Abbey Road
Abbey Road
Abbey Road
This article is about the album by the Beatles. For other Be), Paul McCartney suggested to music producer George
uses, see Abbey Road (disambiguation). Martin that the group get together and make an album
the way we used to do it,[4] free of the conict that had
Abbey Road is the eleventh studio album by English rock begun following the death of Brian Epstein and carried
over to the sessions for the White Album. Martin agreed,
band the Beatles, released on 26 September 1969 by
Apple Records. The recording sessions for the album but on the strict condition that all the group particularly
John Lennon allow him to produce the record in the
were the last in which all four Beatles participated. Al-
though Let It Be was the nal album that the Beatles com- same manner as [5]
earlier albums and that discipline would
pleted before the bands dissolution in April 1970, most be adhered to.
of the album had been recorded before the Abbey Road The rst sessions for Abbey Road began on 22 Febru-
sessions began.[1] A double A-side single from the al- ary 1969, only three weeks after the Get Back sessions,
bum, "Something"/"Come Together", released in Octo- in Trident Studios. There, the group recorded a backing
ber, topped the Billboard chart in the US. track to "I Want You (Shes So Heavy)" with Billy Preston
Abbey Road is a rock album[2] that incorporates genres accompanying them on Hammond organ.[6] No further
such as blues, pop, and progressive rock,[3] and it makes group recording occurred until April because of Ringo
prominent use of the Moog synthesizer and the Leslie Starr's commitments on the lm The Magic Christian.[7]
speaker. Side two contains a medley of song fragments After a small amount of work that month and a session
edited together to form a single piece. The album was for "You Never Give Me Your Money" on 6 May, the
recorded amid a more enjoyable atmosphere than the Get group took an eight-week break before recommencing on
Back/Let It Be sessions earlier in the year, but there were 2 July.[8] Recording continued through July and August,
still frequent disagreements within the band, particularly with the last backing track, for "Because", being taped
on 1 August.[9] Overdubs continued through the month,
over Paul McCartney's song "Maxwells Silver Hammer".
John Lennon had privately left the group by the time the with the nal sequencing of the album coming together
on 20 August the last time all four Beatles appeared in
album was released and McCartney publicly quit the fol-
lowing year. A 16-minute medley of several short songs a studio together.[10]
comprise the majority of side two, closing with the lyric McCartney, Starr and Martin have reported positive
and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you recollections of the sessions,[11] while George Harrison
make. said, we did actually perform like musicians again.[12]
Although Abbey Road was an immediate commercial suc- Lennon and McCartney had enjoyed working together
cess and reached number one in the UK and US, it ini- on the non-album single "The Ballad of John and Yoko"
tially received mixed reviews, some critics describing its in April, contributing friendly banter between takes, and
music as inauthentic and bemoaning the productions ar- some of [13] this camaraderie carried over to the Abbey Road
ticial eects. Many critics now view the album as the sessions. Nevertheless, there was a signicant amount
Beatles best and rank it as one of the greatest albums of of tension between the group members. According to au-
all time. In particular, George Harrison's contributions, thor Ian MacDonald, McCartney had an acrimonious ar-
Something and "Here Comes the Sun", are considered gument with Lennon during the sessions. Lennons wife
to be among the best songs he wrote for the group. The Yoko Ono had become a permanent presence at Beatles
albums cover features the four band members walking recordings and clashed with other members.[11] Halfway
across a zebra crossing outside Abbey Road Studios and through recording in June, Lennon and Ono were in-
has become one of the most famous and imitated images volved in a car accident. A doctor told Ono to rest in bed,
in the history of recorded music. As of 2011, Abbey Road so Lennon had one installed in the studio[5]so she could ob-
remains one of the Beatles best-selling albums. serve the recording process from there.
The albums two halves represented a compromise;
Lennon wanted a traditional release with distinct and
unrelated songs while McCartney and Martin wanted
1 Background to continue their thematic approach from Sgt. Peppers
Lonely Hearts Club Band by incorporating a medley.
After the unpleasant recording sessions for the proposed Lennon ultimately said that he disliked Abbey Road as a
Get Back album (ultimately released in 1970 as Let It whole and felt that it lacked authenticity, calling McCart-
neys contributions "[music] for the grannies to dig and promised to record three songs from Levys publishing
not real songs[14] and describing the medley as junk catalogue for his next album.[27]
... just bits of songs thrown together.[15] During the Come Together was later released as a double A-side
sessions, Lennon expressed a desire to have all of his single with Something.[28] In the liner notes to the com-
songs on one side of the album, with McCartneys on the pilation album Love, Martin described the track as a sim-
other.[12] ple song but it stands out because of the sheer brilliance
Nobody was entirely sure that the work was going to be of the performers.[29]
the groups last, though Harrison said it felt as if we were
reaching the end of the line.[16] After the album was re-
leased, the Get Back/Let It Be project was re-examined, 2.1.2 Something
and work on it continued into 1970. Therefore, Let It Be
became the last album to be nished by the Beatles, even Main article: Something (Beatles song)
though its recording had begun before Abbey Road.[10]
By September 1969, after the recording of Abbey Road, Harrison was inspired to write Something during ses-
Lennon had formed a new group, the Plastic Ono Band, sions for the White Album by listening to label-mate
in part because the Beatles had rejected his song "Cold James Taylor's "Something in the Way She Moves" from
Turkey".[17] While Harrison worked with such artists as his album James Taylor.[30] After the lyrics were rened
Leon Russell, Doris Troy, Preston and Delaney & Bon- during the Let It Be sessions (tapes reveal Lennon giv-
nie through to the end of the year,[18] McCartney took ing Harrison some songwriting advice during its compo-
a hiatus from the group after his daughter Mary was sition), the song was initially given to Joe Cocker, but was
born on 28 August.[19] On 20 September, Lennon for- subsequently recorded for Abbey Road. Cockers version
mally announced his departure to the other Beatles.[20] appeared on his album Joe Cocker! that November.[31]
Abbey Road was released on 26 September 1969. The
Something was Lennons favourite song on the al-
single Something"/"Come Together followed in Octo-
bum, and McCartney considered it the best song Harri-
ber, while Lennon released the Plastic Ono Bands ver-
son had written.[32] Frank Sinatra once commented that
sion of Cold Turkey the same month.[21] The Beatles
it was his favourite LennonMcCartney composition[33]
did not promote Abbey Road directly, and no public an-
(though the song was actually Harrisons) and the great-
nouncement was made of the bands split until McCart-
est love song ever written.[34] Lennon contributed piano
ney announced he was leaving the group in April 1970, at
to the recording and while most of the part was removed,
which point they ocially disbanded.[22]
traces of it remain in the nal cut, notably on the middle
eight, prior to Harrisons guitar solo.[31]
The song was issued as a double A-side single with Come
2 Composition and recording Together in October 1969 and topped the US charts for
one week, becoming the rst Beatles number-one sin-
2.1 Side one gle that was not a LennonMcCartney composition;[35] it
was also the rst Beatles single from an already released
2.1.1 Come Together album.[nb 1] Apples Neil Aspinall lmed a promotional
video, which combined separate footage of the Beatles
Main article: Come Together and their wives.[37]
2.1.4 Oh! Darling John Lennon played the Moog synthesizer's white noise generator
to create the wind sounds at the end of I Want You (Shes So
Main article: Oh! Darling
Oh! Darling was written by McCartney in the doo-wop noted the I Want You section has a straightforward
style, similar to contemporary work by Frank Zappa.[41] blues structure.[48][49]
It was tried at the Get Back sessions, and a version appears The nished song is a combination of two dierent
on Anthology 3.[nb 2] It was subsequently re-recorded in recording attempts. The rst attempt occurred almost im-
April, with overdubs in July and August.[41] mediately after the Get Back/Let It Be sessions, in Febru-
McCartney attempted recording the lead vocal only once ary 1969, with Preston. This was subsequently combined
a day. He said: I came into the studios early every day for with a second version made during the Abbey Road ses-
a week to sing it by myself because at rst my voice was sions proper in April. The two sections together ran to
too clear. I wanted it to sound as though I'd been perform- nearly 8 minutes, making it the Beatles second-longest
ing it on stage all week.[43] Lennon thought he should released track.[nb 3] Lennon used Harrisons Moog syn-
have sung it, remarking that it was more his style.[44] thesizer with a white noise setting to create a wind
eect that was overdubbed on the second half of the
track.[6] During the nal edit, Lennon told Emerick to
2.1.5 Octopuss Garden cut it right there at 7 minutes and 44 seconds, creat-
ing a sudden, jarring silence that concludes the rst side
Main article: Octopuss Garden of Abbey Road (the recording tape would have run out
within 20 seconds as it was).[50] The nal mixing and edit-
As was the case with most of the Beatles albums, Starr ing for the track occurred on 20 August 1969, the last day
sang lead vocal on one track. Octopuss Garden is his all four Beatles were together in the studio.[51]
second and last solo composition released on any album
by the band. It was inspired by a trip to Sardinia aboard
Peter Sellers' yacht after Starr left the band for two weeks 2.2 Side two
with his family during the sessions for the White Al-
bum. Starr received a full songwriting credit and com- 2.2.1 Here Comes the Sun
posed most of the lyrics, though the songs melodic struc-
ture was partly written in the studio by Harrison.[45] The Main article: Here Comes the Sun
pair would later collaborate as writers on Starrs solo sin-
gles "It Don't Come Easy", "Back O Boogaloo" and Here Comes the Sun was written by Harrison in Eric
"Photograph".[46] Clapton's garden in Surrey while Harrison took a break
from stressful band business meetings.[52] The basic track
2.1.6 I Want You (Shes So Heavy)" was recorded on 7 July 1969. Harrison sang lead and
played acoustic guitar, McCartney provided backing vo-
Main article: I Want You (Shes So Heavy) cals and played bass and Starr played the drums.[50]
I Want You (Shes So Heavy)" was written by Lennon Lennon was still recuperating from his car accident and
about his relationship with Ono,[6] and he made a deliber- did not perform on the track. Martin provided an or-
ate choice to keep the lyrics simple and concise.[47] Au- chestral arrangement in collaboration with Harrison, who
thor Tom Maginnis thought the song had a progressive overdubbed a Moog synthesizer part on 19 August, im-
rock inuence, with its unusual length and structure, re- mediately before the nal mix.[52]
peating guitar ri, and white noise eects, though he The song was not released as a single but still attracted
2.2.2 Because
played against McCartneys (with Starrs drum solo heard on Abbey Road.[76] It was instead covered by Badnger,
in the background), appears on the Anthology 3 album while McCartneys original recording appeared on An-
and the 2012 digital-only compilation album Tomorrow thology 3.
Never Knows.[67] The original backing track to Something, featuring
a piano-led coda,[31] and You Never Give Me Your
Money, which leads into a fast rock-n-roll jam ses-
2.2.4 Her Majesty
sion,[61] have appeared on bootlegs.[77][78]
Main article: Her Majesty (song)
a 19-year-old Alan Parsons. He went on to engineer Pink and in 2001 was on display in a museum in Germany.[90]
Floyd's landmark album The Dark Side of the Moon and The man standing on the pavement to the right of the pic-
produce many popular albums himself with the Alan Par- ture is Paul Cole (7 July 1911 13 February 2008),[91]
sons Project.[84] Kurlander also assisted on many of the an American tourist unaware he had been photographed
sessions, and went on to become a successful engineer and until he saw the album cover months later.[91] On the
producer, most noteworthy for his success on the scores original cover, McCartney holds a cigarette; in 2003 sev-
for The Lord of the Rings lm trilogy.[85] eral US poster companies airbrushed this cigarette out
of the image, without permission from either Apple or
4 Album cover
4.2 Legacy
The cover was designed by Apple Records creative direc-
tor Kosh. It is the only original UK Beatles album sleeve
to show neither the artist name nor the album title on its
front cover, which was Koshs idea, despite EMI claiming
the record would not sell without this information. He
later explained that we didn't need to write the bands
name on the cover ... They were the most famous band in
the world.[86]
4.1 Imagery
Imitating the cover of Abbey Road has become popular with fans
gimmicky by people who want a record to sound ex- Beatles best work is debatable, but its certainly the most
actly like a live performance,[100] although he considered immaculately produced (with the possible exception of
it to be teem[ing] with musical invention and added: Sgt. Pepper) and most tightly constructed.[106] Ian Mac-
Nice as Come Together and Harrisons Something are Donald gave a mixed opinion of the album, noting that
they are minor pleasures in the context of the whole disc several tracks had been written at least a year previously,
Side Two is marvellous "[101] Ed Ward of Rolling and would possibly have been unsuitable without being
Stone called the album complicated instead of complex integrated into the medley on side two. He did, however,
and felt that the Moog synthesizer disembodies and ar- praise the production, particularly the sound of Starrs
ticializes the bands sound, adding that they create a bass drum.[11]
sound that could not possibly exist outside the studio.[100] Abbey Road received high rankings in several
While he found the medley on side two to be their most
best albums in history polls by critics and
impressive music since Rubber Soul, Nik Cohn of The publications.[117][118][119] Time included it in their
New York Times said that, individually, the albums
2006 list of the All-Time 100 Albums.[120] In 2009,
songs are nothing special.[102] Albert Goldman of Life readers of Rolling Stone named Abbey Road the greatest
magazine wrote that Abbey Road is not one of the Bea-
Beatles album.[117][121] and in 2012, the magazine ranked
tles great albums and, despite some lovely phrases it number 14 on its list of the 500 greatest albums of all
and stirring segues, side twos suite seems symbolic time.[122] The album was also included in the book 1001
of the Beatles latest phase, which might be described Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.[123]
as the round-the-clock production of disposable music
eects.[103] Musicologist Walter Everett interprets that most of the
lyrics on side twos medley deal with selshness and self-
Conversely, Chris Welch wrote in Melody Maker: the gratication the nancial complaints in 'You Never Give
truth is, their latest LP is just a natural born gas, entirely Me Your Money,' the miserliness of Mr. Mustard, the
free of pretension, deep meanings or symbolism While holding back of the pillow in 'Carry That Weight,' the de-
production is simple compared to past intricacies, it is still sire that some second person will visit the singers dreams
extremely sophisticated and inventive.[104] Derek Jew- perhaps the 'one sweet dream' of 'You Never Give Me
ell of The Sunday Times found the album refreshingly Your Money'? in 'The End.'"[124] Everett adds that
terse and unpretentious, and although he lamented the the medleys selsh moments are played in the context
bands cod-1920s jokes (Maxwells Silver Hammer) and of the tonal centre of A, while generosity is expressed
Ringos obligatory nursery arias (Octopuss Garden)", in songs where C major is central.[124] The medley con-
he considered that Abbey Road touches higher peaks
cludes with a great compromise in the 'negotiations" in
than did their last album.[101] John Mendelsohn, writ- The End, which serves as a structurally balanced coda.
ing for Rolling Stone, called it breathtakingly recorded
In response to the repeated A-major choruses of love
and praised side two especially, equating it to the whole you, McCartney sings in realisation that there is as much
of Sgt. Pepper" and stating, That the Beatles can unify
self-gratifying love (the love you take) as there is of the
seemingly countless musical fragments and lyrical doo- generous love (the love you make), in A major and C
dlings into a uniformly wonderful suite ... seems potent
major, respectively.[124]
testimony that no, they've far from lost it, and no, they
haven't stopped trying.[105]
6 Commercial performance
5.2 Retrospective reviews
Many critics have since cited Abbey Road as the Beat- Abbey Road sold four million copies in its rst two months
les greatest album.[116] In a retrospective review, Nicole of release.[125] In the UK, the album debuted at number 1,
Pensiero of PopMatters called it an amazingly cohesive where it remained for 11 weeks before being displaced for
piece of music, innovative and timeless.[2] Mark Kemp one week by the Rolling Stones' Let It Bleed. The follow-
of Paste viewed the album as being among The Beatles ing week (which was Christmas), Abbey Road returned
nest works, even if it foreshadows the cigarette-lighter- to the top for another six weeks (completing a total of 17
waving arena rock that technically skilled but critically weeks) before being replaced by Led Zeppelin II.[126][127]
maligned artists from Journey to Meatloaf would bela- In all it spent 81 weeks on the UK albums chart.[128]
bor throughout the '70s and '80s.[113] Neil McCormack Reaction overseas was similar. In the US, the album
of The Daily Telegraph dubbed it the Beatles last love spent 12 weeks at number one on the Billboard Top LPs
letter to the world and praised its big, modern sound, chart.[129] It was the National Association of Recording
calling it lush, rich, smooth, epic, emotional and utterly Merchandisers (NARM) best-selling album of 1969[130]
gorgeous.[109] AllMusic's Richie Unterberger felt that and was number four on Billboard magazines top LPs of
the album shared Sgt. Peppers faux-conceptual forms, 1970 year-end chart. Abbey Road was certied 12 plat-
but had stronger compositions, and wrote of its stand- inum by the RIAA in 2001.[131] In Japan, it was one of
ing in the bands catalogue: Whether Abbey Road is the the longest-charting albums to date, remaining in the top
7 Cover versions
10 Personnel
The songs on Abbey Road have been covered many times
and the album itself has been covered in its entirety. According to Mark Lewisohn,[153] Ian MacDonald[154]
One month after Abbey Road's release, George Benson and Barry Miles.[155]
recorded a cover version of the album called The Other
Side of Abbey Road.[138] Later in 1969 Booker T. & the
M.G.'s recorded McLemore Avenue (the location of Stax 11 Charts
Records) which covered the Abbey Road songs and had a
similar cover photo.[139]
11.1 Weekly charts
Additionally, several artists have covered some or all of
the side-B medley, including Phil Collins (for the Mar-
tin/Beatles tribute album In My Life),[140] The String 12 Certications
Cheese Incident,[141] Transatlantic[142] and Tenacious D
(who performed the medley with Phish keyboardist Page BPI certication awarded only for sales since 1994.[196]
McConnell).[143] Furthur, a jam band including former
Grateful Dead members Bob Weir and Phil Lesh, played
the entire Abbey Road album during its Spring Tour
2011. It began with a Come Together opener at Boston
13 See also
on 4 March and ended with the entire medley in New
York City on 15 March, including Her Majesty as an List of best-selling albums
encore.[144] The Beatles discography
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15 External links
Abbey Road at Discogs (list of releases)
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teb, Uniplex, Johnmedda, Fattymcfatcakes, Snowman500, Svaldir, Tombo671, Pantouarde, Mrmoustache14, BeatlesFan69, BattyBot,
JG66, HueSatLum, Smorgan.mus, Midnite Joker, Silverbeatles, MagnusMan, Alex Mirabella, StawberryFields, Jokemuncher, Dexbot,
Gentlecollapse6, Retrospector87, HelicopterLlama, Chowkatsun9, CaptainHill, Treshanks, Plants Strider, JustAMuggle, Dschslava, Mr-
wallace05, MatthewHoobin, Y45ed, Matty.007, Robjune14, Horatio Snickers, Laurencebeck, Ilovetopaint, Donaldrocks, Synthwave.94,
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LAND78, Bilorv, AKS.9955, Rawdryegg, Joe Vitale 5, Mkbngr, Neha.mohit, GeorgeV73GT, WingedVase, Bertotits23, Thebeetle$321,
Squidbob Starpants, MaximumEdison, DanH567, Chatbox94, Moka Mo, RobertManvelyan, Souvik hellre, Superbatheatre, Sundayclose,
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TheFreeWorld, Ajdavis16, Yeahboy0123, Mop Top Spongebob and Anonymous: 1106
16.2 Images
File:1969_Abbey_Road.JPG Source: License: CC BY-
SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Dr. Ronald Kunze
File:Cassini_team_Abbey_road.jpg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Cassini
File:Dagger-14-plain.png Source: License: CC0 Contrib-
utors: Own work Original artist: RexxS
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cense: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: e Original artist: . The original uploader was Kimi95
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tributors: Made with Inkscape from Stars615.svg: <a href='//' class='image'><img
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Made with Inkscape from Image:Stars615.svg. Original artist: User:Conti from the original images by User:RedHotHeat
File:TG12345_Mk.II_desk_(1970s)_and_Microphones,_Abbey_Road_Studios.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/2/29/TG12345_Mk.II_desk_%281970s%29_and_Microphones%2C_Abbey_Road_Studios.jpg License: CC BY
2.0 Contributors: Flickr: SAM_4386 Original artist: Josephenus P. Riley
File:The_End.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Own work Original artist: Andreas Thum