GW Hardin - Days of Wonder
GW Hardin - Days of Wonder
GW Hardin - Days of Wonder
Dawn of a Great Tomorrow
Sequel to
A New York Times Bestseller
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Days of Wonder
by G.W. Hardin
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Days of Wonder
Dawn of a Great Tomorrow
by G.W. Hardin
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic
or mechanical means, including information and retrieval systems, without
prior permission from the publisher in writing.
This is a true story. Some names have been changed at the request of the
individual. Some scenes have been combined into a single scene for the
purpose of bettering the story line.
Publication Data
Hardin, G.W.
The Days of Wonder:
Dawn of a Great Tomorrow
Inspiration, Spirituality, New Age
pp. 240
ISBN 1-893641-01-5
1. Inspiration 2. Spirituality 3. New Age
T o those who made this all possible in big and little ways,
especially Nick Bunick, Beth Ayers, Julia Ingram, Brian
Hilliard, Janet Hardin, Ken Elliott, Gary LaCroix, and Martha
Granda Benet.
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Days of Wonder
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Hold onto your hats folks. You are about to have a wild
adventure in reading! This book leads where few have traveled
before! You are now entering the magical world that many believe in
as children, but few do as adults. The Days of Wonder is not an
ordinary book. It has the power to change your life!
From the very first chapter, strap on your roller blades as this
riveting story unfolds at a pace almost more rapid than you can
read. The Days of Wonder makes you wish you had taken Evelyn
Woods reading courses so you would possess the skills to read faster
and discover what is unfolding on the next page sooner.
This book is wonder-filled ... most sequels to books are a case of
instant disappointment, but The Days of Wonder, following on the
heals of The Messengers, is powerful; it holds you spellbound!
Reading the story holds you in a dichotomy: At one moment you
want to read it slowly like wrapping your tongue around your
favorite ice cream cone ... to savor every morsel of new knowledge
and have it permeate your memory cells of enjoyment. And in the
next moment you are the greedy sibling trying to bite off the biggest
piece and chomp your way through the book. This sequel has a heart
... that beats with each written word.
When I read something spiritually uplifting, it is my habit to
pencil little hearts in the margins, where the phrases/words of
wisdom touch my heart. Soon after beginning to read the
manuscript for this book, the pages resembled artwork rather than a
piece of literature ... little hearts danced everywhere across the pages.
Do you ever wonder why Disneyland has the power over
millions of people around the world, and why Disneys movies are
viewed over and over by children, then again as adults? What is the
magic of Harry Potter that addicts its readers to the series of books?
It is belief. We all hold an inner belief in the power of good, angels,
God ... and because we cannot see angels, God, magic or mystery as
we age, our dreams of the Land of Oz fades from memory.
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Part I
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his colored pencils had ever highlighted before. For at this moment
his pencils highlighted evidence of the Age of Wonders. Yes, it is here,
his red pencil whispered back and forth across the lettering, it is here.
May 4, 1997
A child was born who was very ill. The doctors said he had
very little chance of survival. His family felt the child was
special. They prayed, they stayed by his side. The doctor
saw the familys hope and felt the gift of this special child.
Even in the darkest moments, everyone stayed positive.
The family, the friends, doctors and nurses, all worked
together, and the miracle child lived.
May God pour out his blessings upon you in this outer existence
and those to come, for taking the risk to share your story with all of
Mark L.
Nick read and reread the letter. The knowledge that the angels
had helped this child, as they had helped Nick, verified what he had
already known within himself: The Age of Wonders had begun.
Throughout the ages, children have served as simple reminders to
us how the Divine intervenes in our lives through these heavenly
messengers. Had not Nicks memories of Jesus, as written in The
Messengers, reminded him and the entire world that God dwells
within each one of us?
Since the release of the book, mail from around the world had
poured into his office. Many of those letters addressed personal
issues, hopes, and aspirations. Many asked for help, others expressed
the desire to volunteer help. All spoke of the inescapable feeling that
hope once again was moving across the face of the Earth. However, it
was one thing to speak of hope, and quite another to live it. Daniel
was living evidence of that hope, living evidence of a new vision
flowing forth, especially from the young, the future hope for our
entire planet. Nick knew that the inevitable was now here: Humanity
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and the realm of angels once again would try to join the worlds of
shepherds and kings to foster the emergence of everlasting peace.
Nick turned the letter over hoping there was more to read.
Leaning back into his executive chair, he thought about what he was
witnessing in his own little son, Nicholas. The tyke could mesmerize
Daddy with unexpected moments of looking up from his toys,
pointing his little hand to the ceiling and grinning with delight.
What do you see, Nicholas? Nick would love to ask.
Angels, would be his sons definitive response. His tiny hands
would reach out as if invisible playmates were reaching for him. His
boyish giggle left little doubt in Dads mind that his child was being
watched over. Yes, the children seem to know. Heaven and Earth are
moving into Oneness.
Nick spoke little of what the angels had conveyed to him about
what was to come to the people of the Earth. The bringing together
of Heaven and Earth would not be like the mixing of eggs and flour
for the baking of a cake. This was not going to be a merging of
ingredients for the festivities of a birthday party. Far from it. No,
Nick knew what he had been told would feed the soul, the heart, and
the spiritual consciousness of all humanity. The angels had
instructed him to be subtle about what he had heard from them. He
was not to reveal the coming events, so people would not be
tempted to focus on physical phenomena and be distracted from
focusing on their own spiritual growth, their own capacity to love,
their own journeys with self-truth.
Since the writing of The Messengers, Nick had started his journal
of messages, which the angels were divulging to him on an ongoing
basis. Significant events, stories, thoughts, and poems were added
with these messages. Staring at the letter, he decided to photocopy it
and add Daniels story of the soft people to his journal. So much
was happening around Nick. Letters such as this filled him with
hope, inspiring him to continue his own remarkable journey.
After inserting Daniels letter, his left hand rested on the journal.
It was all worth it, he said to himself, his fingers rubbing the smooth
cover as if reading angelic braille. His coming forward and revealing
his personal story in The Messengers had prompted an outpouring of
love, hope and inspiration found in the constant flow of mail into his
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offices. These thousands of letters from all over the world added
further to the words, the dreams, the visions hidden in his journal.
The angels were now saying that it was time to let people know
what was coming, to tell the people of the Earth of the kind of world
they were about to inherit. But when was the right time to speak of
this? That was the question.
Almost unconsciously he opened the journal and began reading:
You all are children of God, for the Lord is your Father and
Mother. And what are the messages God wishes you to hear? Not
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Gary had worked with Nick and Julia Ingram in writing the
manuscript that would eventually become The Messengers. It had
been a team effort all the way. The angels had given Nick a date
when the book had to come before the public. And the only way to
assure its exposure in a timely fashion was to self-publish which
meant that concentrated human resources and cash would be
needed. It was an easy call for Nick at the time. Since it needed to be
done, it would be done.
All of Nicks colleagues had supported him in his efforts of test
marketing The Messengers in Seattle and Portland. If the angels said to
publish in Seattle, then publish they would. There was a great sense
of trust for what had been communicated from the angelic realm to
those who surrounded Nick. The regional release of the book was a
resounding success in spite of all the problems that had to be faced,
in spite of all the obstacles inherent in a long-established book
industry. An ingenious marketing campaign, meant to go around the
book industrys lethargic system had worked. The book became the
talk of the Pacific Northwest. News crews showed up to find out why
a prominent, respected businessman was daring to tell people that
angels had appeared to him before witnesses encouraging him
to tell his story. Was he was the reincarnation of the spirit and soul of
one of the most influential men in history: Paul the Apostle?
Sure, Nick heard derision and mumbling about having lost his
mind. But he also heard heartfelt praise from people around the
region who had heard his story, believed his sincerity, and trusted in
the messages he had come to deliver even messages that had been
lost over the last 2,000 years. But what was equally captivating was
the information the angels were conveying about the future, telling
of a new kind of world enveloped in peace, compassion, and respect
for all that is inherently good in humanity.
Nicks expected success of The Messengers had forced Gary to
face the possibilities of Nicks vision for a greater world what
Nick liked to call The Great Tomorrow. The time had arrived to
move the book with its messages to a national, if not international
level, and, as publisher, he was responsible for organizing an
advertising campaign with Nick that would be ten times as complex
as the Northwest endeavor. Then there were the matters of print
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runs, national distribution, publicity, and last but not least, the
writing of the sequel. The angels had relayed that events would
unfold around the turn of the millennium. Not only did The
Messengers need to be made available to people but so did the
accumulating information in Nicks journal. The two of them spoke
often about the contents in this journal. Like the national campaign,
both men had different ideas as to when and how this information
should be brought forward.
One fact in particular Gary wanted kept secret. Sara, the angel
seer, spoken of in The Messengers, had been the first to reveal the
secret to Gary over the phone. It had shocked him at the time. Her
telling Nick he had been Paul the Apostle wasnt such a big deal
since Nick had been told several times already by others. But to
compound that with news that Pauls beloved friend, Timothy,
had incarnated at this time as well was just too much. Gary had been
upset for days over this news. The implications disturbed his sense
of responsibility as well as his obsession for the truth. How could
this be true? Him? Saint Timothy? Sara had made a joke out of how
Paul had a nickname for Timothy, Timidus Timothy the Timid
and how that trait still held true in him. To make matters worse,
Nick had entered Garys office afterwards and had stated that Nick
knew what was upsetting him. When Gary asked what, Nick stated,
I know you are the return of Timothy. Ive known for quite a
One thing was obvious about a national campaign, both Nick
and Gary needed help. Nick proposed hiring a man he greatly
respected, Brian Hilliard. Gary had opposed bringing in Brian the
first time Nick had suggested Gary share some of his workload. At
the time, Gary felt too much was happening too fast to spend time
training another person to finish what he had started. Nick had been
patient. Though it was not his usual way, he had learned to let Gary
make his own mistakes. Inevitably, he knew the two would speak
with one voice, as before. Brian was brought on board with Gary
handing over responsibilities to him the way a miser hands out his
own gold, one coin at a time and with reluctance.
Like little Daniel, Gary and Brian would come to know the soft
people as Nick had. The angels were like ushers in the Theatre of
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Life, helping key figures play their parts in creating a play of epic
proportion. As Scripture so aptly puts it, Who knows the mind of
God? Each of these men would participate in events that few
humans are privileged to witness. Little did Brian and Gary know
what was in store for them. Like other significant moments in his life,
these two men would be added to Nicks angelic journal. And like an
old story told millennia ago, they would help prepare the telling of
another story that the Earth, herself, seemed anxious to hear.
As events would continue to unfold, it would be evident that no
one, not modern-day prophets, not spiritual guides, not even the
angels would know what was stirring within the cosmic soul of God.
Nicks journal contained prophesies and stories, prayers and poems,
thoughts and ideas. Anyone examining any single entry in Nicks
journal would see nothing but a moment in time, a single frame in a
mile of movie film. In Nicks journal, next to Daniels story of the soft
people, was scribbled a passage:
We are the children of God, for the Lord is our Father and Mother.
The Spirit of God that resides in each of us is beyond any persons
greatest riches. No amount of money in the world, no amount of
power or control of others can purchase that extraordinary gift, or
take that gift from another. And with this understanding, as we
enter the new millennium, we shall acknowledge all of Gods
children, all of our brothers and sisters. Not through greed, or
envy, or jealousy, but with our hearts full of love and compassion.
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went at it, laughter was inevitable. I just got off the phone with a
New York publisher. They want our book, they want The Messengers,
and theyre ready to deal. Had not Sara, the Angel Lady, told
Nick that the angels predicted a major publisher would come
forward to propel the story into the national limelight? Sara and
Nick stayed in frequent contact. It had been through her that the
original message had come forth about the angels announcing their
presence with the number 444.
So its finally happened, Gary acknowledged, his mechanical
pencil waving back and forth between two fingers. Brian grinned
broadly, knowing the swaying pencil to be the height of emotional
excitement from his colleague.
They want us to come out there and meet with them. Its time
to wheel and deal! Gary sat quietly enthralled, studying Brian as he
bubbled over like campfire coffee on hot coals. If his smile were any
broader, theyd have to widen the door. But Gary remained
uncertain now as he had when he and Nick had debated whether to
finance their own national campaign or try to go with a major
publishing house. It was time to check in with the angels.
That night Nick asked for confirmation from his angels as to
whether their strategies were the best way to get the messages in the
book before the world. Little Nicholas woke up fussing, in turn
waking Dad via the intercom between the bedrooms. Nick tiptoed
into his sons bedroom to make sure all was well. After tucking the
infant in, he returned to bed snatching a look at the digital clock. It
was 4:44 a.m. That was the sign he needed. Since the angels had first
started communicating and appearing to Nick, they often used the
number 444 to designate their presence, their love, their approval.
Since the publishing of the book, hundreds of others from all parts
of the country were likewise now seeing this angelic sign. Letters
arrived daily telling funny, touching, and incredible stories, disclosing
the ever-increasing presence of angelic forces upon the Earth. Grown-
ups who werent seeing the soft people were experiencing 444
encounters, realizing that their angels were indeed in their lives.
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Having gotten the sign he had asked for that morning, Nick had
Beth, his executive assistant (the real power behind the throne),
arrange flight reservations to New York for the first week of March.
Gary grumbled that he really wasnt needed in negotiations.
Perhaps money should be saved by having him hold down the fort
here at home.
Mad Dog, youre going to New York with us, Nick insisted.
We need you to be the normal one, so we can wheel and deal. Well
wear our business suits while you wear a turtleneck. And you need
a pipe. You should walk around with a pipe
No way, protested the blushing publisher. The truth of the
matter was that Nick loved to see Gary blush. He went out of his
way to see his friend radiate in crimson. All Nicks years of business
deals had absolved him from the company of such near-innocence.
Men in big business deals simply do not blush. Consequently, Nick
would start chuckling the moment Garys face reddened.
Mad Dog, Brian teased, We cant do this without you, big
fella. It hadnt taken Brian long to appreciate the art of constant
teasing that passed between the suite of offices. Even Beth was a pro.
Poor Mad Dog never had a chance.
Listen, Nick added, Ill call the senior editor in New York and
ask her if its OK if you wear blue jeans and a sport coat with suede
pads on the elbows. Before Garys red could fade to pink, Nicks
fingers had hit the quick-dial button and then the speaker phone
button. Both Nick and Brian had wasted no time in operating on a
first-name basis with the New York editor. Mad Dogs red was now
heating up to vermilion. Even Brian had to turn away his grinned
amazement at how close to purple Gary was flushing. There was
only one ring on the other end.
Hello, this is Lannie.
Lannie, this is Nick Bunick.
Well, hello, Nick. We were just talking about you and your
marvelous book. You packed and ready to come to New York?
Very much looking forward to it, Lannie. Very much. You
remember Gary, our publisher and co-author? Were telling Gary
that its a must that he be at our New York meeting with you good
folks. What do you think?
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Nick had come so far since first being told that his soul and spirit
were, indeed, that of Paul the Apostle. Had not the angels urged him
to let the world know? Like Paul on the road to Damascus, Nicks
whole life had been changed by the angelic appearances and
urgings. And now, he was no longer alone in what he saw. How
soul-stirring that the little children also seemed to hold these divine
beings as companions.
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Nick had been specific at what time everyone was to meet in the
hotel lobby. Brian had found sleep hard to come by. The excitement
of what was to come pumped him with newfound energy. As he
waited for Nick and Gary to join him, he stared at his reflection in
the large window spanning the facade of the hotel entrance. His salt-
and-pepper hair, perched on his head in Caesar-cut fashion, belied
his true age. His flawless complexion argued silently with the
grayness in trying to divulge Brians years. He had a baby face
dressed in a suit of armor.
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You ready for the big day? Gary asked as he joined in staring
out the window.
I cant wait. Its like today is the reason I was born. Were going
to do just fine, Mad Dog. Youll see.
Outside, the doorman waved wildly trying to hail a cab for two
ladies. Cabs in New York are a story all their own. Where else would
you see a grown doorman in a stovepipe hat standing in the middle
of a busy street blowing a whistle as if trying to referee traffic? It
seemed to Gary that the cabs were in a jousting contest to see how
close they could come to the waving arms of the doorman without
dislodging them.
You guys want to have breakfast before we leave? Nick was on
time to the minute. Strategies were reviewed over bagels and juice
before the street jousting contest once again was engaged. Gary
marveled how the doorman was able to stay alive. A man with such
miraculous abilities surely should be invited to join them in the
negotiations with the publishing house. With arms waving in
sorcerers apprentice fashion, magic was cast as a clean, shiny
yellow cab stopped before the three men.
Oh, gawd, Gary thought as he nearly choked from the cloud of
cigarette smoke. He began rolling the window down as the arms of
the doorman flashed by.
Mad Dog, you OK? Nick asked in his typically teasing fashion.
He even had Brian asking the comical question at the oddest times.
It had become a standing joke between the three men.
You mean other than wanting to breathe? Gary responded.
Nick looked at the cabbys permit to check out his name.
Stefanos, Nick bellowed in his best Greek accent. My friend here
is dying from your smoke. We cant breathe back here. If you dont
put out your cigarette, well have to catch another cab.
Stefanos politely threw the lit cigarette out the window and
waved in acknowledgment. Gary silently wished he had Nicks
capacity for dealing with people. Now that the air was breathable,
Nick began a friendly conversation with the driver as if theyd been
old buddies. Brian delighted at hearing how Stefanos had worked
hard to get his own cab, how hed managed to support the whole
family and bring them to America. Weaving in and out of traffic,
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episode in the cab earlier that morning. Had Nick not insisted that
Stefanos, the cab driver, throw out his cigarette because the foul air
was bothering Gary. He decided to nudge Gary while nodding his
head to the right in the direction of Nick. His companion craned his
neck to see Nick barely puffing away, obviously making Lannie feel
That Nick, Gary smiled. He really is just like Paul.
What do you mean? Brian asked.
I am all things to all men, Gary quoted from Pauls first
letter to the Corinthians.
Brians eyes jumped back and forth between Nick and Gary as if
he were watching a tennis match. Not knowing what else to say, he
smilingly questioned, You OK, Mad Dog?
Im OK, Bri. Gary was beginning to develop a fondness for this
new guy. He had an ease about him that transcended business as well
as the personal. Im OK. Gary knew the angel had to be a favorable
sign. Certainly all was well. Or so he thought. Later that day,
contracts were signed and deals made, but some matters cannot be
written into seven-figure contracts like certain secrets of the heart.
Nicky, I have a personal favor to ask you, Lannies voice
entreated tenderly. Thousands of miles of phone line could not hide
her effort to disguise her feelings. However, Nick could read people
the way Lannie speed-read books. His eyes looked far away beyond
his office window as if bird-dogging the phone lines back to the
source of this gentle voice. The contracts had been signed in New
York, and the month that followed had brought him and Lannie
closer as business contacts as well as friends.
Lannie, you OK? was his patented response. He was buying
time. These were no longer business associates talking. Lannie was
far more than an editor, and she no longer thought of Brian, Gary,
and Nick as clients. All had become unexpected friends. Whenever
Nick or Lannie wanted to make a point that transcended business or
get to the heart of an issue, they would abandon any formalities and
speak to each other in the familiar. When matters got tense, for
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whatever reason, it was not Ms. Editor nor Mr. Bunick that was
resorted to. Quite the opposite. They became Nicky and Lannie.
No matter how far apart they were on any contract or business issue,
Nicky and Lannie would inevitably end up laughing.
Sometimes there might be a few tears before the laugh line, but they
would end up laughing, nonetheless. There was no business matter
that could not be resolved; there was no personal issue that could
not be shared.
The hanging silence finally surrendered, Im OK, Nicky. Im
OK. But my best friend, Suzette, isnt. Shes been diagnosed with
terminal cancer. She has cancer, and doesnt have long to live. She
could barely finish the sentence before tears tried to ease her choking
words. Her heart was breaking. Lannie loved people. There was no
other word for it. She simply loved people, from closest friends to
the homeless woman whom she called her street angel.
Sometimes, while Lannie waited for her bus, this crumpled old
woman would sidle up alongside and begin a conversation. The
disheveled old lady might talk about the smells of the street or the
weather. But she would more often than not talk about something
that seemed to make no sense at the time, only to make perfect sense
later. Angels, she would point out, it was angels who were following
Lannie. If Gary had only known. But at this moment Lannie could
not feel blessed by the presence of an angel.
Has she gotten a second opinion? Nick asked, still buying
time. He was sniffing the air for what really was agonizing the
tenderhearted Lannie.
No, but she is going to. I cant believe this has happened. She is
such an alive and good person. Nick began to realize what Lannie
was trying to do.
You said you had a favor to ask? He gave her an opening.
Nick, I know you get all kinds of requests from people who
want you to help them. And I dont want to burden you with this.
But I have to ask you this. Suzette is so dear to me. Could you pray
to your angels to heal her of the cancer?
Nick leaned back in his executive chair, his hand resting against
his cheek. This was a sensitive topic. He knew that his purpose for
being on earth this time around was different than the purpose of Paul
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of Tarsus 2,000 years ago. Though healing had been a large factor in
bringing people closer to the truth of God in those days, it was not the
focus of his life now. For one thing, it would be too easy for healing to
become a media phenomenon. And that could easily get in the way of
why he was here now. It would be too easy for it to become a
distraction to the real truth: We are our own best healers. It was
paramount that people realize that God is within each one of us. That
was the message two millennia ago, but did people remember it?
Lannie, heres what I will do. I will ask the angels to intervene.
But I want you to do the same. Do you understand?
Of course, came the hopeful reply.
We cannot interfere in peoples lives. We must respect their
own journey. It simply may be Suzettes time to move on into spirit.
She may have accomplished what she came here to do. And we have
to accept that, if it is so.
I know, Nick. But I cant believe her time is over. She has so
much to give people.
All right. I want you to tell your friend we both will talk to our
angels. But I want you to tell her to constantly remind herself that
God is within her. Have her spend time forgiving herself for any
wrongs she feels she may have committed. Have her open herself to
Gods love. OK?
Ill call her right away.
That night the two friends opened their hearts in prayer to God
and to the angels. This was not a matter of begging for a miracle. It
was an act of trust that the love flowing between these people would
benefit another, no matter what the outcome. These were not prayers
of supplication, these were prayers of acknowledgment, of oneness
between humanity and angels. This was not an effort to cheat death,
it was a common recognition that we are all fully to embrace life.
And if that means that life is to pass from the body and follow spirit,
then so be it. There was nothing more to do than wait. Pray and wait.
Brian and Gary were having one of their typical afternoon
strategy sessions in Brians office, covering the white-board in red
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lines, blue words, and green graphics. Everyone was now working
together to come up with the best way to take The Messengers before
the general public. A beep hiccuped on the office phone.
Brian, its New York, announced Heather, who used the
intercom only to interrupt, then would yell across the office suites
like everyone else. I think its Lannie. Gary took a seat next to
Brians credenza so both men could hear over the speakerphone.
Brian hit the button in comic fashion. She was probably going to give
him grief over one of his marketing ideas.
Lannie! Brian cheered, to start the conversation. Only a sniffle
could be heard on the speaker.
Lannie, you OK? Gary kidded, using Nicks patented joke.
Again there was no response. Brian leaned toward the phone, his
eyes asking Gary what could be wrong.
Lannie, this is Brian. Is everything OK?
No ... yes, a choked voice returned. Nick is busy on the
phone, talking to London. I had to talk to somebody.
Again Brians eyes flashed a what-am-I-going-to-do look at
Gary. Is there something I can do? Just say the word. Im here for
you. It was classic Brian. He would give the shirt off his back to a
stranger. In fact, hed give the shirt off his back to anyone who
needed it. No accident that he was one of the forces behind the
creation of Night Watch, a support organization for street people in
the Portland area, established to help the homeless.
You guys, Im not sure what to say. You know my friend,
Suzette, I told you about? The one diagnosed with cancer?
Both men chimed, Yes.
Well, I had asked Nick if he would ask his angels to help heal
her. He asked me to do the same. Well, Suzette went to go for tests
today, for a second opinion. They sent her home. They couldnt find
any cancer. The word cancer was almost inaudible as Lannie
sobbed uncontrollably. Gary knew she had been heartsick at the
thought of losing her best friend.
What happened in the doctors office? Gary wanted to know.
Still choking back her words, Lannie continued, The physician
said she had been misdiagnosed. He said the only thing he could see
was small fractures in her bones. He didnt see her like I did for the
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between New York and Portland. Wow! they all wanted to say. But
no one could speak. We have entered the Age of Wonders, they wanted
to say. But no one said anything. The truth of the matter was that
Gary couldnt speak anyway. He sat there so choked up he had to
just get up from his chair and leave Brians office. With head hung,
as if searching for invisibility, he grabbed his laptop from his office
and left the building. It was too much. This was all getting to be too
much. Was this really happening? Were we, as a people, truly
coming out of our woundedness? For the first time in his life, Gary
wanted to find a quiet, secret place, just to see if he could talk to his
angels. He wanted to thank them for this life surrounding him. This
must have been what it was like 2,000 years ago, only better, he thought.
For this time, our race, our civilization just might get it right. This time,
we just might remember Jeshuas key message: God is within each one of us.
Gary drove away carrying his silence and his recognition of God
within him. There was simply nothing to be said.
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heart, how blessed she felt for herself and her people that they were
among the first witnesses to see the return of such a commanding
spiritual figure as this man who was the soul and spirit of Paul the
Apostle. Her directness, her lack of apology for daring to accept such
a notion filled the air with a kind of magic. Indeed, the air vibrated
with electricity as the gathering heard their pastor announce the
beginning of a new Age of Wonders, what The Messengers had called
The Return of the Age of Miracles. Had they not already
witnessed miraculous beginnings in their own lives? Her thanks to
God had been genuine, unquestionably devout and direct.
Georgie next introduced a younger woman, named Mary Ann, a
pianist/vocalist, who had composed a special song for the
gathering, about Nicks journey. Mary Ann edged nervously on her
piano bench as she introduced her creation. I call this song Nicks
Song, but its everybodys song. Its about all our journeys, as we
open to guidance, in the many forms it comes to us. Her hands
hung suspended on the keys as if waiting for the song to sing itself.
With eyes shut, the first chord announced the beginning of
Nicks journey, a journey that would eventually span the globe. As
her words grew in feeling and intensity along with the music, Nicks
eyes began to redden. Gary did a double-take. His friend and cohort,
affected by a song? It must be the power of the moment, he mused. This
entire community of well-wishers had pulled out the stops to
welcome the both of them. Gary was struck by the irony of how
removed he felt from the affection and the anticipation of the
congregation, while Nick sat silently rapt in its sincerity and
tenderness. As the song ended, Nick wiped the tears from his eyes. I
should get a picture of this, Gary joked to himself. It was as if Nick
knew that this was the beginning of living out the very reason he
had been born. These people reflected a beauty that would
ultimately capture the world. And he felt it, knew it.
As sniffles around the room quietly responded to soft tissues,
Georgie stood before her people once again. She reflected on how
she had come to write the letter that had brought Nick to their house
of worship. In a voice that might remind one of a Mother Teresa,
Georgie looked toward Gary and Nick, and claimed before her
congregation, And so we have Gary and Nick with us here today.
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Like many, when I read The Messengers, I became very excited. Nick
is a prominent Northwest businessman, and hes known since 1977
that he embodies the soul and the spirit of the Apostle Paul. Nine
different spiritually-gifted people, at different times, have told him
about that. And what a struggle it was for him to make this public,
to go before people with this information. But then the angels got
involved and started pushing on him, and he did take that next step.
And we are so grateful, because there are many of you that have
come up to me and have said, Georgie, this book has changed my
life. So its such a pleasure to have him here today.
Both Nick and Gary were surprised by the eruption of applause.
Neither had heard such a large sound in a place of worship. Nick
entered the sanctuary, and stood nearly transfixed before the
heralding, visibly moved. Yes, it had begun. And there was no
turning back. Gary reached down to retrieve his notebook. He knew
this was a moment that needed remembering.
With a confidence that seemed ancient, Nick enthralled his
listeners with his spellbinding story, balancing the wonders of today
against the truths of two millennia. Gary tried to sneak peeks at
those around him, but felt too obvious in his efforts, for every eye
was frozen on his friend. Never did he imagine that Nick would be
this effective, or the people so welcoming. This moment was meant
to be. Nick nourished the assembly with incident after incident of
how the angels had convinced him that all of us are reentering the
Age of Wonders.
There are many other stories that I can tell, he summarized,
but I wanted to share with you these particular stories so that you
might remember that the angels are the messengers of God, and are in
every one our lives. Every one of us. They intervened in my life for a
specific purpose because they wanted me to act. However, I am now
aware that they have been inspiring me throughout my life, helping
me at times when I needed help, giving me courage at times when I
needed courage, giving me love at times when I didnt know how to
find love on my own effort. And theyre in all of your lives, also.
Think of my story as your story a key that will open for you
a treasure chest everyone has inside of them. All you have to do is
turn the key and open that treasure chest, taking that gift from God,
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knowing that you will have access to a wealth of riches never before
realized. And those riches will be your ability to have direct
communications with your angels. Even though it took me a while
to realize this, it doesnt need to take you so long. I can tell you are
much more open than I was.
With a humbleness and sincerity that surrendered to a charisma
of love, Nick blessed the people with a benediction, encouraging
them to follow the path that is theirs. Gary wanted to write notes
about what he was witnessing, but the truth of the matter was that
he couldnt take his eyes off the scene before him. Something had
happened in Nick, something big. A chill went up Garys spine as his
companion returned to his seat, giving Garys left hand a squeeze.
Nick isnt a hand-squeezer, he thought. Maybe the angels have snatched
his real body, he grinned at the thought. No, this was not the time to
whisper in his ear, Nick, you OK? This was a moment to cherish.
No matter how uncomfortable it made Gary, he knew that Nick had
found his chosen path, his true calling.
Reverend Georgie closed the services with a meditation and a
song. Afterwards, no one left the building. All were a hive of bees
buzzing with excitement. Nick would speak again after lunch. Were
seats still available? How was the afternoon seminar going to be
different than the homily during the service? Their questions and
comments filled the air with a hum of exhilaration.
While Nick was swarmed with well-wishers, Gary, as he was
prone to do, tried to hide in his chair, arms folded and head bowed.
His efforts to remain invisible proved futile as one of the members of
the church, a Dr. Bonnie Young sat next to him and introduced
herself. A middle-aged woman with a handsome face and nicely
done hair, she spoke with pride about her community how it had
grown over the last three years, how the walls had to be broken
down to make more room, how the offices had to be moved out into
the trailer in the parking lot to accommodate even more growth. Yes,
Gary thought, this was a place where walls are broken down. Even mine.
As the squeeze of people eased, Reverend Richardson rescued
her guests for a relaxing lunch in her office. As she spread a feast
before them, Nick took the occasion to question the make-up of
Georgies community. He did not want to offend anyone, especially
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After making his point, Gary moved from the smoked salmon to
the plate of assorted cookies as Nick and Georgie continued their
lively discussion. Life was to be enjoyed to the full, and he was
enjoying himself in the company of these two marvelous souls.
Besides, he never met a chocolate chip cookie he didnt like.
Georgies nurturing eyes spied the empty cookie plate as her guest
munched the last of the homemade cookies. While listening
attentively to Nick, she quietly reached behind her for the container
holding more of the booty, filled the empty plate, and gestured
politely for Gary to help himself to more, never missing a word.
Gary felt as if he were at home instead of a church complex.
I was at a talk show recently, in Seattle, Nick said, where a
person called in to challenge me. His name was John, and John
protested, How can you say what youre saying and claiming to be
who you are, while at the same time not taking the Scriptures
literally? He said, Youre wrong! This is terrible! This is
blasphemy! He was a very articulate man. My response was, John,
let me ask you a question. I dont take the Scriptures literally. But I
commend you and I applaud you, and I say God gave you the free
will to take them literally. But Paul wrote in his letters to the
Romans, as well as in his letter to the Corinthians, I shall not judge
you, and you shall not judge me, for only God shall judge us both.
Even though I dont take the Scriptures literally, Im not judging you.
And you tell me you take them literally, and yet youre judging me!
Theres something wrong with that. And there was silence. He
didnt know what to say! Nick laughed a laugh of delight that
brought a smile to everyones lips. It was not so much that he had
managed to turn the tables on the fellow, but that he had managed
to take the mans own words and show him he was living in
contradiction. Nick wanted the whole world to know Jeshuas
words in their hearts as well as their heads. Over the millennia,
something happened where peoples hearts had forgotten the
beauty and simplicity of Jeshuas messages.
God gave us free will, Nick continued, going after another
bagel with cream cheese. Whether its the Book of Revelation or
whatever, God gave us the free will to interpret it. Theres two ways
we can accept Scripture: We can accept it using our rational mind,
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our logic, or we can accept it through faith. And there are times
when you may accept something that may not be logically right to
you, but by faith you accept it. And other times you apply your
logic. And sometimes you use both. Thats the free will God gave to
us. I dont accept the gloom, I dont accept those people who try to
teach of God by putting fear into our hearts. I reject that kind of
teaching. And I wish that other people would recognize that its
harmful, particularly to children, to have children growing up with
fear in their hearts, wondering if Gods going to punish them,
wondering if this God theyre learning about is going to send them
to hell.
Georgies eyes raised in grateful expectation. The afternoon
session would be even better than she had guessed. Politely she let
both men know it was time to get ready. Gary kidnapped one more
chocolate chip cookie before going out the door. A crowd was
already gathering around the front of the church.
The next day, Gary spent much of his time staring out his office
window. After revealing to Brian all that had happened in Salem, he
felt a kind of emptiness. Not the kind that leaves one with a sense of
loss, but the other kind: the kind that feels as though all the burdens
of the world have been washed away. He had heard similar
comments from others after the Salem presentation. Nick had saved
the last part of his session for what he called The Healing of the
Spirit. He had made sure to tell the congregation of his intentions,
giving those who might be uncomfortable a chance to leave early.
But none had left. All disposed themselves to an event that Nick, as
Paul, had not exercised in 2,000 years. All who were there were
affected in one way or another. Georgie had later called on the phone
telling Nick, For one thing, I awoke Monday morning, and got out
of bed totally free of the body stiffness and discomfort Ive been
having for a year or so now. I believe this can be attributed to the
spiritual healing you offered at the end of the afternoon session.
Gary replayed over and over again the sobbing of the lady who
had sat three chairs down from him. Nick had come over to her after
finishing his blessing of the assembly and held her in his arms. Are
you OK, dear? he asked in the most gentle way. She was more than
OK. She had somehow unleashed a torrent of guilt she had
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Dear Nick,
I arrived at Louises school and waited for her in her office in the
gym. She knew what was happening at my office, so she thought
that was why I was there. I surprised her with a smile on my face,
and told her something happened to me today that I didnt
understand, and that I was confused but felt at peace. I told her
that I woke up at 4:44 in the morning and that it was significant,
but to what degree, I was still not certain. I asked her to give me a
little time to figure this out, and not to think that I was crazy.
This morning, December 12, 1996, I again woke up and saw 4:44
a.m. What I did not know until later in the morning was that
Louise also woke up at exactly 4:44 a.m. I think this scared her.
It is about noon on the 12th, and I just finished Chapter 3 The
Sound of Wings. I, too, twice in my life, have experienced the
glow of golden lights from the sky I could not explain. I am not
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sure why I am writing to you, other than maybe you can help make
some sense of what is and has happened in my life, and these
experiences that I have felt.
My life has been filled with hills and valleys, events that I now
understand, some I am beginning to understand, and some that I
still do not understand. If you have the time, I would love to just
sit and talk with you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. After reading only three
chapters of The Messengers, I knew you would understand what
has been locked inside of me for years. Merry Christmas!
John G.
Dear Nick:
There were several times, while reading your book, when I was
extremely moved by what I had read and how I was feeling at the
moment. However, I got to chapter 11 and put the book down. In
looking back, now, I think at that moment, I became afraid of what
I was reading and getting myself into, and how I was feeling. I put
the book away and did not pick it up again. Since that time, I have
had no more contacts at 4:44 a.m. or p.m.
I now know that I have to finish reading your book. I am not sure
how or what I will feel when I am done, but I will write to you and
let you know.
John G.
Johns letters told a common tale about us all. His was not a
unique story; his struggle and self-discovery is a story that could be
said of each one of us. Even when we try to deny the heavenly
within our midst, it still is there trying to awaken us, help us, work
with us. The reason why Johns letters were among Nicks favorites
was because of their sincerity, their truth, their honesty. John
embodied the fear we all seem to carry with us when we realize that
something is happening in our lives that we may not want, or do not
understand. And the reason we dont want it stems from our inward
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It was around this time that Nick was receiving more and more
information from the angels. Sleep was almost impossible to come
by at times. So much change was entering his own life that he would
arrive at the corporate offices yearning to read the letters now
arriving from around the world, telling him how others were also
facing change. His communication with the angels was becoming
stronger, clearer, and more descriptive as they began to provide
more information about the changes that would transform the entire
world. These were not changes that would bring doom and
destruction, but changes that would flood humanity with
realizations, new wonder, new ways of perceiving ourselves and our
planet. Had not the angels told Nick that 444 represented the power
of Gods love, letting us know the angels are there for us, that 444
was to become the symbol for thousands of people, perhaps
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I dont know where exactly to start. I just feel its time I try and find
out more information. I am so grateful for your appearance on [the
TV show] Northwest Afternoon in Seattle a few weeks ago. It, in
some way, gave me a partial answer to whats been going on in my
life since 1992.
Then the host asked you about the significance of 444. I felt a rush,
and my daughter leaped off the sofa yelling at me, Mom, are you
listening? Until then, I chalked it all up to coincidence.
I worked for QFC, a local grocery store, while we built our dream
home. Something started happening a few months after I became a
cashier. The number 444, or 4.44 would come up on the cash
register. So much so, that I asked the other cashiers. They thought
I was crazy, and, after a while, told me I should play the Lotto. They
were my lucky numbers. Not only was it happening at work but
many times Id look at the clock and it would say 4:44. I, never in a
million years, could imagine what it was. I never felt any evil. I just
thought Im somehow locked into 444 for whatever reason.
You can imagine the feelings that came over me when I heard you
talk about 444s and the angels. Ive always kind of felt God didnt
like me, and was determined to make my life challenging until I go
crazy. I had myself convinced that I just never give enough to
others, or dont believe enough, or I am not a good enough person
to be able to have a peaceful life. I feel differently now.
Every free moment I had, I had to read. I felt like I was there living
it with you. I had the most peaceful yet euphoric feelings as I read
the book. I never wanted it to end. I still need more.
When I was through with the book, I started thinking its just a
coincidence about my 444s, and Ive never felt I had a message, and
the best to my knowledge I had never been awakened at 4:44 a.m.
... until about 1 1/2 weeks ago the day before I left on my trip to
California for work reasons, and to see friends and family. I am
currently on a plane going home this minute.
You must believe in yourself at all times. You must never lose faith
that you are capable of doing anything in life you choose to do.
And you must always choose the highest. It is not enough for you
to choose that you must achieve excellence. For you must believe
in yourself enough to accomplish that which others cannot
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Part II
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M ad Dog, why dont you have Julia Ingram regress you to find
out how much you can add to all thats been uncovered?
Nick had hinted around before at revealing Garys ancient past but
this was the first time hed been so blunt.
Taking a sip of pinot noir, Gary let silence linger for a while
longer. I have my reasons, he mumbled. With his fingers steadily
rotating the stem of the wineglass, his eyes stared trancelike into the
rich redness, thinking what a treat these dinners were. Like Solomon,
Nick had an appreciation for good food and good wine. Had not
Solomon proclaimed these two blessings the only worthwhile
pursuits of life? Everything else was folly?
Oh come on, Mad Dog. You know more about me than even my
kids. Which was saying something, considering how few really
knew Nick at all. Nick valued his privacy as much as he did his
business investments.
I dont know, Nick, still turning the stem of the wineglass.
Ive been regressed before, and promised myself I wouldnt allow
it to happen again.
Nick smiled. He loved a challenge. That bad?
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the secret 75
The salad plates disappeared as the waiter readied the table for
the main course. Nick wished the waiter would disappear but
waited patiently for what he knew would be a culinary marvel. The
two men were pampering themselves in one of Nicks favorite
restaurants, hidden away in Northwest Portland. Being hidden
away had done little good in the way of coziness, for the reputation
of the chef had spread throughout the city as well as the suburbs.
Getting a reservation could prove difficult at times. But Nick made
it a point to be remembered. His generosity served him well at times
like this. For Mr. Bunick, a table could always be found,
accompanied by great wine and a great feast. As the last of the main
course was set, Nick returned to the conversation. Had you heard
about Julia at this time?
This was just before Julia got a name for herself. Finding a
therapist well versed in classical psychotherapy, like Weiss, was
daunting. I wasnt having much luck. But one night, while watching
the Community Cable Channel, I stumbled on a trance channeler.
Well, kind of a trance channeler. He wasnt like J.Z. Knight. He could
move in and out of his trance at will, carrying on a cogent
conversation with you when he wasnt channeling information. He
brought through an entity he called Maitreya. I couldnt take my
eyes off what I was seeing. Callers were phoning in with outrageous
questions, only to get the most incredible answers. I decided to try
and call in, and actually got through. Being the skeptic I am, I
wanted to ask him a question he couldnt possibly know or guess the
answer to. It was a question about the bardo, or afterlife. Did I get the
surprise of my life when he stated over the air that I had already
died when I was a child, and had been sent back to bring new
information to the world. There was no way he could have even
guessed at that. But it was true. I had drowned in a river during a
family reunion when I was eleven, and had been pronounced dead.
Through all my years, Id never told anyone what happened to me
as my body lay on the bottom of that river. I had gone to a place I call
the God-Light, where love is beyond description sheer ecstasy.
When I had been told by the God-Light that I had to return, I
objected vociferously. But even before finishing my sentence, I found
myself back in my body. The rescuers had found me by then, and
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love such coincidences. Three days later I was sitting in his office. For
the rest of the month, the more he worked on me the worse I got.
When he finally told me that what I had was incurable, that Id have
it the rest of my life, I was furious. I was furious with him and his
profession, and I was furious with God. I felt like Job in the Bible.
Completely abandoned. Cursed with a dreaded skin disease that
would torment me to my dying day. The specialist gave me
prescriptions like all the rest had done. He told me I could have a
normal life if I continued to use hydrocortisone. Doctors must think
people are stupid. Id already done my research and knew the
consequences of continued use of such steroids. I left the office
fuming all the way down to my car. I had made a promise to myself
that if it ever came to getting such a life-sentence, Id do whatever I
could to find someone who knew about the New Psychology.
So you found someone to regress you? Nick asked trying to
push the story along.
Not just someone, but someone who knew both classical
psychotherapy and past-life regression. Took me a while, but I found
just the man in Bellevue, Washington a wonderful doctor of
psychology, named Dr. Larry DeHerrera. It wasnt easy for me to call
him, since I didnt know what exactly I was getting myself in for.
When he answered the phone, I asked him about his credentials and
he asked me questions about my case. When we finished
interrogating one another, he told me that he wasnt accepting any
more clients, that he was full up. However, my case was so
intriguing, he decided he would slide me into the one remaining slot
he reserved for his usual patients, in case of an emergency. When I
asked him the date and time, he told me December 15th. I sat there
stunned, and then mumbled Holy shit. He asked me if there was
something wrong, and I told him that everything was just fine, the
date would be just fine. Hah. If I had only known. The channeler had
been correct. This date would end up changing my entire life.
Silence hung in the air while Gary nibbled at his dinner. Telling this
story always brought back old feelings of anxiety. Before he laid into
the most difficult part of the story, Gary listened to conversations
going on around him. Hed always been blessed with exceptional
hearing, and eavesdropping had been a curious pastime for him.
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the secret 83
from its left shoulder down to its right hip, looked as though it were
made of prisms within prisms, rainbows within rainbows of
glowing light. The most vivid colors imaginable. I remember
thinking whatever this was looked like a Picasso painting, only
alive. The beings lower half sported a robelike garment shining
with iridescence, as if it were made of mother of pearl. The outline
around the apparition diffused into a soft mist which emitted
constant love. Then the angel began to speak. And when it spoke, I
could hear it on three different levels simultaneously. In my mind it
issued what I would call a holographic message while a spoken
message came through my own voice. The holographic message was
like having an encyclopedia stuffed into your brain, enabling you to
know all the knowledge contained there all at once. As soon as I
would have a single thought, the holographic knowledge would
explode into fragments and turn into what could be described as
separate books on a library shelf. Any of these books could be visited
later for their content and knowledge. And while this was going on,
I could feel a subconscious message moving into my heart. As all
this unfolded, I could also see my conscious self sitting to the side
wondering what in the hell was happening. My conscious self sat
there like a cougar ready to jump in if this got any more weird or if
something didnt seem right. My conscious self knew that it could
end this whole session in a split second if it wanted.
The angel gave the answer to Docs inquiry through my voice,
saying, Your purpose is the same now as it has always been: To
bring justice to the unjust, to lift up the downtrodden, to throw light
into the shadows created by mans efforts to make evil out that
which holds beauty and harmony. It is the same in this lifetime as it
has been in every lifetime. I dont think Doc had a clue that the
angel had appeared or knew where this message had come from.
What Doc didnt hear was the holographic message, the
encyclopedia in my brain. This volume of information allowed me to
see all my pertinent lifetimes in full concert and harmony with
regards to this spoken message. Seeing this composite allowed me to
realize how I existed in more ways than I thought. There are those
who come to Earth as more than simple human beings. Multi-
dimensions exist, and to those who live in those composite
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Yes. I believe the mission has to do with the work you are trying
to do with the Great Tomorrow, this marvelous organization you are
trying to create. What my role is remains to be seen. And I believe
the gifts have long been spoken of throughout history through
prophecy from many religious traditions. At this point, Im not
exactly aware of what the gifts are.
Dont you think a hypnosis session with Julia might bring some
of this info forward?
Wait until you hear the rest of the story before I answer that.
Dessert arrived. Gary toyed with the topping trying to reorganize
his thoughts. Nick caught the eye of a business associate entering the
restaurant. She waved, and then approached the table. Gary smiled
and looked down at his dessert. He wondered how much he should
tell Nick. This next part was going to be the toughest to tell. Nick
politely made introductions, the associates eyes wondering what
kind of power dinner was unfolding. Business executives have a
knack for picking up nonverbal clues or body language. Anyone
who knew Nick knew how much he loved food. The fact that the
dinner table was empty of everything but a raspberry cobbler and
wineglasses told the associate that whatever was being discussed
must be important. And since Nick imparted only polite chatter, the
executive figured out she needed to leave the two men to their
Nick returned to Gary, OK, where were we?
Well, when Doc heard that the angel would not let us see any
more, he decided to end the session right then and there. My
conscious mind, still sitting on the sideline was screaming, No, no,
you cant. We have to find out why this angel is here. Dont stop
now. As Doc began to prepare me for leaving the bardo, my
conscious mind stepped in saying aloud, You dont need to bring
me out of this. I can bring myself out now. I think my conscious
mind was hoping to control what was happening and wanted to
wrestle away Docs ability to end it. But Doc insisted, Please let me
do this. Just relax and let me guide you back. As I count backwards
from ten to one .... My conscious mind was not pleased as I came out
of the hypnosis. In fact, I was pissed. What Doc was not aware of
was that the angel gave me another message. Instead of giving the
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the secret 87
touching the ceiling. Was I ever relieved. I could tell Doc was
puzzled by what I was staring at. That is when the next message
came forth. The angel said to me, You have abandoned your
purpose. You were born into a gay body for a divine reason. Yet you
have fled that reason. It was like being struck by lightning. Gary
checked Nicks body language out to see how he had reacted to the
And you were married at this time?
Uh huh. I was in my fourteenth year of marriage. The
consequences of what the angel had said crashed in on me like a
falling building. My first reaction was that of horror, not because I
had been outed, but because of the immediate realization of how
many years of my life had been wasted. An unspeakable shame
flooded me. I dont know if there is anything worse for a man than
to realize he has wasted his life. The sorrow shook me, and I began
to weep uncontrollably. Tears that had not been shed for the
previous twenty years welled up and would not be stopped. Poor
Doc. He had no idea what was going on. All he saw was this grown
man bawling his head off.
Then the angel did something very strange. It lifted its left arm
to its side, the one made of the mother of pearl, and then swept it
across its body. As it did this, an opening occurred, like a round
doorway. And in the doorway was the God-Light. I hadnt seen that
Light since I had drowned and died when I was eleven years old.
The Light once again flooded me with love and let me know that I
had been forgiven. The incurable disease was an effort to get me to
wake up to my purpose once again. I had suffered enough. There
was no need to suffer anymore. There was no need for shame, just
self-forgiveness. I looked into the God-Light, feeling unmeasured
gratefulness, but what I also saw was that even though the God-
Light had forgiven me, I could not forgive myself. No matter how
hard I tried, I could not forgive myself. And the God-Light faded.
The third message came into my heart, like the previous times. I
knew that I was to tell this story to five people, my closest friend and
associates. And if they heard what I had to say and believed it, then
they would be involved in the putting together of a company that
would begin to change the days of suffering for humanity.
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the secret 89
It was then that Doc finally said something. His voice was quite
shaky as he told me, Gary, youve taken a lot on. You dont have to
take everything on at once. You can come back and we can discuss
what has happened further. Im here for you. I turned to Doc and
said, I know what I have to do. And I did. As soon as the last word
fell from my lips, the angel disappeared in a flash. Gone. Poof. Doc
tried once again, You have my phone number. Call me anytime. You
dont have do this all yourself. And I told him, I know what I have
to do. Let me pay my bill now. I wont be returning. I paid my bill
and left. Never to return.
Thats quite a story, Nick volunteered.
I will understand if you feel the need to terminate our business
relationship. My being gay could cause you problems.
Doesnt change a thing as far as Im concerned. I kind of
thought you were gay anyway. The two stared at one another for a
while appraising the consequences of the story that had just been
told. So, was one of the people you had to tell the story to your
Yes. Having to tell her was horrific, but I did it. I let her know
Id give her a divorce if she wanted. But she wouldnt hear of it. She
felt that nothing had changed. I was still the man she loved. As
remarkable as that was for me to hear, I had to tell her that I could
no longer hide who I was. I now owed it to myself to live the life I
came here to live. What would happen if I met a man and fell in love
with him? She quietly answered that wed cross that bridge when
we came to it.
The other four people werent so understanding. Only one of
the four stayed friends with me. The rest were polite, but I didnt
hear from them after that. So the company that was to be formed by
their combined talents never came together. Thats why I think your
dreams of the Great Tomorrow are the second chance at creating a
new kind of world that will allow the days of suffering to end.
And the incurable disease?
A few days after leaving Docs, I went to bed with the rash
starting to cover my chest once again. This is when the itching is at
its worst. By morning I knew Id be covered in blisters. After putting
on a new undershirt to prepare for the eventuality, I went to sleep.
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out that he was not alone on his journey, that there were others who
would reach out to him, assure him he was, indeed, a light among
Brian first met Larry at one of the symposiums that Nick had
presented. His inspiration from the event spilled over in his
enthusiasm to Brian. Just tell me whatever I can do to help. Im
willing to fold papers or clean trash cans. Whatever. The offer
opened Brians heart to the way Larry saw so much genuine
goodness in the ideals of the Great Tomorrow. Any modern
company would envy Larrys people skills, yet he was willing to
perform the least flattering task simply to help out. Larrys generous
heart, his affability, his capacity to include all around him in
conversation and enthusiasm captivated Brian.
Youve gotta meet this guy, Brian had told Gary later. Little did
Gary know the Divine Plan that would bring them together.
Over the Internet, and later in person, Larry had become close
friends with a woman known on the Net as Angel Scribe. Anyone and
everyone who had anything to do with angels knew Mary Ellens
reputation for being the Queen of E-mail. Whenever she signed her
name, it was with a :) (smiley face) afterwards. She was either the
grown-up version of Peter Pan or the embodiment of Pollyanna. Like
Larry, she tended to see the best in everyone. But unlike any Pollyanna
figure, she possessed the moxie of an Amazon. In other words, Mary
Ellen could sell doorknobs at a teepee. Hers was the gift of gab, but
God had balanced that out with a heart of gold.
Mary Ellen touched the entire world from the confines of her Gig
Harbor, Washington, living room. Her computer hummed and
buzzed from morning to the wee hours of night. For she had the
innate calling and constancy of enthusiasm to send angel stories to an
entire world day after day. The mailing list she had generated from
her connects, most corporations would die to have. Silver-haired
grandmas in Sun City, Arizona, as well as teenagers in the Bronx read
Mary Ellens angel stories about wanting to create a better world for
our generation. Famous authors, promoters, and lecturers secretly
resided on Mary Ellens mailing list. So did ministers and celebrities.
But most importantly, ordinary people read her angel newsletters
regularly. And one of those people was Larry Marcy.
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a band of seekers 93
his future schedules, books to sign for other promotions, and telling
him about the old lady she had run into who had caused her to be
late. It was another patented Mary Ellen angel story. This time the
anecdote involved a senior citizen who had been caught in the rain,
having had trouble crossing a street, handling packages and
maintaining her balance, trying to keep her bounty dry. Mary Ellen
had stopped to give her a hand across the street, and ended up
taking her home.
You will never guess what she said to me, the Angel Scribe
gasped, taking just barely enough time to get her breath. She said
that she had prayed for her angel to help her out, because she had so
far to walk. She had asked her guardian angel to bring the bus by,
and then I showed up. After I took her home, she insisted I have a
cup of tea. And of course I couldnt say no. Mary Ellens sentences
seemed to have no periods at the end of them. She told me about
her prayer, and how I showed up. She said to me, My dear, you are
my angel. Now isnt that just wonderful? And before a word of
answer could be offered back, Oh my, will you look at that. Isnt
that a great display the store has created for your book?
Well, theyre not selling like hotcakes. I already signed what
they had.
And before Gary could duck for cover, Mary Ellen whispered,
Watch this. With a voice that certainly must have shaken the
warehouse skylights, she pointed to the book and pronounced,
Wow, you know, Ive heard that this book, The Messengers, is a great
book and an incredible read. All my friends have suggested that I
buy it. What do you think? Every head within thirty feet turned,
including Garys. Only he was trying to hide his blushing. This was
so Mary Ellen, he thought. She was simply shameless. On the one
hand Gary completely admired her ability to have no fear or
embarrassment; on the other hand, he wanted to be in the next state,
and correspond with her from this day forward only via the safety
of e-mail.
It didnt take long afterwards before new e-mail arrived from
Mary Ellen. I think it is time you meet Atira, she insisted. I think
she is the most gifted psychic in the state, maybe the West. She
would be upset for me calling her a psychic. She says that she is a
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mystic. Like your Sara in The Messengers, Atira has the capacity to
speak with the angels. And her angels are starting to tell her things
about you and Nick. Perhaps you would like to give her a call
the phone number trailing after the message.
As best friends, Atira and Mary Ellen competed as to which
person visited the other the most between Gig Harbor and Seattle.
Atira was a noticeable woman, her blond hair contrasting with her
hallmark turquoise, large-rimmed glasses. Her talents many, she
often traveled as a wholesaler through the Middle East or designed
works for Universal Studios. She simply loved to walk in beauty,
whether that beauty hung on a wall or dwelt in a heart, it made no
difference to her. Hers is a heart of wisdom and kindness equal to the
gift with which she has been blessed: her capacity to see and talk
with angels. She uses her gift the same way Mary Ellen uses her
communication skills to talk to the world: both are bearers of light
into peoples gray days. Both give beyond their means to others, and
both love the comfort and truth of the angelic realm. They are a
natural pair. The great contrast between these two women lies in
their personalities. Mary Ellen can voice her thoughts to passing
strangers, if she felt it would enrich their lives, while timid Atira
carefully chooses when and with whom to speak.
Gary kept putting off a phone call to Atira, with more than
enough filling his days helping to establish the Great Tomorrow,
which inundated Brian and Nick as well. The new publisher fussed
about planning a book tour, and Brian was the primary contact. Both
Gary and Brian spent an increasing amount of time on the phone
discussing concepts, strategies, and stories with one another. It was
as if they needed to check in with one another just to stay grounded.
Working with Nick was like rafting down one of Oregons wild
rivers. You hang on for all youre worth wanting to scream, Stop,
stop, let me off, and at the same time laughing like a kid on a joy
ride, astounded by all the excitement around you, yelling Dont
stop, dont stop.
And so it was that Nick, Brian and Gary would find themselves
on adventures in meeting extraordinary people. But perhaps more
important was their continual discovering the extraordinariness in
ordinary people. For the Mary Ellens and the Larrys are to be found
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talk to angels, it was how clear her messages were. Like anyone else
interacting with the spiritual world, she was not 100 percent accurate
in all she had to say. That is to be expected when dimensions are
crossed over or free will is engaged. What is understood in the world
of angels is not necessarily understandable in our world. As Scripture
warns us, My ways are not your ways. And so it is. What also must
be recognized is what weather forecasters call chaos theory. As a
weather front passes from one coast to the next, the breeze from the
wing of a butterfly on the West Coast has the capacity of changing the
weather pattern by the time the front reaches the East Coast. Similar
affects are engendered with human free will as events come and go.
But in spite of the random affect of free will, Atiras capacity to help
people remained remarkable. One of her e-mail messages that
particularly tickled Gary talked about how his angels had woken her
up again at 4:44 a.m. Cant you learn to talk to your own angels? she
had asked rhetorically. I need my beauty sleep. And then she would
proceed to pass on more information that left him scratching his head.
How does she do that? he would ask himself.
A surprise message arrived at Garys computer one night.
Sweet Spirit, it started in the usual way, Spirit tells me there is
someone you are to meet. His name is Dan McMahan. He gave me
permission to tell you about him. She went on to tell of events that
were approaching in which several people that Gary would meet
would all contribute to the bringing forth of healing knowledge. But
it was Dan McMahan that he had to meet now, she insisted.
And just who is Dan McMahan? How do I even meet this guy?
Gary queried, wondering why there were all these people he had to
meet of late.
The e-mail zipped by on a daily basis. In fact, Gary was
beginning to wonder whether he wrote more e-mail than he did
stories. She replied, Hes a very specially gifted man who can lay
hands on people and help them in their healing process. Hes read
your book and is completely supportive of the messages within. He
also feels called to help in whatever way possible in bringing forth
the spiritual healing centers you mentioned in the book.
It had to be more than coincidence that these healers were
appearing like, well, angels. These were not people who thought
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took Larrys hand in his. The clamminess betrayed the truth of the
tough night Larry must have gone through. Brian teased him a bit,
knowing how Larry would turn the tease into positive counterplay.
Brian loved to witness this magic in his friend. And as if on cue,
Larry turned his focus to the old guy in the bed next to his, trying to
emotionally take care of the old buzzard, cheer him up. The old guy
responded right away, asking if Larry could adjust the TV set for
him. Brian forced Larry back to his pillow, then helped adjust the
angle of the TV. Leave it to Larry to think of others when he, himself,
needed even more care.
As Brian returned to his chair, the doctor entered the room with
charts in hand. Larry, he said pausing, I dont know what to tell
you. I dont have any explanation for being able to visit with you this
morning; theres no way you should be here, actually talking with me.
You mean I might have missed dinner last night?
Brian snorted a laugh that said I cant believe this guy. He should be
dead, and here he is cracking jokes with the physician.
You mighta missed more than dinner, Larry the doctor said in
an almost soft voice. His eyes reflected the amazement he held for
his patient. Not only should you not be here right now, but I have
absolutely no explanation for the fact that you can talk. I want to do
some more tests and have you come back so we can put together a
therapy program for you, as well as make suggestions as to how we
can prevent this from happening again.
Brian thought to himself, The power of prayer rules again. After
listening to the list of instructions the doctor gave Larry, Brian
listened and then offered to help Larry any way he could. Shortly
after, Nick called on the phone checking in to see how Larry was
doing. Everyone who knew Larry offered help. Was there anything
they could do? Of course, Larrys only wish was to get out of the
hospital. And since the doctor could give no compelling reason for
him to stay, Larry walked out of the hospital that day. The doctor
wasnt the only one shaking his head in wonder.
After returning to the office, Brian relayed the story back to Gary.
This is simply amazing. Youve got to meet this guy. Brian echoed
what was becoming a repeating message. Gary decided maybe it was
time to meet this Larry character. There was some magical trait in
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part Native American shaman. His hair, neatly tied into a long, dark-
brown pony tail, framed eyes that could melt icebergs. He was as
Gary had imagined: Larry walked in the presence of love.
Introductions were made, and as Gary crushed the marigold shirt of
his new friend with a hug, he could feel the tremors rippling across
Larrys torso. Just sensing the twitching muscles filled Gary with
empathy for what this marvelous man must be enduring. Larry, its
so good to have you here.
A great smile beamed across Larrys gentle face. I am the lucky
one, he almost sang. Even in his struggle with speech, Larry
seemed to make the words sound like carefully constructed poetry
rather than halted speech patterns. It was as if this man was
incapable of anything negative. Life is so rich, he crooned, What
an honor to be with such wonderful people. I am so happy!
Gary had to turn his head so as not to show the emotion flooding
him. His heart ached for Larrys troubles. And his mind reeled at how
this man could possibly stand there and convince the rest of them
that he was, indeed, lucky one week removed from a brain
hemorrhage that had almost killed him, leaving his body and his
mind traumatized, yet finding life to be so rich. If he had not seen the
man in person, he would have thought him surely to be a cartoon.
Unable to speak, from the rock in his throat, Gary glanced over to
Corey, whose mouth was hanging open, apparently with delight at
seeing such rare people. He was basking in the light of these amazing
souls. Though he had shaded his eyes from the suns brightness, this
other kind of brightness he could not and did not want to shade.
What planet did these people come from? he asked himself.
How did your session with the doctor go? Atira asked with a
Oh, hes a really nice guy, but he wants to cut my head open.
Basically, he wants to rearrange the blood vessels on both sides of
my head. It could eliminate the source of the blood-vessel problems.
Or not. His hesitation betrayed the seriousness of what could
happen. So, I do have options, he concluded, his eyes looking back
into the concern of those around him.
Atira owned up, Im afraid I knew they were going to want to
operate. You know we will be with you through all of this.
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way to know there existed a bookstore and not a library alcove was
to observe the sales people and the book-signing area.
Sweet Spirit, if only you could see what Im seeing. The light
coming off all you people is magnificent. Ive never seen anything
this beautiful before. Its like fireworks on the Fourth of July ... only
indoors. Gary gave her a gentle hug as they entered the Garden
Room. They immediately understood where the name had derived.
A wall of glass opened to a walk-around garden of trees, shrubs, Zen
fountains and statuary. With its overstuffed sofas and brightly
patterned chairs, the furniture in the room gave one the feeling of
being at home. Corey had already started working on Larry. Atiras
weeping moved into awe as she gazed around the room at the
fireworks. After she and Gary planted themselves next to Dan on
a sofa, Dan leaned over to Atira and whispered, My gawd, what
great energy. Gary felt left out of the light show. All eyes focused on
Larry who was now replacing Atira in the weeping department.
Life is sooooo rich, his words straining to escape his throat. I
cant believe Im with you people. Corey grabbed Larrys right hip
and shoulder and with a snap that all could hear relieved Larry of
his back pains. A gasp of half-groan and half-ecstacy rumbled from
Larrys throat. That feels soooo good, he stage whispered, causing
more tears to jettison from Atiras eyes.
Mary Ellen leaned over to Atira and murmured, Am I crazy? I
smell sandalwood.
No, dear, youre not crazy, Atira choked out, hands covering
her face, Thats a sign that healing masters are present in spirit.
After composing herself, she leaned over to Dan, I think you and
Corey should work together on Larry. Taking Atiras cue, Dan and
Corey moved Larry to a more accessible position, while the roomful
of people joined together in sending Larry all the love they could
muster from their hearts. One didnt need to be able to see invisible
fireworks to feel the rapport swirling in the air. All were deeply
moved in their desire for this treasured creature to be well. Larry lost
complete control of his emotions. His convulsive sobbing only added
to the bonding effect of the moment. Corey and Dan started sweating.
Profusely. One would have thought the two men were working in a
steam room instead of the Garden Room. Heat could be felt in the air
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Why wasnt anyone else noticing? He wanted to run over and give
Larry a hug to see if he still had his tremors. But all he could do was
stand there with goose bumps camping out across his body. Maybe
it was just his imagination. Let it go, he thought. Wishful thinking.
Before he could say anything more, doors slammed, and cars full of
hungry passengers set out in wagon-train style, destined for the
Chinese feast.
Introductions were made and dinner ordered. Coreys
grandmother and mother were delighted to have a houseful. All had
been overwhelmed with the events of the day. Mary Ellen kept
looking Larrys way every time he spoke, noticing the growing ease
in his speech. With each sentence his words sounded increasingly
normal, the delivery of his speech flowing at a normal rate. Unable
to contain herself any longer she blurted out, Does anyone else
notice the difference in Larrys speech?
Well, I thought it might be just my own high hopes, said
Corey, but Ive noticed it, too, Mary Ellen.
Coreys mom joined in. I can verify that it is obviously better,
she said with the authority of a speech therapist, much better than
last time we talked. Larry, what has happened? Had she not, one
week earlier, determined he could work with her in speech therapy?
What had happened, indeed?
It is the love of these wonderful people, Larry confessed.
They have supported me since this all began. I am so blessed to
know them, so blessed. What have I done to deserve you people?
The house fell silent as six sets of eyes searched other searching eyes.
The entire group then started to talk all at once, how they had
noticed the improvement and been too shy to mention it.
Dinner arrived, the table was spread, and everyone gathered
round. Stabbing at the selections with chopsticks, the tableful of
visitors could speak of nothing else but the wonderful meeting and
seeing Joe Irgovich at LEC. Coreys mother and grandmother felt
like they had adopted a new family. Where had Corey managed to
find such a group of people? For the next few hours all talked on
how Spirit had provided the miracle of their coming together,
working with one another, how precise the Divine timing had been
at every step of Larrys incredible journey.
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the adverse affect it had on her father. This man she had known all
her life now claimed he was not, and never had been, her father. And
with the claim came legal repercussions with the family trust that
would cause Melodie to have to fight for her school and her home.
Eventually, she could not, would not, go against her own father,
disowned by him or not.
As Nick listened to her story, he could not escape the feeling of
this womans self-determination, her outright power of will. She did
not just talk about her ideals, she lived them. Hers was a story he
would have to remember, noting this meeting with her in his angel
journal. This very thought seemed to take the conversation to the
topic of angels. He watched her eyes fill with emotion as she
unfolded a part of herself few were allowed to see.
As if heaven had other plans for Melodie, events took a bizarre
turn. Doing a favor for a friend who needed help manning a display
booth at a conference, Melodie found herself among people the likes
of which she had never met. Human-growth workshops were going
on in areas surrounding the booths where reps displayed products
in Melodies case, herbal remedies. Strangers walked up to her asking
if she did readings. She wasnt sure to what they were referring. Her
exposure to the metaphysical community was nil. Seeking a place to
rest while it was her friends turn to take over at the booth, she found
refuge in a lecture area partitioned off by curtains.
The conference half perplexed and half delighted Melodie with
its strangeness as well as with its excitement. She had never been to
a conference like this before. It was unlike any of the speaking
engagements in which she had participated. A stranger, a lady from
the conference, soon joined her in her hiding place, introducing
herself. Both needed rest from standing at their respective booths.
The two became rapt in conversation. Melodie began to share the
story of what was happening in her life. As the two women delved
deeper and deeper into their shared stories, the electricity from the
conversation grew. They both became aware of an overpowering
presence. It was the same presence that Melodie had felt before. It
intensified to the point that Melodie felt she was being watched.
And as she turned her head, magnificent creatures of light appeared
before her. They announced themselves and began conversing with
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her, telling her of her purpose and events in her life that were yet to
come. They told her that they were there to take her through an
initiation. Specific instructions were relayed as to what she was to do.
The presence within and around her grew so strong, It was as if I
were here and somewhere far away simultaneously. The information
was long and so involved I could not remember or retain it all. For
a woman whose life had been absorbed by the confines of classrooms
and playgrounds, this seemed too much. She looked over to her
newfound friend, who was overcome by what she had been
witnessing. Tears streamed down her face.
Melodie said back to the angels, This is way over my head. I do
not understand.
One of the angels responded in a loving voice, But you will,
and both disappeared. The two women just stared at one another.
Did you see all of that? Melodie asked her companion, hoping
her face was reflecting an affirmation.
I not only saw it, I heard it. Who are you? was the unexpected
response. You are so blessed.
What had happened was beyond logic, beyond describing,
beyond their own believability. She knew she hadnt imagined the
angels because the other lady had heard exactly what she had heard.
The question still remained: What did it all mean?
The days that followed were days of wonder. The presence, as
she now referred to it, filled her with awe, reminding her of her
favorite saying when she was a little girl: I love being here,
captivated by the color of the trees against the sky, the sound of
waves crashing against the shore, or the song in a childs voice.
How deeply she had been affected, even she didnt know.
Her peace was fractured one day, at school, by the scream of one
of the little girls. Little Jackie had fallen and split her lip while playing
in the classroom. The tyke was only a year-and-half old. Melodie
rushed to the room to find the teacher, Judi, holding the toddler in her
arms, trying to comfort her. Tears mixed with howling, her upper lip
was already swollen twice its normal size and bleeding. Melodies
thoughts raced about trying to think what to do. A part of her wanted
to take the child in her arms, another part argued, No, I cant run in
like this and take over as if I know I can do something nobody else can do.
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poverty as her allies. The noises in the night served only to remind
her to trust fully in God, to hear clearly the voice of Spirit. She would
not fear.
As she discerned the next move in her life, Melodie knew she
was not to plead for what she felt she needed. Instead, she was to
direct her life, searching her own strength, and through such
personal conviction, align her own purpose with Gods presence. In
other words, Melodie realized that if she was ever to tell her story
and offer the lessons of life she had learned, if she was ever to teach
again, it had to come from what she knew, and that had to come from
her own experience. What she had to offer the world was her life, not
her ideas.
I was in a sink-or-swim situation, she told Nick. I could not
believe what was happening in my life. I began asking, Why is this
happening to me? I wasnt expecting an answer from God. But I
found myself filled and surrounded with the most profound
presence. The feeling of love was like nothing I had ever known
before. I knew it was God.
This was the time of Melodies awakening. The day was August
16, 1993, and she would never forget it. She had spent forty days and
forty nights in the wilderness. Her days in the woods had brought
her ever closer to Spirit and the purpose of her own heart. It was the
voice of Spirit that spoke to her, telling her that her time in the
wilderness was over, showing her how it was time to find a home for
herself. She was told to simply place an ad in the newspaper stating
her desires and what she had just gone through. How could it be so
simple? Just put an ad in the paper? Her trust in Spirit lead her to do
exactly that. A woman answered the ad and allowed Melodie and
the boys to stay in a house. The condition was that Melodie would
pay what she could, owing as debt what she could not pay at the
time. It seemed that the goodness of others had answered Melodies
directions from Spirit.
Nick listened to all this, baffled by what he was hearing. This
was a woman of singular dedication to spiritual awakening. He
believed her words as she stated, There is nothing but trust. There
is nothing but faith. There is nothing but love. That is the true value
of that time of awakening, preparation, and completion. At
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Melodies time of awakening, Spirit had told her that she would
begin a ministry which she would call Shekinah: A Ministry of
Ministries. And that is exactly what she did. In the confines of a
borrowed house, she drew together people of all talents. She would
begin a concept that would be a model for others to follow, creating
a oneness on Earth as it is in Heaven. Classes were offered in
varying fields, such as self-discovery for teens and adults, workshops
on how to care for the elderly, presentations on transcendentalism.
Spiritual groups were formed to educate people on the life of Christ,
the life of Buddha, or any other religious discipline that interested
folks. Others would come to the dwelling and stay with Melodie for
different time periods for different kinds of healing. The house
seconded as a retreat center. What had started out as shelter for her
and her sons turned into a spiritual center for the many. It was like
a multiplication of loaves and fishes, only this time it was a
multiplication of talents and people who fed the minds and hearts of
Poverty was still Melodies ally during this period. She asked
nothing of anyone except what they could afford to give. And in
several cases that was nothing.
As time progressed, she was once again asked by Spirit to move
on. In this case she was directed to seek employment by finding a job
in the newspaper, something she had never done before. She was to
find work that would open her to her gift of healing. Her fingers
searched down the want ads when Spirit told her, This is the one. It
was an ad for a position as a nanny. Spirit spoke to me. Sometimes I
know things in advance, and sometimes I dont. This was one of
those times where I wasnt told in advance. I just trusted. Even
though she had never been a nanny, she knew this was where she
would go next. Over 200 applicants sought to fill the job, Melodie
being one of those asked to come in for an interview. While it took
weeks for her interview to arrive, she left the borrowed house and the
center she had created out of nothing but desire, and moved in with
a friend, Mishe by name. Melodie had helped Mishe with caring for
her mother earlier, and Mishe was now was returning that love.
Watching television was not one of Melodies habits. In fact, she
never watched it. So the interview did not prepare her for what was
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was meeting along his own journey. Melodies challenge was more
than words, her challenge was the calling forth of hope based on her
own actions, her own humanness. This is about coming out of
ourselves, she said, and joining together collectively, to create
together, as an example to people all over the world.
As Nick closed this part of his journal, he reflected on all the
different kinds of people he had met in his travels promoting The
Messengers. Like Melodie, many others were in the process of
starting centers or looking for others who might join them in
manifesting their own ideals in some kind of communal support. As
a businessman, Nick realized that the Atiras and Melodies, who
were coming forward, had exceptional talent in communicating
with the angels, with Spirit. The paths they had chosen were not
paths that many could follow. It was too easy to dismiss such
wonder as the unattainable, or even madness. The truth of the
matter is that people like Melodie need help from others. She
charged nothing for healings, relying on the donations of her clients
and admirers. As a spiritual ideal, this made sense, but as a business
reality it did not. People like Melodie often are in need of support,
and dont get it to the full extent that their ideals demand. Even as
all three, Nick included, embodied the ideal of once again bringing
Heaven and Earth together, the fact of the matter is that the angelic
realm seems far more supportive in this ideal than the earthly realm.
But certainly, that is only an illusion. For the thousands of letters that
had passed through Nicks office doors provided substantial
evidence that there were those willing and able to support these
ideals encompassed by emerging centers around the planet. There
seemed to be a need for bringing these dynamic forces together: the
willing and the able in league with the visionaries. There seemed to
be a missing link. If the Great Tomorrow did nothing more than
connect people of good will to those of integrity and gift who were
capable of creating these centers, then surely that alone would be
enough to change the world. Perhaps thats what Melodie was
trying to impart in her own challenge: If you do not live the vision
and the dream, who will?
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souls of those taken from the healing lands of the Bitterroot many
years ago.
One of those folks who will tell you he has returned is Michael
Hoefler, a man of some legend himself. For Michael has made a
name for himself as a gifted dowser and healer, and he will tell you
that he once lived in the valley long ago as a medicine man of the
Salish. Ask anyone who has witnessed Michael do his magic and a
broad smile will stretch across their face. You see, Michael makes
people laugh. All the time. His joke telling is as renowned as his
dowsing. And when he helps people with their healing, one cant tell
whether its some kind of wizardry or the belly laughing that cures
them. Of course, Michael doesnt care which it is, as long as people
suffer less.
The first time Gary met Michael was at a speaking engagement
in Hamilton, Montana. The local dowsers society had heard about
Garys work, his books, and his messages from the angels. Rumors
from Missoula had reached the southern valley about an angelic
gateway that opened the dimensions between the realm of humans
and the realm of angels. Gary had learned the information about the
angelic gateway while writing another book on angelic phenomena.
Barnes and Noble had sponsored a book signing in Missoula at
which a few of the valleys dowsers had attended. Now, if you
havent seen dowsers at work, you are in for an enchanting surprise.
Its amazing the different ways these talented people divine
information with their dowsing rods, or pendulums, or bobbers, or
copper u-tubes, or coat hangers, or willow branches, or even their
hands. One of the hand dowsers had attended the book signing
where Gary had set up the gateway using seven different kinds of
crystalline stones. During the talk and book reading, she had set her
hand in motion near the gateway to measure the energy and the
authenticity of the claims. It wasnt long before all the dowsers in the
valley had heard about the phenomenon. Michael was one of the
first to actually construct a gateway for himself so he could test what
this creation was all about. Not long afterwards, an invitation was
extended to Gary to speak before the dowsers society of the
Bitterroot Valley on April 16, at Common Ground, a center for
alternative events. And he accepted.
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As Gary sat in the front row waiting for Michael to finish his
introduction, a folded piece of paper emerged from Michaels vest
pocket. Well, you know I cant let an opportunity like this slip by
without a joke. The audience immediately began tittering,
knowing Michael had a joke for any and every occasion. Gary, I
hope you dont mind but I cant resist getting people into a good
mood for your talk. As all of you here know, Ive experimented with
Garys angelic gateway and have found the energy magnifies
dowsing abilities tenfold. Amazing, simply amazing stuff. Gary will
explain that later, if I ever yield the podium. Michael truly was a
humble man who loved to be around people. And if people were
around, that meant it was time for a joke: There was nun waiting
to catch an airplane to Chicago. She sat patiently with the boarding
pass in her hand. Gary also sat patiently as the joke progressed. He
noticed how Michaels eyes constantly scanned the crowd as if
spying on any heart carrying sadness. Any hint of depression or
sorrow and Michaels radar locked on. The scanning would cease,
yielding to a concentrated attention aimed at the less-than-joyful
heart. It was as if the dowser used comedy as his dowsing rod and
his jovial antics as healing salve. Truth be told, Michael Hoefler had
an uncanny resemblance to Howdy Doody, only without the
Well, being the punctual kind of person she was, the nun had
arrived well ahead of the time needed for catching her plane. As she
looked around the concourse she spotted a fortunetelling machine in
the corner that also gave ones weight. Ive never used one of those
before, she thought. Maybe I should try it. So she moseyed over to
the machine and stepped on the scales. She saw it took a quarter to
get the fortune and her weight, so she fished into her habit and came
up with a quarter, dropping it in the coin slot. A card popped out of
the machine, and on it was printed, You are a nun, you weigh 122
pounds, and you have a flight to Chicago.
She thought this was amazing. How could this little machine
know all this information about me? So she put in another quarter,
and another card popped out that said, Youre a nun weighing 122
pounds, you have a flight to Chicago, and youre going to play a
fiddle. And she thought, No way, I never played a musical
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geometry has seven places where you can stand. The place you
stand depends on the creative energy or creative ray of light you
were born under. Think of it as a different kind of astrology. Instead
of being born under a star sign, imagine being born under a certain
ray of light which determines what gift you carry, what gift you
were born with. This gift carries a certain signature of energy. The
seven rays are the seven colors of the rainbow. Let me illustrate.
Before the meeting, Gary had made arrangements to use
Michaels wife, Jane, to show how the rays work. Using the dowsing
tools, Michael had determined that Jane had been born under the
green ray while he had been born under the blue ray. Those born
under the green ray reflected the gift of those who mend that which
is broken or healers. Janes gift was that of healing the environment,
displaying this gift in an unusual way. Her artwork was well known
around the valley. The pictures she created with her colored
pencilwork almost always told a story about a particular animal,
whether that was a totem animal or medicine animal. A story went
with every picture, educating and encouraging people to
understand the environment around them. The valley was sacred to
Jane and she in turn was respectful of its beauty and riches. Her
work had been dedicated to healing the environment and healing
peoples attitudes about nature.
As Gary asked Jane to stand in the position of the green ray in
the south, he explained how Michael would stand in the west
because he was born under the blue ray. When seven different
people born under the seven different rays stood in the geometry,
Gary explained, the angelic gateway would open. However, because
its not easy to find seven different people who can come together at
the same time, the angels had given out information as to how the
seven different stones (each a different color) mimicked the energy
of the rays the people were born under. Gary then asked that the
angels remove themselves from the gateway, causing a few in the
audience to smile quizzically. Was this for real? We can ask angels to
come and go at will? He then yielded the floor to Michael who
explained, Im going to walk through this geometric construction to
dowse, to test to see if any angels are present. With L-rods in hand,
he made a beeline toward Gary right through the center of the
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angelic gateway. As you can see, the dowsing rods dont move at
all. No angels are present. Now Gary will call in Janes helping
angel, whose name is Gabriel. I believe this is the helping angel of
greens, those born under the green ray?
Gary nodded an affirmative. With certainty in his voice he
announced, I now ask that the angel Gabriel come forth to assist
us. Now the interesting thing about dowsers is that they know
energy, they sense energy, and they arent afraid to let folks know
they are using energy. Whoa, could be heard from several dowsers
next to the gateway. The audience was already being tipped off.
Now, Michael, if you would, please check for the presence of
Gabriel in the gateway.
As Michael set the intention for his divining rods, he began his
trek across the width of the gateway. About six feet before he reached
the center, the rods crossed. He continued walking until he was about
six feet beyond the middle and the rods went straight again. People
in the back began to stand. This was not to be missed. Michael
volunteered, A pretty strong presence. I can see that some of you
sitting nearby can feel it as well. Heads began to bob in the
affirmative. Questions immediately followed about whether we can
see these beings. Gary began to describe how we all have to start
somewhere with a new phenomenon. When he had first worked with
this geometry, he could see nothing, and he couldnt really feel much.
But the more he worked with the energy, the easier it became to feel
the presence of an angel and ultimately to start seeing them. He
pointed out that dowsers usually have no trouble feeling or sensing
energy, and that this was an exceptional group because of that. To
make his point even stronger, Gary asked how many in the audience
could see the presence as well as feel it. Michael and several others
raised their hands. The rest of the audience sat captivated.
So, like other alternate-reality events, the real question is how
can we make use of this? Surely this phenomenon would make great
party conversation or make one popular with the neighbors, but so
what? Why have the angels given us this gift? Gary paused a few
moments to let the questions set in. The angelic realm has stated
purely and simply that they wish the days of suffering for humanity
to come to an end. They wish that we prepare ourselves for the
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coming of a better world. And dare I say it? They tell us this world will
be even better than the legendary Garden of Eden. So how can we use
this gateway? First of all, we can ask questions or seek guidance by
standing in the outside positions of the gateway. Lets illustrate. Gary
asked Jane to voice a question that would have an obvious answer of
no. This would help to form a dialog between Jane and Gabriel. The
first trick was to totally focus on ones body, to become aware of ones
feelings, senses, smells, sounds. Then ask the question. Look for any
changes whatsoever to indicate whether a yes or a no was being
given. He asked her to phrase the question in such a way as to not ask
the angel how to live her life. Angels arent here to live our lives for
us. They are here to guide us and help us. We are not puppets; we
have free will, which the angels honor more than anything.
Jane stated that she was getting a tingling in the back of her neck
which told her that the angel was using that to give her a no. She
next asked a question she knew would have a yes to it. This time her
hands became warm. And to add to that, one of the ladies nearby
commented she could smell gardenias. The participants began to
understand that a language was being developed to establish a
means of communication between Jane and Gabriel. Jane then began
asking other questions, to the audiences delight. Pendulums were
pulled from several pockets as many of the dowsers began checking
the veracity of what was happening. There was little doubt on
anyones part that the angelic gateway was actually working. A
broad grin spread across Michaels face as he began witnessing what
he had hoped for: His dowsing colleagues would spread the news
far and wide that the realm of angels has created a doorway to the
realm of humans a doorway that would facilitate the end of
suffering for humanity.
The second way to use this gateway is for receiving, Gary said.
To receive, one must simply stand in the middle. Jane, would you
kindly take your shoes off and stand in the middle? Doing as
requested, Jane removed her Birkenstocks and tiptoed into the
middle of the configuration of stones. The center of the gateway
allows us to receive whatever it is that we need: comfort, love, peace,
healing, joy, calm, rest whatever. We simply have to ask. Its a
great place to meditate, allowing one to focus like never before. Jane
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the back seat of a car, as foretold. But what had the boy learned
about love?
Another typical human trait Michael repeatedly scratched his
head over was the client who would pay good money for advice and
then not listen to it. Another Psychic Readers Network caller had
asked which car she should buy. There was a particular car the lady
had her eye on out of the several she had examined. She had driven
a red car which she favored but wasnt sure if it was the right car for
her, whether it was a lemon or not. Michael had dowsed for specific
information and relayed to the woman that the car was indeed a
lemon, that it would not be reliable. In his mind he began to see that
there was another car at the same dealers lot that was for her. He
told her, Go back to the dealer and have him show you three
different cars. There is a GM car on the lot that would be good for
you, a blue GM car. If I were you, Id buy this one. But there is also
a Ford and a Chrysler that you should look at in case you dont like
the style of the GM. The lady thanked him profusely and went right
out and bought the red car. The next day she called back asking
specifically for Michael. After purchasing the red car she discovered
problems right away with the thermostat. Upon taking the car to a
garage even more problems showed up. What should she do?
Michael wanted to yell at her that she should have listened. There
wasnt much else for her to do except learn a lesson, take the car back
to the dealership and ask for a car that worked.
Questions about medical conditions started to surface as
Michaels reputation began to spread. His first efforts with dowsing
came about by building what dowsers call a bobber. After attending
a dowsing convention, Michael constructed his own bobber by
stretching out a clothes hanger, keeping a curve on the end. He then
drilled a hole in a little peg and stuck it on the end, fashioning his
first high-tech dowsing instrument. It wasnt as if he were a
neophyte to the world of dowsing. While growing up in Colorado,
Michael had heard how his uncle had a reputation as a dowser. His
mom had told the kids, If you want to have a good well, you need
to have it witched. The bobber became Michaels entrance into the
world of dowsing. Watching it jump around while searching for
water or looking for lost objects fascinated him. The instrument
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Gary stood in shock at the throng of people jamming the
Spokane Expo. Over 15,000 people had shown up. And he had been
billed as one of the main attractions. Twice the Expo staff had to
move him to larger rooms to accommodate the crowds. Both he and
Michael had to abandon their detailed planning to adjust to time
changes and space constraints. Their main workshop had moved to
one of the keynote speaker halls. Because of the unexpected move,
they had to rush to construct the angelic gateway near the front so
the audience could see what would happen. Harvey Caine had lent
his own reputation to the three-man effort to show the people of
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bright orange sweater acted like a neon sign as every eye in the
conference room focused on what was going to happen. People in
the back stood on chairs so as not to miss a single detail of this
healthy looking, lithe older woman standing before them. Michael
tried to put everyone at ease with a joke. Noting that the lady still
exhibited a bit of nervousness, he followed up with another joke
which got her to laugh. Then he began. He explained to everyone,
You will see that I use a pendulum as one of my tools to discover
what is out of place with a person. As it swings in this direction I
know that everything is in balance. If it swings the other direction,
then I know work needs to be done. The rocking pendulum hung
above the womans head, indicating all was well. As Michael
lowered the pendulum down the body the rhythm of the crystal on
the chain did not change until it reach the groin area. Well, uh oh,
Michael politely stammered. I guess we have some issues around,
uh, relationship. The woman burst out laughing.
Oh, come on, you can say it. Im having more than a problem
with my relationship; there seems to be an issue around sex. I like it.
And I aint gettin enough of it. The crowd chuckled at her candor.
A broad grin swept across Michaels face, which now turned a nice
shade of crimson. He always tried to be respectful of peoples
privacy, especially in a public environment. But this lady didnt
seem to mind telling her story in front of God and everyone. As the
pendulum swept back and forth from the ladys left hip to her right
hip, it once again changed direction.
Yes, Michael confirmed, the energy block does seem to be
coming from a male figure. Let me see ... Pulling out a laminated
card from his shirt pocket, Michael began swinging the pendulum
over the card. Well, it looks like you and this man have past-life
issues that are a part of this problem. And it looks like you are ready
to let go of these issues even though he may not.
Wow, you got that right, the lady in orange volunteered. Do
you think you could use that thing on him? The audience rippled
with laughter. They were caught up in the event, sympathizing with
what this lady was facing and how she might deal with it. Michael
always had a way of winning people over. The hall full of people
was one with the woman in the middle of the gateway. As all waited
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to see what would unfold next, Michael asked the woman, If you
like we can ask the angels to help us here in ridding you of any past-
life energy that is blocking you, and to remove any emotional
baggage that may be affecting you.
Oh, yeah, Darling, just do it! she sang out. Again the audience
tittered with laughter. Michael began focusing on the womans
abdomen and hips as if he were looking inside her.
OK, lets let this happen. I ask your angels and guides to assist
you in removing these problems. A silence came over the room as
the woman stood motionless while Michael focused on the swinging
of his pendulum over the card in his hand. Im seeing that its
starting to happen. Your helpers are starting to move this old, stuck
energy out.
Oh my God! the woman said in a loud voice. Im getting so
dizzy. I dont get dizzy. Whats going on?
Youre OK, Michael encouraged. Its quite common for
people to get disoriented as this stuff moves out. If it gets too much
for you to handle, let me know, and well back off for a bit.
No, no, dont stop. I want this to be over with. Even Harvey
and Gary were now standing to watch what was unfolding. My
goodness, dear oh me, the lady stated in a heavy whisper. Im
getting so hot. I dont do hot. I never get hot, Deary. Im always
having to get blankets to keep myself warm. Thats why Im
wearing this heavy sweater, cuz Im always cold. But now Im
starting to sweat. Look at me. Like a conductor before a symphony
orchestra, the lady began pulling the sleeves back from the sweater,
waving her arms for Michael and everyone else to see. Honey, I
dont sweat. Never. And Im starting to look like I just got out of the
shower. Wow. Like a southerner in a heat wave, she began fanning
herself rapidly with her hands. If I get any hotter, Im going to
have to take my sweater off. Ive never stripped in front of a crowd
before. Again, the audience broke into huge laughter. What was
happening before their eyes was affecting them as well. A kind of
excitement filled the air. It was like watching a miracle unfold
before you.
Well, if you want to take your sweater off, I think we can find a
sheet or something to hide you. Are you doing OK?
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swung over in the direction of our volunteer when I picked her out
of the many who had raised their hands. I want to thank her greatly
for giving us such an environment for everyone to learn. Thank you.
Thank you very much. He bowed in the direction of the grateful
Even more hands shot up after this answer. People could feel the
rightness of what they heard and what they had seen. They were
hungry to know more and learn more. These are the days of wonder,
and people want to hope in the authenticity of the wonder, trust in
the hope that wells up within them. We are a world in need of
trusting in our own healing.
An older lady asked, What happens when folks go back to their
doctors after they have had a healing like this?
Michael chuckled a bit and looked over at Gary. There are many
answers to that question. I worked on a case with Gary where the
lady had advanced lupus, which is an incurable disease. Like these
other cases, there was a spontaneous healing overnight. She was
ready. When she went back to her doctor and asked to be taken off
all her lupus medication, he wanted to know what had happened to
her. She wouldnt tell him. She had a hard time telling her husband
what had happened. A lot of people dont want to be ridiculed for
coming to us, letting people know theyve been working with the
angelic realm. Theyre afraid of what people will say. But the doctor
did ultimately take her off all her lupus medication, and told her
whatever she was doing to keep on doing it. We hear that a lot.
Then there are cases when clients simply will not go to their
doctor anymore. The previous case I told you about, the lady with
the swollen feet? Theres more to her story. Marilyn was actually 73
years old and had been to her doctor often. A couple of years ago she
had chronic back pain and went to ask her doctor what he could do.
A CAT scan was ordered and a specialist analyzed it. Marilyn told
me how solemn-faced he was when he told her that her back was in
such terrible shape there was nothing they could do for her. She
would suffer from the back pain for the rest of her life. Marilyn was
in a living hell and told me she was starting to go out of her mind
from the pain. She then went to a chiropractor who gave her the
same sentence pain for the rest of her life. Thats when she gave
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The questions came in rapid fire as the time began to run out.
The Expo facilitator had to give the high sign to close the workshop
for the next workshop scheduled in the hall. One last question was
taken. What has changed in your life since youve started doing this
kind of work? What has this done for you?
Not one to talk about himself much, Michael scratched his head,
wondering what he should say. A twinkle in his eye betrayed his
desire to tell another joke. But because time was short, he simply
answered, Well, its given me ... its reinforced my own perspective
that there is more to us than what meets the eye. And certainly it
reinforces the feeling that we are all interrelated, and that we are all
here for reasons. Many times we dont recognize why we are here
precisely. But there are reasons. We know we are here to change the
energy in the world, we are here to serve others, we are here to help
our own Self, own our karma, or to learn our lessons. We are here to
deal with our own contracts for acquiring wisdom through our
lessons, as well as affecting other people in our lives in positive
ways. Abraham Lincoln once said, A man is about as happy as he
makes up his mind to be, and my feeling is that it is very important
to be happy, because searching for happiness invites us to structure
our lives or structure other peoples lives in pursuit of that
happiness. Thats one reason why I tell a lot of jokes. I try to bring
happiness to people because if youre laughing it will make your life
better in so many ways. Everybody has different things they need to
do in their lives and if they can do it with a smile then what they
contribute has more power, it allows them to feel empowered. A
smile is a powerful tool.
Its important that we feel empowered. One of the things I like
to say about my work is that I try to focus on peoples lives working,
moving forward. You know, its not about what I want for them, its
about what is in their highest and best interest. There is a lady that
taught about relationships at Unity Church in Portland, where I
visited. She said, Youre in a marriage or a relationship to help the
other person to become more of what they can be not what you
want them to be but more of who they can be. And thats the
thing I try to do when I work with people just empower them to
be more of who they can be rather than what everyone wants them
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whole six months. Not one single interested party has come forward.
This is a complete mess.
How about I clear the property of whatever is in the way,
whatever it is that is keeping it from being sold?
You can do that?
Yeah. Fax me a map of the property, signifying true north. Be
sure to give the layout of the house and any other significant point
on the property. Ill dowse to see whats inhibiting a sale from
coming forward.
The map was faxed within the hour. Michael called back with
information. I see whats wrong here. What Im being told is that
your parents gave this to you and your brother as a family legacy.
They wanted you both to have something you could be proud of.
Gary responded, Yes, thats true. I pretty much gave the house
to my brother since I would never be there. Its close to a lake, near
recreational grounds; it was a great place. I helped build the house
myself. I hate seeing what has happened to it.
Well, there is a lot of anger around the house. Your brother is
furious with you and wants you to fail in your efforts. I can ask the
angels to move in and protect the property, to move in and clear out
all the impediments, and I can ask you to set the intent that whoever
buys it will preserve the initial integrity your parents wanted for the
Wow, that sounds great, Michael. Do it.
After about five minutes of silence, while Michael did his thing,
the two continued their conversation. OK, Gary. Ive dowsed that it
is important that the price of the house end in a number 4. That is
your prosperity number. And Ive dowsed that the property will sell
for $41,800. I know thats low but its probably the best youll get in
its present condition. You could get a lot more for it if you cleaned it
up and did some repairs but you said you didnt want to sink
another penny into it. So if you add up $41,800, youll get 4+1+8,
which is 13, which adds up to 4. Thats the price.
Three days later, Gary got a phone call from the realtor. A party
was interested in buying the house as a fixer-upper but they wanted
to do a private contract rather than go through a bank loan. Gary
was dumbfounded. The property sold. And the price? $41,800.
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This was not the only real estate clearing that Michael had done
and it would not be the last. After the Spokane Expo, his reputation
spread even more. Phone calls from all around the nation made their
way to Victor, Montana, where Michael and Jane live. Their days are
dedicated to the helping, healing, and empowering of others. Both
are people of the heart, who see the world for what it can become
instead of what people make it out to be. Their lives serve not only
to better others; their lives serve to remind us all that we have a
choice in this world. We can choose to suffer or we can choose to
help one another become whole, healing not only ourselves but our
world. Remember when we heal one, we heal all.
Michael Hoefler
P.O. Box 517
Victor - MT 59875
Harvey Caine
Synergy: Fully Integrated Healthcare
1605 W. Garland, Spokane - WA 99025
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Part III
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walked. Regardless of how you got here, it is the same with finding
God. There are many different ways. Whether you are Christian,
Jew, Hindu, Buddhist or Islamic, we are all on the same journey. And
that journey is to find God. We are all children of God. Smiles eased
across faces at hearing a message that they inherently knew to be
true. It was gladsome to have someone who spoke with the
authority of Paul the Apostle to say so.
Im going to take you back 2,000 years, he continued, back to
the Sea of Galilee, where Jeshua spent most of his childhood in
Capernaum, where his family lived. Even though it is mentioned in
Scripture that he was from Nazareth, where Mary and Joseph had
originated, he actually grew up in Capernaum, in the same region as
Nazareth, some 70 miles north of Jerusalem. That is the reason why
most of his early disciples came from the Sea of Galilee. Peter and
Andrew came from Bethsaida, located on the northern shore. John
and James, sons of Zebedee, also came from that area on Galilees
shore. The reason why this particular province is important stems
from the fact that it wasnt under Roman occupation; it was not part
of the Roman Empire as was Jerusalem and the region of Judea.
Galilees topography and vegetation, then, was not unlike the
greenery and rolling hills of this area. Great agricultural and fishing
businesses flourished in this area, servicing the larger population of
Jerusalem. There was much activity in the area around Galilee which
could take place that was not allowed in the area around Jerusalem.
And the people were more independent and less pious in the Galilee.
The reason they were less pious lay in the areas conquest 200 years
prior by the Babylonians and Assyrians. Many of the conquerors had
settled down and intermarried with the indigenous population. The
intermarriages fostered more religious diversity and less dedication to
the Judaic religion adhered to in Jerusalem. So Jeshua found himself
in a land that didnt make much of fuss about his own teachings.
Thats the primary reason for Jeshuas many trips to Jerusalem during
his teaching ministry. He had the best of both worlds. The Romans
didnt pay much attention to him as a resident of Galilee, yet he could
visit Jerusalem to teach and fulfill his ministry.
It was fascinating how much information Nick retained from his
memories of Paul. Not only was his understanding of language
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as he revealed that the concept of hell had been created from a past
that used the notion metaphorically, specifically citing the word
Gehenna, which had been the actual garbage dump for the city of
Jerusalem. Sure, it had horrible smells, and, yes, fires burned there as
they do today in landfills, but the term was used then to describe the
punishment we put ourselves through when we are not in harmony
with the God-Within. Jeshua had been adamant about there NOT
being a punishing God, but a loving God.
Nick finished with a brief account of how The Messengers had
managed to go against the odds and become a bestseller in the
region. He described how major publishing house was going to be
the new publisher and take the book forth nationally as well as
internationally. And he reminded the crowd that the title of the book
was not simply about angels. It was about all who help to remind the
world how we can live in an atmosphere of love, peace, and well-
being. All who were in the ballroom were, themselves, messengers.
He thanked them for their support, their hope, their love. As the
lights hummed to full brightness, a resounding applause filled the
great space. It was intermission time, and everyone wanted to hear
what the angels had to say about what was to come.
Nick had stated before leaving the stage that questions would be
allowed before the beginning of the second half of the afternoons
program. Microphones were set in place as everyone took a break.
Rather than return to the green room to rest for the next part of his
talk, Nick circled back from behind the stage and shook hands with
those who wanted to meet him. The energy in the air was electric,
and he felt the need to immerse himself in it.
As the lights dimmed and the chatter of the crowd subsided,
Nick returned to the podium ready to field questions. It was time to
continue. We are going to have a question and answer period, now,
because once I start my next section, Im going to want everyone
focused and quiet without interruption as I take you through what
Jeshua taught me, and that is the healing of ones spirit.
Eyebrows were raised and glances exchanged as pockets of
murmuring spread throughout the crowd. It was as if everyone
knew they were being awakened to events that had been ancient,
even forgotten. This was to be a day of remembering.
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she was one of the ruling leaders. She not only was in charge of
Marys education, but years later, was also in charge of teaching her
young son, Jeshua.
Did Paul discriminate against women? The truth is the absolute
opposite: Paul had a great respect and love for women. If you read
the letters of Paul, the last paragraph of every letter in Scriptures, he
is thanking all those who are ministers and helpers of his churches
in every place he had written to. In every letter, he mentions almost
as many women, if not more, than he does men.
You must understand, that at that time, women and men had
different positions in their society. But at no time did Paul ever
discriminate against women. Women played a very important part
as apostulae, or teachers. They were also ministers in the early
Church. But unfortunately, the old boy network of the medieval
Church didnt want women involved, so they tried to eliminate any
knowledge of women having such a prominent role, and thats why
they didnt allow women to become priests.
A ruffle of applause moved through the audience as women
noted the struggle they had faced throughout history, objects of the
patriarchal era of religious history that plagued them to this day. The
gentleman who had waited patiently for his turn, waited again as
the applause quieted. How about the issue of Paul establishing a
requirement of celibacy among Church leaders? Has that not carried
over today into the Catholic and Orthodox religions?
Nick looked over the gathering of people. His heart went out to
them as he realized the centuries of bewilderment and difficulty they
had endured because of hierarchical attitudes during the Middle
Ages. It troubled him how convenient a vehicle Paul had become in
justifying the actions they took, after whole sections of Scripture had
been edited, even eliminated. Truly, it was time to set the record
straight. Whether present-day religions would acknowledge the
truth of what he was about to say was neither here nor there. It had
to be said. The truth is that Pauls position was that one could be a
minister of the Church and be married. But only if you had total
fidelity to that marriage. He felt it would discredit the ministers as
well as the churches and their teachings if these couples were not
completely faithful to one another.
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Rather than give a quick answer, Nick decided to go into detail, for
he knew that people in the audience had to answer to others who
would ask them the same question, whether they were giving the
book out as a gift, or whether they would have discussions within
their families.
There were three sects of the Judaic religion. There were the
Sadducees, who did not know what happened to the soul or body
after death. The Essenes and the Pharisees were the other two sects.
Both believed in the souls ability to return through another body
what we call reincarnation. This belief was the dominant belief
among the people of that time. In modern Israel, the opposite is true.
The dominant sect then was called the Sadducees. I share this with
you because someone might ask, How can you stand before me and
say that you lived 2,000 years ago if this is in conflict with the
teachings of Jeshua, and the teachings of Paul?
Paul was educated as a Pharisee, and Jeshua was educated
among the Essenes. Both came from religious traditions that
believed in reincarnation. Personally, I want to say upfront that it
doesnt make a difference whether you believe in a single life or
reincarnation. It doesnt make any difference in terms of your
relationship to God. All thats important is how you live your life
and how you embrace the messages of God, the laws of God. But I
do want to share with you what the belief was at that time in history.
We find in the writings of the great historian, Flavius Josephus,
who was born in the year 37 A.D., just a few years after Jeshua was
crucified, Do you not remember that all pure spirits, when they
depart this life, obtain the most holy place in heaven, and they are
again sent into pure bodies...? Also, in his Antiquity of the Jews, we
find, Pharisees believe that their souls, after moral vigor in them
and virtue, shall have the power to revive them again.
Josephus was a Jew who was captured by the Romans while
they were tearing down the city of Jerusalem during the revolt of 70
A.D. Because of his brilliance, they eventually brought him to Rome
to serve as a historian. He died in 100 A.D.
The teachings of the Qabala represented a hidden wisdom
behind the Jewish Scriptures of those days. At the same time that the
Gospels were being written, Rabbi Simeon ben Joachim wrote,
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regarding the holy writings of the Zohar, All souls are subject to
trials of transmigration (or reincarnation) ... for the soul to reenter its
absolute substance to accomplish this end. They must develop all
the perfections, and if they have not fulfilled this during one life,
they must commence another, a third, and so forth, until they have
acquired the condition that fits them with their reunion with God.
In the writings of another historian, Philo of Alexandria, who
was born 20 years before Jeshua and died in 54 A.D., we find, and I
quote, The air is full of souls. Those that are nearest to earth,
descending to be tied to mortal bodies, return to other bodies,
designed to live in them. Prominent Christian leaders such as Justin
Martyr, Origen, and St. Gregory talked about reincarnation as part of
their teachings. Origen said, Every soul comes into this world
strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of his
previous life. So these were the teachings of those times.
In 325 A.D., Constantine was emperor of Rome, and anointed
the first pope: Pope Damasus. The first Council of Nicea was called,
and they proceeded in hiring a group of scholars to translate the
Scriptures, which were then in ancient Latin, into contemporary
Latin. So the Scriptures had gone from the spoken word, Aramaic, to
ancient Greek, and then translated in ancient Latin, later to be
translated again into contemporary Latin. It took these appointed
scholars 28 years to translate these Scriptures into contemporary
Latin. And in the process, they made a decision to purge everything
dealing with reincarnation. The theology of that day was then to
endorse the belief that there was only one lifetime on earth. Along
with that belief was added the belief of a hell, a punishing God, and
a devil who they called Satan. And so it was official church doctrine
that the only way to receive salvation was through the Church. It
was the only way one could find redemption.
They made a decision, in their minds, that the way they could
control the lives of people was through fear, rather than through the
love of God. In doing so, they dramatically changed the teachings,
the messages, of Jeshua and Paul. In fact, you can look in Scriptures
today and find places they missed purging. Both in Mark and
Matthew, the disciples are saying to Jeshua, Here is a man who was
born blind at birth. Is he born blind at birth for punishment, because
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of his previous sins? How could these sins be previous, if not from
another life?
In Matthew, we find Jeshua coming to Caesarea where he says
to his disciples, Who do you say that I am? And the disciples say,
Some say you are the prophet, Jeremiah. And others say you are the
prophet, Elijah. And Jeshuas reply is, No. I am not he who was the
prophet Elijah. He who was the prophet Elijah has already come,
and they have taken his life, just as surely as they will take mine.
And Matthew goes on to say that the disciples knew that he was
speaking of John the Baptist.
There are several other places where the purging was not
complete. To some in the audience, this was old news. They had
already resolved the issues around recognition of reincarnation. But
for others, this was a surprise, perhaps even a disturbing surprise.
Nick went on to give more examples in establishing credibility for
his account of being able to state that he was, indeed, the return of
Paul the Apostle. He cited the Fifth Ecumenical Council and its
decrees, in the year 553 A.D., called The Anathemas, which
ordained reincarnation to be heresy. What was also cited was the fact
that, then, Pope Vigilius and 42 percent of his bishops had boycotted
the Council because it was wrong, stating that the Council could not
change the teachings of Jeshua and Paul and all the great teachers
that had come after them. Intermittently, Nick would emphasize
again that it was not important to believe in reincarnation. It was
only important to live good lives, and to hear Jeshuas messages.
Now, I want to say that I applaud almost all teachings of any
Church of any Church that shares with its congregations the
messages of God that make us a better people and lead us to a better
life, closer to Gods wishes. The one area I truly feel bad about is
where a small percentage of the messages have been distorted. What
bothers me is that the Churches choose not to go back and look at
history and say that some mistakes were made in the medieval
Church 1600 years ago. Some mistakes were made. So let us correct
them now.
But they dont say that, and choose not to change their ways. I
am very concerned about that. For I believe in bringing all people
together, rather than separating people. But I have been told, Nick,
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offer advice. Her wisdom had served Nick well was as executive
assistant. Beth and Nick were like bread and butter, though at times
one might wonder which was the bread and which was the butter.
After much hemming and hawing, Gary unloaded on Beth what had
hit him at 4:44 that morning. After listening with the attention of a
safecracker, she ordered him into Nicks office where the two men
now sat facing one another.
Mad Dog, you look like man with something on his mind.
Kinda. He paused, wondering what words would make him
sound less like an idiot. Nick, Ive had a power dream. I dont have
these very often, but when I do I pay close attention. Last night I had
a power dream about you.
Really? And what was this dream about?
The words in Garys mouth felt like marbles. Finally, his spit
them out, The dream was a warning. In the dream I saw you in
Nick interrupted in his typical hard-pressing way. What time
Well, uh, it felt like the near future. I can usually tell the time of
such premonitions by the distance the images are from me or
whether theyre clear or fuzzy. And the images were in the near-
distance rather than the far-distance. So this isnt that far away. While
you were in London you were eating at a restaurant with associates.
So this tells me that you were engaging in support of these men. Food
in a dream usually means some kind of fostering or nourishing of the
soul or the person involved in the event. The restaurant table then
turned into your office desk and you were writing checks. Behind I
could see this shadow figure looking over your shoulder. But the
shadow wasnt in your office, it was still in London. The feelings
coming off the shadow figure were ominous. Nick, there is a shadow
figure in London, and I think he means to do you ill; I think he is
trying to sabotage your efforts. There. Hed said it.
Nick rocked silently in his executive chair, the black leather
squeaking in cadence to his thoughts. A full minute passed as Nick
pondered what had just been presented. Sometimes Gary could be a
bit histrionic a real worry wart. But sometimes he made uncanny
predictions about the success of an ad or an event or a person
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wanting Nicks attention. Nicks fingers gripped the side of his head
as he finally rotated the chair around. Its been taken care of.
Are you sure? I wouldnt have had this dream if it had.
Dont worry about it, I know who youre talking about, and the
shadow figure has been removed.
Gary sat there dumbfounded. Just as he was about to leave, he
heard a commotion outside of the windows of the second-story
office. Two crows cawed like crazy, swirling around each other,
flying in wild-patterned circles and dives. Then, like a scene out of
Hitchcocks The Birds, the two crows dove at Nicks office window
and began pecking at the window in castanet style. Wings flapped
frantically as the two black visitors continued their cawing and
pecking on the window. Gary had seen birds fly up to a window for
brief seconds, but these two seemed unceasing in their efforts. It was
as if they were waiting for some kind of signal to end their ruckus.
Gary turned his attention to Nick, wanting to see if his friend would
catch a hint from the sight before them. Nicks only response was,
What do you make of that?
Gary returned his gaze to the two black crows still scrambling
against the window. Well, he started out, in shamanism the crow
is the one of the sacred messengers. Maybe they are here to bring a
message. Maybe they are here to enforce the message I brought you
about the shadow figure in London. At that point the birds abruptly
abandoned their demonstration and flew off.
Nick turned to Gary. Everything in London has been taken care
of, Nick stated in a way that meant the topic was closed. Gary arose
with a heavy sigh and left the office, shaking his head on the way out.
In the months that followed, Nick would turn the tables and
warn Gary that he was being used by a man with a message,
courting his favor. But Gary would not listen to Nicks admonitions.
How could this man with such a heavenly message be capable of
using others? What irony that both of these men would try to rescue
the other while neither would listen to the other, only to suffer the
same fate. Even Atira would try on more than one occasion to warn
both Gary and Nick of shady situations, only to be dismissed in her
efforts. The two crows attacking Nicks office window, as it would
turn out, symbolized the fate of both men. For Nick would suffer
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F rom the very beginning, Nick had been told by the angels that
he was just one of many sources of light shining throughout
the world. Julia had already been aware of this notion. The past-life
regressions that Nick and Julia conveyed in The Messengers
portrayed a world, 2,000 years ago, in the midst of change, especially
spiritual change. After Jeshuas crucifixion, Saul, who would later be
called Paul, became a guiding force in the formation of what
eventually would be called Christianity. One of the questions asked
most often of Nick is, Why have you returned? And Are there
others, besides you, who are here from that time? As in those days,
when Paul walked with the Master, Nick finds himself in a world
captured in the midst of change.
Traveling throughout the country speaking before people, Nick
witnessed repeated incidents accentuating the angelic message that
others also would be bringing forth the Light. Letters began arriving
from readers who felt they, also, had memories reflecting back to the
time of Jeshua. Other letters confessed to a strong feeling that many
from that time were here. One letter addressing Nicks not being alone
in his journey came from a sports photographer living in San Diego.
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Dear Nick,
A little less than two months ago, my wifes best friend told her she
was sending a book I might enjoy reading. I am a 46-year-old
freelance photographer, and just returned from assignment
photographing professional spring-training baseball in Arizona.
While in Arizona, I had some camera gear stolen the first night,
and two days later I was in an auto accident.
Im usually the guy that needs to see to believe, but now I feel
I KNOW Gods Love, and why things are the way they are. Which
brings me to my next point: the auto accident I was recently in.
bloody nose (I think I punched myself when the air bag went off),
I was fine. What I remember most is feeling protected ... like
something was surrounding me. I cant say if the air bag made me
feel that way, but I feel more like something was protecting me,
shielding me from harm.
I have just finished Messengers for the second time, once again
reading it in 24 hours. I was driving to Los Angeles for an
assignment to photograph the Braves-Dodgers game. While
driving, I was thinking of something you said in the book; that
there was a code within. As I was thinking of that, suddenly the
words, Theyre all here boomed in my head. I said, What? to
myself, and the words boomed again, Theyre all here! I
mentioned that I have been thinking a lot about Messengers, and
occasionally I hear things in my head, and Im not sure if it is just
me talking to myself or what. But this was totally different.
My wife, yourself, and others have said something big is going to
happen. This may not be anything new to you (of course you have
inside help), but it tells me, through what I heard, that all the
players are definitely on this planet. I seem to know this as sure
as Im typing it.
I totally agree with you, Nick, that this planet is in need of healing.
I feel women are going to play a great part in this. The healing,
through the power of Love that God has blessed us with, has
started. I anxiously await your next book, and Im very interested
in The Great Tomorrow and any seminars you may have. If I can
help in any way, I am more than willing!
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Thank you, Nick ... no, bless your heart ... for The Messengers. All my
questions are now answered. One-stop shopping ... gotta love it!!
I hope to hear from you soon. The very best to you and yours.
2 The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q & Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack; Harper San
Francisco, 1994
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them in oil, and turning them into human torches. The brutality of
the Roman empire would be especially felt by the Jewish people
who also practiced the newly found religion known as Christianity.
This was the atmosphere that existed at the time the four
Gospels were written. Is there any wonder that the writers took care
not to alienate the Romans, and, instead, implied that Jewish
religious leaders were responsible for the death of Jeshua? In spite of
the fact that it was only the Romans who had the ability to try a
person for a capital crime, and declare the death penalty, the writers
of the Gospels were careful to have it appear that the decision for
taking Jeshuas life rested upon the Jewish leaders, as opposed to the
Romans, who had total control in such decision-making. This was
one of the most unfortunate acts in the history of religion. This
caution not to alienate the Romans, for fear of further reprisal,
would become the false foundation for 2,000 years of anti-Semitism
throughout the world.
Julia was beginning to realize that there may be more to the
overall picture of what happened after Pauls death besides the
politics of that time. But how to get access to such information? At
the end of Pauls life, Christianity did not yet exist as a religion.
Consequences of decisions made by Paul would not be realized for
another two or three centuries, in some cases. Certainly, the world
wanted to know why Pauls spirit and soul had returned to our era.
Perhaps there were reasons that had not been brought forth in
previous regression sessions. On one previous occasion, Julia had
explored an aspect of Pauls memory not previously attempted via
the oversoul. If one can gain access to higher realms of
consciousness, what some psychologists might refer to as the
superconscious, then one has the ability to explore a greater pool of
knowledge within the soul. But this isnt always possible, isnt
always allowed. It must be to the souls higher good that such
explorations are attempted, while making sure outside influences
are not allowed in. Once before, such access had been allowed, and,
at that time, cautions were announced by Pauls oversoul. So,
diligently, Julia decided to move Pauls memories into the realm of
the oversoul. This would allow questions of both Paul and Nick to
be asked simultaneously. It would allow access to unknown
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atira 205
Ricky. Howd you know about the raft, anyways? You been spying
on us?
No. No, Dom told me. Please dont go to the pond. Dom says
therell be trouble.
Oh, baloney, Ricky snorted while wrapping the last bit of twine
around the gangly branches of his warship. Go home. Leave us
alone. And dont tell Mom or youre in for it. And take your Dom
friend with you. Ricky could be so hurtful at times. Yet other times
he was Atiras bestest brother in the whole wide world. Well OK
he was her only brother in the whole wide world. Atira worshiped
her older brother. However, she already had learned to trust the
ways of her invisible friend. Doms real name was Domsolis (Dom-
saw-lis). Her three-year-old tongue had twisted awkwardly with the
sound, Dom Salts? Dom-all-us? She eventually settled on Dom.
And the master soul, appearing in a childs form, seemed happy
with that.
Atira pretended to head back home but instead hid behind a
bend in the path. Cmon, Tommy, ordered Ricky, Lets go sail to an
island and hunt for buried treasure. Do you have a sword? Tommy
stuck a broken branch, long ago bare of bark, into his belt as the two
pirates began dragging their tethered assortment of branches and
punk sapling trunks toward the pond. Some of the twine tangled in
the brush, collecting twigs and sprigs, camouflaging the raft as if it
were a walking bird nest instead of a potential sailing ship. Atira
followed, spying how the boys struggled, dragging their craft to sea.
And, deciding to be helpful, she skipped up to the raft as if she were
meant to lend a helping hand. Ricky decided not to protest. As the
children neared the pond, they noticed two other kids on the other
side also seeking great adventure.
You stay here, Ricky insisted to Atira as he clumsily pushed
the two-boy raft into the water. Atira was not going to ignore Doms
warning. Statuesque, she stood silently with tiny hands twisted up
against her mouth. What else could she do but watch? Tommy and
Ricky shoved out to sea with poles in hand to guide their pirate ship.
Triumphal whoops filled the air as the two pirates headed for deeper
water. The pond changed to a great ocean as they poled until their
poles no longer touched bottom. The deepest part of the pond
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stretched a little over eight feet deep, which meant the boys
magically had to turn their poles into paddles as they drifted toward
the middle.
Excited by their quest, Tommy stood up lifting his mighty sword
from his belt, thrusting it skyward in true pirate fashion. Crack!
snapped the the rotten sapling trunk under his feet. Startled, Tommy
stumbled backwards, falling hard onto the flimsier part of the raft.
More branches snapped as the raft began disassembling right before
their eyes. Water surrounded Tommys waist as Ricky tried to keep
the twine from coming undone. With the main support of the raft
breaking in two, the entire structure spread like flotsam. Tommy
gasped for air as the great sea reached to his neck. Limbs and rotten
log remnants refused to buoy him. Panic set in. Ricky, whod already
decided to swim to shore, realized his buddy could not swim. In fact,
it dawned on him that Tommy was drowning. Alarm swelled in
Rickys chest as he pushed raft remnants out of the way, trying to
reach Tommy. Finally, grabbing onto Tommys shirt, Ricky hoisted
Tommy upward as best he could, hoping his friend would find air.
Tommys flailing arms caught hold of his rescuer, latching on like
talons, now dragging Ricky down. Both boys submerged, splashing
like two birds in a birdbath and then quiet.
Oh, no, whimpered Atira, Dom, what can I do? Her little
five-year-old arms grabbed the longest branch they could possibly
carry. In near-comic awkwardness she struggled to reach her
drowning brother and his friend with her little branch. Stretching as
far as she could, the limb nowhere approached the twenty feet
needed. Like a breaching whale, the combined bodies of Ricky and
Tommy exploded on the surface, Ricky fighting to free himself from
Tommys lockhold. Dark confusion surrounded him as Rickys mind
thrashed at thoughts of escape or rescue. Wheezing for air, he tried
one more time to force Tommys head above water. Once again both
disappeared below the spray.
Dom, Dom, do something! Atira screamed. She sensed the
grave danger clutching at her brother. Do something! Across the
pond, the two other boys bolted off at a run to find help. It would
mean certain punishment, but all now realized peril stood near.
Pirates and soldiers would certainly be punished when grown-ups
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atira 207
Richard sprung to the end of the pier nearly falling in, himself, as his
large hands instantly grabbed beneath the water searching for the
first thing attached to his daughter. Panic ebbed as his hands
clinched her dress, hoisting her out of the water like some giant
crane. Suspending his drenched daughter midair, he barked, What
in the hell do you think you are doing? Are you crazy?
Half choking from the bone-chilling water, half sputtering,
unable to speak, little Atira began to sob. Through her sobs she
squeaked, Well, Dom walked on the water. Like a washwoman
with a fresh load of wet laundry, Richard crushed his youngest
against his chest.
What am I going to do with you, you crazy child? he
murmured. Dont you know that just because Dom does something
it doesnt mean you can do it also? It seemed like the right
approach. Why scare her, why try and take her invisible friend away
from her? She was a strange child with the dearest, sweetest heart in
the whole world. He would do nothing to break her little heart.
How did you know the accident would happen? Ricky
whispered insistently. Mom and Dad were couched in the living
room discussing punishment for their insubordinate son.
I already told you, Atira whined back. Dom told me.
You expect me to believe that?
Its true. Dom said there would be an accident if you went
down to the pond.
You mean it? He really does exist?
Of course he does. How many times do I have to tell you?
The hushed tones in the living room rose to an audible level.
Both children could hear the exasperation in their moms voice.
What am I going to do? Do you know what she did last week? You
were sound asleep at the time. She comes running into the bedroom
like the house is on fire. Mom, Mom, come quick. Theres angels in
my bedroom. The angels are here. Theyre singing in my bedroom.
I mean, what am I supposed to do? So I go into her bedroom and
there she is pointing them out. I ask how many are there, and she
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atira 209
says, Oh, theres six. And I ask, What are they wearing, child?
And she says, Oh Mom, theyre wearing all this white glitter, like
snow you spray on windows at Christmastime. Snow spray? Where
has she ever seen pictures of angels in snow spray? So I decide to ask
for more detail. What are they doing? And she gives me the
funniest look like Ive lost my mind. Mom, theyre standing in
the corner over there, singing. I tried to find out what was going on
in her head. What are the angels singing? She stands there as if
shes listening to a conversation and says, Theyre singing to God
about something, Mom. And its really, really important. I didnt
know what to think. Ricky was sleeping soundly at the other end of
the room, so I didnt want to carry on with her. But what am I
supposed to do? Ive talked to her about angels, told her to scoot
over in bed to leave room for her angel to wrap its wings around
her. So what can I say to her? That shes seeing things? They dont
exist? Of course, I didnt tell her I didnt believe her. Instead I told
her theres a reason why angels come. Its OK if the angels come to
you. Its an important thing, and maybe something special just for
you. I asked her if they were still there. She nodded her head but
then got real quiet. Like she wasnt sure what the word special
honestly meant.
A sadness fell on little Atiras face as she remembered the night
in question. A teasing smile snuck across her brothers face. You
saw angels? Without saying a peep, she nodded her head slowly,
remembering how disappointed she had been when Mom could not
see the angels. Why had Mom talked about them if she couldnt see
them? This had been such an exciting moment in her young life. The
light had filled the entire room, and the song the angels sang had
been so joyous. The discovery that Mom hadnt seen the angels was
devastating to her; and worse yet, that Mom believed they hadnt
really been there. Yes, she had been kind about not saying she didnt
believe, but Atira was still devastated.
The voices dropped below eavesdropping range. Bessie, I
wouldnt worry about it too much. Dont you think this is something
she is going to outgrow? Lots of kids have invisible friends.
Not ones who seem to know whats going to happen before it
happens. Shes starting to have regular conversations with this
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Ricky poked his baby sister with his big toe. How come you
never told me about the angels? Atira turned away. Her world was
crashing down like melting snow off tree branches. Why doesnt
anyone believe me? she cried to herself. With the determination of the
family dog pulling on her favorite blanket, little Atira promised
herself she would never talk about Dom again. Never. Ever, ever,
ever. And for a five-year-old that meant about three months.
What is it about our society that we distrust anything out of the
ordinary? Why do we try to label, torment, or demonize that which
we do not understand? As Atira grew into her teens, her world grew
more difficult. Either she would become a pariah because of her
abilities or she would deny her giftedness for the attempted comfort
of finding normalcy. She went for finding normalcy, to the point of
telling Dom she would no longer talk to him. But normalcy would
not be found. Before being diagnosed with dyslexia not
uncommon among the psychically gifted she found herself
labeled as stupid, slow, and difficult when in fact her mind
perceived that which few others could, her wisdom enhanced by
access to information that few find. Not until a psychic confronted
her, almost insisting that she had abandoned her psychic gifts, did
Atira move ever so slowly to a return to her gifts and her close
relationship with Domsolis. In adulthood her reputation grew
despite her hesitancy to take chances once again in a society that
shuns what it cannot explain.
In Western Washington, with the pushing of her best friend
Mary Ellen, known as Angel Scribe to her many readers on the
Internet, Atiras renown reached the ears of Gary and eventually
Nick Bunick. It was as though she were destined to play a significant
role in the lives of both these men. After the release of The
Messengers, Atira informed Gary that other apostles would seek him
out. He had heard similar pronouncements from Sara who had said
that the reincarnation of John the Apostle would find him. But Atira
took that one step further. She became the instrument for finding
these souls who had walked with the Master.
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atira 215
W hen I ask Nick to recall his life two thousand years ago,
Julia had said, I am asking him to reach into a higher
dimension to open his soul memory. He has an incredible ability
to do this with all of his senses, and with great detail.
He is remembering a past incarnation of the soul that is
currently incarnated in another body, now known as Nick Bunick.
This we call soul memory. When I ask Nick to reach into his spirit-
mind, I am asking him to move into that dimension to which his soul
has ascended. At that dimension, he is part of a collective spirit-
mind which is composed of more love, wisdom and intelligence
than one can imagine.
This is where we go when we wish to access information
greater even than what previous lifetimes can reveal. This is where
prophecy happens, because spirit-mind the oversoul is aware
of the future.
Nick and Julia spent a great deal of care and consideration in
deciding whether to access his oversoul. Was it the right time?
Would it be permitted? Would it be the best way to inform the world
of what is to come? Nick had confessed that the angels had already
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conveyed to him that it would now be all right to reveal what was
coming to our planet if it were done carefully and considerately.
The only way to truly find out, was to venture into the realm of the
oversoul. After asking about the apostles, Julia decided to edge
closer to information relating to angelic prophecies that had been
approached in The Messengers.
J: How do you understand what Jeshua meant by our oneness
with God?
P: If you are not aware of Gods presence in you, through his
Spirit, then how can you be at one with something that you
do not understand or are not aware of? What Jeshua tried to
make people understand was their relationship with God, so
they were aware that they are a part of God. To have total
and fluent understanding is to become at one with God. That
was part of Jeshuas spiritual goal.
If a person is born a great artist or a wonderful singer of songs,
or a wonderful player of musical instruments, and yet has
never picked up an instrument, or sung a song, or painted a
picture, then they have no knowledge of these talents and
gifts. So it is that Jeshua was trying to have people shed
ignorance and have understanding of their relationship with
God. He would try to use examples from their own lives to
show how much they were missing if they did not
understand or accept that they were a part of God.
J: What would Jeshua say to us now about oneness?
P: People have become polarized, and this is very unfortunate.
They have been polarized through material means, based on
the amount of wealth they have accumulated, or not
accumulated. They have become polarized by their
perceptions of geographic boundaries, by their political
beliefs, and even in their religious beliefs. And this is wrong.
They do not recognize that a much greater priority, a much
greater value rests in the bonding that all people should
have. We have one common Father and Mother, the Lord. We
are all brothers and sisters. These barriers must be broken
J: Could you explain again what the 444 stands for?
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Indeed, in The Messengers, the angels had told Nick to keep this
information quiet because they did not want people made to feel
afraid. The angels spoke of a coming event, a rainbow of white light
that would surround the Earth, which would be the signal event that
these parallel Earths would be created through the arrival of a force
of energy from the heavens. Those whose lives were based on
universal love and compassion, those who chose to live their lives
based on truth rather than fear would inherit a world of peace.
J: I hope that we can help as many people as possible to cross
that line. Is there anything in particular we can say to help
P: You are doing it. It is not your responsibility to force them, to
threaten them. The only thing you can do is educate them
spiritually and make them aware of their spirituality. If they
choose to reject what you have to offer, that is their choice,
because God gave them free will to make that choice. You are
helping in all you do.
J: It is my impression that one of our efforts is bringing back the
original messages from 2,000 years ago. Is there additional
material to be disseminated to people?
P: The soul is always evolving. What Nick has shared recently
about the relationship between the soul and the spirit is
valid. As the soul evolves, it continues on Gods journey in a
proper manner. It moves to a higher understanding of the
spirit than it would have in previous incarnations. Although,
at times, it can go the opposite direction, depending on
experiences on earth. The messages you have today are not
only those of 2,000 years ago but those that have been made
contemporary based on what is going to happen in the
future. They are, as well, based on understanding and
relationships of the Spirit with God that has materialized and
progressed over 2,000 years.
J: What is going to happen in the future?
P: After the new millennium has entered, there will be an
alignment with the messages of universal love and
compassion. Those that do live their lives in this alignment
will bring unto Earth as it is in Heaven. The leadership of the
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One of the things that is unusual on this earth is the way people,
in totally different degrees of spiritual understanding, are
mixed together. It is as if you take children who are first-
graders and second-graders, and mix them in the same
classroom with college students who are juniors and seniors.
They are all being educated simultaneously in the same
classroom, in spite of their tremendous differences in
awareness and capabilities. This creates chaos and confusion.
And yet, that is the world you live in. You live in a world
where political leaders, attorneys, managers of the justice
system have a potpourri of people from different levels of
spiritual understanding. You have people in positions of
great power who are still in the second grade, spiritually. Yet
others, who have great spiritual understanding, are given
little or no positions of responsibility, because of the makeup
of your society. This creates chaos and confusion. Do you
understand what Im sharing?
J: Yes I do. And in the Great Tomorrow, what would the class-
room look like?
P: The focus will be on universal love and compassion, and
living in truth as opposed to the material world
determining priorities and motivations for people. So it will
be a totally different environment that will prevail around
the world.
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city did not abandon its walls, seeking safety in a high-class condo
complex in the mountains of Montana. Nor did he have Jonah
beheaded in a attempt to stop the message by killing the messenger.
Instead, this wise king pleaded with his people to change their ways,
as he was about to. And on the appointed day of destruction,
Nineveh still stood. Now, was Jonah proclaimed a false prophet and
stoned to death? No. The people rejoiced over their ability to alter
the forthcoming event with their own change of heart. What was
true then is true now.
The admonitions from the oversoul of Nick and Paul are in
complete harmony with the story of Nineveh. We have been instructed
to look within for creating change, just as we are encouraged to find
God-Within. Let no one minimize the power of Oneness with the
Creator. Let us not look to the consequences of the future when plain
truth dictates that what we do now is ultimately the determinate of
what happens in our future. So like the people of Nineveh, let us study
our hearts, and, if need be, change our ways now.
But why do prophets also tell of us of forthcoming good events?
Certainly, we do not wish to alter a coming blessing. There are two
possibilities: One is to convey to people the reward for their
goodness, and the other is to encourage people to embrace a single
reality when two equally probable realities are coming a kind of
cosmic stacking of the deck. However, there is a risk in this. A man
is told that he is going to inherit great wealth. So, he quits his job and
waits for this wealth to come to him. But in quitting his job he finds
out that the company is being bought out by a mega-corporation,
and every employee stands to receive a bundle of money, for which
he no longer is eligible.
If the vision given to society is one of great days and eras of
peace, then humankind must celebrate the very source of such
greatness so as to assure its arrival, as well as its blessing, thanking
the very forces that will bring it forward. The purpose is to
empower, reward, and assure a time of blessing warranted to a
people deserving of it.
As Atira and others who have access to the higher realms of
conscious will tell us, the angels say that human consciousness
has changed so greatly in recent times, that even they cannot say
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with certainty what truly will befall the earth. All that can be pointed
to are coming possibilities.
People have begged to hear what our world will look like after
the coming together of Heaven and Earth. At presentations, Nick
had been accused of elitism by not letting everyone know what a
few were asked to keep quiet about. Now that Nick is able to
describe for us what the angels have shown him, there comes an
admonition with it: For those that have ears to hear, let them hear.
Do not look outward for change. Do not become consumed with
anxiety about events beyond you. For the only true way to change a
family, a nation, or a world, is one person at a time. And that person
is the one who is walking in your shoes.
In interviews with Atira Hatton and noted psychic, Laurie
McQuary, who originally prompted Nick to come forth with his
story, we find agreement: We are now in a time of great transition.
We may not have such a dramatic transition as it now appears,
Atira hears from the angels, because the level of awakening is so
phenomenal at this time. The more people who awaken, the less
painful, the less frightening, the less fearful the transition.
Lauries prophetic attitude on this? If I had thought the year
2000 was going to bring an end to the Earth as we know it, I would
have gotten so depressed I would NOT have washed my kitchen
floor. I would have cared less! You cant allow yourself to get out of
balance with prophetic information. Especially when the purpose
for revealing it is to bring us all back into balance. Nick is right,
she says with a kind of authority, Get people away from this whole
notion about physical changes. The real change that needs to occur
is in the heart. I listened to him at a book signing. Even though Ive
talked with him many times, I wanted to hear what he had to say in
public. And it really touched my heart to hear him talking about
You know, Im just the conduit. And this is what I tell people about
The Messengers, when they come in here all worked up about this
coming of a new world. What does it really mean?!! I keep getting
asked. What it means is that it gives you permission to seek your
own spirituality. Thats exactly what it means. And what Nick was
saying is that we are all accountable. Being accountable for our own
spiritual state of being is what these coming events are all about.
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nursing. One of the reasons I got out was because of the bureaucracy
not because of the patients, I loved the patients. So the health field
is falling to its knees right now. And what youre going to see is more
people in areas like physician-assistant programs, people who are
going to be available because the hospitals, as we know them, arent
going to be able to sustain the present system.
My gawd, twelve years ago, when I quit nursing and started
this work permanently, I could not afford health insurance. And I
only had one child then. I simply could not afford the insurance. It
took me two years before I could afford the premiums. That
situation is going to become a reality for everybody.
Others see the day when medicine will no longer be in the hands
of doctors, but in the hands of healers. In discussions with other
seers we hear, In the future, we will lose faith in our healthcare
system for the simple reason that it has been irresponsible, actually
causing illness because of overprescribing of drugs, creating
addictions for the same reason. Many hold the system accountable
for what they call the silent epidemic caused by irresponsible use
of antibiotics: pandemic candida (yeast) infections that weaken the
body, superbacteria increasingly showing up in hospitals,
imbalances in immune systems from a bureaucracy that rarely looks
at the root cause.
Atira echoes the words of fellow clairvoyants: Medicine and
doctors are having to come off of God-status. The healthcare
system will have to face what it should have faced long ago to be
true healers.
Laurie and Atira see the day when healing centers will
ultimately replace hospitals. There will be many ways such healing
teams will be made available to people, says Atira. Many will
discover the power in the God-That-Is, the Spirit-That-Moves-
Through-All-Things. Whether its homeopathy, massage therapy,
Reiki, hypnotherapy, Chiropractic, medicine, or laying on of hands
whatever everyones personal injury experience or illness, dis-
ease can be addressed by the needs of the person with the help of
a team. People will also be helped by their connection with their
angels, knowing that theyre real. That is the area I think we need to
look to the children for.
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Many of these seers talk of the day when doctors will work not
only with the body, but also the mind and the spirit as well. A
wholistic approach to healing will not only be embraced, but so will
a new mechanism of preventive intervention. Classes, workshops,
instructions on how to keep oneself in balance so that disease will
not even have a place to start, are already in the works in several
areas of the country. It will take time for people to recognize this
wholistic movement; however, the demise of our present healthcare
system will only accelerate it.
There will have to be healing centers, says Laurie in her
matter-of-fact way. These have been quietly talked about for a long
time. You cant imagine how many people Ive talked to, in the 26
years Ive lived here, who have said, Oh, my dream is to have a
center. Well, its going to be a dream come true, because we will have
to have these centers. Thats why naturopathic medicine is coming
in so strongly. And obviously, we need to wed the different
philosophies of medicine. If I have my appendix bursting, I dont
think I want to go to a naturopath; I want to go to the hospital and
have it taken out. But, prior to that, it could have been treated by a
naturopath, never getting to the point of being poisonous. Were
going to have health centers take over because I think the massive
need is going to be so great.
Laurie and Atira go on to say how we are being blessed with a
growing number of gifted people who have the capacity to heal in
many different ways. Many people have incarnated at this time to
help others through this transition, to help stabilize our changing
way of life. Laurie sees healers, seers, and spiritual adepts
eventually moving into their own communities where they can
preserve the land, the attitudes, the natural forces required in
bringing balance not only to the body, but also to the mind and
spirit, and even the Earth.
Nicks oversoul revealed that five spiritual leaders will come
forth to usher in a new kind of world. Three of these spiritual leaders
will be men and two will be women. It is a topic that the angels
increasingly share with him. These will not be religious leaders, for
the notion of religion, as we know it, will continue to falter and
wane. In describing their rise to prominence, Laurie says, Its
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always been my experience, for all these years that Ive worked with
the other side, that time is very hard for them to give us. Time does
not really exist on the other side. And in any readings, I always tell
people, It feels like it could be a year or two, but .... They have no
time over there. I would see the emergence of these leaders as being
down the line. I think thats something thats going to crop up here
in the next three to five years. I think thats going to be after the
really heavy-duty stuff has started to kick in. After all, thats usually
what it takes for people to pay attention.
A bright smile beams across Atiras face as she describes the
days when the five spiritual leaders are listened to by the planet. By
being totally awakened, they can be in many places at many times.
They can use energy in different ways to the point of stopping
conflicts, being able to address problems before they even manifest
into reality. They will be like a high council, but not over any
country. There will continue to be levels of government in each
country, but not as we know it today. These government bodies will
have far less influence than they do today. As an example: If they
saw a rebel cause arising in Mexico, there would be a way of going
there and resolving it before it becomes an issue manifesting as civil
war, before arms are used and bullets fly. The need for arms, around
the world, will diminish dramatically. The money spent on military
armaments will be used for the betterment of humankind in
peaceful ways.
Atira goes on to describe the kind of society that arises after the
days of transition. In every country there will be a middle class, an
upper class, based not on how much income they bring in, but based
upon their spiritual development. There will be people whose job it
will be to keep peace and harmony, to monitor forces that are
disruptive. To take care of these disruptive forces, there will be
people who do healing work, on many different levels healing
individuals, animals, families, regional conflicts, and even the Earth
The five spiritual leaders will activate the various levels of what
needs to be done in a given country. Each country will have
corresponding centers or strata of spiritual purpose. All levels of
conflict, whether personal or group-based will be addressed. After
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Resources List
The Days of Wonder are about Oneness. It is in working together
that we discover the power of our different gifts contributing to the
whole. The following are people who foster Oneness and help
others to do so:
Nick Bunick Doreen Virtue
The Great Tomorrow Inspirational author and lecturer
P.O. Box 2222
Lake Oswego - OR 97035 Marianne Williamson
Inspirational author and lecturer
GW Hardin
DreamSpeaker Creations, Inc.
P.O. Box 16134 Julia Ingram
Missoula - MT 59808 Regression Therapist Inspirational author and lecturer
2550 E. Ft. Lowell Rd.
Atira Angelic Mystic Tucson - AZ 85716
P.O. Box 68207 Internet and Telephone Counseling:
Seattle - WA 98168 520-319-6444