Y10 Settlement Unit Plan
Y10 Settlement Unit Plan
Y10 Settlement Unit Plan
Students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
1. T he wide range of processes, including human actions, contributing to the
development of
(a) Physical, economic and social environments and their effects on the
(b) Spatial patterns and interactions which are important within these
2. The relationships between human activity and the environment
3. The importance of scale (whether local, regional or global)
4. The changes which occur through time in places, landscapes and spatial
Performance Tasks:
- Formative map evidence, photographic evidence, Kahoot, short answer past exam
questions, pair work, group discussions, oral presentation, posters, case studies.
- Summative - Unit Test
Lesson Plan:
*Ss = Students
Development: 35
Lesson 2 L.O
Explain factors which influence the site & growth of settlements
Practice reading symbols and grid references
Starter: 5- Its 5000BC. You are leading a group of people on a search for a
place to settle. In groups, discuss 5 factors you will consider, when
choosing the best site.
Development: 35
In pairs, discuss the factors that would influence the site of early
settlements and produce a list for example, water, which could be
obtained from a stream, river, spring or lake. Ss can show as a mind map or
Provide Ss with a simple sketch map of an area with different sites for a
settlement marked on learners have to complete a decision-making
activity to decide which site they would choose. They rank each site for
each factor
Follow up with why we use symbols activity and how to use grid references
to spot locations on a map,
Plenary: 5: Set a question at the beginning of the lesson from the L.O.
Return to it and ask students to produce an answer. AFL with mini-
whiteboards, thumbs/colours agreement when answers read out.
Development: 35
Define function and add to key word glossary.
Homework: Past IGCSE Exam question - NOV2013 P11, NOV 2011 P13
Lesson 4 L.O: Give reasons for the hierarchy of settlements and services.
Starter: Ask ss to swap previous days homework and peer assess their
neighbours on the Mark Scheme success criteria
Introduce the concept of a hierarchy by talking about the structure within
a school to convey the idea of putting things in order of importance.
the relationship.
Ss draw and label a shopping hierarchy. Introduce low, medium and high
order goods and define. Ss explain the differences between them. Discuss
terms such as specialist, convenience and comparison goods and update
key word glossary.
Ss complete a card sorting activity of goods into low, medium and high
order depending upon frequency of purchase, cost of item, distance that a
shopper would be prepared to travel for the good show results in a table.
Tell me 3 things, you know now that you didnt know 50 minutes ago
Practice IGCSE past paper questions on this.
Lesson L.O: Describe and give reasons for the characteristics of land use in MEDC
6,7,8 urban areas
Introduce Burgess model (or concentric zone model).
Using coloured paper, student build the Burgess model & label the different
zones. Add definitions of each zone.
In pairs, use a Venn diagram to show differences between the Hoyt and
Burgess model and the reasons for them. Present as a table
SS using text, ss highlight describe the key characteristics of LEDC land use
Plenary: Exit Slips (things I have learned today, things I found interesting,
Question I still have)
Lesson L.O: Describe and give reasons for changes in land use in urban areas
AFL- Kahoot to review previous homework pre-learned vocabulary.
Ss use before and after photos of a (CBD) to identify reasons for and the
changes that have taken place in CBDs (e.g. pedestrian zones, shopping
malls, new leisure activities, improved security, use of brown field sites,
etc.)- Wider world p.58 & 59 & Fig 4.1 (ask ss to annotate the photo)
For each, ss write a description of the changes, explain why the change
took place and explain the advantages and disadvantages they will bring
card sorting activity ss place cards into categories.
Ss work in pairs to mind map problems of old inner city areas and share as
a class to confirm.
T shows examples of (photographs, video clips, land use maps, text) of Lea
Valley regeneration schemes-London 2012 Olympics- to include: the
changes that took place, why the change happened and the advantages
and possible limitations of the schemes.
Wider World p. 60-61
Recap the ruralurban fringe and the advantages that it offers - whole class
Ss work in groups to identify the types of new development that might take
place in this zone such as airports, motorways, ring roads, business parks,
science parks, and industrial estates, out of town shopping centres. Discuss
the costs and benefits of each both for the rural urban fringe and other
parts of the city too. Wider World P.62
Ss define suburbanized village. Work in pairs to give push and pull factors
to explain why people move to a suburbanized village. Thurston Case
Study-Wider World P.64
Review the key word urban sprawl. Ss compare maps of a city over time to
describe the extent of urban sprawl. Discuss the problems that urban
sprawl creates such as loss of farmland, loss of space for recreation, impact
on ecosystems, creation of impermeable surfaces, division, etc. and show
as a mind map
Plenary: Get students to write quick-fire questions and put them in a box
which I then draw from to ask the class
Lessons L.O: Research & explain the problems of urban areas, their causes and
11,12, 13 possible solutions.
& 14
Starter: Review last lessons homework. Later give written feedback: 2
positive comments one thing they could do better.
Ss use padlet to record their initial ideas for the causes of urban problems
e.g. pollution (air, noise, water and visual), inequality, housing issues,
traffic congestion and conflicts over land use change. For each one, ss
explain the problems that they cause.
In pairs,ss research & make podcast on Beijing as a case study for urban
Unit Wrap Up: Using Padlet, ss identify and post the muddiest points of
this section. T uses this response to modify teaching.