Amateur Photographer
Amateur Photographer
Amateur Photographer
Secrets of
Techniques and ideas for
dramatic backlit photos
best landscapes
Award-winning images, plus
how and where they were taken
A week in photography
Wildlife photographers, like community has united to try to stop the
photojournalists, are often decline. To nd out more, turn to pages 35-37.
witness to scenes of cruelty, Meanwhile, on a very different note, we
suffering and injustice that are want our camera tests to be as informative as
difcult to ignore, whether at possible for our readers so weve made our
In this issue the hands of man or nature. Sometimes they resolution tests easier to read. Weve reduced
12 Taking shape get directly involved, but mostly they let their the magnication of the crops we print, and
Tracy Calder explains pictures do the talking in the hope that they added an overview of the test pattern that they
how silhouettes can will be a catalyst for action. Now, as the worlds come from, to better illustrate what they mean.
add drama, mystery and elephant population continues to be decimated Head on to our camera tests from page 51
impact to your photos by poaching, the wildlife photography onwards. Nigel Atherton, Editor
22 Northern
exposure JOIN US amateurphotographer. amateurphotographer
ONLINE photographer.magazine amateurphotographer @AP_Magazine magazine
Ian Cameron, Scottish
Landscape Photographer
of the Year 2015, talks to
24 Scenes of
the sublime
We look at some of the
images from the Scottish
Landscape Photographer
of the Year competition
33 The picture that
changed my life
Jeremy Walker discusses
the Reed Cutter, Norfolk,
by Duncan McNicol
35 Never forget
Keith Wilson explains how
wildlife photographers are
using their images to help
preserve the elephant
38 When Harry met
How Harry Borden captured
his image of media mogul
Rupert Murdoch
41 Return to the
no-go zone
Set a narrow aperture to
bodies such as news agencies to store
and categorise images and help search for
Getting focused maximise depth of field,
but avoid going smaller
them. For more details visit landscapes than f/16 to prevent diffraction.
Typically, a narrow aperture will
Sharp focus is important in most photographic slow the shutter speed, so a
genres, but particularly so in landscapes. Even tripod or good image stabilisation
Free street workshops slightly soft landscape images will get marked down is nearly always needed.
Panasonic has announced a new in photo competitions, so be warned. Generally, the
series of free street photography aim with most landscapes is to capture all parts of
workshops, to be hosted by former
the scene in sharp focus from the foreground to Use a cable release to
AP Editor Damien Demolder. Aimed mid-ground and background; you are looking for avoid jarring the camera
at photographers of all levels,the maximum depth of field, in other words. Remember, as you press the shutter
day includes a constructive however, that depth of field is also affected by your button. Then, lock up the mirror
critique and a Q&A. Panasonic will lenss focal length and distance at which it is focused. or switch to the rear live-view
provide Lumix G cameras to use, So the longer the focal length, the shallower the screen. Use 100% live-view
and a free SD card to take home. depth of field, and vice versa. Read on for some magnification to check areas
Visit essential tips for sharply focused landscapes. that must be critically sharp.
Anybody can
be a great
if they zoom in
Change to manual focus
and focus a third of the enough on what
way into the frame
(a third up from the bottom they love
of the viewfinder), or refer David Bailey
to a hyperfocal distance
calculation chart. Again, check British fashion and portrait
photographer, b1938
all areas for sharpness.
At longer focal lengths
Fuji reveals
23mm f/2
FUJIFILM has revealed
full details of its new
wideangle lens, due out at
the end of this month.
Bird Photographer of
traditional black but also,
from next January, an
optional silver nish.
Of a similar size and
appeal of DxO One Hans Kruse: Isle of Skye workshop
THE TINY DxO One The addition of Wi-Fi the revamped One will Heres your chance to hone your photography skills with landscape
camera is set to allow connectivity raises the cost 399 and is due photographer Hans Kruse. He will help you get the best results
remote control from possibility that the camera out in the second half from the Isle of Skye landscape and share his expert advice on
Apple iPhones via a Wi-Fi may one day allow of September. post processing. This jam-packed workshop lasts six days.
connection. Currently, the control from Android The Wi-Fi modication 18-23 September,
DxO One, which is only smartphones, as it is no will be available to current
compatible with the longer constrained by a owners free of charge by
iPhone, can connect to physical connection. downloading the 2.0
the phone via its Lightning Billed as a pro-quality software update via the
connector. This allows the camera, miniaturised, iTunes store.
The Grey Ghost: New York
City Photographs
By Dan Winters, Rocky Nook, 37.71, 176
pages, hardback, ISBN 978-1-68198-083-6
photographer who had been
featured in a series of
international publications
such as Vanity Fair, Esquire
and GQ, moved from
California to New York in 1987 at the age of 25. The
Grey Ghost: New York City Photographs is a collection
of more than 100 images taken since his move; they
The Rouge, Study 52, Dearborn, Michigan, USA, 1994 display an artist not only exploring his capability as a
photographer, but also as a man attempting to nd his
place within a sprawling, schizophrenic landscape.
Theres something captivating about these images.
They consist of scenes that many street photographers
would overlook such is their visual quietude. Each
black & white frame almost feels like a whisper. Its an
interpretation apart from previous representations of
New York, and as a result stands well above many
previously seen projects.
odern man (Homo and rewarding, too. We share billions of
sapiens) evolved with a photographs on the internet every year.
more creative brain than Photography transcends any language
any other species. At the barrier, and a picture can now can be
same time, the conscious mind developed, shared with almost anyone worldwide
so, with his dexterous hands, modern man instantly. And here is a massive choice of
found he possessed the ability to solve daily photographic equipment, from
survival problems creatively. smartphones to agship DSLRs.
As social animals, we love to Once we have mastered the most basic
communicate ideas and experiences. And photographic equipment, its common to
as a species, we have become so want to graduate to more challenging
successful that we have invented gear. Then we will be in a position to Lois Greeneld @Lois_Greeneld
machines to manufacture machines that capture subjects that would have been
allow us to overcome the sort of dangers impossible previously. Our need to nd
Lois captures the graceful art of dance like no other
we faced in the past. As such, most of us new challenges in photography is partly
photographer. Her images are full of life, and the subjects
no longer need to face life-or-death what motivates manufacturers to create
almost seem to jump off the page. Read our interview with Lois
decisions any more, while in schools there new products.
in AP 23 January and at
is less emphasis on creative skills. Now, due to digital technology, Join the conversation @AP_Magazine
As a result, these days we can nd photography has become very democratic.
ourselves sitting around idly while machines In the past, we had to grapple not only with
cater to our survival needs. Yet we nd smelly chemicals, but also complicated
idleness unbearable. We hate having to timings and temperatures. But modern
wait. We hate lying in hospitals doing technology has made photography
nothing. Retirement is unbearable unless accessible to more people than ever
we have a hobby or two. We have a need to before. So, for those of us who possess
ddle with something that challenges us a primal urge to learn, to challenge
creatively and to communicate visually with ourselves and to be creative, digital
the results, as well as orally with our family photography fulls that need. We are
and friends. Even Stone Age man felt the limited only by our imaginations.
need to communicate visually, as cave
Eric Par @ericparephoto
We featured Eric
Pars extraordinary
images in our
6 August issue.
In the article he
showed us exactly
From DSLRs to smartphones, there is a huge range of equipment for the photographer how he sets up his
images and provides tips on how you can try it yourself. The
Do you have something youd like to get off your chest? Send us your thoughts in around results, as you can see, are more than worth the effort.
500 words to the address on page 21 and win a years digital subscription to AP, worth 79.99 Follow us at @amateurphotographermagazine
Taking shape
Silhouettes add drama, mystery and impact to your photographs,
says Tracy Calder, so dont be afraid of the dark take your
camera in hand and step into the shadows
Ensuring your
subject has a clear
and defined shape
leads to seriously
impressive results
Sony A7R II
Nikon D810
while featuring
subjects, still carry
an air of the
abstract about them
LED Lenser torch
The LED Lenser X21 R.2 torch features seven LEDs, making it a
bright, consistent light source for nocturnal photography. The
beam provides an intense spotlight (from a distance) and a
flawless flood light (up close). Its also robust and rechargeable.
Its impossible not to marvel at the photogenic Wrather Arch in Paria Canyon, northern Arizona, USA
Tom Dempsey
Tom bought his first camera in 1978, and in
2009 he wrote Light Travel: Photography on
the Go, a paperback sharing what he had
learned from more than 30 years on
the road. You can see more of Toms
photography at
This tree, with its
For me, silhouettes turn a photograph into a kind of exposed roots,
distinctly lacking. Thankfully, there are Rorschach test, says Tom. Details are reduced made for a great
several ways to guarantee sharp shots. down to a stark black outline, and the viewers eye sunrise silhouette
at Bryce Canyon
One option is to set a relatively small switches rapidly from positive to negative space, National Park in
aperture, such as f/11, which will adding a sense of atmosphere, mystery and drama. Utah, USA
provide enough depth of eld to allow Subjects with recognisable outlines, such as human
for small errors in focusing. (Using a and animal gures, make the strongest silhouettes,
small aperture also helps to limit but its important not to let the shapes overlap.
chromatic aberration, which is To obtain a good exposure, I take a meter
especially obvious in high-contrast reading from a medium tone in the bright
scenes.) If you do use a small aperture, background, being careful not to blow the highlights.
try to keep the ISO as low as possible Focusing is simply a case of training the lens on the
because noise is more noticeable in edge of the silhouette, taking a shot, and then
shadow areas, which is essentially reviewing it on the LCD screen at 100%. Toms top tips
what your subject comprises. The equipment I use for creating silhouettes 1 Expose for the background.
Another, much more precise method is really tends to depend on the subject Im shooting, 2 Focus on the edge of the silhouette.
to switch the camera to manual focus but the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX10 III is now my 3 Experiment with different points of view.
and train your lens on the point where ultimate travel camera. Its weather-sealed body
the outline of the silhouette meets the includes a f/2.4-4 lens thats super-sharp
bright backdrop in other words, the throughout the 24-600mm equivalent range.
area where contrast is at its greatest. For Unless the subject is moving, I tend to use aperture-
the best results, combine the methods. priority mode, and shoot raw to give me plenty of
Silhouettes make a bold statement, scope in post-production. I leave the ISO set to
adding mystery and drama while also auto, for convenience, but I try not to let it get above
suggesting solidity and permanence. 640, and if I think Im onto a real winner I will drop it
Including a prominent black shape in to 100. I dont tend to bracket, because I know that
the frame also draws attention to the the raw will give me plenty of dynamic range to play
space that surrounds it, offering plenty with later. It should go without saying that cameras
of opportunities for playing with do not see the way humans do, so its essential to
balance and scale. Silhouettes are carry out some work in Adobe Lightroom so the
more than just a novelty. les match your original vision. Trekkers against the face of Fang in Nepal
Laurent Baheux
Laurent has travelled the world shooting some
of the planets last remaining protected areas.
Laurent is a UNEP Goodwill Ambassador, and
also a supporter of WWF and the GoodPlanet
Foundation. You can see more of his
photography at
Most of my work captures simple, everyday scenes shot
in atmospheric locations, says Laurent. I enjoy shooting
silhouettes because they allow me to focus purely on
light, contrast and shadow the very essence of black &
white photography. Big mammals, such as elephants and
giraffes, make perfect subjects because their shapes are
so distinctive. In my line of work I have to be an
opportunist every safari is seen as a new adventure,
even if I have been to the same location many times.
One thing that remains the same is my approach: I
keep at least 20 metres from most of my subjects to
avoid any disturbance. I like to have complete control
over my pictures, so I tend to shoot in manual mode and
use manual focus autofocus can be a bit hit and miss
with silhouettes anyway. I take a spot-meter reading from
an especially light part of the scene, lock it in and turn my
attention to composition.
All my wildlife work is shot using a Nikon D4 or a Laurents top tips
D800, and my favourite lens is an AF-S Nikkor 800mm 1 Shoot early in the morning for fog and sweet light.
f/5.6 VR. I like high contrast and deep blacks (Im 2 Ignore details and colours, and concentrate on forms.
inspired by Sebastio Salgado), so I carry out quite a bit 3 Where possible, include trees in your silhouettes;
of work in Adobe Lightroom mainly boosting contrast they almost always improve the composition.
and counteracting the effects of fog or glare.
The technique of creating silhouettes in an image appeals
to me because I know that the viewers attention will be
taken directly to the main subject, says Erwin. Of all the
things you can shoot, my preferred subjects tend to be
people, but I believe that every photograph should tell a
necessary story. With that in mind, I try to put people into
some sort of context. Sometimes I will nd the perfect
location but there are too many people milling about, so I
have to wait for things to settle. Patience is incredibly
important in this respect. Id say the main thing is to make
sure that the background is uncluttered as this will help to
create separation between the two elements.
Im a big fan of passages as they make excellent
framing devices, and I often get down low for maximum
impact. Its also important to remember that you dont
have to limit yourself to shooting in daylight; you can use
streetlights and shop windows as your main source of
light. To obtain a dark silhouette I take a meter
reading from the brightest part of the background but, Pictures should tell a story,
so I try to give my subjects
for me, its more important to catch the moment than to
some sort of context
worry about settings, so I tend to use program mode
as a result, I will often need to dial in a few stops of
exposure compensation. Erwins top tips
Personally, I dont nd the act of focusing to be a 1 Find a good location and wait for an interesting subject
problem, because there is plenty of contrast in my shots. to enter the scene.
My camera of choice is an Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark 2 Get down low, as it can often help to separate the
II with an M.Zuiko 17mm f/1.8 lens. I crop, adjust contrast subject from the background.
and increase sharpness in post-production. 3 Keep it simple less is sometimes more.
Passageways make
excellent framing devices,
and the light entering
them can highlight
architectural details
Chris Thompson
Chris can often be found in abandoned buildings
and tunnels in the middle of the night. When
hes not waving lights around in the dark he
works as a self-employed interior design
consultant in Nottinghamshire. Visit
C B Email and include your full postal address. Write to Inbox, Amateur Photographer,
Time Inc. (UK), Pinehurst 2, Pinehurst Road, Farnborough Business Park, Farnborough, Hants GU14 7BF
In AP 20 August we asked
Doounjohoograhingour? LETTER OF THE WEEK
You answered
A Yes, its one of my main photography subjects
B Yes, occasionally
The way ahead for camera makers looks like camera brands to attract customers back,
C No, it doesnt stay still long enough 7% a bumpy path, judging by our own familys when the shift seems so big.
D No, I dont have a pet 38% experience. As a group with 17 adults Paul Harper, Stafford
across different generations, ve have
What you said cameras but only two use them. The Theres no doubt that when it comes to
IdonjoakinghoosofourhoognicdogEddi, remaining 15 take their photos on mobile recording our daily lives, camera phones
buhisarucansubjcandhasanuncannknack phones or tablet-style devices. Reasons for have almost entirely replaced the
ofookingawaahasmomn! the dump the camera trend vary, although point-and-shoot camera. But their
Idonhava,buakoadsoficursofh they mainly settle on having the ability to impact on serious cameras is harder to
in-awsswhnwshm. pass on images quickly to others. Even gauge. More people than ever pursue
Ihav13marasahmomnandhmak pocket-sized cameras are losing favour photography as a hobby, inspired by
somofhcussubjcs.Howvr,honsm because people dont want to carry them picture-taking on their phones, and
obcomacivinhvningwhnwarback when a mobile phone is instantly available. A photography is now among the most
fromworkandighvsarsaringogow,and recent family celebration illustrated the shift popular subjects in sixth forms and
hmovvrfas.Ivhadbruckwihour away when I found I was the only camera colleges. Camera makers face a
grbisasaashsooosfromimoim. user among a cluster of phone-(ph)anatics. challenge in adapting quickly to this new
All this may not be scientic, but it shows world, and there is still work to be done
how quickly times are changing. Its going to to make instant sharing easier, but it isnt
take some smart thinking by the leading insurmountable Nigel Atherton, Editor
chang.IdonwanousashunssIfhaI For high-quality photos and 4K UHD video recording, the Samsung
16GB PRO SDHC Class 10 card offers up to 90MB/s read and
rahavoakhricuraaaricuarmomn. 50MB/s write speeds.
Join the debate on the AP forum Visit
Sony FE
50mm f/1.8
Andy Westlake nds out
if this budget prime is
All contributions to Amateur Photographer must be original, not copies or duplicated to other
ideal for Alpha 7 users publications. The editor reserves the right to shorten or modify any letter or material submitted.
Time Inc. (UK) or its associated companies reserves the right to re-use any submission sent to the
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Less is more
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expert Michael Kenna on minimalism mirrorless camera with
its Foveon X3 sensor
all pictures ian cameron
eteran photographer entered a total of seven images into produces superb reflections of Ben
What do you look for in back to the scene as I remember it, Above: Awakening photographic courses. When Im
a landscape? so I can relive the perfection of that Ben Loyal by Ian with clients, I prefer to work in
I look for light, composition and moment and experience the same Cameron conditions that inspire them
subject matter. This is what I call emotion I felt when I pressed the generally this would be broken
the Holy Trinity of landscape shutter. That picture needs to match cloud and sunlight, little wind and
photography. These three things as accurately as possible the hue, no rain. Seemingly, I have a much
working in perfect harmony will saturation and contrast that I more masochistic demeanour. I
provide the defining moment, perceived when I was there. It has to enjoy the challenge of managing
regardless of the duration of that be completely believable and totally ridiculous conditions, and I achieve
moment. But above all else, and realistic. The problem is, when you an enormous amount of satisfaction
with everything being adequate, seek and photograph extraordinary in salvaging something wonderful
light its quality, colour, strength light and the impact it has on a from an apparently lost cause.
and direction has the greatest scene, your believability in the eyes
influence on the success or of others takes a severe bashing. What are some of your
otherwise of the pictures I take. I Perhaps this is why I still insist on favourite locations?
firmly believe you can make a rusty shooting with film, as it tends to lend In Scotland it would be the islands
nail sticking awkwardly out of a credibility to an image. I dont of Lewis and Harris, with their
piece of wood look good in great pretend that the colour palette of stunning pristine beaches; the sheer
light. Its also worth mentioning Fujifilm Velvia is entirely accurate, variety and emptiness of Inverpolly;
that I dont believe great light exists but it is at least repeatable and the beaches, mountains and lochs; and
exclusively at either end of the day. results satisfy me. Ian Cameron is a the wild immediacy found in the
Great light can be soft and landscape photographer mountainscapes of Torridon. I also
directionless, colourless or colourful Are you someone who makes based in Scotland. enjoy the Lofoten Islands in Norway
it merely needs to be appropriate the best of a location whatever for their sheer drama and exquisite
He offers various
to the mood you want to convey. the weather, or do you have light, and for a complete change, the
preferred working conditions? workshops, and is the warmth and colour in the lavender
What should be the aim of good Out of necessity and in a author of Transient Light, fields of Provence.
landscape photography? professional capacity I have to make which can be purchased
I can only answer that question for the best of the weather and the through his website for Turn over the page to see more
myself, but I would hope that other circumstances I am dealt, although 15. To learn more, visit amazing images from the 2015
photographers empathise similarly. I I tend to optimise my choice of www.transientlight. Scottish Landscape Photographer
want my pictures to transport me location accordingly. I run of the Year competition.
The Crack
Gerhard Aust
commended portfolio
The Fairy Pools near Glenbrittle
offer so many waterfalls that I
could stay there for hours and hours,
says Gerhard. Here, I liked the contrast
between the brown and green, with the
of the
white stone in the foreground and the
mountains in the background. This is a
scene that really utilises the natural
composition of the land to great effect.
paul holloway
Plodda Falls
Colin Campbell
This image was taken in early May
at the bottom of Plodda Falls near
Tomatin in the Highlands, says Colin
of this long-exposure shot. Its a
relatively easy walk down, but quite
steep when you get off the tourist
path Usually the spray from here
colin campbell
tom drysdale
damian shields
Maciej Wojcik Damian Shields
Commended Commended
Seascape Portfolio
Bass Rock is the I have spent many days
largest single-rock scrambling among the
gannetry in the world, rocks that protrude from and
described as one of the channel the flow of the
wildlife wonders of the wonderful River Orchy in
world, Maciej says of this Argyll, says Damian. I framed
image that looks like it could this shot to exclude any point
have been drawn from a of reference to the
major film. When viewed surroundings to create an
from the mainland, large ambiguous idea of scale, and
regions of the surface appear timed the exposure to
white because of the sheer contrast the fluid movement
number of birds. to the static weight the stone.
Winding back in
time towards the sea
Ann M Holmes
Commended Portfolio
Theres something Hobbit-like
about this strangely lit image from
Ann M Holmes. You can actually find
this location in Gearrannan Blackhouse
Village in Carloway, Isle of Lewis. A
gritted track winds downhill under
twilight between traditional thatched
blackhouses bordering the sea. Its a
simple image that wisely allows the
location to do all the work. The area
itself would be enough of a good
photograph, but Ann chose to shoot in
the twilight hour, instilling in her image a
real sense of narrative and magic. The
ann m holmes
The scottish landscape Photographer of the Year Book Collection 2 is full of breathtaking images of scotlands land, sea and urban places, captured by the winning and commended photographers
that took part in the 2015 competition. if you would like to pre-order a copy, visit This years competition opens on 23 september and closes on 14 november 2016
40 Churton Street, London SW1V 2LP, England Tel: 020-7828 4925 Fax: 020-7976 5783 Follow us on: @NikonatGrays Mon-Fri 10am - 5:30pm, Sat 10am - 1pm
Find us on Facebook: Visit our website:
Nikon D810, Nikon 24-70mm @ 35mm,
F11 at 1 minute, 100 ISO. LEE Super Stopper.
Most photographers shooting land or seascapes would choose to work at either end of
the day when the light is soft. This is also generally the time when the addition of a 6 or 10
stop lter will give the very long exposures necessary to give the effect of smooth water
and cloud motion.
But sometimes things dont work out that way. It might be a question of tide or timing,
of weather or circumstance, or even a combination of these factors, but sometimes you
need to be able to shoot in broad daylight, or even bright sunlight, and still achieve those
very long exposures. These are the conditions for which the 15 stop Super Stopper has NEW
been designed. Super Stopper
Ive worked with these shing huts in France on many an occasion, but thought it would
be fun to visit on a very hot summers day, principally to put the Super Stopper through
its paces. The temperature was hovering around 37 degrees centigrade, the sky was blue
and the light ferocious, giving me a shutter speed without ltration of 1/500th of a second.
With the 10 stop Big Stopper that gave me a shutter speed of just 2 seconds, but with
the new 15 stop Super Stopper I was able to achieve an exposure time of 1 minute.
Jonathan Chritchley
Moving image
changed my life
his image by renowned London weathers and conditions. I love the simplicity Duncan McNicol
advertising photographer Duncan of the composition, and Im sure that if you In the 1990s,
McNicol won a prestigious award in were to post analyse the image, various Duncan was one
1994. This was about the same time elements would fall into the rule of thirds. of Londons
I was taking my rst tentative steps into the Now, after more than 20 years as a location top advertising
world of freelance location photography. The photographer, I know that thought would not photographers. An
original print was a hand-crafted, split-toned even have entered McNicols mind. He would advertising hoarding or Sunday
silver print. I have been lucky enough to see the have just seen the angle and instinctively supplement were more than
original close-up, and it oozes pure quality. known that it was right, as great likely to contain his images. His
The image summed up everything I aspired to photographers do. favourite tools were wooden
shoot an interesting subject in a great location Another hugely inuencing factor that gives 5x4 and 10x8 Gandol eld
with fantastic light. At the time of the award the Reed Cutter image such a strong effect is cameras and a number of
this image was published extensively, and every the quality and direction of the light. Shooting Polaroid lm boxes. Visit
time I saw it I just thought: Wow! I want to do into the light, capturing the texture and
work like that. It red my imagination, desire patterns in the reeds, but having the reed cutter
and determination to shoot great location in his own shadow, was a brave decision to
images. I was being very nave, of course. make, as was using a slow shutter speed to Jeremy Walker
Having been a regional commercial studio capture the blur and motion of the scythe. So Jeremy is an
photographer for several years, I still didnt fully much could have gone wrong when shooting award-winning
understand what went into the taking and this image. location
making of a great location image. The planning The stormy conditions have certainly helped photographer, with
and preparation; working conditions; with the mood and feel of the image, but the over 25 years
cooperation and understanding of the sitter; working conditions were not exactly ideal. experience in the photography
and of course, a little bit of luck with McNicol was using a 5x4 Linhof plate camera industry. In 2015 he was invited
the weather. with a 120-roll lm back shooting on Kodak to be a Nikon Ambassador in
Tri-X. There was no margin for error, or no recognition of the quality of his
Why does this image appeal to me? playing around on a computer when he arrived Landscape work. To see
It is an image that tells a story that of a back at his studio. He had to get this right, Jeremys stunning location work,
traditional reed cutter who works in all rst time around. And he did. visit
A new book titled Remembering Elephants
highlights the serious consequences of
elephant poaching in Africa. The books
editor, Keith Wilson, tells Oliver Atwell
a very worrying story
An elephant calf feeds from its mothers milk. Image by Ross Couper
saving elephants
Federico Veronesi
I around 14 species of animals
have become extinct,
including the eastern cougar
and baiji dolphin. While extinction
may seem like the narrative device
poaching has been with us
for some time. Were now
immersed in the long-term
consequences of poaching.
Where are we now with this? than 95%! On average, one elephant
of literature and cinema, the threat How exactly has it affected the is poached every 15 minutes. Thats
is all too real. Now imagine, if you elephant population? more than 30,000 every year. As
can, waking up one morning to Youre right, elephant poaching for with rhinos, more elephants are
find that the elephant population in ivory has a long history, and each being killed by poachers than
Africa no longer exists. Does it seem time it has resulted in elephant [elephants] being born, so extinction
like a faraway fantasy, something populations being decimated. in our lifetime is a very real
that couldnt possibly occur in your However, the current crisis poses the possibility. In fact, elephants are
lifetime? Does it perhaps help to greatest-ever threat to African already extinct in some African
read that around 30,000 elephants elephants. Why? Never have countries. Elephants are herbivores,
are wiped out every year as a result elephant populations been so low. so are great consumers of vegetation,
of poaching? Or that one elephant is Conservationists agree that the total but they are also dispersers of
killed every 15 minutes? number of elephants is a little more important seeds through their dung
These are the statistics driving a than 400,000. Compare this and therefore fertilizers of plants. In
An elephant bathes
new publication hoping to help fight in the cooling [number] to the 10 million that were short, elephants are Africas wild
the demon of elephant poaching. waters of a river. estimated to roam Africa at the gardeners, so their loss can have
The book is edited by former AP Image by Will beginning of the 20th century devastating consequences on
Editor Keith Wilson, and represents Burrard-Lucas thats a population decline of more biodiversity and the landscape.
the action by wildlife photographers
to use their images to help preserve
elephants for future generations. All
proceeds from the sale of this book
will be used to protect elephants
and fight ivory poaching via their
partner, the Born Free Foundation.
There will also be a free exhibition
titled Remembering Elephants,
which will open on 19 September
and run for two weeks at Londons
La Galleria Pall Mall. Then, on the
evening of 22 September, the Royal
Geographical Society will host a
special evening devoted to elephant
conservation, with speakers
including Virginia McKenna OBE,
Ian Redmond OBE and an exclusive
presentation by the celebrated
Will Burrard-lucas
Rupert Murdoch
A spontaneous moment of inspiration resulted in
Harry Borden capturing a striking image of the
billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch
n June 2007, I was portrait commission, you dont modernist apartments in
I commissioned to
photograph Rupert
Murdoch, the billionaire
founder, chairman and CEO of
international media company
get much better than that.
I was invited to photograph
him at his house in St Jamess,
London. It was an
extraordinary building, a real
which each oor was allocated
to one of his children. At the
top of the house, he had a
retractable glass roof which
opened at the press of a
News Corporation. The shoot billionaires house. It backed on button. It was like something
was for the front cover of Time to St Jamess Park and hed had out of Dr No.
magazines global edition. For a it converted into a series of Murdoch was then 76 years
old and married to his third
wife, Wendi Deng. As well as
his four older children from
previous marriages, he had
two young daughters, Grace
and Chloe, who I met when
I was there.
Meeting Murdoch
I knew Murdoch could be
unpredictable in front of the As with the previous time
camera. I had photographed Id met him, I found him a
him in 2006 for his Sky annual detached and distracted
company report and was told person, but as sharp as a tack.
that the previous year, the I mentioned to him that I had
photographer had set up a recently photographed
shot but only got one frame Margaret Thatcher. As they
before Murdoch stood up were both part of a powerful
and walked off. elite I assumed they were
My brief this time was simply friends, but his only comment
to shoot a head-and-shoulders was, Shes gone a bit gaga,
portrait, so I arrived at the hasnt she?
house equipped with a
backdrop. I was let in the Getting the shot
house for the appointed time of I quickly did the head shot,
the shoot, but Murdoch was which was very simply shot
over an hour and a half late, with one-directional lighting
which gave me plenty of time against the backdrop. That
to get really stressed. was all Time needed, but I also
Eventually he arrived. He wanted to take the opportunity
had his business advisors with to shoot something different.
A family shot of him. Being photographed, Im always looking for a picture
Rupert Murdoch even for the cover of Time I hadnt anticipated getting,
in 2007 with his magazine, wasnt a very one that gives the photo a time
wife Wendi and important part of his agenda and a place, rather than simply
children Chloe and he was running his a head shot against a backdrop.
and Grace business even while I was Its nice to get something
shooting his portrait. environmental that will stand
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The infamous
Fukushima story as it broke, and
subsequently came up with a unique
supermarket. The
and moving style to demonstrate
smell was terrible,
the legacy of the catastrophe: the
Bression recalls
pair moved former residents back
to their offices, shops, restaurants
and hangouts in Fukushima, and
then photographed them in the
untouched ruins and decay.
Battling bureaucracy
Retracing the steps of evacuees was
one of several strands that made up
the duos Fukushima No-Go Zone
project, as Bression explains.
Finding the subjects was the
Guillaume Bression has created a unique hardest part of the project, Bression
recalls. We worked with a fixer for
photographic project about the damaged two months, although I knew some
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in of the people from previous news
interviews. The first job was to
Japan. He talks to Geoff Harris about it identify the locations the old
offices, boutiques, supermarkets,
ne of the most difficult tsunami and subsequent accident and so on. Then it was about trying
Mixed feelings
Many of the subjects featured had
mixed feelings about returning.
Some of them really wanted to go
back to their old haunts, and for
some it was the first time theyd been
back since the nuclear accident,
Bression adds. Most are strongly
against the idea of returning
permanently, as despite the
government spending money on
decontamination, the radiation levels the owner of this portable lights were a regular of a record store
can still be high. Nobody has the abandoned hair salon picked used to lift this subject. which was abandoned, stock
confidence to reopen for business. up her scissors again for lights were often essential and all, when the Fukushima
Bressions favourite image is that bressions camera as there was no power disaster unfolded
of the printing company owner (far available in the buildings
right), with whom he feels a strong
personal bond. But he can
understand why the supermarket
shopper image (page 41) is popular.
When we got into the supermarket
the smell was terrible and there was
all pictures guillaume bression and carlos ayesta
The normality of
2 Apply a lens-profile
correction to the photo
In the Lens Corrections panel I could see this photo
was shot with a Canon EF 15mm fisheye lens. I
checked the Enable Profile Corrections option,
and this applied a profiled lens correction that
straightened the lines to produce a corrected
perspective view. I then applied a crop to the
image to achieve a symmetrical composition.
3 Guided Upright
I clicked on the Transform tool in the toolbar at the top
to open the Transform panel options (this is a recent
change), and selected the new Guided Upright option.
This allowed me to add two vertical and two horizontal
guides to achieve a perfect perspective correction.
How to lighten
the exposure
THIS is a ne example of a long-exposure shot
Lens prole corrections
In the Lens Corrections panel there is the option to apply proled lens
of burning wire wool that captures the beautiful corrections. If the lens you are using is included in the Adobe lens
pattern created by the sparks. Darren Flynn prole database, checking this option will apply a proled lens
photographed it with the light reecting in what correction that automatically corrects for geometric distortion and
looks like the edge of a pond, so capturing a lens vignetting. If you dont see your lens listed, you can set the
mirror image of the reections. However, be camera make, model and prole menus. The sliders allow you to
careful when photographing re. Some decrease or increase the Distortion or Vignetting corrections. If the
photographers have damaged the landscape result doesnt look right, you can compensate using these sliders.
or buildings trying to capture this type of effect.
1 Basic panel adjustments 2 Straighten the horizon 3 Final tone adjustments
I opened the raw image in Camera Raw and went In this step, I selected the Straighten tool and dragged In reviewing the adjustments I had applied so far, the
to the Basic panel. Here, I set the Exposure slider across the image to straighten it. I then fine-tuned the scissor shape that was so strong in the original was
to +3.10 to lighten the image and reveal more Whites and Blacks sliders. I dragged the Whites slider now lost. I therefore chose to reduce the Exposure
detail in the trail of sparks. I also darkened the to the right to allow the brightest portions to hard clip. slider setting to -1.80 to darken the exposure. At the
Highlights slightly and increased the Shadows Similarly, I dragged the Blacks slider to the left to hard same time, I boosted the Clarity and Vibrance to add
slider amount. clip the blacks. more definition and colour to the spark trails.
Martin Evening is a noted expert in both photography and digital imaging. He is well known in London for his fashion and beauty work, for which he has won several awards. Martin has worked
with the Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom engineering teams over many years and is one of the founding members of a software design company. Visit
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BRONICA ETRS 645 USED 70-200 F4 IS U L ................599 WLF chrome late.................99 MINOLTA/SONY AF USED 28 F2.8 AFD..............................129 Nikon bellows II box..........89
Used Canon ETRSi + 75 F2.8 PE + RFH 399
40 F4 MC..............................149
70-200 F4 U L .....................299
70-300 F4/5.6 L IS USM...799
WLF early...............................49
Sports viewfinder ...............69
Dynax 9 body box............299
800Si body ............................69
28-100 F3.5/5.6 AF G............. 69
28-300 F3.5/5.6 AFS VR ......649
11-22 F2.8/3.5 M-..............379
Used Nikon
EOS 1DX 50 F2.8 E...............................149 70-300 F4.5/5.6 IS USM ..279 Chimney.................................89 7xi body .................................49 35 F1.8 AFS DX box.............129 12-60 F2.8/4 SWD.............379 D4s
body 105 F3.5..................................99 75-300 F4/5.6 MKII .............99 A12 chrome latest............299 7000i body............................39 35-70 F3.3/4.5 AF .................... 59 14-42 F3.5/5.6 ......................49
135 F4 PE M- box..............249 85 F1.8 M-............................199 A12 late blk/chr.................129 300Si body ............................19 40 F2.8 AFS DX M- box.......149 14-45 F3.5/5.6 ......................79 body
box 150 F3.5 E ..............................99 100 F2.8 USM box.............319 Polaroid back .......................79 20 F2.8 ..................................199 50 F1.8 AFD...........................99 14-50 F3.8/5.6 ....................199
150 F3.5 PE M- Box...........149 100-400 F4.5/5.6 L IS U... 799 Winder Cw...........................229 20-35 F3.5/4.5 M- box.....249 50 F1.8 AF..............................79 14-54 F2.8/3.5 ....................149
200 F4.5 PE..........................199 135 F2 M- box....................549 50 F4 CF FLE .......................849 24-50 F4 .................................99 55-200 F4/5.6 AFS VR ........99 35 F3.5 ....................................99
3399 E14 ext tube .........................49 300 F2.8 LI IS U..................2799 50 F4 CF ...............................599 28 F2......................................299 55-200 F4/5.6 AFS ..............79 35-100 F2 box ................. 1099 2999
120 RFH..................................69 300 F4 L IS USM box......... 649 80 F2.8 CF............................479 28 F2.8 ....................................99 55-300 F4.5/5.6 AFS VR...199 40-150 F4/5.6 .......................49
Polaroid Back .......................39 400 F4 DO...........................2199 100 F3.5 CF .........................549 28-80 F4/5.6..........................39 60 F2.8 AFD.........................249 50 F2 macro........................279
Used Canon Plain prism ............................59
Rotary prism.........................99
400 F5.6 L box..................... 699
500 F4 LI IS USM...............4499
100 F3.5 Black T*...............399
140-280 F5.6 CF.................799
28-85 F3.5/4.5 ......................99
28-100 F3.5/5.6 D ...............49
60 F2.8 AF............................199
70-200 F2.8 AFS VRII..... 1299
25mm ext tube....................79
Used Nikon
1D MKIV Angle viewfinder E...........129 2x extender MKII................ 199 150 F4 chrome...................199 35 F1.4 ..................................399 70-300 F4/5.6 AFD ...........129 Stylus 1S compact............299 D4
body Winder early .........................79 2x extender MKI................169 250 F5.6 CF .........................399 35-70 F4 .................................39 70-300 F4 G...........................79 OMD-EM1 body M- box .499
Speed Grip E.........................39 Teleplus 2x DG conv..........89 Ext tube 21, 55 each..........39 35-70 F3.5/4.5........................... 25 80-200 F2.8 AFD................299 OMD E-M5 MKII body .....599 body
box Tripod adapter E .................39 Kenko ext tube set DG......... 89 Vivitar 2x conv .....................49 35-80 f4/5.6................................ 25 85 F1.4 AFD.........................499 OMD E-M5 body box.......299
Winder early .........................49 LC-4 wireless kit ..................89 Pro shade 6093....................99 35-105 F3.5/4.5 ........................ 99 85 F1.8 AFS .........................349 OMD-EM10 MKII body....369
Metz SCA 386.......................49 PB-E2 drive fits EOS1/3...149 Lens hoods various..... 20/50 50 F1.4 AF .................................169 85 F1.8 AFD.........................249 OMD-EM10 body..............299
1699 BRONICA SQ 6x6 USED SIGMA CAF USED LEICA M COMPACT USED 50 F2.8 macro .........................149 85 F3.5 DX M- box............269 Pen E-PM1 + 14-42 M- ....129 2499
SQA + 80 + back + prism .249 10-20 F4/5.6 HSM box .219 IIIg body chrome ..............849 75-300 F4.5/5.6 ........................ 99 105 F2.8 AFS VR.................549 Pen E-PM1 body..................99
SQB complete....................399 12-24 F4.5/5.6 EX DG ..........399 5cm F3.5 ..............................299 85 F1.4........................................549 105 F2.8 AFD ......................369 7-14 F2.8 Pro ......................699
Used Canon 40 F4 S ..................................299
50 F3.5 PS ............................299
17-70 F2.8/4 DC OS..............179
17-70 F2.8/4 DC.....................129
50 F1.4 6 bit..................... 1199
CF flash...................................49
100-300 F4.5/5.6 APO.........149
500 F8 mirror...........................349
180 F2.8 AFD M- box.......449
200-400 F4 AFS VRII...... 3499
12-40 F2.8 Pro....................599
12-50 F3.5/6.3 ....................149
Used Nikon
EOS 5D MKIII 50 F3.5 S...............................149 18-125 F3.8/5.6 OS DC .....149 LEICA SLR USED VC700 grip.................................. 39 300 F2.8 AFS VRII M-..... 3199 40-150 F2.8 Pro .................999 D3
body 110 F4.5 PS macro............399 18-200 F3.5/6.3 HSM OS..199 R7 body black ....................399 RC1000S/L cord ....................... 15 300 F2.8 AFS VRI ............ 2699 40-150 F4/5.6 .....................119
135 F4 PS M-.......................229 24-35 F2 DG Art M- box...599 R5 body black ....................199 AW90............................................. 49 300 F2.8 AFS.................... 1699 1.4x converter....................249 body
150 F3.5 S ..............................79 24-70 F2.8 HSM....................469 LEICA BINOCULARS USED MD90 + BP90-M...................... 79 300 F4 AFS M- box ...........699 Samyang 7.5 fisheye........149 box
150 F4 PS ................... 149/199 50 F1.4 EX DC........................249 Trinovid 10x42...................799 Angle finder VN........................ 79 300 F4 AFS box..................599 HLD-7 grip box..................119
180 F4.5 PS..........................399 50 F2.8 EX macro ............... 149 Ultravid 8x32 HD ..............999 SONY LENSES USED 400 F2.8 AFS VR.............. 5499 VF-2 viewfinder .................199
1699 200 F4.5 PS M- box ..........199 70-200 F2.8 EX DG mac....349 LIGHTMETERS USED 16-50 F2.8 DT SSM................279 500 F4 AFS VR ................. 4499 OLYMPUS OM USED 1199
2x PS converter M-...........179 70-300 F4/5.6 DG................79 Minolta Flashmeter V......199 16-80 F3.5/4.5 ZA DT...........449 600 F4 AFS VR ................. 4999 OM-4Ti body ......................249
S36 ext tube .........................79 120-400 F4/5.6 DG ...........399 Minolta Spotmeter M......199 18-55 F3.5/5.6 SAM................ 59 600 F4 AFS II non VR..... 3499 OM-1n body chr................169
Used Canon 135N back ...........................119 150 F2.8 EX DG HSM mao . 399 MAMIYA 645 MF USED 18-200 F3.5/6.3 DT ...............199 TC14EII box .........................269 OM-2SP body.....................149 Used Nikon
SQA Polaroid back..............59 150-500 F5/6.3 HSM..........499 Plain prism (645 Super)....39 55-200 F4/5.6 DT SSM .......... 69 TC17EII..................................249 OM-2n body .......................149 14-24mm f2.8 AFS
SQAi 120 RFH .......................79 180 F3.5 EX DG HSM mac.349 Polariod Back HP401 .........29 70-300 F4.5/5.6 G SSMII box 549 TC20EIII M- box .................249 OM-1n body .......................149 M- box
EOS 7D MKII SQA 120 RFH ........................49 1.4x EX conv .............................. 99 Polaroid back .......................29 85 F1.4 ZA.................................699 TC20EII..................................199 24 F2.8 ..................................169
body SQAi prism late..................299 2x EX conv.................................. 99 120 Insert...............................20 SIGMA MIN/SONY AF USED TC20E ....................................149 28 F3.5 ....................................49
45 Prism box .....................129 Kenko Pro 300 1.4x conv..... 99 HA401 120 RFH Box...........49 28-135 F3.8/5.6......................79 SIGMA NAF USED 35-70 F3.5/4.5 ......................79
Plain Prism S Boxed ...........69 OTHER CAF USED 120 Back.................................39 28-300 F3.5/6.3 macro..... 149 12-24 F4.5/5.6 EX DG ..........379 35-105 F3.5/4.5....................79
AE Prism Early ......................79 TAM 28-75 F2.8 XR Di......199 Winder ....................................79 50 F1.4.................................... 149 18-50 F2.8 EX DC Mac.........199 50 F3.5 macro ......................79
899 ME Prism Finder ..................69 TAM 28-300 F3.5/6.3 Di 50 F4 shift............................299 50 F2.8 EX DG macro ....... 169 18-200 F3.5/6.3 DC OS......199 200 F4 .....................................79 1099
Metz SCA 386.......................49 VC PZD .......................................399 55-110 F4.5 box.................299 55-200 F4/5.6 .........................69 28-300 F3.5/6.3 early..........129 300 F4 ...................................169
Pro shade S ...........................59 TAM 28-300 box................149 120 F4 macro .....................269 70-300 F4/5.6 DG OS ...... 169 30 F1.4 EX DC ........................199 PANASONIC DIGITAL USED
Used Canon Lens Hood 65-80.................20 TAM 45 F1.8 Di VC...............379 150 F2.8 A............................199 70-300 F4/5.6 APO DG ...... 99 50 F1.4 Art M- box...............499 G6 body black....................199 Used Nikon
11-24mm f4 L U M- box SQAi Motorwinder ...........149 TAM 70-300 F4/5.6 ............... 99 150 F3.5 N .............................79 150-500 F5./6.3 DG ..........499 50 F1.4 DG Mint ......... 199/239 G3 body box.......................129 300mm f2.8 AFS VRII M-
Speed grip S .........................69 TAM 90 F2.8 ...........................179 210 F4 N M- ..........................79 170-500 F5/6.3...................299 50-500 F4/6.3 DG..............399 G1 body box.........................99
CANON DIGITAL AF USED CANON FLASH USED Ext Tube 1, 2, 3S each .......29 1.4x EX conv .........................99 70-300 F4/5.6 APO DG......99 GX1 body box....................149
1DX body box ................. 3399 CP-E3 batt pack...................49 Teleplus 2x converter........49 TAM 10-24 F3.5/4.5 DiII ..239 120-400 F4/5.6 DG ...........399 GF7 body box ....................199
1D MKIV body box ........ 1699 ST-E2 transmitter ................79 Vivitar 2x converter............39 TAM 18-200 F3.5/6.3..........99 150-500 F5/6.3 DG OS........499 GF3 body black ...................99
1D MKIII body box............499 430EXII..................................169 MAMIYA TLR 6x6 USED TAM 70-300 F4.5/5.6 150-600 F5/6.3 OS Sport...999 GF1 body ................................. 79
1Ds MKIII body box....... 1199 430EZ non digital ...............39 C330 F Body + WLF ..........149 Di box......................................79 500 F4 EX DG .......................1999 12-32 F3.5/5.6 ....................149
2299 7D MKII body .....................899 580EX box ...........................179 55 F4.5 ..................................199 TAM 90 F2.8 .............. 179/249 1.4x EX DG M-.........................119 14 F2.5 ..................................199 3199
7D body ...............................399 600EX RT box .....................279 65 F3.5 box late .................199 Teleplus 1.4x conv..............69 2x EX DG box ..........................149 14-42 F3.5/5.6 ......................79
6D body ...............................899 CANON FD USED 65 F3.5 serviced.................149 Teleplus 2x conv .................79 TAMRON NAF USED 14-45 F3.5/5.6 ....................149
Used Canon 5D MKIII b/o box............ 1699 A-1 body ................................99 80 F2.8 late serviced ........139 Kenko 1.4x Pro 300DG....149 10-24 F3.5/4.5 DiII.................239 25 F1.4 ..................................329 Used Nikon
5D MKII body ..............599/899 28 F2.8 ....................................49 180 F4.5................................149 Min 5200i...............................29 11-18 F4.5/5.6.........................219 LVF2 box ..............................149 300mm f2.8 AFS VRI
5D MKI body box ......399/499 35-70 F3.5/4.5 ......................49 250 f4.5 late serviced.......249 Min 3600HSD .......................39 16-300 F3.5/6.3 VC PZD .....319 BG-GH3 grip .........................99
16-35 f2.8 700D body M- box..............349 35-105 F3.5 .........................129 250 f4.5 early serviced .179 Min 5400HS ..........................39 18-250 F3.5/6.3 ......................149 PENTAX DIGITAL USED
USM 550D body .............................199 50 F1.4 ...................................99 Prism .......................................99 Min 5600HSD M-.................99 70-300 F4/5.6............................ 79 K5 body box .......................299
450D body box ....................149 70-200 F4...............................79 Paramender ..........................49 NIKON DIGITAL AF USED OTHER NAF USED PENTAX 35mm AF USED
LII 400D body ............................... 99 100-300 F5.6.........................79 Porrofinder............................59 D4s body box.................. 2999 SAMYANG 14 F2.8 ............199 MZ5N body...........................69
350D body ............................... 99 135 F2 ...................................399 MAMIYA 7 RF 6x7 USED D4 body box.................... 2499 TOK 10-17 F3.5/4.5 ATX..249 10-17 F3.5/4.5 ED .............239
849 300D body ............................... 79 2x extender B.......................49 50 F4.5 L + VF.....................699 D3 body box.................... 1199 TOK 11-18 F2.8 ATX Pro..329 16-45 F4 ...............................199 2699
70D body box.......................549 299T flash ..............................25 80 F4.5 L M- box................699 D810 body box............... 1799 TOK 12-24 F4 ATX pro.....299 17-70 F4 SDM M- box .....299
60D body................................399 300TL flash............................25 150 F4.5 M- .........................399 D800 body ....................... 1199 TOK 12-28 F4 ATX DX......399 18-55 F3.5/5.6 ......................29
Used Canon 50D body................................299 CONTAX 645 AF USED Panoramic kit .......................49 D700 body box..................599 FLASH / ACCESSORIES USED 28-80 F3.5/5.6 ......................49 Used Nikon
70-200mm f2.8 LI 40D body................................169 45 F2.8 ..................................799 MAMIYA RB 6x7 USED D610 body box..................899 SB-24..........49 SB-25.............49 50-135 F2.8 SDM...............379 300mm f2.8 AFS
BG-E2...........39 BG-ED3..... 39 CONTAX AF USED Pro S + 90 + RFH + WLF .449 D300 body box..................299 SB-28 ............................................. 69 50-200 F4/5.6 .......................99
IS USM BG-E4 box..79 BG-E6 ........ 89 45 F2......................................399 Pro SD comp M-................649 D200 body box..................149 SB-80DX....................................... 79 55 F1.4 SDM M- .................469
BG-E7.......................................... 89 90 F2.8 ..................................299 Pro S body...........................149 D7200 body box ...............699 SB-500 box...............................149 55-300 F4/5.8 ED box......229
BG-E8.......................................... 69 CONTAX MF USED Pro S body scruffy ..............99 D7000 body.............. 299/349 SB-700 box...............................199 70 F2.8 Limited..................349
BG-E9 box................................. 79 28-70 F3.5/4.5 MM ...........199 WLF..........................................79 D5100 body........................249 SB-900.........................................269 70-300 F4/5.6 .......................79
BG-E13 .....................................139 40-80 F3.5 AE .....................149 Chimney...............................179 D5000 body........................169 SB-910 box...............................289 100-300 F4.5/5.6 .................89
899 BG-E16 .....................................159 FUJI DIGITAL USED 120 645V back .....................99 D3200 body black box ...199 SD-8 batt pack.......................... 49 SIGMA PKAF USED 1699
G10 compact box ...............149 S5 Pro body box................229 90 F3.5 KL ............................249 D80 body.............................149 SU-800........................................179 10-20 F4/5.6........................229
G9 compact...........................119 X-T1 body graphite box .699 127 F3.5 KL..........................299 MBD-15 grip .......................149 DR-5 angle finder box.........149 18-250 F3.5/6.3..................199
Used Canon EOS M + 22 F2 + 18-55.....199 X-T1 body black.................599 Ext tube 2.................................... 49 MBD-12 grip .......................229 DR-3 angle finder.................... 59 24-70 F2.8 EX DG mac ....249 Used Nikon
300mm f2.8 L IS USM CANON AF USED X-M1 body blk box...........149 MAMIYA RZ 6x7 USED MBD-10 grip M- box........149 GP-1A box.................................149 PENTAX 645AF USED 400mm f2.8 AFS VR
EOS 650 body ......................39 14 F2.8 R XF box..................529 RZ ProII + 90 + WLF MBD-10 grip .........................89 MB-10 (fits F90)........................ 29 645N body ..........................399
EOS 600 body ......................39 16-55 F2.8 XF R WR ..........699 + 120 RFH............................499 MBD-200 box .......................69 MB-23 (fits F4)........................... 69 45 F2.8 FA ............................399
EOS 50E/300V body each 29 18 F2 R..................................199 RZ Pro body ........................149 MBD-100................................39 MC-30 remote .......................... 39 AF500FTZ flash....................99
EOS 500N/1000 b/o each 29 18-135 F3.5/5.6 R..............449 120 RFH Pro II.......................99 NIKON AF USED MF-23 (date back F4) ............ 79 PENTAX 645MF USED
10-18 F4.5/5.6 IS STM......169 23 F1.4 R box......................529 120 RFH Pro I........................49 F4 body ................................349 Coolscan LS-50 box .............349 645 + 75 F2.8......................249
10-22 F3.5/4.5 U................299 27 F2.8 XF box ...................199 WLF..........................................79 F4E body..............................299 NIKON MF USED 645 body + insert .............199
2799 11-24 F4 L USM M- box2299 50-140 F2.8 XF ...................949 Winder II.................................69 F801 body ...................... 29/59 F3 body ................................199 55 F2.8 ..................................249 4499
16-35 F2.8 USM LII............849 56 F1.2 XF............................599 50 F4.5 W .............................199 F100 body + MB-15 .........199 FM2n body chr box..........349 150 F3.5 EX++....................149
Used Canon 17-40 F4 L............................399
17-55 F2.8 EFS IS USM ....399
60 F2.4 macro ....................369
1.4x converter....................269
65 F4 box M- ......................399
90 F3.5 W M- box..............299
F601 body .............................29
F55 body................................25
FM2n body chr ..................249
15 F3.5 AIS...........................799
200 F4 ..................................149
120 Insert M- box................49 Used Nikon
300mm f4 L IS USM 17-85 F4/5.6........................179 Samyang 8 F2.8 fisheye..179 127 F3.5 box.......................299 10.5 F2.8 AFS DX...............419 28 F3.5 AIS.............................99 PENTAX 67 USED 500mm f4 AFS VR
box 18-55 F3.5/5.6 IS EFS .........89 Samyang 12 F2..................199 180 F4.5 W box..................199 10-24 F3.5/4.5 AFS DX ....529 28 F2.8 E box........................69 135 F4 macro late .............249
18-55 F3.5/5.6 IS STM............ 99 Samyang 21 F1.4 ..............199 Pro shade...............................49 12-24 F4 DX ........................399 28-85 F3.5/4.5 AIS.............199 200 F4 latest .......................169
18-55 F3.5/5.6 EFS .................. 59 X100 silver box ..................349 MINOLTA/SONY DIGITAL USED 14-24 F2.8 AFS M- box.. 1099 35-70 F3.3/4.5 AIS.............129 200 F4 early.............................99
18-135 F3.5/5.6 IS..................219 X-T1 vertical grip...............129 Sony A77 II body................ 799 14-24 F2.8 AFS ................ 999 35-70 F3.5 AIS ......................99 300 F4 early scruffy............. 99
20-35 F3.5/4.5 USM..............179 EF-42 flash...........................119 Sony A77 body ................... 399 16-85 F3.5/5.6 AFS VR ...299 35-105 F3.5/4.5 AIS ............79 Pentax rear conv 1.4x........ 249
24 F2.8 IS USM........................369 FUJI MED FORMAT USED Sony A350 body................. 149 17-55 F2.8 AFS ......................499 50 F1.8 AIS pancake.........139 2x rear converter...............179
649 24 F3.5 TSE box...................1199 GSW690 III...........................599 Sony VGB30AM .....................79 18-35 F3.5/4.5 AFS ..............449 50 F1.8 E.................................59 Auto ext tubes .....................49 4499
24-70 F2.8 L USM box.........549 HASSELBLAD XPAN USED Sony VG-C2EM.................... 179 18-55 F3.5/5.6 VRII..................99 105 F2.8 AIS macro ..........249 Vivitar 2x conv .....................49
Used Canon 24-85 F3.5/4.5 USM..............149
24-105 F4 L...............................549
Centre filter 49mm.................129
Sony VGC70AM .................. 139
Sony HV56AM..................... 169
18-70 F3.5/4.5 AFS ..............119
18-135 F3.5/5.6 DX..............149
180 F2.8 AIS ED scruffy...179
200 F4 AI..............................149
50-200 F4/5.6 III M- box....99 Used Nikon
400mm f4 DO 28 F1.8 USM box...............259 503CW chr + 80 F2.8 CF Sony F42AM......................... 129 18-140 F3.5/5.6 VR DX M- 229 500 F4 AIS......................... 1499 TAMRON ADII USED 600mm f4 AFSII non VR
28-90 F3.5/5.6 ......................79 +A12................................... 1699 SONY NEX USED 18-200 F3.5/5.6 AFS VRI....199 500 F8 early ........................279 90 F2.5 SP ............................149
28-135 F3.5/5.6 IS USM ..229 PM5 prism 45....................149 A6000 body.............................329 20 F2.8 AF................................279 TC200 ......................................49 500 F8 ...................................169
28-200 F3.5/5.6 USM .......169 PME prism box...................149 NEX 5 body ..............................129 24 F2.8 AFD............................299 TC301 ....................................149 VOIGTLANDER USED
35 F1.4 L USM ....................799 45 Prism late .....................149 FE 16-50 F3.5/5.6 EZ ............149 24-70 F2.8 AFS box.............849 SC-17 TTL lead.....................25 15 F4.5 + VF M- box.........269
50 F1.4 USM........................219 45 Prism early.....................69 FE 50 F1.8 OSS E ....................169 24-85 F3.5/4.5 AFS VR.........329 DW-3 WLF find fit F3 .........99 ZEISS USED
50 F1.8 MKII ..........................49 NC1 prism..............................69 FE 55-210 F4.5/6.3................159 24-120 f4 AFS VR...................699 DW-4 6x mag find fit F3 ...99 Victory Diascope 85 T* FL
2199 70-200 F2.8 IS USM LI......899 WLF late ...............................110 Samyang 100 F2.8 macro.229 28 F1.8 AFS G..........................479 DW-21 fits F4......................149 + 20x60 box..................... 1799 3499
Mail order used items sold on 10 day approval. Return in as received condition for refund if not satisfied (postage not included - mail order only). E&OE.
Useful gadgets to enhance your photography, from phones to filters
MeFOTO GlobeTrotter
travel tripod
At a glance
Lightweight carbon-fibre tripod
available in a choice of colours
Arca-Swiss quick-release plate
Integrated monopod
Geoff Harris road tests an eye-catching
carbon-fibre support
DESPITE the choice of funky colours,
MeFOTOs GlobeTrotter tripods are serious Carbon-fibre legs Quick-release
pieces of kit and can support up to 26.4lb The carbon-fibre legs are plate
(12kg), which is more than enough for tough and thick, with handy The Arca-Swiss-style
mainstream travel photography. Both spiked ends for easier use quick-release plate soon
carbon-bre and aluminium versions pack on soft ground. becomes second nature. You
down in seconds to a very compact 16.1in can also buy a smartphone
(41cm), and while the GlobeTrotter isnt the adapter accessory.
lightest travel tripod around at 3.7lb (1.7kg),
its unlikely to cause problems at the airport.
Build quality is excellent. The carbon-bre
legs are built to last and extend the tripod to a
respectable 64.2in (1.6m), while the head and
aluminium ttings are also of high quality. The
legs lock via a twist grip, rather than a clip,
which is a bit of Marmite scenario you either
love twist grips or hate them. I was sceptical at
rst, but these grips are quick and easy to use.
There are two default locking positions for
the legs conventional upright and wider
set-up closer to the group. The latter comes in
handy with heavy cameras and lenses, or in
windy conditions. The Q-series ballhead looks
like it will withstand a lot of punishment, and
theres an Arca-Swiss-style-compatible quick-
release plate. As with any new tripod, youll
Not for everyone,
need to spend some time practising with this
perhaps, but the
and the head tension, lock knob and pan lock,
twist-grip locks are
but they soon become second nature. Useful
well made and
extras include a graduated panning scale for
panoramas, a built-in monopod with foam GOLD
sleeve for extreme weather and a roomy
shoulder bag with toolkit.
Theres a lot to like about the carbon-bre The blue, green and red shades
GlobeTrotter. Its reasonably priced, easy to are eye-catching, but some
use and lightweight but sturdy. The twist-grip photographers might not want to
leg locks could be a deal breaker for some, attract attention particularly in
but theyre well made and reliable. So long less salubrious parts of town, or
as you dont expect the GlobeTrotter to where security guards or police
outperform more expensive specialist tripods, are milling around. So, the more
its highly recommended for city breaks and traditional black or titanium grey
long hauls alike. might be a better choice.
WIN a holiday
in the Gambia
Send in your inspiring travel photograph and you
Prizes galore
up for grabs
could win a fantastic seven-night holiday to The Our overall winner will
Gambia for two, and have your image printed in receive a seven-night
holiday for two in The
AP and Lonely Planet Traveller magazine Gambia, courtesy of
AP AND Lonely Planet Traveller magazine have joined forces The Gambia Experience
to offer one lucky reader the chance to win a seven-night (
holiday for two to The Gambia in our Inspired Travel
Photographer 2016 competition. And thats not all we also The overall winner will stay for three
have a Fujilm X-T10 for each of the three category winners. nights in the stunning Ngala Lodge and
four nights in the Mandina Lodges in the
How to enter Makasutu Forest where youll receive:
Guided forest walks
There are three categories you can enter:
River trip by pirogue
1 People Return flights from Gatwick
We want to see your pictures of people in the home, Half-board at the Mandina Lodges
on the streets or on your travels. and b&b at the Ngala Lodge
2 Places The overall winner will also be invited to
The world is a big place, with its sprawling cities, endless oceans photograph this dream trip and have their
and dark forests, but what are the places that inspire you. work featured in Lonely Planet Traveller
and Amateur Photographer magazines.
3 Nature and wildlife PLUS
For this round were looking for your images of beautiful
Each category winner will win a Fujifilm
landscapes, and the plants and animals that live within them
X-T10 camera worth 779. This compact
Closing date 30 November 2016. Full terms and conditions online mirrorless digital camera turns any trip,
whether in everyday life or to the other
side of the world, into the ultimate photo
opportunity. Visit
Canon EOS 1300D
289 body only
340 with 18-55mm IS II lens
appear to be a huge difference sensor, while the considerably One area in which the 1300D Sensor 18MP APS-C CMOS
between the two, with both models more expensive Sony Alpha 68 greatly extends its appeal Image processor Canon DIGIC 4+
sharing the same 18-million-pixel (550 body only) also gets a compared to its predecessor is the Output size 5,184x3,456 pixels
sensor, nine-point AF system and 24MP sensor and the Pentax addition of built-in Wi-Fi and NFC Shutter speeds 30-1/4,000sec
95% pentamirror viewnder. That K-S2 (470 body) benets connectivity. This basically allows ISO 100-6,400
said, the newer model does benet from a 20.1MP sensor. Apple and Android (but not (Expandable to 12,800)
from the addition of built-in Wi-Fi Compared with the DIGIC 4 Windows Phone) users to connect Exposure 5EV in 1/3EV steps
and NFC connectivity, along with a processor found inside the EOS the camera directly to their
Drive mode 3fps continuous shooting
slightly faster image processor and 1200D, the 1300Ds DIGIC 4+ smartphone or tablet using
LCD 3in fixed LCD with 920,000 dots
a much-improved rear LCD display. chip offers a modest performance Canons free Camera Connect Viewfinder Pentamirror, 0.8x magnification,
Is this enough to help the 1300D benet, primarily in terms of the app. Once connected, Camera approx 95% coverage
stand out from its rivals in what is number of images that can be Connect can be used to transfer Video Full HD (1,920x1,080),
an increasingly competitive sector consecutively recorded when the images from the camera directly HD (1,080x720), VGA (640x480)
of the market? camera is used in continuous to the connected mobile device, or Memory card SD, SDHC, SDXC
shooting mode. Elsewhere, the to control the camera remotely. Power LP-E10 Li-ion battery
Features 1300Ds core specication is Given that most people now own a (approx 900 shots per charge)
The 1300D is built around the very much what wed expect from smartphone, the ability to transfer Dimensions 129x101.3x77.6mm
same 18-million-pixel APS-C an entry-level DSLR. Shutter images from camera to Weight 485g (with battery and card)
CMOS sensor that was used by its speeds range from 30secs to phone and then use the Connectivity Built-in Wi-Fi with NFC
The 1300Ds dynamic range result measures 11.7EV at Build and handling
ISO 100 in our Applied Imaging test. As the graph In terms of build quality, the 1300Ds
below illustrates, the figure stays above 10EV up to polycarbonate outer shell feels perfectly in across the centre of the viewnder. Only the
ISO 400. Results at ISO 1,600, 3,200 and 6,400 drop to keeping with the cameras price, although its central AF point is of the cross-type variety,
8.8EV, 7.7EV and 6.5EV respectively. This reflects the not in the same league as the magnesium- with the others all being horizontal AF points.
fact that shadowed areas get increasingly nosier as alloy casings found higher up the EOS range. Used in good light, the 1300Ds phase-
you push towards the ISO 12,800 limit. Aesthetically, we think the soft-sheen black detection AF module works very well, with
nish and neatly sculpted curves give the focus lock being near instantaneous. When
1300D a pretty stylish appearance overall, light levels drop, however, so does the
although others may nd it a bit plasticky. autofocus performance. Used in live view
The 1300D benets from a relatively mode, the contrast-detect AF system can be
pronounced nger grip that, for most people, frustratingly slow to focus, even in good light.
should be deep enough to comfortably Despite the lack of speed, it is thankfully
accommodate three ngers. This is further accurate, making it well suited to shooting
aided by a sculpted thumb rest on the back, still-life compositions and landscapes where
and combined they enable a secure grip on you can usually afford to take your time. In
the camera. Buttons are well placed, clearly time-sensitive situations where speedy focus
labelled and spaciously arranged so as to lock is vital (for example, when shooting action
minimise the chance of making accidental or moving subjects), the 1300Ds Live View AF
Noise selections. Unlike the 750D and cameras performance is too slow to be of practical use.
higher up the EOS range, there is no LCD With a maximum continuous shooting speed
In-camera JPEG processing provides excellent results display on the top-plate. Instead, the 1300D of just 3fps, the 1300D isnt really built for
at ISO 100-200. A small amount of luminance noise comes with Canons standard Quick Menu speed. Thanks to the slightly faster DIGIC 4+
does begin to creep in at ISO 800, but its only really (accessed via the Q button), which presents image processor, buffer performance has
visible when viewing images at 100%. At ISO 1,600 you with all the cameras key settings neatly improved, allowing the 1300D to record more
noise becomes more pronounced, but overall image displayed on the rear LCD screen. Overall, the images in a single burst before slowing down.
quality is still very good. Likewise, images shot at ISO 1300D is an intuitive and easy-to-use camera When testing, we red well over 100 full-
3,200 remain usable. At the higher settings image that most rst-time DSLR users should have resolution JPEGs without any slowdown, and
quality does show marked degradation. no problems getting to grips with. Canon claims the 1300D can actually record
The optical viewnder is the pentamirror up to 1,100 full-size JPEGs in a single burst.
JPEG ISO 100 JPEG ISO 400 JPEG ISO 1,600 variety and provides 95% coverage. While Switching to raw capture, we were able to
bright and clear, it is a little small. Admittedly, shoot between six and seven consecutive
that could well be because we are accustomed images before the camera began to stutter.
to using more advanced DSLRs with larger Another area in which the 1300D offers
viewnders. Most rst-time DSLR users wont noticeable improvement over its predecessor
even notice its relatively modest size. is the 920,000-dot rear LCD display.
JPEG ISO 3,200 JPEG ISO 6,400 JPEG ISO 12,800
Displayed images are much sharper and easier
Performance to appraise. As for battery performance, we
The 1300D uses the same nine-point AF were able to shoot over 900 images on a
system as its predecessor, with the individual single charge with fairly regular use of the
AF points arranged in a diamond formation cameras menu and playback function.
Mode dial
This provides direct
access to all the
cameras exposure
modes. In addition
to the standard
PASM quartet, the
1300D provides a
This raw image, taken at generous range of
Trebarwith Strand in Cornwall fully automatic
about 15 minutes after sunset, was
processed in Lightroom to enhance
exposure modes
the shadow detail in the rocks for snapshots.
At a glance
Pentax K-1
The K-1 has the honour of being the first full-frame
Pentax DSLR. Matt Golowczynski takes a closer
look at this impressively specified camera
or years, it seemed its appeal is likely to stretch to a
For and against Data file
doubtful that a broader range of Pentax users
Excellent image quality; Sensor 36.4MP, full frame, no AA filter full-frame Pentax DSLR not to mention others with no
superb resolution and Output size 7,360x4,912 pixels would ever materialise. strong ties to another system.
dynamic range Focal length mag 1x But now that its here, the focus
Lens mount Pentax KAF2 has moved to what it represents in Features
High features-to-price ratio Shutter speeds 1/8,000sec to 30secs, bulb an ever-expanding sector. The K-1 The K-1s main attraction is its
ISO 100-204,800
isnt the cheapest way into 36.4MP full-frame sensor. It
Excellent handling with many Exposure modes
full-frame photography, nor does it operates over a large native
PASM, sensitivity priority, Av and
physical controls TV priority, auto offer the lightweight or small form sensitivity range of ISO 100 to
Metering Multi-segment, centreweighted, of some compact system camera 204,800, and forgoes an
One of the most flexible LCD spot rivals. Yet, when you weigh its anti-aliasing lter to help capture
displays around Exposure comp 5 EV in 1/3 or 1/2 steps features against its asking price, it ner details. This typically comes
Drive 4.4fps remains a compelling proposition. at the risk of aliasing artefacts, but
Occasional auto white balance Movie Full HD at 60fps, stereo mic The K-1 very much adheres to the built-in anti-aliasing lter
inconsistencies LCD 3.2in, 1.037-million-dot, the format of previous Pentax simulator can be called upon to
flexible-tilt LCD DSLRs, but it upgrades existing minimise any ill effects.
Video options not as Viewfinder Pentaprism, 0.70x magnification, technologies and adds further Although the model is designed
approx 100% coverage ones that weve not seen on to work with lenses on which the
comprehensive as those
Stabilisation Five-axis in-body Shake any other camera to date. The image circle covers a full-frame
on other cameras Reduction cameras spec sheet suggests that sensor principally, the steadily
AF points 33 phase-detect AF points it is targeted towards enthusiasts expanding Pentax D FA range
Artefacts visible in certain
(25 cross-type)
Pixel Shift Resolution images and professionals who traditionally users with a collection of APS-C
Memory card SD, SDHC, SDXC (inc UHS-I)
require high-resolution images, DA lenses will be pleased to learn
Power D-LI90 rechargeable Li-ion
Continuous focus doesnt track such as landscape or studio that the K-1 can also support
Battery life Approx 760 images
quite as well as other systems photographers, rather than for these at a reduced resolution of
Dimensions 110x136.5x85.5mm sports and action. Yet, as the only 15.4MP, with the usual 1.5x
Weight 1,010g full-frame model in the line and APS-C crop factor. This also
(with battery and memory card)
launched at an aggressive price, has the effect of boosting the
maximum burst rate from 4.4fps This technology is also at the exposures. Its also possible to downwards, moved sidewards
at full resolution up to 6.5fps. heart of many other features, enable correction of lens when held conventionally and
While 4.4fps may sound including the Pixel Shift Resolution aberrations such as diffraction, even slightly rotated. This is
underwhelming, it is broadly on a option (examined in greater detail chromatic aberration, distortion welcome given that the majority of
par with other full-frame models overleaf). It also works with the and vignetting, either before full-frame cameras do not offer
that offer a similar pixel count. cameras GPS system to provide images are captured or after, in tiltable screens of any kind.
The K-1 is furnished with the Astrotracer functionality. This can raw processing. Full HD video I found it to be particularly useful
fourth iteration of the Prime be used to capture long exposures recording up to 60fps is also on when capturing ground-level shots
engine to handle all operational of stars and other celestial bodies hand, with manual control over in the portrait orientation, as the
and image-processing tasks. without the trails that normally audio levels, and both headphone screen could be adjusted in a
Ricoh states that this has been result from the earths rotation. and microphone ports on the similar manner to tiltable screens
designed to handle higher Other features that owe their cameras side. when used in a landscape
resolution images than previous function to the Shake Reduction All images and videos are orientation. This ease of framing is
engines, while also ensuring that system include automatic horizon recorded to SDHC or SDXC complemented by a sprightly
images captured at higher ISO correction and composition memory cards, and both HDMI live-view focusing system, which is
settings maintain ne gradations. adjustment, each of which and USB 2.0 ports are provided. fast enough to be usable outdoors
As with other Pentax DSLRs, the moves the sensor to ne-tune Battery life is rated at 760 frames, in good lighting, with just a slight
K-1 is designed with an in-body composition. Electronic levels which is somewhat lower than slowdown in darker conditions.
Shake Reduction mechanism. This across both horizontal and vertical DSLR rivals but still considerably The screen itself measures 3.2in
works in the same manner as axes are also on hand to ensure better than equivalent compact and has a 1.037-million-dot
other sensor-based systems, things stay level, visible both in the system cameras. resolution. Its clear and colourful,
moving to counter shake across viewnder and on the LCD screen. and displays very good clarity in
pitch, roll and yaw axes, and both The list of additional features Viewfinder and screen everyday conditions. One new
vertical and horizontal shifts. In ranges from Wi-Fi connectivity Physically, the cameras LCD is its feature is the outdoor view
this respect, its very similar to the and an interval timer for the most unconventional feature. Its setting, conveniently accessed
ve-axis systems in Olympuss and creation of time-lapse footage to mounted on a hinge, which itself is through the down button on the
Sonys mirrorless models, but this a comprehensive high-dynamic attached to the camera via four rear menu pad. It offers ve
is the rst full-frame model to range (HDR) feature and the arms; this allows the display to be separate levels of brightness
promise 5 stops of correction. option to capture multiple pulled out and tilted upwards and so you can quickly give it a
boost if you find the screen focusing point, you can set this Build and handling sDM Wr but one that remains
difficult to see in bright light. to be illuminated always or only As is typically the case at this comfortable after prolonged use.
the LCD is also backed by four when the camera senses its dark level, the camera makes use of Considering the body is
LED lights to illuminate the rear enough to be required. magnesium alloy for its body and narrower than that of both the
controls when used in darker the viewfinder itself displays has been sealed against dust and Canon EOs 5D Mark iii and Nikon
conditions, and these can be the scene perfectly well in good water incursion with thick rubber D810, its impressive that ricoh
adjusted over two levels of light, although a comparison with doors covering ports and freeze has managed to incorporate such
brightness. Owing to a shallow a similarly specified rival camera proofing down to -14C. Weighing an extensive range of well-sized
spread of light, i only found this will show it as not being quite as just over 1kg with a battery and physical controls without any
useful on the higher of the two bright and as bearing a slight memory card, its not significantly adverse impact on handling or
settings when the screen was tilted yellow cast. its eyecup isnt heavier than its immediate rivals, operation. Furthermore, not
to a particular position. i imagine particularly deep, either, which although its relatively narrow width only are these controls easily
that after the user has become means youll naturally have your gives it a somewhat boxier design. accessible, but the camera also
familiar with the position of the face pressed closer to the camera the cameras grip has been well responds to each click of a
rear controls, this would be called (particularly in harsh light). this sculpted, with indentations to command dial regardless of how
upon at fewer times. in itself isnt a big issue, but as accommodate middle and ring quickly it is turned something
the pentaprism viewfinder the rear display is unusually fingers. the result is a camera that that cannot be said for some other
offers near-100% coverage of the positioned very slightly further not only feels good when held models. in practice, this means
scene, with a frame in the centre away from the body than the and perfectly balanced with a that reaching one end of the
to show the crop area when using viewfinders eyepiece, its easy to suitable optic such as the HD
APs-C lenses. As with the active smudge the LCD with your face. Pentax-D FA 24-70mm f/2.8 ED
Key exposure information, for
example, is shown considerably
larger than secondary data.
Focal points
The K-1 debuts a new SAFOX The K-1 is an impressively specified camera
12 autofocus system, with 33 with plenty of innovative features built in
phase-detect points. Of these, 25
are cross type and are arranged Operation Assist LED lights 300,000-shot shutter
centrally in a square formation, LED lights are placed around the body Ricoh Imaging states that the K-1s
with the remaining line-type points to allow greater visibility in low light. shutter has been engineered to withstand
on either side. The central point, Four are located on the back of the rear 300,000 actuations. While its clearly
together with those directly above display, with further lights inside the difficult to verify this, its considerably
and below it, are sensitive to f/2.8 card slots, above the lens mount and higher than the 150K-200K figure thats
and work in light as low as -3EV. inside the remote-release port. often quoted for cameras at this level.
In use, the 25 central points are
sensitive enough to bring most
subjects into focus in good time. Top-plate LCD Smart
With the 24-70mm lens, focusing
The ability to tilt the screen while performance seems on a par with
The top-plate LCD Function
shooting in a portrait orientation is significantly This dial provides
mainstream rivals, and the lenss smaller than those
makes capturing ground-level immediate access
images like this far easier than quiet focusing motor also helps on similar cameras, to a variety of
that on other cameras to keep things discreet. Some with space for just camera settings,
subjects and conditions clearly tax basic exposure such as exposure
sensitivity or shutter-speed range the remaining points, particularly information and compensation,
from another, for example, can be the two outermost line points. I battery life. It can ISO, bracketing
done very rapidly. found this made me rely more be illuminated with and viewfinder
The dial on the top-plate thats on the focus-and-recompose a press of a button gridline display.
used in conjunction with the Smart technique than on other models to its side.
Function dial is considerably stiffer where peripheral areas have a
than the others, although as this is higher concentration of points.
used less frequently than the When set to continuous focus, I
others, it isnt too awkward in use. found the camera did a good job
Im not entirely convinced the of keeping track of moderately
Smart Function Dial is desperately paced subjects, although it tended
The cameras sensor-based
shake-reduction system promises
Shot 1 Shot 2
Lab results
Andrew Sydenhams lab tests reveal just how the camera performs
One thing thats certain is the K-1 has an excellent sensor at its heart,
which captures images with superb detail and a wide dynamic range.
In some ways, its performance is as expected for a 36MP full-frame
sensor, but comparing its results to those of some of its rivals shows it
to have some advantages, too. Considering that the only cameras that
currently beat it for resolution are far pricier than the K-1, these really
are noteworthy results. One slight oddity is the broad ISO range on
offer; while noise is well controlled throughout much of the range,
the level of noise at the highest two settings explains why other
These two images were taken a second apart from each other, but the manufacturers cap sensitivity more modestly with similar sensors.
auto white balance system has interpreted the scene very differently
Dynamic range
subjects handheld), TIFF format as well as JPEG.
and 4 stops more readily Although many photographers
achievable at telephoto settings. It are put off by HDR images, using
is possible to achieve images with the cameras HDR mode on its
around 5 stops of correction, but default settings can actually
with less frequency. produce pleasingly natural results.
The cameras default Bright I found this particularly useful
setting appears to deliver when capturing images containing
pleasingly colourful but accurate clouds, which would naturally lose
images, although there is a Natural detail when these didnt make up
option, too, if you prefer things a too large a part of the image.
little more faithful and with less I also found the in-camera
contrast. Both the auto white aberration corrections to be
balance and multi auto white effective and worth keeping
balance systems appear to do a turned on. While the 24-70mm For a camera with a sensor of its type, the K-1 does an excellent job with
good job under both natural and proved to be a satisfactory lens dynamic range, particularly at its lower settings. At its base ISO 100
articial sources, although on a to use with the K-1, I found the sensitivity it records a brilliant 13.8EV in our Applied Imaging tests, and
handful of occasions I noticed that distortion and vignetting manages to stay above 13EV until ISO 800, where it drops down to a still very
images taken literally a second corrections made a positive respectable 12.5EV. At its middle settings, it manages a performance thats
apart from each other in certain difference at wideangle and as good as if not slightly better than a number of other full-frame rivals,
lighting conditions sometimes bore large apertures respectively. and its only really outdone by the Sony Alpha 7S II.
different casts. The K-1 is not The cameras Pixel Shift
alone in behaving like this, but it Resolution system makes a
may be worth using a suitable noticeable improvement to the
white-balance preset when you level of detail in images, although
nd this happening. close examination shows a ne
Previous Pentax DSLRs have grate-like pattern over certain Below we show details from our resolution
been characterised by a tendency areas. This appeared in both raw chart test pattern (right). Multiply the
towards underexposure, and I and JPEG images, both with and number beneath the lines by 400 to give the
found this to be the case here too without the Motion Correction resolution in lines per picture height.
(but not overwhelmingly so). The feature activated. At least in the RAW RAW RAW RAW
default evaluative metering pattern conditions under which this was ISO 100 ISO 3,200 ISO 51,200 ISO 204,800
does generally get it right, but I tested, I found a gentle sharpening
occasionally felt the need to of raw images captured on default
either dial in +13EV or +23EV of settings a more pleasing result.
correction, or to x this later on in While 4K video may not be
raw processing. The position of the available, those keen on using the
exposure-compensation function cameras full HD option are likely
and the ease with which this can to be satised. Footage appears
be changed with the rear dial pleasingly natural and free of Without the AA filter option enabled, the K-1 can resolve 4,800l/ph at its
makes this process painless. artefacts, and sound quality is base sensitivity of ISO 100. This is a highly impressive result; it is somewhat
Its pleasing to see a broad perfectly decent from the pair expected for a camera with such a sensor and matched elsewhere by others,
range of raw-processing options of on-board microphones. The but is impressive nonetheless. Just as pleasing to see is how steadily this
on hand, from exposure, white Shake Reduction system also does falls with each increase in sensitivity, with results at ISO 1,600 recording a
balance and noise reduction to well to keep things stable as the still excellent 4,400l/ph. Only at ISO 51,200 does this fall below 4,000l/ph.
more novelty lter options. Ricoh camera is panned across a scene, The target does, however, show some false colour and maze patterning; this
has made it easy to check results aided by the availability of roll is successfully eliminated with the Type 2 Anti-Aliasing filter simulator
and create a number of different correction thats simply not enabled, although resolution then drops down to a still impressive 4,400l/ph
versions of the same image possible with lens-based, at ISO 100. Overall, a very strong set of results.
quickly, and you can save in the optical stabilisation systems.
A MODEL as anticipated as the
K-1 has to work hard to meet
expectations, but those who have
waited patiently are likely to be
very pleased. Its recipe for success
is simple: not only does it offer an
awful lot for its very reasonable
asking price, but it also marries
this with excellent performance performance of the continuous
JPEG ISO 3,200 JPEG ISO 12,800 in several key areas. autofocus system is only average.
Crucially, image quality is one of On a practical level, while the
its major strengths. The camera model is compatible with a wealth
is capable of excellent dynamic of legacy lenses and supports
range and high resolution, and APS-C lenses, too, there is
noise is well controlled, while understandably a more limited
the abundance of colour and range of full-frame lenses
white-balance options means you available than in other stables, and
can easily get the result you want fewer third-party options, too. This
in camera particularly if you take may be something to consider for
advantage of post-capture photographers working in specic
raw processing. genres. Hopefully well see the
JPEG ISO 51,200 JPEG ISO 204,800 Just as praiseworthy is the Pentax range expanding in the
models design, and more near future.
specically what this means for Still, for many people with no
handling and operation. With only strong ties to any particular
very minor exceptions, I cant think system, the K-1 is well worth a
of any physical aspect of the spot on the full-frame shortlist.
cameras design that would benet With a solid set of specs, excellent
from being revised. Controls are handling, strong image quality
easily accessible and clearly and a very
marked, and the camera feels competitive
excellent in the hands, providing price, its one
ne support for both everyday of the most
lenses and weightier optics. exciting DSLRs
For a model fitted with a 36MP full-frame sensor, the K-1 offers a surprisingly With its agreeable price tag and weve seen in
broad ISO range, from ISO 100 all the way up to ISO 204,800. Up to ISO 3,200, a handful of more specialist recent times.
images maintain their detail well, with noise becoming increasingly visible in the features, its clear that this is a
range but only in small increments. After this point, images start to degrade camera designed for a wide FEATURES 9/10
further and further, with those captured at ISO 25,600 being usable and those at audience, although there are BUILD & HANDLING 10/10
51,200 usable only at a push. Its difficult to see how the highest two options some areas where the advantage METERING 9/10
could be usable; detail suffers greatly in images captured at ISO 102,400, and lies with rival bodies. Video quality AUTOFOCUS 8/10
can barely be made out in anything captured at ISO 204,800. Sadly, it appears as is perfectly good, for example, but AWB & COLOUR 8/10
if Ricoh hasnt found a successful formula to warrant including the latter two control over it isnt quite as DYNAMIC RANGE 9/10
options. Rival bodies with similar sensors cut off sensitivity at between ISO comprehensive as youll nd IMAGE QUALITY 9/10
25,600 and ISO 102,400, and this really should have been the case here, too. elsewhere. Meanwhile the VIEWFINDER/LCD 8/10
Est. 1967
01582 661878
is a good place to start. An Excellent choice.
- Amateur Photographer Magazine, 2014
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Tech Talk
Email your questions to:, Twitter @AP_Magazine and #AskAP, or Facebook. Or write to Tech Support,
Amateur Photographer Magazine, Time Inc. (UK), Pinehurst 2, Pinehurst Road, Farnborough Business Park, Farnborough, Hants GU14 7BF
frame or sensor so the scene solutions, some lens sharpness its usually desirable to use as fast
Whats the difference? projected through the lens is will be sacriced. a shutter speed as possible. The
That is correct a a 1.4x converter and 2 stops, or speeds of around 1/1000sec. Exposure can be tricky, as
conversion lens ts on the three quarters of the brightness, Also, how do bird photographers birds, especially in ight, can be
front of a camera lens and with a 2x converter. Conversion focus on a bird in ight within a surrounded by a lot of bright sky.
does not affect the brightness, lenses dont dilute brightness but second? Regarding the AE/ This causes the detail in the bird
while a teleconverter ts in can be bulky and often have to be AF-lock button, should I focus on to be underexposed, so consider
between the camera body and matched to the optics of the lens a bird, lock the settings, then biasing the exposure to
the lens and will reduce the they are attached to. photograph the bird as it ies? compensate. Locking the focus,
brightness. A conversion lens Teleconverters are usually made g01nw1ld effectively pre-focusing on a spot
changes the basic optics of a lens to extend the effective focal you know the bird will pass
through an additional lens or length of a lens to make it more Most birds, especially through, can be effective. With
lenses on the front of a camera telephoto. Conversion lenses can small ones, move very fast practice you can also learn to
lens. A teleconverter moves the be used to make the eld of view and are constantly moving master your cameras continuous
camera lens away from the lm wider or narrower. With both even when perched. Therefore, autofocus mode. Ian Burley
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Final Analysis
Roger Hicks considers
Death, from the Four series, 2012-2014, by Andrey Kezzyn
he Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse are rst described
in the sixth chapter of the
Book of Revelation in the
New Testament in the Bible. In order
of appearance, as so often in real life,
they are War, Pestilence, Famine and
Death. Good Omens, by the late Sir Terry
Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, lls out the
characters considerably. Andrey Kezzyn
shows us what they look like.
These are classic tableau photographs:
people costumed, arranged and
photographed to tell a story. Each picture
contains two adults and a child. When
trying to select which picture to reproduce
here, I was torn between Death and
Pestilence, but all four are brilliant (visit There are lots of other
tableaux there too.
Now, tableau photography is about as far
removed from anything I have ever done,
although I did once pose three teenage
girls as Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak
No Evil in three spare niches on
Christmas Steps in Bristol, just down from
the Chapel of the Three Kings of Cologne.
Even so, tableaux have always fascinated
me. We do not have to practise a genre, let
alone be successful at it, to be captivated
by it. To paraphrase Dr Johnson, you do
not need to be a carpenter to tell whether
a table is well made or not.
I rst saw all four pictures, appallingly
lit and in a tiny cellar, in a temporary
gallery in Arles, southern France. They
were a superb illustration of the truth that
pictures are made to be looked at, not
reproduced. The impact was enormous.
At a guess, the original prints were about
1m (40in) high, but even at the size
reproduced here you can probably see
why I was so impressed. As so often, there
are only two reasons why I did not buy all
These are classic tableau photographs: people costumed,
four. One was that I could not afford them. arranged and photographed to tell a story. I was torn
The other was that even if I could, I lack
the wall space to display them. I would between Death and Pestilence but all four are brilliant
need several mansions, and a couple of
art galleries, to display all the pictures Andrey doesnt use digital manipulation. But if we believe them to be real, then in
that Id like to own. Why is this important? I dont know. some way they are more real. Andreys
The effort and expense of creating There is just something more real about tableaux are more real than many of the
tableau pictures is immense: lighting, straight photography. That reality may be realities we see every day with our own
models, costumes, make-up, prosthetics, illusory: what if the pictures have been eyes, because they are seen with the
stylists Its straight photography, too: manipulated, and we do not know it? eyes of the soul.
Roger Hicks has been writing about photography since 1981 and has published more than three dozen books on the subject, many in partnership with his wife Frances Schultz (visit his new website
at Every week in this column Roger deconstructs a classic or contemporary photograph. Next week he considers an image by Willem Wernsen.
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