we are at
unfamiliar zone. With the head, there is
a loss.
comfortable familiarity.
With philosophy, you have fixed ideas and
you become very assertive. When you are too
assertive, you cant love. Assertion is Ego disconnects - Love
aggressiveness that does not allow love to
come in. When you are too sure and filled connects
with preconceived ideas, then where is the
If the cosmos is a grand ocean, we are all
space for love to enter? Love needs beautiful
part of it. We are one with the ocean, not
space in order to blossom.
individual drops in the ocean. When we think
With philosophy, there is no room for love of ourselves as individual drops, we feel
to settle in its existential state. It is like this: if separate in our boundary and in our feelings.
you really want to experience the taste of This is what is called ego. We become driven
nectar, can you experience it through just a by feelings of I and mine. As long as this
set of ideas about it? No! You need to taste separation remains, we can never experience
the nectar yourself, give it some space, allow the energy of the ocean that is love. We never
it to fill you and settle in its existential state. experience that causeless and surging love.
Only then you will know its taste. In the same

FLOW IN LOVE Love is being in
the flow with
As long as we remain a drop in the ocean, is like liquid Existence, to be
we say no to life. We neither love nor trust. water. Only totally with it. Ego
We dont feel blissful either, because bliss is when we are
is like frozen ice.
possible only for those who know how to love liquid do we
and trust. It happens only to those who know become part of the ocean. Then we dont have
how to feel part of the ocean. Bliss is possible any private goal or destination. Each moment
only when our heart says yes, when the no is blissful, incredibly ecstatic, just going with
completely disappears from our being. No the plan of the cosmos.
is darkness, yes is light. No is ego, yes is
It is such sheer joy to simply exist and flow.
Just to be is enough. But we need to be
No is the way of the unconscious person. sensitive to feel the joy of being. We need to
Yes is the way of the awakened one. All the grow feelers. The feelers are what we call
conflict, all the suffering in our life is because love. Love feels the joy of just being. When
of our saying no. No is a fight, a war with you grow the feelers of love, life is no longer
Existence. Yes is love, peace with Existence. made of independent thoughts but becomes a
Yes is deep accord with the totality of who continuous feeling. Then the ego starts to
we are the ocean. Bliss is another name for dissolve. Once we have moved from thinking
that accord, that harmony. to feeling, there is only one more step and that
is from feeling to being, and that is very simple.
The way to be in bliss is to dissolve into
the ocean, not to be a drop but to merge with The first step is difficult: to move from
the ocean. To be a drop is to be a hindrance. thinking to feeling. The ego has trained the
To be a drop is to be with ego. The ego is the mind to think so much, thats why. The second
root of all misery. When the ego is absent, step comes almost automatically. Theres
bliss reaches us from every nook and corner nothing we need to do for it to happen. From
of the ocean of existence, as if it were just feeling to being, the distance is nothing at all.
waiting for the ego to disappear. It can happen at any moment. The poet can
become the mystic at any moment. He is
Ego is a closed state of consciousness.
almost there. The real problem is how to get
All the windows and doors are closed. Life
out of our thinking and get more and more
itself becomes insulated and encapsulated.
into feeling.
Our ego surrounds us like a capsule. Our ego
is like a sealed capsule, there is not even a Just follow the heart. Just love more, thats
small gap to allow anything to enter. It closes all! Feel more. Enjoy more so that you can
itself due to fear and shrinks into itself. That feed your heart. Watch the sunrise, sunset,
is how we create misery for ourselves. clouds, rainbows, birds, flowers, animals,
rocks, and people, and watch them with
Love is being in the flow with Existence,
awareness. Look into their eyes. Existence is
to be totally with it. Ego is like frozen ice. Love
so multidimensional. Look into every

dimension like a poet. Praise it. Feel it. Be painting in or how much to sell it for, then be
ecstatic! Expand your consciousness and very clear, you are not lost in love. You are in
experience every single detail of Existence with love only with some particular thing, which is
love. Slowly, the ego will lose its hold and money in this case. If you are dancing while
disappear. calculating what you will get once you finish
the dance, then be very clear you are not lost
The only barrier to love is fear. When things
in love. You create more and more bondage
start happening, we become fearful because
by doing this.
with love we enter into a merger. This threatens
the very basis of our ego. Ego is separateness If you become lost in every moment, you
while love is a merger. The fear we feel is become love. Then, when you work you work
nothing but the fear of the dissolving ego. Let with the utmost focus because you are in deep
the fear be there. It will hang around for a love with it. This way, your very life becomes
while. If we simply ignore it, the ego will leave a deep meditative love.
us. It is a great day when fear of losing the
Then you start feeling, relating and
ego leaves us. From then on growth becomes
respecting everything as a living being, just as
simple, easy and spontaneous. Then we are
you are. You even start feeling the other
not, only love is.
persons thoughts. You start responding and
relating to the other person without him or her
opening up to you. You feel the cosmos as a
Be a lover every moment translucent, ever living presence. You have
tremendous intelligence. You know exactly
Encounter any situation in life with deep
how to connect to things. Such is the power
love. Soon you will become pure love.
of love.
Whether it is a person or your work or a
passerby or god or anything, just encounter it The Sufi* mystic Jalaluddin Rumi* says,
with deep love for loves sake. If you are a Wherever you are, whatever your condition
painter, just be completely in love with painting. is, always try to be a lover! The whole of
If you are a dancer, be completely in love with Existence is in a deep romance with itself.
dancing. If you are working with your You are part of it. So it is your nature to be a
computer, treat it with utmost love and become lover every moment. Only by being that can
lost in it. Just be completely sincere and you experience the real fulfillment of your
completely in love every moment. original nature.

If you are painting and at the same time

thinking about which gallery to put up the

Sufi - Follower of Sufism, a mystical dimension of Islam.

Rumi - 13th century Persian Sufi poet.


Love yourself first yourself with deep love, you will receive others
love with joy.
The big problem today is that most people
dont love themselves. Society never teaches
that it is possible to love ourselves. Understand Love Existence and feel It
that unless you love yourself, you cannot
possibly love another person. Only when you loving you
lose yourself to yourself can you lose yourself
Existence is not a thing. It is a living energy
to others. We are taught that we can only love
being. Every single tree, every single stalk of
even ourselves if we have a reason. If we
a plant responds to your love and hate, your
perform well, we love ourselves. If we fail,
every thought.
we hate ourselves. We apply the same logic
to others. We love them only because of Cleve Backster*, a polygraph expert, has
something, never without a cause, without a conducted several experiments to examine the
reason. response of plants to human emotions and
thoughts. He discovered that plants would
When you dont love yourself, you become
respond to human thought in a way similar to
cynical and negative towards life.
how a human being would respond. A simple
For a few minutes every day, just sit by thought by a person about burning the leaves
yourself and feel overflowing love towards of the plant would register erratic movement
yourself. Feel what a wonderful being you are. in the polygraph recording of the plant!
Feel how much you have taken yourself for Backster * called this response Primary
granted. Feel yourself as part of Existence Perception - the ability of plant, animal and
and love yourself for it. Melt with the feeling human cells to perceive and respond to any
of love for yourself. If you practice this thought.
everyday you will see that where you were
On one occasion, Backster * recorded
once hard and self-centered, now you have
graphs that registered a flat line that suggested
become soft and loving.
the plants were in a state of shock. He asked
Then, when people love you, you dont the owner of the plant if she had done anything
feel guilty or unworthy because just as they to hurt the plants. The lady told him, I roasted
love you, you love yourself too. You become a few of its leaves to get their dry weight!
ready to receive love from others. Usually
When you start loving Existence, it begins
when others show love to you, you feel guilty
responding to you in beautiful ways. You start
or unworthy because you dont feel you are
rising above all of the differences around you
worth being loved. Once you settle within

Cleve Backster - A polygraph expert who studied behavior of plants subjected to threats and affection using the lie
detector equipment.


- differences between people, situations, Respect sows the first guilt in you that you
emotions, between anything and anything. are something inferior. It makes you feel
Everything merges into unity. And that is the separate from the other person to whom you
truth. Everything is part of one Whole. And show respect. On the other hand, love sows
love is the only thing that can make you realize the seeds of joy and unity in you. It makes
this truth. you feel connected with the other person and
with everything in Existence. With respect,
In India, there is a tradition of spiritual
there is fear. With love, there is authentic
wandering where people walk by foot the
respect as well as the scope for deep
length and breadth of the country, visiting many
understanding to happen. With respect alone,
temples and pilgrim centers. I used to wonder
not much understanding is possible. With love,
how they were able to do that, especially going
there is a possibility for tremendous
through forests, sleeping with wild animals and
understanding and transformation to happen.
begging for food. The secret is that they start
Love by its very nature is transforming. It
feeling connected with nature so completely
softens and melts you.
that nature protects them beautifully. Whether
it rains or shines, the animals and trees, Respect creates distance between you
everything, takes care of them. Even though and the other. Love bridges the distance
this may be logically difficult to understand, it between you and the other. Only because
is the truth. people themselves have not experienced love,
do they give respect as the rule of acceptable
If you begin to live with a little respect
behavior. Respect is easier but not real. Love
and love for Existence and all its creations,
might be difficult only because not many know
you will be able to recognize these things
how to go about it, but it is real. With love,
happening in your own life as well. Nature
respect is automatic and authentic. With pure
will simply reciprocate your love in many
respect, the appearance of love is forced and
beautiful ways.
may never be authentic.

Love is different from

Love is the root of all religion
Love is the original religion. It is the root
Very often, love is confused with respect. of all spirituality. All other religions are
From a young age, children are brought up to offshoots. Love is like the root of the tree and
always show respect but never to show love. all religions are like leaves or branches. Even
You can hear people teach the children, You the greatest religions are only big branches
should respect your elders. You will hardly compared to the religion of love!
hear, You should love your elders. That is
the problem.

Love has no temple or scripture. It is like we will be surprised that god becomes more
the roots that lie beneath the ground but provide and more of a reality. He is no longer just a
the nourishment for life. Without it, the whole thought, no longer simply an idea, but something
tree dies. Through love many branches and that we can feel. The deeper we go into love,
leaves are created. But what do we do? We the closer we come to the feeling. The day
cling to the branches and leaves instead of we dissolve into love we merge with unity.
clinging to the root. When we cling to the root,
From time immemorial, the conclusion of
we get the direct nourishment. When we cling
many mystics has been that matter is glued
to the branches, we enjoy only one dimension
together with love. An invisible force keeps
of the nourishment. When you become more
atoms and molecules together. They do not
loving, you will enter the invisible temple of
fall apart because of this invisible force.
Science has yet to discover this ultimate
A small story: energy. It has detected a few of its
manifestations such as gravitation and
One day a master asked his disciples how electricity but these are only gross
they could tell when the night had ended manifestations. The day that science discovers
and the day had begun. love will be the day when religion and science
One of them said, When you can look in will commune with each other in the same
the distance and tell whether the animal is language.
a cow or a horse. The master said, No.
For now, just rejoice because love is
Another disciple said, When you can look possible. Be joyful that love is your inner
at a tree in the distance and tell if it is a potential. You can rise to the ultimate heights
pine tree or a mango tree. The master again with love. Nothing is impossible with love
said, No.
because love can transform itself into god.
They asked the master, Then what is it
The master replied, When you can look into Three types of Love and
the face of any man and recognize your
brother in him. When you can look into the
their integration
face of any woman and recognize your sister
Many people confuse lust with love. This
in her. If you cannot do this, then no matter
is one of the greatest tragedies. The person
what time of the day it is, it is still only
who thinks lust is love remains confined to
night time.
the physical plane. He never rises higher than
The master can give a few hints, a little that. He has no idea that there is a higher plane.
hints here and there. Then we must find our He remains in the basement of his house. Sex
own way carefully, cautiously. Love is just a is the base-ment. It is not the place to live in.
hint, but if we follow love slowly, very slowly, You can use it for other purposes, but it cant

least one
relationship in be your home. understand that the experience of love is much
your life that exists Your home is more important than the object of love.
above it.
for no reason. You must have at least one relationship in
Man has your life that exists for no reason. If you dont
three planes of have such a relationship, be very clear, even
being: animal, human and divine. First is the if you have money, deep down you are still
plane of lust, which is the animal plane. It is a poor.
crude form of love. It is not that love is not
From today onwards start relating with
present there. Love is mixed or polluted by
someone for no reason. There should be no
gross greed and desire, thats all.
monetary or physical benefit from the
As our being becomes more refined, we relationship. If you experience causeless love
enter the second plane, ordinary human love. once, after that, if the money is shared, if the
Human love has traces of possessiveness and body is shared, it is okay. The quality is totally
jealousy. Since human love is grounded in different. I am not against money or against
greater understanding than animal love, one marriage. I am not against the physical
does not simply use the other person for his relationship, but if it becomes the center of
or her own gain. Human love is capable of your life, you are missing something very
seeing the other as an end unto itself. important. That is what I want to convey here.
You miss a major dimension or energy center
The third type of love is divine love. It is
of your being.
love in its highest form, almost like a prayer.
There is no possessiveness. There is nothing I always tell people, Do some work for
earthly in it. It becomes an invisible but half hour everyday that does not bring you
powerful force. This is when love becomes money or name and fame. Just for half an
prayer and we feel restful contentment for hour, go to some temple or church, clean and
the first time. I say restful because the other sweep the floor, offer some service. Dont
two types of love always keep reaching for plan to become a committee member in that
more or keep missing something. There is no place! Dont think that it will fetch you good
restfulness in them. When the third type of credit and a place in heaven no. Dont look
love happens, even sex becomes a deep and any further than that work for half an hour.
divine act beyond mere physical pleasure.
Initially you may think, This half hour is a
waste of time. After a few days you will realize
that only in that half hour are you really alive!
Enter into causeless Love Only for that half hour you are not driven by
fear or greed. You smile at the people around
The first thing we need to understand is
you without any calculation. You feel strangely
that relationships can happen causelessly,
sincere in a way that you never felt before.
without any reason. Only then will we
FLOW IN LOVE Love can flip into
hatred the
If you observe yourself at other times, you Often what moment we feel
will see that you even smile only after some we believe as that our
mental calculation. Even before laughing you love is actually
expectations are
will see who is the person next to you. Based related to time
on that, you decide how many inches to open and space. So
your mouth, how polite you should be, how long as the
you should project yourself. As of now, every distance between lovers is large and the time
action of yours is driven by fear and greed. of contact is minimal, they feel love towards
You are fuelled by fear and greed. Thats why each other. However, once they get closer and
you feel lonely and tired. spend more time together, they feel that they
are not so much in love after all! That is why
If you try this technique, you will suddenly
they say familiarity breeds contempt.
see that your body and mind start functioning
Familiarity can also convert love into hatred.
without the need for fear and greed! Once
To transcend both love and hatred, we first
you learn this simple knack of how to move
need to drop expectations. Expectation is the
your body without fear and greed, be very
first enemy of love.
clear, you can enter into love. You learn how
to tap into the energy of love. You learn how We all go through several stages of
to run your life on the beautiful energy of love. relationships in our lifetime. If you observe
Only then will you know what is meant by the very closely, whichever stage we are in, when
word love. we ask for love we are actually asking only
for the other persons attention. When we say
A new center will be awakened in you. A
a person doesnt love us, we actually mean
new energy will start radiating in you. Then
that the other person doesnt give us enough
you will understand how loving and causeless
attention. The basic need for any human being
relationships are possible.
is attention from others. The attention-need,
along with our dependency on others for
survival, is what we experience as love.
Love, hatred and attention-
The dependency on others might be
need psychological, physical or spiritual. For
Hatred and love are opposite sides of the example, when you expect someone to lend
same coin as long as love is conditional. Love you a shoulder to cry on, you are dependent
can flip into hatred the moment we feel that upon that person psychologically. When you
our expectations are threatened. In love of expect someone to provide you with money
this type, it remains love only as long as the or fulfill your bodily pleasures, you are
conditions remain as expected. The moment dependent upon them physically. In whatever
the conditions change, the love also changes. way people may fulfill this dependency, what
it boils down to is the attention that they give


us! The whole idea of love is nothing but getting They tell me, No, it will not. My love will
the attention of the other in some way. be reduced a little!
In the first session of our meditation camp, What does this mean? We love our next
I ask people to make an honest list of at least generation as long as they are extensions of
one or two persons in their lives who they our life. As long as they fall into our pattern of
really love. Usually in the beginning, people thinking, as long as they live in accordance
come up with a big list: husband, wife, father, with our conventions, we love them. We simply
mother, brother, sister and so on. They include fulfill our own desires through them. We fulfill
people whom they would like to please or need our lives through them. Whatever we couldnt
to please in order to be happy themselves. As accomplish in our youth, we try to accomplish
they hear me talk about real love, they start through them. If we wanted to be a doctor
crossing out names from their list one by and couldnt for some reason, we inspire them
one! Understand, if you cross out something, to be a doctor. As long as they act and live as
then it was not truly there in the first place. an extension of our life, the relationship is
beautiful. But the moment they start deciding
Many people include certain people in their
on their own, the moment they feel we are
love list because these people give them a feel
suffocating them, the moment they stand up
good feeling. What do I mean by a feel good
and say no, the relationship takes a different
feeling? It is a certificate saying, You are
good. You are this, you are that etc. We love
anyone who pays us compliments, is it not?
We think twice before arguing with them. We
secretly nurture our good name with them in Love and liberate, dont
the name of love. If they go back on their possess
approval of us, we might fall into depression,
so we continue to please them and love them. As long as our love happens towards a
Like this, there is always some hidden reason particular object, even if the object is a person,
for our love. we will try to reduce that person only to the
level of an object. That is exactly what we do
Some people tell me, No Swamiji, I dont
when we feel possessive or attached to
love my son or daughter for any of these
another person. In the way that we try to
reasons. I ask them, Alright, if your son
possess furniture or a house or any object,
suddenly starts to make his own decisions, if
we try to possess the person also. We want
he suddenly doesnt fit into your framework,
the person to be just how we want him or her
if he doesnt follow your guidance, if he doesnt
to be, which means we are actually reducing
live according to your rules, will your love for
the person to sheer matter.
him be the same?
So understand, whenever our love or our
attention is towards something in particular,

we will be only materialistic, creating suffering are with the master or your friend or your
for ourselves and for others. We will only beloved, whoever you feel deeply connected
suffocate the object or person. Instead, if we with, whoever you are very open with, you
turn our attention towards the experience of can try this technique. It will straightaway lead
love itself, we will be liberating the object and you to enlightenment. Be very clear, I am not
we too will be liberated from the object. That teaching this technique for you to have better
is the beauty of love that happens just as love relationships or for you to develop your
and not for the sake of any object. personality. No! I am giving it to you to
straightaway experience the pure love that
When you start possessing someone, you
can lead you to enlightenment.
bind yourself also. If you are walking holding
your dogs leash, be very clear that you are This technique will take you through a
also bound. Dont think only the dog is bound; quantum jump from the form to the formless,
you are also bound. Dont think that only the from possessive love to causeless love.
dog cannot run away, you too cannot run away!
When love happens as causeless
You may be thinking that you are holding the
overflowing, you simply liberate yourself and
rope and the dog may be thinking that he is
the other person from your own attachment
holding the rope. Who knows?
and possessiveness, because possessiveness
The next time you are with someone, when as you know it, binds not only the other person
you are with your friend with whom you are but you as well. It tortures the other person
completely open, remember to practice this as well as you! Real love simply liberates both
technique. of you. It gives freedom to you and the other
Just sit next to him or her. Dont bother
about what you are going to do or what you When I travel around the world, people
are going to say. Just sit, thats all! That is the ask me, Swamiji, did you sleep well last night?
technique. Actually, speaking is nothing but It is a new place for you. I tell them, Only
avoiding the other person. Because you cannot when you have attachment to a particular
look into the other persons eyes, you go on house does another house become a new place
speaking. That is the truth. The other person for you and you struggle. When you dont have
listens so that he can start speaking whenever attachment to any house, you feel at home
you take a break! If a person is listening to wherever you go!
you, it means that he is either thinking of
I never feel any place is mine or not mine.
something else or he is preparing for his turn.
I feel totally at home anywhere. The comfort
He sits there so that he can start once you
is always within us, never outside us. When
there is no comfort within us, we look for
Now if you try this technique, it can take comfort outside us. Feeling comfortable within
you to a different space altogether. When you us is the result of the causeless love energy.

True love is like a LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT

communion. It is a
kind of resonance When we dont Not only that, with real love, there will be
between two feel attached to no domination or power play in relationships.
one home, we Each person will be like a beautiful flower that
feel at home in has blossomed to radiate its unique fragrance,
the entire world. thats all.
We are totally relaxed anywhere in the world.
With real love, there will be no fear or
insecurity either. In normal love, physical
distance between two people causes a lot of
Love in relationships insecurity and a lack of trust.

In real life, we always look to express our A small story:

love towards others in some tangible way. A young soldier went to his senior officer
Only if love is demonstrated in tangible form, and said, Sir, my friend is not yet back
it is considered to be love nowadays. from the battlefield. I request permission to
go out and get him.
True love is like a communion. It is a
resonance between two beings. It can be felt The officer said, Permission refused. Your
without any expression. It doesnt need friend is most probably dead. I dont want
communication because it is already happening you to risk your life going there.
as a communion. The young soldier went all the same and
came back mortally wounded and carrying
If you really love a person, then your very
the corpse of his friend.
body language will show it. It will be too much
to express in words. You will feel that any The officer was furious. He shouted, I told
words are inadequate and will only bring down you he was dead. Now I have lost both of
the love that you feel. But if you are using you. Tell me, was it worth going out there
words, then somewhere the love has not really to bring a corpse?
happened. When you have to speak to express On the verge of dying, the soldier replied,
love, then somewhere there is a lie in it! You It was, Sir. When I got there he was still
are using the words just to decorate the lie. alive. He said to me, I was sure you would
Real love liberates because it doesnt
compel you to express it all the time. It just is. Real love doesnt look for utility. It
Real love also gives you the freedom to freely operates on sheer trust and is also beyond
express what you want to express. You can space and time.
easily express anything like disapproval or These days I see people gifting each other
anger and it will not be mistaken for reduced with so many things to show their love. Gifting
love. has become an expression of love. If the gifting
happens as causeless overflowing, it is okay.


But if it is a condition to be fulfilled, it becomes It loves for the sake of love, not for the sake
a problem! Then it becomes a poor substitute of the other person.
for real love.
If you are grieving for the loss of a person,
As long as real love is there, no relationship be very clear, you are grieving because you
can become boring. One of the ashramites missed loving him in totality. If you had loved
asked me one day, Everyday you see all of him in totality, you would say good-bye to him
us, all our mistakes and confusions. It is the with complete restfulness, not with grief. You
same thing for you every day. Are you not grieve only because you missed something
bored by us? It was a very honest question! I somewhere. Even if it is your own father or
told them, For enlightened beings, just husband or wife, it is the same. If you had
because of their very love, they feel radiated your causeless love to them when
everybody is unique. They do not look at they were alive, then when they left there
people as mere numbers. They see each one would not be any regret. But if you had loved
as unique. them with rationalizations, then when they left,
the incompleteness of your love towards them
That is why, with so much patience,
would create a hangover, and that hangover
masters continue to work with everybody. If
is what you feel as grief.
it were just a matter of numbers, it would be
very different. When you have this love, your
inner space is such that there is no logical
reason behind your actions. You will just feel Meditation Feel the Love
connected and you radiate love, thats all! overflowing in you
Not only that, causeless overflowing love
Sit down comfortably by yourself and close
is always total in its expression. It doesnt
your eyes.
carry the usual dilutions of greed or fear. So
any person whom you love, you will love totally Focus on your heart region. Exclude
without any reservations. Irrespective of the everything else. Focus only on the heart.
way he is, you will love him. When you love Visualize your heart as an endless reservoir
this way, even if the person leaves your life, from where blessings can flow.
you will not grieve. When a person passes
away, you grieve only because you regret not Feel every heartbeat deeply. Let every
having loved him completely. You can love him beat resound throughout you.
completely only when your love itself is Between the heartbeats, feel the energy
complete. It doesnt have to do anything with of love happening.
the other person. It doesnt matter what kind
In the deepest parts of your body, mind
of person he is. That is the beauty of real love.
and soul, the love energy is waiting to be


Invite the love energy of the heart to flow

and fill these deepest parts of your body, mind
and soul.
Slowly open your eyes.


There is Nothing to Worry

We talked of love so far. Love is about The man said, I know. The month is up
our relationship with others. Love is also today!
about our relationship with us. Without loving Everyone has his or her own set of
ourselves we cannot love others. What worries! If I ask you what you worry about,
prevents us from loving our own self is the you will tell me, I dont have a job, thats my
constant worry or irritation that we generate worry. Your neighbor will say, My job is my
within us. Whether things go right or wrong main worry! Someone else will say, My
we worry. There is nothing more corrosive to children are my worry. Another person will
our self-esteem than worry. What is this say, I dont have children, thats my worry!
worry? One persons dream is another persons worry!
You will not find any logic in it at all.
What is meant by worry? Worry arises
What is Worry? whenever things are not happening as you
A small story: want them to happen. It is the discrepancy
between your expectations and reality. For
A man walked into a bar looking worried example, you feel your son should stay at
and upset.
home with you, whereas he feels he should
The bartender asked him, Whats the be by himself - away from you. You want to
matter? You look very worried about finish your project by a certain time. But
something. things are happening too slowly and it seems
The man said, My wife and I had a fight an impossible task. These are all causes for
and she told me that she wouldnt talk to worry. What you want and expect does not
me for a month. match what others want and expect.
The bartender consoled him, Its okay. One
month isnt that long.


How does Worry take root? joy will end! The mind is trained from a very
young age to think that life moves from one
Worry takes root from your own thoughts worry to the other, or from one pain to another,
or words. There are two things that never from one joy to another.
continuously happen in you. The first is In a classroom, the teacher found that one
dialogue, and the second is monologue what boy was sitting with a very sad face.
I call inner chatter. You either talk to people
outside you or you continuously chatter within She asked him, What happened? Why do
you look so worried?
you. In any case, words and thoughts are the
building blocks that make up worry. The boy said, Its my parents. My dad
works all day to provide good clothes and
When you speak to others, what you say an excellent education for me. He buys me
is strictly governed by societal rules. You anything I want. My mother cooks the best
automatically dont use prohibited or food for me and takes care of me from
politically incorrect words. But what you say morning until I go to bed.
inside yourself, no one except you knows. The
The teacher asked, Then what is your
thoughts that you generate inside constitute
problem? Why are you worried?
your real worries.
The boy replied, I am afraid they might
It is like this: there is a continuous current run away.
of chatter happening in you twenty-four hours
a day, seven days a week. From this current a The mind has a clear identity only with
few spikes rise. These spikes are what you pain, never with joy! That is why recalling
feel and express as worries. Worries are even joyful moments becomes painful.
nothing but spikes in the current of thoughts Joy never gets recorded as thoughts, but
constantly moving within you. pain does. Thats why our internal recordings
These thoughts are mostly negative. are always negative thoughts. Joy is like a
Thats the problem. If I ask you to write your blank recording! For example, if your entire
life story in a few pages, you will write a few life is like a time shaft, on that shaft the joyful
incidents highlighting how and when you moments are simply empty spaces! There
struggled. You will not highlight the many wont be any recording corresponding to it.
joyful incidents that happened in between. But the moments of worry and suffering will
The mind is trained to record only negative be clearly recorded as black impressions.
things. Even when something joyful happens,
you remember only the moment when it
ended, never the moments when you felt joy.
Because even when you are at the peak of
joy, you are always worrying about when the

seeing what is as it
See what is as it IS and Even wh- is, all your energy
en you see will integrate
move on your husband,
within you.
Buddha*, the enlightened master, used the wife, brother,
word tathata - seeing what is as it IS. It is or anyone, look
seeing what is there as it is without any at them as though you are seeing them for the
judgment. first time. Suddenly, you realize that not only
does worry not arise, but also that you will
But most of the time we see things only start seeing everyone alike whether they
through our worry. There is a common saying, are strangers or familiar to you. That is the
We dont see things as they are. We see things right way. No one is familiar or unchanging.
as we are. If you feel there is something Even your wife is not known to you. Everyone
wrong with what you are seeing, then you is constantly changing every moment along
should look back in at yourself because what with Existence. Only your mind is trying to
you see outside is only a reflection of what is make them appear to be permanent.
inside you. If you feel pure love inside, then
you see only pure love outside. It always has Once you start seeing what is as it is, all
to do with you, not with what you are seeing. your energy will integrate within you. There
is no more worry, no more conflict.
How can you keep thoughts away from
what truly IS? How can you enjoy each Some one asked J. Krishnamurti*, the
moment all the time? famous Indian philosopher, how to fall in tune
with what IS. He beautifully says, Just dont
Try this small technique. When you see name it, you will find you are in tune with it!
something say a person, or a situation, or a
book, or anything normally old thoughts and Usually, when we see something, we either
familiar reactions immediately rise in you. Bring try to identify with it or we try to condemn it.
awareness that these conditioned thoughts For example, if you are told you are arrogant,
and memories cloud your judgment and you either accept it or you try not to be
visualize shattering those thoughts. Next, see arrogant! You never understand or go beyond
the situation, or person, or object now with a arrogance. You can only understand within
fresh eye, as though you are seeing it for the your frame of reference, what you are familiar
first time! Suddenly you see how much you with. Because of this, you are caught in a
missed, because of your own worry and limited view of possibilities. To really
thoughts. understand, you need to go beyond this limited
point-of-view. To do that, you have to stop

Buddha - Enlightened master and founder of the religion of Buddhism.

J. Krishnamurti - Renowned Indian philosopher.


that everything is
auspiciousness, naming it The master was absorbed deeply in some
arrogance, work. Without even looking up he said, Go
you will drop ahead.
thats all! There
will be no more The disciple started on his journey. He
arrogance. walked for many days, passing through sun,
Only by naming it, you start the conflict. That rain, snow, and what not. He became
is how you see what IS by not naming it. exhausted, on the verge of death. It took him
one hundred days to reach the valley. When
When you see what is as it is, you are in he finally reached it he looked at the valley
heaven. When you want to see what you want and thought, This valley doesnt look all
to see, you are in hell. If you understand that that great. I have seen many more beautiful
everything is auspiciousness, you will drop valleys. Why did the master call this
expectation and see things as they are, paradise?
because everything is auspiciousness.
He looked around and walked further and
A small story: finally found Hemachandras hut.
Hemachandra was very pleased to see him.
One disciple kept asking the master, Master,
He served him food and asked how the
where is paradise?
master and other disciples were doing.
Finally one day, the master asked him, Do
All along, the disciple was thinking to
you really want to know?
himself, Master called this place paradise?
The disciple sat up and said, Yes! I cant believe it.
The master said, Alright, my first disciple After a week-long stay he left and returned
Hemachandra is in paradise. After saying to his master. It took him another one
these words the master closed his eyes and hundred days to return home.
went into meditation.
He went straight to the master and stated,
The disciple knew it would be a long time You said that the place is paradise. But
before the master opened his eyes. So, he what I saw was the most ordinary place
went and asked some of the disciples if they ever!
knew where Hemachandra lived. No one
The master said, Oh god! At the time of
seemed to know.
your enquiry, had you been more explicit
Finally one disciple said, I know how to about your intention, I would have told you
guide you there, but I have never been there the truth.
myself. It is in a deep valley beyond a range
The disciple asked, What is the truth?
of ice covered mountains.
The master replied, Hemachandra is not
The disciple wrote down the directions
in paradise. Paradise is in him!
carefully and went back to the master. He
told him, Master, I wish to pay a visit to When you live close to Existence, without
Hemachandra! any expectation, seeing what is as it is and

finding the blessings in it, you will carry heaven When parents express constant worry,
in you! Heaven is not geographical, it is children grow up thinking life goes on only
psychological. It is not physical, it is mental. because of worry! Understand that life goes
If you decide, you can be in heaven right now. on not because of us, but in spite of us!
The problem is that parents expect their
children to worry! If they dont worry, they
Worry a legacy passed brand them as uncaring. It is possible to care
down without worrying. Care is doing, worry is
chattering. There is no use chattering.
Worry is an unwanted legacy passed down
Chattering is like trying to cross a bridge
from grandparents to parents to children.
before it comes.
Children are like sponges. They simply absorb
the body language and attitude of the parents. A young boy was driving his mother to the
The parents are not even aware this is neighboring village. They were nearing the
happening. For example, if a child hears the village when they remembered a particular
bridge that used to be very old and
mother repeating a certain worry four or five
times, the child simply internalizes the habit.
He grows up repeating statements The mother got very anxious and said, I
unnecessarily, which is one attribute of worry. will never cross that bridge by car.

Ultimately he carries the worry with him The son said, Lets see how it looks when
we come to it.
into marriage and then both he and his new
wife must deal with it, even though it was The mother said, Im sure the bridge will
originally his mothers concern. They will break if we attempt to cross it.
then hand it down to their children, unless they The son replied, Lets see how strong it is.
stop naming it and learn to live with what IS. We wont cross it without checking it
One man was pushing his baby in a pram. carefully.
The baby was screaming at the top of his The mother said, If something happens to
voice. All the while the man kept repeating you or me, your father will never forgive
quietly, Keep calm George. Dont scream. me. She kept going on like this, becoming
It will be okay. more and more upset.
His wife told him to keep quiet. Soon they reached the spot where the bridge
A woman who was watching this said to stood. The bridge had been replaced with
the wife, Why are you so rude to him? He a new one!
is really doing his best to pacify your son! There are two things to understand:
The wife looked at her with resentment, chronological planning and psychological
pointed to her husband and told her, He is worry. Chronological planning is needed to set
George. up a schedule for tasks or projects to be

watch with
awareness will completed. For up like an island that is cut off from the
dissolve. example, you fragrance of the mainland. You are cut off
decide, I will from the fragrance of Existence because of
wake up at six a.m., do my meditation, then your worries. You miss the miracles of
take a shower at seven a.m., and leave for Existence that are continuously happening
the office by eight a.m. Ill finish work by five around you. You forget to appreciate and
p.m. and return home by six p.m. remember only to complain. You forget
laughter and remember only anxiety. You
This type of planning is perfectly alright.
forget bliss and remember only stress.
But before you come to each task on your
Remembering these negative things becomes
list, you start creating anxiety about it. You
a mere habit.
think of the pros and cons of each, etc. This is
called psychological worry! This is not
needed. Chronological planning is fine, but
psychological worry is not needed. It is like Awareness the benign
trying to cross a bridge before it comes. virus!
So much energy is spent worrying and it
What is the solution to this distorted
is all of no use. In the story I just narrated, it
software of the mind?
does not mean that the son does not care. He
cares without worry, thats all. Why Deep awareness is the solution. Deep
contemplate over the bridge even before it awareness is like a benign virus, if such a thing
comes? exists! Once awareness enters your system,
the more you work with the mind, the more
You can clean the physical parts of your
the awareness gets into the worry software
house, your carpets and floors, but what about
and destroys it!
the space inside your house? This space is
the energy that circulates throughout your Awareness is nothing but bringing our
house. It captures all the thoughts you radiate. focus to exactly what is happening in and
It sets the very mood of the house. Your around us. It is witnessing. Anything that we
worries rest like cobwebs in the space of your watch with awareness will dissolve. That is
house. That is why when you enter your house, the power of awareness; whether it is physical
you experience a familiar pattern of worry. pain, mental pain, worry, or something else.
The patterns remaining in the space of your When we watch with awareness, we stop the
house grip you when you return to it. conflict somewhere within us. We start
Understand that your mental setup settles into moving with the natural flow of things.
the space of your house. When we watch worry with awareness,
The big problem is that you become so we focus light on exactly how worry is
used to your patterns of worries that you end created, how it exists. Once this happens, the


worry starts to dissolve and clarity starts Work out of inspiration not
out of Worry
There is a small story about Buddha* and
his disciples: If you observe closely, you will see that
goals always create worry in us. When we
One day Buddha* arrived for his usual
morning discourse with his disciples. He move toward any goal, we move only with
had a knotted handkerchief in his hand. He the worry about the results.
showed the handkerchief to the disciples Krishna*, an enlightened master from
and asked if any of them could come up and ancient India, beautifully says in the ancient
untie the knot. Hindu* scripture, the Bhagavad Gita*, The
One disciple went up and tried to untie it. person who does not expect gain or loss from
He pulled and pulled and the knot tightened. anything works happily with no need even for
Another disciple went up, he looked at the motivation.
knot for a few seconds and easily untied it.
When you are worried about the results,
All he did was look at the knot and the very worry affects the results. Because
immediately he knew how the knot was
when you worry, your doing is affected. Work
made in the first place. So, he just reversed
should always be done out of inspiration,
the whole thing and untied it! The knot itself
never out of worry. The motivation for any
taught him how to untie it.
work should be inspiration, not worry.
In life worries are the knots in the Inspiration is an overflowing energy that
handkerchief. If we look at them with expands your capacity to do things. It is
awareness, we will know how to dissolve completely energizing. Worry, on the other
them. We will see exactly how the worry was hand, is something that shrinks your capacity.
created and then know how to untie it. The It limits what you are capable of really doing
worry itself will teach us how to release it. because it takes away your energy.
When you work out of worry, you are
always bothered about the results. When you
work out of inspiration, you are not bothered
about the results. You are bothered only about
doing the task to the fullest. Any task done

Buddha - Enlightened master and founder of the religion of Buddhism.

Krishna - Enlightened master from India who delivered the Truths of the Bhagavad Gita.
Hindu - Follower of Hindu religion, estimated at over a billion people.
Bhagavad Gita - Ancient Indian scripture, delivered by enlightened master Krishna, and considered the essence of the
Upanishads or scriptures.


expectation, you with the energy not have even thought about putting beans up
are already of inspiration his nose! Now his mother has planted the idea
always turns in him. Worry infuses life into many things
fulfilled. There is
out good results. that never existed in the first place. Now, when
no space for worry. Even if it the boy puts the beans in his nose, her worry
doesnt give the turns out to be true! She concludes that her
expected results, you wont feel bad about it worries are always right.
because you have received fulfillment simply
by doing it. The doing itself will fulfill you.
Worry is only an illusion
Leave no space for Worry to If you look into worries, you will observe
that they arise out of deep ignorance of the
fill truth that Existence is running the whole
When you live without expectation, you show. If you look, you will see that all worries
are already fulfilled. There is no space for are mere illusion. You can understand this by
worry or discontent to thrive. When you dont observing what happens at the time of death.
have worry, you see things as they are. You When you are alive, you may have one
dont worry about what might be or might not hundred worries, but suppose you are dying.
be. Worry exists only if you give it space. The At that moment, how many worries do you
space for worry is the past or future. The think will dominate you the way they did
present doesnt hold any space for it. earlier? Surely only one worry will be
foremost that you are going to die. None of
A small story: the earlier worries will exert any great
A mother was preparing a meal for her influence. All the outer world situations
young son. She emptied a tin of beans into remain the same, but still the worries
a saucepan and put them on the stove to disappear! Only loving thoughts remain for
cook. Just then the phone rang. She was the people around you who are dear to you.
expecting the call and wanted to take it,
but she was concerned that her son would How is this possible? It is possible only
be left alone for those few minutes while because your worries were never a part of you
she was out of the room. in the first place. They were merely a part of
your mind. They were nothing solid. If they
She firmly told him, Stay here while I
were solid, they would definitely exert some
answer the phone. Ill be back soon. Dont
amount of influence over you at the time of
misbehave, and whatever you do, dont put
those beans up your nose... your death as well.

We always worry about what is happening The nature of worry is such that it always
and what might happen, also! The boy might goes behind something that is not present. If


you have wealth, it will go after relationships, The Ego in disguise

if you have relationships, it will go after
education, if you have education it will go after If you seriously analyze every worry that
good looks. If everything is present, it will arises in you, you will see that ninety nine
suspect what is present! percent of your worries are baseless. But the
problem is that the ego is not willing to accept
that. The ego has invested too much in worry.
Surrender and relax Worry cant be discarded just like that! Just
try telling someone that his or her worries are
When you clearly understand that you are not worth anything. They will get very
part of the grand plan of Existence, no worry offended. You would expect that a person
can take root in you. Existence is a live energy would feel happy if you tell him his worries
being. It has tremendous intelligence with are not true. But it wont be so! He will feel
which it runs the whole show. We are all part offended. The ego feels offended whenever
of it. The same intelligence that conducts its worries are not acknowledged with due
Existence is available to us too. If we tune in respect.
to it, our actions will be fluid and spontaneous The ego is what sustains the worry. The
like the happenings of Existence. If we dont worry is created out of ignorance, but
tune into it, we will harbor worry and fear sustained by ego. Worry becomes an axis
and remain closed. around which the ego revolves. If worry is
There is so much to learn from Existence! taken away, the ego suffers. The worry of
Take animals for example. Have you ever work and the worry of responsibility are
heard of worried sheep or cows? No! They classic examples of this.
conduct their lives like you; they are born, If you watch some people, they simply
they reproduce, they find food, and they face magnify their situation to prove that they have
death - just like human beings. You may say, the greatest worries on planet earth! If you
They dont have to face the challenges that try to oppose them, they feel very hurt.
we have to face. What about their other
activities like reproduction, facing death, etc? Even worrying about what others will say
Are they worried about all that? No! But these about us is a problem of the ego. The ego is
things happen to them too. So understand that constantly worried that its self-image might
Existence is running this whole macrocosm. be spoiled by someone. It is because of the
It can surely take care of you as well! ego that we feel we want to be somebody
special all the time. We spend considerable
Surrendering to the laws of Existence is time just worrying about our self-image.
the greatest relaxation from worry. Understand that the greatest blessing is being
a nobody and yet being blissful. That is the
greatest specialty. It is said that the most

become our
comfort zone. We extraordinary action. And when you fall into right action,
hide in them. This thing about an you drop worry. Your comfort with worry can
enlightened be understood even from the way you react
helps us remain
being is that he to other peoples worries. If you keenly watch,
lazy. thinks he is you will observe that whenever a person talks
ordinary! So, understand that enlightenment to you about his worries, you first tell them,
itself is a journey to relax into yourself. You What can you do Thats just the way it
are someone special all the time, only when happens You never straightaway give a
you drop worry and ego. solution to them. When you do this, be very
clear, you are not only encouraging them, but
you are also encouraging yourself to remain
Get out of your comfort zone comfortably in the worry zone.
If you really observe, we love to worry
If you really want to come out of your
and talk about it. It makes us feel that we are
worries, you will come out right now, without
shouldering a lot of problems. It makes us feel
trying to justify any of your worries.
important, like the world cant make it without
The thing is, our very worries become our us to take care of it.
comfort zone. We hide in them. Hiding and
When you see a problem, if you want a
merely talking about them helps us to remain
solution, you never dwell upon the problem
even for a second. You simply switch to the
Someone asks Mahavira*, an enlightened solution, thats all! In the same way, for every
Jain master from India, Who is the one who worry there is an instant solution. You have
has worries? to want it; that is the key.
He beautifully replies, The person who Most of the time, you prefer to stay in the
is worried. comfort zone of your worry. It keeps you
settled. For example, lets say you are visiting
They ask him, What is the cause of
your child at college. You see a few students
worry? He replies, Laziness.
keeping their rooms all messy, or exchanging
Then they ask him, Who ends worries? clothes and wearing them. You record the
He replies, Man himself. whole scene in your mind and assume that is
They ask him, How can worry be ended? the way of life in the dorm itself. You advise
He replies, By dropping laziness. your child to keep her things neat and not to
wear others clothes. Even if she tells you her
If you drop laziness, you fall into right things are in order and that she doesnt wear

Mahavira - The 24th and last tirthankara or enlightened one, who established the tenets of the religion of Jainism,
founded in India and now practised by millions worldwide.

THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY Worry is that habit
that keeps us from
others clothes, you will not readily erase or This energy living to our full
reprogram your recording. You stick with the c e n t e r potential.
earlier recording of what you observed. responds
directly to
There probably were many other beautiful
worry, and affects the stomach. That is why
things to record in the dorm like the joy of
when you worry about something your
the students, the campus itself, etc., but every
stomach starts becoming uneasy. Or when you
time you think of your daughter, only this one
hear shocking news you say, I cant digest
recording comes up and you worry about her.
itAny disturbing news causes your stomach
Not only that, anyone you meet, you talk about
to churn. The stomach is very sensitive to
how things are a mess in her dorm and how
everyone exchanges clothes and wears them!
The recording itself is not the truth. But you There was a doctor famous for his
choose to have it as your comfort zone. You extraordinary and effective treatment of
reinforce it. arthritis. He always had a waiting room full
of people.
Even your worry related to wealth is like
this. If making money is the worry, then it One day an old lady with her back badly
bent walking entered the office, with the
clearly means, somewhere laziness is pulling
aid of a stick. When her turn came, she went
you back into the comfort of worry. If you
into the doctors room and amazingly, came
discard laziness and move, you make money. out within five minutes, walking completely
There are a million opportunities in todays erect with her head high.
world to make money.
A woman in the waiting room ran to her
and said, Its a miracle! You walked in bent
in half and now you are walking erect! What
Drop Worry, pick up health did that doctor do?

When you create more thoughts inside you The old lady replied, He gave me a longer
through worry, the load on the navel region cane.
increases. It is from the navel region that Sometimes we are so used to living a
thoughts or worries arise. When you create certain way that we cant see a better way to
more and more thoughts, you feel the live. Worry is that habit that keeps us from
heaviness in your stomach. There is an energy living to our full potential and invites disease
center in the navel area called the into the body. Disease starts in the mind.
manipuraka chakra *. This energy center
There are extreme forms of worry that
starts shrinking with the heaviness of worry.
may become habitual and slow down the

Manipuraka chakra - Subtle energy center located near the navel region, related to the emotion of worry.


functioning of the individual. This form of A large number of the people in the world
worry is diagnosed as Generalized Anxiety visit psychiatrists for the treatment of worry.
Disorder, called GAD. It is much more than Medication is all right, but for psychosomatic
the normal anxiety people experience day to conditions like worry, meditation is also
day. According to research done by the needed.
National Institute of Mental Health in the
Meditation softens you. When you soften,
USA, GAD affects about 6.8 million adult
love and gratitude start happening in you.
Americans and about twice as many women
Then slowly, there is no room for worry.
as men.
Worry is also a form of violence. It is a subtle
form of violence. It is a disguised agitation in
the system.
How meditation helps Meditation also tremendously increases
Once worry happens, we visit awareness. When awareness increases,
psychiatrists. The cause of worry is in the outwardly you might be completely involved
mind, not outside. Then how will medicine in the outer world, but inwardly you will be
alone help? untouched by anything that happens. That is
the real worry-free life.


Excel without Stress

What is Stress? become slaves to their minds. They live in

Worry and stress are closely interrelated.
Many centuries before Descartes, a
They are like parent and child. One cannot
vedic* sage declared that man does not begin
exist without the other. What works for one
to exist till he stops thinking. Adi Shankara*,
works for the other as well. However, given
at the age of eight, faced his future master
that stress is considered the biggest destroyer
across the waters of the holy Tungabhadra
of health in todays world, it is worth going
river. The master asked him, Who are you?
into more depth on this subject.
In response Shankara* said, I am not the
Four hundred years ago the French
mind, I am not the intellect, I am not the ego
philosopher Rene Descartes * declared, I
and I am not the senses. I am beyond all that.
think, therefore I exist. This has formed the
I am pure consciousness.
basis of modern thinking. Billions of people
in this world have followed Descartes* for We are merely a bio-machine as long as
generations believing that unless each one we think we are mind and body. We are just a
outthinks the other they cannot succeed in this shade better than the animals we ascended
world. from as long as we allow our senses to guide
us. But the true potential of human beings is
Descartes* was right, and he was wrong.
not merely to think and prove that we are
He was right in that that the human system
superior to animals. The purpose of human
does not know how to live without its mind,
life is to transcend the mind and ascend to a
without thinking. As a result human beings
higher state of consciousness. In that state we

Rene Descartes - French philosopher scientist famous for his saying I think, therefore I am.
Vedic - Referring to ancient scriptures of the Vedas.
Adi Shankara Enlightened master from India. Greatest exponent of the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta or non-dualism,
whose movement restored glory to the declining vedic tradition and Hinduism during his period.


tension. You are the

tension. are truly in the gap between the Western psychology and the
divinity that we vedic psychology.
descended from.
Western psychology continuously gives us
Till we reach that state of unity with what the hope that we can be brought back to
we truly are, we are in turmoil. This turmoil, normalcy, retaining I as I. For example, if we
this confusion between our true nature and are feeling hot in this room, we can fix the air
what we pretend and strive to be is what we conditioning and make it cool to be
call stress or tension. comfortable. But we forget an important
factor. The moment we bring air conditioning
into this room, we need to maintain that. That
Mind is not a machine brings additional tension. That brings
additional problems. Now we need electricity,
According to vedic* psychology, we are we need to pay the bills and for all these
not disturbed. We are indeed the source of facilities we need money. When you go out
that disturbance. Understand this well, you to work, you no longer enjoy this room. The
are not tensed but you are tension. You are room and its air conditioning exist, but you
not stressed but you are the source of stress. are elsewhere working to pay the bills for the
There is a big difference between the two. air conditioner!
Let us look deeply into it. Then you will
We forget an important factor. You as you
understand. You are not in tension. You are
are, is a disease. The concept of mind,
the tension. There is a very big difference
according to Western psychology, is a
between you are disturbed and you are the
machine. According to vedic psychology, it is
a process. Mind is not a machine but a
A group of reputed and experienced process. It is constantly happening. The word
scientists, after doing research for many years, manas, which is the Sanskrit word for mind,
have now come up to say this. They say: We means a constant happening, something that
cannot make man responsible for his actions is not passive and dead but something that is
unless we teach him how to manage his dynamic and alive.
emotions by managing what is happening inside
Western psychology insists on this one
idea that the mind is a biomechanical machine.
Whatever the vedic* scriptures said five We all believe unconsciously that mind is
thousand years ago is the same thing that the matter, a thing or a machine. That is why
modern scientists are saying now. These constantly we connect all the past happenings
scriptures also provide the solution and answer of the mind as a chain, and start believing our
for this age-old problem. They can bridge the mind is a solid thing.

Vedic - Referring to ancient scriptures of the Vedas.


Connecting the unconnected tomorrow onwards? No, we cant. Whatever

we believe to be our past, only that we will
Let me give you an example. The low believe can be our future. So once we start
mood that you experienced ten years ago, the believing that our past was filled with
low mood that you experienced nine years depression, we have created the unconscious
ago, the low mood that you experienced eight faith that our future will also be depression.
years ago, the low mood that you experienced
When we believe that the mind is just a
seven years ago and the low mood that you
thing, a bio-machine, we have created hell for
experienced yesterday are completely
ourselves. Fortunately for us, the mind is not
unconnected and independent incidents. All
a thing. There is hope. The truth is that mind
these happened for different purposes,
is not a thing as we all have been taught; it is
different reasons, at different times and
a process. It is not a noun but a verb.
situations. You connect all these unconnected
incidents and say, My life itself is a When we believe the mind is a thing, be
depression. very clear, we create problems that do not
The low mood that you experienced years
ago, months ago, weeks ago or days ago are A small story:
all unconnected and independent incidents. A man goes to a psychiatric doctor and
Fifteen years ago, you would have felt the low says, Doctor, my life is full of problems.
mood and felt depressed because your toys The doctor says, Everybodys life is a
were lost. Nine years ago, you would have problem. Dont worry. Every week we will
felt depressed because your girlfriend was have three sessions and you will be charged
lost. Few years ago you would have felt hundred dollars.
depressed or disturbed because your son was The man says, Doctor, three sessions per
not listening to you. The reasons were different, week each at hundred dollars will solve
situations were different, and the cause was your problem. What about my problem!
totally different. However, when you connect
Understand, the moment we start
all these low moods and decide, My life is
believing that the mind is only a machine, we
full of depression, you have created hell for
become helpless. No psychiatrist can help. No
psychoanalyst can help. No other method can
The moment you start believing that your help, because the basic belief is wrong. The
life is depressed, your life indeed becomes moment we bring a wrong belief, whatever is
depression. Please understand that it is only built on that has to go wrong. It cannot be the
what you believe to be your past that you will truth. We need to understand the basic truth
reproduce in future. We all know that we that the mind is a process; we are not in tension
cant fly from our past experience. How can but we are tension.
we believe that we can start flying from


How do we decide? binds us. In our meditation programs, we work

on the removal and dissolution of these
Only about ten percent of what we samskaras* that bind us. The second way is
perceive through our senses gets recorded in to be in the present moment, in total awareness
our conscious mind. Everything else goes and control.
directly into our unconscious mind. This is
why many times we do not even remember a
place that we pass every day. So long as this Transcend time - be in the
sensory perception does not interest us in
some way it does not get recorded. present
Let us now see what happens to those Your thoughts are always about your past
sensory perceptions that do get recorded in or your future. You can only think about what
our conscious mind. These impressions are happened in the past or what will happen in
sorted out by parts of our mind and identified. the future. Your thoughts of the past are
Your conscious mind records whether the usually regrets about what you did not do or
person you see in front of you is known to guilt about what you did. Thoughts of the
you or whether he is an unknown stranger. future are about what you wish to do.
How you would like to interact with him is
Please understand, neither the past nor the
no longer a decision made at the conscious
future is real. The past is dead and gone. Most
level. In case you know him, your attitude
often we do not even learn from the past. All
towards him and your action would be based
we try to do is use our past to steer the future.
on the engraved memories that are grooved
It is like driving a car looking only at the rear
in your mind. In case he is unknown to you
view mirror! You know for sure where you
also, the very appearance of that person would
will end up!
trigger unconscious responses. Either way the
file moves into your unconscious for a The future is even more unreal. It has not
decision about what you should do. happened. You have very little control over
your future the way you are, because all your
For most of us, less than ten percent of
actions are steered by the unconscious mind.
the mind is conscious. Less than ten percent
You are driven by the embedded memories
of what you perceive through your senses gets
of your past. Your thoughts are nothing but
recorded consciously. It is possible that less
the movement of your mind between past and
than one percent of what you decide is a
future. Your mind never wants to rest. If it
rational decision!
rested you will know you can do without it!
There are two ways we can regain control.
If only you allowed the mind to rest or
The first is to reduce the conditioning that
even persuaded your mind to rest, you will
Samskaras - Engrams or deeply engraved memories.

disengages the
find that you reach a blissful state. That state When your mind so that the
is the present moment. All your future has to TPS comes mind cannot play
happen in this present moment. It is what you down, you enter
decide now in this present moment that makes more and more
your future. Once you take care of the present into the present
moment, once you live this present moment and when this happens, you have a clearer
consciously, you no longer will have cause to vision of the past and the future. You may
regret your past or feel guilty about it. wonder what is there to be clear about the
past. One can understand that the future may
not be clear, but why the past? I have lived it,
so why should it be unclear! You need to
understand that what you now remember of
the past is your judgment of the past, not the
way it happened. How many times do we talk
about the golden past? How much has been
written about the golden past! There is
nothing golden about the past. We just choose
to remember the good parts, so it looks golden.
When you are in the intuitive state, be very
clear: for those few moments, your TPS has
dropped and you are more in the present.
When your TPS is zero, you can clearly see
the entire past and future.
The point where the future meets the past
is the present. This is where your thought
frequency is zero and you are in a no-mind
state. You have not merely controlled or
suppressed the mind, which is impossible. You
have transcended the mind, which is possible.
The shaft in the center represents time.
Meditation brings the mind to rest.
At any given time, the greater your TPS or
Meditation disengages the mind so that the
Thoughts Per Second, the more far-flung you
mind cannot play games. We can also reach
are from consciousness of the present
this state in the masters presence. The master
moment. You are simply worrying about the
is always in a no-mind state, which is the zero
future thus allowing it to slip into the past,
TPS state. When you are in his awareness,
without ever getting a glimpse of the present.
whether physically or otherwise, your own


TPS just by being

in the masters TPS also fight or flight reaction either the energy
presence. drops. You can prepares us to fight the threat or to run away
reach zero from the threat.
TPS just by
The unconscious reptilian brain takes the
being in the masters presence. The presence
decision to release chemicals into our body
of the master is meditation. Awareness of the
to protect us. This worked very well in the
master is meditation.
days of the caveman when he faced lions and
tigers. He had to be ready even without
thinking to fight or run away.
Physiological effects of To study the effect of adrenalin on human
Stress beings today, experiments were carried out
on athletes. Sprinters were lined up at the
We have looked at what the scriptures
starting block and moments before the pistol
say and what I think about why stress is
was raised to signal to them to start running
created. Let us now look at what science
the umpire lowered his arm. So, the sprinters
had to fall back and reposition themselves.
We all have a part of our brain that controls This was repeated six times. Without even
our actions such as breathing, digestion and running a meter the sprinters collapsed at the
such activities that the body does automatically, starting block! The adrenalin level in their
involuntarily. Nature has designed a fail-safe bodies had become dangerously high. The life
system in a part of our brain called saving adrenalin can become a killer when it
hypothalamus. This part of the brain also is produced without reason.
includes what biologists refer to as the reptilian
The chances of our meeting a tiger or a
lion are quite slim these days. Nevertheless
Behavioral scientists often talk about the our unconscious mind keeps sending signals
fight or flight response. When the body-mind of such danger. These are called fear strokes.
perceives a danger to our survival the Psychologists estimate that we face at least
hypothalamus is alerted by our unconscious half a dozen such fear strokes every day. These
mind. The unconscious mind functions at fear strokes produce large quantities of
speeds a million times faster than the conscious adrenalin in us. It has been established that
mind. So even before we consciously become depression is a direct result of such adrenalin
aware of danger, we instinctively become alert. production. Depression in turn is considered
The hypothalamus activates the pituitary gland, to be the main cause of many chronic and fatal
the master gland, which then activates the illnesses.
adrenalin glands that secrete the adrenalin
Medical research has found that many
hormone, which is pumped into our extremities,
young people in rich countries, even teenagers,
the hands and legs. We then get ready for the
have failed because
have arteries so badly blocked that their touch with of the egos of the
arteries are similar to sixty-year-old people! ground reality. people who led
Doctors have established that the physical Once such
condition is only one part of the problem. A decisions are
much larger part is the emotional condition. It made their egos
is now fairly well established that an emotional are in play. Anything can be sacrificed but not
trigger causes the immediate onset of a heart the ego! A simple study of corporate history
attack or stroke, even though the physical can show how many companies have failed
condition may have been present for a long because of the egos of the people who led
time. them.
Stress is a killer, but it is in the mind. I am told by some of my disciples in the
corporate field about something called Level
5 Leadership. This is about those corporate
Is Stress work related? leaders who put themselves behind the needs
of the company and the people who work for
In an IT company the Chief Executive them rather than placing their own ego needs
received an enquiry for a project. He sent first. Research has shown that the Chief
it down for a proposal. The team that Executives of companies that have been
worked on such projects did a full review commercially successful consistently are
and said that they could do the job in six hardly known to the outside world! These
months at a cost of a million dollars. The
leaders are so humble, and focused inwards.
manager in charge of the team reviewed this
and said the team can do this in 4 months Stress at the workplace starts with our
at a cost of three quarter million dollars. education system. We start ranking children
The proposal went up to a General Manager. from a very young age. When in a group three
The General Manager called everyone, gave people are graded as heroes, the rest of the
them a pep talk and said, We should be group feels useless. We are taught to compete
able to do this for half a million dollars in from a very early age. This comparison
three months. Then he sent this as his continues into the workplace and converts it
proposal to the Chief Executive. into a battlefield.
The Chief Executive called the client and The so-called Human Resource programs
told him that his company will deliver the specify that people must be categorized. I am
product in two months at a cost of half a told that in many corporations it is necessary
million dollars. to show that ten or fifteen percent of the
People who work in corporations can people are bad performers. People are
relate with this incident. People who make reduced to statistics! In order to survive
decisions and commitments are often out of people are forced to make others victims. This


is probably why they call these offices This is what we teach in our basic Life
concrete jungles! Bliss Program courses. The five levels of the
pyramid that Maslow* drew correspond to the
As long as people are driven by fear and
seven levels of energy that we carry within
greed, they cannot be inspired. They can be
us. These seven centers of energy are called
controlled and made to perform routine tasks
chakras* in the vedic system. Each chakra
but they cannot be inspired to do the
represents an emotional state as well as a state
impossible. This is the dilemma todays
of desire. As we fulfill the needs of each
corporations face. They need people to
chakra we move up in energy till we reach a
perform but their kit of motivational
state of fulfillment. It is a process many
techniques is not enough. It contains the whip
thousands of people have gone through with
and the carrot, nothing more.
remarkable effect. We have taught these
A well known psychologist built a model programs in many corporations worldwide. I
of how human beings move up in their desires. call this a Guaranteed Solution.
This is now named after him as Maslows*
hierarchy of needs. At the base of this pyramid
are ones survival needs of food, shelter and
other material essentials. People then look for
Meditation technique
fulfillment in the society they live in, such as This is a simple and yet a powerful
building a network and so on. They then seek technique to clear stress. We teach this
love and attention. Then they look for respect, technique in our Life Bliss Programs for
name and fame. After all this they are still unblocking the manipuraka chakra* or navel
dissatisfied. They feel that there is something energy center, which is the seat of stress. This
still missing in their lives. technique should always be practised before
That something is within. Maslow* called a meal, when the stomach is empty and a few
it self-actualization. This is the zone where hours before sleep.
we flow free of stress. This is the zone of inner While standing, shout, scream, rave and
realization. This is the zone where you know rant in a language that you do not know. If
that you are one with the universal energy. anyone is listening, it should also not make any
Whether you work at home, in an office or sense to them. Be aggressive in letting out all
factory or you do not work at all, you still look your emotions and feelings that will start
forward to this state where you are centered.

Maslow - American psychologist famous for his concept of the five layered hierarchy of needs.
Chakras - Energy centers in the body. Literally means wheel based on the experience of mystics who perceived these
energy centers as whirlpools of energy. There are seven major chakras along the spine: muladhara, swadhishthana, manipuraka,
anahata, vishuddhi, ajna and sahasrara.
Manipuraka chakra - Subtle energy center located near the navel region, related to the emotion of worry.


pouring out of you once you start. Cry if you memories will be released. Processes such
so wish. Roll on the floor if your emotions drive as hypnosis are through the unconscious and
you. you have no control. This technique is a
superconscious process in which you retain
This technique is a powerful meditation.
awareness while cleansing yourself.
It unblocks your unconscious and allows all
the negativities stored inside to dissolve. Practice this technique for twenty
Typical psychoanalytical sessions when minutes. Then sit down and allow the energy
patients talk to their analysts, or even throw to spread within you in silence for ten minutes.
things around for catharsis, are still conscious During this silence just be a witness to your
processes. Only ten percent of your stored thoughts. Do not suppress them or chase them.



Face Your Fears and Be Free

What is Fear? call it the fight or flight response; either you

face the fear and fight, or you run away. There
Fear is a deeper dimension of worry. will be so much energy in your body the
Worry can cause ulcers. Fear on the other hand moment you face a survival threat. Whenever
can even destroy life. However, unlike worry that threat is real, the swadhishthana chakra*,
without which life is possible, fear seems the seat of life, gets completely shaken!
woven into our lives. It is possible to face fear
without fear. A person who we call courageous
is not one without fear, but one who has learnt Big Bang and Black Hole
to face fear without fear.
inside you
Fear is a form of energy inside us. That is
why it cannot be destroyed. Energy can When there is pure desire or pure greed
neither be created nor destroyed; it can only in you without any object in particular, it
be changed from one form to another. becomes the overflowing energy of creation,
expansion, or Big Bang*! For no reason, you
Understand, your fear is directly
simply explode with energy. In the same way,
connected to your life energy. Whenever you
when there is pure fear in you without any
are facing a survival threat, you will see your
object in particular, it becomes contraction,
fear rising and the adrenalin release happening
black hole*.
in your body. That adrenalin release gives you
so much energy that you can almost fly. We Fear is your nature, but dont direct it
towards any object. Having fear is natural.

Swadhishthana chakra Subtle energy center corresponding to the spleen.

Big Bang Cosmological model of the universe where the universe is considered to have originated from a highly dense
initial state at some time in the past, and continues to expand to this day.
Black hole - A theoretical region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing, not even light can
escape from it.


between faith in
oneself versus the But connecting rejuvenated with a tremendous relaxation
negative idea about the fear to an which surges as courage and energy in you!
object is
your future.
societal. Pure
fear helps in Fight between your
survival and it is spontaneous.
potentiality and your
Enormous energy radiating from you for
no reason is pure greed. If it is because of an negative approach
object, it becomes ordinary greed. In the same Whenever you are afraid of losing
way, energy settling back within you for no something that you have, or you fear you
reason is pure fear. If it is because of an object, cannot achieve something that you want to
it becomes ordinary fear. Unless the black have, there is a fight going on between your
hole* happens, the Big Bang* cannot happen. potentiality and your negative approach to the
It is part of life, part of the drama, part of the future.
game. Pure fear means you are relaxing into
yourself, settling inside you. That is what we If you are sure there is no possibility of
call destruction. The birth of this cosmos is achieving something, that you dont have the
the Big Bang, and death is the black hole*. potentiality, you will not have fear. If you are
Birth of your being is big bang for you. Death sure that you can achieve something, then
of your being is black hole for you. The also, you dont have fear.
inhaling breath is pure desire. The exhaling Fear is the fight between faith and belief
breath is pure fear. in oneself on one hand, versus the negative
Prana the life energy that enters along idea or expectation you have about your future
with the air - goes into you because of the on the other hand. You are literally fighting
Big Bang. Prana leaving your system with with your own positive and negative energies.
the outgoing air is the black hole. When you If you are very sure you dont have the
resist or fight with the Big Bang or black hole, potentiality, that you cant achieve, then you
you create disturbance in your system. wont have fear. If you are very confident
When fear happens, when the black hole you are going to achieve, then also you wont
happens, it means that you are turning towards have fear. However, if there is something you
peace or getting ready for the Big Bang. want to achieve, but you are not sure that you
Whenever pure fear happens, you become can achieve it, then you will have fear. The

Big Bang Cosmological model of the universe where the universe is considered to have originated from a highly dense
initial state at some time in the past, and continues to expand to this day.
Black hole - A theoretical region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing, not even light can
escape from it.


fight between these two ideas, the dilemma is Increased possibility for
what we call fear.
There are two ways to escape fear. One
way is to block all possibility. This means you People come and say to me, I have too
can die, then there wont be any more fear! many fears. What can I do? I tell them, If
The second way to escape fear is to break you have too many fears, the possibility for
the boundary of possibilities. If there is infinite enlightenment is more. So many doors are
possibility, if there is no boundary, if there is available to you!
nothing that limits you, then you become For a person who doesnt have too many
fearless. Just by having this understanding, fears, the possibility, the number of doors is
something will click in you and so many fears also fewer because he leads a dull life. A
will disappear from your being! person who leads a dull life will not have
There is a beautiful story: much fear. He has nothing much to lose,
nothing much to decide. He is not taking many
One person wrote on the wall of a temple
where the teachings are written, Soham - risks.
I am That. It means, Everything is All you need to do is this: every time you
possible by me. feel fear, do not disrespect yourself. Do not
Another person came and wrote, Dasoham lose confidence or condemn yourself thinking,
- Nothing can be done by me. I am a slave. What kind of a being am I? Actually people
Again that is also okay. who can face their fears do not have so many
A third person came and wrote, Sadasoham problems. People who are afraid of their fears
- Always I am That. create more problems for themselves. When
you brood too much about your fears, you start
If you are in tune with the idea, Nothing thinking you have problems.
can be done by me, you are a bhakti yogi *-
you surrender. If you think, Everything can Sometimes, just by switching your
be done by me, you are a gnana yogi *- you attention to something else, you can come out
explore and experience. Whether you work of fear. But that is not fearlessness.
in this path or in that path, going beyond fear Fearlessness means taking a quantum jump
is possible. But you should be completely into the consciousness where you will never
connected to one ideology or the other. Either experience fear of losing anything!
you should be ready to work with Everything Be very clear: the fears that you have
is possible for me, or you should be ready to about your life - fear of failure, fear of losing
work with Nothing is possible for me.

Bhakti yogi - A person who follows the path of devotion, bhakti yoga, as a means to enlightenment.
Gnana yogi - One who follows the path of knowledge for Self Realization.


actually fear of
death under various your near and live even with the maximum fear going
disguises. dear ones, fear beyond that fear and being neither attached
of losing your to nor detached from the fear.
wealth, fear of the unknown - every fear can
One more important thing you should know
be used as a door to enlightenment.
is fear is part of the nature of life. You can be
Another important truth you should know: fearless if you are already in your grave! Then
there is no need to be afraid of anything
There is something within you that never
because you have nothing to lose! If you have
dies which is your source of energy. There is
something to lose, you will have fear. That is
also something within you that dies; something
the nature of life itself.
that is actually never alive, even now. The fear
of death exists in you because you think there Fear does not exist when things are definite
is something you have now that will be taken and known. Fear exists only when things are
away from you. No! Anything that you have not definite, when they are mere possibilities
now cannot be taken away. Anything that can and unknown in that sense. For example, death
be taken away, you never had in the first place. is a possibility. As an incident it is definite, but
Anything that can die can never occupy your when and how it might happen, is not clear.
inner space. So there is always fear associated with it.
If you can just look into the darkness, the
fear, with awareness, you will live through it
Fearlessness is courage to and get over it.
face Fear
You cannot conquer fear. Fearlessness Fear of losing identity
means intelligence to live the intense fear
without directing it towards any object. When The biggest fear human beings have is the
there is no object to be afraid of, the intense fear of losing their identity. Even the fear of
fear will give such an intense relaxation and losing ones life is not as great as the fear of
peace. losing the identity. The fear of losing your
Fear is a powerful energy which gives a identity is much worse than the fear of death.
deep relaxation, self-centeredness. The fear
center is the rejuvenation center.
Be very clear: fearlessness does not mean
Fear of death
non-existence of fear. It means the fear is All our fears losing physical health,
there, but you have tremendous energy or mental stability, wealth, name and fame, or
courage to live with it and face it. Fearlessness loved ones - are actually fear of death under
means having the energy or the courage to various disguises.

A small story: A small story:

A man had prepared thoroughly to deliver A man rushed into the post office very
a speech at a public function. He suddenly angrily with a bunch of papers in hand,
went blank when he stepped on stage and saying, How dare they send me threatening
took the microphone in hand. He was letters like this! The official at the post
gripped by stage fright! He just stood office said, Yes, sending threatening letters
speechless in front of the huge crowd for a is a legal offense. Do you know who has
few minutes. been sending you these letters?
Then suddenly, after some time, he said, The man shouted back, Of course, I do! It
The human mind is the most amazing thing is the Income Tax people!
in this world. It starts working from the
When you are angry, just look into the
moment you are born and never stops
anger. At the root of it, you will find a deep
working until the moment you die except
when you have to make a speech! fear.

The social fear fear of being rejected Try this for yourself: if you are feeling
by society makes us do things to please fear, express anger at that time. Throw your
society, even when it is not good for us. In hands, stamp your feet express the energy.
this process, many times, we sacrifice what You will see the fear disappears. You will see
our being really wants to do. That fear of not for yourself how fear can simply transform
being accepted by society is just another form to anger. Similarly, fear can also transform to
of the fear of death death of the ego. hate. You just need to be aware of yourself
and witness how the emotions subtly change
Every act of ours is unconsciously related from one form to another. When you
to death and the fear of dying. Understanding understand this play, you can easily get out
death can change your entire perception of of the game.
life. It can simply transform the way you
handle all your fears. (A detailed
understanding of death is provided in the
chapter on Death.)
Fear strokes
Psychologists talk about fear strokes. Say
you are walking in the garden in the dark, and
Anger the active form of you see a coil of rope - you start shivering,
Fear imagining it to be a snake. That sudden shock
you get before realizing it is just a rope and
Fear is what leads to anger. Fear is the not a snake, is what is called a fear stroke. A
passive form of the energy while anger is the fear stroke is like shaking a rose plant from
active expression. its roots - if you keep shaking it long enough,
it will die.


It is said that we undergo six to twelve but there was no abyss, just two feet down
fear strokes every day and night, in dreams was a big rock!
and also in wakefulness. Imagine what Your fears are exactly like his. You think
happens to our being! Fear strokes originate it is an abyss but it is actually just a few feet.
from unconsciousness. When they are viewed If you can face your fears, you see they have
with awareness and consciousness, they can no depth. Because you magnify the fears, you
be substantially reduced. imagine them to be an abyss. It is your choice,
to let go of the branch, the fear, or to keep
clinging onto it and torturing yourself.
How to Overcome Fear Acceptance is the only way to conquer
inevitable things. When you accept, suddenly
you see the fear disappear. The moment you
Witnessing and acceptance accept, fear loses its power to frighten you.
When you dont fight with it, you will see fear
When you are faced with fear, dont try as deep peace. When the fear stroke happens,
to resist it or suppress it. Just look at the fear, just live it. That is the only way.
note the fear and accept it. Acceptance of
the fear dissolves the fear. Allow the fear to When you have an object connected to
shake you. If your body trembles, let it tremble. fear, accept it. That acceptance transforms.
If your eyes water, let the tears come. Just be The more you fight, the more you empower
like a blade of grass in the wind - bending fear. Diverting your attention away from the
without resistance. fear is also not the way because then the fear
still remains with you. It does not mean that
A small story: you are out of fear.
On a dark night, a man was walking on a Allow the fear to take over itself. Go into
narrow path. Suddenly, his foot hit a rock the fear two to three times. Live the fear
and he stumbled and slipped down. He
intensely without any reservations. Suddenly
managed to catch hold of a branch hanging
you will find that it doesnt touch you anymore!
over the rock. It was completely dark. The
man tightly held onto the branch. He shouted
for help but the only response was his voice
echoing back. Hearing the echo, the man Swadhishthana Chakra - seat of
was terrified that he might be at the mouth life and death
of a huge abyss.
The night seemed endless and the man was
Fear is associated with the
desperately holding on, hoping he could get swadhishthana chakra, the subtle energy
some help. Finally dawn arrived. The man center two inches below the navel region.
looked down to see how deep the abyss was,

way of overcoming
This is an incident from my life when I as if the fear is to visualize
was young: frequency
of my
going through it as
I used to circumambulate the Arunachala
being had clearly as you can.
hill* every day. I would start early in the
morning at around four am, and go around
In modern psychiatric treatment, primal
the hill chanting and singing keertans*.
theory is applied where patients scream as
One morning I started very early, soon after a catharsis, from the depths of their hara,
midnight. In those days there were no roads to relieve fear and other suppressed negative
or lights on the path around the hill. It was emotions.
a dense forest all the way. I was happily
singing and walking with my eyes down.
Suddenly, at a spot near a small river, I Visualization
looked up and saw a pack of fierce-looking
hyenas staring at me intensely ready to A very powerful way of overcoming fear
pounce on me! is to visualize going through that fear as clearly
In that sudden deep fear, I just let out a as you can. The beauty with this technique is
scream from the depths of my hara*, the that it can be used when you are not in the
swadhishthana chakra*. It was a scream of fear situation, when you are calm and able to
pure fear that I had never experienced handle yourself.
before. It was so complete that never again
did I feel shaken by fear again in my life! You can sit by yourself and visualize the
situation that causes fear. Feel clearly the fear
I felt a total surrender to Arunachala* and coming up in you; face the fear with deep
a deep trust that Arunachala* would take
awareness. If you suffer, if your body feels
care of me. Suddenly, from nowhere, an
uncomfortable, it is fine. Dont suppress the
elderly sannyasi* appeared in front of me
fear, just allow it to happen. When you
with a big stick and chased away the
hyenas. As soon as the animals ran away, experience something completely, you drop it.
the old man disappeared!
With that primal scream, I found that my
body had suddenly become much lighter. I
was almost floating rather than walking,

Arunachala hill A sacred hill located at Tiruvannamalai, in Tamil Nadu, South India. It is considered to be the
embodiment of Lord Shiva, the great enlightened master.
Keertans Devotional songs.
Hara Seat of energy and life according to the Japanese and Chinese traditions, situated near the belly region.
Sannyasi Monk or renunciate.


Meditation Techniques even while you are sleeping. It is a very

powerful technique. Constantly, all twenty-
four hours, place your attention on exhaling
and just intone the hamsa mantra* silently
1. Hamsa Mantra hamsah, hamsah, hamsah. When you
inhale, intone ham and when you exhale,
This is a very powerful technique that can
intone sah.
be used twenty-four hours a day. Whenever
you are attacked by fear, just sit back and Understand, when constantly intoning this
relax. mantra, it will become ajapa japa* - chanting
without effort. Chanting with effort is called
Put your awareness only on your exhaling
japa. Chanting without effort is ajapa*. It
breath. Repeat the word sah silently as you
means that which goes on automatically in
exhale; that is, with the outgoing breath.
you. You just need to intone, thats all. Fall in
Exhaling is like relaxing and letting go
tune, thats all. The whole day it will be
anything that can die. While inhaling you will
resounding within you.
be constantly trying to hold on to something.
Exhaling is like letting go. Focus on exhaling Whatever can die will leave your system,
without bothering about inhaling. When you and you will realize whatever can die can
inhale, repeat ham silently. never be part of you. If you are identifying
yourself with something that can die, that
Place more awareness and energy on the
identification will be disconnected and you will
exhalation. Help yourself exhale deeper. Let
be unclutched. Whatever can never die, you
the inhalation happen automatically through the
will feel connected to that. Whatever cannot
body. Place your energy, attention and effort
die is your very being.
only on exhaling.
Try this technique for just three days. You
It is a silent intonation of hamsah.,
will suddenly see that the fear of losing your
hamsah. Silent intonation of this hamsa
wealth, parts of your body or your health, or
mantra * will suddenly take you into the
your near and dear ones, or the fear of
awareness, the relaxation that never dies.
unknown all the fears will disappear. When
Whatever can die will leave your system, your
you put your awareness on exhaling, whatever
inner space.
is occupying your inner space as a part of you
This technique can also be practiced at that can die, will simply leave your inner space.
other times when you are not faced by fear - You will be liberated.
while you are sitting, talking, walking, eating,

Hamsa Mantra - Also called soham mantra, it is practised by intoning hmmm while inhaling and sssooo while exhaling.
Ajapa japa - Chanting a sacred chant involuntarily.


Pain is a Great Teacher

Often, fear manifests itself as pain. The attention becomes energy for that area. When
most frightening thing in the world is pain. the body communicates pain, it is actually
asking for attention or energy, which will help
All living beings are afraid of one thing,
it heal.
and that is pain. If you look deeply, you will
find that people dont fear even death as much Mental or emotional pain is the
as they fear the pain and agony they will psychological feeling that arises when you are
undergo at the time of death! Many are afraid faced with something you dont like. Research
of poverty, many of relationships, and many shows that emotional pain can deeply disturb
others fear disease. The root cause of all these the physical body. For example, the
fears is the pain that happens while going psychological feelings that arise with sexual
through these things. All these fears are repression can result in lower back disorders,
because of the fear of pain. or the pain of shouldering too much
responsibility can cause pain in the shoulders.
Whether physical or emotional pain, an
What is Pain important thing you need to understand is that
pain is always born from resistance to the
Pain can be physical, mental or emotional.
present moment.
Physical pain is a basic necessity for the
body. Just imagine, if we could feel no pain
in our body we might accidentally hurt Time Vs Understanding
ourselves or start styling our faces, hands, and
legs the way we style our hair today! Actually, If a painful incident happens in ones life
pain is a letter of request, written by the body the loss of a child, the husband or wife
to the mind, saying, Please pay attention to leaving the spouse, the breakup of a close
me! because attention is energy. When friendship one suffers, but slowly accepts it
attention is given to a particular area, that over time. One may cry and brood many days


pain are from the

mind. The mind and nights, but pain. You will heal instantly. You will not need
moves from one then one comes so much time.
to accept what
extreme to other.
happened. Time
heals. It is a common saying. Understand that Pain and pleasure two sides
time is needed for healing only because you
were not ready to face the pain and suffering of the same coin
in a conscious and aware manner at the time A small story:
the incident happened .
Once a disciple went to his master and said,
If you can just look at the pain, if you can Master, I am not able to meditate. My legs
witness the emotion with awareness and see ache. I feel distracted. The master just said,
the play of the mind while experiencing pain, It will pass.
then the understanding dawns and instant
After two weeks, the disciple went back to
healing happens. Time is needed because you the master, this time saying, I am able to
are not ready to have the understanding. So meditate beautifully. I feel so aware and
you suffer a great deal. Over time, after some blissful.
weeks, months, or even years, the incident
The master again replied, It will pass.
fades and becomes a distant memory.
The root of pain and pleasure are the same.
However, the pain is not completely gone
It is the same sensation with two names. It is
from your system. If you come across a person
like this: two people receive a body massage
who even distantly reminds you of your lost
from the same person. One concludes that it
child or husband, it comes up. For example, if
was a beautiful rejuvenating process while the
the person has a similar style of talking,
other decided that it hurt! The same massage
walking, or laughing, the wound reopens. It
will appear like pain or pleasure depending on
hurts because you carry the memory of the
the person receiving it.
past. Because of this, you feel life is too heavy
a burden to bear. You choose to hold onto your Life has both of these opposites pleasure
entire past: when you were a child, when you and pain. Both pleasure and pain are from the
were a teenager, when you first went to work. mind. The mind always moves from one
You hold onto all the stages of life with all the extreme to the other. It rarely falls into the
experiences, pains, and mistakes. That burden middle path. From pleasure you move to pain,
and load of your emotions associated with the from pain you move to pleasure. As we saw
past, is what causes you pain every time you earlier, pleasure and pain are completely
experience it. If you decide to drop the past dependent on the person feeling the pleasure
and look at every situation with a fresh or pain. Something may seem like pleasure
perspective, then you will not have so much to you while the same experience may be
painful to someone else.

PAIN IS A GREAT TEACHER Pain exists only in
the absence of
In the Bhagavad Gita*, the great scripture The only awareness.
that teaches the various paths to Self- way is to go
realization, the enlightened master Krishna* beyond both pleasure and pain. This doesnt
says beautifully, He who regards alike mean suppressing pleasure or forgetting about
pleasure and pain, and looks on a lump of earth, pain. It is an awareness that transforms pain
a stone, and a piece of gold with an equal eye, to bliss the energy that exists no matter what
who is wise and holds praise and blame to be the external situation may be. Bliss is your
the same, who is unchanged in honor and very nature and cannot be lost. Just because
dishonor, and who treats friend and foe alike, of your resistance to what is happening, you
is said to have gone beyond the modes of feel pain and your natural bliss is forgotten.
nature. Pleasure and pain are the same to him
and he is ready for enlightenment.
Awareness in Pain
Free yourself from pleasure Pain, whether physical, mental, or
emotional, has only a negative existence like
and pain darkness. Darkness exists only in the absence
Buddha, an enlightened master, says, of light. As such, it has no positive existence
Free yourself from both pleasure and pain. of its own. In the same way, pain exists only
Craving for pleasure and nursing pain are both in the absence of awareness. Just as darkness
different aspects of the same experience. disappears automatically when light is brought
Both are chains. Pain may look like an ugly into a room, pain dissolves automatically when
chain and pleasure a beautiful chain. Just as the energy of your awareness is focused on
the day follows night and night follows day, it.
pain and pleasure will always follow each Any mental or emotional pain that you carry
other. is just the tip of the iceberg. You need to go
When you understand that pleasure and into the root where it starts. You need to work
pain are both creations of the mind, you will on the root cause for it and heal it. Otherwise,
realize that they are both temporary, they there is a distinct danger that you will inflict
come and go like soap bubbles. Nobody is that pain on someone else or hurt yourself
needed to take away your pleasure, because more with it. I always tell people, If you have
your mind by its very nature will move like a pain, just drop everything and work on it. See
pendulum to the other extreme called pain! that its root is healed. Only then you can be in

Bhagavad Gita - Ancient Indian scripture, delivered by enlightened master Krishna, and considered the essence of the
Upanishads or scriptures.
Krishna - Enlightened master from India who delivered the Truths of the Bhagavad Gita.


a safe zone. Otherwise neither you nor the I was once with some tribal people in
people living around you are in a safe zone. Madhya Pradesh in India. I was living in a
small temple in the center of the village.
When you face any pain with awareness One day I noticed a pregnant lady entering
you become aware that you are not just the a small hut. After about half an hour, she
body. You become aware that no pain can came out with a small baby in her hands!
touch the real you. Once you realize that No pain, no doctor, no nurse, no medicine,
you are beyond pain, you rise above pain to no cries. In half an hour she came out
become a dukkha ateeta* (one who has gone walking with a baby in her arms.
beyond suffering). You experience the rare I was shocked! I could not ask anything
freedom that arises with non-attachment to because I did not know their language. After
the body. You will carry this freedom all your one month, I saw another pregnant lady do
life. You leave mundane life behind and enter the same thing. In half an hour she came
into a spiritual plane. The whole material out with a baby. I asked the local priest
world disappears and another world arises, who came to the temple, How does this
one of incomparable beauty, innocence, joy happen? Dont they have any pain? He
and compassion. asked, Pain? Why pain?

The pain will evaporate of its own accord I was amazed. The very idea that women
when you see the nature and cause of pain should have pain at the time of delivery
did not exist in their society! Not only that,
with intense inner clarity because the clarity
nobody suffered from gynecological issues
evaporates the reasons for the pain to exist in
like menopause problems either.
you. This realization brings with it a state of
absolute bliss, which is the state of I started enquiring about their lifestyle. I
enlightenment. understood that in their tradition, they
respect women a lot. The moment a girl
becomes physically mature, she is
acknowledged with respect that she is now
Pain A phenomenon of the qualified to become a mother. People fall
mind at her feet and she touches and heals them!
Just because of this different conditioning,
the women dont suffer the usual pains that
women in other cultures do.
Painless delivery
There is an interesting incident from my
wandering days that I want to share with
you. During the days of my spiritual journey,

Dukkha ateeta - Beyond sorrow and pain.

PAIN IS A GREAT TEACHER The perception of
physical pain can
Phantom Pain because the be changed by the
person is made mind.
There have been recorded instances of to believe that
phantom pain which is pain in a part of the the sugar pill is a painkiller!
body that does not exist. Once in the Second
The other day, I was reading about
World War, a soldiers leg had to be amputated
research* done at the University of Michigan
because it was badly damaged. The strange
in the USA that appeared in the Journal of
thing was that when he became conscious
Neuroscience. The research was done on a
again he was still complaining about the pain
group of young men who agreed to let
in the leg. He was covered with a blanket so
researchers inject their jaw muscles with a
he had no idea that the leg had been removed.
concentrated saline solution, causing pain. The
The blanket was removed and he was shown
brains response to the pain was studied using
that his leg was not there anymore. He was
PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scans
that showed the activity of the bodys natural
Further research then showed that each painkillers, called endorphins.
part of the body is related to a certain part of
In one scan, the men were told they were
the brain. When a certain part of the body feels
being given a painkiller but actually what was
pain, the corresponding brain center shows
given was just a placebo a substance that
activity. In this case, the related brain center
had no painkilling properties. Then they were
was still vibrating in the same way it was
asked to rate the intensity of the pain they felt
vibrating when the leg was a part of the body.
on a scale of 0 to 100. Also, the PET scan
There are many such instances of people who
would indicate the brain activity related to pain.
feel pain in the empty space where their limbs
The researchers were able to study both the
were amputated. This is called phantom
response of the brain and what the men
actually felt.
The amazing observation was that when
Placebo effect the men were given a placebo, meaning not a
painkiller but just a neutral substance, the pain
The mind has tremendous influence over they felt was actually less. It was as if they
the body. Even the perception of physical pain had been given the painkiller itself! The PET
can be changed by the mind. In science they scans indicated that the endorphin (natural
call it the placebo effect when a simple sugar painkiller) system in the brain was activated.
pill gives the same effect as a painkiller, just

Placebo Effects Mediated by Endogenous Opioid Activity on -Opioid Receptors, Journal of Neuroscience, August
24, 2005, 25(34):7754-7762
Neurobiological Mechanisms of the Placebo Effect, Journal of Neuroscience, November 9, 2005, 25(45):10390-10402


It showed increased activity with the placebo, pain? We console. Unknowingly we enable
just because the person believed that it was a the person to continue to sleep. But the master
painkiller! Further studies have shown that the is not interested in consoling. His only interest
placebo effect was observed in more than is in awakening you. In the moment of great
70% of the people, where the pain decreased pain, the mind stops, there is only pain. In that
by up to 22%. Science is still studying this moment, the Truth is delivered! In the story
amazing phenomenon, which so clearly shows you can see that in the moment of pain, the
the mind-body connection. disciples inner space was ready to receive
the Truth from the master, and the master
delivered it!
The cognitive shift
The Pain of transformation
Pain a path to no-mind Pain can become a very creative energy.
It can become a remembrance of god. It can
A small story:
become prayer. It can become meditation. It
Once a disciple was walking with a Zen* can become awareness. It can cause
master when a flock of geese flew overhead. tremendous transformation in you.
The master asked, What are they? The
disciple replied, They are wild geese, An important secret of life that you need
master. The master asked, Where are they? to understand is that if you become aware of
The disciple replied, They have flown something, you can get rid of it very easily. If
away. you are not aware of it, there is no question
of getting rid of it. It remains with you. The
The master suddenly caught the disciples
nose and twisted it. The disciple cried out
pain is a pain because it exists in your
in pain. The master said, You say they have unconscious, not in your awareness. Your fear
flown away, but they have been here from of facing the pain allows it to exist and grow
the start.The story says the disciple became more and more like a tumor. A master will
enlightened in that moment. simply remove this tumor through his master
surgery! When it leaves you, you transform
This story may sound very strange, but
into a new person. Once a devotee asked me,
this is the way of most Zen* masters. Pain
Swamiji, I understand that the surgery is
has a tremendous value in awakening you to
needed for my inner space to be cleansed.
reality. That is why it has been used by many
But can the master use some pain-killer while
masters to awaken the sleeping disciple.
doing the master surgery?
Normally what do we do when someone is in

Zen - Japanese Buddhist practice. Derived from dhyana, meditation.


What is the attitude needed to deal with Once you understand this process, you will
the painful surgeries of the master? no longer label the transformation as pain.
Sometimes, just the awareness itself will Instead you will welcome it. You will not only
dissolve the pain. Many times, I will just point welcome it, you will feel thankful that what
at the pain, nothing else. It will simply was lurking deep down in your unconscious
disappear and it will evaporate. has been brought up and removed.
Now, what is the correct attitude to deal
with these painful surgeries? It is having
complete trust that whatever pain the master Meditation Techniques
causes, is only for your good and nothing else.
The surgery itself is because of his boundless
love and compassion for you. If this is clearly Focus on Pain
understood, then even if it hurts, you will go
through it with deep gratitude for what the Pain is actually the absence of attention,
master is doing to you. I can say that the so the solution is giving your presence.
painkiller from the masters side is the love There is a simple and beautiful self-healing
and compassion the master showers with just meditation technique that channels your
a look. presence into the diseased limb or the
One more thing is that the pain is also suffering mind. You can try it out the next
because you start thinking it is a pain and time you experience pain or suffering. It is
labeling it so. The master can teach in just definitely a better option than painkillers,
two or three seconds what will ordinarily take whose side-effects sometimes are worse than
a lifetime or a few hundred years or a few the original complaint.
births. The master is intense life. He will simply Just try this. Suppose you have pain in your
remove the tumor and throw it away. So, leg, or you are suffering because of some
even if it is intense, it is better to go with the external incident. Lie down in a dark room.
master than with life because it is a very quick Make a conscious effort to forget about your
process. Also, if you understand what the whole body, focusing only on the spot which
master is doing to you, you can enjoy it as the is causing you pain. If it is mental suffering,
ultimate happening in your life. then forget your whole body and focus only
One more thing: the pain you will on that incident that caused you suffering. As
experience continuing life with the tumors you experience the pain, deliberately drop the
will be much worse than the pain you word pain from your mind.
experience when the master removes them. Your mental chatter will continue to tell
Removing a tumor will take hardly a few you that you feel pain. Switch it off. Feel
minutes; the master just removes it, over. deeply; experience with an open mind. Look


ambulance system
is what you call into what is I can say this from my own personal
happening experience. Once somebody closed the door
pain! of the car on my finger. People around me
inside your
mind. You will got agitated and ran around to get first aid.
soon see that your mind was just exaggerating I simply told them not to bother.
the pain. Put all your awareness on the center As my finger swelled, I just watched clearly
of the pain, and it will soon shrink to become what was happening inside my body. I could
just a tiny point of pain. Concentrate feel the energy rushing from my navel center
completely on this point and you will discover to my finger. I could clearly see the body
in a sudden moment that the pain disappears, intelligence responding to the emergency on
and in its place there is bliss! its own. It healed on its own.
Your own inner ambulance system is what
you call pain!
Witness Pain The witnessing focus that you give the
pain will make you realize that you are more
You can use this as a technique for
than a mere body. You will touch your energy
dissolving physical pain in any part of your
base and realize that you are more than the
When you are faced with physical pain,
Watch the pain intensely but without
just witness the feeling of pain in that part of
attaching the word pain and the meaning
your body in a relaxed way. You will see that
suffering to it. For a brief moment the pain
first, there might be a surge of pain, but soon
may seem to intensify, but soon it will
the pain reduces to a spot and disappears.
What happens is that the moment you get hurt
physically, energy supplied by your own body Actually, the body is intelligent enough
intelligence rushes to that part to heal it. The to allow energy to flow to the part of the body
energy rush is what you label pain. If you that is asking for energy. But you resist that
witness the energy rushing and healing in a energy flow by labeling it as pain. Just allow
relaxed way, the pain disappears and healing the energy to flow by infusing full awareness
happens. If we just understand this, we will into that part of the body. Just look at the
not resist and suffer the pain, we will cooperate energy flow with curiosity. Be a complete
with the natural healing energy of the body. outsider; do not participate in the process. Just
let the energy flow to that area and work on
it. You will see it heal.


Desire is a Dynamic Energy

Fear and desire are the fundamental enough energy to fulfill our true desires or
energies that drive our lives. We act either needs. What are our true desires?
out of a desire to achieve something or reach
During the Life Bliss Program Level 2
somewhere, or out of a fear of not wanting to
(Nithyananda Spurana Program), we have a
experience something. Attraction and
session where people are asked to make a list
repulsion are not merely forces of molecules,
of their desires, their needs and wants. Then
but also essential to human behavior.
they meditate on these desires. At the end of
the meditation, I ask them to recollect from
memory their list of desires. What they can
Recognize Your True recollect is usually a fraction of what they
Desires have written! It is as if they started with a
large tree full of leaves, their desires, and
One of the major driving forces in human during this meditation the tree sheds almost
life is desire. If you look into your life, you all its leaves, as if the leaves were dried and
can see most of the time we are driven by dead. What leaves the tree retains glow like
either desire or fear. golden leaves. If you can understand which
We have so many desires and many times desire is innate and which is accumulated,
we feel we dont have energy to fulfill them. spiritual growth happens automatically.
According to the Jain tradition, the Divine When our desires are our own true desires,
sends us with enough energy and capacity to when they reflect our real needs, when they
fulfill all our desires. But most of us dont express themselves in our inner energy, we
feel this way. Why? dont feel any desperation about trying to
There is a difference between our true achieve them. The realization comes that, as
desires and borrowed desires. Our true a matter of natural course of events, these
desires are called our needs. Borrowed desires will be fulfilled.
desires are called our wants. We have


The true desire for fulfillment simply an overflowing energy that is called
iccha shakti or the desire energy.
When you have a headache, you are not
From the navel, energy comes as pure
comfortable with that state - because you
energy. In the heart region, this energy gets
know that it is not your true nature. Your true
converted to the power of desire. This further
nature is having no headache. In the same
gets converted into words in the throat region.
way, when you have some desire, you
When this energy gets converted into words,
immediately want to come out of it - because
it is called vak or the speech energy. To give
deep fulfillment is your very nature and desire
an analogy, the energy that comes from the
causes an imbalance in that fulfillment.
navel is like loose cotton. The cotton becomes
Two important truths you need to thread in the throat region. Or you can imagine
understand: it this way: the energy that comes from the
1. Your whole life is a long chain of navel is like molten iron. The throat is like a
events performed towards the one goal that forge where the product is formed!
is fulfillment. Whatever you may do, whether Anyhow, the speech energy moves further
it is eating or drinking or having relationships, to the brain. There it stays as knowledge or
wealth or joy, it is all to experience fulfillment. gets converted into a command. In the brain,
In different directions you seek fulfillment the energy could stay as the power of
instead of seeking it directly. knowledge or gnana shakti. For example, the
2. Fulfillment is within you, it is your very desire energy related to the body can become
nature. That is why you are trying to come knowledge of the body.
out of non-fulfillment. The other option is, the words get
The fact that you are searching for converted to a command and get executed as
fulfillment means that fulfillment is known well. The command goes to the entire body
to you. Otherwise you would not search for and moves you. This is called the power of
it! In the instances in your life when you have action or kriya shakti. For example, the desire
felt some fulfillment, there is also a hope that energy related to your body can express as
you will experience it again. That is why you the power of action like moving your body.
extend your life. Pure iccha shakti or desire energy which
comes from your being gets converted in the
throat region to gnana shakti - power of
Desire, knowledge and action knowledge and kriya shakti - power of action.
If the energy is not processed and
The desire that is pure and not directed
channeled properly, the knowledge and action
towards any particular object or person is
become disconnected from the power of the
pure desire energy. The knowledge and action


should be in tune with the desire energy. Then The power of love
it forms a virtuous circle of desire leading to
better knowledge and action, which in turn You might have even experienced some
leads to clearer desires! incidents like this in your life. A girl who is
afraid to cross a busy street, if she sees her
Let us say you have a desire to make a
child run across the road will just jump onto
million dollars. If it gets converted properly as
the road to save the child without a thought
knowledge, you will have a clear plan and do
about her own safety.
the right actions to become a millionaire. If
the desire energy gets converted as too much We should understand how she has lost
knowledge and less action, then you will end her fear all of a sudden. The reason is that the
up only thinking more and more, building love for her child has awakened the dimension
castles in the air. of motherliness in her. It is the same thing
with every relationship of love. If the feeling
On the other hand, if the desire energy
of love blossoms in somebody, immediately
gets converted as too much action and less
all the fear will leave the persons inner space.
knowledge, then you will end up working
blindly. For example, you may work really Understand, love has tremendous power
hard like driving a truck from Los Angeles to and so does lust. If you have a lot of energy in
New York, but can you become a millionaire your muladhara chakra*, it will override the
this way? There is action but not the right other chakras* immediately. There will not be
knowledge. So the proper conversion of the any fear in your swadhishthana chakra* and
desire to knowledge and action has to happen. there will not be any worries in your
The reason why this conversion doesnt manipuraka chakra*. These higher chakras*
happen properly is lack of awareness. will not work when the muladhara chakra*
has the full power. Without the persons
When you are honest and integrated with
knowledge, it will unleash the latent unknown
the desire, there is no conflict and the
potential in him. It will spread his potential
conversion happens properly.
to the outer world too.
Different people activate different
dimensions inside you. If you have a lover,
the feeling of love will be awakened in you.

Muladhara chakra Subtle energy center at the root of the spine, related to the emotions of greed and lust.
Chakras - Energy centers in the body. Literally means wheel based on the experience of mystics who perceived these
energy centers as whirlpools of energy. There are seven major chakras along the spine: muladhara, swadhishthana, manipuraka,
anahata, vishuddhi, ajna and sahasrara.
Swadhishthana chakra Subtle energy center located two inches below the navel region, related to the emotion of fear.
Manipuraka chakra Subtle energy center located near the navel region, related to the emotion of worry.


If you have a son or daughter, then the Lust to love

dimension of motherliness will be awakened
in you. If your mind is ready to receive the Lust is a primal emotion provided by nature
experience of different dimensions, those for continuation of the species. To go beyond
dimensions will blossom in you. lust is the first major step in realizing the
ultimate potential of human life.
If you are completely open-minded, every
person you meet in your life will cause you Humans are forever confused between
to blossom further. But if you are egoistic, love and lust. They think only animals are
even your spouse or your lover cannot cause lustful. Actually only animals are capable of
you to blossom. Please understand, you have pure lust when they mate! Humans, with their
a great responsibility to create an open and rationalization, can neither be lustful nor
non-egoistic mind before entering into a loving. That is why they feel dissatisfied and
relationship such as between husband and unfulfilled.
wife or between lovers. Then the very feeling Sex is carbon, love is diamond. Sex is mud
will transform you eternally. If this eternal and love is the lotus that blooms in the mud.
transformation does not happen, you miss a It is the same substance the only thing is,
major dimension of your life. you should know how to process it. Just drop
Why are we not able to feel true love? It your expectations, and you will find a
is because of our samskaras*, our emotional tremendous upsurge of energy.
attachment to the past memories. Your inner
space is filled with too many things related to
the past. So your inner space is not available Discover the man and
to the present moment. You can only love or
feel connected to the people or objects falling woman inside you
in tune with the past memories you loved. If Today, we know biologically that no man
you can drop the emotional attachments to the is 100% man, and no woman is 100% woman.
past, suddenly you will see you have so much A man may be 51% man and 49% woman.
of inner space available to you. You can then Likewise, a woman may be 51% woman, and
directly open up to anybody who is in front of 49% man; just a difference of 1%, may be
you without asking for his or her past. more.
You have taken birth from the energies of
your father and mother. Then, how can you
be only male or only female? Whether we
accept it or not, we are an embodiment of both

Samskaras - Engrams or deeply engraved memories.


male and female energies. We are whole, not This is what happens when we try to get
divided. a perfect match for the image that we carry
inside us.
Right from the moment of birth, society
labels you as either male or female. And it But after a long search, we suddenly find
expects you to start behaving accordingly. a person who seems to match our mental
Inherent human nature is fulfillment. She starts image from a distance. What happens at this
looking to the outside world for a substitute point is what is called falling in love. This
for her own lost half. The male child starts is the science behind falling in love. Note that
searching for a female presence, and the it is always falling in love, never rising in
female child for a male presence. This is where love! Because of our own strong needs and
the whole idea of sex starts. expectations, we see things as we want to see
them. As long as this distance is maintained,
The search starts with the idea of how
things go on smoothly. We continue to project
our would-be should be.
our imagination upon each other. But, as the
A small story: person slowly comes closer we find that
One 90-year old man used to sit every day fantasy and reality are totally different.
at the beach from morning to evening, We need to understand that no living
watching people going by. Another man
person can live up to the image we carry in
who noticed this went up to him and asked
our minds simply because the image is not
him, What do you actually do sitting here
built from reality! No image can be matched
with reality, because at the end of the day, it
The old man replied, I am searching for a is only an image, a fantasy!
woman to be my wife. The man was simply
shocked at this reply and asked him, Why
did you not search in your youth?
The ultimate alchemy
The old man replied, I have been searching
since I was 30 years old. The man was What is alchemy? The process of
astonished and asked him, What sort of a changing a lower level metal such as copper
woman are you searching for? He replied, or iron into gold is alchemy. In the same way,
I am searching for a perfect woman. The
when our being is ripe the base feeling of lust
man asked, You havent found one yet?
transforms to love, the highest emotion we
I found one woman who matched what I are capable of.
had in mind but it didnt work out well with
her, replied the old man. The man asked In the same way, remove the impurity of
why. your fantasies, add the purity of friendliness
in your relationship and process this with your
The old man replied, She was searching
patience. In the beginning, people may not
for a perfect man!


be able to understand the change in you. Just Meditation Technique

continue with belief and confidence in yourself.
Your sincerity and strength has no way but to
touch others around you positively.
1. Dukkha Harana Meditation
Add friendliness to love. As of now, our
lust is deep-rooted violence to possess the Total duration: 30 minutes
other person. Add friendliness to the
This meditation technique will bring out all
relationship. Welcome the partner as he or she
the suppressed emotions in you.
is; do not just accept him or her. Welcome
and accept the mind, body and being as it is. Breathing is very closely related to the
Then you can see lust turns to love and your mind. If your thinking is calm, your breath
being is in eternal bliss. will be relaxed. If your thinking is aggressive,
your breathing will also be aggressive.
Love adds life even to the person. With
love the person is a spirit, life! Without love You may practice this technique on an
the person is reduced to a thing, utility! empty stomach, preferably in the morning. 21
Without love, when you look at a beautiful days of Dukkhaharana will transform your
man or woman and plan for what you can get being and bring a glow to your face and body.
out of that person, you reduce him or her to a Step 1: 10 minutes
thing. Only when you look at that person with
love, the person is a spirit, a living being. Stand with your eyes closed. In the first
part of this meditation, your mental system is
Celibacy is nothing but not craving for made fully alive by deep breathing. This
the suppressed half that is inside you, thats energy will melt all the repressed emotions
all. If you are a male, you need to experience like melting ice.
such fulfillment unto yourself that you no
longer miss the suppressed half or female Breathe deeply and chaotically from the
inside you. If you are a female, you are so depths of your body, always through
enough unto yourself that you dont look your nose with your mouth closed. Move your
outside to experience this fulfillment. When hands, flex your knees, lower yourself and then
you achieve this fulfillment, whether you are rise up. Move as if you are a bird in flight, up
married or not, there will be peace in your and down, knees moving up and down, arms
mind. It is then that you can be celibate even moving up and down, in line with your
in married life! This is true celibacy. breathing.
Do the movements gently and synchronize
your inhalation with upward movement and
exhalation with downward movement.


shoulders; next to
your face, and
finally to the top of
the head. Relax each
part of your entire
body before you
move to the next
part. At the end of
these ten minutes,
you will become
vacant inside; you
will become cool,
calm and composed.
Step 3: 10
Sit down
keeping your eyes
closed and chant the
hoo kara sound,
just the word hoo.
There is no need to chant it deeply and loudly.
Just chant it in a relaxed manner. As you chant,
simply witness whatever happens inside or
outside your being.
The first two parts of this technique are
actually a preparation for the third part that is
the actual meditation. When you come to the
third part, you will see that the mind becomes
Step 2: 10 minutes
silent effortlessly, by itself. Silence cannot be
Keep your eyes closed and tense each part forced upon you; it can only happen by itself.
of your body, part by part, limb by limb, then
Remain in this relaxed state with a smiling
let it relax. Tense and relax one limb and then
face and blissful mood. During this time, there
move to the next. Start with your feet; then
may be many experiences. Just watch them
move to legs; then move to thighs; next to the
as you would watch the television. Watch your
hips; then to stomach and lower back; then to
mind thought by thought.
chest and upper back; then to your arms from
finger tips to shoulder; next to the neck and



Guilt is The Original Sin

What is Guilt? The futility of the past

When you have desires you have guilt as What is gone is gone. What has been done
well. Guilt is the opposite face of desire. is done. You cannot undo it. Now if you
Sometimes you feel guilty about desiring constantly think about the past and feel guilty,
something because you feel it is not right to you destroy your present and your future too.
desire it. Other times you feel guilty when Nothing can be done about it, so guilt is
your desires are fulfilled because you feel you useless. What can you do? All that you can
are not deserving of what you receive. When do is not repeat the same pattern again, thats
your desires do not come true you feel guilty all. At that time with whatever intelligence
because you feel you have not done what you you had, you acted, thats all.
ought to have. Desires invariably lead to guilt. Our past is always past, it is always dead.
Guilt is nothing but your past decisions That is why it is called past. Yet, we always
and actions being reviewed with your updated let the past affect us. How do we allow the
intelligence. past to affect us? In two ways:
For example, when you were in school, 1. If you review your past incidents or
you might have said a few mean things to one decisions using the present intelligence, you
of your friends which caused a relationship will create guilt in your being.
to break. Now, this many years later, with the 2. If you take the present decisions based
intelligence that you have, is it right to review on past experiences, you will be repeating the
that incident and feel guilty? No! At that time same past into the future also, maybe in a little
you had only that much intelligence, so you updated fashion!
behaved in that fashion. Now, you have
updated intelligence. Even though you might not commit exactly
the same mistake, you will be moving in the
It doesnt make sense to review the past same experiential level, in the same plane.
with your present intelligence.


Our mind falls into a groove, a track, a do we do? We stop the child and put the fear
mindset that forces it to do what it has always in him that he may fall. We dont stop our
done. So we keep making the same mistakes efforts until we make the child stiff, frozen
as well. and dull like us!
The child may want to go outside and play
in the sun or collect some flowers or just jump
Three kinds of Guilt around in the fresh air. If you think about it, it
There are three kinds of guilt that take is not much the child is asking for. But the
root in us and kill our intelligence: mother says no - he may fall ill due to the
hot sun. If you look a little deep, you can see
1. Guilt created by immediate family
that by saying no she gets a subtle feeling of
2. Guilt created by social laws power, of being in control. She might say it is
the sun but it is subtler than that.
3. Guilt created by ourselves
The no by the mother actually has a deep
impact on the child. It creates guilt in the child.
Guilt created by immediate Now, the child may force himself to stay in
family or he may escape from his mothers eyes and
step out. But either way his raw energy is
Before the age of seven, guilt is created being suppressed. If he forces himself to stay
by your immediate family. If you dont do in, his energy is not being allowed to express.
according to your parents wishes, they instill If he goes out, he will feel guilty, he will be
guilt in you. They tell you that god will not afraid that somebody might spot him. And all
approve of what you are doing. Poor god, he this for nothing big - just for playing in the
has to support whatever anyone says about sun!
him! Or your parents tell you that you should
respect their wishes as parents. Immediately As the child grows, this deep engram of
you feel guilty of making them unhappy. In guilt will actually settle inside him. Even after
this way, family sows the first guilt in you. he grows up into a man and becomes
You in turn pass it on to your child. Like a independent, he may be sitting in the lawn
crown, it is passed on over generations. under the sun and those childhood memories
may be triggered. He may feel guilty and
Because you dont have the knowledge uneasy for no reason. There is nothing to feel
to explain why things have to be done in a guilty about just sitting in the lawn but the
certain way, you change it to a rule and impose old memories are awakened.
it on the child and create guilt through it. For
example, children love whirling. They love This is how guilt arises. Small incidents
moving and flowing with the body. It is a natural like this collect and make guilt your natural
way for them to center their energy. But what way of life.

GUILT IS THE ORIGINAL SIN Guilt is the greatest
sin. Guilt will
Guilt and happiness open out the punish you when
topic of sex. you are alive.
Why cant we enjoy and encourage the When there is a
natural joy and happiness the child lives in? chemical change happening in you, you feel
If you look a little deep, you can see that your body is new. A lot of questions arise and
happiness itself has become associated with clarity is needed but no one is prepared to give
guilt. A small child knows nothing of guilt - it.
he is just wild and natural. That is why seeing And to add to the confusion and desire,
a small child can be so captivating. He is total the media around you constantly bombards
in whatever he does. He has not been you with fantasies in that vulnerable age of
introduced to the mask of civilization. He is change.
still wild. That is why he is so full of energy.
To add to it, society instills in you the
He is overflowing with joy and curiosity; he
feeling that you are not enough unto yourself.
is just vibrating with the energy bubbling
It makes you feel guilty of what you are, what
inside him.
you do. Once it convinces you that you are a
The child wants to enjoy everything but sinner, you are caught in its grips. Then you
the parents are filled with the conditionings cannot enjoy the joy of life any more.
of society guilt, seriousness, hypocrisy. The
According to me, guilt is the greatest sin.
child wants to shout and jump and dance -
At least other sins will punish you after your
that is his natural expression. But the adults
death. Guilt will punish you when you are
stop him, Dont shout! It is bad manners. You
should be civilized. You should carry yourself
well like us. By and by, the notion of being The Tibetan poet-saint Milarepa* sang,
free and happy is itself associated with My religion is to live - and die - without regret.
feelings of guilt.
You are called a saint or a sinner only by
society. As long as society labels you a saint,
you are a saint. The moment society labels
Guilt created by society you a sinner, you are a sinner. If you kill
someone in society, you will be called a
From seven to fourteen, society creates
murderer, you will be punished. But if you
guilt in you through its rules. The guilt based
kill someone on the battlefield you will be
on fear is created by social laws.
called a hero, you will be given a big award!
Till the age of fourteen, family and society So there is no absolute scale to decide what is
create guilt for you. An important guilt in this right and what is wrong. It is societys own
is the guilt of sex. Parents or family never logic.

Milarepa - Tibetan Yogi and disciple of Tibetan Buddhist teacher Marpa.


Heaven and hell states of your mind. One instant the mind may
be in hell and the next it may be in heaven
A very subtle and cunning way of sowing the gates to heaven and hell open and close at
guilt today is through the idea of heaven and any time alternately.
hell. People exploit your fear and greed by
showing you ideas of hell and heaven. They
create in you greed for heaven and fear for Guilt created by you
hell. They create so many concepts of hell
and heaven and sell them to you. They say, Till the age of twenty one, knowledge from
If you practice these types of things, you will family and society creates guilt. After twenty
be rewarded with heaven; if you practice one, the guilt sown in you by family and society
otherwise, you will be punished with hell. grows roots inside you. Then you start creating
When you are given rules based on greed and guilt for yourself without any reason. Guilt
fear, you automatically start creating deep becomes a permanent guest in your being!
guilt in you. The guilt created by family and the guilt
A small story: created by society are imposed guilt; they are
like a crown that is passed on from one
Once a military general asked a Zen master,
generation to another. The third guilt is the
Master, what are heaven and hell?
worst - that which you create for yourself.
The master asked, What do you do for a When you internalize guilt based on greed and
living? fear, you create new types of guilt for yourself.
The general replied, I am a general.
The moment you start feeling guilty about
The master just laughed, Which idiot asked something, you can be exploited. That too
you to be a general? You look more like a when you start fighting with yourself it is
butcher! easier to exploit you.
The general was furious and took out his If you look into your life you can see how
sword shouting, I will cut you to pieces. every moment you are subtly looking for some
The master just raised his hand and said, reason to fight with yourself, to feel discontent
These are the gates of hell. with yourself. You cannot remain without some
The general realized his folly and bowed conflict, you want to create misery for yourself
down deeply to the master for forgiveness. because that is what you have been taught
happiness is a sin.
The master continued, These are the gates
of heaven.
Be very clear, heaven and hell are not
physical locations. They are psychological

flow like a river,
The stone of guilt in the river of your you will express
mothers voice, extraordinary
of your mind - the block in your fathers
intelligence in
the flow of intelligence voice, your
teachers voice,
your life.
You are designed to move like a freely your neighbors
flowing river. Guilt is like the rocks in the voice and what not! All these voices are in
path of the water. Society has subtly branded there. If there is only one voice, you will never
happiness as a sin. That is the problem. That have any problem. Your mind will move like a
is why you will notice, when everything is river. But there are so many voices telling you
going smoothly and happily, there will be a so many things and creating the rocks of guilt
lurking feeling of guilt in you. You are taught in your path.
by society that being happy and enjoying life
is being irresponsible in a way. So you feel As long as you flow like a river, you will
guilty. express extraordinary intelligence in your life.
You will live with an energy that is
But when you feel sad and depressed, do overflowing every minute. The moment you
you ever feel guilty? No! allow guilt in you, the moment you are
You are taught that life is a chain of stopped in your free flow, you create energy
suffering and endurance, with happiness clots inside your being.
stepping in once in a while.
This is also why people cant take it when
you are happy and smiling all the time. They Lift yourself by your self
try their best to bring you back to the so-called Once you become aware of how you are
reality - by instilling guilt in you. driven by guilt, you can start practicing to
When you are enjoying, dancing or come out of it. When you start practicing
relaxing at the beach for example, suddenly anything, naturally you will slip a few times.
you will observe guilt starts rising in you When you practice to be without guilt, you
about all the work that is pending, about all are bound to slip back into the older patterns
the responsibilities that need to be fulfilled. of greed and fear. Then suddenly you will
remember, Oh, I started working out of fear,
Guilt has no basis but it can destroy your
I started working out of greed. Then you
whole life. If you can live without guilt, you
will start afresh. When you start working,
will enjoy every moment without any regret
naturally you will see these things happening.
and still fulfill all your responsibilities.
A small story:
The prob-lem is that your being is a crowd
of voices that dont belong to you. It is a totality A monk from a big spiritual organization


you unless you

allow. Nobody can was sent to a enemy.
remote tribal
help you unless area for doing
Krishna* says in the Bhagavad Gita*, Let
you allow. service. you lift yourself by yourself. If you dont, you
Suddenly, the will be your worst enemy. It is up to you to
headquarters received a lot of complaint help yourself as your best friend or hurt
letters about the monk. yourself as your worst enemy.
The president after reading the letters said, Be very clear: nobody can hurt you unless
We have posted the right person. you allow. Nobody can help you unless you
The secretary asked him, What is this Sir? allow.
We are getting complaints about him. How If you have forgotten the practice,
do you say we have posted the right remember and again and again lift yourself.
person? Dont fall into depression, dont have guilt.
The president replied, If we are getting Dont think you will not be able to do it.
complaints, it means he has started
Even in the life of Buddha if you read, he
working, there is something happening!
was about to leave the body when his disciples
When you start something new you will asked him to give his ultimate message, and
have three phases - the first is resistance. The he said Atma deepo bhava Let you be your
next is just avoidance people will neither own light, let you be guided by yourself.
care nor resist. The third is acceptance.
In the same way, when you start doing
anything inside your system, you will start The way out looking in
growing but these three phases will be there.
To feel guilty is to be in sin. In fact that is
The first phase will be resistance. You will
the only sin. The hell that we talk about is not
feel the new practice is a difficult change in
in another time and space. It is within us when
your current system. Because of this, the next
we feel guilty, without doing anything to change
thing that happens is you start avoiding
our mindset.
opportunities where you should be practicing
the change. Again and again you will go back All your guilt, all your pain, everything is a
to your older ways. Your system will resist, it pure imaginary shaft you create inside your
will try to create all kinds of complications, head. The mistake you did ten years ago, the
all possible arguments. If you allow the mistake you did seven years ago and the
resistance to grow, you become your own mistake you did three years ago, are
independent and unconnected incidents. But
Krishna - Enlightened master from India who delivered the Truths of the Bhagavad Gita.
Bhagavad Gita - Ancient Indian scripture, delivered by enlightened master Krishna, and considered the essence of the
Upanishads or scriptures.

make mistakes if
when you connect them and start thinking p r e s e n t , you are deeply
about it, naturally you start creating guilt. You automatically aware at the time
start feeling like a continuous sinner. This is you become
of making them.
one approach. unified and
integrity sets in.
There is another approach. When you
commit a mistake, see objectively why you A small story:
committed it, how you committed it. Watch One day, a priest knelt before god and
as an observer how and why it is getting started crying loudly, I am a sinner. Please
repeated. Look scientifically into the have mercy on me, O god. A man who was
mechanism of guilt. Just this awareness will praying silently got inspired by this and also
open a new door and you will never commit knelt down next to the priest and started
the same mistake again - because once you praying. Now, another man also went down
look into it, and you find the cause, it will on his knees and started crying. Seeing this,
disappear. To know a thing totally is to be free the priest nudged the first man saying,
of it. Look who thinks he is a sinner!
All our humility, our morality, is more or
less a pretence to others and to ourselves. We
Morality pretend because we are not solidly integrated
within us. We ourselves dont know which
personality within us is authentic and so we
get caught in such games. If we are integrated,
Integrity we will be authentic in every action, and
Please understand that morality should automatically we will be moral.
happen out of integrity, not out of guilt.
What do I mean by integrity? Integrity is
Be aware, be spontaneously
being in the present moment and being only
one solid personality and not many conflicting right
personalities. It is seeing reality without the Please understand, you will never make
play of the mind. Once the mind steps in, mistakes if you are deeply aware at the time
duality also steps in. Just by being intensely of making them. When you are aware, you
aware of the present moment, you can achieve will be one solid personality and moral as well.
integrity where there is only one and not two When you stray from awareness, you will be
or three or many personalities fighting in you. many personalities and immoral also. Morality
Only when the mind flits between the past has to do with awareness, not with any other
and future, you become split personalities and social rules. Awareness is the only way to be
integrity doesnt set in. If the mind is on the naturally moral.


yourself, you will be

centered upon Awareness People ask me, Master, what is this? You
awareness. causes you to are pulling down the whole social structure.
spontaneously Then how can we all live morally? I tell them,
take the right Be very clear, it is only for kids that you need
action in the right situation. Morality can cause a forced morality. For them you need to say,
you to do the wrong action in the right situation Keep quiet, I will give you candy. Of course,
because it doesnt have the right base. Its base nowadays kids reply, I am happy. I dont need
is not its own, it is built up by society. So you your candy. Who cares for your candy! For a
dont feel connected to it. When you dont child you can say that you will give candy
feel connected, you cannot act with and restrict him. You can impose morality on
confidence. Once you integrate yourself, you him based on fear or greed. But for you, it is
will be centered upon awareness. If you time to grow up. You are not kids anymore.
remain fragmented, there will be no awareness Just stand up with consciousness. When I say
and you will depend on morality for guidance. consciousness, I mean the intelligent energy
of your being.

Conscience Vs Consciousness
When you start internalizing the laws of
society, you create a deep wound in your
being. You destroy your innate intelligence.
According to me, children can be given a set The natural instinct to break
of rules initially so they dont move from the rules
path of consciousness. But soon they have to
be given the understanding of life and the need When anything is a forced rule, you always
to operate from consciousness instead of try to get around it. For example, you always
conscience. speed when you dont see the policeman.

If you live with consciousness, you will A small story:

automatically live a moral life. To start A policeman pulls over a car on the highway
understanding the need to live with for speeding. When he asks for the drivers
consciousness, just look into your morality. license, the driver replies, But officer, I
Morality is only skin deep, whereas was only trying to keep a safe distance
consciousness comes from the very being. between my car and the car behind me!
Your consciousness tries to break through your When you follow rules blindly without
conscience. Your consciousness continuously understanding their spirit, this is what happens
fights with your conscience. Conscience is you just wait for an excuse to break them.
societal. Consciousness is natural. Conscience
is a poor substitute for consciousness.
GUILT IS THE ORIGINAL SIN There is a thrill in
doing what you are
Honestly answer yourself: if there were A small not supposed to.
no rules, no regulating authority to keep a story:
check on what you did, would you be the same Once a shopkeeper was trying hard to
person as you are now? Would you be doing increase his sales. He tried various options
things in the same way as you do now? If your discounts, catchy advertisements, better
answer is no, be very clear that the rule is customer service. Nothing worked. Then
coming from your conscience, not from your one day, he hung a black curtain on his shop
consciousness. You have not internalized the window and made a small hole on it. Under
spirit of the rule or you do not agree with the the hole he put up a board, Peeping strictly
rule. That is the reason you are not doing forbidden.
things in a way natural to you. From that day, he saw crowds gathering at
his shop, each one curious to peep through
the hole to see what was there! His shop
The thrill of no sales automatically increased because
people now actually saw the variety of
You can see, when you tell children not to grocery items his shop carried.
do something, they will be most tempted to do When you are told not to do something,
it. As long as you dont mention anything about the basic human tendency is to do exactly that.
doing it or not doing it, they may not even be
bothered about it. But the moment you tell As a teenager, when you say no to your
them not to do something, they will be looking parents, you feel you have proved you are
to do it. independent. When you say no, you feel you
have proved you are somebody special,
A small story: somebody different. As long as you say yes,
One man says, I found three ways to get you feel you are only a child. When you start
things done. His friend asks, What are the saying no, you feel you have become an
three ways? adult.
The man replies, First, do it yourself. You feel that you are a man only when
Second, hire someone to do it. Third, tell you say no to your father. Till then you feel
your kids not to do it. Thats all, it will be
you are a child. Just to prove that you are a
man you start saying no to your father. This
Actually there is a taste, a thrill in doing is basic psychology. When you say no you
what you are not supposed to do. Most of the think you are somebody, until then you think
time, you develop an instant urge for you are nobody. So please be very clear, to
something if you are asked not to do it. You whatever you say, your grown up son is going
feel a kind of joy or satisfaction by doing it. to say no, because he wants to be somebody.
That is the basic tendency in every human


Dead rules Vs Live intelligence When you have understanding, any correct
rule can become a friendly technique to live
In the course of time, many regulations life happily. Rules and rituals are actually
that had meaning earlier become blind rules - techniques for your own enlightenment. When
without any meaning. I say enlightenment, I mean a blissful life full
In India, during the times before of clarity. Of course, when pursued deeply, it
electricity was invented, tailors would sew by will lead to the ultimate state of enlightenment.
hand with a needle with the help of dim A small story:
lanterns. So clothes would not be sewn after
A railway official reported a murder on a
sunset since sewing in the dim light of the
train, The murderer entered the
candle or lantern would cause strain on the
compartment, stabbed the victim multiple
eye. So the work was always confined to times. Then he left the train through the
daylight hours. opposite door jumping onto the railway
But even now in India, the elderly people track thereby violating the railway
in the house will say, It is not a good thing to regulations.
sew after dusk! The very reason for not When you dont have the right
sewing at night doesnt even exist anymore! understanding, you will miss the whole thing
Electricity and bright lights are there. But it and end up acting in a foolish way. When you
has become a ritual for them, with no are given the right understanding, you will
connection to its original purpose. understand that any rule was created just for
A small story: you and others around you to live a happy
and blissful life.
Once a paratrooper was being interviewed
on television. The interviewer said, Your When the spirit of the rule is understood,
life must be really adventurous. there wont be any problem falling in line with
it. By falling in tune, there will only be juice
The paratrooper replied, Yes, it does have
its scary moments.
in your action; there will only be a blissful
commitment to it. But if the spirit is missed,
The interviewer asked, What is the most everything is missed. Life will seem dull and
anxious experience in your life? lifeless.
The paratrooper replied, When I was
Take meditation for example. Meditation
coming down on the lawn of a house and
itself is done to go inwards irrespective of the
the sign read, Keep off the grass!
outer world noise and situations. I have seen
When you dont have the right that some people, before starting their
intelligence or understanding, things become meditation routine, will first try to create a
dead rules in your life. noiseless situation outside. They will go around
telling everyone to keep quiet. They will


practically freeze people in their normal routine all, then if you are intelligent, guilt will happen
just because they are going to meditate. in you. This guilt can spur you to start doing
things that will actualize your entire potential.
Only when the spirit is missed, things
become dead rituals. You miss and mess! Sometimes we see the state of things
around us and we know in one corner of our
All rules and regulations were created for
mind that we can very well help turn the
a harmonious life with the understanding that
situation around. But either due to laziness or
you will not kill me and I will not kill you, and
due to the fear of confrontation, or due to the
both of us will live happily. That was the basic
fear of taking responsibility, we just keep quiet
understanding behind them. However in the
and watch. This type of situation can cause
course of time, they became laws.
deep guilt in us. This guilt is significant. If
All rules and regulations were created to we take steps to correct the situation by doing
live a harmonious and happy life, but the what we really feel we should do, then the
moment you internalize the rules without the guilt will disappear and we will also move
understanding, you create guilt. As long as forward.
you follow the rules with an understanding,
This type of guilt has the ability to drive
you will be happy. When you start following
you to do what needs to be done. Because of
the words instead of the spirit, you will start
its very nature, you cannot harbor this guilt
creating guilt.
for long. You have to get over it. And the way
When you want to escape from the law, to get over it is by doing what needs to be
what do you do? You just catch on to the done. Once it is done, the guilt also disappears.
words of the law and drop the spirit behind How long you wish to harbor this guilt without
them. Then you legally work around the words taking steps, for that long you suffer from it.
and escape from the law. When you catch This is the simple logic of this guilt.
the words, you become a bureaucrat and you
Another manifestation of this guilt happens
miss the spirit. Only when you catch the spirit,
when you can feel your ego surfacing in
you can be an intelligent being without guilt.
certain situations and you are unable to help
it. When you can smell your ego but you are
unable to control it, this guilt arises in you.
The useful guilt This guilt is also good since it is a sign of the
deep awareness of your own ego. It facilitates
There is a certain guilt that is useful for
you to sincerely work towards eliminating that
you, a guilt which if pursued intelligently can
cause you to move forward in life. It is like
this: when you see that you have the potential
to do something, when you feel that you have
so much potential which you are not using at


Guilt can result in physical imagine that it is him and show your anger
on it. After that sit silently and feel that
disease part of your body also as your own. Feel
Guilt is the sure killer of intelligence. love towards that part of the body.
According to me, guilt is the worst killer of You will be surprised that in just ten days
intelligence. It will never let you move in your the tumor disappeared! It never recurred.
life. Most of our ailments are due to
Once one of our devotees had a tumor at psychological disturbances where guilt plays
the base of her spinal cord. For twenty a major role.
years she suffered with the tumor. She came
to me complaining, Please help me, heal Most of the time, our energy flow gets
me. I am suffering with this tumor for so blocked because of guilt. If you look deep,
many years. After undergoing surgery, it has wherever you are not able to move, wherever
reappeared. you are not able to take decisions, wherever
you have fear, there will be some guilt lurking.
I started talking to her slowly to trace the
origin of the problem. I asked her a few
questions at the end of which she finally
opened up and started weeping. I asked her, Acceptance the beautiful way
Do you have any guilt related to your sex out
energy? She slowly opened up.
Acceptance is a wonderful tool to relieve
She said she was physically abused when
she was very young. One of her close yourself of the pull and push between the past
relatives had abused her for many years. and future. With acceptance you fall into the
That guilt stayed with her. She said, I present straightaway. The first thing is to
started hating that part of my body. I started accept all the happenings of the outer world
feeling, that that part of the body should and all the happenings of the inner world.
not exist in me. I felt, that part of my body Whatever problems you have in the outer
was not my being. My hatred towards that world and whatever problems you have in the
person turned towards my own body. inner world, just accept them in their entirety.
Her hatred was so deep. I continued Summarize all that you experience as
speaking to her. Slowly she opened up more problems and accept them in totality.
and more. When she brought the guilt out, Accept all guilt, all mistakes and all
she came out of the guilt. She was
failures. Even if you cannot accept, accept
psychologically healed.
that you cannot accept. You will then relax
I gave her a small meditation technique to and guilt will drop from your mind.
meditate on that area. I told her, Express
your anger towards that man. Weep, shout, Just try this small experiment:
cry, hit. Close the doors, take a pillow, Just relax for three days with complete


acceptance. If you relax for three days without enough. You will start seeing a different space
the pull and push in the inner and outer worlds, in you.
are you going to lose all your wealth? Surely
not! So there is no problem. In three days you
are not going to lose anything. Why dont you Meditation Techniques
give it a try? Just for three days, sincerely,
utterly, accept everything in your life one
hundred percent!
From Head to Heart
If you are not able to accept one hundred
percent then accept that you are not able to Sit down and close your eyes. Take slow
accept one hundred percent. Even the and deep breaths, just for a few minutes.
acceptance of I am not able to accept myself Along with it, feel that your head is being
in the inner world and outer world will make pressed into your heart, into the chest
you drop from the pull and push between the region. Become totally headless. You have no
past and future. The moment you understand, head now. You are headless.
I am unable to free myself from the pull and
Feel that you are breathing from the
push of desires and fears, I am not able to
heart. Feel that you are seeing through the
accept my reality, that very understanding
heart. Feel that you are smelling through your
will start doing its job.
heart. Feel very clearly that you are breathing
If you can fall into the present moment, through the heart. Listen through the
relaxing from the outer world and inner world heart, see through the heart, and feel through
things, in three days you will have a glimpse: the heart.
What is life? What does it mean to live in the
Stand up. Have the consciousness from
present moment? If this happens to you, you
the heart and let your movements be as slow
will experience such ecstasy, such a different
as possible. Dont walk. Just move your body
space, such a different life that you have never
around slowly. Remember that you are
experienced before.
moving from the heart. Your center is the
You have lived based on your philosophy heart, not the head. Again and again, forget
for maybe the last thirty years. Just for three the head. Move from the heart. Remember
days, dont try to alter anybody in the outer you are a headless being.
world. You will see that when you experiment
Stand in one place. Now, increase the
with such great techniques, they work
speed slowly, very slowly. Remember to move
miracles in your being. They start a great
from the heart, not from the head. Forget your
alchemy process in your being. If you are not
head. You are a headless being moving.
able to be sincere, accept that you are not
able to be sincere. Even that sincerity is (After few minutes)


Sit down where you are. Just be without

the head. Sit only with your heart. Relax.
(After few minutes)
Slowly, very slowly, open your eyes.


You Are The Best, Why Compare?

Comparison and Jealousy Jealousy starts from comparison. We

always compare ourselves with others in
Emotions of fear, desire and guilt are various fields looks, wealth, knowledge,
subjective emotions. What I mean by this is name and fame and friends to name a few.
that you do not need another person or even When we compare ourselves with others we
an object to create these emotions. Imagine feel that somebody else has something more
that you are in a sound proofed room with than what we have and, we get caught in
your eyes closed and with nothing to touch, jealousy.
taste or smell. You can still feel the emotions
Comparison is the seed and jealousy is
of fear or desire. But to compare yourself with
the fruit!
another person and to feel jealous of him, you
need the presence of another person. Jealousy
is therefore an objective emotion. It needs an
object to be activated. Why Comparison?
A small story: Why exactly do we compare ourselves
One evening a man was sitting with his wife with others?
on a park bench. Without noticing them, a First, we compare ourselves because we
young man and his girlfriend sat down next have never understood ourselves. We are not
to them. The young man started talking to aware of who we are and what we have.
his girlfriend in a very loving manner.
Second, society has conditioned us from
Hearing this, the wife whispered to her
our birth to evaluate ourselves based upon
husband, I think he is going to propose to
others. From childhood the comparison starts.
her. Maybe you should cough or do
something to warn him! In school, the grading system introduces a
child to competition and comparison with
The husband replied, Why should I warn others.
him? Nobody ever warned me!


except in
relationship. There are The futility of comparison
benchmarks to measure a childs qualities Buddha says, Nothing exists except in
such as mathematical ability, scientific relationship. Suppose you were the only
aptitude, artistic skill, athletic ability, musical person on a new planet, how could you
talent and so on. But, what we dont realize is compare yourself with anyone? Could you
that when we try to measure a quality using a call yourself tall or short, ugly or beautiful,
standardized benchmark, it is nothing but rich or poor, intelligent or dumb? No! When
using comparison as the scale to measure the there is no one with whom to compare
child himself. We are literally punishing all ourselves, we just are!
children with the reward systems we use in Understand, even now, there is no scale
schools. to compare you with anybody. Each individual
The child gets used to judging and knowing is unique.
himself by looking at others and comparing Can you compare a lion and a horse? Do
himself with them. He has no understanding we ever compare ourselves with flowers or
of himself based on what he is. He knows birds or mountains? Then why do we have to
himself only based on others. compare ourselves with other human beings!
A small story: A beautiful Zen story:
Once a man was testifying in court about a
A king once went to a master to ask for a
road accident. Suddenly, the man noticed
technique to become more powerful than
that the court reporter was writing while
his neighboring kings. He sat in front of
he spoke. As the man started speaking faster
the master and started telling him the
and faster he noticed that the reporter was
purpose of his visit. The master listened
writing faster and faster.
patiently to the king.
Suddenly the man said to the court reporter,
He then told him to go into the royal garden
Please dont write so fast. I am not able to
where a rose plant and a cypress plant were
keep up with you!
growing side by side. He told the king, They
Every judgment you make about yourself are your teachers. They can teach you what
is based on some comparison. But why does you need to learn.
the idea of the other enter into your mind? It The king went into the garden, saw the two
is because you have not looked in and realized plants but could not understand what he
who you are. You have not experienced the was meant to learn from them. He went back
bliss and tremendous potential you have to the master and asked, What do you
inside you. You feel incomplete because you mean, master? I am not able to understand
have not been able to express yourself as you what and how these plants will teach me.
are. So, the emptiness and lack of fulfillment
inside makes you feel inferior to others.
hurt, understand
The master took the king to the plants and person. The you have a wound.
explained, This cypress plant has been next wound needs
to the rose plant for so many years. Never to be healed and the jealousy has to be
once has it even aspired to become a rose dissolved. Then nobody can hurt you. Be very
plant. Similarly, the rose plant has never clear, nobody can hurt you without your silent
ever aspired to become a cypress plant. If
man had been the cypress plant, he would
have compared himself with the rose and You compare yourself to each other
felt jealous at the attention that the rose because you feel that you are somehow
plant was getting from people. Or if man lacking. Honestly, you have no idea of your
were the rose plant, he would have looked true, unique potential! If you did, you wouldnt
at the cypress plant enviously thinking how spend one second looking outside yourself for
peaceful the plant was without the torture answers about how to live a creative, fulfilling
of getting plucked by people all day!
life. All of the confidence, intelligence, and
The two plants prospered because they vibrant energy that you need already exist
used all of their energy for their own growth inside you. You have the potential to live like
instead of using it to compare themselves with god on earth. Dont believe the limiting things
the other. that you have been made to believe about
yourself. Just look in! Experiment, explore and
The moment you stop comparing, all
discover the truth for yourself. Then you will
jealousy disappears. Instead, you will start
simply radiate all of these qualities effortlessly.
feeling contented in yourself and grateful to
Existence for having given you so much and
for making you unique.
Instead, if you feel jealous of others, you
Above and Below the Ladder
will suffer. You will constantly fight with Suppose there was a huge ladder and
others openly or inside yourself. If somebody everybody in the world was asked to stand on
laughs, you think he is laughing at you. If it in ascending order of success in any field
somebody is friendly towards another person such as beauty or intelligence. You would
you feel lonely and jealous of that person. probably position yourself somewhere in the
Actually, you are just waiting for someone to middle of the ladder. There are many people
hurt you. The jealousy you allow inside you above you but there are also many people
is like a raw wound. Any action done with no below you. Seeing the people above you
intention to hurt you also touches the wound causes you to feel jealous. So, you constantly
and hurts. try to become better than them in order to
So when you feel hurt, understand that move further up the ladder.
you have a wound. Dont throw the Now, at some point in your life, you may
responsibility of the suffering on the other realize the uselessness of this never-ending


around doing,
having and being. game. Then you As soon as a desire is fulfilled, another
want to jump one starts pulling at you. You dont even have
off the ladder. And you look down. Now what time to enjoy it and feel satisfied. You may
do you see? There are so many people below think, Let me get this one more thing also.
you. Suddenly you start feeling happy to see Then I can relax and enjoy what I have. Be
so many people below you and you feel very clear, your mind will never let it happen.
hopeful because you are not as inferior as you
The only way to really live and enjoy life
thought you were when you were looking at
is to enjoy the very doing itself. Then
the people above you.
automatically the doing, having and being,
This is where the fight starts. When you will be integrated and will happen.
look up, you feel miserable, but when you
look down, you feel happy. Now even though
you begin to realize the futility of spending You are unique
your life just climbing the ladder, still you
are not able to jump off the ladder because if Nature has its own unique way of growth
you jump off, you will be left alone. There will for each of us.
be nobody above you or below you.
Take the Chinese bamboo for example.
When it sprouts, it doesnt show much growth
for the first four years. Then in the fifth year,
Doing, having and being the bamboo grows ninety feet in six weeks! It
was not that the tree was not growing in the
We all function around these three axes
first four years. Though the growth was not
of doing, having and being. Doing for having,
visible, the roots were being strengthened to
without enjoying being, is the sole cause of
make it possible for the plant to grow fast and
all our misery. Doing never catches up with
safely into a huge tree!
having! Every time you work hard and fulfill
one desire, suddenly that desire loses its pull Like the bamboos growth, there is no
over you. scale to measure yourself with anyone other
than your own self. If you spend all your
As enlightened master, Ramana
energy looking in and competing with
Maharishi*, says beautifully, The mind is
yourself, you will progress in leaps and
such that it shows a tiny mustard seed to be a
huge mountain until it is attained. As soon as
it has been attained, even a mountain appears First of all, understand that god is an artist,
as insignificant as a mustard seed! not an engineer. If He was an engineer, He

Ramana Maharishi - Enlightened master, based in Tiruvannamalai in South India. He taught the method of Self-inquiry,
asking oneself, Who am I?, as the path to Self-realization.

just a big ego
would have made one perfect man and one have a small game. Actually, it is
perfect woman and then made millions of stick. Once not at all necessary
copies from that mould! No. God has made they pick up
for you to grow.
each one of us unique in every way. the stick, the
monkey will do
It does not matter whether you are a rose
whatever they say. If they just gesture to the
or a lily or a wild flower. The important thing
monkey, it wont listen. Even though it knows
is that the wild flower should realize its
that the man can pick up the stick at any time,
ultimate potential as a wild flower just as the
unless he picks up the stick, the monkey wont
rose should actualize its inherent potential.
listen. If he picks up the stick and tells the
The fragrance of you realizing your unique
monkey to walk straight, it will walk straight.
potential is what radiates and, without effort,
If the man tells the monkey to jump three
touches everyone around you.
times, it will jump three times.
Whether it is beauty or intelligence, you
The man will use the stick like the
are unique. It is only when you dont respect
ringmaster uses it in the circus. In the same
your uniqueness that you start comparing
way, the power of maya* uses peer pressure
yourself with others. Even if your favorite
and jealousy as a stick to make you do
cinema star or model is very beautiful, can
whatever it wants. Understand, peer pressure
you enjoy drinking even a cup of water from
is just a big ego game. Actually, it is not at all
that body? No! You can only enjoy using your
necessary for you to grow. There is enough
own body - your best friend. Accept and
food, shelter, medical care and clothing in the
welcome it.
world to satisfy all of our basic needs. There
is no need to compete!

Peer pressure the stick of

Jealousy How to overcome Jealousy
There is a beautiful verse in the ancient Jealousy is closely related to many
scriptures that says the power of maya*, the negative emotions such as anger, greed,
energy which runs the universe, uses jealousy possessiveness and depression. All of these
as a tool to make you do whatever it wants emotions will dissolve when we break this
you to do. cycle of jealousy.
In India, there are people who do circus
shows with monkeys in the street. They will

Maya illusion that which does not exist but which troubles as if it exists.


1. Witnessing No Prejudice The Attitude of the

Jealousy cannot be overcome either by
escaping from it or hating the object of When a scientist is experimenting, he
jealousy. All you need to do is just be fully simply experiments without any judgment,
aware when the feeling of jealousy arises. You without any pre-determined conclusion. If he
will be surprised that it simply disappears. has a conclusion already in his mind, that
The enlightened master, Buddha* says, means he is not a scientist because his
Destroy those envying roots and enjoy lasting conclusion may influence the experiment.
peace. Now, you are the scientist in the
Just be aware and destroy the jealousy, laboratory of the inner world science. Be a
competition, envy and comparison that have scientist in your inner world and let your mind
robbed you of your very nature which is bliss. be your laboratory. Just be aware and witness
Use the light of awareness to reveal the without any prejudice.
shadow nature of these negative emotions. Dont condemn the emotion saying it is
Otherwise, you are just caught in the rat race. bad because that is what you have been taught.
I always tell people, even if you win the rat It has not become your experience. If it is
race, you are still just a rat! your experience that jealousy is a negative
Understand, the way out of jealousy is not emotion you will drop it automatically. It has
by suppressing it or denying its existence. not become your own experience. It is only
Expressing and encouraging it is also not the something that you have picked up from others.
way because then you are not ready to face Unless it becomes an experiential
the jealousy with awareness. understanding in you that jealousy and
comparison are negative, it will not become a
Just watch how jealousy arises in you, part of you.
how it develops into hatred for the object of
jealousy, how it creates restlessness and Dont condemn the object of jealousy. The
frustration inside you and makes you lose all object has not generated the emotion from
your peace and calm. outside. The jealousy is happening inside you.

Be aware of the jealousy instead of hating Once you see your jealousy with
it or the object of your jealousy. Just watch, awareness, you will realize that it does not
as if you have nothing to do with it. Look at it have a basis for existence at all. When this
with a scientific attitude. What do I mean by happens, jealousy will drop automatically.
a scientific attitude? You wont have to drop it.

Buddha Founder of the religion of Buddhism now followed by millions worldwide.


A small story: 2. Infinite love

A woman once hired a professional artist
Jealousy does not allow you to experience
to paint her portrait. The artist carefully
your true nature of love and bliss. It arises out
made a large portrait and then presented it
to her saying, How do you like it? of misunderstanding life and yourself. You
misunderstand love to be something outside
The lady looked at it and said, Yes, very of you that has to be acquired. Not only that,
nice. But can you add a few things? I want
you think love is a quantity that needs to be
you to add a glittering diamond necklace,
shared. That is why you are afraid, thinking
a gold watch and bracelet, emerald
earrings and beautiful pearl rings on the
that if you share your love, your share will be
fingers. The artist was surprised and said, reduced.
But madam, the portrait looks simple and Love is a quality inside you. It is not a
beautiful as it is. Why do you want to add limited quantity. It is an unending happening
all the jewelry and clutter it? overflowing from within you. It cannot be
The woman replied, I want my rich blocked by anything or anybody except you
neighbors to see the painting and go crazy because it is your very nature.
when they see all the jewelry that they will
Once love starts flowing, jealousy and
think I have.
possessiveness and all that simply become
The fire of jealousy can just consume you non-existent. If you accept yourself just as you
completely if you dont control it with the fire are, you can accept others also as they are.
extinguisher of your awareness.



You Are Not Who You Think You Are!

Seriousness Vs Sincerity advisor, a Zen monk, started laughing at

the king.
All our comparison with other people He asked, When you can fight battles and
begins with what we think of ourselves. lose sleep over stone castles, why do you
Jealousy disappears when we understand our laugh at these boys for fighting over sand
uniqueness. We may then create another castles!
problem. We may believe ourselves to be so
All our seriousness is just about
special that we start taking ourselves far too
sandcastles! For the child, at that young age,
sand castles seem precious, whereas at our
What is seriousness? age, stone castles seem precious, thats all.
Whether it is a sand castle or a stone castle,
Seriousness is nothing but paying undue
the seriousness behind it is the same. The
importance to something, at the cost of
object may be different, but the seriousness
everything else. It arises from the inability to
is the same. So, dont laugh when children
see that all of life is just a drama that is
fight over sand castles.
unfolding every minute. Seriousness is the
result of over-expectation from life. Seriousness closes your mind to the
openness and freedom of life. It makes you
A small story:
dull and dead. It curbs your thinking and
Two boys were building sand castles on the makes you stick to the familiar patterns that
beach. They suddenly had a quarrel and you know and use all the time.
one of the boys got angry and kicked the
sand castle. A small story:
The other boy went and complained to the In a Zen monastery, there was a competition
king about his serious problem. The king among disciples over who had maintained
began to laugh at him for getting so upset the best garden. One disciple was of a very
over silly sand castles. But the kings serious nature. He took the competition
quite seriously. He always kept his garden

Sincerity is giving LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT

the task your best

without worrying neat, clean, and you are serious, you dont enjoy, you dont
well-swept. All laugh. How can you laugh when you are
excessively about the grass was of serious!
the result. the same height.
All the bushes
were neatly trimmed. He was sure that he
would get the first prize. Perfectionism
On the day of the competition, the master Perfectionism always comes from your
went around all the gardens. Then he came mind. It becomes a goal for you. You work
back and ranked the gardens. This disciples towards it as a goal. When you work towards
garden got the lowest ranking. Everyone it as a goal, it becomes dead and mundane.
was shocked. The disciple could not contain
But when you are total, when you are
himself and asked, Master, what is wrong
established in your heart, it becomes a deep
with my garden? Why did you rank me the
lowest? experience. The outcome has to be beautiful,
and it will give you joy. Then, whatever you
The master looked at him and asked, Where do, you will be in tune with Existence.
are all the dead leaves? A garden
Whatever you do, do it wholly, totally, and it
maintained in such a way is no longer alive!
will be total. You wont have to worry about
It is dead.
perfectionism at all.
Seriousness kills spontaneity. Seriousness
Perfectionism never gives you joy; it only
destroys creativity.
fulfills your ego. Even if you feel fulfilled at
Science has proved that when you the end of it, it is only a fulfillment of your
perform a task in a relaxed and light manner, ego, never a fulfillment of your being. Be very
your thinking and decision-making capacity clear, perfectionists are the biggest egoists.
is automatically enhanced. The same task They miss the dimension of being total.
when performed in a serious manner dulls Totality is possible when you enter into
your mind. When you do something too something deeply. Perfectionism is never
seriously, when you are too concerned about possible because it is in your mind, and your
the result, you are actually not allowing mind keeps changing its definition of
yourself to perform at the optimum level. perfection!
Of course, you need to make plans, and
you need to think ahead. But do it with
sincerity, not with seriousness. Seriousness is Life is beyond your logic
not the same as sincerity. Sincerity is focusing
on the task with enthusiasm and youthfulness. Most of us unconsciously believe that life
Sincerity is giving the task your best without is filled with incidents that are under the
worrying excessively about the result! When control of our logic. But life again and again

of life cannot be
reminds you of the truth that life is beyond What is understood by the
your logic. You are reminded of this fact, ego.
especially when some near and dear friend or Ego?
family member dies or when something According to the Upanishads*, as long
unexpected happens. If you lose your job, as you think that life has a purpose and you
suddenly you see that life is not under your run behind that purpose, you are an egoistic
control. You suddenly wake up to the reality person. When you realize the beauty of the
that life is beyond your logic. Then you start purposelessness of life, you have dropped your
seeking the Truth. ego. The master is the one who makes you
Especially if you live in the city, your understand the purposelessness of life.
routine is almost fixed. From morning until Whatever you think as being worthy now is
night, you know exactly how your day will not actually the true and worthy thing. A man
unfold. You know where you will go, what with ego searches with purpose and misses
you will do or not do, and what and when you reality.
will eat. Death clearly shows that whatever mind
Practically, your ego gives an idea, your you lived with has no real existence. When
logic gives you the feeling that your life is you realize the purposelessness of life, a new
under the control of your logic. That is why consciousness starts blossoming in you. The
whenever some incident happens that is moment you experience that there is nothing
beyond your logic, that is not under your to be achieved, that the diamonds you are
control, you are totally shaken. You are not protecting are not diamonds but stones, and
able to handle it. You dont know what to do. that all your great things in life are mere toys,
Either you fall into depression or you just you will understand the purposelessness of life.
suffer. The real purpose of life cannot be
There is an important truth, an ultimate understood by the ego. When the ego is
secret that you must understand. Never think dropped, you will understand the Divine
things are going smoothly because of you. In purpose of life, the leelas or the Divine play;
spite of you, things are going smoothly! This you will enjoy the drama. If you keep thinking
is one of the important secrets. As long as you that life has a purpose and wait to achieve
think it is because of you that things are going something, you will miss life itself.
smoothly, you will be constantly suffering with Life itself is the path and the goal. When
ego. you have a goal, you will run. Your feet will

Upanishad - Scriptures that form the essence of the ancient texts of the Vedas. Literally means sitting with the master.
There are eleven main Upanishads that have been commented on by enlightened master Adi Shankara.


understand the
purposelessness not touch the or while driving. You feel boosted in ego when
of life, you ground and you you say no to rules. You can see this with
will miss the small children. The moment you say they are
understand the
beauty of not meant to have certain things, they will ask
meaning of living. Existence or only for those things!
nature. When
you drop the goal, the emphasis will be on the
path. Ordinary Vs Extraordinary
When you understand the purposelessness
Whenever you try to live for your ego, you
of life, you understand the meaning of living.
make your life and others lives miserable.
Until then, you are just a living dead person.
Most of the time the miseries you face in your
A person in a coma lying in the hospital bed
life are not created by others. They are
and a normal person who has not realized the
unknowingly created by you. You may not
Truth, both live without proper consciousness.
even derive any benefits from them. But just
The master is the one who makes you realize
to prove your ego, you create them.
this truth. The meaning of living is the
meaning of life or Existence. A small story:
Drop the goal and enjoy life. Meditate on An enlightened master, Suzuki, lived in
this teaching again and again. The Truth will Japan. When his master passed away, he
dawn on you and the nithyananda state will started weeping profusely. One person asked
flower in you, the state that is the very him, You are an enlightened person. Why
meaning of life. are you crying on your masters passing
away? Suzuki replied, My master was the
most extraordinary man on planet earth.
The person was puzzled and asked him,
The solid feeling of no What was so extraordinary about him?

Many times you may have seen that Suzuki replied, I have never seen such an
whenever someone says something to you, the extraordinary person who thought he was
the most ordinary man!
first reaction inside you is a certain resistance,
a no. When you say no, it is ego-fulfilling. In ordinary life, every average person
You feel solid and firm inside yourself. When thinks he is extraordinary. When you feel that
you say yes, you feel liquid and vulnerable. you have undergone the maximum suffering,
Your ego feels submissive, which is your ego feels good that you have been able
uncomfortable, so you say no. to handle a tough life. Only when your enemy
is big, you feel big. When your enemy is small,
This is also why you feel good when you
you feel small.
break rules at home, school, in the workplace,

when it hits the
For the same reason, if your suffering is them as corners of your
big, you feel good. Your ego feels satisfied. needed. suffering.
You measure life with the amount of your
suffering. Unknowingly, you torture others as
well as yourself. Suzukis master was Ego is born from
extraordinary because he thought he was the
most ordinary, whereas in this world, every discontentment
other person thinks he is extraordinary. If you are a strong egoistic person, you
If you want to check whether you are dont need a separate hell because the mind
average or not, do this experiment. If you feel can exist only in conflict and discontentment.
extraordinary, be very clear: you are average. With contentment, with satisfaction, you will
If you feel ordinary, you are extraordinary! lose your boundary. That is why you dont
want joy or bliss. Please never think you want
bliss. No! Actually you are afraid of joy and
Using the right mask bliss. Whenever you go through a peaceful,
no-worry feeling, just watch yourself. You
You all play different roles and use feel you are missing something when there is
different masks in your day-to-day lives. You nothing to think about! Unless you have
use one mask with your mother, a different something strong to brood over, you dont
mask with your father, a different one with have a clear-cut boundary in your inner space.
your boss and so on. As long as you use the Your mind exists when it hits the corners
right masks with the right people, it is alright. of your suffering. You dont feel your
The moment you use the wrong mask with a boundary or your identity unless you have
person, be aware that your ego has stepped enough suffering. If you look a little deeper,
in. you will understand that many times you feel
All you have to do is switch masks lonely if you dont have anything to worry or
efficiently and enjoy the show. Then you are suffer about. That is the way you believe
a watcher. You can do this only when you yourselves to be, because by its nature, the
know that you are something beyond the mind can record only negative things. The
mask. Otherwise, you will get carried away mind can flourish, it can create more thoughts,
by the mask and lose the whole charm of life. it can more clearly identify with suffering,
When you know that you are only using dissatisfaction and discontentment. The quality
masks, your desires drop. of joy is boundarylessness. When you are in
joy, you wont feel your boundary. Whenever
Just like when you grow up, you
you dont feel your boundary, you are in a state
automatically drop your toys, in the same way,
of joy, in a satisfied and contented mood.
when you look at these masks intelligently, you
dont have any desire for them and simply use

Suffering leads to Ego what you really are. You will carry or
remember all your failures, past mistakes and
Your ego cannot exist without your guilt, constantly trying to work on them.
suffering. Suffering is the root of your ego.
The identity that you project to the outer
This is an important thing you need to
world is called ahankar*. Ahankar* is your
understand. We always think that the ego is
visiting card. You print on it everything that
disturbed by suffering. No! Ego is enriched
you want others to know about yourself. This
by suffering. One more important thing is that
is based on the identity you show to the outer
if your suffering is less, your ego is less. You
world. It will always be more than what you
feel you are too small, so you increase your
have, more than what you are. It will always
suffering so that you can feel you are
be much more than what you are because you
think you have to sell yourself. It becomes a
The less the suffering, the weaker is the basic need to do this, especially in the societies
ego. The more you suffer, the stronger your where you have to market yourself.
ego becomes. So, you always exaggerate your
Ahankar* will be based on a superiority
suffering. The problem is that after some time
complex. Mamakar * will be based on an
you forget that you exaggerated. Then you are
inferiority complex. Ahankar will be based
also caught in the same net. You might
on fear. Mamakar* will be based on greed.
disagree and say, No, you dont know my
life; you dont know my suffering. But be The basic truth is that you are much more
very clear, after some time you are caught in than these two identities. When you unclutch
the same net that you yourself created! from these two identities, you will suddenly
realize that you are beyond the two identities.
When that happens, these two identities can
never bind you again.
Dual identities
We all have two identities, the identity that
we project to the outer world, and the identity Inferior Ego
that we believe to be us in the inner world.
An incident from the life of Ramana
The identity that you believe to be you
inside your mind is called mamakar * in
Sanskrit. It will always be much smaller than One of Ramana Maharishis * disciples
translated one of his books into another

Mamakar - Inner ego that constantly says you are smaller than what you think you are.
Ahankar - The false identification of the pure inner self with the outer world; a form of ego that makes you project a
false identity of you to the outer world.
Ramana Maharishi Enlightened master who encouraged Self-Realization through self-inquiry, Who am I?


language. In the translation, inside the A small story:

book, his name was also published as the
A psychiatrist asks his patient if he is
suffering from fantasies of self-importance.
When the disciple saw the book, he was The man replies, Absolutely not. In fact, I
shocked to see this. He went to the think much less of myself than I really am!
concerned authorities and scolded them for
A person with an active ego will not be
this mistake. He then went and told Ramana
Maharishi, Bhagavan, they should not willing to let go of it at any cost.
have put my name. I dont feel my name Passive ego is very subtle and cunning.
should be publicized. I am not that kind of People who have a passive ego will pose as
person. being very humble, lacking courage to face
Bhagavan said, The ego that asks for the people, and shying away from taking credit.
name to be there and the ego that asks that The worst part of this is that they think they
the name not be there are one and the same. are like this because they are not egoistic.
Relax. Actually, they are so carefully guarding their
Be very clear, the inferior ego that is trying ego from getting hurt by unconsciously
to show humbleness is also ego. thinking they are humble!
With a superiority complex, with a violent People with active ego are like dried, hard
aggressive ego, at least society will teach twigs. They can be broken easily. People with
you. This ego is very visible. With the passive ego are like fresh, green twigs. Each
humble ego, you will escape from society. time their ego is hit, they bend but dont break!
That is more dangerous. It is the cunning Their ego is so well safeguarded that it
ego that can nicely save itself. Ego is just becomes difficult to deal with. Actually, they
the identity you carry about yourself.
work very hard to safeguard it but in a sweet
and passive way.

Types of Ego
I and Mine
I is the ego, the root of fear. Mine,
Active ego Vs Passive ego this is my house, that is my car, these are
The active ego is easy to recognize. my friends, is the root of greed.
People with an active ego will behave in a I means continuously doing. Mine
highhanded fashion; they will claim self- means continuously having. Continuously you
importance openly. They will be arrogant. This try to expand your boundary. Continuously you
ego is actually easy for a master to deal with. try to change the things outside. You want to
He just needs to bang on it a few times and it expand your boundary of mine. For example,
will break!

mind, you cannot

follow the master. you have a basic you, then you can follow your ego. Nothing is
car now but you wrong with that. If you are a little
want to have a more luxurious car; you may uncomfortable, if you want to change, then
want more than one car. You have a house to follow the masters path.
live in, but you want a bigger house. This kind
There are only two to follow: master and
of personality is based on having. Such people
the mind. If you follow the master, you cannot
feel happy, secure and relaxed only when they
follow the mind. If you follow the mind, you
continuously possess more and more things.
cannot follow the master.
The deep feeling of insecurity, that fear,
There is a beautiful word, na maha. It
drives us to more greed, to continuously try to
means, not mine, I am not - I surrender the
possess more things. Continuously possessing
I and mine at the feet of the master or god.
things is nothing but a feeling of deep
insecurity. You can see the idea of continuously
possessing more and more things is just
because of fear and insecurity. Meditation Technique
We usually feel more secure if we have
more friends, more relatives, and more things
around us. With more security, we feel we 1. Third Eye Meditation
will not be taken away from this world.
Total Duration: 25 minutes
This is an extremely powerful technique,
most effective when practiced in the masters
Ego Vs Master presence or in front of a picture of the masters
People ask me, Why do we have to follow eyes.
masters? I tell them, You dont have to Step 1: Duration: 5 minutes
follow masters. But if you dont follow
masters, you will be following your ego, thats With your eyes closed, just see through
all. There are only two options. Either you your eyes, whatever images you are seeing
listen to the master or you listen to the ego. behind the closed eyes.

Master is the being who has already Step 2: Duration: 5 minutes

achieved eternal bliss, nithya ananda. If you Now open your eyes and through your third
follow him you will also reach that state. As eye, look intensely at the masters third eye in
for your ego, you know what it has achieved the picture. Look through your eyes.
so far and what it is heading towards! If you
are happy, comfortable, contented and blissful
in the path in which your ego is already leading


Step 5: Duration: 5 minutes

With your eyes closed, just see through
your eyes, whatever images you are seeing
behind the closed eyes.
During this meditation, you may see visions
of your favorite deities, or you may find that
the masters form is replaced by a beam of
light. Sometimes you may see total emptiness
where his picture was. Dont be alarmed or
lose your awareness at these moments. It is
not hypnosis! In fact, it is a dehypnotizing
Step 3: Duration: 5 minutes process. Your superconscious is being
awakened. If you see only light or emptiness,
With your eyes closed, just see through
it is a sign that you have done the meditation
your eyes, whatever images you are seeing
with deep sincerity. That is the truth of our
behind the closed eyes.
nature - we are all nothing but energy.
Step 4: Duration: 5 minutes
Seeing through the eye, you can achieve
Now open your eyes and through your third the I. Currently, you are making up your own
eye, look intensely at the masters third eye in reality. If you see through the eyes, you will
the picture. Look through your eyes. wake up from it and see reality as it is!



Gratitude is Enough!

What is Gratitude you will see that Existence simply responds

to you as if it is a live being. It is the channel
When we recognize that we are part of to commune with Existence!
the total scheme of Existence, and that we are
When gratitude happens, it works
lovingly taken care of by Existence every
beautifully through the law of attraction and
minute, we are overcome with gratitude. We
attracts great prosperity to you. How is this
become truly thankful for what we receive
every moment, even if it is as basic as the use
of our very limbs and senses. A small story:
Gratitude is your response to recognizing Akbar*, a great king from ancient India, and
the abundance of Existence. It is a wonderful Birbal*, his advisor, were walking together
flowering energy within you. on the street one day.
They passed by a sandalwood dealer and
If there is one energy that takes care of
Akbar* told Birbal*, I dont know why but
everything in your life, it is the energy of
I feel like hanging this man.
gratitude! If you ever feel that there is
something missing in your life, it is because One month passed and the two of them
you feel less gratitude. walked past the same sandalwood dealer
Gratitude should become your very
This time Akbar* said, Its strange but I feel
breath. Gratitude is a transforming energy. It
like giving this man some endowment
transforms the happenings in you and around
today! How is it possible?
you. It is an energy that harmonizes you with
the energy of the universe and brings back Birbal* replied, O King! A month back, the
tremendous prosperity to you. With gratitude sandalwood dealers business was suffering

Akbar - Moghul emperor.

Birbal - One of Emperor Akbars ministers, considered to be very intelligent. Hence a number of stories woven around
him and Akbar.


you resonate with

Existence and and when he saw California, concluded that gratitude played a
you walking past major role in a persons well-being.
transforms you he thought to
into a beautiful himself, If the The results of the study indicated that daily
human being. king dies, the gratitude exercises resulted in higher reported
courtiers would levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination,
come to buy a lot of sandalwood from me optimism, energy, lesser depression and stress.
for his funeral pyre. They further suggested that anyone could
He sent out these negative vibrations which
increase their sense of well-being and create
prompted you to feel hatred towards him. positive social effects just from counting their
That is why last time you felt like hanging blessings.
him without any real reason. I immediately
purchased a lot of sandalwood from him to
make tables and chairs for our kingdom. It Be grateful for just being
made him very happy. Today, he feels very
grateful to you for it. You are now struck When I tell people to live with a sense of
by these positive vibrations from him and gratitude, they immediately start looking for
therefore you feel like giving him some reasons. Real gratitude can never have a
endowment! reason. It happens as a causeless flowering
According to the Law of Attraction, like within you. Does the flower bloom for a
energy attracts like energy. How does this reason? No! It blooms because it is its very
apply to gratitude? Understand this: when you nature. Gratitude is our real nature. It has been
feel gratitude towards everything, it means you covered by layers of conditioning from
feel fulfilled, you feel blissful. So when you society.
radiate gratitude, your energy of fulfillment The problem is, society doesnt know the
attracts fulfillment back to you in the form of language of gratitude. It knows only the
material gains, good relationships, good health language of utility. It straightaway instills
and so on. This is how it works. greed and fear in you so that you will give it
The main thing is that gratitude makes you the needed results. Society doesnt know there
resonate with Existence and transforms you is a path of gratitude that will give much better
into a beautiful human being. results than the paths of fear and greed.
Psychologists have studied the effects of There are endless reasons to feel gratitude.
the feeling of gratitude on people. In their first This life itself is a gift that we have received.
study, two researchers, Dr. Michael Did any of us work for it and receive it? No.
McCollough of Southern Methodist University To be born with human consciousness is the
in Dallas, Texas, and Dr. Robert Emmons of first blessing we have received. Our gratitude
the University of California at Davis, should start right from there. Just for being
we should feel grateful.
GRATITUDE IS ENOUGH! The main reason
why you miss
A young girl sat at the dinner table to eat. A small experiencing
She started eating when her mother suddenly story:
stopped her. She asked her, Did you say
gratitude is that
grace before eating?
A man was you take everything
The girl replied, But there is nothing on
narrating for granted.
to his
this plate that I have not already thanked friend how he got lost in a desert one day.
god for at least once.
He told the friend, In sheer despair, I knelt
Understand, if ever you feel life is dull, down and prayed that I should be guided
that it is not as juicy as it should be, it is out of the desert.
because gratitude has not happened in you. The friend was awed by the story and asked,
Gratitude is the energy that makes your life So did god answer your prayer?
intense and exciting every moment. This is a
The man replied, Oh, no! Before that an
basic secret of life.
explorer appeared from nowhere and
showed me the way.
This is how insensitive we are in life! We
Everything is a gift
keep taking everything for granted. If we
The main reason why you miss sensitized ourselves with gratitude, we would
experiencing gratitude is that you take never take anything for granted not our
everything for granted. You feel anything that fingers, not our wealth, and not the timely
people do for you is your birthright. benevolence of Existence. When sensitivity
Understand, people could be doing something happens, every moment passes in deep awe
else instead of doing things for you. So it is of the happenings in Existence.
really a gift from them to you. You have to
thank them for it.
Receive every small thing in life as a gift. Revere the other with
When you sit down to eat, have you ever Gratitude
thanked your fingers? There are people who
dont have fingers with which to eat! Have The first thing we need to understand is
we ever thought about that? Never! We only that no person has taken birth only to serve
look at those who have a diamond ring on us. Every other person is also on the path of
their finger. We never look at those who dont life just as we are. As a kind gesture, out of
have fingers. love, they do things for us.

When we start feeling grateful for small Especially between partners, a lot of
things, our whole sensitivity will increase. We things are taken for granted. Somehow, this
will become more refined. idea has taken root very deeply in our society.
Because of this, many marriages fall apart


truly grateful to
the people in your today. I tell you, had dinner and went to bed.
relationships, you even during a The next morning the man prayed to god
p h y s i c a l
will never try to again, Oh lord, I dont think I can handle
relationship this tomorrow. I beg you to please switch
possess them. there can be me back to a man.
such deep gratitude for the other persons
God replied, Of course I will switch you
body. It will make the whole thing a divine back to yourself but you will have to wait
experience instead of mere physical pleasure. nine months because you are now carrying
When you can derive so much pleasure a child!
because of the other, why not feel gratitude
Each individual plays an equal part in life.
towards the other for it? If the other is deeply
No one should be taken for granted. There
respected from the beginning, many marriages
has to be some gratitude for every person on
can be saved.
planet earth. I always tell people that even if
A small story: things dont work out between you and your
One man prayed to god, Oh lord, please wife and you have to part, part with gratitude.
have mercy on me. I work so hard while The problem is that somewhere we feel
my wife stays at home. She enjoys staying people are waiting to hurt us. It is not so. It is
at home while I slog the whole day. Please
only our own insecurity which we project on
grant me a boon whereby I become my wife
and she becomes me. I want to teach her a
lesson on how tough a mans life is. So many people feel ungrateful to their
God granted his wish. parents and society for conditioning them in
certain ways. Please understand that with the
The next morning, the man who was now
intelligence that you have now, you are able
the woman, woke up early in the morning,
to see that you did not receive the right kind
packed lunch for the children, made
of mental setup earlier. Those who gave us
breakfast, got the children ready and drove
them to school. She then came back and this body and mind did not have any intention
put the clothes in the washing machine, to deprive us or disturb us in any way.
went to the bank and cashed the checks, Whatever they knew as their best, they just
paid the electricity and phone bills. Next gave to us; thats all. We are going beyond it
she went to the market and bought some now because we have become more
groceries, put the clothes out to dry, picked intelligent. Just feel grateful to them, that is
up the children from school, sorted out all enough.
their problems, helped them with their
homework, watched television and ironed One more thing: whenever you feel truly
clothes at the same time. Then she prepared grateful to the people in your relationships,
dinner, fed the children, put them to sleep, you will never try to possess them. You will
look at them as beautiful individuals and leave


it at that. Possessiveness happens only when nose job and removal of excess fat. She also
you think of the other person as an object and colored her hair. She thought that since she
not as an individual. With gratitude, you will was going to live for thirty more years, she
allow the person to have his or her own space. would start with a fresh look.

Decide consciously that you will respond She finished the surgeries and was about to
walk out of the hospital when she was run
with pure love and gratitude for the next
over by the hospital ambulance and killed.
couple of days, whatever the situation may
She arrived before god and asked him,
be. Automatically you will start seeing each God, I thought you told me I had another
and every person as a unique creation of thirty years to live.
Existence, as a reflection of the Divine.
God replied, Sorry, but I didnt recognize
Not only that, you will find tremendous you!
compassion towards everything around you.
Each human being is a unique masterpiece
If you were a person who gets angry easily,
of god. That is why no two bodies look alike.
you will find the anger disappearing. All the
God is not an engineer. He is an artist. That is
energy that was invested in other negative
why each of us looks different. If he was an
emotions will get released with this growing
engineer he would have made us all with the
gratitude. You will be a compassionate and
same mold, like in a production line! He has
loving person.
uniquely created each one of us. But we never
feel that we are beautiful enough. We
constantly compare ourselves with others and
Thank your body try to look like them. We never make our body
feel it is beautiful.
A small story:
Our body is influenced by the thoughts
A middle aged woman suffered a heart
attack and was taken to the hospital. While we entertain about it. Every cell responds to
on the operating table, she had a near death our thoughts and feelings about it. If we feel
experience. During the experience, she gratitude towards our body, our body responds
happened to see god. She asked him if this by improving our health. If we hate our body,
was the end of her life. the body responds by shrinking with disease.
God replied that she had another thirty or
In the Sufi* tradition, body gratitude is done
forty more years to live. as an everyday meditation itself where every
part of the body is felt with love and thanked.
Once she recovered, she decided to stay in
the hospital to undergo multiple surgeries
such as a face lift, jaw reconstruction, a

Sufi - Mystical dimension of Islam.


Everything is auspicious, just appears to be dull sometimes. When we start

perceiving them, our entire life becomes a
celebrate it! miracle. The truth is, there are too many
One thing has to be understood very miracles happening around us in our lives.
clearly. The whole of Existence is an Just accept and celebrate Existence with
auspicious happening. You are part of all its different dimensions and paradoxes.
Existence, so everything happening around you Dont judge anything. You continuously judge
is also auspicious. This is the truth of what is going on. You feel something is right
Existence. Nothing that happens in Existence or something is wrong, something should have
is inauspicious. Everything is only a blessing, happened this way or something should not
for which we have to feel grateful. have happened this way.
If this is understood clearly, there is Become aware that whatever happens in
nothing to complain about in life. If this is Existence is auspicious. In the whole world
understood clearly, your very eye becomes a there are only two kinds of people. The first
grateful eye. It sees everything as kind feels that whatever is happening in the
extraordinary. Nothing appears mundane. world is auspicious. The second kind feels
Everything appears as a miracle. everything is happening against their will and
A small story: things have to be slightly altered all the time.
Such people will try to alter, judge, criticize
One day a duck hunter went to the market and develop the things happening in the world
to buy a bird retriever dog. To his amazement according to their ideas. These people
he found a dog that could walk on water!
continuously suffer because of trying to
He immediately took it home.
change things all the time.
He invited one of his friends to hunt the
next day and took the dog. When a flock of Understand: everything has a message for
ducks came near he took aim, fired and us including death and disease. Everything
silently watched. The dog walked on the has something to teach us. Every incident
water and retrieved the bird. He looked at raises our intelligence, raises our frequency
his friend for a reaction but the friend of consciousness.
remained silent.
You need to know one important thing:
He asked him, Do you see anything unusual there is no qualitative or quantitative
about my dog? difference between you and an enlightened
The friend replied, Yes, your dog is unable being except that he feels contented in the
to swim. outer and inner worlds while you dont feel
that way. You feel something is missing all
Miracles are continuously happening in
the time. Just like how Existence wants him
front of our eyes. But we continuously miss
to be here on this planet, Existence wants you
them! Only because we miss them, life itself


too to be here. You are not an accident here; The villagers didnt agree fully with him
you are an incident. You are a miracle of but since they respected him they went away.
Existence. This is the straightforward and The next week, suddenly, all the dogs in the
simple truth. Dont think this is positive village ran away. The villagers got upset
thinking. No. This is the plain truth. If you again because the dogs used to guard the
trust this truth, you will automatically become village against burglars. They went to the
positive, thats all. sage and reported this to him. He only
repeated his message, If you have faith in
Understand that you are a fulfillment for Existence and pray, even this loss may prove
Existence. If you are not here, Existence will to be a gain.
miss you. All your wealth, relations etc are
not an accident. Existence wants you to have A few days later a very strange thing
happened. In those days, there were no
all these; it wants to live through you, fulfill
matchboxes. People used to rub two stones
itself through you! Understand this.
together to make fire or keep a fire alive in
A small story: their ovens continuously. One day, all the
fires in all of the households went out. They
There was a certain village isolated and
tried to start a fire by rubbing stones but
surrounded by acres of cornfields. The
nothing happened. They got very disturbed.
city was very far from it, so it remained very
quiet. They went to the sage again and told him
what was happening. The sage told them,
One morning the villagers saw a sage
It looks like some very special phenomenon
whom they had never seen before in the
is taking place.
village. He was seated under a banyan tree.
They asked him where he came from. He The villagers started doubting the sage.
told them, I have come to spend a few days They started wondering in what way the
with all of you whom I consider my own sage was superior to them and whether he
brothers. was in any way qualified to tell them such
things. Some of the villagers proceeded to
The villagers were happy to hear this and
the next village to get some fire but the sage
built a small hut for him. Soon the sage
stopped them, sternly saying that they
started healing and solving many problems
should not go.
of the villagers.
Early next morning some of the villagers
Once an epidemic struck the village and
started making their way to the next village
killed many birds there. The villagers
anyway. Suddenly they saw something like
reported this to the sage. He said, It is sad
a sandstorm in the distance. After a few
that you lost so many birds but if you have
moments they could see it was actually a
faith in Existence and pray, the loss may
large invading army on horseback. They
actually be a matter of gain.
were on their way plundering the city and

Existence is not an LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT

accident. It is
independent the villages gratitude is to live enlightenment the way I
surrounding it. have just described it to you. That is the best
intelligence. The villagers hid you can do for me and that I can do for you.
behind trees and
watched them. The army stopped ahead of People ask me, What service can we do
the village and one of them screamed, Let for the mission? I tell them, the greatest
us invade this village too! service one can do to the world is working for
the flowering of ones own consciousness.
Another person said, No use will come out
of it. There is no bird that chirps even so
Once this happens, automatically, you will
early in the morning, no dog barks, no serve where required, not out of ego or to gain
smoke comes out of the chimney of any credit, but because you are celebrating and
house. It doesnt look like a single soul lives overflowing. Then it is not called service. It is
there. just an overflowing. That is the way service
should happen - not as a giving, but as a
The army turned back and went away.
spontaneous sharing.
The hiding villagers ran back to the village
and told the villagers what had happened.
They suddenly realized how true the sage
was all along! They went to the sages hut Gratitude can burn your
to tell him everything but the hut was empty. karmas
The sage had left.
Nobody knew where he had gone. Sufism* is completely a gratitude-based
religion. If I have to reduce the whole of
Existence is not an accident. It is Sufism* to one word, it is gratitude. You can
independent intelligence. When you see it in all the poems of the great Sufi*
understand that it is an independent masters like Jalaluddin Rumi* and others. You
intelligence, when you understand that it is a can see the flowing energy of gratitude in their
profound mystery to be experienced and not words. Gratitude makes you a nobody, just
solved, everything in your life will open itself flowing energy.
and reveal to you the lesson it has brought
with it. Gratitude is like a fire that can burn all
your karmas *. What is karma *? It is an
Some people ask me, Swamiji, how do unfulfilled action on your part that pulls you
we express our deep gratitude to you? I tell again and again to fulfill it. In order to fulfill
them that the only way to express their and exhaust all such karmas* that we have

Sufism - Mystical dimension of Islam.

Sufi - Follower of Sufism.
Rumi - 13th century Persian Sufi poet.
Karma - The vedic concept of ones freewill actions deciding ones destiny.

celebration of the
accumulated, we take birth again and again food for benevolence of
on this planet. Just by being with the energy three days.
On the
of gratitude, these karmas get burnt! Such is
the power of gratitude. fourth day
they were even chased away by the villagers
and so they slept in a graveyard that night.
The next morning, the saint as usual started
Gratitude - the ultimate to say his prayer of thanksgiving to god.
prayer and religion His disciples could not believe their eyes.
They had gone without food and shelter for
When your prayer becomes gratitude, you so many days and their master was thanking
attract more benevolence to you. Gratitude is god. They refused to follow suit.
the ultimate prayer that can bring us more than The disciples asked the saint, Why should
we can imagine. Real prayer is not reading we thank the lord when we were refused food
prayer books, it is not offering material things and a place to stay for three days?
to god, it is not donating money to temples, it The saint replied, You have been fed and
is deep and silent gratitude to the whole of given a place to stay for thirty years. What
Existence for being what it is. It is the about thanking Him for that?
undaunted trust that Existence is taking care.
Prayer is gratitude for the continuous
Many people think prayer and gratitude showering of Existence upon us.
are bondage. No. They are the greatest
liberators. They liberate you from the bondage
of discontentment. Prayer should be an
Expectation is the culprit - let
overflowing of the gratitude and fulfillment
in you. Some people ask, Why do we go to go!
the temple and pray? Understand, prayer is
Try to sit down and make two lists. Let
a celebration of the benevolence of Existence.
one be of all the things that you have and one
When our prayer is this way, Existence
of all the things that you dont have. The first
responds. When Existence responds, it comes
list should include every single thing that you
to you as more benevolence in your life. This
have, starting from your eyes, ears, hands and
is the virtuous cycle of prayer and blessing!
legs, because there are people who dont have
I always tell people a wonderful story of some of these. Include all your physical and
a Sufi saint. Sufism is a religion rooted in mental faculties before moving to material
gratitude. It is nothing but gratitude towards things. If you write very sincerely without
the whole of Existence. leaving out anything, you will not be able to
One Sufi saint and his disciples were in their complete the first list! That is the truth. If you
spiritual wandering. They went without


find you are unable to finish the first list, it house and asked the maids for fire to light
means gratitude has started happening in you! his pipe.

The problem is that there is a continuous One of the girls looked at him and asked,
expectation in us all the time. That is why Fire to light your pipe? Why not use the
gratitude doesnt happen easily. Working with lantern you are carrying?
expectation is like pouring clarified butter into The guard couldnt believe his eyes. He had
the fire to quench it. Can you quench fire by been carrying a lantern all along while
pouring clarified butter into it? Never! In the searching for a matchbox!
same way, you can never feel fulfilled if your When we believe that what we need is
actions are rooted in expectation. You will always only outside of us, we live in eternal
only tire your senses. expectation and we will continue searching
You can live either in expectation or in like the night guard! When we believe that
gratitude, never in both. With expectation Existence always gives us what we need, we
there is a desire to possess things. You become will find everything within us all the time.
the owner. With gratitude, you become the
enjoyer. When you are the owner you enjoy
only the few things that you own. When you Your very body language can
are the enjoyer, you enjoy everything in
Existence. When you look to own, nothing
change with Gratitude
will seem enough. When you enjoy, When we work with expectation all the
everything seems to be overflowing! That is time, we carry a subtle violence in our body
the difference. language; not deliberate violence, but inherent
A small story: violence. If we become a little sensitive to
our body language, we will be able to catch
In a village, the night guard was on his
rounds blowing his whistle periodically.
Watch yourself when you type on the
He had an earthen pipe that he smoked. He
filled it with tobacco and searched for a computer, when you handle phone calls, how
match box. He didnt have one. you place the phone receiver back in its cradle,
with what aggression you walk everything.
He went to the nearby hut where an old lady
You will see that everything carries a subtle
lived and asked if she could give him some
violence in it.
ember from her oven. The old lady said her
stove had not been lit for the past three days With gratitude, your entire body language
and that she herself was managing with the changes. When you start experiencing deep
little food they gave in the temple. gratitude, your responses to situations change.
He tried in several places but it was of no You start resonating with Existence. Your body
use. He finally went to the village chiefs will flow with that resonance, with a cool


grace and softness. All your actions will arise Only joy will be flowing. Then anything you
out of this grace. There will be no violence. do will only make life sweeter.



You can Unclutch from the Mind Maze

We have thus far looked at the basic been connected to your mind; transcribe
emotions that drive us. When these emotions exactly what you think. Do not edit or suppress
are negatively expressed, we destroy the any thoughts. It is an experiment only for you.
energy within us and block ourselves from No one else is going to look at what you have
receiving energy from without. If you have written. Just like how the transcribing software
practised the techniques that have been given which is connected to a taped speech
with each of the preceding chapters, you transcribes everything, transcribe whatever is
would also have seen how you could going on in your mind verbatim. At the end of
overcome these negative energies and unblock ten minutes, read what you wrote just once.
yourself. You will be amazed! You can clearly see that
there is no logic in the way thoughts form in
Let us now look at a few other issues,
your mind!
which if we understand well, can change the
way we live. These understandings can For example, you see a dog on the street.
transform us. Immediately you remember the dog you were
afraid of when you were young, or the one
Let us start with something very simple,
you used to play with when you were young.
something that we all take for granted. Let us
The next thought could be about your
look at the way our mind really works.
childhood. The third may be about the teacher
and the room you used to sit in at school. The
fourth may be about the house where your
The Ten-Minute Experiment teacher used to live.
Try a very simple experiment for just ten There is no logical connection between the
minutes. dog that you recently saw on the street and
the teacher who taught you in school.
Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Sit down
However, in a few seconds you simply jumped
alone. Write down whatever thought comes
from seeing the dog to your childhood teacher.
to mind as if a transcribing software has


independent, You can see
completely that your
thoughts are
unconnected to the
just moving,
previous thought. drifting from
one thing to
another. We cant even call this thinking. It
is just association, thats all. You associate Similarly you may have a thought that is
the dog with your childhood, your childhood related to a painful experience, but you think
with the teacher, and so on. of it as joy. It is referred to as PJ painful
Actually, if you do this exercise just once, experience, joyful impression.
the very understanding that it gives you will Generally, all your thoughts are related to
transform the way you think about yourself, something about the past or the future. You
and how you treat yourself and others. Your cannot have thoughts about the present. In
whole life will be transformed. the present moment you can have only
How does our mind work? consciousness, no thoughts. Thoughts are
either related to some joyful experiences that
How do we create thoughts and how do you had in the past and want to have in the
we give meaning to them? future, or painful experiences that you had in
How do we experience life? the past and dont want to have again.
Even at the time of some serious problem,
you will suddenly have a positive thought.
The Nature of the Mind Even in the peak of joy, you will have some
unconnected negative thought. Each thought
Let me give you a simple diagram to is completely independent, completely
understand how thoughts flow in the mind and unconnected to the previous thought. That is
how you connect them. why you are able to have a happy thought
Each thought in your mind is shown here amidst sad thoughts and vice versa.
as a square or rectangle. Each is a different Understand that no two thoughts are
shape, size, and color. Different thoughts are logically connected. No thought is responsible
continuously flowing in you. One may be for the creation of another thought. They all
related to pain or a painful experience. Another appear randomly, independently, and illogically.
may be related to joy or a joyful experience.
The next one may be related to joy, but you How do you unclutch from this random
think of it as pain. It is referred to as JP on the stream of thoughts? We will be using the word
chart joyful experience, painful impression. unclutch again and again. Lets clearly define
what is meant by unclutch. When we change


gears while driving a car, whether we change and goes, comes and goes you are not fully,
from first to second, or second to third, or any continuously aware.
gear for that matter, we have to pass through
Many times, even though your eyes are
neutral every time. We have to completely
open and your body is moving, you are not
depress the clutch, or unclutch, move
aware of your existence. An example from
through neutral, and only then we can go to
everyday life is like when you get into your
the next gear, right? In the same way, we
car and drive for half an hour to the office. It
experience a neutral space between any two
is only after you reach the office, park the
thoughts in our mind. That neutral space, that
car, and get out, do you suddenly realize, Oh,
silence that exists between two thoughts, is
I have reached the office! It means that in
peace and bliss. When we no longer grab onto
those moments of driving, the projector light
thoughts and connect them to the past or
was off most of the time.
future, we remain unclutched. As we remain
unclutched from our thoughts we become Any slide that is placed in front of the
more aware of the neutral spaces between projector during moments that the projector
thoughts. The gap between the thoughts will light, your awareness, is off is not part of your
automatically extend when we remain life. You dont remember it at all. When the
unclutched from the stream of thoughts. We light comes on again, when your awareness
will dwell in the neutral space longer and comes back again, whatever thought you have
experience more and more peace and bliss. at that time becomes a part of you. Understand
that this is a very subtle truth. Your life is the
totality of all the thoughts you have when you
are aware and unaware.
Unfortunately, many times there are
thoughts, many major decisions, and life-
changing incidents that happen when you are
The Ultimate Key not aware. These are also part of your life,
When you suddenly become aware, any part of your biography. Unfortunately, you are
thought that flows in front of you becomes not aware of these scenes, decisions, or
your life for that moment. You start giving thoughts when they come up. Without your
attention to it, either to fulfill it or to escape knowledge they have contributed significantly
from it. It is like slides on a projector. Any to your life.
slide that is kept in front of the projector light Be very clear, every moment that passes
is seen as reality on the screen. The problem in your life without you being aware of it,
is that in your inner space, the projector light without your presence, is suffering. You will
is not continuously on. When I say projector either directly or indirectly create situations
light, I mean your awareness. It just comes for suffering. Just like when the turn indicator


remember your
biography as it light in your car you. You do not remember your biography as
happened. You blinks, your it happened. You remember it only as you
consciousness want it.
remember it only as
blinks also. But,
you want it. because of your
Just take a simple example. Your life is
filled with different kinds of incidents relating
lack of
to joy, suffering, guilt, pain, and depression.
awareness, you do not know when it is on
You dont look at life as it is. What do you
and when it is off.
usually do? You collect only the incidents
I read a joke the other day: related to suffering and create a shaft,
One man got into his car and started the connecting only these ideas, and you think
engine. He flipped on the turn indicator and your life is nothing but suffering. You think
asked his son to see if the light blinked in that your life is a long chain of suffering, a
the rear of the car. pain shaft.
His son shouted back, Yes, its onno, Very rarely, you create a joy shaft. It is
its not onyes its onno its offnow its very rare that you collect joyful incidents,
on! create a joy shaft, and feel life is joy. It is rare
If you just see the thought flow in front of not only in the number of joyful shafts, but
you, suddenly you will realize, Oh god, all also in the quality of them. Most of the time
these things are actually going on in me! I dont you collect all the painful memories and
have a clue where I am heading. I dont know incidents, and create the idea that life is only
what is happening in me! pain. The moment you believe life is
continuous painful occurrences, unconsciously
You are not aware, but constantly you you try to strengthen that belief, even though
believe you are aware. That is the first illusion. consciously you try to break the pain shaft.
If you become aware continuously, you Please understand, your belief that life is a
open up to reality for the first time. It might pain shaft or a joy shaft will stay only as long
be a bit intense initially, because until now, you as you are unconscious, not when you are
have spent most of your time in unawareness. aware.
Ultimately, it will lead you to experience only
joy and bliss.
Relationship Between
Awareness and the Thoughts in
You Are Not Aware of Your Your Inner Space
True Past
If you normally enjoy lustful thoughts, then
This is the first truth you are not aware whenever lustful thoughts cross your system,
of all the things that are happening in front of you come to the awareness, I exist. If you


normally enjoy violent thoughts, whenever Shaft of Pain

violent thoughts come into your system, you
come to life and know that you exist. This is Let me provide a deeper understanding.
what I call a vicious circle: you empowering The pain that you had ten years ago, the pain
negativity and negativity bringing you back to that you had nine years ago, the pain that you
life; you empowering more negativity, and experienced seven years ago, the pain that you
more negativity bringing to life perceived experienced three years ago, and the pain that
excitement. you experienced yesterday are all
unconnected, independent, individual
incidents. But you start connecting all of them
and create a shaft of pain. You connect all
The Shaft That Does Not these thought shafts and create one big shaft.
Exist You start thinking and believing, My life is
pain. Is that true? No! What happened to all
the sweet incidents of joy that you
The Pain Shaft Invites Painful experienced in between? Surely, there must
have been at least a few moments of joy in
Incidents to Your Life between? They are simply forgotten. They are
There is a very beautiful analogy by never picked to form a shaft. So the shaft, any
Ramana Maharishi, an enlightened master shaft, is never true, because it focuses on only
from India. A dog will chew a dry bone. As it a fragment of your complete biography.
chews, fragments of the bone will poke into First, you start archiving the painful
its mouth making it bleed. The dog thinks the memories for utility purpose. You archive all
blood is coming from the bone and it enjoys your pains, probably for medical history sake
the blood. It continues to chew on the bone or to tell your doctor. By and by, you start
for the pleasure of the blood! It doesnt realize believing that all these pains that happened in
that the blood is coming from its own mouth your life are connected. You decide that your
and not at all from the bone. life is pain; your life is suffering. The moment
If violence excites you, you wait for that you come to the decision that your life is pain
kind of incident in your life. If pain excites or your life is suffering, you create hell for
you, if you believe life is a pain shaft, you wait yourself.
for that kind of incident in your life in order to For example, until yesterday you were only
strengthen and reinforce your belief. That is walking, you were not able to fly. You know
the general human psychology. Although in your past you never flew, you only walked.
people claim they want to break the violence Can you believe you can start flying from
shaft or pain shaft, they secretly nurture it. tomorrow onwards? You cant. You know
tomorrow you will still only be walking. You


rely solely on your remembered past Thoughts are like Bubbles in

experiences to predict your future, eliminating
many new possibilities. a Fish Tank
There is no linear connection between one
thought that we have and another thought that
Shaft of Joy we have. The only relationship between
The joy that you experienced ten years
ago, the joy that you experienced nine years
ago, the joy that you experienced three years
ago, and the joy that you experienced one year
ago are all independent, individual,
unconnected thought shafts. At the present
time, you connect all of those thoughts and
create a big shaft of joy.
You may identify your joy with an object,
a person, or a space, like a particular vacation
resort. Now you will try again and again to
bring that back in your life, to bring that
person, that object, that space, or that same
incident back in your life. Try as you might,
you will not be able experience the same joy
again. This puts you in further pain!

thoughts is that they come from the same

Pain Shaft or Joy Shaft Both source. But we constantly connect one
Lead to Suffering thought and the next thought in a linear manner.
In life, we constantly create either shafts Just as bubbles in a fish tank rise from the
of pain or joy. Once you create a shaft of bottom, our thoughts also rise in the same
pain, you try to break it. If you create the shaft manner. When one bubble comes and reaches
of joy, you try to elongate it! But you dont the surface of the water, the next bubble starts
understand that you can neither elongate the and then the third bubble starts. Because the
joy shaft nor break the pain shaft - simply bubbles are rising at a high speed, they look
because the shaft itself doesnt exist. It is just like a continuous stream! Actually there is
selective memory. The very shaft is your always a gap between two bubbles.
imagination. Like the bubbles, we also experience a
neutral space between two thoughts. Since the
gap or the neutral space between two thoughts the ring. between thoughts
is so small, we think all thoughts are Whoever
grabs it
is that they come
connected and form a shaft. But there is
first wins. from the same
always a gap between two thoughts.
T h e s e source.
Let me tell you about an incident that s m a l l
happened: games were created mainly to reduce the
A middle aged man came to me and said, unfamiliarity between the couple because
I am going to divorce my wife. Please bless in arranged marriages the bride and groom
me!One gentleman around forty five years first meet during the wedding ceremony.
of age came up to me and said, Swamiji, I They have small games to reduce the
am going to divorce my wife, please bless distance between the couple because they
me. I told him, I only bless people for are new to each other.
marriages. Why do you want me to bless This man said, During that game, she
you for a divorce? He replied, No, you scratched my hand. With her nails, she
have to bless me, because I have suffered scratched my hand! And he started a big
so much. I told him, I only bless story about everything that she had done to
individuals for marriages. What made you him since that day! For all practical
come and ask me to bless you for a divorce? purposes, he had kept a file, like a police
He replied, No, no, Swamiji, you have to report from the first day of his marriage.
bless me, because I have suffered too much.
After two or three incidents, I told him,
I said, Suffering is always give-and-take. Please stop! If this is the case, she should
It is never just taking. You must have given be happier than you to part ways. It is very
your wife enough suffering too. So, please difficult to live with someone who keeps
tell me the truth about what happened and such large and detailed files in his head!
then we will analyze the situation. Any time she does something, this man will
He replied, How do I decide which always be looking through the files.
incidents to tell you, and which ones to Then he told me the immediate reason for
leave out? There are so many of them! From the divorce. He said, She spilled some
day one she has been torturing me. You dont coffee on my clothes! I told him, Spilling
know how much torture I have gone through! coffee on your clothes cannot be a reason
Then he narrated an incident from the day for a divorce!
of his marriage!
He said, No, you dont know. Today she
In Indian villages, when a wedding takes poured coffee; tomorrow she will pour acid!
place, the newly married couple plays games He really said this. I did not understand the
after the marriage ceremony. For one of connection. I asked him how he could
the games, a ring is dropped inside a pot possibly connect coffee and acid. Again he
filled with water. The husband and wife put said, No, no Swamiji, you dont know.
their hands inside and compete to pick up


He may seem extreme and you may laugh The food that you ate yesterday and the food
when you hear this. But just look intensely at that you eat today are different, even if they
your own life. You are doing the same thing - seem physically the same! But your mind
constantly creating illogical connections. You creates the shaft between these two incidents
forget to see incidents as being independent and says, I eat the same food every day.
of each other. You forget to see thoughts as
Please be very clear, you dont eat the
same food every day. You may use the same
If you just learn this one simple technique word eating for both the experiences, but
of unclutching, you will be able to retain a they are not the same experience. Do not be
significant amount of energy in your system, cheated by the words that you use.
in your being. As a result, you will be many Yesterdays eating, todays eating, and
times more productive and creative. Your tomorrows eating are separate incidents,
relationships will be much friendlier because separate experiences. They are completely
you will not clutch incidents that are not independent and unattached.
related. You will not feel suffocated by people
A beautiful incident from the life of an
or their expectations of you. You will have
enlightened master from central India:
tremendous inner space available to you to
fulfill your needs, as well as others needs. During the last ten years of his life, the
You will also have tremendous compassion to doctors asked the master to eat a particular
kind of food. He was not allowed to eat
know why others are suffering. It is only when
anything else. He had to eat the same kind
you dont understand why the other person is
of food three times a day, everyday.
suffering that you are harsh with them. When
you unclutch, you are able to accommodate After two years the person who cooked for
that person in your inner space. You are him came and complained, Master, I am
automatically compassionate. Your very life bored with cooking the same food. How are
you able to eat the same food day after day?
has a different quality and you become a
different person in the world. The master just laughed and said, I am
not eating the same food every day. How
can I eat the same food every day? I can
only eat this food today. Tomorrows food
It is Never the Same is totally different!
Every single happening in our lives is Life is new every moment. It is the mind
unconnected, even our everyday activities like that makes it look repetitive, dull and mundane.
eating and drinking. Each and every
experience is independent by its own right.
Drinking water yesterday and drinking water
today are two completely different incidents.

moment. It is the
Just Let GoAnd You Can Fly! I will fall and mind that makes it
die. look repetitive, dull
I saw this in my days of spiritual
wandering. In the forests of Northern India
There is and mundane.
no record that
the hunters use a trap to catch birds. They tie
any bird has ever fallen and broken its head!
a rope between two trees. In the middle of
But the bird does not have the intelligence to
the rope, they secure a wooden stick. The rope
realize this. It keeps hanging on. By not letting
is tied at the midpoint of the stick. This is
go, not only does it lose its freedom, it loses its
actually a hunters trap for birds.
life too, because ultimately the hunter traps it.
You may think, How can a bird be trapped
with a small stick? How is it possible?
Actually, all they do is just hang the stick
between two trees using a rope, thats all.
When a bird comes and sits on the stick, the
birds own weight turns the whole stick upside
down; it turns topsy-turvy. The bird is now
hanging upside down, clinging to the stick.
The mom-ent it turns upside down and
loses its sense of balance it feels totally shaken
and tightens its grip on the stick. It simply holds
onto the stick as if its life depends on it.
Because it is hanging upside down, it thinks, Just like the bird, you dont realize that if
If I unclutch from this stick, what will happen? you just drop your mind, at that moment you
can become a Paramahamsa *. That very
moment you can be liberated. You can simply
start flying.
The same fear that the bird clinging to the
stick had, you have now. Your fear and the
birds fear are one and the same. The bird
believes that it cant let go; if it does it will
die. Similarly, you hold on to your mind and
feel, I cant let go. If I start trusting that I am
unconnected, unclutched, independent and
illogical thoughts, I might be lost.

Paramahamsa - Literally means Supreme Swan. Title bestowed on enlightened beings.


seconds it will fall, but then it will adjust itself

and start flying.
Be very clear, let go and you will never
fall and die. You will only become a
This moment, trust yourself. Dont bother
about losing your identity. Just trust yourself
and let go of your identity. You will immediately
become a Paramahamsa and be liberated.
All you need to do is trust that you are
The hunter comes leisurely, after four or unclutched - even if you dont trust that it is
five hours, takes the bird, puts it in the cage, still the truth!
and leaves. Now the bird neither has the
freedom to fly nor the stick to balance. The
foolish bird doesnt know that if it had just let Safety Net of the Sangha
go of the stick, it could have simply flown
When you unclutch, there will be some
revolutionary changes in your life, in your day-
In the same way, you hold on to whatever to-day thinking, your decision-making, and
you think is your identity and security your your daily routine - your lifestyle. Courageously
education, your mind, your life, your going through that revolution, going through
relationships, or your bank balance. Yama, the the transformation that happens in you, is what
god of death, ultimately comes to remove the I call tapas - penance.
stick that is your identity. Then you are
On rare occasions during my wanderings,
neither a Paramahamsa*, a liberated soul, nor
I have seen a bird hanging on the stick. Another
are you able to hold on to your identity. You
bird that was once stuck in the trap, but had
will neither have the freedom, nor will you
the courage to let go and open up, comes back.
have the stick of your identity that you are
It pokes the hanging bird and says, Hey, let
clutching, because the stick itself is an illusion.
go! Relax! I was like you. I had the same
Let me tell you, if the bird lets go and problem. When I relaxed I just started flying.
relaxes, it may flutter to balance for a moment All it takes is just two or three seconds to
or two. It may take one or two moments to balance. When I opened up, I never fell and
balance itself, but it will never fall and die. broke my head or died. I only became
When it leaves the stick, maybe for a few liberated. I only became a free bird. Come
on... But the hanging bird will not believe it.

Paramahamsa - Literally means Supreme Swan. Title bestowed on enlightened beings.

is to trust that you
Understand that the responsibility of the out. If it just are unclutched -
free bird is to go about freeing other birds. It lets go of the even if you dont
is the responsibility of the free bird to go and sweet, it can
trust that it is still
poke the bird trapped on the stick and say, take its hand
Free yourself. I am that free bird and I have out and be
the truth!
created a safety net. Even if you fall, you wont free. If you
hurt yourself. Relax! Let go, you will only fly! allow the understanding of this story to happen
See, the sangha, the community of the master, in you, you will instantly unclutch from your
is the net. Even if you fall, you will not hurt shafts and be free this very moment.
First of all, you will not fall. But just to
give you the deeper assurance, the sangha, Living Intensely in the
the spiritual community, is created. So, I invite Present
all of you to come and experience the sangha.
Understand that its a free birds
responsibility to liberate all the trapped birds, By Your Very Nature You
to help them, to inspire them to free
Renounce Every Moment
Fortunately, by your very nature, you can
have only one thought at a time. The moment
The Story of the Monkey a new thought comes inside your system, it
means that the old thought has lost its power
Similar to the bird trap, hunters also have or influence over you. If the new thought has
a trap to catch monkeys. They catch monkeys entered you, it means the old thought has been
using a small box for a trap. They place some renounced because you cant have two
sweets inside a box that has a small opening. thoughts at a time. You can have only one
The monkey puts its hand inside the box and thought at a time. If you say that the old
grabs the sweet. As long as the monkey holds thought is also there, it only means that for
onto the sweet, it will not be able to take its that moment, the new thought has been
hand out because its fist is larger than the hole! renounced!
If the monkey lets go of the sweet, it can There is a beautiful story by Ramakrishna
remove or slide its hand out immediately. But Paramahamsa*:
the monkey is not intelligent enough to realize
that. It holds on to the sweet - and just because A king who was inside a huge fort, was
it is holding on, it is not able to take its hand once attacked by an army that was two

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa - Enlightened master from West Bengal in India. His chief disciple was Swami Vivekananda.


million strong. The king only had two or thought after another. Only then is it possible
three people around him and got very to allow new thoughts to keep entering your
frightened. He told his advisor, Two million system. Every moment your inner space is
people, and I am all alone. They will kill getting cleared of the old thought.
Thoughts are constantly getting renounced
The royal advisor said, Dont worry, King.
by themselves. The only issue is that when
Open only one door. Surely through one
you create the belief your thoughts are
door only one person can come in at a time.
As they come in, stand on this side of the
connected, you have the problem of linked
door and kill them one by one. Over! Do suffering, the shaft. Your belief that you have
not try to fight with the whole crowd. some problem is your only problem.

If you think all your enemies are gathered Every moment your inner space is purified
together, you will start having unnecessary by the new incoming thoughts. If you allow
fears. You cannot have two thoughts at a time. this process to continue, it will happen by itself
You can only have one thought at a time. This and clean itself also. There is no need for you
means that every thought is replaced by the to clean your mind. All you need to do is just
next thought. get out - just get out of the system so that the
system can proceed on its own.
Ill repeat: the first thing is that you can
have only one thought at a time. One important truth you should know is
that even if you want, even if you try
The second thing is that unless the old consciously, you cannot possess or hold onto
thought is pushed out, the second thought your suffering for long.
cannot come.
Even if you try to hold it, you cannot hold
The third thing is that if somebody can push your suffering because continuously, your
me out and sit here, he is surely more powerful thought that creates suffering is also replaced
than me! Any thought that comes in and pushes by newer thoughts! In fact, to hold onto
the old thought out is more powerful than the suffering will require a lot of effort on your
old thought. This means that any thought that part because thoughts are continuously
is coming now is rooted in the present moment. flowing.
It has more power than the thought that is
being renounced, whatever that thought may
be about. Allow Your Thoughts to Be
By your very nature you are renouncing. Replaced
You dont need to learn renunciation. Every
Be very clear, your power to bring on a
moment you are renouncing. What do I mean
new thought itself proves you have the power
by the word renouncing here? I mean that
to drop the old thought. The problem is, instead
at every moment you are letting go of one

inner space is
of just watching the new thoughts flowing become getting cleared of
through you, you try to bring back old thoughts enlightened,
I am not
the old thought.
into your system. It is like picking up your
trashed emails and bringing them back to the going to
inbox. Is there any need to bring back trashed get up from this seat. Let this body dry up
in this very place. Until I become
emails? No! If you constantly look to bring
enlightened, I am not going to move.
back the old thoughts, you will create only
Buddha says that the moment he created
suffering. that strong clarity, the authentic sankalpa*
Understand that if you nurture the fact that - vow, the next second, he became
any suffering can be replaced by a stream of enlightened!
fresh thoughts then that becomes reality for When you sit down to replace your
you. And there is no suffering. If you are suffering and think, Today I will replace it
nurturing the thought, No, however much I ten times. If it comes back the eleventh time,
allow replacing, the suffering comes back, you I can try again tomorrow, then nothing will
will make that into reality. If you mother the happen. No transformation will take place for
thought that the suffering is going to come you. Decide very clearly, Until it stops coming,
back, it will come back. If you mother the I am going to replace the negative thoughts.
thought that it is going to go away, it will go That is what I call courage.
All you need to understand is that if even
once you can replace a thought in your inner Solutions for Physical,
space without returning to the previous thought, Mental and Emotional
you will get the confidence, I have replaced
it once. I can do it again. Then you can tell
yourself, If the old thought comes back ten When we unclutch, the first thing that will
times, let me replace it ten times! thats all. happen to us will be an inner healing effect -
Soon you will see the old thought will stop a deep silence and peace in us.
coming back.
Second, that inner healing will start
There is a very beautiful incident in radiating as physical wellbeing, which is our
Buddhas life: health.
Buddha says, Whenever I said in Third, naturally it will start radiating in our
meditation, I am going to get up after a relationships also.
few hours, I never became enlightened.
Once I decided, If I am not going to

Sankalpa - Vow or decision.


Fourth, because these three are going years ago are independent, individual,
beautifully, we will be creative and productive! unconnected, and unclutched. The problem is
the same as with physical pain. You start
connecting them and concluding that you are
Solution for Chronic Ailments having the same depression continuously. You
create an idea that your life is depression.
People come and tell me, Swamiji, for Then you start fighting with it. That only gives
the last twenty years I have had knee pain. more life to the depressive thoughts.
No, it cannot be! Please understand that in
When you strongly believe that your last
reality it cannot be. I am not disrespecting you
ten years have been filled with suffering and
or adding more suffering to you by saying all
depression, you create a strong mental setup
your problems are only in your head. I am just
surrounding it. Naturally you start thinking that
telling the truth: all your problems are in your
your future is also going to be painful and filled
head! I am just stating the truth.
with depression.
The knee pain you experienced two years
Suppose there is a person sitting in front
ago, the knee pain you experienced one year
of you who you think is an enemy. Suddenly if
ago, the knee pain you experienced two months
you notice that his head is separate, his legs
ago, and the knee pain you experienced two
are separate and his hands are separate, would
hours ago are independent experiences. Only
you even feel like fighting with him? No! He
because you connect all of them, you conclude
is not even worth fighting! He doesnt even
that you have been having knee pain for twenty
have a solid existence, as you imagined him
years. Is it really true that you have knee pain
to have. So what is there to fight?
continuously for twenty years? What happens
to the moments of no knee pain in between? In the same way, only when you imagine
The important thing you need to understand is you have a huge problem in front of you, that
that because you connect and see all these as a big person is in front of you, you start fighting
one continuous incident, you block the and getting into more trouble. Your depression
possibility of self-healing. is not the huge enemy that you think it is. It is
just like the person with disjointed body parts.
It is you who joined the parts and gave it life.
Solution for Depression Your fighting with depression is the root cause
of your depression.
The depression that happened one month
In Ramayana* there is a beautiful story.
ago, the depression that happened one year
Whoever stands in front of the monkey king
ago, and the depression that happened three

Ramayana - Hindu itihasa or epic about prince Rama. The original version was written by poet sage Valmiki.


Vali* and fights with him, loses half of his with your mind or body movements. It only
power to him. In the same way, whoever removes the depression because it lets the
stands in front of the thought shaft and starts depression thoughts rise and fall without
fighting with that shaft, half of their power clutching to them.
will go away to that shaft.
The moment you unclutch from the shaft,
you experience the neutral space, and inner Solution for Addiction
healing starts. The moment inner healing
What is addiction? It is a behavior or action
starts, physically also you are healed.
that if you dont do it, you will feel terrible
Do not try to renounce your depression, that you are missing something. But, if you
because by your very nature it is getting do it you wont feel any joy, it will only be
renounced, flowing away from you. By your mechanical. Addiction means believing that
very nature just as joy disappears from your joy or ecstasy happens due to some object,
mind, depression also disappears from your person, or situation.
mind. The moment you try to eliminate the
Understand that this is the definition of
depression, you will extend it and give it more
addiction: trying to elongate the joy shaft by
recreating it. You bring the same persons,
See, if you have a deep depression, will situations, incidents, or happenings into your
you stop going to the office? No! You may life again and again, knowing that the same
carry the depression in your mind but your joy is not going to happen. Some people are
body moves. You work. You may not be that addicted to partying, some to smoking, and
productive or efficient. But your body still some to drinking there are so many
moves. addictions.
Instead of living depression, I am saying, Remember that anything you bring to your
live unclutched. life again and again will not give you the same
When we live in depression, we dont excitement as it gave you the first time. It can
have all these questions, If I am depressed, only lead to addiction, not happiness. The first
how can my body move? We dont have such time you enjoy a sweet, it is a wonderful
questions. The depression becomes part of our experience. The excitement is totally different.
life. In the beginning you may have questions, But if you keep eating more of the same
How can I live unclutched? How will I even sweet, the same experience is not there
move my body? Understand that the constant anymore. Eventually if you eat enough sweets
remembrance of unclutching does not interfere you will not even like the sight of them. You

Vali - Monkey king in the Hindu epic Ramayana who is killed by prince Rama.


depression, I am
saying, live will look at are not enjoying anything. You are just trying
unclutched. them and say, to escape from something. You merely believe
Oh no, not that smoking is joyful. Even if you dont feel
more sweets. They make me feel terrible. In joyful when you are smoking, you try to
the same way, when meeting a person for the squeeze joy out of it.
first time, the excitement is totally different.
If you deeply scan your life and see, you
Later on, the excitement falls off.
will understand that whether it is smoking, or
People come and ask me, How can I sex, or money, or any other pleasure, even if
break my habits? See, habit is a beautiful you dont feel the same joy as you felt the
word. If you remove h, a bit will remain. first time, you try to squeeze joy out of it. You
If you remove b, it will remain. Only when try to console yourself, No, this is joy. What
you remove the I, the shaft it will die. Only else is joy? You try to cover the frustration
when you remove I, only when you throw by believing it is joy. You want to believe it is
I away, will it completely die. joy.
Be very clear, your smoking two days ago, Try your best to drop some addiction. You
ten years ago, and twenty years ago - all these can never be successful. Even if you drop it
three incidents are completely independent. you may be dropping it out of some fear or
They are not connected. Mentally, when you greed, which is a much bigger addiction. If
start connecting, when you start believing that you drop smoking out of some fear or greed,
you have the habit of smoking and that you you are not doing anything good to your
are addicted to it, the belief creates a shaft. consciousness, to your inner space. You are
Then you start fighting with it. That is what I only damaging yourself more.
mean when I say the I has to be dropped. It
You might have dropped smoking, but the
is your belief that makes it a habit. If you drop
fear or greed that made you drop it will be
the belief, the habit drops.
added to your inner space. At least with
If you believe it is a joyful experience, you smoking, you will destroy only this body. With
continue to smoke more and more. If you fear or greed you will destroy your whole
believe it is a painful experience you start being, life after life! In the next body, you will
fighting with the shaft. Either way you dont carry over the fear and greed. The smoking
win. Even if you believe that smoking is joyful, habit may not carry over to the next body but
try to smoke without restraint and see for the emotions of fear and greed will be carried
yourself how you feel. When you smoke and with you to the next body. So the best way is
inhale, it can never be a pleasurable to drop the idea that you have an addiction,
experience. It is never really joyful. and it will drop.
When you smoke, in that moment, just see
what is happening in your inner space. You

you have an
Unclutch - Work Smart, Not something. addiction, and it
Hard So, even if will drop.
you feel it is a
The moment you hear you are unclutched, lack of responsibility or defeatist behavior, be
the first fear that arises in you is, If I start unclutched for a few days. You will then
living without connecting my thoughts, who understand and experience that when you are
will pay my bills? I could lose all my wealth. unclutched you will not have a lazy or passive
I could forget where I keep all my money. I attitude. Mentally you will be silent, but
may not be able to live successfully in society. physically you will be active and alive.
How will I do my job? How will I take care of
When you are in that space of
my things? Wont I not just lie down in my
irresponsibility or defeatist attitude, mentally
bed without doing anything? Why would I
you are very active but physically you are tired.
want to go to my office?
When you are unclutched, physically you are
I ask, Why wouldnt you go to your active and alive, but mentally you are silent.
office? The moment you ask that, it means
You see, 33% of the body is sattva*, pure
that you inherently have a little hatred or a
silence. 33% of the body is rajas * ,
little vengeance against your office work! This
restlessness and 33% of the body is tamas*,
is why the moment you find some excuse you
deep sleep, laziness. Right now the first fear
want to escape from your work. By asking
that happens in you is if you unclutch, you may
this question, you are only expressing your
become tamasic, a lazy person.
anger, your violence against your routine,
nothing else! The question has nothing to do Unclutch. That 33% of your laziness will
with unclutching. quickly be exhausted. It will disappear from
your system within a few days. Then you will
If you have such questions, just unclutch
automatically start working from your innate
and sleep for ten days. Theres nothing wrong
intelligence. You dont have to be driven by
with that. Have a vacation for ten days.
fear and greed to live your day-to-day life.
Decide, I am going to unclutch from both the
identities. How many days do you think you I am not saying you should stop thinking
can sleep? How many days do you think the completely. I am only saying, when you are
cessation of activity can continue in you? Only unclutched, whatever thoughts have to happen
until the tamas* energy in you is exhausted. will happen automatically. Initially when you
After that you will automatically start doing are unclutched you will feel as if no thoughts
are happening. Later you will understand, even

Tamas - One of the three gunas or attributes of nature. Attribute of inaction.

Sattva - One of the three gunas or attributes of nature. Attribute of passive action.
Rajas - One of the three gunas or attributes of nature. Attribute of aggression.


after unclutching, whenever thinking is to lose trust that you can lead your life
necessary, the mind is clutched. Whenever spontaneously, without fear or greed. That is
thinking is not necessary, the mind is why constantly you try to infuse greed or fear
unclutched. Your mind is being used as an into yourself. You try to use fear and greed as
instrument, not as a master. fuel to make your life run, to make your life
We can live purely from inspiration. But
the problem is, we are never given that Be very clear, you cannot run your life
confidence. We are never given the courage based on fear and greed. If you are driven by
that we can live simply by inspiration. fear and greed, you will carry a constant
Sometimes you can see that for no reason you irritation in you. From morning until night, from
radiate excitement; for no reason you radiate the moment you wake up until the moment
intelligence. That is what I call inspiration. It you go to sleep, you will carry a constant
may last only for a few moments, but you need irritation in you. You just wait for a reason to
to realize that those few moments can become explode. Just one small touch is enough, and
a way of life for you. If we remain unclutched, you are ready to jump on the other person.
then continuous inspiration will happen in our He does not even need to make any mistake;
lives. Unclutching directly kindles the energy just coming in front of you is enough to trigger
of the being. This energy is the energy of you! This happens because of the strain of
inspiration, the energy of unclutching. running your life through fear and greed.
If you just relax, the automatic intelligence
of Existence will run your life beautifully for
Are You Needed to Run you. Your actions will be automatically
Your Life? propelled by the energy of Existence.

Understand one important thing, we have

an automatic intelligence that can run our lives, Technique I am not the Doer
that can take care of our day-to-day
responsibilities. Not only can it run our lives, it Ashtavakra* says,
can maintain, extend, and expand our lives as You who have been bitten by the great
well. black serpent of egoism I am the doer
But society conditions you from a young Drink the nectar of the faith, I am not the
age. You are taught that you cannot run without doer and be happy.
planning, without fear or greed. Your self-
respect is taken away from you. You are made

Ashtavakra - An enlightened vedic sage who was born with eight crooked limbs. He is the author of the Ashtavakra Gita.

fear and greed, you
Ashtavakra* gives this technique to the liberating, the will carry a
king and seeker, Janaka*. Please understand moment you constant irritation
that simply thinking that I am not the doer or become subtle,
in you.
having faith that I am not the doer will not the technique
liberate you directly. This technique by itself should also
will not liberate you. It will just make you become subtle, by itself. Unclutching is one
tired! You are not able to remember that you such technique.
are not the doer continuously without a break.
The technique that does not become subtle
The moment you understand that you are not
by itself stays in the gross level. If it is not
able to remember I am not the doer all the
able to kill itself, if the technique is not able to
time, you will be completely frustrated and you
commit suicide, it will kill you! The beauty with
will just drop the mind. The moment you drop
the technique of unclutching is that it will
the mind, the truth that you are not the doer
become subtler and subtler by itself as you
will simply become reality! That is the
become subtler. Finally, it will dissolve.
technique suggested here.

Meditation Techniques
Unclutching A Self-
Purifying and Evolutionary
Technique Unclutching Anytime
This is a very simple understanding of Anywhere
unclutching. All you need to do is remember When you sit, naturally some thoughts will
to unclutch whenever you start giving meaning come. The moment you see a thought coming,
to old thoughts or whenever you connect with do not give meaning to it. You give it meaning
old thoughts and allow them to bother you. only if you connect it with your past. Without
Do not create, maintain or destroy any giving meaning to it just remember to unclutch
thought. If you dont do any of these three - and see what happens. The moment you
things, you are the Supreme Self, remember, Let me unclutch from this thought;
Parabrahma *! let me not give meaning to it, for a few
seconds there will be a small silent gap. The
Unclutching is like a self-purifying method.
moment you are aware that there is a silence,
For any technique to be self-purifying and

Ashtavakra - An enlightened vedic sage who was born with eight crooked limbs. He is the author of the Ashtavakra Gita.
Janaka - Indian king of the kingdom of Videha with the capital of Mithila, well-known for his righteousness.
Parabrahma - Supreme Being.


it will become one more thought. Then In the initial level it may be very gross,
unclutch from that thought also. Then, again like a solid fight. You may have to utter the
there will be a gap of a few seconds. Then, word unclutching like a mantra*. But in just
one more thought will come, I am in silence a few moments, you will see it becomes a
or I am unclutching. Unclutch from that subtle process.
thought also. Just the gap or the silence should
With unclutching
become longer and longer. That is the whole
idea. Every moment will be new.

Naturally it is the nature of the mind to Every moment will be ecstasy.

wander somewhere after a few minutes. The Every moment will be joy.
moment you remember or become aware that
the mind has wandered, unclutch. There is no Every moment will be excitement.
need to have guilt or be agitated that the mind Unclutching is the source of unending
has wandered. The moment you remember, excitement nithyananda spurana*.
unclutch, thats all.

Mantra - Literally means that which shows the way. Sacred syllables that have a powerful positive vibrational effect.
Nithyananda spurana - Eternal flowering of bliss.


The Karmic Cycle Can Be Broken

If we are able to truly manage our mind What is Karma?

with the understanding that it is our mind that
connects thoughts to form shafts of pain and There is a very beautiful verse in the Isa
pleasure and if we stay unclutched, we can Vasya Upanishad*:
stay in what Buddha calls mindfulness. We Om poornamadah poornamidam
can stay in awareness and in the present
Poornaat poornamudachyate
moment. It is our thought process that
constantly takes us from past to future and Poornasya poornamaadaaya
back again and does not allow us to rest in
the present moment.
From the Whole came the Whole. If you
Understand this clearly, when we are in remove the Whole from the Whole, only the
the present moment we can stay out of trouble
Whole remains. By very nature we seek the
without fear and desire. We can act without Wholeness. By very nature we seek
fear and desire. You may ask how. How can fulfillment in anything we do.
I be motivated to do something if I do not desire
it? There is no need for motivation. Do you Whether it is eating, drinking, jumping,
think that it is motivation that makes you reading, talking, sleeping, or meditating, in
breathe or digest your food? It is the any activity that we engage, our being yearns
intelligence of the energy that is within and to completely experience the activity and be
without us that makes it possible for us to live fully involved in it. Are we fully conscious of
and grow. We live not because of us but in every action we engage in? Are we aware
spite of us. every moment of our life?

When we act without attachment, there A small story:

is no consequence to our actions, there is no A man was travelling by cab to the airport.
karma arising from our actions. The cab driver was driving very fast even
Isa Vasya Upanishad - One of the major and oldest vedic scriptures.

The totality of all LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT

the past decisions

is your present. around corners ignorance. All these thoughts, words and
and sharp turns. actions collectively contribute towards our
The passenger karmic baggage because none of them gives
was getting terrified with his driving. rise to fulfillment in us. When they do not
Finally, the cab driver seeing the terrified give rise to fulfillment our karma pushes us
passenger, said, Why dont you do what I to somehow fulfill them.
do when I take turns? Just shut your eyes!
Our own thoughts, words and deeds
When you are not completely aware and become our karma and drive us to reach
involved in the action you are engaged in, your fulfillment in some way.
being remains unfulfilled in that experience.
The unfulfilled experience remains inside you
and keeps pulling you to do the action again The present is the totality of
with intensity to fulfill it. This is karma.
all past decisions
Karma is the collection of unfulfilled
experiences that stay in us and constantly pull Understand clearly that now you are
us to fulfill them. reading this book because of all your past
Anything that we do and experience decisions. You decided to pay attention to the
intensely and deeply will always leave our book on display. You decided to buy it. You
system. It will liberate us. Any experience that decided to sit down and read this book now.
we did not go through completely, through The totality of all these decisions contributes
which we did not have complete fulfillment, to your sitting here.
that did not get our full energy, attention and The totality of all these past decisions is
awareness, remains inside us as karma. your present moment. Now, applying the same
Even though we carry some karma, logic, the totality of your present decisions
basically we are complete fulfillment, will be your future.
Wholeness. So any karma that has not been This is the essence of karma theory: the
fulfilled cannot rest inside us for too long. It totality of all your past is the present, and the
will try its best to fulfill itself. It will drive us totality of your present is your future.
again and again to go through the same activity
The totality of all your past is the present.
so that it can be fulfilled. Any desire, any
The totality of your present will be your
experience, which has not become complete
future. The problem is that we make most of
in our system, will remain as karma and push
our decisions unconsciously. We take
us again and again to make us go through the
thousands of decisions unconsciously. That is
same experience until it is fulfilled.
the reason why we are not able to connect
We think, speak and do things without the cause with the effect.
clarity, without fulfillment and with deep

awareness, more
Flood more awareness, more intelligence Eleven intelligence, more
into your thinking system. Flood more months
consciousness into
awareness, more consciousness into your
One day, your decision-
decision-making system.
the elder making system.
In any given moment, the future is brother
predestined but conditionally. It will be a invited the younger one to his house. He
certain future according to all the totality of wanted to look out for land for a grand
events till that time - this is the predestined palace he was planning to build since very
future. But it is conditional. There is an soon he would become a king. They were
important factor that can and will change it walking on a huge open piece of land when
your consciousness, your will. the younger brother stumbled on a half-
buried pot. The brothers dug the pot and
A small story: removed it. It was a huge pot of gold coins.
Once, two brothers met a sage who was The elder brother was thrilled and started
known to be able to look into the future. shouting, This treasure is just for me! It is
The brothers paid their respect to the sage for me to set up my palace and
and asked him if he could tell them about kingdom!Just then, a bandit jumped out
their future. The hermit advised them, It from a bush, gave a blow on the elder
may not be good for you to know your brothers head and tried to snatch the pot
future. Besides, your future can change later from him. The younger brother jumped at
even if I tell you now. the bandit to protect his brother. But the
The brothers insisted on knowing their bandit attacked him with a dagger he had
future. The sage looked at the elder brother in his hand. During the struggle the bandit
and said, You will become a king in a year. dropped the pot and ran away.
Looking at the younger brother, he said, The elder brother was very thankful to his
You are destined to die in the hands of a younger brother for saving his life and
murderer in a years time. The brothers offered him half the gold coins. The younger
started walking back home. The elder brother politely refused saying he was not
brother was overjoyed while the younger going to live much longer in any case. The
one was depressed. elder brother with his new treasure started
Now the elder brother started creating his living a lavish life, eating, drinking and
fantasy world dreaming of becoming a king. being merry.
The younger brother, who was destined to One year passed. There was no sign of any
have less than a year to live, started crown in sight. The younger brother was
spending his time in spiritual activities. He also enjoying good health. They decided to
used his time to serve everyone and soon visit the sage again. They met him and
came out of his depression. asked, How did your predictions go
wrong?The sage was also surprised and


how you choose to

respond to every went into karma bandha*, bonded to karma because
meditation. He you have not lived your past completely.
situation life then explained,
presents to you. I told you your For example, your childhood always
destiny can be seems golden. It is the golden past. You may
changed. feel your life in college was great, but when
you were actually in college, you didnt really
He looked at the elder brother and said,
feel that way. Why? Because your suffering
Your destiny changed because of your
irresponsible actions over the past months.
has become much more now and in
The crown that you were to get was reduced comparison, the past seems very nice! Now
to a pot of gold. you attribute joy to your past and if given a
chance you want to repeat it. When you lived
He looked at the younger brother and said,
through it, did you actually experience it? No!
Your spiritual life, trust and surrender to
the Divine changed your destiny also. Death If you can relax in the present moment, at
in the murderers hand was reduced to only zero TPS, for at least 11 kshanas*, you will
being wounded by him. penetrate the time shaft. If you can stay in
Understand, destiny is not something zero TPS for 21 kshanas*, you will penetrate
written in stone. It very much depends on how the time shaft and can alter the future. This is
you choose to respond to every situation life in your hands.
presents to you. Your awareness will give you All meditation techniques are ways to
the intelligence and the courage to change the bring down your TPS so that you can penetrate
flow of events in your life. the time shaft.

Karma and TPS Kshana

If you dont know your past completely, It is important to understand the concept
you will repeat the same things in the future. of kshana. There is no equivalent for this word
If your Thoughts Per Second (TPS) can come in the English language. So, let me explain to
down and you know your past as it happened, you what kshana means. Kshana is a measure
you wont repeat the same past in the future. of time. It is not a second or a minute as many
You will then become a karma mukta *, people believe.
liberated from karma. As of now you are a

Karma mukta - Free of ones actions, because they are performed without attachment.
Karma bandha - Bound by ones actions, since they are performed with vested interests.
Kshana - Interval between two thoughts.


The gap between two thoughts is one somebody else decides. But it is only you who
kshana. We are used to thinking of time in an is deciding.
absolute sense. But a kshana is absolutely
A small example can make you understand
relative! The thoughts of every person and
the basic truth. If somebody criticizes you, you
the rate at which they come in a person are
choose to get offended. If somebody praises
dependent on that person. Kshana varies
you, you choose to get flattered. Because of
from person to person.
your habit, you may choose it unconsciously.
If a person is restless and gets too many It is not someone else who chooses, it is you
thoughts in a span of one second, his kshana who choose. Because it has become your habit
is shorter because the gap between two to think that someone else influences your
thoughts is less. decisions, you have forgotten that you are
If a person is calm and collected like a
meditator is, he gets fewer thoughts in a given Every time someone criticizes you, you
span of time. His kshana is longer because choose to get upset. Every time someone
the gap between two thoughts is more. praises you, you choose to get flattered. It is
nobody elses choice but your own. You can
decide either way. When someone criticizes
Karma totality of you, you can choose not to get offended and
you can choose to remain calm and relaxed.
conscious choices It is just your choice to feel offended or not.
Your life is nothing but the totality of the All your continuous choices every minute
conscious choices that you continuously put together decide your life. If you dont
make. Whether you want to or not, directly decide and if you allow incidents to decide
or indirectly, you are choosing everything. your life you go into a mode of paralysis.
Someone else does not choose. It is you who Our lives as of now are nothing but paralysis.
chooses. It is only when you decide to live your life
A small story: without any outside events, situations or
decisions being forced on you, you actually
An employee approached his boss, Sir, my decide to live.
wife said I should ask you for a raise.
As long as you dont understand life is
The boss replied, Oh, I will ask my wife
your choice, your living is just paralysis.
tonight whether or not I should give you a
Understand, continuously it is your
choice, your decision. You may think


Vasana, samskara and karma Any samskara that is operating in your

conscious or unconscious layer is nothing but
There are three interrelated concepts, a hindrance to the fulfillment of your life.
termed vasana, samskara* and karma, in There is no such thing as good or bad
Sanskrit. samskara. No samskara is good. An inner
space filled with samskaras is hell. An inner
space without samskaras is heaven. Do not
Vasana try to classify samskaras as good or bad.
A samskara by itself, by its very nature,
Vasana is the seed of desire. For example,
is negative. By its very nature samskara is
you are walking and you happen to see a
depressive. Anything done out of samskaras
dazzling necklace displayed outside a shop.
will reduce everything to boring emptiness.
A desire arises inside you to possess it. This
Anything that happens with a deep
is vasana.
understanding, just out of your pure inner
space, always adds value to you. Anything
done out of samskaras adds more and more
Samskara bondage to you.
Samskara is the plant that grows when From our young age we collect so many
the seed of vasana sprouts. When you see different samskaras in so many ways. We
that necklace again and again, the desire to accumulate them and also reproduce them.
possess it becomes stronger in you. When you Samskaras do reproduce themselves even
feed the desire to possess the necklace, it is without any further action from our part.
like supplying water and nutrition to the seed
Samskaras get strengthened in different
of vasana.
ways. There are some samskaras that get
The corruption that happens to the inner strengthened only by action, when you repeat
space is what I call samskara or engraved the action. There are some samskaras that get
memories. They are the memories that go and strengthened just by receiving information
sit in your inner space and pull you to go with regard to them, when you receive input
through the same experience repeatedly. They from the world about them. There are some
pull you to do the same kind of actions other samskaras that need neither action nor
repeatedly, pull you to run through the same information, just remembrance is enough, and
kind of thought patterns, even if you dont they get strengthened!
want to. Those memories are what I call
We collect these different levels of
samskaras, engraved memories, and store
them in our system and expand them.
Samskara - Engrams or deeply engraved memories.

intensely simply
Karma object inc- liberates you of
reases, its that emotion - be it
Finally when driven by the desire you quantity
execute the action and it becomes karma. The anger, fear, desire
decreases in
power of desire drives you into finally buying direct pro-
to eat or
the necklace. That is the action the karma. portion, of its attachment to any
Anything half done leaves a samskara own accord. object or person.
(engraved memory) in your being. Anything Therefore, it is
not lived fully leaves an imprint or samskara the quality that needs to be increased.
in your being, which time and again pulls you, Life is not a brief candle. It is a bright
attracts you to travel the same path and fulfill shining torch. Make it burn as brightly as
it. possible in your life.
The cause of addiction is also related to
samskaras. In my own experience of having
worked with millions of people personally, at Three types of karma
least a few thousand cases of addiction have
been healed by meditation. The basic truth There are three types of karma - agamya,
about addiction is that you have lived your prarabdha* and sanchita.
life vaguely, not fully or with the whole being. Sanchita karma is like a bank, a reserve
Unfulfilled desires create a samskara in you bank. Understand, this may not be the first
pulling you back to fulfill the desire by re- time you have taken a body and come to planet
experiencing the same desire again and again. earth. You may have taken millions of bodies
Any emotion lived intensely simply before! In those millions of bodies, whatever
liberates you of that emotion - be it anger, thoughts you had, whatever you spoke,
fear, desire to eat or attachment to any object whatever you did, all those unfulfilled
or person. You are liberated fully of anything experiences have become your engrams
when you live it fully. If a person keeps going engraved memories. Put together, they are like
back to a problem time and again, it only a bank called sanchita karma. When I say
means that he or she has not lived out the bank, it is not a collection or saving, it is debt!
problem fully. You will have to pay back all the loans!

When we live, half our mind is The next type of karma is prarabdha*
somewhere else. Patanjali* says beautifully, karma. Prarabdha* means this: from the
The more the quantity, the less the quality. sanchita bank of karma you take some karma
The moment the quality of enjoyment of any out of which you create your present body.

Patanjali - A sage of ancient India and author of Yoga Sutras, which is considered the foundation of the system of yoga.
Prarabdha - Mindset and desires that we bring into this world when we are born.

Prarabdha is just a LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT

small bit of the

accumulated You then decide facts. When you do this, you accumulate
sanchita karma to enjoy and karma based on words.
exhaust all
account that you
those karmas
have brought into that you brought
this life. The way out of the daily
with you
through that irritation - living your
body. So prarabdha is just a small bit of the prarabdha karma
accumulated sanchita karma account that you
have brought into this life. You have planned Let me explain the three types of karma
to enjoy or exhaust these through this body of from a different angle.
yours. You see, if you take all the possibilities
The third type of karma is the worst. It is that you are aware of and that are available to
the agamya karma, the karma that you start you in the cosmos, we call that as agamya.
collecting after coming down to planet earth, There are all kinds of possibilities. You can
because of fresh thoughts, words and deeds. become a fish, you can become a snake, you
can become a man, or you can become a god.
Anybody who lands on planet earth has All these are possibilities. We call that as
to exhaust his prarabdha karma before he agamya.
dies. For example, let us say you have 1000
karmas in your sanchita bank. Out of these There are also other possibilities that are
1000 karmas, suppose you take only ten available to you. These are not only within
karmas with you as your prarabdha karma the field of your awareness like the things that
when you take up your body saying, Let me you know such as fish, monkey, dog, donkey
finish these ten karmas this time. However, and man, but also many other possibilities that
after coming down, instead of exhausting your are unknown to you. Those we call sanchita,
own prarabdha karmas, you start watching the whole range of known and unknown
others and collecting karma based on their possibilities.
desires. These are desires that you have The whole is sanchita and the possibilities
borrowed from others around you. Because that lie in front of you are agamya. You then
of these borrowed desires, you create certain decide to play only with certain boundaries
thoughts, words and actions. of these possibilities when you come into this
For example, if you see someone more body. That is what we call prarabdha. See
beautiful than you, your thoughts multiply due when you came down, you decided to play
to comparison and jealousy. You create karma inside certain boundaries. That boundary is
based on thoughts. Sometimes you talk ill of what we can call prarabdha.
others, without knowing any of the related

physical body out
After coming here you see many You see, of fear or greed is
possibilities before you that you try to the mood of what I call living
accumulate, that you try to acquire. Those constantly
your life based on
possibilities can be called as agamya. rejecting
This prarabdha that you brought with you
has the intelligence to run your life.
being irritated, happens because of our
One big difficulty is that you see too many agamya, because of the possibilities we see
agamya, too many possibilities in front of you. around us. We are running behind the choices,
Because of that, your trust over your the possibilities, the agamya. But we forget
prarabdha or your own preselected that the prarabdha is very intelligent, very
possibilities reduces. You think your powerful.
prarabdha may not be that powerful to run
In the whole world, there are only two
your life because of the agamya, the
kinds of people, people whose inner space is
possibilities, which are in front of your eyes.
centered on agamya and people whose inner
Let me tell you this. Trusting prarabdha space is centered on prarabdha, thats all.
is powerful. Fulfilling your prarabdha will People whose inner space is centered on
take away one very negative aspect of your prarabdha live their life in restful awareness.
life - the continuous irritation. The constant
The mind that is based on agamya will be
irritation that you carry from morning till night
inspired only by fear or greed. You can see
is the gift of agamya.
this when you wake up. You will come out of
From morning till night, from the moment your dream state only if you have a desire or
you come out of your bed till the moment you if you are caught by some fear. For example,
fall asleep, you feel a constant irritation. We you may get inspired to wake up because you
just need somebody to make some mistake wish to send your child to school so that she
and we jump on them! We are just waiting. gets a good education and has a bright future.
Anybody who comes in our presence will Or you may get up out of fear of getting late
have our blessing! That constant irritation for office because you are afraid of losing your
is because we are centered on agamya. job.
If our energy, our inner space is centered Moving the physical body out of fear or
on prarabdha, we will not be carrying the greed is what I call living your life based on
constant irritation that we carry now. It is not agamya.
that we will not be working or relating with
the possibilities. It is not that we will stop
working, no! We will continue to work but our
base will be our prarabdha.


The way out of the cycle of

All your actions are invariably driven by
greed or fear and therefore end up being
superficial actions, adding to your karma.
In this way, you end up collecting more
karmas. By the time you go back, what will
happen? Your karma bank balance would
have increased by the number of your agamya
Say you came down with ten karmas, you karmas, you have three samskaras or three
did not exhaust these ten karmas with which engrams that have the power to put you into
you came, but you collected 200 more! depression. If you continue to obey those
engrams and fall into depression, they will not
What will happen the next time you take
remain just three, but will probably become
the body? Your sanchita is now 1000 added
ten. The additional seven karmas are the
to the 200 new agamya karmas you collected
agamya karmas. If instead of exhausting your
now. You now have 200 karmas more than in
prarabdha you decide to remain with them,
your last birth. Again you take ten out of that
you collect agamya.
collection and come down with another body.
But you only collect more and go back. This If on the other hand, whenever these three
becomes a vicious circle. This is what we call engrams put you in depression you have
janma marana chakra, life-and-death cycle, learned some technique to come out of the
continuously taking a body and dying, again
and again.
Instead, while you are living, if somebody
gives you the knowledge that you are not just
the body or the mind and it is karma that is
influencing you, then the influence of that
karma over you will begin to come down. You
will then start exhausting the prarabdha
karma that you came down with.
Let us say you brought ten prarabdha
karmas with you when you took this body and
came down. Suppose in these ten prarabdha


depression, then these three will start losing to burn out, only Guru Krupa, grace of the
their power over you. So, over time, of the master, will work. Only the masters grace
ten karmas, three will leave you. Whenever can do anything to burn out your sanchita.
you reduce the influence of prarabdha on
yourself, not only will the prarabdha get burnt,
but the chances of accumulating new karma, Only intention matters
the agamya karma, will also come down.
A beautiful story from the devotional
You stop collecting agamya when the
vedic scripture Bhagavatam*:
prarabdha loses its influence over you. When
the influence of these ten prarabdha engrams Krishna reached the banks of river Yamuna*
over you stops, the agamya collection will also with the gopis*, his milkmaid friends. They
stop because it is these ten engrams that are wanted to cross the river but there was no
responsible for the collection of further way to cross.
engrams or karma. Krishna declared, If I am true
brahmachari * (celibate), then let the
Now let us come to the sanchita karma.
Yamuna* part and let us go across.
Understand, you cant do anything directly
with your sanchita karma bank. For sanchita The Yamuna* parted.
Outwardly, it may seem that Krishna was
with the girls like other ordinary men. But
Krishna was beyond the body-mind. His
actions did not carry the intention of an
ordinary man. It is the intention of any act
that matters, not the act itself.
Intention is the baggage, the karma, not
the action. If action creates intention, it
becomes the baggage. Pure action with no
end objective is not karma.

Bhagavatam - The foremost epic of Hindu religion describing the incarnations of Vishnu, especially his incarnation as
Krishna. It was written by Vyasa, who was also the author of the itihasa or epic Mahabharata
Yamuna - A holy Indian river associated with enlightened master Krishna.
Gopis - Women who tended cows who were devotees of enlightened master Krishna.
Brahmachari - A vedic student, usually referring to a young celibate monk.


intention is living
enlightenment. Masters That is why Krishna says again and again
in the Bhagavad Gita that intention is much
presence more important than action. That is the
affects the intention message of the whole Gita. He says, When
you are without intention I will take care.
See, whatever you are doing in the
presence of the master, you are doing for the Action does not get recorded. Only
master. You know it is in no way going to build intention gets recorded.
your name or fame. So, the action happens The Mahabharata* tells us the beautiful
without intention. There is no intention. The story of a courtesan and a monk.
intention is the masters. The action is yours.
There was a monk who lived across a
Intention is in the being of the person who has courtesans house. He used to keep a count
no intentions! of the men coming to her house and used to
You see, the total sanchita karma can be imagine all kinds of things about her
yours or mine. Mine is divine play. Yours is lifestyle. The woman spent all her free time
suffering. When it started, your total sanchita praying to Krishna to redeem her from her
miserable life.
karma also started as a divine play. But, after
gathering more and more gathered agamya One day, they both died at the same time.
karma, it became dirty. Both reached the court of Yama*, the god
of death. Yama* looked at the record of their
Because I have no karma, when you flow lives and gave the decision: the monk
with me you will also act without intention. should go to hell and the woman should go
Action without intention is living to heaven. The monk was shocked and
enlightenment. started protesting, I lived such a pious life
while she lived such an immoral life! How
can I be sent to hell and she to heaven!
Action without intention is Yama* replied, In my court of judgment,
free from karma your actions are of no value, only your intent
matters. You wore a monks robes and lived a
If a person has committed ten murders, good life outwardly but your inner space was
the quantity of murders will not be recorded. filled with lust. So in the outer world, your
But the intensity of the murderer will be body is now being buried with honor but you
recorded. It is the quality, the mindset, and have to suffer hell. The womans heart was
the attitude, that carries the karmic burden. forever with Krishna even while her body was

Mahabharata - The Hindu itihasa or epic whose central characters are the five Pandava princes, their hundred Kaurava
cousins and enlightened master Krishna.
Yama - Hindu god of death and justice.

being has no
sold to men. So her body doesnt have When they personal interest
anybody to even do the last rites but she is re s u m e d
the journey,
because his
going to heaven.
Shankara identity is
It is the intention and attitude that counts. continued dissolved in the
An enlightened being, an incarnation, is to walk identity of the
one with Existence. An enlightened being can normally whole universe.
only operate in tune with Existence. He can but the
never be out of tune. The actions of an
under the effect of liquor were not even able
enlightened master can never be without
to keep the next step properly. They went
awareness and compassion. up further and after some distance, came
Since we do not have the consciousness across an iron forge.
or awareness, we cannot justify our actions Shankara went upto the man who was
by saying they are similar to those of an pouring molten iron into the cast. He asked
enlightened being. Be very clear, the action him for a glass of water. The man apologized
may look similar outwardly but the intention, saying he didnt have any water to offer.
the inner space, the attitude, is completely Shankara said, Alright. Please give me the
different. molten iron then.

A beautiful story from the life of Adi The man and Shankaras disciples were all
Shankara*: shocked. The man gave Shankara the hot
molten iron which he just poured into his
Once while Shankara was wandering with mouth as if it was water!
his disciples, he suddenly felt thirsty. They
were in the middle of nowhere. They He then turned around to his disciples and
traveled further and finally came across one said, You may also drink now. The
shop. Shankara went up to the man in the disciples stood with their heads lowered.
shop and asked for some water to drink. Shankara then explained, Do not follow
The man said, I am sorry but I have nothing what I do. Follow what I say. Otherwise,
to offer you except liquor. That is all I have. you just choose to follow what your mind
tells you.
Shankara replied, Alright, please give me
some. He drank a glass of liquor and Understand, the very plane on which
thanked the man. The disciples were enlightened beings exist is different from the
shocked to see their master drink liquor! normal human plane of existence. So they do
The thirsty disciples decided to follow the not need to and cannot do things according to
master and they all drank liquor to their usual logic. Their intention is what is important,
hearts content.

Adi Shankara Enlightened master


which cannot be explained in terms of ordinary little to the cause of such a person they are
logic. showered in abundance from all corners.
An enlightened being has no personal
interest because he has no individual identity
his identity is dissolved in the identity of the The power of daily intention
whole universe.
We have seven layers or seven bodies of
energy, which are physical, pranic*, mental,
etheric, causal, pleasure and nirvanic*. Please
Intention and action understand, in the causal layer our gathered
or agamya karma is completely available for
If the depth of the intention is more and of
us. See, in the causal body, you may have the
the action is less, the person is lazy or in tamas*.
skills to play cricket, golf and tennis. But if
If the depth of intention and of the action you get up from deep sleep with a strong will
is the same, the person is in restless action or or intention to play cricket, then you will also
rajas*. bring from the causal body the intelligence to
If there is no intention but only the action, play cricket. You will be naturally led into
he is in purposeless action or sattva*. the situations, the atmosphere and the
intelligence for it. If you go to sleep at night
That is why Krishna says in the Bhagavad with a strong intention to play golf and you
Gita, Fight, O Arjuna*. It is not the act of wake up in the morning with the strong
killing that will be recorded but the intention intention to play golf, then you will bring with
that will be recorded. The intention of Arjuna* you that intelligence to play golf.
is the intention of Krishna, who is a being
with no intentions as He is one with the The causal layer is an exchange place. It
Cosmos! is like monetary exchange. In the causal layer
you can exchange anything. When you go to
When you act in tune with the Cosmos, the causal layer the karma of this birth itself
the whole Cosmos blesses you. You attract can be changed if you have that strong
all kinds of positive coincidences around you. intention every day. This is true freedom.
That is why when people contribute even a

Tamas - One of the three gunas or attributes of nature. Attribute of inaction.

Rajas - One of the three gunas or attributes of nature. Attribute of aggression.
Sattva - One of the three gunas or attributes of nature. Attribute of passive action.
Arjuna - Warrior prince and the third of the five brothers of the Pandava family in the great Indian epic Mahabharata.
He was a disciple of enlightened master Krishna who received the wisdom in the Bhagavad Gita from Krishna.
Pranic - Related to prana or life energy.
Nirvanic - Connected to nirvana. The nirvanic layer is the seventh and final energy layer in our body mind.


Strong intention has the capacity to change A traffic policeman caught a man speeding.
the gathered agamya karma and the He was about to issue him a speeding ticket.
prarabdha karma of this birth. It cannot Suddenly a woman started screaming from
change the total sanchita karma. Sanchita the back seat, See, I told you that you will
karma can only be changed by the grace of get caught! Who asked you to drive so fast?
the master one who is without karmas. And when I tell you to be careful, slow down
and watch out, you tell me to shut up. Now
see you got caught! The cop asked the
driver, Who is she? The driver sighed, My
Mission or machine? wife.
Reaching out to the master, doing what The cop tore up the ticket and said, Drive
the master says and acting without intention, on. You have been punished enough!
are what the whole game of life is all about. When you are angry, it is not that you will
Action without intention is mission. If you incur sin and pay for it in your next life. You
are acting with intention, you are like a are suffering with your anger now. That itself
machine. is the hell you suffer! You are suffering inside
in the same way that you are torturing the
If you are acting without intention, you are
person you are angry with.
the mission. Machine or mission, the choice is
yours. Till you act with my intention without The fire you spit outside will burn with the
adding your intention, I will keep training you. same intensity inside you also. No matter
Just do what I say without asking inspiration whether it burns the other person or not, the
from your intention, from your greed and fear. fire of anger will surely burn you. The sword
Pure action without intention will lead to used to cut someone outside will cut you
fulfillment. inside with the same intensity. Remember, it
is a double edged sword.
A beautiful story from Buddhas life:
Pointing the same sword A man once came and spat on Buddhas
inside face. Buddha wiped his face and asked the
man, Do you want to say something more,
Karma is not a law of reward and or is this all?
punishment. It is not a way god uses to punish
Ananda, his close disciple, was very angry.
people for committing sins. It is a reflection He was fuming that some man came and
of your own mental state giving you the just spat on his master and that too for no
experience of heaven and hell. reason at all. He said to Buddha, Master,
A small story: if you give me permission I will handle the


to reduce the
prarabdha karma. Buddha replied, Buddha calmly said, I was not angry in
Have you the first place. How can I forgive you? But
forgotten that you are a monk, a sannyasi* I am happy to see you relieved from the
(renunciate)? That poor man is already anger and in a state of harmony. Just
suffering with his anger. See his angry face, remember: never do such acts again, this is
his body shaking with that anger. And before how you create hell for yourself.
spitting on me, do you think he would have
been celebrating and dancing? He is mad
with his own anger. In that state of madness,
he came and spat on me.
Karma and the next body
What is a bigger punishment for him than
being in such a state? And what harm has
he done to me? I just had to wipe the spit How do we choose the next
off my face. Now you dont get agitated, birth?
otherwise you are building the same anger
inside you. Why are you punishing yourself? Once the life force leaves the body, within
That is foolishness. Feel compassion for the three kshanas*, it chooses the next body.
poor man instead.
At the time of death the three most
The man was listening and was surprised enjoyed experiences in that lifetime stand out
and confused to see Buddha behave in this as ones last thoughts. The choice of the next
way. He was expecting Buddha to become body arises from the mindset based on these
angry. That is what he wanted. Instead the three experiences.
compassion and understanding Buddha
showed was just too shocking for him! These three thoughts will be based on one
from each of the total karma (sanchita), this
Buddha said to him, Go home. You look
tired, you have punished yourself enough. birth karma (prarabdha) and gathered karma
Forget about what you did to me. You did (agamya). Based on this, the prarabdha
not harm me. This body will return to the karma will take shape for this birth.
earth and people will do all kinds of things Practicing spiritual life solutions in ones
like spitting. Go home and relax. lifetime will reduce the gathered sanchita
The man was completely shaken by karma of that life because these
Buddhas response. He went back home. He understandings will help one to live with
came back that evening, fell at Buddhas awareness.
feet and cried, Please forgive me!
Meditation helps to reduce the prarabdha
karma. It acts not only upon the conscious

Sannyasi - One who has renounced, a monk.

Kshana - Interval between two thoughts.

three types of
and physical levels but also has the capacity want to be karma, there are
to penetrate and clean the unconscious on a rich. The more constraints
physical, mental and being level. desire infl-
on your next birth.
uenced by your
However, the largest balance in the bank
gathered or
of karma, the total sanchita karma, can only
agamya karma, may be, I want to settle
be dissolved through the masters grace.
down in USA.
The more these three karmas are reduced,
It is more difficult to get a body for your
the less the constraints of choice for the next
life energys next birth that will lead to the
body. Since each of the three karmas will
satisfaction of all the three desires within the
dictate a corresponding intense experience to
short gap of three kshanas. So, it ends up
be lived, the next body will need to provide a
choosing a body that satisfies the strongest
space for these experiences to be lived.
desire amongst the three desires. The
It is like this. If I say, Let me meet a combined desires, the mindset, with which the
person who can speak English, I have more life energy leaves the previous body is the
choice than if I say, Let me meet a person vasana, the seeds of desire we earlier talked
who can speak English, Spanish and German. about.
Similarly, if you have all the three types of These three desires, these three thoughts
karma, there are more constraints on your will be seen in one glimpse in three kshanas,
next birth. as one vasana . The vasana is like a television
For example, the desire influenced by your channel and the body that attracts the vasana
total sanchita karma may be, I want to be is like the television set tuned to this channel.
beautiful. The desire influenced by your The depth of the vasana and the body that
karma of this birth, prarabdha, may be, I matches the vasana attracts the life energy.
Just like a television set tuned to the satellite
channels frequency receives the
corresponding electromagnetic waves, in the
same way, the vasana is attracted by the body.
The life energy, the spirit, departing from
the previous body enters the new body that it
selected, as that body leaves the womb of the
mother. It enters the body in the birth canal.
The darkness of the causal layer that it left
from the previous body corresponds to the
darkness of the mothers birth canal. Since
the body has been prepared by the energies
of the parents, the life energy chooses the
It is the child that LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT

chooses its parents.

combined How did the cycle of birth and
energies of the parents based on the desires, death start?
the vasanas, the mental attitude, with which
it leaves the previous body. So the parents do For all of us, our total sanchita karma
not choose the child. It is the child that chooses initially was a divine play. For an enlightened
its parents. master, it is still a divine play as he has no
karma at all. Playing because you can play is
Having chosen a particular body, the spirit
the divine play.
or life force has to satisfy the other two desires
it had but could not choose an appropriate We took birth out of choice. We forgot
body for. However, during its transition through our prarabdha karma, started gathering
the darkness, the deep pain experienced by agamya karma and expanded the total
the spirit erases all memories of the vasana it sanchita karma. Then, to exhaust the
carries before it enters the new body. The increased load we had to take another birth
new entity no longer remembers the desires where we collected more desires and karma.
with which it left the previous body. Instead This is how the cycle of life and death
of fulfilling the desires with which it left the continues.
previous body, since it has forgotten them, the
Please understand, your gathered agamya
life energy in the new body seeks new desires
karma is your bondage. The total karma and
and collects more karma.
this birth karma can be a divine play. The result
Now, of the three types of karma, if one of this play is the karma of that birth. After
of them is gone, the choice constraints are birth, if we play without gathered karma, it
fewer and the life force can be more focused will continue to be a divine play. The bondage
in the choices. Cleaning the gathered agamya comes with gathered karma.
karma and this births prarabdha karma can
be done by the individual by understanding
about life and by meditating. The masters
grace will reduce the total sanchita karma.
Once the total sanchita karma is cleansed,
there is no reason to take another body. Then,
if the next birth still happens, it is for no reason
but out of overflowing joy and bliss. The birth
is thus chosen consciously because there is
no pull of karma. The life lived is a leela or
reasonless play of an avatar or incarnation.


Will a human be born as an Do we have to wait for the next

animal, bird or insect or can he birth if we feel strongly about
be born as human being in the something but it is not our
next birth? prarabdha?
This is a very good question. Let me boldly No. You can change your prarabdha
declare this truth and clear all the myths that through a simple, strong will or sankalpa*.
have been surrounding this one question on The strength of the sankalpa* can cause a
the wheel of karma! rebirth in you in this birth itself. The next birth
can happen now itself. For example, people,
When a human being takes birth as human
especially householder disciples who feel they
once, he will continue taking the life of a human
are caught up in their responsibilities ask me,
unless he has acted against his consciousness
Swamiji, please bless me that I should be
like torturing others or committed violent acts
with you at least in my next birth. There are
in the physical, mental or verbal forms against
so many examples where they have been
Existence which is in the form of the master,
able to come and live in the ashram* just a
nature and human consciousness. The
few months later. It is just the strength of the
intensity of these acts is what gets recorded
in the cosmic karmic record. Understand, it
is not the act itself but the intensity of the act
that matters.
Enlightenment Back to
When a person spends his whole life in
lower consciousness, he can be reborn as an
animal. For example, if he spends his whole You are like a wave in the ocean of
life in only eating or sleeping, he can be reborn Existence. The wave rises up from the ocean
as an animal. but it is still connected to the ocean. It may
See, if the person has not experienced the think it has an individual existence but that is
unique human qualities like falling in love, just a myth. Whether it is rising, above the
seeking enlightenment, even once in his ocean or falling down, it is still a part of the
lifetime, he will be reborn as an animal ocean.
because he had a human body but the On its own, because of joy, when the
channels of human experience have not been wave takes the body, there will be no gathered
awakened. or agamya karma. When agamya karma is

Sankalpa - Vow or decision.

Ashram - A monastery for Hindu or Buddhist monks.


acquired, it will corrupt the total sanchita seeing a dream. Then, you start doubting the
karma that was pure. This sanchita karma world, doubting the promise the world gives.
has to be exhausted in the next birth. Corrupted
It is like the newspaper ads about some
total sanchita karma generates the cycle of
beachside resort that show the beach, the
life and birth this is how the wheel of karma
table, the food, all looking like heaven, giving
a promise of luxury. You doubt that promise,
The new body that the life energy because you realize that if hundred people see
occupies does not remember the prarabdha this and go, not many will actually feel the
karma that the life energy brought with it ecstasy promised. Similarly in life also, you
when it took the body. So, you do not doubt the promises your mind has been
remember the desires with which you left your making all along but never fulfilling any.
previous body.
Reminding yourself of those desires again
and fulfilling them in this birth is what doing Techniques to overcome
tapas (penance) and becoming enlightened is karma
all about.
So what happens when you forget at birth
that you have come through divine play? When Re-living to relieve
the total karma weight becomes excessive,
you realize, There is some problem Till now, what we discussed was a
somewhere. Immediately you wake up and preventive measure for incurring karma. As
get enlightened again. The rewinding and a curative for karma, I will give you a simple
coming back is enlightenment. technique. Right from this moment, try and
remember all the incidents in your life. Start
Sometimes, if you get a really bad dream,
going backwards from this moment to your
only a thought like I am dreaming will come
childhood days. Remember what you can.
at first. Then, you actually wake up. That
thought of I am dreaming coming is turning Do not bother about what you cannot.
towards enlightenment. Waking up is getting Understand: what you cannot remember is
enlightened. only a hangover. It has not touched you deeply.
That is why it is not retained in your memory.
That thought of I am dreaming. This
Try this technique for a year. Re-living is a
whole world is a dream and then renouncing
wonderful way of relieving.
the false world and catching the reality is
enlightenment. In this world, the same Our second level Life Bliss meditation
experiences repeat making you tired and program the Nithyananda Spurana Program
bored. It gives rise to the suspicion, I am (NSP) is focused on just this method of


exhausting ones karma. It is like a complete But for an enlightened person, it is under
spiritual bath in the presence of an enlightened his control. He can either make his body alive,
master. or relax. Because of this ability, he can also
make another body alive! When an
enlightened being chooses to make a stone or
Deities and rnlightened metal alive, that stone or metal becomes a
representation of his very self.
masters your paths to
All the deities in our major traditional
exhausting karma temples are energized by enlightened masters.
There is a way to again and again remind Masters like Arunagiri Yogeeshwara* from
ourselves not to collect karma and to live Tiruvannamalai * , Patanjali * from
without the influence of the earlier incurred Chidambaram , Karurar from Thanjavur*,
* *

karma. The first step is to have a clear Konganavar* from Tirupati* and Meenakshi*
understanding that karma is powerless in the from Madurai* have energized the deities in
presence of an elevated consciousness. these temples.

There is an important difference between Deities are therefore considered to be the

normal human beings and enlightened masters. very bodies of the enlightened masters.
A normal person does not have the ability to Disciples continue serving the deities even after
make his body alive out of his will. His body is the masters leave their physical body. The
either alive or it is dead, thats all. It is not body of the deity is considered to be the body
under his control. of the master himself. That is the reason why

Arunagiri Yogeeshwara - The temple of Arunachaleswara in Tiruvannamalai is built on the living energy tomb of
Arunagiri Yogeeshwara, who is considered an incarnation of enlightened master Shiva.
Tiruvannamalai - Temple town where Nithyananda was born and raised.
Patanjali - A sage of ancient India and author of Yoga Sutras, which is considered the foundation of the system of yoga.
Chidambaram - A place in South India famous for its ancient temple dedicated to enlightened master Shiva in his
dancing form as Nataraja and where he is represented as the space energy.
Karurar - South Indian mystic saint upon whose immortal remains the temple at Thanjavur (Tanjore) is believed to have
been built.
Thanjavur - Town in South India famous for its massive temple and learning and cultural heritage.
Konganavar - Hindu saint and disciple of Bogar, upon whose immortal remains, Tirupati temple is said to have been
Tirupati - Famous temple to Vishnu as Venkateshwara or Balaji in Andhra Pradesh, South India.
Meenakshi - The goddess at Madurai in south India. She is said to be a saint upon whose immortal remains, the temple
has been built.
Madurai - Temple town in south India. A major pilgrim center with the temple to Meenakshi and her consort Sundareshwara,
an aspect of enlightened master Shiva.


the deities receive the same respect offered just like how they offer to the master. They
to an enlightened master. offer food and perform the evening arati*. In
the night, they put the deity to bed again in a
For example, all the disciples initiated by
ceremonious way.
Arunagiri Yogeeshwara* will worship the
Arunachala temple for generations together. Understand, all this does not add anything
You will see that whatever is offered to the to the deity or to the master. It adds only to
master will be offered to the deity also. us! This is what is living with god. This is what
is practicing the presence of god. Practicing
Masters, even after they decide to leave
the presence of the master is puja*. Puja* is
the body, are continuously available to the
done every day because it is a technique to
disciples through the deities that they
remember the presence of god every day.
energized. For example, even during my
lifetime, my physical presence is not possible
everywhere at the same time. So these deities
are programmed to do my work where I am Nithyam Dhyanam
physically not present! They are my Anandam
What is needed so as not to collect
The deities possess independent
gathered agamya karma, is life solutions,
intelligence. Energizing the deities is a big
what I call nithyam (eternal) because you
process. It is like giving birth to a child. These
practice them daily. To dissolve the karma of
energized deities will directly respond to your
this birth, you need meditation or dhyanam.
prayers. They will directly relate with you if
That is why you see that most of our
you are open in relating with them.
meditations are based on breathing. Altering
If you see our puja* (offering) and our the breathing, making it fast, slow, silent etc is
ashram* routine, you will see that in the what our meditation techniques are all about.
morning, they play the wakeup song to wake The only thing that can dissolve the total karma
up the presiding deity. Then they give a small is the masters grace or anandam (bliss).
cup of oil for His hair and a small cup of tooth
So understand, karma is simply the effects
powder for Him to brush His teeth! Then, they
of thoughts, words and deeds that stem from
give Him a bath and offer fresh, ironed clothes,

Arunagiri Yogeeshwara - The temple of Arunachaleswara in Tiruvannamalai is built on the living energy tomb of
Arunagiri Yogeeshwara, who is considered an incarnation of enlightened master Shiva.
Puja - Hindu ritual worship.
Ashram - A monastery for Hindu or Buddhist monks.
Arati - Fire ritual performed at the end of most vedic worship done with lighted lamps or camphor, accompanied often
by devotional songs.


deep ignorance and cause you to again and of dollars or fame. Do not plan to impress.
again tread familiar patterns of misery. The Do not plan to make your presence felt.
way to break this cycle is to tune into the clicks
Do the work for the work itself! Do not
received from the master and live in an
plan anything. Just do any service anywhere.
elevated zone of consciousness.
This kind of service will infuse tremendous
power into your being. For at least half an
hour a day do something selfless, without any
Myths on karma thought of results or benefits for yourself. You
can then experience the true joy of service.
Karma can be exhausted only through
Q: Can our karma be exhausted deep understanding, awareness and at least
by doing charitable service? one glimpse of consciousness.

You need to see the motivation for the

social service. Honestly look at yourself in Q: What happens when
the face. What do you want by doing the
someone has a premature death
like in suicide or accident?
Do you feel motivated by the fear of having
to go to hell if you dont do good deeds? Is it In the case of premature death, the soul
the desire for a good name and publicity? Or has to wait for the time it was destined to live,
is it just to do something to keep yourself busy? before it can take a new body. In the case of
Is it the greed of a good afterlife after death? suicide, the suffering is much more intense
Is it a better next birth? than what would have been if the spirit had
continued living. It is like when you have a
If you are driven by fear or greed, you
plate of food in front of you but you dont
can never intensely enjoy doing the service.
have hands or a body to enjoy it!
One part of you will be doing the act of
service. Another part of you will be caught in In the case of accidents, the spirit has to
thinking about the benefits of the service. So be without body. But there is no suffering as
you are not integrated in that action. You are in the case of suicide. The spirit lives in the
not completely fulfilled through it. same consciousness it would have lived had it
been alive. It just waits to get the next body.
This action also binds. Outwardly, socially,
it looks good and free from bondage. But
inside your inner space, you can see it is not.
The whole of mankind is swinging around Q: Are past life regressions
result-oriented action. This is extended to useful and safe?
service as well. At least in service, do not think


Past life regression should not be done Q: When the master clears the
except by an enlightened being. It has such a karmas, do we have to go
strong influence it can affect this birth. For
example, if you had been a blind person in a
through pain?
past life, when regression happens, you can When the master removes the karma, you
become blind in this birth! call that feeling pain. Actually, the master
An unenlightened being doing the would be removing in a second the suffering
regression will also suffer the karmas of the of many births, what would have otherwise
person he is doing the regression for. taken many births to dissolve. So it is
practically no suffering in comparison.
To clear past life regression, one should
know how to handle it, clear the past Sharada Devi says, the master clearing
samskaras and close it. the samskaras is like you facing a thorn prick
instead of suffering a fracture!


Death is a Celebration

Our concern for karma is rooted in our yet. Please give me some more time to live.
fear of death. It is a primal fear, that of the Yama replied that there is no extension
unknown. Our actions in this life are for the possible to ones life. But Yayati pleaded
most part driven by the desire to be in a better with him and begged for more time. Yama
place after death or the fear not to be in a finally agreed that if any one of his sons
worse place after death. This fear of leaving was ready to give up his life for Yayati,
the body and mind has existed through the then the king could live for that much more
ages. time.
Yayati called one of his sons. The son
agreed, I will give up my life, let my father
Story of Yayati live. He gave up his life. Yama extended
Yayatis life by a hundred years.
There is a nice story in Mahabharata*, the Yayati continued to enjoy all the material
great Indian epic: comforts in the same way as before and lived
There was once a king by the name of Yayati. another hundred years. At the end of this
He lived extremely well for hundred years, period Yama returned to take him. This time
enjoying his kingdom and all the physical too Yayati was shocked to see Yama again
and mental comforts of life. At the end of so soon. He felt he had hardly lived his life
100 years, Yama, the lord of death, came and begged Yama saying that he was not
to take him away as it was time for him to prepared to die and wanted some more time.
leave the earth. The king was shocked to Yama gave him another chance; another
see Yama and started crying, Why have you of Yayatis sons gave up his life for his
come so fast and that too suddenly without father, and Yayati got a lease of another
any notice? I have not lived my life fully hundred years of life.

Mahabharata - The Hindu itihasa or epic whose central characters are the five Pandava princes, their hundred Kaurava
cousins and enlightened master Krishna.


instinctively we Yayati enjoyed We are afraid because we do not know
another hundred who we are. We hold an identity of ourselves
resist change and years and again inside us, based on our family, relationships,
death is an abrupt Yama came back job, wealth, social image etc. Death removes
change in life. to take him. this very foundation on which our identity is
Again as before,
built, so we feel death snatches everything that
Yayati asked for more time but this time
is ours.
Yama refused to play the same game again.
Instead of agreeing to the kings plea, this
Our understanding about death, or rather
time Yama asked Yayati compassionately, our misunderstanding about death, makes
O king! Do you think you can put a fire death a fearful, frightening experience. The
out by pouring oil into it? Do you think man who resists death dies even while he
that you can fulfill your desires by living lives. He dies every moment because he is
them out more and more? In just a few tortured by the very idea of death. When I
beautiful words Yama explained the whole say death, I dont mean only physical death.
purpose life to Yayati. Yayati finally realized Losing anything is a form of death. Losing
the Truth, followed Yama and rested at the your comfortable life is one form of death,
feet of the Divine. losing your relatives is another. Please
You cannot feel fulfilled by offering sense understand that loss in any form is nothing
pleasures to the senses. You cannot feel that but death.
you are ready for death if you never lived There are two issues: the incident of death
intensely. Trying to satisfy the senses, pouring that happens at the end of our lives, and
pleasures into your senses, or living as you psychological death. Real death happens only
want does not mean living intensely. When once, but psychological death, the fear of
you really live intensely, automatically you will death, permeates our life. The idea and fear
be liberated. of death decides our entire life structure.
Every part of your body is connected to
someone or the other. Your being is not an
Why are we afraid of Death? individual being. It is not alone, separate, as
We are afraid because instinctively we you think. We are all interlinked. That is why
resist change and death is an abrupt change we undergo terrible suffering when we lose
in life. The master Chuang Tzu says someone or something. Every missing that
beautifully, Mans thirst for survival in the you experience, no matter of whom or what
future makes him incapable of living in the is what I call death. Fear of death is just the
present. fear of continuity or discontinuity. We are
afraid about the what next.

break free from the
In the mystery of death lies They used vicious cycle of
meditation as a birth and death is
the answer to life technique to
by becoming
take them
Once, in USA, a young lady asked the great
where others
Indian monk Vivekananda*, What is life?
Vivekananda* said, Come with me to India. had not dared
I will teach you. She asked, What will you to go before. Those few intelligent ones were
teach me? the rishis* of the Upanishad* age. The report
He said, I will teach you how to die. they submitted on their research into the
phenomenon of death is called the
If you know the secret of death, the quality Kathopanishad.
of your life will be different. Your very
understanding and attitude towards everything These rishis* researched deeply on death
will change. and finally came to the conclusion that death
cannot be understood or overcome by
Death is not a mere incident at the end of resistance. By resisting death you cannot go
your life. It is a profound knowing. If you beyond death. The only way to break free from
know how to die, you know how to live. the vicious cycle of birth and death is by
Living and leaving are two sides of the same becoming enlightened - entering into death,
thing. Your life will be totally different once dropping the fear.
you understand death.
Please understand that death has power
over you because of your belief, your faith in
it, thats all. If you take a little time and look
Entering into Death into your fear of death you will see that it has
Almost all the traditions have tried to the power to transform your life in the most
conquer death, to outlive death. But one group positive way. You will realize that it is not
of really intelligent, intuitive people contradictory to life but complementary to
understood after much struggle that we were life.
approaching death in a completely wrong Death is a deep relaxation. It is the
direction. They decided to take a 180-degree ultimate letting go. It is the dropping of the
turn. They started working with death in a old and starting with the new. When your
different way. being recognizes that it cannot achieve what

Vivekananda - Primary disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Founder of the Ramakrishna Order. 19th century
Eastern mystic considered a key figure in spreading awareness of Hinduism and Yoga in Europe and America.
Rishis - Vedic sages
Upanishad - Scriptures that form the essence of the ancient texts of the Vedas. Literally means sitting with the master.
There are eleven main Upanishads that have been commented on by enlightened master Adi Shankara.


start all over again

is what is called it wants to point in time. The other is that it is uncertain
death. through this when or how we will die.
body it decides
Everything that is born has to die. That is
to move on.
the nature of life.
This moving on, this passing over is what
is called death. A beautiful story from the life of Buddha:

When your brand new house becomes old Once a woman came with her dead son to
after the passage of years, you either try to Buddha. She was mad with grief at the
death of her only son. She cried to Buddha,
repair it or if that is too inconvenient and
Master, please give me some medicine that
frustrating, you decide to sell the house and
will get my boy back to life.
move into a new one. In the same way when
you feel that you have not lived your life Buddha replied, Get me a handful of
totally in the way you wanted to, you leave mustard seed. The woman got up
this body to take a new one. Your choice to immediately and rushed to get a handful of
mustard seed. Then Buddha added, The
start all over again is what is called death.
mustard seed must be from a house where
no one has lost a dear one child, husband,
parent, friend.
Mystery of mysteries The woman went from house to house. Out
There is a beautiful story in the great Indian of pity for the desperately crying woman,
people gave her mustard seed from their
epic, Mahabharata*:
house. But when she asked whether they
The prince Yudhishtra* was asked by a had lost a dear one, they had someone or
yaksha (demigod), What is the most the other who had died in the house.
mysterious thing on planet earth?
She went from house to house till sunset but
Yudhishtra* replied, Every day so many found no house where a death had not
lives are going to the abode of Yama, the happened. Slowly the truth started dawning
lord of death, yet the people who stay here on her death is inevitable. She buried her
think they are going to live forever. sons body and returned to Buddha. She fell
at the feet of Buddha and asked him,
We always think that it is someone else
Master, please teach me the truth. What is
who will die, not us. Death is truly the mystery
death? What exists beyond death?
of all mysteries.
She became Buddhas disciple and followed
There are only two things that are certain Buddha for the rest of her life.
about death. One is that we will die at some

Mahabharata - The Hindu itihasa or epic whose central characters are the five Pandava princes, their hundred Kaurava
cousins and enlightened master Krishna.
Yudhishtra - The eldest of the five princes of the Pandava family in the Indian epic Mahabharata.


There is a beautiful saying, Tomorrow or tradition, young monks take care of the elderly
the next life, which comes first, we never monks and sannyasis*. As a young monk
know. staying in that village, I started taking care of
the elderly monk.
The topic of rebirth is not popular because
it cannot be proven by science. Of course, now One day, while I was attending to him,
Near Death Experience (NDE) has become a suddenly it became obvious that the man in
hot subject as many doctors and psychologists the bed next to his was about to die. He started
have recorded their experiences. There are struggling for life. I was able to see very
many people who have recorded thousands clearly what was happening inside him. By
of NDEs, almost all of which fall into a similar that time I had had my deep spiritual
pattern. They all relive the events of their experience or satori but I had not become
lives. Hypnotists have regressed people into fully enlightened; the realization of the purpose
their past lives. These too fall into a pattern. of my life had not happened. I was still seeking
They are similar to what the rishis* said over and my body was getting prepared for the
5000 years ago about what happens when you explosion of energy that was to happen after
die, which is recorded in the Kathopanishad. enlightenment.
Several doctors were trying to give him
critical medical care and support. The man
Death in my presence - was gasping for breath. I could see very
before enlightenment clearly how death was happening in him. I
could see very clearly how the life source was
This incident is from the days of my moving away from the body.
spiritual journey before enlightenment.
That is the strongest experience that has
I was near a small village in North India happened in my life outside my body. Inside
called Ghaziabad, a place near Varanasi, the my body, the strongest experience that
spiritual headquarters of Hindus*. Hindus happened was realizing the mission!
traditionally visit Varanasi at least once in
I was able to see what was happening, but
their lifetime. The city has a floating
I was not able to bear it. An important thing
population of at least two hundred thousand
you should know is, if you see somebody in
people every day.
physical pain, it will affect you only about
I was there with an old monk who had thirty to forty percent. But if you see
been hospitalized and was in the Intensive somebody in depression and you can relate
Care Unit (ICU). According to the vedic to the person and feel the depression, it will
Rishis - Vedic sages
Hindus - Followers of Hindu religion, estimated at over a billion people.
Sannyasi - One who has renounced, a monk.


affect you more - say around sixty percent. clothes so that he can continue his research
Further, if it is emotional pain and if you are in the inner world without spending time for
able to connect and understand the pain, it basic outer world requirements. So I have
will affect you much more - about eighty always felt that it is my responsibility to take
percent. The more subtle the pain, the more care of the monks and inner world scientists.
you will be affected.
The elderly monk who I was taking care
I saw not only the physical, mental or of in the ICU did not want me to leave because
emotional pains of the dying man, but I also he was afraid seeing the man next to him
saw the being level pain. It was almost like I dying. The man was going through such a hard
was going through the pain myself. I wanted time. It was like the whole six feet of his body
to just run away from there but the elderly was being torn apart! Imagine the pain if you
monk got afraid and just held my hand have a small cut in your finger. Now imagine
begging me to stay. I had been taking care of how painful it would be if the skin on your
him for two to three months, so he had got whole body is literally being peeled. It is
really attached to me. something like a thousand scorpions stinging
at the same time! I could clearly see the pain
Since a young age, I have loved serving
the man was going through.
monks. I used to take food and clothes from
my house and give it away to the monks! On one side, the individual soul associated
Serving monks has always been my passion. with all the unfulfilled emotions like desire,
I have always felt that this whole vedic tradition greed and guilt was undergoing terrible
is alive even today only because of such suffering. The individual soul wanted to stay
monks. They have kept this science alive. in the body and fulfill these, but the body was
tired and wanted to relax! It was a fight
For doing research in any science, you need
between the body and individual soul. It was
great support in many areas. For example, in
as if the body wanted to leave but the
the West, a lot of research happens in the outer
individual soul was trying to hold onto it. If
world science because there are people and
the right hand was gone, the soul was trying
organizations to support it. If it is research on
to hold onto the left. If the right leg was dead
medicines, a pharmaceutical company may
and gone, the individual soul was trying to
support the research. If it is some research
hold onto the left leg. Whichever part of the
related to space and astronomy, the
body it could hold on to, the individual soul
government may sponsor and support it.
was trying to hold onto it.
In the same way, in India, the whole
Part by part the body was dying. I saw
country supports and sponsors spiritual
that with the lower body there was not much
science research. The whole country has taken
struggle. But when it came to the upper body,
up the responsibility to support an inner world
the whole body was vibrating and pulsating
scientist by providing him food, shelter and
with pain.

Slowly the individual soul started moving From the causal body, the individual soul
out of the physical body. Understand, when moves to the cosmic body. The sixth layer is
the breathing stops, that is the moment when the cosmic body where you experience bliss.
the individual soul actually leaves the physical This is what continuously inspires you to be
body. There are seven layers or bodies in you. a seeker. If you are a seeker, understand that
The body of flesh, bones and blood that you this layer is strong in you. If you enrich this
see is the physical body. The energy moving layer, your life will be blissful. If you have
in you as prana* or life energy is the pranic* any engram remaining in this layer, you will
body. There are five kinds of prana* or air assume another body and come back.
movements that happen in the body: air that
If you continuously enjoy pleasurable
enters into the body, air that circulates inside
experiences, then you are said to be in heaven.
the body, air that spreads all over the body as
If you are stuck in pain, then you are said to
life force, air that comes out of the body, and
be in hell. Depending on how much pain you
air that cleanses. These form the second body
experienced in life, you will stay that long in
or the pranic* body.
the pain body or hell at the time of death.
The third body is the body where inner Depending on how much pleasure you
chatter continuously happens. Inner chatter experienced in life, you will stay that long in
is nothing but the continuous stream of words the cosmic body or heaven. Hell and heaven
or thoughts that move within you. are purely psychological. This is the truth.
Based on what engrams you have, you
The fourth body is made up of emotions
experience heaven and hell. That is why
like fear, anger and greed which spread as
different cultures visualize heaven in their
feelings all over the body without even words
own way - because heaven is not a place, it is
coming into play. An emotion by itself can
an experience.
simply shake you. This is the emotional layer.
The seventh layer is the nirvanic* layer
The fifth layer is the body that you
which corresponds to enlightenment.
experience in deep sleep. This is where all
the engraved memories or engrams are stored At the time of death, there is a powerful
in the seed or causal level. The engrams are fight between the owner or the individual soul
not active but they are not dead either. It is and the object or the body. The object says, I
like a deep coma where you are neither living am tired, I cant function any more. The
what you want nor are you dead. You are just owner says, No, I want to use you.
stuck in this layer.

Prana - Life energy or life force.

Pranic- Related to prana or life energy.
Nirvanic - Connected to nirvana. The nirvanic layer is the seventh and final energy layer in our body mind.


When the object wins, the physical body purpose of taking birth. It is like this: you
dies and the individual soul moves to the next booked the flight ticket and sat inside the
layer, the pranic body. This is the layer you aircraft also, but during the flight you were
are in when you normally dream. While put in coma and so when you landed, you
dreaming, your logic loses its power over you forgot all about why you came to that
but your desires remain active. The very particular place! Only when you leave the
definition of dream is the state where logic place and board the flight again, you suddenly
has no power but desires and engrams remain remember why you had come to that place!
active. Even when you are unconscious or in
In the same way, when you die, you feel
coma, your logic will not be active.
the strong guilt of not fulfilling the purpose
As long as you are in the physical body, of your birth or what we call the prarabdha
you will have desires with the logic to analyze karma.
whether the desires are needed or not and
After passing through this guilt, next, all
which one of the desires should be fulfilled
the pain experiences of your life will come
etc. Desires are under your control; there is a
up. So at the time of death, you first pass
balancing mechanism. But when the desires
through physical pain, then through all
exist without the supporting logic, the
desires, next through all guilt, then through
individual soul will be kicked around like a
all emotional pain and finally through all the
football by the desires. On one side there will
pleasures that you experienced in this birth.
be guilt and on the other side, desires that play
on the individual soul. Normally, as soon as you reach the cosmic
body or the sixth layer itself, you return to
When I saw the man dying, I could see
assume the next body, the next birth. That is,
that the individual soul was slowly moving out
the individual soul returns to assume the next
layer by layer. I could see the soul suffering
body. Sometimes, rarely, you go beyond the
intensely when it went through the unfulfilled
sixth layer into the nirvanic* body. Then you
desires. The soul was literally being eaten by
dont come back to assume another body.
guilt when it realized, I did not fulfill the
purpose and mission of my life. Understand, When you travel through these various
you will remember the purpose of your birth bodies and experience your unfulfilled
only during death. desires, deep guilt and intense pain, you
decide strongly, Let me take another body,
When you are born, your body travels
another birth. When I do, I will not forget the
through the birth canal of the mother, and
purpose of my life and get caught in these
because of the intense pain that you go
illusive games. I will straightaway follow the
through, you go into coma or the deepest
path of Truth. But when you actually take
unconscious state, and you forget the whole

Nirvanic - Connected to nirvana. The nirvanic layer is the seventh and final energy layer in our body mind.


birth the next time, again because of the the earlier person. I was shocked, and I
intense pain during birth, you drop into coma became very curious. Earlier, the movement
and forget all about your decision! of the individual soul from layer to layer was
great suffering and torture for it. But this soul
Finally, the man died. But the experience
was moving so smoothly from layer to layer
left a strong scar in me. It left a very strong
just like how a knife moves through butter, or
impression in my mind. The fortunate thing
a snowball rolls down!
was that the elderly monk became alright and
he was discharged from the hospital. I In the first layer or physical body, there
continued my journey, and after a few months, was a little pain. Then suddenly the pain
I had my own death experience and I became disappeared and the individual soul moved
enlightened, thus realizing the mission and to the pranic layer. It moved from layer to
purpose of my life. My life as a liberated being layer like a royal guest! It was so empowered,
started at the age of twelve itself when I had that the desires, guilt and pain were not able
my deep spiritual experience. But the clarity to attack it at all. Even in the causal layer, it
about the mission, and what was exactly going did not fall asleep. It was so energetic, and it
to happen through my body, dawned when I finally entered the nirvanic layer, relaxed and
became enlightened. just disappeared!
I thought that this person must be an
evolved being. I asked his relatives whether
Death in my presence - after he was a spiritual person or a meditator. The
enlightenment family was surprised and replied that the man
had never meditated or done any spiritual
After my enlightenment, I came back to practice in all his life! He had lived a
South India. I was in Bangalore in a devotees completely materialistic life.
house, healing people who sought me out. At
I contemplated as to why the first death I
that time, a devotee was admitted in the ICU
had witnessed was terrible while the second
and I was requested to heal him.
one was so wonderful. What I am about to
There again, while healing, the person in tell you now is the honest and straight truth,
the bed next to the devotee started dying! The and I am saying it because I have the great
moment I saw that the person was about to responsibility of telling it to you. When I
die, the first thing I felt like doing was to move meditated to know the difference between the
away from the suffering that was about to two deaths, the revelation happened: at the
come! But the devotee was afraid and not time of the second death I was an enlightened
ready to leave me! person. The second person had died in the
Suddenly I saw that this person who was presence of an enlightened being! In the case
dying, was not going through any suffering like of the first death, my presence could not help,


because I could not radiate the energy of In the same way, if you are raised to a
enlightenment at that time. So the first person still higher consciousness, this waking world
died an ordinary death, while the second will become dull, while things like spiritual
person died a wonderful death in the presence truths and the master will become alive and
of an enlightened being who had realized the real! When you disconnect from the body and
Truth. rise into higher consciousness, the master and
the superconscious energy will become a gross
When this revelation happened, I saw a
deep compassion coming out of my being. I
felt that if at all I can give this as a gift to When the second death happened, the
every individual, my mission will be intense enlightened presence straightaway
accomplished. A peaceful death is such a caused him to connect strongly to it.
powerful and wonderful gift which nobody
Understand, as you sit now and here, what
but an enlightened being can give. I started
is stopping you from connecting with the
meditating as to how I can give this gift to
enlightened energy of the master and merging
everyone. Obviously I cant be in the ICU of
with it? Only your own logic and reasons.
all the hospitals and wait for people to die! I
contemplated on the science behind the whole As you sit here, there are still doubts in
thing, and understood what really happens at your unconscious like, If I drop my
the time of death. possessions and surrender, the master may
take it away! The other problem is, presently,
Let me explain:
as of now all other things in this world also
As long as you hold onto your ordinary appear as reality, and you think the master is
logic and remain in the physical layer, the also real to that same depth.
master is just a simple faith for you. The
You experience me as the same frequency
material world appears more solid and real.
as the rest of the material world. In the case
But when you travel to the deeper layers, the
of the second dying person, all his outer world
master becomes reality while the material
things became inaccessible to him at the time
world becomes vague and blurred.
of death. He could not sign his checkbook or
It is like how during your night dream, the drive his car! Whatever was holding him back
dream world looks real and the waking world in the material world was automatically being
looks vague, whereas when you are awake, taken away from him. When he looked
that is when you are with a higher around, only I, the enlightened energy was
consciousness, the dream world becomes there! He saw the strong light energy and just
imagination while the waking world becomes held on to me! The surrender automatically
reality. In the dream state, the dream world happened to him because I was there at that
that you see appears alive, like a 4D colour moment. Even in his case, if he had seen me
film! When you come out of the dream, the while he was alive, he may have struggled to
whole dream appears black and white.

surrender and connect to me! Only when the man was able to clearly see me there.
everything was taken away from him, there The masters presence is such an intense light.
was nothing to hold him back from connecting It is much stronger and of a higher frequency
to me. than this world, just like how this world is of a
higher frequency than your dream world.
There is a beautiful story in the
Bhagavatam* which is a beautiful account of The man realized that there is something
the enlightened master Krishnas life: of a higher frequency and he completely
surrendered to it. When he surrendered, all
There was once a rich devotee. He asked
his other engraved memories lost their power
Krishna, I want more wealth and
over him. The individual consciousness
possessions. Krishna granted him his wish.
became empowered. Desires, guilt, pain,
There was also a poor lady, who had a cow
pleasure, everything bowed down.
and a small house. Krishna once visited her
Straightaway, the individual souls frequency
house, ate the food she served, blessed her
and left. That very same day, her cow died.
Understand, when the seer is strong, the
Somebody asked Krishna about the
seen has no power over you. This is the
strange happening of how a rich person got
science of death.
more wealth while the poor lady was deprived
of her only source of income! In the case of the first death, the seen was
stronger than the seer. In the second death,
Krishna beautifully explains, The king
the seer was stronger than the seen.
was already in heavy illusion of the material
world. So I gave him what he wanted so that I intensely meditated how to transmit this
he will ultimately get tired of material things science to people. Suddenly, a revelation
and turn towards enlightenment. In the case happened to me.
of the poor lady, there was only one thing that
Understand, energy is not constrained by
she really wanted, and that was to connect to
space and time. It is just like the satellite
Me. And the only thing that was stopping her
waves that are present in space. If you have a
from that was the cow. I took away the cow
set-top box converter, you can see the channel
so that she could completely merge into Me!
that you tune into. An enlightened masters
In the same way, in the case of the second energy pervades the whole cosmos. I just need
death, the cow was taken away. In the to place the set-top box in people. It is like a
physical layer, the man was not able to pacemaker, just that this is a peacemaker!
connect. But in the pranic layer, the Once it is placed, the person can connect to it
consciousness entered a different space, and while leaving the body.

Bhagavatam - The foremost epic of Hindu religion describing the incarnations of Vishnu, especially his incarnation as
Krishna. It was written by Vyasa, who was also the author of the itihasa or epic Mahabharata.


think in your last

moment - you A master is birth as a conscious being or get enlightened
become that! a person who and never again assume a body.
creates a
formula to reproduce his inner world spiritual
experiences in the inner world of others. Such What you remember in the
a formula is the Life Bliss Program Level 2
also called the Nithyananda Spurana Program. last moment counts
It is a program that inserts the peacemaker in There is a beautiful story in the
individuals. Upanishads*, the sacred Vedic texts:
Along with placing the peacemaker it is A rishi called Jadabharatha somehow
my promise that, wherever you may be, in became attached to a deer he had rescued.
whatever situation you may be at the time of He was living the life of a renunciate but
death, I will be there and see that you he got attached to this deer.
beautifully relax into the nirvanic body. Please
From morning till night, he used to spend
understand, I am responsible for what I am his time taking care of that deer. When he
talking here right now. Even if I leave the body, was dying, he was not able to forget the
I am responsible, because it is a promise; it is animal. He started worrying about the deer,
my commitment to whoever hears these Oh! Who will take care of the deer? What
words directly from me. will happen to it after my death?
When I started sharing this technology, I When he died, in the next birth, he was born
realized that the people I shared it with, not as a deer.
only experienced peace at the end of their Beautifully the verse in the Upanishad
lifetime, but their life itself became intense, says that whatever you think in your last
joyful and ecstatic once I shared it with them. moment - you become that!
Understand, both life and death become Some people think very cleverly, Let me
blissful when deeply engraved memories are live my whole life the way I want to live. In
removed from your being. Your health the last few moments, I will remember god
becomes better, you start attracting wealth and and chant His name and enter heaven
better relationships because the frequency of somehow. Please be very clear, only that
being itself is different. which you thought of in your whole life, will
You will be relaxed in the nirvanic body come up when you leave the body. Dont think
when this peacemaker is placed inside you. that at that last moment you can play the
You then have the freedom: to take one more game! No!

Upanishad - Scriptures that form the essence of the ancient texts of the Vedas. Literally means sitting with the master.
There are eleven main Upanishads that have been commented on by enlightened master Adi Shankara.


Actually, when you leave the body your becomes a top priority, only when the urge
whole system will be in such agony, because becomes urgent, everything around you will
80 or 90 years of your life will be run through start aligning itself for the experience to
in a fast-forward mode. All that will be seen happen in you. This is the case not just with
are the scenes being fast-forwarded. Whatever enlightenment. With anything, it is true.
experience you had intensely, only that will Understand, if at all you are complaining
come up before you. Your spiritual that what you wish to happen is not
experiences will come up in multicolor. happening, it is because it has not become
the topmost on your priority list, nothing
Please understand that thoughtless else. Nothing else and no one else should
awareness is the strongest experience you can be blamed for it. You will see that the
have in your life. Even for a single moment, moment it becomes the topmost priority,
if you had that experience, it is enough. there will be an energy play that comes into
Naturally, when you leave the body that will being and it will simply happen. Until then,
come up. That will act as a light and you will it will wait for you, thats all. The death
be able to move into the Consciousness. experience was not my top priority and so
somehow, it was getting postponed.
In my wandering days, I had been to
My own death experience Varanasi, the holy city for Hindus, which
has an estimated 300,000 daily floating
Let me narrate to you my own conscious population. Further, every day around 100
death experience in Varanasi. dead bodies are estimated to be burnt in a
place called Manikarnika Ghat on the
I always used to think that I should have an banks of the sacred river Ganga*. It is
experience of death, that I should face death traditionally believed that if somebody dies
directly. But somehow, that thought never or somebodys body is burnt in that area,
became a priority. For any experience to they will be liberated. They will have direct
happen, the related thought has to become enlightenment.
the topmost priority. It should not just be in
one corner of your mind. It is not just a traditional belief. The
enlightened master Ramakrishna
Usually on our to do lists, we have Paramahamsa* confirms it with his own
washing, cleaning, paying the rent and experience. He says, I saw very clearly
phone bill, and finally if time permits, Shiva* himself going near every burning
enlightenment also! No! Enlightenment will body, taking the soul, unclutching it from
not happen if it is this way. Only when it the body-mind and liberating it! So, you

Ganga - The most celebrated river in India, considered holy by all Hindus.
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa - Enlightened master from West Bengal in India. His chief disciple was Swami Vivekananda.
Shiva - Enlightened master from India. The word shiva literally means causeless auspiciousness.


cant say that it is a mythological belief. It giving you company! It is like one more trip
is a solid experience of an enlightened that you make, thats all. You dont feel
master. lonely about death at all.
I had the fortune of going to Manikarnika In your life, you may see one or two bodies
Ghat. Traditionally, it is not only believed, being burnt, so you still have the fear of
but it is true that for the last 2000 years, death. But at Manikarnika Ghat, there will
the fire that is used to light the pyres has be no ritual done. They will bring the body
never been put off. and straightaway dip it in the river Ganga*
three times while chanting, Ram naam
Whether it rains or shines or floods, people
satya hai, Ram naam satya hai, Ram naam
never bring fire when they come with the
satya hai. By this time, the fire will be
dead body to Manikarnika Ghat. The fire
ready, and the wood will be arranged. They
will already be burning there and they will
will bring the body straight from the water
just take it to light the dead body, thats
and burn it, thats all!
all. The fire just continuously burns the
bodies as they arrive. Sometimes I would One strange thing that you see there is that
see that two to three bodies are burnt at the none of the relatives will stay there and do
same time, so many bodies keep coming! any further rituals. The moment they dip
the body in the Ganga* and place the body
Especially in the evenings, the bodies will
for burning, they will go away, thats all!
be more in number. From the place where
The people who maintain the ghat will take
the person dies they will walk carrying the
care of the rest. You will not know how long
dead body, chanting mantras* such as, Ram
it will take for the body that you brought to
naam satya hai, Ram naam satya hai (Lord
be burnt completely. There will be a queue
Ramas name is the ultimate and eternal
and bodies will be burning continuously.
truth). By evening they will reach
Manikarnika Ghat. I thought to myself, Let me try to sit here
and see what goes on. I sat at the Ghat. In
The scene there, the very experience of just
just an hours time, I felt that death is no
being there, I cannot describe to you
more a strange incident which happens once
verbally. You have to be there to experience
in a while only for some relative or friend.
I was sitting there watching bodies arriving
To tell you honestly, by just being there, the one after another. It was like any other
fear of death just disappeared from my queue, thats all. Different sizes, genders,
system. You see so many bodies continuously ages, and communities of people arrived
being burned every day. You feel, I am also to be consumed by the same burning flame.
going to go like this one day...all right,
When you continuously see dead bodies
thats all! You feel there are so many people
being burnt you actually lose respect for

Mantra - Literally means that which shows the way. Sacred syllables that have a powerful positive vibrational effect.
Ganga - The most celebrated river in India, considered holy by all Hindus.

DEATH IS A CELEBRATION Whenever the fear
comes out and you
death! As of now, you have too much of I still are not consciously
respect, too many ideas about death. That remember
is the problem. Death is actually nothing the strong
facing it, it
but this. The breath that goes inside the body click, the becomes a fear
doesnt come out, thats all. Nothing much deep unde- stroke.
can be done about it. Neither can you rewind rstanding
it nor fast-forward it. and instant realization that triggered the
whole experience that was to follow.
As I was watching this scene continuously,
initially the little fear that I had about death An elderly ladys body was being burnt. She
also disappeared and slowly it actually had a big belly. Her clothes were being
became interesting to watch. I went near consumed by the fire and then the fat that
the people who maintain the fire and started was in the belly started melting and flowing.
helping them. As I was helping them, I was Sorry for describing this so vividly but I
thinking to myself, After all, one day this have to do it to explain the strong
body of mine is also going to become like experience! I could see clearly that because
this dead body that is burning now. of the fat flowing, the fire was burning with
even more intensity. That gave a very strong
When you remember that death is going to
click to me and I said, God! Yes, the very
happen to you, the respect that you carry
same thing is going to happen to this body
for your ego will come down. Because,
whenever you think that something should
not leave you, it is just the ego, nothing That click opened up a deep fear of death
else. When you know for sure that everything inside me. The fear spread all over the body.
is going to leave you, then the respect for But I faced the fear consciously. I could
the ego just drops drastically. The respect I see very clearly the fear spreading all over
had for my ego just dropped from me. the body, and when the fear hit my
awareness, that became the experience of
Then I decided, After all I am going to
death. I went through a conscious experience
die. Either I should have a conscious death
of my own death and came out of it.
experience now itself and live the rest of
my life without the death-fear, or really die, Understand, whenever your fear is
thats all. I decided that I have to see death suppressed, it stays inside you. Whenever
happening to me one way or the other. the fear comes out and you are not
consciously facing it, it becomes a fear
There was a small Shiva* temple around the
stroke, and shakes your whole nervous
corner and a small tower above the temple.
system and breaks it down. When the fear
I went and sat in that tower so that nobody
is faced consciously, it becomes the death
would disturb me. I sat in that tower and
experience, thats all!
from there I started seeing the dead bodies
being burnt.

Shiva - Enlightened master from India. The word shiva literally means causeless auspiciousness.


I was able to see very clearly the fear that coming everyday from so far away what
arose. When I faced it consciously with foolishness! I always felt that the
awareness, it became my death experience. Vishwanath deity was an ordinary stone. I
The body was dead. It was not moving. felt that way because I was still alive. When
I died, I saw clearly, He became alive!
For two and a half days I had no food, no
water, no thought, no question, no doubt. Only one can be alive, either Him or you.
The body alone was there. Only after the When you see the Truth, He will become
experience had passed, I realized that I had alive. You will not be alive anymore as you
been like that for two and a half days! I now think. The fear of death left me once
could see with closed eyes that the body was and for all. I can say that this is one of the
dead and there was no movement. Suddenly, very strong experiences that transformed me
after two and a half days, the click to search for the ultimate experience of
happened again, God! The body is dead enlightenment.
but I still exist! I am there! That clarity,
when it clicked, became such an intense
ecstasy in me! The fear of death had left
me once and for all.
What happens at the time of
I was in such deep ecstasy, such joy, and
such bliss! I slowly opened my eyes and I
Only an enlightened being, a person who
was able to move the body. The first thing I
has gone through death consciously and come
felt was such a surge of ecstasy and
back anew, can exactly explain what happens
gratitude. I went down to the Ganga,
sprinkled a little Ganga water on myself, during death.
took the Ganga water in the kamandalu*, I am going to reveal the mystery of death
took a little ash from the fire, and went now. This may be surprising, even shocking
straight to the Kashi Vishwanath temple. I to many of you. But this is the truth. Whether
went up to the Shiva* linga*, offered the you believe it or not, accept it or not, this is
ash I had brought and did the puja (worship)
what happens at the time of death.
with such inexpressible gratitude. I saw that
Vishwanath was simply alive there! We do not just have one body. The
Understand, because I died Vishwanath physical body is just one of the seven bodies
became alive! Until the day before that, we have. It is only the gross body that can be
because I was still alive, Vishwanath was felt and seen in space-time. However, we
always an ordinary stone. I used to feel that actually have seven layers or bodies or planes
to touch this stone, thousands of people are of existence. Since these layers have a subtle

Kamandalu - Water pot carried by Hindu monks.

Shiva - Enlightened master from India. The word shiva literally means causeless auspiciousness.
Linga - Representation of enlightened master Shiva as a symbol of rejuvenation combining male and female principles.


existence they cannot be seen or felt by the When you leave the physical body, your
ordinary eye. consciousness will be torn from the body and
you will immediately fall into coma. According
A simple representation of the seven bodies
to doctors, coma is the automatic mechanism
is shown below.
to make you not to feel the pain. It is automatic
anesthesia. If the pain becomes too much, you
cant bear and you automatically fall into
When you move from the first body layer
to the second body layer, all the unfulfilled
desires, all the ways in which you wanted to
live but did not live come up. When this
happens, it is almost as if ten people are
standing in a room kicking a football around.
What will happen? Just like how the football
is kicked from corner to corner, your
consciousness will be kicked from all corners.
In each corner, some desire will be standing
and kicking it. At the time your consciousness
is trying to leave the body, all your desires
will be forcing you to re-enter the body so
that you can enjoy them further and fulfill them.
Each of the bodies holds a corresponding
emotion. For example, the pranic body holds On one side, the desires will be forcing
all the desires that arise in life. The mental you to enter the body again so that you can
body holds all the feelings of guilt experienced live and enjoy, while on the other side, the
in life. The etheric body holds the experiences body will say, No! I am tired. I cant host
of mental pain felt in life. you anymore, just leave! That is what causes
the pulling and pushing at the time of death.
When the spirit leaves the body it crosses
The pulling and pushing is nothing but the
all the seven body layers. The physical body
fight between your desires and your body.
dies. But, the remaining six bodies do not totally
die. If you are holding a lot of desires in your Somehow, you manage to move away
life, all those unfulfilled desires are held in the from the pranic body, and enter next into the
pranic body. So even though the physical body mental body. When you enter into the mental
dies, the pranic body does not die. When the body all your guilt rises. All the guilt about the
life force leaves the pranic body, the being way you felt you should have lived your life
experiences tremendous suffering. but never lived, all the mistakes committed,
all the regrets, everything comes up.
All the guilt that we LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT

collect over our

lives rises as we P l e a s e is experienced during deep sleep and when
pass through the understand, leaving the body. The sixth body is associated
desire is about with happy memories and the seventh body is
mental body.
the future and beyond sorrows and happiness, the ultimate
guilt is about the consciousness.
past. But actually, both are one and the same.
Please understand, even attachment to
The way in which we want to live is desire,
happy memories brings us back into the cycle
and the way in which we wanted to live but
of birth and death. The desire to experience
didnt, is guilt. Guilt is nothing but reviewing
more and more similar incidents that are
our past decisions with updated intelligence.
happy and joyful pulls us back and we take
Like this, step by step, you move through
more births.
different body layers.
Happiness is a temporary feeling created
The less the unfulfilled desires, the lighter
by the mind. Bliss, the seventh body, is the
is the pranic body and the easier it is to leave
true reality. It is the causeless, unending
this body. Similarly, the less the guilt, the
happening inside you of spontaneous energy,
lighter is the mental body and the easier it is
joy and auspiciousness. It is like a fountain
to leave this body.
that continuously happens inside you for no
One more thing, when the desires, guilt reason.
and pain are less intense, you not only have
Actually, the reason your favorite candy
an easy death with less suffering but you also
gives you happiness is that it acts as a trigger
age gracefully. Ageing gracefully is what
to put you into this space of bliss that is your
vanaprastha sannyas* is all about. Being able
true nature. But you mistake the happiness to
to live in fulfillment in the latter part of life is
be because of the candy, the external object.
the tremendous gift of vanaprastha sannyas*.
The happiness is because for those few
All the guilt that we collect over our lives moments, you come in touch with your inner
rises as we pass through the mental body. Then bliss.
we come to the etheric body which is related
The cleaner the bodies, the lighter they
to all our sufferings. All the suffering that we
are and the easier it is for the life force to
went through during our life is stored here.
leave the body. Just like its peel comes off a
The first four bodies are related to the ripe banana, the life force easily moves out of
physical body-mind system. They store all the the body.
engrams related to desires, guilt and pain
experienced during that lifetime. The fifth body

Vanaprastha sannyas - The third stage of life according to the vedic tradition, where the wife and husband lead the rest of
their married life in spiritual activities in pursuit of the Ultimate Truth.


Death happens everyday world as 4D, in multi-color. When you are in

the dream world, you experience that world
In the seven bodies, the first four bodies - as 4D. So, when you are here, the dream world
physical, pranic, mental and etheric, collapse becomes black and white, and this world
into the causal body every time you go to becomes 4D, and when you are there, the
sleep. The darkness of the causal body is dream becomes 4D, and this world becomes
associated with the deep sleep state, which is black and white.
what rejuvenates you every day. So till you
In the same way, when you move away
cross the fifth body, this death happens every
from the physical body to the pranic body at
day. This is what happens when you fall into
the time of death, this whole physical world
your daily sleep.
will become unreal and be seen in black and
When the departing spirit moves beyond white. All your achievements, your pride, your
the fifth layer of causal body into the sixth efforts, your sorrow, your happiness,
layer, which is the cosmic body, the process everything will no longer have any meaning
of death is complete. and will appear in black and white. You will
If the life force does not have to take wonder, Why did I do all this work? Why
another body to fulfill its remaining desires it did I think of all this as a base for my life?
then enters the seventh layer of nirvanic body, Let me explain why this happens. When
which is enlightenment. If the life force has you are alive you invest in your personality.
to come back assuming another body to fulfill You build up your personality based upon a
its desires, it is death. few pillars - money, name and fame,
relationships, pride that you have a big
community, support circle, and so on.
Waking world Vs Dream When you move from the physical body,
world all these pillars, all these foundations will be
completely shaken. You cant sign your name
One more thing: when you enter into the
on your checks any more. Your signature is
dream state and start dreaming, this whole
not accepted. Your bank balance is no more
world in which you live now becomes black
related to you. You cant handle your bank
and white because you are in the dream world.
account. Your car will not be useful to you. At
You forget this whole world of your waking
the most, only the ambulance will be useful!
state and the dream world becomes very real
and seen in multicolor. If you come out of the Only the conscious glimpse can come with
dream, this whole world that you wake up to you. Whatever has been the foundation for
is again seen in four dimensions, 4D. your being will be shaken. When the
foundation is shaken, naturally you wont
Now when you are in this physical body
have anything to hold on to.
and in the waking state, you experience this

As of now, this whole world will appear in This happens because not even a single
4D. All this talk about spirituality, meditation, pillar of our building, our inner core or our being,
growing the inner being, consciousness etc. is based on spirituality. The entire structure is
will appear as black and white. That is why, based on the outer space. That is the reason
when I call people for meditation, they tell me, that when those pillars are shaken by anybody,
I dont have time to meditate. Let me finish we start suffering terribly. If we have even
all my work and then come. I have a few more one pillar based on consciousness, we can
years to think about it. depend on that to stand straight without
suffering. If we build at least one pillar based
Be very clear, never say, I dont have
on our inner space, this pillar will shine in 4D
time to meditate. Be very clear to yourself
at the time of death and help us leave the body
and say, I dont feel that it is that important in
my life right now. If you are not ready to
meditate and say, I dont think meditation is
so important in my life, then you are honest.
But if you say, I dont have time, then you The art of dying
are just fooling yourself. Everyone has got the
There is a beautiful Zen saying, Learning
same 24 hours on hand to do what they feel
the art of dying is the real and the ultimate
they should. It is not that the few who are
knowledge that we can learn in our life.
meditating are jobless. It is just a question of
priority, of what you really want in your life. A small Zen story:
If spirituality and meditation appear as black One day, an enlightened master suddenly
and white to you now, you will not divert your declared that he was going to die the next
energy in that area, thats all. day morning around 6 oclock. Of course,
You see, now we are in two dimensions, enlightened people always know about their
the material world and spirituality. Right now, death. They can declare before hand when
they are going to die. He declared that he
what is happening is that however many
was going to die around 6 oclock in the
pillars we build our personalities and life
upon, all those pillars are based on the
material world which appears to be 4D. Not His disciples said, No, no, please wait for
a single pillar is based on consciousness or 2-3 hours. It will be too cold early in the
our inner space. Our whole personality is built morning. Why dont you wait for a few hours
so that we can prepare for the last rites?
only based on the outer space - our name and
The master agreed and told the disciples
fame, what society speaks about us, etc. If
that he would pass away around 12 oclock.
everyones opinion of us is that we are great, Exactly at 12 noon, he greeted them all and
we think we are great. If everybody says, You left the body!
are useless, we start getting depressed.


Auspicious death You are only seeing through the two holes
called eyes.
A true story:
If you feel you are the two eyes, you are
The great master from India, Paramahamsa caught in ego. In your dream, as long as the
Yogananda*, had moved to USA in 1920 and attention is on the objects, you will continue
settled there. How he left the body is very to dream. When your attention is turned
interesting. Till the last moment he was towards yourself that is from the seen to the
doing his routine of giving discourses and seer, you will be awakened.
attending programs.
The moment you realize you are
On the day of his passing away, he was
something beyond the eyes, your attention is
attending a banquet in honor of the then
visiting Indian Ambassador to USA, Binay turned to the seer. Then you realize that this
Ranjan Sen, in Los Angeles. At the world is made of the same stuff of which your
conclusion of his speech, he just relaxed from dream is made.
his body and died. As long as you think you are seeing, the
His body did not deteriorate for more than whole attention is on the seen. That is what I
twenty days. No odor of decay came from his call ego. When you step back and realize you
dead body at any time. There is a beautiful are seeing through the eyes, the whole
write-up about his death in his autobiography attention is on the seer. That is what I call
as an appendix. It was such a beautiful innocence. Innocence means having a clear
experience. Even his death was auspicious for understanding that whatever you see in the
him. outer world is made of the same stuff out of
which your dreams are made.
These are the steps: the first is getting the
Reality is a dream idea that what you see is a dream. The next is
having the shakti, the energy, to change the
You are not the eyes. The eyes are just dream. The third is the buddhi, the intelligence
an instrument. Many times you can see, your to know it is a dream and so there is no need
eyes may be open but you are not seeing, not to change it!
registering the scene you are seeing.
Just remember you are seeing through
the eyes. If you look through the eyes, suddenly
you will see you are witnessing everything.
You are not the two holes called the eyes.

Paramahamsa Yogananda - An enlightened master well known for his book Autobiography of a Yogi. He founded
Self Realization Fellowship movement in USA in 1920.


Life and death vs Waking There is a beautiful concept in Ayurveda*

called as the peak age which is based on
and sleep this science of prana. Till a particular age,
the person will be receiving more prana
through the incoming breath and less prana
Air and prana will be going out through the outgoing breath.
The moment the outgoing breath starts
To understand this powerful, life- carrying more prana than the incoming breath,
transforming truth, we need to understand they know now the person is moving towards
about this stuff of which the dream world and death.
this world are made of. We need to know about
prana*, the life energy that sustains us.
Understand, the air you breathe is just a Controlling life through
vehicle in which the prana comes in and goes awareness
out. Prana is the life force, the energy itself.
Understand this one example. If a truck comes Constantly, life is slipping and entering into
inside this campus and leaves something and death. Life slipping into death is what we
goes out, the truck is like the air, the breath. usually call living. Please understand, actually
The product that is delivered is prana. we dont live. We are just waiting for death to
happen. Ordinary human beings dont live.
Life just slips into death, disappears into death.
Life or death depends on the That is the reason however many years you
may live, you dont feel satisfied, and you dont
direction of prana feel you have lived your life because you dont
One more thing: as long as the incoming even know what life is.
breath is bringing in more prana and going When you become conscious of life, when
out as an empty vehicle, your life will be you start thinking, contemplating about your
strengthened. life, when you bring awareness into your life,
If the reverse starts happening, if the air you create a new center in your being.
comes with less prana and goes out with more Between this life and death, when you bring
prana, it means death is nearing or the life more awareness into the life, you create a new
energy is going towards death. When death center, a new space in your life - that is what
nears, just the empty air will enter but when I call consciousness.
it goes out, it will go with the prana.

Prana - Life energy or life force.

Ayurveda - Traditional Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda literally means knowledge of life.

start becoming
Whenever you are conscious, you will In the aware, you start
start deciding about your life. For example, waking state, controlling your
the more you become aware, the more you when you are
life and death also.
start designing or choosing what type of car aware or you
you should drive, what type of house you are in what
should live in, and what type of life you want. psychology calls as conscious state, it is life.
You start deciding every inch. You become If you are not aware, it is death. When you
conscious about everything: how you should bring more awareness into your life, you take
talk, how you should behave, how you should charge of your life. In the same way, in the
think, every inch you start becoming aware. dream, if you start bringing in more awareness,
you will take charge of your dreams and deep
The moment you start becoming aware,
you start deciding, and you start controlling
your life. When you become completely Controlling life and death and controlling
aware you will start controlling your death dream and deep sleep both require one
also. important condition: awareness. Awareness is
the main requirement to control life and death
These two events of life and death then
and to control dream and deep sleep.
happen at the conscious level. If you are
consciously thinking, it is life. If your Bringing awareness into your dreams can
consciousness cant think, it is death. not only help you control the dream and deep
sleep, it can also help you control life and death.

Awareness - control dreams

and deep sleep, life and death Prana movement in sleep and
In the unconscious level, two things happen
as well, dream and deep sleep. In the The moment you start moving towards the
unconscious level, if you are aware, it is dream state, the prana starts coming towards
dream. If you are able to see anything, if you the vishuddhi*, throat center. The more you
are able to sense anything, if you are able to move towards the deep sleep state, it moves
feel anything, if you are able to experience towards the anahata*, heart center.
any movement, then it is called dream. If you
It is the same in the case of life and death
are not aware of anything, if you are not able
as well. The more you are alive and energetic,
to feel anything, if you are not able to
the more the prana accumulates and gets
understand any movement, it is deep sleep.
centered in the forehead.

Vishuddhi chakra - Chakra or subtle energy center in the throat region. Locked by comparing ourselves with others.
Anahata chakra - Subtle energy center in the heart region related to love.


life and death can

all be handled by When the If you are able to change the dream, let
this single key, incoming breath you be very clear, the first thing you will do is
is bringing more you will stop dreaming. You will stop dreaming
single thread
prana and the because you know the uselessness of dreams.
called prana. outgoing breath You know you are wasting time and energy in
is going empty, dreams. Person who is aware of dreams will
your prana will be centered on the forehead. never dream. He will simply stop dreaming.
If the incoming breath is getting less prana Person who is aware of life will simply stop
and the outgoing breath is taking more prana, the cycle of birth and death. He will not take
slowly the prana will slip into vishuddhi*, one more body.
throat center. If the incoming breath is not
You need to understand this: when I use
bringing prana at all and only the outgoing
the word death, I dont mean you will commit
breath is taking the prana, you will fall
suicide. When I say that when you become
completely into the heart center.
aware of life you enter into death, it does not
Actually, falling from life to death, falling mean that you will commit suicide. You will
from the waking state to the deep sleep state, stop living in the normal way. You will stop
are both directly related to prana movement. living with identity. You wont give
If the prana movements of inhalation and importance to identity. You will be reborn.
exhalation are handled properly, you can
If you can be aware when the prana falls
handle life and death as well as dream and
into the heart center every day, you can stop,
deep sleep. Dream and sleep, life and death
alter and manage your dreams and deep sleep.
can all be handled by this single key, single
If you are aware of prana slipping from ajna
thread called prana.
to anahata* each time you go to sleep, it means
that at the end of the life you will be able to
change your life and death. If you want, you
Stopping the cycle of life and can bring it a little early. If you want, you can
death postpone. You can play in whatever way you
If you can be aware when you fall into
the dream state, when your consciousness is
slowly fading away, when you are falling
asleep, you will be able to change the dream Meditation technique
itself. This technique has two parts: one that you
do when you fall asleep, when you are lying

Vishuddhi chakra - Chakra or subtle energy center in the throat region. Locked by comparing ourselves with others.
Anahata chakra - Subtle energy center in the heart region related to love.


in the bed and the second one that you do Dreamless day means that your energy will
whenever you can remember during the whole be conserved without day-dreaming.
If you are aware of the prana, that is
The first one will create more energy to enough. It will automatically come back to the
do the second part and vice versa. They are higher energy, and your body will heal itself
complementary to each other. as the flow of prana is directly related to all
your diseases. Above all, when you are able
First part: when you lie down, before
to change your dream, when you are able to
falling asleep, just remember the area near the
handle your dream, you will have the intense
ajna chakra* or the third eye, the center of
power and energy to handle the incidents of
the forehead. Do not concentrate. If you force
your life.
yourself, if you start concentrating, your sleep
will be disturbed and you will have a
headache. Just remember that area in a relaxed
way, the way you look at a flower, just Life Bliss Program Level 2
casually. Slowly, you will see that you are Nithyananda Spurana
relaxing, you are slowly dropping into the
deep sleep state. Program (LBP Level 2 -
Just be aware of this movement into deep
sleep, that is enough. First day, you may feel Our second level meditation program,
that you are not falling asleep at all and that LBP Level 2-NSP journeys you through your
your sleep is getting delayed by ten or fifteen own life, simultaneously revealing the secrets
minutes. Dont bother about it. Just be aware of death. It makes your inner space pure and
of the prana movement in the ajna chakra*. clean by unloading the baggage of emotions
You will be aware that you are dreaming. that you usually carry with you. It teaches you
If you want to continue the dream, you will to live blissfully and leave peacefully. It puts
continue. If you dont feel like it, you will death in the right perspective so that your life
come out. There will be no intensity to the becomes more joyful and meaningful.
dream. It is opening up your energy layers one
The next step, you will start having the by one. Your pains, pleasures, guilt and desires
dreamless sleep. That is the deeper level. are opened up. Once these open up and get
Once you start having the dreamless sleep you healed, you experience a glimpse of god within
will also start having the dreamless day. you.

Ajna chakra - The sixth energy center located between the eyebrows. Means command or will in Sanskrit. This chakra
is blocked by ones own ego.



You are Intelligence

To be free from the fear of death, which fire. Unfortunately for the four passengers,
is really the fear of losing our identity, we there were only three parachutes available.
need to be aware that we are something more The first person in a panic took a parachute
than this body and mind. We need intelligence saying, I just got married. My wife is
to understand this. We then come to these waiting for me. And he jumped.
The second person declared, I am the most
What exactly is intelligence? intelligent person on earth. Planet earth
needs my intelligence. He jumped as well.
Are some of us more intelligent than
others? One of the passengers was an old man; he
told the other remaining person, I am old
Can we increase the level of our already but you have your whole life ahead
intelligence? of you. You take this parachute and jump.
The young man quipped, You can also
come, Sir. We can both go. The most
Natural intelligence intelligent person on planet earth just
jumped off with my back-pack!
Intelligence is not something to attain;
every single being is endowed with Most of us have lost touch with our natural
intelligence. Every one of us has intelligence. intelligence; that is why we are not able to
It is an inherent, inborn quality of life just as live life to its fullest potential. We mistake
fire is hot and ice is cold. our acquired knowledge for intelligence; we
are like the man who jumped with the
I am reminded of a joke on intelligent backpack as a parachute!
Every single being in nature has been
Once there were four men travelling in a endowed with inherent intelligence. Birds
private airplane. Suddenly, there was an
have a natural intelligence that enables them
emergency as the tail of the aircraft caught


complete being to
simply express to fly. It is mother became worried and asked him, Did
amazing to see he hurt you?
itself. This is what I
the migratory
call being The boy replied, No, but he screamed when
birds travel I bit his finger!
integrated and thousands of
fulfilled. miles in the sky
Children are born intelligent. They are so
spontaneous and enthusiastic. But the family,
- with no map or
society and conventional school destroy the
guide and retrace their paths back when the
natural intelligence within the child with the
season changes!
undue importance they pay to logic, memory
Patanjali, an enlightened master from India and competition. The price the child pays for
and father of the ancient science of yoga*, education is too heavy as he sacrifices his
says that man has in him the intelligence of all priceless creativity and uniqueness and he is
the lower forms of consciousness such as the not even aware of it.
trees, birds and animals.
The other day, I read a statement on a
Man has the capacity to produce food just teenagers T-shirt, I was intelligent until
like trees. He has the capacity to live by education ruined me.
himself right from the time he is born - just
Allow your complete being to simply
like animals and birds. By nature we have all
express itself - and you will see your natural
the intelligence in our human body. The
intelligence flowering beautifully. This is
difficulty is we strongly believe we are limited.
what I call being integrated and fulfilled.
We have been conditioned to think that we
have only limited capabilities, that we
cannot so we have forgotten how to use
these capabilities. And because of this, we are The driving forces of fear
not tuned to the technique to tap into all the and greed
dimensions of our being.
We think we are very intelligent and so
we try to mould our children to become
Children are born intelligent intelligent like us. When we start this process,
we first teach the child the logic of running in
A small story: life driven by either fear or greed.
One boy came back from school and told Either he has to do something to achieve
his mother, You said the school dentist more, or he has to do something to prevent
would be painless but he was not! His what he doesnt want to happen. When you

Yoga - Literally means uniting of body-mind-spirit.


want something to happen, it is greed. When Right from school, we use standard
you are afraid that something will happen, it is benchmarks to determine a persons so-called
fear. level of intelligence. In the grading system
used from elementary school through college,
Either he has to study so he can get better
we compare and grade all children for various
grades and win admission in a good college -
skills and aptitudes.
this is being driven by greed. Or he has to
study so he is not left behind in his future We need to understand an important thing
professional life - this is being driven by fear. here: one kind of intelligence is needed to be
a scientist and another kind of intelligence is
The motivation for the child is greed or
needed to be a poet. To be an Olympic
fear, never inner fulfillment. Naturally, the
swimmer one needs yet another kind of
child gets into the rat race and just keeps
intelligence! Intelligence is the ability to
running - with no time to even look whether
respond to a situation or challenge. Everyone
he is running for what he really wants. He
is born intelligent; it is a question of just
does not even know that he can enjoy the run!
discovering each ones unique dimension of
He has been taught that with any other
diversion, precious time will be wasted in
reaching the goal.
But how many people have felt fulfilled
after reaching the goal? When you reach the
Spontaneity -
goal you have set, you realize the goalpost is straightforward intelligence
no longer there. It has moved further and you
You have a natural, spontaneous
want something else now!
intelligence inside you. You have tasted it as
Understand, if you are living your life a child.
based on just seeing what others are doing,
As a child, you looked at things in a very
you are just wasting your precious life. This
simple, straightforward way. That is why you
is what they call herd mentality joining
were so spontaneous. What took away that
the rat race because everybody else is a part
spontaneity as you grew up? The societal
of it. You may even win the rat race but you
conditioning that has been telling you right
are still a rat!
from when you were a child, You are not
enough Because of this, you are constantly
trying to become something else, prove
What is the measure of something to others. By constantly thinking
intelligence? that you are not enough, you try to imitate
others and waste the wonderful natural energy
Can we measure intelligence? Is there a bubbling inside you.
standard to measure intelligence?


awareness is
enough to remove I read a place at the right time; in other words, using
the darkness funny one-liner our intelligence.
on a companys
created by years of
notice board:
living by habit.
Death will be The key to awareness
accepted as an
excuse, but we would like two weeks notice, A small story:
as we feel it is your duty to teach someone One boy was learning a lot of new things
your job prior to your death. at school and home. One day, he told the
Note: this new benefit program began teacher, Yesterday I killed three female and
yesterday. two male flies. The curious teacher asked,
How did you know which were males and
If you blindly imitate another persons which were females?
performance or behavior instead of acting
The boy replied, Simple. Three of them
from your own inner spontaneity, your own
were on the mirror and two were on the
intelligence, you will be cheating yourself out
cigarette box!
of wonderful possibilities.
Intelligence is being aware and
Once there was a statistics student who,
spontaneous. Understand an important thing:
while driving, would always accelerate
before coming to any junction, and then when you are deeply aware, you cannot make
drive fast past the junction and slow down mistakes!
again once he passed the junction. With awareness, you dont rely on what
One day, he was travelling with his friend. others have taught you. You dont rely on the
They passed a junction in his usual way. past conditioning that has gone on inside you
The friend asked him in surprise, Why do for many years. You act just out of the fresh
you drive so fast across junctions when you intelligence that comes with awareness.
are actually supposed to slow down?
The light of awareness is enough to
The statistics student replied, Well, remove the darkness created by years of living
statistically speaking, you are more likely by habit. The whole key lies in being aware
to have an accident at a junction, so I just so that your intelligence can function. Living
make sure I spend less time there!
every moment in total awareness is what
Knowledge is good only when applied meditation is all about.
intelligently. It is intelligence that gives the real
result, not the knowledge itself. When
knowledge is applied in the right place at the
right time, it is intelligence. Spontaneity is when
we easily express our knowledge in the right

react like
Beyond rules to responsibility It is programmed
always easy to machines; we do
A small story: put the blame
not respond to
Once, a sergeant in his training session on the whole
asked the recruits why walnut wood was used world for what
for making the rifle. The recruits thought happens in
hard and one of them answered, Because your life. But, if you just look a little deeper,
walnut is harder than other types of nuts. you can see how you are completely
The sergeant brushed him off saying, responsible for what is happening in your life!
Wrong! Another recruit ventured,
Because it is more durable. The sergeants
voice boomed, Wrong! A third person tried Now and here
his luck, Because it is waterproof.
The sergeant, tired of the answers by now, Being intelligent requires the effort to be
replied, You boys surely have a lot to learn. yourself, which you are not used to. So you
Simple reason: that is what is laid down in choose to react based on your past
the rule book! experiences.
In life, because it is easy to place Usually, we only react like programmed
responsibility on others, you blindly follow machines; we do not respond to situations.
other peoples directions instead of relying on Someone insults you and you become angry
your own intelligence. even before becoming aware of what you are
Talking about responsibility, a small joke doing.
on how people understand responsibility: A beautiful story from the life of Buddha,
Once, a convict was scolding his lawyer, an enlightened master from India:
You are a useless lawyer. You dont even Once a person insulted Buddha openly. His
understand your responsibility of when to disciple Ananda said, I was getting so angry
raise an objection. with the person. Why did you keep quiet?
The puzzled lawyer asked him, I dont At least I would have given him a piece of
understand. When do you think I should my mind.
have raised an objection that I did not? Buddha calmly replied, You surprise me.
The convict replied, When the opposing What he was saying was completely
lawyer spoke, you objected. But, when the irrelevant and you know that. Then why are
judge declared me guilty, you kept your big you getting angry? You are punishing
mouth shut. That was the time to do all the yourself. It is foolishness. When somebody
objecting! else has made the mistake, why are you
suffering for it?


Moving with time, flowing with life, When you are too caught in the head, you
becoming a fluid process instead of being a start thinking that your logic, your head, can
solid ego is called intelligence. understand the whole of life. You try to frame
everything in this universe with your head.
Another small story:
Beyond the head is the gate Once, a student had freshly graduated in a
to loving Intelligence course on plumbing. He went with his
friends on a sight-seeing tour to Niagara
Once, a father and son checked into a cheap Falls. He took a look at the huge Falls and
motel at night. said, I think I can fix it!
The father tucked in the son to sleep and Your knowledge gives you the false
switched off the light assuring the son, illusion of knowing everything that exists. It
Dont be afraid, son. The angels are
keeps you firmly rooted in the head.
watching over you.
When your intelligence awakens, you
I know, said the boy. Two of them just bit
me! drop from the head to the heart, from logic to
love. Then, you operate neither from pure
Operating with intelligence is the process intellect nor from pure sentimental love. You
of going back to the innocence you were born operate just from loving intelligence, and you
with. It is not a process of becoming. It is not automatically radiate compassion to all of
attaining something new; it is discovering those around you.
your very being. It is the true door to knowing
you as you truly are.
When you are intellectual, you operate Understanding, not thinking
purely from the head, from logic.
A small story:
A small story:
Once, three wise men set out on a travel
A man was working on his doctorate in journey to the city with the hope that they
philosophy. He was so involved in his would learn more about life. They entered
studies and research, his wife thought he a big city and were surprised to see a very
would forget her if he was not reminded of tall building - a skyscraper - in the distance.
her once in a while. So one day, she casually They wondered what it might be.
mentioned to him, Honey, what is the one
reason you love me so much? They grouped and discussed what to do.
They were afraid to go near and see for
The man asked very seriously, When you themselves, thinking it may have something
say so much are you referring to the depth, dangerous in it. What if they did not know
quality, quantity or mode of expression? how to come out? So, they decided it was
better to find out before they ventured inside.

They analyzed and came up with all the mind becomes your master instead of a tool
things it could possibly be, based on all their in your hands.
past experiences. Finally, they concluded
it was something too big for human beings A small story:
and it must belong to giants. So, it was not There lived a king who had a very faithful
safe for them to be in this city of giants. servant. He was so loyal he had even risked
Very satisfied that they had gained this new his own life to save the life of the king on a
knowledge, they picked up their bags and couple of occasions.
went back to their village! On one such occasion, the king highly
So, you see there is not much you can pleased with the servant asked him for
anything he wanted. The servant humbly
understand from past knowledge. You cannot
replied, I dont need anything, O King. You
think about something in the mind and try to
have given me everything I need.
understand everything about it in that way.
You need to see it, to experience it in order to But the king insisted. Finally, the servant
fully understand. said, Ok. If you really want to give me
something, please make me the king for one
One more thing: you can only think about day. The king was a bit uncomfortable but
what you have known, what you have he had already promised and had to keep it
experienced. Can you think about anything up.
unknown? You may fantasize about what the The morning of the day the servant became
unknown could be, but that is still based on the king. He simply pointed to the king and
what you have seen in the past. ordered the royal guards, Kill him! The
With thinking, the energy of intelligence king was shocked and asked the servant,
and truth is not there, so the answer will be Do you know what you are saying? The
servant calmly replied, I am the king today.
based on your limited experience and it will
I can do what I wish to.
always lead to further questions and doubts.
The king was killed and the servant
Not falling back on the answers rising remained king forever.
from the past memory but functioning from
your present consciousness is called Understand: in this same way, when we
understanding. give the power of attorney to our mind, it takes
entire control over us.

Mind master or tool?

Body Intelligence
Thinking arises from the mind, which is
actually one of the most marvelous How many of us realize the tremendous
mechanisms. But the problem arises when the intelligence that our body possesses?


Intelligence of the digestive system. Imagine not even a single process has
system to be consciously thought about! It is
managed automatically and so precisely -
Take the example of our digestive system. adapting itself so beautifully to accommodate
The whole process of converting bread to all our diets.
blood is such a complex and delicate one -
After the stomach, the food passes into
requiring fine intelligence to convert the
the small intestine where the majority of the
different types of food into energy to run the
digestion takes place. It is actually a long
structure but so efficiently fitted in a small
What is achieved through a few feet of area with many folds which increases the
coiled intestine would need a few miles, if it surface area of absorption. Most of the
were an industry outside of the body! nutrients get absorbed in the small intestine.
The main function of the small intestine is
The process of digestion starts from our
absorption of nutrients. The complex products
mouth. We chew the food and the saliva we
like carbohydrates and proteins are broken
secrete starts the digestion. There are so many
down into basic elements and absorbed. The
big and small body elements that perform
nutrients that are absorbed are carried to the
amazing functions in the process. We swallow
liver for further processing.
the food and it passes through the throat into
the food pipe. Beautifully the food is blocked Then the food moves into the large
from going into the wind pipe instead of the intestine where mostly water absorption
food pipe - by the epiglottis. The food enters occurs. Then, the food that cannot be
into the stomach, which is like an elastic bag absorbed, like fiber for example, is mixed with
and has a delicate and powerful digestive other waste products from the body and
mechanism. Depending on the type of food thrown out as waste matter. This is just a basic
taken in like carbohydrates, proteins or fats, explanation of digestion. But in the body it is
the digestive mechanism varies. such a complex, well-organized and adaptive
The digestive fire in us, what we call
jataraagni in Sanskrit, is related to the acid
in the stomach. The stomach is such a delicate
organ but it actually contains this powerful Distributed Intelligence
acid needed to digest the food we eat. The
The human body starts from a single cell
stomach itself is beautifully protected from this
which replicates and becomes about 250
acid by a thick mucus layer around its wall
different types of cells.
which neutralizes the acid.
Imagine, one cell transforms into so many
All the complex foods we eat take just a
different specialized cells that form the
few hours to digest and get absorbed into our
complex parts of the body! Not only do these

cells do their specialized job, their very membrane intelligence in your
maintenance needs millions of things to be was not as system which runs
done in a second. And all their activities have simple a
your life without
to be coordinated for the body to function as structure as it
a single organism. It is the best example of was earlier
your interference.
distributed intelligence. believed.
Our body is not a simple centralized system
of intelligence controlled by the brain. The
Every cell in your body has human body is a highly evolved distributed
Intelligence system of intelligence beautifully and
seamlessly orchestrated.
We have been taught that the center of
our intelligence is in our brain. We think that
we control the body through our brain.
Science has all along been saying that the You are not needed to run
brain controls respiration, digestion, blood your life
circulation, and all such activities of the body.
An important thing to understand which
Now, cutting-edge research has given rise may shock you:
to a new field called epigenetics. One of the
pioneers in this field, Dr. Bruce Lipton*, an You have an independent intelligence in
eminent biologist, has been doing research in your system which runs your life without your
the field of epigenetics for over ten years. In interference.
his book, The Biology of Belief, he states Right now, you think you need to interfere
that our brain does not control our body. In with your intelligence in order to run your
fact, there is evidence of intelligence in every life happily. But the truth is the intelligence
cell, even in the cells membrane! with which you came down to planet earth,
Recent research at Sandia Nati-onal the intelligence which created your very body,
Laboratories, USA, supports cellular can run your life beautifully for you.
intelligence theory. Scientists there studied The intelligence or the energy based on
how cells responded to a harmful substance which you created your body at birth, is called
called an antigen that attacked the cells in the your bio-memory. You need to understand this
body. They concluded that even the cell important truth here: it is you who designed
membrane had a beautiful and complex your own body to enjoy specific things, to live
structure to fight the antigen, and that the cell for a particular number of years, and to do

Dr. Bruce Lipton - Molecular cellular biologist and author of The Biology of Belief, renowned for his seminal work in
relating genetics to conditioning.


with our natural

intelligence is particular Tell yourself, I have enough nice things
living a spiritual things. in the outer world, enough possessions. I have
enough good qualities in the inner world, my
life. When you
inner feelings. I am accepting myself
take birth, you
completely. There is no need to develop
decide your life, your enjoyments, whatever
myself in the outer world or in the inner world.
you want to do, based upon what you think is
If I have ego, that is ok. If I have guilt, that is
the juice of life. That same bio-memory has
ok. If I have fear, that is ok. If I have greed,
enough intelligence to live, run and expand your
that is ok. Whatever I have been told I have,
life. That tremendous intelligence is operating
is ok. Even if I am going to die the next
every single moment whether you believe it
minute, it is ok.
or not, whether you accept it or not. But our
limited understanding prevents us from Decide consciously, I accept everything.
realizing this - and we constantly feel that life Dont bother whether it is right or wrong.
has to be different from what it is at the present Whatever objection your mind raises, accept
moment. that also.
Trusting that intelligence and relaxing is Accept the present moment. Accept all the
what I call devotion. Surrendering to that future moments. Whatever your mind thinks
higher intelligence is true surrender. Living in as the worst thing that can happen to your life,
harmony with our natural intelligence is living accept even those moments. If it happens, you
a spiritual life. cannot avoid it. It is inevitable. Understand
the inevitability and accept everything.
Do this for 21 minutes.
Meditation technique Nithya
Your intelligence will simply awaken and
sutra of acceptance show you how to relate with every moment,
Please sit straight. Close your eyes and how to relate in every situation, in every
be in a relaxed way without moving the body. relationship.
Body movements will create thoughts. So if
your body is stable without movement, it can
take you to a deeper silence. Cosmic Intelligence responds
Very consciously and intensely, create an to us
intention that you are accepting yourself as
you are in the outer world and the inner world, This may be a surprising revelation, but
this moment. the truth is that universal or cosmic
intelligence responds to every thought of ours.


Interesting research by Japanese scientist, Dr. tremendous effect our thoughts, words and
Masaru Emoto* shows this point very clearly. intentions have on the planet and us!
Another real incident from history:
When India was under British rule, the
Water responds to our thoughts
British soldiers found that when they
Dr. Masaru Emoto* did experiments on carried water from England to India in their
water. He collected water samples from ships, the water got spoiled even while on
different sources and exposed them to various the ship. But when they carried water back
from India to England, the water not only
kinds of thoughts. Then he froze the samples
stayed fresh through the voyage, but also
and studied their crystalline structure through
remained fresh until they consumed all of
a microscope with the help of high-speed it back in England! When scientists studied
photography. Thousands of these crystals this surprising phenomenon, they found that
were studied under tightly regulated this fresh water was from the sacred river
conditions of temperature, cooling time and Ganga in Calcutta which was worshipped
lighting. by millions of people from around the
world. It had the natural properties of
He did various experiments on these water
neutralizing harmful bacteria and purifying
samples playing different types of music to
the water, talking to the water, reading out
from ancient life teachings, praying with a Billions of people have been praying to
certain intention etc. He found that when the Ganga for over thousands of years. Naturally
water samples were exposed to healing music, they have left their prayerful thoughts as
the water crystals that formed were very imprints on this water which is so energizing
beautiful and graceful. The water exposed to and self-healing.
negative feelings or thoughts did not form Even in Egypt, the river Nile* has been
crystals but rather an irregular structure which studied by the Egyptians over thousands of
reflected the emotions of the person handling years by measuring its flow, level, turbulence
them. etc. They have found that many times these
Our body is about seventy percent water. parameters reflected the calamities like
Planet earth is covered with over seventy earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis,
percent water. After studying the effect of that have happened or are about to happen in
mental thoughts on water, just imagine the even distant parts of the world.

Dr. Masaru Emoto - Japanese scientist and author of The Hidden Messages in Water showing the effects of ones
thoughts and words on water and therefore on living beings.
Nile - The longest river in the world flowing through Sudan, Egypt etc in Africa.


Connection with nature he is missing. In the same way, the man who
has forgotten the way of relating with the heart
What makes us become insensitive to can never be made to understand what he has
nature? The moment our ego comes into play lost.
we become insensitive to nature.
There was a beautiful story I was reading
about a poet who in his young age used to Space no bar
go and play with the wild animals near his
house. His father used to warn him that he I was reading about an experiment where
should not play with the wild animals some years back scientists used an
because they might harm him. electroencephalograph* (EEG) to measure the
But, he still used to go and sit with the wild brain waves of two people meditating
animals when he could. He would say, together. It was found that certain pairs of
When I was self-conscious and afraid that people showed a strong correlation in their
there was a possibility that the animals brain wave patterns. These strongly bonded
might harm me, they would never come pairs were asked to meditate side by side for
near me; the communication never some time. Then, they were moved to different
happened, the relationship never happened. rooms.
But, whenever I had courage or I was in a Then one of each meditating pair was
very playful mood, whenever I did not have
stimulated by bright lights flashing in the
the fear or the self-consciousness, the
room. The EEG brain wave recording showed
communication and relationship used to be
so strong. I could feel very clearly the activity in the brain of that meditator as
animals were connecting with me and I was expected; but, surprisingly it also showed that
connecting with them. the paired meditator in the other room who
was not stimulated by the lights also showed
Understand, what I mean when I say your
the same activity in the brain automatically
ego becomes strong, it means when your
and instantly!
identity that you are a separate person is felt
strongly. When this happens, your connection Understand: what happens in your mind
with nature is disturbed. The innocent way of affects not only you but also those around you.
relating is lost. The feeling of being connected Space is not a criterion for thoughts. They
is lost. This is one of the big losses that can simply travel in air. That is why in your house,
happen to a human being. if you express worry and negative thoughts a
lot, the very atmosphere for your family
It is similar to how a person who is born
members becomes heavy. They are affected
blind can never be made to understand what
by the negativity that you radiate.

Electroencephalograph - Machine which uses electrodes attached to the scalp to measure brain wave activity.

creative because it
Intellect Vs Intelligence if meditation is a part of the
removes the divine energy.
Our entire educational system is based rocks so that
upon evaluation of information, not intelligence. the water can flow smoothly.
It is driven by intellect and verbalization, not
Intelligence requires tremendous courage;
it needs a love for adventure! When you are
When you try to move on the basis of always going into the unknown, then
information you lose the ability to be intelligence grows, it becomes sharpened. It
intelligent. In fact, if you are logically logical grows only when it encounters the unknown
you will understand that logic itself is not every moment.
logical. Life is not logical. It cannot be
Intellect is only a mental game; it cannot
explained with the mundane logic and
be creative. Intellect is imaginative, but not
intellect. It happens in a plane much higher
creative. Intelligence is creative because it is
than the intellect.
a part of the divine energy.
The intelligent person lives moment to
moment, not through logic. He does not
believe in borrowed answers. He sees the Meditation technique drop the
challenge of the situation and directly intellect
responds to it.
The intellectual person is like a Just try this for the next 48 hours.
photograph; he has the imprint of the past on Consciously decide you are not going to think
him. The intelligent person is like a mirror; about your problems. Drop your intellect which
he reflects and responds to reality and is continuously tells you that you do not have
therefore spontaneous. enough intelligence to solve your problems
spontaneously, that you do not have the
The intellect is a beautiful mechanism but capacity to produce that much spontaneity.
only as long as it remains a tool. It should not
become the controlling factor. When you put Work on solving your problems boldly and
your intellect aside, a deeper intelligence with simple awareness and you will see that a
awakens inside you. You start functioning from higher intelligence comes into play. One lesson
your center instead of from the periphery. And you will learn is that without your knowledge,
your center is pure intelligent energy. the higher intelligence comes in to do things
for you. When you become sensitive to this
Intelligence can be rediscovered. The only happening, your awareness will take a
way to rediscover it is meditation. Meditation quantum jump. Then you no longer need to
destroys all the barriers, all the blocks which work to dissolve your problems. Problems will
society has created, that prevent you from simply dissolve with the play of spontaneous
being intelligent. Like in a flowing river, its as intelligence in your life.


Responsibility Elevates You

With the intelligence gained about who we Only if we take up responsibility for
are and what we are doing here, comes the everything that happens in our lives will we
feeing of responsibility for others. We know start growing.
then that we are not independent of others
Vivekananda* beautifully says, Take as
but interlinked to each other.
much responsibility as you can shoulder. The
Some years back, there was an epidemic more responsibility you take, the more you
of tuberculosis in Tamil Nadu in South India. expand. Expansion is the only growth. Without
Finally, medicines were found and the expansion, you will contract and die.
epidemic was contained. The officials
A small story:
responsible for eradicating it proudly claimed
that they were the ones responsible for curing Once a man was giving a talk on
it. But did they take up the responsibility for Responsibility at the Charity Club. He gave
an example of what happened a few days
the fact that it was allowed to spread all over
back. He said, A friend and I were walking
the town in the first place? No! They were
down the street towards the park when we
actually responsible for allowing the
saw a helpless man lying unconscious on
tuberculosis to spread also, right? They should the road. He paused and looked at the
have prevented it to begin with and not just concerned faces of the audience.
taken credit for managing the crisis!
Then he continued, Nobody had bothered
Likewise, in our lives we claim to help him. Not only that, when we came
responsibility for anything good that happens, back after our walk, the poor man was still
but we dont take responsibility for anything lying there!
bad that happens. We take up responsibility Instead of blaming others, let us look into
with discrimination. ourselves and see what we are doing about

Vivekananda Primary disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Founder of the Ramakrishna Order. 19th century
Eastern mystic considered a key figure in spreading awareness of Hinduism and Yoga in Europe and America.


responsible for all

that is happening the problem. as music, so too will the air that enters you
around you, do you The more flow through you as energy!
become a leader.
you take up, the
more you grow. A cognitive shift
Only when you feel responsible for all that is
happening around you do you become a leader. When you take up responsibility, a
Until then you are just a follower. cognitive shift happens in you. Your mental
setup changes. Many of us live life like slaves.
For example, if you work eight hours in your
Compassion is responsibility office just following orders you will feel dull
and tired. Instead, if you take up responsibility
and energy and initiative, that same eight hours will
One of my disciples once asked me, become much easier and more enjoyable.
Swamiji, how is it that so much energy For example, take the case of a person
constantly flows through you? who is running his own business and another
When you feel compassion towards person who is working for a company. The
others suffering, the whole thing takes the owner of the business has the full
shape of responsibility and expresses itself responsibility of his business, but the person
as energy, thats all. For that matter, when who is working for some other company does
anyone takes up the responsibility of not really feel the full responsibility. If he does
suffering, they will immediately start radiating not feel the responsibility, the whole job
energy. becomes like a burden on him. There is little
or no self-motivation. He keeps looking at his
Be very clear, you can stand up only if watch to see if it is time to leave! For him,
you feel responsible for peoples growth, only only the first of every month is sweet, since it
if you feel responsible for uplifting them. is payday! In a month, he sacrifices twenty
When you can say that you will do whatever nine days of his life for one day of joy. A sense
you can for people, when you stand up with of personal responsibility can help turn around
responsibility, you expand and the divine any situation. A sense of personal
energy flows through you. Contemplate on responsibility can achieve great things.
this concept so that you can deeply understand
it. When you stand up with responsibility,
you become a solid force. Until then, you
When you are free from ego and stand up remain a burden for yourself and for others.
with responsibility, the expansion happens We often think that we are in an ordinary job.
and you become like the bamboo flute. Then, We wonder why we should take up more
just as the air that enters the bamboo leaves it


responsibility when our higher authorities at Nithyananda is different from the status of
work are not doing so. Nithyananda.
Let me tell you, in an office, when a janitor
does all his duties perfectly, he will inspire
people. You see, the head of the organization Ego Vs Responsibility
has to be responsible. No credit is given to
When you stand up feeling responsible,
him for that! But someone in a lesser position
your problems will dissolve. A new
demonstrating such responsibility is a true
intelligence will awaken in you. Dont think
you are being egoistic. Ego is different from
There is a greater chance of people at a responsibility. When you feel responsible, you
lower post inspiring others through their sense will take the initiative, you will not feel egoistic.
of responsibility than people at a higher level Only when you think that you would have done
doing so. So dont wait to get some authority better than the other person will ego come
to become responsible. into play. When ego comes into play, you will
Secondly, dont think that you are in a not take up responsibility.
lesser post, and therefore you need not be
Thirdly, allow the cognitive shift to Trust and patience
happen in you.
I always tell people, Do not think you have
There is a beautiful story about Buddha. a certain amount of energy and you will work
It is said that when Buddha went to beg, He according to that energy. No. Whatever work
would appear like a king, and the kings who and responsibility you take up, the energy
gave Him alms would appear like beggars! starts expressing accordingly. You will have
Appearing like a beggar or a king is not energy according to the responsibilities which
because of your status or the property that you you take up. Whatever responsibility you take
own. It is because of the state inside you. upon yourself, you will see that your inner
space expands to that extent and energy flows
When you take up responsibility for the
through you!
entire cosmos, you will expand and look like
a leader, you will become a leader. Even if a If you feel responsible for whatever is
leader sits on his throne and does not take happening around you, you suddenly become
responsibility, but instead points his finger at a leader. You start transforming your life and
others for responsibility, he will appear small. others lives. Responsibility is one of the ways
The state is that which gets the status. The to consciously grow.
status can never get the state. The state of

Responsibility is a LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT

You only on a bed. He said, On this side of the
need to do two things: trust that life is good ocean, some country is suffering from some
and know that you can expand to the natural calamity. Please find out where we
responsibilities that you take up. are needed, and send our swamis* to go and
do the relief work. The next morning they
Another thing: When that expansion received the news that there was an
happens, just hold on and have patience earthquake on a nearby island. All the
during the transformation process. Patience swamis rushed to do the relief work.
during the transformation process is what I
Vivekananda was sensitive to and actually
call tapas or penance. There is a beautiful
felt the pain felt by people so many miles
phrase of the teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba*:
Shraddha Saburi trust and patience. This
is the essence of life. With enlightenment, practically the whole
cosmos is felt inside your body. A deep
Why dont we allow big breakthroughs
pressured compassion lands on you along with
in our life? Because we dont trust that life
the enlightenment experience. Understand, it
leads us into a new space. Have trust and
is a great responsibility. It is not just freedom.
patience. The simple truth is that when you
It is a great responsibility too.
take more responsibility, you just expand and
more energy starts expressing through you.

State, not status

Responsibility of Most of us wait for the status to come in
enlightenment order to take up the responsibility. Be very
clear, it doesnt work that way. Only if you
Understand, enlightenment comes with a take up responsibility will the status come.
tremendous responsibility. It comes with a Those who wait for the status will not take
tremendous pressured compassion. up responsibility even after they get the status!
Pressured is the right word to use! Your They will simply find another reason or
whole being will be vibrating with an intense excuse, thats all.
compassion, with a very deep compassion.
Be very clear, responsibility is a
Let me tell you one incident: consciousness.
Early one morning, Vivekananda suddenly Many people think that if they get
got up and said, I have a deep pain in the enlightened, they will get a golden throne.
right hand. At that time he was lying down They think that somebody will give them food

Shirdi Sai Baba - An enlightened master worshipped by Hindus and Muslims alike. Lived in Shirdi near Nasik in India.
Swamis - A honorific term used for a sannyasi, a monk.


and a place to stay. They think that people master and try to achieve it, you will be
will worship their photograph. If you see the successful. You will be happy. You will enjoy
status of the enlightened master and try to it. That is the difference between state and
achieve enlightenment for that, you will feel status.
cheated! If you see the state of the enlightened



Leadership is a State, Not a Status

When we become responsible for others, in their fields who are excelling in all areas of
we no longer are focused on us. We move their business making a profit, delivering good
towards serving other people. Serving other products and services, providing service to
people is leadership. Pandering to ones own society, providing satisfaction to their
needs without a care about others is absence employees, etc.
of leadership.
So we can say, true leaders are actually
1% of the 1% of successful business
organizations. It means just 0.01% of the
Background overall working population actually has true
leadership qualities in them! We can say the
There are so many books these days about
same about organizations in other fields. This
leadership and how it is an important part of
is what I mean when I say true leaders are
making an organization successful. There are
so many so-called leadership gurus who teach
and train people in organizations to develop Let us now try and understand why this is
leadership. Yet when we look at all the case. For this, we need to understand:
organizations, whether they are doing business 1. What is Leadership?
to make a profit, or in government service or
in the area of social services, true leaders are 2. Can leaders be created or do you have
to be a born leader?
3. What are the key ingredients that make
If you look at any organization you will
find that less than 1% tends to become the a successful leader?
so-called leaders in the organization. If you 4. Why do some individuals effortlessly
look at business organizations, we can say that and naturally lead and most others struggle?
there are probably only 1% of these
5. How do we start the process of our
organizations that can claim to be true leaders
individual journey to become leaders?


Let us now understand step by step all Leadership and Leader, you will be amazed
these points. at the millions of hits that come up! Just
recently when I typed the word Leadership
on Google it had 156 million hits and the word
What is Leadership? Leader had 278 million hits!
So whatever needs to be written or said
So many books have been written on this
on these topics has been said! So I am here to
subject of leadership by management gurus,
mainly give you a few examples from the
professors and consultants. Most of them
leading management gurus and their concepts
have spoken about how a successful leader
of a leader and more importantly to give you
should be. There are a lot of courses
the real understanding, tools and techniques
conducted by companies on leadership, team
on how to become a leader and how anyone
work, etc.
can radiate leadership as a result of personal
My disciples who have come from the transformation!
corporate world have described to me how
Understand, every human being is a
these courses are conducted and what they
potential leader. Leadership is not a quality
have been striving to achieve through these
only some people have been born with as is
courses. They have also told me that while
viewed and understood currently. Everyone
the courses have been helpful to them, the
can become a leader and the quality of
effect from the courses tends to wear off
leadership arises from ones ability to take
within a short period after the courses are
responsibility for a particular organization, a
situation or a particular group.
I am told of weekend boot camps where
team spirit is built by climbing ropes, playing
games, creating a sense of friendship, etc. The Can leaders be created or
gist I picked up from hearing my disciples is
that these training programs tend to work on do you have to be a born
the outer attributes but do little to change or leader?
improve the inner software of the individuals
so that leadership can radiate from the A lot has been said by many people on
individual. Leadership to me is not a quality, what a leader should be. But there is very
but an experience that can radiate from an little that has been said about actually how to
individual who has experienced personal get there. What exactly do I mean by this?
growth and transformation. Is leadership some quality you have to be
Now let me give you some explanations born with or can it be cultivated? How can
of how leadership is described traditionally. If one develop leadership skills? Can a person
you search the internet under the terms

truly lead an organization if he or she is caught techniques for us to live blissfully with
up in personal struggles and confusions? ourselves. These tools and techniques are
what I call meditation techniques.
Before we get into these details, let me
first say that leadership skills CAN be So most of my discussion on leadership
cultivated. It is all about achieving the state of will be focused on giving an understanding of
consciousness of a leader and not the status human emotions, the mind and how we can
that is achieved by becoming a leader. use these simple understandings from the inner
scientists to help us lead a successful and
When you read this, please do not think I
fulfilling life.
am going to take you through a spiritual
journey! The process I am going to take you In most organizations, those who have
through is a time-tested, proven science of become leaders have achieved the status of
personal transformation. It is a product of ten the leader. They may not have necessarily
thousand years of research and development achieved the state of the leader. What do I
from the Eastern system of inner science. mean by this? To understand this, first let us
What do I mean by this? understand the key ingredients that make a
successful leader.
Firstly, understand that every civilization
has focused its energies in certain fields. In
the West, they focused their efforts on the
outer world science, innovation, discovery and What are the key ingredients
creation of products and services to improve that make a successful
the quality of life and comforts. These outer
world scientists have discovered so many
products and services which have greatly A small story:
benefitted humanity and improved the quality
of life of humans all over the world. There was once a great war between two
countries. The war had been going on for
Just as there is science of the outer world, some time and the soldiers were starting to
there is a vast science of the inner world, feel tired of the long battle.
something that lies within all of us. The
On a hot afternoon, a man in civilian
scientists of the inner world or rishis worked clothes was riding past a small group of
on various tools and techniques to handle the tired soldiers digging a huge pit. The group
different emotions we experience and our leader was shouting orders and threatening
mind. Over the last ten thousand years, these punishment if the work was not completed
scientists of the inner world have created tools within the hour.
and techniques that help us handle our The man riding the horse stopped and asked,
emotions and overcome the stress and Sir, why are you only shouting orders? Why
depression from emotions. They have created


cant you help them yourself? asked the The army general exhibited some of the
stranger on horseback. key qualities that are important for a true
The group leader looked at him and replied, leader:
What do you mean? I am the leader. The 1. Honesty and Responsibility
men do as I tell them. He then added, If
you feel so strongly about helping them, you 2. Caring genuinely about people
are welcome to do so yourself! 3. Confidence
The man got down from his horse and 4. Efficiency and lateral thinking skills
started walking up to the soldiers at work.
The group leader was simply shocked! The 5. Attention to detail
man took up the tools and started helping
6. Efficiency and Effectiveness
the soldiers and worked with them till the
job was finished! 7. Broad-based thinking and doing
Before leaving the man congratulated the I will discuss these traits in greater detail
soldiers for their work, and approached the in the following sections.
group leader.
He said, The next time your status prevents
you from supporting your people, you should Leader Consciousness
inform your higher authorities, and I will
provide a more permanent solution.
The group leader was now completely
surprised. Only now he looked closely at
Leadership - a result of a
the man,,and realized that the man was the conscious choice made by an
army general! individual
We now need to ask ourselves how many What do I mean by this term, Leader
so-called leaders in organizations exhibit the Consciousness?
qualities of the group leader. And how many
people do you know who exhibit the qualities Most of us achieve the status of a leader,
of the army general? but not the state. State is totally different from
status. Status comes from society. When you
Regardless of the status in an organization, are leading a group of people, if you are forced
you will agree that the majority of the so-called to take the responsibility of some department
leaders exhibit the qualities of the group or if you take the responsibility out of your
leader. They achieve the status of the leader greed, the status comes. But the state is totally
but not the state of the leader. different.
There are very few people who are ready When I use the word state I mean your
to really help get the work done. inner space or your being should be mature


enough to handle what you are entering or dependent on the past to take decisions, please
the responsibility which you are assuming. be very clear, you will be a follower. You
When we just get the status without achieving cannot be a leader.
the state, all the problems which exist in the
Responding spontaneously to situations is
corporate world start - stress and tension in
what I call responsibility.
the personal level, and backbiting and politics
in the level of the team. All these problems A responsible leader is a person who is
start when you dont achieve the state but just able to respond spontaneously to situations,
achieve the status. who is fresh and continuously keeps himself
alive, who is not caught in the past.
Here I am trying to express to you the
truths from the great traditions of the East - Let me try to give you a small diagram on
how to achieve leader consciousness, how to how the mind works, how the state of a leader
achieve the state of the leader and not just is achieved, how leader consciousness
the status. See, status is very easy, state is happens in us. Let us understand how the mind
something which we really need to achieve. works - how we receive data, process it and
make decisions.
Status will simply follow a man who has
achieved the state of a leader. Even if the status
takes its own time, he will not be bothered, he
will live like a king! His very life will be totally
fulfilled. The invaluable feeling of fulfillment
happens to beings who achieve leader

State of a leader Vs Status of

a leader
For example, you are seeing something
What do I mean by the word, state of the
through your eye. Of course, you receive
information through all the five senses - eyes,
A true leader is a person who is ready to ears, nose, tongue and touch. For now, let us
take responsibility consciously, who is ready take the example of the eye. When you see
to handle life consciously, who is not constantly with your eyes, immediately the file goes to a
dependent on the past or his memory. If you space called the chakshu*, it is just like a
are dependent on your memory, if you are Digital Signal Processor (DSP). Whatever you

Chakshu - Energy behind the power of sight.


person who is
ready to take are seeing time, or I read similar books but did not feel
responsibility through the eye any benefit, if you feel negative you will decide
is converted to not to continue reading. The ego decides based
a bio-signal, just on your past experiences. This is the way your
who is not like a digital mind functions.
constantly signal file. This
Now, the important thing which you need
dependent on the file moves to a
to understand is, the decision is taken
past memory. space called
unconsciously. If the process happens like
chitta * in
this, in a straightforward way, you will not have
Sanskrit which is just like memory in a
any problem and things will go very smoothly
computer. Here the process of identification
in your life. Everything will be clear and
starts. For example, you are now seeing this
book - the whole file goes to the DSP,
chakshu*, and the whole file is converted into But this process does not always happen
a bio-signal file, and then it moves to chitta, in a straightforward way. Sometimes things
memory. start happening in an unconscious way. For
example, if you were hurt or disturbed by
The memory starts analyzing - This is not
something that was said in a similar book you
a stone, this is not a tree, this is not an animal
read before, the moment you see this book,
The elimination process happens in the
unconsciously that memory will be awakened.
memory. This process of elimination happens
in the memory. Next, the identification, This You see, in your life, if you are hurt or
is a book, happens in the mind or manas*. In disturbed in a particular place, or by a
the mind, you start identifying, This is a book, particular situation, or by a person wearing a
It is a book on spirituality, It is written by an particular colored dress, the next time when
enlightened being. you go to that place, or the next time you see
another person wearing the same colored
After identification, the file then moves to
dress, you will go through the same low mood
a space which I call ego, the decision-making
even if you know logically that the place or
center. In the ego you start thinking, In what
that person has nothing to do with your past
way am I connected to this situation? If your
experiences. You will have that same memory
past experiences with similar books were
again in your mind. You will again have that
good, you decide to continue to read. If your
same experience. This is what I call
past experiences were not good, if you felt
samskaras or engraved memories.
Oh, this is not worth it, I felt very bored last

Chitta - Memory.
Chakshu - Energy behind the power of sight.
Manas - Mind.


These engraved memories distort or because of this engram you decide to smoke,
disturb your decision-making capacity. You even if you consciously know that smoking is
see, if the whole process of the mind map I injurious to health.
just described happens consciously, then it is
In the same way, many times in your life,
a straightforward and logical process. But due
even if you know what is right, simply you
to the unconscious mind, a lot of times, the
decide unconsciously because of your
process is not straightforward. As I described
engrams. Your life is under the control of
earlier, we tend to get biased based on our
unconscious engrams, it is not under your
experiences we have had with a particular
control. You may think that you are taking the
person or a particular situation. This is the
decision, but your unconscious engrams are
space where politics happens! This is the
taking the decisions!
space where things move illogically. This is
the space where the past memories or engrams These samskaras or engrams are the root
will be sitting and you do not even know what cause of our behavior. They are the reason
decision you are making! why we behave in a certain way with certain
people. The engrams tend to cloud our
Let me give you one more example to give
judgments when we have to take decisions.
you more understanding of the unconscious
They influence how we accomplish our tasks
mind. If we analyze logically or consciously,
in an organization. It is these engrams that
all of you know that smoking is injurious to
dictate our productivity, interpersonal skills,
health. If we follow through the process from
teamwork, judgment and all our responses and
eye to the mind, you know clearly that smoking
behavior. But engrams are never understood
is injurious to health, according to the data
and more importantly given any importance
collected by your senses. But suddenly, even
in the field of corporate training and leadership
though logic tells us not to smoke, you decide
to smoke, beyond your logic and
consciousness. This is where the unconscious The Eastern mystics and inner scientists
engrams are sitting. have spent thousands of years developing tools
and meditation techniques to cleanse us from
Even though you consciously know that
these engraved memories. These samskaras
smoking is injurious to health, when the data
can be effectively erased through meditation
moves to the ego, when the file takes a
quantum leap, you just decide to smoke.
Maybe some memory, or some experience Recently I visited one of my devotees
which you had in the past must have made houses and saw a beautiful one-liner in the
you feel relaxed when you smoked. Or maybe living room:
when you smoked during your youth, you may I am the boss of this house, I have my
have felt like a hero. So these engrams have wifes permission to say so!
been associated with this habit, and suddenly,


Similarly, you may think you are the boss, invention of computers and new
but your unconscious engrams are leading you! communications technologies such as the
As long as you are caught by these internet and cell phone, the world has become
unconscious samskaras, you can never a much smaller place. While there has been
achieve the state of a leader. You may achieve an increase in productivity in companies, it has
the status of a leader with a lot of suffering often come at a huge price on the health
and struggle. (physical and mental) and well being of the
employees. Let us now start to understand
Be very clear, if you sit in the leaders
what is productivity and how productivity can
chair with a lot of suffering and struggle, you
be enhanced without the side effects of stress.
will tend to create the same suffering and
struggle for your subordinates! In simple terms, productivity can be
measured as:
Again and again, your mind will say,
When I suffered and struggled so much, why Productivity = Output / Input
not them! You will just reproduce your old
The measure of output may be certain
mental setup on others. This can be a very
number of tasks completed by a particular
de-motivating factor in organizations.
individual or team or revenue in the case of a
manufacturing company. The measure of input
may include the number of hours worked on
Productivity a particular project, manufacturing costs etc.

Definitions and understanding Understanding from Eastern

mysticism - impact of engrams
A small story:
on productivity
Once a boss asks his employee, Why did it
take you six months to complete such a Billions of dollars are spent by companies
simple task? globally to enhance human productivity. Most
The employee replies, Because of your of these efforts are centered on providing new
confusing directions, continuous changes skills specific to training in a particular area
and short work days! of the organizations focus or improving
technology such as use of computers, internet
The boss replies, I was looking for
or other forms of media and communications.
something like you being lazy!
Some companies also invest in developing
So much has been written and said about softer skills such as interpersonal skills, team-
productivity in organizations. Productivity has building skills, etc. But most of these trainings
become the mantra in organizations for the tend to address the conscious mind - actions,
last two or three decades. As a result of behaviors and perceptions that are just on the

surface. But over 90% of our emotions and interpretation of the mind. Traditional training
behaviors reside deep under the surface of and skills development in various organizations
our mind. This is what the psychoanalyst, address only the conscious mind which is just
Sigmund Freud, calls the unconscious mind. ten percent of your potential. Ninty percent
of the potential can be actualized only when
If we look at the mind, there are thoughts
we address samskaras. This huge potential
and perceptions which are accumulated in our
can be experienced through meditation
mind at a conscious level. But there are deeper
memories and stored knowledge that we use
to help us solve problems. Then there is a To give you an example of what I just
whole range of emotions and experiences that described, I would like you to take fifteen
are embedded in the unconscious level. This minutes of your time on a simple exercise.
is where the samskaras or engraved Take a white sheet of paper and just write
memories reside. down whatever comes to your mind. Please
do not edit, filter or pass judgment on any of
Most corporate training programs focus
the thoughts that come to your mind. Just
on the conscious mind to impart knowledge
behave as though a thought recorder (just
or particular skills. But actually it is as though
like a voice recorder) is attached to you and
we are sitting on a volcano of emotions that
you are jotting down whatever comes to your
is just waiting to burst and erupt any time!
mind. Now after fifteen minutes put the pen
These hidden emotions are what make us
aside and read what you have just written.
behave inefficiently and even illogically at
times! If you have honestly recorded whatever
came to your mind, you will realize the kind of
So samskaras or engraved memories
stray, unconnected, illogical thoughts that go
interfere with the decision-making process,
through the mind. These thoughts are like
these can be called the inefficiencies present
friction in a machine. They make the machine
in the mind! The more the number of engrams,
very inefficient and unproductive. This is the
the more clouded is our thought process, and
root cause of low productivity.
the lower is the output. In other words, to
produce a particular output, having more Several of my disciples, who have gone
samskaras will require more time or people through this process and consciously worked
or costs. So this results in lower productivity. on eliminating their samskaras, always come
and tell me that they are now finding so much
time in their busy lives since they are no longer
Freudian representation of the troubled by the wavering mind and illogical
unconscious mind thoughts.
The tool for elimination of these stray
Most readers who have studied thoughts arising from samskaras is what I call
psychology are familiar with the Freudian

elimination of
these stray meditation. various emotions and responding to situations,
thoughts arising Once these all of which is dependent on the level of
thoughts are samskaras that may be haunting us.
from samskaras is
eliminated, it is
what I call like reducing the
Without the load of these samskaras, you
meditation. will find that your innate intellect and the skills
friction in a
you have developed through your education,
machine and
training or life experiences will directly be used
allowing the machine to be more efficient,
in delivering the output instead of being
more productive.
knocked around by your mind. You will see
Thousands of people from all races, the productivity simply shoots up!
nationalities, social and economic background
This is an area that has mostly not been
have gone through this process of eliminating
looked at by companies and organizations. But
samskaras in our meditation programs.
there are simple tools and techniques from the
Thousands of people come and tell me that in
Eastern mystics who have developed
addition to improving their overall productivity,
techniques to cleanse the mind of these
they are able to maintain better interpersonal
relationships, feel less stress, and be more
creative and innovative in their personal and Sometimes people ask me, If we are free
professional lives. I have also had interesting of samskaras, will we stop thinking? Will we
conversations with leading corporate leaders become lazy and complacent? I tell you, it is
and Nobel Laureates on this subject where actually the opposite. Please refer again to
they have shared amazing evidences of the experiment I gave you a while back on
improved innovation and intuitive skills jotting down your thoughts on a piece of paper
developed as a result of becoming free of for fifteen minutes. If the mind is free from
samskaras. the effects of samskaras, you will see a
quantum jump in intelligence and you will be
So we can now elaborate on the equation
creative and a whole new zone of intelligence
to describe productivity. We can restate the
will emerge. You will see that all of a sudden
equation as follows:
you will be able to develop skills of intuition
Productivity = Output/Input and innovation that emerge from your being.
Input = (Intellect + Technical Skills + Understand, this is not a mystical zone you
Samskaras) are going to enter into. Be very clear, the skills
of intuition reside in all of us. They have been
As you know, we live with our mind 24
clouded by the impact of samskaras. Let me
hours a day, 365 days a year. For most people,
now describe how a mind-body system that is
the mind is constantly running, analyzing,
free from samskaras will improve intuition and
passing judgment on individuals, having


Impact of samskaras on mind is a faithful servant. We have created a

society that honors the servant and has
intuition and innovation forgotten the gift.
Intuition is a wonderful subject. If you ask Whether we believe it or not or accept it
modern day CEOs how they took major or not, there is something called intuition. Of
decisions in their lives, what caused the turning course, even Einstein* says this is a gift,
point in their lives, again and again their answer because we are not sure when it will come
surprises us. Again and again they tell us that and whether it will come or not.
their success came from something beyond
But yogis, the mystics, say again and again,
their intellect that gave them the energy or
you can work for it and you can be sure about
the guts to take the decisions. This is not just
it. You dont have to think that intuition is a
the case with successful CEOs, it is the same
gift. You can work for it. It can become a
with scientists also.
part of your life. Whatever new things have
The other day I had a chance to have lunch happened, have happened only through
with Dr Charles Townes*, Nobel laureate in intuition, only when something has happened
the field of Laser and maser. I asked him, Sir, beyond your intellect and your whole being is
how did your discovery happen? How were integrated.
you able to do it? He answered in a beautiful
When you are at your peak, something
way, I was just sitting in a park in Washington
opens. You may call it revelation or intuition,
DC and suddenly something happened. The
which happens beyond intellect. Mystics have
conclusion was there in me. Suddenly the
again and again said that it is a science. If you
conclusion was revealed to me. I penned down
can tune yourself to this intuition or this energy,
what I experienced. Now I had a big difficulty.
which is continuously available in your being,
I had the conclusion but not the steps. I was
you can use this in your regular life. Mystics
not able to present this to anybody else because
again and again say it is an incident and you
I knew only the conclusion but I didnt know
can make it happen. They know how to make
the steps.
it happen. We will see how you can awaken
This happened not only with Charles that power inside your being. We will see how
Townes*, it had also happened with Albert the intuitive skills can be linked to the workings
Einstein*. He says, Whatever new happened of the mind which I discussed earlier.
to me, came through intuition and not through
Before we discuss intuition in greater
intellect. He summed it up beautifully, saying,
detail, let us first dispel the myths that intuition
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, the rational

Dr Charles Townes - Nobel laureate in physics for work related to maser and laser.
Albert Einstein - Scientist and Nobel laureate.


know the logic,

you call it a is some kind of In trying to understand the process of
coincidence. a fluke of intuition, let us refer back to the mind map we
nature. I would discussed earlier. We talked about how the
Nothing can
like you to process of taking information from a sense
happen without a understand that such as the eye works through chakshu *
cause on planet intuition is a skill (Digital Signal Processor), chitta (memory),
earth. that can be manas* (mind) and then takes a quantum
developed just jump to the ego where the decisions are
as any other skills that you acquire. It comes clouded by samskaras or engraved memories.
from you, from no one else! Because we have
The process in the gap between the eye
not experienced that zone, that part, that
and mind is conscious. You are aware of this
dimension of our being, we have forgotten it.
process. It happens with your awareness. But
Someone asked me in a meditation the mind to ego process you are not aware
program, I remember someone and the next about it. Many a time, the process happens
moment the phone rings and he is there on without your awareness. You decide against
the line. I remember someone at a party and your logic. You decide against your thought
next moment I see him. I asked the people in process. For example, according to the data
the program if this kind of an incidence had that you have collected, you know that smoking
happened to them at least once in their lifetime. is injurious to health, it is not good for your
More than seventy percent of the people said body or mind. But when the mind takes an
this had happened! If it happens in one persons unconscious leap to the ego, you simply take
life once, you can say it is a coincidence. But the decision to smoke!
if it happens with seventy percent of people,
The conscious process says, No, it is not
it cannot be called a coincidence! There is
good for health. But the unconscious process
more to it. There is some logic behind it.
saysit doesnt even say, it just takes the
We may not be able to know logically but decision and you execute. These decisions are
we cannot brush it aside. When you know the not under your control because the
logic, you call it an incident. When you dont unconscious is very powerful.
know the logic, you call it a coincidence.
The unconscious can be used in three
Nothing can happen without a cause on planet
ways at the instinct level, intellect level and
earth. It is always cause and effect. When
intuition level. As long as the unconscious is
you know the cause and effect link, you call it
filled with negative memories and restlessness,
an incident. When you dont know, you call it
it works at the instinct level. You decide just
a coincidence.
instinctively. You dont even know why you

Chakshu - Energy behind the power of sight.

Manas - Mind.


are angry. Suddenly you burst. Sometimes, only then you will be able to understand what
when you see some activities or some words I mean by the word intuition. Intuition is
that you speak, you feel it is not you. You do something which happens to you beyond your
something and then you think, This is not me, intellect. Suddenly you know for sure that this
how did I do it? How did I allow this to is the right thing and you have enough energy
happen? This happens because the also to do it but you dont know the step how
unconscious is working in the instinct level. you came to the conclusion but you know for
sure this is right.
Many times, you just associate things
without even any logical connection. For This energy is needed whenever you are
example, if you have been disturbed by faced with a situation where there is no
somebody who was wearing a white dress, precedence - when you are stuck with
the moment you see somebody wearing a minimum data and you need to take decisions
white dress, the past memory comes up and or you have a lot of choices and you are not
you feel the anger. This is the instinct level. able to decide what you are supposed to do.
Without your conscious mind, without even In these type of situations, the intuition energy
you understanding, just like that it happens. can help you. The intuitive power can give
you the courage or give you the right choice.
If your unconscious is loaded with
Intuition again and again gives you the energy
samskaras, if your unconscious is restless, you
not only to decide but to execute what you
will be at the instinct level. The next is the
have decided.
intellect level. You are conscious but you dont
have enough enthusiasm. You just go with a People ask me, How do I find out whether
conscious mind but you are not creative, not I am having intuition or I am just intellectual?
innovative. You dont take big steps, you dont Sometimes I am confused about whether it is
grow. It is just like a faithful servant as intellect or intuition. I tell them, be very clear,
Einstein * says. The intellect is a faithful if you are confused, it is only intellect. The
servant. You can be a servant throughout your very confusion shows that it is only intellect.
life. You can be just a servant, but nothing more When you experience intuition, not only you
or big can happen through you. You will be get the intellectual clarity, the answer, but you
collecting the data, processing it and delivering also get enough power to execute it. The
it nothing more than a computer. If you are potential power which is inside your being is
standing only at the intellect level, you are not just unleashed. You open up and just like that
using your potential to the maximum, to the you start expressing it, executing it.
extent to which it is supposed to be used.
Now the next question: How to awaken
The next is intuition. To understand intuition the intuition? How to awaken the intuitive
you need to go deep into the whole science; power? If you can consciously give rest to it

Albert Einstein - Scientist and Nobel laureate.


nothing to do with
data which you for a while, the energy, which is in our being, which
collect; it is energy which is continuously invites you again and again to
in that experience it. Whenever we find time, sit by
something to do
unconscious yourself. You can always see, we give
with the way in level will open appointment to everybody, but never give
which you process up. And usually appointment to ourselves. If you have given
the data. when the appointment to yourself, you can always see
unconscious that some part of your being wants to express,
level energy opens up, first whatever we wants to do something more, but we never
suppressed will come out. Next, a pure energy give chance or time to that part, to that portion
which we call intuition will start to express. of our being. We are so caught up with our
intellect. We think that our intellect is the
When pure energy starts expressing from
ultimate, but again and again mystics prove
the unconscious level, you dont use the
something more than intellect is possible.
unconscious at the instinct level or intellectual
level. You use it for intuition. The higher level In any discovery or invention, you can see
energy starts happening in you. And of course, that the role of intuition is always there.
above all, the mystics demonstrated to us over Whether it is Albert Einstein or Issac Newton*,
thousands of years that the higher level energy they have had something beyond intellect.
heals you physically, mentally and emotionally. Something beyond intellect has happened in
Apart from healing, this can help reduce the them. This same energy exists in all of us.
stress and help decide spontaneously. This energy can also express in all of us if we
can tune ourselves to that energy. Tuning
Spontaneity has nothing to do with data
ourselves to that energy is what I call
which you collect; it is something to do with
the way in which you process the data. The
same data, same information can be processed
in many ways. Intuition is all about how you
process and how you come to the conclusion Meditation technique
beyond your intellect.
We can prepare ourselves, we can tune
ourselves to this intuitive energy through Mahamantra meditation
techniques and methods which we call
meditation. In the East we use the word The Mahamantra meditation is an ancient
meditation to tune ourselves with the higher Tibetan Buddhist technique to awaken the
anahata chakra*, located at the heart center.

Issac Newton - Physicist and mathematician, pioneer of classical physics.

Anahata chakra - Subtle energy center in the heart region related to love.


This meditation makes your mind firm and your lips together and producing the sound
stable. Your mind is all the time oscillating with Mmmm. This humming should be as
thoughts. This meditation makes your mind still lengthy as possible before taking the next
by making it enter into the zone of no-mind. It breath. It should also be as deep as possible,
is like a jumping board into infinity. from the navel center, and as loud as possible.
It should be done on an empty stomach, Dont make an effort to take in a deep
preferably early in the morning, or two hours breath after every Mmmm. The body itself
after any meal. It can be done either alone or will take breaths when needed. Dont become
with a group. When done with a group, it tense. Put in your whole being and energy into
effectively energizes the place where it is creating this vibration. Just become the
done. humming. Let your whole body be filled with
the vibration of the humming. After some time,
you will feel that the humming continues
Total Duration: 30 minutes without your effort and that you have become
Step 1: Duration: 20 minutes simply a listener to it!

Sit cross-legged in a comfortable position The humming is a powerful means of

on the floor. Your head, neck and spine should bringing your awareness to the present
be in a straight line. If you are not able to sit moment. If you hum intensely, you cannot have
on the floor, you may sit on a chair. Feel any thought at that time. So your Thoughts
relaxed and close your eyes. Even after we Per Second (TPS) automatically comes down.
close our eyes, we see forms and images from The energy generated by the humming
behind the eyelids. To handle this, imagine that cleanses the energy blocks in the mind-body
your eyeballs have become stone-like. Just system.
harden them with mental pressure, then the When you are intensely humming, all the
images will die. The movement of our eyes is ideas which you have about you will be
very closely related to the movement of completely shaken. Like an earthquake, this
thoughts in our mind. That is why you are is a technique for a mind-quake!
asked to arrest the movement of your eyeballs.
Step 2: Duration: 10 minutes
Dont be too worried about keeping them
arrested. Just proceed with the meditation. After stopping the humming, keep your
eyes closed and remain silent and inactive with
Keep your lips together and produce the
a smiling face and blissful mood. If any thought
sound Mmmm from inside. If you were
comes to you, let it come. Simply watch your
to put your face inside an empty aluminum
mind as if you are watching television, without
vessel and make a humming sound, the sound
resisting your thoughts or passing any judgment
generated would be like this. Note that this is
on them. Remain silent and blissful. During
not Hum or Om, it is simply keeping
this time, the energy created by the humming


will enter all the corners of your being and awareness is all that is needed to dissolve the
cleanse it deeply. It establishes you in the negativities, bring clarity and enable you to
awareness of the present moment. This experience your true potential.


Intensity is the Unfailing Way

Whether we lead or whether we follow, What is Intensity

in order to be fulfilled in whatever we do, we
need to be intense. You see, usually we feel a terrible
restlessness towards the outer world, I have
A small story:
not done this, I have not done that and so on.
A Zen master and a disciple were walking The same restlessness when directed to the
along the banks of a river. The disciple, as inner world is called intensity.
he had done a few times before, asked the
master very longingly, Master, please give You do not know what is happening, you
me enlightenment. do not know what should be done, but the
deep dissatisfaction about what is there in the
Suddenly the master turned, held the
disciples head in his hand and pushed it inner space is what I call intensity.
into the river. The disciple was shocked and You may be wondering why I am teaching
started struggling to get his head above dissatisfaction. I am supposed to teach
water. The master continued to strongly hold satisfaction, right? I tell you, your
his head in the water. Now the disciple dissatisfaction, which is now directed towards
started gasping for breath. The master then
the outer world, has to turn towards the inner
released the surprised and completely
world, and only then it will lead to
shaken disciple.
The master asked, Do you feel you want
enlightenment with the same intensity that First thing which needs to happen is not
you felt you needed air to breathe when your satisfaction but the turning of direction, the
head was in the water? psychological revolution. Restlessness should
become intensity. If it is towards the outer
Only when the urge becomes urgent, when
world, if your consciousness is constantly
the question becomes a quest, does the
moving towards the outer world, it is called
Ultimate happen. The key factor needed for
restlessness. If it is moving towards the inner
enlightenment to happen is intensity.
world, it is called intensity.


create conflict
inside or outside. The mean- We always think if it is flowing smoothly
It flows smoothly ing of intensity is like a river, it will not have intensity, and if it is
that desperate intense like a stone it will not be flowing freely.
yet very strongly.
feeling that No. Intensity is like a flood which is intense
something and flowing.
needs to be done immediately, to break free
I have seen some people intensely creating
from the clutches, or to break free in the inner
conflict every moment! Anything you tell
them to do, they will be ready to create a
Intensity is not emotion. When you are conflict.
intense, one part of it may be emotional. But
A small story:
intensity cannot be called emotion. It is like
heat. The part of intensity that melts and A prisoner escaped from prison after twelve
comes out can be called emotion. For example, years and reached his home. The moment
his wife opened the door she started
when you integrate yourself with intensity, one
shouting, How dare you come so late! You
part of you melts. Let us say the heart melts,
escaped from prison twenty four hours
then that can be called emotion. Along with
before. Where have you been? You should
your heart, your intellect will also melt, your have come straight back home!
being will also melt. The side-effect of
intensity is emotion. All that the woman was bothered about
was why he was not back home right after he
Do not bother about what your intensity had escaped. She certainly was intense, but
should be about. Do not bother about towards only in creating conflicts.
what. It should become a quality. Anything
you do, whether you touch something or Real intensity does not create conflicts.
somebody or some object, let the intensity be It is flowing but intense.
there, even in that touch. Intensity is integration. Intensity is focus.
If you are talking, let the intensity be there. Intensity is sincerity.
In your relationships, in your decisions, in your Usually intensity leads to a solid feeling.
memory, in your thinking, in your desires, even You may be intense but you may have lost
in your fears, be intense without escaping the ability to flow. Or you may be flowing
from this moment. That is what I call intensity. but may have lost the intensity.
Intensity means radiating the energy that See, you may be intense but you may have
does not create any conflict inside and outside. lost the ability to flow - because you are driven
Intensity is intensely being inside you. by your ego. You are determined to achieve
Intensity does not create conflict inside or what you want but you have your own rigid
outside. It flows smoothly and yet very ideas about how to get there. You fail to
strongly. understand then that Existence can make

open to change
events happen in a much more beautiful and Intensity you can make your
effective way than you can plan. in anger way like the river
I tell my disciples, plan in the best way to flowing intensely
Even your
the best of your ability. Then, leave it. It may
anger is
towards the ocean.
seem that all your plans are being completely
trampled - dont get frustrated at that point.
You just choose whether to express your anger
Something much more beautiful than what
or not. Your anger is also directly related to
you had planned will come to life.
your logic.
The other possibility is that you may be
You never get angry beyond your logic. It
flowing but may have lost the intensity. This
is always managed by your logic. You analyze,
is the case with people who have no focus
Am I going to lose anything here in this
and waste their energies getting distracted by
situation? If you are sure you are going to
anything that comes by.
lose something, you just suppress your anger.
Understand, water becomes steam only at If you are clear, I am not going to lose
100 degrees Celsius. Even at 99 degrees C, it anything. I can shout at this person. What can
is still water; it does not transform to steam. he do? then you just explode and express
Same way, if you are not integrated in seeking, much more anger than what is necessary.
all your energies are not integrated. The total Whatever you have stored in stock, you open
transformation cannot happen. up everything and give!
Take up something and follow it with full
intensity. Intensity does not mean acting
rigidly without scope for updating and change. Not expressing, not suppressing
Only when you are open to change you can just be and get liberated
make your way like the river flowing intensely
towards the ocean. Be very clear, when your logic manages
your anger, you will have two problems. First,
you unnecessarily shout or unnecessarily show
your anger when it is not necessary. Second,
Being is Intensity even when you are not expressing, you will
What is being? Being complete, total, be suppressing it.
integrated, expressing your full energy, is First, if you are expressing, you will be
what I call being. If you are partial in your expressing too much, much more than what
experience or expression, be very clear you is necessary. Next, if you are not expressing,
are being hypocritical. you will be suppressing it. Be very clear, both
are wrong.


from the mind.

Intensity comes Suppressing out as music because you become a channel
from the being. and expressing for the energy of Existence to flow through
both are not you. Be total and intense. That is all that is
going to help. You may ask, Then what are needed for the arrow to hit the target,
we supposed to do? You are not asked to do whatever it may be.
anything, just be.
Modern mystic, J. Krishnamurthi, says
beautifully, whenever an emotion overtakes Interest Vs Intensity
you, if even once you can just be without
What qualifies to be called as intensity?
moving your body, without co-operating with
What is the difference between intensity and
your emotion, you will be liberated from that
An interest can be lost, but never the
If you stay without moving your body
intensity. Interest comes from the mind.
when you are flooded or overpowered by any
Intensity comes from the being.
emotion, even once, immediately you will be
liberated from that emotion. I am not saying After a while, maybe short or long, you
you have to constantly practice this. No, just get fed up with your own interest. With
once, only once, and you will be liberated from intensity, it is a thirst of your being. It
that very emotion. transcends the rationale of your logic.
Intensity is a call from deep within. The more
you have to wait for it, the more the thirst
Intensity is independent of grows, the more the fire flares up.

the nature of the work See the difference between light and laser.
Both are made up of the same light rays but
Intensity does not depend on the nature the single-pointed intense focus of the laser
of the work or action. It can be as complex as comes from the coherence and the common
running a billion dollar company or as simple frequency of the light rays.
as cleaning the floor. It is not the what that
The power of this intensity is what gives
is important, but the how that is important.
the laser the tremendous power to even burn
If you can do what you are doing with a a hole through metal. At the same time it is a
totality and intensity that you are completely controlled focus. This is what gives it the
lost in the action, you have caught the thread power to do even a delicate task like removing
of intensity. a cataract in the eye.
The moment you are lost in the action, you If in a desert your thirst for water becomes
become like a flute on the lips of Existence really intense, you are ready to pay with your
itself. The air that goes into the flute comes life for a glass of water. When your thirst for

intensely eat. Let
realization becomes that intense, you are ready Be your whole
to pay with your life for the Truth. attention and
intense in
A beautiful Zen story: energy be on food.
A student approached a Zen teacher to learn
Zen. The teacher told him, Hear the sound you do
of one hand clapping.
Tantra*, the mystical science of meditation
The student tried for three years and did techniques, says that to know the truth one
not succeed. He was depressed that he needs only one condition intensity. Be total
could not do what his teacher had told him. in what you are, what you do.
He came in tears to the teacher saying he
had to leave because he could not do what Live intensely in the moment and taste the
he had been told. real life. Otherwise, you are not living. You
are just waiting for death.
The teacher said, Wait for one more week.
Meditate constantly. The student stayed for When you eat, intensely eat. Let your
one more week and meditated. Nothing whole attention and energy be on the food.
happened. The teacher said, Try for five Do not divert your attention and thoughts to
more days. what you need to get done at work tomorrow
The student stayed further, yet nothing or where you want to go for your next
happened. The student came in despair vacation.
begging to be released. Then the teacher
Enjoy the food with all your senses. Taste
said, Meditate for three more days. If you
dont get enlightened, you had better kill
the food in your mouth, enjoy the feast in front
yourself. of your eyes, touch the food with love, and
smell the aroma of the food. When you eat
The second day, the student was this way totally, you will enjoy every morsel
and you will actually feed into your system
When your whole being is burning with the living energy the food is meant to give.
the single intense desire to realize the
If you are drinking water, drink it intensely.
Ultimate, you will simply absorb the masters
Become the thirst. Feel the coolness of the
instructions. The magic of transformation is
water going into your mouth, throat and down
bound to happen. Only then will you be open
your food pipe. Let each drop of water that
to receive him. Till then it is just an interest.
goes into your mouth give you the feeling of

Tantra - Ancient vedic tradition of achieving enlightenment through spiritual techniques or practices, meditations and
ritual worship.


The Tamil classic, Periya Puranam *, A beautiful story:

describes the stories of the Nayanmars*, the There was a dreaded bandit who was a terror
ardent devotees of Lord Shiva*. There are so in the kingdom. After looting a large
many instances of the devotees realizing the number of people, he started feeling restless
Ultimate by simple activities like making and uncomfortable with his actions. He
garlands for the Lord. An example is approached a master and asked him,
Gananaatha Nayanaar, a devotee of the Lord, Master, I am a sinner. Is there any way out
engaged in simple services like plucking for me? Can I be liberated?
flowers for worship, making garlands for the The master looked at the bandit and asked
Lord, sweeping and washing the floor of the him what he was good at. The bandit
temple and keeping the lamps in the temple replied, Nothing. The master asked,
burning. Just this simple life led him to Nothing? You must be good at something!
reaching the Ultimate and brought him his The bandit thought for a long time and then
name Gananaatha meaning the chief of the said, Master, I only know stealing, that is
ganas (attendants) of Lord Shiva. what I have done all my life.

When you pray, be real and spontaneous. The master smiled and said, Good! Then
Whatever you feel, feel totally and offer it to you will use exactly that now. Go to a quiet
place and rob all your perceptions and
the Divine. Dont cheat yourself and be
ideas and opinions. Steal all the trees and
hypocritical by not admitting what you feel.
rocks and rivers on planet earth. Steal all
You cannot hide anything from the Divine.
the planets and stars in the sky. And dissolve
He knows you better than you know yourself. them in the vast emptiness inside you.
Your intensity is the only thing that The bandit sincerely followed exactly the
decides when your object of seeking will instructions of the master. Within 21 days,
happen. If the intensity is total, it will happen the bandit realized his true nature he
that moment. If the intensity is not integrated became enlightened.
and total, it will take more time because the
intensity has to gain strength in that time.
If you are intense enough, it does not need
time to reach the Ultimate. Where you are,
who are you is irrelevant. You can reach here
and now.

Periya Puranam - A Tamil classic by Sekkizhar on the lives of the 63 Nayanmars, the devotee saints of enlightened
master Shiva.
Nayanmars - Tamil devotee saints of enlightened master Shiva, 63 in number, whose life stories are told in the book
Periya Puranam.
Shiva Enlightened master


Intensity and the four states Intense seeking - awareness in

of consciousness the three states
Intensity means being intense every
moment in whatever you do. So first you need
Four states of consciousness to be aware of yourself in all the states. Then
only you can be intense throughout.
There are four states of consciousness.
Now you experience who you are with
awareness only during the waking state. You
feel, I am a doctor, I am a lawyer, I am
an engineer and so on. Only if we are aware
of the identities that we carry and enjoy in all
the three states, we have caught the thread,
the center line of all the three states of waking,
dream and deep sleep. When we catch the
thread of all these three states, suddenly we
realize our identity in all the three states.
Somebody asked me, I dont think that in
the deep sleep state I am aware. Then who
When you have I Consciousness and is the person who comes back and says it was
thoughts, you are in the waking state, the state deep peace during my deep sleep? Who is the
in which you are right now. In this state, I person who is reminiscing about it saying, It
has more frequency than your thoughts. So was filled with darkness. It was as if I was
you can control your thoughts. not there at all? Who is coming back and
remembering even this idea, I was not there
When you are without I consciousness at all?
but having thoughts, you are in the dream state.
In the dream state, your thoughts are at a If the person is not there in that state, then
higher frequency than your I consciousness. who is coming back to connect all these three
That is why you have thoughts in your dreams states? No, we cannot say we were not there
but you are not able to control them. in the deep sleep state. We were there, but
we were not aware of the identity that we
When you are without I Consciousness had in that state.
and not having any thoughts, you are in the
deep sleep state. Normally, we are aware of Understand, a person who is aware of all
only these three states waking, dream and these three states is conscious. If we are
deep sleep. The fourth state is where you have aware of the identity in all these three states,
I consciousness but no thoughts - turiya. then we are conscious enough, our seeking is


mirror. He has the

choice to face and intense enough How to get enlightened? I
reflect the Divine to be answered,
we are intense want toreal bad and
or to turn away.
enough to be urgently
initiated and
blessed. Understand: Question is a word. Quest is
a feeling.
If we are not already aware of all these
three states, if we have not experienced all Man is born as a quest. The rest of
these three states with the same identity, then Existence cannot reflect the Divine like man
naturally we need to now intensify our can. Man is like a mirror. He has the choice
seeking. to face and reflect the Divine or to turn away.
Man can make a conscious choice, which is
An intense seeker will carry the identity why he can grow. Man can choose to realize
about himself throughout all these three states. the Divine through his human form. No other
If even once or twice you have experienced being in Existence has this choice.
your waking identity in the dream state then
you are intense. If these words, How do I get
enlightenment? I want to real bad and
In the dream state suddenly sometimes urgently, have come out, if this question has
you remember that you are beyond the identity come out as a deep quest, then you dont need
which you think as you in the dream state. I anything.
have seen seekers going through this
experience in the dream state. They will be Just boil, let the whole being burn with this
dreaming and suddenly they will identify quest. That is enough. Nothing else needs to
themselves with their identity of the waking be done. Let this boiling be intense.
state. Then they will think about the dream Allow this boiling. Allow this burning.
state, Hey, this is too small. This is nothing. Allow this intensity. Allow this urgency.
If you have had the experience of your Let the urge become urgent. Let the
waking state identity in the dream state, question become your quest. Let it just eat
understand, then you have the intensity. Your your ego, eat your inner space.
seeking is intense.
People ask me, Have you been
enlightened by the divine grace or by your
effort or by your quest?
I tell them, your having the quest is the
first sign that you are having the divine grace.
Unless you have the divine grace, you will
not have the quest.

feeling that you
Understand, this quest or seeking is like a did her should get
seed. It is like a seed feeling suffocated inside ego.
enlightened, the
the shell. See, the life that is inside the seed, When the Buddha in you has
unless it feels suffocated inside the shell, it seeking is
wont open up and become a tree.
started waking up.
intense, it will
The moment the seed starts feeling that it remove the
should open up, the moment it starts feeling juice from your ego. The green grass becomes
the seeking, the urgency and the quest to open like a haystack. Just a match is enough to burn
up to become a tree, it means that already the the whole haystack down. The Ultimate can
tree inside the seed has started expressing happen in a split second through a simple
itself. happening.
If you have the feeling that you should So understand, let this seeking, let this
get enlightened, the Buddha in you has opened quest, your saying, How to get enlightened?
his eyes. The Buddha in you has started I want toreal bad and urgently, let this
waking up. All you need to do is open your seeking burn all your other sufferings, all your
eyes! other depressions, all your other desires, all
your other concerns about life.
Allow this seeking. From morning till night
let it boil, let it create a deep dissatisfaction in Let it happen and suddenly you will see
you. Let every pore in your skin, every nerve that the seeking suddenly disappears, it is not
in your body, every cell in you vibrate with there. When the seeking disappears, you are
that intensity. Let it swallow all your enlightened. You have achieved what you are
depressions you may have in life. In life you seeking.
may have so many other depressions and
sufferings of not having so many things. Let
all those sufferings be swallowed by this one Intensity prepares you for the
A beautiful Zen story:
A Zen student was intensely studying under
her master but she was not able to experience Initiation
true meditation for a very long time.
One full moon night, she was carrying a The Upanishads, the ancient vedic texts
bucket of water suspended on a bamboo by the sages and mystics that happened as
stick. She saw the reflection of the moon in revelations, say that for the person who is
the bucket. Suddenly, the bamboo broke. initiated the whole world is heaven.
Understand the word initiation. It does not
The water fell out of the bucket. The
reflection of the moon disappeared and so mean doing some ceremony or ritual.


experience to
happen, you must Initiation You may then think why thousands of
be completely means that disciples sat everyday and heard the same
click happ- sermon again and again. Because, the click
open and be in the
ening in you. happens only when you are in intense energy.
intense energy When a master Only with intensity it clicks. You just catch
field. expresses the the flame and the awakening happens.
truth, if the click,
the realization, happens in you and if you
suddenly feel, O god! What he says is right. The deep spiritual experience
I was always thinking exactly this. He put it
in the right way, that is what initiation is. If
you feel whatever I am speaking is what you
always thought about but I am verbalizing it Requirements for spiritual
and properly putting it in words, the initiation experience
has happened.
For the spiritual experience to happen, two
Please understand, only after all the conditions need to be fulfilled. One is that you
preparation is done and only when you are in must be completely open and available to the
the state of high intensity, the truth uttered by surroundings. The other is the intense energy
the master just clicks. field.
When the master says there is no need Sometimes even if you are open, if you
for any seeking any more and just liberate are not in the intense energy field, the first
yourself right now, you will be able to do so cracking of the coconut of your ego does not
only if you have done enough of seeking and happen. The first spiritual experience is just
created the intensity. That is the paradox! like breaking open a coconut. Once the first
The technique is to get the right attitude opening happens, it is not difficult to break
of intensity. Actually, if you have high intense the rest of the coconut. The first opening needs
energy, you will automatically have the right an intense spiritual energy field.
listening. You will be just waiting to catch one These two factors are what resulted in my
glimpse. You will be just waiting to listen. You first spiritual experience. I was open and
will be just waiting to imbibe. available to the surroundings, and I was in the
That is why masters speak again and again intense energy field of Arunachala.
and again for years over years. I started Fortunately, I was attracted to the beauty of
speaking only a few years ago. Buddha spoke that hill. Normally, if you see a hill or a river
for over forty years. But, the message was or an ocean every day, you will take it for
the same. His first sermon and the last sermon granted. Somehow I never took that hill for
are almost the same.


granted. I never thought I know about it. I my eyes. Only if I saw the hill the first thing in
was continuously open, available. the morning, I would carry on with my routine.
Understand, being open and available It may look funny and superstitious but I
every time, seeing it every morning with the always felt I took birth, I took this body,
eyes of freshness or with the mind of openness because of that attraction and pull that hill has
is what I am calling being open and got for enlightened beings.
available. Many times, we completely close
There is a very beautiful verse in Tamil
ourselves to the society.
that describes the hill as the hill that attracts
We just come to some conclusion, some enlightened beings around it. The hill is
understanding and after that we never update especially respected for attracting enlightened
our understanding or our effort with the result. beings not only from this planet earth, but also
from other planets and spaces, towards planet
Every day, the Arunachala hill was living
earth. I never took the hill for granted. It was
for me. Everyday it was never the same old
an ever-living presence.
hill that I saw yesterday. I had a very funny
routine. In the morning when I got up I would
not open my eyes. I would slowly walk from
my room to outside the house holding the Encounter with the Divine
parapet wall. I would come out and stand in a One day I was trying to sit and meditate. It
place from where I knew the hill could be was a full moon day (Poornima) and the
seen. Only then I would open my eyes so that moon was rising as the sun was setting. I
the first thing that I saw in the morning would was just sitting on a rock on Arunachala
be that hill. hill, trying the meditation technique that the
disciple of Ramana Maharishi and
Somehow my brothers knew that the first
enlightened master, Annamalai Swamigal*,
thing that I wanted to see was the hill. They
had initiated me into.
would want to have fun teasing me. When they
knew that I was out from my bed and slowly I was sitting on the rock trying to find the
walking, they would come and stand in front source from where the feeling of I was
of me. rising. On that day I was sitting for a
particularly long time trying to find the
If I opened my eyes and did not see the source in a deep way.
hill and instead saw their faces, I would go
Suddenly something happened and I felt like
back and lie down again. I would lie down I was being sucked inside, pulled inside. I
again, sleep for half an hour, then again get up was sitting with closed eyes but I saw very
and slowly walk back to see the hill and open

Annamalai Swamigal - Disciple of Ramana Maharishi in the temple town of Tiruvannamalai, whose teachings led to
Nithyanandas deep spiritual experience as a young boy.


clearly that something opened inside. The My experience that I am this whole
moment that opened inside, I was able to Existence became my truth. That is why I
see whole 360 degrees around me. My eyes started living according to that.
were closed but I was able to see complete
360 degrees, whatever was happening in all People are surprised that I lived such a
the directions - front, side, back, up, and strong intense life in such a young age. They
down. feel that it is very difficult and unimaginable.
It is unimaginable for you because it is not
Not only was I able to see, but I was also
able to feel very clearly with the same
your conscious experience. It is easy for me
intensity how we all feel alive inside our because feeling the whole cosmos is me
skin, that I was alive in everything I was became a very solid experience.
able to see.
I was able to see whatever was around me
the plants, rocks, trees and everything. I The Intensity of Buddha
was able to feel that I am alive in
everything. In the same way you all feel Look at the biography of enlightened
you are alive inside your body I felt alive master and founder of Buddhism, Gautam
with the whole cosmos, with the whole Buddha. He searched for six long years. He
Existence. tried various paths but the beauty is that in
every attempt he put in his whole being.
Till then I was just a mere body. After that,
I realized I am body also. Understand, I Whatever he decided to follow, he did
am body also. with complete, unwavering intensity. He tried
It was a very deep experience. If it was various techniques such as fasting, continuous
just a word or imagination, it wont have that penance, chanting and many such methods.
much impact on the inner space. It was an He tried all possible techniques but nothing
intense conscious experience. worked.

You see, now you know you are inside During his seeking, a teacher told him to
your skin. Now you will listen to anything as eat only one grain of rice per day for three
months. Buddha sincerely followed his
long as it does not disturb you. Naturally you
instructions. He was reduced to skin and
know how to protect yourself because you
bones and became extremely weak.
are alive inside your body and that is your
conscious experience. One day, he stepped into the river to bathe.
He had become so weak that he couldnt
No matter however many people teach even move his legs and was being swept
you that you are not just your body you will away by the current. He caught hold of a
only listen but you will not allow them to work tree branch and while hanging onto it he
on you! Because your conscious experience suddenly realized the fruitlessness of all his
is your body. efforts. He had been mortifying the body


but in the process he had only lost his bodily around me. There are so many people
strength. practicing so many different meditation
He felt a deep depression that he could not techniques. What is the difference, what is
achieve anything in the inner world and he the reason why the experience happened to a
had nothing meaningful in the outer world. small boy?
He came out of the river and sat under the I can say that one important reason is that
tree. He was frustrated but the difference my whole inner space was ripe, ready for this
between ordinary frustration and Buddhas small technique to awaken and open it.
frustration was he was complete and intense Constantly I used to be in that high frequency
in his frustration as well. of the masters without even my conscious
There was not even a grain of hope he had. awareness.
He completely gave up. There was nothing
See, especially in the young age, whoever
to achieve, nothing to look forward to.
inspires or impresses you becomes the hero
It is said that on that night as he looked at of your inner space. These great masters
the sky ready to sleep, he attained nirvana*. impressed me so much that in every situation
The one factor that resulted in Buddha I would think, How would these great
achieving It is intensity. So many of us claim masters behave? For example, if I had some
we are doing everything but nothing is fear, I would remember, How will Annamalai
happening. Look little deeper and see how Swamigal* face this fear? He wont bother.
integrated you are in your thirst and seeking. He is enlightened. Let me also be like that.
Whatever you may seek, integrate your The inner space was so inspired and
energies completely and go for it. You will impressed by these great masters, that before
then see the universe open up to you every step I took in my life I would think,
completely. How will he behave? Let me also do that.
The inner space was so pure also at the young
age and I had no heroes other than the masters.
Intensity for my deep At every step I used to think, How will he
spiritual experience behave? Let me behave like that. How he will
do? Let me do like that.
I had mentioned about my deep spiritual
experience where I felt one with Existence
and had a 360 degree vision of everything

Nirvana - Liberation through Self Realization.

Annamalai Swamigal - Disciple of Ramana Maharishi in the temple town of Tiruvannamalai, whose teachings led to
Nithyanandas deep spiritual experience as a young boy.


Masters body
language you live Walking in had come out in the rain and it was lying
on the road. Just imagine a twelve or
enlightenment. burial thirteen year old boy, alone at midnight,
grounds seeing a dead body without a head, since
the dog had the head in its mouth.
I used to go for a circumambulation of the
Arunachala hill. It is more than 12 kilometers The fear started but it did not even reach
around the hill. I used to go late at night. When my being completely. The shock, the fear
I had a little fear I used to say, How will stroke did not even happen completely. As
soon as the first thought started coming up,
Annamalai Swamigal* behave? He wont
with intense awareness I thought, How will
bother about fear. Then let me also be like
Annamalai Swamigal react now? He will
that. just walk around and go. Just walk around
Let me tell you about one incident. and go.
It was raining heavily that night as I went I continued to walk. Thats all. I took a
around the hill. I had some fear seeing the detour and walked away. I did not even turn
heavy rain, thunder and lightning. back and see. The fear stroke, which was
Immediately I thought, How will like a bubble, which was about to start, did
Annamalai Swamigal behave? He wont not even open up, did not even reach my
bother. He will just walk. Let me also do body. The heat or the shivering from fear
the same way. was not even there in the body. It just died.
I was walking through the traditional Intensely, the whole conscious inner space
crematorium. In India both cremation and was ready. That is the reason, just a punch,
burial are done in the same place. I was just a small inspiration was able to put me into
walking in that place because when you go that experience. That is what I call Living
around the hill the path goes through that Enlightenment.
Suddenly I saw a dog biting something and
eating. When I went near, the dog started Intense, innocent inner space
barking at me. At first when the fear came
up I thought, How will Annamalai When you live the masters body language
Swamigal behave? He wont bother. Let me you live enlightenment.
just go. I started moving. Anyhow when I
started moving the dog got scared and ran Whenever any thought came into my inner
away. space, whether it was related to clothes or
food or anything, the first thing I would think
When I got nearer I saw that it was a dead
was, How will Annamalai Swamigal behave?
body which was not completely buried. It

Annamalai Swamigal - Disciple of Ramana Maharishi in the temple town of Tiruvannamalai, whose teachings led to
Nithyanandas deep spiritual experience as a young boy.


Naturally he wont have any desire. Then Message of living

forget about it!
enlightenment How will
If I felt a little lazy to meditate or to
circumambulate the hill, I would think, How
master behave?
will Annamalai Swamigal think? How will he You can also use this simple, powerful
handle this situation? Naturally he will not technique. It is so simple your mind cannot
bother about this laziness. He will just get up find any excuse to escape.
and meditate, thats all! So just do that! So
constantly, from morning until night, these In any situation, ask yourself, How will
masters became the reference. They became master respond? How will master face this
my life center. situation? Do the same. You will see that a
new door opens. This is what I call Living
I asked Annamalai Swamigal once, I saw Enlightenment. You dont need anything else.
Devi* in my dream. Do you also see her in
This one thing is enough.
the dream?Annamalai Swamigal replied,
No, I dont have dreams. I was shocked, Even if you are sitting, if thoughts come
You dont have dream! Then how can I have up, ask your mind, If master is sitting what
dream! will be coming up? Naturally silence. Then
That night I said to myself, Now, no why are you thinking? Silent! Thats all.
dream. Annamalai Swamigal said no dream Nothing else.
so I cannot have dream. You will be surprised, If your mind says, No, no, I know it is
that night when some dream started true. I know this but it is too much. Then
happening, I said clearly from inside the think, If masters mind says this, how he will
dream, No! Annamalai Swamigal doesnt behave? He would have finished the mind
have dreams. How can I have dreams? that moment! Thats all. Just be very clear.
The dream disappeared. Just the dream Take this one message and let this
disappeared. The inner space was so thorough, message become life in you, the message of
so innocent, so direct, it just happened. Living Enlightenment. Understand, from the
Even if I felt cold or anything, I would age of ten when I was inspired and impressed
remember, How will Annamalai Swamigal by Annamalai Swamigal, I started doing this
behave? He wont bother. Then dont bother. technique. I didnt even know then that it was
Thats all. There were no further questions a meditation technique.
or arguments inside. It just started, How will Annamalai
Swamigal behave in this situation? As a boy,

Devi - Supreme goddess in Hinduism, Cosmic Mother.


happens when you

are thoroughly many times in you are expanding. Only then something is
impressed by the my home I happening to you. This has not happened in
have seen my most of us because of so many other
brothers or relationships. So many other persons occupy
family start your inner space and so many others have
fighting for some share in something and I inspired you or impressed you or given the
would think, How will Annamalai Swamigal idea that they are heroes. Just fill your inner
behave? He wont even bother! Forget about space with the master and watch your
it. Let them have. Thats all. problems simply dissolve.

True relationship with the Intensity - the ultimate

master technique
Actually this is what I call relationship with Be intense in whatever you do. Whether
the master. Relationship with the master is not you eat, sing, dance, pray or work, be
just doing some worship or putting some completely into that, in the moment.
flowers or worshipping him once in a while.
Intensity is enlightenment. As of now,
some part of you is intense while some part
Relationship happens when you are of you is lazy. Being hundred percent intense
thoroughly impressed by the master. is enlightenment.
Whenever anything comes up, say fear or
The first thing you need for living
insecurity or greed or anger, just see, How
enlightenment is intensity. Intensity is the
will master behave? Simply it will disappear.
sword with which you can break the mind.
It will just disappear.
It is just like awakening from the dream.
Many times I tell people, just feeling
The first thing you need is the intention, the
strongly connected with the master is enough.
idea that you should wake up. So now you
You dont need anything else. It is not just
need to have the intense idea to wake up.
your ordinary relationship. In an ordinary
relationship, you neither try to understand nor Understand, the intensity with which you
imbibe the master. Just some feeling is there. work towards wealth, relations etc., if you just
I cant even call that as a relationship. It is an turn a little towards enlightenment, you will
ordinary, regular interaction. awaken.

Feeling connected to the master means Intensely decide, I will wake up from this
just living him. When you live the master, then life that I call life. Create an intense will or
you feel intensely connected to him. Only then prayer. When you create a will and direct it


towards you, it is called a will. When you it will evaporate you. And the fulfillment you
create a will and direct it towards the Divine, experience will be many times more than the
it is called a prayer. fulfillment you may have ever experienced
Intensity is a strong intention to wake up,
the strong intention for fulfillment, for living
enlightenment, for eternal bliss. The only gap
between you and enlightenment is intensity. Meditation techniques to be
How to get Intensity This is a very powerful technique from
the Shiva Sutras*.
Remember how intensely and anxiously The aphorism or sutra says,
you run behind things that give you joy.
Suppose I tell now that whoever prays Die into the infinite void where you are no
intensely will get a ten million dollar prize, more
you will show the intensity of your life, is it Moving beyond the senses into Shiva
not? Just because you think there is some Consciousness
product that will fulfill you, you are intense.
This technique is called the Shanmukhi
With money you know it is going to add
Mudra*. As it will be difficult to maintain this
something to your life. In the same way,
posture for a long time, you may sit on the
enlightenment is also going to add something
ground and support your hands on a chair to
to your life.
maintain comfort. You can put a chair in front
In order to have intensity towards of you and turn it facing towards your side to
enlightenment, you can start by creating support your hand. Alternatively, you may sit
intensity towards things that you have in a chair and support your hands using the
experienced a desire towards. For example, chair in front of you. By supporting your
if you desire health or wealth, be intense about hands on a chair, you will avoid shoulder ache.
that. That yearning will become integrated and
This technique closes the doorways to
will get directed to the unknown, to
your senses. This should only be practised by
enlightenment. Not only that, your unfulfilled
people who have some experience in
desires can be simply burnt with the intensity.
meditation. As in all meditations sit
Whatever you experience as fulfillment, comfortably cross legged or in a chair with
yearn for that. The intense yearning is enough, back, neck and head in one vertical line.

Shiva Sutras - A collection of teachings of Shiva in epigram form as techniques. Includes Vignana Bhairava Tantra, Guru
Gita, Tiru Mandiram etc.
Shanmukhi Mudra - A mudra in which eyes, ears, nose and mouth are covered while meditating.


When you are in Shanmukhi Mudra*, the

energy flow to the outside world through the
seven openings of the face (two ears, two eyes,
two nostrils and one mouth) is blocked and
turned inwards. Your hands are very powerful.
The energy centers in the hands are so
powerful that they can stop the energy flow,
turn it into a concentrated beam of energy and
direct it towards the ajna chakra* or third eye.
Normally our breath goes in and out
chaotically. By closing the nostrils partially
Close the nose partially. Just reduce the
with your fingers, you can reduce the air flow
prana flow. When your mind settles down by
and balance it.
itself, the prana flow will reduce. Be in the
The Shanmukhi Mudra* firstly stops the Shanmukhi Mudra and inhale and exhale as
energy flow towards outside. slowly as possible and as deeply as possible.
Secondly, we are turning the senses Keep your mouth shut tightly. Visualize that
inwards. both your eyeballs have become stones and
let them not move.
Thirdly, we concentrate them towards the
third eye. Intensify your awareness. Do not create
stress try to penetrate with deep awareness.
Instructions: Dont create pressure, create only awareness.
If you wear spectacles, remove them. Visualize intensely as if you are penetrating
Place your fingers as follows: your third eye. Visualize deeply as if you are
penetrating your third eye with a drill bit.
Thumbs pressing down on the short ear
lobes till you hear a humming sound. Relax. Open your eyes slowly.
Index fingers lightly on both the eyes. It is important to make yourself
comfortable by supporting yourself properly
Middle fingers on the bridge of nose.
to be in Shanmukhi Mudra. You will see
Ring fingers lightly under nostrils. tremendous energy created in your third eye,
Little fingers on lips. to awaken your intuition. When you are
comfortable, you will see that you are entering
For the next 21 minutes, follow the steps into deeper energies or higher consciousness.
given below:

Shanmukhi Mudra - A mudra in which eyes, ears, nose and mouth are covered while meditating.
Ajna chakra Subtle energy center located between the eyebrows.


Innocence Regained Opens Many Doors

to Life

It may seem strange to speak of innocence innocent child, then be very clear, you are a
after talking about intensity, but in the truest pure being.
sense, you cannot be intense in anything you
You can see children get angry. Children
do unless you are innocent of other agenda.
are greedy also. They build their personality
The innocence I speak of may not be what
mostly on greed. That is why they are so aware
your own dictionary defines as innocence.
and conscious of mine attitude. Try to take
What I speak about is the innocence of a child.
away a toy from a child. The child will behave
A child is intense about anything that it does.
as if his life is taken away. He will scream
Adults have lost that power, but it can be
and shout. This is because his whole
personality is built upon mine attitude.
Children have greed and anger, but you cannot
call them impure. This is because whatever
What is Innocence? you may think as impurity does not affect their
inner space. They will sit and play with their
Innocence means purity of the inner
toys and after a few hours they will throw
space, not being affected by the thoughts or
them and go away. They dont carry anything
the engraved memories. Let you be very clear,
in them. Their inner space is beautiful and pure.
even if you are not expressing your emotions
like anger, greed and lust, if they are present Innocence is directly related to the inner
in your inner space, you are not as yet a total space. It is in no way related to the outer
and innocent person. Socially you may be world. In the Shiva Sutras*, Shiva gives us
pure, thats all. On the other hand if you techniques to achieve this innocence. If you
express your anger, lust and greed but nothing follow Shivas life as is described in the Hindu
touches your inner space and you live like an mythological stories, you will not be able to

Shiva Sutras - A collection of teachings of Shiva in epigram form as techniques. Includes Vignana Bhairava Tantra,
Guru Gita, Tiru Mandiram etc.


means causeless
auspiciousness. see any social cows. Soon, he forgets the human language.
or traditional In deep silence, not relating with any human
innocence in him. But there will be the pure being, he slowly loses his outer world
and ultimate innocence. The place where he identity.
lives or the way in which he lives is not By the time one thousand cows happen, he
directly related to his purity or innocence. forgets how to count. He simply sits waiting,
Shiva lives in a cemetery where bodies are with a beautiful feeling of ecstasy.
cremated, surrounded by spirits and ghosts. Finally a cow comes to him and says, Sir,
The word Shiva in Sanskrit means we have become one thousand now. We can
causeless auspiciousness. This causeless go back to master.
auspiciousness, the energy to create bliss He replies, Is that so? Alright.
wherever he is, wherever he happens, arises Satyakama is in ecstasy. He has forgotten
out of his innocent inner space. the way back. The cows lead the way. On
In the vedic tradition, there are scriptural the way back, animals, birds and even the
writings called Upanishads. The word fire that he kindles to cook his food instruct
upanishad in Sanskrit refers to teachings of a him on the nature of the Brahman*, the
ultimate Truth.
master to his disciples as they sat with him.
There are 108 such Upanishads. They are the When Satyakama returns to the master, the
essence of the enlightenment science handed master looks at him and smiles. He says,
down by the great masters of the vedic times. You look so radiant like the knower of the
One of these, the Chandogya Upanishad* Truth, Satyakama. Who taught you?
describes a beautiful story: Satyakama tells him how he had understood
A boy by name Satyakama goes to a master the Truth through animals and birds and
seeking enlightenment. The master gives requests the master to teach him the Truth
him four hundred cows telling him, Take in his own words.
these cows. Go live in the forest and look The master says, You already know the
after them. When these multiply into a Truth, and blesses him.
thousand cows bring them back to me.
The story says that just by being, just by
Satyakama goes to the forest and lives with listening to what nature has to say,
the cows, waiting for them to multiply. It Satyakama established himself in the Truth.
takes many years for the cows to multiply He became enlightened.
to one thousand. For all those years he sits
Total innocence leads to enlightenment.
not talking to anybody, just being with the

Chandogya Upanishad - One of the oldest and primary Upanishads or scriptures.

Brahman - Absolute, Cosmic Consciousness, formless god etc all referring to the universal energy source of which the
individual energy of the soul is a holographic part.

tired of logic, you
Satyakama asks the master for e n o u g h cannot be ready for
enlightenment and the master asks him to because in the the transformation.
multiply cows! Many of you will ask, what morning his
do cows have to do with enlightenment? logic will say something and in the evening it
Fortunately Satyakama was not so will say something else! And naturally the
intellectual. Fortunately he did not receive fight between you and you is politics! Am I
formal intellectual education. So he did not right? Then why are you making the statement
ask this question! He was simple, innocent that even spiritual organizations have politics?
and humble, ready for the transformation to
If you place the decisions that you make
happen. He had no logic to use.
in the morning and the decisions that you
Understand, unless you are without logic, make in the evening together in front of you,
or tired of logic, you cannot be ready for the you will see a politician sitting inside you!
transformation. Logic cannot help you
Logic does not allow you to be simple and
understand even your own life. Logic cannot
innocent. It does not allow the transformation
help you look even into your own mind. How
to happen easily. Logic has to be overcome
can it help you change?
for the transformation to happen. Only when
People ask me, Swamiji, why are you there is no logic there can be innocence.
against logic? I am not against logic. I am Innocence is the space for transformation to
only telling you that all your suffering is happen.
because of logic without intelligence. Your
In the case of Satyakama, fortunately he
logic creates so much politics inside you from
was not bitten by logic. The disciple goes to
morning till evening.
the master for enlightenment and the master
What is politics? It is nothing but differing tells him, Alright, take these cows, go to the
opinions on the same subject, is it not? Now forest and stay there till they become one
watch your mind. It says one thing in the thousand cows. Then come back!
morning and a different thing in the evening
If todays seeker was in that disciples
on the same subject. This creates the dilemma
place he would have said, I think the master
in your mind. Your mind itself is such
is trying to exploit me. He wants a thousand
cows, which is why he is telling me to do this
People say that in all spiritual work. He is using me to get his work done.
organizations there is so much politics. I ask Innocence is lost to logic! That is why no
them, What do you mean? There is politics modern day seeker receives such amazing
inside the very persons who make this techniques.
statement! To create politics, you dont even
Understand, this is not a mere story. It has
need two people. One person is more than
got a great truth behind it. With innocence,
enough. One single person with logic is
Satyakama simply followed what the master


said. Further, he lost his logic of counting. He Satyakama when it is not happening to us?
was completely lost in ecstasy and joy. The First thing: he was innocent and therefore
mind stopped functioning. He didnt care about intelligent to receive the masters instruction.
one thousand or two thousand. Just the Second: he was courageous enough to live
innocence and acceptance caused the greatest with it. He had complete trust in the master.
happening in him enlightenment! When you Innocence always comes with trust.
completely accept, you dont need the mind.
I am not asking you to get me a thousand
The mind is necessary only when you live
cows. No! I am asking you to come with the
with struggles, only when you are fighting.
same mood as Satyakama. Come with the
Just this moment accept yourself in the outer
same innocence. You dont have to do exactly
world and the inner world. You will go out
what Satyakama did. But you have to be like
Satyakama. If your being is like that, in this
For so many years, completely accepting moment the transformation can happen. Just
what the master said, Satyakama just was. in this moment the transmission of light can
What else can happen to him but happen.
You may think, How can simple
acceptance do such a big job? The problem Remain empty
is that even spiritual knowledge is approached
The word upanishad means sitting at the
by us with the space of an intellectual mind.
feet of the master. In ancient India, there was
It is from that intellectual space that we ask
the gurukul* tradition of masters and disciples.
the how. Intellect always questions.
Children were left with the master at the age
Innocence straightaway starts practicing what
of seven and they grew up centering
the master says. That is the difference.
beautifully in their consciousness. Masters are
When you are utterly innocent and open, living embodiments of the scriptural truths.
initiation is enlightenment. Just a word is Their thoughts, words and deeds stem from
enough to enlighten. Shiva says in the Shiva the ultimate Truth. Disciples pick up the truth
Sutras *, Just listen while the master is just by living around them.
expressing the truth, and become enlightened!
Swami Sri Yukteshwar Giri * , an
How can mere listening lead to enlightened master from India says, Sitting
enlightenment? Why did it happen to with the master is not merely being in his

Shiva Sutras - A collection of teachings of Shiva in epigram form as techniques. Includes Vignana Bhairava Tantra,
Guru Gita, Tiru Mandiram etc.
Gurukul - Vedic educational institution.
Swami Sri Yukteshwar Giri - Master of enlightened master Paramahamsa Yogananda.

freshness behind
physical presence, but keeping him in your nothing, bec- innocence. Life is
heart, being one with him in principle and tuning ause you are an unfolding
yourself to him. This is the whole technique empty. Then
of upanishad. The master is superconscious you never lose
energy. When you tune to him, you tune to your enthu-
that energy. You can tune only through siasm. You are never bored. You are like a
innocence, openness. child, innocent and fresh.
Openness is emptiness. Let not knowledge A young girl was writing something on a
fill you. Knowledge is but a mere tool, not piece of paper. Her father asked her what
your substance. Reject all knowledge as not it was.
this, not this. When I say reject, I mean She said, I am writing a letter.
dont settle for any intermediate knowledge
He asked, To whom?
except the ultimate Truth. Because when you
drop everything that continuously arises in To me, she replied.
you, then you have no other go. You are What does the letter say? He asked.
thrown back into yourself and it is there you
She replied, How do I know? I have not
will find the ultimate Truth. It is then you are
mailed it and I have not received it yet.
ready to be filled with the Truth. That alone
can make upanishad happen. There is so much freshness behind
innocence. Life becomes an unfolding
If you watch children, their eyes will be mystery every moment with it. That is the
filled with wonder and freshness all the time. truth. Life is an ever unfolding mystery. It is
They are so empty inside. They dont hold the mind that typecasts it. The mind always
any opinion about anything. They are ready wants life on its own specific terms. Innocence
to receive. Their readiness is expressed in their embraces life with lifes own terms.
eyes. Have you ever seen an adult with such
eyes? The eyes lose their glow as we grow If you play hide and seek with children,
older because we become dulled by what we you will see that they will hide in the same
start knowing. Knowledge makes us dull. We place as you hid the last time! Not just once
may know many things, but the knowing but most of the time! How is this possible?
should not dull us in any way. We should Because of one thing: they move with
remain empty in spirit always. innocence. They dont have any idea in their
head. They simply follow their heart. They
If you just look at life without any have great trust in you, so they simply hide
opinions, without any words of description, where you hid, not even suspecting you will
without any fixed ideas, then you are like an look there! That is the beauty.
empty teacup into which the brewed tea can
be poured. You receive because you hold Innocence trusts. Innocence does not
worry about being exploited. Neuroscientists


be known only by
surrendering to it. have expla- of innocence can say, Because of my
nations for this knowing I missed it. I actually dont know. I
now. They say that till about the age of five or am now eager to know. The moment this
six, a childs brain wave patterns are in the space is created, the learning continues to
theta and delta states. These are extremely happen. In this space there is no ego of
impressionable states of mind in which we knowing. The resistance is dropped and there
dream and sleep. These are states of no is pure receptivity.
identity. Till the age of twelve they say that
J. Krishnamurti*, the great philosopher,
brain waves are in alpha state, still very
beautifully says, There can be freedom from
impressionable. This is why children believe
knowledge only when the motivation for
most of what adults say to them. In their
gathering of knowledge is understood.
innocence they trust.
What is generally the motivation for
When you see with empty eyes, everything
knowledge? You see: the present is an
you see goes deep and causes fresh insight.
unfolding miracle and mystery of Existence.
Life becomes an eternally unfolding mystery.
We try to grasp it with the net of knowledge.
The very nature of your questioning changes.
That is the motivation for knowledge. But it
The nature of the questioning reveals the depth
can never happen! The unknown can never
of innocence of the questioner.
be trapped with the known. The unknown can
There are three ways to ask a question: be known only by surrendering to it. That
you can ask out of innocence, or you can ask surrender is what is called intelligence!
out of knowledge to show that you too know, Intelligence recognizes the mystery of the
and third, you can ask to confirm that what present moment and surrenders to it joyfully.
you know is correct. When you ask out of That joy is the joy of innocence.
innocence, you are completely ready to
Knowledge on the other hand denies the
receive the answer. When you ask out of
mystery of the present moment. It tries to
knowledge, you completely miss the answer.
ascertain it every minute and the present can
When you ask for confirmation, you simply
never be ascertained. So you continuously
resist the answer. The fundamental secret of
remain with what is called fear of the
proper learning and knowing is to function
unknown. It is through the process of trying
from a state of innocence.
to ascertain the present moment that the fear
The problem is that those who are not of the unknown takes root. Otherwise, you
empty never recognize that they are not empty. have no fear! You are very clear that the
You cannot tell them they are full. They will present moment is a mystery!
neither understand nor accept it. But a man

J. Krishnamurti - Renowned Indian philosopher.

fatigue while action
Through knowledge, you somehow try to into one creates energy and
escape from the not-knowing of the moment. particular inspiration.
To the ego, not-knowing means being nothing. activity. Since
It cannot handle being nothing. But innocence the mind is constantly looking for activity you
is being nothing and enjoying the present! The go behind belief. We base our whole life on
present is an unopened gift. But knowledge beliefs. Because of this we are immersed in
robs it of its suspense. When knowledge activity, but not action. Activity needs
understands that the ways of the Self are yet constant fuelling through beliefs. Activity
to be discovered, then it doesnt hinder the cannot afford to stop. If it stops, the mind falls
process of the ultimate Knowing. Then it into depression. Action happens as and when
behaves as a tool that comes into play when required and stops. Activity happens out of
actually required and does not stand in the way belief. Action happens out of understanding.
of embracing the mysteries of life. Activity causes fatigue while action creates
energy and inspiration. What you need is
Once knowledge solidifies in the being
action, not activity.
there is no space left for experiencing. There
is scope only for replay of knowledge. Just understand that belief is nothing but
Everything becomes a reflection of some past your own understanding of something and not
knowledge or some past conclusion. The the truth. In any given situation, four different
future becomes a continuation of the past people can conclude differently with four
patterns and experiences. You already know different beliefs. There is no absolute reality
the fragrance of a flower. You already know in belief. It is merely an individual perception.
the sound of the waves. But innocence keeps the perception open.
That is the beauty of it. It doesnt conclude
Existence is not a continuation of anything.
and close the doors on anything.
It is fresh every minute. So it is not possible to
know anything. What do you know of what There are innumerable interpretations to
will happen the next second? If this is anything. Not holding onto any one
understood, all knowing can be dropped. Then interpretation is the essence of innocence.
there is only wisdom and wisdom is innocent Then the spirit is kept alive.
intelligence. It allows the experience to happen
without knowledge hindering. Then the great
discoveries of the Self and that which is around Grasp with Innocence
the Self as well as the mysteries that link both
happen. When you are with innocence you simply
enjoy the moment. If you watch innocent
J. Krishnamurti* rightly says that belief
people, they will never appear to be with any
discards so many possibilities and urges you

J. Krishnamurti - Renowned Indian philosopher.


the beauty of
purposelessness. great purpose. That is the reason why knowledge is so
They will popular today.
simply revel in the moment with a totality,
A small story:
with simplicity. Innocence grasps the moment
while knowledge misses it. Knowledge knows Four friends lived in a town. They spent a
only purpose while innocence knows the lot of time together. Three of them were very
learned. The fourth was not as learned but
beauty of purposelessness.
he was wise.
If you set aside your knowledge, you are
One day, they decided to travel to other
ready to grasp the moment and the Truth. The
lands to exhibit their learning to men and
present holds the truth in it. The problem is earn money.
that today education teaches only knowledge
and how to be clever. It doesnt educate on The fourth friend had nothing to boast of,
but expressed his wish to accompany them.
innocence. Where in the universities do they
teach innocence? The first friend said, You dont know much.
If you accompany us, we will have to
There is such a pressure to be clever today. unnecessarily share our money with you.
Children lose their innocence to the
conditioning that they receive in the name of The second friend said, Yes, that is true. It
how to be clever. Over time, like this small is better you stay back.
boy, even innocence is used only to make up The third friend was more kind. He said,
for cleverness! We grew up together all these years. It is
not right to tell him to stay back. He should
A father introduced his son proudly to his
come along.
colleagues at office for the first time.
So the four of them started their journey.
All his colleagues were standing around the
boy and the father said, Son, why dont you They passed through a dense forest. They
tell them how old you are? saw many wild animals and experienced
many exciting moments. Suddenly one day,
The child promptly said, When I am at
they came across a heap of animal bones.
home I am seven. But when I am on a bus,
I am five. One of them said, I think this is a wonderful
way to put our knowledge to test. Let us
This is how children are trained today. bring this animal back to life.
They are trained to see utility in everything.
Education evaluates you by your own utility. The two other friends agreed, but the fourth
one said, I feel these are the bones of a
But you are not your utility. You are your
very big animal, so we should not attempt
being. The being can never be evaluated. Only
to do such things.
the mind can be, and mind itself is a myth!
Society creates a myth, which is your mind, The other three laughed at him and called
and holds it as the yardstick to evaluate you. him a coward. They said, If you had


knowledge like we do, you will not feel so Innocence grasps dimensions that
afraid of such things. Keep quiet and watch cleverness misses. Innocence may miss the
us. facts but it catches the Truths. Cleverness is
The three proceeded with the experiment. too busy with facts. When cleverness
combines with innocence, it becomes a rare
One of them arranged the bones in a way
combination of intelligence and innocence.
that it looked like a proper animal. Then he
chanted some verses, sprinkled holy water Setting aside knowledge for the sake of
on it and the bones suddenly took the shape innocence is intelligence. I dont mean that
of a skeleton. They were amazed by the you have to stop gathering knowledge. Just
power of their knowledge. understand that knowledge cannot substitute
The second one came forward, chanted a
few more verses and sprinkled more water If you observe villagers who are not
on it. The skeleton suddenly got covered educated you will see that they exhibit pure
with muscles, flesh, blood and a coat of fur. intelligence! That is why you will find that
It was a lion and lacked only life. when you are stuck, a villager effortlessly
The friends were amazed at themselves. pitches in and helps you out! Innocent
intelligence has that capacity.
The third friend came forward and said he
would infuse life into it. Today all universities work on sharpening
The fourth friend gave another warning but the intellectual faculty of the individual. They
they laughed at him. He then slowly climbed teach us how to make ourselves more useful
up a tree and sat there watching. to society and how to be productive or
effective. There is nothing wrong in being
The third friend waved life into the lions
productive and effective, but in the process
body and the lion came to life.
we forget how to be innocent and receptive.
With one roar, the lion advanced towards We forget how to open up to the cosmos, to
the three of them. They looked up to see Existence. We forget how to move in
where the fourth friend was. He was
synchronicity with the cosmos, how to make
perched up on the tree watching the whole
productivity happen in tune with the cosmic
plan, which is the source of all productivity.
The lion made short work of them. This happens because we are caught in doing
Knowledge is a tool. It doesnt directly and having, we forget the being.
lead to intelligence. It is just a tool. As long There are three important states: being,
as we use it as a powerful tool where needed, doing and having. Right now, we move from
it is good. It can do amazing things. The doing to having. We continuously do things.
mistake we do is giving our whole lives to We learn and we put the learning into useful
the hands of knowledge. On the other hand action. We then have what we want,
innocence leads directly to pure intelligence. whether it is money, relationships, comfort, and

what not. Then we want to have better things says, there are trillions of cells in the body.
or have more things and so we continue doing. Every cell is like an intelligent being. Every
We are all the time between doing and having. cell has the DNA* substance in it which has
In the process, the being is forgotten. Our real the information and intelligence to grow a
restfulness lies only in the state of being. whole new body and brain. This dormant
Because of this, however much we do and intelligence needs to be awakened so that the
have, we still search for restfulness. This mind doesnt move towards suffering and
feeling is the call of the being. remains in bliss.
If we nurture the being and cause the He goes on to say that spiritual education
doing to happen from the quality of the being, magnetizes the cells by sending life current
then we dont have to work so much for the around the brain and spine, ensuring
having. That will simply happen as a evolutionary advancement of the individual.
byproduct. This is the secret of Existence. But With this divine magnetism, every cell
this is not seen as a direct utility to society by becomes a brain alive and ready to grasp every
the universities. That is the problem. But this bit of knowledge. With these awakened
is what gives the real utility of every brains, the mental capacity of the individual
individual, not only to society but to the whole multiplies multifold and all sorts of
of the cosmos. We should always be knowledge can be effortlessly comprehended!
concerned about the Whole. Such is the impact of spiritual learning.
In the ancient Indian universities like Alexander, the emperor of Greece, had
Takshila* and Nalanda*, the preparation of the conquered three fourths of the world and
students was always at the being level. Outer traveled downward to Asia to conquer it.
world learning happened as a natural He settled down in the banks of the river
consequence. India has always focused on Sindhu to conquer India.
nurturing the innocence of the being because On the banks of the same river lived a
only that will lead to strength of the being. hermit.
When there is strength of the being, anything As Alexander and his army passed by, the
can be achieved. hermit was meditating and did not stand
Paramahamsa Yogananda* beautifully up to salute him.
describes the intent of spiritual learning. He

Takshila - A center of learning mentioned in the Hindu epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata, now a world UN heritage
site in North eastern Pakistan.
Nalanda - A great Buddhist center of learning in modern day Bihar comprising a university and library.
Paramahamsa Yogananda - An enlightened master well known for his book Autobiography of a Yogi. He founded Self
Realization Fellowship movement in USA in 1920.
DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid, the building block of all living beings containing the genetic code.


Alexander felt humiliated and shouted at One more thing: one cannot blame
him, How dare you do not salute me! And modernization for loss of innocence also. Lord
he took out his sword to chop his head off. Krishna says, I am Time. When Krishna says
The hermit looked at him and laughed. that, you need to understand that modernization
is also the divine play of Existence. Man should
Alexander was shocked. He asked,I am
understand modernization in the right light and
going to kill you and you are laughing?
not take it as a replacement to the ancient
The hermit said, I wonder what you are foundation of growing.
trying to kill! I can never be killed. I am
immortal, eternal and imperishable.
Weapons cannot cut, fire cannot burn, water
cannot wet, wind cannot dry up this soul. Be vulnerable
He quoted from the Bhagavad Gita.
When you are innocent, you are vulnerable
Alexander dropped the sword and saluted to everything that Existence wants to teach
the hermit saying, India has such great you! If you are closed, you create a wall
people who are fearless about death. I offer
around you. The wall neither allows fresh
my salutations to this great country. He
breeze to touch your being nor does it allow
retreated from the Indian soil a wiser man.
you to step out and touch the cool breeze.
The teachings of olden day universities Vulnerability is breaking the wall and inviting
created the possibility for supreme knowledge the cool breeze to touch your very being every
and confidence to flower in individuals, at the time it blows.
same time preserving their innocence. Then
Vulnerability is allowing everything to
every student acquired the quality of a sage.
touch your being. The entire cosmos comes
A sage has the vast knowledge of the outer
to you when you are vulnerable.
world and the utter innocence of the inner
world. Vulnerability is not weakness. The wall
when broken will not cause you danger. The
A person may go on and on reading
wall itself was built out of a deep fear of
something here and there, and entertain
exposing your reality. Your reality is your
himself. If his intention is just reading books
vulnerability and you are so afraid of opening
it can be good entertainment, but not
it to the cosmos. You know deep down that if
enlightenment. Entertainment is different
you let go and open up you will simply be
from enlightenment. Just because he has been
swept away in innocence. So you close
entertained by some good books, it doesnt
yourself up. But it is suffocating to be in there
mean that he is enlightened. The books which
because it is the same air that is circulating.
help you sharpen your logic give you the
You experience the same patterns that the
feeling that you know. There starts the
mind knows. Then of what use is the wall?
When the wall is broken, you will realize that


yes, your energy

starts moving in a nothing leaves give you because you are vulnerable and ready
new direction. you. Instead, to receive it! Existence has its own ethics.
you only gain Enlightened masters have their own ethics.
freshness of life. When there is vulnerability, they can simply
Two astrologers met on the road on a shower on you. When there is a wall, it
beautiful autumn day. One of them becomes difficult. Their ethics does not permit
commented, Beautiful autumn. It is them to penetrate. So they wait for the wall
something we have never seen earlier. to break.
The other replied, True. I am reminded of When you become vulnerable, you are
the autumn of 2070. saying a yes to Existence. Existence is the
When you are vulnerable, you experience greatest mystery and the eternal teacher. When
everything at the being level. Otherwise, it you say yes to it, your energy starts moving in
becomes an experience through the head. The a new direction. It moves from the head to
being is poetry, the head is prose. Life is poetry. the heart and you start receiving the teachings
from your very being. Whatever you said no
One night a wife found her husband to earlier will start becoming a yes. Then you
standing over their babys crib. will see that the world is very different from
As he stood looking down upon the baby in what you thought.
the cradle, she saw his face assuming a
People ask me how to be in my presence.
mixture of emotions of disbelief, awe,
skepticism, doubt, amazement and what not.
Just be completely vulnerable and innocent.
With openness, you can receive the truth
She slowly went up to him, put her arm directly in your being. The master is a pure
around him and said, A penny for your expression of Existence. By allowing him, you
are allowing Existence to enter into you.
The husband replied, Its amazing. I cant When Existence enters it leaves an impression
imagine how anyone can make a crib like of the truth in your being. With every darshan
that for just 45 dollars! or touch from the master, the impression
With the head you cannot be vulnerable! becomes deeper. This impression is greater
And when you are not vulnerable, you are than any teaching he can impart to you.
sitting behind the great wall of your house. A master cant teach you spirituality, but
Life has not yet started. Life happens with you can learn by being open and trusting
vulnerability. towards him. Spirituality has nothing to do with
With vulnerability you move towards the words. It is an experience. You need to imbibe
truth in a different path, in a joyful path it by watching the masters body language,
because every moment you are receiving by smelling the enlightenment that radiates
directly from Existence. Existence is able to from him. You can catch it if you are aware.

capable of taking
When you are vulnerable, you are open in Surrender is to the leap into trust
your entire response system. You are not in a do with trust. and surrender.
hurry to ask your questions. You give space Surrender is
for the intelligence of the cosmos to act possible only out of innocence, because out
through you. of innocence arises trust.
To just express with vulnerability is to be Out of surrender arises deep relaxation.
free like a bird, not worried about any past or Out of surrender arises a fresh intelligence
future, to just be. That is what Zen masters that knows on a different plane. On this plane,
taught their disciples. there is no worry of result, there is only action
driven by pure energy. And energy is
intelligence. Trust does not mean inaction. It
Surrender with trust means continuing to be in action with
intelligence instead of intellect. It is having
Immense trust leads to surrender. trust in thought, and intelligence in action.
Surrender is simplicity of the heart. It is the A disciple came riding on his camel to the
knowing that you do not have to decide about tent of a Sufi master. He dismounted from
the Truth, that you just have to go by it. When the camel, walked into the masters tent,
you awaken to the powerful presence of the bowed down low and said, Master, so great
Truth, surrender happens. is my trust in god that I have left my camel
outside untied, convinced that god protects
If you observe your pet dog, you will find
the interests of those who love him.
that even if you cheat him once in a while, he
will come back to you with utmost trust. His The master shouted, Go tie your camel you
trust is absolute and innocent. The trust comes fool! God cannot be bothered doing for you
with no reason. He has no questions, so no what you are perfectly capable of doing
answers need to be given. He sees no utility yourself!
in anything. He just exists like an open book, Trust is an attitude. It is not a substitute
thats all. for appropriate action. The spirit of trust is
Two gold fish were in a water tank. One the essence of life. It leads to innocence,
asked the other, Do you trust in god? surrender, relaxation and bliss. If it is followed
out of complete understanding, there is nothing
The other replied, But of course. Who do
to lose in its path. Until then, you are still on
you think changes our water everyday?
the path to trust.
It is only innocence that is capable of
Enlightened masters are established in the
taking the leap into trust and surrender.
knowing that nothing is impossible in the space
Knowledge somehow sees utility in
of Existence. They are living embodiments of
everything. It looks for reason in everything.
trust. Their bliss is an expression of this. They
Surrender and reason are mutually exclusive.
have access to all the knowledge of the world

but are yet utterly innocent. They know that the ocean from India to Sri Lanka with just
their knowledge is the knowledge of one leap by chanting the name of Rama*.
Existence. Their knowledge is not knowledge Rama himself had to build a bridge to cross
but a flowing experience of the truth of the over with his army! Such is the power of
moment. innocent surrender to Existence and all its
We too have knowledge. But the problem
is that we think our knowledge is the only One more thing: when you are trusting and
right knowledge and all other knowledge is surrendering, it becomes difficult to cheat you.
wrong. Understand: the ultimate knowledge Innocent trust always protects from deceit. It
is the same for everyone. Anything in between radiates that kind of energy.
is just a bunch of borrowed ideas. If this is There was a great Sufi Saint by name Habib
known clearly, surrender will happen and we Ajami. He went to bathe in the river one
will drop the burden of knowledge and day leaving his coat on the bank of the river
become innocent. unattended.
How to start knowing that we dont know? One man passed by at that time and saw
Mere clarity that we dont know is enough. the coat. Thinking someone had left it there
Just meditate on Existence, the source of all carelessly and it had to be protected, he
knowledge. Be in a prayerful and surrendering decided to stand guard over it till the owner
mood to it all the time. Be firm in surrendering came by.
to the knowledge of Existence. You will see Habib came back looking for his coat. The
that miracles start happening around you. man asked him, In whose care did you
leave the coat when you went to bathe? It
There is a story about Hanuman *, the
might as well have been stolen!
monkey god in Hindu mythology who was
a devout disciple of Lord Rama*. Habib replied, I left it in the care of Him
who gave you the task of guarding over it!
Hanuman*was once asked what day of the
lunar month it was. When trust happens with the utmost
He replied, I dont know anything about understanding, nothing can be lost. In the
the day of the month or the positions of the quality of trust is its true essence. I always
stars. I think of Rama* alone. tell my disciples about the monks I have seen
in the Himalayas during my spiritual
When you are established in the wonder
wandering days. The monks come to the
of the Truth, you become so innocent, that
Himalayas to meditate leaving everything
your very life becomes meditative and
behind. But there they fight for their small
miraculous. It was Hanuman* who crossed

Hanuman - The monkey god revered by Hindus and a disciple of Rama.

Rama - Prince of the kingdom of Ayodhya in the Indian epic Ramayana.

Unless innocence
happens intimacy
water pots! Just the object of possessiveness you can say cannot happen.
changes, thats all! Understand this. When you and do
trust, all material possessions will seem like everything that
they belong to Existence. The very attitude you feel genuinely and earnestly about. There
of possessing then drops. That relaxes the will be authenticity in your words and actions.
mind. That is the space for relaxing. You will radiate energy that spurs the others
around you to be innocent and open. Then the
In the year 2004, we went as a small group
real beauty of Existence can be experienced.
to the Himalayas. In a lifetime at least once
you should visit the Himalayas. We went to
Gomukh*, which is the source of the sacred
river Ganga. The trek is on mule back taking Spirituality the way to
almost five hours up and five hours down. innocent obeisance
The path is just four feet wide. If you miss
your footing you will go into the gushing There is a famous saying, If you worry,
Ganga river beneath! Once we reached then you didnt pray. If you prayed, then dont
Gomukh* we spent some time there, and the worry.
group returned while I stayed back with a few Spirituality is a straight path to surrender
disciples. worry and be free. It is a tremendous relief
The group that returned started at dusk. I for the modern day man. It is a proven science.
told them not to worry and that Existence will In todays world of science and knowledge,
take care. Through pitch darkness, not the call of the being needs to be addressed
knowing if the mule was taking the bend of compassionately and immediately.
the mountain or going straight ahead into the Spirituality is the way. Spirituality restores
darkness, the entire group made its way back. the cosmos with its sanctity and mysticism. It
The next day, I asked them how the experience reminds man that he is not the greatest
was. One of them said, Swamiji, we creature on the planet. It reminds him of the
experienced what blind trust means! If those powerful Existential Energy that pervades the
trusting moments could be extended, they can universe. It creates not-knowing and innocent
be the very essence of your life. Then, you surrender in the mind.
can simply do, leaving the result to Existence. Spirituality is not a ritual. It is the science
Another important thing is unless of merging with Existence. From time
innocence happens, intimacy cannot happen. immemorial, the first thing that all world
Intimacy is the language of Existence. The religions did was to create a space for the
mind doesnt know intimacy. Only the being Divine to become a part of life. A temple is a
knows it. With intimacy there is openness and space to reconnect with the cosmic energy

Gomukh - Source of river Ganga.


and be restful in it. That was the core purpose He would walk to the temple every day
of all world religions. And when the taking care while walking not to disturb the
connection deepened, it became a blissful flowers in their setting in the garland! After
space within oneself. Religion was a clear offering them to the deity he would chant
stepping stone to spirituality. sacred verses for long hours.
It is said that he attained enlightenment
When man pursues science alone, he
through just this innocent worship.
becomes too knowing because his inventions
and discoveries seem to be his own findings. Today he is worshipped as one of the 63
Everything seems to fall under the purview saints called Nayanmars * who attained
of his intellect. Spirituality on the other hand enlightenment through innocent devotion to
keeps the mystery of the cosmos alive. It god.
creates humble obeisance towards a life force Those who shun spirituality are those who
that is mightier than the intellect. That is why have not tasted its transforming sweetness.
spirituality can restore innocence. They are the ones who think spirituality is
There is an immediate need to pay seriousness. No! God is always an
obeisance to the cosmic force and calm the embodiment of bliss, then how can spirituality
intellect. With obeisance comes fresh be seriousness? Man has made it serious by
intelligence that sees the cosmic reducing it to mundane rituals.
consciousness as the central core of activity. Our masters have even specified the times
Then, man will no more be afraid of the in which to connect to the deeper realms of
unfathomable cosmos. He will simply fall in our being through prayer. They have said it is
tune with it with deep devotion, love and in good to pray in the early morning. What is
ecstasy. the reason for this? The intellect has rested
The greatest saints of India who had the well in the night and does not as yet start
power of willing the cosmos to lovingly functioning in the morning. When spirituality
respond achieved this power through is practiced at that time, the impact on the
spirituality. mind is greater. The impact is made while the
mind is still fresh and innocent, while the mind
There was a man by name Muruganar who
was an ardent devotee of Shiva. Everyday
has not yet started chewing on the intellect.
before break of dawn he would bathe in the Not for nothing have the great masters gifted
cool waters of the river, gather flowers from spirituality to us. When the intent is understood,
trees, fields, the river and creepers and make spirituality becomes a straight route to
garlands for the Shiva deity in the temple. restoring innocence and trust.

Nayanmars - Tamil devotee saints of enlightened master Shiva, 63 in number, whose life stories are told in the book
Periya Puranam.


A small story: When you are innocent and prayerful, the

One evening, a farmer on his way back from masters silence penetrates your being. The
the market found himself without his prayer religion of silence is the greatest religion. It
book. The wheel of his cart came off right is the religion of the great masters and
in the middle of the woods and he felt sad disciples. That is true spirituality also.
that the day should pass without having said
his prayers.
So he made up a prayer to god. He spoke Drop cunningness and
aloud, Oh god, I have done something
very foolish. I have left behind my prayer
become spontaneous
books today. And my memory is so poor When I told the story of Satyakama to a
that I cant recite a single prayer without group of people, one person asked me,
the book. So this is what I am going to do.
Swamiji, maybe these techniques are for
I will recite the letters of the alphabet five
highly evolved souls. In that story, the disciple
times very slowly and you, who knows all
the prayers, please put the letters together
gets enlightened when the master just blesses
to form the prayers I cant remember. him. He must have been a highly evolved soul
for that to happen.
And god said to his angels that day, Of all
the prayers I have heard today, this one was I told that person, No, it is not for highly
undoubtedly the best because it came from evolved souls. It is for highly innocent souls!
a heart that was simple and sincere. Understand this. Highly evolved people dont
need techniques. Techniques such as those
Spirituality is an opening to express
given to Satyakama are given to innocent
innocence in its purest form. Innocence itself
people who are tired of being cunning.
is an offering to god. Innocence itself is the
Understand these words, tired of being
greatest prayer to god.
Religion is by itself not any belief as it is
What is cunningness? It is the opposite of
made out to be. Every religion is the result of
intelligence. You can be either cunning or
the deep spiritual experience of the great
intelligent, never both at the same time.
master who founded it. What they
Cunningness is also the opposite of
experienced, they gave as a religion to
vulnerability. When you are cunning, you
humanity, through which humanity can get the
cannot be vulnerable. When you are
same experience. There was no other intent.
vulnerable, you are pure like a child. A child
If this is understood, any person can practice
can be intelligent and innocent at the same
any religion. That is the beauty of all original
time. Over time, his intelligence grows but the
innocence invariably takes a turn to become
The same is true when you are around a cunningness. Then he is no more pure like a
master. Be in a mood of innocent surrender. child. Societal conditioning causes the

alright for
arithmetic, not for innocence in The first one said, I can tell. And he dived
the intelligence beneath the clothes and came out and said,
the being. You are a girl and I am a boy.
to take the turn
into cunningness. Children if left to themselves The baby girl was surprised and asked,
remain innocent. But we teach them so many How did you know?
things that they become social animals.
Pat came the reply, Thats easy. You are
Understand this. We hold a great responsibility wearing pink booties and I am wearing blue
in bringing up children without making them ones!
From a very early stage, the child is taught
The poet Khalil Gibran* says beautifully division by people who are themselves
about children, struggling with cunningness. The child
You may give them your love but not unconsciously trades his innocence for
your thoughts, cunningness.

For they have their own thoughts. The danger with cunningness is that it
grows roots in many directions and solidifies
Cunningness is division. It is a constant
as the very nature of the individual. The
calculation. It hinders free and innocent
person will not even know he is cunning. He
expression. It knows to express only through
wont even know that his struggle with
calculation. Calculation is alright for
himself is because of his cunningness.
arithmetic, not for the being. We calculate for
the wrong reasons. Do we ever calculate our One person came to me and started telling
blessings? No, never! They are just taken for me, Swamiji, I have extra marital
granted. relationships. I asked, Do you feel it is
wrong? He said, Yes, I know it is wrong,
Cunningness starts with division of the
and I am very clear that I am doing something
Whole. Innocence is lost when the mind is
wrong. I told him, Then stop it. He said,
taught to divide. Once it picks up the thread,
No, only you can stop it. I told him, Hey, I
the mind continues and moves far away from
am not the one having the relationship to stop
its original innocence.
it! You are the one having it, so it is you who
Two babies were in a pram next to each is supposed to decide and stop! He stood
other in a mall. silent. I asked him, What do you mean by I
One of them turned to the other and asked, should stop? Do you mean that I should take
Are you a girl or a boy? your car keys and not allow you to go there?
What do you mean by I should stop?
I dont know, the baby replied.

Khalil Gibran - 20th Century Lebanese American poet best known for his The Prophet.


This is cunningness. He told me, No, I or three people continuously watching you and
have surrendered myself to you, so you should make you do things? Drop your cunning game,
take care of it. I told him it was a good story! then automatically you will start doing what I
Then I told him, You told just now you have say. Cunningness is a pure hide and seek game
surrendered everything to me. Alright then, that you play with yourself. You cant play it
just sit here and meditate. He asked, What with me. I straightaway know where all you
are you saying Swamiji? I told him, You are hiding. I dont need to come to you to find
were the one who said just now that you have you. So understand that you are just playing
surrendered everything to me! Then just do with yourself. Just take a strong decision to
whatever I say. Dont move from here, just be completely sincere and authentic to
sit. That he was not ready to do! yourself. Only then you can drop your
A small story:
The rivers one day gathered together and When cunningness dissolves, authenticity
made a complaint against the sea. They and sincerity happen and you will enlighten
asked the sea, Why is that when we enter quickly. Also, with authenticity you will not
your waters fresh and fit to drink, you make indulge in any kind of gossip. Gossip is a pure
us salty and undrinkable? expression of cunningness. When you are so
cunning that you cant tell a person anything
The sea hearing itself being blamed replied,
Dont come. Then you wont turn salty. on his face, you talk behind his back.

If you are not ready for the simple When you drop cunningness, spontaneity
solution, then be assured that you are playing flowers. Spontaneity is the opposite of
a cunning game! Unless you are tired of being calculation. Intelligence plus innocence is
cunning, you cant be helped. No technique spontaneity. Intelligence plus cunningness is
can help you because your cunningness knows calculation. Spontaneity is nothing but a
how to escape from every single technique. flowing expression of your innocence. It is a
People come and tell me, Swamiji, whatever non-calculating state of mind. It is called
you are saying is correct, but Understand sahaja*, being yourself without any burden.
this. The moment you say but to me, you The burden is the burden of constant
have missed! The moment you say but, it is calculation.
over. You are trying to escape with your Understand this, with cunningness, you
cunningness. may think you are gaining a lot of things, but
Some people tell me, Whatever you say the truth is that you are losing your innocence.
is right, but please make me do whatever you Losing your innocence is like losing your entire
say. What do you mean? Should I have two life. You can afford to lose anything but not
your innocence.

Sahaja - Spontaneous divine joy.


falsity comes
because society Innocence, Let the core of you be at ease all the time,
teaches you to be Totality, irrespective of where you might be or what
you may be doing. Then you can retain your
someone special all
Maturity purity. Always feel your natural self at your
the time. core with no strain, with no effort or
Dhamma- pretensions.
pada says:
The problem of falsity comes because
Light the lamp within, strive hard to society teaches you to be someone special all
attain wisdom. Become pure and innocent, the time. There is no need to be someone
and live in the world of light. special all the time. It is an immature idea to
When you came into the world, you came be someone special all the time. Once this idea
as an innocent infant. You radiated the beauty is renounced, the mind relaxes. It feels no
of your innocence until society gave you the pressure to be shrewd. This relaxation gives
mind. Now, you want to get rid of your mind birth to innocence.
and become innocent again. The regained To feel the urge to regain your innocence
innocence is what is called maturity. It is you may have to go astray, because when you
possible to regain it. Just believe that you were go astray and face the consequences,
innocent once upon a time. Trust that the introspection starts. The introspection triggers
innocence is still within you. Then it is the need to regain innocence. Dont condemn
possible to start radiating it again. This yourself for going astray. Just bring in the
understanding will start the process again. awareness to integrate yourself into the right
Maturity causes us to live in totality. path forever. If maturity is going to happen
Totality is functioning out of immense this way it is definitely worth it.
innocence and giving your whole to the Maturity is taking a strong decision not
moment. There is no opinion, no judgment, to delude yourself anymore. It is to awaken
no fragments within you. There is only intense to the consciousness within. It is to integrate
enthusiasm for the moment. The openness to yourself with honesty. When this happens, you
the moment is the innocence. start to become a child again. As a child, you
To become mature you need to go in first, were innocent but not with awareness.
because maturity is all about falling at ease Somewhere in the process of growing up you
with your true nature with no pretensions. lost the innocence. You are regaining it now.
Making your natural self to be your very The new innocence will be with full
nature is maturity. The best way to become awareness and that is the real innocence.
your natural self is to keep your core at ease.

Dhammapada - Teachings of Buddha in scriptural form.


When you regain the innocence, you live with innocence and playfulness. It will help
flower with the understanding that there is understand and reconnect with innocence.
nothing more priceless than becoming
Childlike innocence discovers many things
childlike again. That is the process of
but cannot understand most of it. It enjoys it
at the level of its innocence, thats all.
That is why a childs innocence is to be Whereas innocence regained not only
nurtured with utmost care. For every innocent discovers these new things, but also
observation that a child makes, if we can be understands all of them. That is the difference.
without imposing our knowledge on it, the
Childlike innocence is beautiful but not
child will grow up preserving its innocence.
enough. It has to be lost to life and regained
For example, if the child asks, Why is it that
with complete awareness and maturity.
the sky is blue sometimes and white
sometimes? just tell the child that the sky is It is said that a mad man and a mystic look
blue sometimes and white sometimes. He will alike. Both of them will be eccentric in their
anyway learn that in his lessons in school. But ways, laughing abruptly and doing things
if you can tell him they are just the way they incomprehensible. But they are actually at the
are, he will straightaway understand the extreme two ends of the same spectrum!
spontaneity of nature. He will not be looking Extremes always look alike. Outwardly they
for further knowledge to feed himself with. appear to be the same, thats all. Similarly, a
The universities take care of that anyway. child and a saint may look alike in their
innocence, but they are actually at the two
At home, when you are still the most
extreme ends of the same spectrum. The child
influential person in his life, if you make him
has not even started its achievement of
understand that this is the way things are, that
regained innocence, while the saint has
there is no need to know it all with knowledge,
finished it.
the innocence in him survives. He doesnt
catch the thread of passing judgment on The innocence of the child is still the god
nature. He learns to see without bringing given innocence he came with, not the
words in. He learns to just see and be. The innocence that he regained through life. The
moment words are brought in, the innocence innocence of a child can be easily disturbed,
is lost. Then it is no more seeing. It becomes whereas the innocence of a sage can never
looking. The whole beauty of it is then lost. be disturbed. Getting the innocence disturbed
and working to regain it permanently is the
Growing up is always considered to be a
process of maturity. That is the travel through
serious thing. If you grow up in seriousness
to the other end of the spectrum in becoming
you only grow old. If you grow up in
a saint.
playfulness, you remain young! It is a good
thing to see what children, animals and other With innocence regained, you will once
creatures are doing at times because they all again be able to look into the eyes of the other.


your innocence,
you are called Your innocence innocence is already in you. It is not about
dvija, reborn. not only makes any end objective outside. Just this
you vulnerable, remembrance will give you the relaxation
it also makes you integrated. With knowledge, after every frustration.
you are fragmented within you. With regained
Everyday just sit for a few moments, sit
innocence, you are integrated and honest to
by yourself and calmly go into your
yourself and to others. That honesty will radiate
innocence. Feel the innocence in you. Feel
from your eyes and touch the other. That
the purity in you. Feel the overflowing from
honesty is maturity.
within you. Let it spread through your body,
Just the longing to become innocent again mind and being. Feel how beautiful you are
is enough. It will start destroying all that is in your innocence. Do this everyday. Soon you
not you inside you. After all, it is just layers will see that you will awaken to it as your
of conditioning. But it is important to hold very nature. All that is not you will be burnt
your will strong until the process is complete. and the real you will emerge.
The will is a constant reminder to be sincere
Innocence has a totality about it. This
and honest without cunningness. Decide not
totality is called grace. That is why
to rest until the de-conditioning is total.
enlightened masters appear to be so graceful
The beauty of maturity is that it allows and beautiful all the time. Innocence manifests
you to function as a mature person when itself as wondrous beauty to the eyes of the
required and as a child at all other times. It beholder. It is so total that even the most
easily allows you to flow from one to the other cunning mind cannot deny it. It simply defies
so that you are in perfect harmony with the all logic and touches you.
We always think children are immature.
When you regain your innocence, you are We think that the grownups who cry are
called dvija*, reborn, mature. The key is not immature. We are conditioned to believe that
to give up in your effort in regaining your expression of any emotion is immature.
innocence. The journey may be frustrating at Expressing the emotions in an unfiltered way
times, because it is taking time and not is a sign of innocence. The cunning ones edit
happening. It is so because society has even their emotions. Once in a while it is good
conditioned you with many layers. The onion to cry in front of people. What is wrong with
has to be peeled layer after layer to reach the it? What are you trying to hide? By crying
center. Frustration is a precondition to burst you are only expressing your true feelings.
open with transformation. So dont relax, that What is there to hide? The problem is that
is enough. It will happen. Remember, society has always taught us to hide our true

Dvija - Twice born. Refers to the state of awakening of Consciousness.


nature and show only our projected color cotton candies or make mud dolls! All
personality. That is why with time we forget these will bring out the child in you. Your solid
what our nature is. We forget how to be identity will dissolve. You will become fluid
innocent. like a river and flow. The weight of your
One teacher told the parent during the parent seriousness will drop and you will become light
teacher meeting, Your daughter is very and blissful.
good in all her activities. She is just a little Seriousness is ego. When you are afraid
emotionally immature. But she will be of getting hurt, when you are afraid of losing
alright. your control or power, you become serious.
The parent looked at her in a puzzled way When you are too centered on yourself this
and asked, At three, how else do you expect happens. When you let go and play and touch
her to be? your innocence again, you will suddenly enjoy
Just by being with children as their friend, a break from yourself. That break is the falling
as their playmate, it is possible to get back in of your seriousness. In that gap you will
touch with the innocence. When you are with realize there is nothing to hold on to. There is
them dont pretend to be like a child. Take it only free spirit. When you become aware of
really seriously and become a child! It is the this you can work on it consciously and move
greatest favor you can do to yourself. towards becoming completely innocent and
There are umpteen ways to rediscover the
child hiding in you. Just play hide and seek Innocence is keeping the consciousness
with children or learn how to make cookies or at the level of the heart, not allowing it to settle
watch Tom and Jerry cartoons or eat different in the head.



You Are Part of the Collective


We now move to a slightly more complex of fluid dynamics and so on. All objects are
subject. It is about the relationship that we considered to be made up of molecules, which
have with the world around us. Why do we are made up of atoms, which in turn are made
see what we see? How do we see what we of three types of particles - protons, neutrons
see? How do we fit into the scheme of and electrons. We learned all these
Existence? fundamental things in school.
But according to modern science, the
world is not fundamentally made up of matter;
Matter, energy and beyond the fundamental particles are not protons,
neutrons and electrons. Modern science says
What is this world made up of? Our five
matter itself is actually energy!
senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch
are our gateways to perceiving this world. Albert Einsteins famous equation, E=mc2
They tell us that this world is made up of (where E is energy, m is mass of the object
matter objects in various forms, shapes, and c is the speed of light) proves the
colors and qualities. equivalence of matter and energy. I was
reading a very recent article, also published
We see ourselves living in a three
in the US Journal Science (http://
dimensional world fundamentally made up of, on
the five basic elements - earth, water, fire, air
a research that proved Einsteins equation. The
and space. We see all the objects in this world
fundamental particles in the nucleus
undergoing change with time. They all
themselves are considered to be made of
undergo creation, sustenance and dissolution
smaller particles called quarks, which are
with the passage of time.
bound by gluons. The surprising thing is the
Classical physics tells us that matter is mass of gluons is zero and the mass of quarks
governed by the laws of physics like the three is only five percent. The study says, the
laws of motion, the law of gravity, the laws missing 95 percent comes from the energy of


energy vibrating at
various frequencies the movements gross body. An important thing to be
and manifesting and interactions understood here is that the perception of the
of quarks and world varies from person to person because
itself in various
gluons. So, the functioning of the mind varies from person
forms. energy and to person!
mass are
Even interactions between people are only
energy interactions. For example, an atom that
This truth discovered by science a few consists of a nucleus with a cloud of electrons
decades ago, was declared by the Eastern around it can be compared to a football field.
rishis* in the Upanishads* - the essence of The nucleus is like a peanut in the center of a
the vedic knowledge. The very first line of football field and the cloud of electrons is like
the Isa Vasya Upanishad*, written thousands the empty space in the field. Another
of years ago, declares, Isa vasyam idam comparison I came across is, if you were to
sarvam which means all that exists is energy! remove all the space between all the atoms
on planet earth, the remaining matter would
come to just about the size of a sugar cube!
Matter is vibrating energy What we see as solid matter, as the
football field in this example, is actually the
Matter is actually energy vibrating at
electron clouds - huge empty spaces -
various frequencies and manifesting itself in
interacting with each other. In the same way,
various forms. We are not able to see this
our interactions and contact with other people
vibration with our eyes because the
and objects are also only interaction of
frequencies of vibration are too high. It is just
energies. There is an exchange of energy that
as when movement is too fast, the eye cannot
happens. You give some of your energy and
perceive the moving objects as independent
you get energy from that person or object!
frames. The eye sees the objects merging into
each other continuously.
In the same way, the vibration of energy The world of infinite
cannot be perceived by the eye. It appears to
be solid matter! Energy in gross form is matter. possibilities
Matter in subtle form is energy. The body is Now, what is the origin of matter and
the gross manifestation of the subtle mind. energy? What is the origin of the body and
The mind is the subtle manifestation of the mind? From where does the energy in all

Rishis Seers of ancient India.

Upanishads Texts from the vedic tradition of enlightened masters and disciples in ancient India.
Isa Vasya Upanishad - One of the major and oldest vedic scriptures.

ocean of bliss and
objects arise? What then is the reality behind causeless, ecstasy.
this perceived world? If we are not able to overflowing
see reality as it exists through the senses, what ecstasy, the wave of Creation rises in the
is the nature of reality? ocean of Existence! That is how things
happen. The Divine, playing with its infinite
This question is asked in the Shiva Sutras,
manifestations in innumerable universes is
an ancient vedic scripture on the science of
called sustenance. Dropping from the play and
enlightenment. Shivas* consort Devi* asks
relaxing into Itself is called dissolution.
Him, What is the nature of this wonder-filled
Dissolution is the settling back into the
universe? As a response, Shiva delivers 112
Absolute or Parabrahma* state. Then for
enlightenment techniques which, when
no logical reason, the play starts again! This
practiced, give the answer as a direct
continues. What we see as results are the
infinite happenings in the universe.
This question about reality leads us to a
world beyond matter and energy, beyond the
limitations of space and time. This is the world
where all the possibilities exist as seed. It is
The real nature
the essence and the origin of thoughts, and it We see this causeless and ecstatic play
is the essence and origin of events in the of Existence through our own individual
material world. perception! Our very perception collapses the
In this world-beyond, ordinary logic does beautiful happening into a localized reality.
not exist. Cause and effect relationships do Each individual boils down the beautiful
not exist. The happening of one event does happening into his own individual reality.
not cause another event to happen, but it is Someone asked me, I see this table here.
correlated with the other event that happens. All the people in this room see this same table.
This correlation has no dependence on space Then how can you say that this table is not a
and time. So what we call the seed is the ocean reality? Please understand that what you see
of infinite possibilities from which the waves as this table here is not the same as what the
of events arise. other person sees! Each person in this room
This whole Existence and all its events sees this table differently! That is the truth.
happen as causeless auspiciousness, like That is what I am trying to explain here.
waves arising in an ocean. Existence is an As long as the mind tries to perceive, what
ocean of bliss and ecstasy. Out of the is perceived is not the ultimate reality. Only
an infinite being can perceive Reality exactly
Shiva Enlightened master.
Devi - Supreme goddess in Hinduism, Cosmic Mother.
Parabrahma - Supreme Being.


we observe
through our own as it is electron at the same time, because the very
set of conditioning happening. He act of observing the location of the electron
cannot explain it will change its momentum, and the very act
or engrams.
in words of determining the momentum of the electron
because words will change its location! This is what is known
cannot describe what is beyond space and in science as the Heisenberg Uncertainty
time. He can only tell you to wait for it to principle.
become your own experience! That is why
The particle-wave is both a particle and
Shiva answers not with philosophy but with
wave at the same time until the act of
techniques. He directly gives techniques for
observation comes into play. This act of
Devi* to experience the Reality the nature
observation can now be connected with our
of the universe.
act of observing the causeless happenings of
Let me explain this concept based on the Existence. When we observe, we observe
energy-matter idea. We saw that matter is through our own set of conditioning or what
actually energy. Classical physics said that the we call engrams which are preconceived and
electron is a particle. However, quantum deeply engraved memories and conclusions.
physics says that it is a wave. Actually, the Each individuals act of observation is colored
electron exhibits the properties of both a by his own conditioning or engrams. Based
particle and a wave in different situations. upon that, he boils down the happening to suit
Physicists have now concluded that the his own experience of reality!
electron has a dual nature as a particle-
In the case of the particle-wave, the very
act of observation collapses the wave-
particle to a particle or wave. This leads us to
a deep understanding that both possibilities
The act of observation exist simultaneously, and it is the very act of
collapses possibility into reality observation that changes the possibility into
a particular reality.
Since the electron is a particle, what is
the location of the electron? Since it is a wave, Let me give another scientific experiment
what is the momentum of the wave? The that highlights how the very act of measuring
answers to these questions lead to a very distorts the beautiful reality. You may have
surprising discovery that the particle-wave heard of the double-slit experiment with light.
can be either a particle or a wave or even both In this experiment, a beam of light is
at the same time. But you cannot determine aimed at a barrier with two vertical slits. On
both the location and the momentum of the the other side of the barrier is a photographic

Devi - Supreme goddess in Hinduism, Cosmic Mother.

plate that is used to record the light as it falls Understand, changes the
on it after passing through the barrier. If only each photon possibility into a
one slit is open, the pattern on the photographic m o v e s
particular reality.
plate is as expected, which is a single line of simultaneously
light aligned with the slit. If both the slits are in a number of
open, we would expect two lines of light on paths. But an effort to measure the paths
the plate aligned with the slits, but what is causes it to collapse to a single path! In the
observed are multiple lines of light and same way, our very effort to perceive the
darkness in varying degrees. This is the infinite risings of the ocean of Existence
principle of interference where light beams causes it to appear as what our limited mind
behave as waves that interfere with each perceives!
other. Once a student asked a Zen master, What
Now, if the light beam is slowed down is the path? The master replied, Everyday
enough so that instead of a stream of light life is the path. The student asked, Can it
particles or photons hitting the plate, each be studied?
photon individually hits the plate, then there The master said, If you try to study, you
should be no interference and the plate should will be far from it. The student asked, If I
show a light pattern aligned with the slit. But, do not study, how can I know it is the path?
the resulting pattern still showed interference! The master said, The path does not belong
How is this possible? There is only this to the perception world. Neither does it
one photon, what can it be interfering with belong to the non-perception world.
other than itself? It was concluded that each Perception is a delusion and non-perception
is senseless. If you want to reach the true
photon not only goes through both the slits,
path beyond doubt, place yourself in the
but also simultaneously takes every possible
same freedom as the sky. You name it neither
path on the way to the target! good nor not-good.
To see how this can occur, experiments
were done to track the individual photon
paths. But what happened was that the Physiology of perception
measurement in some way disrupted the paths
of the photons. Whenever an attempt was Let us start with what really happens on a
made to observe, there were only two bright physical level when we perceive things.
lines on the photographic plate aligned with When there is a perception of physical
the slits! If they didnt attempt to measure, reality, the various parts of the brain show a
again the pattern became the multiple lines change in neural activity as the neurons, which
of light and darkness! are the basic building blocks of the nervous
system, fire in synchronicity. This results in


the random visual patterns of light being Form, I cannot see your beginning, middle or
perceived as specific shapes and forms. This end.
is how the input from each of our senses is
Arjuna is unable to bear the experience
perceived, as an experience of particular
because he loses his intellectual control over
sound, touch, smell, taste or sight.
things! He begs for equilibrium, meaning he
If you now step back and look, you can wants his mind to be under his intellectual
see that before the observation or the control again. He wants to know the cause
perception, both the world as well as you, that and effect of things and feel that they are in
is the seen and the seer, existed in a dynamic his control, because the experience rips him
and chaotic state of activity. The act of away from his perception of the cause-and-
perception changes that chaotic state into effect logic itself.
some sort of an order that becomes both, the
As long as cause and effect logic is under
seen in the outside world and the process of
your control, you feel you are perceiving
seeing in the seer (as the activity in the
reality! Your ego is strong and steady. But the
nervous system) at the same time. At the
moment the logic is shaken, you feel
moment of seeing, the probability of what is
tremendous fear. You feel you are just a drop
seen collapses into a specific form.
in an ocean. What Arjuna sees is the absolute
In the Bhagavad Gita*, Krishna, the lord Reality, but he is afraid of that very Reality
and master, chooses to give Arjuna * the because it doesnt conform to his logic. He
experience of Krishnas cosmic form. Until begs to revert to the earlier state of perception
then, Arjuna had seen Krishna only as the six through his five senses alone, through his own
foot tall, handsome friend. But upon Arjunas solid identity, his own solid ego.
request, and after Krishna sees that Arjuna is
ready to receive the cosmic form experience,
He decides to give it to him. Arjuna then sees Perception of space-time
Krishna as the manifestation of the entire
Let us analyze what space is.
cosmos in all its seeming chaos.
He cries out, O Lord! I can see all the
gods and deities in Your body. I can see all The 1D, 2D and 3D worlds
the sages and divine serpents. O Lord of the
Universe, I see many arms, stomachs, faces, Take a basic element, a point, a one-
eyes and your limitless form. O Universal dimensional object. When a point traces
across a direction, it generates a line.

Bhagavad Gita Ancient scripture delivered by enlightened master Krishna, and considered to be the essence of
spiritual wisdom.
Arjuna - Warrior prince and the third of the five brothers of the Pandava family in the great Indian epic Mahabharata.
He was a disciple of enlightened master Krishna who received the wisdom in the Bhagavad Gita from Krishna.


Now, let us trace the motion of a line, a

two-dimensional object. If it moves in the same
direction as it is in, of course it will just continue
to be a line. If it moves in a direction not

For example, a point is the intersection of

two lines. So, a point is a section of a line.

contained in it, it traces a surface or a plane.

Similarly, if a surface or a plane moves in
a direction not contained in it, it will trace a

solid, a three-dimensional object.

So, a line is an infinite number of points. A
A line is a section of a surface. A surface
surface is an infinite number of lines. A solid
is a section of a solid.
is infinite number of surfaces. Similarly, we
can imagine a four dimensional space as an Extending this, we can say a solid is a
infinite number of three dimensional spaces. section of a four-dimensional body. Our three
dimensional space is a section of a four
Now, just as we built up these higher
dimensional space. P.D.Ouspensky*, in his
dimensions from the lower dimensions, we can
book Tertium Organum, explains these very
also see the lower dimensions as parts or
beautifully. He extends this to say that many
sections of a higher dimension space.
separate three dimensional bodies, like humans

P.D.Ouspensky - Russian philosopher, mathematician and student of enlightened master George Gurdjieff.


for instance, may actually be the sections or over and does not exist anymore. The future
parts of one four dimensional body! has not yet happened, hence it does not exist.
The present thus happens at the transition of
He explains this with a simple example.
the non-existent future to another non-
Suppose a horizontal plane intersects the top
existence, the past.
of a tree, parallel to the surface of the earth.
Now, on this plane, the sections of branches In the three dimensional world, we see
seem to be all separate, not connected to each that the seemingly separate sections of the tree
other. But, from the three dimensional space, in the two dimensional world are actually
we can see that these are all sections of joined in the third dimension. In the same way,
branches of one single tree. if we imagine a consciousness that can rise
above our plane of living, this consciousness
can also see the continuity in the fourth
dimension of time - past, present and future
all existing simultaneously. This
consciousness sees the simultaneous
happening of events, which the ordinary
consciousness sees as distinct events
separated by periods of time.
A three dimensional body, moving in time,
traces a four dimensional body. Across time,
we can see the motion as we grow from a child
to youth, to adult, to elderly person. But we
are not able to see or feel this four-
dimensional body because of our limited
perception. Being in the same three-
dimensional world, we see only the section
The four dimensional world of of the four dimensional body that is the normal
space-time three-dimensional body. It is like one of a
series of pictures on a cinema roll.
In our four-dimensional world, the To understand how a four-dimensional
maximum dimensions in space can be only world is perceived in three-dimensional form,
three. We can call this fourth dimension time. let us first see how a three-dimensional
So, the four dimensional world can be looked happening is seen in a two-dimensional world.
at as a space-time continuum. It can be said
that time is the fourth dimension of space. Suppose you are in a two-dimensional
world, the world of planes and surfaces. Your
We understand time in three forms past, life, your perception is restricted to a plane,
present and future. We think that the past is
perception in a
like a vertical wall. Now, imagine a wheel with What is lower dimensional
each of its spokes painted in a different color happening is world is changing
is rotating perpendicular to the plane in which that the limited
the perception of
you live. perception in a
l o w e r
space to a
How will you perceive the motion of this phenomenon in
wheel? When a spoke of the wheel intersects
world is time!
the plane, you will see a line of a certain color
changing the
at the intersection of the wheel and the plane.
perception of space to a phenomenon in time!
Then, after one spoke passes, there will be a
Since you can see only two of the three
gap when you will not see anything. Then, the
dimensions of space, you see the third
next spoke of a different color will pass through
dimension only when it becomes manifest on
the plane. So, you will perceive the motion of
your plane over time. Hence, you see it as
the wheel as lines of different colors happening
unrelated to your two dimensions of space,
at regular intervals of time.
and you call it a phenomenon in time.
Now, imagine when a green spoke passes
through the plane, simultaneously another
independent phenomenon occurs, say the
barking of a dog. In the two dimensional world,
it will be seen as a correlation between the
appearance of the green line and the sound of
a dog barking, when in reality it is not!
It is not possible for the two-dimensional
being to believe that there can be a rise of
events outside his plane of perception. That
means, to understand the three-dimensional
world, he cannot be in the two-dimensional
consciousness, he has to rise to the three-
dimensional consciousness. Similarly, to
understand the four-dimensional world, we
have to be in the fourth-dimensional
Is this possible? Is it possible for us to go
beyond the perception of the senses which
give us only a three dimensional view? Can
we actually see reality instead of mere


reality everyday of
our life is also a glimpses of Reality consists of eleven
virtual reality. reality as
phenomena in dimensions
time? The answer is YES. We think we live in a world of the three
Through indepth research and dimensions of space and the fourth dimension
development, the Eastern mystics and sages of time. However, there are actually eleven
have discovered that it is possible to understand dimensions. The fundamental dimensions are
Reality as it exists and to experience it also. length, breadth, depth, time and
This can happen as a natural way of life, not consciousness. The higher dimensions are
just as a chance happening. This experience combinations of these fundamental
has happened in them. dimensions.
Through meditation, it is possible for us to For example, a stick has length, breadth
experience this same state of awareness. and depth. It is in time and space. Now, if we
keep length and breadth and just remove the
A beautiful Zen story:
depth, the stick will be seen, but the hand will
Once, two soldiers were looking at a flag pass through the stick. You can also keep the
flying in the wind. One of them said, The depth and remove the length and breadth.
flag is moving. The second one said, No, Then nothing will be seen, but the hand will
it is the wind that is moving.
hit something if you try to pass it through.
A Zen master passing by saw the argument
In this way, there are various
going on. The soldiers requested the master
to help them resolve this serious issue.
combinations leading to the eleven
dimensions that make up the universe. When
One of the soldiers asked, Master, I say you are in a plane above the four dimensional
the flag is moving. But he says the wind is space-time you can currently perceive, you
moving. Which is correct?
can see these eleven dimensions, you can see
The master says, Neither is correct. Only Reality as enlightened beings can.
consciousness is moving.
As of now, what we feel as reality
everyday of our life is also a virtual reality. Chaos is order - order is
It is only a perception of things being separate
in space and time. If you look deeply, you can
see how our very perception of the world itself Whether it is the energy in the atom or
is questionable. From whatever quality of the energy in the cosmos, there is a big chaos
consciousness we see, THAT appears as our in the energy play. Within that chaos, there is
reality, not the absolute Reality. an order that you cannot even imagine.

is a spiritual being.
Chaos is energy and maser
devices. He told me so beautifully, I feel the
Anything in chaos is wild and energetic. whole universe is something special, the whole
Anything that has order is dull. Any rule curbs universe is a spiritual being. It has its own
freedom, reduces the energy. Any regulation intelligence. Even though I am not able to
brings your energy down. Even in your house, specifically prove it with mere words, I feel it
if somebody says, Do not sit in that place, is an intelligent and spiritual being.
you will feel like sitting only in that place. But
The cosmos is not just a force. It is force
until that rule is made, you will never even
plus intelligence. It responds to your
bother to sit there!
thoughts, to your prayers, to your being -
Even habits like smoking are maintained because it is intelligence.
for the subtle mental satisfaction that you are
Once somebody asked Buddha, Who is
wild, that you are not bound. If you scan
the creator of this universe? Buddha replied,
yourself consciously, you will understand that
The universe itself is its creator.
almost all of your happiness comes only when
you break some rules, when you are chaotic! If the creator and the created are two
separate entities, it means only the creator is
intelligent and the created is not intelligent.
Chaos is order The cosmos itself is the creator because it has
its own intelligence. The cosmos is a living
The whole of Existence is chaos. In the energy. You are sitting inside a living energy.
universe, so many planets are moving. There
Believing the world is just matter is the
are no traffic signs or cops or sign-boards!
basic mistake. This belief is the root of all
Yet, the planets are moving so beautifully in
terrorism and violence on planet earth. As long
order. In the same way, in quantum physics,
as we believe the universe is just dead matter,
the smallest elements are not even particles;
it is going to create only more and more thirst
they are both particles and waves, and a
for power.
multitude of probabilities! But there is an order
in that chaos. Only when we realize that the universe
has its own intelligence, when we realize the
If the universe is chaos without any order,
universe is a spiritual being, the seed of peace
it will head toward destruction. Chaos in
is sown. Only when we understand that our
order is what I call cosmic intelligence.
thoughts are responded to, our way of life is
I had an opportunity to meet Dr. Charles rewarded, our prayers are answered, there is
Townes*, the Nobel laureate and physicist, a living intelligent force and there is an order
who is well-known for his work on the laser in the chaos, only then we can realize and work

Dr. Charles Townes - Nobel laureate in physics for work related to maser and laser.

The universe itself LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT

is its creator.
for peace, bliss only suppress your energy, and you will also
and spirituality. Then, instead of trying to own be suppressing everyone else.
or expand our boundaries and borders, we will
First, when you realize the order in the
try to expand our consciousness. The moment
chaos, you will become a spiritual being, you
we start believing or trusting that the universe
will experience love and bliss. When you
is intelligence, we can simply relax, trusting
realize the chaos in the order, you will become
a compassionate being. When you realize the
order in the chaos, you will experience the
experience part of love, bliss. When you
Order is chaos realize the chaos in the order, you will express
the expression part of love which is
There is a beautiful Zen story:
A disciple goes to a Zen master and asks,
Master, please explain to me how you
started, how you traveled the path, how you
attained the ultimate experience.
The master says, When I started, mountain We see two things in the process of
was a mountain, river was a river and tree seeing - the seer and the seen object.
was a tree. When I was traveling, mountain Actually, what is happening in the process of
was not a mountain, river was not a river seeing? (Though the example of eyes is taken
and tree was not a tree. Again, when I here, it applies for all the senses.)
attained, mountain is a mountain, river is
a river and tree is a tree. From the seer, consciousness takes a jump
continuously to the seen, because it is not able
Before achieving, even though you think to relax into the seer itself. Because of its
you are extraordinary, you are ordinary. After restlessness, it gives life to the seen.
achieving, even though you are extraordinary,
you understand you are ordinary. The continuous jump that happens
between the seer and seen - from the seer to
You are not just a simple body. You are the seen, from the seen to the seer, again from
not just a microcosm. You are the macrocosm the seer to the seen and again from the seen
in miniature form. You realize you are the to the seer - is what is SEEING.
ultimate, endless ocean of potential energy just
like the universe. Only when you realize the When the seer is not completely in bliss
cosmic consciousness in your body, the within himself, he starts becoming restless -
macrocosm in your microcosm, you will and jumps. When he jumps, he gives life to
really become orderly, you will really learn how the seen. Because he gives life to the seen,
to be orderly without reducing your energy. the process of jumping becomes SEEING.
As long as you try to become orderly, you will


There are two ways to drop this process

A person who stops this jump by dropping
of seeing. Either the seer or the seen has to
the seen is a renouncer, a sannyasi. He takes
drop for the process of seeing to stop.
away all his desire to see things, to believe
When the seen is renounced, it loses its that any of the sense objects hold value for
power over the seer. There is no point in him. The seen becomes unexciting, and the
jumping because there is nothing to be seen. jumping stops. He becomes enlightened
When there is no place to jump, the seer through renouncing. This is true self-
relaxes in the seer himself, then seeing does knowledge gnana*.
not happen. When seeing is not there, the seer
In the path of gnana * , the seer
is enlightened.
experiences detachment and a complete

Gnana - Knowledge.


witnessing of life. In this way he tries to

discover Reality. The main objective is the So, in some way, either the seer or the
development of a sharp and pure intelligence seen has to drop. Only then the jumping
through which Reality can be experienced. between the seer and the seen will stop. When
the jumping stops, the process of seeing also
On the other hand, when the seer himself
drops, what remains is the seen, and again
the jumping between the seer and the seen Whether you are stuck with the seer or
stops. Reality is seen. The seer becomes with the seen, get completely stuck - and you
enlightened through devotion or bhakti*. are enlightened! If you are jumping between
the seer and the seen, not relaxed in either,
When the identity of the seer drops,
you are under the illusion of a separate
dissolves into the seen, deep devotion to
existence of the seer and seen. This jumping
Existence happens! Everything becomes an
is what manifests as your individual seeing.
exciting manifestation of Existence for him!
His identity is no longer there. He merges into When the frequency of the seen is more
Existence itself. That is why enlightened saints than the seer, the seer can be changed or
like Meerabai* from India, who went on the manipulated by the seen. When the frequency
path of bhakti, were in a trance all the time, of the seer is more than the seen, the seen can
merged into the god consciousness, forgetting be changed or manipulated by the seer.
their own identity. Meerabai just sang praises
of god and walked around on the streets, with
no self-consciousness whatsoever.

Bhakti - Devotion.
Meerabai - Princess of Chittor, a devotee of Krishna, mystical poetess and singer, who was ill-treated by her husband for
her devotion to Krishna.


Collective Consciousness Going a step further, if one corrupted

visualization leads to a particular action, the
We are not disconnected and separate action can have tremendous impact on a huge
islands as we think. Maybe in the physical population, not just on that person with the
layer, we all seem like individual islands. But corruption.
whether we like it or not, whether we accept
For example, take the case of the atom
it or not, whether we want it or not, we are all
bomb. It is nothing but a visualization of the
interlinked by the collective consciousness.
nuclear theory! The basis of the nuclear bomb
It is like this: if the food is poisoned, only can be found in the famous formula E=mc2,
the person who eats it will suffer, not that was discovered by the physicist, Albert
everyone. In this sense, you can think of Einstein. But corrupted visualization of this
yourself as an individual. But as you move formula led to disturbance of the whole planet
towards the subtler levels of Existence, you earth. We are all now threatened by this one
can see our interconnectedness more clearly. theory, by this one invention. Today, planet
For example, if the air is poisoned, whoever earth has enough atomic weapons to burn itself
is breathing it will suffer, even if they are a 700 times, over and over again.
long distance from each other. This
Just see this diagram here. I shall try to
connection is at the breath level. This means
explain the truth on the basis of this diagram.
that in the subtler energy layers, the distance
between us is reduced. These seven circles represent the seven
energy layers in us. The first layer is the
Even more than the physical and breath
physical body, the body that you can feel as
levels, we are connected more closely at the
mental level. When I say mental level, I mean
the level of thoughts. Our thoughts affect not
only us but also everyone around us and
beyond. Your thoughts are more infectious
than your cold. In fact, people may escape
from your cold, but they cannot escape from
your thoughts.
If an individual mind is polluted, not only
the individual, but a much bigger group
suffers. For example, if one person who has a
disturbed mind sits as a leader of a city, the
whole city will be affected by the decisions
that he makes! His disturbed thinking will
result in wrong decisions and hence will be
harmful for the whole city.

aware and realize

that you are a part your hands, legs they have to change direction, they will all do
of the collective etc. The second so at the same time, with no confusion or time
layer is the delay! Scientists have been trying to
pranic body, understand how this is possible. Even studies
dont suffer. the body in of insects and animals have shown that when
which your faced with threats, their responses are so fast
prana or life energy or breath circulates. Like that they cannot be explained by normal
this, there are seven energy layers that make methods of communication.
up the total body, with the physical body being
An interesting experiment was done to
just one of those layers.
study the power of thought on dogs. The dog
Now, in the physical layer, you, god and I owners were asked to leave the house with
can be represented as three different points no intention of going to any particular place.
in the circle. In the physical level, the distance After leaving the house, they were given
between us is great. instructions to go to specific places and then
at random times, they were asked to come
If you go inward a little to the pranic level,
back. It was found that at the time the owner
the distance between us is reduced. If you go
started back home, almost always at the same
in deeper to the mental level, the distances
time, the dog would go to the door and wait
are further reduced. When you go deeper and
for the owner.
deeper, it finally merges into one. You can see
that at the innermost point of all these layers, In the huge tsunami that rocked the
god, you, and I are one. There is no distance. Andaman and Nicobar islands of India, it was
That is the Truth even at the gross level! It is found that before the tsunami hit the islands,
only your perception that causes you to think all the animals, including the huge ones like
you are a separate entity. Once you become elephants, had all moved to higher grounds,
aware and realize that you are a part of the safely away from the ocean. There have been
collective consciousness, that you dont have a number of accounts of animals and insects
an individual identity, that you dont have a being aware of upcoming earthquakes minutes
separate ego, you dont suffer. before the earthquake actually strikes. What
is the difference between these animals and
us? It is their connection with nature! Being
Coincidence of thought in tune with nature enables them to sense
natures signals. In the case of humans,
If you have observed a school of fish because of our false sense of identity and ego,
swimming or a flock of birds flying together, we have lost touch with nature and have
you will see a fleeting synchronicity in their become insensitive to the direct signals of
motion. There may be hundreds of birds flying nature.
together in a V-shaped formation, but when


Tuning into the higher actually showed holographic memory.

intelligence Scientists proposed that memories are
encoded not in neurons, but in the patterns of
You can see so many instances in history nerve impulses that crisscross the brain, similar
where the same discovery was made at about to how a hologram is formed by various
the same time by people in different parts of patterns of laser light crisscrossing each other.
the globe and by people who did not even know This might explain how the human brain can
each other. The reason is that the ideas are store up to ten billion bits of information in the
floating in the collective consciousness. It is brain, which is the small size of two fists!
like this: there are hundreds of electromagnetic
The universe is a hologram and we are a
waves in the air but your television set picks
part of that hologram. In a hologram, every
up only the waves of the frequency to which
single part of the hologram, even if split,
it is tuned. Similarly, the minds that are ready
reflects the totality of that hologram.
and waiting for the floating ideas will tune in
Likewise, we too reflect the totality of the
and convert that potentiality into reality!
universe. The universe is not an assortment
Just as the universe gives us so many hints of living and dead matter. It is a huge
of its existence as one being, we can find hints interconnected Whole. You are very much
from nature about the nature of reality. In a connected to your fellow beings around you
series of experiments in the 1920s, it was and the trees, animals, birds and rocks on earth,
found that no matter what portion of a rats as well as the planets, stars and galaxies in
brain was removed, the rat still retained its the universe. Whether you perceive it or not
memory of how to perform complex tasks it depends on the plane of consciousness from
had learned prior to the surgery. The rats brain which you perceive it all.



Global Peace Begins From You

When we realize our role in the Existential Global Peace a byproduct

scheme of things, we can no longer feel
separate from all those around us. We can only of individual bliss
feel separated when we feel unconscious of
our role, when we are unaware.
The time has come to create a critical Self-contradictory thoughts
mass of enlightened people on planet earth. Actually, a majority of us are caught up in
Only by creating more and more people who fighting with our own selves. We are caught
are awakened, who are enlightened, can the in a web of self-contradictory thoughts and
collective influence of individual negativity desires. Our thoughts and words are so
be destroyed. All calamities around the world powerful, but we use them so casually.
are created only by unconscious human
beings. Global warming, HIV, religious For example, say you have a headache,
terrorism, fanaticism, and piles of atomic what do you do? You tell yourself, How I
weapons, are all because of this negativity. wish this headache would go away! By
Today we are facing so many dangers that uttering these words, you give as much power
unless we create a peaceful, blissful, joyful, to the word headache as you give to the
and enlightened society, we will not be able words go away. This is what I mean by self-
to preserve this beautiful planet earth. contradictory thoughts. By your very thought,
you contradict your original desire. Even your
My mission is to create a peaceful, joyful, positive intention is caught in the fight, the
blissful, conscious, enlightened society. dilemma of your own thoughts and words.
You will then ask, How do I get rid of this
headache? Just say, Let me be healed! thats


create a peaceful,
joyful, blissful, When we the threat of the wild elephant. The elephant
infuse healing came rushing towards Buddha in a mad
conscious, fury. Once it reached Buddha, it
thoughts into
enlightened society. immediately calmed down completely. Its
our system
again and wild nature simply dissolved in Buddhas
enlightened presence. Buddha touched the
again, we give power to positive words and
elephants forehead and stroked it gently.
thoughts. They get embedded in our very
Calmed by the patting, the elephant bent
muscle memory. So at times of low mood and on its knees and bowed down to Buddha.
depression, these healing thoughts will
automatically come up in our inner space and The people watching the whole scene were
pull us out of the low mood. simply shocked!
The waves of bliss radiating from a
peaceful person naturally and automatically
Individual peace by its nature touch the people, animals, trees, and rocks and
touches the world affects everything nearby.
To make the whole world blissful and
A beautiful story from the life of Buddha:
happy, you dont have to do anything. Just
Devadatta, a cousin of Buddha, joined change your center. When you are seeing a
Buddhas order of monks. He was hungry horror movie, your world will be filled with
for power and status. He wanted to become fear. But if you just change the channel to say
the head of the order of monks. But Buddha a comedy movie, you can see how your whole
would not allow such an immature person, world changes!
who was running after status instead of
enlightenment, to lead his mission. So When the inner awakening happens, the
Devadatta harbored jealousy and ill higher emotions happen. It all finally boils
feelings towards Buddha and even made down to your own experience of what is
several attempts to kill him. happening. If you want to save the world, all
Once Devadatta persuaded the royal you need to do is save yourself!
elephant-keepers to release a fierce Everything is actually happening in this
elephant on to Buddhas path. The elephant world great spiritual sessions where
was intoxicated and let loose on the streets
enlightenment is being shared and at the same
where Buddha used to walk regularly. The
time terrorist training camps where violence
mad elephant ran wildly. People panicked
is being shared. According to what you tune
and fled in all directions.
with, the world that you attract and see will
The elephant came upon Buddha. Buddha also appear to be. You will attract the same
kept walking, radiating the same peace and type of people and situations in your life.
calm even in the face of this danger. His
bliss and peace was not at all affected by


Even one person struggling for If you get upset and disturbed, what is
enlightenment, seeking, raises the going to happen? Nothing will happen except
consciousness of at least a million people. that you will have a little more depression, a
little more negativity. And because of that, you
yourself will add more negativity to the world,
How to handle the suffering you will add more mass to the negative
in the world
So revolution is not the way. Evolution is
First, we have to understand that every the way.
major decision taken at the higher level of
Every revolution promised the truth or the
power and governance is an expression of
ultimate solution. But what do we see if we
collective positivity or collective negativity,
look back? In the last 3000 years of the history
because it is the mass consciousness or
of planet earth, we have had 5000 recorded
collective consciousness that creates the
wars! Researchers have estimated that in the
leaders. So before blaming others, be they
last 3000 years of the history of planet earth,
leaders, politicians, or officials, if we can put
there have been at least 9000 peace treaties,
a little bit of energy towards ourselves and
and the average life span of these treaties was
start working to create more positive
just 8 years!
consciousness in our inner space, we will be
doing something really useful. Just create positive energy so that the
people around you and around the world are
It is time
also affected by this positive consciousness.
Let us create more positivity from our side. Then you will see that it radiates through the
Let us bring more love to our actions. leaders as well.

Let us increase the frequency of our

individual consciousness.
Studies of the effects of
Instead of getting upset or disturbed by
negative decisions, just create positive energy
meditation on peace
so that the people around you and around the Various studies have been done to
world are also affected by this positive measure the effects of group meditation on
consciousness. Then you will see that it communities. Some studies observed the
radiates through the leaders also. When more effect of a critical mass of people who
and more people begin to transform meditated using the technique of
themselves, the collective positivity has to Transcendental Meditation. These studies
express itself through the right politicians and showed an eight percent decrease in the crime
the right leaders. rate in the cities where group meditation was


conducted. Other reports showed a significant But it is different in the case of the
seventeen percent reduction in acts of powerful, subtle energy of meditation. When
violence and a thirteen percent increase in meditation is done by a group of people, it
cooperative, helpful acts. In war-stricken multiplies! Rather than diminishing or staying
areas there was more than fifty percent drop the same, the benefit is shared and amplified
in daily war deaths and more than twenty five among the entire group and beyond. If one
percent drop in war injuries. The overall person meditating generates 10 volts of
statistics showed reduced crime rates, fewer energy, then 100 people sitting together in a
hospital admissions, and reduced violence, collective meditation generates 10 x 100 or
leading to an increase in the overall quality of 1000 volts of energy. Just imagine! The
life. strength of energy that is generated will
simply cleanse the entire space where the
meditation is done. That is why collective,
Global Peace meditation group meditation is encouraged.

21 September is observed as the

International Peace Day. Millions of people The unavoidable loving
worldwide come together in prayer,
meditation, celebration and collaboration for touch of enlightened beings
world peace and global harmony. A story from the life of Buddha:
On this occasion every year, Nithyananda There was a bandit by the name of
Missions centers conduct collective group Angulimala. He used to live in a forest that
meditations worldwide. The collective many people had to cross. He used to
consciousness is raised in a much more ambush the people and rob them of their
powerful way when meditation is done as a valuables. Then he would cut off the little
group. finger of the person and make a garland of
all such fingers. That is why he was called
When matter is shared, it reduces in size.
Angulimala garland of fingers.
For example, if an apple has to be shared by
four people, it has to be cut into four pieces. Once when traveling, Buddha was about
It reduces in size. When it comes to electrical to cross the forest. People warned him about
the terrifying Angulimala. But Buddha was
energy, when the voltage is shared, it does
unperturbed and continued walking. Deep
not reduce, it remains the same. For example,
inside the forest, Angulimala jumped out of
if we have ten volts of electricity in a wire,
the bushes and shouted threateningly at
one person touching the wire will feel ten volts, Buddha, Stand still!
and four people touching the same wire will
also feel ten volts. Buddha stopped and replied, I am still.
May you be still.

an enlightened
Angulimala for the first time in his life was Shankara being even natural
shaken to his very being. Something about was watch-
Buddha touched him deeply. He could not ing this and
enemies lose their
even force himself to attack Buddha. His was ama- enmity.
hands froze. He just fell at the feet of zed. He
Buddha crying and begging for forgiveness! was a very sharp intellectual person. He
did not leave the incident at that. He
This story illustrates one of the truths of
immediately recognized that unless the place
the impact of enlightened beings. Without
was sanctified in some way by some higher
effort or intention, an enlightened being energy, it was not possible for animals to
simply radiates tremendous peace and forget their enmity and co-exist in such a
compassion which has the power to simply beautiful fashion. He went around and
transform others. asked for details about the place. He
This effect is not limited just to human learned that some time in the past, a great
enlightened sage had established and
beings. Even animals are touched by the pure
maintained his ashram* there for many
love and compassion radiated by an
enlightened being. Everything is changed
when it is exposed to that high frequency Shankara was so moved by the whole
energy field. incident that he decided that someday he
too would set up his mission in that very
There is a beautiful story from the life of place. Years later when he was passing by
Adi Shankara, an enlightened master from the same place, he stopped and established
ancient India: his first ashram* there, called the Shringeri
Math. To this day it stands as one of the
Shankara was wandering in South India in
key seats of spiritual wisdom in the world!
the town of Shringeri. One day, a strange
and beautiful scene happened in front of An enlightened being effortlessly radiates
him. Two frogs were sitting on a rock. It his all-encompassing inner space, which
became very hot, so the frogs were about creates a collective positivism.
to jump into the water. Just then a cobra
raised its hood and spread it over the two As Patanjali says in the Yoga Sutras*, In
frogs giving them shade. The frogs enjoyed the presence of an enlightened being even
the cool shade and sat back for sometime. natural enemies lose their enmity.
After some time, they plunged into the water.
The cobra also folded back its hood and
went away.

Ashram - A monastery for Hindu or Buddhist monks.

Yoga Sutras - The book on yoga authored by enlightened master Patanjali.


The Nithyananda Mission Meditation technique for

My advent on planet earth is to create a Global Peace
new cycle of individual consciousness causing The way to achieve global peace is to
Collective Consciousness to enter the create individual peace. The meditation for
Superconscious zone. global peace is a collective meditation. This
To achieve this, is a very simple but very powerful meditation.
One hundred thousand people will be Sit in one circle or concentric circles,
initiated to live as Jeevan Muktas liberated holding hands so that you hold the hand of
beings experiencing living enlightenment the person on your right with your right hand
- palm facing down - signifying giving peace
and bliss, while you offer your left hand - palm
One billion people will be initiated into facing up - to receive peace and bliss from
Nithya Dhyaan Life Bliss Meditation the person on your left. This connected circle
designed to cause a positive shift in the of people generates a powerful energy cycle.
individual consciousness on planet earth. The meditative energy of one person is shared
by all others. This meditation can be done for
at least 21 minutes.


Sannyas is the Ultimate Gamble

Our ability to be in tune with others and Buddhas wife, Yashodhara, heard the noise
Existence depends entirely upon how we in the street and asked what it was. Her
conduct ourselves. It depends on the priorities maids told her that it was none other than
we choose in life. What if we do not choose? her own husband who had returned as the
What if we accept things as they happen to Buddha, the enlightened soul. She did not
go to meet him. Instead, she called for her
son Rahul. Rahul was born the night that
It is time to talk about renunciation. Buddha left home in search of
Renunciation is not running away from life. enlightenment.
Renunciation is flowing with life without She asked Rahul, Do you see that radiant
resistance. The Sanskrit word sannyas refers figure there who holds a begging bowl and
to this state of trust with Existence that allows yet looks like a king? He is your father. Go
us to let go all other things in life. and ask him for your inheritance.
The young boy ran downstairs and pushed
his way through to where Buddha stood.
Sannyas He fell at Buddhas feet and boldly repeated
what his mother had told him.
There is a beautiful story from the life of
Buddha lifted him up gently with a smile
and looked at him. He simply removed the
After enlightenment, Buddha visited many gold hemmed cloth the boy was wearing
places preaching his dhamma or teachings, and replaced it with a saffron one.
and initiating people into spiritual life.
The boy, seven years of age, was given his
On his way, he entered Kapilavastu, his inheritance. He was the first and only child
birth place. He walked on the streets with allowed into the monastic order of the
his disciples, wearing the saffron robe. Buddha.
Everyone watched him with great wonder.
Someone asked me, If everything in life
is evolving naturally by the process of evolution


revolution leads to
evolution - or like monkey into and more so to have steadfastness on
enlightenment. man, and bad the path of spiritual activity
into good, would
That is sannyas as explained in the Vedas*...
man not
the greatest ultimately These words had a very powerful effect
revolution of an evolve into god? on the life of Swami Vivekananda, an
individual. Where then is enlightened master from India who lived
the need for thousands of years after Adi Shankara. When
meditation, sannyaswhere then is the need Swami Vivekananda was preparing for his law
for inspiration? examination, these very words landed on him
like a thunderbolt. He could not read further.
I replied, It took five thousand years for
He left his books and started running along
the monkey to become man, and it would take
the road. He was running to his master,
equally long for man to become god. If you
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. While he was
are willing to wait that long, it is alright with
running, the truth of Adi Shankaras words
was ringing in his very being. He thought to
On the other hand, you can decide to live himself, I have gained all these three: I have
consciously with a clear understanding about been born as a human being. I have gained
life, the laws and structure of the universe, the desire for liberation. I have got a great
and meditation. You can revolutionize the master.then why am I still wasting my life?
process of your evolution. The right revolution Why am I still wasting my life? Again and
leads to evolution or enlightenment. That is again, these words were haunting him. Swami
sannyas, the greatest revolution of an Vivekananda went on to become enlightened
individual. It is to live like a Paramahamsa, and spread Ramakrishna Paramahamsas
like an enlightened being. mission worldwide.
Adi Shankara, the enlightened master from Sannyas is the path for those who want to
India, beautifully says in his work win over themselves, who want to be free of
Vivekachoodamani*: the clutches of jealousy, anger, stress and
depression forever. People think sannyas is
For all living creatures, a human birth
chosen by losers. No. Of course, sometimes
is rare,
those who dont know what to do with their
and even rarer is to have a sattvic lives take up sannyas. But that is not the spirit
(goodness) attitude, of sannyas.

Vivekachoodamani - Enlightened master Adi Shankaras philosophical work.

Vedas - Ancient scriptural texts explaining the deep spiritual Truths. There are four main Vedas Rigveda, Yajurveda,
Samaveda and Atharvaveda. These texts explain about the performance of sacrifice and consist of stories and chants.
The Vedas are considered to be revelations of the Truths that happened to the mystics and seers.

conscious decision
Sannyas is the effort to become conscious The current to live the truth
for the first time, conscious of the mechanism pulls the river immediately in
that surrounds you as a human being. You are over its
your life.
part of Existence. Existence moves with its obstacles, and
own mechanism, with its own music. Falling it gurgles with
in tune with it is the science of sannyas. a constant music, moving towards the sea.
Sannyas is a being level relationship, being in The cosmic intelligence pulls the sannyasi over
tune with the whole of Existence. That is the obstacles as he moves towards the ultimate
shortest path to success in life. goal. He knows not what obstacles are. For
him, they are all stepping stones on the path
To hear the song of Existence, you need
to bliss.
to start moving in the right space. To find that
space, you need to first drop any other thing One Zen master was asked, What is Zen?
you know, and listen to the song with deep He replied, Walk on!
awareness. You will find it. In that space, life
will flow like a river moving towards the sea. Zen Buddhism beautifully says, life is like
Any other path will take longer. the river that flows and fills each form, and
bursts its own limitations to expand its
When life becomes a flowing river, it has capacity. This is the essence of life, and
to merge with the sea. There is no other way. sannyas. Sannyas is learning in action as life
Sannyas is the science of flowing with the moves, not philosophizing. It is a force, not a
natural course of Existence and finally dogma. For a real sannyasi, life simply moves
merging with it. in the right direction. The learning happens
during the movement, not as a separate thing.
Sannyas is nothing but straightaway
Flow like a river practicing the truths every passing moment.
The river heads only towards the sea. It There is enough philosophy in the world but
does not stagnate anywhere. A sannyasi heads no one to follow it. Sannyas is simply a
only towards his goal of enlightenment. He conscious decision to live the truth
knows no distractions. The river flows immediately in your life.
blissfully, whatever be the things thrown into A Zen master tells his disciple very
it on its way. So many things are thrown into beautifully, Studying the truth as a
the river flowers, twigs, food, animals, birds, philosophy is just collecting preaching
dead bodies, etc. But the river flows, not material. Remember that unless you practice
bothering about anything. constantly, your light of truth may go out.
Similarly, a sannyasi moves blissfully, Practice is nothing but continuously flowing
untouched by anything that comes his way. in the right direction without stagnating. Even


moves with the in stagnation, is enough. Then you know that what is
intelligence of there will be happening is the right thing for the moment
movement and life is flowing as it should. This creates a
Existence with an
around the mental gap between you and your wealth and
attitude of obstacle - trying that gap is called renunciation! It is just a gap,
surrender. to find the flow a break in the attitude of possessing, nothing
again. There is no stopping. else. It has been wrongly used in the context
of sannyas.
A sannyasi continuously moves with the
intelligence of Existence with an attitude of A small story:
surrender. By surrender, I dont mean inaction. Two monks were traveling together. One of
I mean action with an attitude of surrender. them strongly believed in acquiring wealth.
There is no stopping. He lives in the moment, He practiced spirituality through it. The
spontaneously and according to the need of other strongly followed the path of
the moment, which is what is called fluidity. renunciation. They were discussing the two
ways of life. As they were discussing, it
became nighttime and they reached a river
that they had to cross.
Sannyas Is not renunciation
The one who believed in renunciation did
Sannyas has always been wrongly not have money with him. He said, We dont
associated with renunciation. You dont have have money to cross the river. Let us spend
to renounce anything. You just need to the night here and some one will take us
understand that you are a temporary custodian across the river tomorrow morning.
of some wealth, which is a part of Existence, The other one replied, That is not possible.
just as you are as well. Then you wont need We will be eaten by wild animals if we spend
to renounce because you never possessed the night here. I have money with me. Let
anything in the first place! Even if you have us pay the boatman and cross the river.
to part with wealth, you will not feel that you Once they crossed the river safely, he asked
are giving away or losing your possessions. his companion, Now do you understand
The problem starts with the attitude of the value of money? If I too had been a man
possessing, with the feeling of mine. of renunciation, what would have happened
Neither does a sannyasi need to renounce to us?
the world nor does a samsari* need to be afraid The first one replied, It was your
of renouncing. Just the plain understanding that renunciation that brought us across safely.
Existence gives and takes at the right moment You parted with your money to cross the

Samsari - One who is caught in samsara or cycle of birth and death.


Renouncing is having without the idea Understand, outer beauty and wealth are
of having, and parting without the idea of not enemies to the path of sannyas. They are
parting. Otherwise, by merely renouncing complementary. Sannyas adds inner wealth
outer wealth, you will not gain anything. You and beauty to your outer wealth and beauty.
will only feel the pain of sacrificing the It gives us the intelligence to handle the outer
mine. Sannyas is not escaping from the wealth and beauty without any suffering
mine. It is going beyond the mine. And related to it.
that is possible only through a proper
understanding. If you renounce with
understanding, it is okay. Otherwise, the Samsar and Sannyas
mine will simply persist wherever you go.
Not only that, if you renounce with the idea Samsar literally means the world or the
that you are renouncing yours, it becomes path. It refers to the worldly life that causes
the right action but for the wrong reason! By endless cycles of birth and death.
merely renouncing outer wealth, you can
There are two ways to move in any path:
never be a sannyasi. Sannyas is a change in
either with baggage and people or by yourself.
the inner mental setup, not a change in the
In the first case, you may have to wait for a
outer material setup. Renouncing outer wealth
long time. In the second case, you can reach
to be a sannyasi is like doing the right action
even this very minute.
but for the wrong reason.
Sannyas is the decision not to carry any
Wealth and sannyas are not mutually
baggage while moving. You can have
exclusive. In fact, sannyas is the art and
everything, but you dont have to carry it.
science of creating wealth flawlessly.
When you dont carry anything, Existence
If you read the vedic scriptures you will brings to you what you need for the moment.
see that they always talk only about the That is sannyas!
abundance of life. They never teach escaping
There is a beautiful story from the life of
from it. They teach loosening the attachment
over possessions, not renouncing or hating it.
Sannyas is seeing the vast abundance of life Buddhas disciples gathered around him
as one whole, and therefore not being attached one day and asked him to teach them the
essence of sannyas. He told them a small
to your own small possessions. It is knowing
that wealth is also a manifestation of
Existence and not the essence of life itself. One man was living on an island by himself.
Suddenly he got the feeling it was time to
Sannyas is not suicide. It is life. Sannyas move from the island. He did not have a
is living in tremendous beauty, both inside and boat. So he made one with some twigs,
outside you. branches, leaves and whatever he could


the boat to cross

the ocean of life. A find. It was a take birth to fulfill them. It is the very cause
difficult journey
samsari carries the but somehow he
of the cycle of birth and death. It makes you
take birth again and again in this world until it
boat even beyond crossed and is exhausted.
the time it is reached the
needed, not other side. There are three types of karma
sanchita*, prarabdha and agamya*. Sanchita*
knowing he can Buddha asked
karma is your entire bank balance of
drop it. the disciples,
unfulfilled actions (karma) accumulated over
After reaching
the other side, should the man keep the boat many lives. Prarabdha karma is that portion
or discard it? of sanchita * that you bring and come to
exhaust in this one birth. Every time you take
The disciples came out with different
birth, you bring with you a small portion of
sanchita as your prarabdha to exhaust. It
Buddha continued, The man of sannyas includes all your unfulfilled desires, lust,
discards the boat knowing that he will be anger, fear, and such things. The third or
provided for as needed in the future. The agamya* karma is the new karma that you
man of samsar keeps it so that his effort
create in this birth because of new, unfulfilled
doesnt go waste if he wants to journey
Ultimately, these three things need to be
A sannyasi walks with his thought on
done in order to exhaust all karma completely.
Existence. A samsari walks with his thoughts
First, the new agamya* should not get created
on how to exist. A sannyasi uses the boat to
because it only adds to the bank balance or
cross the ocean of life. A samsari carries the
the sanchita at the end of the lifetime. Second,
boat even beyond the time it is needed, not
the prarabdha with which you came should
knowing he can drop it. That is the difference.
get exhausted, or fulfilled, in this life completely
There is nothing right or wrong in this. It is
without a trace. Third, the volume of the
just two different ways to live.
sanchita itself should somehow be burnt so
Let me explain sannyas in the context of that the number of times you take birth reduces.
karma because sannyas is the shortcut to This happens by fulfilling the prarabdha
exhausting karma. without accumulating the agamya in a lifetime.
Karma is nothing but the unfulfilled actions If the prarabdha is exhausted in the right
of your past that pull you again and again to way, agamya will not get created. The same

Sanchita - Bank of accumulated karmas from which we choose to bring into this birth a few as prarabdha karma.
Agamya - The actions one constantly does out of free will after taking birth on planet earth. These are not born out of
true desires but from desires borrowed from society, by looking at others.

mind is happy all
intelligence that properly exhausts the Only after you the time. What he
prarabdha will take care of not creating new experience gets is what he
agamya. The sanchita itself can be exhausted nithyananda
only by the grace of an enlightened master. or eternal bliss,
you can shake
Now understand clearly: if the fantasy of
off mithyananda or worldly fantasies.
your prarabdha is greater than your
intelligence, then samsar (marriage) is the If you can become aware of and hold on
path for you. If the fantasy of your prarabdha more firmly to the higher rung you may let
is lesser than your intelligence, then sannyas go of the lower rung more easily. That
is the path for you! In the path of sannyas, awareness is called sannyas. It is the process
your intelligence wins over your prarabdha of understanding and moving to the higher
and brings it to control and exhaust it. In the rung and leaving the lower rung. As you move,
path of samsar, life teaches you in different renunciation happens as a byproduct. Because
ways and you exhaust your prarabdha you realize that to climb higher you dont need
through millions of births. anything but yourself! Anything you take with
you is only going to make it more difficult to
In Patanjalis Yoga Sutras*, there is an
eightfold path to enlightenment. All eight
parts have to be followed simultaneously. A samsari moves to pursue his fantasies.
Three of the parts are pratyahara, dharana He goes to places to see the beauty of
and dhyana. Pratyahara is drawing the mind Existence. A sannyasi sees everything around
inwards, away from the five senses. The next him as already divine and beautiful! He is
is dharana, the merging of the mind with the fantasized by what he sees! When the samsari
inner Self. The third is dhyana, meditation. starts turning inward, he becomes a sannyasi.
Until he finds the burning need for that, it is
Withdrawing the mind from the five senses
better for him to continue with what he is
itself can happen only when the mind merges
doing. For a sannyasi, the mind is happy all
with the inner Self! For example, you can
the time. What he gets is what he wants. He
release the foot from the lower rung of the
is always living in the mood of grateful and
ladder only after establishing yourself in the
welcome acceptance. For a samsari, the mind
higher rung, is it not? You can let go of the
is occupied with too many conflicts. He keeps
lower branch of the tree only after clinging to
trying to get what he wants. With intelligence,
the higher branch. We all think that only after
the samsari can awaken to the truth, that what
renouncing worldly attachments, we can attain
he is getting is what he needs for that moment
god. No! The truth is, only after attaining god
and for his ultimate fulfillment.
can you really shake off the worldly things.

Yoga Sutras - The book on yoga authored by enlightened master Patanjali.


The samsari is concerned with material Your inner Self remains untouched. You are
things and living life in a limited way. The in eternal bliss nithya ananda.
sannyasi is concerned about death death of
The problem is that people generally think
all that is not him, which is his ego,
sannyas is a hindrance to worldly life. They
possessiveness, lust, anger, fear, jealousy and
think sannyas is seriousness. No! Sannyas is
discontent. He knows he is something beyond
a certain quality for living life to its optimum.
all this. His whole quest is to find this, because
Seriousness will never help one live life to its
once he finds it, he has found the higher rung
full potential. Only sincerity and laughter will
of the ladder and he can leave the lower rung
help. Laughter is the greatest spiritual quality.
where the constant push and pull of all these
emotions and material things reside. A master was seated with his disciples. He
was in an expansive mood and his disciples
Sannyas is the search to answer the decided to ask him about the various stages
question Who am I? A sannyasi puts his he passed through to reach the Divine.
whole energy into discovering the answer to
The master beautifully started explaining
this question. If people ask you, Who are
you? you will generally reply, I am so-and- God held me by the hand and first took me
sos son, I am an engineer, I am a professor. to the Land of Action. I stayed there for
But those words describe who you are in your several years. Then god returned and took
me to the Land of Sorrow. I fell into deep
relationships with the world. If there were no
sorrows but eventually went beyond them.
world, then who are you?
I felt happy. Then, suddenly I found that
The great enlightened masters who god put me in the Land of Love. I went
founded the world religions have said through burning emotions and found myself
repeatedly, Aham Brahmasmi meaning, I cleansed thoroughly. Then, he took me to
am That in the Hindu tradition, or Be still the Land of Silence. There I learned the
and know that I am god in the Christian mysteries of life and death.
tradition, or Anal-Haq meaning I am the Truth The disciples asked, Was that the final stage
in the Islam tradition. Experiencing that you of your quest?
are god is the purpose of human life. The master said, No. One day god said,
Once this purpose is experienced, the inner Today I will take you to my very heart
bliss that all these great masters talk about and he led me to the Land of Laughter.
starts happening. Then you understand that Sannyas is your very energy. How can it
the outer world is a beautiful stage where the be a hindrance to anything? Not only that, with
divine play is happening. There is ultimate the energy of sannyas, you are always young.
freedom from all worldly difficulties. You do, With the energy of sannyas, you are ready
and yet you dont do, you speak and yet you for the challenges of life.
dont speak. You cry and yet you dont cry.

responsibility for
People ask me, Why cant we continue be called a the whole of
in samsar and live with the consciousness of sannyasi. This Existence. He
a sannyasi? You see, the nature of man is is the scale to
doesnt know the
such that unless a conscious decision is taken, measure if a
it is difficult to bring about a permanent man is a
difference between
transformation in the consciousness. Sannyas sannyasi. his family and the
is a conscious decision to transform the rest of the world.
In Budd-
consciousness. Sannyas is a conscious
has teaching, The Four Noble Truths, the
decision. That is why sannyas needs to be
second truth deals with the cause of suffering.
taken. With a conscious decision, there is
He beautifully says that suffering is because
continued awareness. Continued awareness
of the demands we make on life every
decreases the chance of slipping back.
moment. It is like asking a banana tree to bear
Without it, there is nothing binding one to
mangoes! We will understand this habit only
keep on the path. It becomes easy to slip.
when we bring in awareness.
With sannyas, you will continue to do
Not only that, when you watch, you start
what you are doing but in a much better way.
seeing exactly how transactions are happening
With sannyas, you start watching everything.
in relationships. You see how expectations are
You become a witness. Because of this
driving the whole thing. You see the ulterior
witnessing, a gap is created between you and
motives in everything.
the other person. That gap is misunderstood
as renunciation. If you notice, the gap was
not there earlier. Each one was suffocating
the other. Now the gap is there. The gap is The responsibility of a
not a gap of distance but a gap of awareness. sannyasi
Sannyas is also living without the burden There is a little known truth about a
of the inner woman or inner man. What is sannyasi, that a sannyasi takes responsibility
meant by inner woman or inner man? It is for the whole of Existence. He doesnt know
nothing but the lust hidden in your mind, the the difference between his family and the rest
fantasies that you have created in your mind. of the world. All are the same. He wishes for
Shiva says beautifully in the Tantra*, A man the liberation of anyone who comes his way.
who has abandoned the woman in him, in his On the other hand, a samsari takes
inner mind, is a sannyasi, even if he is still in responsibility for one family or maybe for a
the family. On the contrary, if thoughts of a few organizations. This taking of responsibility
woman persist in a sannyasis mind, he cannot

Tantra - Ancient vedic tradition of achieving enlightenment through spiritual techniques or practices, meditations and
ritual worship.


is always towards a definite cause. It is either A sannyasi recognizes the unending

to accumulate the credit of serving, to fulfill abundance of Existence. His vision is oceanic.
some obligation, or to co-exist easily with the He is not stuck in narrow perceptions. He
people around him. perceives the whole of Existence as one. He
feels part of the whole. That is why he is rich.
The nature of a sannyasis responsibility
A rich man who feels he owns a few acres is
is completely different. For him, the whole
not really the rich one. The man who feels
world is his family. There is no obligation
the abundance of Existence is really the rich
driving him. Responsibility happens
completely out of the quality of his inner
space. Also, a samsari can rest after fulfilling Understand that the very word rich has
every duty at that stage in life. A sannyasi been misinterpreted. How can a person who
continuously works, because people are is enjoying just a few bungalows be rich? He
constantly in need of truths in their life. cannot be! The rich person is the one who is
enjoying everything around him continuously.
A sannyasi is established in rich
His richness is the richness of the whole
relationships. People think sannyasis run
Existence. He enjoys everything with no
away from relationships. A young girl asked
attachment to anything.
me while I was addressing a college gathering,
Was it failure in love that caused you to
become a sannyasi?
I told her, It was success in love that
Integrity the trait of a
caused me to become a sannyasi! Actually, sannyasi!
sannyas is what softens you into real love;
The word penance means nothing but
love towards not just one person but towards
integrating yourself, making yourself a single
the whole of Existence.
entity. You may ask, Are we not like that
Ordinary love comes with a reason, or now? If you look closely, you will see that
with lust. Real love knows no reason. It is we exist as different entities, never as one.
just a causeless overflowing energy towards There is everything else in our life except
everything in Existence. integration.
In reality, sannyas is living like a king. If you look deeply inside, you will
Sannyas is the beginning of a kingly life understand that there are hundreds of voices
because when you have cleaned yourself of continuously talking inside you. The moment
all your suffering, then you have gained the mind says, Let us do this, the very next
everything you can ever gain! You gain far moment the thought will arise, No. Let us
more than mere wealth can give you. not do it! After thinking of the side effects
and after effects, the mind starts oscillating.

sacrifice anything
Integrating the fragmented parts of the integrity with to live with
mind is the very essence of life. Integrating them is called integrity.
the feelings and the mind, integrating your face penance. On
and your mind, ensuring that your face shows the other hand,
the same thing as what your mind thinks, is if you allow lifes happenings to shake you,
the essence of life. then you land in disgrace. What way you wish
to go is up to you.
If you study the lives of great masters and
try to search for one basic essence in all of Adi Shankara was a great enlightened
their lives, you will find that it is not knowledge master from India. As a young boy, he was
or devotion. It is integrity! What they believed caught in a dilemma when he wanted to
in, they lived. Thats all! Their integrity was pursue the path of sannyas. He wanted to
solid. They were ready to lose even their very leave home with the permission of his
mother, but she was unwilling to let go of
lives, but not their integrity.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu * , the great
One day, he went to bathe in the river.
enlightened master from India, used to move Suddenly, his mother heard him crying out
around on the streets just singing devotional loud for help. She ran out and saw that a
songs. He never bothered about what others crocodile had caught his leg. He was
said about him. What he felt, he expressed. struggling to be free.
To be like this requires a deep sense of
Suddenly, by a flash of thought, he cried to
sacrifice. It takes courage to sacrifice anything
her, Mother, if you give me permission to
to live with integrity! become a sannyasi, I will be freed from this
That is why anything that these great crocodile now to continue with my life.
masters did in their lives always culminated The mother was surprised and asked how.
in eternal auspiciousness! Everything they did He explained, According to the Vedas, if I
was an effort to integrate themselves with enter a new ashrama* or stage of life, it is
deep sincerity and devotion. The intense effort equal to being born again. So, if you give
to integrate oneself completely is what is me permission to enter into sannyas, then
called penance. Penance always ends in maybe god will give me a fresh lease on
auspiciousness. There will be innumerable life!
things happening in your life all the time. The mother was totally helpless. She quickly
Enduring all those things and intensifying your made up her mind. It was better to have

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu - A 15th century mystic from Bengal, India steeped in devotion to enlightened master Krishna.
His followers are known as Gaudiya Vaishnavas.
Ashrama - The four stages in ones life: brahmacharya as a student, grihastha as a married householder, vanaprastha at the end
of a productive married life and sannyasi as a person who renounces all material aspects in life.


her son as a sannyasi than see him dead. Once you integrate, for the first time, you
She agreed. know who you really are. All the masks drop.
Immediately the crocodile released the grip! You are ready to expose yourself in
Adi Shankara ran to his mother with great relationships. You become more authentic. You
joy. He had lived the truth he sought at that suddenly realize that you were missing things
moment and it worked. because of you! Sannyas is all about
See, there are three things: becoming more authentic. When I say
authentic, I mean that you will radiate your
Thinking the Truth individuality instead of your personality. With
Speaking the Truth fragments, you are a personality. With integrity,
you are individuality. Individuality is seeing
Living the Truth
your authenticity through your own eyes.
The first two are easy to follow. But the Personality is a built up image in the eyes of
third, living the Truth all the time, is difficult. society. The masters work is to create a
It is very rare. Sannyas is the courage to live space in you where you dont have to guard
what we think is the Truth. We give your personality, where you can be free, where
importance to speaking the Truth. But living just understanding can cause transformation.
the Truth is most important. If you start living
Buddha used to tell his disciples, Count
your Truth, your respect for yourself will
your life only after you have taken sannyas.
increase. That is the beauty of it.
Someone asked me if taking the vow of
When you integrate and live the Truth,
brahmacharya * or sannyas will lead to
you drop hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is pretending
enlightenment. Whether taking the vow leads
to be what you are not. Hypocrisy is hiding in
to enlightenment or not is secondary. But if
many places so people cant see who you
you observe the vows strictly for one month,
really are. The fragments in you dominate
successfully, the respect you have for yourself
over each other and make you hypocritical.
will tremendously increase. That is enough!
When you fight with your own fragments and
It is called asatya sadhana or doing the
win, you are a dheera, a courageous one! It is
seemingly impossible task successfully. It is
easy to fight with others and win. When you
making you do whatever your mind says you
fight with others and win, you are a veera, a
cannot do! Techniques like fire-walking are
warrior. But fighting with yourself requires
in this category. Ordinarily, the mind will say
more courage. You dont fight unless you are
that you cannot walk on a fire bed. Once you
tired of yourself. Only when you are tired,
do it, the respect you have for yourself will
you accept that you need to start the fight.
increase! Then you will come into integrity.

Brahmacharya - Literally means walking in reality. The first stage of life in the vedic tradition as a celibate.


Integrity needs to be understood in two Second, not getting diluted by external

ways. influences is also integrity. It is the ability to
not alter our integrity or dilute ourselves due
The first part is integrating the fighting
to inner confusions or outer influences. The
parts of the mind into one. See, the very life
person who lives with integrity, even if he dies
gets wasted in the oscillation of the mind. If
on the train platform, will die with the
you can follow any one path, you will attain
satisfaction that he lived completely. The
it. For example, let us suppose there are two
person who lives without integrity, even if he
paths to reach Bangalore. One path is 30
dies in the best hospital, will die with
kilometers while the other is 30,000 kilometers.
dissatisfaction. The scale to measure the
You are oscillating between these two paths
quality of a persons life is to see how much
not knowing which to choose. If you choose
he lived in tune with what he felt was life.
any one path and proceed, you will reach
For example, if he is an aethist, if he lived as
a strong atheist and died as a strong atheist,
But if you keep oscillating, if you go on there is nothing wrong. He will attain! That
one path for half hour, and then change your very strength, when it goes deeper and deeper
mind and go on the other path for the next in him and searches, will show him the truth!
half hour, what will happen? You will never
Integrating the mind is the essence of life.
reach Bangalore! At least if you decide and
Decide you will always say and do only what
take the 30,000 kilometer path, you will reach
you feel is right. Then, you will come to
Bangalore, even if it takes you one year! But
tremendous clarity and conviction in the inner
if you keep oscillating between these two
and outer worlds.
paths, even if it takes thirty years, you will
not reach Bangalore. Swami Vivekananda recounts in his life
that his master, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa*,
Even if the chosen path is wrong, the one
died leaving him the responsibility of the
who moves with integrity automatically
mission. At the same time, Swami
comes to the correct path. He achieves what
Vivekanandas father died leaving behind a
needs to be achieved. There are only two
family of utter poverty. Swami Vivekananda
types of people on planet earth those who
was the only hope for his family. He stood
live with integrity and those who live without
between saving his family and saving the
integrity, thats all! The scale to measure a
world. No one recognized the mission he
person is not the path on which he went but
spoke of. He says beautifully, Who will
whether he lived with integrity or not.
sympathize with the imaginations of a boy?
Integrity is the strength to live your belief, He was, after all, a young boy!
come what may.

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa - Enlightened master from West Bengal in India. His chief disciple was Swami Vivekananda.


of integrity comes
utter freedom and He desc- A small story:
bliss. ribes those few During the civil wars in Japan, an invading
days as army entered a town and took control of
unimaginable hell. He was with a small group the whole town. Before the army arrived in
of boys, with no money, with only one thing: one particular village, everyone fled except
the integrity to live the life they believed in, a Zen master.
the life taught by their master. Ten years later,
Curious about this master, the general went
he says, Ten years ago, I could not get one to the temple to see what kind of a man the
hundred people to celebrate masters birth master was. The master did not even
anniversary. Today there are fifty thousand! acknowledge the general. The general
Sannyas is taking a strong decision not to became very angry when he was not treated
allow the unconscious to hinder the in the usual respectful way to which he was
consciousness and to establish consciousness accustomed.
firmly on the master and his words. He took out his sword and shouted, You
Swami Vivekananda was questioned as fool! Dont you realize you are standing
to how he could desert his family at that time. before a man who could run you through
He beautifully replied, I believed that without blinking an eye?
Ramakrishna Paramahamsas teachings could The master remained calm and asked, And
rationalize India and many foreign races. With do you realize that you are standing before
that belief came the realization that it is better a man who can be run through without
that a few persons suffer than for such ideas blinking an eye?
to die out of the world. What if a mother or With the strength of integrity comes utter
two brothers die? It is a sacrifice. Let it be freedom and bliss. With freedom and bliss
done. No great thing can be done without there is no fear in the inner or outer world!
sacrifice. The heart must be plucked and the
bleeding heart placed upon the altar. Then,
great things are done!
Life is for enlightenment!
Such was his integrity.
The very goal of life is enlightenment. You
Not only that, those who said that Swami may have other goals, but knowingly or
Vivekananda deserted his family do not know unknowingly, they are just different names
the correct facts. He continued to fulfill his that we give to the goal of enlightenment. In
duty by giving them the bare minimum the same way, whatever else you may seek,
requirements. He also went to the court of what you actually seek is sannyas itself. But
law to attend to some legal issues they faced. you dont know it. That is the problem!
You may think your goals are to have more
money and more relationships. The truth is

the human body
that even the one who searches for money You have which gives you the
actually searches only for enlightenment! See, achieved the highest possibility
there are only two things. One is money, and human body
to take the jump in
the other is name and fame. Name and fame which gives
mean nothing but to have more relationships. you the highest
Whatever experience you feel you are going possibility to
to get through money or relationships, you take the jump in consciousness. The glass is
will only get through enlightenment! already reflecting the sunlight. Now all that
the glass needs to do is to see the source of
That is why the soul never rests until
the reflection. Thats all! Merging with the
enlightenment happens. No amount of money
Source is what I call enlightenment. It is
satisfies the soul. No relationship satisfies the
merging of the individual consciousness with
soul. When money and relationships dont give
the cosmic consciousness.
satisfaction, it is called the depression of
success. This is what happens after reaching If this happens, then the goal of life, the
the peak of our career. People come to me purpose for which the glass was created, is
and say, I have achieved all that I wanted to achieved. Then, even if the glass breaks, there
achieve, but what for I wanted to achieve, I is no problem. But without achieving that, if
have not achieved. I feel incomplete. the glass is broken, it is the greatest loss ever.
Understand that this is the call of your being If the human body perishes before
that seeks no other goal except enlightenment. enlightenment, there cannot be a greater loss
The response to it is sannyas. than that.
Not properly understanding the goal of life Sannyas is the means to this achievement.
is the root cause of all problems. Sannyas is Sannyas is not the end of life. It is the
recognizing the goal properly and integrating beginning of life. Sannyas is moving towards
to achieve it. Whatever goal you may be enlightenment, the only and permanent
running behind in your life, be it money or purpose of life.
relationship or whatever, your end goal is only
bliss. There is no other separate goal in life!
There are only two types of people. One Conditioning is the culprit
group knows the word bliss or
If the purpose of life itself is
enlightenment, and the path to it. They live
enlightenment, where are we stuck right now?
their life according to that. The other group
In what areas of our lives are we moving in
does not know the word or the path, so it
the wrong direction? Understand that the
comes around in circles. Thats all! The
problem is in recognizing the correct goal. If
former is sannyasi, the latter is samsari.
the goal is right, you have achieved it. If your
goal is right, it means you are already living it.


you are taking the

first conscious Conditioning is Because we create so many layers of
step to drop the the reason that conditioning, we are unable to see the Truth
you miss the directly. We are not able to perceive the goal
past and enter a
goal. When you directly. We are not able to live the goal
new world. were born, you directly. We are caught in the conditioning and
came as a free forget who we truly are. The conditioning
bird, a Paramahamsa or the supreme swan, creates certain limitations in us, and we start
to flit and fly blissfully around and enjoy the thinking that the limitations are the real us.
whole of Existence. But after coming, not only Even the clothes that we wear condition us to
did you fly around, but unknowingly you also believe we are the clothes!
landed on planet earth. That was the problem.
Many of the conditionings are created in
There are many people waiting to catch such
society in order to peacefully co-exist. For
birds that land! Society waits to fit you into
example, for easy communication, many
the frame of country, religion, caste,
languages are taught. There is nothing wrong
community and creed.
in learning a language, but taking it up as a
You were a sweet soul when you landed conditioning and making the language your
on planet earth. You were not a Hindu, or an very life, and creating sorrow for yourself and
engineer or a worker. But understand that others is wrong. That mental attitude is wrong.
society wants engineers and workers. It is not So many people have sacrificed their lives for
bothered about your consciousness. Actually, the sake of language. If the conditioning were
neither your parents nor society are aware not there, so many deaths would not have
that there is something called consciousness. happened! The very history of mankind would
They themselves dont have that intelligence. have been written differently. Conditioning is
They teach you what they were taught. Thats the reason for terrorism among human beings.
all. Their conditioning is not a deliberate Today, conditioning-based-divisions go right
attempt to restrict or condition you. down to the level of belonging to specific
political parties!
Conditioning is the unwanted dowry that
has been handed over for generations and lives, By taking sannyas, you are taking the first
from person to person. First, there is parental conscious step to drop the past and enter a
conditioning. Then there is societal new world. The past is familiar, so you like
conditioning. Based on these two, you create to carry it. The mind always likes familiar
certain ethics for yourself. This is the self patterns. Also, society teaches you to carry
imposed conditioning, your own dharma*, the past so that it can put guilt and fear in you
your own path of righteousness. that are based upon the past incidents. The
past is unwanted baggage. Sannyas is

Dharma - Sanskrit equivalent of the Pali word dhamma used by Buddha. Also translated as righteous behavior.


disconnecting from the past. When you When the great Sufi mystic Hasan, was
disconnect from the past and move to a new dying, somebody asked, Hasan, who was
future, initially, there is utter insecurity. your master?
Sannyas is utter insecurity. In utter insecurity, He said, I had many masters. If I relate
there is nothing else to hold on to, so you will their names it will take months or even
find god! years, and it is too late now. I am going to
die any time. I will tell you about three
Why do you think I give you a spiritual
name? I give you a spiritual name to help you
more easily disconnect from the past. The The first one was a thief. Once I got lost in
new name that I give you will constantly remind a desert, and when I reached a nearby
you of the psychological revolution that has village, it was late and everything was
closed. At last I found a man who was
happened in you, the new understanding that
trying to make a hole in the wall of a house.
has happened in you. The name also indicates
I asked him where I could stay and spend
your individual spiritual path, according to the night. He said, At this time of night it
your own innate nature, which will lead to will be difficult. If you dont mind staying
the ultimate flowering of your consciousness. with a thief, you are welcome to stay with
A sannyasi works for the present moment. me.
He works to give his whole life to Existence I stayed with this man for one month. Each
and doesnt care about the results. The results night he would tell me, Now I am going
take care of themselves. That is his way. He for my work. You take rest and pray for me.
knows only the moment, nothing else. When he came back, I would ask him, Did
Therefore, he learns directly from Existence you get anything? He would say, Not
every moment. That is why he has no doctrine, tonight. But tomorrow, god willing, I will
no religion. He moves in synchronicity with try again. He was always happy and
hopeful, never in a state of hopelessness!
the whole of Existence and learns through it.
When I was meditating for many years, and
There is a Sufi saying, The Sufi is the
nothing was happening, many times the
child of the moment. In Sufi texts, every moment came when I was so desperate, so
moment is called a breath. And the Sufis are hopeless, that I thought I should stop all
called the folks of the breaths, because they this nonsense. And suddenly I would
live in full awareness of every breath, of every remember the thief who would say every
instant. According to them, every moment, a night, God willing, tomorrow it is going
new Self arrives. That is the spirit of sannyas, to happen
it is being fresh every moment. A person of My second master was a dog. One day, I
the moment learns from the moment. For him, was going to the river to quench my thirst.
Existence is his teacher. A dog came and he was also thirsty. He


looked into the river, and saw another dog past or future, you create the space for
there, which was his own image. He became suffering. When you live in the moment, you
afraid. He would bark and run away, but automatically create a space where everything
his thirst was so much that he would come is beautiful. Life itself becomes a romance
back. Finally, despite his fear, he jumped with Existence! You resonate with the whole
into the water and his own image
thing. You are in love with everything and
disappeared. I realized that the message had
everyone for no reason at all. That is sannyas.
come from god to me: one has to jump in
spite of the fear.
Then you dont amass. You dont fear. You
dont worry. Things happen around you like a
The third master was a small child. I went beautiful dream.
to a town where a child was carrying a lit
candle. He was going to the mosque to put A sannyasi is an eternal wanderer in spirit.
the candle there. Even if he is in one place, his spirit wanders
without any pattern, touching so many things
I asked the boy, Have you lit the candle by
yourself? He said, Yes. Then I asked him, far away. He doesnt care to accumulate
There was a moment when the candle was anything. He gives away whatever comes his
unlit, and then there was a moment when way. He receives much more than he needs.
the candle was lit. Can you show me the He lives like a king.
source from which the light came?
The boy laughed, blew out the candle, and
said, Now you have seen the light going. Enjoy the transience!
Where has it gone? You tell me!
Sannyas is the understanding of the
My ego was shattered and my whole
transient nature of everything. All desires,
knowledge was also shattered.
possessions, and emotions are moving and
It is true that I had no master. That does changing. Everything is changing and moving.
not mean that I was not a disciple. I accepted Nothing is permanent. If you analyze your
the whole of Existence as my master. I own desires, before a desire is fulfilled, it looks
trusted the clouds, the trees. I learned from like a mountain, a huge goal. After being
every possible source.
fulfilled, the same desire looks like a molehill.
Sannyas is the joyful awareness that the Before being fulfilled, it will seem like your
moment is guiding you closer to your very life. After fulfilling one desire, you simply
enlightenment. All you have to do is be move to the next desire! Understand that the
vulnerable, thats all. process itself shows that desires are neither
Tomorrow also comes in the form of solid nor permanent. They are just changing
today. So why not focus on just today? When fantasies of the mind.
you are in the moment, there is no space for Sannyas helps you see the temporary
pain or suffering. Only when you live in the nature of desires. Slowly, desires stop getting

in it, nothing in
created. Then all the energy that was locked powerful. the material world
up in desires is freely available to you. He became
really pulls you.
Automatically, your potential will take a jump.
You are ready to do anything. Although you and wished
live in it, nothing in the material world really that he
could be like the merchant.
pulls you. Even if you see something
beautiful, you dont wish to possess it. You To his great surprise, the stone cutter
just enjoy it and move on. Thats all. That is suddenly became the merchant, enjoying
sannyas. more luxuries and power than he had ever
Sannyas works like the log of wood that
is used to burn the dead body and finally gets One day, he was standing on the road when
he saw a high official pass by. He was
thrown into the same pyre. It burns out all the
carried in a beautiful chair, accompanied
fantasies in you and finally gives itself to the
by attendants and escorted by soldiers
same fire. It is a tool. beating gongs. Everyone, no matter how
Adi Shankara beautifully says in his wealthy, had to bow down before the
famous song, Bhaja Govindam*: procession.

Even when days and nights, He thought, How powerful that official is!
I wish I could be a high official!
winters and springs have gone,
Immediately, he became the high official,
and life almost comes to an end, and he was carried everywhere in his
the grip of desire is still there! beautiful chair.
One day it was extremely hot, and he felt
Desire has such a pull at the unconscious
very uncomfortable in the sticky chair. He
level that liberating oneself from it is the
looked up at the sun. It was so bright and
greatest liberation. beautiful in the sky. He thought, How
A small story: powerful the sun is! I wish that I could be
the sun!
Once there lived a stone cutter. He was not
satisfied with his position in life. One day He became the sun! And he enjoyed his
he was passing through a wealthy powerful position over everything.
merchants house. Through the gate which One day, a huge black cloud moved between
was open, he noticed many possessions and him and the earth, so that his light could
important visitors in the merchants house. no longer shine on everything below. He
He thought that the merchant must be very was surprised. He thought, How powerful

Bhaja Govindam - Collection of 32 (sometimes 34) devotional verses composed by enlightened master Adi Shankara.
This is considered to be the essence of Vedanta and Advaita, non-duality.


difficult times,
a sannyasi remains that huge black from one point of view to the next, but we are
storm cloud is! seldom happy.
with the awareness How I wish I
that life is a could be a A sannyasi is one who clearly sees that
fleeting dream. cloud! everything is changing all the time, and
everything is beautiful just the way it is. He
He became the storm cloud, flooding the
also knows that beauty is in the eyes of the
fields and villages.
beholder. That is why he sets out first to clean
Soon he found that he was being pushed his eyes. Eyes are the windows of the soul,
away by some great force, and realized that so his work is at the core level. If you see the
it was the wind. He thought, How powerful world through a red colored lens, everything
the wind is! I wish to become the wind! appears red. If you see with a green colored
He became the wind and powerfully blew lens, everything is green. If you see with clear
over the roofs of houses and through forests. eyes, everything looks clear and beautiful.
One day, he came across something that Existence has always been beautiful, but we
would not move, no matter how forcefully missed seeing it. Sannyas is the decision to
he blew against it. It was a huge and see with clear eyes.
towering rock. He thought, How powerful
If life itself is changing all the time, then
that rock is! I wish to become the rock!
why are we trying to frame it? Buddha says
Then he became the rock, more powerful in his Dhammapada*, Life is like a flash of
than anything else on earth. But as he stood lightning in the sky. Life is transient. Then
there, he heard the sound of a hammer what are we trying to do? We are trying to do
pounding a chisel into the hard surface, and an impossible job. Our job is to see, enjoy,
felt himself being changed. He thought,
and move on. If everything is a passing
What could be more powerful than a rock?
manifestation of Existence, then where is the
He looked down and saw a stone cutter far scope for ego or fear or greed? Sannyas, as
below him! such, doesnt change anything. Everything
This story clearly illustrates how the mind remains the same. But it changes the way you
always thinks that which has not yet been see things. Sannyas happens in you. Sannyas
achieved is greater than that which has been has nothing to do with the outer world.
achieved. The grass on the other side is Sannyas is awakening the charioteer.
always greener. But when we go to the other Mans body is like a chariot and his
side, what happens? We feel the grass on the consciousness is the charioteer. The charioteer
opposite side is greener! We jump from one is fast asleep, and the chariot is moving
thing to the other, from one desire to the next, according to the horses. The five horses are

Dhammapada - Teachings of Buddha in scriptural form.


the five senses, each with its own different the master plays a role. Sannyas is saying
idea. Not one of them is the truth. They are yes to the master without asking for an
just transient ideas! explanation. When you start trusting the
master completely, sannyas starts happening
Even in the most difficult times, a sannyasi
in you. Somewhere you get the click that the
remains with the awareness that life is a
master knows better than you. Then you start
fleeting dream! He carries a completely
letting go of your hold over your mind and start
different definition for success and failure. He
holding the hands of the master. The masters
doesnt carry success or failure itself. A
hands are always stretched out, but you were
samsari on the other hand carries success and
not ready to hold them. Once the yes starts
failure with him wherever he goes. There
happening, you hold his hands.
starts the problem.
Then a space is created where love starts
happening. Love happens only when you start
Surrender, love, compassion, saying yes. By saying yes, not only do you
start loving, you allow the other person to love
sannyas you as well. Then your inner space that was
Sannyas is saying yes to Existence. like a rock earlier, starts becoming like cotton!
Saying yes is surrender. Saying yes is love It becomes soaked with love. The love is not
and compassion. just towards one person or for any reason. It
is an overflowing energy. It is towards the
The human mind is trained to always say whole of Existence for no reason. You start
no. Saying no boosts the ego. Yes makes communing with the trees, with everything
the ego vulnerable, so the mind continues to around you. You feel that life is a song, the
say no. Sannyas is saying yes to Existence. song of Existence of which you are a part.
Existence created you. It is waiting to express You are in a deeply resonant mood with
its divine play through you. By saying yes, everything and everyone around you,
you allow the divine play to happen through including yourself. Your actions simply
you. When the divine play happens, things become an outpouring of the joy and ecstasy
happen exactly according to the flow of that is enveloping you all the time.
Existence. Then, everything becomes
auspiciousness! A small story:
A Zen master arrived at the meeting place
In the effort to say yes, you start
of the Cambridge Buddhist Society. He
softening. Sannyas is about becoming soft.
found everyone dusting and cleaning the
As long as you say no, you remain hard. whole place in anticipation of his visit.
When you make an effort to say yes, you
start softening. When you make a conscious They were surprised to see him because he
was not supposed to arrive until the
decision to say yes, it starts. That is where
following day.


beings love and

compassion is He simply tied She wrote to him saying, I am so touched
back the sleeves by your poem. Please come home, meet my
boundless. of his robe and parents, and ask them if you can marry me.
Sannyas is living joined the
The poet was surprised. He wrote back to
like an enlightened preparations.
her, That was a poem of love from my heart
being. It is living They could not
that I wanted to sing to a few souls. It was
enlightenment. believe that he
nothing more than that!
wanted to help.
He asked, Why She replied, You are a hypocrite. Because
cant I also prepare for the grand day of my of you, I will never again entertain a poet
arrival! in my life.
When you are resonating with Existence, The problem is, everything happens with
you enjoy everything, including yourself. You the reason of the intellect. Love has been
dont see yourself as separate from anything reduced to mere lust for the other persons
else. You see no separate reason for anything. body. That is the problem. Real love is an
There are people who commune with nature expression of the overflowing energy that
but fail miserably when it comes to people. starts happening in you when you start saying
Then, even their communion with nature is yes to Existence.
not real communion. Feeling only for nature The famous poet Kabir* says that when
is not a scale by which to measure love. love possesses you, dont even think twice.
People tell me that they are already Just dive into it. If you start thinking, it is like
communing with Existence. Trees and animals arranging your pillows when deep sleep of
dont create trouble for you. That is why you rest has come to your eyes. He says, Even
claim to commune with them! They keep though the head itself must be given, why
quiet. You can simply express anything to should you weep over it!
them. You can thrust your feeling on them, The master waits many lives for you. But
pull it out, and feel good, thats all. It is just an you have to say yes. Remember, the master
ego trip. The essence is in the ability to is a gentleman. He gives you the freedom to
commune with the whole of Existence, even remain in bondage. He waits. Once you say
when faced with trouble! If you can create yes, he takes you in his arms. The master is
that space of love under those conditions, then the only one who can show you the power of
you are communing. love.
A poet once wrote a love song and sent it to An enlightened beings love and
his friends. A few days later, he received a
compassion is boundless. Sannyas is living like
letter from a lady to whom he had sent the
an enlightened being. It is living enlightenment.

Kabir - Mystic devotional poet of India.

compassion are
A sannyasi is one who is established in a chess spontaneous
love and compassion in the inner world, while board bet-
ween them.
responses to the
being established in concentration and
He then moment. They
precision in the outer world. A real sannyasi
has the precision of a sword. When he closes took out his surface
his eyes, the outer world is no more. When he
sword and irrespective of
placed it in people or
opens his eyes, his work is perfection,
front of the
perfection not only in work, but in two of them situations.
relationships also! He is a father, a mother, a and said,
brother and a friend, all at the same time. Both of you have to play. The moment one
He moves, guided by inner intelligence. of you loses, the loser will have his head
That is why he is in the present moment all cut off.
the time. He responds to the moment. That is They were shocked at the masters words!
the ultimate sense of responsibility They started the game and played.
responding to the moment spontaneously. They concentrated on the game like they
True love and compassion are spontaneous had never done before.
responses to the moment. That is why they
Initially, the young monk made good moves,
surface irrespective of people or situations.
and it looked like he was going to win. Then
A small story: suddenly he made a mistake. The man took
the opportunity and took over the game.
One man went to a Zen monastery and told
Soon, he was clearly on the way to winning.
the master, Master, I wish to practice Zen
for the rest of my life but I have never stuck Suddenly, he looked at the young monk and
with anything for very long. I always look thought with what dedication and devotion
for shortcuts to everything. Is there a the monk lived his life with the master at
shortcut to enlightenment? that young age. Then he thought about his
own life and how he had wasted it. Suddenly
The master told him, You are accepted into
he decided, if at all anyone should die, it
this monastery for two days. In these two
should be himself. He deliberately made a
days, you will be taught the shortcut to
wrong move. The young monk saw that and
enlightenment. Is there anything that you
took over the game again.
like to do in particular?
The master was watching the whole thing.
The man said, Since I dont stick to
At that point, he took the board away, and
anything for a long time, I am unable to
the coins fell in the air. He said, Nobody
tell what I like to do most. But I like to play
wins. Nobody loses. The game is over. There
are only two things needed for
The master called for a young disciple who enlightenment, they are concentration and
was supposed to be a good chess player. He compassion. Today, you learned both. Stay
asked the two of them to sit down and placed


with me and study the way you have played are giving him the responsibility of you. He
chess today. Enlightenment will be yours! never fails! It does not mean you can
Sannyas is bringing together surrender to him and then do foolish things.
concentration and compassion. With No! The first thing to realize is that when real
concentration, you never forget the goal of surrender happens, it will never prompt you
life, which is enlightenment. With compassion, to do foolish things. Only surrender in the name
you are ready to sacrifice your very life so of surrender will attempt to do foolish things.
that the other may reach the goal! When both Real surrender is a consciousness, not a
are there, both you and the other will reach! concept for trial.
That is the greatness of sannyas. That is the Sannyas is a consciousness that flowers
space of sannyas. in groups of people in the presence of the
The greatest quality of a sannyasi is his master. Over the years, sannyas has always
immense trust in Existence. Society trains you happened in groups. All the great masters have
to always protect yourself from everything. ordained groups of sannyasins. When a group
That is the problem. You are made to believe of people start dissolving in love, when a
Existence is the enemy from which you have group of people start melting, sannyas starts
to protect yourself. You apply the same rule happening. Suddenly, so much beauty
and protect yourself from the master also. The radiates. Suddenly, Existence appears to be
master happens in your life with just one profoundly mystical and beautiful. The power
intention - to destroy your ego and allow the of coincidence becomes a way of life.
attitude of sannyas to flower in you. Tremendous energy starts flowing. For no
reason, life looks tremendously beautiful.
Sannyas is nothing but finding out exactly Everything seems to be perfect. There is an
where you are going wrong. That exact place inexplicable feeling of blossoming all round.
is known as nothing but the ego. If you
understand this, you will simply open up to It is not that Existence has become more
the master and allow him to strike the ego. beautiful. Existence is always the same. You
You will simply drop all your defenses and have started responding to it, thats all. Your
open up. Being closed to the masters presence own human qualities have enriched
is like closing your nose with your fingers tremendously. That is sannyas! When you
when there is a fragrant breeze blowing. When start responding to Existence with enriched
you open up to him with trust, you will see qualities, when you start melting into
miracles happen all around you. Existence, when you start yearning for it,
sannyas starts happening to you.
Trust has amazing power. It works beyond
logic. Anything that works beyond logic is the When sannyas happens, you
direct truth. It never fails. When you trust the automatically add more beauty to Existence.
master, when you surrender to the master, you You become a creator. People think sannyas
is renouncing creativity. No! Sannyas is

moving one step closer to god, and god is the and space, it is alright. You can take the jump.
ultimate creator. The very energy of sannyas It may not become consistent. But becoming
is creation. This is a little known fact about consistent is not the criterion needed. When it
sannyas. takes root, that alone is enough. You are ready.
Once you jump in, everything takes care of
When sannyas happens, the One man was walking towards the
moment is right Himalayan mountains in the winter months.
An old man saw him and asked, It is so
A small story: cold in the mountains. Are you sure you can
make it? The man replied, My heart is
One day a young man approached Socrates*, already there. So it is easy for the rest of me
the Greek philosopher, and said, O great to reach there.
Socrates*, I come to you for knowledge.
Socrates* took the man to the sea and pressed The initiation itself will trigger the process.
his head down into the water for a few The outer adornments of sannyas will take
seconds. care of the inner adornment. That is why, with
the initiation, a new name and saffron clothing
When he released him, the man came up
gasping for breath. Socrates asked him to are given. They will do most of the job for
repeat what he wanted. The man said, I you. They will keep the awareness alive every
want knowledge. moment.
Socrates put him under the water again, this But if you start analyzing the decision to
time for a longer period. Then he released take the jump, you will miss it. Sannyas is
him and asked, What do you want? The linked to your energy. Just by seeing your
man replied, Knowledge. energy, I can tell you are ready for sannyas!
Socrates repeated this a few times. You cannot analyze energy with logic. Energy
is beyond logic. When you take sannyas, the
After a few times, Socrates asked again,
moment is right, thats all. Even if you drop it
What do you want? The man gasped, Air.
later, have no regrets. The seed has been sown.
I want air!
Once a sannyasi, always a sannyasi. It will
Socrates said, Good. When you want happen again at the right time. That time may
knowledge as much as you wanted air, you be the final time.
shall have it.
Sannyas is a decision taken by intelligent
Sannyas is a deep urge that rises from
people. When life comes to the boiling point,
within you. It is a deep yearning. Even if the
to a peak of depression, to a point where you
longing is not completely consistent over time

Socrates - Greek Philosopher. Contemporary of Plato.


feel the outer world is of no use, when there lifestyle, directing your whole energy towards
is nothing further that can be done to help your enlightenment. When the first thought to look
situation, there are three choices you can in comes, when the first thought to embrace
make. spirituality happens, the intelligent one takes
the jump into sannyas. Sannyas is the
The first choice you could make is suicide.
Suicide appears to be immediate freedom but
actually it creates terrible suffering. People A small story:
think that suicide takes courage. Courage is a A fifty year old student of enlightenment
beautiful word wrongly used here. Do you approached a Zen master and said, I
need courage to rub chili powder in your own have been studying spiritual studies since I
eyes? No! It is simple foolishness. In the same was a small boy. I have learnt that
way, it does not require courage to commit even the grass and trees will become
suicide. It is simply foolishness. There is enlightened. This seems very strange to me.
nothing courageous about it. The master asked, Of what use is it to
Understand the science behind suicide. discuss how grass and trees become
Suppose your normal life span this birth is enlightened? The question is how you can
ninety years of age and you commit suicide become enlightened. Have you ever
when you are forty-five. For the remaining considered that?
forty-five years, you have to wait as a spirit. The old man answered, I never thought of
Only at the end of ninety years can you choose it in that way.
the next body to take birth. These forty-five The master said, Then go home and think
years will be the worst hell you can ever it over.
experience. It will be worse than the struggle
Sannyas is a focused appointment with
that happened when you were in the body.
yourself. It is a conscious commitment to
Suicide is not the relief you think it is.
yourself that you are going to destroy all that
The second choice is to resort to some you are not, and cleanse yourself completely.
sort of addiction, like drugs or alcohol, and
Once you make the commitment, your
slowly poison the system until it dies. This is
seeing, hearing, talking and feeling will start
equally as foolish because you are knowingly
being different. The same things will cause a
abusing the body.
new understanding in you. That is what
The third and most intelligent path is to commitment to sannyas does to you. Sannyas
look into yourself. When the outer world seems is going to be the only solution for the future,
to be over in your mind, the time has come to because it is the only thing that teaches you to
look inwards. Sannyas happens when you be established in yourself and yet learn to act
decide to look in and introspect. Sannyas is in the outer world in a playful, joyful, ecstatic
the alchemy of transforming your entire way. Sannyas allows you to play any number

disconnection is
of roles without identifying with any of them. and walked in. birth.
It keeps you in continuous excitement and I wore wooden Psychological
ecstasy all the time. It makes you experience sandals, nor-
disconnection is
the very essence of taking birth on planet mally worn by
earth. wandering
ascetics. They
made a loud noise on that granite floor! My
Real love doesnt stand in the mothers usual custom was to wake up,
way prepare the food of my choice, and serve me
the moment I entered. If I had finished my
A true mother is one who lets go of her dinner at the temple, I would tell her and both
child when the time is right. A mother who is of us would go to sleep.
too possessive of her child should probably
That particular night, she got up and was
hesitate to give birth in the first place! Even
about to prepare food. I called her and told
giving birth is a form of letting go because she
her, I have decided that I am leaving home
is allowing the child to leave her body! Only a
for sannyas. You can give me food tonight,
mother who is ready to allow the next level
even though I have already eaten. I will eat
of explosion to happen, a mother who is ready
now because tomorrow I will be leaving.
to let go, can only be a real mother.
It was a very casual announcement from
If you are possessive, if you feel sad just
my side. Of course, she was shocked, but she
thinking about separating from the child, then
did not say anything. One thing is that all of
you should not even give birth to the child!
my family knew from the beginning that talking
You should continuously feed him through the
and trying to convince me to do otherwise
umbilical cord. The umbilical cord connection
would never work. They knew that before
should be continuously kept alive! Just as the
saying anything, I would be very clear about
child grows physically only after you deliver
it inside. Only after knowing what to do would
him into the outside world after nine months,
I say it out loud. When I say something, it
likewise, he can grow psychologically only
means it is going to be done - thats all!
if you allow him to break from you.
Tears started pouring from her eyes. I
Physical disconnection is birth.
looked at her and asked, What do you mean
Psychological disconnection is sannyas.
by crying? Do you mean that I should not go?
In that way I am very fortunate. When I
She shook her head and said, No, I am
went and told my mother that I wanted to leave
not saying you should not go. I am crying
home for sannyas, it was late at night, around
because I am not able to control myself. I am
eleven oclock. I went to the temple, spent
not able to accept it. I cant say that you cannot
some time as usual, and came home at my
regular time. I opened the door with my key

She knew all along that one day this would next phase to happen. I have seen thousands
happen. One day or the other I would leave. of youngsters who are so inspired, who are
It was predicted in my horoscope. The beauty bold enough, who are courageous enough to
of it was, she never said No! Not only did take up this path of seeking. However, they
she not tell me I couldnt go, she broke the dont even give themselves a chance to explore
news to my father as well. My father thought because of their parents.
she had shouted at me and created some
Parents simply fall into the regular way of
problem and that was the reason I had decided
life, living to satisfy other peoples ego, and
to go. He asked her, Did you shout at him?
bringing up children. Very rarely, a few souls
Did you create any problem?
get the inspiration and courage to explore. Try
My mother said, No, I did not shout or to understand that I am not asking you to train
say anything. He came of his own accord and your kids or force your kids to become swamis.
told me this. Then my father calmed down. No! I am saying that if at all they feel that
click towards sannyas, do not stand in their
It was a straight and simple declaration.
way. You will be blessed if you do not stand in
My father came to me, sat down and asked,
their way.
Swami, your mother is saying a few things
as your words. Are these things true? Have the intelligence to see the path the
child has chosen. He has chosen the ultimate
Funnily, they used to call me Swami even
path. Even if he cries and struggles and
in those days!
becomes a failure, there is nothing wrong if
I told him, Yes. I have decided to leave that is your fear. I might have been a failure
home to pursue sannyas and become in my previous ten births. That is why this
enlightened. time I am successful! Understand, when the
It was a shock to him. But he saw that I struggle is for sannyas, even if enlightenment
was very clear, balanced, cool and relaxed. does not happen, it is not a failure. It is a great
He made only one statement. He said, If you success because you lived with integrity and
fall sick, please inform us. We want to take that too in the conscious field. In the conscious
care of you. Thats all. He simply said, If field, Existence watches over you completely.
you ever fall sick anywhere during your You are taken care of at every step. So
travels, please inform us. We want to take care understand that any exploration, any research,
of you. That is the only thing we want, nothing any adventure in the conscious field should
else. Otherwise, do what you want. be encouraged, allowed, and supported.

My parents never stood in my way. I feel eternally grateful to my parents for

Understand: any relationship, including the not standing in the way.
parental relationship, is a healthy relationship,
only when the person is ready to allow the


Enlightenment is the Key to Your


We now reach the ultimate, or what I call ordinariness, which is close to your own human
the peak experience. Realization of who we nature. You naturally get confidence that it is
are and our role in this universe is the ultimate possible for you too. The third thing is courage,
knowledge and experience that we can have. Let me jump in! All these three will happen
From the darkness of ignorance we move into only if you live around an enlightened master
the light of truth. We become enlightened. and continuously watch his body language.
Nothing else can trigger this in you.

Why enlightened beings

happen on planet earth Enlightenment is
When you see somebody swimming, you
understand three things. The first thing is that 1. Experiencing the limitless
swimming is possible, that a man can float on
water. Secondly, you have a tremendous urge:
If he can do it, why not me? Why cant I? I Living with the limitless continuum is
can too. The third thing is, Let me jump in! enlightenment. The limitless continuum will
You get inspiration and courage! happen when you relax from the identities you
In the same way, when you see an hold of yourself in the outer and inner worlds.
enlightened being walking on planet earth, If you are settled in that limitless
when you live around him, you also continuum and are able to be active, you are
understand three things. The first thing is that living enlightenment. If you are not able to
enlightenment is possible. You can live like a settle down in it, but you had at least one
god on this planet earth. The next thing is, If experience of it, then you have experienced
he can attain enlightenment, why not me? satori.
because he radiates such simplicity and


2. Realizing the self, world, and 3. Intense excitement for no

god reason
The basic thing needed for enlightenment People ask me, After enlightenment, can
is a psychological revolution, a new clarity enlightened beings enjoy? I tell you, only
about the self (jeeva*), world (jagat*), and after enlightenment can you enjoy! Before
god (Ishwara*). that, you can only think or imagine you are
How you think, why you think, how you
are driven, what is your inspiration, what After enlightenment, you dont even need
motivates you in life - this understanding is sense objects to enjoy. You will simply be
the clarity about the self or jeeva*. enjoying all the time. There will be such an
intense excitement for no reason.
How to achieve your desires in the world,
how you avoid fears and other things forced If I have to define enlightenment in two
upon you by the world - this understanding is words, I will say it is intense excitement for
the clarity about the world or jagat*. no reason, intense passion directed towards
no object. There is no object, but there is
Clarity about Ishwara or god means
intense passion. There is no reason, but there
understanding the source of both the
is intense excitement. That is what I call
individual self and the world. Achieving the
enlightenment. Enlightenment does not mean
source, knowing all these three, is
escaping somewhere. Tasting life here and
now is what I call enlightenment.
When you have a clear understanding
about why you think and how you think, this
very understanding gives you the clear 4. Seeing others as you see
experience of the self. When you understand
how to connect with the world, achieving what
you want, and avoiding what is not needed, What I call enlightenment is experiencing
you gain a clear experience of the world. The the same intensity of life that you feel inside
third is experiencing god, Ishwara*, the source yourself, outside your skin also. You are not
of the self and the world. alive just inside your body, but you are also
Gaining a true understanding of the self, alive inside every other individual, tree, and
world and god is enlightenment. rock. Your hold over your physical body is
transformed into a hold over the cosmic body!

Jeeva - Usually the imperishable spirit that dwells in all living beings.
Jagat - Universe.
Ishwara - Supreme.

intense passion
You are alive in every cell in the cosmos. There is no directed towards no
Every cell is a complete, fulfilled part of the shaft at all. object.
Understand, I am alive as much outside we all carry constant irritation from the
as I am inside my skin. So, I am alive in all the moment we get out of the bed until the minute
millions of heads, eyes, and feet and all the we go back to bed. Constantly we carry some
millions of beings in the cosmos. irritation or other. We are waiting to jump on
people. We only need some excuse. After
To achieve this, start seeing everything as
enlightenment, the constant fear or guilt or
if you are seeing for the first time, without
desire, something that constantly irritates is
bringing in your engrams, your past engraved
not there. When you unclutch from the shaft
memories. Then you will start experiencing
for even one moment, you get a glimpse of
the same life and intensity that you experience
inside your skin, outside also. Try this for ten
days. Once you get a glimpse, you will never The shift from the shaft happens in a
miss it! You will see you are in ecstasy for no fraction of a second. If you are deeply aware,
reason. You are in excitement for no reason. you can catch that precious moment when the
You will never take things for granted again. unclutching happens. All our tapas, spiritual
You will always be in joy. training, is only preparing us to catch that shift.
The shift happens many times. You just need
to be really aware and you can catch it. When
5. Being unclutched you permanently unclutch from the shaft, you
are enlightened.
As of now you connect all the past
experiences of your life and create a shaft.
All your future experiences depend on how 6. The four permanent changes
you have created this shaft. They depend on
which words from the past you have picked, I can say that a few changes happened
and how you have formed the shaft. Your permanently in me when I became
future emotions, reactions, thoughts, and enlightened.
words depend entirely on this shaft. But after
The first thing was that all inner chatter
enlightenment, life is very different from this.
disappeared. By inner chatter, I mean the
Thoughts arise, and if they want to work, the
constant chatter of words that goes on inside
body pursues the thoughts. Once the work is
us normally. In the gap between my words as
done, the thoughts disappear. Then the next
I talk now, even in those few seconds, there
time something needs to be done, thoughts
is no chatter inside. It is simply pure space,
arise again, and the process continues. The
whole thing happens beautifully by itself.


thing creates
intense excitement. The second one more class? The next day, another person
thing is that the said, Swamiji, on the first day, I thought you
idea that my boundary ends here at this body, could not take us any deeper; it is over. And
and there starts the rest of the world today, suddenly I felt that you have taken us
disappeared. Border consciousness dissolved. deeper than yesterday, and you cannot take
I dont feel I am just this six foot form. I see us any deeper than this. Every day I feel that
and feel myself in everything. If you watch you cannot take us much deeper than this, but
me, I will be the first one to enjoy all my we do keep going deeper. Every day the
photographs after a photo shoot or on the book person felt that the experience was the
covers! I will just play with them for four or ultimate.
five days.
Ultimate means living every moment
The third thing is that even though the body totally, completely. Ultimate is not final. It
is a male body, the inner identity of male or can be updated.
female disappeared. The psychological idea
There is a big difference between these
that I am male or I am female doesnt exist
two words, ultimate and final. If it is ultimate,
in me anymore.
it is happening every moment. It is not final.
And the fourth thing is that there is a
When a being becomes enlightened, not
constant excitement within, everything
only does he experience his potentiality, but
excites. Even small things give big
he also starts creating more enlightened
excitement. Even a simple thing creates
beings. He starts creating the possibility of
intense excitement and joy.
more enlightened beings.
I can say that these four changes are
permanent things that happened in me after
enlightenment. 8. No verbalization,
7. Ultimate but not final When you are enlightened, there will not
be any movement of letter or word or thought
Be very clear, enlightenment is not the end. between your navel and throat. Words will
It is the ultimate experience, but not the final come only from the throat. I can say this is
experience. one of the precise descriptions of
You need to understand these two words enlightenment. There will not be any word,
final and ultimate. They are very different. thought, syllable, or sound movement
For example, after the first day of discourse between the navel and the throat.
in a series, one person came to me and said, Words will be there only when you are
You have said everything. Why do we need talking. When you are not talking, there will

have inner chatter,
not be any words inside. Only the energy and you are when you are just
movement will be there. There will be no enlightened. with yourself, the
thought, no verbalization, no continuous inner
whole visualization
comes out as
Understand, when you dont have inner 10.
chatter, it is not dead silence. It is intense Research
energy! From that energy, whatever needs to &
be done will come out as a complete Development from
visualization. If you have inner chattering, it
will come line by line like, In the morning, I
superconscious awareness
have to wake up. Then, I have to go to office. After someone achieves enlightenment
There I will work on the new project. In the they have a very sharp superconscious
evening I will come back. Then I may go out awareness. With that superconscious
for dinner In a linear manner, one by one, awareness, it is easy to do research,
thoughts and words come out. experiments and analysis. Even after
When you dont have inner chatter, when enlightenment, I have been doing so many
you are just with yourself, the whole experiments, so many practices along with
visualization comes out as one package, one scientists and researchers of the outer world
piece of information. That is what we call and inner world, and by myself.
intuition. When you go through the logical Understand, when an enlightened being
process, it is called inner chatter, it is intellect. does spiritual practices it is not just for him. It
But when you dont have that inner chatter, is to create the right formulas for the disciples,
things start expressing in you intuitively. so that he can reproduce the same experience
Straightaway, you know. in them.

9. Integrated inner chatter and 11. Transcendence of the

outer words human state
The person who has removed hypocrisy Someone asked me, Is enlightenment the
from his inner space will experience natural human state or is it a transcendence
enlightenment. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, of the human state?
the enlightened master from India, says
beautifully, Integrating your inner chatter and Surely, enlightenment is the transcendence
your spoken words is enlightenment. He says, of the human state. Whatever you think of as
just integrate your inner chatter and the words the human state is not complete. You are only
that you utter. Let both of them be integrated a seed, a potential, a possibility. You are not a

You are a spiritual LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT

being with a
human tree. You are through the siddhi, or mystical power, known
experience. not actuality. as anima that has been described in the Yoga
Your actuality is Sutras by the sage Patanjali, an enlightened
enlightenment. master from India and father of the science
of Yoga*. Patanjali described anima as the
You are called a human being in your
ability to acquire knowledge of the small, the
potential state. In your actual state, realized
hidden, or the distant, by directing the light
state, you are called an enlightened being. Be
of superphysical faculty.
very clear, you are not a human being with a
spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being With yogic training, they could
with a human experience! experience visual images of minute objects
too small to be seen by the normal eye. They
found five new elements through these yogic
12. Beyond yogic powers powers. They even went beyond the quark as
well as its detailed structure, into the sub-
When you meditate, you can get various quark, which science is yet to find. These very
yogic powers or siddhis*. But enlightenment same findings have also been made by at least
happens when you go beyond these powers three other people from different places in the
also. Enlightenment is having the capacity to world at different times, through such occult
handle the powers, as well as the intelligence capacities.
to drop them when necessary.
They concluded that all matter is like
The other day I read an interesting article bubbles in space, just like pearls on an
about a book Occult Chemistry based on invisible string. The report says that the
research done by the theosophists Annie researchers not only saw the subatomic
Besant and Charles Leadbeater on the particles, but they could also see inside the
molecular structure of various elements. It atom down to the sub-quark, for which science
said that even long before physics discovered needs a very powerful particle accelerator that
that an atom has a nucleus, the theosophists costs billions of dollars!
had determined the atomic structure of many
There are many yogis who have these
elements, and that too down to the quark,
kinds of siddhis or powers that come about
the most fundamental particle known today
as a result of meditation. They are good as
in quantum physics!
long as you dont get caught in them.
How did they find this out with no modern Otherwise, you will lose sight of the ultimate
scientific equipment, before even quantum goal of enlightenment.
physics was born? The report says it was

Siddhis - Yogic powers that arise during spiritual journey.

Yoga - Literally means uniting of body-mind-spirit.


13. Clear, undisturbed peace 15. Merging of the experience,

Enlightenment is having such a strong and
experiencer, and experienced
clear sense of peace inside you that even your As of now, you see three separate things:
thoughts cannot disturb you. the experiencer, the experience, and the
Do not think enlightened masters dont experienced. For example, you are reading
have thoughts. It is just that their inner space this book now. You are the experiencer that is
is so big that the mind is a negligible part. the reader, the experience is of reading, and
For you, if you have a ten-acre mind, all ten the thing being experienced is the book. When
acres are like a zoo. With an enlightened being you get enlightened, all these three
there are a million acres, but still only a ten experiencer, experience, and the experienced,
acre zoo. In a million acres, if there is some become one. You are only the experiencer
movement in ten acres, can you consider it as having the experience of you, who is also the
something disturbing? No! It is negligible. It experienced!
is practically not there. That is why an average
person feels I am the body but an enlightened
being feels, I am the body also. Living enlightenment
It is not that the idea I am body
disappears. It just expands to I am also the
body. 1. Enjoying the chaos of the
cosmos within the frame of the
14. Beyond bliss
As of now, you are not mature enough to
Always being intense is the main mark hold the chaos, the cosmos, inside the frame
of an enlightened master. When you see that,
of your body. You need to put the chaos in
you understand it as bliss or happiness. To
order because you are not able to handle the
tell you honestly, I myself do not feel that I cosmos as is. The six feet frame of your body
am a separate blissful being. All I know is
is not mature enough to hold the chaos as is,
that something extraordinary is constantly
to experience and enjoy the cosmos as is.
happening in me, very intensely. Only an
outsider feels it is bliss. Actually it is not The body, mind and brain being awakened,
even bliss. It is the quality that cannot be tuned to experience the cosmos as is, is what
described, that cannot be conceived by the is living enlightenment.
mind. For this, the body, mind and brain need to
be prepared. The body can be prepared with
techniques like Nithya Yoga.


The mind is like the software. It consists what is called the Middle Path. Being in the
of the conscious mind and unconscious mind. middle path, the madhyapantha*, suddenly
The conscious mind can be cleared by you see a reduction in the number of thoughts
teachings, removing the wrong ideas and that arise before any action starts. That is the
taking in the clear, correct ideas. The period called living enlightenment. When
unconscious mind can be cleared by thoughts completely drop and you are able to
meditation techniques. do all your activity without thoughts, you are
But ultimately, for the software change to
be permanent, the hardware also has to
change. Your very brain grooves have to
change to hold the experience of and radiate 4. Awakening of the non-
living enlightenment. This can happen mechanical parts of the brain
through initiation, through the touch of the
master. Initiation is directly transmitting the When you are centered in sattva*, positive
energy after which different dimensions of you energy, you have a clear understanding of the
will start getting awakened. jeeva * , the self. You have the clear
understanding of how to relate with the jagat*,
the world. Because of the clarity of the self
and the world, naturally you will fall into the
2. Living a conflict-free life source, Ishwara*, god.
Living enlightenment has nothing to do with The very understanding will give you
married life or celibacy. It is just living a clarity. That clarity will automatically awaken
conflict-free life where your actions and the non-mechanical parts of your brain. When
knowledge are in tune with the desire. that awakening happens, a chaos will start
happening in your routine. Your routine will
start getting re-arranged by itself. Just
3. Reduced number of thoughts cooperate with it. That is what I call living
enlightenment. Cooperating with the
Not being in the extremes of anything, not awakening that happens in you is what I call
being caught in the extremes of emotions is being a disciple or living enlightenment.

Madhyapantha - Middle Path prescribed by enlightened master Buddha. It represents the power of witnessing that
causes one to be in moderation without being pushed and pulled into extremes of emotions.
Sattva - One of the three gunas or attributes of nature. Attribute of passive action.
Jeeva - Usually the imperishable spirit that dwells in all living beings.
Jagat - Universe.
Ishwara - Supreme.

the awakening that
5. Living the great Truths For the happens in you is
Living enlightenment is the right word. sheer what I call living
When you are living these great truths you grace
are enlightened, thats all.
You are supposed to live the truths. Living
the great truths in your life is enlightenment.
blessing - deep want, no
Enlightenment does not mean you will leave qualifications
your body and die. No! You will live in a
center that is beyond the five senses, but with People ask me, If a master wants,
the five senses. Only your center will be whether a disciple is qualified or not, can he
shifted. The cognitive shift will happen within give him enlightenment?
you. This is what I call jeevan mukti, living An enlightened master can enlighten
enlightenment. anybody just by one touch not even touch,
just a thought is enough. Nothing else is
necessary. He can liberate anybody.
Ego Vs Enlightenment The greatest happening on planet earth is
an un-enlightened being sitting with an
Your ego is not powerful enough to take
enlightened being and becoming enlightened.
away your enlightenment! Understand, your
ego is not so powerful that it can take away The master can simply download the
your enlightenment. software of an enlightened physiology into
anyone. When you are completely open, the
You need to stop thinking that you have
software of an enlightened physiology can be
an ego. Even your ego is not as big as you
downloaded into your system. Your body
think. You are not as big as you always think!
learns that it can be better than what it is now.
So even your ego cannot take away your
Your bio-memory learns the lesson of the
possibility for a better existence.
Whether you believe it or not, experience
A small story from the life of the
it or not, you are eternal Consciousness.
enlightened master Buddha:
Your logic is also not as strong as you think. Buddha was once asked, Why dont you
I always tell people, your ignorance is not so give enligh-tenment to everybody? He said,
strong as to take enlightenment away from Please ask in the village who wants
you. Even in your ignorance or ego you are enlightenment. Bring them to me and I shall
not that big a person, and that is the truth! give.
The man went through the whole village
that day asking who wanted enlightenment.


can be had by
giving yourself to He came back you give your life, it is nothing more in effort
to Buddha in or value than buying a lottery ticket.
Existence. the evening with
a low face. After it happens, you will understand that
Buddha asked him, What happened? the whole thing is nothing but the pure grace
Nobody wants enlightenment, is it? and blessing of Existence. The result or the
transformation will be so big, so great that
The man replied a little cheerfully, No, no,
you cant think of a reason why you were
two people want enlightenment. Buddha
replied, Ok, get them right now. I will give
chosen for it, why it was showered on you!
them enlightenment. No qualification is necessary, but the deep
need, the seeking is necessary. Fulfillment is
The man replied in a low voice, No, they always a gift. To receive a gift, there is no
dont want to come here. If you send it to
such thing as being worthy.
where they are, they will take it!
Ramakrishna used to say, Suppose you
Nobody really wants enlightenment in the
are living in poverty, dying with no food and
real sense! They just want it as a utility or to
no clothes. But somehow you know that there
keep in their showcase! Understand, god gives
is a lot of wealth kept locked in the next room.
you the freedom to be in bondage also.
Even if you take it nobody will know. Will
Enlightenment can never be forced on you. If
you be able to sleep restfully now? Either you
it is forced, even freedom will become
will try to open the door or you will break
down the door. Unless you have that wealth
There are two things: qualification and under your control, you will not be able to
wanting. sleep.
There is no qualification needed for In the same way, you should know you
enlightenment, but the deep feeling, the deep are in spiritual poverty right now. You should
wanting that I want it, should be there. know that inside you there is a room in which
Please be very clear, I also had ALL the there is immense wealth that is kept under lock
problems that you are having like not being and key. That knowledge, that attitude, that
able to trust Existence or not being able to intensity, that mood is a basic necessity. With
trust myself. All I can say is, there is no that, the seeking can simply transform your
qualification for enlightenment. For somebody whole life.
to become enlightened, they do not need any Your dedication is powerful enough to lead
qualification. you to enlightenment.
Enlightenment can be had by giving Actually, enlightenment is practically like
yourself to Existence. Giving yourself is not cooking. Something has to be added,
an equal thing for what you receive. Even if something has to be removed. You have to

powerful enough to
add the intense seeking. Whatever is The lead you to
unnecessary, like restlessness, etc, will come enlightenment.
out automatically, and enlightenment will ultimate
happen! energy
that can stand the test of
Enlightened society time
There can be nothing more than the
During the vedic times in India, the whole
enlightenment experience on planet earth. No
life, the whole society was based on
philosophy, no system, no theory, no ideology,
enlightenment where seventy percent of the
stands, survives, or thrives for more than one
people were enlightened and the remaining
generation if it does not have an enlightened
thirty percent were seeking, working towards
base or the base or inspiration from an
enlightened being.
Arts, sciences, education, lifestyle and
In ancient India, there were at least 3000
every sphere of life, every action was directed
kings ruling at different times. Not a single
towards the ultimate experience of
king or kingdom that was not guided by an
enlightenment. Classical dances like
enlightened master was able to flourish. Even
Bharatanatyam, traditional vocal and
today if you go to South Indian villages, you
instrumental music, traditional architecture of
will see huge temples built of stone, installed
temples and sculptures, classical paintings and
by enlightened masters. But the palaces that
art forms, the science of languages like
were constructed by the same kings for
Sanskrit, the sciences of astrology and
themselves no longer exist.
vaastu *, the unique gurukul * system of
education, traditional ceremonies right from Understand, the same king and the same
birth through marriage to death every single architect who built the temples to hold the
activity in every dimension of life was an enlightened energy, also built the palaces for
expression of the enlightenment of the great the king to stay. One might think the king would
seers, as well as a means to get enlightened. have used better material for his own palace!
But today, if you see, the temples are still
standing while the palaces have disappeared
with time.

Vaastu Vedic science of construction and interiors of a house based on the energies of the physical and metaphysical
Gurukul Vedic educational institution.


are enlightened
masters on planet In my own The greatest service to
earth, planet earth village Tiru-
vannamalai* in mankind - keeping the
can never be
South India, the science of enlightenment
destroyed! village in which alive
I was born and
brought up, we have a temple that has twenty- The biggest service you can do in your
five acres of built up area. The palace built by life, the best use you can make of your life is
the same king is not there. It is just ruins. But to keep this science of enlightenment alive
the temple built by him is still alive because on planet earth. Planet earth is alive today in
the enlightened masters energy is there. spite of all the atomic weapons we have piled
up, all the depletion of forests, minerals, and
natural resources. It is so because of the
presence of enlightened masters. As long as
there are enlightened masters on planet earth,
planet earth can never be destroyed!

Tiruvannamalai - Temple town where Nithyananda was born and raised.


Top 10 reasons to get enlightened

1. No Worries, Be Happy!
Express spontaneous creativity for assured success!
2. Intensely Enjoy Life!
Enjoy every moment of life with pure excitement!
3. Always Auspiciousness!
Whatever happens in life will be auspicious!
4. Always-Right Strategic Planning!
Relationships, business, or life always make right decisions!
5. Ultimate Experience Every Moment!
Expand and explode in all dimensions of life!
6. No Study, Just Download!
Science, arts, religion, business, cooking Just download from the cosmic
7. No Greed, No Fear!
Nothing to gain or lose get all you want right here, right now!
8. Un-clutch - the Fastest Gear!
Master-mind Forever free from the clutches of the mind!
9. Being God!
Master of your destiny create your reality!
10. Beyond Space, Time, and Mind!
Enjoy being in the lap of eternal bliss!

You are eternal bliss - nithya ananda!



Why Meditate?

In the following four chapters as well as A small story:

those on meditation techniques that follow in One evening, a man was searching hard for
a later section, I give you the pathways to something in the courtyard in his house. His
experience the truths we talked about. By now, wife asked him what it was. He replied that
you have the intellectual understanding about he had dropped a gold coin. His wife also
what needs to be done and why. joined in the search. Soon, others gathered
and practically the whole neighborhood was
We now come to the part of how. All the
searching for the lost coin.
understanding will remain only theoretical if it
is not converted into experience. Suddenly one neighbor asked the man,
Where exactly did you drop the coin? How
come we still havent found it? The man
What is the real aim of life? replied, Oh, I lost the coin inside the
house. Everybody searching became angry
What is your ultimate aim in life? and asked him, Then why are we searching
To earn more ? To stay forever young,
healthy, beautiful? To have better, longer- The man replied, The problem is I have no
lasting relationships? To improve your lights inside my house. So I started searching
by the light of this streetlamp here!
This is exactly what we do in our own
Each of us is actually searching for bliss,
lives. We are all experts in searching for
but we search in many different ways. But
answers in the wrong places. We search for
ninety-nine percent of us are not even aware
bliss everywhere, be it in money, power,
that bliss is our true goal! We search
relationships or ideologies. But we dont move
everywhere in the outside world for something
in the one obvious direction which is inwards.
which is there within us, just waiting to be


What is bliss? become meditation if it raises your

In life everyone has experienced some
moments of great happiness. But it has always
been for a reason. The state of that happiness Intensely blissful in the present
does not seem to remain forever. It is there
temporarily, and when it changes or goes Meditation is just being blissful in the
away, once again you feel pain. Only the moment. When you are at complete peace in
happiness you experience for no reason at all, the present moment, you are already in a state
which does not die for any reason, is real and of meditation.
permanent happiness. This is what is called Recall any moment in your life when you
bliss. Such happiness doesnt depend on have experienced extreme beauty. Maybe it
anything outside of you. was the sun rising suddenly from behind a
The word ananda itself means, that mountain, or the first time you heard a lovely
which cannot be reduced, which cannot be piece of music. Suddenly you became totally
lost. Ananda does not translate into still, wordless. In the presence of that beauty
happiness. You will be surprised to know, it you couldnt think any more. You were just
simply means that which cannot be reduced silent, relaxed, in thoughtless awareness. You
or lost. And bliss is that thing which does not were completely dissolved in that beauty. That
reduce for any reason. moment was meditation!
After a few moments your inner chatter
started again. Your mind said, What a
What is meditation? beautiful sunrise! The moment the words
appeared, you were out of meditation! You
can either think or meditate. You can never
do both. Meditation is just being. It is
Technique to raise experiencing the present moment without
consciousness resistance.
Any technique, any method which raises
your consciousness is meditation.
Meditation can even be a simple breathing
What is the right way to
technique. It can be a simple repetition of a approach meditation?
word or simply sitting. In the Zen tradition,
The first thing is, be sincere. Keep an open
just sitting is meditation. You may think this is
mind. Have the openness to experiment. Be
the easiest thing to do but in fact, just sitting is
the most difficult meditation. Anything can

WHY MEDITATE? The possibility to
become a different
There is a beautiful term in the Zen A small conscious being is
tradition to describe the attitude the story: present only in
beginners mind. It means looking at every Three mon- human beings.
single thing in life as new, so everything in life keys once
excites you. found a ripe, juicy mango. Like all
The second thing is, be optimistic. Bliss is monkeys, they fought over the mango for a
a perfectly realizable goal for you, even if you while. Then somehow, they had a moment
of clarity, a moment of intelligence.
are completely unfamiliar with meditation.
Instead of eating the mango right away,
Once a man approached the great
they decided to sow the mango. They knew
enlightened master Ramana Maharishi and
that once the mango seed sprouted and grew
asked him, Bhagavan, am I qualified for
into a tree, there would be more than enough
spiritual life? Bhagavan answered him with
mangoes for all three of them.
a question, Are you alive? The man was
startled. He said, Yes, of course! Each of them decided to take up one part
of the task of caring for the mango plant.
Bhagavan replied, That is enough. You
The first monkey said, I will water the plant
already have the necessary qualification for
every day! The second monkey said, I will
keep the soil healthy and rich, add fertilizers
The very aim of human life is and ensure that the plant grows well. The
enlightenment. The possibility of becoming third monkey said, I will guard the plant
enlightened lies in the Kundalini shakti, an carefully and protect it from harsh weather
extraordinary potential energy which is hidden and other animals.
inside every human body. If it can be One month passed, then two, then three.
awakened, it will take you to a different plane There was no sign of any plant growing out
of consciousness, a different plane of of the soil. The three monkeys called for an
Existence. The possibility to become a urgent meeting to discuss the issue. The first
different conscious being is present only in monkey declared, As promised, I have been
human beings. Animals dont have this watering the seed every single day. The
potentiality to become enlightened, to become second monkey cried, As promised, I have
different conscious beings. been adding fertilizer and making the soil
The third thing is, be playful! Meditation
The third monkey said, As promised, I have
is a big adventure. To become serious about
been guarding the seed very carefully. Not
meditation is to miss the whole point. Celebrate only that, I have been taking the seed out
meditation. Simply enjoy it! every single day to check whether it has
The fourth thing is, have patience. Dont sprouted or not!
start worrying about results the moment you If you are greedy for instant results, you
start meditating. actually prevent the process from settling down


and mental
illnesses take root in your system. If you get a sudden shock or if you are
in the dream state. You yourself sitting with nature in a completely relaxed state
block the whole and in deep silence, it is possible that for a
process. few moments you experience this thoughtless
awareness. The identity is alive, the I
The fifth thing is, enjoy solitude. Give
consciousness is alive, but there are no
yourself a chance to experience your inner
thoughts. This is the fourth state of turiya*.
environment. When meditation becomes a part
of you, bliss will flower naturally. All our physical and mental illnesses take
root in the dream state. The dream state starts
penetrating and overlapping the deep sleep
Why Meditation? and waking states. If our waking state is
penetrated by the dream state, it is called
daydreaming, we fantasize or imagine endless
things that we wish to do. If our deep sleep is
penetrated by dreaming, it is called disturbed
Continuously during the day or night, our
dream state disturbs us. When our deep sleep
state is disturbed by dreams, it results in
problems like chronic fatigue and insomnia.
When our waking state is disturbed by dreams,
we will be daydreaming with much less
awareness of the world around us.
The more the dream state penetrates the
There are three states that we constantly waking state, the more the frequency of our
experience in our lives the waking state, consciousness decreases. We may be living
dream state and deep sleep state. But there is in the human body, but we will not be living a
a fourth state that we have not experienced. truly human life. When the frequency of
It is called turiya *. In this state the I consciousness comes down, we will not be
consciousness exists but without thoughts. It fully aware about the decisions we make. We
is called thoughtless awareness. Very few will not be aware of the kind of words we are
people experience this in their lives. Some thinking. We will not be aware of what is going
people experience this for a few seconds and on inside of us. It will be as if we are living in
then go back to their regular waking state. a house, but we do not know everything that
is happening inside that house.

Turiya - Fourth state of consciousness in which there are no thoughts and only awareness.


You ask, Why should I meditate? Meditation is also a complement to

Meditation is needed to infuse deep awareness medication. Through meditation, you can
into both your waking state and the deep sleep regulate your blood pressure and blood sugar
state. Instead of the dream state penetrating and you can increase your bodys resistance
the waking and deep sleep states, with to disease. Through meditation, it is possible
meditation the turiya* or blissful state will start to heal even chronic problems like skin
penetrating the waking and deep sleep states! allergies, asthma and arthritis. No disease can
escape the power of meditation.
The purpose of meditation is to experience
this fourth state at least once. Once we
experience this fourth state, we can bring the
influence of it more and more into our waking Mental health - awakening of
and deep sleep states. If our waking and deep intelligence and flowering of
sleep states are completely influenced by the intuition
fourth state, turiya, that is what we call
jeevan mukti or living enlightenment. On the mental level, meditation enhances
clarity of thought. Meditation is also a proven
way to improve concentration and memory
power. Above all, meditation leads you from
Benefits of meditation intellect to intelligence to intuition.
With meditation, you go beyond the mind,
into the being. In the being no rules exist. You
Physical health become free to explore your full potential.
Meditation has the power to transform you Thats why with meditation you will suddenly
physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. find yourself at ease with your surroundings,
easily able to cope with new situations. You
See, physical health means digesting
rediscover your spontaneity.
whatever you eat and having that food
become part of your body. Mental health
means digesting all the ideas and problems that
you encounter and forming a clear solution.
Self-healing thoughts
In other words, it is living without conflict. You may have a medically fit body. That
Spiritual health means receiving all the great does not mean you are completely healthy.
teachings and energy, digesting them and living Of course, I can say from my experience of
a liberated life. Having all three is total health. having seen millions of people, ninety nine per

Turiya - Fourth state of consciousness in which there are no thoughts and only awareness.


weapons are the

weapons of Truth cent of those Knowledge-weapons to combat
that can destroy who do not have depression
the self-healing
the depression of
clarity in their The knowledge of the Truth is what I call
your being. system are knowledge-weapons or shaastra-shastra.
never able to Shaastra means Truth, knowledge. Shastra
maintain even means weapons. Knowledge-weapons are the
physical health. When I say self-healing weapons of Truth that can destroy the
clarity, I mean the clarity and understanding depression of your being. The more
to bring yourself out of depression whenever knowledge-weapons you have, the more
it tries to grip your consciousness. depression will be afraid of you! If you have
a huge army, naturally the enemy country will
Just a year ago, I did a small research
be afraid of attacking you. Just by seeing your
study. I selected one group of people who had
pile of weapons, the other country will think
been through some meditation programs and
twice before attacking you. In the same way,
had done some spiritual study. I asked them
the more you accumulate the self-healing
to write whatever came into their mind without
thoughts, the knowledge-weapons, inside your
editing for just twenty minutes. Then I also
being, the more depression will fear to come
asked another group of people who had never
near you.
been exposed to spirituality to also write down
whatever came into their minds without editing
for the same twenty minutes. The results of
my study were shocking. Freedom
In the case of those people who were not With meditation, you can live your life in a
exposed to spirituality, if they had written one much better way with greater clarity and
hundred thoughts, more than eighty of them greater intensity. You will be more aware,
were directing them more and more towards more creative. Yet internally, you will
depression. Only twenty thoughts were self- experience a deep and undisturbed silence.
healing or bringing them out of depression. But
You will no longer be doing, you will only
in the case of those who were exposed to
be watching the doer. This is the whole secret
spirituality and meditation, I saw that more than
of meditation to become the watcher, to
sixty percent of their thoughts were self-
become the witness of your own actions and
healing! Only forty percent were taking them
towards depression. This is the impact of
meditation! It keeps you healthy holistically. Once you become aware that the real you
is not the one who acts, that the real you is
not the one who feels angry or hurt or
depressed, then you experience a tremendous

WHY MEDITATE? With meditation,
for the first time,
sense of freedom. This will happen through complements you will
meditation. And this is real freedom. the plans. It will understand what it
add to the
All our life we are searching for freedom. means to love for
Whether we realize it or not, every single one no reason.
of us is searching for freedom. We think our When you
freedom is dependent on others. Now you are aware, you
know that the other person is in no way are absent. When awareness is present, your
connected to your freedom. ego cant exist. When your ego exists,
awareness cant be present. Your absence
will make you live enlightenment.
Love and joy for no reason When you are aware, you will work
optimally and use your energy efficiently. So
With meditation, for the first time, you will
at the end of the day you are just as fresh as
understand what it means to love for no
in the morning. You see, it is not the work that
reason. For the first time you will not be giving
exhausts you; it is your mind, your attitude.
something in order to receive. You will give
The whole game of meditation is to get out of
love simply because you have so much to give!
the work-oriented mind and look at every
You will shower love upon the world in the
moment of life as a beautiful Divine play.
same way that a rain cloud showers upon the
earth or a flower spontaneously spreads its
fragrance all around. You will love because
you are so full and overflowing! When to do meditation?
The next question is when to meditate.
This is always a controversial question! All
Work as play the youngsters think, I can do this in my old
Just try this: whatever you do, act with age after I have lived my life fully and I dont
awareness. If you are eating, eat with have anything else to do.All the elderly people
awareness. No extra time is needed to do this. think, I should have done this in my young
In fact, it will take less time to eat because age when I was fresh and energetic.
when you eat with awareness, you will eat So the question is not just how long to
just the amount your body needs rather than meditate everyday, but also when to make the
stuffing food down your throat thoughtlessly. decision to enter into meditation. Please
Awareness has tremendous knowledge. understand, meditation is the basic need for
Awareness can do better miracles than all your every person. It is not an option. It is a very
planning. Awareness doesnt contradict, it basic need.


Benefits of Meditation

Meditation results in holistic health. It gives good health on the physical, mental
and emotional levels. Specific health benefits reported by some who meditate are:
1. The stabilization of high or low blood pressure, blood sugar, body heat and
2. The balancing of mind/body rhythms.
3. Reduction of muscle tension, stronger bones, immunity from disease.
4. Cleansing - quicker elimination of toxins and body waste.
5. Overcoming insomnia and improved quality of sleep.
6. Enhanced energy, increased work capacity.
7. Longer life span - improved body metabolism and body cells with a longer life
8. Secretion of healthy body chemicals - increased secretion of natural anti-
depressants, enhanced secretion of endorphins, the bodys happy chemicals.
9. Relationships - Meditation inherently puts you in tune with yourself and others.
The direct result of this is deeper, more meaningful interpersonal relationships
with family, friends and with everyone you encounter in your daily life.
10. Intelligence - To work efficiently, one needs intelligence. Meditation ignites
your innate intelligence making you more aware and sharp. The natural result
of this is improved, efficient and effortless performance in whatever you do.
11. Creativity - Each of us holds within us an undiscovered treasure of talent and
potential. Meditation reveals and helps you realize your inner talents and latent
12. Authenticity - Meditation allows you to touch base with the real you, and makes
you realize your uniqueness. Self-confidence then becomes a natural by-product.


13. Balance - Most of us live life as a roller-coaster ride, held in the sway of
emotions like worry, jealousy, discontentment, fear, anger, guilt, etc. over which
we have no control. Meditation enables you to be centered in yourself, have a
solid inner balance and thus, be the master of your own self.
14. Relaxation, peace, bliss - A natural byproduct of meditation is something we
spend almost a lifetime trying to attain: inner relaxation and peace. With
meditation, you automatically drop out of the vicious cycle of fear, greed and
stress, and enter the virtuous cycle of bliss.
15. Holistic spiritual growth - To measure intellect, we have IQ or Intelligence
Quotient, which is measured by many standardized tests. Of late, another
measure is gaining importance, especially in the corporate world, namely EQ or
Emotional Quotient. However, the most important factor of our lives which is
inner satisfaction and fulfillment, is what matters at the end of the day. Meditation
enhances this very important factor of life, SQ or Spiritual Quotient, besides
also increasing IQ and EQ.
16. Life - As of now, our mental setup is rigid and reflects our personality. Because
of this self-image we carry in our minds, we face a lot of troubles in life and are
not able to enjoy life completely. Meditation simply reprograms the software of
the mind so that we can live life completely.
17. Ultimate potential - You are like an airplane with the potential to fly, but you
think you are an ox-cart because you have not actualized your potential.
Meditation simply makes you realize and experience who you really are and the
enormous capabilities you have been born with.


Kinds of meditation Examples of this are the statements of the

great timeless truths. When you are in a highly
There are three kinds of meditation. mature state, you dont need any separate
The first is bringing the truth or awareness technique. You dont need to practice the
into your life. whole day or at any particular time. Just the
very remembrance of these truths will put you
This meditation is supposed to be done all in the elevated state. This is the third type of
twenty-four hours a day. Breath-related meditation. Examples of this are the beautiful
techniques like vipassana * or techniques Zen koans*. They are profound truths written
where you bring your awareness to the present in a concise way. Just the very remembrance
moment all the time belong to this category of of them will transport you to the zone of truth!
meditation. It is not a part of your routine. It
should become the very quality of your routine. There is a very beautiful story in the
You may be doing anything like writing, Upanishad* where a disciple comes to the
reading, cooking, discussing, but this thread master and asks for a technique or a method
of meditation should be happening for enlightenment. The master just says, Tat
simultaneously like an undercurrent. tvam asi, Tat tvam asi, Tat tvam asi - Thou
art that, Thou art that, Thou art that, and the
With the second kind of meditation story says, the disciple became enlightened!
techniques, you need to spend a particular time,
like one hour in the morning or one hour in the It seems like a very strange story. The
evening, or any other convenient time. master just repeats a few words and the
disciple is suddenly enlightened. How is it
The Mahamantra* meditation technique, possible? It seems unbelievable! Actually it is
where you hum for a few minutes and then not so. If we have done the first two types of
remain a witness for a few minutes, can be techniques, the technique that needs to be
given as an example for this category of done the whole day and the technique that
meditation. Nithya Dhyaan is another needs to be done at a particular time, then the
example of this type of meditation, since it is very maturity that happens out of that practice
practiced for a specified time each day. will cause you to experience the Truth the
Then there is the third kind of meditation moment you hear it from the master!
techniques, where just the very remembrance
of the technique is enough.

Vipassana - Teaching of enlightened master Buddha to look inwards by observing breath.

Mahamantra - Humming meditation that energizes the anahata chakra and taught as part of Nithyanandas Life Bliss
Koans - Riddles given as techniques in Zen to aid Self Realization.
Upanishad Literally means, sitting at the feet of the master.


Reality as dream Understand: in one night, you dream that

you have lived twenty years of your life. In
You may wonder, How is it that every the first episode of your dream, you are in
day when I come back to the waking state, I college. In the second episode, when you come
see the same world but every night when I go back to the dream state after a gap of deep
back to the dream state, I dont see the same sleep, you are getting married. In the third
world? So, can this be used as a scale? With dream episode, you have a son. Maybe in the
this can we say that this waking-state world fourth episode, you see your son getting
is real? married.
Let us analyze one nights dream. For An important thing you need to
example, let us say that you go to sleep on the understand: when you fall into the deep sleep
night of the fourteenth, and on the morning of state and then come back to the dream state,
the fifteenth, you wake up. You sleep for and then repeat this process, in these different
around ten hours. I am sure many of you have episodes, you do see the same world even in
had experiences of having lived around ten to your dream state. Am I right? Sometimes you
twenty years of your life in one nights dream, do see the same world even in the dream state.
in just ten hours time.
Understand, it is a very subtle point, a very
Perhaps the dream starts in your college subtle understanding. If you can catch this, it
days and moves slowly, step by step, up to will lead to very great clarity, which can really
your marriage, your having a son, your sons revolutionize the way in which you think about
marriage, etc. In this way, you live even your life, the way in which you try to solve
twenty years of your life in just one nights the problems of your life.
dream, am I right? If you have experienced
Imagine a man is dreaming. In the dream
this at least once, you can follow very closely
he sees a tiger chasing him and he starts
what I am going to present now.
shouting, Oh, a tiger is chasing me! Save me,
You see, while sleeping, we go through save me! His wife is sleeping next to him.
the dream state and the deep sleep state. She wakes up and sees the husband shouting!
Maybe for half an hour, you fall into the deep The wife is confused, What am I supposed
sleep state. Then you go to the dream state to do? She just needs to tell him, Hey, wake
and have some dreams. Again you fall back up! Instead of that, if she tries to supply some
into the deep sleep state for perhaps twenty weapon to kill the tiger in the dream, what
minutes, and then once again, you come back will happen? He may kill himself or he may
to the dream state. In this way you keep kill her! Any other solution she may try to find
moving from the dream state to the deep sleep will only lead to more problems, more
state and back. difficulties. All the husband needs to do is wake


If you understand these basic things, In the dream, even if you remember about
suddenly you will see that your very decision- your real life, you think it is a dream. In the
making is revolutionized. The cognitive shift reality, even if you remember about the dream,
happens in you. The way in which you think you think it is a dream. So it just depends on
and the way in which you make decisions, the the frequency in which you are. There is no
way in which you find solutions for your other scale to explain which is reality or dream.
problems, will be entirely different. You will
Realizing and understanding there is a
start working towards the right solutions.
possibility that this very waking state could be
When you are dreaming, in a span of ten one more long dream will turn much of your
hours, you can easily live twenty years. You attention and awareness to the center, to the
fall into deep sleep and come back to the consciousness, to the ultimate reality. When
dream state many times. Whenever you come you go beyond the frequency of this waking
back to the dream state from deep sleep, even state, it will also look like one more dream.
though there was a break from the last dream,
This is the first step in spirituality. This is
you see the same world. So, you have to
the first step in psychological revolution.
understand clearly that just seeing the same
world after the break in the dream state cannot Again and again, your suffering gives you
be the quality to define it as reality. Only when a clear statement that you are not living in
you wake up from sleep, do you realize you reality.
have lived twenty years of your life in a mere Many times I am asked another question
ten hours. along the same lines, Not only am I seeing
In the same way, only when you wake up this world, even the people who are living
from this waking dream in which you are around me are seeing the same world. How
living now, suddenly you will realize you have can you say it is a dream?
dreamt maybe ninety years of your life in a Understand, in a dream if you are seeing
few hours! This life in the waking state may a particular city, and if in that dream you are
be another long dream! going to that city with your whole family, then
When you are in a dream, you think the not only you, but the family with you inside
dream is reality. Where you are, that is reality your dream, will also see the same city,
for that moment. There is no other scale. In because they are also projections of your
the dream you can never imagine, It is a mind! So, just because the people around you
dream. In the reality, you can never think, It see the same scene as you do, it does not
is one more dream. When you come out of mean that the scene is reality. Those people
the dream, the dream looks like a dream. But around you might be a projection of the same
when you are in the dream itself, it will not scene!
look like a dream.


The ultimate truth is that the stuff out of tremendous inner healing inside you, can bring
which your dream world is made is the same a great restful awareness inside you.
as the stuff out of which this waking world is
also made.
If your attention is centered on the stuff, Glimpse of scientific research
naturally the inner healing cannot happen. If on meditation
your attention is equally distributed on the
consciousness and the stuff, that is what I call Science is just now getting glimpses of the
healthy life or balanced life. You will have tremendous power of meditation to completely
physical health, mental health and a vibrant change the entire body-mind structure itself.
life. The benefits of meditation are countless and
across all planes, be it physical, mental,
If your attention is totally centered on the
emotional or spiritual. Meditation can simply
consciousness, not on the stuff with which
change the very quality of life.
these worlds are made, that is what I call
living enlightenment or jeevan mukti.
Whether you want jeevan mukti or not,
whether you want enlightenment or not, is
Increased brain power
secondary. But if you can turn a little bit of Until recently, it was believed that in the
your attention towards the I consciousness, brain, the connections among the brain nerve
towards the Truth, towards the center, cells were fixed in childhood and did not
suddenly you will see that a tremendous inner change, so the brain growth stopped early in
healing happens. life. Now scientists are finding that the brain
For example, if you are facing some big actually grows and forms new connections all
difficulty or depression, if you realize very throughout life, they call this neuroplasticity.
clearly and consciously that this whole thing The other day I was reading in the papers
is a dream, you will experience such a relaxed (Washington Post, January 3, 2005), about
feeling or the inner healing happening in you. research done by the University of Wisconsin
That inner healing is what I call meditation. to study the effects of meditation on the brain.
That restful awareness that happens in you is The study was done on a group of Tibetan
what I call satori, the first glimpse of monks who had been meditating for years, and
samadhi. also on a group of students who were new to
A basic cognitive shift or a basic meditation but had been taught how to
psychological revolution, with the simple meditate.
understanding that what you are seeing may They found that the awareness was more
not be reality as you think, can bring and the brain activity was faster and much


better organized and coordinated in the Meditation Vs Sleep

meditating monks than in the students who
were new to meditation. Not only that, the There was another research** done at the
brain region associated with happiness, positive University of Kentucky where they studied
thoughts and emotions, was also much more the effects of sleepiness on a persons
active in the monks than in the students. awareness. A group of people was made to
look at a screen and they were supposed to
One more important thing, the researchers
press a button as soon as an image came on
found that the brain activity of the meditator
the screen. Normally a person who has had
monks was more intense and organized (than
less sleep takes much longer to respond to
that of the students), even before the monks
the image than a person who has had normal
started meditating. So the benefits of
sleep. Sometimes they even completely miss
meditation are actually permanent. Meditation
seeing the image coming up.
can simply change the very circuitry and the
inner workings of the brain. The researchers tested the participants
before and after forty minutes of sleep,
Many top universities in the USA like Yale,
meditation, reading or some light activity.
Harvard and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology), have also studied* the effects They found that with meditation, the
of meditation. response was the fastest for every single
participant, even though the participants were
Studies using MRI (Magnetic Resonance
not experienced in meditation. In fact, their
Imaging) showed that meditation actually
response was even better after keeping awake
increased the very thickness of the brain in
the whole night!
areas related to awareness and attention, as
well as cognitive processing and emotional
The researchers found that the blood
Improved concentration and
vessels become wider, the support structures speed of response
also increase in number and they have more
There have been many studies to learn
branches and connections.
the effect of meditation on the speed and
correctness of perception and response.
A couple of studies were done at Liverpool
John Moores University in Liverpool, England.



In one study, the participants were given lines They found that the meditators were much
of letters with different numbers of dashes faster and made about half the number of
marked above the letters. They had to cross errors as the non-meditators.
out the letters with multiple dashes, as quickly
Meditation directly and significantly
as possible.
improves awareness, attention, memory,
In another study, the participants were concentration, response time, visualization,
shown the words like RED, BLUE or emotional wellbeing, and general health.
GREEN printed in different colored inks.
Science has just started exploring the vast
They had to quickly name the color of the ink
dimensions of the effects and benefits of
the word was written in. Normally, this is
meditation. But for thousands of years, right
difficult because your brain tends to read the
from the vedic times, man has been enjoying
word rather than look and identify the color
the benefits of meditation which is the ultimate
of the ink that the word is written in!
way to the Ultimate! It is a foolproof, time-
proven technique to realize oneself.



Nithya Dhyaan - Life Bliss Meditation

The master technique transform it and make it ready for the ultimate
experience of enlightenment. Each segment
There are some meditation techniques that of this unique technique complements the
are specific for specific times and people, and other steps to help raise the individual
there are a few that are universal. Nithya consciousness. It is an everyday meditation
Dhyaan is the meditation for the seeker of for eternal bliss - Nithya Ananda.
today. It is the cyber age meditation.

Chakra awareness
The birth of Nithya Dhyaan
To understand the technique, we need to
First I would like to tell about how this understand a little about the chakras or subtle
meditation technique Nithya Dhyaan energy centers. Working on the seven
happened. Up to the age of 11, I experimented chakras is like awakening new channels of
with numerous meditation techniques. At the energy. It is like tuning to a new channel on
age of 12, I had my deep spiritual experience. television.
From 12 to 21 years, I consciously scanned
There are seven energy centers in us,
and analyzed the benefits of several
each center associated with a particular
techniques. For three years after my
emotion. The seven emotions are lust, fear,
enlightenment, I worked on creating a sound
worry, attention-need, jealousy, ego and
technology to reproduce this experience of
discontent. Currently, man can think only
enlightenment in others. The essence of this
based on these seven emotions. His body itself
entire inner world research I have done to date
moves only due to the utility of any one of
is formulated in the Nithya Dhyaan meditation
these emotions. Some people will move
because of desire, lust or touch. For some,
Nithya Dhyaan is a formula and a only fear will move them. There is nothing
technique that works on the entire being to wrong in being driven by emotions such as

desire. But you should experience the other If you shift your energy center, you can
higher dimensions like love as well. You should change the world that you see. In Hindu
understand that it is possible to function out of mythology, they say there are seven worlds.
sheer energy, not just out of these emotions. This is what they actually refer to - the seven
emotions that decide how you see the world.
By awakening the chakras, you will be
released from the mental setup of these
emotions. You will start working as a free
being. If you are liberated from such mental Nithya Dhyaan meditation
setups, only then you will understand the value technique
of the freedom.
This is a five-step technique, each step
For example, if you are liberated from a
being of seven minutes.
particular chakra, say the chakra associated
with jealousy, you will experience a new world
in that dimension, a jealousy-free world! On
whatever identity your personality is now 1. Chaotic breathing
standing, on whatever idea your life is now
Duration: 7 minutes
standing, that identity or idea will just melt
down. You will experience a new energy Sit in vajrasana* (sitting with the knees
altogether. folded and your feet tucked under, with the
bottom resting
For example, if you suddenly get interested
on the heels).
in the share market business, you start
Normally in our
collecting updates from television, magazines,
body, the energy
people etc. about the share market. After a
flows from the
month or so, you start feeling that the whole
sahasrara ch-
world is becoming more aware of the share
a k r a *( c r o w n
market. You feel more surrounded by people
center) to the
related to the share market. It is not that the
muladhara ch-
world has changed, it is your perspective that
akra * (root
has changed. When you shift your energy
center). Vaj-
center, you will start gathering such kind of
rasana* posture
people around you.

Vajrasana - A Yoga asana posture of sitting with the knees folded and your feet tucked under, with the bottom resting
on the heels.
Sahasrara chakra - The seventh and final energy center at the crown of the head. Considered to be a gateway rather than
an energy center.
Muladhara chakra - Subtle energy center at the root of the spine, related to the emotions of greed and lust.

breathing changes
helps reverse this flow and supports the We tend to depending on your
upward movement of energy. breathe in a state of mind.
fixed pattern.
Sit with eyes closed, hands on your hips
Our past
and breathe chaotically. Inhale and exhale
samskaras, past memories locked in our
deeply and chaotically, without a particular
unconscious zone, create a particular type of
rhythm. Just focus on the breathing. Your
breathing pattern in our system. As a result,
entire being should become the breathing.
we attract similar emotions and samskaras.
This first part is very physical - sitting in We get into a vicious cycle where our past
vajrasana * and inhaling and exhaling samskaras create our breathing pattern and
intensely, chaotically. You will see if you have the breathing pattern in turn, attracts similar
any digestion problem, it will be completely samskaras and incidents in the future. This
healed. Your body will be ready. vicious cycle has to be broken.
When the body intensity is heightened, you Nithya Dhyaan begins with chaotic
will have a beautiful digestion system. This breathing. Since the breathing is chaotic, it has
first part of the Nithya Dhyaan is for creating no fixed pattern or rhythm. The pattern of the
a healthy body. mind that forms its existence and expression
An important thing you need to understand is broken. Thoughts cannot follow the pattern
is that the quality of breathing changes they have been following so long for so many
depending on your state of mind. Your years.
emotions have an impact on the breathing Our muscles store all our past memories
process. When you are in anxiety, your in the form of energy bio-memories. The deep
breathing changes. When you are angry, your chaotic breathing will start releasing the
breathing changes. When you are in tension, tension in the muscles, and these engraved
if you take a deep breath, suddenly you feel memory patterns in the muscles and body parts
light, more relaxed and the tension is released. will be expelled. Our muscles are normally
The breath and mind are inter-related, under stress. Chaotic breathing will loosen the
changing one automatically changes the other. muscles and start clearing the engraved
Emotions may not be in our hands, but our memories.
breathing is. If we control our breathing or Each emotion within us gives rise to a
bring about some change in our breathing particular breathing pattern. You might have
pattern, we will directly impact our emotions seen that children breathe deeply and blissfully.
and state of mind. But as they grow, they are conditioned by

Vajrasana - A Yoga asana posture of sitting with the knees folded and your feet tucked under, with the bottom resting
on the heels.


technique to society, picking 2. Intense humming
reduce the inner up from society
the perceptions Duration: 7 minutes
of pain, Continue to sit in
pleasure, guilt, beliefs, etc. Then the quality vajrasana, form
of the breathing changes totally. In order to chin mudra * with
shake this pattern which has been created due your fingers, and
to the habitually suppressed emotions, we have place your hands on
to insert chaos. Inserting another pattern is your knees, palms
not the solution. facing upwards.
You have to create utter chaos in your In this posture,
system to dig out all the past impressions. So with your mouth
I dont recommend any rhythmic breathing closed and lips
pattern like pranayama* in this meditation. together, produce a
Just breathe chaotically. This chaotic breathing humming sound as
will destroy the emotional attachment to all intensely as possible,
your past memories. It is like shaking a tree as loudly as possible
that is full of dead leaves. All the dead leaves and as lengthily as possible.
will fall down. Similarly chaotic breathing is
like shaking your suppressed system. All the Produce the sound Mmmm from
past engraved memories will be released. within your body. If you were to put your face
inside an empty aluminum vessel and make a
Deep chaotic breathing also infuses humming sound, the sound generated will be
tremendous oxygen and releases carbon similar to this. Note that this is not Humm
dioxide from the body. It creates or Omm, it is simply keeping your lips
hyperventilation and as a result you feel more together and producing mmm sound. The
vibrant and fresh. Through increased intake humming should be as lengthy as possible
of oxygen in the blood, automatically more bio- between breaths. It should be as deep as
energy is generated in the cells and all aspects possible (from the navel center) and as loud
of the body come alive. The bio-energy that as possible. There is no need to make an effort
is generated will start clearing the samskaras, to take in deep breaths. The body itself will
leaving you feeling light, energetic and blissful. take the correct amount of breath when

Pranayama - Breath control, one of the eight limbs of the Ashtanga yoga of Patanjali.
Chin mudra - Palms upraised with thumb and forefinger forming a circle and other three fingers outstretched.

create a healthy
Put your complete awareness on the mudra*. Now inner chattering
humming. Become the humming. Continuously take your and a heightened
there is talking going on within the mind. awareness to
Humming is an excellent technique to reduce each chakra
this inner chatter. Inner chatter is nothing but (energy ce-
the flow of independent thoughts continually nter) starting
happening in us. Humming lets you feel your from the muladhara chakra (root center) to
body as energy. The moment you start the sahasrara chakra*(crown center). You
humming, you start feeling light, as if you are should become that energy center when you
floating. You dont feel the heaviness in the are asked to put your awareness on each
body because humming matches the vibrations energy center. Feel the energy center
of the mind with the vibrations of the body. completely as if your whole being has become
You start experiencing yourself as energy. that energy center.
Dont become tense. Just do it in a relaxed Each of these seven energy centers is
manner. Immerse your whole being and associated with a specific emotion in our
energy into creating this vibration. Try to being. Kirlian photography* has captured these
minimize the gap between the humming chakras and proven their existence at the
sounds. After some time, you will feel that energy level. These emotions themselves are
the humming continues without your effort and a result of the
that you have simply become a listener. The engraved
body and the mind start resonating with the memories
humming vibrations. accumulated
in the past.
The humming will create a healthy inner
The mem-
chattering and a healthy heightened emotional
ories pull us
to react in
the same old
ways to
3. Chakra awareness situations
Duration: 7 minutes and people,
and that
Continue to sit in vajrasana or sit cross- reaction is
legged if you wish. Keep your fingers in chin

Chin mudra - Palms upraised with thumb and forefinger forming a circle and other three fingers outstretched.
Sahasrara chakra - The seventh and final energy center at the crown of the head. Considered to be a gateway rather than
an energy center.
Kirlian photography - High voltage photograms used to record auras of living beings.


what is called emotion. The rising emotions other part of the body, your mind can wander
block the particular energy center, causing easily.
physical and mental disturbances. So in this
step we focus our complete awareness on
each energy center, starting from the base of 4. Be unclutched
the spine and moving to the crown. When we
flood anything with awareness, the negativity Duration: 7 minutes
in it dissolves. This is true for physical pain as In this step, carry the understanding with
well. If there is pain in one part of our body, if you that your thoughts are unconnected,
we flood that part with awareness, we will irrational and unclutched. Even if you have
see that the pain shrinks to a point and thoughts, neither try to suppress them nor try
disappears! to react to them. Just watch them with the
Flood each of the seven energy centers understanding that they are un-clutched.
with full awareness for a minute each. Feel Automatically, the witnessing consciousness
that only that particular center exists in the will start happening in you.
whole world. There is nothing else. Just Understand that whether you realize it or
become that energy center. Feel the energy not, accept it or not, you are already
center completely as if your whole being has enlightened. By your very nature you are
become that energy center. Then move to the unclutched. Sit silently and experience the un-
next center. At the end of this step you will clutched state, the state of pure being and bliss.
feel completely energized with positivity and This is the ultimate technique to experience
lightness. the state of enlightenment.
By the time you come up to the higher Please refer to the chapter You can
and higher centers, your livingness, intensity unclutch from the mind maze for further
also will come up. You will become very details.
intense. This visualization helps to create a
healthy mind and emotion, healthy inner
chattering and heightened emotional
5. Guru Puja*
awareness. At the end of this step you will
feel energized and light. Duration: 7 minutes
If you concentrate on the energy centers, We end Nithya Dhyaan with the
your mind will not wander as easily, it will just connecting, relaxing and resting into the whole
settle down because these are living energy Cosmic energy.
centers. If you try to concentrate on some

Guru puja - Ritual worship of the master.


Just sit in You can also choose to perform the Guru

a relaxed way, puja* (offering gratitude to the master) in this
connected to step by reciting the mantras and performing
the whole the rituals (For details please refer to the Do
Cosmos. If Guru Puja Yourself book).
you have love
Practice this meditation technique once a
for the master,
day and you will start experiencing a new
or love for
dimension of your being. Nithya Dhyaan will
some god, just
prepare your body and mind to experience the
sit in a very
state of pure consciousness and bliss.
deep and
passive way,
f e e l i n g
connected to the Cosmos, or god, or your Benefits of Nithya Dhyaan
master, thats all. Just relax and settle down.
The half hour of Nithya Dhyaan meditation
Just sit silently in a blissful mood and listen can give you:
to the Guru Puja* mantras being chanted.
Relief from stress
Feel connected to Existence and feel the
vibrations of the powerful mantras within your Improved relationships
being. The mantras are a way to express Inner peace and fulfillment
gratitude to Existence and to the master for
bestowing upon us this great wisdom which Awakened intuition
liberates us from ignorance and helps us attain Regulated blood pressure
the state of eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Enhanced sleep patterns
The chanting is in Sanskrit which has both
Increased clarity
linguistic and phonetic importance. By
centering ourselves on the vibrations created Increased energy levels for the whole
when chanting these Sanskrit sounds, we can day
go beyond the words of the mind to the peace Connection to the Divine energy
of our very being. Even if we dont understand
the meaning of the sounds, the phonetic value
of Sanskrit will transform our mood and purify You can get your family and friends
our whole body and mind, creating positive initiated into Nithya Dhyaan. This will directly
vibrations inside our being. contribute to the collective positivity of planet

Guru puja - Ritual worship of the master.


earth, as more and more people will live in an consciousness will result in a positive shift in
unclutched, liberated way as jeevanmuktas the collective consciousness which will in turn
(liberated beings). This shift in the individual impact all of life on earth.


Nithya Yoga - For the Body, Mind and


Yoga* is not about physical fitness alone. To understand how yoga is a continuous
It is also to help prepare the body for realizing happening, we need to understand this
the aim of uniting body, mind and spirit. important truth: whatever is happening is
Nithya Yoga is the technique designed in the auspicious. Be very clear, every experience
body language of Patanjali for this uniting. raises your consciousness and makes you
In the same manner as we spoke about Nithya more mature. Even losing your wealth gives
Dhyaan amongst meditations, Nithya Yoga is you some maturity. Losing your health gives
the yoga for the jet age. you some understanding. When you are able
to internalize this truth, you suddenly see life
as a wonderful happening every moment.
What is yoga? A small story:

Patanjali, the father of the ancient science There was once a ship sailing in the ocean.
of yoga, says at the very start of Patanjalis Suddenly, the captain of the ship saw bright
lights ahead and rushed back to warn that
Yoga Sutras, the foundational scripture of
ship to move out of the way. He quickly
announced, Please divert your course
Yogaha chitta vritti nirodhaha fifteen degrees north to avoid a collision.
A voice spoke back, We recommend that
He says, Yoga is the cessation of the
you divert your course fifteen degrees south
mind. Understand, it doesnt mean that yoga to avoid a collision.
ends with the cessation of mind, rather that
yoga begins where the mind ends. Actually, Now the captain of the ship got angry and
yoga never ends, it can only start. It is a replied in a proud and threatening way,
This is the largest ship in the country. We
continuous happening.
are accompanied by three destroyers,
defense equipment and many support ships.

Yoga - Literally means uniting of body-mind-spirit.


the mind ends.

I demand that Raghupati Yogi master of
you change your course fifteen degrees north
or counter-measures will be undertaken to Yoga
ensure the safety of this ship.
I had the great fortune to be around a living
The voice replied in a straight tone, We master of yoga, Yogiraj Yogananda Puri, also
are a lighthouse! called Raghupati Yogi. He had mastered the
Understand, Existence is happening whole science of yoga as discovered by
continuously and guiding you also so that Patanjali.
whatever happens to you does so in the best He had mastered all aspects of yoga
possible way. Just fall in tune with it, that is including the physical aspect of bending the
the best course! Yoga is a path to fall in tune, body into various postures called asana* or
just like tuning a radio to a higher frequency! Hatha Yoga, working with prana or the life
The word yoga literally means uniting. energy, working with the mind, working with
visualization power, working with emotions and
all the dimensions of yoga. He had a deep
Patanjali founder of Yoga insight into the core truths of yoga.

Patanjali is the founder of the yoga Only the person who has experienced the
system. He was the first master who created consciousness of Patanjali can bring Patanjali
a clear, scientific, logical system to reproduce back to life. I had the great fortune to be with
the experience of enlightenment. such a master who had experienced that
consciousness or the inner space of Patanjali.
Patanjali was the first master, or I can say
the spiritual navigator, who created the map He had amazing strength and
and gave complete directions to unimaginable physical power that he
enlightenment. He created clear-cut expressed so casually. He would tie an iron
directions, step by step formulas to reproduce rope around his chest and exhale completely,
the experience of enlightenment. Just as then he would inhale and the iron rope would
scientists create a formula to reproduce the break into pieces!
understanding of the outer world phenomena, Usually a logical mind cannot accept or
Patanjali created a beautiful formula, a understand that all this is possible, but this
technology, to reproduce the understanding great yogi made everything possible. I had the
of the inner world, of enlightenment. good fortune to be around him and see him
levitating, not once but at least twenty times.

Asana - Physical posture and one of the eight paths of yoga in Patanjalis Ashtanga Yoga. Asana must be stable and

purpose you move
He would inhale deeply and hold the breath. I would your body, that
The moment he did that, the body would lift ask him why memory gets
from the ground like an inflated balloon! he was making
me climb all
From the age of three to thirteen, I had
the pillars,
recorded in your
the fortune to be at his feet, under his guidance body and mind.
because I
and care. Every day from morning until noon
couldnt find
for at least four to five hours a day, he would
any books or any sutras* saying climbing
make me do all the traditional yogic
pillars was a part of yoga!
techniques like various asanas*, neti* and
dhauti* where I would have to swallow a long He said a beautiful thing, For whatever
cloth to clean the intestines and the internal purpose you bend your body or move your
system! body, that memory and idea will become
completely inserted or completely recorded
in your body and mind.
Just move the body with the It was a very shocking revelation! He said,
intention and get the result! with any intention that you move your body,
bend your body, or make your body active,
On some days, Raghupati Yogi would ask and that intention, that purpose, will be recorded
me to sit still and be very peaceful, to meditate into your body, that samskara will start
on stillness, peace and tranquility. Then after expressing in your body.
ten minutes, he would suddenly tell me to
Today, especially in the West, there has
stand up and run around the entire temple as
been too much connection of disease and
fast as I could!
asanas* as in for this disease, you have to do
He would make me bend this way and that that asana, for this problem you have to do
way. In the temple where he would teach me that technique. Understand, doing asanas for
yoga, there were twenty to thirty pillars. He solving a disease is not the purpose of yoga!
would make me climb every stone pillar and When you think of a disease and do yoga with
come down. And I had to use only one hand that thought in your mind, you are actually
to climb the pillars and come down! pushing the imprint of the thought of that
disease into your system!

Asana - Physical posture and one of the eight paths of yoga in Patanjalis Ashtanga Yoga. Asana must be stable and
Neti - Nasal cleansing technique of yoga.
Dhauti - A yogic practice of cleansing intestines.
Sutras - Spiritual techniques offered in epigram form.

Your body itself is LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT

made out of your

memory. Raghupati presented a new theory on how cells behave.
Yogi says, any We have all been taught that we behave the
asana practiced, or any physical movement way our genes are designed. Dr Lipton*, after
practiced for some purpose or with some his research, says the opposite - our genes are
intention, will create that effect in your body. designed the way we behave!
He says that this is possible even with ordinary
There have been many recorded incidents
sitting. If you strongly believe that by sitting
of the ability of intention and visualization
you will have health and you just sit for health,
actually resulting in the intention becoming
you will see health simply happening in you.
physical reality itself! For example, people
Understand, your body itself is made out have cured their own fatal diseases like cancer
of your memory. Your mind, what you think or overcome tremendous physical handicaps
of as you, makes up the building blocks of by pushing their limits and going beyond what
your body. they thought was their capacity. These things
have happened through the power of intention
Every memory is recorded in your
which transforms basic cellular memory.
muscles. So when you change the memories,
you can simply change your system also. Your This ancient truth is now being proven
system can and will respond to the memory with the support of modern scientific findings.
you create. This is how the transformation in It has been found that whatever we think
the body-mind happens through Nithya Yoga. deeply and continuously has a profound effect
The inner space is cleaned first so the mind on us physically, mentally and spiritually.
falls in tune. Then the body follows as the
physical movement is done with the intention.
The intention gets inserted into the very Purpose of Nithya Yoga
muscle memory and cellular intelligence.
Nithya Yoga is my offering to the world.
It is the science, the formula, that will give
Scientific evidence others the same experience of enlightenment
which happened in me.
We are what our perceptions are. As are
The purpose of Nithya Yoga is simple -
our perceptions, so become our actions. As
to experience and express bliss. With Nithya
are our actions, so becomes our destiny. This
Yoga, the capacity to experience bliss will just
is not a quote from the Upanishad, but from
explode in your inner space. The capacity to
The Biology of Belief, a recent book by Dr
radiate bliss will start happening in your body.
Bruce Lipton*, a cellular biologist who has

Dr. Bruce Lipton - Molecular cellular biologist and author of The Biology of Belief , renowned for his seminal work
in relating genetics to conditioning.

about adding more
As of now, your system may not be meditation. movements to your
prepared to stay in that enlightened space, to The goal of life. It is about
radiate that same experience continuously. Nithya Yoga is
adding more life to
Nithya Yoga prepares your body to experience making your
and stay in and radiate the inner bliss, the whole life,
your movements.
eternal bliss. every activity
and every movement transformed into yoga,
Through Nithya Yoga, I am training
into bliss.
seekers not only to experience the bliss, but
also to stabilize the experience in them, and Nithya Yoga is conducted today
to radiate that experience continuously in their worldwide. Every session of Nithya Yoga
life. The purpose of Nithya Yoga is to help deepens the uniting of the body-mind-spirit by
people unclutch and experience eternal bliss. bringing together all the eight limbs of
People may also find that physical healing Patanjalis Ashtanga yoga*, by including all the
results as a byproduct or side-effect. But, be elements like asana, pranayama*, mudra* etc.
clear that yoga is for much more than physical
Nithya Yoga is not about adding more
health, which is just one benefit of yoga. The
movements to your life. It is about adding
emotional benefits are also tremendous but
more life to your movements.
these are also more like byproducts!
If you are present, if you are aware, and
In the same way, meditation is not just
if you are totally in the moment while doing
for mental well being. Mental well-being is
anything, it is yoga Nithya Yoga.
just one side-effect happening through

Ashtanga yoga - Eight limbs or paths of Patanjalis Yoga: yama (discipline), niyama (rules), asana (body postures),
pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi
Pranayama - Breath control, one of the eight limbs of the Ashtanga yoga of Patanjali.
Mudra - Signs formed with hands during yoga practices, especially meditation, to distribute and seal energy within the



Eight Steps for a Blissful Life Everyday

Living in bliss Blissful Laughter

- The eight-fold path of blissful living or - Laughing meditation or Hasya Dhyana
Ananda Ashtanga
Ananda Ashtanga or Blissful Living is a
simple eight-fold pathway to living Meditation
enlightenment. These are simple techniques
As soon as you
that take you into the experience directly
wake up in the morning,
without the need to understand and absorb.
even before you get up
from your bed, laugh for
These are: five minutes! Just laugh
at yourself. Laugh
without a reason!
1. Blissful Laughter Laughter is a
2. Blissful Affirmation wonderful meditation
technique. The
3. Blissful Cleansing
technique of the ancient Zen tradition of
4. Blissful Yoga masters and disciples is to touch no-mind
through laughter. Laughter works whether we
5. Blissful Meditation
believe it or not. It has an immediate effect.
6. Blissful Tools With other techniques, we need to practice to
7. Blissful Energy see the result, but with laughter we dont need
to practice. It happens the first time and every
8. Blissful Chant
time. It goes in deep and heals us physically
and mentally.


Laughter itself is born out of health and choiceless manner along with whatever
creates health. It is an overflowing energy. It Existence intends for you, you will be in bliss
releases emotional suppressions. eternally. This attitude of being choiceless can
be cultivated.
Laughter is the greatest spiritual quality.
In laughter we become Buddha, the Part of this meditation has its origin with
enlightened one. Buddha is no-mind. When the Sufi mystic Abdullah*. Sufis are the most
we laugh, we are in a no-mind state for those ecstatic sect ever. Their prayer is gratitude,
few moments. Either laughter or our mind can nothing else. Abdullah* was famous for his
exist, never both at once. When we laugh, for ever-smiling face. It is said that even on his
that moment, our mind disappears and we deathbed, he was laughing. Finally some of
become one with the energy of Existence. We his disciples couldnt help but ask Abdullah*
dont feel our identity. Can we experience how he was always blissful. They asked him,
ourselves as separate in the peak of our Master, what is so funny about dying?
laughter? No! That ceasing to exist is the
Then Abdullah gave them the secret that
momentary no-mind and merging with
his own master had taught him. He said,
Existence. That is why we need to laugh more.
Remember that your happiness is always
The moments of the selfs disappearance can
in your hands. Your happiness is 100
be extended so that we finally lose our identity
percent your own choice. Every day, life
and live as one with the energy.
gives you a chance to be happy or
Laughter is known to heal a number of miserable. What you choose is up to you!
diseases, especially diseases related to the
nervous system and throat. A hearty laugh is
said to squeeze out harmful byproducts of Meditation
cellular functioning.
There cant be a simpler meditation
technique than this. Yet it is the most effective
Blissful affirmation
- A vow of bliss or Ananda Sankalpa
Ananda means bliss. Sankalpa means
vow. Ananda sankalpa is a vow of bliss.
You can decide to be blissful. It is a choice
you make. In fact it is not even a choice that
you make. If you allow yourself to flow in a

Abdullah - Abdullah Ansari of Herat, a Sufi master.


Every morning, as soon as you get up, Blissful cleansing

even before you open your eyes, sit up in bed.
- Oil pulling
Call out your name loud. If you dont wish
to disturb people around you by calling out loud, The tongue is said to be an indicator of
then just speak silently to yourself. what is going on in the body. By examining
the tongue and its color, it is possible to guess
Ask yourself (using your namein the first
the medical condition of a person. According
person), What do I choose to experience
to ayurveda * , the tongue is mapped to
today? Do I choose happiness or sadness?
different organ locations. Specific sections of
Naturally, first thing in the morning, you the tongue are connected to specific parts of
are not going to choose misery! So your mind the body, like the kidneys, lungs, etc. When
will say, I choose happiness. we do oil pulling, the oil pulls mucus, bacteria
Then reply, Ok (your name), be happy, and toxins from your body through your saliva
thats all! and tongue. According to ayurveda* medicine,
mucus is a poison that must be removed.
Then, with your eyes closed, for a few
minutes, strongly and consciously, come to the
understanding that nothing can make you
suffer without your silent permission. You
suffer because you agree to be affected by Early morning, before brushing your teeth,
external circumstances. You have the power eating or drinking anything, take one full
within you to be happy all the time. Now open tablespoon of either sesame or refined
your eyes and live your affirmation! sunflower oil. Put it in your mouth, sit in one
You will see during the day that just by place, tilt your
the strength of your affirmation, you have chin up so that
changed the whole course of your mind. You the oil gets to the
will see how until then you were blaming back molar
others for your misery, while actually you were teeth, and slowly
choosing to become disturbed at every turn pull through your
of events. You will develop an attitude of being softly gritted
happy, not because of external circumstances, teeth for fifteen
not despite them but irrespective of them. to twenty
You are happy because you are happy, thats minutes.

Ayurveda - Traditional Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda literally means knowledge of life.


Dont multitask while doing this. When the Benefits of Surya Namaskar
time is up, spit out the oil in a washbasin and
brush your teeth well. If you have pulled The practice of Surya Namaskar awakens
properly, the oil that you spit out will be thin the body intelligence to directly draw energy
and whitish in color. Drink two glasses of from the sun. Surya Namaskar is designed to
water after rinsing and cleaning the mouth. access the etheric energy around us. It has
tremendous effects on the mind, body and
Note: do not swallow the oil that you pull.
spirit, when practiced facing east in the first
It will contain parasites and bacteria.
rays of the morning sunlight, along with the
If you have to pull oil after meals, wait at appropriate breathing technique and the
least four hours before you do it. corresponding mantras*. Nothing more needs
to be done.
Oil pulling is said to address many
conditions, including anything from cracked Surya Namaskar works on all body parts,
heels to cancer. Exhaustive research reports every organ, system and chakra (vital energy
on the benefits of oil pulling are available on centers in the body). It is a sequence of
the web. postures done dynamically and fluidly with
appropriate breathing.
Every morning, you may do six to twelve
Blissful yoga repetitions of Surya Namaskar. Of all the yogic
postures, Surya Namaskar is considered the
-Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar
most effective way to tone up the limbs, stretch
Surya Namaskar is part of Nithya Yoga. and strengthen the entire body and spine. Surya
The uniqueness of Nithya Yoga is that it Namaskar is regarded as the king of all
directly brings to life the original teachings of postures.
Patanjali by adapting it to suit the modern
mind. Sage Patanjali, from southern India, is
considered to be the Father of Yoga. Significance of Surya
Surya Namaskar is a daily salutation to Namaskar mantras (chants)
the sun. Not only does it help keep the body
at peak functioning, it also brings a complete A mantra (chant) is a composition of
awareness of the body-mind connection. syllables, words, phrases or sentences that,
when repeated with awareness, has a very
powerful and penetrating influence on the
mind and body. The Surya Namaskar mantra
comprises a bija * (seed) mantra and a

Mantras - Literally means that which shows the way. Sacred syllables that have a powerful positive vibrational effect.


glorification mantra. The glorification is to the The glorification mantras highlight the
Sun god. glorious qualities of the sun. Beginning with
the first, each mantra is chanted with
The bija (seed) mantra has no meaning
complete awareness before every cycle of
by itself but the vibration created by chanting
Surya Namaskar. The mantra is empowered
it is very powerful in the human system. The
to imbibe the same qualities of the glorification
Theory of Vibration expounded by modern
in the sincere practitioner.
scientists was put to direct application
thousands of years ago by the ancient inner Through this simple set of steps, we can
world scientists, our vedic seers! realize that the outer sun symbolizes the
shining intelligence of our inner Self. We come
Scientific studies conducted by Dr. Masaru
to understand our connection to the cosmic
Emoto* of Japan have clearly proven that
energy that is all pervasive.
sound vibration has a profound effect on
water. Since water makes up over sixty Surya Namaskar mantras (formed by
percent of the human body, it is evident that combining the bija mantras with the
sound vibrations can and do influence our glorification mantras)
entire mind-body system also.
1. ~ OM hraam mitraaya namaha
Unconscious thoughts and emotions create
Salutations to the Eternal Friend of all
strong vibrations within us in the form of
stored memories or samskaras. We need to 2. ~ OM hreem ravaye namaha
dissolve them with awareness. Then we will Salutations to the Eternal Shining One
experience the completely positive
consciousness that already exists deep within 3. ~ OM hroom suryaaya namaha
us. Salutations to the Eternal One who
There are six bija mantras. They are: Induces Activity

Om hraam 4. ~ OM hraim bhaanave namaha

Om hreem Salutations to the Eternal One who

Om hroom
5. ~ OM hraum khagaaya namaha
Om hraim
Salutations to the Eternal One who Moves
Om hraum swiftly
Om hraha

Bija - Seed.
Dr. Masaru Emoto - Japanese scientist and author of The Hidden Messages in Water showing the effects of ones
thoughts and words on water and therefore on living beings.


6. ~ OM hraha pushne namaha Meditation

Salutations to the Eternal Giver of Strength
This should be done on an empty stomach
7. ~ OM hraam hiranya garbhaya preferably in the morning.
Asana (Posture) Sequence of Surya
Salutations to the Eternal Golden Cosmic Namaskar:
1. Stand with the feet slightly apart for
8. ~ OM hreem mareechaye namaha balance. Bring the hands together into
namaskar (prayer position) in front of the
Salutations to the Eternal Lord of Dawn
chest. Keep the eyes open throughout the
9. ~ OM hroom adityaaya namaha practice of Surya Namaskar. Chant the
Salutations to the Eternal Son of Aditi, the corresponding mantra.
Infinite Cosmic Mother 2. Inhaling, gracefully sweep the arms
10.~ OM hraim saavitre namaha up over your head and gently arch the spine
Salutations to the Eternal Benevolent
Mother 3. Exhaling, sweep the arms forward
and down so the hands touch the floor on either
11. ~ OM hraum arkaaya namaha side of the feet and close to them, and the
Salutations to the Eternal One who is forehead comes in close to the knees. You
Praiseworthy may bend the knees to allow for greater ease
in doing this.
12. ~ OM hraha bhaaskaraaya namaha
4. Inhaling, step the right foot backward
Salutations to the Eternal One who Leads
as far as you can and lift your heart center,
to Enlightenment
looking up at the same time.
5. Holding the breath, step the left foot
Breath control back and come into a plank position with the
spine, neck and head in one straight line, your
In Surya Namaskar, every movement of hands placed directly beneath your shoulders
the body is synchronized with the breath. With and eyes looking down at the floor.
every inhalation and exhalation, visualize
6. Exhaling, lower the knees, chest, and
clearly you are taking in and sending out bliss
chin to the floor and assume ashtanga
energy. Feel the bliss energy moving in every
namaskar (salute with eight parts or points
cell of your body and revitalizing your body-
of your body touching the floor). Let your
stomach be off the floor with your hips lifted
up gently, the elbows tucked in.


7. Inhaling, point the toes out, relax your 9. With a soft gaze look forward
stomach to touch the floor, keeping the elbows between your hands and step the right foot
bent at a ninety-degree angle. Then, gently forward as far as you can, between the hands
pushing with your hands, lift the chest off the and in line with them if possible. Inhale, lifting
floor. Come into bhujangasana (cobra pose). your chin and chest.
8. Exhaling, push with your hands, raise 10. Step the left foot forward to meet the
your hips upwards and backwards into the air, right foot, bending your knees slightly if you
and assume adhomukha svanasana need to. Exhale and bring the head in close to
(downward-dog pose). Spread the fingers the legs.
wide and gently push your heels toward the
11. Inhaling, sweep your arms up over
floor. If you are unable to touch the floor with
your head and gently arch the spine, saluting
your heels, dont bother about it. But dont
the sun.
shift your position in order for them to touch.


12. Exhaling, bring your arms down, and of this unique technique complements the
your hands back into prayer position in front other steps to help raise the individuals
of your heart. consciousness. It is an everyday meditation
for eternal bliss - nithya ananda.
Each cycle consists of two such
movements of twelve positions each. In the
first half of the cycle, lead with your right leg
in steps 4 and 9. In the second half of the Meditation
cycle, lead with your left leg.
This is a five-step technique, each step
Complete at least 6 such cycles and if being of seven minutes duration. Please refer
possible 12. Before starting on each cycle to the Nithya Dhyaan chapter for meditation
chant the mantra in sequence. instructions.

Blissful meditation Blissful tools

- Knowledge-weapons or shaastra-
- Life Bliss Meditation or
Nithya Dhyaan
Up to the age of eleven, I explored and
experimented with numerous traditional Everyday for half an hour, read the books
meditation techniques. At the age of twelve, I of an enlightened master or listen to his
had my deep spiritual experience. From twelve discourses.
to twenty-one years of age, I consciously A masters words are straightaway
scanned and analyzed the benefits of several shaastra ultimate knowledge, Truth.
techniques. For three years after my
enlightenment, I created and perfected a Weapons used to slay your ignorance are
technology to reproduce the experience of called shastra.
enlightenment in others. The essence of this When words become the very weapons
entire inner-world research to date is to slay the ignorance it is called shaastra-
formulated in the Nithya Dhyaan meditation shastras or knowledge-weapons!
The masters words are the knowledge-
Nithya Dhyaan is a formula and a weapons that can directly slay the ignorance.
technique that works on the entire being to A master continuously expresses many ideas.
transform it and make it ready for the ultimate Suddenly, some idea will click for you. It will
experience of enlightenment. Each segment bring you out of depression. It will give the

solution to some problem. That is a click. And never die by breaking, you will only live. You
that click is what is called initiation. will only expand like me. But the seed is
waiting for the tree to happen and the tree is
The person who gives these knowledge-
waiting for the seed to open! That is the
weapons through his words, techniques and
body language is a master.
I know the Truth that I am speaking. Oh!
The person who receives these
Sons of Immortality, have the courage to
knowledge-weapons through the master is the
sprout and become the tree!
This energy, this inspiration is the master.
A master is a person who has created a
The advent of the master is the greatest
technology to reproduce in others, the same
adventure in ones life. Once the master has
ultimate experience that happened in him.
entered our inner space, all we need to do is
Initiation is the technique. The knowledge
stand up with trust, courage and confidence.
weapons are the techniques to raise ourselves
again and again to Higher Consciousness. The Again and again, use the clicks that have
totality of these knowledge-weapons sitting happened in your life. Any weapon not used
inside us is our inner master. Till the inner will not only lose its power on us, but we will
master is awakened, the outer master works also forget how to use it. Again and again, the
on us. He works through words, techniques, weapons that are actually used will bring us
his body language, and gives us the confidence clarity and courage and we will also have the
to use the knowledge, and above all to live the intelligence to use them.
life of an enlightened being.
Add more and more clicks to your life by
Blessed are those who have had the click listening to the masters words. Add them to
with enlightened beings. This click is not your inner space. Creating a family, friends, a
through logic. Suddenly, some words from the spiritual circle, will constantly give us the
master will get connected to our heart. The courage and inspiration to use the knowledge-
first time it happens, we will suddenly know weapons.
that he is our master, that this is our path. That
One more thing, when we watch the
click is the first initiation. Whoever has felt
master talk, we are watching the body
this click through the masters words, his
language of an enlightened being. A persons
teachings, books, blessings, techniques, energy,
body language radiates his own truth and
or body language, is blessed.
totality. A master is an embodiment of the
Understand: the seed is always afraid of ultimate Truth of Existence. His body language
breaking open, of rupturing. But only the seed is therefore the very body language of
that ruptures and opens becomes a tree. Then Existence. By watching him, the Truth will
the tree needs to give courage to the other work on us beyond our logic.
seeds by saying, Dont be afraid, you will


Blissful energy
- Harnessing the energy of Existence or
Shakti Dharana
This technique is taken from Tantra
Shastra (Kularnava Tantra). It is a beautiful
technique to relate with the Existential energy.
It is ideal to practice this meditation at night
just before going to sleep. This can also be
done in the morning but it must be followed
by at least fifteen minutes of rest, or else you
would be in a state of blissful intoxication
because of the effect of the meditation. This
meditation leads to your merging with the That is why I tell you to remember his blissful
energy of Existence. The importance of face and allow the energy to flow through you.
Shakti Dharana meditation is that it leads Also, it is better that you think of a master
you to the threshold of the state of turiya, than allow your mind to wander and think of
where you are in a state of total awareness something else!
but without thoughts.
As the energy of Existence flows down
your arms, you will feel a tingling sensation, a
gentle vibration, or a slight tremor in you. It
Meditation would be as if a tender leaf is dancing in the
Stand on your knees and balance yourself breeze. Just allow the tremor to happen. Help
well. Do not sit on your haunches. Close your the tremor, let your whole body vibrate with
eyes and raise both hands upwards with palms the energy. Just allow and help whatever
facing skywards. Tilt your head slightly happens to happen. You might feel as if the
upwards. earth below and heaven above are merging,
as if the male and female energies are
In this position, feel the Existential energy merging. You might feel as if you are floating
flow through you. Visualize that a light-beam or merging. Allow any feeling, just drop
of Existence is flowing through you. To start yourself completely. There is no you. You
with, you can visualize the blissful face of any have simply dissolved into Existence.
enlightened master. Just as a miser is at the
peak of his energy when counting money or a After two or three minutes when you feel
lover is at the peak of his energy when he is that your being is completely filled with the
with his beloved, so also a master is at the energy of Existence, bend down, rest on your
peak of his energy when laughing or smiling. elbows and forearms, and kiss the earth, or at


This is a very powerful technique. When

done consistently, a new life, a new meaning,
a new Truth will start flowing into you. A
beautiful and alive connection between
Existence and you will be created. You will
experience much joy and each day will
become a celebration!

Blissful chant
- Chanting the Bliss mantra or

least let your forehead touch the ground. You Mantras are chanted in the vedic
become a medium or a passage for the divine language, Sanskrit. The beauty of Sanskrit is
energy that you attracted to unite with the that all the possible sounds are described in
energy of the earth. Allow all your energy to its fifty-one syllables. The Sanskrit language
flow into mother Earth. You may visualize the not only conveys meaning; its phonetic sounds
feet of the master when in this posture. It will also transmit special vibrations along with
help to be in a mood of surrender to mother them. Even if you dont understand the
Earth while offering the energy. meaning of the mantras, the vibrations will
work on you.
Now, regain your original posture and
repeat this cycle at least six times. You will do In the East, Sanskrit mantras are used for
seven cycles totally. initiations. The master will utter a mantra and
the mantra itself will give the awakening
This meditation tremendously improves initiation to the disciple. The vibrations will
energy circulation in the body. All troubles straightaway enter his being and start working.
related to the backbone will simply vanish by
doing this meditation, as the energy goes The Guru mantra is:
straight to the muladhara chakra, an energy Om hreem Nithyanandaya namaha
center which is at the base of the spine.
In Hindu thought, every simple act is
After completing the meditation, you may imbued with multiple layers of understanding.
go to sleep in the same meditative mood. The This understanding happens depending on the
sleep that follows this meditation will be intense level of awareness of the individuals
and dreamless. When you wake up the next consciousness. The word or sound Om
morning you will experience great freshness means many things at many levels.
and energy.


Om is the elemental sound. The whole of for the ultimate experience caused them to
Creation is believed to have stemmed from it. share it with humanity.
It comprises three utterances - A, U and M.
Chanting of Om and Hreem together
The syllable A (aah) stands for Brahma, the
awakens the masculine and feminine energies
Hindu god who creates the universe; U (ooo)
residing in us.
stands for Vishnu, the Hindu god who sustains
the universe, and M (mmm) for Shiva, the Nithyananda is chanted to invoke the
Hindu god who destroys to create the space name of the master as the expression of the
for further creation to happen. The combined ultimate Truth. It is the poorna moola mantra
sound Om is therefore the manifestation of (the complete and Source of all chant)
the entire universe. because it is the straight path to both Shakti
or success in the material world, and to Shiva
At a deeper level, the gods are
or success in the cosmic world or
representations of the energies of creation,
sustenance and rejuvenation that happen at a
cellular level in our personal universe, our The word Nithyananda also means
body-mind entity. eternal bliss. By chanting this, we give a clear
intention to our being and the universe about
The vibration of Om when chanted gives
our ultimate desire for eternal bliss or
one the staying resolve of mother Earth. It
dissolves anger, desire and psychosomatic
illnesses in us. It fills us with the expansiveness Namaha means I am not. By saying I
and boundlessness of mother Earth. It frees am not, we surrender our ego to Existence or
the mind from negative thinking. It releases to the master who is the pure form of
tremendous energy and rejuvenates the brain. Existence. The word namaha when repeated
It brings peace of mind and great power of strengthens the experience of surrender. It
concentration. It is a jumping board to quiet brings humility and obeisance into us.
the mind and enter into the Self.
Hreem is the bija mantra of Devi, the
sacred feminine principle. Meditation
The sages of ancient India practiced Chant the Guru mantra fifty-four times
chanting these primordial sounds and every day for eleven days or continuously
experienced deeply at the levels of mind, body whenever it is remembered. The chanting can
and being. They presented the science and be done either out loud or silently in the mind.
method of practicing them to humanity so that The speed of chanting varies from person to
they might experience what the great sages person.
experienced. Chants from the vedic times are
The mantra has the property of energizing
all research reports of such sages whose love
your inner space and preventing unwanted


thoughts from rising. Thoughts arise as silent the mantra. When you persistently bring your
words from the navel region, the manipuraka awareness back to the mantra, you move
chakra, which is the vital energy center at closer to your inner consciousness.
the navel region. When you chant the Guru
Like in a water tank, if we keep blue
mantra, the manipuraka chakra gets
powder at the base, the rising bubbles will also
be blue, in the same way, when you keep this
mantra at the center of your consciousness,
your entire thinking system will be purified.
Slowly you will see, the mantra will begin
happening effortlessly, on its own. And you
will fall into a naturally meditative state.
The mantra, when done with a particular
affirmation, becomes an intense prayer.
Medical research has proven that prayer has
remarkable effects on the body, mind and spirit.
completely cleansed. This automatically leads
to the removal of all worries, negative thoughts Leading universities in the United States
and emotions. of America have found that prayer causes a
forty percent lower death rate from heart
The Guru mantra purifies the energy disease and cancer, up to fourteen times
behind speech, which is called vak energy. It higher survival rate after surgery for heart
causes continuous bubbling of energy and patients, decreases the stroke rate by half in
intense enthusiasm and excitement for life. the elderly, and reduces hospitalization time
The vibration of this mantra can change up to three weeks. There is a large database
the vibration and frequency of the being. The establishing the positive effects of prayer on
important thing is to keep the awareness on the web.



Master - The Living Enlightenment

Chitram vadataror mooley vriddhah experiences does not express, and one who
shishyaa gurur yuvah expresses has not experienced. The master,
is one who has experienced and who
Gurostu maunam vyaakhyaanam
communicates that experience to others not
shishyaastu chinnah samshayah
merely as expressions but through his very
Beneath the banyan tree they sit body language and life style.
the disciples, old men, the guru a mere The master is the doorway to ones own
youth! divine experience. He leads the disciple by
The guru speaks through Silence alone the hand through it to experience the
fundamental truth of ones own inner divinity.
But lo! The disciples questions dissolve In the process the disciple becomes a master
on their own! and the cycle continues.
Understanding of concepts will remain This virtuous cycle of enlightenment
academic, and techniques will remain as tools resulting in the experience of ones true
without the power to transform, unless the nature, breaks down the vicious cycle of
masters presence catalyzes the process. One desires and suffering that all of us are caught
needs the master to realize god. in. It is with deep understanding that Buddha
In the vedic tradition, the spiritual teacher, said that all desires are suffering. Buddhas
the guru, is more important than god. reference was to human nature that seeks to
Scriptures say that the guru is mother, father fulfill these desires externally through the
and god, all in one and beyond all. senses. This can never happen. Desires grow
again and again. It is only the experience of
God is a concept to most of us. There are
the inner bliss arising out of the understanding
few who can speak with authority based on
of ones own infinite potential, that can
ones own experience about the divinity one
eliminate the suffering which has become
has experienced. It is said that one who
human nature.


The master is a mirror. He is an intelligent no one had ever told him he was a lion, so
mirror of energy that leads us to the discovery he never knew what it was to be a lion. So,
of who we are. Let us now begin this journey. the cub grew up continuing to live like the
goats. The goats also were quite
comfortable with the cub being one
amongst them.
Lion and cub story
As the lion cub grew, he began to express
A small story: his strength in a manner that was natural
to him. When the other younger goats
Once upon a time, a pregnant lioness fought with him, he used to hit them with a
attacked a herd of goats while hunting for strong blow. The young goats would
food. As she jumped at one of the goats the complain to the mother goat, He is hitting
strain became too much for her and she died us! The mother goat would try her best to
giving birth to a cub. patch things up between the cub and the
The newborn cub could barely open his eyes. goats by consoling the young goats and
He made some sounds and moved around advising them to forget about the fight.
on the ground helpless. The goats saw the One day a lion attacked the herd of goats.
orphaned cub and felt compassionate The frightened goats scattered in different
towards him. directions. The lion then saw a lion cub
You may wonder how goats can feel running away with the goats bleating like
compassion towards a lion cub. them. The lion could not believe his eyes!
Understand, when the enemy does not He could not understand why the cub was
disturb or hurt you and you dont feel running away upon seeing him and why he
threatened in any way by his presence, you was bleating like the goats.
will feel compassionate towards him even The next day the lion returned not to hunt
if he is your enemy by nature. In the same but to look out for the young cub. When he
way, since the goats did not feel threatened saw the cub he slowly went up behind him
by the lion cub they started showing love and caught hold of him. The moment the
towards him. lion caught hold of the cub, the cub started
The goats sensed the cub was not going to shouting, Let me go! Let me go! Baa,
attack them and because of this they were baa
able to express compassion towards him. The lion said, Fool! Dont be afraid. I am
They looked after him, bringing him up in not going to kill you. Dont you know who
the manner they knew best. They showed you are? The cub cried, I am a goat. Let
him how to eat grass, drink goat milk, live me go! Let me go!
like them and even how to bleat like them!
The lion said, Fool! You are not a goat.
The lion cub also picked up the body Dont be afraid of me! But the young cub
language of the goats. Right from his birth was terrified and not ready to listen to


anything. Somehow he managed to break the lion has touched you deeply! A part of
free and he ran away. you has already started feeling soothed. A
part of you has already started feeling there
The next day the lion came back to where
is something in what the master says.
the goats were. He managed to catch the
lion cub again. This time he held him firmly. The next day when the lion arrived, the cub
was standing there waiting for him. The cub
The cub was struggling under the grip, but
was standing patiently at the edge of the
while one part of his mind told him strongly
forest looking out for the lion. But when the
to escape, another part of him felt good at
lion appeared, the cub started moving away
being touched by the lion. The assuring,
from him towards the herd of goats. But he
comfortable feeling of the lions touch
did not turn his face away from the lion as
awakened something deep within the cub.
he did not want to lose sight of the lion!
Seeing the struggle of the cub, the lion let
him go saying, I will come again tomorrow. He just took a few steps back cautiously
But at that time I will not be chasing you. telling the lion, You stay where you are and
And the lion went back into the forest. I will stand where I am now. We can still
talk. It is true that I am not able to forget
The lion cub stayed awake the whole night
you. But let us keep this distance between
unable to sleep. His mind was filled with
us. The lion replied, That is alright with
so many thoughts I cannot accept what
me. You stay where you are. Now let us talk.
the lion said to me, But I think there may
be some truth in what he said, No! No! The lion continued, Understand, you are
No! I dont think whatever he said is correct. a lion! You are ignoring your true nature
I know I am a goat. I have known it from by trying to be something else! Look
birth. And what he says does not make any carefully and you will see the difference
sense to me. He is just lying to get something between you and those goats. The cub
from me. cried, No! No! How can that be? I eat the
same grass as them. I live exactly as the
Understand, the lion has penetrated the cub
other goats do.
in a way beyond the cubs logic. Let me be
very clear, if the presence of the master The lion said, Fool! Understand this very
affects you beyond your logic, the master basic thing. See for yourself. No other goat
in you has already been awakened! feels attached to me. No other goat is
waiting for me. They are all terrified of me.
You cannot feel connected to the lion unless
Only you are waiting for me. Understand
the lion in you awakens. If you feel some
from this alone that there is something
ecstasy, some comfort, through the touch
happening within you. What is the need for
of the master, the lion, and if you find
you to wait for me here? Come with me to
yourself trying to recreate again and again
the river nearby and look at your reflection
the same feelings that came up in your
in the water. You will be able to see your
memory when you were with the lion, even
face and mine.
if it is through visualization, be very clear,


The cub felt scared to go with the lion and to the cub. The cub was completely involved
told him, No. Let us just stand here and in the stories of the lion and was asking
talk. You stand where you are, I will stand him, Is that so? Is that how it happened?
where I am. You say whatever you want to Did you also have all these problems?
say. I will stay right here and listen.
Without the cub realizing it, the lion had
Then the lion said, Alright, let me tell you slowly come so near that he was now
this. If you allow me, I can show you your touching the cub as they continued their
true self in the river and prove to you that walk! Suddenly the young cub noticed this
you are like me. But I will not force you. I but he found that it did not bother him at
will return after one week. If you are ready, all. He felt the gentle touch of the lion on
come back to this place and wait for me. I him so relaxing! He did not protest.
will then take you with me to the river. If
The lion continued talking and the cub was
not, just forget me. Dont even try to
saying, Oh! That was nice... that was
remember me, just get lost! The lion then
interesting The lion was now almost
holding the cub, but the cub was fully
After a week as promised, the lion arrived. engrossed in the small stories about the
The cubs mind was still confused, Should lions early days.
I go or not go to meet the lion? Deep within,
As soon as they reached the river the lion
the cub really wanted to meet the lion but
caught the cub and took him to the water.
at the same time he was very afraid of the
The cub knew now there was no escaping.
But he was surprised that he no longer had
Finally, the cub reached the place where any desire to escape!
he had met the lion the last time and found
Understand: the cub knew that not only
the lion there. The lion looked up at him
could he not escape, but he also did not
and stood up. He led the way and slowly
want to escape! But then, a little ego hiding
they started walking towards the river. As
in a corner of his mind troubled him and
they were walking, the lion moved a little
he said, No! No! Let me go! What are you
closer to the cub. The cub got scared and
doing to me? Why are you holding on to
started shouting, No! No! You stay where
me? The cub still had some fear in him; so
you are. You just show me the path to the
he asked, What are you doing to me? Tell
river. Please do not walk so close to me. I
me please, what are you doing to me?
can walk to the river on my own!
The lion replied, I am not doing anything
The lion moved away a little and started
to you. Just look into the water. The cub
telling the cub stories about when he was a
looked into the water and said, Okay, I am
cub himself and how he grew up to become
looking into the water. The lion then asked,
a fully grown lion. Listening to these stories,
What can you see in the water? Can you
the cub got so engrossed he forgot to keep
see two forms? The cub replied, Yes.
the distance between the two of them. As
they walked, the lion started getting closer

mind stepped in
Something and his mood went
has happ-
ened to me.
into a low and he
This is not started doubting
me. I have in his mind.
never felt
so blissful, so joyful! This is not me! He is
doing something to me. He has already done
something to me!
The cub still resisted. He struggled to escape,
The lion said, Well, one lion is me and the
but it was only a half-hearted attempt, an
other lion is you.
act actually, because he actually had no real
The cub repeated, Two reflections: one desire to escape.
mine and the other yours. Then suddenly
The cub started protesting, No! No! No!
he realized what he was saying, he could
Let me go! Let me go! I know that you are
not believe it and started shouting, May
a lion. As an offering for you, I will bring
be not! No! No! No! Both the reflections in
the grass which I eat everyday. I will bring
the water must be of you!
the milk which I drink every day. I will
The lion shouted, Fool! Look! I am raising devote my time to serve you.
my hand. See which reflection is raising a
Finally the lion thought, I should leave him
hand. The cub pointed to the reflection in
now. He can only understand this much for
the water and said, Only that reflection is
now. So, he told him, Alright, be very clear,
raising its hand. The lion then said, Okay,
we shall meet again tomorrow. I will not
now you raise your hand.
come to the boundary of the forest to bring
The cub raised his own hand, looked at the you here. I will be in my own home. If you
reflections in the river and cried out, Yes! want to see me, find out where I live and
Yes! Yes! I see! I see! Then in a small, come on your own to meet me there. I have
confused voice he asked, But How can I no time to waste by coming all the way to
be a lion? Am I not a goat? your place to bring you here! If you dont
want to come to me through your own effort,
The lion simply looked at him and said, I
let it be! The lion told him this and left.
am not here to play with you. That is when
a feeling of ecstasy began to rise up in the This time the cub did not run away as he
cub. He could sense something incredible usually would. He walked back very slowly.
was about to happen. He did not want to go, but on the other side
his mind was pushing him to go back to the
But then again his mind stepped in and his
goats. Three legs of the lion cub were not
mood went into a low and he started
moving. Only one leg was able to move.
doubting in his mind, I think I have been
Big drops of tears began to fall from his
hypnotized. This is not my true nature!
little eyes at the thought of this farewell.


The next day the lion was seated in a When the lion eats the grass, he comes down
majestic pose in his home. Slowly, very from his level, from his plane, from his
slowly, the cub approached him with freshly- consciousness, to connect with the cub.
cut green grass thinking, This is the best
The cub immediately felt very comfortable.
grass available anywhere and set it down
It could now connect with the lion. Now
in front of the lion saying, Please accept
the cub decided, I must bring the right grass
this offering I bring you.
and fresh milk next time. I must do things
The lion watched and thought to himself, the right way. Maybe I should have the
Alright, if I take this grass this fellow will grass packed properly. The cub made
feel connected to me. He might even allow plans, thinking he had been scolded by the
this relationship to become more intense. lion because he did not do his work
Through this he might feel more connected properly! This is how the relationship
to me. Thinking this, even though a lion started happening between the cub and the
never eats grass, he picked up the grass, lion. Now the cub started feeling free and
put it in his mouth and started eating! He he started coming to the forest to see the
praised the cub saying, This grass you lion whenever he felt like it. The cub started
brought for me tastes really good! The cub feeling very comfortable around the lion,
was very happy with himself. The very relaxed. It did not know the master
relationship started deepening between plan of the master lion.
them when the lion began to eat the grass.
One day when the cub came as usual with
Understand, the lion comes down and eats grass and milk, he saw the lion sitting with
grass only to be able to bridge the gap a large chunk of meat in front of him. The
between the cub and himself. Even though moment the cub saw the meat he got afraid
he never really eats grass, he acts as if he and started shouting, Why do you have
is eating it and loving it. meat on your plate? What is this? Are you
a non-vegetarian? I did not know you are a
Slowly the relationship grew between the
non-vegetarian! You are such a loving and
lion and the cub. Sometimes when the lion
charismatic person. You cannot be a non-
tasted the grass brought by the cub he
vegetarian! You eat all these terrible things!
shouted at him, Fool! Dont you know
I am a vegetarian! I cant digest this!
which type of grass you should bring to me?
What kind of grass is this? By now you This time the lion did not take the time or
should know what I eat. Next time bring energy to explain anything. He simply
me the right grass! caught hold of the neck of the cub, picked
up some meat and forced it into the cubs
The lion cub began to think, He is getting
mouth. The moment the meat entered his
angry. I also get angry sometimes. So he
mouth, the cub tasted the blood from the
speaks my language and I can speak his
meat and something suddenly happened
language. He is just like me!
within him.

man nor the
art Thou identity you think
you are
That. The
you are.
happened. The lion became a lion. That was
all. The lion who thought he was a goat
became a lion!

You are a lion, not a goat!

Understand, you are neither man nor the
The cub could not understand what was
going on. The cub had tasted meat for the identity you think you are.
very first time! He was overwhelmed with You are very much like the goat. In fact,
the feeling that rose in him. This is what you are the goat. Look at me and understand.
happens in your first experience of satori, I too thought I was a goat, but just look at the
bliss! When you experience it, you will way I became a lion. Just take a close look at
my own life. Then you will understand how
foolish you are to think of yourself as a goat,
and you will automatically become a lion!
This is what Krishna means when He
says, When you understand My life, you will
be liberated. A liberated mans life liberates
you because it shows exactly where you stand
now. The liberated man too was ignorant once
and stood in the same place you are standing
now. This will give you the tremendous
courage that you need to swallow raw meat
to taste your inherent nature that is bliss and
to start roaring instead of bleating. When this
experience happens you roar instead of
On tasting the meat, the cub let out a roar How long did it take for the cub to realize
like a lion! He started roaring announcing he was a lion? Hardly a second! The moment
his true nature. He expressed his true nature. the meat and the blood went into his mouth he
Now the lion looked straight into the eyes started roaring. But remember how long it took
of the cub and said, Tat tvam asi - That just to get the meat into the mouth of the cub!


only scripture that

is alive. It takes time losing the solid identity that you have been
to enter the carrying all these years, thinking you need it
masters cave. The relationship, the bridging for survival. Dropping the ego looks like death
needs to happen before that. That is why it when actually it is the ego that stands between
takes some time. you and life!
Enlightenment itself does not take time. Dropping the ego is possible only in a
The bridge, the trust to transmit that relationship of deep trust, love and reverence
experience takes time. with the master. You gradually gather courage
and then risk dropping the only thing you have
clung onto throughout your life, your ego. You
Significance of a master drop the ego only when you fully know that
even if you fall, you only fall into the net of
It is very difficult especially for the modern infinite love and compassion of Existence
mind to understand the need for a master. embodied by the master.
The master is the one who gives you a As of now, most of the experiences that
glimpse of the Real, the truth of who you are. you add to your being bring in more and more
He is not here just to teach. He is here to fear or greed. Instead, any experience can add
awaken. more strength and awareness to your being
also. This is the cognitive shift, the
The master is the only scripture that is
psychological revolution the master does on
you that results in your complete
Surrender towards god is difficult because transformation.
you dont know where god is or who god is.
God is a mere concept to you. But the master
is one with the Whole. He has reached the
Ultimate. To him god is reality. He lives with
Learning from master
god or Existence or whatever you wish to call You may ask, Why do I need a master? I
it. And the master is real to you. He is tangible. can learn from life.
So he can become your door to reach god.
Learning from the master is a very sweet
Through him you can take the quantum experience, a very joyful experience. The
jump into the arms of god. master first puts you in his lap and gives you
The only thing standing between you and the anesthesia of love before he starts his
your true nature of bliss or god is your ego. operation on the tumor of your ego. Because
The process of becoming a disciple is the he showers his love, you will not even
process of renouncing your ego. The ego is experience the pain of going through the
very difficult to drop. Dropping the ego means transformation. Even if it is mildly painful, you

master teach you,
will endure it only with the joy and awareness the bird. I he also sees to that
of being with the master. learnt how to you go through
save money
Master is intense life. Not only does he the whole
for the future
teach you, he also sees to that you go through
by watching
the whole transformation blissfully. blissfully.
ants! Life can
A small story: become a
The father of a young boy was telling his master if you have the intelligence to pick up
little son to move a big stone. The boy tried right things from it. But many times, you pick
his best, but he was not able to move it. He up the wrong things.
stood completely tired. The father said, You
A small story:
have not used all your potentiality. Use all
your potential power. King Harishchandra* lived his whole life
based on truthfulness. The story of
The son was completely tired. He shouted
Harishchandra* says that he lived for the
at his father, What are you talking about?
truth and at one point he even sold his wife
You are saying I have not used all my
and children to maintain his truthfulness.
potential power. I am tired. Are you not able
to see? Once in a village, a preacher was narrating
the story of Harishchandra*. After the
The father said, Why, you could have asked
narration he asked a man, What did you
me. I am also your power!
learn from this story? The man replied, I
In the same way, you can also use the learnt that I should always speak the truth,
masters presence. Please understand, you no matter what happens in life. The
can ask me. You can take the masters help. preacher was happy. Then he asked another
You have never done that. You have never man, What did you learn?
considered the master also as your potential. The second man said, I learnt another
So much of help is available, you can have so important lesson. In an emergency, you can
much, but you never ask or you never take it! even sell your wife, nothing wrong!
Life itself can be your master. But then it Understand: you can learn two different
will become difficult to know from where to things from the same story!
learn, what we should learn and from whom You may not have the intelligence to
to learn. Dattatreya*, a great master says, I always learn correctly from life, which is why
never had a master because life has always the master happens in your life. He shows
been my master. I learnt how to concentrate you the path because he has already tried it
from the hunter who tries to concentrate on and succeeded.

Dattatreya - Representation of the Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in one incarnation.
Harishchandra - Legendary Indian ruler who was renowned for keeping his word at whatever cost.


out the gates to

the sweetest See, by The master does not impose anything on
experience of life, giving some you. He simply removes what is not necessary
medicines also, and what has been imposed on you and leaves
of your own
tumors can be you fresh and new. You become a beautiful
removed. But it empty canvas upon which you can create your
may take years and years. The master simply own unique painting. You can compose your
removes the tumor in no time. One more thing, own song and you can dance your own dance.
the pain you will have living life with the tumors The master opens out the gates to the sweetest
will be much worse than the pain you experience of life, the experience of your own
experience when master removes it. The pain uniqueness.
with the master when he removes it, is hardly
Understand the difference between
anything. But living with the tumor is dangerous
technique and process. Technique can be done
and difficult. That is why it is better to go to
again and the effect will be the same. But with
the master.
process, you cant get the same effect every
Life is too deep a mystery which cannot time and you wont even be able to do it on
be captured by our desires. Our desires may your own.
appear big and worth a whole lifetime for us.
Technique done with master is a process.
Because of our narrow view of life, we attach
Process done without master is technique.
so much more importance to insignificant
things while there are so many significant and
more meaningful experiences just waiting at
our doorstep. But the problem is that we cant The eternal relationship
even imagine them because we have never
What is a relationship?
seen the likes of these.
Relationship is that which can reveal to
That is where the master comes in. He
you dimensions in you that you dont even
has seen the wholeness of life. He can see
know exist inside you. It gives you the
things which you cannot even imagine, leave
experience and proves to you that you are also
alone desire. He is there just to help you move
capable of loving someone or something. It
towards realizing that fulfillment in your life
shows that you can also love and you can also
sacrifice to an amazing extent for the sake of
All you need is the trust to move with him. someone.
Then as things start happening you will be
When we are born, we are born with
convinced about this truth. Then you enter the
completeness. But we are not aware of many
virtuous circle. More trust leads to more
of our dimensions and when we are not aware,
experiences which lead further to more trust.
the outer world too does not know of it.
Relationships have the power to awaken our

awakens the
unknown dimensions and make us experience Frozen into unknown
them and show the same to the outer world. one frame, dimensions in you.
whether as
Relationship awakens the unknown
mother or lover, he is easy for you to capture
dimensions in you.
and retain. He becomes easier to market. But
A relationship with anyone or anything, the master is not interested in business for him.
no matter who or what, will lead you to the He wants you to be confused so that you look
ultimate relationship with the master. in and become enlightened. He wants you to
When you fall in love, whether it is with a die so that you become awake.
man, woman or child, deity or master, you will Come to the master with your ignorance.
see dimensions of you that you never knew He will show you the path. Dont hesitate to
existed inside you. With the flowering of such fall into his arms with love. You will soar with
love, you become more responsible. You him into bliss.
experience the very juice of life.
The master relates to us on multiple frames
The relationship with the master, who is and planes, each one of which unveils the
one with Existence, is deeper than any other beauty and intensity of the unique relation he
relationship. It is a being level connection. has with every single being that has the fortune
Generally all other relationships will of entering his space.
create bondage but the relationship with the Each one in the quest for the Truth
master has the power to lead you to freedom traverses a uniquely beautiful path with the
and finally to eternal bliss. Even if you try to master as he leads from the darkness of
create bondage in this relationship, it will only ignorance to the light of knowledge. It is a
lead to eternal bliss! Bondage can never delicate love affair. It is the merger of two
happen in this relationship. beings in such deep trust and communion that
The form of the master is the bridge the flame from the master just jumps from his
between the Ultimate and you. Because the being to the disciples being. The spark of
form is an embodiment of the Ultimate, it has awareness is thus lit.
both the dimensions, of man and god. When Different relationships unleash various
you relate with not only the form but the truth dimensions in you. A lover unleashes the love
that the form stands for, you reach the feeling in you. Friends around you unleash the
knowledge of the Ultimate. feeling of friendship in you. Your kids unleash
The master is all forms and no form. He the motherliness dimension in you. Your
refuses to be captured in a frame, to be turned parents, grandparents unleash the childhood
into a stone or worshipped as an image. The dimension in you. But only the master can
master is beyond forms, beyond dimensions. unleash all the dimensions in you. Master is
He has infinite dimensions - infini-D! the person who awakens the unknown


person who
awakens the enlightenment Vivekananda asked, What do you mean by
dimension in saying that god is omnipresent? The disciple
enlightenment said, God is everywhere. Vivekananda
you. You cannot
dimension in you. said, Surely, then you must be able to see
calculate the
transformation the master-disciple relationship him now. The disciple was confused and
did not know what to say further.
creates in you. The master reveals himself in
various dimensions and makes you transcend Vivekananda told him, To you god is a
those and lets you experience the Ultimate concept that you cannot see, a notion that
through communion. you dont even know or understand. But here
is the master in front of you who is god in

God and master Someone asked me, What is the

difference between god and master?
The poet-mystic, Kabir* sings beautifully,
I asked him, What do you know about
Master and god both appear before me. god? All you know is a bunch of words,
To whom should I prostrate? concepts. You have no clue as to what you
I bow before the master. He introduced are talking about when you refer to god. To
god to me. you he is just an idea, an imagination of what
you believe to be the ultimate energy and
Vivekananda*, in one of his discussions with universal consciousness, or whatever name
fellow disciples of Ramakrishna you wish to give something you know nothing
Paramahamsa*, referred to Ramakrishna as
god. Another disciple objected saying,
Surely this is taking it to the extreme. I The Brahmanda Purana* says,
agree that the master is enlightened, but how
Master is Shiva* sans his three eyes,
can he be god?
Vishnu* sans his four arms
Vivekananda asked him, What do you
know about god? The disciple said, Oh, Brahma* sans his four heads.
god is omnipotent, omniscient and

Kabir - Mystic devotional poet of India.

Vivekananda Disciple of enlightened master Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Enlightened master.
Brahmanda Purana - A collection of 12,000 verses in what is usually considered the last and eighteenth Hindu purana
or epic. This purana is the story of the creation of the universe by Brahma.
Shiva - Rejuvenator in the Hindu Trinity of gods.
Vishnu - Sustainer in the Hindu Trinity of gods.
Brahma - Creator in the Hindu Trinity of gods.

prove my divinity. I
He is Parama Shiva* himself in human determination, am here to prove
form. I will focus on your divinity.
my feeling and
The master is real. He is the reality of the
get dissolved
ultimate cosmic energy. He is here and now.
into the master-disciple relation, it will lead
He is in the present; He is the present. He is
you to that state. Dont think that you dont
the bridge between you and the concept of
know how to dissolve in that. The sheer
god. In that sense he is greater than god.
determination is enough; it will happen
People ask me, Are you god? I tell them, automatically in you. Any hurdle between the
if you do not know what or who god is, how master and disciple will dissolve just by
can you ask me whether I am god? God cannot focusing on the dissolution that happens
be defined. He can only be experienced. between the master and disciple.
Let me tell you one thing clearly, I am not
here to prove that I am god. I am here to prove
that you are god. I am not here to prove my Five Ways to Relate with the
divinity. I am here to prove your divinity.
The master is like a forest fire that is
happening on one side of the river. The There are five attitudes with which to
disciple is on the other side of the river. The relate with the master. Through each attitude,
river is the samsara, the river of births and a different path unfolds, taking you closer to
rebirths. Between the master and disciple, if yourself.
there can be a bridge made of any material, One path is the attitude of the mother
the fire can move, cross over the bridge and towards her child, looking at the master as
reach the disciple. The material of which the your child. This is called vatsalya bhava
bridge is made is immaterial. It can be made which is how Yashoda, Krishnas foster
of wood or with cement but the forest fire has mother, related with Him.
the capacity to move over the bridge and reach
Another is the attitude of the child towards
the disciple. In the same way, irrespective of
the mother. This is called matru bhava. This
whatever relation you may have with the
is how Ramakrishna Paramahamsa related
master, just get totally dissolved into that.
with goddess Kali, looking at the master as
If you dissolve into that, it will simply fulfill mother.
your feelings and lead you to the ultimate state
The third is the attitude of a friend, looking
of eternal bliss. If you under-stand this truth
at the master as your friend. This is called
deeply and try to practice this with the

Parama Shiva Supreme.


sakha bhava. This is how Kuchela * and Sometimes you will feel he is your lord. Other
Arjuna related with Krishna. times you will feel he is like your friend.
Sometimes you will feel he is like a comforting
The next is the attitude of a servant. It is
beloved. The relationship with the master is
called dasa bhava. It refers to the master-
all these five put together plus something more.
disciple relationship wherein the disciple feels
like a faithful servant of the master. This was You can relate with the master in any one
how Hanuman, the monkey god, related with of these five attitudes or bhavas, or all the
Rama in the famous Indian epic Ramayana*. five put together.
The ultimate is the attitude of the beloved.
It is called madhura bhava. This is how
Radha*, the milkmaid lover of Krishna, saw Stages of master-disciple
Krishna. This is how Radha * felt about relationship
Krishna, it was the attitude of the beloved.
The attitude of a beloved is in no way There are many levels in the master-
connected to whether you are a male or disciple relationship. The first is purely at the
female. It is in no way connected to the body. intellectual level, based on doubt more than
It is completely beyond the body. It is from anything else. Numerous doubts keep coming
the being. up all the time. You think, Eh! He seems to
be hardly thirty years of age. How can he be
If the master is male and you are also male,
a master? He doesnt seem to be highly
then too madhura bhava can happen. Or if
educated or qualified. How does he get
the master is female and you are female, then
thousands of people to listen to him? You
also madhura bhava can happen. Madhura
have your doubts. You are cynical. In the zone
bhava is in no way related to gender. It is
of pure intellect the relationship never
beyond gender consciousness. It is a feeling
of intense connection.
The next step is from intellect to
The last is the maha bhava. It is all the
intelligence. From the negativity of doubt you
other five bhavas put together and something
move to, Why not attend this program and
more! That is what the masterdisciple
see what this person is really doing? Instead
relationship is all about. Sometimes with the
of remaining with What can he do? you
master you will feel he is your son. At some
move to I think he means something. But I
other time you will feel he is like your mother.

Kuchela - Childhood friend of enlightened master Krishna who exemplifies the relationship of friendship between
master and disciple.
Ramayana - Hindu itihasa or epic about prince Rama. The original version was written by poet sage Valmiki.
Radha - Chief among the gopis or cowherd women devotees of enlightened master Krishna.


neither believe nor disbelieve. Ok, let me see. From being a friend he becomes a father
The intellect starts to become intelligence. or mother. Slowly, very slowly, the relationship
deepens. You settle down and think, He is
Then next, if you continue to look in, you
not just a friend. He is not just a person who
move from intelligence to intelligence with
gives me suggestions and ideas. He takes me
emotion like 60% intelligence, 40% emotion.
out of my problems also.
You feel that the master is a good friend. You
think, He can guide me a little bit here and Then slowly, again and again when you
there, wherever I need guidance. I have an are helped every moment beyond your
idea of how my life should be, so he doesnt expectation, the feeling within you toward
have to teach me everything, but wherever I him becomes more emotion. He fills you, he
need help to make some decisions, I can take fills your heart. You have a problem forgetting
his help. This is looking at the master as a him. That is the moment you feel like bowing
friend. That is what we call sakha bhava, down to him like a servant, not with shame
the friendly attitude. but with revered humility that you have found
someone to surrender all your problems to.
This is like using a stick to walk with. You
This was how Hanuman felt towards his
use the stick when there are ups and downs.
master Rama in the Indian epic Ramayana*.
After that, by and by, slowly, when you go
He was completely devoted to Rama. A deep
through some serious problems like depression
connection of high emotion happens with this
and low mood, when you are not able to help
kind of relationship. This attitude is much
yourself with his words, you ask him, Your
more emotional than the earlier one. It is a
teachings are great but at this moment I am
mix of 60% emotion and 40% intelligence.
not able to follow them. What do I do? Then
he supports you mentally, psychologically also. Then, by and by, you move in deeper
You realize that the stick alone may not be emotionally and you become protective of the
enough, that you need more support. Then you master. Instead of asking attention from him
reach out for his hand and with his help you and taking help from him, you want to support
start walking again. The gratitude towards him him, love him and attend to him. Your attitude
increases while holding his hand. becomes that of a nurturing mother. This is a
state of pure emotion. It is the primal need of
If you have only the stick, then it is a
a mother to ensure the wellbeing of her child.
friendly attitude, the intelligent emotion. If
you start holding his hand, he will start lifting In these four states of intelligence,
you, then slowly it becomes emotion- intelligence-emotion, emotion-intelligence and
intelligence. This attitude is what I call feeling pure emotion, your life is separate and
the master like a father or mother. independent from the masters life. You just

Ramayana - Hindu itihasa or epic about prince Rama. The original version was written by poet sage Valmiki.


a live energy that

you will be a new take help from attitude may be more prominent than the
consciousness. him to help your others.
life, to enrich
Everyone grows collectively in energy, yet
your life, thats
each ones relationship with the master is
unique. That is the beauty of it! Be it dasa
When the emotional attitude ripens, you bhava, the master-servant relationship as
start feeling that your life is no longer separate existed between Rama and Hanuman, or
from his. You then move from the emotional vatsalya bhava, mothers love, as between
level to the being level. You feel like sacrificing Yashoda and Krishna, or sakha bhava,
yourself to take care of him and dedicating friendship, as between Krishna and Arjuna,
your life to him. There is a merger at the being or matru bhava, childs love for mother as
level, even stronger than the emotional between Ramakrishna and Mother Kali, or
connection of a mother and child. It is a madhura bhava, love of the beloved, as was
connection of deep love, without any gender between Radha* and Krishna - each bhava,
consciousness. This is what is called the attitude, is unique to that relationship,
madhura bhava, an intense mix of emotional between that disciple and the master. Each
and being level attitude. disciple progresses with the master in search
of his reality in the path that is best for him to
When the madhura bhava becomes
intense, suddenly you experience that there is
no he and you. There are no two different
beings. You and he are one and the same. You
start experiencing the maha bhava - How to be with the master
experiencing you as the master. You be open
experience the ultimate - tat tvam asi - That
art Thou. When you are with the master, be
completely open. Dont be frozen. Understand
First intellect, then intelligence, then 60%
that life is a lot more than logic. Let go of
intelligence and 40% emotion, then 60%
your logic and be completely open and aware.
emotion and 40% intelligence, then 100%
emotion, then 60% emotion and 40% being, When you let go and are open, the master
then pure 100% being. is such a live energy that you will be
transformed. You will be a new being, you
This is how step by step you start
will be a new energy and you will be a new
experiencing and growing in the master-
disciple relationship. But at any time, any one

Radha - Chief among the gopis or cowherd women devotees of enlightened master Krishna.

means to be
I can say it in just one statement: you will him. You too completely open to
be new! You will be new and clear, you become a the master, being
will be nuclear! completely
totally authentic to
free, limitless
You will feel lighter. You would have lost
the core.
the weight of the tumors you were carrying
but were not part of you, that were a All you need to do is be open to the master,
disturbance in you. Something that is to Existence. When you are open, you are
supposed to be an inherent part of you can expressing your trust in the master. This trust
never be a disturbance to you. If it is a is all that is needed to form the beautiful bridge
disturbance, it was never meant to be a part between you and Existence.
of you. So just be open so that the master
A small story:
surgeon can remove these tumors you have
been carrying for life over life. A disciple fell into the river Ganga. His
master was sitting on the banks of the
When you are with the master, be total. It Ganga. On seeing him the disciple shouted,
is not a question of whether you agree or Save me! Save me! God, save me! Master,
disagree with what the master tells you. You save me!
have to go beyond agreement and
The master replied, Fool! Stand up. Save
disagreement. When you see the sun rise, can yourself. The disciple shouted back, Teach
you say you agree or disagree with it? No! It me your philosophy later. First save me. My
is, thats all. In the same way, the master is, life is in danger. Just save me!
thats all. Once that feeling becomes a part of
The master did not even move. He repeated,
you, nothing more needs to be done from your
Fool! Save yourself! Stand up. The disciple
side. Then you have given the master the cried out, I thought you were my master.
permission to reveal yourself to you. Save me, save me! Now the master shouted
To be a disciple means to be completely in a loud voice, Idiot! Stand up!
open to the master, not afraid in any way, not The disciple got frightened and stood up
hiding yourself in any way, but being totally and saw that the water was only up to his
authentic to the core. waist!
Then the master can do his work on you. You also struggle because you have fallen
He will push you in directions you would never into water but do not realize it is only up to
have thought you are capable of handling. He your waist! It is only when you listen to the
will inspire you into moments and situations master and stand up do you realize the water
you would have been otherwise afraid of. He just reaches your waist and you can simply
will expand your boundaries continuously till relax. All the worries that you thought were
you ultimately realize there are no boun-daries, destroying your life dont really exist in reality.
there are no limits. Then you also become like They are mostly only in your imagination. They


caught in an
engram, just be in never come out himself. When the book was printed, the writer
the masters true. enclosed those 300 lines within quotes and
below he put a footnote, These 300 lines were
presence. You will So under-
written by Bhagavan* Himself.
be completely stand, when I
healed. say I will take Bhagavan saw the book and asked, Oh!
care, I am So then, the other lines are written by you?
actually giving you the stick with which to stand Alright!
up. When the master says, I will take care,
The disciple later says, Something simply
if you doubt it, you simply miss an opportunity
broke in me when he said that. Tears rolled
to stand up.
down, and I just dropped at the feet of
Bhagavan and never got up again.
Just that one comment was enough for
Burn your samskaras in the this disciple Muruganar * to become
masters presence enlightened!
A beautiful incident from the enlightened Understand, just like Muruganars* one
master, Ramana Maharishis life: engram or engraved memory of writers ego,
you also carry many engrams. When you are
There was a disciple who was writing the
caught in an engram, just be in the masters
Ramana Purana *, verses in praise of
Ramana Maharishi. But he had what you
presence. You will be completely healed of
call the writers block and he was stuck at it.
one point. Somehow, whenever you write The big problem is that the engram will
with ego, the writers block will happen. not allow you to acknowledge that you even
Anyhow, that disciple came to Ramana have an engram. It will justify itself because
Maharishi and said, Bhagavan*, I am not
it is a question of survival for itself.
able to write further, please help me.
Bhagavan* said, Put that paper down and That is why I always tell people, when
leave. I will talk to you later. you are caught in engrams, when you are
The disciple put the paper down and went overwhelmed by these powerful unconscious
out. The next day when he came back, he drivers of anger, lust, greed, fear, depression
saw that the whole poem had been completed! or jealousy, never make a major decision. Just
Ramana Maharishi had written 300 lines be in the masters presence. Never miss that

Ramana Purana - Stories about enlightened master Ramana Maharishi.

Bhagavan - Used as a title of veneration with great masters, literally meaning prosperous.
Muruganar - A disciple of enlightened master Ramana Maharishi and Tamil poet who composed many verses about

the mind is like a
wonderful opportunity. You will be completely Trusting the wheel. What is
healed and you will be able to come out of it. positive more is down has to come
Never escape from the master when you are a choice that
caught by engrams. you have.
Whenever somebody is depressed and he If someone decides to leave when they
leaves me, I feel so much for him. It is not are in depression or low mood, the problem is
because I have one person less in the mission. his mind will come back to a high and when
No! It is because he left me at the time of that happens he will repent his decision. Then
depression. If this same person leaves me it will be difficult to come back because he
when he is happy, it is alright. It is a normal will be caught in guilt and will not feel qualified
relationship. He will carry me in him wherever to come back.
he goes. But if he is in a depressed state, not
I always tell people, never leave when you
only will he not grow, but he will never come
are depressed. If you are depressed, that is
out of that engram also. It will become a
the right time to be around me. Trying to move
serious wound in him like a cat that is burnt
away from me when you are caught in
by hot milk. It will never again go near milk.
engrams is just as if you are sick and you do
Never decide on anything when you are not want to be with a doctor! This is actually
in the low mood. The low mood will naturally the right time to be with a doctor!
itself distort the facts for you. It is not the
right condition to take any big decision. You
have to wait to swing to a good mood when Awakening to the purpose of
things will be clearer. Always take a big
decision only when you are in a cheerful your life and the master
mood, when you are in a positive state of Understand, the disciple will not know
mind. Just like how you decide anything in about his ignorance because he is in darkness.
the light of day when you are awake and not The responsibility is of the person who is in
in the dead of the night when you are asleep, the light, not of the person who is in darkness.
in the same way decide this too when you are
in awareness and not when in turmoil. A small story:

Be very clear, the low also will pass just There was a born blind man wandering in
like the high mood passed. That is the very the Himalayas. He was searching for a stick
to guide him. He stumbled upon a frozen
nature of the mind, it is like a wheel. What is
snake. He thought that it was a stick and
down has to come up. Neither the up nor
started using it.
the down can be said to be more real than
the other. They are both there, thats all. An enlightened master saw this and started
shouting, Fool! It is a snake, drop it. The
blind man started shouting, No! I think you


master in your life

is awakening to dont have a You should understand the truth. You take
stick. So you are birth in a family with somebody as your
this deep yearning asking me to mother, father, brother and sister and play with
and purpose of drop it so that them as family members. You might have seen
your life. you can pick it kids playing with dolls. The child will have a
few dolls; he will dress one as father, another
The master said, Fool! I dont need it. What as mother and similarly dress two other dolls
you are carrying is not a stick, it is a snake. as brother and sister. Then he will enact a
The sun will rise soon, the snake will come day of their life. He will make sounds as if the
back to life and it will kill you. The blind father is going to work, pretend that the mother
man was not ready to drop it. Then the is cooking something in the kitchen, show the
master said, Even if you dont believe me,
brother going to school and the sister refusing
now it is my responsibility to save you. So
to go to school and crying instead. The child
he snatched the snake and tried to throw it
away. The blind man started beating the will play all these roles himself and enjoy the
master with the same stick. whole game.

But the master said, Even if you beat me, Now just look into your life. You are also
it is ok. It is my responsibility to save you trying to possess more and more, whether in
because you dont know. He took the snake terms of relationships or material things. You
and threw it away. try to expand the movable and immovable
You dont know how many births you have possessions and suddenly the drama ends with
struggled or prayed to have a master. You are your death.
not even aware of your own true yearning. A Again you take birth in some other family
master happening in your life is not a joke. with a different father, mother, brother and
You yourself dont know how many births you sister and play the same game once more. Our
have struggled and prayed intensely to have a entire life is nothing different from the game
glimpse of a living master. Awakening to the which the kids play with the dolls. This is the
master in your life is nothing but awakening psychodrama of life. For one who experienced
to this deep yearning and purpose of your life. the complete master-disciple relationship, the
psychodrama will not happen again in his life.

End of the psychodrama of

life Surrender the ultimate
All your relationships are mere characters
and life is just a drama. Please understand In the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna is confused
clearly, everything that happens as a completely about what is the path he should
relationship is just a psychodrama.
to realize the
follow. The ultimate teaching imparted by What was Ultimate is
Krishna to Arjuna in the last chapter is the the difference surrender.
best technique to realize the Ultimate. After in him? He
giving various techniques like meditation, was doing the same job, but why was there
devotion and knowledge, finally Krishna no more fear and tension? Because the
reveals the straight, sure and ultimate responsibility had been shifted to a higher
technique, which is that of surrender. authority, thats all. He continued to do what
he was doing.
Be very clear, when you surrender to an
enlightened master, you are actually When you surrender to the higher energy,
surrendering to one who has no ego, no you can never feel drained and exhausted
identity and hence no vested interest of his because you are directly connected to the one
own. He is one with and overflowing with who is an embodiment of the infinite energy.
Existence. By holding his hand, you ask him This is the gift of surrender.
to take you also to the ocean of bliss he is in.
Worry and tension come when you think
you are the doer. And you get tired soon. But Three levels of surrender
if you shift the sense of ownership to a higher
I will now explain to you the three
energy and continue to do your work
categories of surrender: surrender of the
blissfully, you will feel tremendously relaxed!
intellect, surrender of emotions and surrender
A small story: of your very senses.
There was once a bank manager who used The first is surrender of intellect which
to take all the cash to his home everyday means trusting the masters intellect more
and bring it back with him the next morning.
than your own intellect. This is just intellectual
He did this for a month and could not do it
surrender. At this stage, you follow the lifestyle
that the master shows you.
He found himself trembling all the way while
driving back home and was not able to The second is trusting the masters
sleep at home with all the money in his emotions much more than your own emotions.
custody. He finally asked his boss to be This means trusting that the relationship with
relieved of the job since he could not bear the master is the ultimate relationship, more
the stress any longer. than any other relationship. If god appears
His boss told him that even if the money before you and asks you to choose one person
was lost, he would not be blamed and that on planet earth as the only other person who
he could continue with his job. The manager can be alive except you, who will you choose?
slept peacefully from that day onwards. If you choose the master, then emotional
surrender has happened to you.


Of course, the master can never be Placebo effect or more?

destroyed, but that is different! Never think
that just because you choose him he is alive! In medical terms, we have a term called
He will be alive whether you choose him or placebo effect. A patient takes a dummy
not. medicine but he is told it is actually the real
medicine, and he is cured of the ailment! But
If you feel that your emotion towards the
recent research indicates that the placebo
master is stronger than any other emotion, then
effect is actually far more revealing.
emotional surrender has happened in you. Be
very clear, 99% of the people remain in the I read about an interesting research at the
first level. Only a few people move deeper to University of Turin in Italy. They tried an
the second level. The rest remain standing experiment where they connected electrodes
where they are. to the person and gave him controlled electric
shocks. First they established a pain scale for
There is the third kind of surrender,
the person by finding the minimum current
surrender of the senses.
he could feel and the maximum current he
In Krishnas life there is a beautiful could bear.
Now, before they gave the shock, a red or
After the Mahabharata war, when Krishna a green light would appear on the screen in
and Arjuna are relaxing, Krishna says, front of the person. Green light meant the
Hey! Arjuna, look there, there is a green shock would be a mild one. Red light meant
the shock would be stronger. The person was
Arjuna says, Beautiful! A green crow! supposed to then rate the pain from the shock
Krishna says, Fool! It is black, not green. on a scale of 1 to 10, from mild to strong.
Arjuna says, Yes Krishna! It is black, not
green. The participant tried this for fifteen
minutes. At the end he felt that in the beginning
Krishna asks, What has happened to you?
the shocks were strong while in the end the
When I say green, you say green. When I
shocks were mild.
say black, you say black. What is going on
with you? But the shocking thing was actually it was
Arjuna says, Krishna, let me be honest. I exactly the opposite. The last series of shocks
dont know what color that crow is. But were all strong. Then how did the shocks get
when you said green I saw it as green. When perceived as mild? Just before the mild shock
you said black I saw it as black. I know was administered, the light shown to the
nothing else! person was green indicating that the shock
about to come was a mild one.
Arjunas very senses trusted Krishna. He
trusted the masters senses much more than
his own!

happens in our
So the persons mind was prepared, Master lives, nothing else
conditioned to believe the shock coming up is needed.
was going to be a mild one. When the shock the
was actually administered, even though ultimate
physically it was a strong one, because his luxury
mind was anticipating a mild shock his body
actually felt a mild shock! Master is the ultimate luxury in your life.
So researchers are now saying that the When the master happens in our lives, nothing
placebo effect is much deeper and has lot more else is needed. If he does not happen, nothing
significance than what was thought before. else is of use. He is a channel to bring wisdom
to our life and to update it, according to our
They have found that even drugs do not need.
always have the direct effects. Their results
can be influenced by expectations. Doctors Life energy and the master are not two
have found that if the person is not told that different things. Masters again and again
he is being given an injection of a painkiller, emphasize the beautiful concept called
he has to be given a larger dose to get the experiencing the master inside. Only until you
painkilling effect. Whereas if he knows that experience the master inside, you think you
he is getting a painkiller, much lower doses need the master from the outer world. Once
give the same effect! you experience the master inside, you dont
need the master from the outer world.
The mind is so powerful, it can directly
create a physical change in you. Just like the
senses can surrender to the mind, in the same
way the senses can surrender to the divine
The presence of the master
consciousness too. This is exactly what See, when a meditation technique is done
happened in the case of Krishna and Arjuna with a master, it becomes an alchemy process.
when Arjuna saw a green crow when Krishna If you do it alone in your home it is called
told him to see the green crow. meditation. When you do it along with the
Your senses say you are a human being. master, in the presence of the master, guided
But I say you are a spiritual being. As long as by the master, it becomes alchemy. It is like
you trust your senses, you will be a hu-man boiling you. The process becomes so alive and
being. When you trust the master you will intense.
experience that you are a spiritual being. That A small story:
shift is what I call the cognitive shift.
There was a young lady who did not know
cooking. But she wanted to make something
for a potluck dinner that she was going to.


She got hold of a cookery book and tried heart. The master will be there to hold you
making a dessert. and make you enlightened, thats all.
She was holding the book in one hand. The
instructions said, Put the vessel on the
stove. She did. Then it said, Put half a Upanishad
cup of flour. She did so. Then, Add water
half a liter, add a little sugar and stir it for Upanishad means sitting. When a
twenty minutes. She followed every disciple sits in the presence of the master the
instruction exactly but nothing happened same experience that happened in the master
even after twenty minutes. is reproduced in the disciple.
Why? Because the book did not tell her to The disciple who experiences the master
light the fire!
and within whom the master has been
In the same way when you are doing reproduced, writes down his recollections on
meditation on your own, sometimes you may how this process happened. The disciple or
forget to light the fire. The masters presence the master or someone else writes an account
itself is fire. It will ensure the product of how the experience was reproduced in the
happens, the alchemy happens. disciple - what happened when the process
People ask me, Swamiji, why should you began, how it ended and what happened when
insist on the presence of the master? Of it ended. This report is referred to as an
course, you can listen to my words on an audio Upanishad.
CD or a DVD. But when you sit here, the
honesty that radiates in my eyes, the truth that
expresses in my body language will catch you. How upanishad happens
You will catch it. You will feel the click, the beyond the law of cause and
connection, Yes, he is talking the truth.
Even if you want to suspect, suddenly you
will see your logic has no power over you We have heard of the law of cause and
anymore. These words are simply entering effect. If you drop a ball, it falls down. If you
you beyond your logic. This will happen only heat water, it becomes steam at 100 degrees
when you sit in the presence of the master. C. If you put salt in water, it will dissolve.
We call that as Upanishad - just being This is the law of causality. Any action will
around, sitting, and opening up to the master. result in a particular effect. Science has its
foundation on this law of causality.
Open yourself with trust and just drop
yourself into trust. You will see the master But this is not the only law in Existence.
standing there to hold you. Just drop yourself An important law in operation every moment
from your head and fall into the abyss of the is the law of intuition or as the philosopher
Carl Jung* calls it, the law of synchronicity.

Here, it is not that something happens and The true disciple is not a disciple because
another happens as a result of it. Something of something the master said, rather it is
happens and a corresponding thing happens. because of what the master is. That is why
just sitting with the master, the disciple starts
We are so used to seeing things as cause
falling in tune with the beautiful rhythm of the
and effect. We can see the relation between
master. This is upanishad. This is true
the cause and the immediately following
disciplehood. It is being open to the master so
effect. But life is filled with instances where
that he can shower his love on you and you
the effect happens so much later that you are
can receive it in all its glory and divinity and
not able to relate to the original cause. It is
just like when you throw a stone in the water,
you can see the immediate ripples are because
of the stone. But if you came a few minutes
later, you see the secondary ripples, but you Hardware and software
cannot be sure what caused them. change
You may have experienced instances like
The unconscious zone in the mind is like
this in your life. You think of asking your
the software that can be cleansed by
friend to make your favorite dessert and you
meditation. The hardware, the brain itself, will
land up at her place and she has made exactly
be tuned to hold this new software by the
that! She just felt she should make it on that
darshan or grace of the master.
day. This is the power of synchronicity.
When you clean the conscious and
This happens between the master and
unconscious with meditation and create a
disciple even more than in close relationships
change in yourself, the hardware may not be
of friends, lovers or spouses. Because the
able to hold and sustain that effect from day
master-disciple relationship is the deepest
one. If the masters darshan or blessing
relation possible in Existence, it is the ultimate
happens, the hardware also changes to hold
love affair.
that effect. If you dont get that blessing,
It is the most mysterious because it is constant meditation and teaching will
beyond the narrow range of logic. In fact, life eventually help change the hardware.
begins only when you have touched something
If the hardware is old, once the new
that is beyond logic, which cannot be framed
software is installed, the hardware will also
by the mind but which pulls the strings of your
get updated gradually. However, if you want
heart. It brushes aside the arguments of the
a change immediately in the hardware,
mind, always looking to criticize.

Carl Jung - Renowned 20th Century Swiss psychiatrist and contemporary of Sigmund Freud. He was renowned for his
work on the collective unconscious.


darshan is the right thing. Straightaway it will will be prepared to hold on to the same
change the hardware. experience.
Sometimes, without even installing the new
software the hardware can be changed and
the person will straightaway start radiating the DNA phantom effect
new softwares quality. That can happen when
There is an interesting research done by
a disciple is completely open to the master.
the Institute of HeartMath, USA:
Sometimes a disciple falls in love with the
master for no reason. He may not be attracted In this experiment, the characteristics of
to the teachings or be familiar with them, he light-photons were studied in a light scattering
may not be attracted to the meditation chamber. The graph looked like a typical plot
techniques or be familiar with them, but he representing random motion of the photons.
just falls in love. If he is in love with the master
Next, a DNA* sample was placed in the
for no reason at all, the master can
scattering chamber. The graph now changed
straightaway change the hardware along with
showing an interaction between the DNA* and
the software. These disciples will be simply
the photons of light.
radiating the quality of the teachings and
meditation without even learning any of them. Then the DNA was removed from the
chamber. When the DNA was removed, you
As of now, both the hardware and
would anticipate that the graph would be the
software are directed to the outer world, the
same as before the DNA was placed in the
material world. The conscious portion of the
chamber. Surprisingly, the graph after the
software starts turning to the inner world
removal of the DNA looked clearly different
through listening to teachings, and the
from the one obtained before the DNA was
unconscious portion of the software starts
placed in the chamber.
turning through meditation. But even if the
software turns inwards, the hardware will not In spite of the removal of the DNA, it
be able to handle it. Then naturally the influenced the behavior of the light-photons.
hardware will try its best to maintain its original Not only immediately after removal but for
nature. If the software is too strong and stays several more days, the lingering effect of the
in the same tune, then the hardware will DNA on the light-photons persisted.
change. But immediately after the teaching One interesting observation is that this
and meditation is given, if the darshan and effect is not seen with the DNA of lower forms
blessing is also given, the hardware will also of consciousness. So, one can conclude that
change and it will start holding the change. It the consciousness of a particular object or a

DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid, the building block of all living beings containing the genetic code.


particular person is always radiating and it Vasudeva Kutumbaha

contributes its own effect. We can also note
that in nature, the higher forms of With the masters love comes love for the
consciousness, by their very presence, will fellow disciples. It is no longer I, but we.
influence the other forms of lower A bond develops with fellow disciples, that is
consciousness. (The complete paper is stronger than even biological family bonds.
available at There are no conditions here except for the
DNAPhantom.htm). need of radial love for the master. The
peripheral love automatically flourishes.
You can then imagine how a
Vasudeva Kutumbaha, Krishnas vision that
superconscious energy, that of an enlightened
the whole world is our family, becomes true.
being can influence the consciousness of
everything and everyone around them. You grow collectively in energy, yet the
relationship with the master is unique to each
individual. The affair may start with the
Energy to hold the intellect or the heart. Very soon it ascends to
an affair of the being. When a being merges
transformation with another, the disciples with the masters,
it is liberation, everlasting bliss.
Staying in the presence of an enlightened
being will straightaway change the hardware Living enlightenment is living with the
for it to hold on to the transformation and the masterit is that easy!
software and the entire process.
Understand, even your physiology
changes with enlightenment. When a master Q&A
touches, that software of enlightened
physiology is also downloaded into you
changing your physiology. Does the master choose the
When you are completely open during the disciple or does the disciple
touch, the software of enlightened physiology choose the master?
is downloaded into you. Your body learns that
it can be better than what it is now! Your bio- First thing, it is actually the disciple who
memory learns the lesson that the possibility chooses the master. Because master never
for better existence is there. chooses. The master just showers. He is like
the sacred river Ganga. He just flows. If you
want, you will enter the river, immerse
yourself, drink or play. You can do whatever
you want. But Ganga itself just flows. It does


responsibility, the
responsibility of not choose. So it thought as a pain before taking this
Existence. is with the responsibility is not a pain, it is nithyananda
master. The or eternal bliss, then you become an insider!
master is a choiceless energy, choiceless bliss.
So now you know how to become a
So I can say that the relationship is disciple. Feel my responsibility, which is the
established by the disciple. The disciple has responsibility of Existence. Then you will
got the ultimate freedom, the last freedom in become a disciple.
establishing the master-disciple relationship.
After establishing, whatever freedom he has
will be lost because he will become How does a seeker know he
enlightened! The last activity that you can do, has reached his master, or can
the last choice which you can make in your
life is choosing your master, thats all. The
he have many masters?
moment you choose the master, you disappear When you reach the master, this question,
as you. Then you are no more an individual. Is he my master or not? will disappear.
You become master. People ask me, Should we accept you as our
master? I tell them, Never do that mistake.
No. I never promote myself. I can never tell
How do I become your disciple? you to accept me as your master.

Actually, if you are unclutched, you can If I am your master, there will be
get into my circle. Being unclutched directly something beyond your intellect and you will
connects you to me. A tremendous energy not be able to forget me. Now I challenge, if
starts flowing through you. What do I mean you can forget me, forget. Then I am not your
by unclutched? Being relaxed without clinging master. Relax and continue your seeking. You
on to any person or thought or thing. will get the right master. Dont worry.

I always tell people that the person who If you cant forget me, only then I am your
feels only his pain and comes to me for healing master.
is a devotee. The person who has complaints I always tell people, never accept me as a
only about his own problems is a devotee. master. If I am your master, I will be there in
The person who feels my pain and takes your mind the whole day and whole night. I
the responsibility which I have taken as this will be there even in your dreams. If thoughts
whole mission is a disciple! of me fill you day and night, then I am your
The person who after taking my
responsibility realizes, How can an People ask me, Swamiji, should I
enlightened being have pain? Whatever I remember you? Should I meditate on you? I

me, only then I am
tell them, No. Forgetting me will be the I always your master.
problem. Remembering me will not be the tell people that
problem. Only then I am your master. If you even if you are
can forget me, forget and continue your my disciple, do not stop learning from all other
journey. That is good for you. masters. Pluck flowers from all gardens and
make a beautiful bouquet for yourself. After
If you are not able to forget me then I am
all, life is to be enriched.
your master. Even if you have one doubt in
one corner, that is a solid proof I am not your First thing: this very question of whether
master. Relax. Dont struggle. Dont suffer. you are my disciple or not will not arise in you
Dont torture yourself. Just say a beautiful if I am your master. If you have this doubt, be
goodbye and continue. My love, respects and very clear I am not your master. Continue your
best wishes for you to reach the right master, seeking.
the master who is for you. Start searching,
Second thing: even if the doubt has
you will see the right master. I myself have
completely disappeared and you think I am
sent many disciples to many masters. I have
your master and you feel completely
guided many people that way. This is not like
connected, even then do not stop learning
a shop. It is not as though if you come to my
from all the other sources, all the other
shop, you cant go to another shop. It is not a
masters. Learn from all possible sources.



Living Enlightenment is the Ultimate

Meditation Technique

Static meditations

1. Third eye meditation

See the whole world as a dream and awaken to the higher intelligence within
Duration: not applicable
This meditation is to be done before going to sleep.
Sit straight on your bed. Close your eyes. Be aware of the third eye, the ajna chakra,
which is the subtle energy center between your eyebrows. Do not concentrate, do not
strain. Just be fully aware, in a very relaxed way.
Be aware of the ajna chakra and of the movement of prana, the life energy. Watch
how the prana flows into your body, how the incoming breath brings more energy and
the outgoing breath relaxes your body. Just feel it.
Again, do not concentrate. Just be aware, in a very relaxed way of the ajna chakra
and the flow of the incoming and outgoing breath.
Now, get into a sleeping position. Be aware of the third eye when you are falling
asleep. When you lie down on the bed, decide, Yes, now I am going to fall asleep. Be
aware when your consciousness gets diffused, when you are just disappearing into the
darkness, into deep sleep.


Before going to sleep, if you are aware of the third eye it is enough, because your
prana is hovering there during the waking state. As you fall asleep, the prana will start
moving downwards from the third eye.
Next, throughout the day, whenever you remember, think that this whole world is not
real, that you are just dreaming, that whatever you are seeing is just a dream. Consciously
remember that whatever you are doing, be it eating, sleeping, walking, drinking, driving or
sitting in your office, it is all just a dream.
Immediately you will tell yourself, How can I think that this world is a dream? This
world is in fact a reality. Please be very clear, there is a distinction between fact and
truth. The whole world is a dream may not be a fact according to you, because the scale
by which you measure whether something is a fact or not, is itself not accurate!
Once you try to practice this technique, in a few days, you will understand the truth
behind these words. It will lead you to the truth. It may not be a fact for your logical mind,
but it is a fact and truth at a deeper level.
So throughout the whole day, whenever you remember, tell yourself, This world is a
dream. Whatever I am perceiving is a dream. And slowly, you will see that the whole
projection just gets diffused. You will then see the screen on which this whole dream is
taking place!
Just try this for the next eleven days. Whatever is happening in front of you, whatever
you are experiencing, is a changing dream. Just remember this, thats all.
One important thing to know, any idea that you continuously remember the whole day
for eleven days will penetrate your dream state. When you are dreaming, you will know
you are dreaming. If you remember you are dreaming in the dream, you will be awakened.
Continuously for eleven days, if you tell yourself that you are a doctor but actually
you are a lawyer by profession, in your dreams, you will see yourself as a doctor. If you
want to change your identity, eleven days is enough. You will start expressing that new
If this idea penetrates your inner being, the dream state, you will experience a
tremendous healing effect over your entire being. This one experience is enough, you will
be tremendously balanced in your day-to-day life. Not only that, suddenly you will see
that you have the energy to change what you think of as reality. Situations which you
thought you would never be able to change will start changing. The screen on which you
project this whole dream and see is what I call consciousness or prana. When you start


seeing the screen on which you are projecting this whole dream, you will also see the
same screen with awareness when you are dreaming.
The next question that the mind will ask is, If I am dreaming, why should I continue
doing anything at all? Even if it is all a dream, you can still be doing. There is nothing
wrong with that. You dont want to continue doing because you take yourself seriously. If
you remember you are dreaming, then your dreaming or non-dreaming is in no way going
to change anything. You will then relax and let life happen. You will be in the flow of life.
Suddenly your intelligence will be awakened. You will be awakened to the truth that
the whole thing is your projection. Then you will not be the same person anymore because
you will see the truth.

2. Include everything in you

Expand your consciousness
Duration: 21 minutes
Step 1: Duration: 2 minutes
Sit straight. Now feel clearly the boundary of your body.
Look at the room in which you are sitting.
Step 2: Duration: 5 minutes
Now close your eyes and feel the room inside you, as a
part of you. Your space has expanded from beyond the
boundary of your body to include the entire room.
Step 3: Duration: 2 minutes
Open your eyes, go outdoors and look at the trees and
buildings around you.
Step 4: Duration: 5 minutes
Now close your eyes and feel yourself expanded to
include all the trees and buildings around you.
Step 5: Duration: 2 minutes
Open your eyes and look at the open sky.


Step 6: Duration: 5 minutes

Now close your eyes and feel the entire sky inside you.
This is a very powerful meditation to include everyone, everything around you as a
part of your self. It can become a part of your daily life.
For example, at work, include your work equipment as a part of you and expand your
sphere of awareness. Say you are working on your computer, sitting on a chair with your
computer on the table. Include the computer, the chair, the table, and your office space,
all as part of you. Close your eyes and feel them as part of you.
Include people working around you as a part of you including your colleagues, your
co-workers and the people in your group. Enjoy your individual consciousness expanding
to become a group consciousness. If your entire group practices this meditation, then
individual personalities beautifully melt and ego clashes get resolved automatically.

3. Find the source

Find the source of your thoughts and awaken to the ultimate source that is
Duration: not applicable
When you just sit, naturally, some thought will arise in you. See from where the
thought is rising or which part of the body experiences movement or feeling through that
You will see, one by one, each thought creates some sensation in some internal organ
in your body. Try to see which thought is connected to which sensation happening inside
your body. Try to locate the internal organ feeling the sensation, the organ that produced
the thought coming into your mind. Do this with each thought.
When you experiment with this technique, if it clicks for you within twenty-four hours,
this is the technique for you. If not, continue to try other techniques. This is a technique
that can directly give you the enlightenment experience.


4. Touch the eyelids as a feather

This is one of the powerful techniques to awaken
the kundalini shakti, the potential energy which you
carry within you. This is a beautiful technique to
develop sensitivity in the body.
Duration: 30 minutes
Close your eyes and just touch the eyelids with your
forefingers as lightly as a feather would. You can use a real
feather also if you like. The feather should not bend when
touching the eye. If it bends, it means you are applying too
much pressure on the eyelids. Too much pressure will not
work with this technique. You need to give just a feather
It is as if you are touching, but not touching. It is as if
your fingers are on the eyelids but not pressing them. Balance
your hands well and touch your eyelids with your forefingers.
Your hands may tremble at first and you may touch either
too heavily or too lightly, or you may not be touching your
eyelids at all.
When you are able to touch your eyelids like a feather,
you will be able to see a strong energy connection getting
established between the fingers and the eyes. Slowly, you
will feel that your fingers and hands have become a part of
your eyes.
As of now when you close your eyes, you feel your boundary ends inside the eyelids.
But with your feather touch, your eyes will feel like they have expanded! If the pressure
you apply is just right, you will have this experience. Your eyes should feel the same
sensitivity outside that you feel inside.
Once you start practicing this technique intensely, you will be able to see that the
energy circles inside you instead of the energy leaving you through your eyes, as you
normally feel it does. If you close your eyes, the outer scenes may cease and the outgoing
energy may stop. But even then, inside you, some scenes will be moving and so the
energy will continue to be wasted. Only if you stop the inner and outer scenes does
enlightenment happen.


This technique takes at least half an hour to balance even once. It might take at least
one month of daily practice to balance oneself completely using this feather-touch technique.

Dynamic meditations

1. Blissful dancing
Rejuvenate with the tremendous energy within you. Relax with the deep
peace within you.
Duration: 31 minutes
Free dance means dance with no defined steps or rules.
It is just allowing your body to move as it pleases, being
playful, enjoying yourself and becoming part of the
tremendous energy of dancing.
There are two stages to free dance: dancing and resting.
Step 1: Duration: 21 minutes
Close your eyes and begin to dance. Dont bother about
the steps. Let your body be free to move as it wishes. Dont
be concerned about how you look, how your clothes look.
No one is watching you, this is not a performance.
As you continue to dance in this fashion, more and more
energy will surge inside you, and you will keep going. The more you dance, the more
energetic you will be! You will not feel tired at all.
Enter deeply into the dance. Dance as fast as possible, as freely as possible. Forget
yourself totally. Just become the dance.
Step 2: Duration: 10 minutes
At the end of 21 minutes, wherever you are, in whatever position you are, just drop
down on the floor. Lie down. Be silent and still.
In the sudden change from frantic motion to sudden stillness, you will experience a
moment of blankness. There will be no thoughts but you will experience a deep silence.


In a few moments, the thoughts will start coming back. Watch the thoughts calmly.
Dont fight with them, dont get lost in them. Just remain aware. You will become aware
of a lasting peace inside you, a great silence that remains even after the thoughts return.
Carry this peace, this silence with you throughout the day. Carry the silence into your
sleep. You will wake up feeling new and refreshed.

2. Whirling
Find the unmoving center in your being. Merge with the whole of Existence.
Duration: 31 minutes
This is a beautiful, natural meditation to center yourself.
Do not have any food or drink at least three hours before
this meditation.
The meditation has two phases: whirling and resting.
Whirling is usually done in a counter-clockwise direction,
with the right arm held higher, palm facing upwards, and the
left arm lower, palm facing downwards.
If you are uncomfortable whirling counter-clockwise,
switch to clockwise.
Start whirling slowly, letting your whole body be soft
and unresisting. As you whirl, the passing images will become blurred. Let them flow
past. Dont try to focus on anything as focusing will make you dizzy or nauseous.
Slowly pick up speed and become the whirling. There will be action and movement
on the periphery of the circle, but at the center you will feel stillness. You will feel as if
you are a witness to the whirling.
When you are whirling so fast that you cant stay upright, your body will fall by itself.
Dont plan the fall.
As soon as you fall, turn over onto your stomach so that your navel is in contact with
the earth. Feel your body become one with the earth.


Keep your eyes closed. Remain in the same position, passive and silent, for at least
fifteen minutes.
After this meditation, remain silent and meditative for a few hours.

Breath-related techniques
Watching the breath continuously is a powerful and effective meditation. It
has led more people to enlightenment than any other meditation. Watching the
breath tremendously increases awareness. As awareness increases, inner
awakening happens, and bliss follows.

1. Awareness of the incoming and outgoing breaths and the

Total Duration: 35 minutes
Sit in a completely relaxed position. Let your body be completely relaxed.
Step 1: Duration: 5 minutes
Start observing your breath. Start witnessing your breath. Do not increase the length
of your breathing. Just witness your normal inhaling and exhaling.
Step 2: Duration: 5 minutes
Next, observe only the breath that goes in. Do not bother about the outgoing breath.
Witness only the breath going in.
Step 3: Duration: 5 minutes
Now witness only the outgoing breath, not bothering about the incoming breath. Witness
with your full awareness only the outgoing breath.
Step 4: Duration: 5 minutes
Now leave everything else and start witnessing only the gap between the incoming
and outgoing breath. Be aware of your breath taking the turn. Be aware only of the gap
between the incoming breath and outgoing breath.


Step 5: Duration: 5 minutes

Now, be aware of the incoming breath, the gap and the outgoing breath. Be aware of
all three. Feel that your whole body is rejuvenated and alive. You are in a silence that is
alive and energizing. You are vibrating with high energy.
Step 6: Duration: 5 minutes
Now, witness the gap between the incoming breath and outgoing breath. Be aware
only of the gap. You may feel you are not breathing at all. Witness that feeling also.
Step 7: Duration: 5 minutes
Close your eyes and relax. Do not meditate. Just relax. Do not think actively of
anything. Just let your mind settle down.
Relax and come out of the high-energy zone slowly. At the end of the five minutes,
open your eyes very slowly.

2. Vipassana
Vipassana means realizing the Truth step by step. There are three ways in which you
can do vipassana:
Duration: anytime, anywhere
When you walk, when you move your hand, when you smile, do it all with awareness.
Know perfectly well that it is you who is doing that action. Be alert. Not a single moment
or movement should pass in an unconscious state. Not a single action should happen in
your body without your awareness.
Just like your body, watch your heart and mind. Be aware of every emotion that rises
in your heart. Be aware of every thought that passes in and out of your mind. Dont have
opinions, dont evaluate anything. Just be a witness.

Watch your breathing

Duration: anytime, anywhere
Feel your belly rise and fall with every inhalation and exhalation. The navel, the
source of your life energy, is in the region of the belly. So when you pay attention to the
navel, you become aware of the flow of life energy in your body. As you become more
aware of the belly, you will see that your heart and mind fall silent!


Watch the breath as it enters your body at the nostrils

Duration: anytime, anywhere
Be aware of the cool air in the nostrils. Feel the ease with which the breath enters
and leaves the nostrils.
Vipassana can be practiced both sitting and walking.

Total Duration: 60 minutes
Sit in a comfortable position, spine erect, facing straight
ahead. Keep your eyes closed and breathe normally. Stay
still without shifting positions.
Watch the rise and fall of the belly when breathing in
and out. Dont concentrate on the breath, but calmly observe
it. If you find other thoughts, feelings or physical sensations
coming up, allow them. Witness them also momentarily and
then return to watching the breath. It is the process of
watching that is important, not what you are watching.
Witness everything.
Do this for 45 minutes and rest for 15 minutes.

Total Duration: 30 minutes
Here your awareness is totally on your feet as they
touch the ground.
You can walk in a circle or in a straight line of about
fifteen steps, going back or forth. You can practice this
meditation simply going from room to room in your house,
or out in your garden.
The eyes should be lowered and focused on the ground,
on the feet. Just as you watch the belly in sitting meditation,
watch and be aware here of the contact of each foot with


the ground. If other thoughts and sensations come up, allow them. Nothing is to be seen
as a distraction. When you have finished witnessing the sensation or the thought, go back
to watching your feet.
Do this for 20 minutes and rest for 10 minutes.

Powerful instant meditations

1. Just Stop!
This is a very powerful technique to strongly bring your awareness to the
present moment.
Duration: anytime, anywhere
Just Stop! was used widely by enlightened
master George Gurdjieff.
Just as you have the impulse to do
something, stop. Your cunningness is also one
more impulse. It is one more impulse for your
survival. You always think you will survive only
if you are cunning and constantly on guard.
Now suspend that cunningness. Just be
innocent and trusting.
Second step is whenever you have an
impulse like hunger, anger, thirst or sneezing or any other urge to act, when it is about to
happen or when you are about to act, just stop. Move to the space of being from the
space of doing.

2. Looking through the mirror at yourself

Continuously energize and revitalize yourself
Duration: 10 minutes
Stand before a full-length mirror and look at yourself. Take a good look at yourself
from the outside. You are the subject, and the reflection in the mirror is the object of your


attention. You will feel your energy flowing towards the object. You are looking, and your
reflection is being looked at.
Now imagine a reversal of roles. Imagine that your reflection is looking at you. This
can be frightening at first. You are not used to thinking of your reflection in that way, as
someone who can observe you.
Even if the feeling is strange and frightening, keep at it. In just a few moments, you
will feel a great change. You will feel the energy flowing from your reflection towards
you. You have now closed the circuit. By closing the energy circuit, you have ensured
that the energy is not wasted, it is flowing back towards you. You are conserving your
own energy for yourself.
Practice this technique for a few days, and you will feel a definite change. You will be
more energetic, more centered, more at peace with yourself and with others.
You can practice this throughout the day, not just with the mirror and your reflection.
Try it with anything or anyone you focus attention on. When you have passed your energy
to something or someone, imagine it is returning the energy to you. You will feel the
energy flowing back towards you, rejuvenating you, revitalizing you! You can even try
this with the computer you work with all day!

3. Limb relaxation
This is one of the fastest techniques for instant relaxation.
Duration: as little as two minutes or longer if time
If a private space is available, practice this technique
lying down. Otherwise, just make yourself as comfortable
as possible.
Close your eyes. Take a big, deep breath. You are going
to be holding your breath, so breathe in as deeply as possible.
Holding the breath inside you, start clenching or tensing
your limbs one at a time. Start with your feet and ankles,
then move upwards to your calves, your knees, then tense
your bottom. As you move upwards, do not loosen the
previously clenched part of the body.


Now move up to your waist, then to your stomach. Tense your stomach muscles as
tightly as possible. Automatically, your groin muscles will also get tensed.
Next, move upwards to your chest and back. Tense all the vertebrae along your
back. Tense your arms and hands, starting from your fingers and moving up to your
biceps. Tense your shoulder blades, your neck and throat muscles. Especially hold the
tension in your neck muscles.
Move to your face. Your face has more muscles than you are aware of. Tense the
muscles in your mouth, nostrils, eyes, eyebrows, forehead and cheeks. Squeeze your
eyelids shut. Clench your teeth. Screw your whole face into a tight ball. Remember not to
relax the rest of your body during this time.
Stay in this state of tension for as long as
you can. When you cant hold your breath any
more, expel it in one big gush, simultaneously
relaxing your body utterly.
Stay in this state of physical and mental
relaxation for a minute. This technique relaxes
both the body and mind and refreshes you in
just two minutes. If time allows, repeat the
process three times.

4. Contemplate beyond perception

Experience the bliss of no-mind
Duration: 10 minutes
The moment you perceive anything, the moment you are able to think about it, it
becomes past.
For example, in the beginning, when you are told to think of something that is beyond
your thoughts, you may think of the entire solar system. But the moment you think about
the entire solar system, you have already made that into one more thought! So now, drop
that. Next, try to think beyond. You might think about the galaxy, beyond the solar system.
When you are able to think of the galaxy, drop that thought. Go beyond the galaxy. When
you continuously expand your mind to go beyond, you will be in the present moment.


Understand, the moment you are able to grasp something

and think about it, you have already made it into the past,
into your property. Your mind can flourish there. So think
further and further beyond what you can think. Even if you
are thinking about what you cant think about, drop that.
The mind will always try to grasp everything and keep it in
storage, so it can eat slowly and ruminate, just like a bull! So
do not bring the things that you have already grasped back
into the mind. Continuously drop them.
Whatever you think is the ultimate in your life, drop it,
and expand your thinking to something bigger. Then again
your mind will automatically grasp something else. But dont
allow your mind to hold that idea, drop it also. Continuously
your mind will say, If I am dropping every moment, then what will happen to me? Where
will it end?
Dont bother about this ending. Your mind is just trying to grasp onto something by
asking you this question. Your mind is asking you to prove the result before even starting
the practice. Do not allow it. That is where you get cheated. Constantly keep dropping
each boundary, each thought, and keep expanding, going beyond.
Meditate on the real master, or the real cosmos or the real god. You may think you
have grasped the essence of god, but it can never be, because your mind can never grasp
the real god! If your mind can grasp god, it means your mind is greater than god. So what
you grasped is not god, it is just your idea of god. Drop the idea and try again. Grasp
something bigger than that.
Continuously try to grasp the ultimate truth. Understand, when you throw a particular
idea from your mind, not only do you throw that idea, but you also pick up one part of the
bone structure from your mind and throw it out. Every time you pick up some thoughts
from your mind and throw them out, not only the thoughts are discarded, but one part of
the bone structure of your mind is also thrown away. So after discarding and discarding,
finally there will not be any bone structure left! Suddenly you will see your whole mind
has been thrown out! And you will experience the bliss of no-mind.



1. Center of the sound storm

Find the center of all sound within you, and transcend all sound.
Duration: 21 minutes
We always live in a storm of sound. Sounds are constantly moving towards us, crashing
in upon us, engulfing us. But at the center of this sound storm, there is a silence we
havent heard. This meditation makes us aware of the silence in the center of this storm
of sound.
Sit down in some place. The noisier the place, the better! Look for a place with
continuous sound. It could be a natural sound, like the gushing of a river or a waterfall or
the crashing of the waves on a beach. Or it could be a railway station, or a marketplace.
Sit silently. Feel the sounds coming at you from every direction as sound waves. With
sounds flowing at you from all directions, feel yourself to be at the center of this storm of
sound. You are at the center, and sounds are flowing towards you.
Feel clearly, at the center, where you are, there is no sound! At the center is total
silence. If there were sound at the center, you would not be able to hear the sounds
outside. The sounds are entering you, penetrating you, but they stop at the center.
Inside you, there is a point where all sounds stop. It is from that point that every sound
is being heard. Try to locate that center.
When you locate it, suddenly, your awareness will turn inward from the outer world
of sound. You will be at the center where there is silence, the point where no sound can
enter. That point is your center.
Once you have heard that silence, you will never again be disturbed by any sound.
You will never be touched by sound.
We always think that we are hearing sounds with our ears. With this technique, you
discover that sounds are not heard in the ears or even in the head. The sound is always
heard at the navel point, that is the center of sound.
You cannot try this technique with songs because the lyrics will have meaning for
you, and you will focus on the meaning. So it needs to be just some noise.



1. The lotus thread of light

Allow the intelligence, energy and enlightenment to awaken in you.
Duration: 21 minutes
Mentally scan your spine so that you will be able to visualize it easily in this meditation.
In the center, alongside the spine is a flow of energy like a slender thread, and that is
what we call sushumna nadi*. Observe it so that it will be easy for you to visualize the
sushumna nadi*. It runs from the base of the spine to the crown, passing through each of
the seven vital energy centers in our body called the chakras. The ida nadi*another
slender thread, begins and ends on the left of the sushumna nadi*, and the pingala
nadi*, a third slender thread, begins and ends on the right of the sushumna nadi. The
ida* and pingala* spiral around the sushumna, crossing each other at every energy
center, and all three meet midway between the eyebrows.
Whenever your energy is being sucked by the intellect, the ida nadi* will be active,
and the subtle energy of your system will be flowing upwards. Whenever your energy is
being sucked by the sexual center, the pingala nadi* will be active, and the energy will
be flowing downwards. When enlightenment is activated in you, the central sushumna
nadi will be activated, and your intelligence will be awakened!
All your intellectual thoughts suck the energy upward. All your thoughts of comfort or
pleasure suck your energy downward. Now you are going to put your energy in the
sushumna, the center, so that your enlightenment or intelligence is awakened.
Sit straight and close your eyes.
Let your spine be erect. Visualize your spine to be just like a lotus thread, a small
thread from the root of your spinal cord to the top of the head, the crown area. Visualize

Sushumna nadi - One of the three major nadis, energy pathways in the body arising from the root energy
center and ending in the crown center. The central pathway of the kundalini energy.
Ida nadi - Energy pathway arising from the root energy center and ending at the left nostril. Feminine,
cool, represents the moon.
Pingala nadi - Energy pathway arising from the root energy center and ending in the right nostril. Hot,
masculine, represents the sun.


a thin thread of light in the center of the spine, running continuously from the base of your
spine to the crown of your head.
Put your attention on this thread of light. Just see the energy flowing from your root
to the crown through this sushumna nadi. Let your whole awareness be centered on
your sushumna nadi.
Try this technique for at least twenty one minutes for ten days. In just ten or eleven
days, you will experience the intelligence, the energy, the enlightenment, awakening in

2. Etheric connection
Expand your consciousness and conquer your emotions
Duration: 21 minutes
Visualize you are a huge body of light. Visualize all your emotional relationships, both
loving as well as not-so-loving, being a part of your light body (also called etheric body).
If you have somebody who is emotionally connected to you, say in another country,
visualize that you have a huge body that extends out to that country, and that person (or
persons) is also inside your light body!
Let all the emotional connections, hateful or loving, be inside your etheric body. Secondly,
add along with the visualization of the etheric body, the awareness of your center.
Carry this visualization for ten days.



Nithya Spiritual Healing - You Can Also


Nithya Spiritual Healing We are not mere humans who are meant to
fall sick and then get cured. We are
Nithya Spiritual Healing is a gift that I embodiments of bliss. We were created to live
received along with my enlightenment, that I with a blissful feeling at the being level all the
pass on to you. It is not any meditation time. This is what good health is meant to be.
program. It is an initiation that a master gives
you. The initiation puts you in tune with the
Existential Energy and provides you the energy Chakras and the science of
to heal.
According to Patanjali, an enlightened
What is healing? master and the father of yoga, there are seven
major chakras or subtle energy centers in our
The enlightened master Buddha gives a
beautiful explanation or definition for the word
healing. He says healing is our way of These seven energy centers influence our
expressing our compassion, our care towards physical, mental and being level activities.
somebody to help restore his health to him. They lie in the metaphysical plane within us,
and are associated with seven major glands
Healing is nothing but helping a person
in our physical bodies. They strongly influence
restore his physical, mental and emotional
the working of the corresponding physical
It is only when our chakras are affected
that disease happens in us. If our body and
Health mind are at ease with each other, we feel this
Good health is not just absence of disease. ease as a sense of wellbeing. If our body and
It is a presence of ease, a sense of wellbeing. mind are not at ease with each other, we feel


a healer, you
actually get in the dis-ease, Although the cosmic energy is often
touch with the otherwise compared to the electric current, it is very
called disease different from it. It can never do anything
deepest level of
and the state of wrong because it has its own independent
your being. the chakras intelligence.
reveal this level of ease or dis-ease in us.

Who can receive energy?

Mind over body The person with open heart
The body is like the hardware and the mind and mind
is like the software. We try to fix the hardware
when the software is what is causing the Who can receive the energy? Anybody
problem! The software is corrupted, so it who is in need can receive the energy. It is
continuously gives the wrong instructions to not restricted in any way. There are a few
the hardware, the body. Please understand that tips that help a person receive the energy in a
it is our mental setup that is the root cause of beautiful way. People with an open heart and
disease and imbalance in our body-mind open mind receive the energy more easily and
system. quickly than those who question the energy
with their logic.
Try to understand the concept and enter
What is Nithya Spiritual into it with full sincerity, that is enough. Just
have the courage and openness to experiment
Healing? without demanding proof of experience before
Nithya Spiritual Healing is healing through even experimenting. Integrate your thoughts,
cosmic energy. The cosmic energy is different intelligence, emotions and spirit and align them
from the energy that we know in various forms towards the concept.
such as electrical energy. Electrical energy
does not have its own intelligence. If you put
a light bulb into an electric socket, the current Nithya Spiritual Healers
will flow and the bulb will glow. If you put Initiation
your finger in that electric socket, the same
current will flow but you will receive an Nithya Spiritual Healers Initiation is
electric shock! The electricity does not have directly related to enlightenment. Healing
the intelligence to determine what to do while others is only a side-effect or a byproduct of
flowing. But cosmic energy is pure the process. The main effect is that when you
intelligence. serve as a healer, you actually get in touch
with the deepest level of your being.
Healers Initiation,
In Nithya Spiritual Healers Initiation, the from the world the master opens
master opens the door to the energy of the outside can the door to the
Ananda Gandha chakra. shake you
energy of the
inside. Even if
Ananda Gandha.
Ananda Gandha Chakra around you is
failing, you will be stable and strong. You will
Ananda Gandha chakra is an energy soon reach a state where this meditation
center in us wherein our seven chakras, our becomes your natural state of being. You will
seven energy bodies, and our five koshas* all eternally be in Ananda Gandha!
collapse. It is the source of all our energy, and
This meditation gives you:
the direct connection to the universal cosmic
energy. The Ananda Gandha does not exist Sat: Clarity in everything
in the physical body; it has a metaphysical You will have clarity because you will be
significance. able to see things objectively without being
When a person with enlightened driven by greed and fear.
consciousness initiates a healer, he opens the Chit: Consciousness
door to the Ananda Gandha chakra, so there
is access to the divine energy every single You will have enthusiasm for everything
you do. Every pore, every cell will radiate
moment. When you are in Ananda Gandha,
you are enlightened because you are one with energy and enthusiasm. You will simply
the cosmic energy. execute decisions one after another without
feeling tired, and more importantly, with the
The master lives in Ananda Gandha. A same enthusiasm and intelligence.
connection to the same energy source is
established when we are in Ananda Gandha. Ananda: Bliss for no reason
That is why the healing energy is able to give You will remain happy irrespective of
new life, new energy and heal disease. whatever happens in the outer world.
Being in Ananda Gandha continuously,
you will not only have good physical and
Some benefits of Ananda mental health but also the clarity to handle
Gandha meditation anything that happens in the outer world.
Nithya Spiritual Healing is a two-in-one
When you do the Ananda Gandha
technique. As the healer, you will feel bliss
meditation every day, continuously, nothing
and the person receiving the healing will get

Koshas Five energy sheaths around the physical body. Described in detail in the vedic text, Taittreya Upanishad.


will feel bliss and

the person healed. That is Appendix
receiving the why this is the
ultimate tech-
healing will get
healed. Scientific research on
Nithyananda and meditation
Health benefits of Nithya and healing
Spiritual Healing Paramahamsa Nithyananda was the
subject of cutting-edge research experiments
1. Relief from various physical ailments
that attempted to observe what happened in
like cancer, chronic asthma, sinusitis, hernia,
his brain while he meditated. The goal was to
renal failure, diabetes, high blood pressure,
understand, measure and demystify what
back problems, allergies, seizures, migraine,
happens during the mystic phenomena in
wheezing, skin problems, insomnia, etc.
enlightened beings. Experienced physicians,
2. Relief from psychological problems neuropsychologists, and researchers of the Jim
like anxiety, depression, phobias etc. Thorpe Rehabilitation Center
3. Quick healing of physical injuries like Neuropsychology Department, and also the
burns, pains, aches etc. PET Center of Oklahoma, USA, conducted
this research.
4. Solutions to gynecological issues,
infertility issues etc.
PET scan studies

Services Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

scans image the metabolically active brain
Nithya Spiritual Healing is a service areas at any given time. Nithyanandas PET
provided free of cost at thousands of healing scans showed that the activity in the frontal
centers worldwide, as well as at free healing lobes of his brain was significantly heightened,
camps conducted regularly. This unique even in early meditation stages. The level of
system of cosmic healing is a meditation for activity was several times higher than would
the healer and healing for the person receiving be seen in the average human brain under any
the energy, with the safety of no adverse side- conditions. The frontal lobes are associated
effects. with the functions of intelligence, attention,
wisdom and judgment.
They studied Nithyanandas brain when
he was in the deepest meditative state. There


were two more remarkable findings. First, the which there is a sense of calmness and
dominant hemisphere of his brain was more serenity, without active thought.
than ninety percent shut down. Second, the
From Nithyanandas QEEG we can see
lower portion of his mesial frontal areas lit up
that he has complete control over his
in a very significant way. This area roughly
brainwaves. When in deep meditation, his
corresponds to the reputed location of the
brain smoothly shifted from one state to
mystical Third Eye.
another, like a talented pianist playing the

QEEG Studies
Quantitative Electro Encephalography or Nithya Spiritual Healing
QEEG measures electrical patterns in the
Research was conducted on
brain, patterns commonly referred to as
Nithyanandas brainwave patterns, heart rate
brainwaves. There are different bandwidths
variability (HRV) and skin conductance level
of brainwaves, each different in frequency,
(SCL) when he was offering healing to
and each associated with a different state of
another person*. The studies showed shifts in
mind. For instance, beta brainwaves are small
the power spectra indicating sympathetic
and fast and linked with an awake, alert state
arousal to match the energy of Nithyanandas
of mind. Alpha brainwaves are slower and
heart thus indicating that the subjects heart
larger, and are connected to feelings of
rhythms entrained to Nithyanandas during the
wellbeing. Theta waves represent a state of
healing session.
consciousness that is close to sleep, a stage in

(JACM, 2004, vol. 10(4); 15th ISSSEEM Conference 2005)



Experience the touch of Living


Ananda Darshan There is always a group of people who

say that the entire universe is nothing but a
(Ananda darshan is the time when you are divine play of Existential energy. But there is
in the presence of the masters surging energy. another group who say that the entire universe
You go near him and he touches you on your is an accident and there is no energy or
ajna chakra, thus transmitting the energy and intelligence behind it. The second group can
experience of enlightenment to you.) very conveniently exploit their philosophy to
Darshan means, to see something manufacture any number of weapons and
divine. Ananda darshan means, blissfully cause destruction in the world. They dont
seeing. When the Existential energy flowers develop any sensitivity towards anything in
into a form that your eyes can see and the universe because of this very idea that the
consciousness can perceive, and when it universe and its happenings are an accident.
causes a transformation in you, it is called They continue to exist and perceive at the
ananda darshan! The form that you see is the gross level.
form of the enlightened master who happens If you belong to the first group, you
from time to time on planet earth. automatically enter into a subtle level and
Some people ask, Is there something develop a deep respect for everything in this
called Existential energy? Yes there is, but it universe, for every stone, tree, and plant. A
is beyond our intellect. When we reach the deep devotion surges within you.
peak of our intellect, we will understand there Automatically your very life moves with a
is something beyond which cannot be beautiful flow like a surfer riding the rising
perceived with our intellect. Many scientists wave of Existence.
who reached the peak of their intellect saw It is only because man reached the clarity
the next step as infinite Existential energy that that a profound and deep intelligence is
lay beyond them. With sensitivity, one can feel running the whole show that he is able to
the presence of this energy. create a way of life that allows him to merge


is like a huge wave

rising in the ocean beautifully and presence of the master, your consciousness
of Existence. sweetly with flowers.
the play of
All you need to do is co-operate. Actually,
even if you dont co-operate, the energy will
The whole of Existence is a living being penetrate you. It is like this: whether the shell
that responds to your every word, feeling, and in the wave cooperates or not, the wave takes
prayer. Every moment it responds with it along. In the same way, whether you
responsibility to your very consciousness. In cooperate or not, the energy will envelop you
order to respond to you in a way that you can and do what is needed. But the shell that
hear, see, and understand, it takes the form of cooperates with the wave playfully dances
enlightened masters from time to time. The along with the blissful movements of the wave.
seeking and praying of millions of people It gets purified and finally merges with it!
around the world creates a tremendous pull Whereas the shell that tells the wave, I cant
that causes enlightened masters to appear on trust you so easily, and collects a few pebbles
planet earth, like how a low-pressure area or and builds a wall around itself for protection,
a depression naturally creates a storm. suffers resistance. But the sheer compassion
of the energy wave ultimately pulls it along
A masters darshan is like a huge wave
into the bliss.
rising in the ocean of Existence. The wave
never gets disconnected from the ocean, but For the person who surrenders joyfully
at the same time expresses itself as to the wave, his very life becomes ananda
tremendous dynamic energy! A river is also darshan, not just a moment of darshan.
connected to the ocean, but it doesnt have During any moment that your consciousness
the dynamic energy of the wave. It just flows is turned towards the blissful expression of
passively, thats all. But ananda darshan is Existence that is the master, ananda darshan
the dynamic wave that rises in the blissful happens for you! You dont even need to be
ocean of Existence. It creates a churning that physically near the master. If you continuously
can completely transform you. rest your consciousness on that energy
expression, your very life becomes ananda
Now imagine a sand particle inside the
darshan. On the other hand the person who
wave. Can it have any impurity in it? No! It
resists, misses the celebration of merging with
will be completely pure because it is inside
the energy, but also merges ultimately.
the energy of the dynamic wave. In the same
way, when you come for darshan, you will During darshan, tremendous energy
be completely cleansed inside and out by the radiates from the master. How do you receive
dynamic energy that is expressed. During this overflowing energy? Just come like a
darshan, you are within the very source of small child, with intense enthusiasm, with a
the Existential energy. In the presence of the deep prayerful mood, with a melting heart,
sun, the lotus blooms. In the same way, in the that is enough. Society has destroyed the

power of prayer. Prayer has the power to fulfilling tree. While he was resting, he had
completely transform you into what you want a passing thought, How nice it would be if
to become. I got some good food now! The moment
the thought came, a plate of delicious food
What is prayer? When you want to appeared in front of him. He was delighted
achieve something, you focus your intention and ate to his hearts content.
and intensity on it with your will. This is
After the satisfying meal, he thought, It
called your vow. Soon you realize, however,
would be good if I could get a comfortable
that to fulfill it, you need the help of some bed to lie on. No sooner did the thought
higher energy as well. When this come than a luxurious king-size bed
understanding happens, your vow becomes a appeared in front of him. He was amazed!
prayer! You start praying to the energy. I can He lay down on the bed.
do it is a vow, I need the grace of the energy
As his head touched the pillow, he thought
that is beyond me is prayer. So come with a
it would be really good if somebody fanned
deep prayerful mood. him while he slept. In an instant, a young
When you open up your feelings in the girl appeared with a fan in her hand and
presence of an enlightened master, it is like started fanning him.
putting a slide in front of a projector. What is Suddenly, a thought came to the man, I am
on the slide gets projected on the screen as in the middle of a forest! What if a tiger
reality. In the same way, your desires that need suddenly appears? The moment the
to be fulfilled for your own good and the good thought came, a tiger appeared in front of
of others will materialize. The desires that him, pounced on him and ate him up!
dont need to be fulfilled will get burnt away Before fulfilling your desires, you need to
along with the unfulfilled feeling that created bring clarity to them. When you verbalize your
them. Either the desire is fulfilled or your desires in front of the master, they will
mind forgets about the desire. Either the seed automatically acquire clarity. That is why,
of the desire sprouts or it is burnt away. Both during the program Kalpataru*, I ask you to
ways you experience fulfillment. verbalize your desires to me. As you verbalize,
You carry many desires that need not be you yourself will know which desires really
fulfilled. The energy of the master works as need to be fulfilled and which need not be
sheer intelligence to handle this. fulfilled. Such is the intelligence of the
expressed energy.
A small story:
The kalpataru darshan* sows within you
Once, a tired traveler decided to rest under
the seeds of:
a tree. The tree happened to be a wish

Kalpataru - Boon-giving tree.

Kalpataru Darshan - A meditation darshan program of Nithyananda.


the darshan
becomes a deep Shakti - causeless. Because it is causeless, you can
imprint in your Energy to call it either a causeless auspicious energy or
change the a causeless chaos. Anybody who thinks this
things that need is a causeless auspicious energy is a theist, a
to change, seeker. Anybody who thinks it is a causeless
chaos is a materialist.
Buddhi - Intelligence to accept the things
that cannot change, The whole of Existence can appear as
either a miracle or a curse. If you think it is
Yukti - Understanding that whatever may
causeless auspiciousness, it is a miracle, a
change, Existence itself is an eternally
continuous miracle. Otherwise, it is a curse.
changing dream!
During darshan, many people have
Bhakti - Surging devotion to the
visions, healing experiences, intense spiritual
unchanging and supportive energy of the
experiences, and the direct experience of
causeless bliss. Not only that, the energy wave
Living these four in your life is what is that rises also causes many unconscious fears,
mukti or liberation! guilt, and desires to surface. Some people just
Put your energy into changing whatever go into intense silence. Others feel
you can, including simple things that you can overwhelmed with tears. You may not even
change. Dont think, Oh, I can change two know the reasons for all these because they
habits, what about the other ten? Just change come from deep unconscious layers that erupt
what you can change. Then accept what you by the energy of the wave. Darshan time is a
cant change. When you have expressed your rare opportunity to liberate yourself from
energy, intelligence will start flowering. these deeply engraved memories. These
emotions can be simply wiped out at the root
Intelligence is accepting what you cannot level by the overflowing energy.
change. But until you express the energy to
change whatever you can, you wont be able During darshan time, your being comes
to have the intelligence to accept what you alive and celebrates with the energy wave of
cant change. First try changing what you can. Existence. The mind disappears for some
Then you will see a tremendous ability to time. The whole scene of the darshan
accept whatever you cant change. becomes a deep imprint in your
The third seed is clarity. However much
you change things, whatever you may change, I would like to say just one thing. The
still the whole world itself is a changing reality, energy of Existence is like your fathers
a changing dream. It is a dream that is wealth. Dont miss enjoying it! Just say YES
continuously changing for no reason. It is to Existence and enter into it like a child.
causeless for no reason. Understand that it is


To draw money, even from your own bank For the masters presence to work on you,
account, you need to sign a check. In the same allow whatever happens to happen. Dont be
way, to receive the energy of Existence, you tense, irritated, or resisting. Dont expect
need to be open. Thats all. anything. Whatever happens, allow it to
happen. Just be like the surfer who dances on
Remember, only the oyster that opens and
the energy wave, enjoying its bliss!
catches a drop of rainwater makes the pearl!
When you are open to the master, just one
word from him is enough. It is like rainwater
that enters an oyster to become a pearl.



Blissful Sharing

Healing experiences 2. I had been diagnosed with Polycystic

Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which caused
severe hormonal issues. It was detected
Healing through an ultrasound which showed that my
ovaries were covered by the growth of large
1. I was struck with Hepatitis B and cysts. I attended one of Nithyanandas
suffering from cirrhosis, a chronic liver disease meditation programs during which he said I
generally considered irreversible. All the would be healed, without even my telling him
hospitals had given up hope and I had been about my problem!
living on liquid diet for six years and knew
About a month later, I realized I had lost
death was around the corner.
thirty pounds, which I had battled with for a
On my friends suggestion, I went to long time having been close to two hundred
Nithyananda who was then at Erode in pounds and not being able to lose weight even
Tamilnadu, South India, healing the people through diet and exercise. That is when I
who sought him out. He gave me a little holy realized how emotionally related my weight
ash and said to mix it into everything that I had been! I understood how any addiction is
ate and drank for the next three days. I a call for fulfillment that we try to fill
followed his instruction and on the third day externally but can never fulfill. About a year
itself I felt my stomach beginning to feel fine later, when I went in for an ultrasound
- after six long years! Immediately, as checkup, the doctors were shocked to discover
instructed by him, I even ate a full spicy meal that the cysts were completely gone!
for the first time in six years. Since then I
- Roshini Nambiar, Meditation Teacher,
have been leading a healthy and blissful life,
Oklahama, USA
ever ready to serve my divine master!
- Sri Nithya Sadananda, Senior Swami of
the Nithyananda Order

3. When my uncle and aunt were Michigan, USA

visiting us in Singapore, they made a short trip (
to Tioman islands in Malaysia. When they
5. I am a practicing gynecologist. Many
returned home, both of them were in really
of my patients have had miraculous
bad shape. Apparently, they had a bad
experiences with the touch of Paramahamsa
experience with the sea, which almost
Nithyananda. Recently I had a case of a
drowned them while snorkeling. They had
woman who had been suffering from
swallowed huge amounts of sea water as well.
tuberculosis. Her uterus lining had become
They were in a state of complete shock even
very thin and the endometrium was badly
after returning. My uncle was in shivering fits
affected. We tried various methods of
and was running high temperature.
treatment but none worked. We were thinking
I just asked him to lie down and relax and of the option of surrogate mother when I
started giving him Nithya Spiritual Healing. suggested to her to take healing from
After about ten minutes he drifted off into Paramahamsa. She went for healing to
deep sleep. The next morning when he woke Paramahamsa who blessed her with a divine
up, he was perfectly normal as though nothing child. It is a real medical miracle that she was
at all had happened! able to conceive in the first place and also
have a normal delivery!
- Sri Nithyananda Arpana, Nithya
Spiritual Healer, Malaysia - Dr. Nirmala, gynecologist, Advanced
( Fertility Center, Bangalore
4. One of my American friends was telling
me that she was going through chronic anxiety
and suffering frequently from anxiety
attacks. She wondered if Nithya Spiritual Meditation programs
Healing would work on mental problems as
1. I was rated a star in my MNC
well. I explained to her how the healing energy
(multinational company) corporate career. I
is pure intelligence and it works at all levels.
ran companies and conglomerates, built billion
I then gave her healing for about fifteen
dollar entities and helped start up many
minutes. She called me the next day saying
dreams. But I was never fulfilled. After
she felt such a deep sense of peace and
Paramahamsa happened in my life, I have
relaxation during and after the healing and
learnt how to be successful in the outer world
that she slept exceptionally well that night
while being equally successful in the inner
after four long years, when a major incident
in her life had become the source of all her
anxiety. - Ram S Ram, Business Mentor,
- Premeshwari, Nithya Spiritual Healer,

2. Five years ago I was the Vice President 3. Effortless work is something I never
of Global Supply Chain at a Fortune 500 thought possible. I learnt through
company. I was diagnosed with diabetes at Paramahamsas meditation programs how to
the age of 32. There is a very long history of enjoy work and automatically, I started giving
diabetes in the maternal and paternal sides of results effortlessly, with great creativity and
my family. When I met Paramahamsa, on one work satisfaction as well.
occasion, I told him about the problem. Almost
- Apurvi Sheth, Marketing Director,
four and half years have passed since I told
Singapore (
him and till date, my blood sugar levels have
been well within normal range with no diet 4. Besides an amazing rise in my energy
restrictions or symptoms of the disease. levels, my business took a quantum jump ever
since Nithyananda touched me the first time.
I attended an advanced meditation
My intelligence in taking business decisions
program with Paramahamsa. One of the
entered a different dimension. Also, my
techniques in that was to verbalize what
relationships have greatly matured at home
stopped us from living in bliss all the time.
and outside. My child is in the Nithyananda
Each of us verbalized where we felt we were
Gurukul in the Bangalore ashram and I can
stuck. The moment we verbalized this,
really see her blossoming into a confident,
whatever that was holding us back vanished.
intelligent and fulfilled person.
All I can say is, there was some intense
alchemy that went on in the non-physical - Charanapriya, Businessman,
plane. It was as if Paramahamsa set up a flame Pondicherry
and whatever we verbalized was burnt away (
from our system once and for all. Now I feel
there are no emotional ups or downs in me
and I am able to work with utmost intensity
and bliss in all fields of endeavor. All I can
say is he showered his love and compassion
on us and we came out as new beings.
-Sri Nithya Sachitananda, International
Coordinator and Senior Swami of Nithyananda
Order, Los Angeles, USA



About Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a living enlightened master of the 21st century.

He took birth in Tiruvannamalai, a spiritual nerve center in South India. Since a very young age,
Nithyananda spent days and nights in meditation in the divine aura of Arunachala. His intense
quest for deeper Truths of life led him on his spiritual journey which covered the length and
breadth of India, several thousand miles of which he covered on foot. Visiting venerated shrines,
meeting highly evolved yogis and rishis, and practicing intense meditations, he studied Yoga, Tantra,
and other Eastern metaphysical sciences. He went through several profoundly impacting spiritual
experiences, culminating in his realization of the Ultimate at a young age.

Since then, Nithyananda has been sharing his experience with millions of people worldwide through
the activities of Nithyananda Mission which conducts insightful and inspiring meditation programs
and a wide spectrum of social services, thus providing life solutions at the physical, mental and
spiritual levels. The meditation programs are offered worldwide through the International Vedic
Hindu University (IVHU) Florida, USA. Further, free education to youth, encouragement to art
and culture, corporate meditation programs, meditation for prisoners, free medical camps, free
meals, a one-year residential training program in India called the Life Bliss Technology program,
an in-house gurukul system of learning for children, and many more such services are offered
around the world.

Employing time-tested vedic knowledge and modern technology, the Mission ashrams and centers
the world over serve as spiritual laboratories where inner growth is a profound achievement.
Today, they are much sought after as ideal destinations to explore, experiment and experience
through a host of programs, courses and research facilities in diverse subjects from meditation to
the sciences.

Established in 2003, Nithyananda Mission has grown today into a worldwide movement for bliss,
standing for the ideal of realizing an enlightened humanity and thereby raising the collective
consciousness of planet earth.

Programs and Workshops
Nithyananda Mission offers specialized meditation programs worldwide, to benefit millions of
people at the levels of body, mind and spirit. A few of them are listed below:

Life Bliss Program Level 1 (LBP Level 1)

- Energize yourself
A chakra based meditation program that relaxes and energizes the seven major chakras or subtle
energy centers in your system. It gives clear intellectual and experiential understanding of your
various emotions such as greed, fear, worry, attention-need, stress, jealousy, ego, and discontentment.
It is designed to create a spiritual effect at the physical level. It is a guaranteed life solution to
experience the reality of your own bliss. When you are liberated from a particular emotion, you
experience a new world, a new energy. It has been experienced as a highly effective workshop by
millions of people around the globe.

Life Bliss Program Level 2 (LBP Level 2)

- Death demystified!
A meditation program that unleashes the art of living by demystifying the process of dying. This
program creates the space to detach from ingrained and unconscious emotions like guilt, pleasure
and pain, all of which stem from the ultimate fear of death. It is a gateway to a new life that is
driven by natural intelligence and spontaneous enthusiasm.

Life Bliss Program Level 3 - Atma Spurana Program (LBP Level 3 - ATSP)
- Connect with your Self!
An indepth program that analyzes clearly the workings of the mind and shows you experientially
how to be the master of the mind rather than be dictated by it. It imparts tremendous intellectual
understanding coupled with powerful meditations to produce instant clarity and integration.

Life Bliss Program Level 3 - Bhakti Spurana Program (LBP Level 3 - BSP)
- Integrate your devotion
A program that reveals the different dimensions of relating with others and with your deeper self.
It clearly defines relationship as that which kindles and reveals your own unknown dimensions to
you. It allows you to experience the real depth and joy of any relationship in your life.
Life Bliss Technology (LBT)
- A free residential life sciences program
Life Bliss Technology (LBT) is a residential program for youth between 18 and 30 years of age.
With its roots in the Eastern system of vedic education, this program is designed to empower
modern youth with good physical, mental and emotional health and practical life skills. By nurturing
creative intelligence and spontaneity, and imparting life skills, it creates economically self-sufficient
and spiritually fulfilled youth. Above all, it offers a lifetime opportunity to live and learn under the
tutelage of an enlightened master.

Inner Awakening
An enlightenment intensive program for sincere seekers offering yoga, powerful teachings,
meditation, initiation and more. This program is an intense experience to prepare the body-mind
system to hold and radiate the experience of living enlightenment.

An advanced meditation program for seekers where the presence of the master and the intense
energy field lead one to the state of nithya ananda or eternal bliss. It offers a range of techniques
from meditation to service to sitting in the powerful presence of the master.

An experiential meditation program sowing in one the seed of:
Shakti, the Energy to understand and change whatever you need to change in life,
Buddhi, the Intelligence to understand and accept whatever you dont need to change in life,
Yukti, the Clarity to understand and realize that however much you change, whatever you see as
reality is itself a continuously changing dream,
Bhakti, the Devotion, the feeling of deep connection to That which is unchanging, eternal and
Ultimate, and
Mukti, the Ultimate Liberation into Living Enlightenment when all these four are integrated.

Nithyananda Mission Highlights
Meditation and de-addiction camps worldwide: Over 2 million people impacted to date
Nithya Spiritual Healing: A system of cosmic energy healing administered free through
5000 ordained healers, through our worldwide ashrams and centers, touching 20,000 people
globally every day, healing both mind and body
Anna Daan or free food program: 10,000 nutritious meals distributed every week through
all the ashram anna mandirs or food temples for visitors, devotees and disciples
The Nithyananda Order and its training: Spiritual aspirants ordained as Sannyasis,
Brahmacharis and Brahmacharinis who undergo years of intensive training in yoga, meditation,
deep spiritual practice, Sanskrit, vedic chanting, life skills, and who run the 100% volunteer
based ashrams of Nithyananda Mission worldwide, working in all Mission activities
International Vedic Hindu University (IVHU) (the former Hindu University, Florida,
USA): Paramahamsa Nithyananda was unanimously elected as chairman (chancellor) of
International Vedic Hindu University which provides education in Eastern philosophies,
therapeutics, vedic studies, meditation science and more through Bachelor of Science, Post
Graduate and Diploma degrees
Nithya Yoga: A revolutionary system of yoga in the lines of sage Patanjalis original teachings,
taught worldwide.
Temples and Ashrams: Over 30 Vedic temples and ashrams worldwide.
Meditation Programs in prisons: Conducted in prisons and juvenile camps to reform
extremist attitudes, resulting in amazing transformation among the inmates.
Medical Camps: Free treatment and therapies in allopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda, acupuncture,
eye check-ups, eye surgeries, artificial limb donation camps, gynecology and more
Support to children in rural areas: School buildings, school uniforms and educational
materials provided free to rural schools.
Life Bliss Technology: A free two year / three month program for youth teaching Life
Engineering and the science of enlightenment
Nithyananda Gurukul: A modern scientific approach to education combined with the vedic
system of learning aimed at protecting and developing the innate intelligence of the child
who flowers without repression, fear or peer pressure

Corporate Meditation Programs: Specially designed and conducted in corporate firms
worldwide including Microsoft, AT&T, Qualcomm, JP Morgan, Petrobras, Pepsi, Oracle,
American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), with focus on intuitive
management, leadership skills and team work.
Nithyananda Institute of Teachers Training: Over 300 teachers trained to teach
transformational meditation programs, Quantum Memory Program, Nithya Yoga, Health
and Healing Programs, Spiritual Practice Programs and more
Media: Articles in national and international newspapers and magazines, carrying transforming
messages from Nithyananda
Nithyananda Publishers: Over 4700 hours of Paramahamsa Nithyanandas discourses
transcribed, edited and published in-house and made available in stores through books, DVDs
and CDs
Life Bliss Gallerias: Worldwide stores and mobile shops retailing recordings and books of
Nithyanandas discourses and Nithya Kirtan recordings in 23 languages
Nithyananda Meditation & Healing Centers: Worldwide, offering meditation and healing
Nithyananda Sangeeth Academy: Music, dance and other forms of art taught and
encouraged in youth and elderly alike, both live and through internet
Free Discourses on YouTube: Over 500 free discourses on giving
wisdom from the master, in an easily accessible manner. Ranked top in viewership
Support to scientists and researchers: Continually bridging gaps between science and
spirituality through researches on spiritual energy and healing.
Nithyananda Youth Foundation: A collection of inspired youth, building a divine and
dynamic society with a common ideology of peace and enlightenment
Nithya Dheera Seva Sena: Through transformation of self, this volunteer force of Ananda
Sevaks trains and functions in the service of humanity, also serving as relief wing working
towards disaster recovery management.

Contact Us
Listed below are some of the main centers of Nithyananda Mission.
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Vedic Temple
9720 Central Avenue, Montclair, CA 91763
Ph.: +1 909 625 1400

Kuala Lumpur
14, Jalan Desa Gombak 5, Taman Desa Gombak
Ph.: +601 78861644 / +601 22350567

Bengaluru, Karnataka
(Spiritual headquarters and Vedic Temple)
Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Nithyanandapuri, Off Mysore Road,
Bidadi, Bengaluru - 562 109
Karnataka, INDIA
Ph.: +91 +80 27202801 / +91 92430 48957

Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam
Leelaghar Bldg, Manikarnika ghat
Varanasi, INDIA

Ph.: +91 +99184 01718

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Sri Anandeshwari Temple, Nithyananda Giri,
Pashambanda Sathamrai Village, Shamshabad Mandal
Rangareddy District - 501 218
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Ph.: +91 +84132 60044 / +91 98665 00350

Salem, Tamil Nadu

Nithyanandapuri, 102, Azhagapurampudur
(Behind Sharada College), Salem 636 016
Tamilnadu, INDIA
Ph.: +91 +427 2449711

Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu

Nithyanandapuri, Girivala path
Tiruvannamalai 606 604
Tamilnadu, INDIA
Ph.: +91 +4175 237666

Rajapalayam, Tamilnadu
Nithyanandapuri, Kothainachiarpuram,
Sankaran Coil Road,
Rajapalayam, Virudhunagar District
Tamilnadu, INDIA
Ph.: +91 +4563 230001 / +91 +98421 30008

Embalam to Villianoor Main Road,
Embalam Post, Pondicherry - 605 106
Ph.: +91 94420 36037 / + 91 97876 67604

For further information visit

Nithyananda Galleria
A wide range of products for blissful living:
Nithyanandas insightful messages on video, audio tapes, CDs and books in over 20 languages.
Enlivening music and chants for meditation and deep inner healing.
Meditation and yoga books, kits and CDs for rejuvenating body, mind and spirit.
Energized rosaries, bracelets, photographs, clothing and gift items for a stimulating life
Ethnic energy bead jewelry for men and women for tranquility and continued high energy.
Visit for more information.

Suggested for Further Reading

Guaranteed Solutions
Dont Worry Be Happy
Nithyananda Vol. 1
Instant Tools for Blissful Living
You Can Heal
Follow Me In!
The Door to Enlightenment
Songs of Eternity
You are No Sinner
So You Want to Know The Truth?
Uncommon Answers to Common Questions

Over 500 FREE discourses of Nithyananda available at



Abdulla Abdullah Ansari of Herat, a Sufi master.

Abhisheka A ceremonial bath performed in the worship of a deity.
Adhomukha shvanasana
The downward-dog posture in yoga.
Adi Shankara Enlightened master from India who lived only 32 years in the eight century
CE. Greatest exponent of the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta or non-dualism,
whose movement restored glory to the declining vedic tradition and Hinduism
during that period. Shankara established the Hindu order of monks which
continues unbroken till today.
Agamya The actions one constantly does out of free will after taking birth on planet
earth. These are not born out of true desires but from desires borrowed
from society, by looking at others.
Aham Brahmasmi
Literally means I am god. Aham means I am. Brahman means god or supreme
being. The statement refers to the essence of the soul which is ever identical
to god.
Ahankar The false identification of the pure inner self with the outer world. A form
of ego that makes you project a false identity of you to the outer world.
Ajapa japa Chanting a sacred chant involuntarily.
Ajna chakra The sixth energy center located between the eyebrows. Means command or
will in Sanskrit. This chakra is blocked by ones own ego.
Akbar Moghul emperor.
Albert Einstein Scientist and Nobel laureate.
Allopathy Generally refers to western medicine.
Amrutasya putraha
Sons of Immortality.
Anahata chakra Subtle energy center in the heart region related to love.
Anahata Dhvani The primordial sound of creation, Om.

Anal-Haq I am the Truth. Said to have been constantly uttered by the Sufi master Mansur,
who was hanged to death for this sacrilege.
Ananda Literally means that which cannot be reduced.
Ananda Ashtanga
Eight fold path of bliss, referring to eight practices each of which leads to
Ananda Darshan Ananda Darshan or Energy Darshan refers to the blessing given by a master
imparting his energy to the recipient.
Ananda Gandha chakra
Situated in between the navel or manipuraka chakra and heart or anahata chakra,
Ananda Gandha is the point where all chakras collapse into one. Nithyanandas
healing initiation to a disciple energizes the Ananda Gandha and initiates the
disciple into Nithya Spiritual Healing.
Ananda Sankalpa
Blissful Affirmation is the second step in the Ananda Ashtanga process.
Anandamaya kosha
Bliss Sheath is the fifth and final energy layer in the five layers known as koshas.
A meditative journey through the five koshas is the essence of Nithyanandas
Life Bliss Program Level 3 - Atma Spurana Program.
Anima Anima siddhi is one of the eight yogic powers, referring to the power of
decreasing ones body size to that of a minute particle.
Annamacharya Mystic saint composer of South India.
Annamalai Swamigal
Disciple of Ramana Maharishi in the temple town of Tiruvannamalai, whose
teachings led to Nithyanandas deep spiritual experience as a young boy.
Annamaya kosha Food or Physical sheath, the first of the five koshas or energy sheaths.
Annie Besant Theosophist and Indian freedom fighter, writer and orator.
Anubhava Experience, especially knowledge born out of repetitive experiences.
Appar Tamil poet saint and author of Thevaram, devotional songs in praise of
enlightened master Shiva. One of the most prominent of the 63 Nayanmars,
Tamil saints who were devotees of Shiva.

Arati Fire ritual performed at the end of most vedic worship done with lighted
lamps or camphor, accompanied often by devotional songs.
Arihanta Term used for Tirthankars, spiritual leaders of the Jain religion.
Arjuna Warrior prince and the third of the five brothers of the Pandava family in the
great Indian epic Mahabharata. He was a disciple of enlightened master Krishna
who received the wisdom in the Bhagavad Gita from Krishna.
Arunachala Literally the unmoving red mountain in Tiruvannamalai in Tamilnadu in South
India, this mystical hill is considered a representation of lord Shiva.
Arunagiri Yogeeshwara
The temple of Arunachaleswara in Tiruvannamalai is built on the living energy
tomb of Arunagiri Yogeeshwara, who is considered an incarnation of
enlightened master Shiva.
Asana Physical posture and one of the eight paths of yoga in Patanjalis Ashtanga
Yoga. Asana must be stable and comfortable.
Ashram A monastery for Hindu or Buddhist monks.
Ashrama The four stages in ones life: brahmacharya as a student, grihastha as a married
householder, vanaprastha at the end of a productive married life and sannyasi as
a person who renounces all material aspects in life.
Ashramite Resident of ashram.
Ashtanga namaskar
Prostrating to a deity or master by lying on the floor with all eight limbs of the
body touching the earth.
Ashtanga yoga Eight limbs or paths of Patanjalis Yoga: yama (discipline), niyama (rules), asana
(body postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses),
dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (bliss).
Ashtavakra An enlightened vedic sage who was born with eight crooked limbs. He is the
author of the Ashtavakra Gita.
Atma deepo bhava
Buddhas message to his disciples exhorting them, Be a lamp unto your Self .
Atma gnana Self Realization.
Atma sharanagati Surrender of the Self.

Atman Soul, spirit, consciousness etc as referring to the individual imperishable energy
that is a holographic image of the Cosmic Consciousness or Brahman.
Atmano mokshartham jagat hitaya cha
For ones own salvation and for the welfare of the world, this is the motto
of the Ramakrishna Order coined by Swami Vivekananda.
Ayurvaidyans Practitioners of the traditional Indian medicinal system of ayurveda.
Ayurveda Traditional Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda literally means knowledge of
Ayurvedic Related to ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine.
Bardos Literally interval between two things as in the Tibetan Book of the Dead,
referring to different phases of the passage of the spirit.
Bayazid A 9th century Persian Sufi saint.
Bhagavad Gita Ancient Indian scripture, delivered by enlightened master Krishna, and
considered the essence of the Upanishads or scriptures.
Bhagavan Used as a title of veneration with great masters, literally meaning prosperous.
Bhagavan Mahavir
Vardhamana Mahavira was the 24th and last Jain tirthankara or enlightened
one, and established the tenets of the religion of Jainism, founded in India
and now practiced by millions worldwide.
Bhagavatam The foremost epic of Hindu religion describing the incarnations of Vishnu,
especially his incarnation as Krishna. It was written by Vyasa, who was also the
author of the itihasa or epic Mahabharata.
Bhaja Govindam Collection of 32 (sometimes 34) devotional verses composed by enlightened
master Adi Shankara. This is considered to be the essence of Vedanta and
Advaita, non-duality.
Bhakti Devotion.
Bhakti yogi A person who follows the path of devotion, bhakti yoga, as a means to
Bharatanatyam Classical South Indian dance form.
Bhava Emotional mood, referring here to the five emotional ways in which a disciple
can interact with the master.

Bhujangasana Cobra posture in Yoga, in which the head is raised while lying down.
Bidadi ashram Nithyanandas spiritual headquarters in Bidadi township, about 30 km from
Bangalore city.
Big Bang Cosmological model of the universe where the universe is considered to have
originated from a highly dense initial state at some time in the past, and continues
to expand to this day.
Bija Seed.
Bija mantra Seed mantra or an energized chant that is specific to a deity or master.
Birbal Advisor to Moghul emperor Akbar.
Black hole A theoretical region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful
that nothing, not even light can escape from it.
Bodhidharma A disciple of Buddha and mainly responsible for spreading Buddhism as Zen
Brahma The Creator amongst the Hindu Trinity of Gods.
Brahmaanda Cosmos or macrocosm as opposed to pindanda, the individual microcosm.
Brahmachari A vedic student, usually referring to a young celibate monk.
Brahmacharini A female vedic student, usually referring to a young celibate monk.
Brahmagnana Knowledge of the Absolute.
Brahman Absolute, Cosmic Consciousness, formless god etc all referring to the universal
energy source of which the individual energy of the soul is a holographic
Brahmanda Purana
A collection of 12,000 verses in what is usually considered the last and eighteenth
Hindu purana or epic. This purana is the story of the creation of the universe
by Brahma.
Buddha Enlightened master and founder of the religion of Buddhism.
Buddhi Intelligence.
Buddhism Religion founded by enlightened master Buddha.
Carl Jung Renowned 20th Century Swiss psychiatrist and contemporary of Sigmund
Freud. He was renowned for his work on the collective unconscious.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
A 15th century mystic from Bengal, India steeped in devotion to enlightened
master Krishna. His followers are known as Gaudiya Vaishnavas.
Chakras Energy centers in the body. Literally means wheel based on the experience
of mystics who perceived these energy centers as whirlpools of energy. There
are seven major chakras along the spine: muladhara, swadhishthana, manipuraka,
anahata, vishuddhi, ajna and sahasrara.
Chakshu Energy behind the power of sight.
Chandogya Upanishad
One of the oldest and primary Upanishads or scriptures.
Charles Leadbeater Theosophist.
Chidambaram A place in South India famous for its ancient temple dedicated to enlightened
master Shiva in his dancing form as Nataraja and where he is represented as
the space energy.
Chin mudra Palms upraised with thumb and forefinger forming a circle and other three
fingers outstretched.
Chitta Memory.
Chittakasha The middle part of the three space or akasha definitions. First is ghatakasha or
the physical space. Mahakasha is the third infinite space of Consciousness.
Christianity Religion based on teachings of Jesus Christ.
Cleve Backster A polygraph expert who studied behavior of plants subjected to threats and
affection using the lie detector equipment.
Dakshinamurthy Swamigal
Enlightened master from South India.
Darshan Literally sight, referring to the vision of the divine, a deity or master.
Dasa bhava One of the five forms of relationships between master and disciple. Dasa
bhava refers to the emotional mood of the disciple as a servant in surrender to
the master, exemplified by Hanumans relationship with Rama.
Dasoham Means I am the servant signifying surrender to master.
Dattatreya Representation of the Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in one

Deepak Chopra A medical doctor who writes and teaches spirituality in USA. His works on
wellness related to mind-body integration have been bestsellers.
Devi Supreme goddess in Hinduism, Cosmic Mother.
Dhamma Representing the teachings of the enlightened master Buddha. Buddha spoke
of the three elements of his mission, Buddha the master, dhamma his teachings
and sangha his community.
Dhammapada Teachings of Buddha in scriptural form.
Dharana Concentration. The sixth limb of Patanjalis Ashtanga Yoga.
Dharma Sanskrit equivalent of the Pali word dhamma used by Buddha. Also translated
as righteous behavior.
Dharmo rakshati rakshitaha
A vedic scriptural statement that means: Dharma protects those who protect it.
Dhauti A yogic practice of cleansing intestines.
Dheera Courageous person. Term used by Swami Vivekananda in exhorting his
Dhyana Meditation. Seventh of the eight limbs of Patanjalis Ashtanga Yoga.
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid, the building block of all living beings containing the
genetic code.
Dr Charles Townes
Nobel laureate in physics for work related to maser and laser.
Dr. Bruce Lipton Molecular cellular biologist and author of The Biology of Belief , renowned
for his seminal work in relating genetics to conditioning.
Dr. Masaru Emoto Japanese scientist and author of The Hidden Messages in Water showing
the effects of ones thoughts and words on water and therefore on living
Draupadi Princess in the Hindu epic Mahabharata who was married to all five warrior
brothers of the Pandava family.
Dukkha ateeta Beyond sorrow and pain.
Dukkha Harana Removal of sorrows meditation that is part of Nithyanandas Life Bliss
Programs. Addresses the root energy center muladhara.
Dvija Twice born. Refers to the state of awakening of Consciousness.

Machine which uses electrodes attached to the scalp to measure brain wave
Engram Shortened form for engraved memories, referring to value systems, beliefs
and conditioning memories that are stored in our unconscious mind, which
drive us in our thoughts and actions.
Freudian Referring to teachings of Austrian psychologist and father of modern psychiatry
Sigmund Freud.
Gananaatha Refers to Hindu god Ganesha.
Ganas Devotees of enlightened master Shiva.
Ganga The most celebrated river in India, considered holy by all Hindus.
Gayatri mantra Considered to be one of the most powerful mantras in the vedic tradition,
Gayatri was the initiation mantra for all young students.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Psychological condition of constant worry leading to stress and fatigue.
George Gurdjieff Greek Armenian mystic and spiritual teacher famous for his principle of Fourth
Way, corresponding to the turiya state in vedic tradition.
Gnana Knowledge.
Gnana shakti Energy of knowledge.
Gnana yogi One who follows the path of knowledge for Self Realization.
Goddess Saraswati Hindu goddess of learning.
Gomukh Source of river Ganga.
Gopis Women who tended cows who were devotees of enlightened master Krishna.
Guru Spiritual master.
Guru Granth Sahib Scripture of the Sikh religion.
Guru Krupa Compassion of the master.
Guru Nanak Founder of Sikh religion.
Guru puja Ritual worship of the master.
Gurukul Vedic educational institution.

Gurus Spiritual masters.
Hasya Dhyana Laughter meditation.
Hamsa Mantra Also called soham mantra, it is practised by intoning hmmm while inhaling and
sssooo while exhaling.
Hanuman The monkey god revered by Hindus and a disciple of Rama.
Hara Seat of the soul in Japanese tradition, corresponds to swadhishthana chakra or
subtle energy center related to fear.
Hatha Yoga A form of Yoga developed by Yogi Swatmarama focusing on the physical
aspects of Patanjalis ashtanga yoga.
Himalayas The mountain range that separates Indian sub continent from Tibetan plateau
and home of the tallest peak Mount Everest. In Sanskrit, it means the temple
of snow.
Hinduism Religion of most Indians. Developed from the vedic principles of sanatana
dharma, the eternal law, that gave rise to other religions such as Buddhism,
Jainism, Sikhism etc.
Hindus Followers of Hindu religion, estimated at over a billion people.
Homas Vedic rituals to connect to the elemental energy of fire.
Hoo kara Hoo sound produced from the mouth during exhalation in meditation.
Hreem Bija or seed mantra relating to feminine energy.
Iccha shakti Energy of desire. The other two are kriya shakti, energy of action and gnana
shakti, energy of knowledge.
Ida nadi Ida is one of the three major nadis, energy pathways in the body. Arises from
the muladhara, root energy center. Ida is the left nadi, ends at the left nostril, is
feminine, cool, represents the moon.
Idli South Indian delicacy, a rice lentil steamed dish.
Issac Newton Physicist and mathematician, pioneer of classical physics.
Institute of HeartMath
A not-for-profit organization promoting heart based living.
Isavasya Upanishad
One of the major and oldest vedic scriptures.

Ishwara Supreme.
J. Krishnamurthi Renowned Indian philosopher.
Jagat Universe.
Jain Follower of the religion of Jainism.
Jain sutras Scriptures of Jainism, mainly teachings of Mahavira.
Jalaluddin Rumi 13th century Persian Sufi poet.
Janma marana chakra
Cycle of birth and death.
Japa Repetition of a mantra or sacred syllable either silently or loudly.
Jataraagni Inner fire that sustains life.
Jeeva Usually the imperishable spirit that dwells in all living beings.
Jeevan mukta A person who achieves liberation from the cycle of birth and death during
ones lifetime.
Jeevan mukti The state of jeevan mukta or who achieves liberation from the cycle of birth
and death during ones lifetime.
Jesus Christ Founder of Christianity.
John C Maxwell Leadership expert and writer.
John Gardner Author of many leadership books.
Juliet Female lead character in English poet Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet.
Junaid 9th century Sufi master.
Karana sharira Causal layer, the fifth energy layer in us, corresponding to deep sleep. The
source of conditioned memories or engrams.
Kabir Mystic devotional poet of India.
Kalpataru Boon-giving tree.
Kalpataru darshan A meditation darshan program of Nithyananda.
Kamandalu Water pot carried by Hindu monks.
Kapha One of the three doshas or attributes of the body in Ayurveda. Energy related
to the elements of water and earth. Kapha is structure and lubrication.

Kapilavastu Kingdom where enlightened master Buddha was born.
Karma The vedic concept of ones freewill actions deciding ones destiny.
Karma bandha Bound by ones actions, since they are performed with vested interests.
Karma mukta Free of ones actions, because they are performed without attachment.
Karma yoga The path of Self Realization by fulfilling ones responsibilities without attachment.
Karmic Referring to karma.
Karurar South Indian mystic saint upon whose immortal remains, the temple at Tanjore
is believed to have been built.
Kathopanishad One of the major Upanishad or scriptures that features the interaction between
Yama, Hindu god of death and a young boy Nachiketa.
Kayakalpa Body rejuvenation and anti ageing technique of ayurveda, traditional Indian
system of medicine.
Keertans Devotional songs.
Khalil Gibran 20th Century Lebanese American poet best known for his The Prophet.
King Harishchandra
Legendary Indian ruler who was renowned for keeping his word at whatever
King Janaka Indian king of the kingdom of Videha with the capital of Mithila, well-known
for his righteousness.
Kirlian photography
High voltage photograms used to record auras of living beings.
Konganavar Hindu saint and disciple of Bogar, upon whose immortal remains, Tirupati
temple is said to have been built.
Koshas Five energy sheaths around the physical body. Described in detail in the vedic
text, Taittreya Upanishad.
Krishna Enlightened master from India who delivered the Truths of the Bhagavad
Kriya Action.
Kriya shakti Energy of action. Other two energies are energy of desire and energy of

Kshana Interval between two thoughts.
Kuchela Childhood friend of enlightened master Krishna who exemplifies the
relationship of friendship between master and disciple.
Kulaarnava Tantra
Ancient literature said to be authored by enlightened master Shiva.
Kumbh Mela Spiritual gathering which happens once in three years in India at one of the
four places of Prayag, Hardwar, Ujjain and Nasik on the banks of sacred
Kundalini shakti Extraordinary potential energy which is hidden inside every human body. If it
is awakened, it will take you to a different plane of consciousness or existence.
Kunti In the Hindu epic Mahabharata, the mother of the five Pandava brothers
who stood for righteousness.
Lamas Buddhist monks.
Leela Divine play, especially that of Krishna.
Rama Prince of the kingdom of Ayodhya in the Indian epic Ramayana.
Madhura bhava The relationship of beloved between master and disciple.
Madhyapantha Middle Path prescribed by enlightened master Buddha. It represents the power
of witnessing that causes one to be in moderation without being pushed and
pulled into extremes of emotions.
Madurai Temple town in south India. A major pilgrim center with the temple to
Meenakshi and her consort Sundareshwara, an aspect of enlightened master
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Equipment and technique for body imaging providing greater contrast to
soft tissues than X rays.
Maha bhava The ultimate expression in master disciple relationship transcending all ordinary
Mahabharata The Hindu itihasa or epic whose central characters are the five Pandava princes,
their hundred Kaurava cousins and enlightened master Krishna.
Mahakaasha The third space of the infinite beyond.

Mahamantra Humming meditation that energizes the anahata chakra and taught as part of
Nithyanandas Life Bliss Programs.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
20th Century Indian spiritual teacher and promoter of Transcendental
Meditation TM.
Mahavakya Great sayings from the Upanishads. There are four: Aham Brahmasmi, Tat Tvam
Asi, Ayam Atma Brahma and Prajnanam Brahma. All four mean that You are the
Mahavira Vardhamana Mahavira was the 24th and last tirthankara or enlightened one,
and established the tenets of the religion of Jainism, founded in India and
now practiced by millions worldwide.
Mamakar Inner ego that constantly says that you are smaller than what you think you are.
Manas Mind.
Manasa sharira Mental layer of energy.
Manickavasagar One of the 63 Nayanmars, devotees of enlightened master Shiva from
Manipuraka chakra
Subtle energy center located near the navel region, related to the emotion of
Manomaya kosha The third mental energy sheath in the five koshas or energy sheaths.
Mantra Literally means that which shows the way. Sacred syllables that have a powerful
positive vibrational effect.
Mara The demon of evil in Buddhist tradition.
Maslow American psychologist famous for his concept of the five layered hierarchy
of needs.
Matru bhava The relationship of a child to a mother in the context of master disciple
Maya Literally That which is not. The concept that life is but a dream, however real
it may seem while being experienced.
Meenakshi The goddess at Madurai in south India. She is said to be a saint upon whose
immortal remains, the temple has been built.

Meerabai Princess of Chittor, a devotee of Krishna, mystical poetess and singer, who
was ill-treated by her husband for her devotion to Krishna.
Milarepa Tibetan Yogi and disciple of Tibetan Buddhist teacher Marpa.
Mithyam Impermanent, opposite of nithyam which is eternal.
Mithyananda Someone who represents and teaches impermanent happiness.
Moksha Liberation through Self Realization.
Mrutyunjaya Chant for victory over death.
Mudra Signs formed with hands during yoga practices, especially meditation, to
distribute and seal energy within the body.
Mukti Liberation through Self Realization.
Muladhara chakra Subtle energy center at the root of the spine, related to the emotions of
greed and lust.
Muruganar A disciple of enlightened master Ramana Maharishi and Tamil poet who
composed many verses about Ramana.
Na maha I am not or I surrender. Most Hindu ritual mantras end with this statement.
Nalanda A great Buddhist center of learning in modern day Bihar in India comprising
a university and library.
Namaskar Hindu custom of greeting. Means I bow to you.
Namo Homage, refers to masters and deities as in Om namo narayanaya, with reference
to Vishnu.
Namo Arihanta I bow down to Arihanta, the Jain master and deity.
Narmada Fifth largest Indian river starting from Vindhya Hills in central India flowing
east to west joining the Arabian Sea.
Nataraja Enlightened master Shiva in the dancing form in the temple of Chidambaram
in south India.
Nawab A noble of the Mogul empire.
Nayanmars Tamil devotee saints of enlightened master Shiva, 63 in number, whose life
stories are told in the book Periya Puranam.
Neti Nasal cleansing technique of yoga.
Neuroplasticity Changes in brain structure based on experiences.
Nidra devi Goddess of sleep.
Nile The longest river in the world flowing through Sudan, Egypt etc in Africa.
Nirvana Liberation through Self Realization.
Nirvana Shatakam A collection of six verses sung by enlightened master Adi Shankara at the age
of eight to introduce himself to his master, Govindapada.
Nirvanic Connected to nirvana. The nirvanic layer is the seventh and final energy layer in
our body-mind.
Nithya ananda Eternal Bliss.
Nithya Dhyaan Meditation developed by Nithyananda as the daily meditation for his followers.
Nithya mukta Eternally liberated person.
Surya Namaskar
One of the techniques taught in Nithya Yoga, taught by teachers ordained by
Nithya Yoga Nithyanandas teachings of yoga taught by his teachers and based on the body
language of Patanjali.
Nithyam Eternal.
Nithyananda spurana
Eternal flowering of bliss.
Niyama The second limb of Patanjali Ashtanga Yoga, concerning codes of behavior.
Oedipus and Electra complexes
Sexual desire of father to daughter and mother to son as defined by Freud.
Om The sacred syllable and symbol that represents creation in Hinduism.
Omkaara The sound of Om.
P.D.Ouspensky Russian philosopher, mathematician and student of enlightened master George
Pancha kriyas The five activities of a divine being: creation, sustenance, rejuvenation, creating
illusion, removing illusion.
Pandavas The five princes in the Hindu epic Mahabharata. Their father was Pandu.

Parabrahma Supreme Being.
Parama Shiva Supreme.
Paramahamsa Literally means Supreme Swan. Title bestowed on enlightened beings.
Paramahamsa Yogananda
An enlightened master well known for his book Autobiography of a Yogi.
He founded Self Realization Fellowship movement in USA in 1920.
Paramasthiti Supreme state.
Patanjali A sage of ancient India and author of Yoga Sutras, which is considered the
foundation of the system of yoga.
Periya Puranam A Tamil classic by Sekkizhar on the lives of the 63 Nayanmars, the devotee
saints of enlightened master Shiva.
Peter Drucker Management guru considered to be the father of modern management.
Pindanda Individual microcosm as against brahmanda or universe.
Pingala nadi Pingala is one of the three major nadis, energy pathways in the body. Pingala
ends in the right nostril, is hot and masculine, represents the sun.
Pitta One of the three doshas or attributes of the body in Ayurveda. Energy created
by the dynamic interplay of water and fire. They cannot change into each
other, but they modulate or control each other and are vitally required for the
life processes to occur.
Placebo A substance given as medicine but without any verified therapeutic effect.
Placebo effect Effect of placebos in curing people of illnesses.
Polygraph Lie detector machine.
Pondicherry A state in South India neighboring Tamilnadu.
Poornima Fullmoon day.
Prana Life energy or life force.
Prana sharira The second layer of energy body in the seven layer system.
Pranamaya kosha The second sheath of energy in the five layer kosha system.
Pranayama Breath control, one of the eight limbs of the Ashtanga yoga of Patanjali.
Pranic Related to prana or life energy.

Prarabdha Mindset and desires that we bring into this world when we are born.
Pratyahara Fifth limb of Patanjalis Ashtanga Yoga referring to turning away from sensory
Puja Hindu ritual worship.
Purashcharanam Repetition of mantra.
Purusha In Sankhya philosophy it is the male principle pure passive consciousness, as
different from the active female principle Prakriti.
Purusha Suktam A vedic chant dedicated to Purusha or the Supreme.
Quantitative Electro Encephalography
Study of brain waves.
Radha Chief among the gopis or cowherd women devotees of enlightened master
Raja sannyasi King amongst monks.
Rajas One of the three gunas or attributes of nature. Attribute of aggression.
Rama Prince of the kingdom of Ayodhya in the Indian epic Ramayana.
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Enlightened master from West Bengal in India. His chief disciple was Swami
Ramana Maharishi
Enlightened master, based in Tiruvannamalai in South India. He taught the
method of Self-inquiry, asking oneself, Who am I?, as the path to Self
Ramana Purana Stories about enlightened master Ramana Maharishi.
Ramanuja Founder of the Vishishtadvaita or modified duality principle. Along with Adi
Shankara and Madhva, considered to be one of the three great teachers of
Hindu philosophy.
Ramayana Hindu itihasa or epic about prince Rama. The original version was written by
poet sage Valmiki.
Ras Leela The spiritual interaction of enlightened master Krishna with the gopis or cowherd
women devotees.
Rene Descartes French philosopher scientist famous for his saying I think, therefore I am.

Rishis Vedic sages.
Romeo Male lead character in English poet Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet.
Rudraksh Seed of a tree used for Hindu rituals and for wearing. Retains energy of
Sadashiva Brahmendra
18th century Tamil saint and music composer.
Sadasoham I am always Brahman. I am always conscious.
Sadhana Spiritual practice.
Sahaja Spontaneous divine joy.
Sahasrara chakraThe seventh and final energy center at the crown of the head. Considered to
be a gateway rather than an energy center.
Sakha bhava Mode of friendship between master and disciple as with that of Arjuna and
Kuchela with Krishna.
Sakshi Witness.
Salem A city in Tamilnadu.
Samadhi The eighth and final limb of Ashtanga Yoga, refers to the uniting of the individual
consciousness with the universal consciousness. Same as moksha, mukti, nirvana
Samhara Dissolution.
Samsara Cycle of birth and death.
Samsara sagara Ocean of birth and death.
Samsari One who is caught in samsara or cycle of birth and death.
Samskara Engrams or deeply engraved memories.
Sanchita Bank of accumulated karmas from which we choose to bring into this birth a
few as prarabdha karma.
Sangha Community.
Sankalpa Vow or promise.
Sannyas Renunciation.
Sannyasi One who has renounced, a monk.

Sari One piece garment worn by Indian women.
Satan Representation of evil.
Satori High state of consciousness.
Satsangs Gatherings for prayer, meditation and spiritual purpose.
Sattva One of the three gunas or attributes of nature. Attribute of passive action.
Self Individual spirit, that which is imperishable when body and mind perish.
Self-Realization Awareness that one is the Cosmic energy.
Shaastra Scriptures.
Shaastra-shastras Scriptures as tools.
shakti Energy.
Shakti The supreme female principle, Cosmic Mother.
Shakti Dharana A meditation taught by Nithyananda to all Nithya Spiritual Healers.
Shanmukhi Mudra A mudra in which eyes, ears, nose and mouth are covered while meditating.
Shastra Weapon.
Shirdi Sai Baba An enlightened master worshipped by Hindus and Muslims alike. Lived in
Shirdi near Nasik in India.
Shiva Enlightened master from India. The word shiva literally means causeless
Shiva lingas Representation of enlightened master Shiva as a symbol of rejuvenation
combining male and female principles.
Shiva Sutras A collection of teachings of Shiva in epigram form as techniques. Includes
Vignana Bhairava Tantra, Guru Gita, Tiru Mandiram etc.
Shiva Tandava Cosmic dance of Shiva as Nataraja, seen in Chidambaram.
Shraddha Saburi Sincere commitment and perseverance. The essence of Shirdi Sai Babas
Siddha One who is a practitioner of the spiritual techniques.
Siddhis Yogic powers that arise during spiritual journey.
Sister Nivedita Anglo Irish disciple of Swami Vivekananda.

Socrates Greek Philosopher. Contemporary of Plato.
Soham Same as Hamsa.
Sufi Mystical dimension of Islam.
Sufis Followers of Sufism, a mystical dimension of Islam.
Sufism Mystical dimension of Islam.
Sushumna naadi Sushumna is one of the three major nadis, energy pathways in the body. Arises
from the muladhara, root energy center. Sushumna is the central pathway of the
kundalini energy and ends in the sahasrara at the crown of the head.
Sushupti Deep sleep.
Sutra Spiritual techniques offered in epigram form.
Svadharma Ones right path.
Swadhishthana chakra
Spleen energy center between base of spine and navel. Blocked by fear.
Swami A honorific term used for a sannyasi, a monk.
Swami Sri Yukteshwar Giri
Master of enlightened master Paramahamsa Yogananda.
Swapna Dream.
Taittreya Upanishad
One of the major Upanishads or scriptures that explains the concepts of the
five elements and five koshas or energy sheaths.
Takshila A center of learning mentioned in the Hindu epics of Ramayana and
Mahabharata, now a world UN (United Nations) heritage site in North eastern
Tamas One of the three gunas or attributes of nature. Attribute of inaction.
Tanjore art paintings
Devotional paintings from South India that use semi-precious stones and gold
as adornment.
Tantra Technique. A form of spiritual teaching that predates Vedas.
Tantra Ancient vedic tradition of achieving enlightenment through spiritual techniques
or practices, meditations and ritual worship.

Tapas Spiritual penance.
Tat tvam asi One of the great Truths meaning That Art Thou.
Tathata Suchness.
Thanjavur Town in South India famous for its massive temple and learning and cultural
Pratyakatma chaitanya jagrat
Awakening of the Consciousness and inner Self.
Tirupati Famous temple to Vishnu as Venkateshwara or Balaji in Andhra Pradesh,
South India.
Tiruvannamalai Temple town where Nithyananda was born and raised.
Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi
Yogic powers said to occur upon practice of advanced TM techniques.
Transcendental Meditation
Meditation technique popularized by Mashesh Yogi.
Turiya Fourth state of consciousness in which there are no thoughts and only awareness.
Tyagaraja 18th century south Indian Carnatic music composer.
Upanishad Scriptures that form the essence of the ancient texts of the Vedas. Literally
means sitting with the master. There are eleven main Upanishads that have
been commented on by enlightened master Adi Shankara.
Vaastu Shastra Vedic science of space, how we interact with the space around us.
Vajrasana A Yoga asana posture of sitting with the knees folded and your feet tucked
under, with the bottom resting on the heels.
Vak Energy behind speech.
Vakya Statement.
Vali Monkey King in the Hindu epic Ramayana who is killed by prince Rama.
Vanaprastha sannyas
The third stage of life according to the vedic tradition, where the wife and
husband lead the rest of their married life in spiritual activities in pursuit of the
ultimate Truth.
Vasana Mindset.

Vasudeva Kutumbaha
Statement of Krishna meaning The world is my family.
Vatha One of the three doshas or attributes of the body in ayurveda. Energy conceptually
made up of the elements ether and air. The proportions of ether and air
determine how active vatha is.
Vatsalya bhava Master disciple relationship in which the disciple sees the master as a child, as
with mother Yashoda and child Krishna.
Vedas Ancient scriptural texts explaining the deep spiritual Truths. There are four
main Vedas Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda. These texts
explain about the performance of sacrifice and consist of stories and chants.
The Vedas are considered to be revelations of the Truths that happened to the
mystics and seers.
Vedic Referring to Veda or ancient scriptures.
Veera Bravery.
Vijnanamaya kosha
Visualization sheath, the fourth kosha or energy sheath.
Vipassana Teaching of enlightened master Buddha to look inwards by observing breath.
Vishnu Sustainer in the Hindu Trinity of gods.
Vishuddhi chakra Chakra or subtle energy center in the throat region. Locked by comparing
ourselves with others.
Vivekachoodamani Enlightened master Adi Shankaras philosophical work.
Vivekananda Primary disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Founder of the
Ramakrishna Order. 19th century Eastern mystic considered a key figure in
spreading awareness of Hinduism and Yoga in Europe and America.
Warren Bennis Management and leadership consultant.
Yaksha Demigod who according to Hindu mythology guards wealth.
Yama Hindu god of death and justice.
yama The first limb of Ashtanga Yoga comprising observance of the five principles
of satya(truth), ahimsa(non-violence), asteya(non-stealing), aparigraha (minimal
possessions) and brahmacharya (celibacy).
Yamuna A holy Indian river associated with enlightened master Krishna.

Yantra A device, usually a metal plate that is energized, used in spiritual practices.
Yashoda Foster mother of enlightened master Krishna.
Yoga Literally means uniting of body-mind-spirit.
Yoga Sutras The book on yoga authored by enlightened master Patanjali.
Yogaha chitta vritti nirodhaha
The second verse of Yoga Sutra: Yoga is stopping of the mind.
Yudhishtra The eldest of the five princes of the Pandava family in the Indian epic
Yukti Clarity to know what needs to change and what needs to be accepted.
Zazen Sitting meditation in Zen.
Zen Japanese Buddhist practice. Derived from dhyana, meditation.
Zen koans Riddles given as techniques in Zen to aid Self Realization.

Nithyananda was intense in his spiritual quest right from a very young age.
As a young boy, he did various spiritual practices in the energy field of Arunachala.
Nithyananda as a young intense seeker
Addressing the Madras Management Asscoiation, Chennai, India on Enlightened Management - Lord
Krishnas way

Nithyananda personally conducts meditation programs from basic to advanced levels,

attended by thousands worldwide
Corporate talk on 'Intuitive Management' at Microsoft Corporation, Seattle, USA

Nithyananda has delivered many breakthrough messages giving solutions for the issues
faced by the corporate world. These corporate programs have been conducted in
corporate organizations like Microsoft, AT&T, Qualcomm, JP Morgan, Petrobras,
Pepsi, Oracle, etc

Nithyananda personally conducting a meditation program.

Ordained teachers also conduct yoga and meditation programs. These have touched
over 2 million people to date including children, youth, those in rural areas, prison
inmates, etc.
Nithyanandam, an advanced meditation program, at the Bidadi ashram in India, in
December 2005

Life Bliss Meditation Program Level 2 attended by thousands of students at a college in

South India
Kalpataru program in Malaysia, 20 November 2008

Addressing a large satsang in Tiruvannamalai, India, 21 December 2008

Satsangs are blissful gatherings of people to help them grow on the spiritual path.
Nithya Dhyaan, a 3-day meditation program in Bengaluru, India, December 20-22, 2007

Nithya Dhyaan or Life Bliss Meditation is a powerful and universal meditation working on
the body-mind-spirit leading one straight to the experience of living enlightenment.

The first Inner Awakening program, a 21-day program giving the keys to live
enlightenment, held in Bidadi ashram from December 1-21, 2008
First introductory talk on Nithya Yoga delivered to the yoga community in Los Angeles,
USA in September 2006

Nithya Yoga is the original Patanjali Yoga re-presented for the modern man. It is not just
yoga for physical exercise, but a deep science of preparing the body-mind to hold the
experience of living enlightenment.
Teachers' training program, Buckhorn, USA

Nithyananda personally trains and ordains teachers who conduct meditation and yoga
programs worldwide

Nithyananda conducts powerful meditation programs which provide both intellectual as

well as experiential understandings of the ultimate Truths.
Delivering discourses on the Bhagavad Gita at the Malibu Hindu Temple in Los Angeles,
USA, from 4-21 September, 2005

Nithyananda delivered discourses on Shiva Sutras in various locations worldwide in 2007

and at the Bidadi ashram, India in March 2008

Nithyananda has delivered a wide range of discourses from life solutions to the essence of
scriptures. His discourses so far include Bhagavad Gita, Shiva Sutras, Jain Sutras,
Ashtavakra Gita as well as the deeper truths in the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Delivering discourses on Ashtavakra Gita in Bengaluru, India in November 2005

Delivering discourses on Jain Sutras at

the Jain Temple & Cultural Center in
Beuna Park, California, USA,
March 6 and 7, 2007

Delivering discourses on Shiva Sutras

at the Bidadi ashram,
India, March 2008
Dhyana Spurana Program session in progress

Nithyananda conducts various specialized and advanced meditation programs

for seekers worldwide. These programs not only offer an intellectual
understanding but also an experiential understanding as well.
Participating in a book fair in Chennai, India, January 2008

Nithyananda Publishers have published over 200 books in 30 languages, which carry the
timeless truths and universal messages being delivered by Nithyananda.

Nithyananda Galleria is the one stop store (also available

online and in mobile vans) providing products of
Nithyananda Mission discourses in the form of books
and DVDs (over 4700 hours of discourses transcribed,
edited and published in-house and made available in
stores), lifestyle products, ayurvedic and herbal products.
Free weekly medical camp, Bidadi, India

Nithyananda Mission conducts

various service activities for the
welfare of people like
meditation programs in
schools, villages, prison
programs, health and
awareness camps, general and
specialized medical camps, in-
house and mobile dispensaries,
food donation camps etc.

Health fair, Ohio, 2007

LBT class in progress, Bidadi ashram, India

Life Bliss Technology (LBT) is a unique free two year residential program for youth
teaching Life Engineering and the science of enlightenment, helping them grow into
responsible and fulfilled individuals.

Meditation programs in prisons

Powerful free discourse clips online for free, watched by 8000 people per day from 120
countries. Over 500,000 views on have resulted
in Nithyananda becoming #1 watched spiritual leader.

The Mission activities can

be seen across over 18
websites featuring
meditation programs,
yoga, education, sacred
arts, online shopping and
humanitarian services.
Main website:
Encouraging a green Mother Earth
The sacred ancient healing banyan tree in Bidadi, the spiritual headquarters of the Mission,
represents the enlightened energy and is a mystical energy hub in the Bidadi ashram.

Accommodation for participants of meditation programs, Bidadi ashram, India

Participants of various residential meditation programs are provided comfortable

accommodation in the energy field of the ashram. Dormitory accommodation is also
available for program participants and for those who wish to stay in the healing energy field
Vedic temple, Ohio
Over 1200 full-time volunteers run the various ashrams, Vedic temples and mission
activities worldwide.

Vedic Temple, Montclair, USA

Hyderabad ashram, India
Nithyananda mission includes numerous ashrams and hundreds of centers worldwide
which are 100 percent volunteer based and stand to serve society by providing meditation
programs and social services in fields like health and education.

Nithyananda Mission in St. Louis, USA

Nithya Yoga classes are conducted in over 10 countries to date in various places like yoga
studios, colleges, bookstores, prisons etc

Free food serving

Nithyananda Food Temples worldwide serve an estimated average of 20,000 meals are
served daily.
Common utility items for orphanages

Over 100 service activities have been conducted by the Nithyananda Youth Foundation.
These include bread distribution in hospitals, donation of bicycles, school books, bags and
footwear as well as scholarships for students, meditation classes, food, rice and clothing
distribution, donation of road safety barricades, blood donation camps, donation of artificial
limbs, prayer and worship for prosperity, donating household items to orphanages, free
counseling, free saplings to encourage the green drive and support to old age homes.

Free bicycles for rural students

Blissful gathering (satsang) of the Nithyananda family in Brazil

An estimated 5000 satsangs have been conducted across 50 countries. The satsangs
include free Nithya Spiritual Healing services, discourses, group meditations and

Blissful meditation group, London

Life Bliss Program Level 3, Guadeloupe led by a senior swami of Nithyananda order

Over 300 ordained meditation and yoga teachers worldwide conduct basic to advanced
levels of courses in meditation and yoga.

Life Bliss Program Level 1, New Zealand

Life Bliss Program Level 1,

Nithyananda addresses various
forums to create awareness of
and spread the message of
global peace and religious

Second Kumbh Mela, held in Los Angeles on 9 September, 2007

Nithyananda Mission centers participate in the unique spiritual gathering of Kumbh
Mela conducted currently in various locations in India and USA to raise the collective
positivity of planet earth.
Yearly Himalayas Yatra

Nithyananda leads people on yatras or spiritual journeys to energy fields like Himalayas,
Varanasi, Angkor Wat and so on.

Varanasi yatra, June 2008

Free healing darshan, Bidadi, India, March 1-31, 2008

Nithya Spiritual Healing is a unique science of healing through the cosmic energy.
Nithyananda personally heals people and has initiated over 5000 Nithya Spiritual Healers
providing free healing service to an estimated 20,000 people worldwide per day.

Addressing a healers meet at the Bidadi ashram, India

Nithyananda regularly meets various groups of people - volunteers, ordained healers,
teachers and devotees at large.
Thousands at the Life Bliss Program Level 2 at an engineering college in India

Mass meditation program, Pondicherry, India

Meditation programs have been conducted in about 30 countries by 300 ordained teachers
Sitting with a group of ashramites in front of the 'Laughing Temple' in Bidadi ashram,
India, 2006.
This is the rare gift of upanishad sitting with the master which can directly lead one to
live enlightenment.

Taking classes for the gurukul students

Nithyananda Gurukul revives the unique vedic tradition of gurukul education. It is a
modern scientific approach to education combined with the vedic system of learning
protecting and developing the innate intelligence of the child who flowers without
repression, fear or peer pressure, into a confident, responsible and fulfilled individual.
Meditation programs in schools and for youth
Thousands of students have benefitted from the specially designed meditation, yoga and
memory programs.
(Gospel of Paramahamsa Nithyananda )

(Gospel of Paramahamsa Nithyananda )

(Gospel of Paramahamsa Nithyananda )

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