This article is about the temporary framework. For Batten or board decking component used to make
other uses of scaold and scaolding, see Scaold the working platform.
Coupler, a tting used to join components together.
Scaold tie, used to tie in the scaold to structures.
Brackets, used to extend the width of working plat-
1 History
Bamboo scaolding used for the construction of the Four Seasons
Hotel Hong Kong. 1.1 Antiquity
Scaolding, also called scaold [1] or staging,[2] is a Sockets in the walls around the paleolithic cave paintings
temporary structure used to support a work crew and at Lascaux, suggest that a scaold system was used for
materials to aid in the construction, maintenance and painting the ceiling, over 17,000 years ago.
repair of buildings, bridges and all other man made struc- The Berlin Foundry Cup depicts scaolding in ancient
tures. Scaolding is also used in adapted forms for form- Greece (early 5th century BC). Egyptians, Nubians and
work and shoring, grandstand seating, concert stages, ac- Chinese are also recorded as having used scaolding-like
cess/viewing towers, exhibition stands, ski ramps, half structures to build tall buildings. Early scaolding was
pipes and art projects. made of wood and secured with rope knots.
There are four main types of scaolding used world-
wide today. These are Tube and Coupler (tting) com-
ponents, prefabricated modular system scaold compo- 1.2 Modern era
nents, H-frame / facade modular system scaolds, and
timber scaolds. Each type is made from several com- In days gone by, scaolding was erected by individual
ponents which often include: rms with wildly varying standards and sizes. Scaold-
ing was revolutionized by Daniel Palmer Jones and David
Henry Jones. Modern day scaolding standards, prac-
A base jack or plate which is a load-bearing base for tices and processes can be attributed to these men and
the scaold. their companies. With Daniel being the better known
The standard, the upright component with connector and patent applicant and holder for many scaold com-
joins. ponents still in use today see inventor:"Daniel Palmer-
Jones. He is considered the grandfather of Scaolding.
The ledger, a horizontal brace. The history of scaolding being that of the Jones broth-
ers and their companys Patent Rapid Scaold Tie Com-
The transom, a horizontal cross-section load- pany Ltd, Tubular Scaolding Company and Scaolding
bearing component which holds the batten, board, Great Britain Ltd (SGB).
or decking unit.
David Palmer-Jones patented the Scaxer, a cou-
Brace diagonal and/or cross section bracing compo- pling device far more robust than rope which revolu-
nent. tionized scaolding construction. In 1913, his company
Repairwork on Buckingham Palace in 1913, under the scaold- A condominium in periodical (every 10-15 years) large scale re-
ing of Patent Rapid. pairing/maintenance in Japan under regulation. In most cases the
entire building is covered by steel scaolding and mesh for easy
work and safety. Typically it continues 3-5 weeks per planned
was commissioned for the reconstruction of Buckingham
Palace, during which his Scaxer gained much publicity.
Palmer-Jones followed this up with the improved Uni-
versal Coupler in 1919 - this soon became the industry
standard coupling and has remained so to this day.[3]
Or as Daniel would say Be it known that I, DANIEL
PALMER JONES, manufacturer, subject of the King of
England, residing at 124 Victoria Street, Westminster,
London, England, have invented certain new and use-
ful Improvements in Devices for Gripping, Fastening, or
Locking Purposes segment from a patent application.
With the advancements in metallurgy throughout the
early 20th century. Saw the introduction of tubular steel
water pipes (instead of timber poles) with standardized
dimensions, allowing for the industrial interchangeability
of parts and improving the structural stability of the scaf- Scaolding, 10 months after Tokyo Skytree construction start
fold. The use of diagonal bracings also helped to improve
stability, especially on tall buildings. The rst frame sys- 2.1 Materials
tem was brought to market by SGB in 1944 and was used
extensively for the postwar reconstruction.[4]
The basic components of scaolding are tubes, couplers
and boards.
2 Scaolding today
Assembly of bamboo scaolding cantilevered over a Hong Kong A short section of steel scaold tube.
and is used less but has certain advantages in some situa- The scaolding width is determined by the width of the
tions. Since scaolding is a physical structure, it is pos- boards, the minimum width allowed is 600 mm but a
sible to go in and come out of scaolding. more typical four-board scaold would be 870 mm wide
from standard to standard. More heavy-duty scaolding
can require 5, 6 or even up to 8 boards width. Often an
inside board is added to reduce the gap between the inner
standard and the structure.
The lift height, the spacing between ledgers, is 2 m, al-
though the base lift can be up to 2.7 m. The diagram
above also shows a kicker lift, which is just 150 mm or
so above the ground.
Transom spacing is determined by the thickness of the
boards supported, 38 mm boards require a transom spac-
ing of no more than 1.2 m while a 50 mm board can stand
a transom spacing of 2.6 m and 63 mm boards can have
a maximum span of 3.25 m. The minimum overhang for
all boards is 50 mm and the maximum overhang is no
Scaolding in Tretyakovsky Proyezd, Moscow more than 4x the thickness of the board.
2.4 Ties is place hard against the outside face of the structure.
Sometimes it is possible to use anchor ties (also called bolt
ties), these are ties tted into holes drilled in the structure.
A common type is a ring bolt with an expanding wedge
which is then tied to a node point.
4 Standards
The widespread use of scaolding systems, along with the
profound importance that they earned in modern appli-
cations such as civil engineering projects and temporary
Stilts are considered a type of structures, led to the denition of a series of standards
scaold by OSHA in the USA. Stilts are commonly covering a vast number of specic issues involving scaf-
used by drywall tapers working on ceilings. folding. Among the standards there are:[11]
3.3 Pump-jack
6 References
A pump-jack is a type of portable scaolding system.
The scaold rests on supports attached to two or more [1]
vertical posts. The user raises the scaolding by pump- [2] staging, vbl. n.. def. 1. Oxford English Dictionary Sec-
ing the foot pedals on the supports, like an automobile ond Edition on CD-ROM (v. 4.0) Oxford University
jack.[10] Press 2009
[7] Malm, Sara (8 March 2013). How did that get past health
and safety! Hong Kongs ultra-modern skyscrapers are
built with scaolding made out of BAMBOO. Daily
Mail. Retrieved 12 February 2015.
7 External links
8.2 Images
File:2512-chafaudage-Runion.jpg Source:
C3%A9union.jpg License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Thierry Caro, pour le magazine 2512.
File:Ambox_globe_content.svg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Own work, using File:Information icon3.svg and File:Earth clip art.svg Original artist: penubag
File:BambooConstructionHongKong.jpg Source:
BambooConstructionHongKong.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Bamboo_scaffolding_in_bunches_Hong_Kong_2013.jpg Source:
7e/Bamboo_scaffolding_in_bunches_Hong_Kong_2013.jpg License: CC BY-SA 1.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist:
File:Buckingham_palace1913.jpg Source: Li-
cense: Copyrighted free use Contributors: Scaolding Great Britain brochure 1920 Original artist: Scaolding Great Britain
OUTSKIRTS_OF_HELEN._WHEN_COMPLETED_THE_PROJECT..._-_NARA_-_557731.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration Original artist: Stephenson, Al, Photographer (NARA record: 8464474)
File:Floriano_Ferramola_rifiuta_di_abbandonare_il_cantiere_davanti_alle_truppe_di_Gaston_de_Foix.jpg Source:
di_Gaston_de_Foix.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: AA. VV., Il sacco di Brescia, volume I, Grafo, Brescia 1989, 2011-11-19
Original artist: Modesto Faustini
Seil.jpg Source:
Winde_%5E_Seil.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Deutsche Fotothek Original artist: ?
File:HK_BambooScaffolding_NylonKnot.JPG Source:
BambooScaffolding_NylonKnot.JPG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Chong Fat
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Contributors: Das Bild wurde vom Hersteller fr die Verwendung auf Wikipedia zur Verfgung gestellt. Original artist:
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Beilen_-_20521600_-_RCE.jpg License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed Original artist: Beelen,
J.A. van (Fotograaf)
File:Rieten_dak_met_ladder_en_ladderlift_-_Blaricum_-_20344468_-_RCE.jpg Source:
commons/a/a1/Rieten_dak_met_ladder_en_ladderlift_-_Blaricum_-_20344468_-_RCE.jpg License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors:
Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed Original artist: A. J. van der Wal
File:Scaff_t_02.png Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contribu-
tors: Created by uploader. Original artist: en:User:TwoOneTwo
File:Scaff_wp_01.png Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Con-
tributors: Created by uploader. Original artist: TwoOneTwo at English Wikipedia
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domain Contributors: Archives of Pearson Scott Foresman, donated to the Wikimedia Foundation Original artist: Pearson Scott Fores-
File:Scaffold_Pole_Section.jpg Source: License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Zephyris
File:Scaffolding,_Tretyakovsky_Proyezd,_Moscow,_03_08_05.jpg Source:
Scaffolding%2C_Tretyakovsky_Proyezd%2C_Moscow%2C_03_08_05.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Scaffolding_Waverley_Station.jpg Source:
Station.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Kim Traynor
File:Tokyo_Sky_Tree_under_construction_20090510.jpg Source:
Sky_Tree_under_construction_20090510.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Self shot Original artist: Namazu-tron
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_1943_D17079.jpg Source:
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Contributors: Original artist: Ministry of Information Photo Division