Pasquale Esposito Antonio Dal Canton Author Information Article Notes Information Cited by

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Clinical audit, a valuable tool to improve quality of care: General methodology and

applications in nephrology

Pasquale Esposito and Antonio Dal Canton

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Core tip: Clinical audit is a part of the continuous quality improvement process. It
consists in measuring a clinical outcome or a process against well-defined standards,
established using the principles of evidence-based medicine. The comparison between
clinical practice and standards leads to the formulation of strategies, in order to
improve daily care quality. This review examines the basis of clinical audit and the
data about the efficacy of this methodology, focusing on nephrology issues. We think
that clinical audit could offer to the modern Nephrologists a useful tool to monitor and
advance their clinical practice.

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Audit is a Latin word, and the verb audio (hear) indicates both active listening and
the action of investigation and interrogation of the judiciary. Transferred to the
English vocabulary audit takes on a meaning of an official inspection of an
organizations accounts, typically by an independent body[1].

The term is nowadays widely used in different settings (economic, business, etc.)
referring to procedures aiming to ensure that the activities carried out for a purpose
are consistent and effective for the achievement of objectives. Clinical (or medical)
audits are part of the continuous quality improvement process that focus on specific
issues or aspects of health care and clinical practice.

They consist of measuring a clinical outcome or a process, against well-defined

standards set on the principles of evidence-based medicine. Aim of the audit is to
highlight the discrepancies between actual practice and standard in order to identify
the changes needed to improve the quality of care. A peculiar characteristic of the
clinical audit is the professionalism of the initiative, which is expressed by some
typical ingredients: clinical specific competence of the participants, the confidentiality
of the results, the object strongly connected to the quality of professionals. From a
methodological point of view, clinical audit consists of a quality loop (Figure
(Figure1):1): once chosen a topic and set shared and measurable criteria and
standards, current clinical practice is evaluated, especially in terms of process or
outcome, and suggestions for improvement are developed and applied, and then the
cycle can begin again[2].

Figure 1

Clinical audit cycle.

The audit should not be confused with data collection activities (i.e., benchmarking)
or clinical research: the latter, in fact, aims to define the characteristics of good
practice on a unknown land, while the audit compares the current practice against
well-defined and established standards[3]. The final aim of the clinical audit is always
improving the care provided to the patient.

This achievement may be reach through different actions: (1) Increase the culture of
clinicians; (2) Solve a problem; (3) Reduce the variability of professional conduct
(standardize); and (4) Reduce the gap between theoretical standards and real life.

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Step 1: Preparing for the audit

Good preparation is crucial for the success of an audit project.

The key elements to design valuable clinical audits are: choosing the topic, defining a
clear purpose and providing the necessary organisation in terms of audit staff and
The first step that must be accomplished in designing a clinical audit is to identify the
topic (Table (Table1).1). The topic of the audit can be loosely identified in clinical
practice and may relate to the adequacy of a care process or that of the results[4]. An
audited theme should have specific characteristics: it should be of great clinical
importance, of easy collection and analysis, and source of important consequences.
The personnel involved in the audit have a key role in setting priorities among clinical
problems to deal with. By choosing a suitable theme various aspects should be

Table 1

Factors to consider in the decision on a topic for a clinical audit

In particular, it would be a good choice to face a problem that involves the clinician in
terms of: (1) High volumes of work; (2) High costs in terms of health and/or
economic; (3) High risk; (4) High variability; (5) High complexity; and (6) High

Rare events, such as complex clinical cases or sporadic adverse events, are not an
appropriate topic for a clinical audit, and should be analysed with more adequate
methodologies (i.e., Root Case Analysis)[5]. Once the topic has been selected, the
purpose of the project must be defined, so that a proper audit methodology can be
chosen and designed.

The aim of an audit project could include the implementation of new processes (for
example laboratory protocols, surgical procedures, etc.) and/or the improvement of
current strategies[6].

Moreover, before beginning a clinical audit, organisations should clearly declare the
resources allocated to support the project management (data collection, hardware and
software required) and for the training of the clinical staff, including education on
clinical audit techniques, facilitation and data management[7,8].
Regarding the audit project team, it is advisable that it be customised for the specific
audit project, with team members providing many of the skills needed. For example, if
the topic of the audit is the management of vascular access in patients undergoing
haemodialysis, it will be useful to include nephrologists, vascular surgeons and
dialysis nurses in the audit team[9].

Step 2: Selection of indicators, criteria and standards and definition of intervention


Once the preliminary issues of the audit have been defined, the next step is to set the
standards, which the current clinical practice will be compared to. At this point, it is
important to clarify some definitions: (1) Indicator: a variable that allows to describe
complex phenomena and to measure changes in relation to defined criteria, in order to
guide the decisions aiming at obtaining or maintaining the changes. It can be
expressed as absolute number, percentage, rate, or average; (2) Criterion: it is a
definable and measurable aspect of health care that describes its quality. The audit
criteria are explicit statements that define an outcome to be measured. In a clinical
audit, it is a declaration of what should happen on the basis of good practice, and it
should be evidence-based[10]; and (3) Standard: it is the standard of care to be
achieved for each specific criterion, usually expressed as a percentage. It represents
the threshold of acceptability, that is, the value that defines the upper or lower limit, so
that the quality of care is considered to be appropriate[11]. Some indicators are so
important that the standards must be achieved in 100% of patients (e.g., use of masks
during the dressing of central venous catheters), but in general it is sufficient to meet
the standard in a lower percentage (for example, in 80% of patients)[4].

The choice of criteria and standards is one of the most critical points in the design of a
clinical audit and it requires the collaboration of all participants in the audit. Indeed,
the quality of care provided (i.e., the final result of the audit) will be evaluated just on
the basis of a comparison with these parameters.

The sources where criteria and standards can be drawn from may be: international
guidelines, scientific literature, expert consensus, data obtained by other health care
facilities and personal case studies[12-14]. The stronger the evidence taken as a
reference will be, the more the results of the comparison with daily clinical practice
will be reliable. However, to design an effective clinical audit, it is important that the
standard and criteria be shared with colleagues prior to the review of the collected
data, since they should not be object of rearrangement in the course of verification,
nor be changed retrospectively, in the light of the findings derived from the audit

Finally, the audit team should also define the intervention strategies to be
implemented in case of important discrepancies between standards and actual clinical
practice. These strategies should be discussed, shared, clear and easy feasible
according to a structured algorithm.

Step 3: Data collection

In clinical audit data can be collected prospectively or retrospectively[15]. Taking into

consideration past clinical documentation, the latter method is certainly faster, but
often the quality of the collected information is not optimal.

Perspective audits are more expensive in terms of time, but they allow a more
accurate design, while offering a more realistic description of the current clinical
practice. Before proceeding with data collection, it is necessary to carefully plan the
variables to be recorded, and define the type of analysis to be conducted on the
collected data. These points are important to prevent the collection of useless data or,
conversely, the lack of essential information. A specific-designed form or a database
should be arranged to collect patient records[16].

Moreover, it may be appropriate to carry out a sampling (preferably using randomized

methods) if there is a very large number of patients to be examined, also in relation to
the degree of confidence that one wants to achieve and the resources actually
available (time, money, personnel)[17].

Collected data can be quantitative or qualitative, such as interviews, questionnaires or

comments and data sources can be various, including medical records, results of
biochemical and instrumental evaluations and/or other different archives[18,19]. The
medical record is certainly the main source of information, but it is often incomplete.
In this regard, highlighting the inadequacies of data management, already in the
preliminary phase of data collection, the audit improves the existing information flow.
Finally, it is worth pointing out that in every moment of data collection and analysis,
patient privacy must be protected, making the information collected anonymous and
explaining the reasons for the data collection, in case of direct involvement of patients
Step 4: Comparison of collected data with the standards and development of
corrective actions

This is the central phase of clinical audit. In this phase, the team of professionals
interested in the audit analyses the data and compares them with the pre-set standards.
It is important to note that the critical nature of this moment lies in the fact that the
professionals involved in the audit process can interpret the audit as an inspection of
their clinical activity, thus becoming, unconsciously, an obstacle to an effective data
analysis (Table (Table22)[21].

Table 2

Facilitating factors and barriers for effective clinical audit

For this reason, the meeting where the results of the audit will be discussed must be
carefully prepared, paying particular attention to all aspects of communication and
social skills[22,23].

Moreover, these contents must be pre-emptively shared with those who have proposed
the audit. From the comparison of actual data with the theoretical standards different
results might emerge, and the standard could be reached or not. In the event that the
standard is not met, it should be assessed whether or not there is the possibility of a
real improvement. In fact, if the data are not in line with the standards but they are
sufficiently close, one might decide that any further improvement is difficult to
achieve, and therefore it would be useful to invest resources in the assessment of other
problems. In the case there is a significant difference between information gleaned
from the clinical documentation and standards, collegial discussion should highlight
the barriers to the achievement of the standard[24]. Afterwards, audit methodology
requires that the audit team elaborate intervention strategies and recommendations,
according to the indications preliminarily set[25]. Such advices or recommendations
should take into account organizational factors (in terms of economic resources,
timing, dedicated staff) and the context in which the audit takes place. For this reason
it is imperative that the developed recommendations be clear, explicit and shared[26].
The mere dissemination of educational materials, such as guidelines, has little effect if
they are not accompanied by selected methods of implementation, such as training
seminars or discussions among peers[27].

Instead, in case the results obtained from the audit can be considered satisfactory, it is
equally indispensable to provide a form of monitoring. Finally, all the findings drawn
from data analysis and the subsequent discussion, including strategies to implement
change, should be reported in a detailed account to be distributed to all participants of
the audit, as feedback and reminder of the work done.

Step 5: Check and maintenance of improvements

The audit cycle ends with the stage of verification and monitoring of implemented

Indeed, it is essential for a proper process of clinical audit to schedule periodic

verifications of the effects of the changes introduced. It would be advisable to use a
data collection and an organizational strategy similar to that used for the previous
analysis, so that the results are comparable.

If it emerges that the objectives have not been achieved and the plan of improvements
was not effective or sufficient, it could be necessary to make changes to planned

However, also in case of success, a monitoring plan should be equally scheduled in

order to maintain the improvements made.

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There is conflicting evidence on the effectiveness of clinical audit[28]. A systematic

review of the Cochrane Study Group has considered 140 studies in which clinical
audit and the corresponding feedback were tested alone or in comparison to other
types of interventions (meetings, distribution of printed materials, etc.). In the studies
included in this review, the results produced by the audit were widely variable, from a
negative to a very positive effect. When the audit was effective, the effects generally
ranged from small to moderate. The review concluded that the relative effectiveness
of an audit is likely to be greater when baseline adherence to recommended practice is
low and when feedback is carried out with greater intensity[29]. Therefore, at the
moment, scientific evidence does not provide clear support about the real
effectiveness of clinical audit. This finding could be a starting point to design studies
and analyses to validate clinical audit in different operating contexts[30].

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Medical literature offers several studies on audits conducted in the field of clinical
nephrology, especially in patients on haemodialysis (HD). The reported studies have
evaluated different aspects of organizational management and clinical research, such
as the problems associated with late referral, vascular access, the management of
hypertension and anaemia[31-33]. A careful analysis of these studies shows that the
research has been mainly focused on the comparison between data collected from
several case studies and indications of the guidelines. Therefore, the majority of these
studies lack in the processes of cyclicity and verification that, as aforesaid, are the
distinctive and characteristic features of clinical audit. An example of a well-
conducted audit has been reported in a paper of an Australian group that has
performed an audit in order to assess the effect of a multi-disciplinary intervention on
the choice of dialysis vascular access, aiming at reducing the use of central venous
catheters[34]. The first data collection on 184 incident dialysis patients was useful to
recognize the problems in limiting the use of arteriovenous fistula, such as
communication difficulties with patients or organizational shortcomings. Then, basing
on the difficulties identified, the audit team developed specific intervention strategies
(i.e., promotion of educational skills, facilitated access to the operating room, direct
nurse involvement, etc.), that resulted, 12 mo later, in a significant increase in the
number of patients starting dialysis with an arteriovenous fistula (75% vs 56 % of
control baseline, P < 0.01).

Many audit projects have been also focused on management of hypertension in HD

patients and different aspects have been investigated, such as the role of sodium
dialysate concentration and dialysate temperature in the determining blood pressure
(BP) levels[35,36].

Interestingly, in a recent study we tested whether a clinical audit in se is effective in

improving BP control in a population of patients on regular HD.
We studied 177 adult prevalent HD patients, recording data on factors affecting BP
and anti-hypertensive drug regimen at months -1 (Pre), 0 (the date of the audit- Audit),
and +1 and +6 after the audit.

Hypertensive patients were identified, cases were discussed and recommendations for
improving BP management were recorded, and then returned to each physician as a
reminder and a feedback of the audit process.

The interventions included the reduction of extracellular fluid volume in patients with
fluid overload, use of interdialytic ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and
bioimpedance, initiatives aimed to increase patient compliance and modulation of
dialysis sodium content or temperature. Interestingly, the announcement of the audit
by itself was associated with a decreased prevalence of hypertension (Pre 64.4% to
Audit 58.7%) and a further decrease followed the audit (Post-1 51.1%, Post-6
47.6%, P < 0.05 vs Audit). Systolic BP in hypertensive patients also decreased (mean
decrease was -8.5 and -14.1; P = 0.007 and P < 0.001 at Post-1 and Post-6), being also
associated with a reduced number of drugs assumed, thus proving that clinical audit is
an effective tool to improve BP control in HD patients[37].

Mineral metabolism disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD-MBD) are an

example of a suitable topic for a clinical audit. Indeed, they are common in HD
patients and are associated with a number of clinical symptoms and complications,
including cardiovascular diseases[38].

However, although MBD in HD patients are the object of intense research activity,
their prevention and treatment still remain unsatisfactory[39]. In this view, we
performed two large multicentre audits aiming to enlighten the obstacles that hamper
the successful control of MBD by a straightforward patient-oriented

Overall, we collected information and discussed the cases of about 700 prevalent HD
adult patients according to the audit methodology.

First of all, we confirmed the data regarding the difficulty to achieve therapeutic
targets, showing that only 15%-20% of the evaluated patients presented Ca, P and
PTH values simultaneously controlled[42].
Then, evaluating the factors related to unsatisfactory results, we found that low
compliance with treatment was the major determinant of failure (43.5% of the cases).

However, we observed a discrepancy between the analysis of factors accounting for

therapeutic failure and the interventions planned. In fact, while the low compliance
was recognized as the main cause of therapeutic failure, most of the interventions
were focused on pharmacological therapy. Consequently, six months after the audit we
found that, against a significant increase in the amount of drugs prescribed, the control
of MBD parameters did not improve.

Therefore, the results of the audit suggested that low compliance with treatments is a
main but still neglected cause of failure in the achievement of MBD control in HD
patients, while increase of drug administration, regardless the awareness to the
compliance to the therapy, is insufficient to obtain an overall satisfactory rate of
therapeutic success.

This finding is particularly important, since indicates that future therapeutic strategies,
beyond the development of new drugs, should include the implementation of feasible
educational programmes addressed to both health personnel and patients. This kind of
study shows the potentiality of a clinical audit that allows to effectively compare
theoretical standards with daily clinical practice, providing suggestions to improve
quality of care.

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Audit methodology could be potentially extended to several other issues in the setting
of clinical nephrology.

For example, it could be useful to evaluate the causes of treatment failure in patients
undergoing peritoneal dialysis, such as to implement protocols to reduce the rate of
central venous catheter-related infections. Moreover, clinical audit could be a feasible
tool to solve organizational problems, such as the delays on the waiting list for kidney
Finally, a clinical audit could be used to face more general topics, which may involve
also renal patients, such as management of dyslipidaemia (for example, evaluating the
appropriateness of statin prescription) and implementation of lifestyle change.

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Quality control, and consequently the right allocation of resources, is becoming a

central issue in the management of Health Care Systems. Several tools are deployed to
provide a monitoring of the levels of care and improve its quality. Among them,
clinical audit is one of the most popular and widespread. In the specific field of
clinical nephrology, this method has proven its effectiveness in facing different
problems, such as hypertension and mineral metabolism control. However, it still
seems necessary to spread the understanding of clinical audit and promote its
systematic application both nationally and locally, so that it can be part of the
expertise of each health care provider, together with other quality improvement
techniques. In Table Table33 we present a checklist for the planning of a clinical audit.

Table 3

Checklist for the planning and validation of a clinical audit

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