400 Spec
400 Spec
400 Spec
M400- 30198
Micro 400/400E
4 Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel
The Micro 400/400E Control Panel is supplied
with the following standard features:
The Chemetron Fire Systems Micro 400/400E Con- Two Class A or B indicating Alarm Circuits and two
trol Panel has been designed as a compact control additional Class B Indicating Alarm circuits are also pro-
center for Fire Alarm and Detection applications. The vided.
microprocessor based unit is suitable to perform de- The Micro 400/400E is supplied premounted in a
tection and control functions associated with NFPA 72 Nema 1 enclosure with a hinged door. It includes an
Local Signaling Systems. Optional modules are available integral 24 VDC standby battery system capable of pro-
to comply with the other NFPA 72 series standards, as viding in excess of 90 hours of battery back-up service.
well as NFPA 71 Central Station Signaling Systems. Optional modules available for the Micro 400/400E in-
The Micro 400/400E features four power limited clude:
inputs that are Class A or Class B supervised: All detec- C Volt / Ammeter Module to monitor the battery
tion zones are suitable for smoke detectors, thermal voltage and the battery charging current.
detectors and normally open alarm initiating devices. C Zone Relay Board to provide an additional Alarm
The detection zones are programmable for Alarm and Trouble contact as well as independent
Verification detection. Inputs are also provided for contacts that transfer in conjunction with each of
Waterflow annunciation and Supervisory input opera- the Indicating Alarm outputs and Releasing out-
tion. puts.
Ordering Information
Shipping Weight
Stock Number Description Size (Inches) lbs (kgs)
70100704 Micro 400 Control Panel, 120 VAC 16 x 14.5 x 5 16 (7.3)
70100745 Micro 400E Control Panel, 230 VAC, 50Hz 16 x 14.5 x 5 16 (7.3)
70100700 Volt / Ammeter Module 1 (.45)
70100699 Zone Relay Board 1 (.45)
70100320 Battery 12V, 7AH 5.94 x 3.7 x 2.56 6 (2.7)
1998 Chemetron Fire Systems. All rights reserved (3/98). Chemetron Fire Systems is a registered trademark.
Technical Data Bulletin
M400- 30198
Distributed by
The seller makes no warranties, express or implied,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, except
as expressly stated in seller's sales contract or sales
acknowledgment form.
1998 Chemetron Fire Systems. All rights reserved (3/98). Chemetron Fire Systems is a registered trademark.