Hif2o Bedroom Makeover Project

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HIF 1O/2O Date: _________________________ Name: _____________________________

Bedroom Makeover Interior Design Project

Due Date: as posted on website for the end of Sewing unit or earlier
Using information gained through your design related worksheets, class videos and text work, you will
creatively design a new interior theme or look for your bedroom.
1. Draft onto graph paper (using the one square = 1 foot) the dimensions of your bedroom. (Hint - use
your home safety plan to quickly locate measurements)
2. Use proper drafting symbols to show the placement of door and window openings, as well as
closet space.
3. Use proper drafting symbols to indicate the placement of lights and electrical sockets in your room.
4. Cut out and use the templates provided for the items you would like to include in your bedroom
5. BEFORE attaching to the graph paper, spend time moving these items around your floor space to
allow for Standard Clearance Spaces (see handout).
6. Once you have considered and flow of movement through the room and space for movement of
furniture and doors; glue the templates into place to indicate your room set-up.
7. Now decorate your room. Remember concepts of colour schemes, balance and design principles.
Using materials (magazines, paint chips, carpet samples, etc.) on plain white paper, create a design
presentation of what your room will include this may be in book or presentation board format.
8. You must include and in all areas, colour and materials should be clearly stated / identified:
a. Wall treatments (state which walls are which colour, add any unique designs or textures)
b. Flooring (carpet, hardwood, throw rugs, etc.)
c. Window treatments (blinds, drapes, etc.)
d. Room components (bed, desk, chair, mirrors, wall hangings, pictures, etc.)
e. Lighting (floor lamps, ceiling fixtures, desk lamp, mood lighting, etc.)
f. Other preferred items (computer or gaming area, television, wireless speakers, docking sta.)
g. Bed dcor comforter, pillows, personal touches
9. Use the internet or magazines (Ikea, Home Sense, Bed Bath and Beyond, etc.) to find the cost of
items used to create your makeover. Create a budget for your room clearly listing the items and
their cost to form a grand total. State and support whether this a reasonable amount for what you
10. The use of elements and principles of design should be evident.
11. Have a partner review your final presentation and provide constructive feedback so you know that
you have met the required expectations.
12. Hand in your completed Bedroom Makeover with this page.
Student Checklist and Peer Review Peer Name: ____________________________
Criteria Components Student Checklist Peer Review
Bedroom a) drafting is accurate
b) drafting is neat
c) correct symbols used
d) traffic flow and space
for movement
Colour Scheme Visually identified with
Carried label and sample
throughout room a) Walls colours
with accents b) Flooring
c) Window treatments
d) Room components
e) Lighting
f) Other items
g) Bed decor
Furniture & a) All required furniture
Accessories and elements labelled
b) Consideration of
Elements and Principles of
design is evident
Budget Budget is complete
Support for cost in clear
Overall Complete, organized,
Presentation logical flow, visually
appealing, neatly

________________________________ _________________________________
Student Signature Peer Reviewer Signature

Marking Rubric
Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
T/I: Use of appropriate concepts and methods for creating
room & presentation drafting, use of symbols, inclusion
of stationary elements. Peer review is complete.
K/U: Demonstrates critical thinking in placement of
furniture for flow and ease of movement. Use of design
elements for proportion and balance of selected items.
Budget is relative and complete with comment included.
C: Expression and organization of ideas and information in
visual format is inventive, clearly labelled and adds depth
of creativity to room design. All elements present.
A: Transfers knowledge and skills to new context with
exceptional vision utilizes colour, shape, form, flow,
balance, etc. to create a pleasing design. Budget is
reasonable for the items included. WOW factor!

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