Hif2o Bedroom Makeover Project
Hif2o Bedroom Makeover Project
Hif2o Bedroom Makeover Project
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Student Signature Peer Reviewer Signature
Marking Rubric
Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
T/I: Use of appropriate concepts and methods for creating
room & presentation drafting, use of symbols, inclusion
of stationary elements. Peer review is complete.
K/U: Demonstrates critical thinking in placement of
furniture for flow and ease of movement. Use of design
elements for proportion and balance of selected items.
Budget is relative and complete with comment included.
C: Expression and organization of ideas and information in
visual format is inventive, clearly labelled and adds depth
of creativity to room design. All elements present.
A: Transfers knowledge and skills to new context with
exceptional vision utilizes colour, shape, form, flow,
balance, etc. to create a pleasing design. Budget is
reasonable for the items included. WOW factor!