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Facts About Basketball

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Lazarus, R.S., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, appraisal and coping. New York: Springer.
Adolph H, Grundman (2004). The golden age of amateur basketball: the AAU
Tournament, 1921-1968. University of Nebraska Press.
Batchelor, Bob (2005). Basketball in America: from the playgrounds to Jordans game
and beyond. Routledge.
Brown, Donald H (2007). A basketball handbook. Author House.
Forest C, Allen (1991). All you wanted to know about basketball. Sterling pulishing.
Gaggioli, A. Applications of mental practice with motor imagery in sport.2013.Benefits
of Combined Mental and Physical Training in Learning a Complex Motor Skill in
Basketball.Vo.l4, No.9A2, 1-6
Herzog, Brad (2003). Hoopmania: The book of basketball history and trivia. Rosen Pub.
Simmons, Bill (2009). The book of basketball: the NBA according to the sports guy.
Ballatine/ESPN Books.
Naismith, James (1941). Basketball: its origin and development. University of Nebraska
Bonsor, Kevin. How basketball works: whos who. How StuffWorks. Archived from
the original on January 1, 2006. Retrieved January 11, 2006

A Term Paper
Presented to
Department of English
College of Social Sciences and Humanities
Mindanao State University
Marawi City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
English 2-Yy (Writing in the Discipline)
Second Semester, 2016-2017



May 2017


I. Introduction 1
II. Basketball 2
A. Definition 2
B. History 3
C. Nature 4
1. Rules 5
2. Equipment 5
3. Scoring 5
4. Timing 5
5. Violations 5
6. Fouls 6
7. Methods in Playing 7
8. Basic Footwork and Cut Drills 8
9. Defenses 8
10. Positioning and Moving 9
11. Mental Practice 10
D. Benefits 11

III. Conclusion and Recommendation 13

References 14

Basketball is played by 2 teams of 5 players each. The aim of each team is to

score in the opponents' basket and to prevent the other team from scoring. The game is

controlled by the officials, table officials and a commissioner, if present. The basket that

is attacked by a team is the opponents' basket and the basket which is defended by a team

is their own basket.(Naismith, 1941). Thus, knowing the nature of basketball would help

the readers to fully understand what basketball really is and what are the benefits of


This paper focus and limit on Basketball, history and its nature, coping

strategies, and benefits.

The main objective of this research is to provide the readers satisfactory,

resourceful and knowledgeable information about history of basketball, nature, and the

benefits of being a Basketball Players.

The researcher gathered information from internet article, handbooks, journal

and books. Moreover, the conclusions made by the researcher will be based on reliable



Lazaruz and Folkman (1984) state that

basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith, a Canadian teacher.

Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players on the court

(usually 2 guards, 2 forwards and 1 center) each try to score points against one

another by forcing a ball through 10 feet (3 cm) high hoop. The athlete must

develop and used an array of coping skills to manage these demands. Coping

defined as constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage

specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing or

exceeding the resources of the person.

During the game, the ball is played with the hand(s) only and may be

passed thrown, tapped, rolled or dribbled in any direction, subject to the

restrictions o these rules. A player shall not run with the ball, deliberately kick or

block it with any part of the leg or strike it with the fist (Simmons, 2009).


In the history of basketball, according to Forest and Allen (1991), that

in early December 1891, Canadian American Dr. James Naismith, a physical

education professor and instructor at the International Young Men's Christian

Association Training School (YMCA) (today, Springfield College) in Springfield,

Massachusetts, USA), was trying to keep his gym class active on a rainy day. He

sought a vigorous indoor game to keep his students occupied and at proper levels

of fitness during the long New England winters.

After rejecting other ideas as either too rough or poorly suited to walled-

in gymnasiums, he wrote the basic rules and nailed a peach basket onto a 10-foot

(3.05 m) elevated track. In contrast with modern basketball nets, this peach basket

retained its bottom, and balls had to be retrieved manually after each "basket" or

point scored; this proved inefficient, however, so the bottom of the basket was

removed, allowing the balls to be poked out with a long dowel each time(Forest &


Brown (2007) also stated that basketball was originally played with a soccer ball.

The first balls made specifically for basketball were brown, and it was only in the

late 1950s that Tony Hinkle, searching for a ball that would be more visible to

players and spectators alike, introduced the orange ball that is now in common

use. Dribbling was not part of the original game except for the "bounce pass" to

teammates. Passing the ball was the primary means of ball movement. Dribbling

was eventually introduced but limited by the asymmetric shape of early balls.

Dribbling only became a major part of the game around the 1950s, as

manufacturing improved the ball shape.


It was first played with a soccer-style ball and peach baskets as the goals

(usually 2 guards, 2 forwards and 1 centre). The ball can be advanced on the court by

dribbling or passing it between teammates. Disruptive physical contact fouls is not

permitted and there are restrictions on how the ball can be handled violations



According to Bonsor (2006), each game or overtime begins with a jump

ball at the centre court. Jump ball situations are also created during the

game when: a) two opponents have the ball at the same time b) two

opponents knock the ball out of bounds c) a double violation occurs. After

gaining control from the centre toss, the player tries to move the ball

toward the opposing teams basket by passing it to a team mate, dribbling

it, or using a combination of these actions. The opposing team tries to

defend their basket and/or intercept the ball and move it in the direction of

the other teams basket.

The ball may be passed to any player on the team and any player

may shoot for a basket. Out of bounds is called if a player steps on or out

of the designated boundary (sidelines/baseline) while in possession of the

ball; or if the ball bounces on or crosses the boundary lines. When a score

is made, the play is stopped. The ball is taken out-of-bounds on the end

line by the team who was scored against. The player who took the ball out-

of-bounds on the end line then inbounds the ball to a team mate and the

play resumes.


Equipment is very important in the game and, according to Bonsor (2006),

the only essential equipment in basketball is the basketball and the court.

The basketball is about 2.5 feet in circumference and weighs 22 ounces.

The court is a flat, rectangular surface with the baskets at opposite ends. A

regulation basketball court is 28 by 15 meters (94 feet by 50 feet). Most

courts are made of wood and the baskets are steel with 0mesh attached to

the backboard hanging over each end of the court. The rim is exactly 10

feet (3.05m) above the court and 4feet (1.2m) inside the baseline.


Foul-shot/free throw = 1 point, field goal scored inside the 3-point

arc = 2 points, field goal scored outside the 3-point arc 3 points (Bonsor,2006).


A high school basketball game consists of four 8 minute quarters

and each team receives 3 full (1 minute) time outs and 2 half (30 seconds) time

outs. NBA consists of four 12 minute quarters and each team receives 6 full

timeouts (3 per half) and two 20 second timeouts one per half (Bonsor,2006).


Many violations that team may encounter and, according to Brown (2007),

that violation occurs for infractions of the rules that do not involve contact

with a opponent. For example: kicking the ball, traveling, palming, etc..

All violations will result in the loss of ball. Team receiving the ball has a

throw-in at the sideline closest to where the violation occurred. 3 second

rule: an offensive player may not remain in the key for more than three

seconds. 5 second rule: if a guarded player fails to shoot, pass or dribble

within 5 seconds; or a player inbounded the ball does not pass the ball in

within 5 seconds. 10 second rule: the offensive team must move the ball

over the centre line within 10 seconds.

Double-dribble: having 2 hands on the ball while dribbling at the

same time; 2 consecutive dribbles (dribble, stop, dribble again) traveling:

taking 2 or more steps with the ball; dragging your fivot foot. Out of

bounds: stepping on or over the boundary lines while in possession of the

ball, or having the ball itself go over the boundary lines.


Regarding of fouls, according to Bonsor (2006), that

fouls are infractions of the rules involving personal contact: pushing,

holding, charging or unnecessary body contact with an opponent.

Defensive Fouls: when on defense, body contact may not be made.

Blocking interferes with the progress or causes contact with any player on

the offensive team. The team foul and individual foul count increases. eg.

No tripping, pushing, slapping or reaching in for the ball. Offensive Fouls:


when on offense, you cannot run into an opponent who is stationary; this

would be considered charging. No free-throw is awarded, the ball is in-


The penalty is a turnover and the team foul count does not increase.

Technical Fouls: given to a non-player (coach, manager) or a non-contact

foul by a player. For example: for delay of the game, too many time outs

or a display of un-sportsmanlike behaviour towards another player, coach

or referee; 1 or 2 foul shots are awarded plus possession of the ball


Methods in Playing

According to Adolph H, (2004), method for playing a game with a ball is

important in which a basket assembly defining atleast two openings receivable of

the ball mounted to a ceiling or other elevated horizontal surface and one or more

players are positioned in a horizontal, lying down position face up below the

basket assembly. Each player throws the ball upward, when lying down, toward a

respective opening. Points are scored by each player when the ball enters into the

respective openings.

Positioning atleast one player in a position below the basket

assembly, providing the ball to the player to be thrown upward forward a

respective openings and allotting points for each player when the ball enters into

the respective openings.


Basic Footwork and Cut Drills

Footwork is the foundation for a skilled basketball player, involving

moves that he will use tens of times during a game. Cuts without the ball are one

of the most important phases of the offensive game, because during a game a

player spends more than three-quarters of his playing time on offense without the

ball (Bonsor,2006).

And according to Naismith (1984), that players use cuts to get free and receive

the ball, either to go straight to the basket, play one-on-one, or start the offense.

These moves are also used to get open using a screen. Do not assume that a player

will make these cuts automatically, but practice these moves as you normally

practice any other fundamental. For example, if you run a passing or shooting

drill, ask to the players to make a certain cut before receiving the ball for a shot or

before receiving a pass. In short, include these cuts in any possible drill.


The two main different types of defense are zone defense and man-

to-man defense. Man-to-man defense is a type of defense tactic used in team

sports such as American Football, association football, basketball, and netball in

which each player is assigned to defend and follow the movements of a single

player on offense (Brown,2007).


Brown(2007) also stated that zone defense is different from man-to-man defense

in that, instead of guarding a particular payer, each zone defender is responsible

for guarding an area of the floor, or zone, any offensive player that comes into

that area. Zone defenders move their position on the floor in relationship to where

the ball moves.

Positioning and Moving

It is very important especially in team sport like basketball, such like

dribbling, passing, cutting inside the perimeter area, rebounding which is need to

position well before jumping to be able to get the ball. And shooting requires

stable position before moving to throw the ball into the basket for making sure

more probably to be shot the ball in the basket to get a score for the team (Lazaruz

& Folkman,1984).

Mental Practice

Refers to mental practice as the mental rehearsal of a task without

any muscular movement. Other recurring terms in the mental practice literature

are mental preparation and motor imagery (Lazaruz & Folkman, 1984).

a) With Motor Imagery- motor imagery refers to the mental

simulation of a movement without its physical execution.

This process has been widely used in combination with

physical practice to improve performance. Athletes often


deal with new skills to be learned and in several

circumstances an incorrect execution of a skill can result in

a fault given to the athlete; in team sports, an error by one

player can affect the whole group (e.g., travelling in

basketball is punished by stopping the game and giving the

ball to the opponent team).

b) Applications with motor Imagery- Mental practice with

motor imagery has been applied in different sport disciplines,

showing benefits in speed, performance accuracy, muscle

strength, movement dynamics, and motor skill performance.

The specialized literature provides also specific indications

about how motor imagery training can be optimized. As

concerns the relative effectiveness of external and internal

imagery in sport applications, Lazaruz and Folkman (1999)

investigated this issue

in basketball. They found that external imagery was more

effective in task learning, whereas internal imagery was more

effective in athletes with greater level of expertise, especially

with tasks involving a complex series of movements and

different body parts . Further, the efficacy of mental practice

with motor imagery seems greater when it is applied to close

as opposed to open sport skills.



Playing basketball or any game sport have many benefits. These are physical,

mental, social, and emotional benefits (Lazaruz and Folkman, 1984).


It helps to burn calories, an hour of playing basketball can burn 630-

75 calorie, it helps to build endurance, build up muscle, improve balance and

coordination and help to become a physically fit.


It helps to developed interacting with other peers/people or

improved self-confindence, provide opportunities to engage in positive

relationships with others and to safely navigate between right or wrong.


Playing basketball or sport games affect the brains physiology and is

associated with improved attention and better information processing, storage,

and retrieval. Lead to short-term relaxation, enhanced creativity and memory,

improved judgement and improved problem-solving activities.


It helps to reduce stress, reduce risk of depression because it helps

to improved emotional expression towards others.


Basketball is a team sport that people very familiar nowadays. It is one of the

most leading popular team sport of the world. Basketball is a demanding sport its heart is

competition. So, players should take more time, increase efforts to improve their

performance in the court.

Being a basketball player is not an easy task. They must consider themselves as a

busy person. Following drills in the training everyday will be a big help to better improve

their performance. It is important to be physically fit always by exercising every morning

and afternoon to avoid weakness of the body.

The players as well as the coaches should overcome the negative aspects of

competition, personal struggles and traumatic experiences if ever they have, to be able to

cope with stress whatever the situation of the game. Players must be positive thinker and

be focus for the task strategies, so that they have a big possibility to win the game.

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