050 RhobyInscriptions Mango 033-038

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Some Lessons of Byzantine Epigraphy

Abstract: Implicit in this paper is the wish that the projected corpus of Byzantine inscriptions should both constitute a compendium
of available material and illustrate some broader trends in Byzantine culture. The following phenomena are mentioned: 1. The dra-
matic drop in all categories of lapidary inscriptions after the 6th/7th century, particularly the disappearance of epitaphs of ordinary
people henceforth buried in unmarked graves. 2. Practically the only category of public inscriptions to survive beyond the Dark
Age records works of fortification and construction of churches. 3. The appearance in about the 11th century of what may be called
the aristocratic verse epitaph often composed by professional poets. Such epitaphs single out the noble ancestry of the deceased,
reflecting the values of Comnenian and Palaiologan society. 4. Plain capital letters are replaced ca. the 11th century by a script bor-
rowed from manuscript headings, featuring abbreviations and ligatures, sacrificing legibility to decorative effect.

In the abstract I submitted to the Sofia Congress1 I presented some rather obvious remarks about the ambigu-
ity, not to say artificiality of the epithet Byzantine as applied to the epigraphic heritage of the Eastern Ro-
man Empire. I am sure that our Austrian colleagues, who have bravely embarked on the constitution of a
corpus a century and a half after the publication of the only previous attempt to do so I mean CIG, vol. IV
of 1859 are fully aware of the problems involved and have already established the boundaries of their en-
terprise in terms of chronology, language, geography and material support.
One further remark under the rubric of definition. Setting aside the enormous growth of available materi-
al, thanks to exploration and excavation, one of the most visible shifts in historical perspective of the past
century has been the identification of Late Antiquity as a discrete period a process in which epigraphy has
played a part I am referring to the famous study by Louis Robert in Hellenica IV (1948) about honorific
dedications addressed to governors. But how is Byzantine Late Antiquity to be distinguished from medieval
Byzantium? Even if we limit ourselves to Greek inscriptions produced between c. 300 and 600 AD in the
eastern half of the Empire, we cannot deny that this material belongs to Antiquity rather than to the Middle
Ages that it continues established categories, such as decrees, dedications, epitaphs, records of building,
indications of ownership, ex-votos, etc. It also continues to reflect an urban society whose literate class was
accustomed to reading messages incised on stone and, indeed, appreciated literary refinement in them. But, if
we remove from the Byzantine sphere the inscriptions of Late Antiquity,2 we are sacrificing nine tenths of
the available material, including the most interesting items. Consider a few figures taken at random.
Aphrodisias, as we know thanks to Charlotte Rouech,3 has yielded nearly 1500 inscriptions of the early
Empire, 223 of Late Antiquity and 7 for the whole medieval Byzantine period, which extends in that part of
Asia Minor to the 11th or 12th century. At Laodicea Combusta in Phrygia,4 which has not been excavated, 285
inscriptions were recorded in 1928, of which 130 have been classed as Christian, an unusually high propor-
tion. Of the 130 only 10 appear to have been later than the 6th century. For Thessalonica, the corpus of Ch.
Edson5 lists 1020 items, of which c. 130 are Christian down to the 6th century. For the subsequent Byzantine
period I have no published figure, except that those that have been selected by J.-M. Spieser6 as being of
some historical significance number only 28. Such figures speak for themselves. True, the above statistics

Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Sofia, 2227 August 2011. Vol. II: Abstracts of Round
Table Communications. Sofia 2011, 59.
As Andr Guillou has done in his corpus of medieval Byzantine inscriptions found in Italy: Recueil des inscriptions grecques
mdivales dItalie. Rome 1996.
Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity (JRSt Monographs 5). London 1989.
W. M. CALDER, in: Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua I (1928), xxiif.
Inscriptiones Graecae IX.2.1 (1972).
J.-M. SPIESER, Les inscriptions de Thessalonique. TM 5 (1973) 14580; IDEM, Supplment. TM 7 (1979) 303346. Only at
Constantinople are the proportions radically different, but the capital is naturally a special case.
34 Cyril Mango

are limited to lapidary inscriptions, not those in other media, e.g. paint on plaster. It may also be argued that
epitaphs were occasionally replaced by graffiti of the form S F( X > > 6> # such as have
survived, notably at Athens, scratched on the surface of antique marble columns and the Russian church of
Panagia Lykodemou. But even if we make allowance for such substitutions, the inescapable fact remains that
what has been called the epigraphic habit, i.e. the conveying of information by means of the publicly dis-
played written word, had all but died out in medieval Byzantium. We shall presently suggest some reasons
why this happened.
With regard to content, the only categories that survived in very limited numbers after the Dark Age I
am setting aside lead seals and other portable objects such as ivories were building inscriptions and epi-
taphs. Medieval public buildings were limited to works of fortification (Fig. 1) and churches (Figs. 78), and
it is on city walls that we find the most extensive sequences of inscriptions. Particularly noteworthy by their
number if not their formulation are the c. 30 bearing the name of the emperor Theophilos (82942) that have
been recorded on the towers of the maritime walls of Constantinople (Fig. 1). What is significant here is his
intention of claiming for himself the full extent of the restorations he undertook. It is also worth noting that
the long sequence of succinct inscriptions of the form Tower of Theophilos, emperor in Christ is, as it
were, prefaced by a 6-verse dodecasyllabic poem addressed to Christ, prominently displayed near the Acro-
polis Point.7 It is in the reigns of Theophilos and Michael III that the verse epigram re-enters Byzantine epi-
graphy, reviving, though on a lower cultural level (dodecasyllables instead of hexameter or elegiacs), a prac-
tice that had been current in Late Antiquity. Similar observations may be made, mutatis mutandis, about
inscriptions commemorating the construction or restoration of churches, although the latter were often exe-
cuted in paint or mosaic.
As regards epitaphs, we may start with an observation whose importance has not, I believe, been suffi-
ciently appreciated. In the 6th century it was still common for ordinary people, such as petty traders, store-
keepers, bakers, soldiers, textile workers, minor officials, to be commemorated by inscribed tombstones,
giving the date of death by indiction and sometimes the native village of the deceased. At Constantinople the
last such epitaph known to me, that of an African soldier in the army of Heraclius, dates from 610.8 After
that the ordinary man, i.e. the great majority of mortals, sinks into total anonymity. The two medieval grave-
yards that have been excavated at Constantinople, that at St Polyeuktos and that next to the Kalenderhane
mosque,9 have not yielded a single epitaph. But even with regard to more prominent people, such as mem-
bers of the imperial service (Fig. 2) and ecclesiastical hierarchy, the number of preserved epitaphs is surpris-
ingly small. In view of the fact that typically 90% of the epigraphic record consists of tombstones, the elimi-
nation of the common man goes a long way towards explaining the dramatic drop in numbers we have noted.
But what of distinguished people? It may be of some relevance that they were usually buried not in the open
air, as had been the norm in Antiquity, but in the narthexes and parekklesia of churches and monasteries,
hence subject to the vicissitudes suffered by such monuments.
It was certainly in such a context that we should visualize a curious development in Byzantine epigraphy,
that of the aristocratic verse epitaph.10 Preserved examples of this genre are few and date from the Palaiolo-
gan era (Figs. 34), but it can be traced back to the 10th/11th century in the literary production of named po-
ets. Often excessively long (over 100 verses), such compositions dwell not so much on the vanity and transi-
toriness of life, the traditional themes of funerary inscriptions, as on the noble ancestry of the deceased and
the honorific titles he bore, creating in the process a whole vocabulary of family epithets like .= 4,
 " $ , etc. If such poems were actually inscribed, and some of them certainly were, we must ima-

R. DEMANGEL E. MAMBOURY, Le quartier des Manganes et la premire rgion de Constantinople. Paris 1939, fig. 11. Written in
a single line, the inscription is c. 20 m long.
C. ZUCKERMAN, Epitaphe dun soldat africain. Antiquit Tardive 6 (1998) 377382.
R. M. HARRISON, Excavations at Sarahane in Istanbul, I. Princeton 1986, 2730; C. L. STRIKER D. KUBAN, Kalenderhane in
Istanbul: the excavations: final reports on the archaeological exploration and restoration at Kalenderhane Camii 19661978, II.
Mainz 2007.
C. MANGO, Spultures et pitaphes aristocratiques Byzance, in: Epigrafia medievale greca e latina. Ideologia e funzione, eds.
G. CAVALLO and C. MANGO. Spoleto 1995, 99117.
Some uses of Byzantine Epigraphy 35

gine them occupying not only the funerary box itself, but also the back wall and spandrels of the arcosolium
in which the burial was placed.
Finally, a word about the evolution of the epigraphic script11 in so far as it affects legibility. Down to
about the 9th century it remained basically unchanged, a script of capital letters with few abbreviations and
ligatures, that any moderately literate person could make out. Diagnostic features, not always decisive, that
point to a later rather than an earlier date include the beta on a horizontal bar (Fig. 5), the delta on little feet
(that survives in the Cyrillic alphabet) and the split kappa (Fig. 6). In the 10th century the script, still exclu-
sively of capital letters, becomes more compressed and less distinct (Fig. 7), but it is in the 11th century that it
is invaded by cursive forms (Fig. 8) borrowed from the realm of manuscripts, leading to ever greater styliza-
tion and a striving towards decorative effects, that demanded a higher standard of literacy on the readers
part. A laudable effort to chart the evolution of script on the basis of lead seals has been made by Nikos
Oikonomides,12 although the objects in question are too small to reflect the full variety of letter forms. A
more nuanced approach would call for the constitution of palaeographic albums13 devoted to inscriptions
such as have long existed in the case of dated manuscripts. It was to fill this gap that the late Ihor evenko
and myself put together a corpus of dated and independently datable inscriptions of Constantinople, eastern
Thrace and Bithynia (Figs. 13, 68) (forthcoming). I hope that our lead will be followed by similar corpora
devoted to other parts of the Empire.

Cf. C. MANGO, Byzantine Epigraphy (4th to 10th centuries), in: Paleografia e codicologia greca (Atti del II colloquio internaziona-
le, Berlino Wolfenbttel, 1983), eds. D. HARLFINGER and G. PRATO. Alessandria 1991, 235249.
A Collection of Dated Lead Seals. Washington, D.C. 1986.
Cf. now A. WEYL CARR S. KALOPISSI-VERTI, Appendix. Inventory of Paleographic Forms in the Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-
Century Murals, in: Asinou across Time. Studies in the Architecture and Murals of the Panagia Phorbiotissa, Cyprus, eds. A.
WEYL CARR A. NICOLADS (DOS XLIII). Washington, D.C. 2012, 371385.
36 Cyril Mango

Fig. 1: Constantinople, Sea Walls, inscription of the emperor Theophilos, 829842

Fig. 2: Rodosto in Thrace, epitaph of Sisinios, curator, 813

Some uses of Byzantine Epigraphy 37

Fig. 3: Constantinople, Kariye Camii, Tomb D, epitaph of Michael Tornikes, buried c. 1328

Fig. 4: Constantinople, of uncertain provenance, epitaph of

Maria Palaiologina, 14th century
38 Cyril Mango

Fig. 5: Constantinople, St Sophia, apse mosaic, 867

Fig. 6: Yalova (Pylai) in Bithynia,

boundary inscription of xenodoch-
eion, c. 800

Fig. 7: Constantinople, Monastery of Constantine Lips (Fenari Isa Camii), north church, part of the founders inscription, 907

Fig. 8: Thessaloniki, Panagia tn Chalken, built by Christopher, katepano of Longobardia, 1028

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